introducing catholic spirituality • “through these, he has bestowed on...

“Therapeutic Catholicism” Introducing Catholic Spirituality

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“Therapeutic Catholicism”

Introducing Catholic Spirituality

Learning Outcomes

• By the end of today, you should be able to:

1. Define “Catholic spirituality,” and how and why Catholic spirituality is “therapeutic.”

2. Define the “three ways.”

3. List common spiritual disciplines and how they reduce vice and/or increase virtue.

4. Formulate a “Regula” for yourself.

Christ our Healer

Our Need for Healing

• Result: a disordered mind (psyche);

• Spiritual, cognitive, emotional and behavioral fragmentation

• Separation from God

• Loss of moral center: No longer able to adequately and consistently tell right from wrong

• Loss of self-control; compulsive, reactive

Our Need for Healing

• “However disturbing these divisions may seem at first sight, it is only by a careful examination that one can detect their root: It is to be found in a wound in man's inmost self. In the light of faith we call it sin: beginning with original sin, which all of us bear from birth as an inheritance from our first parents, to the sin which each one of us commits when we abuse our own freedom.” (On Reconciliation and Penance, p 7).

St. John Paul II

Where Catholic anthropology ends...

• “For Christ, while we were still helpless, yet died at the appointed time for the ungodly…” (Romans 5:6)

Catholic spirituality begins!

• “Where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more…” (Romans 5:20)

Catholic Spirituality

• Definition:

– The life that leads to union with God

– The application of Scripture, Tradition, and Doctrine to one’s life of worship, prayer and service.

A New Metaphor for the Church

• “I see clearly that the thing the church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful; it needs nearness, proximity. I see the church

as a field hospital after battle…”


• What are the “rules” for being a “Catholic in good standing?”

• The Five Precepts of the Church1. To attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of

Obligation, and resting from servile works.

2. To observe the days of abstinence and fasting.

3. To confess our sins to a priest, at least once a year.

4. To receive Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist at least once a year during Easter Season.

5. To contribute to the support of the Church.


• Why are these “rules” in place?• “Rule” = “Regula” as in “regulate” (traffic lights)

• Different understanding of “rule“ (think of your doctor’s or dentist's “rules” for your health).

• The Precepts are the minimum set of behaviors that keep our souls moving towards God, or at least not falling away from him. • Spiritual Exercises for spiritual health• “When you have done all you have been commanded, say,

‘We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.’”

• “But I shall show you a still more excellent way...”

Catholic Spirituality

• “Through these, he has bestowed on us the precious and very great promises, so that through them you may come to share in the divine nature, after escaping from the corruption that is in the world because of evil desire.” (2 Peter 1:1-11)• 3 parts to this:

• Promises given: Salvation, Holy Spirit, Heaven

• Sharing in the divine nature: “We shall see Him as He is…”

• After escaping corruption: a life of spiritual disciplines, growing love of God and neighbor, in the ups and downs of life

Spirituality: The “Three Ways”

Spirituality: The “Three Ways”

• Purgation: getting control of the passions through spiritual disciplines

• Illumination: getting to know God more intimately • “Dark Night:” building trust despite perceived loss of


• Union: spiritual marriage

Groeschel: Spiritual Passages

PurgationThe Re-Formation of the Self

The Need for Re-Formation• St. Paul in 1 Cor. 9:24-10:Do you not know that the runners in the stadium all run in the race, but only one wins the prize? Run so as to win. Every athlete exercises discipline [Gk: askesis] in every way. They do it to win a perishable crown, but we an imperishable one. Thus I do not run aimlessly; I do not fight as if I were shadowboxing. No, I drive my body and train it, for fear that, after having preached to others, I myself should be disqualified.

The Need for Re-Formation• St. Paul in 1 Cor. 9:24-10:6I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that our ancestors were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea, and all of them were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. All ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they drank from a spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was the Christ. Yet God was not pleased with most of them, for they were struck down in the desert. These things happened as examples for us, so that we might not desire evil things, as they did.

The Need for Reformation: The Passions

• “Passions” (Cassian, Evagrius) or “appetites” (Aquinas)– Roughly equivalent to our emotions, desires and instincts

– Not evil in themselves

– But corrupted and co-opted by sin, used against us

• Become compulsive feelings, thoughts and behaviors

• Satiating them becomes the focus of one’s life (addiction)

• Destroy our inner peace and our relationships with God and others

– Cassian: They “claim for themselves dominion and a most horrible tyranny in our mortal body.”

The Passions

• From Evagrius Pontus and St. John Cassian: eight deadly “thoughts”– “Demons” who could suggest thoughts

that would trigger “passions” and lead us to sinful behaviors

• Cf. Gen. 3:16ff

– Combating these thoughts is a large part of the ascetic life.

• Pope St. Gregory the Great summarized them as “seven deadly sins” (7th Century)

Vice Virtue

Lust Chastity

Gluttony Temperance

Greed Charity

Sloth Diligence

Wrath Patience

Envy Kindness

Pride Humility

The Passions: Seven Virtues and Vices

The Passions and Freud

• Sigmund Freud:

– Id (“It”): unconscious instincts and drives• Overwhelming drives from the lowest parts

of ourselves

• Cf. St. Paul in Romans 7

– Ego (“I”): conscious mind, self

– Super-ego (“above-self”): • Parents

• Religion

• Society

The Passions and Neuroscience

Sensory Emotional Rational

Passion Brain







Pride Rational

The Passions: Seven Virtues and Vices

Pleasure: The Passions and the Reward System

An 8th Deadly Sin???

• Adam in the Garden: “I heard you in the garden; but I was afraid, because I was naked, so I hid.”

– Moses at the Red Sea: “Do not be afraid!”

– Common angelic greeting: “Do not be afraid!”

– Jesus in the boat: “Do not be afraid!”

– St. John Paul: “Do not be afraid!” (October 22, 1978)

• I sense a theme here…

• Maybe this is the “root sin.”

Fear: The Passions and the AlarmSystem

Fear vs. Pleasure: Idolatry

Fear vs. Pleasure: Addiction

Idolatry and Addiction: Fallen Man

• St. Paul in Romans 1

Although they knew God they did not accord him glory as God or give him thanks. Instead, they became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless minds were darkened. While claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for the likeness of an image of mortal man or of birds or of four-legged animals or of snakes.

Purgation: Healing the Passions

• The passions brought back under control of God’s Spirit and our reason and will; “vice” displaced by “virtue”

• Primarily by God’s grace

• Also by our participation in the sacraments and spiritual disciplines

Healing the Passions

• Attachments– John’s picture of a bird

– Big or small, they hold the soul back

• Detachment– “A-patheia”

– Not uncaring, but rather not needy, dependent or clinging

• Displacement: new behaviors over old

Hospital Prescription for PhysicalInjury or Disease:

• Your recovery from _____ requires:

– Detachment: relinquishing old behaviors• Letting go of old behaviors (salting

food) that get in your way or impede recovery

– N.B.: These are not necessarily badbehaviors!

Hospital Prescription for PhysicalInjury or Disease:

• Your recovery requires:

– Displacement of old behaviors with new:• Meet with your doctor or specialist.

• Medications as prescribed.

• Physical therapy for X weeks.

– Practicing on your own in between

• Diet and other lifestyle changes.

Church Prescription for Spiritual Injury or Disease

• The Five Precepts:1. To attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of

Obligation, and resting from servile works.

2. To observe the days of abstinence and fasting.

3. To confess our sins to a priest at least once a year.

4. To receive Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist at least once a year during Easter Season.

5. To contribute to the support of the Church.

Church Prescription for Spiritual Injury or Disease

• The seven sacraments: spiritual medicine• Baptism: wiping out original sin, opening the narrow


• Confirmation: receiving the Holy Spirit, who prays for us and in us with the mind of Christ

• Eucharist: union with Christ, savior and healer

• Reconciliation: spiritual direction for healing the soul

• Anointing: healing of mind and body

• Marriage and Orders: spiritual vocation of growth in love

• Rosary

• Liturgy of the Hours

• Lectio Divina

• Morning Offering

• Intercessory prayer

• Reconciliation

• Fasting and self-denial

• Labyrinth walking

• Eucharistic Adoration

• Hospitality

• Jesus Prayer

• Centering prayer

• Retreat

• Spiritual direction

• Acts of penance

• Acts of service

Classical Catholic Devotional Practices:

How do these serve our healing and growth in love?

Church Prescription for Spiritual Injury or Disease

Catholic Spiritual Practices as Divine Medicine

• These practices variously heal:

– Our thoughts

– Our emotions

– Our bodies

• Even more, they grow love in us:

– For God

– For our neighbor

Catholic Spiritual Practices as Divine Medicine

• Where and how do I start? Right where you are…

– See Handout

The Healing Journey Continues…

● St. Teresa: Interior Castle Marriage

● St. John: Ascent of the Mount Union

Our End…

• St. John the Apostle

See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope based on him makes himself pure, as he is pure.