intro to cj ch 5 ppt

CJ2015 James A. Fagin Copyright © 2016 by Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved Introduction to Criminal Justice, McKenzie Wood Fagin, CJ2015 Chapter 5: An Overview of Law Enforcement- History, Agencies, Personnel and Strategies

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CJ2015James A. Fagin

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Introduction to Criminal Justice,McKenzie Wood

Fagin, CJ2015

Chapter 5: An Overview of Law Enforcement-History, Agencies, Personnel and Strategies

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Outline the history and development of law enforcement.

Describe the roles of federal law enforcement agencies and describe some of the major federal law

enforcement agencies.

Describe the roles and organizational structure of state law enforcement agencies.

Summarize the duties and administrative structure of the sheriff's office.

Summarize the duties and administrative structure of local law enforcement agencies.5.5


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Describe the hiring of, training of, and career paths for law

enforcement officers.

Discuss the unique aspects of employment in law enforcement.

Describe the role and authority of special police and private protection services.

Describe the various styles and primary operational strategies of today's law enforcement agencies.


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5.1 Outline the history and development of law enforcement.

Learning ObjectiveAfter this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcomes

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Development of Policing5.1

• No single agency has oversight responsibility for all of the different police agencies in the country.

• There is no central authority, person, or agency to coordinate law enforcement activities, professionalism, or administrative oversight of law enforcement agencies nationwide.

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Development of Policing5.1

• Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 - An act that limits the powers of local governments and law enforcement agencies in using federal military personnel to enforce the laws of the land

• Each law enforcement agency's powers, responsibilities, and accountability are determined by its jurisdiction.

• Jurisdiction refers to the geographic limits, such as the municipality, county, or state, in which officers of the agency are empowered to perform their duties.

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5.2Describe the roles of federal law enforcement agencies and describe some of the major federal law enforcement agencies.

Learning ObjectiveAfter this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcomes

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Federal Law Enforcement5.2• Federal law enforcement agencies, each with a

different jurisdiction and administrative leadership, have been developed to handle the enforcement of federal laws.

• These agencies are under the administrative control of the executive branch of the federal government (that is, the president)

• Federal agencies only enforce federal laws.

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Federal Law Enforcement5.2

Civilian Police

Native American

Tribal Police

Military Police

There are three distinctively different types of federal agencies:

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Federal Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies5.2

Federal Bureauof Investigation

U.S. SecretService

U.S. Postal


U.S. MarshalsService

Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, Firearms,


Drug Enforcement


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Military Police5.2•Military police perform law enforcement duties on military bases, on certain federal lands, and in certain cases involving military personnel.

•Each of the four branches of military service (Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force) has adopted its own unique strategy for providing police services, conducting criminal investigations, and maintaining order.

•Military law enforcement and military justice are based on the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) rather than on state or federal criminal codes.

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Native American Tribal Police5.2• Federal police, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), and the

military have limited jurisdiction on the reservations.

• Each Native American reservation has the legal authority to establish its own tribal police to provide police services.

• The tribal police provide public safety services similar to those of local civilian police agencies.

• The FBI has responsibility for investigating felonies that occur on Native American reservations.

• In 1995, the attorney general established the Office of Tribal Justice to coordinate tribal issues for the Department of Justice (DOJ).

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U.S. Marshals Service 5.2

Duties of the Marshals Service:

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U.S. Secret Service5.2

The federal agency that protects the president, the vice president, members of their families, major candidates for president and vice president, and visiting heads of foreign governments

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Federal Bureau of Investigation 5.2

Duties of the F.B.I.:

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ATF and the DEA5.2• Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

The federal agency that enforces U.S. laws and regulations regarding controlled substances and that supports nonenforcement programs intended to reduce the availability of illicit controlled substances domestically

• Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and ExplosivesThe federal agency that enforces U.S. laws and regulations regarding controlled substances and that supports nonenforcement programs intended to reduce the availability of illicit controlled substances domestically and internationally

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5.3Describe the roles and organizational structure of state law enforcement agencies.

Learning ObjectiveAfter this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcomes

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State law enforcement agencies can be divided into three major types: traffic enforcement, general criminal investigations, and special investigations. State police agencies that focus on traffic enforcement are commonly called the highway patrol.

State Police5.3

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5.4Summarize the duties and administrative structure of the sheriff's office.

Learning ObjectiveAfter this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcomes

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County Law Enforcement5.4

Because a sheriff has countywide jurisdiction, whereas local police departments have only municipal jurisdiction, the sheriff is called the chief law enforcement officer of the county. Most sheriffs are elected officials.

•Deputy Sheriff Officers are law enforcement officers who assist the sheriff.

•Officers of the court are law enforcement officers who serve the court by serving papers, providing courtroom security, and transporting incarcerated defendants.

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Three Main Responsibilities of the Sheriff5.4

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5.5Summarize the duties and administrative structure of local law enforcement agencies.

Learning ObjectiveAfter this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcomes

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Local Law Enforcement – "The Cops"5.5

•Each incorporated town or city in the United States has the power to establish its own police department and laws.

•Municipal or local police far outnumber all other types of law enforcement officers combined.

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Local Law Enforcement – "The Cops"5.5

• As cities have merged into large metropolitan areas, police departments have responded by expanding the geographical jurisdiction of municipal police officers through intercity agreements.

• Order maintenance is when law enforcement officers use informal conflict resolution skills to defuse conflicts between citizens and restore order.

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Roles of Local Law Enforcement5.5

Municipal police officer responsibilities include:

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Command-and-Control Structure is a hierarchical administrative structure organized by ranks with a single person responsible for all personnel in the organization.

Structure of the Municipal Police5.5

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5.6Describe the hiring of, training of, and career paths for law enforcement officers.

Learning ObjectiveAfter this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcomes

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Step 5:Polygraph


Step 6:Character


Step 8:Drug


Step 7:Medical


The Police Hiring Process5.6

Step 4:OralExam

Step 2:WrittenExam

Step 1:Meet


Step 3:PhysicalFitness

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Step 13:Civil Service


The Police Hiring Process (continued)5.6

Step 12:Probationary


Step 10:Recruit


Step 9:Psychological


Step 11:Field


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5.7 Discuss the unique aspects of employment in law enforcement.

Learning ObjectiveAfter this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcomes

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Unique Aspects in Law Enforcement5.7

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Unique Aspects in Law Enforcement5.7

• Rotation of different shifts (hours) can cause physical and psychological stress for officers.

• Failure to deal with stress can result in harmful behaviors such as alcohol or drug abuse, or other self-destructive behaviors.

• There is a threat of injury or death while working.

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5.8Describe the role and authority of special police and private protection services.

Learning ObjectiveAfter this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcomes

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Special Police and Private Protection5.8

•Special police have limited jurisdiction and include airport police, park police, transit police, public school police, college and university police, public housing police, game wardens, alcoholic beverage control agency police, and special investigative units.

•Private security services are used by airports, banks, corporations, hospitals, nuclear facilities, railroad companies, schools, and retail companies.

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Two Types of Public Security5.8

Proprietary Services

Security forces that are owned and managed by

a company

Contract Services

Security personnel who work for a third-party

company and are hired by another company to

provide specific services at the direction of the


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5.9Describe the various styles and primary operational strategies of today's law enforcement agencies.

Learning ObjectiveAfter this lecture, you should be able to complete the following Learning Outcomes

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Operational Strategies5.9Police scholar James Q. Wilson proposed that, rather than viewing police behavior as random and independent of community values, the style of policing—and hence the behavior of the police officer—should be viewed as closely related to the type of city government and community expectations.

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Operational Strategies5.9

ServiceFocuses on protecting a homogenous

suburban, middle-class community against outsiders

and providing service to

community residents

LegalisticFocuses on law

enforcement and professionalism and is associated with

reform-minded citiesWatchman

Focuses on maintaining order and is associated

with declining industrial, blue-

collar communities

According to Wilson, there are three styles of policing:

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Common Characteristics of Community Policing5.9

1.Focus on decentralized strategies that promote crime prevention rather than rapid response, crime investigation, and apprehension of the criminal

1.Focus on promoting the quality of life of the community and public order rather than law enforcement

2.Use of alternatives other than arrest and force to solve the problem, rather than respond to the symptoms of the problem

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Community Policing5.9• Broken Windows Theory

Developed by James Q. Wilson, who believed that ignoring public-order violations and disruptive behavior leads to community neglect, which fosters further disorder and crime

• Zero Tolerance StrategyStrict enforcement of the laws, even for minor violations, with the design to send the message to more serious lawbreakers that if minor offenses are noticed by the police, more serious offenses will surely bring prompt police action

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The Main Emphasis of Problem-Oriented Policing5.9

1.Increased effectiveness by attacking underlying problems that give rise to incidents that consume patrol and detective time

2.Reliance on the expertise and creativity of line officers to study problems carefully and develop innovative solutions

3.Closer involvement with the public to make sure the police are addressing the needs of citizens

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The SARA Problem-Solving Method5.9

Scan:Gather data to

define the problem

Analyze:Find the nature of

the problem

and causes

Respond:Work with community

to implement solutions

Assess:Follow up

on the initiatives


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Policing in the United States is a decentralized system with approximately 18,000 law enforcement agencies. There is no central authority in our nation to coordinate law enforcement

activities. This serves as checksand balances of policing powers.

Federal law enforcement agencies are under the administrative control of the executive branch of the federal government. There are three distinctively different types of

federal agencies: military police, Native American tribal police, and civilian police.

State police agencies have jurisdiction that is limitedby state boundaries. State law enforcement agencies are

divided into three types: traffic enforcement, general criminal investigations, and special investigations. Some

state agencies, such as the highwaypatrol, are limited to only traffic enforcement. Other state

police agencies have law enforcement to conduct general and specialized criminal investigations.





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The sheriff's office is the oldest local law enforcement agency in the United States. The sheriff is the only head law

enforcement executive who obtains his or her position by election. The sheriff has jurisdiction over

an entire county.

Municipal policing is the most visible and largest type of agency in the United States. These local law enforcement

agencies are responsible for many services, including traffic enforcement, accident investigation,

patrol and response to criminal activity, and order maintenance situations. Police departments have a system of

military-style ranks and a chain of command.



Police recruits are sent to an academy for training and then typically

placed in an in-service field-training program for further evaluation of their aptitudes. Most police departments are

organized by division for patrol, detective services, and support services.



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Law enforcement officers have a unique profession because of the facets of shift work, as well as stressors and danger. Law enforcement work is a highly stressful environment and

one in which individuals mayexperience great personal danger, including death. Long-

term interaction with people in crisis can impact an officer's personality and mental health. The threat of injury or death

to law enforcement officers may require an officer to use deadly force.

Special police have limited jurisdictions; examples are airport police, park police, transit police, public school police, game

wardens, and other special investigative units. Private protection services can be hired

through contractors who offer security officers or even private investigators.



During the 1960s and 1970s, as crime rates rose, a new strategy called team policing was adopted. Team policing was short-lived, but it served as the foundation of the concept of

community policing. Community policing focuses on preventing crime, dealing with quality-of-life issues, and

solving root causes of problems.
