intro magazine issue #13 june/july 2010


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Check out the 13th issue of INTRO MAGAZINE featuring Triple C members Young Breed, Torch, and Gunplay. Find out what Harlem artist Riz has been up to and also check out special guest writer Lola Sims as she interviews artist J. Harden. Don't forget Hustle Bunny Keyshia Dior.


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20 -RIZ

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CEO/Editor-In-Chief:Aviana :Miss E” Easter

Chicago Director:Dj Quest95


Hustle Bunny:Keyshia Dior

Photography:Alain Green

Special Thanks:GeneralMrsPrDivaQuincy TaylorPrince KennedyKishaKish

Guest Writer:Lola Sims

INTRO™ (ISSN 1939-5477issue#13 June/July 2010 ispublished bi-monthly byAviana Easter, PO Box202252, Shaker Heights,Ohio 44120, Single copyprice $8.90 Subscriptionprice is $25 for six issues.Copy written 2007. Allrights reserved. Submissionconsidered un-solicitedmaterial and the publisherdoes not assume anyresponsibility for se items.Reproduction in whole orpart without written consentfrom publisher is strictlyprohibited. INTROMAGAZINE is a trademarkproduced by Aviana Easter




Sincerely,Aaviana “Miss E”

Like the white rabbit “I’m late, I’m late” but its all fora good reason. We caught up with Triple C’s Torch,Gunplay and Young Breed. We also got a moment to getat the beautiful Keyshia Dior. Also check out the specialguest writer Lola Sims. Trust that these are some of the best interviews to dateand you are definitely going to love what you read inthis issue. Also I have been working on a new radioshow entitled “Mentally Orgasmic” If you have checkedthe other website then you have an idea of how the showgoes down. In the meantime chill out relax and check out issue #13of INTRO Magazine.

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Hailing from Atlanta, GA, J. Hardenis the original “King of Hood andBlues.” With a sound that is uniquely hisown, his new single “Work Dat Pole,”which pays homage to the women whotake their craft seriously, is making quitea few waves. Inspired by Marvin Gaye,Teddy P, BB King, R.Kelly, Prince, anda number of other greats his sound iscompletely different fromwhat is out today. Bringingoriginality, power, excite-ment and a one of a kindstage performance, J.Harden has the ability tomake a mark.

LOLA SIMS: Whatmakes you different fromother new artist that arenow coming out?

J HARDEN: I do HOOD& BLUES. I don't have adirection. My direction is whatevercomes to heart weather it be motivation-al, street, inspirational. do what theartist of the past did. I write what I seeand just so happen a lot of people canrelate to it. For instance work dat pole,Strippers can relate to it and professionalpole dances can relate to it. It is artimitates life. Another song is. We fuck-ing , everybody fucks lol. Songs likelifting me up feat. Jadakiss in today’seconomy people need to be lifted upspiritually. People don't understand thestate of society shit it's about more thanthe bezzeled out necklaces, 32 inch rims

away. So I understand that someoneneeds to be lifted up!!

LOLA SIMS: As an independent,what do you find is one of the biggestchallenges you face in trying to getyour music out there?

J HARDEN: Finding real people ,thatdo real shit, to help you accomplish areal goal and what I mean is that youhave real people out here like WendyDay, Bigga Rankin, and list of otherDJ's and promoters that will see you

grinding hard and will jumpin the game with you. Thenyou have these other peoplewho just want suck yourpockets dry and won't give adam if you make it or not.

LOLA SIMS: You hadsome early success withyour 1st single. How doyou feel you were able tomake such a great first im-pression without being onradio?

J HARDEN: 165 shows won in a yearand a half, 36000 single giveaways, 4shows a night until I was hoarse for amonth, performing in front of 1000 peo-ple, 100 people, performing in front ofjust chairs, loading up my pole by my-self on cold winter nights and searchinghot summer days riding from town totown trying to prove myself, having poledancers come and go, having businesspartners stop believing and parachuteout of what they thought was a burningplane and last but not least believing in

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“165 showswon in a yearand a half,

36,000 singlegiveaways, 4shows a nightuntil I washoarse for a


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INTRO: Whats been going on withTriple Cs? What mixtapes did youguys do?

YOUNG BREED: We back in the lab.Our album is in stores now “Custom,Car, Cycles”. We are working on thenew album. “Custom, Cut, Clarity”. Wehave “Sticks & Stones” we about torelease in a minute. That is thegroups whole mixtape that fea-tures Gunplay, Torch, and my-self. We also have our ownmixtapes we are gonna drop.You have Rick Ross about todrop that “Teflon Don” so youknow that is definitely about tobe a problem.

INTRO: I heard that this oneis suppose to be better thanthe last one.

YOUNG BREED: Yeah itsgot a movie coming out with it.

INTRO: Are you in the movie as well?

YOUNG BREED: Yeah! The wholeTriple C’s in the movie. I want everyoneto check that out. I am going to be about7ft tall. That is the only time you aregoing to see me that tall.

INTRO: How did you hook up withTriple C?

YOUNG BREED: Well I was a soloartist here in Miami and I was just put-

catching its buzz all throughout Florida,Georgia, and the Carolinas. You knowthat the whole southern market. Rossnoticed me cause I had the streets blaz-ing. The birth of Maybach was 2008-2009 and that is around the time that Igot signed to the label. Since then I havebeen working and grinding. I was in thestudio with Gunplay, Torch, and Rossand we were dropping so many hits thatthey felt that it was time for Triple C toget that new look and that is what wedid.

INTRO: What started you tobecome a rapper?

YOUNG BREED: I always hada love for music. I used to want tobe a DJ and scratch the ones andtwos every now and then. I havedeveloped a liking for the musicso I started writing rhymes andfree-styling in high school halls.Everybody in the hood startedlistening to what mixtapes I putout. I just grew a fan base andkept it pumping from there.

INTRO: The character that youplayed was it more so like playingyourself?

YOUNG BREED: Yeah! I don’t wantto give up to much of the movie but itsabout stuff that we have been thru. Itsone of those classics. It was just somethug shit. I was kinda self portrayed bymyself. I wouldn’t mind persuing a ca-reer in acting. Yall gonna see whassup.

INTRO: How would you describeyourself as an artist?Continued page 25



“That mix-tape mar-

ket isTriple C’s

We weclaimingthat and



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INTRO: Since I last spoke to you“Yams” was going hard in thestreets and in the clubs and in thestreets. Whats the next single we canexpect to go hard if not harder?

TORCH: There are a couple and Ireally don’t put the names out rightnow cause we want everyone to focuson “Teflon” right now. We got thatMaybach Music in the streets rightnow but trust me there is one called“Lay It Down” you ain’t heard it fromme but watch for it.

INTRO: Since the last time wetalked you were getting ready todrop your first album and now youare working on your sophomore al-bum. Can you tell us what we canexpect from this album?

TORCH: Its gonna be a certified clas-sic unlike the last album this is a morepolished look for Triple C. Its not go-ing to be so raw and rugged like thelast album. We are going to have a fewcuts for the ladies on this one as wellas a few radio cuts. You are going toget a more grown Triple C on this one.

INTRO: You were very street andrugged on the first one.

TORCH: You still gonna get thatgutta appeal but you know you what I

mean. At the end of the day the gutta isalways gonna love us but we are nottrying to go back there so we gottaappeal to the masses.

INTRO: What kind of features areyou going to have on the album?

TORCH: The features on the albumare going to be more calculated. Weare going to have a couple of the O.Gsin the game like Jay-Z and all thatstuff. The last album was oversatu-rated with features. We are going tokeep the features this time to a mini-mum. We may have a few singers forthe hooks but this album is going to bemore Triple C and less features.

INTRO: What singers do you havefeatured on the album?

TORCH: We got Trey Songz check-ing in. We got Lloyd checking in andthe big homie T-Pain just to name afew. We got a lot of surprises in store.We have a song called “Diamonds andMaybachs part 2” with the homie RyanLeslie. Look out for that its gonna be abanger.

INTRO: Now are you in the newmovie Teflon Don with Rick Ross?

TORCH: Of course I am! You knowI also have my own thing going onwith “Specialyst Films Beyond Vi-sion” I am in the process of writing ascreen play. Its like a biography but Idon’t want to call it that.



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I also have the model managementcompany “Means and Models”. I castmost of the models in the Miami videos.We doing big things of course Special-yst Ent has a few artists.

INTRO: Whats going on with Specia-lyst Ent?

TORCH: Its huge! Its one of the big-gest movements in New York. WhenRoss talk about that muscle he got he istalking about me and myhomies. We run New York.The Bronx is officially in thebuilding!We have a mixtapeout right now. We are work-ing on another one that willdrop after my solo albumdrops. My solo album willdrops after the next Triple Calbum. I would go on therecord and say the name of it but peoplebe biting and shit so I am just going tokeep that to myself.

INTRO: When can we expect the al-bums to drop?

TORCH: You can look out for that inSpring 2011. The Triple C albumshould be out in December of this yearcoming up right after the Teflon album.We have a lot of albums coming out thisyear. We have the mixtapes that are outsuch as “Sticks and Stones” and mynew mixtape “Crash Course”. YoungBreed and Gunplay have their mixtapesout right now and Ross just dropped aTimeless collection. We are about to

drop more mixtapes, more albumswhich means more money.

INTRO: For the ladies that want toget with the modeling “Means andModels” how would they get in con-tact with you.

TORCH: You can send them pics [email protected] . We are alwayslooking for models. We are not all aboutthe cosmetics stuff. We like genuine

girls. You know even if youhave a couple of flaws stillsend a pic. There is

INTRO: Since I last spoke toyou “Yams” was going hardin the streets and in the clubsand in the streets. Whats thenext single we can expect togo hard if not harder?

TORCH: There are a couple and I re-ally don’t put the names out right nowcause we want everyone to focus on“Teflon” right now. We got that May-bach Music in the streets right now buttrust me there is one called “Lay ItDown” you ain’t heard it from me butwatch for it.

INTRO: How long have you beenworking on the screen play and areyou working with anyone to producethe movie once its done?

TORCH: I have been working on it fortwo months right now. This is my firsttime trying to write a


“Beef iswhen thereis blood on

the floor andsomeone is


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be the next thing up.

INTRO: Is that going to includemodel Amazin Amie?

TORCH: Hey!! How do you knowabout that? Shout out to Amazin Amieshe doing big things. That is my partnerright there.

INTRO: How do you feel that the fanshave accepted you as far as the Rossand 50 Cent beef?

TORCH: At the end of the day beef iswhen there is blood on the floor andsomeone is dying. That is the elementthat I love. It is like wrestling to me so Idon’t even consider it beef. As far as thefans, after Ross did what he did theyshowed us even more love because ittakes a strong team to accomplish whathe did. Ross is still here and relevant inthe game as one of the best and that isenough in itself.


movie that is why it is taking me solong. It really easy to verbally tellsomeone but it takes more work towrite it down. The name of the screenplay is called “Tell Myra” its going tobe a good movie. I am in the perfectposition to make it happen on the pro-duction end cause I own a film crew.Usually you go through screen writersbut I am doing this myself. We aregoing to put it down and look for acompany to put it out. We already haveall of the filming in the bag.

INTRO: What made you want tostart a production company/

Torch: I wanted to eliminate the gener-al. You know I see how you stay prev-alent in the game is to maintain theinternet presence, being able to do yourown videos, and own your own busi-ness rather than blowing your moneyon trivial stuff like most artists. I in-vested in myself with the films and thestudios.

INTRO: Now as far as the modelsthat you have working with you whatvideos did you have them cast for?Were they just for Rick Ross/TripleC videos?

TORCH: Yeah just that to name a few.They have also been featured in a cou-ple Khaled videos and most of the vid-eos shot in Miami. We just keeping itlow key right now, A lot of peopledon’t even know that we are a team butAmazing Models is definitely going to 12

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Keyshia Dior is the new “It Girl” thathas been featured in the Timbaland andDrake video “Say Something”, the newGucci “911” video, “Loose My Mind”with Jeezy and Plies, and also the nextissue of Show Magazine. As the new “ItGirl” it hard to make time for interviewsbut we got a chance to get one fromKeyshia Dior.

INTRO: I understand that you are inthe beginning stages of creating yourown cosmetics line. What was the in-spiration for the line? What do youthink will make your line differentfrom current cosmetic lines?

KEYSHIA DIOR: What inspired mylipstick line was my fans. I would weardifferent color lipsticks and my fanswanted to know where they could pur-chase them. My line would definitely bedifferent from other lines because I willhave crazy unique color lipsticks.

INTRO: I read that you are also astylist. Who have you styled and forwhat occasions?

KEYSHIA DIOR: I've styled for manypeople for different occasions.

INTRO: You wear many differenthats as a business woman. What leadyou to become a model? What othervideos have you been in?

KEYSHIA DIOR: People would

automatically think I was a model whenI wasn't, so I took that and ran with it.I've done Say Something w/ Timbalandfeat Drake... 4my town w/ Birdman,Wayne and Drake also Bedrock withYoung Money.

INTRO: I read in an interview thatyou did with 24HourHipHop that youare interested in acting. Are you cur-rently taking any acting classes oraudition?

KEYSHIA DIOR: Yes, I just startedacting classes.

INTRO: How did you get the nameKeyshia Dior?

KEYSHIA DIOR: Keyshia is actuallymy real name. The Dior represents myfashion side.

INTRO: Who is your favorite pho-tographer and what photographerwould you like to work with?

KEYSHIA DIOR: My favorite photog-rapher is Alain Green. I would love toshoot with Derek Blanks

INTRO: What video/movie directorwould you like to work with andwhy?

KEYSHIA DIOR: I would love towork with Hype Williams because he'svery creative and so am I.




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GUNPLAY: Grinding hard and lettingthem know that Gunplay coming. I amabout to drop a mixtape with Dj PCuttaout of Philly . The mixtape is called DonLogan. Don Logan is my alter ego andmy company name as well I am startingto implement that in my music so thatpeople know that I am not only Gunplaybut Don Logan as well.

INTRO: So Don Logan isyour music label as well?

GUNPLAY: Yeah that’s mylabel right there. We are inthe beginning stages. I grindout Maybach Music and Tri-ple C so I am doing the samefor myself.

INTRO: Do you have any artist onyour label?

GUNPLAY: Yeah! Gunplay

INTRO: What kind of feel can weexpect from the Don Logan mixtape?

GUNPLAY: I get to talk about thatstreet shit. On my mixtape I can reallytalk that street shit versus an albumwhere you have to cater to a broaderaudience. I cater to the streets wit themixtape. The streets know me. Theyknow what I am about. They like to hearwhat I am talking about when I

get on that street shit. That’s really themasses (the streets). When I do the al-bum I tone it down to appeal to themasses. The mixtapes are strictly for thestreets, slums, and ghettos.

INTRO: Are you in the movie TeflonDon?


INTRO: You didn’t want to be in it?

GUNPLAY: I didn’t knowthey were shooting a movie.

INTRO: Yeah! Young Breedjust told me about it.

GUNPLAY: Its news to mebaby.

INTRO: What else are youworking on now?

GUNPLAY: We working onthe second album now. Color, Cut, Clar-ity” I am doing three projects right now.I am working on mixtapes but I am alsoworking on my solo album now called“Kill Switch”. On the last album we keptit street. On this album we are reallytrying to crossover with this one. We aretrying to get on the radio. The last albumreally didn’t hit the radios like that. Itjust hit peoples CD players. That wascool to build the brand but now we try-ing to make money with it. I also have“Apples and Onions” magazine and a



“That wascool to build

the brandbut now wetrying to

make moneywith it”

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The motto of “Apples and Onions” mag-azine is “you gotta have a waist like awasp and a ass like a horse”. HopefullyI can spin off with a strip club cause youknow Don Logan loves the ladies.

INTRO: The ladies that are readingthis and want to be part of the maga-zine Apples and Onions how wouldthey be able to contact you?

GUNPLAY: I don’t have the web siteup yet but you can send your picturesand info to [email protected] Iam about to get things set up now. Oncethe web site is up you would be able tosee the girls that I am already workingwith.

INTRO: You mentioned earlier thatyou would like to be able to spin offand do a strip club. What locationwould be ideal for you to open upyour club?

GUNPLAY: I would do it in Atlanta.Down here it is a lot of competition.There is competition in Atlanta also butthe way that I want to do it is different.You will be able to get a hair cut in mine.

INTRO: So after a fresh cut they canrun over to see the ladies.

GUNPLAY: Yeah you can get ya shapeup, you play ya pool, and get ya sportson the plasma. You got pretty girls do-ing your manicure if you want.

INTRO: Are you doing any shows orfeatures at the moment?

GUNPLAY: We are doing some spotshows here and there in Florida, Texas,and New York. We aree back in the labworking on the second album. I amdoing features and people can reach meat [email protected] or they canhit me on twitter @gunplay. I do wantpeople to know that the features cost.

INTRO: Is there any particular artistthat you would like to work with?

GUNPLAY: I would love to work withSade. I have already worked with a lot ofpeople like Young Jeezy, Bun B, Game,and Gucci however I would really loveto work with Sade.




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“RIZ is a talented songwriter andvisionary with concepts and flow. Hissongs have a vast array of style that willprovide him longevity in the industry”Lenny S. Senior A&R, Def Jam. It isnot often that I start off an article withquote but I wanted you to understandhow serious this Harlem artistis. We now INTROduce to youRIZ.

INTRO: I know that youhave been in the industry fora minute and you have beenworking on a new project.Can you elaborate more onthat?

RIZ: I haven’t been on thescene for about a year or so. Itook a break from it because Iwas being pulled in differentway creatively. There were alot of different people involved with theproject. I really wasn’t able to make therecords that I felt good about because Iwasn’t putting up the money. When youget in situations like that its really arough situation. So I just stepped awayfor a minute to just redeem my ownartistic views. I am just approaching itdifferent now.

INTRO: How would you describeyourself as an artist?

RIZ: I am well rounded artist because I

years to really understand the business.I have identified a sound that I wascomfortable with. You have to have a ucertain so people can identify you.When you hat hear 50 Cent you knowits 50. When you hear Drake you knowits Drake. When you hear Lil Wayneyou know its Lil Wayne. They have thatniche. Years ago it was hard to find thatniche. I found that out working with somany producers that and being pulledby so many people. In that nature I

could not find a consistency sonow I am able to create an iden-tifiable voice. I have discipline.I have a good work ethics. I amnot a person that will go to astudio for 20 hours and makeone record. I am not going toblow a budget just sitting in thestudio. I am going to make sureit sounds good before I leavethe house. I don’t roll with anentourage. I used to that and tryto put people on (trying to dopositive stuff). You can’t con-trol other people’s actions be-cause what they do that stigmafalls on you. I just really had

been moving light. I feel like I am fullcircle and more prepared.

INTRO: How did you hook up withSha MoneyXl?

RIZ: I hooked up with Sha Money thruDavid the Jeweler. I had been doingrecords with David for about three orfour years before meeting Sha Money.Dave has all these music industry typesthat he makes jewelry

Continued Next Page


“I havediscipline. Ihave a goodwork ethics.I am not aperson thatwill go to a

studio for 20hours andmake onerecord”


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I put a tape together and put it out inmy neighborhood and people were feel-ing it and they said I should stick with itand that’s what I did and I haven’tstopped since. We are still basically arein a process of building a following. Ihave had a meeting with Jay-Z and Ihave met with Atlantic records, Fiftyand all the top people in this industrypeople. The research in the industry haschanged in the industry so now we arein the progress of developing a newfollowing with the new way that I ammaking my music as compared to a yearago. I am starting over ago again andbuilding a new awareness.

INTRO: What artist have youworked with that you haven’t workedwith yet?

RIZ: I am at the point in my career thatI don’t want to work with anyone thatdoesn’t want to work with me. I am notthe type of person that picks andchooses who I work with. If it makes agood record, it makes a good record. Idon’t intend to make albums with otherartists to boost my own morale. Someartist will do an album with anotherartist because that artist is relevant toother people. That’s not how I function.People tend to see that I did the videowith Ray and tend to think that I tried toattach myself with something hot andthat is not why I did it. I did a favor forhim way back so I went to shoot thevideo with him. I did it to show himlove cause he asked me to come thru soI did it.

for so he wood take me around mearound video shoots. I went to 50’s videoshoot and Lloyd Banks video shoot.They would see me around but they justdidn’t know what I was doing. So at thetime Dave was it was James Cruz fromViolator Management that came to Daveand was talking about some jewelry andDave jumped on it and played some ofmy music so we started a venture withViolator. Then right after that we linkedup with She Money cause he was mixingYoung Buck’s albm at the time while hewas still with G-Unit. Dave went into thestudio and played some of my music.Sha was blown away and he said to Dave“When I hear that kid he giving me thatfeeling like when I first used to hear Fifout with that hunger” so that attractedhim so we started working on some re-cords. We around to a few labels butthings didn’t pop off they way wewanted them to pop off.

INTRO: So you are still independent?Self Made.

RIZ: You got it. Self Made is a companythat I started in 2005. I was doing otherthings. I had caught a case and the caseslowed me down and like changed mylife. I wanted to do things different in mylife after that so I wrote all down all myexperiences. The music is really a formof expression for me because I reallydon’t talk much. I am sort of like a lonerbecause people will mess your wholeworld up. People are so negative and Iam really trying to stay away from nega-tive people. When I got to the studio itslike therapy I get to say whatever I wantand talk over these beats cause the beatdon’t talk back.


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RIZ: I used to do showcases where I wasthe featured artist but I stopped that be-cause it was a scam. I really don’t domany shows now because I am focusedon rebuilding my awareness. I am work-ing hard on the internet because it isextremely hard to get the radio. It’s hardto get the radio because it’s controlled.The only people that you hear on theradio is the artists that labels have paid tothe stations because those artists have tomake it than the average artist off thestreet because they are not benefitingfrom it because they are in the businessof making money.

INTRO: Do you think that Djs areimportant when it comes to breakinga record?

RIZ: I say no and yes. The DJ has to feela connection with the artist that he isbreaking the record for because there areso many people in the business that.What one Dj think is hot 10 other Djsmay not. What I am starting to see is thatsome people only want to attach them-selves to certain people because it onlymakes themselves look better. If I cometo the club tonight and see me with somejewelry and I am popping bottles the Djis going to give a shot out cause it looksgood. If I come to the club and I don’thave any jewelry and I only have a cupthe Dj is not trying to rush to play myrecord. It’s a ruff business. Its crazy thatI say that and I am trying to get in thebusiness. It’s a million people out herewaiting to get your money because youare uninformed about the business.


In the end it was like a return. I preferto work with people that are keen toworking. I tried to work with Bun B andhe was like $16,000. He wanted $1,000a bar. It kind of threw me because hereI am an up and coming artist and here itis this guy is trying to make money offof me. He deserves to make his moneybut for me to pay $16,000? I wouldrather take that money invest it intoanother song and make a couple videos.That’s why I don’t do songs with a lotof rappers cause they are thinking aboutmaking that quick bread. I am not reallytrying to do a feature with nobody if Idon’t have to.

INTRO: Where do you see yourselfin the next 5yrs?

RIZ: Retired. I come from a commu-nity where people feel like its nothingleft for them to do besides drink,smoke, and be violent. I want to make ashift in that. If I make it then I will be ina position to give back. I want to startan organization like a basketball AUteam but it also has a nutritionist andpersonal trainers to show them how towork out. They would also have theschooling because you can have all theknowledge in the world but if you can’tpass that SAT then you will be back inthe streets. I see myself doing somereally ground breaking things once I getthis foundation set.

INTRO: Do you have any showscoming up? 24

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J Harden Continued

myself and hoping that god wouldmake a way an he did. Work dat polehas been making money for me andthat shit feels awesome.

LOLA SIMS: How do you stay con-sistent in your genre?

JA HARDEN: Stay grinding andsticking to my single and sound nomatter what " WORK DAT POLE".and " THE KING OF HOOD &BLUES!

LOLA SIMS: What are you work-ing on now and when can fans ex-pect to hear more from you?

J HARDEN: I'm Working on takingWork dat pole to radio and letting themasses here it and feel this Hood &Blues. The street album is coming TheKing Of Hood & Blues!!!

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Jazmine Sullivan. She is real talentedshe does her thing.

INTRO: Do you have any otherprojects that you are working on?

YOUNG BREED: I have my clothingline called “Uptown Appereal” You can orderour sweat shirts and we also have niceshirts for the ladies. You know I amjust pumping my brand right now. Werep so hard that they liked the way thatwe dressed so we decided to give thepublic an opportunity to get theirhands on it. Its going to be in storessoon. We also have a book deal on thetable. We are in the process of workingon book tour right now.

INTRO: Is the book an autobiogra-phy about yourself?

YOUNG BREED: Its almost like aautobiography. Its about one of myhomies that just got out of a federalinstitution. Its based on a true storyvibe. The book is called “Diversity” byAndrea Pearson and its at Barnes andNobles. The sells of the book havebeen good and we have been on a fewtours for that. We are thinking aboutdoing a movie for the book. Its about ayoung youth growing up and his unclewas a made man and he got murderedso its up to the nephew to continue onwith the family business. Its a realgood book and I think that my hoodand ghetto niggas can relate to it. Itwill open up their mind so they can seesomething new.


YOUNG BREED: I am just a realaround the board rapper.

INTRO: What is the feel of the mix-tape “Sticks and Stones” that fanscan expect?

YOUNG BREED: Its straight hardcoregutta street shit. Its not like other al-bums. Its just us cutting loose in thestudio, rapping, and making music forthe streets. We are so much focused onmaking radio singles. We are giving thestreets a lot of freestyling and just hotsongs that are bubbling in the clubs. Wejust gave them the Triple C flow youknow what I am saying.

INTRO: As a solo artist did you haveany mixtapes that you did?

YOUNG BREED: Yeah we got my“Extortion” series out. I think we up tovolume 5 on that. I had “Young Boss,Dollars and Donks”. We have “ProjectPresident and Trap Talk” coming soon.That mixtape market is Triple C’s . Wewe claiming that and and owning it bysaturating the mixtape market. That’sfor the streets and I feel that is who weneed to feed. Those are our consumers,audience, and fans. They love us so Iam not going to stop doing it for themixtape circuit.

INTRO: Is there a particular artistthat you would like to work with thatyou have not worked with yet?

YOUNG BREED: I would like to workwith Justin Bieber. On the female side Iwould like to work with 26

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