interview on fdi- nepali patra

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सोमबार, २२ चैत, २०७२ | 1 month ago | English (/category/news/trend/english) |

Foreign investor's trip to Nepal in the quest of

investment opportunities have never been


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Few weeks ago, British Trade Delegates visited Nepal with an intention of examining

foreign investment opportunities in Nepal. Their visit was facilitated by British-Nepal

Chambers of Commerce (BNCC). Altogether, there were 11 companies from Britain on

their trade mission to Kathmandu. In their visit, the BNCC facilitated to arrange meeting

with high officials of several ministries, corporate houses, FNCCI and CNI including

other trade associations, where they discussed and shared various investment issues,

prospects and areas of investment including investment environments and

Government's position towards foreign investors.

During their visit, BNCC also organized a presentation and an interaction program

regarding legal aspects of foreign investment in Nepal. BNCC invited a legal

practitioner in investment laws, who is also the law graduate from UK, Advocate Saroj

K Ghimire (Partner, Pradhan, Ghimire & Associates) for the presentation and to

interact with business delegates on various issues of investment including

opportunities and facilities of foreign investment in Nepal and challenges. This

interview is thus based on the presentation and interaction Advocate Ghimire had with

the business delegates of BNCC in Nepal.

How have you taken the initiation of BNCC to facilitate the trip of British

Delegates in Nepal for investment hunt?

Advocate Saroj K Ghimire

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First of all, I would like to thank BNCC on behalf of all involved for making it possible for

the British business delegates to visit Nepal. I believe the delegates had very good time

in this beautiful country which is full of resources and has ample opportunities for

investment. I believe the delegates also received affirmative responses and

commitments from the various Ministries and Governmental offices to facilitate foreign

investors to inject foreign capital to enhance economic activities within the country.

Further, witnessing the country's political scenario post 1990s, after the restoration of

democracy, Nepal went through several difficult political and socio economical

transition. However, foreign investor's trip to Nepal in the quest of investment

opportunities has never ceased. In continuation of this, the visit of the trade delegates

from Britain is expected to attract investments from Britain, should the government

authorities' work as per the commitments given by laws and policies of Nepal. Thus,

despite various unpleasant situations faced by the country due to the earthquake and

the economic blockade, their visit has given some hope of a growing foreign investment

scenario in the country.

What were major areas of investment concern of business delegates?

Observing the corporate background and interest of the delegates, I believe that they

were highly interested in investing in a variety of sectors which included transportation,

training and development, health and hospitals, chain restaurants and franchise

businesses, education, hydropower,banking sector, art, culture and the movie industry.

Could you explain the area how foreign investment is facilitated by the laws

of Nepal for foreign investors?

In Nepal, foreign investment is governed by the Foreign Investment and Technology

Transfer Act 1992 (“FITTA”). As per FITTA, foreign investment in Nepal should be in the

form of foreign currency or capital assets or foreign loans. The re-investment of

earnings from foreign investment also constitutes as foreign investment. A foreign

investor can make an investment either in the form of a wholly owned foreign venture

(subsidiary) or a joint-venture or in the form of technology transfer.

The FITTA permits foreign investors in equity participation up to 100 percent in almost

all sectors except telecom, aviation, banking and insurance, and consultancy services

relating to accounting, engineering and management etc., where local equity

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participation is a must. The minimum threshold amount of foreign investment in Nepal

is NPR 5 million (approximately US$ 50,000) which a foreign investor must meet to get a

Foreign Direct Investment approval from the Department of Industry.

In addition to those direct forms of foreign investment in the form of use of rights,

specialization, formulae processes and patents of foreign origin, use of foreign owned

trademarks and goodwill and use of foreign technical, consultancy, management and

marketing services are treated as technology transfers under the FITTA, which may be

borrowed in Nepal by the local industries and businesses. Any foreign investor, who is

desirous of making a foreign investment in or transfer technology to Nepal, requires to

obtain necessary approvals from the Department of Industry and/or any relevant

governmental authorities as per the nature of business, the foreign investor seeks to


Further, the FITTA has allowed foreign investment in various other sectors including

manufacturing, hospitals, education, hotels and restaurant, information technology,

energy, tourism, mineral resource, agro-based industries, service industries,

construction industries etc. In the year 2010, the Parliament enacted the Investment

Board Act 2010 and formed the Investment Board for facilitating mega projects relating

to infrastructure and service sectors in the areas of construction, mining industry,

tourism industry and airlines service industry, having a fixed capital of at least one

billion rupees project cost with various modalities including foreign investment and

Public Private Partnership.

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What would be the investment mode that foreign investor require to comply

in Nepal?

As of now, FITTA allows only direct forms of investment in equity or shares, although

the Government has recently committed to introduce port folio investment in the

Investment Policy, 2015 as well. An equity investment may be made in a new entity or

an existing industry by transfer of shares. Foreign investment in an existing industry by

transfer of shares may be done in two ways; either by transferring the shares of

existing shareholder or by issuing new shares to a foreign partner, which may be

issued either from the reserved shares or by increasing the issued share capital of the


Are there any areas where foreign investment is restricted by the investment

laws of Nepal?

Yes, there are certain sectors where foreign investment is not allowed. These sectors

are mentioned in the Negative List of FITTA. FITTA restricts foreign investment in the

areas of cottage industries which includes knitting, pashmina, garments, handicrafts,

boutique, dolls and toys industries. In addition, industries relating to beauty parlor,

tailoring, real estate business excluding construction, motion pictures, retail business,

trekking agency, water rafting are other areas which fall under the negative list and

hence, are prohibited for foreign investments.

Is there any conditions that the concerned authority considers to approve

investment or its just simply grant permission for foreign investment?

All foreign Investors may not be granted approvals, even in the sectors where foreign

investments are permitted by the FITTA. There are various factors that are taken into

consideration by the relevant government authority, before granting such investment

approval. Major factors of consideration for foreign investment are based on financial

and technical viability of the investment project.

Apart from this, other major factors of consideration for evaluation and approval of

foreign investment and technology transfer projects include foreign investor's

potential contribution to employment generation, foreign exchange earnings,

availability of raw materials, requirement of foreign currency for the purchase of raw

materials, manufacturing process (in case of production industry)., project inputs

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requirement (power, water etc.), the impact of industry on the environment, the

pollution control measures proposed to be set up under the project, market aspects

and national benefits including value addition etc.

How Nepalese investment laws have assured to the foreign investor for the

protection of their investment?

Nepal has always realized the importance of foreign investment due to its immense

potential as a stimulant for development. The laws and policies relating to foreign

investments have given several commitments for protection of foreign investment and

creation of an investor friendly environment. Recently, the Constitution of Nepal 2015

has also realized the importance of foreign capital for the economic development of

the country and has given a commitment for the protection of foreign investments.

Thus, Nepal ensures protection of investment of foreign investors in various ways. For

example, a statutory provision guarantees the non-nationalization of industries under

any circumstances. Apart from the statutory provision, Nepal has ratified various

international conventions including Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA),

WTO, BIMSTEC, SAFTA, Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement, Paris Convention on

IPR and The New York Convention relating to Arbitral Awards and has committed to be

abided by the ratified Treaties.

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Further, Nepal has also entered into Reciprocal Encouragement and Protection of

Investment Agreements with India, Finland, France, Germany, the UK and Mauritius

which ensures protection of the foreign investments by guaranteeing equitable and

non-discriminatory treatment for use, enjoyment or disposal of investments,

compensation for losses and expropriation, free transfer of capital, loans and profits

and access to legal remedies.

Foreigner investors have shown their serious concern regarding repatriation

of their earnings as there are few examples where the concerned authority

have been objecting to repatriate foreign investment earnings. In this

scenario, does investment law restrict repatriation of investment earnings in


Repatriation of profits and earnings generated from foreign investments are regulated

but not prohibited under the laws of Nepal. The FITTA has ensured that foreign

investors may repatriate principal, profits, interests, technology transfer fee and

royalty. In addition, a foreign investor is entitled to repatriate the amount generated

from the sale of shares, the dividend or profits received from the investment, the

principal and interest of the foreign loan, and the fee and royalty received for the

technology transfer. Repatriation up to 75 percent of salaries, allowances and other

earnings is also permitted for foreign expatriates. However, repatriation is permitted

upon recommendation of the concerned department. The authorities in Nepal are

more concerned with the procedural compliances, as every investment are subject to

approval and are to be transferred in and out of Nepal strictly via banking channels.

Any concerns that the authorities might have raised may be due to procedural

compliances and not for restricting repatriation. Hence, repatriation is fully secured

but procedural compliances are mandatory at the same time.

Foreign investors also showed their concern relating to enforcement of

arbitral award in Nepal, could you briefly state the scenario of enforcement

of arbitral award in Nepal?

FITTA has provided to facilitate the settlement of investment disputes amicably and in

the failure of the same, the dispute may be settled by arbitration in accordance with

the prevailing arbitration Rules of the United Nations commission on International

Trade Law (UNCITRAL). Investors are free to mention the dispute settlement

mechanism in their contracts with the local parties. In addition, the law of Arbitration of

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Nepal ensures that foreign arbitral awards are recognized and enforced in Nepal,

provided that such awards are in conformity with Nepalese laws. Though, I have not

witnessed the recognition and enforcement of a foreign arbitral award in my

experience, we are hopeful of getting an affirmative decision in this aspect from the

competent courts of Nepal, which will no doubt ensure that the confidence of foreign

investors remains high in the investment prospects in Nepal.

Would you point out other affirmative commitments of the government that

may motivate the foreign investors for their investment in Nepal?

In addition to the various commitments expressed legislatively and administratively for

facilitating foreign investment in Nepal, recently the Ministry of Industry has framed

Foreign Investment Policies 2015 with the commitment to facilitate foreign investors by

reforming laws and policies in timely manner, adapting simplified investment

procedure, enhancing competence, structural reforms in the administration of foreign

investments, forming and mobilizing industrial security forces, adopting flexible

immigration policies, enhancing and adopting economic diplomacy, opening portfolio

investment, facilitating Non Resident Nepalese for bringing investments in all sector

sand enhanced protection of intellectual property rights in a more effective manner to

create a foreign investment friendly environment within the country.

At the end, what would be your suggestion for creating foreign investment

friendly environment in Nepal?

Nepal lies between two of the biggest nations in terms of population and economy and

is surrounded by four big host economies of Asia including India, China, Pakistan and

Bangladesh. China is the biggest host nation worldwide. China today is the largest host

nation, not because of its size and resources, rather due to the opportunities and

investment attitudes that it maintains all around, which are the key factors

instrumental in creating an investor friendly environment and attracting foreign direct


Referring to our country, attracting foreign investments in Nepal is quite a challenge.

Unless, our concerned governmental authorities demonstrate their positive attitude

and responsible behavior in administrative reforms, structural competence along with

an investment aptitude, responsiveness and humility towards foreign investors, and

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eradicating or minimizing corruption and maintaining ethical and moral standards,

legal commitments made in the foreign investment sector will be highly ineffective in

achieving the desired goals.

Advocate Saroj K Ghimire , Partner at Pradhan, Ghimire & Associates, Corporate law

Firm of Nepal. He is also an Asst. Prof. of Law at Tribhuvan University, Nepal and

available at: [email protected]

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5 Comments Sort by

Bikas Baral · Tribhuvan University

very good infomration for Investor

Like · Reply · Apr 4, 2016 3:36pm

Jiblal Pandey · Bhanukta ma b

relevence knowledge & good information interview.

Like · Reply · Apr 4, 2016 8:54pm

Saroj Ghimire · Partner at Pradhan Ghimire & Associates

A slight error on the amount related to project cost that would be facilitated by the Investment

Board which is NPR 10 Billion whereas its mentioned NPR One Billion.

Like · Reply · Apr 5, 2016 2:26pm

Uddhav Babu Tripathi · Director(Sales) at Kasturi Pharmaceuticals Pvt.Ltd.

I read interview thoroughly n convinced that we have good laws and government has various

commitment to facilitate FDI but we require to improve our attitude especially Civil servants .

It's a grt interview to be benefitted by all prospective foreign investor. Great Saroj we wish to

read more in the days ahead. Thanks to Nepali Patra for making possible to read by

Europeans n Brtish nationals n NRNs

Like · Reply · Apr 6, 2016 12:27pm

Nir Bdr Pakhren · Legal Advisor at Panchpokhari Weekly

Very informative idea sir....

Like · Reply · Apr 11, 2016 2:31pm

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