interview 1 interview types 2 second interviews you passed the first interview with flying colors...

Download INTERVIEW 1 Interview Types 2 Second Interviews You passed the first interview with flying colors and you just got a call to schedule a second interview

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  • Interview Types 2 Second Interviews You passed the first interview with flying colors and you just got a call to schedule a second interview. Here are suggestions on how to use your second job interview to help secure an offer. Exit Interview An exit interview is a meeting between an employee who has resigned or been terminated and the company's Human Resources department. Lunch and Dinner Interviews Interviewing can be even more stressful when you are expected to eat and talk at the same time. One of the reasons employers take job candidates out to lunch or dinner is to evaluate their social skills and to see if they can handle themselves gracefully under pressure
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  • 3 Group Interviews There are two types of group interviews. One is being interviewed by a group (or panel) of interviewers, the other is being interviewed with a group of other applicants. Interviewing in a Public Place Employers sometimes schedule job interviews in a public place, like a coffee shop or restaurant. Here are tips on how to interview in public. Telephone Interviews Telephone Interviews While you're actively job searching, it's important to be prepared for a phone interview on a moment's notice. Video Interviews Video Interviews Tips and suggestions for successfully interviewing via video panel interview also called committee interview, you will meet with several individuals at one time
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  • Character of successful Med. Rep. 4 1- Basic medical background.. 2- Presentable appearance. 3- Able to plan & work in an organized manner. 4- Able to report & transmit feed back. 5- Have appositive attitude. 6- Able to communicate effectively. 7- Have a clear voice with good conversation habit. 8- Enthusiastic with self confidence..
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  • Duties and responsibilities of P.S.R. 5 1- Acquire and maintain knowledge. 2-Reflect company image. 3- Sell to physicians, hospitals, pharmacies 4- Report & record. 5- Plan his area. 6- Co-operate in a team work. 7-keep treat in competitors. 8- Show loyalty to his company. 9- Show loyalty to his manager.
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  • Tips for Interview Success 15 1.First impressions count Greet your interviewer with a smile and firm handshake. Give eye contact.You have to sell yourself before you can sell anything else and the first 30 seconds are when the interviewer subconsciously makes decisions about whether you will fit into the team." 2. Be prepared Re-read your CV just before the interview. 3. Dont waffle Answer questions properly - even if you need a few moments silence to collect your thoughts. 4. Why should they hire you? Be ready to talk about your knowledge, experience, abilities and skills. Have at least three strong points about yourself that you can relate to the company and job on offer.
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  • 16 5. Be positive Interviewers like to see someone who enjoys a challenge and is enthusiastic. 6. Remember your body language It is not what you say, but how you say it. During the interview, do not fold your arms.Sit upright and try to maintain good eye contact. Use your hands and lean forward when making a point. 7. Expect the unexpected Your interviewer may try to catch you with a' killer' questions in interviews. try to appear relaxed and in control. Ask the interviewer to repeat the question if necessary. 8. Develop rapport Show energy, a sense of humour and smile, being positive and enthusiastic 9. Clarify anything you are unsure of If you are not certain what are meant by a particular question, ask for clarification. At the end, ask the interviewer if there is anything else he or she needs to know about. 10. Remember your manners Tell the interviewer why you are interested in the company and job opportunity. Ask them for a business card and follow it up by sending a "thank-you" e-mail or letter, saying how much you enjoyed meeting them and how interested you are.
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  • 11-Dont arrive too early or too late A person who arrives hours before their assigned interview time will be perceived as someone who has nothing else to do. Arriving too late will make you seem unreliable. 12. Be Prepared! Re-read your CV and the job advert just before the interview. Do your research thoroughly: Look at the company Web site or obtain literature. 13. Write down and practice possible questions! Writing them down and practicing them with someone will make it easier to remember when you get to the interview 14. Be honest! 15. Talk about specific achievements Interviewers like to know how you felt about a particular success. Some will ask for specific examples of things you've done that you're particularly proud of; how you solved problems; how you learned - and improved - from difficult situations 16. Don't talk too much! Communication is a two-way thing so give them a chance 17. Take a spare photo & CV with you! 18-Do not smoke. 17
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  • 19-Greet the receptionist with respect Often this is one of the deciding factors to be considered if the company is making a decision about two candidates. The interviewer may ask the receptionist after you leave how you treated them 20-Give a firm and quick handshake Wait for the interviewer to initiate the handshake Dont shake their arm up and down or make them pull away because it lasts too long. Smile and look the interviewer in the eyes and introduce yourself with all the confidence in the world. 21-DO NOT ASK ABOUT SALARY You do not even have the job yet! That part comes with the job offer interview. 22-SHUT UP and LISTEN! This is not a social event; it is about business. Let the interviewer set the tone and pace of the interview now. Many interviewers dislike chatty applicants. You will know if you are talking too much because your interviewer will look bored. You are there to sell yourself to the interviewer. 18
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  • 19 What you say is not nearly as important as how you say it. Many interviews fail because of lack of proper communication. But communication is more than just what you say. Often it is the nonverbal communication.the top five nonverbal, ranked in order of importance when it comes to interviewing : Eye Contact If you look away while listening, it can indicate a lack of interest. If you fail to maintain eye contact while speaking, at a minimum it can indicate a lack of confidence in what you are saying Do not just assume you have good eye contact. Ask. Watch. Then practice. Ask others if you ever lack proper eye contact. The Most Important Interview Nonverbals
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  • 20 Facial Expressions Take a good, long, hard look at yourself in the mirror. Look at yourself as others would. Then modify your facial expressions first eliminate any negative overall characteristics that might exist, then add a simple feature that nearly every interviewee forgets to include a true and genuine smile that tells me you are a happy person and delighted to be interviewing with our company today. You do not need to keep the smile plastered on for the full interview, but remember to keep coming back to it. Nod slowly. Rapid nodding sends a message that you are impatient Posture posture sends out a signal of your confidence and power potential. When standing, stand up straight. When you are seated, make sure you sit toward the front of the chair, leaning slightly forward, intent on the subject at hand.
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  • 21 Hands : Avoid negative hand messages like running fingers through hair, biting fingernails, wringing hands, adjusting tie (nervous), and touching nose or face, clasping hands behind behind head, rubbing back of neck (untrustworthy or defensive). Seating: Wait for the interviewer to direct you to a seat. If you feel uncomfortable, you may ask the interviewer:" Where would you like me to sit?" Keep a personal space of 30-36 inches. Sit to the back of the chair with your back straight. Lean slight forward to show your interest in the conversation. Women should avoid crossed legs and instead. Men should avoid sitting with their legs too wide apart or with one ankle over the other knee
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  • Panel Interview 22 PanelInterview
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  • 23 In a panel interview (also called committee interview), you will meet with several individuals at one time the committee interview is less time-consuming, and can give you an opportunity to see how the staff works together. However, it can be more stressful since several interviewer are involved and the interview questions may be more rapidly The following are some tips for panel/committee interviews: Be prepared. Get familiar with the organization and the industry. Bring a list of highlights that you'd like to mention during the interview. If possible, call the organization or do your own research to get basic bio information on each of the panel members. Relax and focus on your responses. Don't be afraid to use interviewers' name throughout the process, people love to hear their names during a conversation. Keep eye contact with each person, with special attention to the individual who asked the question. Take note during the interview, it can help you memorize each panel member's name, his/her specific concern, and the facts mentioned in each questions. Send a separate thank you note to each panel member after the interview.
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  • Nervous Candidate
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  • Questions to Avoid Salary Research other companies, give a range Vacations Benefits Sick leave
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  • What Interviewers Care About 26 Your goal it to sell yourself in the interview, while interviewers want to get answers for the following four questions before they can pass you: 1-Do you want the job? Your interests directly affect your productivity in your work. You need to convince the interviewers that you're interested in the position, the company, the field and the location. 2-Can you do the job? Although you resume may have already answer this question for you. But now it's the time for you to elaborate on your qualifications, use examples and numbers. 3-Will you fit in the organization? The fact that you have the interests and skills needed to do a job doesn't always means that you'll get the offer. Every company has its own corporate culture, you need to demonstrate that you can get along well with other coworkers and can adapt yourself in this culture. 4-Do you have the motivation? Most employers want you to take care of yourself and be self-motivated. You can show your motivation through your enthusiasm, your knowledge about the job, company and industry.
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  • 27 10 most desirable traits that all employers love to see in their employees are: 1-A proven track record as an achiever... especially if your achievements match up with the employer's greatest wants and needs. 2-Intelligence. 3-Honesty...integrity. 4-a team player who meshes well with interviewer's team. 5-positive attitude...sense of humor. 6-Good communication skills. 7-willingness to walk the extra mile to achieve excellence. 8-clear goals. 9-Enthusiasm...high level of motivation. 10-Confident...healthy...a leader
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  • 28 1-Tell me about yourself. This is probably the most common of all the interview questions because its an easy icebreaker. Whenever I asked someone this question, I just wanted to hear them talk, see what their personality was like, and just get to know them a little more. As an interviewee, my approach to answering this question is to let it be my opportunity to direct the conversation. If I know theres a bullet on my resume that matches the job very well, Id highlight it Start with the present and tell why you are well qualified for the position. Remember that the key to all successful interviewing is to match your qualifications to what the interviewer is looking for.
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  • 29 2-What would you consider your greatest strengths? This is an opportunity for you to mention a strength that may not be reflected on your resume. just stay positive. A few good examples: Your ability to prioritize, Your problem-solving skills, Your ability to work under pressure, Your ability to focus on projects, Your professional expertise, Your leadership skills, Your positive attitude
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  • 30 3-What would you consider your greatest weakness? TRAPS: Beware - this is an eliminator question, designed to shorten the candidate list. Any admission of a weakness or fault will earn you an A for honesty, but an F for the interview. ANSWER: Disguise a strength as a weakness. Example: I sometimes push my people too hard. I like to work with a sense of urgency and everyone is not always on the same wavelength
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  • 36 Another Questions
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  • I have no problem working long hours. I have worked 12 or 14 hour days. What I have found works for me is to work smarter, not necessarily longer. My goal is to get the job done, whatever that takes, in the most efficient manner I see some challenges ahead of me here, and thats what I thrive on. I have what you need, and you have what I want. Its an opportunity to learn and grow in your field. Based on my research and the information I have gathered during the interview process, I feel I am in a position to consider an offer. I do, however, have a personal policy that I give myself at least 24 hours to make major life decisions. I could let you know by tomorrow. 37
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  • Concern Once you get the job do you continue to learn and grow stay challenged and motivated?) I pride myself on my ability to stay on top of what is happening in my industry. I do a lot of reading the business section of the newspapers and magazines. I belong to a couple of professional organizations and network with colleagues at the meetings. I take classes and seminars whenever they are of interest, or offer new information or technology 39
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  • Details Needed for Follow-up Write down the interviewers name, department, address, and phone in the notebook Ask for their business card Use interviewers name
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  • Follow-up the Interview Send a short thank you note within 24 hours Remind them of key points from the interview State when you expect the next contact to be
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  • With my best wishes to all of you With my best wishes to all of you Dr. Nassim Gad Regional Manager Upper Egypt Office SEDICO Pharmaceuticals [email protected] 37 Adenan el malkey st. Minia Tel: 0862316541 0862316542 0862338687 fax 010 5224927 Dr. Nassim Gad Regional Manager Upper Egypt Office SEDICO Pharmaceuticals [email protected] 37 Adenan el malkey st. Minia Tel: 0862316541 0862316542 0862338687 fax 010 5224927 54