interpersonal and intercultural communication

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PPt slides to teach interpersonal and intercultural communication


Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication

Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication

Meeting 214 September 2015/16 September 2015To heighten your awareness of differences in communication styles across cultures To develop positive attitudes towards people from different cultural groupsTo understand interpersonal and intercultural communicationTo understand intercultural competenceTo develop you assertive skillTo understand the principles of business negotiations

Learning Objectives:



The QuestionHow do you effectively manage cultural diversity?5Why6AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Agreement)Increasing globalizationIncreasing investment in IndonesiaIncreasing complexity in the worldExpanding technologySpeed of trust Increasing interdependenceIn pairs, discuss the answers to the following questions. What is the main function of communication?What is culture?Can culture be taught and learned? What is your comment on this statement: In intercultural situations, when we are socializing, culture can both help us and hinder us as we try to understand each other and work effectively together? Why do we need to be aware of intercultural differences in both business and social contexts 8How importantis Communication?970% of the mistakes in the workplace are due topoor communication.What does this mean?10


ARGENTINA = I AM GAY & AVAILABLEDifferent Meanings for the Same GestureYou do not just translate your thoughts into another language - you translate the wholeissueinto that culture (valtaranta 2010)

Quoted from:

What common value do these 2 people share?14



Some parts of culture are visible on the surface, but a great deal of it is hidden below the surface.

HSBC funny videos 1

HSBC funny videos 2 about a time when you met someone of a different culture.What did they do that was different from you? Why do you think you noticed these differences? How did you feel about these differences? Did they surprise you? Intrigue you? Make you want to laugh?


INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONInterpersonal communication is the verbal and nonverbal interaction between two (or sometimes more than two) interdependent peopleThis face-to-face communication includes : Explain how Interpersonal and intercultural communication are interrelated!

Do Exercise 3 on page 32.

Interpersonal communication can sometimes take place if it is done without the presence of different cultures.

Interpersonal and intercultural communication are inseparable if the communication takes place in intercultural settings/contexts involving at least two individuals.Possible answers ways to offend people in other countriesTypes of communication in terms of ways of message deliveryModel 1

Verbal, Nonverbal, and WrittenModel 2

Verbal and NonverbalModel 1Verbal in this model means oral languageModel 2Verbal in this model means words.Basic ground rules for communicationASSERTIVENESS, AGGRESSIVENESS AND PASSIVITY

Continued3 Steps to Assertiveness (p. 34)EXERCISE 5: IDENTIFYING ASSERTIVE EXPRESSIONS


ScenarioAssertive ResponseAt a daily briefing with the team, Cherry (your manager) comes up with an idea, which you yourself had mentioned to her only 3 days ago. The problem was that she indicated that it was her idea. You are annoyed about this, and want to tackle her after the briefing.A colleague asks you for your computer password as hes forgotten his. You feel uncomfortable about doing this. You respond:Answer key

ScenarioAssertive ResponseAt a daily briefing with the team, Cherry (your manager) comes up with an idea, which you yourself had mentioned to her only 3 days ago. The problem was that she indicated that it was her idea. You are annoyed about this, and want to tackle her after the briefing.Cherry, can I have a word with you, please? Its about the idea that you claimed as yours in the meeting. I appreciate that you brought the idea to the meeting, but you know it s originally mine. I told you about the idea three days ago. Please dont get me wrong, but I believe now is the best time for me to hear you explanation.Answer keyA colleague asks you for your computer password as hes forgotten his. You feel uncomfortable about doing this. You respond:Sure, you can use my computer. But, just let me insert the password to the computer. Is that okay?.... Here you go (smile).Or (if I did not have access to the computer), I would say: Im sorry . I wish I could tell you my password. It s not that I dont trust you, but Im used to keeping all my passwords private. If you want I can call Andrew for you, so that you can use his computer. How about that?

To interact effectively and appropriately in another culture, we need to have:


Intercultural competence

Intercultural competence is the knowledge, skills, and personal attributes needed to live and work in a diverse world. Change is Difficult

It is very easy to think that our culture is the best and that other cultures just are not as good. But this way of thinking makes it very difficult to get along with people of other cultures and to work together effectively.

Why?Bridging the Gap between Cultures

The key to cross-cultural success is to develop an understanding of, and a deep respect for, cultural differences.Communication in the Multicultural Business Context Some cultural problems might be encountered during a negotiation. The problems can be caused by: Formality, titles and statusPace (rapid or slow)Emotional displays Direct or indirect? Evidence


Be prepared. Develop sensitivity to the use of time.Listen carefully. Learn to tolerate ambiguity. Try to locate areas of agreement. Developing Intercultural Negotiation SkillsDirection : Read the article What you need to know about culture shock, and identify whether the statements agree with the information in the article.


TSome people will find the process of adapting to a new country easier than others.NG Knowing about these four stages will help people adjust to a new culture more quickly.TPeople can ease culture shock by learning about the language and customs beforethey go to the new culture.F Culture shock is another name for cultural adjustment.NG The first stage is usually the shortest.T In the first stage, people will have a very positive impression of the new culture.NG Many people will leave the new culture while they are in the second stage.FBy the third stage, people do not experience any more problems with the new culture.NG In the fourth stage, people speak the new language fluently.FReverse culture shock is as difficult to deal with as culture shock.

What do you know/have you learned about interpersonal and intercultural communication?

What do you want to know more about it?Post-scripts:Give your comment on this video. The Etiquette Video (p.48)

What is the key to cross-cultural success?

What do you see on top of the iceberg of communication? And at the bottom of it?

What are the three simple steps to assertiveness?

What are the differences in greeting behaviors in countries like America, Japan, India, China and Saudi Arabia?

Mention some conversational taboos in Saudi Arabia.What are the 3 points of intercultural competencies?

What are the steps to develop intercultural negotiation skills?

Give an example of a cultural shock.

Describe some of the things to do or to not do when doing business in a certain country.

Quiz5 Core Takeaways from Todays LessonCourage to renew the way you view and approach people with different communication styles, behaviour and valuesAttitude which constantly tests situations for the cultural dimension, and does something when it is presentAbility to see yourself as others see you, and put yourself in their shoes (especially when under pressure and in conflicts), as a starting-point to influence themClear understanding of what skills you will need in different cultural environmentsAbility to see that managing cultural difference well is essential to successful global management, and commit to continual personal development