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International at heart. Entrepreneurial in mind. 2011/2012

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International at heart. Entrepreneurial in mind. 2011/2012

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Made in Sweden

Jönköping International Business School provides education and conducts research within the !elds of Business Admini s -tration, Economics, Commercial Law, Informatics, Statistics and Political Science.

JIBS is part of Jönköping University Foundation, one of three independent institutions of higher education in Sweden offering postgraduate programmes. It is characterised by focused pro!les, an international dimension in all activities, an entrepreneurial spirit and collaboration with surrounding society. Research and education are carried out at four schools: Jönköping International Business School, School of Education and Communication, School of Engineering and School of Health Sciences.

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Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) is a young, innovative and progressive school that prepares students and professionals for an international career.

Our international pro!le is among the strongest in Europe, with 200 partner universities and more than one third of faculty and students from outside of Sweden, and our research within media management, regional economics, entrepreneurship and family businesses is ranked among the best in the world.

We attract talented, entrepreneurially minded individuals, both students and researchers, from all over the world, and we have created an environment that is ideal for people with the drive to create something new, whether it’s a new business idea or taking a new direction within an established business. Maybe that’s why one in ten JIBS students start up their own business during their studies here.

We prepare our students to think entrepreneurially when approaching challenges and opportunities. It is our conviction that JIBS graduates will be known as international leaders, inspired by the changing economic landscape and shaping our society.

So if you are ready to work hard and seize opportunities, there is a world of possibilities waiting for you.

Expand your mind at JIBS.

Ideas big enough for the world.

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Niclas Adler, SwedenProfessor, CEO and DeanAre you creative, imaginative and curious? Do you want to leverage your imagination - to think in new directions - in addressing challenges and capturing opportunities? Then you are just the kind of student Niclas Adler, Managing Director and Dean at JIBS, wants. “Many of our students become business developers and businesses creators,” he says. “They de!nitely get ahead of the game.”

JIBS is a business school that is changing along with society, and Niclas Adler has a clear picture of the future and of JIBS’ position in it.

“Everybody and everything is at a near distance these days,” he says. “!ere will be a great need for international business creators and entrepreneurial leaders in the future.”

He says that students of business, eco-nomics and law often "nd themselves as leaders quite soon after they graduate, and they need to be prepared for the new society.

“!ere is an urgent need for a new type of leader. We want to provide them with the tools so that they can be creative and curious.”

He is very frank about the kind of students he wants to apply to JIBS: “!e ones that are attracted to the possibilities of the changing world. !e ones who see oppor-tunities in uncertanity, who have an entre-preneurial mind-set and global perspectives. People with imagination who are not afraid to take charge.”

In return, he says, the students get a business school that stands behind them one hundred percent.

“At JIBS, we really want to give our students unique opportunities to grow and to enable them to make us proud as success ful graduates.”

Charlie Karlsson, SwedenProfessor and Associate Dean for EducationThere is a special culture at JIBS. It is a culture that arises when people from 78 different nationalities meet, mix and ex-change thoughts, experiences and ideas. Charlie Karlsson is professor in Economics and Associate Dean for Education. He says the JIBS-culture has a lot to do with language:

“All students, international and Swedish alike, study together and in the same lan-guage. !is contributes a great deal to the spirit at JIBS. English is not only spoken

in the classrooms, but also in the corridors and study rooms.”

As Associate Dean for Education, Charlie Karlsson is responsible for quality control of all courses. Evaluations are done on a regular basis, but most important is the dialogue with the students. !eir input helps to improve the courses even more. It’s a process that never stops.

“We know that JIBS graduates often get good job o#ers and good salaries. We’re obviously on the same page as the job market. And on the research side, quite a few of those who have done their doctoral studies here have found attractive interna-tional jobs, and several have won awards,” says Charlie Karlsson, not without pride.

And that’s probably the thing with JIBS’ culture: it comes from the pride of studying and working in the multicultural environment that is JIBS. Charlie Karlsson is convinced that the international way is the right way:

“People are so much more mobile today. Our model with international programmes and semesters abroad prepares our students for living and working in a di#erent cul-ture. When their future employer asks them to move to the Hong Kong o$ce, they’ll be ready.”


4 For culture and arts lovers, the city of Jönköping has 3 libraries, 3 theatres, 12 museums, 1 state-of-the art cinema complex, 1 concert hall and many cultural events throughout the year. Jönköping even has its own !lm festival that attracts thousands of visitors every year.

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It might look distant on the map. It might even look small and cold. But don’t let that fool you. Sweden, and Jönköping, are so much more.

Measured by its size, Sweden is not a small country; it’s as big as California or France. But the population is only 9 mil-lion. With this in mind, it is rather extra-ordinary that so many global companies and well known inventions originate from Sweden. IKEA, H&M, Volvo, Husqvarna, ABB and TetraPac, as well as the pacemaker, modem and computer mouse were invented here, not to mention Skype and Spotify.

According to the European Inno-vation Scoreboard, Sweden is the most innovative and entrepreneurial nation in Europe, while maintaining a very high quality of life.

And Sweden is central, despite of its location. Travelling to other places in Europe is fast and easy, and if you choose to travel within Sweden, beautiful nature, larger cities and quaint villages are always nearby, no matter where in the country you are.

Now try drawing a square using Oslo, Copenhagen, Stockholm and the Baltic

States as the corners. !is square will cover the most densely populated areas of Scandinavia, and in the centre you’ll "nd Jönköping.

Compared to Hong Kong, Calcutta or Istanbul, Jönköping is de"nitely a small town. And we don’t think of that as a drawback.

!e locals describe their hometown as a big city in the size of a smaller one, with the safety of a small town but the dynamics of a much larger city.

Once here, you will experience a peaceful study environment and feel safe anywhere you go. But you will also "nd cafés, pubs and restaurants on nearly every street corner and a vibrant night life. Getting around by bike, bus or even on foot is quick and easy, and the city centre is continually expanding and changing.

Within walking distance of campus there are libraries, theatres, cinemas, sports centres, parks, museums, gyms, hotels, restaurants, bars, cafés, shop-ping strips and even a three-kilometre long beach. !ere are also plenty of sports activities to engage in not to mention the fact that the local hockey

team, HV71, is currently best in Sweden, having won the 2010 Swedish National

Hockey League Championship!In a municipality of 126,000 people

and a city centre of about 60,000, the fact that Jönköping University in total has 11,000 registered students does not go unnoticed. !e students have played a large role in shaping Jönköping when it comes to cultural events, entertainment and the international atmosphere, making it a great city for students.


Hong Kongpop. 7 000 000

Calcuttapop. 15 000 000

Istanbulpop. 13 000 000

Jönköpingpop. 126 000

Seasons in Jönköping. Springs are beautiful and "owery. Temperatures between 10 and 15°C. Summers are warm and mostly sunny, between 15 and 25°C. Autumns are colourful and crisp, temp. 10-20°C. Winters are sometimes cold and mostly snowy. Temps between +5 and -15°C.

Did you know that Sweden is the 3rd largest music exporter in the world? Some famous Swedish artists: ABBA, Roxette, Ace of Base, The Cardigans, Robyn, Eagle-Eye Cherry, Hammerfall, Millencolin, The Hellacopters, The Hives, The Sounds, Sahara Hotnights.

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When you plan to move to a foreign country, there is a lot to think about. But don’t worry: With an intake of 500 new programme stu-dents each year, of which 200 are interna-tional*, we are well prepared to take good care of you.

Once you have been accepted to JIBS, you will receive extensive information about everything you need to know. We provide a#ordable accommodation and arrange a pick-up service that takes you there when you arrive. A contact person who can give valuable insight into Swedish life and culture is assigned to every international student. For any practical issues and ques-tions about your everyday life, JIBS has an International O$ce that will help you with the details.

One of the "rst things that will happen once you have arrived is Induction Week, also known as Kick-o# Week. !is is a joint Jönköping University event where all new students get to know each other through a variety of social activities. During this week, you will likely make friends for the rest of your life. For our interna-

tional students, there are introductions to Swedish language and culture, as well as "eld trips. !is week will also prepare you academically, as you will learn about important routines and procedures.

Students have a central role at JIBS, both in and outside of the classroom. !e JIBS Student Association (JSA) is repre-sented in various decision-making bodies, providing students with a genuine oppor-tunity to give input on decisions regarding their education.

During the year, there are lots of things going on outside of your studies. Interna-tional Day in autumn and spring is where our international students present their own country and culture. Spring Inspiration is one of the largest fashion shows in Sweden outside of the major cities and is organized entirely by students.

Nextstep is our career day, where you will meet potential employers from over 30 regional as well as international companies. In our Nordnet Trading Room you can learn more about the stock market. And every week there are parties, extra curricular activities, seminars, sports events and much

more to take part in.!e student health care centre has a

counselling service, a nurse and a chaplain. Visits to Student Health Care are free of charge and completely con"dential.

!e Jönköping University Library o#ers high quality literature in printed and electronic form, and high technol-ogy information services are available on location as well as online. It is a leading re-search library within the "elds of entrepre-neurship, small business and innovations with a world-renowned special collection: Information Centre for Entrepreneurship (ICE). Here you will also "nd a modern and inspiring environment for your studies.


In 2010 the gender distribution of the JIBS student body was: Male 52 %, Female 48 %.


If you take the !rst letter of every nation represented by students at JIBS there are only four letters missing to complete the alphabet. O, Q, Y and Z are the empty slots. So if you happen to be an entrepreneurial student from Oman, Qatar, Yemen or Zambia you are very welcome to join us!

A closer look at Jönköping reveals 126 000 inhabitants, 11 000 students, 11 000 businesses, 1 university, 9 parks, 3 bowling alleys and 6 riding schools.

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In 2010, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise ranked JIBS highest in Sweden in regards to international exchange.

Each year we receive around 450 exchange students in addition to the 500 internation-al programme students currently enrolled*. Together they represent close to 80 nations. In outgoing exchange, up to 85% of the students in some programmes choose to spend at least one semester at one of our 200 partner universities.

JIBS has full-time international stu-dents at the bachelor, master and doctoral level. Around one third of our students and faculty come from an international background. All of these things combined make JIBS one of the most international business schools in the world.

International students are fully inte-grated into the main student body at JIBS. !ey take their courses and share accom-

modation with Swedish students. !ere is no separate programme for international students; they are treated in all respects as regular JIBS students.

In our International O$ce, expe-rienced personnel work to facilitate all aspects of internationalisation at JIBS. !e International O$ce runs the study abroad programme as well as the faculty exchange programme and works closely with faculty to help develop contacts in research and course development. !e sta# is dedicated to providing the best service to help our international students, and make them feel welcome.

As an alumnus of JIBS, you will be an interculturally competent, global cit-izen with international study experience, having collaborated with people from all over the world. As a result, you will be part of a worldwide network for the rest of your career.


7* Based on statistics from 2009.

International students come from:

In 2008 a mighty 0.00000004887% of China’s population studied at JIBS.0.00000004887 %

EU-countries 45 %

Asia 27 %

North America 17 %

Rest of the world 11 %

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Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) o#ers three bachelor programmes delivered completely in English: Business Information Systems (major in Informatics), International Economics and Policy (major in Economics) and International Manage-ment (major in Business Administration). All require successful high school gradu-ation in order to qualify for admittance, though it should be noted that there is competition for places in all programmes. Admission to these bachelor programmes entitles you to study abroad for at least one semester at one of JIBS’ 200 partner universities situated on six continents. !e current line of programmes can be subject to change. For an update on the current portfolio, make sure to check our website ( on a regular basis. All the bachelor programmes are three years in length (180 credits).

BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMSDegree: Bachelor of Science with a major in Informatics

Information is critical to business com-petitiveness today, and information systems handle the information %ow. !e Business Information Systems programme empha-sizes information systems as a means to im-prove business processes within and between companies. !e programme focuses on the role of IT in business renewal and entrepre-neurial development, and gives the basics for designing and linking business processes and information systems. You will learn how to create new business opportunities through the use of IT, how information systems can be used to improve corporate and customer relations, and how to enhance productivity and quality in business processes.

You will also have the opportunity to do an internship, either in Sweden or in-ternationally. !e programme prepares you for job positions that demand the ability to work in projects where the development of both business opportunities and the IT solutions needed to create competitive ad-vantage are required.

INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS AND POLICYDegree: Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics

!e labour market in the contemporary global economy is characterised by an in-creasing demand for employees who are well equipped to work in an international environment as analysts, policy makers and business leaders. Within the Interna-tional Economics and Policy Programme, you will learn how to use economic theory to assess political and economic events and to understand the underlying mechanisms, at the micro and macro level.

!e International Economics and Policy programme o#ers the following two track options leading to a bachelor degree with economics as a major:

• Financial and Economic Analysis• International Economics and Development

!roughout the programme, you will meet experienced teachers and professors in an international milieu, which will prepare you for a future career. You will also have the possibility to go abroad for at least one semester within the programme. Depending on your choice of track, the International Economics and Policy programme prepares you for positions at, for example, multi-national corporations, banks, "nance insti-tutes, government agencies, and international organizations. !e bachelor degree in eco-nomics also prepares you for further studies leading to a master of economics.

INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENTDegree: Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics

!e International Management programme o#ers an education with an international and business renewal focus. !e programme trains you in a variety of widely useful skills for an international working career, and involves you in thinking critically aboutorganizations and organizational phenomena through their studies.

As a student you will be taking part in problem-based learning, an educational

method that combines theory and practice to stimulate learning.

Already during the "rst semester, you will get the chance to establish direct con-nections with an enterprise through our host company programme. !anks to the international in%uence at JIBS, the Inter-national Management programme is the perfect meeting place for new and maybe life-long friendships and business contacts. You will meet teachers who are also inter-nationally active researchers. All this will provide you with a good base for an inter-national career.

Our current portfolio of master programmes consists of seven programmes open to both Swedish and international students. !e pro-grammes draw upon our world-class research in areas such as entrepreneurship, interna-tional trade, regional economics, "nancial economics, informatics, family business, logistics, statistics, international tax law, business development and innovation. !e programmes give you an opportunity to learn more about areas of high relevance to the business community and to public policy, and at the same time you will get a thorough academic specialisation. !e following pro-grammes are o#ered:

• Economics, Trade and Policy*• International Financial Analysis • International Logistics and Supply

Chain Management*• International Marketing• Managing in a Global Context*• Managing Information Systems

and Innovation*• Strategic Entrepreneurship*

Each allows you to earn, after one year, a 60-credit master degree relevant to the area of study. Each programme listed above with an asterisk also provides you with the option to continue your master studies for a second year, leading to a 120-credit master degree. !e bene"ts of continuing with the second year of studies are that you are given an opportunity to study abroad at one of our




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Why did you choose to study at JIBS?My mother is from Sweden, and after growing up in the States I wanted to ex-perience life closer to the other half of my family. When I started looking at Swedish schools, the International Management programme at JIBS looked just perfect for me! All classes in English, and an excellent study abroad programme, it had every-thing I was looking for.

What do you think of Jönköping? Jönköping is not too big, and not too small. It’s easy to get around to meet close friends, and have a great time with them. I thank the ‘kick o#’ week for showing me a great time when I "rst arrived. !at’s when I met all of my best friends at JIBS, and they have been an excellent support system.

How will a JIBS education help you in your career plans? I believe that my degree in international management will give me a competitive advantage over students in the USA.

I have gained international experience by living in three countries, and I look forward to a career in management in an international company!

Have you been involved in any interesting projects? I am an active member of the Social Com-mittee, which organizes large dinner par-ties, other social events, and especially ‘kick o# ’ week. !is has helped develop my team and group work skills, as we are constantly working to create the best events possible!

All classes in English, and an excellent study abroad programme, it had everything I was looking for.

200 partner universities in the "rst semester of the second year, and you receive an educa-tion that makes you better prepared to take on cutting-edge research and doctoral studies in a particular subject area. As an alternative to studying abroad for one semester in the second year, you may work in business- or government-related projects that will inte-grate your academic knowledge with real life experience. We o#er di#erent formats for this integration, such as Business Accel-erator Projects and internships.

In a master programme at JIBS you will meet and work with students from all over the globe with di#erent backgrounds, sharing the common ambition to develop deep knowledge in di#erent areas. !is diverse and truly international mix of stu-dents and faculty will provide you with an educational experience that is di$cult to "nd elsewhere. JIBS’ master programmes o#er you a unique opportunity to improve your social skills and your readiness for professional life in the global context.

In the spring semester for each year in each of the master programmes there is a 15 credit thesis assignment supervised by professors at JIBS, so if you stay for two years you will be required to have completed 30 credits in thesis activity.


Degree: Master of Science with a major in Economics (60 OR 120 CREDITS)

!is programme distinguishes itself from many other master-level economics pro-grammes by focusing on advanced issues in trade at various spatial levels - international, inter-regional, and local. !is comprehensive treatment of trade is relevant to both devel-oped and developing countries and provides you with knowledge and skills that are at-tractive to both government and industry. At the same time, this programme provides a solid background in advanced micro-economic theory along with sophisticated

mathematical and empirical methodologies suitable for higher-level research in econom-ics. !e second year o#ers education in ad-vanced issues of macroeconomics along with various elective-course opportunities at JIBS or abroad.


Degree: Master of Science with a major in Economics or Business Administration (60 CREDITS)

!e operation of "nancial markets is one of the most complex topics of study due to what underlies them: interactions among human beings, with all their conceptions and misconceptions about the reactions of other human beings. With increasing "nancial transactions across international borders, this topic is becoming even more complex. !is programme provides you with advanced mathematical and empirical tools to reasonably investigate patterns in

Carina Powers. Santa Barbara, USAInternational Management

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"nancial data and provides a solid back-ground in advanced "nancial theory to consider the sources of those patterns.


Degree: Master of Science with a major in Business Administration (60 OR 120 CREDITS)

Globalisation, international competition, outsourcing, shorter product life cycles, and increased customer orientation are all factors that in%uence the rate of success of the businesses of today. !is programme presents you with new and future-oriented perspectives on logistics and supply chain management and deepens your under-standing of that area. It utilizes a unique cross-disciplinary approach, combining logistics and supply chain management with business marketing, purchasing, management, economic geography and

contract law. In the optional second year, economics and informatics will also be among the subjects involved in the pro-gramme. Within the individual courses, you will also be introduced to live cases through a number of study visits to dif-ferent companies. !is is combined with learning applications of analytical tools and models through case illustrations and discussions.


Degree: Master of Science with a major in Business Administration (60 CREDITS)

With constantly increasing competition due to globalization and information tech-nology, companies face greater challenges in answering an old question: How do we make our product stand out? !is pro-gramme provides advanced training in dealing with this issue. It covers issues on

what makes consumers “tick”, by gaining insights into their minds and how their surroundings and friends in%uence them. It also deals with various areas of market-ing research, as well as how to commu-nicate o#erings to target groups through traditional advertising and through more recent avenues in digital and social media.


Degree: Master of Science with a major in Business Administration (60 OR 120 CREDITS)

Future leaders need an entrepreneurial mindset and special skills to successfully meet and manage challenges of global-ized, dynamic markets and competitive environments, while at the same time anchoring their business activities in the local context. !is specialized program is designed to equip&you with the skills and

JIBS is a young business school that has been globally recognised for its cutting edge research in a short time.

Why did you choose to study at JIBS?JIBS is a young business school that has been globally recognised for its cutting edge research in a short time. A modern campus, a library with an entire %oor dedi-cated to entrepreneurship and innovation plus the chance to interact with and learn directly from the professors whose work I would eventually have come across even if I had studied somewhere else helped me in selecting JIBS.

What are your impressions of Sweden?!at not all Swedes are blonde, they do not all live in red houses and not all of them drive a Volvo while listening to ABBA. Most Swedes are %uent in English, well travelled, polite and they never jump a queue. I admire the amount of freedom my professors give me to discuss and debate my ideas with them, making me challenge my beliefs while improving my learning.

How would you describe the student culture at JIBS? Dynamic and vibrant are the two words that come to my mind. JIBS is not only an esteemed institution but also a leading centre of intercultural awareness where diversity is genuinely appreciated. A very friendly, interactive and strong network exists among students from various na-tionalities.

What advantage does a JIBS student have? !e world is changing quickly and so are the challenges that face tomorrow’s young entrepreneurs. !ese challenges are not “one size "ts all” which is why I am keen on updating my repertoire of skills required to succeed. Education at JIBS is like a career catapult as students are constantly exposed to the latest ideas being researched.

Amit Chaudhary. Rohtak, IndiaInnovation and Business Creation

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tools required to become e#ective, entre-preneurial leaders in diverse business con-texts (such as di#erent industries and types of organizations) and diverse intercultural settings. !e programme takes into con-sideration that socially responsible and ethical management is the way forward into the future.


Degree: Master of Science with a major in Informatics (60 OR 120 CREDITS)

!is programme o#ers skills, suited for the future labour market, in how to drive and manage IT-enabled organizational renewal. !e programme focuses on key managerial factors in the bridge building between organizations and their use of IT in order to gain competitive advantage. !e "rst year focuses speci"cally on the

role of the chief information o$cer in the executive management team, and the second year addresses deepened analytical skills to create strategic long-term value of IT in organizations.


Degree: Master of Science with a major in Business Administration (60 OR 120 CREDITS)

Entrepreneurial activities play a crucial role in our societies – both in terms of economic activities as well as soci(et)al activities. !is programme aims at helping you improve your entrepreneurial e#ectiveness, both for creating and launching new start-ups and for identifying and developing opportuni-ties in existing organizations to help them unleash their growth potential. Some com-panies are in dire need of reviving their entrepreneurial spirit to achieve strategic renewal. By building on state-of-the-art

research results as well as on practical projects and start-up experiences, this programme addresses how organizations can be innovative and bene"t from it.

SUMMER PROGRAMMESSummer programmes at the bachelor and master level are o#ered each year. !e classes are made up of students from all over the world and o#er a unique experience in learning and networking.

All programmes are subject to change. For more information, visit our website:

85 % of our students in some bachelor programmes spend one or two semesters abroad.

85 %

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What attracted you to JIBS?!e international atmosphere of this university and the unique programmes they o#er.

What is the most interesting course you’ve taken at JIBS so far? So far the best course I’ve taken is International Trade !eory. It’s made me think di#erently about global economy. !e course gave me an insight into the ruling forces at this level, and I now have a better idea of the "eld I’d like to study in depth in the future.

What do you do in your free time? I like travelling, partying and hanging out with friends. I have also participated in International Day and the job fair called Nextstep. !ese two activities were a real success. Everything was well organized and it was so much fun.

Do you think your time at JIBS will change you, and if so, how?Absolutely. It has given me the unique chance to meet people from all over the world and to get involved in all kinds of activities from the very "rst day. I think this has completely in%uenced my entrepreneurial spirit.

How do you like studying in Sweden?!e way of studying is totally di#erent compared to Germany. In my home country, we spend a lot of time in school soaking up as much knowledge as possible. One "nal exam at the end of the term commonly assesses the performance of the students. Here at JIBS, we have fewer lectures, but more group assignments. Students are more encouraged to study on their own.

What is the most interesting course you’ve taken at JIBS? I would consider the class “IT-Enabled Changes in Supply Chain Management” one of the best courses I have had so far. !e teachers showed remarkable knowledge and experience from several decades of work in their "eld of business. I believe this is what makes a course rewarding; the connection between theory and practice.

How do you think a JIBS education will help you in your career plans? I believe the education at JIBS will provide me with a very international view of the business world. Because the entire programme is in English, I have been able to improve my language skills. My plans for the near future are to enjoy my semester in Singapore to the fullest, then come back to "nish the "nal thesis. After that, I am aiming for a position in the supply chain management of a multi-national company.

Aleksandra Petkova. So!a, BulgariaInternational Economics and Policy

Patrick Hofmeister. Lübeck, Germany International Logistics and Supply Chain Management

The large municipality with its varied landscape lends itself to a wide range of outdoor activities. Hiking, skiing, golf, sport !shing, biking, swimming and much, much more.

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Is Sweden much different from Russia?Obviously there are certain cultural di#erences, but they don’t create barriers in communication. Otherwise the most prominent things about Sweden are the really friendly attitudes toward for-eigners and the amazingly high level of social stability and security.

Have you studied abroad at one of JIBS’ partner universities?Yes, I have been to Shanghai, China for a summer school pro-gramme and to Georgia State University, USA for one semester. Studying abroad is very helpful in many aspects. First, you get invaluable experience from a multi-national environment and learn how to successfully deal with cultural di#erences and country- speci"c issues. Second, it is valuable for your CV since many com-panies prefer employees with international experiences. Finally, it’s just a lot of fun to travel and live in di#erent cities.

What is the main characteristic of JIBS? It is an amazing mix of di#erent cultures, ethnicities and back-grounds. During my "rst year at JIBS I was fascinated to see such di#erent people from various countries everywhere in school or at a party.

What are your plans for the future? !e education at JIBS has de"nitely contributed a lot to my personal and professional development. I obtained %uency in English, studied Swedish a bit and learned to overcome cultural di#erences. I have met many interesting people and completely changed my set of values and my vision of the future.

Right now I am looking for job in Stockholm or somewhere in Europe, probably in the banking industry. My studies at JIBS have given me this opportunity of cross-border, global thinking and vision and I’m sure it will change my future considerably.

How come you ended up at JIBS?In my family everyone is doing business. After "nishing my Master in Informatics, I decided to take some business courses so that I could run my own business.

Did you perceicve any clash in cultures?Cultural clashes are unavoidable when you come from a completely di#erent world. But I come from a country where people are quite %exible and adjust to every kind of environment and all kinds of conditions, so it didn’t take long for me to adapt. I like the standard of education here in Sweden. I have learned a lot from the courses I have studied.

How would you describe the student culture at JIBS? !ere are many students from di#erent countries, which creates a multinational environment. Students get a chance to see, under-stand and enjoy di#erent cultures through the International Day event and other cultural events organized by the Student Union throughout the year.

What advantage does a JIBS student have? At JIBS, the focus on internationalization is not just limited to creating an international environment. !e school also o#ers courses with an international perspective that address the latest issues in the business and management world. In particular the guest lectures from executives of renowned companies have helped me understand and relate the literature to real life experiences.

Muhammad Tahir Khan. Lahore, PakistanInformation Technology and Management

Konstantin Antonevich. Moscow, RussiaEconomics and Finance

Lake Vättern is 500 million years old and is even older than the Alps. Vättern is the sixth largest lake in Europe. The average depth is 40 meters.

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Gustavo da Nóbrega from Brazil graduated with a Master of Entrepreneurial Manage-ment from JIBS in 2007. These days he is living in his home country again, working as a consultant for SEBRAE - a federal organization in Brazil that helps small and medium sized companies to develop and survive. He has great memories from his time at JIBS and says the international year was essential for him to be able to do what he is doing today.

“Brazil is starting to increase its participation in the international market and it’s im-portant to have people in an organization who know how to cooperate with people

from di#erent cultural backgrounds. !e expertise in entrepreneurship I got from studying at JIBS has also been very valuable.”

What did you do after !nishing your degree?“After my graduation at JIBS I went back to Brazil, and my "rst job was as a teacher at a private university in São Paulo. After a few months of teaching, I was employed by PricewaterhouseCoopers in São Paulo.”

During his time in São Paulo, Gustavo was also coordinator for the edu-cation committee of the Brazilian-Swedish Chamber of Commerce, and, on top of that, coordinator for the group of Excel-lence in Entrepreneurship and Innovation within the São Paulo regional council of business administration.

Today he lives in Brasilia and besides consulting for SEBRAE, he is still teach-ing entrepreneurship, but now at several universities in Brasilia. He’s also still a member of the Brazilian-Swedish Chamber of Commerce.

Gustavo was always keen on study-ing abroad, but he didn’t have his mind set on Sweden from the start. Just to be

thorough, before deciding which country to choose, he conducted a little market research to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the destinations available. What he realized was this:

“Sweden has all the important variables for making it a unique environment for international students. !ere is a high level of education. Courses are taught in English, even though English is not the "rst language in Sweden. !is makes the campus a rich environment in cultural terms. Also, Sweden is a country known for its high standards and quality of life.”

Gustavo applied to more than one uni-versity in Sweden, but ended up choosing JIBS because of its focus on entrepreneur-ship, and also because his communication with the university went smoothly and the application process was simple.

When he arrived in Jönköping, Gustavo found the environment to be extremely open and that the university took good care of him and helped him "nd accom-modation quickly and easily.

“I shared a %at with three other students, one from India, one from the USA and one from Vietnam. We each had our own

Name: Gustavo da NóbregaAge: 31Born: Recife, BrazilLives: Brasilia, BrazilWorks: SEBRAEEducation: Master in Innovation and Business Creation, JIBS

DreamHack, the world’s largest computer festival and LAN-party, is held in Jönköping every year. Dreamhack is in the Guinness Book of Records with the of!cial world record in the number of simultaneously connected computers: 10 544! The festival attracts over 20 000 visitors and hundreds of companies.

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room and the rooms were very comfortable.”He was also happy to realize that in

case he had questions about his studies, his professors were easy to reach.

“In Brazil you have to make an appoint ment to talk to a professor.”

He says he liked Jönköping from the very start.

“!e peaceful environment and the infrastructure of the city with its shop-ping, gyms, the centre, pubs and beautiful countryside all make it a unique environ-ment for international students. Some-times people say that Jönköping is boring, but I don’t agree with that at all. Maybe it’s because of my background - I’ve always lived in big, busy cities with tra$c jams and violence. Maybe Jönköping is so perfect that some people "nd it boring?”

Studying abroad is de"nitely not just a way of spicing up your CV. You learn things about yourself and about other

people too when you have to look after yourself in a totally new environment. It is exciting and fun but it can be di$cult sometimes too. Gustavo experienced some cultural clashes when he "rst came to Sweden.

“As is well known, people from Latin America can be very emotional. People tend to speek a lot louder here, even shout. Swedish people are more reserved and a little bit more polite when they want to express a point of view that is contrary to yours.”

What is the most important thing you’ve learned from studying abroad?“Studying and living abroad was a great experience. I live on my own in Brazil too, but here I’m in my own country and I have a lot of friends and my parents on whom I can rely. It’s very di#erent from living in another country, far away from home. I do believe that living in Sweden is quite easy, but it’s the psychological nature of it. You

move from a place where a lot of people know you to a place where you are anony-mous. !at’s the most important thing I learned - how to handle living in a place where I had to solve everything myself.”

But having to solve things on your own makes you grow, and Gustavo is very happy he did his master year abroad and that he did it at JIBS, in particular.

“One of my favourite things about JIBS is the international environment - it’s really good that there are so many in-ternational students, guest lecturers and international professors. Another good thing about JIBS is the focus on entrepre-neurship and the way the teachers connect theory with practice. I think that’s very important for any business school. I also really like the infrastructure of the school with computer labs, group rooms and the library. It’s great that many of these facilities are open 24 hours a day!”

I shared a !at with three other students, one from India, one from the USA and one from Vietnam.

Jönköping International Business SchoolP.O. Box 1026 SE- 551 11 Jönköping Sweden

1. Keep focus on studying. This does not mean you have to dedicate 100 per cent of your time to your studies, but it’s im-portant to !nd a positive balance between study, parties and other activities.

2. Make a budget and use your money wisely.3. Try to build relationships based on trust

and con!dence with your classmates and professors that you can maintain after you’ve !nished your degree.

Gustavo’s top 3 tips for making it abroad:

JIBS graduates now work in places like ABB, Barclay’s, Google, IKEA, H&M, Thomson Corporation, European Commission, Merrill Lynch, Yahoo!, Fujitsu, IBM, Procter & Gamble, Langley Travels, Bank One, MTG, Novartis, Unilever, Fondation de France, OEM and Rover.

Best regards Gustavo :)


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BUSINESS – NOT AS USUALJIBS uses the business world as a platform for education. As a JIBS student you will have plenty of contact with business life in the region and your courses will be closely tied to the world of local companies. All Business Administration students receive a host company that is part of their learning experience during their JIBS education.

Jenny Dahlkild, host company programme coordinator at JIBS, says:

“Students choose a company they "nd interesting and those who have chosen the same company make up a group that will work together. !is is not only a great hands-on way of learning about the business world but also an exercise in collaboration.”

At the moment there are about 350 host companies on Jenny’s list. !ey work within di#erent "elds and vary in size from small family businesses to large corporations.

“!e host company assignments make it a shorter leap for the students when entering working life after "nishing their educa-tion,” says Jenny. “!ey have learned to understand how real companies work and they’ve done a bit of networking too.”

But host companies are not all JIBS has to o#er when it comes to studies closely based on reality. Magnus Taube, responsible for business contacts and proj-ects, works with another JIBS company collaboration scheme: BAP or Business Accelerator Projects, which is a consulting activity of sorts.

“I get an inquiry from a company - it can be about research of a new market, for example. Students who are interested in the project apply for it and we match students who "t the task with a mentor,” Magnus explains.

BAP can take an entire semester, a half semester or just a few weeks, depend-ing on the task at hand. !e projects are

optional but they are a great opportunity for students to try out their skills in a real company environment.

“!is is unique,” Magnus says proudly, and continues to list some positive e#ects.

“Students can put practical experience at the top of their CVs. !at’s important; it’s usually what employers look for "rst. Students also learn to be concrete and con-cise when doing presentations and reports; presenting a report to a company is com-pletely di#erent than in a lecture hall.”

As a JIBS student you have lots of opportunities to try out what you’ve learned in the business world outside of the business school.

“Students learn to use the know ledge they’ve obtained and transform it into competence,” says Magnus. “!ere’s a real di#erence between knowledge and competence.”

Magnus Taube, Sweden.Business Accelerator Projects

Jenny Dahlkild, Sweden.Host Company Programme Coordinator


Within a stone’s throw of the campus lies Science Park, a meeting point for anyone wanting to explore new business opportunities. If you have an idea and want to transform it into a company, then come to Science Park for free coaching, work-shops and counselling. Science Park is partly owned by Jönköping University. Many students from JIBS have started their own business here, with a minimum of risk and a maximum of help from expert business coaches. Find out more at

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Meg Tivéus is well known in Sweden as former CEO for Svenska Spel, the largest gaming operator in Sweden. These days she’s on the board for such companies as Swedish Match and Cloetta AB. She’s also a member of the Business Advisory Council at JIBS.

!e council consists of experienced representatives from the Swedish business world and seeks to advise JIBS when working to position itself as a leading European business school with a focus on entrepreneurship. !e council also contributes valuable experiences when it comes to connecting education to business life.

Supporting JIBS by becoming a member of the council was a natural choice for Meg Tivéus:

“JIBS has something very special with its entrepreneurship pro"le, and also because it is international. On a more private level I have a stepson who attented JIBS, and I’ve spent many summers in Gränna, outside of Jönköping. I feel a strong connection to the region.”

You went to Stockholm School of Economics. What would you say is the most important thing to bear in mind when choosing what business school to attend?

“!at you get a job once you’ve "nished! So it’s good to know what your focus is - do you want to be employed or do you want to start your own business? If you plan to set up on your own, then an education that focuses on entrepreneurship is exactly what you need. !at way, you’ll be prepared when you’re "nished.”

Council members 2010:Sultan Bahabri. Mohamed Baka, Emirates Center for Entrepreneurship. Ulf Berg, Swedish Trade. Bengt Braun, Bonnier. Tommie Cau, Good wicket. Martin Curley, Intel. Gunvor Engström, Royal Governor. Christer Gardell, Cevian Capital. Lovisa Hamrin, Herenco AB. Emma Heimonen, Mtrotter. Richard Hobert, Director. Annie Johansson, Member of Parliament. Paris Kokorotsikos, Euroconsultants. Lars-Åke Lagrell, Swedish Football Association. Louise Linder, Prästbyrån. Camilla Ljunggren, SIFE Sweden. Zia Mohiuddin, Panasian Group. Anna-Stina Nordmark Nilsson, Federation of Private Enterprises. Ulf Spendrup, Spendrups AB. Johan Stael von Holstein, Iqube. Meg Tivéus, Meg Tivéus AB. Ulf Wickbom, Ulf Wickbom Media AB.

Meg Tivéus, Sweden.Business Advisory Council at JIBS

1. Have a business idea that is good enough

2. Make sure that what you want to sell is in demand

3. Find a partner in life that can put up with you working 18 hours a day!

Meg’s advice to future entrepreneurs:

JIBS has something very special with its entrepreneurship pro"le, and also because it is international.

Students from Jönköping University get jobs faster than students from any other Swedish university, according to the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education.

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Located in the heart of one of Sweden’s most dynamic enterprise regions, JIBS is ideally placed for research in a wide range of areas, focusing on entrepreneurship and business renewal with an international perspective.

In entrepreneurship research, JIBS ranks ninth globally and third in Europe. In family business research, JIBS ranks fourth globally and "rst in Europe. !e researchers select up-to-date issues to focus on, always thinking about how entrepreneurs can use their "ndings. Because research is not just about getting something published but about giving something back to society.

Entrepreneurship research basically involves studying the processes behind starting new businesses, identifying the factors that can lead to success, as well as rejuvenating mature businesses. We examine how to make regions entrepreneurial and

creative, and how small or medium sized family-run businesses should best manage the transition from one generation to the next.

Business renewal is about keeping an established company competitive. To survive in a global market, companies must be innovative and continually re-invent themselves. How do structures in regions, industries and industrial networks change over time? Does supply chain in-tegration promote e$ciency and enhance customer satisfaction?

An ability to communicate and do business across national boundaries is imperative for economic development. Developing such knowledge is central to all research at JIBS. Almost all businesses need to be prepared to meet international competition, be it at home in their domestic markets or abroad. Here, JIBS bene"ts from a strong international pro"le.

JIBS grants doctoral degrees in Business Administration, Economics, Commercial

Law and Informatics. !e doctoral pro-grammes are in English and open to inter-national students. Since 1997, more than 60 dissertations have been successfully defended at JIBS.

!e aim of the doctoral programme is to provide the student with advanced knowledge within his / her "eld of research, skills to pursue independent research, and, competence to contribute to the development of the scienti"c "eld. !e doctoral programme at JIBS o#ers a host of opportunities for the future, from aca-demic positions within international work environments, to other positions where research skills are demanded.

“My time in Jönköping was unforgettable - on the one hand it was hard because I was away from my lovely daughter, but on the other hand, it was very fruitful for me as a researcher.”

Min Hang was born in China and has lived there most of her life. She "rst came to Sweden with her husband who attended an international programme in Malmö.

Min enrolled in a master’s programme at Lund University, and around the same

time she "nished her master’s degree, the Media Management and Transformation Centre (MMTC) was formed at JIBS and Min became one of its "rst PhD students.

“I applied for the doctoral programme at JIBS because I love media studies and I thought JIBS could provide a good in-ternational atmosphere in which I could pursue my doctoral studies,” says Min.

Min remembers her time in Sweden as very pleasant. She describes her close Swedish friends and colleagues as kind, generous, and always quick to o#er their help. Jönköping was very di#erent from Min’s hometown in China. She found it to be a very quiet city, and she liked that since it was a perfect place to conduct research. But she also believes that Jönköping is becoming increasingly active as more international students, researchers, and other people come to live in the city.

Today Min is Head of the East Asia branch of MMTC, and is also working as

an associate professor at Tsinghua University, a JIBS partner and leading university in China, where she teaches media manage-ment and business journalism courses.



Name: Min HangAge: 39Born: Nantong, ChinaLives: Beijing, ChinaWorks: MMTC East Asia and Tsinghua UniversityEducation: Doctoral degree in Business Administration from JIBS

1 out of every 6 people in the Jönköping city centre is a student.

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Page 20: International at heart. Entrepreneurial in mind. … › apps › 169_AdministracijaMednarodne...We attract talented, entrepreneurially minded individuals, both

Jönköping International Business School. P.O. Box 1026, Gjuterigatan 5, SE- 551 11 Jönköping, Sweden


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CONTACT AND APPLICATION INFORMATIONFor more information about our programmes, and how to apply online, go to our website.Contact person: Tomas Bengtsson, Director Student Recruitment. E-mail: [email protected]