intelligence. local miscellany. world. - chronicling...

LOCAL MISCELLANY. ** DEATH OP MARTIN VAN ..UREN'-. NIECE. 1.1.R SADLIFK AND DEATH.SCl'P.'SKO .SUICIDE IN BeiAKDINO -IIOl.'SE. The death of Mrs. George F. Di-ut-uh, from onion tnlaonintr. wai reported yesterday lo Coron* r Kno' f Dr. H. C. Miller, of the Melrorxiliian Hotel, wlv nail for some weeks patt had hor .meier his cure III health, brought on ny sorrow and misfortune Iiini induce I ibe ase of laudanum, aud tli habit of r-'M-riiiH. io tlie drui. to alla1 M_fcllaa lad become confirmed. Mix weeks air' Dr. Mi'Ier was called to see Mrs. Deutscl at No. 215 Rust Twenty-third-at., by n stranirc wit. sai.l that his name was Nowhill, and that b xe ib a friend of the lady, anxious for her recovery He found a woman about thirty-five years old, o culture and refinement, but with plain trace*, o opium eating in ber fare and form. She snhmittce herself willingly to his treatment and the firs! nm molt difficult stage, of the diesciwr* was successful 11 pasieel, when excitement Mused a relapse, and sbt ret irned to the use of stimulant. T ie physician warned lier e.f her dansrer. I»ut i> Tain. Mis. Dentach bad recently removed to i boardi-ic-hotiso kept liv a Mr*. Morgan, al No. 2ft West Eleventh-st. H re on Monday eveniii_ Dr Miller found her, half-unconscious from the use o opinm. She refused pettishly to answer his ones tiona, and after satisfying himself by a senrcf that no more of the poison w,is within her reach in went. away. Au hour .mer a hoareler in Ihe hons. fonnd Mrs. Deutach dead. 'A se-coiul search r»*vealee a twomanee bottle that had contained nnd a larger one in which had been chloral. Tn. label* had lieen carefully removd. * Dr. Weller lenrncd that Mr. Neivhnll waR real!) George F. Deuia:"h, bis patient's ilivorce'd hnaband He now beam that tie had called at the boose aftei Mw. DentHch's death and hud brought with bimi relative, a Mrs. Btoadb**ad, Haying that Mrs. Mm fan wanted to seo her. He titan wen! away mid eli. toot return, but yesterday sent n lawyer te) ask whal he could elo. At the number given by tha lawyci as Mr. Deutsch's residence, No. 40 \\ est Eleventh at., no rnTKon of that name is known. Thc Coroner's inquiry brought enif the unhapr*.i history of the dead woman, of which the physicist hail Icameel mucb already from her. Mrs. Deutsch*! maiden mime was Harget Van Iltircu, anel she- wu* aneicc of Martin Yan j.urcn. in 18.'.7 Preside-nl of the United Btatea. Her lather wa> Dr. Peter Van ..uren, or thia city, tlier* President'.- brother. Harriet was his y-nngost child. Heron.} Dear relative now living is General Thomas II. Van Buren, Consul-Gencral to Japan. Bora to position nnil wealth, anel of great personal beauty, Miss Van Dureu became n favorite of society. From Hie back- Windows of ber father'te house itt, bhe maele the acquaintance nf a ninn many years lui Benior who lived opposite in Twenty-first-st. .Meelina*) followed. Tba nan introduced hiniscll as George F. Deutsch. Her father disapproved ul Ibe acquaintance, nnd thc admirer never tailed al his house until lifter hia death in 1875. Then he was a frequent visitor there*, nnd eluring the Inter- inti ional Exhibition in 1870 married Hies Van Bares in Philadelphia. This union was one ol' miser*.. And soon Mr. Deutsch procured a divorce in Utah, it if enid with hts wife's consent. They separated, ami Mrs. Deutsch, broken in health, travelled in several -states, and at length reached this city, where hei former husband again hetran to visit her. .Mrs. Deutsch's brother. General Vin Buren, had written to ber husband severely censuring his conduct in ill-treatinc. his sister. Mn. Deutsch claimed that tbe divorce was frauelulently procured, anil hud re¬ tained Aaron P. Vanderpoel io contest the decree. Mr. Deutsch''' business is nor known, though lie in supposed to be a man of menus. Ile is fifty-five jraatl of agc, with white hair, while bia wife was hardly thirty-five. Au autopsy will be made to-day. .ind thc inquest will be held at afutuxeday. Mrs. Deutsch's fortune was ample. -«¦- LEGISLATION AT THE CITY HALL. At the meelina of the Aldermen yesterday th* Committee on Public Works, to which was referred tho veto bv the Mayor of the resolution of the Uoarel conelemning the action of the Commissioner of Public Works in cutting tiff the Murray Hill res¬ ervoir for a iniie from tbe water supply system, submitteil a long report. The original resolutions wero pas-edovor the Mayor's veto by :i vote ol 17 to 4. Wben the resolution was taken up providing that tho work of improving Tompkins Square, oe ar once begun by the Department of Parks, the weirk to be done by day's work e.r by contract, as tho Department may elecni necessary, Alderman Mar¬ shall moved that the work lie done by contract. This was lost, aud the original resolution was adopted. A Taxpayers' Associa¬ tion, binded by Dr.M. J. li. Meaeemer. presented to the Hoard a protest against the acquisition hy tbe city of a block of laud in the vicinity e>f Wash- ingion Market at a cost of $300,000, and the erec- tieen of a huil.ling thereon at u cost of 9200.000, as provieled for by a bill introduced by .Senator Bixby. The protest also opposed olb-tr provisions of tho hill. The matter was referred tr,* the board lo the Committee on Markets. Tbe Taxpavers' Commit* tee will go before thc Senate Committee on Cities and oppose the passage of the bill. LIGHT ON THE VANDERBILT WILL CAeSE. Tho circumstances anil terms nuder which tho contest of the will of Commodore Vanderbilt was withdrawn ono year ago are gradually becoming better known, from a varlet? of litigation.. One of the most suggestive of these is the snit of Z. E. Sim¬ mons a-ainst Cornelius J. Vanderbilt, begun in Hie Supreme Conrt, to recover .*!-0,000. The plaintiff, in Ins complaint, merely Alleges that on July 1, 1870. the defendant became indebted ro tbe plain* tiff jn the Mini of MSO.OOO, for moneys received be¬ tween .-annaiy 1, 1S7!', and duly 1,1*.79, by Corne¬ lius J. Vanderbilt from William H. Vanderbilt for the use of the plain! ill; which moneys tbe plaintiff li is often promised tea pay. but haa, never done so. Scott Lord, as conn, el for the elcfentlant, made au application in Chambers before Judge Donohue Ihat tlie complaint be made more deHmte and certain *, thr.* it be made lo slate thc times at winch thc ele- fendtint received such money Bj in what capacity William H. Vanderbilt held the .Kin.OOO in bia ens- ftodjrfor the plaintiff, and the namaa of the agents from whom Cornelias J. Vunelerbilt received the monev. Tho morion woe. opposed bv H. M. White¬ head lor tbe plainlili. Justice Donohue granted the motion. tm FALLING INTO A PAVED AREA. A serious accident occurred Mondav evening at the Twc ity-nintb-at. entrance to th (Jils-v House lo Dr. C. H. ll. Sayre, son ef Hr. Lewis A. Sayre. Dr. Sayre had just alighted from his ronp- and bad aptiroiiVheel tim door ol the hotel as it about fo en- Ter. but soddenly turned shoal to iles.-"ml the Blepi, His foot struck against the curbstone sup- parliiig the low railinjt, and he fell into tbe paved area some twenty feet below. Detective llieltlelbeig, who was standing at the door ul the lieitel, find to whom tho doctor had sp ikea as ho ascended the steps, sprang forward to save bim. bnt the fall was so sudden that tlie ul- tema>t failed. Dr. Sayre's thigh bone was fracture'-, the broken ends of the heine protruding through the ll. sit. He waa liikcn to Iiis home, where the Serious eiperinioii rcntlerrtd iMcesaan Ly tie«i eompiicat«Mi mil ure ot Ibe injury was performed by bis father, ahsiiited by otbet oiuiuenl Kir..:.ons. Dr. Bayly's chancel *>f ivcoveiy ure still uncertain, but bisceiiiditioii since tbe opera!ion was performed ls sufficient ly favorable to give his friends hopes of hisliual l ceo very. -?- VARYING BUCCES-i.ES OE THE STRIKERS. The strike of tlie 'longshoremen at the pier of thc White- star Line on the North River, to compel the dist -bargo nf non-union men, cansed no inconven¬ ience yesle-i-,l;:v, inid will not interfere willi the sailing ol Hu Germanic on Saturday. The steve¬ dore i.i charge said yesterday thal he had n n ived applications for empleiyiiii-iii fromUIOIVmeu than he had ni', et of. '1 h<- collin ami c-'iiiKt makers employed by Jonas Siolis. Taylor A Hcgcnuui, Smith Si Winston, Tay¬ lor j Co. and Thorn .V Weydig .tracie yesterday for BA advance of !I5 per cenf. and established headquarters in Kivlngton-st, The- strike of the employee of Flint A Co., furniture manufacturer*. JS'o. Iliii West Xinoteenth-st., who went ont several weeks aro for au adv ance in wages, still continues. An effort to compromise resulted in failure'. Thc cigar makers employed by Jacoby, iu Broome-st., who struck for .-in advance of $1 u Iboiuuiitel, have "returned to work, their Uuii-iinl having been granted. ? A DISABLED STEAMSHIP AT SEA. Thc steamship Eelsize. which arrived from Avon- month veaterday, reports thal on March 21. in lati¬ tude r.o-.'rn neii-th. li.n-ritudo 15° 30* West, a dis- ablcd steamer uneliT sail ami requiring assistauoc was signalled. Tim was tl.e British aleamship I.lanarthen. in command of Captain Tom. She Bailed from Newport, bas.,on March ll, lor New- York, and live eiays afterward daring tempestuous weather lost her propeller. 'Flit cargo of roi!road iron had .shifted, throwing tho reoBel over on her Side and making bec unmanageable. Bevela] at¬ tempts were iii iel.: by tho lidsiz-' ,'o tow her back to port, but in-.ure.* instanco tho low lines were faned. After making every efl...* ?_. tow thc ves¬ sel for twentv-feiur hours to th eastward, and making only forty-six miles, tbe ! elsizo separated from ber and proceeded on ber voyage to New-York. A heavy gale with high seas then set in, lasting for three days. On Mardi 31 three large icebergs wore gigi! tei!. ? HUNDREDS OF LEWERS STOLEN, e Superintendent Plimley, of the Money Order Dp- Jiartmeut pt the New-York Post Office, on Thursday ast reported to* Postmaster James tbat nearly 4fl0 otters of aelvice remained on baud to the order of Patrick Ford, Editor of The Irish World. Special Agent Harrctt found tbat Michael Hayes, Post Office messenger for fha Irish World, was stealing letters. Huye. had more than 300 letters on bis person, and be ad¬ mitted tbat he bad a valise at his nome jn Brooklyn packed fall of others. All the missing money- orders were found, but about $1,500 in cash was j missed from the letters. Tho theft, wore begun Inst Oc.eiber. Hayes was handed ovi r te Mr. 1-'ord, bat up to last evening be bad not been arrested. W. E. SAWYER STILL IN PRISON. JUf-Tiri. dotty mervs.-, nut. inn tiii. nagg-tr. lill". I'lHSuN.'ll's VKKSlO.N OF THE IBOOBLK. WHAT Mt. STURM SAYS. William E. Hawyer, tho elecfrieion. was nrraigne 1 in the Jefferei'in "Market Police Court .ve-sferday morning by Ofiiccr Neylnn, of tho Twenty-ninth Precinct, who arrested him on Mondav evening for shooting Dr. Steele, formerly a colonol intbe South ern anny. Mr. Sawyer wa*"generally cool and self- possessed in court, but occasionally cast an anxious glance in thc direction of bis wife ano mother, who occupied i-f alie in front of the beneb. After Officer Neylan bael given his accemnt of arrest. Mr. Saw vcr was all.) weil to make a statement in bis own behalf: " The shoot ing of Dr. .Steele," he saie_, " was en¬ tirely in self-defense. I dill not folleiw him. did Dot speak le), err hiok at him in the Rossmore. 1 was warned to bink out for him as be was limier Ibo influence of liquor, ugly ami dangerous. He fol¬ lowed nie ou! ol f he hotel, anil Instead of going over lo Ihe norih sid'* of Forty aecond-wt.. where be lives he came after me almost to my very door, on the smith side, of the street. Ho clutched me by thc shoulder and muttered :*' " '-, Suwy.r, I am going *o kill you.' " He generally carnes two pistols with bim, and he hail bis right hand in his side-pncket holding one Ot them, 1 believe el. while with his left he pushed me aside. Ile did not slrike me at tirst, bis purpose apparently being to induce me to strike* him, winn he would strike me down. I saw this and remained passive, saying to him : "'For-sake. Doctor, go home. I don't want tn bave any trouble with you ' "Thiaseemed to anger him, for ho struck me with his Iel! hainl, and elrew a pistol out of his pocket willi his right. I was directly tinelcr my own window. I had a revolver in my pocket, ami I knew if 1 elid no! lire at bim he would cn.a in Iv kill m.'. There was no help for it- 1 drew my rev.ilvir anil fired, it seems in his fare, but *) it limit any ielea eil locality, or time to take nilli. He 'li-opeie-d his pistol and staggered slightly, ami stooped to pick it np. Hoi wishing to snoot ag iin myself, Ot to bc shot at by him, 1 lurned and hurried around the block wilh Ihe intention nf fak¬ ing a Sixtii-ave. cur lo.'iOih-sf. in order to give my self up at tho Twenty-ninth Precinct Police Sta¬ tion." The counsel for the prisoner made an nnmccesa- ful attempt to have1 bim released on bail. Justice Duffy refused to -rant thc request until be had a physician's certiorate of tim conditiem of the wounded man. Al 'A p. m. the Coori received a err- titieati' trom Dr. J. L. Little saving that Dr. Slide was vet iu n dnueerous condition, Mr. Hummel then mado an effort to have another physician sent ie. examine the" wounded man to obtain another Ceri ideate, but Hie ('our! having no power io autho¬ rize Ibis, Vr. sawyer was remanded to thc Jefienon Market Prison. There he was visited by a Ti:inr\i". reporter. <ei whom he linnie lin-same statement as to .lus'ic Dully. He en cuines u roomy ceil on the uppermost tier, ami seemed st ease, He said that al Ute tim., of the shooting Dr. steele was much under the influence of liquor, and was at such limes "a perfect Tue-cater."' Ile said he now feared that Steele would shoo! him at lirst sight, and inat ho intended to bave him put under bonds t*> keep Ibe peace. Mr. Sawyer claimed Ibat Charles Peron, a waiter al the Rosemore Hoted, called lum aside Mon- day evening, and warned him tn look out fur Dr. Steele "who waa laying for him." Af the hotel tl,.. rc, niter failed to confirm Ibis, and tho waiter Chalks could not be found. The employes af the Rossmore were unanimous in their expression thal Mr. sawyer was ¦ very rcren- trie man, and that Ms manner on Mondav evening was annoyiug in the extreme te) Dr. Steele, who they said'waa a quiet, unobtrusive man. Dr. Sleelc was fonnd at ins bouse at No, 2fll Wes! Forty-fle eond-st., surrounded by Ins family auel his physician. His nose is completely flattened. Dr. Steele said thal when be started to leave- the hotel Mr. Sawyer gol un an.l passed out jus! before hun, ..ind ni the rear eif the building e>n ibe opposite side nt Hie street, fumed, and in a very pleasant tray said to bim :" I elo not wish to have any trouble .virb you. and I wish that you would neat me as a gen; lemon beereafter." Dr. Steele sine! bis coutempt waa so great for Sawyer tbal he told bim to so home and leave linn, alni was himself in the ac! of turning, when the powder flashed iii his face, so close ibat nc was barned hy ir. Tbe*n followed the retnrn ta the hotel and the identification of Sawyer by Dr. Steele, and the arrest. The story of Mr. Sawyer's unkind treatment of his wife when in»-bri:tfed was reiterated by mem- ben of Hr. Steele's family, and Mrs. __.ande.irl_, the landlady, who saul its intolerance became so un¬ bearable '.hat Mr. Sawy.-r was dispossessed of Ins it oms April li by order eef the court, on her Applica¬ tion, Dr. Steele saut that he hail no pistol and was unarmed at Hie nine of the- shooting. EXHIBITION OF SPRING FLOWERS. The monthly' meeting aud .exhibition of Hie New- York Horticultural Society yesterday, drew n throng of visitors to the ball, at No,Af. Weal Thirty-thir at.,which is the temporary eef the society. More than 300 pots of plants ami flowers were .i¦ s- pliived. besides hundreds ol bouquets nml nil Bowen. Tin-re wero few novelties on exhibition beyond the select group nf bardv Spring Howers exhibited by' Woolwin at Co., of Passaic-; some- of these bein,' absolutely new, and all eef them having the .charm Rnd freshness which ale-ays invest tiii-; dllSK Of plants. .Masses of lilies lolli. llollilil ;i lui amaryllis in variety, a choice selection »_i" palms, dine .eilis and nnrnntas and lill unusual number of thc rarer orchids were thc idiest striking feature's of tlu* display, Tbo principal exhibitors wen* Mis. M. J, Morgan, John lleiielemin, Hallock A Thorpe, Win. Bennet! and John Finn. A paper was read by Wm. Dennett, of Flntbtish, on "Horticultural Societies ami their Obicctie," In which were set forth thc advantage.; oil. id by these associations as mediums for Inc interchange! of ideas and experience, and ss means nf devatin" popular fast.' and iui-rcaaiiig peep.ibu- know I. due- nf decorative plants, Mr. Dennett claimed thal in tho exhibitions of the New-York Society ibero had been specimens which could have competed with any in tue best London exhibitions, and that the New- York displays of fruit had excelled in quality aud variety any similar collections in thc wm ld. ? IXTF.l.NATK>NAL RIFLE-SIBHtflSt:. At tim meeting of the National Rifl£ Association e-stc relay, a letter v.:.' read from i!i" IfiIle As¬ sociation, expressing regre! thal the International match between Ireland and Aineriea ne Hui-e-exsfiilly begun in 1S74, and Bind alternately in Irclaiiel ami America until lt>77. lind mi long been in ubeyniiee. The t'onucil liopi-cl ibu! mi American t'-nm woiibj give Ireland another chance lei compete in .lune ct. Major Fulton ofl'ereil a reaoluliun thal Ihe invitation bc ace-epted, le elim. asMtinii timi the: people weitihl readily subse-rilic te mee! iiie expense of such a laudable elle ul to revive rilh'-Hhontiug lllllll its '"resent h-lhlilgie state". Aliolliel" luci.'mg tee ri port upon a plan Ib to lie held Tuesday. T!ie> committee nppolnt<*d tn consieler whal changes in the conditions governing e-eimpe litem for lill" ti lllrlilliii! Iliiphv eeellld lee millie ju oilier Iee promote' tho prospe-eis of annual international rifle compel il ieiuH, ri'|Mirteil aiui'iielmeiita. lu view of th), incl that it is impossible to secure U team to le |,1, -i-lll lill- Natioillll Hilie- A.ssee. i.-il ion ,,| (i|i:,t I tii t .ii ti. if sc paiate teams limn Ireland lind Seol- luiul ale 1 illiiitliil to compete-, il mis r, solved ihat only oin" tee icjiiesiiit (ii'-ii! Uri Illili and ln- lililil I.e ¦eligible liereaflel lilia Un! to »..-. -111, i. |Hii- vine-iiil or colonial, teams, tu which uu objection bas been iqaele. Ii \)iis resolved to rotmolidalc the Spring nml Fall nieetings, and to hit ve u "graud auuual" meeting in September. BARNUM'S SHOW IN* THK STREETS. Barnum's street parade nllrncted crowds of peo¬ ple to Broadway and other Ktrceta yesterday. I'he jiriiu-ipal features consisted ol sixteen tr.-iin.-il stall¬ ions ld by Mygan rd, Hu ir trainer; eleven rle- jeli:;iits. lanni!-, iii si/t- from two ami a half feel in height up tn the largest lim! has ever wuIkeel in lli-oadwuy; the rlmriof ol Orpheus, enutniiiinii h lield band of fifty [decca; the chariot eef Neptune and allegorical chariot e>f Atlas; the golden organ ot Vienna and automatic military band; <tn. Mule',-, co.nb, drawn by Lilipnthin ponies; o|ieii dens ol African linns; thc rannon from \* lr--h Za/el is shot a distance ol forty feet; a herd ol )* hue- mid ld-.i li camels; a monkey band of sixteen. Atit.¦- n.alie' gvnuiasls, du neera, harlequins and clowns surmounted llie cages. Every costume' was nod each pictured ian wa fre-.'-h from th'-puinti-r. Thc canil il Invested in thc show is moro than $2,000,000. A DEPUTY SHERIFF SHOT. Dcpnty Sheriff Martin Dwyer, of Brooklyn, was shen ye aterday by a bill poster named John Ki nny. Kenny waa recently bIx luonthaiu the Penitentiary for assaulting un i inplo. <. ni f. J, Murphy, ti rivid billposter, Dwyer, who is a brother of Alderman Dwyer, and of John Dwyer Ibe prize-lighter (now chi.; ol' the Third District Court, Brooklrn). baa been employed by Murphy to protect bis interests. He waa in Murphy's omeo yestenlay v. inn Kcnuy entered, Dwyer, ailing under Murphy'sdirecfioiis, ordered him lie l'o emt. Kenny refused, and a strug¬ gle ensued, during which Kenny drew a pistol and Bred. The shot took effect on the left side of Dwyer';, bead, iullicting a severe but not dangerous wound. FINDING PARU GREEN IX THE TEA. Ella A. Comba, colored, agc 12 years was vesfer- day held for the action of ihe (.rand Jury, by Jus¬ tice Clowes, of Hcimistcnd. L. I., on a charge of at¬ tempting to poison the family of Charles A. Bailey. of Hempatead. Mr. Bailey is a fanner, nnd the gu 1 was employed in the kitchen, Last Pride}', Safur- elay ami Sunday evenings, Ihe fatiiilv was taken i-ick after tea. Mr. Hailey found Paris green in thc bottom of his coffeecup. Ho charged the girl with having attempted to poison the famllv, and she frankly confessed that she had done bo, but said she did uot know why. *' Rusticus " eends from Paterson, N. J., 8-5 for tbe Irish Famine t-LuiO. The subj will De ii*rw___a_d to ths committee here. HOME NEWS. PRO vt IS KV! ARR! VAM. Astor Tlnuse.Att ni' v-Oeneral Hamilton Ward, of A!hanv .Stn* .' -oh-. Hole1.A, J. I>r#*»l, of PltlUilel- lihii eiuicra: J. II. Wii-eeii, of Iloften.. »ml P. J eef, Bf lii-lmlt . ,ie'ie*ie~ ;/-)''l-Cbstles H. Trula, of Ilonfrin Colonel ll. >. MrC'im'", e.f iH-luwut e Dunlel KoMii-Oii. of T.*..y, uni J. N. Mel'illliiiKh. eil I'ltteTliiirg.Helrimnhtan ll.itel-Cnnnl Aelam -etesnnbock and cretin, Mai H^nboeS, "' Bt I'.!, a-lii.rg ; ll. Hash lintier! c of anet V, llllar_ RUekneer. olths l'nlto'1 Mtltrn IiiiIItii ComnileeiTioti.lire. toort House.PxoteeeatJ. M. Peirce, nf Harvard i-.iilrfte...... Kturtevant Bout -<"iieiimnilnre E Maipven, V. H. N.Si. Ja- ¦-* lieUl- Th.- Hi v. Dr. lt. Tl I'ifrh.ilrn, of nt. Stcphen'i Collere.Cf Ifs... Jlvuee.Jonie* F.irsylli, ol Troy. NI.Vi -YORK CITY. Panie! Pariah, om ¦». a well-known dry goodie nicr- chanl, die .1 Monday evening ai his home, No. _! East Slzteenth-at.. at the" age of eighty years. Dr. Smith, the new Health oilier of thc port, waa present at tho meeting of thc Health Commis¬ sioners yesterday. By virtue of his position be ia a member e-f the Board. The convevinice. of one-third intcr<*st in Hie Astor Hons.., from'I he trustees of Henry to John .1. ami William Amu-, was recorded ii. the RegistersOffice yesterday. The cousidcration wae .f'.'>:t:«\'!:i.'!. V. K. Stephenson, president e.f the Real Estate Trust Company, has purchased from <'. I*. Gunther six lots nu the north-east corner of l'iftli-ave. and Beventy-ninth-st. The consideration wasf2_5,000. Ai the Police Hoard meeting vest, relay Captain Williams n'port-eel thal inquiry into the complaints wade to tim Police Commissioners ol ashes being dumped in thc barber had shown the charges to bo unfounded. Jesse Patterson waa attach by ¦ train on Hie ,*six!h Ave nne Blovsled Kailrouel yeatetday. while at work at 'l'u)-iitv-iiintli-st.. and was se -veivly injun-el. He wai taken to his home at Kightli-ave. and eOnc- biiinlieil-and-twcnly-e"i._ilitb-st. Theil" was Tce-onle-d VesleMilu V ,'ll Hu* Tie I" Offlco fl conveyance nf th* property on the noi th sid.-cf Fiiieith-st. Broadway i" s.-v. -nih-ave. from Angusl Trnumand idhem to \V. H. Vaudcrbilt, TllC e-illtsiel.-l-Illieill was rr-Ht>,nn<>. Monea Wagner, a rhild of two years, left by Its mother, who was nilled away from In r home nt No. ls Kast llroailway yesterday, found a bottle nf ii mixture to relieve toothache and .lian!*, iis con¬ tent*!. Tin-ere-.i ul" killed thc child. Tin re were landed at Castle Garden yesterday immigrants, the Uni liismnrck, from Hie-nn-n, bringing Aid: the He'lvetin, from Li vorpool, IIWMli the I'li'pia. from filnagow, fH)2. ThisnuiKesa t»»t-il of immigraul ami als In two days of 17ei:t. Col, !>..!,ame v Kain" will begin driving the Tally Ho conch lie!wwii Hotel ItmnHwick in (his eity and (..psHo Inn, New Rochelle, on April il. The will leave- New-York at Hi a.m.. arrive ni New Roche-lie* al middii). and start ecu the return trip at ii'-, p, m. Tie" e|uaitiilv l'fpeerl of the Bureau of Vital Stat¬ istics show thal during the last three mouth* there wen r.'.i Ki bi ii h-I. tis.i-j dca hs and il 1-10 marriages iu New-York. This in a de'eroase from i'e- i-orrcs- |Kiiuling quarter of 1h7H of 774 deal lie, and i.n in- creaae ol UKI births anel !M8 marriage's, Ai il-, nuflingof ih.- I'.iiniil nf Health ycBtenlav, the Iiisjieeioi" ol Offensive Smells reported thal the v-eiiksui tho Mutual (eas Lighl Cninpan al Kast r.levi'tii'ii-st. give out an offensive smell, bi re-meem of tin'usc of Hine as a purl Her, and urged tim! thc ('ompany be nnlered t" desist from this prac!ice, Samuel J, Tihlon was much observed as be slowly moveel np Nassau-*!, ou Monda}', with his undercoat and overcoat thrown wide open and bis blt eyelid drooping more than usual. Ho seemingly drugged one lo )t alongnfter the other with nnu-ii difficulty. There was a tired and haggard b.eek lum. SvlvaniiH Hodgi ns, n rhild of seven years, waa frighten. .I to death by Monday's llnnidersroni). The child's nu nuts live- at No. 54.1 Wes! I'ifty- se) .1:1 il st. Tin- buy \i .ts iblicatc mal thc Stldeh'tl- iicss ami violence ut' thu storm frighte n. el him into iniii iilsinns. Ho died before medical aid could be .sninllltilli al. Thc- New-York titi mid Northern Itailroad Com¬ pany .inila thal the iron bridges erected bi the edd ai'e unsafe*, und ihen'fon* "ill i*oi»ti.>>iie running traills until new hrhlffes are- built, I'M.. will probably dela) the opening iii the road until thc- eoiiipb'tiflll ed ll;e new railroad bridge over tin; Harlem Iii)er. Then were four marriagea at the City Hall yes¬ terday. Tim mimi inle'nieting couple weti .lames Wong Gnu. age* MU. a Celi'stial "t N". l"> Mott-nt., and Mai;, Ann O'Connell, a buxom lii-h girl nf __,'l. Pre idciit M-.iii< ;.el liiriii'-d tin-min lint:.- rcPMmuiy in iii pre mc- cit n lin inls nuel otheis. Chief Clerk Twomey galing awn,, the bride. Tl:-' Arl Students' Lnngne held its monthly re¬ ception a! Hie roiuns, No, INO Kifth-nvc.. yesterday evening. Then* nasa large' number ed picture's ami simile, en, including many from the hint lins ul I*..:s,ina n J olin sun and Humphrey Moore. Among ibe nelsons 'irene ii I were J. M. Hurl ley, Arthur Ouar:ley, B. A. Armstrong, I.'. J.. Sa and loll Paul.caris. At a m. tiini: of lin- grain trudo .cf the Proebicc Kx. bailer." y.sieubiy. ti lei ur I: cnn the manager* nf Un-iniiil. lim' i.iiii" vi's read asking Hut a ce el |" 11,1 |.-,- '..,' Il ppl li |, III ull'l Milli i'a ill I'll |||" etina] wi ion ol lenniii il livighl eharg'-xai iles ¦u,\ nih.! ic.; s. Krank liii Kelson, la e.nan! Hnzi'ltine*, Kdv-ani Annan. David Kiri, hain and W. .*-. Wallace were appointed a commiltcc. Miss Murgnei ite Senl i. (cir lifteen rem a mb sicm- atv iii I.illina, aihii...-..-.I Ititi Arkae i. refugee-, who an-now on llioir wav lo thal country, ).. -u r- dnv, af i nen- quarters in Thirty-seventh af. Tlie lec¬ ture waa e-ii'-iii'isc-d mainly of facts regarding tho cl. in."i te ol Li bella, ihe in ai: I tc's and ci. -i .nus of thc people, ri;ui t in- difficulties to be overcome by those who emigrate lo thal country. The .plaiter]) examination under civil sir; ice" niles for nd ini ssh ci teethe diatom Merrier was begun ye Mc-ielny. Tbrr.i ivrme e:; applicants !"i ships. Amoi i:-)iii i.William H. Bishop, A. M. Bolh'-t, I'r.eii -s-ier Hubbard, ul I 'arl na ml li Cnl- l'_re,. (ie e-i .rc \Yilliutn Curtis ami John Trnslow. of the Department ol ,\ c--.ti.-nta, Brooklyn, Thc exauiimitioii lei-day will he ul insjicctors and night- iuspei lora. Major William Post, n clerk in the Weigher's de¬ partment ni the Custom Holies', found demi in bis bn| al No. Kui Dasi Tenth-*!, realenlay. Hi ur! n: ase- was ih'-cause-ul death. Mr. Post wa nu rly e'lniibiyed iii fla V'a<.-i-iintlta)ii llui.-au of Hie I',.tani of lb allii. ami al nne lime v.iis Hie >i s ;i I .- ¦¦.¦I ic¦i,y-> td (lovernor Kenton nt JamcNloivii, N. Y. I.'.- caiiefil Ins nih-of ina.eii inila" ivar. H.-was uuniarrieel, Thc Kl. Nicholas Club lina ehi'ted the following ohii-.-i-: I',¦¦¦ blent, IV.-.I. it.i. de IVyster; vice. ul. .lana e M. Mi eau tren uri r, Kdware) eSchill; -.ia nial v, I'b.'irh's A. Me hciincrhniu j lliislees. Aligns! US Mehell, Betiinlillli I.. Sim,ti |i n. .lobn C. Mills. Ticlinc Ifoos.- ). ll. Kelgareh" IVyale r, and William ll. de I.iincov. With tin- exception of the his! linn- trusteea thc til'kel le-cte-el \)aa tin- Ifglllal um. '1 he iiii|iies! iii the case of Peter Haly, the Hlack- weli's bbiiid keeper, wbo waa killed <en Mureil ls by lalling over tbo bluff al Pirat-ave. nnd Mevenlv- i:.-|ii on Meinelny bv Coroner ihaeiv, l'n- qniiy Into the cire'iiiiiKtAticcs of the ease bael lieen umib- b\ Captain Gmiucr. ami no evidence hud li en found to ulmw that Daly had bren murdered, I.u- J.'.-I,l- ei*K,,.|... . bo I,te.I I,ea I, :. e.,1 ,.,1 Qll slK|,i, 11,11, *v;is therefore bonorubly eiis.i,;i,¦_..¦,i. Al the annual meeting of the staten Marni Bail, way Company yeste nbiy. ut tin olhce ai th.- fool of \\ lui.-hall si., ibo fiillou ing I ii na in, -. i-cie- eli rle-il inf Hie- i-ii- aili-.' vein :¦( a|ie;i-t, .1 ., ,,l,-||. \ :1I1. e!' iliiil. I'l.-si'ie ni li. Kre-ist-bil, I.uciis ll. Meyer, John VV. Me i-iie an. .1... jib Urilion. Cliarles \. Ciiiiiivillee, Nuthaiiiel Marsh. William King, i'.". tr1, ii.I. .lames ,i. Wymtnt, .lame M.- Ailina. S. P. (i.-l.e-i-lian... n, and J. II. Vaiiilelhill, jr. Ten-"."ia- lime n re-peirl has been current that Ia sle-r WinliK I. had pun l.a-cei properly ne ur Maeli- seeii Se|itnre. upeeii wbilli he ecuiteniplaled creeling mi elegantI he-al re very .nw.i A hi;:: vi" reporter called ut Wallni'k'HTIieatn*. and in Hie abs,-:,ce nf Mi. Wullack was iiifniiiual by Mr. Moss thu) lin- re¬ nou v.ii-- utterly untrue. Mr Wnlbiek expe>e!a tn build ii new theatre Miine lime, lem has no si;,, jn yew, and bas nu idea of doing anything ol' the kind loon, I'i ide nt Ive.-, of thc Stock Rxi-hnngc, yesterday culled tiio ."iite.ititni u, mein IH-ne In the by-law. for- liiililiiu m. milers lu juin liireetly or !i\ iiartuer any allier organii:aliou in which Nteicks nml l.e.nils .i-,- d- all in. II.- referred lei the. rejiori thal nejirli ihi'-e .|iiaii'is of the.di. i sui h i.e-w Mining |_x- i" hun ge ai.cen; He in- i-stabiislictl were itii'inlM'rsof the Jv'i-lian-e. He said thill te|is would be taken ll tbe liuai.l any m. tubers who ) i.,- lilted tin" inies eil the Exchange, <'e nstable William P. Drown, of Roche (cr, N. y. h is been in tins (iiy several days searching for I', ni- <». Strong, who is charged with sivinuling Daniel Lowery, nf Roche-u'er, ont of (^Jd.OOO, Tlie e-.icii.ut with which lin" constable is .inned recites thai Minng obtained thal aiiiotiut from Mi. Ln in 1870 by falsely rt-imsenilng hiunee'lf te. l,. h',. iwnerof a quantity of wool In this city, With thu es si jun ." of Police Detectives Von (jlcriehten ami .'Neil. < uii. er Brown arrested SI nmg ,-n the Spuytcn Liny vii de pot yesterduf afternoou. The manager e>f the Ame rican branch of Hie Rent i>11 Commereial Insmuuee Company of fjlasgow, 1' i.liiV ic-c-c i\cel tho lucine om. .. a diapatell Ililli.illicilii. tile .'inn"1. tioll of the Ul'gOtiutioUS fol" .malgaroatiug that company with the Lancashire .'ompany, of Manchester. The Scottish Commer- ial Comnany begun business iu this country lu 1873, nml although it hoi last year about (j-.t' t shows a surplus .rn ifs Am. rican business im¦' the ight years of about f_.50,000. Tl.e Laucasliirc Joiniuiiiy made laal year a small gain. George B. Frome, alia's Kdward Augnt-t De Ar- icenay, who em Saturday last waa arrested by _),- iitives King and Lvon, of the Central Office, b.iv- ng In his possession ]7 bunds of the Breflau M'limednitr Preiburger ElBenbahu Gcsellscllaft. of 3e*rlin, was again iirrnigni il H. f.»r«- Jnstiee Smith, a toe Eases Harket Penlee Court ycateidav. Mr. 'chomacber, Conaol-General of the German -.moire, lid uot a].|iear, anil Detective Lyon said that he lad no evidence against Krone. Justice Smith hereforo dine barged him. The Jubilee Singers are to give eight concert, ia New-York and Brooklyn within the next ten days. To-morrow night they will appear at tho Hanson I'iaic Hiil.tist Church. Brooklyn: at the Presbyte¬ rian Memorial Choreh, 506 Madison-nvi'., Imlay; St. James M. E. ('burch, Harlem, Matiir.liiy: Dr. Cuvier's Chnreh, Brooklyn, April 13; Newark, Anni 14; Zion M. E. Church (colored., No. 301 Hlee.ker- St.. April IT., and for a Join! tho receipts to the Chinese Mission, and the other bait to tin- Fisk Bteioway Hall, April lo. William Poole, ag" seventy years, died Budelenly at his home No. 'jr, Avenue C on Monday night. Poole's wifo died last November, auel alu ce that time ho hus drunk tei excess, ami has solel ott every nriiclo, of furniture for the pnrpnsfl of getting whiskey, in the house there was nothing nut a heap of hay in an upper room upon which bo slept. Pool WM found yesterday morning in a sitfliu. position in the doorway leading to his bedroom bead. There was a small contusion on his head, nnd there¬ fore the ease was reported to tbe couuty physician for Investigation. Annie Whitey,a pretty girl age 1-1 years, vtttn found crying Momlav night in nasluiigton-seiuare by Officer McCaneof the Park Police. Vestj-rdny sh." was taken be fine Justice Dull'v in thc .Joftersem Market Police Court, where she staled that up to Wednesday laat Bhe bad lived with her pi rents at No, 1 iH.l.iMi-si., (.V.onpoint. On Wednesday she had been brought to this eity by a young rn in. willi whom she stayed at Hie Ashland Bonne until lust Sunday, when he deserted her. Sunday night hav- ingno money or friends, she wandered about thc streets. Yesterday sbo searched for tho house" of an acquaintance but could not Bod it. Justice Duffy temporarily committed her and telegraphed for her father. Coronet Herman yeatenlny emnnnneled a jury, in the ens" of Thomas Halter and thc imiuost will ho iiebi on Friday. BBOOKLTN. Albert Dennett, aga thirty-flee, of Fifth-ave. and Ballic-st.. aud George Ellison, ago fifteen, ol'No. 70 Carroll-st., are reported an missing' Max Albert, age twenty-five, of Ko. 104 Beholet* st.. was discharged from a box factory lu Throop- ave. Monday. Xoatcrday he asl -4 Charles Jaueeke. the foreman, why ho discharged him, Janeeke made iii) reply, and Albert drew a knife and stabbed Janeeke in tue left side, Ju iticu Bernier committed Alleen io.; ni for examination. William W. Heal, son nf William P. nea), of No. -Ki President -sa., w is found lietel ill the celiar of bia father's house at 7:30 a. in. yesterday, having shot himself in thc hil breast with a revolver, He was nor quite twenty years of ase. and bin friends were at a loas to account for his let. He was em- pleiyed iu thia city, and was tiKiially .ol a cbccriul disposition, JERSEY UiTY. .lillies ll, Doremus. who recently resigned tbe clerkship of the Hoard of I'm- Cominissiunera of Jer¬ sey ('itv, wa.- cniiii.idled le resign on accoiinf of allegeel irregularities, lt is saul that hecouvertod .Tijou belonging tu thc city to ins own use. NEWARK. About fifty trunk makeraemployed by Farsner el- Co. struck on Monday for au increase of 2«"> per neill in their wilges. Tha fourteen hundredth anniversary of the birth of Saint Benedict, founder of iii"- orJer of lieiiedi I ;at monks, was celebrated at St. Mary's Unman Catholic Church yesterday. Bolter! Newton, a grinder, employed In the buckle factory of William Crabb a Cu., was cu ii slit in tho shaft ma of the factory em Monday morning and In- stautly killed, He waaaslngle mau about twenty years of nge, and lived ill Chatham- I. Tho Soring term of the Essex County Court opened yesterday morning, and Depue de¬ livered his charge to the Grand Jury. He directed atti ntion to the subject ot laxes ami Hie fra ip I ti len I cv.ui ni nt taxation. Ho referred to the iitiblications in tbe napers in regard to tbe purchuBO by city tiffi- ei.ils nf tin- Woodside bonds. The Newark Preatbytery began ita Spring session at .seiiuli Pork i'leslivte-i ian (iiiu-cli yest-.limy itiorn- ii cr. lin l.e-v Dr. I.'raven was elcctcel Moeleraler. llie application e.i Charles II. Hrewirter for e.idiiiatioii aa au ovaugclial, wu.. I.- iii;. a,el .vis then withdrawn. In the afternoon tho regular reports were read, I 'i<- sermon to the Presbytery )..., pr. .tc ia il nv tin- lu-v Dr. I 'raven. lei i'i Hewlett, on Sunday, was in- fonued bv Dr. Baker, thal in bis opinion a post it ci-,em shuni.1 In- malle in 1 ne ase iii \|i h'runk- i i ii, will- ul I 'r. Ilt-iiiainiu Kr.inklin, of Nu. liri llelle- '.,ih-ave., v hi .Inil last Friday night. Di-, flaker states thai although li" lian been Ihe attending physician, be eh-e-lincd tu give a certificate nf burial, ns he> thought there w::s evidence nf malpractice, Dr, Hewlett began th. examination un Sunday night, uud it was not until an early hom Monday morning that I.omplefed ir. He in very reticent mm tei iv lin I be baa discovered, but lian ii. the mat¬ ter before tho County I'diei-inaaie-r. He hasgaguted uo cert ideate, nor haa he ordered nu inquest. Dr. I'laiikliu deni.* thal ilier.. was any cause len- mal« practice, I i M.w ji;i_-"I;y. BkrOKN PeiiS'T..Iii a i|ictirre| on Monday nigh! between .le'lm DH .*-.»l 1 nu.I John l_owery, tlie latter bad In bead bailly < ut by a glass thrown bj 1 >n .- ill, Iit\ iM.iei.v..At the anuual el dion on Mood.iy, a l> I lerk and a Democratic Treasurer Vale I'T.ed. Tile IrUsletIS lill" l-i;'l;l!ly llivilll ll Ile- tween tbe two parties. Bart Ouakok..The annual Institute of the teachers ol Kasox County wa* begun in National Hull, on Monday afternoon, when Professor V. Ile Un lt, ol Albany, made an neldress. II ilt-tie-nx..Treni ii i-i r l.'il \* annual report ahg*?s ih- Hie riH-eipts were WI, K-l -lo, anil the distMintc. ii.ent- if-lt!,37M US. Tim m-Ii-miI report* allowa .-',).i,si; in in receipts anet ("7,257 <"7 in disburse* BK III li", ,-ecvvi- City..William Oray. n young man livnigoii Avenue D, Bayonne City, who waa em* pinn-.I aa a clerk bj William Fryer, a butcher, ran av.ay throe days ago. Hinte lita utauppeu rance it bas ic ii niee-rtaincel that be is an embezzler to thc exteut offt.'SO. < i: iMi.¦'. . A: a me-e-iinir of the Common Council, Mmielay night, thc annual ms ordinance tra*passed, appropi mi mg tor the |Ni>r, "-/..,»ie k> for streets, $.'-,..0.1 j foi Schnells. $10.(1(11); fi,j police, S .;,:.iie_>; for lire department, sjffJMIO; le c.- interest on botuD, ami.. tt al, eic.. .'.'L'iinUi fat contingent sccount, '.wno. total, $Ul,bOO. III iin ik i: v..Thc l>--amiets ul Hoboken have nominated John A. McNeill, an rx-A*i**ctnbtyinau, i. :M.p.. r: U.ibert ll. Alberts, tin- present incum¬ bent, tor Ctly Clerk j Michael ll. Muiphy. fur W der Ifegislrar, mid Au gmo llcnte. the preseut in- eniiil" ni, lr lit li.a -in-e-i". l-'iami-i M. Me¬ ll.....tie " i'i,e.min.nial aa Ct. ({.corder and Jollll Ml ). i as Waler .'ulla ..loiiei. In-re will he n meering fe.r (he lin il organization ol' .' i in- American s.., ;-iv ci Mechanical Engi- IM-CI-m" Ul III" SlevellS 111 s. I i.: 11. -. Mu.h.Ki, B. ll te'.-le i!. this morning. A report will lu. read by the . "ii Organization ap|ioHitcil ar the pre- luiiii'.rv meelina he-Id February 10, I'lie commit* lc- .- .lillie'-. '1 ut' A if.*".ai|e l-l L. lied! _._ I'.n."-. .i|- Wiluna P. I'rowbritlgt*. ..ckley BTCoxe,Jiickhou Haib.v, e. M.-ral e». A. ii. Hillniorc, Henry If. Worth- iti__ic ii nml M. N. Forney. Huies will bc adopted nini illili is e lecled. LONI! (HLA-fD. ll;-.ii" iim>.-Tii" Ijong llranch Improvement e'..ii.|,.i"..\ cu* .-I..-!..1 H. Sharp pti'sbbnl J. Ihrlla Dorsey, vicc-prt Kideni ; ... jeu- niiime, jr., ii.-.i-urer; I., M. Lallan, secretary. I bree liiimiied men were pul to work Moueluy un tine i.e-, roaet lo run from Pearsall';! Coiner to Un- lb aili and work will he begun on the new hotel \i ii hm be next Icu days. I,.i:.ei Island ('nv..At tho meeting of the Board of Kducnt-Oii of Hong Island City, held on tatar* dav. ei'iiiplaint was mada to tho hoiinl fruin the Fifth School that the tcicbei., could gel me tuc! from Mr. Horan, and recently were coniiiolled lu lniiii the fence around the school. Mr. Horan wrns directed to have tho fuel supplied.Cap¬ tain lim berford, ol thc British burk Chapman, from Nora Sofia, died sudelenly of heart aiaeaae M'.n lav uieiruiiig on boajtd his vessel, lying at Provost's Dook, on h'ewtowu'Creek, Long Island City. STAT I.N IBLAHD, HTAPi.rrox..Officer Love yesterday arrested a liampi on erne ol the stalin Island ferry boats, nu tho ed ti -e ul ia._iaiti"y, and arraigned lum before .Inti! Met iilloiiiih. af Stapleton. Tlie mau, who ,-e name aa Louis Dejetline, said that eight mouth' aim he came to this country from Hennnnv, ami, falling inie. the hands nf sliariiers in New-York, he Koon became reelnccd lu circumstances. He also slated that bia father was a count in the edd conn tr v. J nit ice McCullough committed him to tho County Aiinshouae, DCD80N MYER Te.WN*-. Mr. Vxrxon, Sm ..i yura are al present engaged in making surveys lietwe en tho Connecticut hniiudnry line in".ir 1 ".ul 'lie ste-r and somo point In Mt.tVenion, I.,r iiie route of whn! is known un the parallel rail- mad lui))..-ii New-Huven and New-York. It is un- hi il.I tbat the new romimnv seeks to make con* m c-tie.n v iib the eily Kapui Transit line., at Mt. Vein..ii. _______________________________ NEGLIGENCE OP THE CUNARD USE. operior Court, General Term, ha-e affirmed Hie judgment recovered hut Fall by Mn, Margaret 3nulli against the Cunard Line fur injuries i iniied hythe negligence ol tho defendant, ll.e opinion written by Judge Sedgwick is concurred lu by J ad gea Sp--:r and Friedman. ll.e Bvitleneo in tho trial was that Mn-. Smith aaa Injured by tbe falling eif the bertha above hei I bet t-ubaeqoent fulls Bgatnst ibo Hides of tho ¦abin, when fd* steward tool, her out iuahalf laacd condition. The opinion of the Court reads ; " un nae "f ordinary skill, and of materials of irdinary Strength, would enable tho bulkier eif tho ..mclure that waa meant to uphold the berthsto nuke it secure against the strainH and shooks of a sea of not extraordinary violence. The mi ans of hi neciinty being ut the command of tho owners if the Mieanishiu, the law presumes that there was letrligenee when the berths fell. The cirenmstauces lui not appear to be extraordinary, and the pre- euiuption is that tbe proper means had not been ised." ' i i, a E l MARINE INTELLIGENCE. finn ri.lev.. Moon rise*. Sanely Hook. Sanely -look. MINIATCRK ALMANAC. TO-llAT. , _._ .V3II Sunset*. <*3l Cl*ex tait. Ira. S8 4:ia Moan Maths. 10:'JJ! Jlssu'sage,d*y*,S mon watib to bat-*, u. 6:5!). Oo-. Island.. 6.33 Koli Oats. 0:2 mun watbb To-DAr-e. m. 0:'_0|Osv. Island.. 7:0& I Hell OstB. 8.. PASSENGERS ARRrPED. atlasr.Mr. au a Mrs, Dual-Is. Mites Faulkner. Miss E. Matre, Miss L. toom stbamship rroriA. Allllnson, H. M. gelland. Mi** A. Ksnspeff, H. A Mci.cii.le. Mr. sad Maguire, Mra. Mi.. V. temi tinnily Chisholm. John Smedley, Miss Mc cherson. Wm. fofOn, Or. ll. O. 1 redrlch, J. Wllbcrlorce. O. FROM UTBRrOOL.BT STKAMSHIP GERMANIC. Mix. Miss Maclean, tr. Cumming, Miss Redpath. J. Holden. Miss I. llnftmann. A. Hoffmann, H. Hale. E. M. Huntington, Mr. Il calli, ii m. Higginson. F. I. Blackburn, Wm. J. Good. Mr. Burnett, Mr. snd MurrsT. J Mrs. C. Ru itowa. Mr. and Mrs. P. t. Breed, Min* Baron. J. K. Hold, G. H. Barton, Mr.-snd Mr.. K. M. Black, I). ll.niiril. A. P. Barlow, Maleer A. Ilaire!, W, T. liierciiiiril!. If. Emelia, J. campbell, J. » Chandler, C. G. Ottley, o.«. Pratt, Charles D. Paton. Wm. Robertson, J. F, Rn'ti inleeou, J. If Kt.-linr.lMon. G. V, Roger, J. V. R. e.i, H. M. sands, M. iieioper.Mr. anelMrs.s_on_. Mr*. L. JT. V. J. scudder, Eelward M Johnston. J. II. -launders. J. F. Joce yu. OaptJ. R. Hiewart, VV. Joneii, Mr. and Mm. HerIbner. C. E. i>. b. Luforcaele. Mr. and Lex, E. Mra. C'arveer, .Mr. arni Mrs.Lcw'cs. the Ear! of Shepard,Chas. W. B. I Cluielivlck. John Hater, James Danns, J. J. H. H. Fernier, Alex. Frowen. M. Fraser, K. J. (Ire.nt Mina ill el.-eilllllllt. A, Gill, P. S. MiMullin,tri_i:evW(.loiuai. J. F. Munroe'. M ti. H. Van Vlei k. Mr. snd MacoinlrCr, H. MrOtat'i. W. B. Macaulay. B. Marcus. W. K. McTsvish.J. Tt. McCarthy, J. C. Mrs. IValmch. A. Wood. H. II, Winans. E. C. waitress-. J. Walker. John Van .)!mer. the Rev.West, Dr. W. C. Fifo, Mr. snd sea Moiton, J. N. nv Srii-MISIlIC 1ICLVKTIA. MotTison, J. Walters. J. J. Stanley. M. W, HOrt-M, VV. J. Flelel, Jamel statham, F. L. I He c,.Mr. U ii Iiiiiii .. Mist) .-sllvi-rleie k T. W. HlttcK, Wen. iVlilimei, Mr. SUcs, Ueo. and Isinllv FHOM nUKMES.DY STEAMSHIP MO-EI. firttnor. V. Hauser. C. Dnnlts. the Misses KrDino berg, J. F. Kr cine. Mr. an.lMrs.l!eci-:er J. ami wife Hc-ltrellror, J. sail Arnold. C. 'l-e-inp'e. *ir. andMrs. family Hurting. Mr. and illlC'insnil, ll. Ulm li. s. Mw. H. Harlen..!. AI be-. Mlaa T. fi. haller, C. I-'e-ieliiiaim, Mr. and Demit*, Mra. A. and Eliel, H. Mr.. chilli SHIP NEWS. POUT OF NEW-YORK.APRIL 6. ARKfVBO. sir Utopia (Rn. Mc Ritchie. London Mareil tl. to Henderson Bros. sir llaral.l'l>an). Unnile. ('.ipcnhagen March ll and New- carnie .ii, to Flinch, Keir* .t lo. s-ir U.-l^iz..- (Br), EIvicIko. Avonmoutb March lfMoWD Meei -'.III. .-ir Blythewood (Rr), Thomas, Muianza.-e Oday*, with sugar fi inter; vessel id Punch. Bare* tm. .-ti- i.iiie-ki-ruocKer. Kenibit'. New-Orleans ©days, to Clark .1 i-teaman. HtrNew-York, Quick, Nctr orleans March31, to Bogertet Horgan, "ir \v heatlicl.l .Br), Monroe, Halifax 'ih days, In ballast to lesser Itio-i. str l.-iiaieile tiri. Mitchell, Prmamburo 17days, with sugar io ll:.-.. meyer ct P.lo.-r. City ol Ausun, (stevens, N'as-nu, Fernandina, flrunswlck md port nc h Mallory A ... Htr Manhattan. Kelly, Richmond, Ciiy Point and Norfolk, Hil lim:.] mun -rs rt.. sin-ill rpHictloro (Ocr), Glaasen, Bavonti.-, l*r. CO darn. T-ith >m|ity barrel*, tc. loonier! rcssul to Punch, Reive A Co. Hmo Hii-nniviiiii.-e (Ger), Inland, Hon-,' Kona -is days, with misc i-i a A I. )»¦ a Hms; .estel tei Pundi, Kelye A co. Bark Vitt'jila tttuli. Martino, Alssei i^ ti- tatt, with Iron oro io order. Bark Nina Seconda (Ital), en nnaro, Sligo 51 days, in ballast 0 Heonaro. Picketing A, .'e.. Hark Francis mel Amanda (Hen, Sanibalu-Ii. Manta l'Jti icvs, w-iiii nata ts ordori veaite! to maater. Arr Atti. Bars Nviiinli'-n Veer U'lili. Maiscillcs OB days, In ballast ci llcnliaiii. Pu kcriuur >t Co.- Hark Allele Itali, T;a|i.iiil,T.isbnn 4! days, with salt to or. i; vessel !n l^i'iro. Sicirc-v .v Bcarpstl. nark Jeanie Hoodwin, Hlbson, Uara, aaa '.) ilay*. with sa jar ee oilier; vessel to Jame* \V Elwell « e len, fiirk PrasaliloDl FroUClie "...ri. Niejah. Hav.'na ll dsys, mit sugar to order; Teasel io Punch, buy* A c*o. Bark Ada eir.ev. Plummer, Ciii-ilt-iias ii ttays, with sugar <i etr'le-r- ve iscl to lin lt. r-.ill A Cn. Bril! 1,1 bole ll lim, ll neck ins. eienliit.'.os li! .lay*, with su- -:ir lee .erele.f: vieasel in Perkin* eV Co. -e iii LeoUB, Gurdun, Iiidiauola IH days, with tnelis, etc. to ll Hr.. .r ,t ."ci. "-..lir Jeanie jil i.I.II' rnn. Hashes. Cardenas ll dav*, with . i .le- Hiv, tte <v Cot V.1.S1 1 til U V Metcalf et Co, si lir .iiilin-.ciiiu-H, Walla, e'.ipo Havtien lu days, with log- rotlll lu"- Milan a.-na; Ve s*el t.e lt V." 1..1 .V Cn. -t Ur Kale Carleton, Condon, Cardenas* 1(1 dapa, with niola*. lloonier: vesreciio ranron-e ,t Loud. sciir John i Iiipraiiam. p.u i.t.ii, Mslaasaa l-davn, with tirtar in eir-li": vessel to jcjlin B lngrab int elk Co, Kulir Anule D Merritt, Lewis turacua u .lavs, with fruit ti.-.... Pearsall; eesssl to Milln- .v llimirtikra. WI NB sum. t-Ai sainty Hook, fresh, NW; cloudy. At 'tty Island, Hie same. IM.EA HMD sir* New-Yolk .itv (tin. Evan*. Bristol. Arkell. Tiilt* A Cn; 'tuft .lin, I'uicliiii. l..-uii. J ti I'uci er A Cen e'liuals iFn, r.iiiguel, Havre-, Ldelleblan; FBuur I'nd-rallsdei, Clark, llltliiiure. J sKrems: I. c.c Rel! (iib!,.. Ncriolk, eitv Poiut lld uti biiiieiitt, (del liaiiiiinou Ss Cn. ^l.:)lllUe., Horry. Boston, 1 K I'lniiiek. s'iiik s iiuica. Pallon, Han Francisco. MnMou 4 CO; Wii¬ tin! Hen, Willie ft, lloraburir, Hermann KeeopjiCu; Broth- ra A leap Hr), l-'e-rrndn. I.rftli<u-ii. Scan.nll <c Co. Harli .Manu, nina (Itali, ittn-.s-.. lie-lt^st. siocovlch A Co-. !inli-_«*li.U* >..... Hsnseu.Queonstown orFaimouUifeiror is, Uockuiaun, (iirleiii ,t- Cot Bravo l.oiirniel ifre. lin mit,»e"!',re.Ja* Henri-; Edvard klviel: (Nor). I.-o-na-., Redan, i, t! Tobias A ('oj .itali winn. Psnillo, Viiirm-la. Sraruatl eel; 1 | lk"_;.) I *s'e,t I, !e;I,-,!H ll. Cle|ll lill IL'I ll. Fllllell, Edj'P St .; ('namma(Br). Whitehouse. Iiimkirk. Janies W Klwrll A \ tillea i .lor), Petfrsen, Hamburr, Rockinnim, oorletn c.. ll-t-ii (Uer i;.ib-i-:i, Hnmlitir-r. Fiineb. .-'.ive * e'o. Pries lilllie. Kine PoTtOfKjMlB, I) Trowliridfe; Sl!a» N [arila. Parter, l"..rt Uoval, P ll smife .v . .- .Witter Lily, e-iryfChiimlanateil, Rsrtram ;ire>*: Eliza 1 |ioui' Hay- ri. .ne ellen, j' 1,." I, U^_MW.rAHroiiK; lieonrtB, Welsh. ,.,- .. M ne I., iv. nfl SCej; \V U I-ieliott, Port- iT'riiirc, ll i, Murray. Jr. fcltr* Aselda .eui l.ii'ira. Jor_r.*nsen, May.-iftier, B J Wen- t>rf a e'o; laabelta .un. Knur. Potnt-a-Pitte, It A Vatat..e A mis. lira.-.. Webt.t. r, YtfBBB, Ht Thieina*. I'eiiston A (nt el.ile Krhiseler, li.'econ. Naeisiu. N P, 1 R SUples; Neille dBW, Ililli. Pori eef -sj, i.i!, .lotiiaj ,V LciUj'll. XDTICF. NRW-YORK) Al>ril eV.Tlie e>.r|st.>1 lite «feat-shln Company. pw.York and uriHtoi, has adopt**! ana wiei bsrestter use as *illatlUSUtsllina Bltcftl Riana! i. liiclel. sltowunr whllo iruing tlie- colors rel. free a. li el. un cn, lu su.o.saiou. Miser; l-il.l. AXIMl's. Hi HUI, April ii..Hark Rota, Capt sorensen, from navan*. Mea arrive bern 11 dav. reports March ), lat sn' lo. loo I- IA, lek el 111. tllC le.'.v ,,] ||,,- Il,' l.C-Cll". I Hat AZUVrdo. 11 >.-¦. i'..,k for Madeira, "ho Iiini abauuuutU their rasosl ve-u liniirs lUCViuils. rOIUCION PORT-. L0l90!f, Avril S..Arr ai Bristol, Btrs ^cincrset. froni N'cm-- urk. and Riversdale, from Baltimore; au- .it Bombay, sir nillir it.--, freiin .New leirie; mr al Anine rp. sir lin. si;,rc. .Sow-Orleans; arr at Hain'mrir, str Blsadon, from New¬ ark, cjrn--.M-ei.vN, April U..Arr str Republic, rrom New.York I.IVi-I |...n*. sen riiAiu-H'v. April 0..j\rr str Olcr, from New-York for rell'ill. i.AitM:. Am ire.-sailed it:i Inst, strStato pf Alabama, for V. Veerk. Havana, April <;. -Arr 6th meit, gtr Ciryof Wa.ihluytou, om New-York. I.'t\|t \. .mihi ti..«ail...| HU! nit. rinljrkelf. finvrnur: .llb it, cultivator, Hie taller Vt 11 iit un....-; Daniele, Fr.mciti Hort's, 1" Bn-diediirff, lhe latter lor Onlveatou; P.-tlt Ceniiac; ii in et. n'ltrii 11, Hie latter for New-voek, Arr 'i'Ad Ult. Ferraro. Gluseppluu, Moa; ilStb nit. N'avlea- re. all nt Tarlta! 1st inst. Atnable Teresa, Nuuvn Providcn- -.'el Inst, .-.r.-tii-ti Air-em ie apt Aiidi*r*eu, Hie linter at trcrlona; Kalnifs, Rrodrene .Capt Kreanen), Camila line tass. Ceincbita. Kranrisoo, Joren Nsrclsss. Premia. Tre* ilieiias. I'll Aiiiisir.iicr, Hu-later damacedi ild litsr, t'o- mba icai'i sirna ii. r.-.-t. Ellen Grant. Knuna i'-tv-ti i. Hilda, nmoer, i.c'ei.t, Nellie T Guest. Tlbldsbo, Valpaniso (('apt ital; 5thInst. Adrianna Petronella, Afrit*t. Anni" j Mar- ill Ash lirave, Ahi.-h <r (C ipt Pebr**on). Usrtsbenie. How il. [nilla tCapt .spniiiii.lci'. Landseer, Nuova. Rosina Can- ea.Bibi. Temple liar, ev asama, Xeoopboni (lib last. Anna upi Kitchin). Hu-latter elamsKi'l; Braunow, Forza, WU- l;;i I, tho lailer passed the- l.i.iinl. /of JsJUOr sn.. .V-.-i. it n 1,. -te' FUCi P.lit. Anouiioiiiciits.] From Bperr'b Vixrtard. lii-.nno tv via <¦:¦: ce. te-tel. au,! .1 tl.e.-i)|,i.|j Gruie VintTs r ».ile tak.ll on! of th" soi! 11* outers-1. llaoeir a III it'.-e md. desired, -ippiy to Bp-ssi's Wine Ottlco, il Wai-reu-si. n.y Ono of tho Ri.atifvinp fpaturo.-i of the times that all rtjrtit nilnded phrslrians Kiudlv use. as an a'l.lll try » absorptive treatment.tbe Holman Fas co.'s remediis. _*txe,_! o. K. Soap i.-* t!ie noreat, bett ami iape.1 lor Iiiinily use. UepeH Abo Wushiiijjton-su TrvJiinics Pvlt'.-e PEARLIRE forcleanins, prout, ishlaadishes,silver,Jawelry.Ae. liepot, ion WaihUisiou st. Winchrster's HTPopnosnitTEi viii cnn- ('em um.1:1 m. cniit.'Jis., nubility, Ao <?qv:eM TABLE >< DOT'S REFRIGERATORS, ITC:ni;\ FURNITURE. COOKIilTO I'TEXSILS, .HI.\iA\I> GLASS. .ewis & Conger. 801 ANO 603 (SIXTH AVE., 1,338 AND 1,340 BROADWAY. THE ¦. Admiratwti % OF THE WORLD. Mrs.S.A.Alleris WORLD'S HairRestorer IS PERFECTIONt FOR its wonderful life-giving prop* erties to faded or falling hair, and QUICKLY CHANGING GRAY OR WHITE HAIR to itt natural youthful CCLCR and BEAUTY. * o IT IS NOT A DYE. It requires only a few apt-plicst-ona lo i bair to its yon t_fal color snd lustrous beauty, aad Induce luaurUnt growth, and Its occasional -oas la all that is nesdad toprsBBTTS it la tts hlg-SBt p*tO*o- tion and beauty. DAHDRUFF la quickly sad pet* msnently removed. SOLD BY ALL DiWHHBTft Messrs. TIFFANY A Co. announce that the piece of commemorative plate which was ordered from them by the testi¬ monial committee of the Diocese of New-York for Bishop Potter is finished, has been examined by the committee and ac¬ cepted. Opportunity to examine this interesting piece of gold and silver work is now given by permission of the Bishop, who will leave the casket on exhi¬ bition at the establish¬ ment of the makers fora few days. t.\I0.\-!^I ARE, April, 1880. TYPE WRITERS. VI. CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE ANO NOW RESUME THE -.ALE OF TUEU-A MB AT -HEATLY REDUCED PROICES-VIZ.: No. I. $70; Ho* 4, $80; No. 2, $100. WE GIVE ONE FnOM HUNDREDS itt TE8T1SI0 MONIALSi ¦ Ten tbousand dollars would be bo Inducement so as ta elvo op their use." DUN, DA BLOW CO. E. REMINGTON & SONS, 281 ANO 283 BROADWAY. RECEIVER'S SALE ST. LOUIS LIFE BUILDING. Byvirtne of sn order ot St. Louis trircnit Court the under- sip-nt-l Trill, on May '.'7tb, 188(1, between tbe boura ot Iii m. amt il i>. m., cu tbe premise*, offer tor tale tbe property known ns "Tlie si. t/nil* Lite Insurance Biuldlug," togetber with Hie lett ou wbicb ibo same is situated. This property ls looa, teel at thc northwest corner ol Slxtli and Locust-sts., St. Louis Mo., ami .routs lilt.-li teri onbisth-st., an.l 141J 12 ob Lo. oust ot. Tho location Ih central; tbs building Ib durabiiitf ami 11-"{rance unitirpaneeel in tlie West, ls built ol Missouri (minite anel st. Genevieve atone, sit stories bleb, with twelve largo vanita of concrete aud rock tu basement, lrou Joist*, lone ret." nud marble doora tliroiietliout, iron Mairtvavs, rail, inirsiiticl newel post*- sis lurg.' offices on the street floor, tbrej i'ii tli" in.r.ii ilettii*. vi-ivlni'ie-e and elegant: forty eigbt spion, iini office ce un upiier door* (nearly all occupleeti: Ure and bur K ar proof vaults, witb coiuh'iistinn locas In each room-; ? t.-t rimal v wat-lt t lanela and teas In each room: superior .Assen, ger elevator, engines anti boiieta complete, having been re. .intiv overhauled aud put In roiuplet'-oriier. Tbe emirs iniii.lin., is mute 1 by ti am. Cost of buiuliog and lot, *_7i.'..7ir. ill. Terms of Mit*: fi!,f)OOcasrion elayof tale before | p. -,., one-fotirib ot hillanco cfl-eb oa delivery of deetL remsinler In three" .inniiiil pavmerits, with sis per .-.-ur luien-st, but i.rvticg to tho imiclianertbe rlpttit lo .wv all Thl» piiijie'rty will hi* soiel Iree from au ttuaisocver, e':. i'hil ' laxes lui l*e-0 aaa existing leases and subject Itt approviili-r the Court, Anv tartha* tulurmatlon will bs given on application to Ul. undersigned. I..E. ALEXANDER. Receiver Colombia tafe Ins. Co., .ith sud Locust ntl. r MADE NECESSARY BY THE ADDITION OF NO, 845 BROADWAY TO OUR PRESENT STORE, WE OFFER SPECIAL BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Le Boutillier Bros., 18 EAST 11TH-ST. 847 BROADWAY. OTIS ELEVATORS. A CARD. _T». To al whoare tuthutme fromtbo eirorrj snit iniitsrre- tou.-iof .iuu:ii. ic: vnu. iv ailee s, early dec.i7.iois or tuan- ..jud, .vc, i will .sada IbcIdb Uiat vt li t eurc you, FREE OF .'HA l-t.i l:. Thi:. -rr-at remedy was BUBBTBaal hy a minion- irv in Howth Aim iii-1. s.-ud a beif-adtlrcssc-l envelope ut tha Hot. JOSE I'll i. IN MAN, station P. Ne v Yoric Oliy. ALLEN'S BRAIN FOOD, Boiankf-l Extract, t\ strengthen* tbe brain,eurea nervousdeblUty.sll weakness if generative organs, $1; « tor*5. AlltlrUB-ruts. Dltmso.Astor iiouse; Allou's Pharmacy. 318 l«t-ave.,.\.y. dene! tot dru jiar. A MEDICAL TREATlSE~deacribing "The causes or strictures. Varlcoeele and Oeoerative ul-easei, lt.!!/incurable with thee knife, aouuel*. eauatlo and stomach ite.iieiu. a moue.ami giving full lUrec.luies for ibetr pm ni an out :ure without pain or detention from business piTvstely as lome, by Uie hURUI'EAN AND AMI.K.CAN MEDICAL, UK kau, can be bau tree. Office* mi Broadwsy, New* lork._ Blair's Pills..Great English gout aud rheu- ui I lc renie.!.-. Oval box, fl: round, 60c. Sold Bl druggltts NERVOUS DEBILITY, Impotence, Wealcu.ii ol the manus ol ueneratloev An., spei-ltlv and ra 1;) til. mrad bv WINCHESTERS tt PE*. I PIC Pt I,.. Twa ti en x>xeaare usually sufficient. Prioo, 91 perbos., (end for circular. Prepared jy WI MU lt Barai a i. Jo.. ¦ibomuta. sc Jobn-st- Now-York. WHOOPING COUGH POSITIVELY CUBED in linn .iii/shv UH. LKe.'1-ON'S remedy. Pries Sue, ilmlnst. 218 Ri.ja.iway. Allen. nib Ist-sTS, sim sit urn* (lau. By mall irom A. Olia, nrapito-or, 440 biaai ibth-eb

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Page 1: INTELLIGENCE. LOCAL MISCELLANY. WORLD. - Chronicling … · gigi!tei!.? HUNDREDSOFLEWERSSTOLEN, e Superintendent



BeiAKDINO-IIOl.'SE.The death of Mrs. George F. Di-ut-uh, from onion

tnlaonintr. wai reported yesterday lo Coron* r Kno'f Dr. H. C. Miller, of the Melrorxiliian Hotel, wlv

nail for some weeks patt had hor .meier his cureIII health, brought on ny sorrow and misfortuneIiini induce I ibe ase of laudanum, aud tlihabit of r-'M-riiiH. io tlie drui. to alla1M_fcllaa lad become confirmed. Mix weeks air'Dr. Mi'Ier was called to see Mrs. Deutsclat No. 215 Rust Twenty-third-at., by n stranircwit. sai.l that his name was Nowhill, and that bxe ib a friend of the lady, anxious for her recoveryHe found a woman about thirty-five years old, o

culture and refinement, but with plain trace*, o

opium eating in ber fare and form. She snhmittceherself willingly to his treatment and the firs! nmmolt difficult stage, of the diesciwr* was successful 11pasieel, when excitement Mused a relapse, and sbtret irned to the use of stimulant.T ie physician warned lier e.f her dansrer. I»ut i>

Tain. Mis. Dentach bad recently removed to i

boardi-ic-hotiso kept liv a Mr*. Morgan, al No. 2ftWest Eleventh-st. H re on Monday eveniii_ DrMiller found her, half-unconscious from the use o

opinm. She refused pettishly to answer his onestiona, and after satisfying himself by a senrcfthat no more of the poison w,is within her reach inwent. away. Au hour .mer a hoareler in Ihe hons.fonnd Mrs. Deutach dead. 'A se-coiul search r»*vealeea twomanee bottle that had contained landan.nunnd a larger one in which had been chloral. Tn.label* had lieen carefully removd.

* Dr. Weller lenrncd that Mr. Neivhnll waR real!)George F. Deuia:"h, bis patient's ilivorce'd hnabandHe now beam that tie had called at the boose afteiMw. DentHch's death and hud brought with bimirelative, a Mrs. Btoadb**ad, Haying that Mrs. Mmfan wanted to seo her. He titan wen! away mid eli.toot return, but yesterday sent n lawyer te) ask whalhe could elo. At the number given by tha lawycias Mr. Deutsch's residence, No. 40 \\ est Eleventhat., no rnTKon of that name is known.Thc Coroner's inquiry brought enif the unhapr*.i

history of the dead woman, of which the physicisthail Icameel mucb already from her. Mrs. Deutsch*!maiden mime was Harget Van Iltircu, anel she- wu*

aneicc of Martin Yan j.urcn. in 18.'.7 Preside-nlof the United Btatea. Her lather wa>

Dr. Peter Van ..uren, or thia city, tlier* President'.-brother. Harriet was his y-nngost child. Heron.}Dear relative now living is General Thomas II. VanBuren, Consul-Gencral to Japan. Bora to positionnnil wealth, anel of great personal beauty, Miss VanDureu became n favorite ofsociety. From Hie back-Windows of ber father'te house itt,bhe maele the acquaintance nf a ninn many years luiBenior who lived opposite in Twenty-first-st..Meelina*) followed. Tba nan introduced hiniscllas George F. Deutsch. Her father disapproved ulIbe acquaintance, nnd thc admirer never tailed alhis house until lifter hia death in 1875. Then hewas a frequent visitor there*, nnd eluring the Inter-inti ional Exhibition in 1870married HiesVan Baresin Philadelphia. This union was one ol' miser*.. Andsoon Mr. Deutsch procured a divorce in Utah, it ifenid with hts wife's consent. They separated, amiMrs. Deutsch, broken in health, travelled in several-states, and at length reached this city, where heiformer husband again hetran to visit her. .Mrs.Deutsch's brother. General Vin Buren, had writtento ber husband severely censuring his conductin ill-treatinc. his sister. Mn. Deutsch claimed thattbe divorce was frauelulently procured, anil hud re¬

tained Aaron P. Vanderpoel io contest the decree.Mr. Deutsch''' business is nor known, though lie in

supposed to be a man of menus. Ile is fifty-fivejraatl of agc, with white hair, while bia wife was

hardly thirty-five.Au autopsy will be made to-day. .ind thc inquest

will be held at afutuxeday. Mrs. Deutsch's fortunewas ample.


LEGISLATION AT THE CITY HALL.At the meelina of the Aldermen yesterday th*

Committee on Public Works, to which was referredtho veto bv the Mayor of the resolution of theUoarel conelemning the action of the Commissionerof Public Works in cutting tiff the Murray Hill res¬ervoir for a iniie from tbe water supply system,submitteil a long report. The original resolutionswero pas-edovor the Mayor's veto by :i vote ol 17to 4.Wben the resolution was taken up providing that

tho work of improving Tompkins Square, oe aronce begun by the Department of Parks, the weirkto be done by day's work e.r by contract, as thoDepartment may elecni necessary, Alderman Mar¬shall moved that the work lie done by contract.This was lost, aud the original resolution was

adopted.A Taxpayers' Associa¬

tion, binded by Dr.M. J. li. Meaeemer. presentedto the Hoard a protest against the acquisition hytbe city of a block of laud in the vicinity e>f Wash-ingion Market at a cost of $300,000, and the erec-tieen of a huil.ling thereon at u cost of 9200.000, as

provieled for by a bill introduced by .Senator Bixby.The protest also opposed olb-tr provisions of thohill. The matter was referred tr,* the board lo theCommittee on Markets. Tbe Taxpavers' Commit*tee will go before thc Senate Committee on Citiesand oppose the passage of the bill.

LIGHT ON THE VANDERBILT WILL CAeSE.Tho circumstances anil terms nuder which tho

contest of the will of Commodore Vanderbilt waswithdrawn ono year ago are gradually becomingbetter known, from a varlet? of litigation.. One ofthe most suggestive of these is the snit of Z. E. Sim¬mons a-ainst Cornelius J. Vanderbilt, begun in HieSupreme Conrt, to recover .*!-0,000. The plaintiff,in Ins complaint, merely Alleges that on July 1,1870. the defendant became indebted ro tbe plain*tiff jn the Mini of MSO.OOO, for moneys received be¬tween .-annaiy 1, 1S7!', and duly 1,1*.79, by Corne¬lius J. Vanderbilt from William H. Vanderbilt forthe use of the plain! ill; which moneys tbe plaintiffli is often promised tea pay. but haa, never done so.Scott Lord, as conn, el for the elcfentlant, made au

application in Chambers before Judge Donohue Ihattlie complaint be made more deHmte and certain *,thr.* it be made lo slate thc times at winch thc ele-fendtint received such moneyBj in what capacityWilliam H. Vanderbilt held the .Kin.OOO in bia ens-

ftodjrfor the plaintiff, and the namaa of the agentsfrom whom Cornelias J. Vunelerbilt received themonev. Tho morion woe. opposed bv H. M. White¬head lor tbe plainlili. Justice Donohue granted themotion.


FALLING INTO A PAVED AREA.A serious accident occurred Mondav evening at

the Twc ity-nintb-at. entrance to th (Jils-v Houselo Dr. C. H. ll. Sayre, son ef Hr. Lewis A. Sayre.Dr. Sayre had just alighted from his ronp- and badaptiroiiVheel tim door ol the hotel as it about fo en-

Ter. but soddenly turned shoal to iles.-"ml theBlepi, His foot struck against the curbstone sup-parliiig the low railinjt, and he fell into tbe pavedarea some twenty feet below. Detectivellieltlelbeig, who was standing at the doorul the lieitel, find to whom tho doctorhad sp ikea as ho ascended the steps, sprang forwardto save bim. bnt the fall was so sudden that tlie ul-tema>t failed. Dr. Sayre's thigh bone was fracture'-,the broken ends of the heine protruding through thell. sit. He waa liikcn to Iiis home, where the Seriouseiperinioii rcntlerrtd iMcesaan Ly tie«i eompiicat«Mimil ure ot Ibe injury was performed by bis father,ahsiiited by otbet oiuiuenl Kir..:.ons.

Dr. Bayly's chancel *>f ivcoveiy ure still uncertain,but bisceiiiditioii since tbe opera!ion was performedls sufficient ly favorable to give his friends hopes ofhisliual l ceovery.


VARYING BUCCES-i.ES OE THE STRIKERS.The strike of tlie 'longshoremen at the pier of thc

White- star Line on the North River, to compel thedist-bargo nf non-union men, cansed no inconven¬ience yesle-i-,l;:v, inid will not interfere willi thesailing ol Hu Germanic on Saturday. The steve¬dore i.i charge said yesterday thal he had n n ivedapplications for empleiyiiii-iii fromUIOIVmeu than hehad ni', et of.

'1 h<- collin ami c-'iiiKt makers employed by JonasSiolis. Taylor A Hcgcnuui, Smith Si Winston, Tay¬lor j Co. and Thorn .V Weydig .tracie yesterdayfor BA advance of !I5 per cenf. and establishedheadquarters in Kivlngton-st, The- strike of theemployee of Flint A Co., furniture manufacturer*.JS'o. Iliii West Xinoteenth-st., who went ont severalweeks aro for au adv ance in wages, still continues.An effort to compromise resulted in failure'. Thccigar makers employed by Jacoby, iu Broome-st.,who struck for .-in advance of $1 u Iboiuuiitel, have"returned to work, their Uuii-iinl having beengranted.


A DISABLED STEAMSHIP AT SEA.Thc steamship Eelsize. which arrived from Avon-

month veaterday, reports thal on March 21. in lati¬tude r.o-.'rn neii-th. li.n-ritudo 15° 30* West, a dis-ablcd steamer uneliT sail ami requiring assistauocwas signalled. Tim was tl.e British aleamshipI.lanarthen. in command of Captain Tom. SheBailed from Newport, bas.,on March ll, lor New-York, and live eiays afterward daring tempestuousweather lost her propeller. 'Flit cargo of roi!roadiron had .shifted, throwing tho reoBel over on herSide and making bec unmanageable. Bevela] at¬tempts were iii iel.: by tho lidsiz-' ,'o tow her backto port, but in-.ure.* instanco tho low lines were

faned. After making every efl...* ?_. tow thc ves¬

sel for twentv-feiur hours to th eastward, andmaking only forty-six miles, tbe ! elsizo separatedfrom ber and proceeded on ber voyage to New-York.A heavy gale with high seas then set in, lasting forthree days. On Mardi 31 three large icebergs wore

gigi! tei!. ?

HUNDREDS OF LEWERS STOLEN,e Superintendent Plimley, of the Money Order Dp-Jiartmeut pt the New-York Post Office, on Thursdayast reported to* Postmaster James tbat nearly 4fl0otters of aelvice remained on baud to theorder of Patrick Ford, Editor of TheIrish World. Special Agent Harrctt foundtbat Michael Hayes, Post Office messenger forfha Irish World, was stealing letters. Huye.had more than 300 letters on bis person, and be ad¬mitted tbat he bad a valise at his nome jn Brooklynpacked fall of others. All the missing money-orders were found, but about $1,500 in cash was j

missed from the letters. Tho theft, wore begun InstOc.eiber. Hayes was handed ovi r te Mr. 1-'ord, batup to last evening be bad not been arrested.

W. E. SAWYER STILL IN PRISON.JUf-Tiri. dotty mervs.-, nut. inn tiii. nagg-tr.


William E. Hawyer, tho elecfrieion. was nrraigne 1in the Jefferei'in "Market Police Court .ve-sferdaymorning by Ofiiccr Neylnn, of tho Twenty-ninthPrecinct, who arrested him on Mondav evening forshooting Dr. Steele, formerly a colonol intbe Southern anny. Mr. Sawyer wa*"generally cool and self-possessed in court, but occasionally cast an anxiousglance in thc direction of bis wife ano mother, whooccupied i-f alie in front of the beneb. After OfficerNeylan bael given his accemnt of arrest. Mr.Saw vcr was all.) weil to make a statement in bis ownbehalf:" The shoot ing of Dr. .Steele," he saie_, " was en¬

tirely in self-defense. I dill not folleiw him. didDot speak le), err hiok at him in the Rossmore. 1was warned to bink out for him as be was limier Iboinfluence of liquor, ugly ami dangerous. He fol¬lowed nie ou! ol f he hotel, anil Instead of going overlo Ihe norih sid'* of Forty aecond-wt.. where be liveshe came after me almost to my very door, on thesmith side, of the street. Ho clutched me by thcshoulder and muttered :*'"'-, Suwy.r, I am going *o kill you.'" He generally carnes two pistols with bim, and

he hail bis right hand in his side-pncket holding one

Ot them, 1 believe el. while with his left he pushedme aside. Ile did not slrike me at tirst, bis purposeapparently being to induce me to strike* him, winnhe would strike me down. I saw this and remainedpassive, saying to him :"'For-sake. Doctor, go home. I don't want

tn bave any trouble with you '

"Thiaseemed to anger him, for ho struck mewith his Iel! hainl, and elrew a pistol out of hispocket willi his right. I was directly tinelcr myown window. I had a revolver in my pocket, amiI knew if 1 elid no! lire at bim he would cn.a in Ivkill m.'. There was no help for it- 1 drewmy rev.ilvir anil fired, it seems in his fare, but*) it limit any ielea eil locality, or time to take nilli.He 'li-opeie-d his pistol and staggered slightly,ami stooped to pick it np. Hoi wishing to snootag iin myself, Ot to bc shot at by him, 1 lurned andhurried around the block wilh Ihe intention nf fak¬ing a Sixtii-ave. cur lo.'iOih-sf. in order to give myself up at tho Twenty-ninth Precinct Police Sta¬tion."The counsel for the prisoner made an nnmccesa-

ful attempt to have1 bim released on bail. JusticeDuffy refused to -rant thc request until be had aphysician's certiorate of tim conditiem of thewounded man. Al 'A p. m. the Coori received a err-titieati' trom Dr. J. L. Little saving that Dr. Slidewas vet iu n dnueerous condition, Mr. Hummelthen madoan effort to have another physician sentie. examine the" wounded man to obtain anotherCeriideate, but Hie ('our! having no power io autho¬rize Ibis, Vr. sawyer was remanded to thc JefienonMarket Prison.There he was visited by a Ti:inr\i". reporter. <ei

whom he linnie lin-same statement as to .lus'icDully. He en cuines u roomy ceil on the uppermosttier, ami seemed st ease, He said that al Ute tim.,of the shooting Dr. steele was much under theinfluence of liquor, and was at such limes "aperfect Tue-cater."' Ile said he now feared thatSteele would shoo! him at lirst sight, and inat hointended to bave him put underbonds t*> keep Ibepeace. Mr. Sawyer claimed Ibat Charles Peron, a

waiter al the Rosemore Hoted, called lum aside Mon-day evening, and warned him tn look out fur Dr.Steele "who waa laying for him." Af the hotel tl,..rc, niter failed to confirm Ibis, and tho waiterChalks could not be found.The employes af the Rossmore were unanimous in

their expression thal Mr. sawyer was ¦ very rcren-trie man, and that Ms manner on Mondav eveningwas annoyiug in the extreme te) Dr. Steele, whothey said'waa a quiet, unobtrusive man.Dr. Sleelc was fonnd at ins bouse at No, 2fll Wes!

Forty-fle eond-st., surrounded by Ins family auel hisphysician. His nose is completely flattened. Dr.Steele said thal when be started to leave- the hotelMr. Sawyer gol un an.l passed out jus! before hun,..ind ni the rear eif the building e>n ibe opposite sident Hie street, fumed, and in a very pleasant traysaid to bim :" I elo not wish to have any trouble.virb you. and I wish that you would neat me as a

gen; lemon beereafter." Dr. Steele sine! bis coutemptwaa so great for Sawyertbal he told bim to so homeand leave linn, alni was himself in the ac! of turning,when the powder flashed iii his face, so close ibat ncwas barned hy ir. Tbe*n followed the retnrn ta thehotel and the identification of Sawyer by Dr. Steele,and the arrest.The story of Mr. Sawyer's unkind treatment of

his wife when in»-bri:tfed was reiterated by mem-ben of Hr. Steele's family, and Mrs. __.ande.irl_, thelandlady, who saul its intolerance became so un¬bearable '.hat Mr. Sawy.-r was dispossessed of Insit oms April li by order eef the court, on her Applica¬tion, Dr. Steele saut that he hail no pistol and was

unarmed at Hie nine of the- shooting.

EXHIBITION OF SPRING FLOWERS.The monthly' meeting aud.exhibition of Hie New-

York Horticultural Society yesterday, drew n throngof visitors to the ball, at No,Af. Weal Thirty-thirat.,which is the temporary eef the society.More than 300 pots of plants ami flowers were .i¦ s-pliived. besides hundreds ol bouquets nml nilBowen. Tin-re wero few novelties on exhibitionbeyond the select group nf bardv Spring Howersexhibited by' Woolwin at Co., of Passaic-; some- ofthese bein,' absolutely new, and all eef them havingthe .charm Rnd freshness which ale-ays invest tiii-;dllSK Of plants. .Masses of lilies lolli. llollilil ;i luiamaryllis in variety, a choice selection »_i" palms,dine .eilis and nnrnntas and lill unusual numberof thc rarer orchids were thc idiest striking feature'sof tlu* display, Tbo principal exhibitors wen* Mis.M. J, Morgan, John lleiielemin, Hallock A Thorpe,Win. Bennet! and John Finn.A paper was read by Wm. Dennett, of Flntbtish,

on "Horticultural Societies ami their Obicctie," Inwhich were set forth thc advantage.; oil. id bythese associations as mediums for Inc interchange!of ideas and experience, and ss means nf devatin"popular fast.' and iui-rcaaiiig peep.ibu- know I. due- nfdecorative plants, Mr. Dennett claimed thal in thoexhibitions of the New-York Society ibero had beenspecimens which could have competed with any intue best London exhibitions, and that the New-York displays of fruit had excelled in quality audvariety any similar collections in thc wm ld.


IXTF.l.NATK>NAL RIFLE-SIBHtflSt:.At tim meeting of the National Rifl£ Associatione-stc relay, a letter v.:.' read from i!i" IfiIle As¬

sociation, expressing regre! thal the Internationalmatch between Ireland and Aineriea ne Hui-e-exsfiillybegun in 1S74, and Bind alternately in Irclaiiel amiAmerica until lt>77. lind mi long been in ubeyniiee.The t'onucil liopi-cl ibu! mi American t'-nm woiibjgive Ireland another chance lei compete in .lune

ct. Major Fulton ofl'ereil a reaoluliun thal Iheinvitation bc ace-epted, le elim. asMtinii timi the:people weitihl readily subse-rilic te mee! iiie expenseof such a laudable elleul to revive rilh'-Hhontiuglllllll its '"resent h-lhlilgie state". Aliolliel" luci.'mgtee ri port upon a plan Ib to lie held Tuesday.

T!ie> committee nppolnt<*d tn consieler whalchanges in the conditions governing e-eimpe litem forlill" ti lllrlilliii! Iliiphv eeellld lee millie ju oilier Iee

promote' tho prospe-eis of annual international riflecompel il ieiuH, ri'|Mirteil aiui'iielmeiita. lu view ofth), incl that it is impossible to secure U team tole |,1, -i-lll lill- Natioillll Hilie- A.ssee. i.-il ion ,,| (i|i:,tI tii t .ii ti. if sc paiate teams limn Ireland lind Seol-luiul ale 1 illiiitliil to compete-, il mis r, solved ihatonly oin" tee icjiiesiiit (ii'-ii! Uri Illili and ln-lililil I.e ¦eligible liereaflel lilia Un! to »..-. -111, i. |Hii-vine-iiil or colonial, teams, tu which uu objectionbas been iqaele.Ii \)iis resolved to rotmolidalc the Spring nmlFall nieetings, and to hit ve u "graud auuual"meeting in September.

BARNUM'S SHOW IN* THK STREETS.Barnum's street parade nllrncted crowds of peo¬

ple to Broadway and other Ktrceta yesterday. I'hejiriiu-ipal features consisted ol sixteen tr.-iin.-il stall¬ions ld by Myganrd, Hu ir trainer; eleven rle-jeli:;iits. lanni!-, iii si/t- from two ami a half feel inheight up tn the largest lim! has ever wuIkeel inlli-oadwuy; the rlmriof ol Orpheus, enutniiiinii hlield band of fifty [decca; the chariot eef Neptuneand allegorical chariot e>f Atlas; the golden organot Vienna and automatic military band; <tn.Mule',-, co.nb, drawn by Lilipnthin ponies; o|ieiidens ol African linns; thc rannon from \* lr--h Za/elis shot a distance ol forty feet; a herd ol )* hue- midld-.i li camels; a monkey band of sixteen. Atit.¦-n.alie' gvnuiasls, du neera, harlequins and clownssurmounted llie cages. Every costume' wasnod each pictured ian wa fre-.'-h from th'-puinti-r.Thc canil il Invested in thc show is moro than$2,000,000.

A DEPUTY SHERIFF SHOT.Dcpnty Sheriff Martin Dwyer, of Brooklyn, was

shen ye aterday by a bill poster named John Ki nny.Kenny waa recently bIx luonthaiu the Penitentiaryfor assaulting un i inplo. <. ni f. J, Murphy, ti rividbillposter, Dwyer, who is a brother of AldermanDwyer, and of John Dwyer Ibe prize-lighter (nowchi.; ol' the Third District Court, Brooklrn). baabeen employed by Murphy to protect bis interests.He waa in Murphy's omeo yestenlay v. inn Kcnuyentered, Dwyer, ailing under Murphy'sdirecfioiis,ordered him lie l'o emt. Kenny refused, and a strug¬gle ensued, during which Kenny drew a pistol andBred. The shot took effect on the left side ofDwyer';, bead, iullicting a severe but not dangerouswound.

FINDING PARU GREEN IX THE TEA.Ella A. Comba, colored, agc 12 years was vesfer-

day held for the action of ihe (.rand Jury, by Jus¬tice Clowes, of Hcimistcnd. L. I., on a charge of at¬tempting to poison the family of Charles A. Bailey.of Hempatead. Mr. Bailey is a fanner, nnd the gu 1was employed in the kitchen, Last Pride}', Safur-elay ami Sunday evenings, Ihe fatiiilv was takeni-ick after tea. Mr. Hailey found Paris green in thcbottom of his coffeecup. Ho charged the girl withhaving attempted to poison the famllv, and shefrankly confessed that she had done bo, but saidshe did uot know why.

*' Rusticus " eends from Paterson, N. J., 8-5for tbe Irish Famine t-LuiO. The subj will De ii*rw___a_dto ths committee here.


Astor Tlnuse.Att ni' v-Oeneral Hamilton Ward,of A!hanv .Stn* .' -oh-. Hole1.A, J. I>r#*»l, of PltlUilel-lihii eiuicra: J. II. Wii-eeii, of Iloften.. »ml P. J eef, Bflii-lmlt . ,ie'ie*ie~ ;/-)''l-Cbstles H. Trula, of IlonfrinColonel ll. >. MrC'im'", e.f iH-luwut e Dunlel KoMii-Oii. ofT.*..y, uni J. N. Mel'illliiiKh. eil I'ltteTliiirg.Helrimnhtanll.itel-Cnnnl Aelam -etesnnbock and cretin, Mai H^nboeS, "'

Bt I'.!, a-lii.rg ; ll. Hash lintier! c of anet V, llllar_RUekneer. olths l'nlto'1 Mtltrn IiiiIItii ComnileeiTioti.lire.toort House.PxoteeeatJ. M. Peirce, nf Harvard i-.iilrfte......Kturtevant Bout -<"iieiimnilnre E Maipven, V. H. N.Si.Ja- ¦-* lieUl- Th.- Hi v. Dr. lt. Tl I'ifrh.ilrn, of nt. Stcphen'iCollere.Cf Ifs... Jlvuee.Jonie* F.irsylli, ol Troy.

NI.Vi -YORK CITY.Panie! Pariah, om ¦». a well-known dry goodie nicr-

chanl, die .1 Monday evening ai his home, No. _! EastSlzteenth-at.. at the" age of eighty years.Dr. Smith, the new Health oilier of thc port,

waa present at tho meeting of thc Health Commis¬sioners yesterday. By virtue of his position be ia a

member e-f the Board.The convevinice. of one-third intcr<*st in Hie Astor

Hons.., from'I he trustees of Henry to John .1. amiWilliam Amu-, was recorded ii. the RegistersOfficeyesterday. The cousidcration wae .f'.'>:t:«\'!:i.'!.V. K. Stephenson, president e.f the Real Estate

Trust Company, has purchased from <'. I*. Gunthersix lots nu the north-east corner of l'iftli-ave. and

Beventy-ninth-st. The consideration wasf2_5,000.Ai the Police Hoard meeting vest, relay Captain

Williams n'port-eel thal inquiry into the complaintswade to tim Police Commissioners ol ashes beingdumped in thc barber had shown the charges to bounfounded.Jesse Patterson waa attach by ¦ train on Hie ,*six!h

Ave nne Blovsled Kailrouel yeatetday. while at workat 'l'u)-iitv-iiintli-st.. and was se -veivly injun-el. Hewai taken to his home at Kightli-ave. and eOnc-biiinlieil-and-twcnly-e"i._ilitb-st.Theil" was Tce-onle-d VesleMilu V ,'ll Hu* Tie I"

Offlco fl conveyance nf th* property on the noi thsid.-cf Fiiieith-st. Broadway i" s.-v. -nih-ave.from Angusl Trnumand idhem to \V. H. Vaudcrbilt,TllC e-illtsiel.-l-Illieill was rr-Ht>,nn<>.Monea Wagner, a rhild of two years, left by

Its mother, who was nilled away from In r home ntNo. ls Kast llroailway yesterday, found a bottle nfii mixture to relieve toothache and .lian!*, iis con¬tent*!. Tin-ere-.i ul" killed thc child.Tin re were landed at Castle Garden yesterday immigrants, the Uni liismnrck, from Hie-nn-n,bringing Aid: the He'lvetin, from Livorpool, IIWMlithe I'li'pia. from filnagow, fH)2. ThisnuiKesa t»»t-ilof immigraul ami als In two days of 17ei:t.

Col, !>..!,ame v Kain" will begin driving the TallyHo conch lie!wwii Hotel ItmnHwick in (his eity and(..psHo Inn, New Rochelle, on April il. The cou.liwill leave- New-York at Hi a.m.. arrive ni NewRoche-lie* al middii). and start ecu the return trip at

ii'-, p, m.Tie" e|uaitiilv l'fpeerl of the Bureau of Vital Stat¬

istics show thal during the last three mouth* therewen r.'.i Ki bi ii h-I. tis.i-j dca hs and il1-10 marriagesiu New-York. This in a de'eroase from i'e- i-orrcs-|Kiiuling quarter of 1h7H of 774 deal lie, and i.n in-creaae ol UKI births anel !M8 marriage's,Ai il-, nuflingof ih.- I'.iiniil nf Health ycBtenlav,

the Iiisjieeioi" ol Offensive Smells reported thal thev-eiiksui tho Mutual (eas Lighl Cninpan al Kastr.levi'tii'ii-st. give out an offensive smell, bi re-meemof tin'usc of Hine as a purl Her, and urged tim! thc('ompany be nnlered t" desist from this prac!ice,Samuel J, Tihlon was much observed as be slowly

moveel np Nassau-*!, ou Monda}', with his undercoatand overcoat thrown wide open and bis blt eyeliddrooping more than usual. Ho seemingly druggedone lo )t alongnfter the other with nnu-ii difficulty.There was a tired and haggard b.eek lum.SvlvaniiH Hodgins, n rhild of seven years, waa

frighten. .I to death by Monday's llnnidersroni).The child's nunuts live- at No. 54.1 Wes! I'ifty-se) .1:1 il st. Tin- buy \i .ts iblicatc mal thc Stldeh'tl-iicss ami violence ut' thu storm frighte n. el him intoiniii iilsinns. Ho died before medical aid could be.sninllltilli al.

Thc- New-York titi mid Northern Itailroad Com¬pany .inila thal the iron bridges erected bi the ai'e unsafe*, und ihen'fon* "ill i*oi»ti.>>iierunning traills until new hrhlffes are- built, I'M..will probably dela) the opening iii the road untilthc- eoiiipb'tiflll ed ll;e new railroad bridge over tin;Harlem Iii)er.Then were four marriagea at the City Hall yes¬

terday. Tim mimi inle'nieting couple weti .lamesWong Gnu. age* MU. a Celi'stial "t N". l"> Mott-nt.,and Mai;, Ann O'Connell, a buxom lii-h girl nf __,'l.Pre idciit M-.iii< ;.el liiriii'-d tin-min lint:.- rcPMmuiyin iii pre mc- cit n lin inls nuel otheis.Chief Clerk Twomey galing awn,, the bride.

Tl:-' Arl Students' Lnngne held its monthly re¬ception a! Hie roiuns, No, INO Kifth-nvc.. yesterdayevening. Then* nasa large' number ed picture's amisimile, en, including many from thehint lins ul I*..:s,ina n J olin sun and Humphrey Moore.Among ibe nelsons 'irene ii I were J. M. Hurl ley,Arthur Ouar:ley, B. A. Armstrong, I.'. J.. Saand loll Paul.caris.At a m. tiini: of lin- grain trudo .cf the Proebicc

Kx. bailer." y.sieubiy. ti leiur I: cnn the manager* nfUn-iniiil. lim' i.iiii" vi's read asking Hut ace el |" 11,1 |.-,- '..,' Il ppl li |, III ull'l Milli i'a ill I'll |||"etina] wi ion ol lenniii il livighl eharg'-xai iles ¦u,\nih.! ic.; s. Krank liii Kelson, la e.nan! Hnzi'ltine*,Kdv-ani Annan. David Kiri, hain and W. .*-. Wallacewere appointed a commiltcc.Miss Murgnei ite Senl i. (cir lifteen rem a mb sicm-

atv iii I.illina, aihii...-..-.I Ititi Arkae i. refugee-,who an-now on llioir wav lo thal country, ).. -u r-

dnv, af i nen- quarters in Thirty-seventh af. Tlie lec¬ture waa e-ii'-iii'isc-d mainly of facts regarding thocl. in."i te ol Li bella, ihe in ai: I tc's and ci. -i .nus of thcpeople, ri;ui t in- difficulties to be overcome by thosewho emigrate lo thal country.The .plaiter]) examination under civil sir; ice"

niles for nd ini ssh ci teethe diatom Merrier was begunye Mc-ielny. Tbrr.i ivrme e:; applicants !"iships. Amoi i:-)iii i.William H. Bishop,A. M. Bolh'-t, I'r.eii -s-ier Hubbard, ul I 'arl naml li Cnl-l'_re,. (ie e-i .rc \Yilliutn Curtis ami John Trnslow. ofthe Department ol ,\ c--.ti.-nta, Brooklyn, Thcexauiimitioii lei-day will he ul insjicctors and night-iuspei lora.Major William Post, n clerk in the Weigher's de¬

partment ni the Custom Holies', found demi inbis bn| al No. Kui Dasi Tenth-*!, realenlay. Hi ur!n: ase- was ih'-cause-ul death. Mr. Post wanu rly e'lniibiyed iii fla V'a<.-i-iintlta)ii llui.-au of HieI',.tani of lb allii. ami al nne lime v.iis Hie >i s ;i I .-

¦¦.¦I ic¦i,y-> td (lovernor Kenton nt JamcNloivii, N. Y.I.'.- caiiefil Ins nih-of ina.eii inila" ivar. H.-wasuuniarrieel,Thc Kl. Nicholas Club lina ehi'ted the following

ohii-.-i-: I',¦¦¦ blent, IV.-.I. it.i. de IVyster; vice.ul. .lana e M. Mi eau tren uri r, Kdware)

eSchill; -.ia nial v, I'b.'irh's A. Me hciincrhniu jlliislees. Aligns! US Mehell, Betiinlillli I.. Sim,ti |i

n. .lobn C. Mills. Ticlinc Ifoos.-). ll. Kelgareh" IVyale r, and William ll. de I.iincov.With tin- exception of the his! linn- trusteea thctil'kel le-cte-el \)aa tin- Ifglllal um.

'1 he iiii|iies! iii the case of Peter Haly, the Hlack-weli's bbiiid keeper, wbo waa killed <en Mureil lsby lalling over tbo bluff al Pirat-ave. nnd Mevenlv- i:.-|ii on Meinelny bv Coroner ihaeiv, l'n-qniiy Into the cire'iiiiiKtAticcs of the ease bael lieenumib- b\ Captain Gmiucr. ami no evidence hud li enfound to ulmw that Daly had bren murdered, I.u-J.'.-I,l- ei*K,,.|... . bo I,te.I I,ea I, :. e.,1 ,.,1 Qll slK|,i, 11,11,*v;is therefore bonorubly eiis.i,;i,¦_..¦,i.

Al the annual meeting of the staten Marni Bail,way Company yeste nbiy. ut tin olhce ai th.- foolof \\ lui.-hall si., ibo fiillou ing I ii na in, -. i-cie-eli rle-il inf Hie- i-ii- aili-.' vein :¦( a|ie;i-t, .1 ., ,,l,-||. \ :1I1.e!' iliiil. I'l.-si'ie ni li. Kre-ist-bil, I.uciis ll. Meyer,John VV. Me i-iie an. .1... jib Urilion. Cliarles \.Ciiiiiivillee, Nuthaiiiel Marsh. William King,

i'.". tr1, ii.I. .lames ,i. Wymtnt, .lame M.-Ailina. S. P. (i.-l.e-i-lian... n, and J. II. Vaiiilelhill, jr.

Ten-"."ia- lime n re-peirl has been current thatIa sle-r WinliK I. had pun l.a-cei properly ne ur Maeli-seeii Se|itnre. upeeii wbilli he ecuiteniplaled creelingmi elegantI he-al re very .nw.i A hi;:: vi" reportercalled ut Wallni'k'HTIieatn*. and in Hie abs,-:,ce nfMi. Wullack was iiifniiiual by Mr. Moss thu) lin- re¬nou v.ii-- utterly untrue. Mr Wnlbiek expe>e!a tnbuild ii new theatre Miine lime, lem has no si;,, jnyew, and bas nu idea of doing anything ol' the kindloon,

I'i ide nt Ive.-, of thc Stock Rxi-hnngc, yesterdayculled tiio ."iite.ititni u, meinIH-ne In the by-law. for-liiililiiu m. milers lu juin liireetly or !i\ iiartuer anyallier organii:aliou in which Nteicks nml l.e.nils .i-,-d- all in. II.- referred lei the. rejiori thal nejirliihi'-e .|iiaii'is of the.di. i sui h i.e-w Mining |_x-i"hunge ai.cen; He in- i-stabiislictl were itii'inlM'rsofthe Jv'i-lian-e. He said thill te|is would be taken

ll tbe liuai.l any m. tubers who ) i.,-lilted tin" inies eil the Exchange,

<'e nstable William P. Drown, of Roche (cr, N. y.h is been in tins (iiy several days searching forI', ni- <». Strong, who is charged with sivinulingDaniel Lowery, nf Roche-u'er, ont of (^Jd.OOO, Tliee-.icii.ut with which lin" constable is .inned recitesthai Minng obtained thal aiiiotiut from Mi. Lnin 1870 by falsely rt-imsenilng hiunee'lf te. l,. h',.iwnerof a quantity of wool In this city, With thues si jun ." of Police Detectives Von (jlcriehten ami.'Neil. < uii. er Brown arrested SI nmg ,-n the SpuytcnLiny vii de pot yesterduf afternoou.The manager e>f the Ame rican branch of Hie Rent

i>11 Commereial Insmuuee Company of fjlasgow,1' i.liiV ic-c-c i\cel tho lucine om. .. a diapatellIlilli.illicilii. tile .'inn"1. tioll of the Ul'gOtiutioUS fol".malgaroatiug that company with the Lancashire.'ompany, of Manchester. The Scottish Commer-ial Comnany begun business iu this country lu1873, nml although it hoi last year about (j-.t'.i.hut shows a surplus .rn ifs Am. rican business im¦' theight years of about f_.50,000. Tl.e LaucasliircJoiniuiiiy made laal year a small gain.George B. Frome, alia's Kdward Augnt-t De Ar-

icenay, who em Saturday last waa arrested by _),-iitives King and Lvon, of the Central Office, b.iv-ng In his possession ]7 bunds of the BreflauM'limednitr Preiburger ElBenbahu Gcsellscllaft. of3e*rlin, was again iirrnigni il H. f.»r«- Jnstiee Smith,a toe Eases Harket Penlee Court ycateidav. Mr.'chomacber, Conaol-General of the German -.moire,lid uot a].|iear, anil Detective Lyon said that helad no evidence against Krone. Justice Smithhereforo dine barged him.The Jubilee Singers are to give eight concert, ia

New-York and Brooklyn within the next ten days.To-morrow night they will appear at tho HansonI'iaic Hiil.tist Church. Brooklyn: at the Presbyte¬rian Memorial Choreh, 506 Madison-nvi'., Imlay;St. James M. E. ('burch, Harlem, Matiir.liiy: Dr.Cuvier's Chnreh, Brooklyn, April 13; Newark, Anni14; Zion M. E. Church (colored., No. 301 Hlee.ker-St.. April IT., and for a Join! thoreceipts to the Chinese Mission, and the other baitto tin- Fisk Bteioway Hall, April lo.

William Poole, ag" seventy years, died Budelenlyat his home No. 'jr, Avenue C on Monday night.Poole's wifo died last November, auel aluce thattime ho hus drunk tei excess, ami has solel ott everynriiclo, of furniture for the pnrpnsfl of gettingwhiskey, in the house there was nothing nut a

heap of hay in an upper room upon which bo slept.Pool WM found yesterday morning in a sitfliu.position in the doorway leading to his bedroom bead.There was a small contusion on his head, nnd there¬fore the ease was reported to tbe couuty physicianfor Investigation.Annie Whitey,a pretty girl age 1-1 years, vtttn

found crying Momlav night in nasluiigton-seiuareby Officer McCaneof the Park Police. Vestj-rdnysh." was taken be fine Justice Dull'v in thc .JoftersemMarket Police Court, where she staled that up toWednesday laat Bhe bad lived with her pi rents atNo, 1 iH.l.iMi-si., (.V.onpoint. On Wednesday shehad been brought to this eity by a young rn in. williwhom she stayed at Hie Ashland Bonne until lustSunday, when he deserted her. Sunday night hav-ingno money or friends, she wandered about thcstreets. Yesterday sbo searched for tho house" ofan acquaintance but could not Bod it. JusticeDuffy temporarily committed her and telegraphedfor her father.Coronet Herman yeatenlny emnnnneled a jury,

in the ens" of Thomas Halter and thc imiuost will hoiiebi on Friday. BBOOKLTN.Albert Dennett, aga thirty-flee, of Fifth-ave. and

Ballic-st.. aud George Ellison, ago fifteen, ol'No. 70Carroll-st., are reported an missing'Max Albert, age twenty-five, of Ko. 104 Beholet*

st.. was discharged from a box factory lu Throop-ave. Monday. Xoatcrday he asl -4 Charles Jaueeke.the foreman, why ho discharged him, Janeekemade iii) reply, and Albert drew a knife and stabbedJaneeke in tue left side, Ju iticu Bernier committedAlleen io.; ni for examination.William W. Heal, son nf William P. nea), of No.

-Ki President -sa., w is found lietel ill the celiar ofbia father's house at 7:30 a. in. yesterday, havingshot himself in thc hil breast with a revolver, Hewas nor quite twenty years of ase. and bin friendswere at a loas to account for his let. He was em-pleiyed iu thia city, and was tiKiially .ol a cbccriuldisposition, JERSEY UiTY.

.lillies ll, Doremus. who recently resigned tbeclerkship of the Hoard of I'm- Cominissiunera of Jer¬sey ('itv, wa.- cniiii.idled le resign on accoiinf ofallegeel irregularities, lt is saul that hecouvertod.Tijou belonging tu thc city to ins own use.

NEWARK.About fifty trunk makeraemployed by Farsner el-

Co. struck on Monday for au increase of 2«"> perneill in their wilges.Tha fourteen hundredth anniversary of the birth

of Saint Benedict, founder of iii"- orJer oflieiiedi I ;at monks, was celebrated at St. Mary'sUnman Catholic Church yesterday.

Bolter! Newton, a grinder, employed In the bucklefactory of William Crabb a Cu., was cu ii slit in thoshaft ma of the factory em Monday morning and In-stautly killed, He waaaslngle mau about twentyyears of nge, and lived ill Chatham- I.

Tho Soring term of the Essex County Courtopened yesterday morning, and Depue de¬livered his charge to the Grand Jury. He directedatti ntion to the subject ot laxes ami Hie fraip I tilen Icv.ui ni nt taxation. Ho referred to the iitiblicationsin tbe napers in regard to tbe purchuBO by city tiffi-ei.ils nf tin- Woodside bonds.

The Newark Preatbytery began ita Spring sessionat .seiiuli Pork i'leslivte-i ian (iiiu-cli yest-.limy itiorn-ii cr. lin l.e-v Dr. I.'raven was elcctcel Moeleraler.llie application e.i Charles II. Hrewirter fore.idiiiatioii aa au ovaugclial, wu.. I.- iii;. a,el .visthen withdrawn. In the afternoon tho regularreports were read, I 'i<- sermon to the Presbytery)..., pr. .tc ia il nv tin- lu-v Dr. I 'raven.

lei i'i Hewlett, on Sunday, was in-fonued bv Dr. Baker, thal in bis opinion a postit ci-,em shuni.1 In- malle in 1 ne ase iii \|i h'runk-i i ii, will- ul I 'r. Ilt-iiiainiu Kr.inklin, of Nu. liri llelle-'.,ih-ave., v hi .Inil last Friday night. Di-, flakerstates thai although li" lian been Ihe attendingphysician, be eh-e-lincd tu give a certificate nf burial,ns he> thought there w::s evidence nf malpractice,Dr, Hewlett began th. examination un Sundaynight, uud it was not until an early hom Mondaymorning that I.omplefed ir. He in very reticentmm tei iv lin I be baa discovered, but lian ii. the mat¬ter before tho County I'diei-inaaie-r. He hasgaguteduo cert ideate, nor haa he ordered nu inquest. Dr.I'laiikliu deni.* thal ilier.. was any cause len- mal«practice, I i

M.w ji;i_-"I;y.BkrOKN PeiiS'T..Iii a i|ictirre| on Monday nigh!

between .le'lm DH .*-.»l 1 nu.I John l_owery, tlie latterbad In bead bailly < ut by a glass thrown bj 1 >n .- ill,

Iit\ iM.iei.v..At the anuual el dion on Mood.iy,a l> I lerk and a Democratic TreasurerVale I'T.ed. Tile IrUsletIS lill" l-i;'l;l!ly llivilll ll Ile-tween tbe two parties.Bart Ouakok..The annual Institute of the

teachers ol Kasox County wa* begun in NationalHull, on Monday afternoon, when Professor V. IleUn lt, ol Albany, made an neldress.

II ilt-tie-nx..Treni ii i-i r l.'il \* annual report ahg*?sih- Hie riH-eipts were WI, K-l -lo, anil the distMintc.ii.ent- if-lt!,37M US. Tim m-Ii-miI report* allowa.-',).i,si; in in receipts anet ("7,257 <"7 in disburse*BK III

li", ,-ecvvi- City..William Oray. n young manlivnigoii Avenue D, Bayonne City, who waa em*pinn-.I aa a clerk bj William Fryer, a butcher, ran

av.ay throe days ago. Hinte lita utauppeurance itbas ic ii niee-rtaincel that be is an embezzler to thcexteut offt.'SO.

< i: iMi.¦'.. A: a me-e-iinir of the Common Council,Mmielay night, thc annual ms ordinance tra*passed,appropimi mg tor the |Ni>r, "-/..,»ie k> for streets,$.'-,..0.1 j foi Schnells. $10.(1(11); fi,j police, S .;,:.iie_>; forlire department, sjffJMIO; le c.- interest on botuD, al, eic.. .'.'L'iinUi fat contingent sccount,

'.wno. total, $Ul,bOO.III iin ik i: v..Thc l>--amiets ul Hoboken have

nominated John A. McNeill, an rx-A*i**ctnbtyinau,i. :M.p.. r: U.ibert ll. Alberts, tin- present incum¬bent, tor Ctly Clerk j Michael ll. Muiphy. furW der Ifegislrar, mid Augmo llcnte. the preseut in-eniiil" ni, lr lit li.a -in-e-i". l-'iami-i M. Me¬ll.....tie " i'i,e.min.nial aa Ct. ({.corder andJollll Ml ). i as Waler .'ulla ..loiiei.

In-re will he n meering fe.r (he lin il organizationol' .' i in- American s.., ;-iv ci Mechanical Engi-IM-CI-m" Ul III" SlevellS 111 s. I i.: 11. -. Mu.h.Ki, B. llte'.-le i!. this morning. A report will lu. read by the

. "ii Organization ap|ioHitcil ar the pre-luiiii'.rv meelina he-Id February 10, I'lie commit*lc- .- .lillie'-. '1 ut' A if.*".ai|e l-l L. lied! _._ I'.n."-. .i|-Wiluna P. I'rowbritlgt*. ..ckley BTCoxe,JiickhouHaib.v, e. M.-ral e». A. ii. Hillniorc, Henry If. Worth-iti__ic ii nml M. N. Forney. Huies will bc adoptednini illili is e lecled.

LONI! (HLA-fD.ll;-.ii" iim>.-Tii" Ijong llranch Improvement

e'..ii.|,.i"..\ cu* .-I..-!..1 H. Sharppti'sbbnl J. Ihrlla Dorsey, vicc-prt Kideni ; ... jeu-niiime, jr., ii.-.i-urer; I., M. Lallan, secretary. I breeliiimiied men were pul to work Moueluy un tinei.e-, roaet lo run from Pearsall';! Coiner to Un-lb aili and work will he begun on the new hotel\i ii hm be next Icu days.

I,.i:.ei Island ('nv..At tho meeting of the Boardof Kducnt-Oii of Hong Island City, held on tatar*dav. ei'iiiplaint was mada to tho hoiinl fruin theFifth School that the tcicbei., could gel metuc! from Mr. Horan, and recently were coniiiolledlu lniiii the fence around the school. Mr. Horanwrns directed to have tho fuel supplied.Cap¬tain lim berford, ol thc British burk Chapman,from Nora Sofia, died sudelenly of heart aiaeaaeM'.n lav uieiruiiig on boajtd his vessel, lying atProvost's Dook, on h'ewtowu'Creek, Long IslandCity. STAT I.N IBLAHD,HTAPi.rrox..Officer Love yesterday arrested a

liampi on erne ol the stalin Island ferry boats, nu thoed ti -e ul ia._iaiti"y, and arraigned lum before.Inti! Met iilloiiiih. af Stapleton. Tlie mau, who

,-e name aa Louis Dejetline, said that eightmouth' aim he came to this country from Hennnnv,ami, falling inie. the hands nf sliariiers in New-York,he Koon became reelnccd lu circumstances. He alsoslated that bia fatherwasacount in the edd conn tr v.Jnit ice McCullough committed him to tho CountyAiinshouae,

DCD80N MYER Te.WN*-.Mr. Vxrxon, Sm ..i yura are al present engaged in

making surveys lietwe en tho Connecticut hniiudnryline in".ir 1 ".ul 'lie ste-r and somo point In Mt.tVenion,I.,r iiie route of whn! is known un the parallel rail-mad lui))..-ii New-Huven and New-York. It is un-hi il.I tbat the new romimnv seeks to make con*m c-tie.n v iib the eily Kapui Transit line., at Mt.Vein..ii. _______________________________


operior Court, General Term, ha-e affirmedHie judgment recovered hut Fall by Mn, Margaret3nulli against the Cunard Line fur injuries i iniiedhythe negligence ol tho defendant, ll.e opinionwritten by Judge Sedgwick is concurred lu byJadgea Sp--:r and Friedman.

ll.e Bvitleneo in tho trial was that Mn-. Smithaaa Injured by tbe falling eif the bertha above hei

I bet t-ubaeqoent fulls Bgatnst ibo Hides of tho¦abin, when fd* steward tool, her out iuahalflaacd condition. The opinion of the Court reads ;" un nae "f ordinary skill, and of materials ofirdinary Strength, would enable tho bulkier eif tho..mclure that waa meant to uphold the berthstonuke it secure against the strainH and shooks of asea of not extraordinary violence. The mi ans ofhi neciinty being ut the command of tho ownersif the Mieanishiu, the law presumes that there wasletrligenee when the berths fell. The cirenmstauceslui not appear to be extraordinary, and the pre-euiuption is that tbe proper means had not beenised." '






finn ri.lev..Moon rise*.

Sanely Hook.

Sanely -look.


.V3II Sunset*. <*3l Cl*ex tait. Ira. S84:ia Moan Maths. 10:'JJ! Jlssu'sage,d*y*,Smon watib to bat-*, u.

6:5!). Oo-. Island.. 6.33 Koli Oats. 0:2mun watbb To-DAr-e. m.

0:'_0|Osv. Island.. 7:0& I Hell OstB. 8..


atlasr.Mr. aua Mrs,Dual-Is. MitesFaulkner. Miss E.Matre, Miss L.

toom stbamship rroriA.

Allllnson, H. M. gelland. Mi** A. Ksnspeff, H. AMci.cii.le. Mr. sad Maguire, Mra.Mi.. V. temi tinnily

Chisholm. John Smedley, MissMc cherson. Wm. fofOn, Or. ll. O.1 redrlch, J. Wllbcrlorce. O.


Cumming, MissRedpath. J.Holden. Miss I.llnftmann. A.Hoffmann, H.Hale. E. M.Huntington, Mr.Il calli, ii m.Higginson. F. I.

Blackburn, Wm. J. Good. Mr.Burnett, Mr. snd MurrsT. JMrs. C.

Ru itowa. Mr. andMrs. P. t.

Breed, Min*Baron. J. K.Hold, G. H.Barton, Mr.-snd

Mr.. K. M.Black, I).ll.niiril. A. P.Barlow, Maleer A.Ilaire!, W, T.liierciiiiril!. If.Emelia, J.campbell, J. »

Chandler, C. G.

Ottley, o.«.Pratt, Charles D.Paton. Wm.Robertson, J. F,Rn'ti inleeou, J. IfKt.-linr.lMon. G. V,Roger, J. V.R. e.i, H. M.sands, M.

iieioper.Mr. anelMrs.s_on_. Mr*. L. JT.V.J. scudder, Eelward M

Johnston. J. II. -launders. J. F.Joce yu. OaptJ. R. Hiewart, VV.Joneii, Mr. and Mm. HerIbner. C. E.

i>.b. Luforcaele. Mr. andLex, E. Mra.

C'arveer, .Mr. arni Mrs.Lcw'cs. the Ear! of Shepard,Chas. W.B. I

Cluielivlck. JohnHater, JamesDanns, J. H. H.Fernier, Alex.Frowen. M.Fraser, K. J.(Ire.nt Minaill el.-eilllllllt. A,

Gill, P. S.

MiMullin,tri_i:evW(.loiuai. J. F.Munroe'. M ti. H. Van Vlei k. Mr. sndMacoinlrCr, H.MrOtat'i. W. B.Macaulay. B.Marcus. W. K.McTsvish.J. Tt.McCarthy, J. C.

Mrs.IValmch. A.Wood. H. II,Winans. E. C.waitress-. J.Walker. John

Van .)!mer. the Rev.West, Dr.W.C. Fifo, Mr. snd sea

Moiton, J. N.nv Srii-MISIlIC 1ICLVKTIA.

MotTison, J.Walters. J. J.Stanley. M. W,HOrt-M, VV. J.

Flelel, Jamel statham, F. L.I He c,.Mr. U ii Iiiiiii .. Mist).-sllvi-rleie k T. W. HlttcK, Wen.iVlilimei, Mr. SUcs, Ueo.and Isinllv

FHOM nUKMES.DY STEAMSHIP MO-EI.firttnor. V. Hauser. C. Dnnlts. the MissesKrDino berg, J. F. Kr cine. Mr. an.lMrs.l!eci-:er J.ami wife Hc-ltrellror, J. sail Arnold. C.

'l-e-inp'e. *ir. andMrs. family Hurting. Mr. andilllC'insnil, ll. Ulm li. s. Mw. H.Harlen..!. AI be-. Mlaa T. fi. haller, C.I-'e-ieliiiaim, Mr. and Demit*, Mra. A. and Eliel, H.Mr.. chilli



sir Utopia (Rn. Mc Ritchie. London Mareil tl. to HendersonBros.sir llaral.l'l>an). Unnile. ('.ipcnhagen March ll and New-

carnie .ii, to Flinch, Keir* .t lo.s-ir U.-l^iz..- (Br), EIvicIko. Avonmoutb March lfMoWD

Meei -'.III..-ir Blythewood (Rr), Thomas, Muianza.-e Oday*, with sugar

fi inter; vessel id Punch. Bare* tm..-ti- i.iiie-ki-ruocKer. Kenibit'. New-Orleans ©days, to Clark

.1 i-teaman.HtrNew-York, Quick, Nctr orleans March31, to Bogertet

Horgan,"ir \v heatlicl.l .Br), Monroe, Halifax 'ih days, In ballast to

lesser Itio-i.str l.-iiaieile tiri. Mitchell, Prmamburo 17days, with sugar

io ll:.-.. meyer ct City ol Ausun, (stevens, N'as-nu, Fernandina, flrunswlckmd port nc h Mallory A ...

Htr Manhattan. Kelly, Richmond, Ciiy Point and Norfolk,Hil lim:.]mun -rs rt..sin-ill rpHictloro (Ocr), Glaasen, Bavonti.-, l*r. CO darn. T-ith

>m|ity barrel*, tc. loonier! rcssul to Punch, Reive A Co.Hmo Hii-nniviiiii.-e (Ger), Inland, Hon-,' Kona -is days, with

misc i-i a A I. )»¦ a Hms; .estel tei Pundi, Kelye A co.Bark Vitt'jila tttuli. Martino, Alssei i^ ti- tatt, with Iron oro

io order.Bark Nina Seconda (Ital), en nnaro, Sligo 51 days, in ballast

0 Heonaro. Picketing A, .'e..Hark Francis mel Amanda (Hen, Sanibalu-Ii. Manta l'Jti

icvs, w-iiii nata ts ordori veaite! to maater. Arr Atti.Bars Nviiinli'-n Veer U'lili. Maiscillcs OB days, In ballast

ci llcnliaiii. Pu kcriuur >t Co.-Hark Allele Itali, T;a|i.iiil,T.isbnn 4! days, with salt to or.i; vessel !n l^i'iro. Sicirc-v .v Bcarpstl.nark Jeanie Hoodwin, Hlbson, Uara, aaa '.) ilay*. with sa jar

ee oilier; vessel to Jame* \V Elwell « e len,fiirk PrasaliloDl FroUClie "...ri. Niejah. Hav.'na ll dsys,mit sugar to order; Teasel io Punch, buy* A c*o.Bark Ada eir.ev. Plummer, Ciii-ilt-iias ii ttays, with sugar

<i etr'le-r- ve iscl to lin lt. r-.ill A Cn.Bril! 1,1 bole ll lim, ll neck ins. eienliit.'.os li! .lay*, with su-

-:ir lee .erele.f: vieasel in Perkin* eV Co.-e iii LeoUB, Gurdun, Iiidiauola IH days, with tnelis, etc. toll Hr.. .r ,t ."ci."-..lir Jeanie jil i.I.II' rnn. Hashes. Cardenas ll dav*, with

. i .le- Hiv, tte <v Cot V.1.S1 1 til U V Metcalf et Co,si lir .iiilin-.ciiiu-H, Walla, e'.ipo Havtien lu days, with log-

rotlll lu"- Milan a.-na; Ve s*el t.e lt V." 1..1 .V Cn.-t Ur Kale Carleton, Condon, Cardenas* 1(1 dapa, with niola*.lloonier: vesreciio ranron-e ,t Loud.sciir John i Iiipraiiam. p.u i.t.ii, Mslaasaa l-davn, withtirtar in eir-li": vessel to jcjlin B lngrab int elk Co,Kulir Anule D Merritt, Lewis turacua u .lavs, with fruit

ti.-.... Pearsall; eesssl to Milln- .v llimirtikra.WINB sum. t-Ai sainty Hook, fresh, NW; cloudy. At'tty Island, Hie same.

IM.EA HMDsir* New-Yolk .itv (tin. Evan*. Bristol. Arkell. Tiilt* A Cn;

'tuft .lin, I'uicliiii. l..-uii. J ti I'uci erA Cen e'liuals iFn,r.iiiguel, Havre-, Ldelleblan; FBuur I'nd-rallsdei, Clark,llltliiiure. J sKrems: I. c.c Rel! (iib!,.. Ncriolk, eitv Poiutlld uti biiiieiitt, (del liaiiiiinou Ss Cn. ^l.:)lllUe., Horry. Boston,1 K I'lniiiek.s'iiik s iiuica. Pallon, Han Francisco. MnMou 4 CO; Wii¬tin! Hen, Willie ft, lloraburir, Hermann KeeopjiCu; Broth-ra A leap Hr), l-'e-rrndn. I.rftli<u-ii. Scan.nll <c Co.Harli .Manu, nina (Itali, ittn-.s-.. lie-lt^st. siocovlch A Co-.

!inli-_«*li.U* >..... Hsnseu.Queonstown orFaimouUifeiroris, Uockuiaun, (iirleiii ,t- Cot Bravo l.oiirniel ifre. lin mit,»e"!',re.Ja* Henri-; Edvard klviel: (Nor). I.-o-na-., Redan,i, t! Tobias A ('oj .itali winn. Psnillo, Viiirm-la. Sraruatleel; 1 | lk"_;.) I *s'e,t I, !e;I,-,!H ll. Cle|ll lill IL'I ll. Fllllell, Edj'P St.; ('namma(Br). Whitehouse. Iiimkirk. Janies W Klwrll A

\ tillea i .lor), Petfrsen, Hamburr, Rockinnim, oorletnc.. ll-t-ii (Uer i;.ib-i-:i, Hnmlitir-r. Fiineb. .-'.ive * e'o.Pries lilllie. Kine PoTtOfKjMlB, I) Trowliridfe; Sl!a» N[arila. Parter, l"..rt Uoval, P ll smife .v . .- .Witter Lily,e-iryfChiimlanateil, Rsrtram ;ire>*: Eliza 1 |ioui' Hay-ri. .ne ellen, j' 1,." I, U^_MW.rAHroiiK; lieonrtB, Welsh.,.,- .. M ne I., iv. nfl SCej; \V U I-ieliott, Port-iT'riiirc, ll i, Murray. Jr.fcltr* Aselda .eui l.ii'ira. Jor_r.*nsen, May.-iftier, B J Wen-t>rf a e'o; laabelta .un. Knur. Potnt-a-Pitte, It A Vatat..e Amis. lira.-.. Webt.t. r, YtfBBB, Ht Thieina*. I'eiiston A (ntel.ile Krhiseler, li.'econ. Naeisiu. N P, 1 R SUples; NeilledBW, Ililli. Pori eef -sj, i.i!, .lotiiaj ,V LciUj'll.

XDTICF.NRW-YORK) Al>ril eV.Tlie e>.r|st.>1 lite «feat-shln and uriHtoi, has adopt**! ana wiei bsrestter use as*illatlUSUtsllina Bltcftl Riana! i. liiclel. sltowunr whlloiruing tlie- colors rel. free a. li el. un cn, lu su.o.saiou.

Miser; l-il.l. AXIMl's.Hi HUI, April ii..Hark Rota, Capt sorensen, from navan*.Mea arrive bern 11 dav. reports March ), lat sn' lo. looI- IA, lek el 111. tllC le.'.v ,,] ||,,- Il,' l.C-Cll". I Hat AZUVrdo.

11 >.-¦. i'..,k for Madeira, "ho Iiini abauuuutU their rasoslve-u liniirs lUCViuils.

rOIUCION PORT-.L0l90!f, Avril S..Arr ai Bristol, Btrs ^cincrset. froni N'cm--urk. and Riversdale, from Baltimore; au- .it Bombay, sirnillir it.--, freiin .New leirie; mr al Anine rp. sir lin. si;,rc..Sow-Orleans; arr at Hain'mrir, str Blsadon, from New¬ark,cjrn--.M-ei.vN, April U..Arr str Republic, rrom New.York

I.IVi-I |...n*.sen riiAiu-H'v. April 0..j\rr str Olcr, from New-York forrell'ill.i.AitM:. Am ire.-sailed it:i Inst, strStato pf Alabama, for

V. Veerk.Havana, April <;. -Arr 6th meit, gtr Ciryof Wa.ihluytou,om New-York.I.'t\|t \. .mihi ti..«ail...| HU! nit. rinljrkelf. finvrnur: .llbit, cultivator, Hie taller Vt 11 iit un....-; Daniele, Fr.mcitiHort's, 1" Bn-diediirff, lhe latter lor Onlveatou; P.-tlt Ceniiac;ii in et. n'ltrii 11, Hie latter for New-voek,Arr 'i'Ad Ult. Ferraro. Gluseppluu, Moa; ilStb nit. N'avlea-re. all nt Tarlta! 1st inst. Atnable Teresa, Nuuvn Providcn-

-.'el Inst, .-.r.-tii-ti Air-em ie apt Aiidi*r*eu, Hie linter attrcrlona; Kalnifs, Rrodrene .Capt Kreanen), Camila linetass. Ceincbita. Kranrisoo, Joren Nsrclsss. Premia. Tre*ilieiias. I'll Aiiiisir.iicr, Hu-later damacedi ild litsr, t'o-mba icai'i sirna ii. r.-.-t. Ellen Grant. Knuna i'-tv-ti i. Hilda,nmoer, i.c'ei.t, Nellie T Guest. Tlbldsbo, Valpaniso (('aptital; 5thInst. Adrianna Petronella, Afrit*t. Anni" j Mar-ill Ash lirave, Ahi.-h <r (C ipt Pebr**on). Usrtsbenie. How

il. [nilla tCapt .spniiiii.lci'. Landseer, Nuova. Rosina Can-ea.Bibi. Temple liar, evasama, Xeoopboni (lib last. Annaupi Kitchin). Hu-latter elamsKi'l; Braunow, Forza, WU-l;;i I, tho lailer passed the- l.i.iinl.

/of JsJUOr sn.. .V-.-i. it n 1,. -te' FUCi P.lit.


From Bperr'b Vixrtard.lii-.nno tv via <¦:¦: ce. te-tel. au,! .1 tl.e.-i)|,i.|j Gruie VintTsr ».ile tak.ll on! of th" soi! 11* outers-1. llaoeir a III it'.-e md.desired, -ippiy to Bp-ssi's Wine Ottlco, il Wai-reu-si. n.y

Ono of tho Ri.atifvinp fpaturo.-i of the timesthat all rtjrtit nilnded phrslrians Kiudlv use. as an a'l.lll try» absorptive treatment.tbe Holman Fas co.'s remediis.

_*txe,_! o. K. Soap i.-* t!ie noreat, bett amiiape.1 lor Iiiinily use. UepeH Abo Wushiiijjton-su

TrvJiinics Pvlt'.-e PEARLIRE forcleanins, prout,ishlaadishes,silver,Jawelry.Ae. liepot, ion WaihUisiou st.

Winchrster's HTPopnosnitTEiviii cnn- ('em um.1:1 m. cniit.'Jis., nubility, Ao

<?qv:eMTABLE ><



.ewis & Conger.801 ANO 603 (SIXTH AVE.,

1,338 AND 1,340 BROADWAY.

THE ¦.

Admiratwti% OF THE




FOR its wonderful life-giving prop*erties to faded or falling hair, and


o IT IS NOT A DYE.It requires only a few apt-plicst-ona lo i

bair to its yon t_fal color snd lustrous beauty, aad

Induce luaurUnt growth, and Its occasional -oas la

all that is nesdad toprsBBTTS it la tts hlg-SBt p*tO*o-tion and beauty. DAHDRUFF la quickly sad pet*msnently removed. SOLD BY ALL DiWHHBTft

Messrs. TIFFANY ACo. announce that thepiece of commemorativeplate which was orderedfrom them by the testi¬monial committee of theDiocese of New-York forBishop Potter is finished,has been examined bythe committee and ac¬cepted.Opportunity to examine

this interesting piece ofgold and silver work isnow given by permissionof the Bishop, who willleave the casket on exhi¬bition at the establish¬ment of the makers forafew days.t.\I0.\-!^I ARE,

April, 1880.




No. I. $70;Ho* 4, $80;



¦ Ten tbousand dollars would be bo Inducement so as ta

elvo op their use."



RECEIVER'S SALEST. LOUIS LIFE BUILDING.Byvirtne of sn order ot St. Louis trircnit Court the under-

sip-nt-l Trill, on May '.'7tb, 188(1, between tbe boura ot Iii m.amt il i>. m., cu tbe premise*, offer tor tale tbe property knownns "Tlie si. t/nil* Lite Insurance Biuldlug," togetber withHie lett ou wbicb ibo same is situated. This property ls looa,teel at thc northwest corner ol Slxtli and Locust-sts., St. LouisMo., ami .routs lilt.-li teri onbisth-st., an.l 141J 12 ob Lo.oust ot. Tho location Ih central; tbs building Ib durabiiitfami 11-"{rance unitirpaneeel in tlie West, ls built ol Missouri(minite anel st. Genevieve atone, sit stories bleb, with twelvelargo vanita of concrete aud rock tu basement, lrou Joist*,lone ret." nud marble doora tliroiietliout, iron Mairtvavs, rail,inirsiiticl newel post*- sis lurg.' offices on the street floor, tbreji'ii tli" in.r.ii ilettii*. vi-ivlni'ie-e and elegant: forty eigbt spion,iini office ce un upiier door* (nearly all occupleeti: Ure and burK ar proof vaults, witb coiuh'iistinn locas In each room-;? t.-t rimal v wat-lt t lanela and teas In each room: superior .Assen,ger elevator, engines anti boiieta complete, having been re..intiv overhauled aud put In roiuplet'-oriier. Tbe emirsiniii.lin., is mute 1 by ti am. Cost of buiuliog and lot,*_7i.'..7ir. ill.Terms of Mit*: fi!,f)OOcasrion elayof tale before | p. -,.,one-fotirib ot hillanco cfl-eb oa delivery of deetL remsinler In

three" .inniiiil pavmerits, with sis per .-.-ur luien-st, buti.rvticg to tho imiclianertbe rlpttit lo .wv all Thl»piiijie'rty will hi* soiel Iree from au ttuaisocver,e':. i'hil ' laxes lui l*e-0 aaa existing leases and subject Ittapproviili-r the Court,Anv tartha* tulurmatlon will bs given on application to Ul.

undersigned.I..E. ALEXANDER.

Receiver Colombia tafe Ins. Co., .ith sud Locust ntl.




Le Boutillier Bros.,18 EAST 11TH-ST. 847 BROADWAY.

OTIS ELEVATORS.A CARD._T». To al whoare tuthutme fromtbo eirorrj snit iniitsrre-tou.-iof .iuu:ii. ic: vnu. iv ailee s, early dec.i7.iois or tuan-..jud, .vc, i will .sada IbcIdb Uiat vt li t eurc you, FREE OF.'HA l-t.i l:. Thi:. -rr-at remedy was BUBBTBaal hy a minion-irv in Howth Aim iii-1. s.-ud a beif-adtlrcssc-l envelope ut thaHot. JOSE I'll i. IN MAN, station P. Ne v Yoric Oliy.

ALLEN'S BRAIN FOOD, Boiankf-l Extract,t\ strengthen* tbe brain,eurea nervousdeblUty.sll weaknessif generative organs, $1; « tor*5. AlltlrUB-ruts. Dltmso.Astoriiouse; Allou's Pharmacy. 318 l«t-ave.,.\.y. dene! tot dru jiar.

A MEDICAL TREATlSE~deacribing "Thecauses or strictures. Varlcoeele and Oeoerative ul-easei,

lt.!!/incurable with thee knife, aouuel*. eauatlo and stomachite.iieiu. a moue.ami giving full lUrec.luies for ibetr pm nianout:ure without pain or detention from business piTvstely aslome, by Uie hURUI'EAN AND AMI.K.CAN MEDICAL,UK kau, can be bau tree. Office* mi Broadwsy, New*lork._Blair's Pills..Great English gout aud rheu-

ui I lc renie.!.-. Oval box, fl: round, 60c. Sold Bl druggltts

NERVOUS DEBILITY, Impotence, Wealcu.iiol the manus ol ueneratloev An., spei-ltlv and ra 1;) til.

mrad bv WINCHESTERS tt PE*. I PIC Pt I,.. Twa ti enx>xeaare usually sufficient. Prioo, 91 perbos.,(end for circular. Prepared jy WIMUltBaraia i. Jo..¦ibomuta. sc Jobn-st- Now-York.

WHOOPING COUGH POSITIVELY CUBEDin linn .iii/shv UH. LKe.'1-ON'S remedy. Pries Sue,

ilmlnst. 218 Ri.ja.iway. Allen. nib Ist-sTS, sim sit urn*(lau. By mall irom A. Olia, nrapito-or, 440 biaai ibth-eb