integrative studio 2 spring 2015 february 11, 2015 wk 3 anezka sebek

Integrative Studio 2 Spring 2015 February 11, 2015 Wk 3 Anezka Sebek

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Page 1: Integrative Studio 2 Spring 2015 February 11, 2015 Wk 3 Anezka Sebek

Integrative Studio 2

Spring 2015February 11, 2015 Wk 3

Anezka Sebek

Page 2: Integrative Studio 2 Spring 2015 February 11, 2015 Wk 3 Anezka Sebek

Storytelling for DesignersWhat is a story? Why do human beings use stories?

Who are stories for?

What are the elements of a story?

Page 3: Integrative Studio 2 Spring 2015 February 11, 2015 Wk 3 Anezka Sebek

Story arc

Page 4: Integrative Studio 2 Spring 2015 February 11, 2015 Wk 3 Anezka Sebek

Learning Portfolios

How to: Create a theme. Use the dashboard.

What is Jetpack?

Page 5: Integrative Studio 2 Spring 2015 February 11, 2015 Wk 3 Anezka Sebek

Laura Poitras Article

Main points to watch for:1. Poitras is a filmmaker. 2. She worked with Edward Snowden on the

release of the files

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Julian Assange

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Bradley Manning


Coombs (defense lawyer) said at a news conference that he will seek a presidential pardon for his client in the coming weeks. He read a statement from Manning in which the private reiterated his reasons for leaking classified material, saying he had “started to question the morality” of U.S. policy. Manning added that if his request for a pardon is denied, he will serve his time “knowing sometimes you pay a heavy price to live in a free country.”

“I will gladly pay that price if it means we could have a country that is truly conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all women and men are created equal,” he said (Manning).

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Written by Paddy ChayefskyDirected by Sydney LumetWON 6 out of 10 Oscars including Best Picture (1977)

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Written by Aaron SorkinDirected by David FincherWON 5 out of 8 Oscars including Best Picture (2011)

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• 9 frame narrative arc—draw it out• visual cultural and narrative elements• of the film (this includes sound track). Please post the

answers to the• following questions on your blog: What were the

main character• demographics? What is the time period and location? • IN CLASS We will Compare the Plot lines and theme of

both films.