integration and efficiency in complex and long- term care ….. prof. dr. guus schrijvers denmark,...

Integration and efficiency in complex and long-term care ….. Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers Denmark, januari 2010

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Page 1: Integration and efficiency in complex and long- term care ….. Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers Denmark, januari 2010

Integration and efficiency in complex and long-term care …..

Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers

Denmark, januari 2010

Page 2: Integration and efficiency in complex and long- term care ….. Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers Denmark, januari 2010

I want to present to you:

We carried out a preliminary study on the accessibility, care allocation, and assessment of long term care in seven European countries.

What are the theme’s in the public debate in those countries, we asked ourselves en what can we learn from their practices?

In this presentation I present to you some observations with the emphasis on the financial sustainability of the LTC.

Page 3: Integration and efficiency in complex and long- term care ….. Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers Denmark, januari 2010

Development of the systems.

50 years ago, long term care was everywhere generally a private responsibility. A responsibility of the family, the local community and as a matter of last resort, of charity.

Long term care is now everywhere, direct or indirect a mayor public responsibility.

They are the product of the political en social history of the seven countries.

In the Netherlands from 0% in 1945 tot 3.4 % of BNP in 2008.

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AWBZ: % of GNP











1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

aandeel BNP

Page 5: Integration and efficiency in complex and long- term care ….. Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers Denmark, januari 2010

Themes in the countries surveyed.

1) The financial sustainability of long term care.

2 How to integrate care, social participation and welfare.

3) Strengthening of the autonomy and empowerment people in need for longtime care.

4) Accessibility of care, care assessment and care providing.

Page 6: Integration and efficiency in complex and long- term care ….. Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers Denmark, januari 2010

Accessibility of care, care assessment and care providing.

In all of the seven countries the accessibility to LTC is an important theme in the public debate.

We see a tendency to introduce elements of a demand driven system in all seven countries.

Page 7: Integration and efficiency in complex and long- term care ….. Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers Denmark, januari 2010

Accessibility of care, care assessment and care providing.

Access to information

Bureau- cracy

Distri -bution

Waiting lists

Quality control

Multiple counters

No legally defined rights

Postcode problem

Netherlands √√ √√ √√ √√

France √√ √√ √√ √√

England √√ √√ √√ √√ √√ √√ √√** √√Sweden √√ √√ √√** √√Switzerland √√ √√ √√ √√** √√** √√Belgium √√ √√ √√ √√ √√** √√** √√

Germany √√ √√ √√ √√ √√** √√

Page 8: Integration and efficiency in complex and long- term care ….. Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers Denmark, januari 2010

Accessibility of care, care assessment and care providing.

Supply driven Demand driven

Limitations Available care supply Available individual budget

Assessment criteria

Urgency and risk Insurance or budget claim

Legal position Dependent of civil servants.

Legally defined rights and written procedures

Assessment methods

Professional discretion. Algorithms, based on legally defined rights

Responsibility Primarily public Primarily private

Care supply Public funding Effective demand

Page 9: Integration and efficiency in complex and long- term care ….. Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers Denmark, januari 2010

Strengthening of the autonomy and empowerment.

• In all countries we see initiatives and debates aimed to empower the position and strengthen the autonomy of people in need of LTC.

• We see the public function gradually changing from a supply orientated and care providing role to a more supporting role, whereby people are enabled and supported to solve their problems in their own way and to their own preferences.

Page 10: Integration and efficiency in complex and long- term care ….. Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers Denmark, januari 2010

Growths of positive care assessments in the Netherlands. Bron: CIZ trendrapportages 2008











2005 2006 2007 2008




zin + pgb

Page 11: Integration and efficiency in complex and long- term care ….. Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers Denmark, januari 2010

Number of positive assessments.

Relative increase 2005-2008

Total: 33%

supplies standard care 28%personal budget 116%SSC + PB 112%

Page 12: Integration and efficiency in complex and long- term care ….. Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers Denmark, januari 2010

How to integrate care, social participation and welfare.

Chronisch zieke moet kunnen meedoenDoor in te zetten op een ketenzorg voor chronisch zieken streeft het kabinet naar winst voor individu en arbeidsmarkt, schrijven de ministers

Piet Hein Donner en Ab Klink.

Now there are 4.5 million people with chronically diseases, in 15 year 30% more:

Page 13: Integration and efficiency in complex and long- term care ….. Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers Denmark, januari 2010

How to integrate care, social participation and welfare.

Integration promoting developments:

Demand driven systems and initiatives.

Integrated Personal Budgets (France, England, Germany).

Diagnoses Related Groups DRG (Netherlands and Germany ).

Integrated assessment and Integrated decision making. (Switzerland en France, pilots in England, Belgium and the Netherlands).

Integrating budgets is one integrated budget. (France CNSA).

Case management, personal assistant, (Sweden, Belgium, pilot Netherlands).

All initiatives are limited to people under the age of 60, with a handicap or chronic disease.

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The financial sustainability of long-term care.

A decreasing proportion of the population, has to meet the rising costs of an aging population.

Productivity growth in care lags behind other sectors.

The level of expectation of care quality rises with the general welfare level.

One cannot rely on family support and informal care anymore.

Financing long term care is expected to be a growing problem in all these countries, causes including:Financing long term care is expected to be a growing problem in all these countries, causes including:

Page 15: Integration and efficiency in complex and long- term care ….. Prof. Dr. Guus Schrijvers Denmark, januari 2010

The financial sustainability of long term care.

Solutions to the financing problems:

Increasing threshold levels (England, Sweden, Netherlands).

Diverting the cost to the local government by inflating the national or insurance contribution to the local government (Sweden, England, Switzerland, Netherlands).

Reduction (of growth of) care supply. (Sweden, England, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium).

Increasing the costs of the people in need of care by raising the private contribution or inflating the public contribution (Switzerland, France, Germany).

Reducing the claim rights (Netherlands, Sweden)

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The financial sustainability of long-term care.

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Development of a three tier system.

1. People in need of care (and/or their social environment) organize and finance their own care.

2. People receive forfeiture means, like allowances, tax reductions, insurance means in order to keep their lives going tot their own preferences.

for some people this will not be sufficient therefore:

3. They make a plan of their future with element as education, work, transport, income and care and they receive a integrated budget, with enables them to carry out that plan. (France, pilots in Germany and England).

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A three tier system.

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I thank you for your attention!!

Guus Schrijvers