integral journey 2 1

Integral Journey Hawaii - San-Francisco - Colorado 25.04.12 - 11.05.12

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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Second Integral Journey


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Integral Journey Hawaii - San-Francisco - Colorado 25.04.12 - 11.05.12

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Purpose & Meaning

Prominent business leaders all over the world tell us about the inner source of energy, creativity and innovation. It helps them bring to life things nobody could ever dream of.

Purpose of this journey is in opening this source for yourself and the world:

• Find the power that drives and motivates you today - not 10 years ago

• Clarify your dreams for the next chapter of your life and create a powerful vision

• Embody this vision in successful business that has a hart and a meaning in it.

Coaching Institute of Saint-Petersburg and an international team of businessmen, coaches and teachers will guide you through this path.

Welcome to the team of 12 active, visionary and hungry-for-life people!

We will hit the road on the 25-th of April 2012.

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3 parts of the journey


Vision Quest: Native-American practice for going through major life transformations and finding vision.

Total stop, silence and meeting with yourself.

Drawing the picture of the next chapter of your life and your business.

Mike Bodkin one of the most experienced and well-known VisionQuest leaders in the world.

Hawaii spring - meeting whales and dolphins.

San-Francisco"Feel&think tank" on international business.

Meeting with prominent business leaders from the most successful companies from Silicon Valley and the Bay area.

Sharing best practices of business-development.

Networking and finding allies for future projects.

Nature and culture of the Bay Area - look from inside.

ColoradoMeeting Ken Wilber the founder of Integral Approach and one of

the most well-known philosophers of our time. Small group meeting asking and answering the most important questions.

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26 of april: Day 1 - ArrivalOn the 26-th of April our international team arrives to Hawaii and settles down for a piece of calm and quiet after the long road.

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27 of April: Day 2 - Meeting

We meet each other and get acquainted with the map of the Integral Journey.

You meet your personal coach who will guide you during the Journey to make the most out of it. Our coaches are Alexander Savkin, Phillip Guzenuk, Dana Carman, Marina Danilova, Varvara Kudryavtseva.

We lead our first session on creating the team of allies and prepare for the Journey together.

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28-29 of April: Days 3-4 - beginning of the Vision Quest

We meet our VisionQuest guide Mike Bodkin leave the hotel and set off to find the place for our base camp in nature.

Here begins the first stage of our Vision Quest called the Severance. It's purpose is to leave behind everything disturbing, everything holding you back, everything that is blocking your consciousness. Strengthen your intention and prepare for the meeting with yourself.

This two days we live in tents studying ancient Native-American practice of Medicine Wheel preparing for the Solo time.

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30 of April: Day 5 - Threshold stage of the VisionQuest

Threshold is a time between worlds - time of rebirth. It is time of being alone. Time of fast. Time of trials for your spirit and your intention. During this time you will be alone with the forces of nature talking to them and learning from them.

The purpose of Threshold is to acquire a new identity you new self. To find a clear vision for the next period of your life. See a source of energy for new achievements, strengthen your intention.

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1-2 of May: Days 6-7 - stage three of the VisionQuest "Recapitulation"

Recapitulation begins when you leave the place of your vision and return to the base camp to those who wait for you. You have to leave the sacred mountain and come back to your people, your friends and family.

This may be the hardest moment of the journey - turning your vision into life will require courage and wisdom but the wold needs your gift. No one passes the threshold just for him or her self. ...

You return to the base camp, celebrate your new vision, share it with your allies and make your first step in the human world in your new identity.

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2-3 of May: Days 7-8 - meeting whales and dolphins

We will spend these days resting from our VisionQuest experience. And the best rest is the change of activity as you know.

Ocean at Hawaii is jokingly called "Whale soup" at this time of the year. Our hosts are whales and dolphins. Connection with them will help us to discover new parts of ourselves.

Our goal is to learn more about the state of being that we can lead from. Calm state of connection to your center total focus and at the same time complete relaxation.

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4 of May: Day 9

We fly from Hawaii to San-Francisco. Meet the city and take rest from the road.

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5 - 9 of May: Days 10-14 - feel&think tank on creating world-class businessSeries of events in San-Francisco and Silicon Valley. Our focus is: how do you create a successful word-class business that has hart and soul in it for you? The most important topics worked through together in an international team of top-managers and business owners..

Each participant individually debriefs these events with his or her personal coach to integrate ideas and insights into practice of his or her business.

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6 of May: Day 11 feel&think tank "Trends, borders and oceans"

We live in an interconnected world where some the old borders do not exist. As change increases exponentially new paradigms for thinking need to be developed.

Which trends will shape the future of your industry? What borders that exist in your company your industry on your market should be broken? What do the "garages" giving birth for the companies of the future look like? What is your "blue ocean" strategy?

In the international group of experts we will use the future search technology to create a practical manual for building an Apple in your industry.

"Innovation is what distinguishes a leader from the followers"

Steve Jobs

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7 of May: Day 12 - training "Happiness in action: energy sources for peak performance"

How can you get energy, drive and pleasure from your work? How to avoid professional burnout, emotional strain and stress? How can you create a coherent attitude in your team? How can you make happiness in action one of the ingredients of your company culture?

Together with our international team of business-leaders we will learn the model of 7 sources of energy at work and will share best practices and real-life stories of turning work into a source of energy for yourself, your management team and your company as a whole.

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8 of May: Day 13 - feel&think tank "Crises's as a source of growth"

Crises's are unavoidable. What separates great leaders from average leaders - how creative you are in the face of crises.  

How to turn crisis into the source of new enchantment and growth for yourself and for your company? What strategies and tactics bring results? What can you lean on when there is nothing to lean on?

Sharing the experience of overcoming personal crisis and crisis in business. Best practices and real stories from 5 continents.

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5 - 9 of May: Days 10-14 - networking spaceAbove from the feel&think tanks during these days we will have a series of informal meetings and parties with Silicon Valley and Bay Area company leaders. You can invite people representing industries that are interesting to you through the organizers of the Journey.

Our goal is to dive into creative atmosphere of the business community and find friends and partners for all kinds of projects through networking.

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5 - 9 of May: Days 10-14Also during these days we will have series of events for tuning into the culture and nature of the Bay Area. Among them we will have ballooning, visiting the famous Red Forest and taking a workshop on working with the voice as an instrument of opening our talents.

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10 of May: Day 15Denver, Colorado. Meeting Ken Wilber, spending time in a series of questions and answers with him. Then having the final dinner together and conclusion of our Journey.

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11 of May: Day 16

Flying back home.

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To take part in the Integral Journey you need to pass an introduction interview with one of the leaders of this Journey Phillip Guzenuk: +7 (911) 927 9248, [email protected], skype: phil.guzenuk. This will give you more information about the program.

For any technical details you can contact program coordinator Yulia Novikova: +7 (921) 428 3399, [email protected], skype: novikovayulia_vitatravel.