institute of organization development facilitators profile

Institute of Organization Development Facilitators Supporting Institutional Development & Sustainability MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT Affiliate, Associate, Member and Fellow Individuals and institutions are welcome to apply for IODF membership, based on the provisions. Applications and queries for further information will be addressed to the Treasurer. EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Daniel E.M. Lyatumba Chairman Riberia Kabandula Vice Chairperson Chalwe Nyirenda Secretary Kennedy Musonda Treasurer Felix Banda Committee member Mwenda Mumbuna Committee member Martin Silukena Committee member Vision The IODF envisions organizations developing and utilising internal capacities for self renewal and achieving their mandate. Mission To facilitate sustainable Organisation Development practice among practitioners in Zambia and Southern Africa through capacity strengthening, professional development, promotion of ethics and best approaches. Values s Integrity s Knowledge Learning and Sharing s Inclusiveness and Partnership s Process and sustainability s Nurturing and Ownership CONTACT DETAILS The Chairman Institute for Organisation Development Facilitators (IODF) 178 Parrirenyatwa Road, Fairview Area, Rhodespark P. O. Box 32273 Lusaka, Zambia E-mail: [email protected] Alt: [email protected] Mobile: +260 977 815 724; 969 488464 ABOUT IODF OVERVIEW The Institute for Organisation Development Facilitators (IODF) has been established to meet the need that has arisen from the increased number of Organization Development (OD) consultants in Zambia. The IODF is the initiative of a group of OD consultants who felt that the integrity of the profession can only be maintained if an organisation is present to set and uphold professional standards. The need for Organisation Development consultants has seen the emergence of organisations and individuals in Zambia who are keen to provide facilitation services in OD. The surge in the number of OD facilitators has somewhat flooded the industry, and that number is likely to increase with the continued recognition of the importance of OD in performance improvement. The IODF is a professional body which provides the checks and balances with regard to efficiency and quality in the delivery of ODF facilitation services. For any organisation or business to succeed, it must ensure that it is continually setting and achieving goals which are linked directly to the vision of the organisation. Both profit and non-profit organisations are facing numerous challenges in their quest to attain organisational goals and objectives. This is primarily due to lack of adequate internal expertise and financial capacity to sufficiently drive the process of organisational growth and sustainability. Alternatively, organisations that are determined to succeed in the execution of their organisational mandate have continued to seek external experts to build capacity for Organisational Development. Organisation Development (OD) has emerged as a key element in the strategic management of change. OD provides a focus for the cultural and organisational evolution necessary for the achievement of organisational goals. Many organisations have sought to undertake OD in their quest to improve and manage organisational performance. Zambian organisations and individuals have answered the call for OD services through the provision of a wide range of services within the industry.

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Institute of Organization Development Facilitators

Supporting Institutional Development & Sustainability



Affiliate, Associate, Member and Fellow

Individuals and institutions are welcome to apply for IODF membership, based on the provisions. Applications and queries for further information will be addressed to the Treasurer.

EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERSDaniel E.M. Lyatumba ChairmanRiberia Kabandula Vice ChairpersonChalwe Nyirenda SecretaryKennedy Musonda TreasurerFelix Banda Committee memberMwenda Mumbuna Committee memberMartin Silukena Committee member

VisionThe IODF envisions organizations developing

and utilising internal capacities for self renewal

and achieving their mandate.

MissionTo facilitate sustainable Organisation

Development practice among practitioners in

Zambia and Southern Africa through capacity

strengthening, professional development,

promotion of ethics and best approaches.


sKnowledge Learning and Sharing

sInclusiveness and Partnership

sProcess and sustainability

sNurturing and Ownership

CONTACT DETAILSThe ChairmanInstitute for Organisation Development Facilitators (IODF)178 Parrirenyatwa Road, Fairview Area, RhodesparkP. O. Box 32273 Lusaka, ZambiaE-mail: [email protected] Alt: [email protected] Mobile: +260 977 815 724; 969 488464



The Institute for Organisation Development Facilitators (IODF) has been established to meet the need that has arisen from the increased number of Organization Development (OD) consultants in Zambia. The IODF is the initiative of a group of OD consultants who felt that the integrity of the profession can only be maintained if an organisation is present to set and uphold professional standards. The need for Organisation Development consultants has seen the emergence of organisations and individuals in Zambia who are keen to provide facilitation services in OD. The surge in the number of OD facilitators has somewhat flooded the industry, and that number is likely to increase with the continued recognition of the importance of OD in performance improvement. The IODF is a professional body which provides the checks and balances with regard to efficiency and quality in the delivery of ODF facilitation services.

For any organisation or business to succeed, it must ensure that it is continually setting and achieving goals which are linked directly to the vision of the organisation. Both profit and non-profit organisations are facing numerous challenges in their quest to attain organisational goals and objectives. This is primarily due to lack of adequate internal expertise and financial capacity to sufficiently drive the process of organisational growth and sustainability. Alternatively, organisations that are determined to succeed in the execution of their organisational mandate have continued to seek external experts to build capacity for Organisational Development. Organisation Development (OD) has emerged as a key element in the strategic management of change. OD provides a focus for the cultural and organisational evolution necessary for the achievement of organisational goals. Many organisations have sought to undertake OD in their quest to improve and manage organisational performance. Zambian organisations and individuals have answered the call for OD services through the provision of a wide range of services within the industry.


Establish an effective and efficient professional institution capable of providing leadership in organisation development facilitation services

Provide leadership and professionalism in Organisation Development facilitation services

Strengthen the performance and professionalism of the members of the of the Institute Organisation Development Facilitators

Promote sharing experiences, information and good practices on performance and professionalism within the profession of OD facilitation through corporate interactions


Institutional development and management is considered the core activity in the setting up of the Institute for Organisation Development Facilitators. The focus is on institutional leadership, operational systems, infrastructure and, financial and

human resource as well as membership.


Organisation Development has become a critical component in the success of organisations in the modern era, particularly in the management of performance and the promotion of learning, development, creativity and innovation. In this regard, organisations have continued to invest heavily in OD. It has, therefore, given rise to facilitators who have taken up the challenge to assist these organisations with their OD challenges. However, this has brought along with it the aspects of

performance benchmarks and authenticity in the facilitation services provided, and without checks and balances, it is most probable that the benefits of organisation development will not be maximized. Against this background, the IODF has the instruments and parameters for fostering a culture of quality, performance and excellence within the profession of OD facilitation. This, among others, includes setting and enforcing high professional and ethical standards, certification of members and ensuring all members possess the required skills and competencies necessary to practice as an OD Facilitator as well as assessing the continued competence of members and reviewing their practices to ensure compliance with professional standards.


It is be the desire of the institute to improve the competencies and knowledge of its affiliated members. This entails providing technical backstopping and support on various issues of organisation development and facilitation in

general, as well as, keeping them up to speed with new trends and events in the industry. The IODF provides strategic directions by encouraging and facilitating the ongoing professional competencies of members and creating opportunities for all members to maintain and enhance their professional competence. Equally, the institute endeavors to facilitate the IDOF'S response to members' ongoing professional needs, as well as, continuing to inform members of changes in professional standards in the industry.


As OD facilitators have varying skills and use different approaches in the provision of their services the IDOF creates platforms where OD facilitators, within and

outside the membership at various levels, regularly meet and interact to share notes on their work. This provides an arena for consolidating the different ways that consultants access information and various opportunities.This mechanism not only strengthens the performance of facilitators but also provides an opportunity for them to learn about the changes in professional standards. Equally, it is within the remit of the institute through to foster relationships with other Professional Associations, Business and Training Organisations as a way of ensuring value addition to its work.