install directions for netbeans 4 1 and j2se 5 0

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    First, get a note pad, pencils, etcKeep notes of each thing that youdo. It is amazing how often simple note taking will save hours or re-research.

    Do note that web sites change, almost as often as the weather. So theweb site may not match what is contained in this document but itshould be very close! So, read the screen and the notes to confirm thatwhat is displayed on the computer screen is the same instructions aswhat is here.

    If things get really confusing, first take a break and have a cup of tea,take a walk, start a load of laundry, basically clear your brain. Thenstart again.

    If things are still not going right, talk it thru with a friend, a child, a

    spouse. Over the years Ive found if I try to explain to someone what Iam trying to dothe solution amazingly comes to light.

    Okay, if youre really stuckpost a message to the Tea & Coffeehouse. Someone else may be having the same problem and figuredout a solution. The same goes, if you think that you can help someone, give it a try dont be shy. This is how programmers learn. Ofcourse there are rude, crude, and socially unacceptable people in theworld who try to put down people who ask questions; their boorishbehavior is their own loss. None of those types are in this class right!

    This may take an hour or so, depending on how fast your internetconnection is, how much you like to surf, how many interruptionsyou have, etcIt took me about 40 minutes to download, install, andgo thru two examples.

    Heres the outline of what were going to do (a.k.a. the algorithm. )

    Algorithm to Download and Install NetBeans and Java With Example

    BeginGo to the Sun web site and find the downloadsDownload the Intergraded Development Environment (IDE) bundled

    with the Java compilerInstall the software on your computerGo thru a Sun demo


    In the next few conference notes, well go thru an example of begin a program from

    scratch and how to open a program in NetBeans that may have been created elsewhere.

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    So, first find the web site.

    Heres the link to the Sun Micro Systems, Sun Developer Network webpage where you can download the IDE and the Java 5.

    If you do not see this link Download JDK 5.0 Update 3 with NetBeans4.1 Bundle, a picture follows, then Sun might have moved its softwaredownloads. Try going to and look for a link for

    j2se on the web page.

    You want to download the software bundle that includes both theNetBeans and the JDK 5.0.

    NetBeans and JDK 5.0 1

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    At the next screen, click the download button. And the Next screenselect the platform (these directions are for Windows OperatingSystem (OS))

    Download Button

    Windows Platform

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    Next this status box should appear to let you know how far along thedownload may take some time. Be patient.

    Status Box

    Once the download is complete, the install shield dialogue shouldappear. Click the Next > button

    Install Shield Dialogue 1

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    Accept the licensing agreement by clicking in the circle next to Iaccept the terms

    Licensing Agreement

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    Click the Next> button

    Licensing Agreement

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows InstallationThe next dialog box is for selecting where the NetBeans applicationshould set up the default directories.

    Accept the defaults by clicking the Next> button, that is do notchoose another directory until you have more experience.

    Directory Setup

    The information window appears, again, click the Next button.

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    The install should now begin. You should see several files names flashby

    Again, this does take some time, be patient. You might want to take a

    break, get a cup of coffee, or put a load of laundry in the washer.

    Installation Information Agreement

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows InstallationThis is an example of what the window might look like while thesoftware is installing.

    Status Window

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    When the installation is finished, you should get the following window.

    Click the Finish button when you're ready.

    Informational Window 1

    Hurray! Youve completed the first battle!

    The installation of the software (NetBeans IDE and the Java compiler)should be complete. The next set of directions walks you thruNetBeans program demo --Anagram Game

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    Next, run the IDE (there will be an icon on the desktop).


    This may take some time to load. A status window should appear thatlooks similar too the following picture.

    NetBeans IDE 4.1 Status Window

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    When the IDE opens there should be three panes open. The Projects,Files, and Runtime pane; The Navigator pane; and the Welcome pane.

    Take some time to review the screen. It this point I would not suggest

    clicking any buttons or menu selections.

    If you hold the cursor over each button withoutclicking the function ofthe button should appear. Then look thru the menu system to becomeaccustomed to what it looks like.

    Lets work thru one of the Sample Projects provided by netBeans. Onthe Welcome Screen there is a button to review the Sample Project,click this button.

    Welcome Window in NetBeans IDE

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    The next popup window helps you to set up the file name and thedirectory.

    Use the defaults for this first try.

    Click the Finish button

    Finished the Setup

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    Your computer screen should look very similar to the following figure.

    In the upper Left Hand window, there should appear folders for theSource Packages, the Test Packages, the Libraries, and the Test


    Anagrams Project Open 1

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows InstallationDefinition: Microsoft Word Thesaurus: English (U.S.)

    The computer screen should look very different now. The source codeshould appear. The Navigator window should have new information.

    Also several new files were created. Expand the file folders to see thevarious types of files that were created. The only files you shouldopen are those that end with .java. The rest of the files are for thecomputer not the human.

    Java Files

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    Here, Not


    This is what

    the JavaSource

    Code Looks

    like for the



  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    To make it easier to talk about programs, we programmers usually turn on the line

    numbering feature. To do this, from the main menu bar navigate View Show Line

    Numbers and click. Notice that each line of the source code is now numbered.

    Now if youd like to discuss a section of code, you can reference the line number from

    your source code.

    Line Numbers for Source Code

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    Now lets play the Anagrams game. To execute the Anagrams program,look on the menu bar and find the icon that says Run Main Project F6

    and click or you can press the F6 function key on the keyboard.

    Run Main Project

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    As it is possible to have several main projects, NetBeans asks whichone you would like to execute.

    In this case just click the OK button.

    Executing the program

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  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


  • 8/6/2019 Install Directions for NetBeans 4 1 and J2SE 5 0


    CMIS102A Introductory ProgrammingSun Micro Systems Installation of NetBeans and Java J2SE 5.0

    For Windows Installation

    To exit NetBeans, first close the project then exit the program.

    Closing the program

    Thats about it. Note that this is just a guide line for one example. Asyou create your own work the screen may have more windows, tabs, or

    other tools.

    First Close the


    Then exit
