innovation and enterprise - design section

ET3OO6 NNOVATION N D ENTERPRISE COMPUTER IDED DESIGN F SCUBA DIVING IR PRESSURE ARNING EVIGE By KEENAN ERCKEL BSc. Honours) omputer ided Product Design School of Engineering n d Built Environment U niversity f Wolverham t on Year: Module eader: lnnovation nd Enterprise ndertaken uring: Credit Rating: Mode f Aftendance: 2007/2008 Mr. G. Hudson Semester 2008 t 5 Full Time

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BSc. Honours) omputer ided Product DesignSchool of Engineering nd BuiltEnvironment

University f Wolverham ton

Year:Module eader:lnnovation nd Enterprise ndertaken uring:CreditRating:Mode f Aftendance:

2007/2008Mr.G.HudsonSemester 2008t5FullTime

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Contents Page


1. Background Research

1.1Similar roducts

2. Product sPecification

3. Concept Design

3.1 Chosen esign

3.2 Design eveloPment

3.3 Final esign

4. CADDrawings

4.1 2Ddrawings4.2 3Ddrawings

4.2.1Finalendered rawing

page 1

page 2

page 2


page 0

page 11

page 12

page 13

page 14

page 15

page 16

page 17

page 18.2.2Explodediew

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5. Part descriPtion

6. Materials

7. Finlteelement analYsis



page 20

page 28

page 3l

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Scuba ivers ely on a single auge o calculate he amount f air

they have eft in their oxygen ank. They are required o check

this device very ew minutes o keep rack of the oxygen evel.

Thisdevice oes otgiveanyaudible r physical larm o indicate

the air pressure asdropped o a certain evel,

Theoxycheck evices an additional iece f kit which ttaches o

the air tank viaa standard irhose.Once he air pressure n the

tank eaches certain evel he device ill sense hisand vibrate,

notifyinghe diver hey have a certain mount f oxygen eft n

the ank. Thedevice ill be wornaround he neck f the diver,

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are no existing roducts, imilar eckworndevices o

Fig1.1 eck cooling evice

Figure .l shows n imoge of o neck cooling device which s worn

oround the neck; he moin body is mode out of plostic.When

used the opening is streiched slightlyond ploced oround ihe

neck. Thecirculor hope its he contours f the neck comforiobly

neck herapy2

1. Background esearch

1.1 SimilarproducG



Fig1.2 Dr Bob's riental

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Figure .2 shows n mage f Dr Bob's riental eck herapy. he device

is for peoplewith neck problems, he devices re inflated o fit the

different eck izes.

Fig1.3personal eck ooling

Thisneck ooling evice Fig1.3)works n the sameways s Fig1.1.

The device s attached y slightly pulling he two arms apart made

possible ya flexibleoint,


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2. Product pecification

2.1 Product scopeThe oxycheck evice s a lowoxygenwarning ystem, arning he

userwhen he oxygen evel n the scuba ank has dropped o cetain

level. he devicess an additional iece fgearwhichwillconnect o

an standard cuba ir ankhousing standard irhouse

2,2 Condition f use

2.2.L How wlll the product be used

The Oxycheck evice ill be wornaround he neck. he device s

directly onnected o the scuba ank via a standard cuba air

hose, nce he air pressure n the scuba ank drops o a preset

level he device will physically arn he user via a constant

vibrationo the neck.

2.2,L Where will the product be used

The productwillbe used n aquatic reas primarily nderwater.

Thedevice ill be exposed o different ressures.


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2,3 Characteristic

2.3,L The Orycheck devise

The main devicewill be injectionmoulded nto wo sections

whichwill hen be screwed ogether. he wallsof the casing

will be considerably hick o be able o handle he pressure

of water beingappliedwhen underwater.

2.3,2 The neck brace

The neck bracewill be made of a stretchable aterial ith a

Velcro ection o adiust sizearound eck.

2.4 The seals

All sealswill be CNCmachinedo obtain n accurate it to ensure

water ight it.

2.5 Ergonomicconslderatlon

2.5,1 Comfoft of wearing orycheck devic€The device ill be wornaround he neck hus t needs o contour

around he neck or maximum omfort lso he widthneeds o be

small o allow he user o rotate nd pivot he neck reelywithout


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any interference. he neck brace needs o be made of a soft


2.5,2 Ease of adjusting neck brace

The neck brace needs o be adjustable o allow he device o fit

differentneck sizes. he use of Velcro nd stretch material will

allow he device o fit comfortable round ny neck.

2.6 Ease of connection

The devise hould e easily onnected o the scuba ank

2,7 Appearance

The Oxycheck evise needs o be brightly coloured o it can be

visibleunderwater. he njectionmoulded asing will have he name

clearly mbosses nto he casing.

2,8 Performance

The Oxycheck evisewill be used under water and have o deal with

different ressure nder he water as well as different ypes of water

i,e. salt and resh water2.9 The oxycheck devise performance

The devise will be tested under differentDressures o ensure he

device will not buckle under he Dressure xerted o it under

water. The device will also need o be tested o Drove hat its

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water tight and the seals will not deteriorate ue to the

environmentt'ssubjected o.

2.10 The sensing device performance

As he oxycheck evise s a critical afety evice, he operation f

the sensing quipment s vital thus it needs o be vigorously

tested nderwateras well as above. he vibration illalsoneed

to be tested with a candidate earing he full diving gear o

identifyf the vibrations strong nough o alert he user. esting

must nsure hat he sensing evice ill nitiate he vibration nce

the airpressure eaches preset ressure.

2.11 Life and reliability

The Oxycheck evice s expected o achieve life onger han 4

years. The reliabilityof the product will be determined y

testing.2.12 Manufacturing

The Oxycheck evice nd componenb hould e designed ith

manufacturing ost, echniques nd standards n mind How

ever cost should not conflictwith safety and performance f

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product. oughtn componenb ill need o comply ithBSEN

15333-2 espiratory quipment tandards.

2.13 Safety

Oxycheck so sofety device, and hus mustadhere o DraftBSEN

15333-2Respiratory quipment standards o ensure ll safety

. standards remet.

2.t4 TheOrycheck oslng

The cosing should hove no shorp corners r edges which

could njure he user.

2.15 Orycheck operoflonol omponents

The esting f oll he operotionol quipment willdeiermine

the operotionol ength of the device. Oiher sofefy eoiure5

need o be included o notify he user f low bottery, n the

event of o low boiiery he device will vibrote n o rhythm

.lndicotion f the device being powered up willbe vio on



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2,16 Neck broce

The neck broce should noi be oble to slrongle he user. n

lhe eveni of strongulotion he user must be oble to quickly

loosen he broce ond free hem.

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3. Concept esigns


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t-lv, bocL ci Li,r rrrc<






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3.l Chosen esign


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3.2 Development


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3.3 FinalDesign


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b.t<+,hvrAled v,eb


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4. CADDrawings


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4.12D CADDrawings


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Ii - .- - -l icriEc@i i r D$alno

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DlB6'o s^'f .rM uErRs f r OXYCHECK




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ITEM O. PART UMBER ATY-I LOWER ASING2 circiut boord3 boflryA vibrolor5 CASING EALo o-nnq7 sensor8 iOP CASING9 screw 7l0 necKoroce


uNr65 oltf Rw|5t sf (lf lD:

OXYCHECK onm"ro rEEl'^N.M /d4o6l

xm."::sm.l :ffi BILLF MATERTALu.*comrc 1";

, ,ocsirci**;,* SIZEDWG. NO. REV


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KaaN.M 25/03/206


r ln|t tl|t tlIFIt r






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4.23D CAD inal rendering


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4.2.1 Final endered rawing

Fig 1.4: Oxycheck evice

Fig 1,5: Oxycheck evice


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4.2.2 Exploded iew

Fig 1,6: exploded lewof main evice

Fig 1.7: Exploded iewwith neck brace


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4.2.3Oxycheckonnectedo air ank

Fig 1.8: Oxycheck evice onnected o scuba ir tank


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5. Pafts description

Fig1,9: ower asing

Namer Lower casing

Function:he ower asing ormspat of the main body,whichwill hold

all he componenb It willalsohave he neck race ttached o it.

Material: crylonitrileutadiene tyrene.

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Flg1.10:Top asing

Namer opcasing

Function: he top casing its over the lower casing, he extruded

sectionsn the op casing old he componenb n place.

Material; crylonitrileutadiene tyrene


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Name: Neckbrace

Function: he neck brace astens round he

oxycheck evice n place. he sizeadjustment

useof a stretchy aterial ndVelcro.

Material: ycra,memoryoam,Velcro

user's eck holding he

is made ossible y the

Fig 1.11: Neck race


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Flg 1.12: Seal

Name: seal

Function: he seal its between he

maklnghe device ater ight

Material: iliconeubber

two Injectionsmoulded asing


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Fig 1,13: o-ring

Name: o-ring

Function: he o-ring its between he sensor

the devicemaking t water ight.

Material: iliconeubber

and wo casings ealing


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Flg 1.14: Battery

Namei Battery

Function: he battery s a standard attery, hich willsupply ower o



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Fig1,15: ibrator

Name: Vibrator

Function: hevibrators a standard artwhichwillprovidehe vibratiori

notifyinghe user f the ow oxygen ressure


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Fig 1.16: circuit oard


Function: he circuit board manufactured

manufacture. illbe he brain f the device.

through he circuit oard.

to spec by


an outside



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6. Material

ABS-Acrylonitrilebutadiene Styrene

Fig1.17 taken rom

ABSs a hard igid materialhis s essential or the Oxycheck evice or

the purpose f dealing ith pressure eing ppliedo t .ABS analso e

readilymodified o meet different pecification, hus if a stronger

substances s needed he polymer an be modified ABSs a common

plastic sed n various ield ncluding utomotive here strength nd

good surface inishes re required elow re able of characteristicsf


f ABStaken




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Fig1,19 aken rom htto://

Lycra s a revolutionary aterial sed or most lothing romswimwear

to underwear, he elastic roperty llowshe material o mould roundthe body while tillbeing lexible Theuse of lycra n swim wearmeans

itssuitable or aquatic nvironmenb s t dries uickly, lso he use of it

in underwearmeans ycra an be wornaround ensitive reas.


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Figure .20 tandard elcro

Velcro rovides neasywayof attachingwo tems ogether n

particular aterial ased roducB. here revarious rades f Velcro

rangingrom ndustrial o consumer epending n he application

.Velcro anprovide quick ndsafeway or releasing tems pecially

with he scuba evices here f the device eb caught n something

and begins o strangle he user he devise an be quicklyeleased.


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7. Finite Element nalysis

Fig1,21 inite lement nalysis

ABS ield trength: 0000000 N/m^2

Water ressure t 35 meters: 44 550N/ma2

Using olidworksCosmosxspress finiteelement nalysis as

conducted. hewater ressure t 35 m was used, his s o insure hat

should he user ake he devise ver he specified epth t would ot

fail.As he devise s critical afety evise nd must emain ater ight,

the pressure xerted n t should otcause he casing o deform r


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Resu ts:

Fil L,22iFactorOf Safety

Theanalysis hows Factor fSafety f 2,9; hismeans he product

willnot ail under he pressure xefted y water n the depth f 35



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Cosmos raphicalepresentation xaggerateshe displacementor he

accurate isplacementhe igures hould e ooked t. TheAnalysis

shows things lrstlyhat he maximum isplacement illbe at in he

mlddle f the caslng ith a distortion value f 0,8372mm.


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Draft or Public Comment E*,r(D9;,r.1- j 6r,Ulrk

-^ \TDJIBritishStandards

389 Chisick Hiqh Rodd

Telephore: +44(0)20 996 9000FaE +,1410)20996 u1

DPC:07/30169528 C

Form 6Version .0

Date: Octobe. 007Origin: uropean

Lat6st date for receipt of comments: 3l January 2008

Responsible ommitte€: PH/4/7 Jndorweter Eathing ppe€tus

lntercsted ommitte€s:

Projecl o.: 007/02035


ThisdrBft s ssued o allow omments rom nt€rsst€d artl6s; llcomments illb€ giv6n onsideration ior topublication. oacknowledgBm€ntillnormally s s€nt. See ovedeaf o. Infomelion on commentlng.

No copying s allowed, n anyform, ithout riorwritt€n €rmissionromBSlexc€pt s p€rmilt€d ndertheCopyight,D€signs nd Patent ct 1988 r or circulalion ithin nominaljng rganizationor briefing urpos€s.Electronic irculstions imiled o dissemina{on y€-mailwithin uch n orgsnization ycommilto€ embers.

Furth€r opies fthis draftmaybs purches€d romBSICustomer ervic€s, €l:+44(0) 0 8S36 001 r€mailord€,ntemational nd or€ign tandards re also avail€bl€romBSICustom€r €rvicos.

British tandards n CD or Onlin€ roavailabl6trom ritish bndards ublishing ales imited.

Tsl: 01344 4M409 or omailE9 [email protected] g .Information n the co-op€raling tganizations epresented n h€ committe€s eferenced bov€may be oblainedfrom he responsible ommilto€ ecretary.Gross.tefetencesTh€ British tandards hich mplement nternationalor uropean ublic€tionseferred o in his draftmaybefoundvia the British Standa.ds Onlin€S€rviceon the BSI w€b site p44 4&q9i:ql9bgl99 q.

Direct el: 020 8996 7164

E-mail: [email protected]

Title: DraflBS EN 1533G2 sspiratory quipment Open-chcuit mbilicalupplied ompr€ssod as divingaooar€rusPart2: Fre€ lowaDoaEtus

Supors€ssion nfomation: f thisdocum6nt s publish€d s a standard,lhe K mplementationf t willsup€rsedeNONE nd paftially upersedg. ONE fyouare awar€ fa curenl national tandard hich maybe affect€d,please notify he s€crctary contact €bils below).


Responsible ommitlee Secrelary: MrJohn Fisher Bsl)

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lnlroduction.This €ft standard s bas€d n European iscussions nwhich he JKhas sken an aclive aft. Yourcomments nthis drafrare welcome and wll assist n the prepsration f the consequent ritishStandard. f no comm€nts rereceived o the contrary, hen h€ -JKwillapprovehisdraftand mplementt as a British tandard. omment sparticularly elcome n national, egislative r similar eviationshat maybe n€cess€ry

Ev€n f lhis draft standa.d s not epprcved bythe uK, if it receives he n€cossary upportin Europe, he uK will beobliged o publish he oficialEnglash enguige en unchang€d s a Bdlish Standerd nd o withdraw nyconflicling

standard.UKVotePleaso ndicate wh€ther you consider he uK should submita negative with €asons) r posilive ote on this dIafr

Subml3slonThe ouidance iven ,€low s intend€d o ensure hst all comments ec€ive efiicientand appropriats tt€ntion y h€reso;nsible BS-l ommitt€g. Annotated draflg are not acceplabl€ and wlll ba rojected'

All comments must be submitt€d, r€ferably iectronicelly, o the Rssponsible ommittee €crstary t th€ addr€ssoiven on th€ ront cover. Comments houldb€ cohpatibl€ with Vorsion 6.0 or Version 97 of MicrosoftDWord orfoindows-, f possf6le; th€rwise omm.nts nASCIIext omat are acceptsble. ny comm€nts ol aubmilt€delgcironlcally hould tlllsdhere o thete omal r€qulremeni .

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Template or comments nd gocrotadat baervations Datei pd)d/200x lDocument IEO/DIS xxxr

Mld €on end MSOOS al€ r.gist6Ed traddna s, and Wndows b a trEdemad( t ilcbsd corporauon

(3) 5 (E) (7)


(e .9 .3 .1)(o.9. abl€ )

conm.nt {l|jrlltlcrdon rorchng.) by $. MB

Proco..d cnang. by th.f,E

3.r T'ltq w'"ninl r l lDq9iduprBnbleuo' m91ll'"fcy* /nlEFFfd FI| .F\.IFo lh6t h€inl{rF o'in€cpl $'rchno

"n ]5 hb{nitrtffi6++hqt'1o w ptFlomltaildldl dlld'ariv€ caniot b€L,/supFried 5l €rious pEblem3h.w ben €icount r6d n lls

il[.|",{A'ed"l.-Sl'dltnqjin L.l

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DRAFTp]EN153i 3-2

September 007








rcs t3.340.30

English €rsion

Respiratory quipment Open-circuit mbilical uppliedcompressed as divingapparatus Part 2: Free low apparatus

Aiemg€rilt€ schlauchveE.rgi€ .lchttarchgersb mitOruclgas Tell2: G€|.t mit kdstanl€m volumemtrom

Thtsdratt Europ€an iiandad s submlt€d o cEN membeE or enqury, t has ben d|6|m up by h€ Technlcal ommhee cEN/Tc 79,

ti|hBdEiib€.oms aEurcpganslandar 'cENmomberssr bouri|ocomplywilhti€cEN/oENELEC|n eha|R€gu|aiomwhlchsdpulats ll. .ordiltona or 9Mn9 hb EuEpoan Standatd he 3t tus of a nalioml t ndsd {ilhout any sll€r,ton.

Thb dtafr Erjrtp€an Slandsrd wd €6i.ebttsh.d y cEN In ttl.. oficial v6|3ion EnglEh,FEnch. G€.m€n). wBion in tny olrr€r €ngu.gem6do by rad;tron undd lh€ tepomlbllily of 5 CEN mense. lr{o |t o\ln languag€ nd nodi€d o he cEN Msnag€m.nt C€ni|Ehas he 5m€ slatus a3 € oilclglwBbns.

CENmemb€t aB tF n.tlohat st€ndatds odl€. ol tultda. B€lgiom, ulg€ia, cvpruq Cz€ch R€Flbllc' Denmad(. tbnla' Flnla'd'Franc.,O€many,Gl€€€.,Hung6ry,lc€l6ttd,l|6tsnd,llaly, .aM€,Uttrueni6,Lo€mbourg,Malta,N€lhedands'Notwav'F6l6ndPorlRomanla, lov6kla, lovenia,Sp.ln, Swlden, $rlE€dand and unibd Klngdom

R€ctpt€nt3 frhlsdran are nvr.d b subml wttr thek @mmentq notlllcarlon f any €l€v€nt 6bnt dght ot whlch hoy sr. ewE e and oprcvld€$p96.1in9 do.lmenialion,

tv.mtng : Thl d@m€nt b not € European t€nd6rd. r F drsbibut€dor $v6w 6nd cmm€nb. lt is subi.ct to chango wlltloutnotlc. .ndlhsll not b6 r€l€nsd o $ a Eufop@n Slandad.


I.naqsn.rt c€ntE: ru€ d€ sta$.rl 36 B- 05o Brus.l.

@2OO7 EN al rights of exptoilalid in any ofm and by any meaN reservedRorldt$de or CEN naliod Membe6Rel. No.prEN15333-2:2dt: E

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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

Contents Page

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Ann.r A (informative)&6ficj.lAnn x B (nfonnlhre) A q/Db.l t{odif€d FIry||E Lat t|ord

Ain.x ZA(intoflnatve) Rohlon hlP brtrv..i lhb Eu|lFdi St.rd.d .nd th. Br€r illRciulrtnrna o(EU Dlrtcdv. E0,. 6/EEC PPE)






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plEN 15333-2:m07 E)

6.rJ.r6,1t.2G.t3.l O€rEr.

,.,.........J56,tt.t[trg-...-.....-........-..6.13J Funcdoill tadhg wlr.o dlvlng...

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plEN 15333-2:m07 E)


Thh doqJment prEN 1533$22OOD h. bcco by Tcdlnlcal Commltee CEI'I/TC79 R€5pirrioryorot cdvo d.vb*'. thc .ccrotadd of Yiiidr b hold by DlN.

Thb dooumani qfioniy lubmit d to lh€ CEN Enqliry.

ThlB dodrm€r h.s bocn 'undcr a mandde givon o CEN by q9- European Commbsio||'nd

lheBfioo.ln FrooTradc As6ddrion, and $pports ollcntlal r.quircmenb of EU Dhectvo(8).

For rd.doFhip ttlh EU Dircc{ve(s), cc Iniomattuc AnnoxZA tti oh n Integral ad of hb doc{h'rit'

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pI€N l5il33-2:2007 (E)


A ghrln op.n-cifllt untllcal lupplLd oompr.sscd 9.. dtvhg .pp.r.tu can only bc lpprorcd wh.n lhc.pporatu or apprratt {L...rmbli€s ssti.S thc .€qrtemlr'tb ol lhc t sb .p.cifod In thl Europ.rnStlndlrd, .nd p. .dcal p.rbrm.ncc t sb hav. b.rn catrbd oul luccllsillly on comd.t appaGtur wfttfalg€dicd In hb EuroDaan .nd{d.

Th. producion of thk Europoan bndld hirs H€ntfi.d v rylng m€hods of lurhcq lupply .nd hd separat dlhsni Into v{o partB;aqulpmrnt h.t lupp .8 d.mand ype boepl.c.s lnd cfllpm€nt fiat suppa.r t ilovttlrpa rcrpl.c 6.







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PrEN 15333-2:2oozE)


1 Scope

Thi"European landard pecifes minimumequirements or iee {ow surhce supplied nd ee iow surfaceodented diving apparafus o ensure a minimum evel of safe operaiion of the apparaius. t applies o thelollowing:

- a maximum eplh f 50 m fur apparafus sing ir, oxygen r oxygen n nrfogen mixtures;

helium as mktures;

. - water emperatures etneen 4"C and 34"C or outside hese emperafures s specifed by themanufacturer.

The rcquiremenb f this European tandard re nlended o take account f lhe interaction etween hewearer, he apparatus, nd vhere ossible he envhonm€ntnwhich he apparafus s ikelyto e used.

This European S'tandard oes not cover saturation divingsystems, mini bell q|stems or apparatjs used oroxygen ecompre6sion nly.

2 Noanlalive Eferunces.

ttre followingeferenced ocumehts ae ndispensable or the application f thi6 European tandard. ordated roterences, nly he edilion cited applies. For undated eterences, e latesl edition of the referenceddocument including nyamendments) pplies.

EN 132:1998, Resphatory rotectivedevices Definitions f tems and pictogrcms

EN'f 34:'f998, RespL€tory rotedive devices- Nomenclaturc f conpon ts

, EN 144-1, Respirdory protective sv,c€s GEs cylindet valves - Peft 1: Threed cdlnections or iniaftCOnneCtOf

.r EN ,l4-3, Respiatory Wtetive devices Gas cylinder alvos Peft 3: Outlet connections or divinggases,Nit ox and oxygen

EN 397, ndustri r sefirfyhelnels

ENSl2lndustial bump caps

EN 12021, Respiatory $oteclive devices comprcssed air or breathing epparatus

EN 14593-1:2005, Respifttory protective devices Conptessed air Ine breathing awaratus with demandvalve Paft 1: Apparctus witha full face mask Requiftmanls, esting mafuing

- EN fSO 12209-1 Gas cylinders Outlet connections or gas cylindorvalves or compressed reathable ir- Paft 1: Yoke ype connections lSO 12209-1:2000)

EN fSO 12209-2, Gas cylinderc Outld conneclions ot gas cylindet valves or compressed reathable ir- Paft 2: Thteaded onnections lSO 1220+2:2000)

EN SO 1220$3, Gas cyi,rders Outlet connections or gas cylinder valves or com$essed breathable irt\ - Paft 3: Adapter or 23o bar valves lso 12209-3:2000)

EN 61508-1, Functionat safety of elec+tica /eledronic/programmabh tectrcnic safety-retated yslefts -

Paft 1: Genercl equirements lEC 615091:1998 + Conigendun 1999)


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plEN 15333-2:2007 E)

EN61508-2. Functianal safety of electicauelectronic/prcgrammable lect onic safefy-relafed ystemsPart 2: Requirements or electical/electonic/programmable ledronic safetrelated systans (lEC60508'2:2000)

EN6150&3, Functional sa{efyof eledicaVeledrcnidrygranmable eleclronic safery_reraied ystems

Pad 3: Soflwarc equircments lEC 6150&3:1998 Coftigendum 999)EN615O8-4, Functional safaty d electricavebdrcnic/wgranmable electronic safety-rclated ysfrems vPaft + Defrnitions nd abbrcviations lEC 615094:1998 + Conigendum 999)

EN 6150&5, Functional safety of eledricaYeledrcnic/Wgrammable leclrcnic sa,bry_relafed ysfemsPaft 5: Examples f methods ot the detetmination f safety hbgrity levels lEC 6150911998 + Conigendum1999)

EN615O8-6, Functional safety of etectical/electrcnic/progrcnmable lectronic safety'related systemsPart 6: Guidelines n the applbation f IEC 6150&2 and EC 6150&3 lEC 6150+6:2000)

EN6150+7, Functionat sa{ety of electicaveledtunidprogrammable lectonic safety'relafed systemsPaft 7: OveNiew of tedtniques and neasures lEC 6150&7:2000)

3 T6ins and definition3

For he purposes f lhis document he tertrF and definitions iven n EN 132:1998 nd he nomenclatlregiven n EN |34:t998 apply ogelher ith he ollowing:

3,1 auxili.ry gas supply syltetn ( out)auxiliary nd ndependent as supply r brealhlng pparafus oruse n case of a tailure f he umbilicalsupply

3.2 body hame33componeni fhe system o attach he breathing Pparafus, mbilicalndany pressure essels o he body of

the diver3.3 bEathing fr€qucncynumber f brealhing ycles eaminute

3.4 dkplac€d (tldal) volumevolume f r6pirable gas dbplaced y a brealhing imulator uring ne half cacle inhalation r exhalation)measured n ibe6

3.6 exhaust eviceA device or eleasing xcess as rom he ac€piece

3,6 tull face maskfacepiece overing outh, ose, yes nd chinwhichmaybe tted witheither houlhpiece r an nner mask

3.7 helmeifacepiece overinghe whole ead, whichmaybe ited witheither mouthpiece r an nner mask

3.8 hilh pre-ssureanypaessute reat€rthan edium ressure

3.9 hydrostatic imbalancedifference t both end exhalalion o fow and end inhalation o iow between he pressure ithin hefacepiece see Figure 1 and that at lhe reierence point, vhich could be either he suprasternal otc*l or thelungcentroid f he diver see Figure )

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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

3.10liie inecomponent l he system hich onnects he diver o he surface ndmaybe used o help a diver n distess liftingham€sscomponenl f the system altached o the diver or ifting he diver rom he water

3.12 ow pressurcpressure ithinhe acepiece, .e.approximatelymbient ressure

3.13 nredium rcssureintemal ressure elween pressure educer nd a facepiece

NoTE This s somelimes eferred o as inteamediate ressure.

3.14 necl conn€ctordevice hat Drovides sealed onneclion etween he helmet nd a wearers rysuit. t is normally om /ithsome orm of retaining device hat prevenb he helmet rom loaling offthe we.rers head

3.15 neckdamdevice hat connecb to lhe helmet and Seals at the w€arers neck lt is normally worn with some form ofretaining evice hat prevenb ]e helmet rom loating off the wearers head

3.16 p|€s3urc olum. diagEmdiagr;m generated dudng one brealhing cycie by ploting the respiratory pressure against he displacedvolume see Figure )

3.17 rated wo*ing pr€ssuremaximum llowable ressure orwhic'hhe apparafus s designed

3.16 ]rsplratory minut€ volume (Rtt\4product f he idalvolume ndbreahing requency easured n ife6 per minute rerpiratory pre3sur€differenti;lpressure at the mouh relalive o lhe no fow pre6sure6 t the mouth at the end of inhaladon ndexhaladon see Figure )

320 3udec. con0Dl s |sbmsystem hat conbols he supply rom a) gas source(s) o the diver(s) ia he umbilical. t may also have aseparate ndependent ontolled upplylor stand y diver.

3.21 suface supplied diving apparat s (tt€e fiow)diving apparafus hat has gas supplied rom the surfEce hrough a surface controlsystem or system via anumbilical, allowing he diver to brealhe under water fom a facepiece The apparafus s designed andcnnstucted o pass a continuous low of gas hrough he lacepiece iom which he diver nhales. Excess gaspasses nto he water or o a refurn hose, f filted

3.22umbilicalconnection o the diver rom he surfiace ontol system. t may consist f a single hose or multiple ines'comprisingile ine, gas supply nd f filted oicecommunicalion nd depth measuring ystem ogelher ithother ervice€ uchas heating rcooling orsuih, power orlighling nd camera ideo ignals.

3.23 work of brc-athingwolk expended uring one breathing yde measured n Joule per ire

NoTE Thiswork s proportionalo ho area bounded y he pressur€ olume iagram see Figure1).

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4 rnrmum qurptneN

Theapparatus ay consisl f subassemblies.

The apparafus hall comptise, t east he following omponenb:

- surface gas supply:

- gas supply;

- surface conbol6yslem:

- gas monitodng;- breathlng ystem:

- faceplece;

- fow control devlcca;

- bodyhamess;

- umbillcali

- safcty dcvlc (6).

It shall abo be delivered with ntorm.don upplledby the manufacturer,

The apparatus ayal6o ndud.lh€ bllor{ngcomponenb:

- auxiliary a3supply;

- llfrngh6meEr;

- deplh measudng ovice;

- volcc communlcaton y8t€m.

5 R.quirrmdrb

t l O..lgn

t.l.l The manutaoturq h.ll support 6c .ppar€tu8 de3lgn by th€ prcvkion of a failuro mod€ efied Ehdcrltcallty analyEis.

Te6dng hallbe done n aooordanco vith .2

5.1, Th€ apparatue hell be d.slgncd and t8 compon€nb nd parb located o provlde proiec{on ag6in6tmechanlcal amag€ causod by oxie'nal Intueice and to eDsur€ hat it i3 p@3ible o petforh all pte{lvefuncdonal hecb specified y h6 m.nufactrer.

Trstng shall e done n accordano€ ith6.2 and 6.13.

5,1.3 The combinalion f components nd parts 6hall not adveEely afiec't he satc operadon nd u6e of heapparatE.


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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

Testing hall be done n accordance ith6.2 and 6.13.

5.1.4 The apparatus hallnot have any sharp edges or probusions hat can njure he diver or surhceoDerator.

Te6ting hallbe done n accordance ith6.2 and 6 13.5.{.5 All parts, which have o be acbated by the diver or lhe surface perator uringuse' shall--beaccessible nd conbollable venwhen wearing roteclive loves lhree ngers, with6 mm o 7 mm paddingon either ide). These parts hallbe designed uch hat heir seiting annot e altered nadvertenlly uring

Teslino hall be done n accordance ith6.13.

5,1.6 The apparatus hall unclion alisfactorily ut olthe w€ter and n all orientations n the water.

Tesling hall be done n accordance ith6.2 and 6.13

5.1.7 The apparafus ay have an auxiliaryndependentas

supplybailout) o allow he diver o refurn

safely o the surrace r a p",lt gI 1"f".Vtf,S 1,1: d-":Lsl":jfllpj-"1:I.inadvertontlusef lh€^aodlhrvsuppiy and o prevent he supply rom exhausling nto he wEter n the event of e main umbilical ailurc.

Testing hall be done n accordance ith6.2 and 6.13.

5.1.8 The design hall revent egative aoepiece ressure n he event f any gas supply ailure

Tesdng hallb€ one n accordance ith6 2.

5,1,9 The apparatus hall nclude means o expelwater om ihe acepiece

Tesling hallbe done n aocordance ith6.2 and 6.13.

5.1.10 The apparatus hsll be designed o prevent ny saliva, ondensation r ingre66 f watea tomadvelsely affectjng he operation f lhe apparafus r causing harmfuleffect o the diver when used accordlngto the information upplied y the manulecturer.

Tesling hall e done n accordance ith6.2 and 6.13.

s.f.lf lf the apparafus s ntended oi use n water emperafures ess han 4 "C he manufacfurer hall tatethe minimumemperafure nd ls performance hallbe ested t hat emperature

Tesling hallbe done n accordance ith6.5.2and 6.5 3.

5.1.12 The apparatus hall llowthe se ofa suitable uxiliaryas supply

Testing hall e done n accordance ith6.2 and 6.1

52 Mabrials

5.2.1 The Darb used shall have adequate mechanical trenglh, urability nd resistanc€ o wear andteature sufficient esistance o changes aused by the elfect ol temperafure ndividually ndwhen assembled.

Testing hallbe one naccordance ilh -2,6.3,6.4,6 ,6 9,6.10,6.11 nd 13.

5.2.2 Any materials hat may come into contact uith pressurized as above 25 bar, other lhan air inaccordance ilh EN 12021, nd withan oxygen ontent reater han 2'l %, shall be compatble or use withhighpressure xygen. llcomponenb ndassemblies hall e supplied lean o meetthe ntended ervice.


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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

Testing hallbe done n acco.dancewith .2 and 6.12

5.2.3 Materials hat come nto direct contact rith the weareis skin and the respirable gas shall not beknown o be ikely o cause rritalionor any other adverse effect o heallh.

Testing hallbe done n accordance ith6.2 and 6 135.2.4 Any malerial hat may come nto contact wilh sea water shall be sea rater esistant. Afterconditioningin accordance ith 6.9 he apparatus hallstill be fully unctional.

Testihg hallbe done n accordance Yith .2,6.9 and 6.13.

5.3 Diverwom pre$ure vessel(s) iffitt€d)

The pressure essel(s) hallbe designed n accordance ithappropriate egulations nd shall be approvedand ested withrespect o the rated wo*ing pressure and he use of elevated oxygen ontent f appropriate.

The pressure essel(s) hallbe markedwith he appropiate eck hread esignation ccordingo EN 144-1

where he Drefered ersions re M l8 x '1,5 nd M 25 x 2.

Testing hallbe done n accordance ith6.2.

5.4 Diver wom piellu]e v€$el valve(s) (if fitted)

5.i1.1 Pre€sure es6el alve(s) hall complywith appropriate pecifcalions nd shall be apprcved ndtested oruse at he rated /orkng ressure ndgas

-' Testing hall e done n accordance ith6.2and 6.12 f applicable.

5.4,2 The connections etween he pressure vessel valve(s) and the diver wom gas conuol or supplysystem hall e constucted ccordingo:

- EN SO 12209 arts ,2 and 3 for pressure e6sel6 ntended or compressed ir;

- gN t4l-S forpreseire essels ntended or compressed iboxand compressedoxygen.

lf no specifc standards or otrer espirable ases re available onneclions ccordingo EN 144-3 hallbeuseo.

Tesling hall be done n acclrdance ith 6.2.

5.4.3 The opening fthe valve orifceshallbe progressive. omplete pening hall equire more han onerotation f the operating echanism. or valves, n which t is technically ifficulto limitopening n this way

(e.g. diaphragm alves) thermeans hall be provided o delay ull gas low The valve(s) hall be designedand ocated so that t cannot be closed nadvertendy, .g. by requiring at least wo ull tums rom ully open ofully losed osilion.

Tesling hall e done n accordance ith6.2 and 6.13.

5.4.4 The funclion of a pressure essel valve shall not be ;mpaired y the ngress of water'

Testing hallbe done n accordance ith6.2.

5.4.5 The pressure essel alve(s) hallbe protected gainst he enlEinment f dirt,solidParticles ndwater rom nside he pressure essel e.g. by m€ns of a protective lbe with a length of at least 30 mm andan nside iameter l at east2,5 mm.


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Testing hallbe done n accordance ith6.2-

5.4.6 The pressure drop measured cross he complelevessel ressure f 50 bar shallnot xceed 10 ar.

Tesling hallbe done n accordance ilh6.14

5,5 High and m€dium prcssute parb and connec{ions

pressure esselvalve(s) assembly vilha pressure

5.5.1 Gen€El

All metallic igh and medium ressure ubes, valves and couplings hallbe capable f wihstandingpressure 50 yoabove he rated workingpressure.

Non-metallic ighand medium ressure ubes, alves and couplings hallbe tested o prove hat hey arecapable of withstanding pressure t wice he rated v.orkingpre66ure.

It 6hall not be possible o connect a pressure omponent o a system wth a pressure greater han he ratedworkingpressure of hat component.

Testing hallbe done n accordance ith6.2 and 6.3 and 6.13.

5.5.2 PrEBlur€Gduce(.l

Anypre-s€t ressure educer hall e reliably e@red gaiFt aocidental lteradon ndadequatoly eal€d olhat any unauthorbed djustment an bo detected.

Tesling hallbedone n accordanoe ith6.2 and 6.13.

5.5.3 PEssurr relief 3y3tem(r)

Each s€clion of a glven high pressure ystem shall be either Gpable ot operaling up o the maximum aledworkingpressure f the system or 6hall be providedwih an adequate ressure elietvalve

All mediumpreEsur€ upplies hallbe fited wilh a pressure eliefsyslem.

In he event f a pre66ure educer ilure he aelief y€tem hallmaint6lnhe pressure ithinho ated rorhngpressure f he sy6lem,

The manufacfurer hall speciry ie relief pr6sure and fow based on the failure mode effect and criticallyanalysls. n any case he maximum eliel pre66ure hall not exceed 50 % ollhe bulst pressure pecifiedbylhe manulacluter.

Te€ting hall e done n accordance ith6.2 and 6.6.3.

5.8 tloses

5.6.1 General

The same high pre6sure r medium ressure ose assembly hallmeet he requirements pecifed n lhefollowingequence: .6.2, .6.3, .6.4, .6.5,5.6.6 r5.6.7and 5.6.8, especlively.

5.6.2 Tensile strenglh of high and rnedium pressurc hos€ as36mbl-rec

The unpressurised ose assembly hall be subjected o a tensile sfength o{ 1 000 N for a test Period f 10 slo 15 s. h shallnotburst, eakor have any ndication flailure.


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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

Testing hallbe done n accordance ith6.4.2.

5.6.3 Flexibility oI high and medium pr€ssure hose assemblies

The unpressudsed ose assembly hallbe capable f being ent o an angle t 180' or h- t shall notburst,leakor have any ndication ffailure.

Tesling hallbe done n accordance ith6.4.3-

5.6.4 Kinking ofhigh and medium ptcssurc hoses

Anyhose used n he umbilical hall e resistantto inkingn accordance itltEN 14593_1

Tesling hall e done n accordance ilh6.2 and 6.4.4.

5.6.5 HiSh pr€ssue ho6e a3semblies eek esl

Any high pressure ose assembly hall lithstand he rated workingpressure without eaking.

Testing hall be done n accordance ilh6.4.5.

5.6.6 Highpr€sgurc ose assembli$ buatting p|llsurE

Any high pressure hose shall wibstand 6 pre€sure f Iour times he rated workingprcssure or at least 20 8.There hall e no burst, eakage r ndication ffuilure.

Testing halt e don6 n accordance ith6.3.

5.8.7 M€dium prqtsute hote a3Bembli.s eak est

Ary mediumpressure ose shall be capable ot wthstanding wice he operatng presaure f a aafety valve orat east 0 bar, Michever s he higher. here hallbe no eakage.

Tesling hallbe done n accordance ilh6.4.5.

5.6.8 ltedium pr€33u|E ho3€ a €mblles bursting prc33u1€

Anymedium ae6sure ose a$embly shallbe capable f rlithstandingour imes he rated working re66ureor at least 1 00 bar, vhichever s the higher, or at least 20 s wihout bursting.

Testing hall e done n accordance ith6.3.

5.6.9 Umbilical

The umbilicalhall e attached o the diver o hat he strain s nottaken ythe connectionso he hcepiece.

The complete mbilic€l ncluding llcomponenb) s wellas complying ith he requirements or he relevantpressure ose assernblies h 5.6.2 o 5.6.8, hall have a negative uoyancy etw€en 20 N per 10m lengthor a posilive uoyancy 10 N per 10m englh.

The apparatus hallhave a liG ine hat can be used o help ecover diver n distress. t may be a separatelineor can be the umbilical. he ife ine ncluding nyconnectors hallbe capable fwithstanding tensileloadof 3 500 N without amage.

The umbilical hall be attached o the diver uch hat t cannot na(fuertentlye released nderwater y thediver, ouling r other ncident. t shallbe possible o be cut by hand ools camed y a diver.


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plEN 15333-2:2007E)

Testing hallbe done n sequence nd n acclrdance ith6.2,6.44' 6 4 6' 6 4 7 and 6 13'

5.7 Brealhing syslem

5.7.1 Peformance requircnEnts5.7.t.1 Br€athing perforinanc€ at slandard RMV

The breatinq Derformance hallbe measured singa sinusoidal aveform iom a breathing imulator ithsimulated MAup o 62,5 mini (ATp;Arnbient emperature nd Pressure see Table ))-The performanceoi t'J sy"t". sttil u" aetermined ringair or an orygen n nibogen as mlxture t an ambient resslre f6bar and where appropriate singan oxygen n helium ased mkfureat an ambient ressure f 7 bar or areduced pressule speci{ed by he manufEcfuler-

The breathing ystem hall meettle followingequiremenb elated o an RMV BTPS; ody emperature tDressure aturated) rom10lmin_'to 0 min_

a) the workof breathingWOB) hall ot exceed valueof:

WOB= 0,5+ O,O3 RMV Uxl-rl

NoTETh6WoBspscfiedisconsid.r€dtob.gphysio |ogica |maximumleve|andth€menuf€ctur€Isshendsavour o ks€p he WOB6s ow as po$ibl€

b}in6piredandexpiredlespkatorypressure6sha| |bedeterminedasshoMrinFigurel.Theinsphedan'exbired espiratory re66ures hall otexceed 5 mbareachi

c) the posltve workof breathing uringnhalation hallnotexcecd ,3 Jxl_r

d) pressute pikes ith no rnea6urable ooilive orkof breathing hall otexceed 5 mbar;

e) prBsure peakswlthmeasurable ositive orkof breathing hallnotexceed mbar'

Tesdng hallbe done n accordanco lth6 5.1,6.5 and 6.5 3 B,eething erfomance at high RtlV

The breathing erformance hallbe measured singa sinusoidal raveform om-a breathing imulator ihsimulated lii at 75l/min ATp;Ambient emperature nd pressure see Table )). The performance f hesFtem shall be determined singair or an oxygen n nitogen gas mkfure at an ambient ressure t 6 bara;d where ppropriate sing n oiygen n helium ased mixture t an ambiehl ressure f 7 ber or a reducedpressure pecified y the manufaafurer.

The breathing system shall meet he following equirements elated o an RMV(BTPS) rom 70 min_1o85 min-

a) the work oI brealhing WOB)shall not exceed a value of:

woB = 0,5+ 0,04 Ri{v [Jxlr]

NoTETheWoBspecif iedisconsideredtobeaphysiologica |maximum|evelandthemsuf*tufersshouldendeavour to keep the WOB as low as possible

b) inspired nd expired espiratory ressures hallbe determined s shown n Figure The nspired ndexphed espiralory ressures hall ot exceed 5 mbar ach;

c) the positive orkof breathing uringnhalation hallnotexceed ,5J) r


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prEN 15333-212007 E)

O pressure pikes ith no measurable osilive orkof breathing hall ol exceed 5 mbar;

e) pressure eakswithmeasuftble osidvewrk of brealhing hall otexceed 2 mbar'

Testing hallbedone n accordance ith6.5.1,6.5.2 nd6 5 3'

5.7.1,3 cold water Dedomnce

Thebreathinqoerformancesha| |bemeasuredusingasinusoida|waveformfromabrealhingsimu|aloru/ith

"irrfa"ailfrifi"iez,s i min1.The airexhated y h; breathing imutator hallbe heated nd humidified. he

aii temperature tratt e (28 2) "C and he relativehumidity reater han 90 7o when measured t the mouth

GJi;d" 6t The performance f the aPparatus hallbe d;termined sing air at an ambient ressure f6 bar.

The breathing ystem shall mee he tollo/'/ing equkements elated o an RMV (BTPS;body emperature tpressure aturaied) f 62,5 min_':

a) the workof breathing WOB) hall otexceed value f:

WOB= 0.5 + 0,03x RMV lJxl-1l

b)insDhedandexpiredrespi.atoryp|essuressha|lbedeterminedaashowninFigurel.Theinspiledand' expired e€piratory ressures hall ot exceed 5 mbar ach;

c) the positive orkof brea$ing udng nhalation hallnotexceedO3 JYl ;

d) pres6ure pikes ithno m6asurable osllive orkof breathing hallnotexceed 5 mbar;

e) pressure eak6 lthmeasurable ositive orkof brealhing hallnotexceed mbar'

Testing hallbe done n accordance lth6.10.3

5,7.2 Facepi.ce a3 supply non-tltlm d€vice

Thelacepiecesha| |bedesignedinsuchawaythat int leeventofadiver 'sumbi | ica |beingseveredof 'ai"iirr"

"i"ifres"" ;nppry it ;hall Prevent oss of breathing gas from the facepiece hrough he gas supply


Tesling hallbe done n accordance ith6.5.5.

5.7.3 Erhaustd.vice

The apparatus hall avean exhaust evice, perated utomalically y excess as n he acepiece'

Anybubb|esemergingsha|lnotimpedelhediveisvisionwhenswimmingorinvertica|position,i.e 'withdivepitch om O'to 90" diver oll0') (see Figures and 5).

Where a neckdam s connected, he exhaust evice hallprevent he pressure n the fEcepiece xceeding40 mbar.

whereaneckdamisnotpresent,theexhaustdeviceshallpreventlhepressureinlhefacepieceexceeding80 mbar.

The design nd confguration ftheexhaust evice hall revenlthe ngress fwater n allpositions-

The ooeration of the exhaust device shall not be degraded afrer being subiected o a constant ow of3OO min' (ATP) ora period f1 min.


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P]EN 333-2:2007 E)

T.6 ng shall b€ donc n .ccordanc , rlh6.2, 6.5.6 and 6.1 3.

C.z.r t|uh m lmphd prdal p|€..u| ol c.rton dbridc

Th. volum.{.i0hbd .Y.i.gc lrFplad p.rt6l p|roaulc of ca.bon do{dc lhdlnotcxc'6d 20 nbtr'

T.ling lhrll b. donc n ccodanca Ydth .5.'1.

t.7.5 Hydro .tc hlbrbc.

NoTE Th. d..ign ot n. efo.n prrrfu. wlllhffi it bdn0 b n.casdt. lt b nnd.tory br dldGd [r..

F app{6blr, th. h}&oltatc lmbaldlc lhri not o(c..d lhr v |u.. .podfiod In Tlblc I und.r tho followlnconddon3:

- Y|lh 0o dwr rctr nd dv.r pltdr from+18{to 40';

rvLh t' dw Dldl lnd d$r rol from+gto o 4O'.

DNy.r tdr rnd rolllnghs a| drllmd h Flgur€o t lnd 5,

T..dno rh.ll br dona n rcclrd|rlo ttlt| 6.5.7.

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prEN 15333-2:2007 E)

5.8 Su.face contll iy3tem

6,8.1 GeneEl

The system, or the components f the system shall be \ 6ter resistant.

The system hall have sbain elief securing oints or hoses and umbilicals. f portable, t shall also havesecuring ointso prevent he assembly eing ulled vedoard r dropped hile n use.

The system hall ave enting onnector aps or protectingnleb and outleb hat are not n use.

All nleband outlets hallbe clearlymarked ithdetails ftheir ntended se.

Testing hall be done n accordance ith6.2,6.5.1 nd6.13.

5.8.2 Gas supply

The gas supply hall be designed n such a way hat n he event f a diveis umbilical eing ut or severed tdoes notdepdve nyother iver r stand y diver ftheir gas supply.

The control ystem hall, or each diver, have an independent as supply system ncluding nlet supplypressure ndicalor,diversupply pressure ndicator nd f fitted, a diver depth ndicator.

The contol system hal l have, as a minimum, wo supply nlets. n lhe event of a supply ailure back upsupply hallbe mmediately vailableor seleclion. t the conlrol ystem upplies as withan oxygen ontentgreater han air as specifed n EN 12021 hese willhave separate nleisand educers oany hat supply irand where necessary e ftted with non-refum alves o prevent ross contaminaton.

Inlet onnections or a gas udth n oxygen ontent reater han airas specifed n EN 12m1 shallbe different

and not nterchangeableilh those used or ak or other gases wilh an oxygen ontent equal o or ess han air.


Table - Hydrcstatic mbalance

Pitch degrces

(Rollat ' ) +mbar

Suprastemal notch


+180' +20,0 -20,o+90' +20,0 -20,0+45' +20,0 -20,0

0' +20,o -25,0.45' +20,0 -20,0

-90' +20,0 -20,o

Roll degree3

(Pitch at 0')

+90"+20,0 :20,o

+45" +23,0 -23,0

0' +20,0 -25,0+23,0 -23,O

-90' +20,0 -20,o

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Testing hall be done n accordance ith6-2,6.5.1and 6.13.

s.g.g Gas Bronllodng

Apparafus hat supplies breathing mixtures ther han air shall have orygen content monitoring or each diver

oudet downsbeam f any egulator a contol system.The imitdeviaton f he oxygen ercent isplay hall be as defned n Table

Table 2 - Limit deviaiion of oxygen percent display


Lirnit deviation96

0to40> 40 o 100

i 1,0

t 2 ,0

Tesdng hall be done n accordance dth 6.2,6.6.4 nd 6.13.

5.9 Safety devices

5.9,1 General

All safety devices hat give a visual ndioalion hall be capable of being read by a person with normal orappropriately oFected) isualacuity nderthe isibilig onditons pecif€d n he nformalionupplied y hemanufacfurer. af€iydevices hall aovide n appropriatendlcadon t colou blind eople

Tesdng hall be done n aocor&nce ,vlth .2 and 6.13.

5,9.2 P|eslurEindicetor

Each gas supply hall bo ittedwitha pressure ndicating ystem. he apparatus hall e de6igned nd itedso as to enable he diver, or surface conbol aystem operator o take readingE ithotlt difficulty.

Any ffexibleho6e(s) connecling he pressure ndicator(s) hall provide proteclion against damage by externalmechanicalnnuences ccuning udng se. f the conhecton as a cover, which s not permeable o gases,the space enclosed y this cover shall be vented.

The connection oint or a pre6sure ndicator ose shallbe so constucted hat withan upsbeam re6sure f'|00 bar t does not permit e passage f more han 100 min of gas measured t STPD.

The display range of a pressure gauge shall extend iom zero to a value of 20 % in excess of lhe ratedworkingpressure f the gas 6upply ystem.

Scale Msions r ncrements hall otexceed 0 bar. The ange elo\ 50 bar shall e clearly ilferentiated oemphasise ow gas supply. The acdracy of any ndicator hall conlorm o the followingolerances m€asuredat dedeasing pressure:

- at 50 ba. t 5 bar;

- at 100 ar t ' l0bar:

- at 200 ar t10bar;

- at 300 bar t'15


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plEN 15333-2:2007 E)

Any pressure ndicator with an intended maximum ndicating pressure oI less lhan 50 bar shall have anaccuracy etter han 2 % of full scale.

Any submersible ressure ndicator shall be waterproof o at least wice he intended maximum iving depthspecifed y he manutacfurer orat easl l5 nin.

The pressure ndicator hall be providedwitlr a blow out release which protec-tshe wearer against njuries.

The gauge window hall be made of a malerial eing on-splintering hen breaking- he safety evice f amechanical ressure auge hall elieve afely t a pressure othigher han 50 % ofthe burst ressure f he

There hall be a marking o show flhe indicators to be used withorygen oncentations reater han air asspecifed n EN 12021.

Tesling hall e done n accordance ith6.2,6.6.1 nd 6.13.

5.9.3 Deplh ndicator (iftitted)

The gauge actor or the tansfomalion from pressure o depth shall be such hat an increase n pressure f1 bar Nould ause n ncrease n he depth i6played t 10 m.

NOTE Thi6 ul€ assum€s w€t€r €nsity f 1 01 7kg r

lf ftted each depth nonitor 6hall a display n increments f 1 m or less tith an accuracy of t 0,5 m atdepths rom0 to 50 m and 1,0 m at deplhb reatea han 50 m.

Testng hall be done n accordance 4ith .2, 6.6.2 nd 6.,|3.

5.10 Fac€piece

5.10.1 Gcnoral

The Ecepiece hall e either fullface mask oi a helmel. n nner mask maybe tted wihin he acepiece.

The ecepiece hall nable ar cl€aring y allowing he diveds asal assages o be occluded.

It shall minimbe.the ngr6s ot weter during ormel se and n lhe event of a diver alling nconscious rnavrng convulsron.

Tesling shall be done n acclrdance wilh6 2 and 6 13

5.10,2 lelmet

A helmel nd any associated eckdam system r ntegralfi$ng o a dry suitwitha neck onnector hallhavea double ocking s)'stem so that the diver cannot nadvertendy elease t underwater by fouling or olherincident.tshallbe able o be removed v he diver naided.

Testing hall be done n accordance ith6.2 and 6.13.

5.10.3 Full face mask ham€s3

Th" fullfr"".""k hamess shallbe designed o lhat the tullface mask can be donned and removed asily. tshallbe ad.iustable r seff-adjusting nd shall holdthe facepiece ssembly rmly and comfortably n position.

Tesling shall be done n accordance ith 6.2 and 6.13.


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Each skap of the facepiece shall withstand a tensile force of 150 N applied for 10 s in direclion of pulling vhen

the hcepiece (excludingmouthpiece) s donned

Buckles and attachment ugs iffitted) hallwithstand he same pull'

The permanent inear deformalion of eac_h tap shall notbe greater han 5 % when tested at a tensile force of

30 N tor 10 s.

Tesling shallbe done n accordance ith6.7 2.

Once itted he acepiece hallbe easily adjustable ythe wearer or self-adiusting

Testing hallbe done n accordance ith6.2 and 6 13

5.10.4 Bralhing sFtem connections

connections betu/een full fEce mask or a helmet and he system may be achieved by permanent r special

t .. i"""""t""". li a thread connection 6 used hen it shall not be possible o interchange with threads

Li*rilii" iii ilit, ii.r-148_i"naeN 48-s. I connectionset\een heacepiecend he vsremhall


auu"t to *thstand a tensile orce of 3OO in th€ foreseeable irectionof sbess'

The conneclion etween he acepiece nd he suil, where he facepiecc s-.integratedn the suit' shallbe

6ufffcienty obust o wihstand a ten6ile orce of 800 N in the foreseeable recuon ot sEess'

Testing hallbedone n accordance tith .2 and 6 7 1

5.10.5 Vilors

Msors shallbe attached n a reliable nd ightmanner o the acopiece ndshall hsve adequate echanicalstrenglh.

Teeting halt e done n accordance ith6 2, 6.73 and 6 13Msols shall not distortvision n air and under water'

Testing hall e dono n accordance ith6.13.

The eld olvision hallmeet he ollo\xingequirements:

The fucepi€ce hallbe designed 0that he effeclive ield of vislon inair) 6hall be not ess $an 40 0/6relatedto *e naiurat etd tvtion.ihe overlappedeld of vision elated o the nafural vedapped eld of vision halli"liJi*" tt"" SO , *ten equipped 'r/itha single visorand 20 %, when equipped vith wo or more visors'

Testing hallbe done n accordance ith6.7.7.

Themanu|acfurelsha| |providemeanstoreducemistingofthevisor. | tshal |beassuredfhatthevisionimpaired trile iving.

Tesling hallbe done n accordance ilh6.13.

Where anti-fogging ompounds re used a intended r specifed y the manuhcfurer hey shall not causeinitationo eyaa iskinor damagelhe omPonenb f he acepiece

Testing hallbedone n accordance ith6.2 and 6.13.



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ptEN 15333-2:200? E)

5.10.6 Head protection againsl impact

The head protec'lion ivenbythe facepiece ystem shall be classifed as either:

- ClassA: Head Drotection'r

- class B:'Bump roteclion'or

- Class C;'No protection'.

ClassA acepiece ystems hall be of suffcient igidityo act as a head protector n respec't f shockabsorption nd mpact esistance ccordingo EN 397.

Tesling hallbe done n accordance ilh6.2 and 6.7.42-

Class B facepiece systems shall be of sufficient igidity o act as a head prolector n respect of shockabsorption nd mpact €btance according o EN 812.

Te€ting hall be done n accordance ilh6.2 and6.7.4.3.chss C facepiece ystems 6hall be clearlyma.ked with a raming lhat no head proteclion can be assumed

Testng hall be done n ac@rdance ith6.2.

5.1 llame$es

6.11.1 Body ham€ 3

Theapparafus hallbe eliably ttached o a body hamess *lidl mayconsist orexampl€ fa carryingtameand/or strape o attach t to the body of the diver. The hamess shall not have 3 single action buckle vhichreleaseslhe ntir€ ody hame6s rom he dive/s bodywhenactivaied.

The body hamess 6hall be so designed hal the spparatus emains ecurely n position. t shall not beposEible or tho apparatis and parb of it to become accidentally etached iom the diver. Th€ body harnessshall ot mpairthe iver's eedom of movement nymore han s neceFaary.

lt shsll be possible o seqrre oosely uspended arts e.9. pressure ndicator ndstap6) n po5iton n heapp9rafu6,

The it of the harness hallbe maintained uring he use of lhe apparatus. f adjustmento lhe hamess spossible, or example by adjusting he length ot lhe straps, hen it should be possible or this to be acfiievedeasily nd at any ime.

The body harness shall provide a melhod o securely aitach he umbilical o the diver. Each sedfing poinlonthe bodyhamess hallwihstand tensile oadof3 500 N or 5 minutes

Teslingshsllbe one n accordance ith6.2,6.4.7 nd6.13.

5.1'1.2 ifringhamess

The apparafus may nclude a lifling hamess or liffingan unconscious iver rom he water- The ifling hamessmay be the body hamess or a separate ystem, n any event i shall be possible o easily emove he divingapparEtus ndauxiliary upplywihout emovaloflhe ifting ahess.

lf fitted he liflins hamess shall provide ifringpoints on both he fiont and t|e back of the diver. Each iftinghamess as a whole nduding adjustrnent ystems, uckles eic. shall withstand tensile urce of 9 000 N.


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plEN 15333-2:2007E)

Testng hall e done n sequence nd n accordance ith6.2, 6.8,6 9' and 6 13'

5,12 Auxiliarygas supply sFiem (bailout)

heeqlipmentsha| |a | |owanauxil iarygassupp|ysFtem.(bai |ou0.,Used.Thedivershal |beab|etoswitctrb and brealfie rom he auxiliary as supplysystem bailout)within10 s-

Testing hallbe done n accordance i0lall elevant ests n clause ' and at east 2 and 6 13'

lf an auxiliarygas supply system bail out) system s used with he apparalus t shall ulfil he requirements fthe appropriate tandard

Testing shall be done n accordance itl the relevant tandard.

5.13 Resbtance to bmPe|atulE

5.13.1 torag.

Trouble tee operation hall be ensured afrerstorage attemperatures anging rom -30 "Cto 70 C

Te6ting hallbe done n accordance tltt 6 10.2.

5.'13.2 eakago

The apParatus hallnot eak or elease as when ested t emperafures f_20 C end 50 C'

Tesling hall e done n accordance ih 6.10.1

5.14 connecto]l

componenlE f the whole 6ystem hallba easily disassembled ur cleaning, e6ting nd.examining ftercondilioningn accordance iih6.9.Demountable onnectons hall e eadily onnec'ted nd6ecured, herepossible i trand. Any means ot sealing used 6hall be retained n positionwhen $e connection 3dbconnected uring omaluse and maintenance.

Tesiing hallb€ done n accotdance ith6.2 6.9and6.13.

5.16 Cleaning nd dkinlecting

All Darbhat on he recommendation fthe manufaclurer ave o be cleaned nd/or binfected hall e easyto aean, nsensitive o lhe cleaning gents nd disinleclantsecommended y he manufacturer nd emainfunctional frea aving been cleaned nd/ordisinfec'ted.

NOTE tt is r€commsndedo ensure he complsto emoval f sll t'aces of the d€terg€nts hichare used dunngcl€aning nd dsinfectingrom espiratory quipmentntsnded oroxygen/nitroxse sse EN SO 5001 '

Tesling hall e done n ac$ordance ith6.2,6.11and 6 13

s.te Plessute rcsistanc€ of casings and moniiors

I casings nd monitors resealed gainst mbient ressure hey hall e wEterprool

Tesling hall be done n accordance rith6.16 afrer he emperature esistance est n accordance ith6.10.


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p€N 15333-2:2007 E)

5.17 Oxl|gen compatibility

Pressure above 25 bar) sub-assemblies hat can come n contact wilh a gas wilh an oxygen content greaterlhan airas spedfed n EN 12m1 shallbe orygen ompalible, lean€d nd dentifed s such

Tesling hall e done n accordance ith6.2 ahd 5-'12.

5.{8 Functional safety of elec{lical systerns

Any electical, lecAonic r progGmmable lectronic ad of be apparatus hallsatsry ie requirements fEN61508, art 1 to Part 7.

Testing hall e done n accordance ith6.2.

5.'19 Voice communi(Etions

5.t9.'r General

lt fitted, he apparafus hall nclude su.face o diver and diver o aurface wo $/ay communlcadona t may alsoallowdivertodvercommunicalions.

The diver ommunioalions icrophone hall e actve and he sudace microphone'Pusho talk.

tOfe Aulough h6 volc6 ommunications not cov€r€d y h€ PPE Directivc,t is r€gsrd€d o b€ a s€dous afevissue nd iercforo, f ftt€d, €quk€montBor t are nclud€dn his Europ€€n landerd,

Communioationshalladlleve Modifed Rhyme est score realer han 75 %.

Testing hall be done n accordanco ith6.7.6 nd 6.13.

5.19,2 Comunicslion rcc'odingThe apparatts may have he acilityor all voice ommunication6o be recorded. he system may either eintegrsl o the sudrce contol system or have an 'audlo out' for an extemal ccording device. f fitted anintegraldevice hallbeable o reclrd br a minimum f4 h.

Testing hall e done n accordance ith6.2.

5.20 l.lob€

Noise rotection hall e nduded fspecifed y manufacbrer.

The measured oise evels al the maximum low rate and a venlilation 0 min_' hall be compared o the

exposure imit value noise dose of Lpo.4 li dB(A) re 20 pPa or a modifed weighting of the sound specbumtaking nto consideralion he efiecb of differentambient condilions gas composilion, ressure, water). Usingcurent national cclpational eallfiime weighted xposures nd he principle I3 dB halving t noise dosethe manufacfurer hall state he maximum ermissible oise exposure ime taking nto consideralion he timethe diver wi|l spend at each RMVand ow rate.

All ecorded oise evels hall e ess han he peak ound ressure evel 140dB(C).

Teslins hall be done n accordance ilh6.7.5.


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521 PraclicalPerloamance

The system shall undergo prac-lical erformance ests under eafisfc condfions. These genel.|l ests serve.thepurpose ot chec*ing de apperafus or imperfections hat cannot be determihed by the test6 describedelsewhere n his European Standard-

tf dudng any ac.tiviiy, by any test subj€ct he test stbjec,t aib to inalbe the selec'ted aclivltydr|e t0 lheJppir"6s U6ingn* dt fdr he purpose or wtrich t has been designed, he apparatu3 hallbe deemed o havefailed.

The test holrse 6hall provlde ulldctalb ot those parts of the praclicalperformance eEtswhich evealed he3€imDedectioG.

Teaing ehall be done n accordanco ith6.13

6 T..iing

8.1 G.n.r.l

6.1,1 Prccrdun

The syltam 6hall br tested and qualifiedae a unit lryhon esling oomPonents r arscmblles of the

"rut",i, ""paratoly,complem€nbi componente, 6 apeclied by the manufacturer, hat comply wlh lhls and

other el€vont standards hall be uscd.

nofe lf nospocialm.qsuing d.vic€6 r m.hoG erc sprcm.d, ommonly 6 d m6iho&and d.vlc6 3hould .epplicd.

The e3b ehalt e oaried outin he scquenco ccotdlngo Table .


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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

6.1.2 Nominal alues and olerances

lJnless therwise pecifed, he values hall be subjected o a limitdeviation I 15 %. ljnless otherwisespecifed, he room emperature or esting shall be (22 5) 'C and at a relative humidityof at least 50 % Thetemperafure imitsshall be subiect o a lirnh devialion of :t 1 C.


Table 3 - Testing schedule and sequence

Te6t s€cuence Te3t clause Condition


2 6.10 From est sequence6.12 From est sequence l

2 From est sequence

6.14 From est sequence

2 From est sequence

3 From est sequence

6.11 From est sequence

5 6.7.1 From est sequence

6.4.2From est Sequenc€

5 6.8 From esl sequence l

From est sequence

6.4.3 From est sequence

7 Frolh est sequence

7 6.4.4 From est sequence

6.4.7 From est 6equence

6.4.5 From e6ls€quence

' t0 6.5.3, .5.4, .5.5., .5.6, .5.7, From €stseauence and 4

t0 6.10.3 From est sequence and 4

11 6.6 .1 From ed sequence,[

11 6.6.2 From est sequence

11 From eEt Eequ€nce

11 6.6.4 From esl sequence

1l 6.7.4 From est sequence

11 6.4.6 From est sequence 0

11 6. ' l5 From est sequence

12 6.t3 Fron test sequenc 1

13 From est sequence 1

14 From est sequence 2and 13

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6.'1.3 Test equipment and test p.oceduaes

The performance haracteristics f the breathing simulator est equipment hall be defined by lhe use of acalibralion est orifice shown n Figure 3- The test orifce shall be inserted nto the test rig in place of theUreitring ystem nC ested wi*| air at 62,5 min 1 (25 cycles min1, ,5 tidal volume) t 6'0 bar absolute

the valu-esor work of breat ng (WOB) nd nhalaton/exhalation ressures hallbe 3'3 Jxl_1 nd 25 mbarrespeclivelysing air,

The performance fthe volume weighted nspired atbon ioxide est equipment hallbe defined y he useof a;alibration rbe. The calibrationube shallbe attached o he'mouth'ofthe breaihing imulator' aveanintemal iameter f (30,0 0,2 mm)and a lengh of (150 1 mm) lt shallbe ested t ambient ressure ithak and he breathinq imulator t 62,5lmin' (25 yclesmin',25ltidal volume) ith a carbon ioxideinieaion f 2.5 min_i-STPD.0,2 m s_r orced entilation hould e provided cross he open ndoI he ubeto reftove he exhaled arbon ioxide. he value or the volume veightednspired arbon ioxide hall be(4,2 0,2 mbao.

Measure he insDired arbon ioxide l the mouth wih an anab6er aving a response ime of less hanI 50 ms o 95 % of he step change. he monitored arbon ioxideevel hould hen be ntegkted with espect

to he volume fgas nspiredather han he ime of nspiralion

The est and measurement quipment hall e appropriate or he pressures nd requencies ccuring udngtests.

Ljnless then ise specifed esting shall be canied out with he compr$sed air v{tlich complies lith EN 12021

6.2 Visual n3p€ction

Visual nspection hsllbe conducted i normal isualaclity by the responsible xper(6) ppointed y fteaccredlted est station o te6t he apparatus.

The visual n6pection hall nclude he assessment f the device marking nd nformaton uppliad y the

manufacturer nd any safety ata sheets ifapplicable) r declarations elevant o the mate alEu6ed n itsconstructon,

6.3 PEssure e3t othlgh and nEdium prcssuE pais

The highand medium ressure arb and conneclions hallwithstandhe est pressure or a period f at east20 s-

There hallbe no eakage, ose burst r ndic€tion tfailure.

The est medium hall be wEter. he est pressure hallbe reached etween s and 10 s. There hallbe noobseNed eakage f water.

6.4 Hos€s and umbilical a3semblies

5,i1.1 General

Anyhighand medium ressure ose r umbilical ssemblies hallbe ubiected o he ollowingests:

6.4.2 Tensile orce of high and medium pressue hose assemblies

Apply he tensile orce o the hose assemtrly y screwing he end ttings into an appropriate nchorage oint.

6.43 Flexibility f high and medium pressure oses

Bend he hose around cylinder (65 2,5) mm adius).

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prEN 15333-2:2007 E)

6.4.4 Kinking of high and medium pressure hoses

Tesling hallbedone n accordance ithEN 1i1593-t:2005,6.11.

5.4.5 Leak est of high and medium pr€ssue hose as3emblies

Submerge he hose assembly n freshwater. he est medium hall be he gas ntended or use. The estinglimeshallbe 5 min.Nobubbles hallbe obseled.

6.4.6 Umbilicalbuoyancy

The complete mbilical ssembly hallbe tested. eal he ends oflhe gas supply ines on he umbilical ndsuspend he vhole assembly n water. f negalively uoyant uspend he umbilical rom a weight ing eviceand ecord he force. f posifvely uoyant he umbilical hallbe suspended y being pulled ub-surface ndlhe uothrusl ecorded.

6.4.7 umbilical if6line

lf the ifu ine s part of the umbilical,his assembly hallbe submitted o this est - From he sec ring pointatthe divers nd o the securing oint n he surface he umbilicalffe ine shallbe submitied o a tensile oad of3 500 N foaS min.There hallbeno ndication {failure, .g.leakage, o6e urst, earing.

6.5 BEalhing syslem

8.5.1 Configuration

The brealhing ystem or estjng urpo6e6 hall nclude ll oI he ollo ing ub assemblies:

- facepiece itll exhaust evice nd he gas supply on-return evice;

- if fflted, uxiliaryupply bailout) sserhblies;

- umbilical;

- surface ontol system ith egulatoF, auges, alves nd gas supply;

- voice ommunicationif tted);

- if theapparatus s provided ithhot or coldwater hrouds hen hey should lso be ested.

6.51 General est conditions

The syslem shall be fully rigged on a verlical nannequin diverpitch 90") according o the informalionsuPplied Y he manufacturer.

The breathing erformance f tre sy6tem hall be deterrnined singa sinusoidal as ow fiom a breathingsimulator ilh an allowable arialion ft 3 % n both he equency nd he amplibde.

The measuring quipment or respiratory ressure arialionsn the system hall be capable f sampling tfrequencies p o 50 Hz with e€s han 3 dB damping.

stauitize lhe temperature oI the water in the test chamber at (4r") "C, or lower if specified by the


Completely mmerse he system n water at a depth sufficienty deep o preclude urface effects


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Tests hall be conducted t he minimum nd maximum upply ressures tated y the manufacfurer,vherenot stated a supply pressure f shall be used or he test up o 62,5 min RMVand at 1 00 bar, or theoeak Derformance est at 75 | min RMV.

Any inlet flow devic€ hat incoeorates adjustable ontols shall be tested with the setlings at both minimum

and maximum.Terminaling onnectors uch as quick it connections an signifcanty lter he performance f an umbilicalsupply; he system shall be tested withgas suPplied hrough allappropdate onnectors-

ecordtheperformanceo| ihesystemattestpressuresofGbarwithairororygeninnitrogenga€mixfureand it required at 7 bar with orygen in helium based mixtures or a reduced pressure specified by themanufaclurer.

6.5.3 Blealhing PerfoarEnce

S"t th" b."alhing simulator l the ventlalion rates n Table 6

Mea6ute he r6piratory pressure l lhe moulh and determine €rformance tom he pressule-volume iagramgenerated y ptotting re low (r6Pkatory) pressure againsl he displaced olume- Analyte he pr6sure-volume iagram n accordance ithFigure

c.5.4 Volum€ weighGd .v..ege in.Pir€d ca6on dioxide

The breathing imulator hallbe 6et o provide n end tdal CO2 evel of (50t2) mbar. A tolerance ft 10 mbar s permitted,f conected y calculadon. etermine he volumeweighted verage nsphed arbondioxlde nder he conditions n accoadance' ith 6.1 3.

Measure he inspired srbon dioxide t the mouth wih an analyEol avinga re6ponse ime of IesB hanl5O mr to 95 % of ho step change. he monltored adon dioxideevelshould hen be ntegrated ith espectto the volume of gas nspired ather han he dme of inapiration.

6.5.5 Ga suPPlY on.Ftum devic€

The device hall be subjected o a diff€fenlial ressure f 10 bar or 10 min.Duringhl6period o more han0,5 of gas shall merge.

Thereafrer, he devlce 6hall be subjec.ted o r differendal ressur€ f 0,01 bar or 'l0 min. Durin this periodnomore han 0,5 olgas ehallemorge.

The apparatus hall6till be tully unctional frer his est

6.5.6 Exheu3t device

The exhaust device shallnotleak afrerbeing Eub.iectedol

a) a constant owof300 | min 1STPo tor a period of 1 min;

b) a stalic negalive pressure ofSO mbar for a period of 10 s (when in the wetted condilion).

The leakage ot the exhaust device (lvhen in the wetted condition) shall not exceed 0,25 ml min 1 (STP) wfientested witt a negatve pressure ot 7 mbar (equivalent o 0,5 mbar pressure loss wilh a proof volume of 500 nldr.rring min).


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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

6.5-7 Hvdrostatic mbalance

Fully ig he apparatus n a rotatingmannequin s specifed n 6.5.2 and completelymmerse n water at adepth sufficienty deep o preclude urface efecls, but not deeper han 2 m. This test shall be undertaken t aRMVof62,5 min_' nd te rnoulh ressure ecorded tlhe end of exhalation see Figure ).

Duringhb test he manikin hallbe otated boutthe ungcenfoid.

6.5 Safety devicca

6.6.1 Prcssurc ndicator

lfftted any pressure auge hall e subjected o a hydraulic est o establish he bu|sl presture fthe case.

6,8.2 Deptrindicato(s)

lf fittedany depth ndicator hallbe subjected o pressures rom 1,0 bar o it s maximum ep$. The depthindicated hallbe ccoaded t 0,3 bar ntervals o 1,5 bar and al0,5 bar ntervals hereafter.

6.6,3 Prcssue Glief .y3tsr{3}

Connec.t n adjustable as supply o he pressure elief 6tem.Connect suitable lowdevice o he outet ofthe reliel valve. Check hat the pressure equircd o achieve he fow is within he limib specifed y themanufactJrer,

6,6.4 Oxygen monilo.

Cslibrate he monftor n accordance fltl manufaclurer's nstuc'tlons.

Test he monitor y exposing t to oxygen ercentages f | 0, 20, 40, 60 and I 00 0/6.The monito. hall ead

withinhe imib given n Table .

6.7 Fecepl€co

6.7,1 mechanical atr€ngdr ot th. connec{ion3 betvro€n re faceplace and d|e connec'tor

Suppo.t h€ acepiece n a dummy ead which an be adjusted o hat the stength can be applied o theconnection. ddilionally,it a system I restraining taps or bands ver he aceblank round he connecdonso that the stsength s applied as direc_fy s possible o the ftting of lhe connection n the faceblank nd theresaaining orce s not applied holly o the head hamess see Figure ). In case he facepiece s a helmelthe est shall be conducled n a similar, appropriate ay.

Apply he strenglh n accordance ith Figure 6 for a periodof 10 s.

Recordthe force.

6.7.2 Full face mask ham€s,3

Test hree samples; all in the state as received. Apply he force to lhe free end of the slnps. Measure repermanenllinear eformation h after he pullte6t.

6.7.3 lmpact rEsistsnce of the viso(s)

lmpact esistance hallbe ested sing a completely ssembled ace piece mounted n a dummy ead uchthat a steel ball 22 mm diameter, 3,8g approximaiely)allsnormallyroma height f '130 m on he cenfeof he ens.


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PrEN15333-2:2007 E)

For comDarino he tiohtness of a full face mask before and after he test, the test shall be carried out on ail;;;ii;;;;ril.;;?""suie of-10 mbar reated n he cavitv fthe acepiece hen conductinghis est heintralafon ortshallbe ealed ndthe xhalation alvediscshallbe moistened'

Fivevisors shall be tested.


6.7.4 Head prolcction

6.7.4,t Classification

The helmet hall e ested n accordance ith ts classifcation' Class A

Thefo| |owingtestswithinEN3gTshal|besuccessfu| |ycomp|etedinaccordancewiththerequirementstandard:

- shock ab6orptionest ollowingratermmersion;

- resistaice o penetration est ollowingwater mmersion Cla$ B

The following esb wihin EN 812 shall be strccessfully ompleted n accordance ih the rcqukements fthestandard:

- shock bsorplion est ollowing ater mmersion;

- r€sistanc€ o penetration e5t ollowingwaler mme6ion6.7.5 Nobc sssessm€nt

The internal oise n he facepiece l the divers ears shall be measured he noise shell be measuredil;;; ;i tr; ;A* and die maximum epth of lhe apparatus t lhe maximum nd minimum ow rateswiihsimulated lllv up o 75lmin-'.

Measutement f sound exposure evel shall be undertaken sing a mannequin. ith a sound'measuring;ft;;i;;;iil;

"ieadr of the diver's ars Measurements hallbe made usinga baceable' alibrated

io"n;."" "ri"g l*trment such as a hydrophone; he characteristics f the nsbument hallnot varywithLap".t i",

"t_ui""rpressure r humidity s;e Figure 1) Measuremenb hall ake account t background

laboratory oise evels.

6.7.6 Comn ni;ations modified ft 'rn€ test

The est shall be conducted t a depth greater han 2 m-

TheModifedRhymeTestconsisbofaselofspokenmonosy'labicwordsofwhichthereareskaltematiwordensemb|es..tnthefirst25ensemb|es,thefina|consonanta|etementisvaried,andtheinitia|e|econslant n he second 5 ensembles,lhe everse s true.

The est isls 25 + 25) shall be generated y random elected iom he word ensemble ist n Table ' and


"iormot;word num-ber.x'is .........'. here s a 5 s pause etween hrases o allowthe istener


r,is esponse o he phrase n he modifed hyme esl response heet. hrases houtdnot be repeated.


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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

The est shall be scored by a listener vhomarks whichof the six vtords n each ine uras spoken-

A sample est list s shown n informative nnex B.

NOTE Table and he ist n Annex show xamples nlywhichittheEnglishanguage nd annot e ranslated

directyo other anguag€s ihoutosing e sense. ther ountries ay se wordingsaken rom heit anguage, song

as he orinciole fA s test s ollowed.

The est ist s hen cofipared o he scored istand he % ntelligibilitys calculated:

% lntelligibility2 x (Number t corect responses ((Number f attempted esponses number f corectresponses) 5))

Only test subjecb who can achieve a score of 95 o/oor greater Yithoutbrealhing appdrafus, when sittingfacing ach other 2 m separalion) n a quietsurface nvironmenthallbe used.

Sixdivers hall omplele he e6t n water oth eading nd isteningo he modified tyme est. The est maybe conduc{ed ith one or more surhce operators or the 6urface eading and istening, he suface operator(s)may be selected om the dive6. Wlere appropriatehe test should also ndude a test of diver o divercomlnunicaton.

Each f he ollowing eans hould xceed 5%:

- Mean f he six6urface o diver istening cores;

- Mean flhe six diver o surhce i6tening cores;

- lf applicable e mean fthe six diver o diver istening cores.

6.7.7 Field of vi.ion

Mea6ure he eld ot vision singan apertometer ccordingo Stollsee

Figure ). A dlagram6ee


shallbe u6ed ur he evaluation.

a) Fit the facepiece o the dummy head and with both eyes it, ad.iust he facepiece until the outine of thevi6or s symmefical n he hemi-sphedcal helland he eld of vision s a maximum. diust the en6ion€ofthe straps o obtain a reasonable ecure t;

b) Map he positions f the eld of vision f each eye ndividually n to the pdnted iagram, sing he gridlin6 as a guide;

c) Measure he areas flhe otal ield of vision nd he overlappedieldofvisionwitha planimeter. he ieldof vision s he nnermostline t any point feitherlhe eld ofvision fthe acepiece rthe nafuralfield fvision ccordino o Stolla6 shoM on he printed iagram se€ Figure ).

Express he esulb as a percentage f he area of he nafuralfield fvision ccordingo S_tollsee Figure ).

6.8 Lifring hamess

Test hree samples; ix he hamess o a dummy ccordingo the nformation upplied y he manutucturer;each securing point on the safety harness shall be submitted o a tensile orce of I 000 N for 5 min in thedireclion f ifr.There hallbe no earing r ndicat ion ffailure.

6.9 Sea water resbtance

The complele pparafus ilh he gas 6upply n the on' position hallbe subnerged or h 5 min n nafuralsea water or arlificial ea water see AnnexA) o{ between 5'C and 25'C. Wthout cleaning n tresh water


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at 15 C to 25 "C and a relatve humidlty f not more hanthe apparafus hall stay in air for 16 h t 30 min75 %. Apply our complete ycles.

6.10 Resistance b lemDerdturc

6.t0.1 Tesling at-20'C and 50 C

Ptace he fully assembled ystem, wilhpressure essel valves closed and pressure essels iffitted)chargedto 50 % ot th; rated workingpressure n an environmental fiambet and coolto -20 "C for a period not lessthan 3 h.

Open nd set he gas supply ystem, nsuringlhe pparafus s stillat-20 "C.

Lel he sl'stem tabilize or 10 minand shut off the gas supply. here hall be no observed ressure ropduring min-

Repeat he same est at 50'C.

6.10.2 T€ting alter storrge at - 30 C and + 70 "C

On completon f the above procedure bolh_ 30 C and +70 C) for a pedod not ess han 3 h at eachtemperaiu'e allow he temperafure { he system o retum o room emperature ondition6.

Switchon he gas supply sy6tem.

The equipment edormance hall emain ithin he imit6 pecifed n 5.7.1 l and 5.7.1 .

6.t0.3 Cold water t*ling

The breathlng edormance hallbe measured singa 6inu6oidal /aveformrom a breathing lmulator itl6imuleted MVot62,5lmin-'. The ak exhaled ythe breathing imulator hallbeheated nd humidifed heair temperature hall be (28 2) C and he relative humiditygteater htn 90 % when measured n the mouthopening see Table ). The performance fthe apparafus hallbe determined 3ing ir at he maximum owrate and at6n ambientDressure f 6 bar.

The systom shall be te6ted or a period of not less han 5 min at maximum upplypres6uae uringwhich imelhe breathing erformance hall emain ithin he imibspecifed n 5.7.1

The apparafus hall be mmersed n he cold water or a period of 10 min prior o starling he test. The surfaceunitand he necessary mount fgas as well as the umbilical hallbe kept at a iemperafure f_20 C for atleest 3 h.

6.ll Cleening nd disinfect'bn

Use he disinfectant nd procedure ecommended y the manufacfurer. erform he test 30 times. f no othertemperafures re ndicated, he emperattre of the disinfectant olulionshall be 40 "C

6.12 Oxygen ple-BsurE urge test

Forall ypes of sub-assemblieshe pressure urge est shallbe canied utwithpure oxygen t 1,2 imes helated workingpressure ot the device.

The samDle evices n the as received' onditon, r ubricated,f a lubricant s used or suc_h device, hallbe tested.


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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

Before he test. he iqnition est nstallatjon hallbe c+lecked or the required ressure ise (forexamples f thetest nstallation nd pressurecycle pecifcation, ee Figures and 10).For his purpose he sample evice,atlhe end ofthe t m ength lfube, s replaced y a reliable resslre monitor.

The maximum ressure t he dead end of the copper or any other ompatible aterial, .g.stainless teel,

mone|)fube(measuledbypressuremonitorandrecordedonanosci | |oscope)sha| |beachievedbetween15 ms and 20 ms (timenecessary o reac+l "{starling iom atrn6pheric pressure).

stabilisaiion ime at pv{s not fxed but shall be greater han or equal 3 s. Belore he nexlpressure surge hesystem sample devic; and ube) shall be depressurised otrn o almosphedc fessure. tabilisation ime alaimospheric ressure s not ixed but shall be grealer han or equal 3 s

The tohl time oI $e pressure ycleshall be 30 s, as illusbated n Figure , tota ime is the time between hebeginning f t\ /o conseculive ressure urges.

Forcalibralion urposes, eated xygen t (60 3) "C shallbe sed.

The quality f oxygen hall e:

- mlnlmum urtty 9,50/6by volume;

- hydrocarbon ontent 10 mlm_"

Each est shsll be caried out a6 follov/s:

- SuDply xygen at a tomperature f (60 3) "C, direc{y nto ho connection f the devlce o be tosted, bymiani ot uue having n ntemaldiameter f 5 mm anda length f 1 m.

- Tv/o e6t sequence6 hallbo carded out n accordanct wi8'lTable 4


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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

- Oxygen s heated p to (60 3)'C, in the orygen preheater. nletof-orygen'.lo he sample evice sco;dolbd by a quickopening alve see Figure ). The est consists f subjectinghe sample evice o20 pressuri cycles rom atm6pheric pressure o the device est pressure pv1) see Figure 10); he testDressure hould elhe maxinum atedworking ressure f he device.

After lre esb, he sample evice hallbe dismanded nd carefully hecked, ncluding loseexamination fnon-melallicomponents. t shall ot showanybaces ofignition.

NOTE T€stpersonnsl hould e aw€ro f he combustion ndexplosion azards nconduclinghis €€t

8.13 Prac{ical peitonnanc€

6.13,1 Genelal

For reasons of 6afety, prac'tical erformance esb shall be carried out only after all laboratory esls have beensalis{actorily ompleted.

The test Ehall be conducted n f.ont of a lest panel of not less han two people corhpetent n lhe use andassessment flhe surface upplied iving pparatus.

8.13.2 Test subi€c'ts

The apparafus hall be te6ted by six te6t subjec-ts racli6ing egulsrly and femiliar with the ype of apparafusunderGst. Thoirmedical istory hallbe known o be salisfactory' hey 6hallbe medlcally xamined ndcertified it to undertake he esl procedurea.

The equirementor a medical xaminationmmediately elore ests and medical upeNision uring he ests6hallbe ecided y he esting uthotity.

6.13.3 Baslc esting

The ests hall be performed sing t easlthree pparatus ndmade yslx est subjecG

During he est the apparafus hallbe subjectvely assessed y the surface system operator nd he wearer'

The surface slstem operator's omments or he lollowing poinb shall be recorded fier he est:

a) security ffastenings ndcluplings:

b) accessibilily ndwhere pplicable isibilityfconfols, pressure ndicators ndorygenmonitors;

c) where here is an adjustable alve the operator hall assess he perfornance of the valve over the fullrange of adjustment;

d) any olher omments eported ythe operator n request.

The weare/s commenb or he folloudng oinlsshall be recorded fter he est:

Table it - Te3t seque ce (if applicable)

Tesl sequence Device opeEting syslem Device stem

Closed Open

Open Sealed with a scre$,ed metallic plug


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plEN 15333-2:2007 E)

a) hamess omfort;

b) security f astenings ndcouplings,ncludinghe harness;

c) accessibilily ndwhere pplicable isibilityfcontrols ndpressure ndicators;

d) clarityand ield ol visionof he visor of the facepiece;

e) where here s an adjustable alve he diver shall assess he performance f lhe apparatus over he fullrange f adjuslment

0lacepiececomfodandsecurityofgassuPply(wfiereapPlicable,thistoincludesimulatedfailureofafucepiece etaining traP);

g) any other comments eported y the wearer on request;

h) evidence hat he apparafu6 as not any sharp edges or proflsions that can njurc he diveti

i) function f ltteapparatus utofwater. Funclionel 3ting lvh€ndiving

a) donning and doffng of lhe apparafus s $€ll as adjuslinent f allshaps of the apparafus wittout help onlano;

b) 6et uDand use of alllhe surface ontrol ystems;

c) tr,rc dlves to be conducled by each diver of tlhich ai least one dive to be completed at lhe maximumdepth ot each clevant as mixfure nder ontolled onditions;

O chocking f oxyoen monito6 and pres6urc ndlcatorsi

e) modifed hymo est;

D where here b an adjustsble alve, he apparafus erformance ver he full range of adju6tment hall beveifi€d;

g) dranging o and rombailout ftted);

h) checking he mean6 o expelwater tom he acepiece;

i) checkinghal an accidental lte€lion f anypre_setndicator annot cdri

j) drecking hat bubbles merging onot mpede he dive/s ision;

k) checking hat helmet annotbe eleased nadvertendy

6.13.5 Repo

A record wittr fnal report of the tests performed /ith est persons shall be kept. This record shall contain anassessment t tre apparatrs by he test persons rith regard o the requirements made n Clause 5 and givedetails ofthe est conditions nd all equipment om

6.1i1 Pressurc vessel valve

Al an ambient ressure f 6 bar a sinusoidal inute olume f 62,5I min_125 cyclesmin"

2'5 stroke') s.rta"t"J *r,nsi ne cylinder pressure s maintained at 50 bar. Pressure vessel valves fitted with reserve


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valves hould e ested with he eseNe afue n he ullyopen osfion. he est shallbe conducted sing ir

6.15 Casings and monito6

ThecasingEandmonitorssha||beimmersedinratefandpress0rizedtol'3timestheintendedmdivingdeib specifed y he manufucfurer t a rale of 30 m min_' Afrerl5 min no ngress f water hall beobterved.

7 Marking

?.'l The manufactirer hall e der fed by name, ade markor other means f dentification

7.2 Type denlifying a*ingand unique eaial urnber'

Zj The number ol this Eurcpean _bndard hallbe marked n all componenb isted under minimumequipment Glause ), ncluding plionaltems.

ryherethe.el iableperformanceot@mponentamaybeaffectedbyageingoru6age, thedate(at leastthe year) of manufacfure hallbe marked.

Z.E sub-assembti€s nd componeniB itt a conaiderable eadng n safety e.9. tlings, hreads) hallbemarked so that hey may be easlly d€ntifed. f 6ub a$emblles wih oonsiderable ea ng are oo 6mall o bemarked r ',ttl€re ab lmpraotcal o mark hem, he infurmaton hallbe included n the nformaton y themanufuc-furer.

7.6 Pr€ssule educers nd pres6ure ndlcators hall be marked wiih6le rated workingpressure

Z.z Helmets nd lf applicable tull ace masks hallbe marked ih Cla6s f head protectionso€5.106)

7.8 tf a facepiece s approved oruse viiith eadng roiection,his actsh.llbe marked n he apparatus.

8 Information upplied by rnenutac'tuEr

O.l On delivery ach apparatus hall ndude nformation y the manufrcturer hlchshall €nable ralnedand qualified eFons o a$emble and use he apparatus n a 6afe manner.

E.2 The Informalio supplied by the manufEc-trrer hall be in the oficial language(s) of the counby ofdestinalion.

8.3 The intormalion rpplied by the manufac'brer hall contain all necessary nformalion oa ained andqualified ersons n:

- aPplicalion;

- maximum epth fequipment ertfcation;

- gas mkfures o be employed nd maximum epth or eaclr mixtlre;

- limitalions n use;

- assembly:

_ subassemblies;


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plEN 15333-2:2007 E)

- clmponenc;

- oonnectons;

- 3ailty devic6;

- lntorbca equir€mcnts;

€€6mrnt of rbk:

- tampafafura onfions;

- mas of.PPaGtu.;

- rvoakdaa;

- vlCHllty;

- u.c of hlgh dYg.n contont . ;

- noL6 qpo |lre;

- classillc.lo|| ofh.qd P.ot cfion;

lppar.tus ciocl( :

- pdorio uao;

- post dv.;

donnlng.ndfiSng of t|e apprratF on th. dv6r;


m.lnt nanoe prrferrbly tlprrubly ptlnbd Instucton8);

- dcanlng and d8hf.c{qr;

- ulc of oxygon dctdng Proc.durcr;

- lto. gc:

- oondldona;

- sh€lt lvlq (wiroreappllc.blc);

- pracaulona;

- Inapeadon t€nal8.

8.,a The nstuctons .hall includc niomaton on:

- pudv snd olcranors ol g.EaG o b€ Lls€d;

- compstblllv of aoo€$odcs .nd/or oficr peraonrl prot ctvo .qulpmcni t*rith m.y bc added o thclpPta fu8;


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- lhe fact, hat suit niation systefiF shall only use air or oxygen n gas mixtures vhete he oxygen ontemis ess han or equal o hat n air as specifed n EN |2021;

- the fltegration nd performance f voic, communication, f fitted

- lhe system configuration(s) hat have been tested (e g number ot users at the same time'leng(h of

umbilical(s), ccessories, tc.).

t.t The nstuctions hallbe unambigirous.f helpful, llushations, art numbers, maRing etc. shall beadded.

g.s Any other nlormalion he supplier maywbh to provide'

Table 5 - lrtodifi.d Rhyme Te3t sheet illusttsting \'od


2 a 6


















SING srT stN stP srcK SILL





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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

Table 5 (coriirred)











35 FOIL colL BOIL otL TOIL sotL















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prEN { 53:13-2:2007E) 6 - Br..lhing tl||i .tor ldlgl

Approximaia cartoltdiorld. ht.cilon r.t

.t STPOI mln'1

V€||tll.ti'r rete

.t ATPI min-l

Brt thlng rqu.r|cYd.l volutF



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plEN 15333-2:m07 )

prlk b poal r6dr.torY Prc.suro

peak cxplrud 6plratory pr.lruro (snd Inhal.ton to peak adlalslioi)pelk Inlpllld rdptrrbry F€qrur. (ond cxhal.ton to peak nhal€tlon)

vp.k Of Blra0|lng (WOB)

cnd uh.laton no lorv PolntGndhh.laton no low Polnt

Fleu| I - An.b|tit ol Pdtur' volurm bop'





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prEN 533$2:m07 E)

Dtmandons n mtlim€bea


A moutrB) lup..stcmal nodl

C) hng o.ntold



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Dkn€nslons nlllm.tea

1.1/ 0,A/ PV\V it '

Flfur I - C.[b..0oi or lc.

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d horlzont t c. down roll 0'

lD po.ldvo ltdt(+dqdr.cs)

,nogtrtw Pldr C )


prEN15333-2:2007 E)


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pr€N 53it&2:2007 E)


4 hotlzodll rc dov,tl rc[ o'

A posttvoP|t *r +dogra6)

, n{.tw PlbhCd r.a+

Flcur t-Dlv.rroll

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pr€N 153312:2007 E)


FlguF G Ty?lc.l L.t rrtng€r tfort'|'ll'forc'


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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

Dimensions n millimetres

Keya) Transfur he natural ieldoI visionwith he natural verlapped ieldof visions o he diagrarn


Figure 7 - S_toll peiometer

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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

by thefeld of

K€y-...-. nafuraleldofvision ih nafural verlappedeldofvlsioniii"

"t""in"f"""alv arcular ines flhediairam reproporlionalo he conespondingreesmarked n he

6pheric6l hollof the apertometer.demi-circularsurfaceropresentedinsideofthe90"cirde........... = 126'9 m'zNatrral ieldofvision niide ofth€ 90' circle 78,8%) .. = lo -'qcm'-Nafuralfield tvision ut6ide f he 90"circle... = lzucm'Nitural ieldofvlslon otally--.---- -------.-

= l l2,0 cm'? 100%Naural overlappedeld ofvision... .. ....'.. . .......-.-.--_ --_:-- : - = 39,0 cm'z= 0o 0/6

shape oflenses:- Facepiece odel:(dim€nsions)

. il;;;-;;;:fi.;"t"T t#-Eld;tT"ion are taken, the effective reld of visioh as obserued"" ii"tli"i "tt"ii

u" t"nsfened to lhe diagram. only the eftuG-liveield of vision within he naturalui"ion ""pi"w"rv *tu

"ffuctiveoverlapped ild of visionshall be planimetrered nd noted n clrf

il""i."t ir"i"*l "t "t"clive

feld ofvision totally).......... .... . . - - ' crFi'i"iiiin"ir"Jir"""t"tt"cliveovedapPedfeidolvision..... . - . . - cm"Effe*ve efd ofvision totaffy)........ .................... 'okEreJve overtappea eidofvision.. ...-........-..... - %

Filuae 8 - Ape ofiebr diaoram (not to scale)


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piEN 15333-2:2007 E)




lnletvalveprehoadng devlce e.0. Etor balh with eleotic healing)

orygen ves8elpreSaua€ ontottempeGfure monhor


F€url 9 - Ex.rnPl. of.n lgnitiotrh.t inlitllttion

7 depre6sudsationvalve6 tibeI sample evio€

l0 qulck ponlng alve'l l thermoatat


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prEN 153:13-2:2007 E)

Dmelrsiona n n limets€s

FlguF ll - ltlc|lpho||. Ddltbn.


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plEN 153334:2007 E)


Artlficlal sea wabr

28,0 Naq

5,0g Mgctrt o H"o

2,,1 Caolrx 6 tt O

.rc Glmpllt.qfdk olvcd n 665 nl of d €allrut d lvater loiidonA).

7,0e Mgsol lnd 0,2g tlaHco3

arc complcoty dl .olvod in I Ooml of d€$tlnatod vntcr (.oluton B).

Soluloo B L poursd hb loludoi Ar lhlnJ€t

nncr zf n, trc mbturc b f,tffrd .nd adlusted o 7 I pH s 6 by addlng NaoH-6olu0on'


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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

Annex B(informative)

A typical ModifiedRhyme Test word list


The lvord 1 is BATH The word is

The woad ts BEACH The word 6 SOLD

Theword ls BUT The u/ord 28 ts WIG

The v{ord 1 ts CANE The word ls KICK

The word ts CUP The word 30 ts TOOK

The word ts DIG The word 31 is PARK

The word 7 is DUCK The w9rdt6 GALE

The vord 8 i3 Ftzz The v/ord ls

The word 9 i6 HEAT Th€ word 34 ts BILL

The word 10 t5 KILL Theword ts corLThe wo.d 11 t6 I.AME Th€ word 36 B SAME

The word 12 ts MAT The word t5 MEN

The tlord 13 i3 PACE The word 38 i3 PIN

Th€word 14 t6 PAD Thewod t6 RUN

The rcrd is PEAS The word 40 t5 RANG

The word 16 i8 PIP The woad 41 KI

The v/ord 17 is PUCK The wlrd 12 is RIP

The word 18 t6 RACE The word 43 l6 POP

The ','rord 1S l9 The woad 44 |l

The $erd 20 t6 sAss The word 45 F BIT

The v'ord 21 ts SEEM The word 46 ts LOT

The \tbrd ts stN The /ord 17 la

The word ts SUNG The $rord 48 ts GUST

Th6 word 24 ts TAB The u/ord,t9

ls THAWThe word 25 ts TEAM The word 50 ts SAY

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prEN15333-2:2007 E)

Annex ZA(informative)

Relationship between hi3 European Standald-and he Essential

Requirements f EU Directive891686/EECPPE)

This European Standard has been Prepated under a mandate given o CEN/CEI{ELEG y the Europeancii.-iJi'i

-athe European Frei irade Association o provide a means ol-conforming o Essenlial

i"orir"t""s"it "

n"* Approadr Directive89/686/EEc on he Approximation f the lau/s of the Member

Staies elaiing o Personal Protective quipment.

once his European tandards cited n the Official.Joumal I the Europ"."" "lT,i: :i-lft*Dlt:*-a"*;:::# ffii#Hff;;;6; ;";il i; at east ne.lrember.dlate'":1p.1?:::..:9-1"*111"-:jiri:: f#litia-nffi gi"""" "ui"zn"""t"rs, ithinheimitsfh-ec"L"*"1{15li.ll1".111llil1l;ffilffi';ru;ffiil";id d;;*"p""aii.,d G""ta Requhemenbf harDrec.livenda5sociatedEFTA egulations.

Table ZA- Correspondenc? betrv€€n his European Standad and Dir€clive 89688/EEC

elauses of this standard -Eu Directve 9/686/EEc, nnex l

5111,5.21 1.1.1


5r.i=ft.5:1-5. 5r.6, 5.1.8, .1.9. 1 10' 5 2.2'5.4.2: .4.3,5.4.1,.4.5,5.5.1,.5.3.1,5.6 ' 5.65.s.6.7: .6.9. .7.2, .10.1, .10.2, .10.4, .1 .1'5.11.2, .12, . ' |3.2, .16, .17, .18, .20


4.1.4,5.21 1

E:i63;5:1ll'521 1.3.1.

317. 5t:i-2.4-;5sIE=31;E6.2, 5.6.3, .6.6'5.6.7. .6.S. .6.9, . , |0.3, .10.s, .10.6' .11 '


5.15,I 1.4

53:Jr ti, s2i 2.1



5.1.2,8 2.4,5. '10.5 2.10

7 2.12

5.10.7 3.1.1

ItuZ;-553:3; 47r.1,, .7.1.3' .7.3,5.7.4

3.11, )

\irARNlNG - Odrer rcquilEnrerts and o{ler Eu Diectives may be apPlicable io the ploduc{s} Ialling

virilhin the scope of lhis EuEp€an S-tardad.

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pr€N {5333-2:2007 E)


Trc lottow|ns o.rlm€| s andpublioadoo6rc of relevancc n hc conbxtof ib Europcrn tandard:

nl EN14&1, Rocpiradoay&lu.ftrle deub€s ThEa& tot l&piqpe8 -turtl: fl8nd'd tr€dootlt€ctlor?

Vl EN l,l&2, Recpt€foryptofoctile d.v'bes -'tlteEde

ffl.rf,pkt(,s-Pff{ 2 Cc,fi|€th,€d cotltlodion

Bl EN 11e3, Relpt€{ory ptoldl|€ dtiboc - Dtro€ds br'bctpbces

- P*f Th'g'd a.fncdiotlM45x3

l,fl EN 250, R.eprlrrcory qutpn ert - orf,//,<Iwit F,lt@tthFd qn$et86d a dirittg lApatEd/8" F€./uiIsnents., elitrg, ndt<ing

l5lEN SO 5OOl, Atracrdtdia and $litti'.oty oquiprnent-Co'npdbility wik c//rygenlSO 15cD1:20o3)


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Internet sites

1. ABLEDATA.1. Abledato ersonal oling ' Avaitabte:htto: /www.abtedata.sen&Dlcdglg.gfiD3BcelE=.

Lastaccessed maY 00E.

Lastaccessed may2008.

(2003) ABS A it bt

Lastaccessed maY 008.

3. News aunches. 2008 . Per:ll,nal ooling Avaitable: -http: /'DhD?oaqe=z'

Lastaccessed may2008.

4. Proaction medicai (2001). ressure f salt water o depths'Avaitabte: tto: /www.eazzaco. zlwaterDressure'htmt