initial audience research

My First Interviews The Questions 1. Why do you listen to Dubstep music? 2. What appeals to you about Dubstep music the most? 3. Dubstep music videos are not very common unlike other genres of music, why do you think this is? 4. How does the Dubstep genre affect how you represent yourself socially (i.e. your possessions, clothing and attitude/persona)? 5. Do you consider how Dubstep was created originally and its history important to the whole Dubstep scene for you and why?

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Post on 15-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Initial Audience Research

My First Interviews

The Questions

1. Why do you listen to Dubstep music?2. What appeals to you about Dubstep music the most?3. Dubstep music videos are not very common unlike other genres of

music, why do you think this is?4. How does the Dubstep genre affect how you represent yourself socially

(i.e. your possessions, clothing and attitude/persona)?5. Do you consider how Dubstep was created originally and its history

important to the whole Dubstep scene for you and why?6. What do you expect to see in Dubstep music videos?7. Is there anything ‘cliché’ or essential you must see in this genres music

videos? 8. Is the presentation of the artist in the video important?

Page 2: Initial Audience Research

The Audience Response

Sex: Male/Age: 19/Occupation: Student

1. I like the rhythm and tempo, I also enjoy the conventions that you hear in every song; especially the drop.

2. The beat or base.3. It’s a new genre.

4. A lot! It makes me feel individual and like some of the videos have images in them that look cool and make me think I wish I had a t-shirt like that!

5. Yes, it’s what draws you to it in the first place.6. Cartoons and random weird objects and scenarios.7. Nah, it can just be random.8. Yeah, at least look presentable.

Sex: Male/Age: 17/Occupation: Student

1. The bass o_o2. The bass o_o3. Never! The genre is becoming just as popular as

others.4. It doesn’t, I hope it doesn’t.

5. Yeah! It’s actually changed. The back ground has divided into other types like Chillstep, Brostep and Heavy Dubstep.

6. Cartoons and silly things.7. The editing has to be good. That’s it.8. No

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Sex: Female/Age: 18/Occupation: Student

1. I dunno it’s really cool, everyone does.2. That it’s loud and booming, that stuff makes

you forget just how rubbish your day is going in an instant.

3. I couldn’t tell you but it’s evident more of the artists just need to stop being lazy and create

them.4. I like the cool merchandise you can get from the more popular artists

but also like socially teens from all different social groups like Goths and emo’s to preppies and jocks love it so like it’s kind of unifying.

5. Nah! It’s all about what’s new and what’s happening now. 6. People in cool outfits and parties and dancing and drinking and maybe

drugs (but they make it seem more funny then bad) and obviously the gorgeous artist!

7. The fit artist and yeah parties again and dancing and the behaviour you really wouldn’t want your parents to see.

8. YES! It’s important... Like its central they need to look good.

Sex: Female/Age: 20/Occupation: Employed and part-time student

1. I don’t really that much. If I’m at a club and its playing I’ll dance to it yeah or at a friend’s house but honestly I’m not passionate about it.

2. Not much, but the videos are weird and I like the concepts they have behind them. Like some other

types of music are just repetitive with the music videos they bring out. It gets boring.

3. Well I can’t be the only one who doesn’t really like it. It’s noisy and booming and suits ‘moany’ little adolescents.

4. It doesn’t do anything but remind me of how I don’t want to be. Thanks5. Without my personal judgement yeah it should be.

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6. Young kids being stupid, weird dark things and silly clothes and so many bright colours its like as if you’re high on weed when you’re watching it! Their like trips, just everyone can see them.

7. Drunken kids having sex and partying in some abandoned place.8. Yeah I guess it is but the music has to be good at the same time.

An Anomaly

I decided to also ask someone outside of the target audience group to see how a different the response would be and also give and indirect insight into how popular Dubstep is with other members of society.

Sex: Female/Age: 48/Occupation: Receptionist

1. It only reminds me of the typical music I enjoy listening to... just mashed up that’s why older people find it horrible and basically destructive.

2. I’m not actually sure; it’s fast, funky and infections and sometimes just seems so saturating. Sort of irritating but some of the lyrics do seem intelligent when you pay clear attention to them.

3. Well, it’s for young people and I think it has the potential to go far. It seems to represent young people very well so I guess why it’s not as commercial as other genres like R’n’B or rock.

4. I wear the complete opposite to what THIER wearing! They look ‘naff’ and I wouldn’t dare be seen looking like that. So no I have no connection between that.

5. Yes, and the reason why is because the artists themselves want their fans to believe their living a ‘highlife’ which is probably how they brand themselves, through aspiration.

6. Bright background and loads of people and loud... extra loud music! The sun is either shinning bright or it’s a cold muddy and wearisome day. It always seems a little too farfetched!

7. Hmmm, dumb and daft looking teenagers... Old men trying to make themselves look hip, youthful and cool. Basically people trying to show that money makes you a better person.

8. NO! They are part of the visual performance, but the selling thing is the music. Go to any concert and you will see that.

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From this contribution, I can conclude that older people are probably not that aware of the genre itself; as it possibly seems to ‘new’ or more suited to the ‘youth’. So essentially, true that older people disregard Dubstep, it is only evident that they do not have the same connection with it as younger people.

The music business must be aware of this and it is clear that they target the production of Dubstep music to a younger audience. It should also be taken into account that from this, Dubstep would more be expected to be played in places where the ‘youth’ congregate to share their taste for this music (i.e., bars, clubs and personally in their homes). Consequently, the media and marketing processes must adjust to these circumstances to tailor their product to the more suited (in a sense more lucrative) potential consumers.