indian notices to mariners for 2007 of 2007.pdf1 in3211sm 211 satpati to murud janjira 30-06-2005...

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CONTENTS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Section No. Title Page No. I. List of Charts Affected 05 II. Permanent Notices 06 III. Temporary and Preliminary Notices 11 IV. Marine Information 12 V. Radio Navigational Warnings 14 VI. Corrections to List of Sailing Direction 17 VII. Corrections to List of Lights 18 VIII. Corrections to List of Radio Signals 19 IX. Use of GPS for Navigation using Local (Everest) Datum charts. 20 X. Reporting of Navigational Dangers. 21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mariner’s Obligation and A Chart Maker’s Plea. Observing Changes at sea proactively and reporting them promptly to the concerned charting agency, is an obligation that all mariners owe to the entire maritime community towards SOLAS. Mariners are requested to notify the Chief Hydrographer to the Govt. of India at the following address/fax number, immediately on discovering new or suspected dangers to navigation, on observing changes/defects to navigational aids, and of short comings in Indian charts or publications. The Hydrographic Note [Form IH – 102] is a convenient form to notify such changes. Specimen form is attached at Section X with N to M editions 1, 7, 13 and 19. Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India National Hydrographic Office Post Box No. 75 Dehradun 248 001 India ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Govt. of India Copyright No permission is required to make copies of these Notices. However, such copies are not to be commercially sold. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INDIAN NOTICES TO MARINERS FOR 2007 (PUBLISHED ON NHO WEBSITE ON 1 ST & 16 TH OF EVERY MONTH) EDITION NO. 16 DATED 16 AUG 2007 (CONTAINS NOTICES 423 TO 446) @ E-mail to Write to Fax to Contact Person visit [email protected] National Hydrographic Office +91- 135 - 2748373 Deputy Director of [email protected] 107-A, Rajpur Road Hydrography (DDOH) [email protected] Dehradun – 248 001 Marine Safety Services [email protected] INDIA +91- 135 - 2747360-65 REACH US 24 HOURS A DAY For the Indian Ocean Area INSIST ON INDIAN CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS (Original, Authentic and Most Up-to-date)

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––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CONTENTS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Section No. Title Page No.

I. List of Charts Affected 05 II. Permanent Notices 06 III. Temporary and Preliminary Notices 11 IV. Marine Information 12 V. Radio Navigational Warnings 14 VI. Corrections to List of Sailing Direction 17 VII. Corrections to List of Lights 18 VIII. Corrections to List of Radio Signals 19 IX. Use of GPS for Navigation using Local (Everest) Datum charts. 20 X. Reporting of Navigational Dangers. 21

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mariner’s Obligation and A Chart Maker’s Plea. Observing Changes at sea proactively and reporting them promptly to the concerned charting agency, is an obligation that all mariners owe to the entire maritime community towards SOLAS. Mariners are requested to notify the Chief Hydrographer to the Govt. of India at the following address/fax number, immediately on discovering new or suspected dangers to navigation, on observing changes/defects to navigational aids, and of short comings in Indian charts or publications. The Hydrographic Note [Form IH – 102] is a convenient form to notify such changes. Specimen form is attached at Section X with N to M editions 1, 7, 13 and 19.

Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India

National Hydrographic Office Post Box No. 75 Dehradun 248 001 India –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Govt. of India Copyright No permission is required to make copies of these Notices. However, such copies are not to be commercially sold.





@ E-mail to Write to Fax to Contact Person visit [email protected] National Hydrographic Office +91- 135 - 2748373 Deputy Director of [email protected] 107-A, Rajpur Road Hydrography (DDOH) [email protected] Dehradun – 248 001 Marine Safety Services [email protected] INDIA +91- 135 - 2747360-65



PUBLICATIONS (Original, Authentic and Most Up-to-date)

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Corrections to Charts and Publications. Section I comprises List of Charts (both Indian and BA) affected by the notices contained in this edition. Where as sections II and III contain information for correcting the charts and publications. Mariners should insist on corrected charts from their chart distributors/agents. (a) Geographical positions given are in the horizontal datum of the current edition of the chart, unless otherwise stated. (b) Bearings are True, reckoned clockwise from 000


to 3590

. Bearings to lights are from seaward. (c) Symbols referred to are those shown on the chart INT 1 (5020). (d) Alterations to depth contours, deletion of depths to make way for new detail, etc; are not normally mentioned, un less they have some navigational significance. (e) Blocks and notes, if any, accompanying the Notices in Sections II and III are placed after Section X. Temporary and Preliminary Notices. These are indicated by (T) and (P) respectively after the Notice number and are placed in Section III. Sl Nos. of those in force are published quarterly on 01

Jan, 01 Apr, 01 Jul and 01 Oct, and their text is published in Annual Edition of Indian Notices to Mariners. These corrections are not inserted on charts before they are issued to the users. They should be inserted in pencil, by the user, on receipt.

Source of Information. A star preceding the number of a Notice indicates that the notice is promulgated by INHO based on original information received.

Sailing Directions. Corrections for the Sailing Directions (Pilots) are given in Section VI.

Lights. Corrections to Indian list of Lights are given in Section VII, where affected Light List number is quoted. (a) these corrections should be incorporated as per instructions given on page XI of the list of Lights. (b) Such correction notices to list of lights may be published in either an earlier or a later Edition of N to M than the Edition containing the Notice to the chart correction. (c) the range of a light given is its nominal range. Its geographical range is given in parenthesis only if it is less than the nominal range. (d) A star indicates that the corresponding field is to be amended and all stars indicate that new light is to be inserted.

Radio Signals. The corrections in Section VIII should be cut and pasted in the appropriate volume of the List of Radio Signals.

Radio Navigational Warnings. (a) These are broadcast as serially numbered NAVAREA warnings by the concerned NAVAREA coordinator through GMDSS and Area Radio Broadcasts. (b) They contain important information affecting navigational safety, which cannot await the publication of the next edition of N to M. (c) It should be borne in mind that they may be based on reports which can not always be verified before promulgation. (d) It is therefore necessary to be selective, and promulgate only the more important warnings to avoid over loading users; the less important information is included in the forthcoming edition of N to M or the Chart/publication concerned.

Laws and Regulations. While in the interest of the safety of shipping, the Hydrographic Office makes every endeavor to include in its publications details of the laws and regulations of all countries pertaining to navigation, it must be clearly understood: - (a) that no liability whatsoever can be accepted for failure to publish details of any particular law or regulation

and (b) that publication of details of a law or regulation is solely for the safety and convenience of shipping and

implies no recognition of the International validity of the law or regulation. Correction of Charts and Publications by the users. Notices to Mariners contain important information concerning safety of navigation at sea, hence, they should be used to keep the specified Charts and publications up to date.

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3 Reliance on Charts and Associated Publications. While every effort is made by the Hydrographic Office to ensure the accuracy of the information on Charts and Publications before they are published, it should be appreciated that it may not always be complete and up-to-date. The mariner must be the final judge for the reliance he can place on the information available, bearing in mind his particular circumstances, local pilotage guidance and judicious use of available navigational aids.

Use of Global Positioning System (WGS 84) positions. (a) The positions of Hydrographic objects shown on Indian charts and publications are in Everest datum. However, the positions of vessels obtained from Global Positioning System (GPS) are on World Geodetic System 1984 datum. There will always exist a difference in the position values obtained by visual fixing (Everest Datum) and GPS position (WGS 84 datum). (b) Where ever these differences have been ascertained, their average values are published as a cautionary Note on the chart concerned, as shifts in Latitude and Longitude values whilst plotting GPS positions on charts, the shift values as given on the chart must be applied, before making any assessment of the navigational situation vis-à-vis the other charted information. (c) These datum shift values are not uniform, particularly in areas off Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands, as these places are not linked to mainland network ( Everest datum). Mariners are advised to use alternate source of position information such as Visual or Radar, particularly when closing the shore or navigating in the vicinity of dangers. Source Data on Charts. All Indian charts contain specific information on their source of hydrographic data. In areas where the source data is very old, incomplete and less reliable, the mariner must use such Charts with prudence. Mariner should always use the largest scale charts available for the area. Apart from being the most detailed, the larger scale charts are usually corrected first.

Hydrographic information may be sparse on small scale charts. On such charts, a charted shoal may be in error as regards position, least depth and extent. Uncharted dangers may also exist, particularly in areas away from well-established routes. Mariners must exercise due caution.

Further Guidance. The Mariner’s Hand Book (NP 100) gives full explanation on the use of charts and the type of information contained on charts. In their own interest, all users of charts should refer to it.

Indian ENCs are now available in IHO’s S-63 Data Protection Scheme also, in addition to CM-93 SENC format. Contact Details:- C-Map India: C-Map India Private Limited 505,Raheja Arcade Sector 11 CBD, Belapur Navi Mumbai - 400 614 Tele: +91 22 65103668 Fax: +91 22 67939504 E-mail:- [email protected] Website: - C-Map Norway: [email protected]

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Sl. No. Cell Name Chart No. Title Publication Date

1 IN42079M 2079 Approaches to Mundra Port 30-04-2007


Sl. No. Cell Name Chart No. Title Publication Date

1 IN3211SM 211 Satpati to Murud Janjira 30-06-2005 (c) ENCs PERMANENTLY WITHDRAWN:

Sl. No. Cell Name Chart No. Title Publication Date

1 IN3211SM* 211 Satpati to Murud Janjira 30-06-2005 *Edition 01 issued on 01-12-2006.

AVALIBILITY OF ENCs: The complete folios of Official Indian ENCs are being distributed worldwide through C-MAP. Updates will be available both through CDs and Real Time via Satellite to allow fully automatic updation of ENC/SENC. Mariners and other ENC users may contact the under mentioned for further details:

The Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India National Hydrographic Office 107-A, Rajpur Road Dehradun- 248 001 Tele: +91 135 2747365 Fax: +91 135 2748373 Email: [email protected] Web site:


Director C-Map India Private Limited 505, Raheja Arcade Sector 11 CBD, Belapur Navi Mumbai- 400 614 Tele: +91 22 65103668 Fax: +91 22 67939504 Email: [email protected] Website:


Chart No Title Scale Remarks

201 Gora Chan Creek to Godia Creek 1 50 000 New Edition

2042 Approaches to Malvan 50 000 New Edition

3024 Kalingapatnam Anchorage 20 000 New Edition

4001 Elphinstone Harbour and Rangat Bay 27 500 New Edition

4005 Nancowry Harbour and Approaches 12 500 New Chart

4006 Port Blair 15 000 New Edition

4012 Port Blair – Inner Harbour 5 000 New Edition

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SECTION – I List of charts affected by

The Notices 423 to 446 contained in this Edition

INDIAN H.O. Chart No.

Folio No.

Notice No.


Folio No.

Notice No.

31 5 434,443(T) 81 32 432 33 5 444(T) 82 32 432 211 3 425 253 32 431 215 3 426 713 (INT 7738) 38 428 216 3 426 792 45 437 269 4 429 817 (INT 7430) 43 445(T) 308 5 427 918 60 441 351 5 434 933 46 440 354 (INT 7408) 5 427,443(T) 941A 46 442 360 7 434 1002 37 430 2008 3 426 1064 37 430 2015 (INT7337) 3 424 1066 60 441 2016 (INT 7336) 3 423,424,425 1116 37 430 2076 3 423,424 1353 45 436 3018 7 434 2056 46 440 7508 (INT 508) 7 442 2403 45 438,446(P) 7708 (INT 708) 1 442 2777 45 436 3043 (INT 7131) 32 433 3729 46 440 3831 45 446(P) 3833 45 435,446(P) 3920 45 436 3937 45 446(P) 3949 46 439,446(P) 4041 45 446(P) 4042 45 446(P)

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*423(16/07) INDIA – WEST COAT – Jawahar Lal Nehru Port and Trombay – Conspicuous Object. Source: Hydrographic Note INS Investigator (HJ/1030/97) Chart 2016 (INT 7336) [ previous update 381/07 ]



(148) 19° 00´·15N., 72° 53´·97E.


(273) 19° 00´·17N., 72° 53´·90E.


(148) 19° 00´·66N., 72° 55´·48E.


(148) 19° 00´·40N., 72° 55´·26E.


(148) 19° 00´·35N., 72° 55´·15E.

(23) 19° 01´·56N., 72° 56´·28E.

(23) 19° 01´·49N., 72° 56´·09E.

(23) 19° 01´·27N., 72° 55´·90E.

(23) 19° 00´·88N., 72° 55´·65E.


Bn B

(4) 18° 58´·18N., 72° 55´·80E.


19° 00´·36N., 72° 55´·15E.

Chart 2076 [ previous update 193/07 ]



(148) 19° 00´·15N., 72° 53´·97E.


(273) 19° 00´·17N., 72° 53´·90E.


(148) 19° 00´·66N., 72° 55´·48E.


(148) 19° 00´·40N., 72° 55´·26E.


(148) 19° 00´·35N., 72° 55´·15E.

Watch Tr

(23) 19° 01´·56N., 72° 56´·28E.

Watch Tr

(23) 19° 01´·49N., 72° 56´·09E.

Watch Tr

(23) 19° 01´·27N., 72° 55´·90E.

Watch Tr

(23) 19° 00´·88N., 72° 55´·65E.


Bn B

(4) 18° 58´·18N., 72° 55´·80E.

*424(16/07) INDIA – WEST COAT – Jawahar Lal Nehru Port and Trombay – Buoys. Source: Hydrographic Note INS Investigator (HJ/1030/87) Chart 2016 (INT 7336) [ previous update 423/07 ]


18° 59´·129N., 72° 55´·808E.


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7 *424(16/07) INDIA – WEST COAT – Jawahar Lal Nehru Port and Trombay – Buoys.(continued) Chart 2076 [ previous update 423/07 ] Delete

19° 01´·732N., 72° 57´·455E.

19° 01´·569N., 72° 57´·360E.

19° 01´·570N., 72° 57´·321E.

19° 01´·521N., 72° 57´·293E.

19° 01´·519N., 72° 57´·389E.

19° 01´·497N., 72° 57´·316E.

19° 01´·432N., 72° 57´·325E.

18° 59´·411N., 72° 53´·171E.

18° 59´·129N., 72° 55´·808E.

18° 55´·009N., 72° 54´·331E.

18° 54´·941N., 72° 54´·300E. Chart 2015 (INT 7337) [ previous update 279/07 ] Delete

18° 55´·009N., 72° 54´·331E. 18° 54´·941N., 72° 54´·300E. *425(16/07) INDIA – WEST COAST – Inner Approaches to Mumbai – Light. Indian List of Light Vol F & K 2003 – F.0555 Source: Hydrographic Note INS Investigator. (HJ/1030/87) Chart 211 [ previous update 320/07 ]

Delete F.R.5m3M 18° 49´·20N., 72° 56´·90E.

Chart 2016 (INT7336) [ previous update 424/07 ]

Delete F.R.5m3M 18° 49´·20N., 72° 56´·90E.

*426(16/07) INDIA – WEST COAST – Karwar Harbour and Approaches – Wreck. Source: ROS INS Nirdeshak D(N) 188 (HJ/1030/45) Chart 215 [ previous update 354/07 ]

Delete 14° 47´·25N., 74° 06´·35E.

Chart 216 [ previous update 354/07 ]

Delete 14° 47´·25N., 74° 06´·35E. Chart 2008 [ previous update 354/07 ] (WGS 84Datum)

Insert 69 14° 47´·31N., 74° 06´·28E.


14° 47´·28N., 74° 06´·35E. *427(16/07) INDIA – EAST COAST – Outer Approaches to Visakhapatnam – Wreck. Conspicuous objects. Source: ROS INS Nirupak J(N) 160 (HJ/1029/76) Chart 354 (INT 7408) [ previous update 406/07 ] Insert

(265) 17° 35´·63N., 83° 05´·42E.

Chart 308 [ previous update 406/07 ] Insert

(265) 17° 35´·63N., 83° 05´·42E.

Delete 17° 29´·81N., 83° 00´·80E.




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8 428(16/07) INDIAN OCEAN - Mauritius - Port Louis - Coastline. Legends. Works. Note. Source: BA Notice 3282/07 (HJ/632/92) BA Chart 713 (INT 7738) (plan, Port Louis) [ previous update 196/07] Insert legend, Works in progress (2007), centred on: 20° 08´·420S., 57° 28´·785E. berth number, 1 20° 08´·360S., 57° 29´·014E. berth number, 2 20° 08´·267S., 57° 29´·180E. BA Chart 713 (INT 7738) [ previous update 196/07] Insert the accompanying note, AIDS TO NAVIGATION within title panel, under SATELLITE- DERIVED POSITIONS note. 429(16/07) INDIAN OCEAN - British Indian Ocean Territory - Chagos Archipelago - Less water. Source: BA Notice 3247 /07 Note: Former Notice 57(P)/06 is cancelled. (HJ/830/57) Chart 269[ previous update 363/06 ] Insert legend, Less water reported, centred on: 4° 50´·5S., 72° 22´·0E. 4° 54´·5S., 72° 37´·0E. 7° 05´·0S., 71° 20´·0E. 7° 39´·0S., 70° 50´·0E. 430(16/07) MADAGASCAR - East Coast - Baie de Diégo Suarez - Banc d’Orongéa North-westwards - Depth.

Legend. Cautionary note. Source: BA Notice 3353/07 (HJ/733/70) BA Chart 1002 [ previous update 318/05] Insert depth 3¾ enclosed by 5fm contour, Rep (a) 12° 13´ 34"S., 49° 20´ 30"E. Delete depth 8, adjacent to: (a) above BA Chart 1064 (plan, Passe d’Orongéa) [ previous update 318/05] Insert depth 35 enclosed by 6fm contour, Rep PA 12° 13´·575S., 49° 19´·878E. legend, Silting (see Note), centred on: 12° 13´·630S., 49° 19´·865E. the accompanying note, SILTING, centred on: 12° 13´·10S., 49° 19´·76E. BA Chart 1116 [ previous update 318/05] Insert depth 3¾ enclosed by 6fm contour, Rep PA 12° 13´·54S., 49° 19´·87E. legend, Silting (see Note), centred on: 12° 13´·63S., 49° 19´·80E. the accompanying note, SILTING, centred on: 12° 22´·30S., 49° 18´·50E. 431(16/07) DJIBOUTI - Golfe de Tadjoura - Port d.Obock - Port du Sud - Wreck. Source: BA Notice 3202 /07 (HJ/1033/16) BA Chart 253 (plan B, Port d’Obock) [ previous update 284/07]


Wk 11° 57´·89N., 43° 18´·11E.

432(16/07) SUDAN - Port Sudan Southwards - Bashayer Oil Terminal - Tanker mooring buoy. Fog signal. Source: BA Notice 3344/07 (HJ/1034/92) BA Chart 81 [ previous update 521/06] Insert symbol, yellow tanker mooring buoy,Mo(U) 19° 23´·1N., 37° 19´·8E. BA Chart 82 [ previous update 285/07] Insert symbol, yellow tanker mooring buoy,Mo(U) (a) 19° 23´·11N., 37° 19´·82E. fog signal, Horn Mo(U), at tanker mooring buoy (a) above

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9 433(16/07) EGYPT - Red Sea Coast - Hurghada (Al Ghardaqah) - Lights. Source: BA Notice 3228 /07 Indian List of Light Vol. D & E, 2003,E- 6037.92, 6037.93 (HJ/1134/76) BA Chart 3043 (INT 7131) (plan B, Hurghada (Al Ghardaqah))[ previous update N E 28/06/2007]


Fl.G.3s7m3M 27° 13´·46N., 33° 50´·59E.

Fl.R.3s7m3M 27° 13´·43N., 33° 50´·58E. 434(16/07) BAY OF BENGAL - Bangladesh - Approaches to Pussur River - Jefford Point - Light. Source: BA Notice 3271 /07 Indian List of Light Vol. F & K, 2003, F-1045 (HJ/1129/10) Chart 31[ previous update 251/07] (WGS84 DATUM) Amend light to, Fl(2)20s16M 21° 44´·4N., 89° 32´·5E. Chart 351[ previous update 095/07] Amend light to, Fl(2)20s36m16M 21° 44´·4N., 89° 32´·6E. Chart 360[ previous update 155/07] Amend light to, Fl(2)20s36m16M 21° 44´·4N., 89° 32´·6E. Chart 3018 (plan 1, Approaches to Pussur River)[ previous update 064/06] Amend light to, Fl(2)20s36m16M 21° 44´·42N., 89° 32´·60E. 435(16/07) SINGAPORE - Marina South Eastwards - Wreck. Source: BA Notice 3215 /07 (HJ/927/16) BA Chart 3833[ previous update 398/07 ]


Wk for Wk 1° 16´·70N., 103° 53´·11E. 436(16/07) INDONESIA - Sumatera - East Coast - T. Langsa North-eastwards - Light. Indian List of Light Vol. F & K, 2003,F- 1330 Source: BA Notice 3225/07 (HJ/928/41) BA Chart 1353 [ previous update 394/07 ] Amend light to, Fl.10M 4° 33´·5N., 98° 04´·4E. BA Chart 2777 [ previous update 293/07 ] Amend light to, Fl.10M 4° 33´·5N., 98° 04´·4E. BA Chart 3920 [ previous update 394/07 ] Amend light-beacon to, Fl.3s8m10M 4° 33´·50N., 98° 04´·40E. 437(16/07) MALAYSIA-Peninsular Malaysia-West Coast-Sungai Manjung-T. Batu Putih Northwards - Buoy. Source: BA Notice 3226/07 (HJ/928/49) BA Chart 792[ previous update 472/06 ]

Move Q.G. Dinding from: 4° 15´·05N., 100° 35´·57E.

to: 4° 14´·92N., 100° 35´·53E. 438(16/07) MALAYSIA - Peninsular Malaysia, East Coast -Johore - Jason Bay North-eastwards -Depth. Source: BA Notice 3281/07 (HJ/927/15) BA Chart 2403[ previous update 415/07 ]


Rep 1° 59´·40N., 104° 17´·00E.


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10 439(16/07) INDONESIA - Sumatera - Selat Riau Southwards - Submarine cable. Source: BA Notice 3212/07 Note: Former Notice 619(P)/05 is cancelled. (HJ/927/05) BA Chart 3949[ previous update 297/07 ] Insert submarine cable, joining: 0° 26´·59N., 104° 04´·50E.

(W border) 0° 25´·72N., 104° 07´·90E. 0° 25´·88N., 104° 15´·56E. 0° 27´·87N., 104° 19´·57E. 0° 30´·67N., 104° 21´·08E. 0° 32´·82N., 104° 24´·28E. 0° 34´·55N., 104° 27´·65E. 0° 38´·00N., 104° 47´·00E.

0° 38´·27N., 104° 47´·63E. (E border)

440(16/07) INDONESIA - Jawa - Jakarta - Pulau Damar Besar Eastwards - Buoy. Source: BA Notice 3345/07 (HJ/827/43) BA Chart 933[ previous update 416/07]


Fl(2)10s 5° 57´·38S., 106° 52´·75E.

BA Chart 2056[ previous update 416/07]


5° 57´·45S., 106° 52´·50E.

BA Chart 3729[ previous update 416/07]


5° 57´·45S., 106° 52´·50E.

441(16/07) INDONESIA - Jawa - North Coast - Approaches to Semarang - Wreck. Source: BA Notice 3253/07 (HJ/826/39) BA Chart 918 (plan D, Approaches to Semarang)[ previous update 474/06 ]


PA 6° 53´·30S., 110° 24´·15E.

BA Chart 1066[ previous update 068/07 ]


6° 53´·3S., 110° 24´·2E. 442(16/07) INDONESIA - Jawa - South Coast - Manuk Rock - Light. Indian List of Light Vol. F & K, 2003, K-1277.5 Source: BA Notice 3269/07 (HJ/827/21) Chart 7508(INT 508)[ previous update 367/07 ] (WGS84 DATUM)

Insert Manuk I. 7° 49´·0S., 108° 18´·0E.

Chart 7708(INT 708)[ previous update 488/05 ] (WGS84 DATUM)

Insert Manuk I. 7° 49´·0S., 108° 18´·0E.

BA Chart 941A[ previous update 367/07 ]

Insert Fl(2)10s50m20M 7° 49´·0S., 108° 18´·0E.

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*443(T)(16/07) INDIA – EAST COAST – Sacramento Shoal to Kalingapatnam – Unexploded Charges. Source: INS Gharial (HJ/1029/66) 1. Unexploded charges reported dumped in position 16°51´·117N., 83° 30´·584E .(WGS 84 Datum) 2. Mariners to exercise caution. Charts affected – 31 – 354(INT 7408)

*444(T)(16/07) INDIAN OCEAN – BAY OF BENGAL – Southern Portion – Data Buoy Source: NIOT Chennai & Navarea VIII 433/07, (HJ/1029/24) 1. A yellow coloured data buoy (MB 10) 2.2m dia and 3.5mtr mast carrying sensor fitted with radar reflector and beacon light with characteristics Fl(4)15s4NM , laid by NIOT Chennai in position 12°37´·10N., 85° 06´·70E . (WGS 84 Datum) 2. Mariners are strongly advised not to anchor or trawl with in a circle of 1000m radius from the moored Data Buoy. 3. Delete serial (c) of INM 276(T)/07. Charts affected – 33

445(T)(16/07) BURMA - Sittwe South-westwards - Survey stations. Source: BA Notice 3218(T)/07 (HJ/1028/97) 1. Survey instruments have been established in the following positions and may remain on location until 31 Dec 07. * 19° 43´·0N., 92° 30´·0E. 19° 41´·8N., 92° 30´·2E. 19° 42´·8N., 92° 30´·8E. 19° 43´·7N., 92° 29´·4E. 19° 42´·8N., 92° 28´·8E. 2. Unauthorized navigation, anchoring, trawling and fishing in the vicinity of these instruments is prohibited. 3. Former Notice 431(T)/06 is cancelled. * Indicates new or revised entry. BA Chart affected -817 (INT 7430)

446(P) (16/07) SINGAPORE STRAIT - Pulau Batam to Johor - Submarine cable. Source: BA Notice 3193(P)/07 (HJ/927/15) 1. A fibre optic submarine cable is being laid, joining the following positions (WGS84 Datum): 1° 08´·61N., 103° 55´·33E. (shore) 1° 13´·76N., 104° 04´·89E. 1° 08´·70N., 103° 55´·32E. 1° 13´·56N., 104° 05´·46E. 1° 08´·85N., 103° 55´·35E. 1° 13´·25N., 104° 05´·98E. 1° 09´·08N., 103° 55´·43E. 1° 12´·58N., 104° 10´·20E. 1° 09´·49N., 103° 55´·41E. 1° 13´·14N., 104° 10´·56E. 1° 09´·76N., 103° 55´·30E. 1° 14´·18N., 104° 11´·60E. 1° 09´·88N., 103° 55´·12E. 1° 14´·40N., 104° 11´·71E. 1° 10´·12N., 103° 55´·08E. 1° 14´·57N., 104° 11´·91E. 1° 10´·69N., 103° 54´·56E. 1° 14´·65N., 104° 13´·00E. 1° 11´·07N., 103° 54´·65E. 1° 15´·71N., 104° 14´·00E. 1° 12´·66N., 103° 57´·56E. 1° 17´·70N., 104° 14´·00E. 1° 13´·01N., 103° 58´·32E. 1° 18´·56N., 104° 13´·64E. 1° 13´·18N., 103° 59´·38E. 1° 19´·16N., 104° 17´·11E. 1° 13´·45N., 104° 01´·57E. 1° 20´·31N., 104° 17´·55E. 1° 13´·53N., 104° 02´·10E. 1° 21´·23N., 104° 17´·44E. 1° 13´·96N., 104° 03´·52E. 1° 22´·17N., 104° 16´·74E. (shore) 2. Mariners are requested to avoid anchoring or trawling in the vicinity of the cable route. BA Charts affected - 2403 - 3831 - 3833 - 3937 - 3949 - 4041 - 4042

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SECTION – IV: MARINE INFORMATION Distribution of Indian Paper Charts and Nautical Publications

Indian Nautical Charts and Publications from National Hydrographic Office, India are now available globally. Details of overseas chart agents are as follows:

C-Map India Pvt. Ltd. 505, Raheja Arcade, Sector-11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400 614 Ph: 91 22 65103668 Fax: 91 22 67939504 Email: [email protected]

C-Map Norway AS Hovlandsveien 52, P.O. 212, N-4370, Egersund, Norway Ph: 0047 51 464700 Fax: 0047 51 464701 Email: [email protected]

C-Map US Commercial 133 Falmouth Road, Building 2, Postal Code: 02649, Mashpee, MA, America Ph: +1 (508) 477 8010 Fax: +1 (508) 539 4381 Email: [email protected]

C-Map (UK) Ltd. Systems House Delta Business Park Salterns Lane,Fareham, PO16 0QS, United Kingdom, Ph: +44 (0) 1329 517777 Fax: +44 (0) 1329 517778 Email: [email protected]

Mari-Sys Pte Ltd. 20 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #08-21,SE 139964, Republic of Singapore Ph: +65 6776 1898 Email: [email protected]

Tsunami Notices

52 (T) (01/05) INDIAN OCEAN, BAY OF BENGAL – Changes in bathymetry and Coastline. Source: NHO, Dehradun (HJ/NM/Gen) Major changes likely to have occurred in topography of coastline and bathymetry in Andaman & Nicobar islands, coasts of Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Maldives and Srilanka as a consequence of recent earthquakes followed by Tsunami waves in South Asia. Number of uncharted wrecks/obstructions may also be encountered. Mariners are advised to exercise utmost caution and contact local authorities while approaching these areas. Charts affected: All Indian charts of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, coast of Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Maldives and Srilanka *88 (T) (03/05) INDIA – Nicobar Islands – Katchall Island – Approaches to East Bay – Beacon. Source: PMB A & N Islands (HJ/928/76) 1. It is informed that all the three sets of beacons/buoys in East Bay including the jetty and approach has been totally damaged and sunk. 2. Mariners are advised to exercise caution and contact local port authorities for the latest information. 3. Former INM 339 (P)/04 is cancelled. Charts affected: 4011 - 4017

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13 *105 (T) (03/05) INDIA – Andaman Sea – Nicobar Islands – Approaches to East Bay – Jetty.. Source: Hydrographic Note, INS Sandhayak (HJ/928/76) It is reported that East Bay Jetty at approx position 07° 58'.68N., 93° 23'.73E. is destroyed due to Tsunami disaster. Charts affected: 4011 *106 (T) (03/05) INDIA – Andaman Sea – Andaman and Nicobar Islands – Beacon. Buoy. Source: Port Management Board, Andaman and Nicobar & Hydrographic Note, INS Sandhayak (HJ/928/86) 1. Following buoys/beacons were reported totally damaged and sunk post Tsunami disaster: Nancowry Island (d) North east lighted beacon 08° 01'.60N., 93° 33'.80E. (e) Reid Point beacon 08° 01'.48N., 93° 33'.35E. (f) Mayo Point beacon 08° 01'.60N., 93° 32'.53E. Mayabundar Island (g) Takla west beacon 12° 55’.53N., 92° 53’.46E. Port Blair (h) Bamboo flat beacon 11° 41'.33N., 92° 43'.20E. (i) Range flat beacon 11° 41'.21N., 92° 43'.06E. 2. Mariners to exercise caution while navigating through this area. Charts affected: 4005 – 4006 – 4008 – 4012 – 4016 *135 (T) (05/05) ANDAMAN SEA – INDIA – Little Andaman Islands – Hut Bay – Coast line. Jetty. Light. Source: INS Sandhayak (HJ/1028/07) 1. It is reported that the coastline in the area had undergone drastic changes. The Hut Bay breakwater has been breached at several places. The entire approach road and breakwater light at position 10° 35'.81N., 92° 33'.83E. has been destroyed. The passenger jetty is not safe to approach as the wreck of the fallen crane is a hazard to navigation. 2. Mariners are to exercise caution while navigating through this area. Charts affected: 4010 *160 (T) (06/05) INDIA – Andaman Sea – Nicobar Island – Campbell Bay – Rock. Source: Hydrographic Note, INS Tillanchang, INS Sandhayak (HJ/928/76) 1. It is reported that following rocks have been found at position (a) New Rock 07° 01'.370N., 093° 55'.310E. (b) Sunken boat 06° 59'.870N., 093° 55'.560E. 2. The Leading transit mark 323o on the beach was broken and damaged. The Chosen point light are non-operational. The seaward end of the breakwater is sunk. Charts affected: 409 – 471 – 472 (INT 7032) – 4035.

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1. For details of NAVAREA limits and organization/ coordination, please refer to Notice No. 12 of the Special edition of Indian Notice to Mariners – 2004. 2. NAVAREA Warnings in force: - The serial numbers of all the NAVAREA warnings in force as on 13 Aug 07, covering the entire world are listed below against the respective NAVAREA




I N.E. Atlantic 185 2005 series: 402. 2007 series: 019 035 050 099 128 153 156 158 162 167 168 170 174 178 180 182 184 185

II E. Atlantic 279 2007 series: 103 258 269 271 272 273 275 277 279. III Mediterranean 334 2007 series: 274 277 285 295 304 305 312 314 315 316 318 319 322

323 324 326 328 329 330 331 332 333 334. IV N.W. Atlantic 222 2007 series: 196 V W. Atlantic 694 2007 series: Nil. VI S.W. Atlantic 247 2007 series: Nil VII S.E. Atlantic 118 2007 series: 094 100 106 110 113 116 117. VIII Indian Ocean 455 2007 series: 035 161 179 184 185 201 216 241 242 249 257 270

279 294 339 357 360 365 366 367 371 372 373 380 383 387 388 389 390 394 396 400 406 407 413 417 418 419 420 424 426 430 433 434 437 439 440 442 443 444 445 447 448 449 450 451 452 454 455

428 to 429. Cancelled. 430. Arabian Sea. MV Reef Azania Flag Saint Vincent and Grenadines reported missing since 24 Jun 2007 enroute to Seychelles from Dubai. 2. Vessels transiting in area to keep a sharp look out and render necessary assistance. 431 to 432. Cancelled. 433. Bay of Bengal Southern Portion. Charts 33 INT 706. Yellow coloured Data buoy (MB 10), 2.2 meter dia & 3.5 meter mast fitted with radar reflector laid in position 12-37.1N., 085-06.7E with characteristics Fl(4)Y.15s (4NM). 2. All vessels operating in vicinity are to maintain a clearance of 1000 metre off the buoy. 434. Cancel Navarea Eight 429 of 2007. India West Coast – Mumbai Harbour. Charts 21 22 211 255 292 293 2016 INT 706. Pay Loader approximate length 10 metre and breadth 04 metre fell overboard from Al Mehraj in approx position 18-54.3N., 072-52.18E. 2. Mariners to exercise caution. 435 to 436. Cancelled. 437. Cancel Navarea Eight Messages 385, 395 and 432 of 2007 . India East Coast– Bay of Bengal. Charts 31 32 33 301 351 352 354 355 356 357 3009 INT 706. Present position of Oil rigs / Drill ships as follows: RIG-31 16-25.00N 082-08.00E ATWOOD BEACON 16-40.00N 082-28.40E TRANSOCEAN NORDIC 20-02.00N 086-54.00E PERRO NEGRO III 16-40.17N 082-25.70E DEEP WATER FRONTIER 16-33.00N 082-31.80E DISCOVERER SEVEN SEAS 16-30.20N 082-29.60E SAGAR VIJAY 16-35.60N 082-27.20E C KIRK RHEIN JR 16-33.40N 082-33.50E DEEP DRILLER I 17-02.10N 082-31.20E ABAN II 16-23.70N 081-59.00E ACTINIA 15-16.00N 080-34.50E DEEPSEA MATDRILL 15-16.00N 082-02.20E 2. Wide berth requested. 438. Cancelled. 439. Refer Navarea Eight Message 437 of 2007. India East Coast – Off Paradip. Charts 31 352 INT 706. Rig Transocean Nordic moved to new position 20-03.0N., 086-50.0E. 2. Wide berth requested. 440. Andaman Sea – Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Charts 33 41 405 406 472 473 4030 INT 71 INT 706. North Brother Island light 10-59.2N., 092-40.1E Unlit.

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441. Cancelled. 442. India West Coast – Mormugao. Charts 22 214 215 257 293 2009 INT 705 INT 706. Firing practice by Naval Aircraft between 0230 UTC and 1230 UTC from 14 Aug to 21 Aug 2007. Danger area bounded by: (a) 15-13.0N 073-57.0E (b) 15-13.0N 073-52.0E (c) 15-11.0N 073-57.0E (d) 15-11.0N 073-52.0E 2. Safe flying height 3500 metres. 3. Cancel this message on 22 Aug 2007. 443. Cancel Navarea Eight 335 of 2007. India West Coast – Arabian Sea. Charts 21 22 202 211 251 253 255 271 291 292 293 INT 705 INT 706. Present position of oil Rigs / Drill Ships as follows: ABAN III 19-20.63N 071-25.68E ABAN V 19-33.50N 071-23.33E CE THRONTON 19-51.33N 071-39.50E FG MC CLINTOK 19-19.61N 071-16.66E FRONTIER ICE 20-10.37N 069-40.33E HITDRILL 19-32.27N 071-24.08E JT ANGEL 18-38.26N 072-14.03E KEDARNATH 22-52.13N 068-31.38E NOBLE CHARLIE 19-38.90N 071-20.95E NOBLE ED HOLT 19-34.25N 071-17.87E PRIDE PENNSYLVANIA 19-15.18N 072-02.17E PRIDE HAWAI 18-31.88N 072-16.73E RON TOPMEYYER 19-05.33N 072-06.88E RONDOLF YOST 19-11.99N 072-11.00E SAGAR GAURAV 19-35.38N 071-59.08E SAGAR LAXMI 18-36.15N 071-01.63E SAGAR PRAGATI 18-32.27N 072-15.43E SAGAR RATNA 18-54.88N 072-16.92E SAGAR SAMRAT 19-32.13N 071-18.81E SAGAR SHAKTI 19-26.65N 071-20.60E SAGAR UDAY 19-33.23N 071-19.75E TRIDENT – 2 19-38.26N 071-19.91E TRIDENT – 12 19-26.83N 071-15.45E ENSCO-50 19-23.16N 071-57.16E ENSCO-53 20-44.78N 071-55.96E 2. Wide berth requested. 444. Persian Gulf – Gulf of Oman - Arabian Sea. Chart 20 INT 70 INT 72 INT 704. MSV Hira Moti flag Indian PBR-425 Reported missing since 30 May 2007 enroute to Porbandar from Sharjah. 2. Vessels transiting in area to keep a sharp look out and render necessary assistance. 445. Indian Ocean. Charts INT 72 INT 70. Australian Catamaran Clandara colour green white and grey partially submerged in position 29-13.81S., 059-35.83E. 2. Vessels transiting through the area to exercise caution. 446. Cancelled. 447. India West Coast – Trivandrum. Charts 22 32 222 260 INT 706. Rocket launching from Thumba equatorial Rocket Launching Station 08-31.98N., 076-52.05E between 0730 UTC and 1100 UTC from 17 Aug to 31 Aug 2007. 2. Danger zones: (a) Sector of radius 05 NM from launcher between azimuth angles 190 degree and 300 degree. (b) Sector of radii 45 NM and 75 NM from the launcher between azimuth angles 220 degree and 260 degree. 3. Cancel this message on 01 Sep 2007. 448. India West Coast – Trivandrum. Charts 22 32 222 260 INT 706. Rocket launching from Thumba equatorial Rocket Launching Station 08-31.98N., 076-52.05E between 1330 UTC and 1700 UTC on 22 Aug 23 Aug 29 Aug and 30 Aug 2007: 2. Danger zones: (a) Sector of radius 05 nm from launcher between azimuth angles 190 degree and 300 degree. (b) Sector of radii 45 nm and 75 nm from the launcher between azimuth angles 220 degree and 260 degree. 3. Cancel this message on 31 Aug 2007. 449. India West Coast – Arabian Sea. Charts 21 22 256 293 INT 706. Man overboard reported by naval ship at 091134 UTC in position 18-05.7N., 072-16.7E. 2. All vessels operating in vicinity to keep a sharp lookout and render assistance.

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450. Cancel Navarea eight 446 of 2007. India East Coast – bay of Bengal. Charts 31 32 33 313 356 357 3001 3004 3028 INT 706. Electromagnetic seabed survey in progress by S/V Sasha in area bounded by: (a) 14-33.5N 080-13.2E (b) 14-48.9N 080-07.0E (c) 12-45.5N 081-39.2E (d) 12-41.4N 081-49.6E 2. Vessel towing one 4000 meters long submerged cable just above the seabed. 3. All vessels operating in vicinity are to maintain a clearance of 03 NM off the vessel and exercise caution 4. Cancel this massage on 26 Aug 2007. 451. India West Coast – Kachchigadh. Charts 21 202 252 271 291 INT 705. Kachchigadh light 22-19.88N., 068-56.96E Racon with code k unreliable. 452. Gulf of Kachchh – Piram Island. Charts 21 208 254 292 2039 INT 705. Piram Island light 21-35.9N., 072-21.2E Racon with code b unreliable. 453. Cancelled. 454. Self canceling. Cancel Navarea Eight 014 of 2007. India West Coast – Aguda. Charts 22 214 257 293 2020 2022 INT 706. Aguda Light 15-29.46N., 073-46.40E Racon code ‘O’ and DGPS station functioning normal. 455. India West Coast – Mumbai Harbour . Charts 21 22 211 255 292 293 2016 INT 706. One container floating in approximate position 18-52.3N., 072-50.6E 2. Mariners to exercise caution.




IX Persian Gulf, Red Sea, NW Arabian Sea

169 2006 series: 106 116 147 177 200 216. 2007 series: 003 006 018 022 027 042 062 087 092 095 106 108 132 136 143 145 150 152 155 156 158 159 160 163 168 169.

X Australia, New Guinea

201 2007 series: 172 173 174 176 177 178 179 181 183 185 186 187 188 189 191 194 197 200 201.

XI Malacca Strait, China Sea, N. Pacific

330 1996 series: 0925 1998 series: 0655 1999 series: 0053 0187 0310 2000 series: 0677 2001 series: 0182 0775 2003 series: 0106 0303 0304 2004 series: 0246 0271 0361 0571 2005 series: 0271 0307 2006 series: 0005 0050 0052 0083 0090 0123 0224 0250 0251 0276 0303 0343 0561 0568 0580. 2007 series: -0002 0003 0004 0008 0009 0093 0098 0130 0133 0155 0187 0189 0245 0246 0248 0253 0269 0297 0301 0305 0307 0308 0309 0310 0311 0312 0313 0315 0316 0317 0322 0325 0326 0327 0329 0330.

XII N.E. Pacific 191 2007 series: Nil XIII N.W. Pacific 052 2007 series: Nil XIV S.W. Pacific 029 2007 series: 005 010 026 029. XV S.E. Pacific 119 2007 series: Nil XVI E. Pacific 181 2007 series: Nil

Hydropacs Pacific, Indian Ocean

1359 2006 series: 524 1049 1812. 2007 series: Nil

Hydrolants Atlantic, Mediterranean

1369 2006 series: 1394. 2007 series: Nil

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INP 2 Bay of Bengal Pilot (2007 Edition) – INDIA EAST COAST – Sacromento Shoal to Kalingapatnam – Pentakota – Beacon.


Article 2.136, Delete Para 7 ROS INS Nirupak J(N) 160 16/07

INP 1 West Coast of India Pilot (Second Edition 2003) – INDIA WEST COAST – Off Karwar - Anchorage


Article 6.146, Delete Para 5 & 6 ROS INS Nirdeshak D(N) 188 16/07

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No Name & Location Position (Lat-Long)

Charact- eristics

Ht. mts.

Range miles

Structure & Height (mts)


E6077·12 -Bashayer II Oil Terminal. Petrodar Terminal. SPM

19 23·11 N 37 19·83 E Mo(U)W . . . . Yellow SPM

* * * * * * * * F0555 Remove from list DELETED

F 0636 -Port Karwar Koney 14 48.20N

74 07.40E QR 23 6 White metal

frame work tower red bands 16

Shown September June.Storm signal R Lt on towards 0.7m and 1.3 M NNE and 1.5M SE TE 2007


F 0968 Pudimadaka 17 29.30N 83 00.30E

Fl(2) W 15s 35 27 White Square Masonary tower red bands

fl 0.4 ec 3.4, fl 0.4 ec 10.8,

26 *

F 1045 -Jefford Point 21 44.40N 89 32.60E

Fl(2) W 20s 36 16 on grey metal frame work tower

* *

F1252·5 -Hulo Wunga 01 12·68 N 97 04·80 E

Fl(2)W 10s 46 18 White metal lattice beacon

fl 1, ec 1·5, fl 1, ec 6·5

30 * * * * * * * *

F1614·5 Kuala Langat 02 48·08 N 101 24·18 E

Fl G 4s 9 5 White concrete column TE 2007

* * F1677·4 Remove from list DELETED

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INP 31(1), 2005 (Last correction: Edition No. 14 dated 16 Jul 2007)


INP 31(2), 1995

(Last correction: Edition No. 12 dated 16 Jun 2007)


BA, VOLUME 3 Part 1, NP 283(1), 2006/07 (Last correction: Edition No. 15 dated 01Aug 2006)


INP 31(5), 1997

(Last correction: Edition No.14 dated 16 Jul 2007)

PAGE172, MAURITIUS Delete entry and replace by: National SAR Agency: National Coast Guard Address: Headquarters, Fort William, Port Louis, Mauritius Tel: +230 2122747, 2122757 & 2088317 Fax: +230 2122770 Search and rescue operations within the waters around Mauritius are co-ordinated by the National Coast Guard. They can be contacted through Mauritius (3BM) which maintains a continuous listening watch on international distress frequencies VHF Ch 16, 2182 KHz and DSC VHF Ch 70 and MF 2187.5kHz. Telephone +230 Fax +230 Others MRCC MAURITIUS (COAST GUARD OPERATIONS ROOM)

2088317 2083935 2122757 2122747

2122770 2122757

Inmarsat C (IOR) 464590210NMCG

MAURITIUS (3BM) 2085950 2110839 (SAR)

2110838 Inmarsat M 686170031 E--mail [email protected]


BA 30/07 16/07

INP 31, VOLUME 6, 2005 (Last correction: Edition No. 10 dated 16 May 2007)


BA, VOLUME 7, 1999/00-PART 2

(Last correction: Edition No. 16 dated 16 Aug 2000)


INP 31(8), 1999 (Last correction: Edition No. 05 dated 01 Mar 2006)


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All mariners are advised to exercise extreme caution while using the Global Positioning System positions in WGS 84 datum on the Indian navigational charts produced in Everest datum. The variation in these parameters is considerable along the Indian coast and in Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands (300 to 800 metres variations). Mariners are also advised to apply datum shift parameters (if available) on the Indian navigational charts before using Global Positioning System positions on Indian charts. These shift parameters are specified on the charts where observed, at a suitable position under legend note. Mariners are advised to use alternate methods of fixing while operating in restricted waters and in vicinity of dangers.

The Chief Hydrographer to the Govt. of India shall not be responsible for any marine accidents arising as a result of usage of GPS positions in WGS 84 datum in Indian navigational charts in Everest datum without the application of Datum Transformation Parameters/corrections where available or listed in the charts.

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SECTION – X: REPORTING OF NAVIGATIONAL DANGERS Instructions for raising Hydrographic Note (Form IH 102) [ Enclosed with editions 1,7,13 & 19 of N to M] Appeal to all Mariners: 1. Mariners at sea whilst on passage, or whilst entering / leaving ports / harbours and other waterways, are requested to look out for new or suspected dangers to navigation, changes in aids to navigation, or corrections to published charts and Sailing Directions. Whenever any such changes / dangers are observed, mariners are requested to notify the same to the Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India at the following address: -

National Hydrographic Office 107-A, Rajpur Road, Post Box No. 75, Dehradun - 248 001 (UTTARANCHAL), INDIA

e-mail: - [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected]; [email protected]

Fax No.: (0135) 2748373 WEB:

Instructions for filling up Form IH 102 (Enclosed with editions 1,7,13 & 19 of N to M ) 2. Kindly follow the instructions below in order to help the Hydrographic Office (the recipient) to quickly issue NAVAREA warning / Notice to Mariners for the benefit of all other mariners at sea. Position Reporting 3. When a position is defined by bearings (true or magnetic to be specified) more than two bearings should be used in order to provide a check. Distances observed by Radar should be corrected for index errors. Latitude and Longitude obtained from GPS / DGPS should specify the datum (WGS 84 or other). A copy / tracing from the largest scale chart may be used for forwarding details, with the corrections and additions being shown thereon in red. Depth Reporting 4. When soundings are obtained using Echo Sounders, the echo-gram should be duly annotated with date, time, position and depth, etc., before enclosing it with the Form IH 102. It is important to state whether echo sounder is set to register depths below the surface or below the keel; in the latter case the vessel’s draught should be given. Time and date should be given in order that corrections for the height of the tide may be applied where necessary. The make, name and type of echo sounder should also be given. Care should be taken to set the echo sounder to the largest scale / phase, so as to obtain maximum details of echo of the feature. Efforts should be made to identify and negate false echoes if any. 5. Reports, which cannot be confirmed or are lacking in certain details should not be withheld. Limitations or shortcomings should be duly notified in the form. 6. Reports on shoal soundings, uncharted dangers and navigational aids out of order should be reported through fastest available means at the mariner’s discretion, and also be made by radio to the nearest coast radio station. The draught of modern tankers is such that any uncharted depth under 50 metres should be of sufficient importance to justify a radio message. 7. Port information should be forwarded on form IH 102a together with IH 102. Form 102a contains the information required for Sailing Direction and should be used as an aide memoir. Where there is insufficient space on the form, additional sheet should be used. Please Note: - The receipt of all Hydrographic Notes will be duly acknowledged by the Hydrographic Office. Normally, the sender’s ship or name is quoted as the source when the Notices to Mariners reporting the change is issued, unless the information is received through a foreign Notices to Mariners. Further communication from the Hydrographic Office to the sender of the hydrographic note will only be necessary to verify unusual features or abnormal values reported.

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Annexure B to NO 46/2003 (Refers to Para 4) I.H. 102a (Revised 2003)


(For Reporting Changes to Port Information)

(To accompanying Form I.H. 102) Name and address of ship / sender: ______________________________________ Ref No.:______________________________ ______________________________________ Date :______________________________ ______________________________________ Fax No.: _________________, E-mail: ______________________________

1. a) NAME OF THE PORT : b) Location : Lat: ……………………………, Long: ………………..…….…….….. c) Listing in Guide to Port Entry: Yes/No. Sl. No.: 2. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PORT AUTHORITIES a) Name b) Address c) Phone d) Fax e) E-mail

3. GENERAL REMARKS a) Principal activities and trade b) Latest population figures and date c) Number of ships and tonnage handled per year d) Maximum size and draught of vessels handled. e) Copy of Port Handbook if available.

4. ANCHORAGES a) Type / Purpose b) Minimum Depth at anchorage c) Shelter afforded d) Holding ground e) Recommended pilotage to the anchorage

5. PILOTAGE a) Authority for requests. b) Embarkation position c) Regulations

d) Documents to be provided

6. DIRECTIONS a) Entry and berthing information. b) Tides (Height) c) Tidal Streams. d) Navigational aids.

7. POLLUTION CONTROL a) Local regulations in force (if any)

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8. TUGS a) Number available b) Max. hp.

c) Requesting authority d) Availability times e) Communication with Tugs

f) Hiring Charges

9. BERTHING AND WHARVES a) Number of berths available b) Length, c) Depth alongside d) Facilities available.

e) Procedures for requesting berthing and hiring charges

10. CARGO HANDLING a) Containers b) Lighters c) Roll on/ roll off, etc.

11. CRANES a) Brief details and max. capacity. b) Container handling facilities

12. BRIDGES Vertical clearances

13. REPAIRS a) Hull, machinery and underwater b) Ship and boat yards c) Docking or Slipway facilities (Give size of vessels handled or dimensions) d) Hards and ramps. e) Divers / Diving Assistance

14. RESCUE AND DISTRESS Salvage, lifeboat, coastguard, etc.

15. SUPPLIES a) Fuel with type and quantities available. b) Freshwater and rate of supply. c) Provisions d) Chart Agents

16. SERVICES a) Radio Telegrams/Telephony b) Medical. c) Quarantine d) Consuls. e) Ship chandlery and stevedores, f) Compass adjustment, g) Tank cleaning, h) Hull painting. j) Diving and underwater examination k) Police / Ambulance / Fire l) Navigational warnings and weather bulletins m) Garbage Disposal n) Telephones p) Waste oil disposal

17. COMMUNICATIONS a) Road, rail and air services available b) Nearest airport or airfield. c) Port Radio and Information service (Frequencies and operating hours)

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18. PORT AUTHORITY Designation, address and telephone number.

19. SMALL CRAFT FACILITIES a) Information and facilities for small craft /yachts visiting the port. b) Yacht clubs, berths etc.



22. VIEWS (duly annotated) Photographs (where permitted) of the approaches, leading marks, the entrance to the harbour, etc. (Picture postcards may also be useful).

Signature of Observer/Reporter...................................................................................………… To The Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India National Hydrographic Office E Mail : [email protected] / [email protected] 107 A, Rajpur Road [email protected] / [email protected] PO Box No. 75, Fax No.: 91- 0135- 2748373 Dehradun- 248001 WEB : (UTTARANCHAL), INDIA

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Annexure B to NO 46/2003 (Refers to Para 4) I.H. 102 (Revised 2003)


(For Reporting Navigational Dangers/ Changes observed at Sea by Mariners)

Date : ....…................................ Ref. No: .………............................

Details of the Sender / Originator 1. Name of ship or sender:…..…….………..………………………………………………………… 2. Address of sender: ..……………………..………………………………………………………….

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………..…………………….…………………………………………………………………………. e-mail; Fax No.; Tel. No.:..……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. General Locality: …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Chart / Publication Affected:

a) Chart published by INHO / UKHO / other (Specify): ……………………………………… b) Chart No.: ……………………… Edition Date: …………………….……………….. …… c) Latest Edition of Indian N to M held:……………………………………………………….

Details of Changes / Dangers Observed 5. Object of Change: Date/Time of Charted Observed Position/Area observation

(a) Bathymetry: (i) Depth - …..……………… ……………… ………. … ………….. ……….……….. (ii) Depth Contour - ….……. ……………… …………. ………….. .……………….. (iii) Channel Depth - ………. ……………… …………. ………….. .……………….. (b) Navigational Dangers:

(i) New Shoals…………… ……………… …………. ………….. .……………….. (ii) New Rocks…………… ……………… …………. ………….. .……………….. (iii) New Reefs……………. ……………… …………. ………….. .……………….. (iv) New Wrecks………….. ……………… …………. ………….. .……………….. (v) New Nav-aid (Specify) - ……………….. …………. ………….. ………….……..

(c) Casualties to existing Nav-Aids: (i) Buoys………………… ……………… …………. ………….. ..………………. (ii) Lights………………… ……………… …………. ………….. ..………………. (iii) Fog signals…………… ……………… …………. ………….. ..………………. (iv) Racons……………….. ……………… …………. ………….. .……………….. (v) Transit Marks ……….. ……………… …………. ………….. .……………….. (vi) Leading Lines………… ……………… …………. ………….. .……………….. (vii) Clearance bearings…… ……………… …………. ………….. .………………..

(d) Designated Areas: (i) Exercise Areas ………… ……………… …………. ……………………… (ii) Prohibited Areas …….… ……………… …………. ……………..……….. (iii) Pilot Station …………… ……………… …………. ………………..…….. (iv) Anchorage ……………. ……………… …………. ……………………… (v) Foul Ground ………….. ……….…….. …………. ………………………

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(e) Port Information: (i) Berthing ………………. ……………… …………. ……………………… (ii) Cranage ………………. ……………… …………. ……………………… (iii) Tugs ………………….. ……………… …………. …………… ..……………….. (iv) Dry Docks ………….… ……………… …………. …………….………… (v) Repair Facilities ……… ……………… …………. ………….…………… (vi) Pilotage ………………. ……………… …………. …………… …………………. (vii) Fuel …………………… ……………… …………. ……………..…….….. (viii) Water …………………. ……………… …………. ……………..………… (ix) Any other (Specify) :….. ………….….. …………. ……………..…………

(f) Environmental Data:

(i) Met information ……… ……………… …………. …………… …..………….….. (ii) Tides and Tidal Stream . ……………… …………. …………… …..……………… (iii) Pollutants …………….. ……………… …………. …………… ….……………….

(iv) Effluents………………. ……………… …………. …………… ……..…..……….. (v) Marine Life / Habitats

(g) Other changes, if any, with Details: ……………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Information on the Positions of Danger / Changes Reported above:

(a) Positioning System used: ……………….………………………………………………………. (b) Datum (WGS/Everest/ Local (Specify) : ……….………………………………………………. (c) Accompanying plots / photographs if any: .……………….…………………………………….

7. Information on the Soundings / Depths Reported above:

a) Echo Sounder (Type) used: .……………………………………………………………………. b) Draught of Vessel set on Echo Sounder: ……………………………………………………….. c) Observed water depth vis-à-vis charted depth: …………………………………….…………… d) Echo-gram accompanying this report: Yes / No ……………………………….………………. e) Whether voltage drop existed in equipment at observation time ……………………………….. f) Data and Time of depth observation …………………………………………………………….

8. Limitations if any in Reporting the changes above ……………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Signature of the Master / Reporter Date: To The Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India National Hydrographic Office E Mail : [email protected] / [email protected] 107 A, Rajpur Road [email protected] / [email protected] PO Box No. 75, Fax No.: 91- 0135- 2748373 Dehradun- 248001 WEB : (UTTARANCHAL), INDIA Please Note: 1. Please see over leaf for Instructions for filling up this form. 2. Photograph / Sketches / Diagram, etc duly annotated will be useful supporting document. 3. Please rush this information to the Chief Hydrographer to the Govt. of India at the address given

above, by the fastest available means.

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Feet Fms Metres Feet Fms Metres Feet Fms Metres Feet Fms Metres 1 0.305 55 16.764 162 27 49.378 498 83 151.790 1.5 ¼ 0.457 56 17.069 168 28 51.206 504 84 153.619 2 0.610 57 9½ 17.374 174 29 53.035 510 85 155.448 3 ½ 0.914 58 17.678 180 30 54.864 516 86 157.277 4 1.219 59 17.983 186 31 56.693 522 87 159.106

4.5 ¾ 1.372 60 10 18.288 192 32 58.522 528 88 160.934 5 1.524 61 18.593 198 33 60.350 534 89 162.763 6 1 1.829 62 18.898 204 34 62.179 540 90 164.992 7 2.134 63 10½ 19.202 210 35 64.008 546 91 166.421 8 2.438 64 19.507 216 36 65.837 552 92 168.250 9 1½ 2.743 65 19.812 222 37 67.666 558 93 170.078 10 3.048 66 11 20.117 228 38 69.494 564 94 171.907 11 3.353 67 20.422 234 39 71.323 570 95 173.736 12 2 3.658 68 20.726 240 40 73.152 576 96 175.565 13 3.962 69 11½ 21.031 246 41 74.981 582 97 177.394 14 4.267 70 21.336 252 42 76.810 588 98 179.222

15 2½ 4.572 71 21.641 258 43 78.638 594 99 181.051 16 4.877 72 12 21.946 264 44 80.467 600 100 182.880 17 5.182 73 22.250 270 45 82.296 18 3 5.486 74 22.555 276 46 84.125 Metres Inches 19 5.791 75 12½ 22.860 282 47 85.954 20 6.096 76 23.165 288 48 87.782 0.10 3.937 21 3½ 6.401 77 23.470 294 49 89.611 0.20 7.874 22 6.706 78 13 23.774 300 50 91.440 0.30 11.811 23 7.010 79 24.079 306 51 93.469 0.40 15.748 24 4 7.315 80 24.384 312 52 95.098 0.50 19.685 25 7.620 81 13½ 24.689 318 53 96.926 0.60 23.622 26 7.925 82 24.994 324 54 98.755 0.70 27.559 27 4½ 8.230 83 25.298 330 55 100.584 0.80 31.496 28 8.534 84 14 25.603 336 56 102.413 0.90 35.433 29 8.839 85 25.908 342 57 104.242 1.00 39.370 30 5 9.144 86 26.213 348 58 106.070 31 9.449 87 14½ 26.518 354 59 107.899 32 9.754 88 26.822 360 60 109.728 33 5½ 10.058 89 27.127 366 61 111.557 34 10.363 90 15 27.432 372 62 113.386 35 10.668 91 27.737 378 63 115.214 36 6 10.973 92 28.042 384 64 117.043 37 11.278 93 15½ 28.346 390 65 118.872 38 11.582 94 28.651 396 66 120.701 39 6½ 11.887 95 28.956 402 67 122.530 40 12.192 96 16 29.261 408 68 124.358 41 12.497 97 29.566 414 69 126.187 42 7 12.802 98 29.870 420 70 128.016 43 13.106 99 16½ 30.175 426 71 129.845 44 13.411 100 30.480 432 72 131.674 45 7½ 13.716 102 17 31.090 438 73 133.502 46 14.021 108 18 32.918 444 74 135.381 47 14.326 114 19 34.747 450 75 137.160 48 14.630 120 20 36.576 456 76 138.989 49 14.935 126 21 38.405 462 77 140.818 50 15.240 132 22 40.234 468 78 142.646 51 8½ 15.545 138 23 42.062 474 79 144.475 52 15.850 144 24 43.891 480 80 146.304 53 16.154 150 25 45.720 486 81 148.133 54 9 16.459 156 26 47.549 492 82 149.962

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Mtrs Feet Fms Metres Feet Fms Metres Feet Fms Metres

Feet Fms

1 3.281 0.547 57 187.008 31.168 2 6.562 1.094 58 190.289 31.715 5000 16404.20 2734.03 3 9.843 1.640 59 193.570 32.262 6000 19685.04 3280.84 4 13.123 2.187 60 196.850 32.808 7000 22965.88 3827.65 5 16.404 2.734 61 200.131 33.355 8000 26246.72 4374.45 6 19.685 3.281 62 203.412 33.902 9000 29527.56 4921.26 7 22.966 3.828 63 206.693 34.449 10000 32808.40 5468.07 8 26.247 4.374 64 209.974 34.996 9 29.528 4.921 65 213.255 35.542 Inches Feet Metres Factors 10 32.808 5.468 66 216.535 36.089 11 36.089 6.015 67 219.816 36.636 1 0.083 0.025 1 Inch=0.0254 m 12 39.370 6.562 68 223.097 37.183 2 0.167 0.051 1 Foot=0.3048 m 13 42.652 7.108 69 226.378 37.730 3 0.250 0.076 1 Fthm=1.8288 m 14 45.932 7.655 70 229.659 38.276 4 0.333 0.102 or 6 feet 15 49.213 8.202 71 232.940 38.823 5 0.417 0.127 16 52.493 8.749 72 236.220 39.370 6 0.500 0.152 17 55.774 9.296 73 239.501 39.197 7 0.583 0.178 18 59.055 9.843 74 242.782 40.464 8 0.667 0.203 19 62.336 10.389 75 246.063 41.010 9 0.750 0.229 20 65.617 10.936 76 249.344 41.557 10 0.833 0.254 21 68.898 11.483 77 252.625 42.104 11 0.917 0.279 22 72.178 12.030 78 255.906 42.651 12 1.000 0.305 23 75.459 12.577 79 259.186 43.198 24 78.740 13.123 80 262.467 43.745 Fthms Metres Feet Metres 25 82.021 13.670 81 265.748 44.291 26 85.302 14.217 82 269.029 44.838 200 365.760 700 213.360 27 88.583 14.764 83 272.310 45.385 300 548.640 800 243.840 28 91.864 15.311 84 275.591 45.932 400 731.520 900 274.320 29 95.144 15.857 85 278.871 46.479 500 914.400 1000 304.800 30 98.425 16.404 86 282.152 47.025 600 1097.280 31 101.706 16.951 87 285.433 47.572 700 1280.160 32 104.987 17.498 88 288.714 48.119 800 1463.040 33 108.268 18.045 89 291.995 48.666 900 1645.920 34 111.549 18.591 90 295.276 49.213 1000 1828.800 35 115.829 19.138 91 298.556 49.759 36 118.110 19.685 92 301.837 50.306 Factor = 1 m = 3.280839895 feet or 37 121.391 20.232 93 305.118 50.853 39370078740 inches = 0.546806649 fthm 38 124.672 20.779 94 308.399 51.400 39 127.953 21.325 95 311.680 51.947 40 131.234 21.872 96 314.961 52.493 41 134.514 22.419 97 318.241 53.040 42 137.795 22.966 98 321.522 53.587 43 141.076 23.513 99 324.803 54.134 44 144.357 24.059 100 328.084 54.658 45 147.638 24.606 200 656.17 109.36 46 150.919 25.153 300 984.25 164.04 47 154.199 25.700 400 1312.34 218.72 48 157.480 26.247 500 1640.42 273.40 49 160.761 26.794 600 1968.50 328.08 50 164.042 27.340 700 2296.59 382.76 51 167.323 27.887 800 2624.67 437.45 52 170.604 28.434 900 2952.76 492.13 53 173.885 28.981 1000 3280.84 546.81 54 177.165 29.528 2000 6561.68 1093.61 55 180.446 30.074 3000 9842.52 1640.42 56 183.727 30.621 4000 13123.36 2187.23

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To accompany Indian Notice to Mariners 428/07 On BA Chart 713


Due to frequent cyclonic activity in the area of this chart, aids to navigation may be temporarily out of position.

To accompany Indian Notice to Mariners 430/07 On BA Chart 1064

SILTING (12°13·63S 49°19·87E)

Due to silting westwards from the Banc d’Orongea, charted depths should not be relied upon. For further details, see Admiralty Sailing Directions.

To accompany Indian Notice to Mariners 430/07 On BA Chart 1116

SILTING (12°13·63S 49°19·87E)

Due to silting westwards from the Banc d’Orongea, charted depths should not be relied upon. For further details, see Admiralty Sailing Directions.