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Thirtytwo Forecasting Manuals dealing with

various aspects of Indian Weather, Climate and

selected general topics of Weather were published by

the Deputy Director General (Forecasting),Poona

between the years 1967-1974. These manuals have been

found to be very useful to the forecasters, even to

this day.

There has been a persistent demand to bring out

new manuals dealing with those topics that have been

covered earlier. The present manual "Weather

Radar as an aid to Forecasting" has been brought out

in this context. The author Shri. S. Raghavan, is an

expert in the field of Radar Meteorology and has

presented the subject in a very lucid way in this


My heartfelt thanks are due to him for the time

and effort he has spared in producing this very

important publication. I am sure forecasters will

find this publication very informative and useful.

Mew Delhi Dr. S. M. Kulshrestha

August,1991 Director General of Meteorology

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The author wishes to thank the Director General of

Meteorology and the Deputy Director General of

Meteorology (Weather Forecasting) for giving him the

opportunity to prepare this forecasting Manual. The

material prepared a few years ago has been updated upto

early 1991.

The author is particularly indebted to numerous

colleagues who had worked with him in the field of Radar

Meteorology and also to several forecasters for very

useful interaction.

The author , is thankful to the D.D.G.M.(R.M.C.),

Madras, the Director, C.D.R. Madras and other officers

and staff of the I.M.D. for providing the photographs

and diagrams in this manual, for their help in updating

the bibliography and for the secretarial assistance.

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Section Subject Page

1. Introduct ion to Weather Radar 1

2. Principles of Radar Meteorology 3

3 . Meteorological phenomena detected by Radar 12

4. Application of Radar for detection ofLocalised Precipi tat ion Systems 17

5. Application of Radar to Aviation Meteorology 21

6. Quanti tat ive Estimation of Precipi ta t ion by Radar 23

7. Radar observat ion of Tropical Cyclones 27

8. Operational procedures 33

9. Recent developments 37

10. Appendix - IMD Radar code 44

11. Bibliography 52

12. Diagrams 71l

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1.1 RAdio Detection And Ranging was a technique inventedimmediately before and during World War II when it- was usedsuccessfully for detection of enemy aircraft. It was soon foundthat the radar exhibited echoes from precipitation (and variousother phenomena) which came in the way of detection of aircraft..These echoes were considered an unwanted 'clutter. ' Howevermeteorologists soon exploited this not only to detect precipita-tion but study the characteristics of precipitation in detail.Today ground-based, shipborne and ail-borne radars are extensivelyUsed for meteorological purposes.

1. 2 One of the two principal meteorological uses of radar is totrack radiosonde balloons or 'chaff' dropped by rockets fordetermination of upper winds. The other is to detect precipita-tion (and certain other meteorological phenomena). We shall con-sider here only the latter application as 'Weather Radar.

1.3 The India Meteorological Department experimented in theearly fifties with wartime disposal radars, but later morerefined and specialised equipment became available. At present(early 1991) the Department has an operational network of whatare known as X band radars (Eig.1) operating on a wavelength of3 cm. mostly at airports, being used mainly for aviationmeteorological services. Some of these stations have what areknown as "Multimet Radars" which are normally used for trackingradiosonde balloons but can also be used as 'Weather Radar.There is also a network of S-band radars (10 cm. wavelength) . TheS-band radars along the coasts are primarily intended for detect-ing tropical cyclones (Fig.2). Both these networks consist ofwhat may be called conventional pulsed microwave radars and onlythe phenomena which can be detected by such radars will be con-sidered in detail in this chapter. More versatile radars withfacilities such as realtime computer processing of radar data andDoppler facility for detection of winds in weather systems arenow available. Dual polarisation and dual wavelength radars arealso useful in various research applications. As these are notyet in operational use In this country they will be touched upononly briefly (Section 9).

1.4 This consists first of a presentation of

(1) the basic principles of Radar Meteorology


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followed by discussion of

(2) meteorological phenomena detected by radar

(3) the application of radar for detection of localisedprecipitation systems

(4) application of radar to aviation meteorology

(5) quantitative estimation of precipitation

and (6) radar observat ion of t r o p i c a l cyclones.

Operational procedures including t ransmission of radarrepor t s as well as general remarks on the c a p a b i l i t i e s and- imi t a t ions of the radar follow, F ina l l y the recent developmentsin the f i e ld are b r i e f ly presented.

Lb This i s intended for the meteorologis t who is not a s p e c i a l i s t in radar meteorology. Hence a de t a i l ed theoret.icaJ.t reatment i s avoided. I t must be emphasized tha t th i s islimited in scope and deals e s s e n t i a l l y with the current opera-t iona l use of radar in the India Meteorological Department. livenso, the reader i s l i ke ly to ask many quest ions which are beyondthe scope of t h i s chapter. To f a c i l i t a t e an in-depth study of thesubject by those i n t e r e s t e d , a f a i r l y comprehensive bibliographyis given a t the end of the

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2.1 Radar sends out a powerful beam of electromagnetic radiationwhich when it. meets an object is partly absorbed and partly scat-tered in all directions. The scattered energy depend:; on thefrequency of the radiation, the nature of the object and its sur face area. The part of the energy which is scattered back in thedirection of the radar (back-scattered radiation) arrives at theradar at a time t which is related to the distance r of the ob-ject from the radar by the relation

where c is the velocity of electromagnetic waves in space. t being measured from the moment of transmission. Knowing t thedistance r can be determined. If the radiation is emitted con-tinuously it will be difficult to identify which particular waveis returned at any time t*. Hence the transmission is done inpulses of short duration (say about a microsecond) separated bya long interval of several milliseconds when no transmission ismade. The receprocal of the time interval between the pulses iscalled the pulse repetition frequency (p.r.f). Fig.3 illustratesthe process. The received 'echo* signal is amplified, detectedand fed to a cathode ray tube (CRT) display. If the time base ofthe display sweeps at a constant rate with time, the horizontalaxis of the display can be directly graduated in terms of range.The vertical axis represents the voltage at the output of theradar receiver which is a function (not necessarily linear)ofthe incoming echo signal strength. Echoes of the same object fromsuccessive transmitted pulses will be superimiposed as thetimebase is repeated in synchronism with the transmission. Thiskind of display is called an A-scope (Fig. 4) and is often used in weather radars.

2.2 Since it is necessary to know the direction or bearing ofthe target besides its range, it is necessary to direct the radarbeam over a very narrow angle as in a search light and rotate itin order to scan different directions from which echoes are ex-pected. Hence a weather radar uses a highly directional antenna(most often a paraboloid dish) capable of radiating a beam aboutone or two degrees wide and the antenna is rotated around a ver-tical axis. The timebase on the CRT display is rotated insynchronism with the antenna. Thus we get a Plan Position In-dicator (PPI) display (Fig.4) which gives a quasi-horizontal mapof the area around the radar giving the range and bearing of eachecho. (The word "quasi' is used because the height of the radarbeam increases with the range). Similarly by rotating the antenna

* For certain applications 'continuous wave' radars are usedwherein the identification is done from the phase lag of thereceived signal.


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around a horizontal axis it is possible to depict the height of the echo on a magnified scale as ordinate and range as ascissaconstituting a Range Height Indicator (RH1) (Fig. 4). That echolooks elongated in the vertical because the height scale is ex-panded. There are other types of display which are sometimes usedbut are not considered

2. 'i The frequencies of transmission usually used in weatherradars are in the range 3 to 10 Gigaherz. (I Gigahertz is IC-MJertzi.e. 109cycles sec. corresponding to wavelengths of 10 to 3 it is necessary to use these 'microwaves' because the longerthe wavelength the larger is the antenna required to obtain a specified beamwidth. Hence larger wavelengths will need an un-manageable antenna. There are also other considerations in choos-ing the wavelength. According to the Rayleigh law of scatteringwhich applies if the scattering objects are small in comparisonwith the wavelength (this is true for most precipitation par-ticles at the wavelengths mentioned above) the back-scatteredsignal is proportional to where is the wavelength.Hence the use of a short wavelength will result in a strongerecho. However as the wavelength decreases the absorption by atmosphorie gases, water vapour and liquid water increases. In therange of 3 to 10 cm. mentioned, the attenuation due to atmos-pheric gases and water vapour is quite small and can be correctedfor if considered necessary. The attenuation due to interveningliquid water (in the form of precipitation) between the radar andthe desired target is negligible at the 10 cm. wavelength. At the3 or 5 cm. wavelengths which are commonly used, the attenuationdue to rainfall is high. Hence

(i) it is advantageous to use 3 cm. wavelength when quali-tative monitoring of raining clouds over short dis-tances are required,

Hi.) it is advantageous to use 10 cm. wave Long,th when quantitative measurement of the rainfall is required orwhen distant precipitation is is to be detected in the presence of intervening heavy precipitation (as intropical cyclones).

Th:.s explains the two networks used by UN), though in principleradars of either network can be used Tor cyclone tracking or for detection of local phenomena such as thunderstorms. As a compromise, a wavelength of 5 cm. is used in many temperatecountries where the rainfall rates arc not as heavy as in thetropics and hence the attenuation is not so heavy.

2.4 A raining cloud has a finite volume in which there is a large number of precipitation on particles (liquid or solid) ofvarious sizes. When a radar beam illuminates the cloud, the


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volume V sampled by the beam at any instant is approximately*

where and are the radar beamwidthst in the horizontal andvertical planes and h is the pulse width in linear units i.e.

Typically h may be a few hundred metres and the other two quan-tities in brackets may be 1.5 to 3 kilometres at a range of 200km. Assuming that the entire beam is intercepted by the par-ticles, the echo signal will consist of the sura of the backscat-tered signals from the various particles in the volume V. It isassumed that each particle scatters radiation independently ofthe others. The combined effect of all these particles is repre-sented by a 'backscattering cross section per unit volume' or'radar reflectivity' designated by the symboln . This quantity isin turn dependent on the dielectric constant of the surfacematerial of the scattering particle (water or ice) and the sizeof the particle. If the Rayleigh law is assumed it can be shownthat the reflectivity is proportional to the sum of the sixthpowers of the drop diameters in unit volume. The Latter quantityis termed the 'radar reflectivity factor ' represented by thesymbol Z and usually expressed in units of mm6.m-3 .

2.5 It has been shown that the power Pr received from this unitvolume at the radar is given by

where is the peak power transmitted by the radar, G is the'gain' of the radar antenna and is a quantity related to thedielectric constant (and may be taken as 0.93 for water and 0. 18for ice). The quantity within the square brackets is an attributeof the radar while and Z relate to the precipitation. Since Z

* This is simple geometry which the reader can work out. h/2 isused instead of h because particles at a range r + h/2 willreturn their echo from the front edge of the pulse at the sameinstant as particles at range r give echo from the rear edge ofthe pulse.


for most of the radars in IMI) and are equal. About 20. lorS band radars and 1° for X band radars.


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by definition is 1) being the drop diameter, it/can

be seen that the influence of large drops is very large in com-parison to small ones. For instance, a drop 0.1 mm. in diameterwill return a signal 10 times weaker than that from a drop of 1 mm. diameter. The practical result is that at the wavelengths weare considering the echo return from non-precipitating cloudswhere the drop sizes may ho a few tens or hundreds of micrometreswill not be detected by radar*. Only raindrops (diameter of theorder of J mm) will be detectable. This is an important resultwhich should be borne in mind while intepreting anv radar dis-P_iiV.._ On the other hand when the particle is very large (e.g.large hail) and comparable in dimension to the wave Length, theRayleigh law does not hold good. In such a case Mie scattering issaid to occur. As the ratio of particle dimension to wavelengthincreases. the reflectivity oscillates above and below a meanvalue. In such cases Z is replaced by a quantity Z e known as the'equivalent radar reflectivity factor' which is the value of Z required to give the observed Pr if the Rayleigh law is assumed.

2. 6 In empty space electromagnetic radiation may be taken totravel in straight lines. Hence a radar beam directed, say,horizontally will be at a considerable height above the curvedsurface of the earth and may miss targets at long distances un-less they are tall enough to come into the beam. In practice theair through which the beam travels causes refraction of the beam.The refractive index of air at the earth's surface is of the or . der of 1 + 300 x 1()-6 . The quantity (refractive index • 1) x 100

is called 'refractivity' represented by

where p is atmospheric pressure and e is water vapour pressureboth in hectoPascals and T the temperature ( °K). Hence varia-tions at low levels in the atmosphere, of temperature andhumidity cause considerable variation of refractivity. In mostnormal conditions the beam is refracted slightly towards theearth's surface. For computing the path of the beam it is con-venient to treat the path as a straight line but assume a largerradius for the earth. The effective earth's radius is usuallytaken to be 4/3 times the actual radius for calculating theheight of the radar beam at various ranges (Fig. 6'). However thisfactor varies considerably from the value of 4/3 especially alongoar Indian coasts. When there is a low level temperature inver-sion accompanied by a steep lapse of humidity with height (atypical situation on winter mornings) the refractivity changeswith height will be such as to cause a greater refraction towards

* it is possible to detect cloud drops by using radars of stillhigher frequencies. This will be touched upon in Section 9•.


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the earth's surface. The ray may even touch the surface and maymake repeated hops over the ground (or sea). Thus the radar willsee rainfall or ground objects over much Larger distances thannormally expected. The heights computed from normal assumptions(as in Fig.6) will be too high. Such a condition is calledanomalous propagation (A.P). Besides winter mornings this may oc-cur in anticyclone situations where the subsidence and dryness oflayers immediately above the moist sea surface create ideal con-ditions for anomalous propagation. When such a condition exists,echoes from ground objects may be seen even at long ranges andmay sometimes be difficult to distinguish from precipitationechoes. On the contrary, in situations where relative humiditydoes not fall steeply with height and there is no temperature inversion (such as when rainfall is occurring) the refraction maybe awav from the earth's surface. Hence the effective radar rangeis reduced. Precipitation which might otherwise be seen may bemissed and heights computed will be too low.

2.7 Fig.7 illustrates the propagation of a 2 deg. wide radarbeam in normal conditions. The spread of the beam in the verticalplane is shown but there will be similar spread in the horizontalplane also. Hence a precipitating cloud nearby will fully inter-cept the beam while a farther one may fill only part of the beam.Also in the case of the farther cloud, only the upper portion maybe seen by the radar resulting in an apparent low reflectivity.Precipitation still further away may not be soon at all as thecloud will be Low the beam. Hence the effective maximumhorizontal, range of a ground -based radar is limited to about 400kilometres and will vary with the radiowave propagation condi • tions and with the type of phenomenon to be detected.

2.8 Resolution : Since the pulse from the radar has a finitewidth h in space, the radar picture cannot resolve two echoeswhich are separated in range by a distance less than h/2. Since h is usually less than a kilometre for most weather radars, this isusually not a serious problem. However the azimuthal resolutionis limited by the beamwidth. This means that while at shortranges the resolution is good, it becomes poorer with increasingrange. For example for a 2 deg. beam the beamwidth at a range of200 km. is over 8 km. So two cumulus cells separated by less thanhalf a beamwidth will be seen as one. However if the cells travelcloser they may be seen separately cue to the improvement inresolution. This will give the impression that the cell has splitinto two. Also a point target or small cell will be seenstretched out into a tangential line as wide as the beam. Thisexplains why the echo of a ship may appear a few kilometres long(Fig.8) or a hill appear much higher than it is {fig.9) Alsosince the amount of distortion is more in the tangential direc-tion than in the radial direction there will he an appreciabledistortion of the shape_ of small echoes.


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2.9 Determination of heights of echoes :

2.9.1 It can be appreciated from Fig.7 that when the radar an-tenna elevation is gradually increased, the echo from a precipitating cloud will just disappear when the bottom edge ofthe beam is just above the hop of the cloud. If the antennaelevation angle reading of the radar is noted at this time andhalf of the beamwidth is subtracted from it, one obtains the ac-tual elevation angle of the bottom of the beam. Using this angleand referring to a nomogram such as Fig.6, the echo top heightcan be determined. However, there can often be large errors inthis value because of the variations in propagation conditionsreferred to in section 2.6.

2.9.2 The above reasoning assumes that the top of the cloud (asunderstood in meteorology) is giving a radar echo. Usually itwill happen that the top of the cloud contains hydrometeors whichare too small or too few to give a radar echo. Hence the radarecho top as determined by the above procedure may often be wellbelow the visible cloud top.

2.9.3 During operation the above procedure of raising the antenna while radar is scanning in the PPI mode, is convenient forquick estimation of heights of tops of a large number of echoes.The heights can be read off on the RHI, but it is time-consumingand a great strain on the equipment to stop the antenna at everyrequired azimuth and scan in the vertical plane to get RHI presentation. Hence the RHI is usually used mainly to study thevertical structure of selected important echoes. However evenwhen the RHI is used the observed height is to be corrected forhalf beam width error, normal wave propagation and earth's curva-ture. In some radars a correction for earth curvature and normalpropagation is incorporated electronically in the display.

2.9.4 In some radars the vertical beamwidth may be more))more than 1 or 2 deg. With such radars height determinations*should not be attempted as the error involved may be so large asto make the observation valueless.

2.9.5 Table 1 gives the heights of base and top of the radarbeam and its horizontal width, assuming a 2 deg. beam directedhorizontally, in normal propagation conditions. As can be seenthe beam spread is very large at long ranges. Hence it is theusual practice in IMD to evaluate and report heights of onlyechoes within about 200 km. of the radar.

2.9.6 Because of large variations in propagation conditions, theecho height information reported by a radar should bo evaluatedcarefully by the forecaster.


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Labia 1



Ht.. of b a s eof beam( l i m i t e d toz e r o e l e v a -t i o n )


Ht. of t o pof beam


V e r t i c a le x t e n t ,of beam


H o r i z o n t a lw i d t h ofbeam




Ht.. of b a s eof beam( l i m i t e d toz e r o e l e v a -t i o n )


Ht. of t o pof beam


V e r t i c a le x t e n t ,of beam


H o r i z o n t a lw i d t h ofbeam




Ht.. of b a s eof beam( l i m i t e d toz e r o e l e v a -t i o n )


Ht. of t o pof beam


V e r t i c a le x t e n t ,of beam


H o r i z o n t a lw i d t h ofbeam




Ht.. of b a s eof beam( l i m i t e d toz e r o e l e v a -t i o n )


Ht. of t o pof beam


V e r t i c a le x t e n t ,of beam


H o r i z o n t a lw i d t h ofbeam


10 Almost Zero 0. 17 0. 17 0 .33

50 0. 15 0 . 9 0 0 . 8 3 1.66

100 0 . 6 2 . 2 5 1.65*" 3 .32

150 1.35 3 . 0 1 2 . 4 6 4 . 9 8

200 2 . 4 5 . 6 7 3 . 2 7 6 .63

300 5 . 4 10 .20 4 . 8 6 9.94

400 9 . 5 16. 06 6 . 5 6 13.25

500 14 .8 2 3 . 02 8 . 2 2 16.56

2.10 Determination of intensity of echoes :

2. 10.1 The peak power Pt transmitted by the radar is usuallyseveral hundred kilowatts. But the echo return Pr is relatively3raail and may be in the range of 10-14 to 10-6 watt:;. The minimumdetectable signal Pmin (also denoted by MDS) of mostmeteorological radars in use in the 1MB is of the order of 10-14W.Since the ranges of power being dealt with are very large, it is convenient to use the decibel notation. Taking 1 milliwatt (raw)as a reference level, any power level can be expressed as so manydecibels above or below one raw. e.g. a power of 30 dBm refers to103 milliwatts (i.e. 1 watt) and similarly 10-14 would beexpressed as -110 dBm. Power expressed in decibels is 10 timesthe common logarithm of the power expressed in milliwatts. Theuse of this logarithmic unit enables power levels to be added orsubtracted. e.g. the radar equation (Eqn. 4, para 2.5) can berewritten as

10 log Pr = C + 10 log Pt - 20 logr + 10 log Z ... (6)


Pr in dBm = C + Pt in dBm - 20 log r + dB(Z) ... (7).


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Here C is a constant representing the other factors in equation(4) and dB(Z) represents the value of Z in logarithmic units withreference to a value of unity. This is also a convenient repre-sentation of Z as its value can go upto about 106 i.e. 60 dBZ inintense precipitation. If we can measure Pr knowing Pu and r, wecan easily compute dBZ which is a measure of the intensity of theecho. Since Rayleigh scattering is assumed what we obtain isreally dBZe, and not dBZ but this distinction is ignored in prac-tice. The INTENSITY of an echo is expressed in dBZ.

2.10.2 The brightness of the echo seen on the PPI or even theamplitude of the echo on the A-scope is not directly proportionalto the Pr. The PPI scope saturates in intensity except at verylow intensities. Hence to judge the intensity of an echo qualita-tively, it is necessary to reduce the amplification (or gain) ofthe receiver gradually until the echo is just about to disappear.i.e. the received signal becomes,equal to Pmin The more the gainreduction required the stronger as the echo. If we calibrate thegain control (I.F or video stages) of the radar we can read offthe intensity directly. Or, can we? The presence of the term 20log r in equation (7) means that the intensity of an echo fromdistant precipitation is much weaker than that from a nearer onewith the same rate of rainfall. This difference is corrected insome radars by an optional 'range normalisation' or SensitivityTime Control (STC) circuit which applies a 'log r' waveform tothe receiver to equalise the intensities. Even so, the correctionis not complete because of two factors. One is that the beam maynot be completely intercepted by a distant cloud. The other isthat the beam at larger ranges is seeing the upper part of thecloud where reflectivity is low. In routine operation. the inten-sity of echves is usually abserved and reported qualitatively as week asmoderate, strong o r v e r y s t r ong , . IK quantitativelycalibrate radars these categories C o r r e s p o n d , a p p r o x i m a t e l y tothe Z and rain rate values indicated in Table 2.

The significance of the Z values in operational work will bedealt with in later sections (3 to 6). Considering the sources oferror mentioned above intensity determination is usually doneonly upto a maximum rannge of about 200 km.

2.10.3 The echo signal from precipitation fluctutes rapidly dueto the movement of the individual scatterers in the samplingvolume as well as changes in their shapes or sizes. Hence to geta representative value of the echo signal intensity it is neces-sary to average the echo over a number of successive pulses.Fig.5 illustrates the process*. Averaging is done in some radarsby an optional integrating circuit in the video amplifier. The

*Not all the pulses calculated in Fig. 5 are independent Samples.The detailed treatment of sampling and averaging is beyond thescope of this manual.

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(Reproduced from IMD Radar code 1904)(Reproduced from IMD Radar code 1904)


For Radars having facilityfor quantitative measurement

dBZ Approximaterainfall rateRmm/hr *



23 to 3233 to 4243 to 5253 or more

less than 4 4 to 1516 to 6364 and above

Qualitatively-determined asin draftWeather RadarManual

* Based on the relationship Z = 200 R

signal can also be range normalised and echo above any selectedthreshold dB(Z) level can be amplified (rejecting all weakerechoes) and presented on the display. By having several suchthreshold:; which can be switched in by the operator, radar pic-tures at various intensity levels can be obtained. This is calledan 'iso-echo' system (see e.g. Figs. 15, 40, 41 and 42). It isalso possible in some radars to display several Levels at thesame time in different shades of grey so that an approximate con-tour map of reflectivity factor is obtained. (Figs. 11 and 17).In modern digital radars, displays of reflectivity levels aremade through software in shades of grey (Fig.30) or in colours.

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3.1 Echoes observed on a weather radar display may be broadlyclassified into three types

(a) Echoes from precipitation

(b) Echoes due to meteorological phenomena not associated withprecipitation

(c) Echoes of non-meteorological origin.

3.2 As mentioned in para 2.5, the radar can normally detect onlyprecipitating clouds and not, o t h e r s . These can be broadly dividedinto two types - convective and stra. These two categoriesare not mutually exclusive in the sense that the two may not onlyexist together but convective echoes may also exhibit stratiformcharacteristics at some stage. The principal difference betweenconvective and stratiform precipitation is that convective clouds(large cumulus and cumulonimbus) have a large vertical extent,they occur as discrete cells or groups of cells with discernibleboundaries, they are characterised by large up or down draughtsand large sizes of precipitation particles. Instantaneous rate ofrainfall is usually high (often several tens of millimetres pe;rhour) and there are large spatial gradients of rainfall rate. Theduration of precipitation from any one convective cell is alsosmall (typically several minutes). Stratiform precipitation, onthe other hand extends usually over a large area without discretecellular structure and is associated with relatively stable con-ditions. The rainfall rate is small but the rain is more uniformand persists for a longer time. The vertical depth of theprecipitation is also small.

Because of the above characteristics, radar echoes from convective precipitation (showers or thundershowers) are seen in theform of intense and discrete cells with sharp edges. They may bein the form of isolated cells or occur in groups or be orientedalong a line. On the RHI they show up as tall columns. The maxi-mum height may go up to 20 km. as some cumuloniiobi overshoot thetropopause. The echo may form aloft initially and grow downwards as well as upwards. It may exhibit rapid changes in height'growth or decay). On the i soccho presentation, the echo oftenappears at high dB(Z) levels (30 to 50 dB(Z> is quite common) andsharp intensity variations from point to point are exhibited. Ifhail is present the reflectivity may be very high because of thelarge size of hail. On the RHI, the reflectivity contours arevertically oriented (Figs. 11 and 17). This is so because up anddown draughts produce vertical mixing of the precipitation par-ticles. In cumulonimbi the particles may remain in liquid(supercooled water) phase even at heights much above the zerodegree isotherm. Figs. 10 and 11 give examples of echoes from


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convective precipitation.

3.3 Echoes from stratiform precipitation (Figs. 12 & 13) areusually extensive and of weak intensity (reflectivity factorusually less than 30 dB(Z)) as particle sizes in stratiform rainare smaller. They are also almost uniform in intensity. A reduc-tion in radar receiver gain will make most of the echo disappearat the same gain control position. The heights usually are within7 or 0 kilometres. As the vertical currents are small the par-ticles tend to stratify as liquid drops below freezing level andsolid particles above. Snow gives an echo which is usuallyweaker than that from liquid precipitation because of the lowerdielectric constant of ice. The snowflakes also vary in orienta-tion and therefore the scattering cross section varies resultingin large fluctuations of the signal. In the case of liquid drops,the drops are spheres or spheroids and so do not exhibit suchlarge changes in effective cross section.

3.4 The particles of solid precipitation which fall through thefreezing level melt gradually and therefore get coated with waterbut retain their large surface area until they melt completely.Hence there is usually a layer of a few hundred metres thicknessat the zero degree isotherm level (about 4.5 to 5 km in mostparts of India) in which the particles have a large dielectricconstant and large cross section. Hence the echo from this layeris stronger than those above or below. By reducing the gain onthe RHI picture, a 'bright band' can be seen as a horizontallayer at about the freezing level. A comparison of Fig. 13 and14 will illustrate this. This phenomenon is known as the 'BRIGHTBAND' or 'MELTING BAND'. This does not normally happen in in-dividual convective cells as the particles are well mixed.However in the dissipating stages of convective cells, the brightband may be seen.

3.5 It has been shown in recent studies of tropical convectiveprocipitation in coaslal aad oceanic area that. cluster of Con-v e c t i v e cells or squall lines often develop a large 'mesoscaleanvil' around them. The anvil is several kilometres thick and isstratiform in character with low rates of rainfall and exhibits a bright band. (Figs. 15 and 16 illustrate this). The appearance ofthe bright band is usually taken as an indication of thestratiform character of precipitation. Fig. 17, a grey scalepresentation, illustrates the contrast in reflectivity contoursbetween stratiform (the echo on the left part of the picture) andconvective (echo to the right) precipitation. The contours arehorizontally oriented in the first case and vertically orientedin the second.

Stratiform echo may be seen sometimes at close ranges athigher antenna elevations without any precipitation reaching theground. Such elevated echoes may be reported by radar operatorsas 'echo aloft'.


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3.6 Echoes of meteorological origin not associated withprecipitation.

3.6.1 Anomalous Propagation :

As explained in section 2.6 a favourable low level vertical,profile of temperature or humidity may produce downward refraction of the radar beam. Hence echoes from the ground surface orfrom hills which are not normally seen, may be observed. Thesecan usually be distinguished from their position and shape (e.g.the coast line or other geographical features are usually known).Fig.18 shows an example of extensive A. P. echoes. Also comparedto precipitation echoes the fluctuations in intensity from pulseto pulse are very small. Hence the texture of these echoes isdifferent from precipitation echoes. All the same, it is some-times difficult to distinguish them especially at longer ranges.Observations on the RIII may give a greatly exaggerated height be-cause of the refraction. One other means of distinction is to ob-serve the movement over several minutes. An echo from a groundobject should not move appreciably though it may show 'growth' or'decay' because of changes in propagation conditions. A.P. echoescan come from distant ships also but these will be in the form ofshort thin lines and should move with the ship.

A.P. echoes can usually be expected on winter mornings andin anticyclone situations. However A.P. also often occurs in thewake of a "thunderstorm where the interface between thedowndraught air and the environment may produce a favourable tem-perature and humidity profile. In such cases care is necessary todistinguish the A. P. echo from the thunderstorm echo.

Digitised equipment may print out A.P. echoes as precipita-tion echoes. To prevent this special circuits based on measure-ment of the variance of the signal are used in some radars.

3.6.2 Echoes due to refraactive index discontinuties

Echoes in the form of very thin lines or dobs or rings canbe returned because of sharp changes in atmospheric refractiveindex caused by various meteorological phenomena. The sea breezefront is a notable example of discontinuity between the moist andcool maritime air at the surface and dry, warm land air above.The discontinuity produces a partial reflection of the radar beamand 3hows up as a thin line on the PPI with no vertical extensionon the RHI. (Fig.19). As the sea breeze advances the line willmove and can often be traced several kilometres over land untilthe mixing of the air destroys the discontinuity. Edges of fairweather cumuli or other discontinuities caused by low level tur-bulence, gust fronts ahead of thunderstorms or elevated layers ofdiscontinuity can all give rise to such echoes. Thin line echoeshave also been observed well ahead of squall lines. All these


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echoes can usually be distinguished from precipitation echoes bytheir fine texture and lack of vertical extension. Such echoeswere clubbed together in the early days of radar meteorology withnon-meteorological echoes such as from bird or insect swarms andtermed 'angels' to denote that their origin was not well under-stood. Angel echoes have in some cases been identified with clearair turbulence. See also section 9.3.4 and 9.7 regarding echoesfrom clear air phenomena.

3.6.3 Sea clutter : This is an echo from the sea surface whichis dependent on the wind and sea surface conditions. It is mostcommon in anticyclonic situations accompanied by low level windflow from the sea surface towards the radar. This can be distin-guished usually by its lack of height. (Fig.20).

3.6.4 Lightning : In rare cases lightning may be seen directlyas an echo. But since it will be a momentary echo, it is easy tomiss it. However, the use of independent lightning detection sys-tems, in conjunction with radar, has been suggested for dis-criminating between shower and thunderstorm echoes.

3.7 Non meteorological echoes :

3.7.1 Ground clutter is the echo due to the ground and otherpermanent objects such as hills, buildings and trees. It isusually seen as a strong permanent echo all around the radar fora distance of several kilometres. In addition distant hills mayalso be seen. The use of the radar in this clutter region is greatly handicapped as the antenna elevation has to be raisedconsiderably to avoid the clutter, losing some of the precipita-tion echo in the process. In quantitative use of the radar theintense clutter echo is difficult to separate from the relativelyweak precipitation echo. In automated equipment with digitalprocessors, the ground clutter may be shown as rainfall. Someradars use special circuitry to suppress ground clutter but thesuppression is only partial. Permanent echoes due to hills orbuildings also cause radar shadows behind them. For all thesereasons, the use of weather radar in mountainous terrain israther limited. The ground clutter may also vary to some extentin intensity and areal extent depending upon propagation condi-tions. Standard photographs of ground clutter are usually kept atradar stations to assist in identifying other echoes in the clut-ter area (Fig. 21).

3.7.2 Ships :

Ships produce sharp echoes stretched into a tangential linedue to beamwidth distortion. They can be easily distinguished bytheir appearance and movement (Fig.8).


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3.7.3 Birds and Insects '•

Birds and insect swarms sometimes produce clutters of dotechoes or thin line patterns.

3.7.4 Multiple-time-around echoes :

When an echo return from a very distant object comes after a subsequent pulse or pulses have been transmitted by the radar,the echo will be displayed at a range equal to its true rangeninus an integral multiple of the distance interval correspondingto the repetition time interval between transmitted pulses. Forexample if the repetition rate is 250 pulses per second the dis-tance interval is 600 km. A target at 800 km. will be displayedat a range of 200 km. and may be mixed with echoes at a truerange of 200 km. The shape of the echo will also be distorted asits radial dimension is preserved correctly while the tangentialdimension contracts. In radars having a choice of two pulserepetition rates, a change of rate will alter the range of the;echo showing that it is a spurious echo. Those echoes are most common in A. P. situations (Fig. 18).

3.7.5 Echoes due to radiation outside the bearawidth :

When a radar beamwidth is specified it refers to the anglebetween the two directions (called half power points) on eitheraide of the direction of maximum radiation where the powerradiated is half the power in the direction of the maximum. Somepower is radiated outside this angle though being small, it isneeglected. There is also a number of secondary maxima of radia-tion on either side of the main beam both in the azimuth andelevation planes and these are several degrees away from the mainbeam. The power radiated in these 'sidelobes' may be about 25 d3lower than in the main lobe. Even so these will produce detec-table echoes from nearby targets such as ground objects, hillsand even strong convective clouds. These 'sidelobe' echoes willappear on the radar scope at their correct range but in thedirection of the main lobe. Particularly on the RHI these may ap-pear as additional images above the principal echo or an upwardextension of the principal echo. They may thus give an illusionof a cumulonimbus echo being higher than it really is. These canhowever be distinguished as spurious echoes by an experiencedoperator.

3.7.6 Image echoes due to reflection from other obstructions :

A tall building close to the radar may act as a plane mirrorshowing an image in the direction of the building, of a targetwhich i3 in some other direction. Thu3 a precipitating cloud or a ship may be shown as an imago moving at the same speed us the ob-ject but in the opposite direction (Fig.8).


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4. Application of Radar for Detection of Localised PrecipitationSystems.

4. 1 The most important small scale meteorological phenomenonthat the radar can detect is the thunderstorm. By definition a convective cloud can be called a thunderstorm only when thunderis heard or lightning seen. As both these . may be present butmissed very often, it is not possible to identify any convectiveecho on the radarscope definitely as a thunderstorra. But it isusually safe to assume that a convective echo which has grownrapidly well above freezing level is or will become a thun-derstorm.

4.2 The appearance of thunderstorm cells on the PPI and RHI isshown in Figs. 10 and 11. In a well developed thunderstorm verti-cally oriented contours of radar reflectivity as shown in Fig.11will occur. Often a shear is observed. If the shear is in theplane of the RHI, i.e. radially towards or away from the radar,it can be seen on the RHI. If the shear is in a perpendicular(i.e. tangential to line of sight) plane, it may not be obviouson the RHI. But on the PPI there will be a slight shift of echoposition when the antenna elevation is raised.

4.3 Due to the strong updraught in a thunderstorm, theprecipitation particles are often pushed up and maintained at a high altitude. This results in an elevated reflectivity maximumwith sometimes a 'weak echo region' or an 'echo free vault' or a 'dry hole' below. Such a pattern is usually considered charac-teristic of . a very severe storm as it indicates very strongupdraughts. When hail is present the reflectivity is very highbecause of the large size of the particle. A reflectivity of 50dB(Z) is taken as an indication of hail but this is only a general guideline. Such high reflectivities do sometimes occureven in regions where hail does not fall. Also as the size ofhail in many cases is comparable to the radar wavelength theRay Leigh law of Scattering, does not hold and the measured, reflec-tivities may not be accurate.

4.4 An individual cumulonimbus cell can be seen to grow anddecay within about half an hour but fresh daughter cells may of-ten be 3een to grow around it. Thus a cluster of cells can formby a method of 'propagation'. The group as a whole sustains it-self for several hour3. Very often the cells are organised in theform of a line (squall line). (Fig.22). Such a group or line maymake a translational motion depending on the mean wind in thelayers in which it is embedded. The 700 hPa and 500 hPa winds canbe taken as good measures. The motion of individual cells isusually more complicated. This is because of the superposition ofthe propagation and translation effects. In conditions of strongwinds the translation effect may dominate. In weak winds the propagation effect becomes more important. Actually secondary


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cells may form even on the upwind side of the parent cell,indicating an apparent motion against the wind. Hence for shortperiod forecasting, it is desirable to observe the cells and plottheir positions at short intervals of time. In the case of dis-tinct small cells the centroids can be plotted. Alternatively a few identifiable protuberances on cells can be plotted. In thisthere is a risk that some of the protuberances may disappear orchange shape or become unidentifiable after a relatively shorttime. Figs. 23 and 25 separated by a half hour interval show a line line of convective cells moving east to west. Fig. 24 and 26 are iso-each arciso-echo pictures of the name cells showing the movement moreclearly. These cells persisted for about 7 hours. Using isoechopresentations at various thresholds it is possible to plot themaximum intensities (in terms of dBZ at various points on a gridded overlay). By this means, the relative intensity ofvarious precipitation echoes can be quickly evaluated and an ap-proximate idea of the precipitation is distribution can also begained. This is known as Manually Digitized Radar (MDR) technique.Short period extrapolation of echo positions along with their in-tensities will assist short period local forecasts for aviationor for public broadcast over radio.

Assuming that mid tropospheric winds determine the motion ofdistinct precipitation echoes, attempts have been made to deter-mine the winds from the observed movement of Small PrecipitationAreas (SPA). These are known as Spawinds. However this techniqueis not highly reliable because of 'propagation' effects mentionedabove.

Modern 'pattern recognition' techniques are being tried withcomputerised data in some countries for estimating movement ofechoes and short period prediction. (See Section 9)

Squall lines (see Fig.22) have sometimes definite orienta-tions determined by synoptic conditions (e.g. squall linespreceding tropical cyclones) or- they may be dependent on localtopographical factors. The apparent orientation may also changebecause of the propagation effects on individual cells.

Due to their relatively long life squall lines and cloudclusters can often cause prolonged heavy rainfall. Observation ofthem on radar should enable short period forecasts to be givenfor aviation and to the public over radio or TV. As mentioned insection 3.5 such clusters or lines often form stratiform anvilsaround them which also persist for a long time (Fig. 15). The rateof rainfall in the convective towers can be upto 100 mm/hr. butthe stratiform anvil may. have light rainfall— a few mm/hr. Sincethe area covered by the anvil is much larger than that of theconvective towers the total rain volumes contributed by each typeof rain are about equal.

4.5 Echoes from severe thunderstorms can often be distinguished


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not only by high radar reflectivity, great, height, and rate ofvertical growth but by sharp protuberances, fingers, hooks orscallops. Positive identification of such a feature with presenceof hail made in one case in North India when an aircraft wasdamaged by hail is shown in Fig.27. It is necessary for theforecaster to look for such features even if he cannot definitelyidentify them with hail or severe weather. Reflectivity greaterthan 50 dBZ is also often associated with hail. A 'spearheadecho' i.e. a pointed appendage extending in the direction of mo-tion is associated with a downburst i.e. a downdraught of extremeintensity that induces dangerous windshear of both vertical andhorizontal winds. The appendage moves faster than the parent-echoand eventually the latter disappears and the appendage becomesthe main echo. (See also Sections 5 and 9).

4.6 Thunderstorm heights are usually highest at most locationsin the premonsoon months when conditions are favourable for over-shooting of the tropopause. During the southwest monsoon, thun-derstorms occur but their vertical growth is usually less. Ap-parent heights on the RHI may also be exaggerated in the premon-soon season in some locations because of anomalous propagation(AP) effects and underestimated during monsoon because of subnor-mal propagation (i.e. upward refraction of the radar beam). Theobserved radar heights may not, of course, be the Same as theheight of visible cloud because the top of the cloud may nothave enough reflectivity. Statistics of heights of echo tops havebeen compiled by several authors for some locations in thecountry (see bibliography). Apart from the inherent limitationsmentioned above, it should also be recognised that radars in IMD are usually not operated at all hours and even when operated,heights of only selected echoes, usually the tallest, are re-corded. Hence the statistics presented in these studies should betaken only as a general indication.

4.7 Nor'westers' of eastern India occurring in the premonsoonseason are among the most intense thunderstorms in this country.Tornadoes also occur occasionally but have rarely been observedby radar in India. As the life of a tornado is very short and itsextent is very small it is often difficult to spot it on conven-tional radars even in the OSA where tornadoes are very frequent.The tornado vortex will exhibit usually a 'hook' echo besideshigh reflectivity and height. Continuous observation is neces-sary. On Doppler radar (see section 9) the characteristic"tornado signature' i.e. winds in opposite directions on eitherside of the vortex can be seen clearly.

4.8 Duststorms (Andhis') of northern India being essentiallythe same phenomenologically as thunderstorms, produce weak con-vective echoes on the PPI but 3ince the precipitation evaporatesbefore reaching ground, the tall columns are not exhibited on theRHI. A typical duststorm echo observed by a 3 cm radar at NewDelhi is shown in Figs.28 and 29.


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4.9 An important signature of severe convective storms is thequantity known as Vertically Integrated Liquid water content(VIL). Using reflectivity measured at various altitudes theLiquid Water Content (LWC) in a convective cell can be computedand integrated over height. This quantity and its rate of in-Crtjaxle, with time are taken aa measures of severity of a thunderstorm. VIL can be computed and displayed by automated equip-me.'nt. It is possible to compute it with manual isoecho systemsbut that is time consuming. See also section 9.2.3.

4. 10 While using X-band (3 cm. wavelength) radar, the shape of a convective echo may he distorted due to radar beam attenation inthe heavy rain in the cell itself and it3 size shown smaller thanit. is. The centroid of the cell is shifted towards the radar.These effects may be kept in mind while Judging the intensity or movement of the echo.

4. 11 Most of the signatures of severe convective storms men-tioned in the preceding paragraphs have been studied mainly in the O.S. Midwest. There can possibly be regional and climaticvariability in these signatures and not all of them may be ap-plicable to all regions.

4.12 Radars have been used as support systems for weathermodification studies in two ways. One is to observe the growthand structure of clouds to decide which clouds are to be seeded.The other is to evaluate the rainfall produced by the seeded or 'control' clouds (see section 6 on estimation of rainfall by radar and section 9.4 regarding hail suppression).


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5.1 We can seek to get from weather radar the following informa-tion of interest to aviation :

(1) The location, extent and height of precipitating clouds espe-cially of medium and large convective clouds and thunder-storms.

(2) The type and intensity of precipitation (rain, shower, snow,hail).

(3) The location and intensity of turbulence (in clouds and inclear air), air motion within clouds and wind shear.

(4) Conditions favourable for fog formation.

Groundbased radar is useful for judging the take-off, climb,descent and landing conditions. This is provided at the AirportMeteorological office, where the forecaster and the pilot can seeand interpret the scope. In some places a remoted picture from a more distant installation is provided.

Information on conditions en route can be transmitted toaircraft from ground-based radar but as it3 range is limited itis better for the pilot in this phase of the flight to depend onan onboard radar.

5.2 Among the severe weather phenomena of particular interestto aviation are occurrence of hail, turbulence, wind3hear andicing. In section 4 the indications from radar echoes of likelypresence of hail have been discussed.

5.3 Severe turbulence tends to occur in storms with the greatestreflectivities. High gradients of reflectivity are also believedto be associated with turbulence. Since ground-based radar is usually far removed from the thunderstorm location, the resolu-tion is not sufficient to portray the reflectivity gradients cor-rectly. In the case of large echoes it is necessary for the pilotto locate the regions of high reflectivity and high reflectivitygradients apart from the protrusions mentioned in section 4.5.This can best be done with onboard radar.

Moderate to severe turbulence often occurs in the clear airin the vicinity of a thunderstorm. Hence a pilot should try toremain at least 15 nautical miles away from the edge of the thun-derstorm echo while flying within about 1.5 km. above generalcloud level. Here a margin is allowed because errors in deter-mination of the size of echo will play a part. When there is a large and intense echo its size will be underestimated by a 3 cmradar due to rain attenuation.


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Turbulence can bo directly detcted by Dopplor Radar (see section 9).

The structure of groups of convective cells or squall lineswas discussed in section 4. Since there are areas of stratiformrain with low reflectivity and little vertical motion betweenconvective cells, onboard radars will also enable the pilot todistinguish safe (gaps in a convective formation.

Severe icing can occur on the aircraft surfaces if super-cooled water is present in convective clouds. Vertically orientedreflectivity contours (see Figs. 11 & 17) without any bright bandare indicative of conditions when icing may occur.

5.4 Wind shear in a convective cloud can often be recognised onthe RHI as already discussed. The presence of a spearhead echo(see section 4) or of other sharp protuberances may be associatedwith a 'downburst' which is very dangerous for landing ofaircraft. See section 9 regarding detection of low levelwindshear by Doppler Radar.

5.5 As mentioned in section 4, the extrapolation of paths ofconvective echoes will enable short period forecast of thun-derstorms over airports. Hence a continuous watch of the radarscope is very useful in aviation.

5.6 The conditions favourable for anomalous radiowave propaga-tion are often similar to those needed for fog formation. Hencethe appearance of extensive anomalous propagation echoes overland during winter nights can often be used to predict fog forma-tion in the morning. This is an application of radar which is notwidely recognised.


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6.1 It was explained in section 2.10 that it is possible to com-pute the radar reflectivity factor Z from the measured receivedpower Pr. We may recall that Z is the sum of the sixth powers ofthe particle diameters D. The rate of precipitation (R mm. hr -l ) falling to the ground is a function of the volume of liquid waterand the fall velocity and hence is proportional to D3.5 Hence Z should be related to R by a relation of the form

bZ = AR ... (8)

where A is a constant and b is an exponent between 1 and 2 (ratioof 6 to 3.5). However a unique value for A and b cannot be ob-tained because the values will depend on the size distribution ofthe drops. Drop 3ize distribution will depend on the type ofrainfall (showery, stratiform) as well as season and place. Fur-ther complication will occur with nonspherical precipitation par-ticles and especially solid precipitation. Experiments comparingradar-measured Z and raingauge measured R, have yielded values ofA ranging from about 50 to 2000 and b from 1.0 to 2.0 for varioustypes of rain or snow at various places. An equation

1.6Z = 200R (9)

known as the Marshall-Palmer equation is taken as a standardrelationship for temperate latitude rains.

6.2 If reliable relationship is available, radar can providean estimate of instantaneous precipitation rate at each point ofits area of coverage which may be several thousand squarekilometres. These estimates will be available in realtime insteadof waiting for reports from individual raingauges. A radar isequivalent to a very dense raingauge network and can portray thespatial variations of rainfall much better than any practicalraingauge network. Especially in situations of large spatialgradients in rainfall, a raingauge network has to be extremelydense to give a correct portrayal of precipitation distribution.By acquiring radar data at frequent intervals the total accumu-lated rainfall over any period for any small area can also becomputed.

6.3 Although this capability looks attraetive there are practi-cal problems. The radar samples a large volume (gee equation 2,section 2.4) the magnitude of which increases with range. Thisvolume is aloft while a raingauge samples the rain falling in a very narrow column at the ground. The particles sampled by theradar may undergo modifications before they fall into the rain-gauge, due to melting, coalescence within the cloud, accretion


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with cloud droplets. coalescence between raindrops below cloudbase and evaporation below cloud base. The sample may also fallat a different place due to wind. What radar measures is there-fore not the Same quanity as what a raingnugo below the radarsample measures. Hence point rainfall estimates by r a d a r using a,fixed Z-R relationship do not compare well with raingauge data.Rainfall integrated over larger areas compares better.

As mentioned in section 2.7, the notional volume V is notoften filled by precipitation particles especially at longerranges. Also the beam height is too high at longer ranges to ob-serve the low level precipitation. Further, if the beam inter-cepts the melting layer, the measured echo intensity will be highbecause of the bright band. For these reasons it is necessary torestrict quantitative measurements to a relatively short range(at the most 200 km. in flat terrain in the tropics and shorterdistances in hilly or temperate regions).

6.4 Since It iS not feasible to mesure drupsize. in routineoperational work, several scientists have found i1. convenient tocompare radar measurements with a small calibrating network ofraingauges in a target area and thereby derive a mean Z - R relationship. For any individual occasion the rainfall computedfrom this relationship is further adjusted in magnitude usingdata from a few raingauges. If the average rainfall from thecalibrating gauges is G, and the radar determined rainfall (usingthe mean Z-R relationship) is R, the ratio G/R is used as a mul-tiplying factor to correct the radar estimates for the rest ofthe radar coverage area. For realtime estimation, these gaugeswill have to be of the telemetering type so that their data areimmediately available. In computerised radars the raogauge dataCan be automatically incorporated to adjust the radar values.

6.5 To evaluate the Z-R relationship it would be ideal if thedrop size distribution IS determined expert immentally 1 y And both 2 and _ Z. andR computed. In India the sizes of raindrops a L. the ground weremeasured and the following relationships obtained for Pune.

1.41Z = 219 R for thunderstorms ... (10)

1.94Z = 67.6 R for steady rains ... (11)

1.92Z = 66.5 R for 'warm rains' ... (12)

Another set of experiments gives the relationships

1.64Z = 109 R for Khandala ... (13)


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Z = 342 R1.42 for Delhi ... (14)More recently using the method outlined in para 6.4 a meanrelationship

Z = 100 R1.2 ... (15)

for Northeast Monsoon rains near Madras was obtained. For South-west monsoon season rains near Madras the relationship

Z = 100 R1.3 ... (16)

was obtained. But it is to be pointed out that there are appreci-able variations from one rainspell to another.

6.6 For quantitative measurement of the received power and com-putation of Z and R therefrom the following steps are necessarry:

(1) Sample the echo from a number of successive pulses and ave-rage them for each volume element (BIN) consisting of 1 or 2 km range and one beamwidth (1 to 2 degreo3 depending on theradar).

(2) Convert this voltage into received power using the knownradar parameters and after applying certain correctionsincluding those for attenuation of the radar beam due torange and atmospheric gases.

(3) Computing the Z value from the radar equation subject to theusual assumptions.

(4) Converting to rainfall rate values assuming a Z-R relation-ship.

(5) Integration as required to larger areas

(6) Computing cumulative rainfall for finite time periods usingthe rainfall rates already determined at short intervals oftime.

6.7 It is necessary to use a digital processing system fordigitizing the radar signal output and carrying out the abovecomputations in realtime. The system can exhibit the results on a TV type of display on X-Y coordinates representing various rain-fall rate levels in a grey scale or by colours. The data can alsobe printed out on a suitable printer.

The first such system developed in India known as DigitalVideo Integrator and Processor (DVIP) was in experimental opera-tion at Cyclone Detection Radar, Madras for some years. A grey


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scale display and printout of rainfall in association with a cyclone are shown in Figs.30 and 31. b'ig.31 3hows an area of 200km. radius around Madras divided into 10 km x 10 km. squares.Each square has a digit representing a particular rainfall rateat the time of observation. By adding Successive observations at.Intervals of 15 minutes, a cumulative rainfall amount for selectedselected grid squares is printed out at the bottom of the figure.Use of digital radar data is further discussed in section 9.

6.8 Realtime precipitation mapping by radar is particularly use-ful in heavy rainfall warnings and in flood forecasting Otherapplications include evaluation of weather modification experi-ments. Radar estimates have also been used as ground truth toverify satellite estimates, of areal precipitation over largeareas. Radar measured rainfall data can also be used in climatol-ogy to interpolate into raingaauge network data.


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7.1 One of the most important uses of weather radar is to ob-serve tropical cyclones. In India there is a notwork of S hand(i.e. 10 cm wave length) radars primarily for this purpose. Radarcan recognise and locate a tropical cyclone from the spiral pat-tern of: rainbands and the eye (if formed). Continuous or frequentobservation enables tracking of the storm to a good degree of ac-curacy. Besides this radar can give operationally useful infor-mation such as likely intensity of the system, the precipitationdistribution and the approximate radius of maximum winds. It alsogives detailed information on storm structure.

The typical radar echo pattern associated with a welldeveloped tropical cyclone is shown in Fig.32. As the systemdiameter is several hundred kilometres the entire pattern israrely seen at the same time by any one landbased radar. But a time composite from one radar or a spatial composite from two ormore radars may give the complete pattern of precipitation as-sociated with a cyclone. The echoes identified in Fig. 32 are:

(1) Precyclone squall lines

(2) Outer convective activity

<3) Spiral Bands and Rain shield

(4) Eyewall surrounding the eye

(5) Streamers.

7.2 Precyclone squall lines (See Fig.22) are lines of convectivecells occurring about 500 km ahead of the cyclone centre. Theyare not part of the circulation around the system. But they areusually oriented perpendicular to the direction of the storm mo-tion at that time and can therefore be used as fairly reliablepredictors of storm motion. However they usually dissipate at thecoast long before the landfall of the cyclone. They may produceheavy rain in coastal areas well ahead of the storm.

7.3 Outer convective activity, is a group of randomly orientedconvective cells occurring some 300 km. ahead of a storm. Thesedo not help in identifying the position or movement of thecyclone.

7.4 Spiral rain bands *•

Precipitation cells in rain bands arcs organised ap-proximately along logarithmic spirals defined by an equation ofthe form


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where (r, ) are polar coordinates of any point on the spiralwith reference to the centre of the cyclone,

called the crossing angle is the angle of incurva-ture of the spiral at the point i.e. theangle between the tangent to the spiral at thispoint and the tangent at the same point to a cir-cle centred at the origin and of radius r,

and A is a constant.

Usually in steady state systems the crossing angle increasesfrom near zero at the radius of maximum winds (R) to a maximum ofabout 30 degrees; at 3 R and decreases gradually thereafter. In a nonst3ady system there may be asymmetries i.e. different anglesin different sectors. The spiral bands tend to distort in shape:when they are close to land. Individual cells in these bands moveanticlockwise along the band as part of the storm circulation but.also often have a small component of motion radially outwards.The entire pattern of bands is subject to changes over a periodof several hours.

Interspersed with these bands which are mainly convectiveare areas of lighter precipitation usually stratiform known as;the rain shield. The orientation of the spiral bands may beBasked by this shield, but can be delineated by observing at.reduced radar receiver gain or by applying the isoecho systemsuppressing the weaker echoes. (see Figs. 40, 41 & 42). Aftertracing the bands, transparent overlays with spirals of specifiedcrossing angles drawn on them are superposed on the picture.Spirals of 5 to 30 degrees crossing angles are used. If any bandcan be seen over an appreciable arc (at least 90 degrees andpreferably 180 degrees or more). the position of the centre ofconvergence of the band is estimated (see Fig.33) by fitting theoverlay. If more than one band is seen successively larger angle:spirals are used as one goes away from the storm centre. The meanposition obtained from several bands can be taken as the stormcentre. Thus the centre can be estimated even when the eye is notformed (as in marginal cyclonic storms) or is too far away to be:seen by the radar. However, the procedure is highly subjectiveand prone to large errors. Any such determination must be checkedfor reasonable consistency with satellite or synoptic evidencerelating to the storm's location. Curved area, which are notgenuine special bands may often form, In weak systems such asdepressions or marginal cyclonic storms, there may be many curvedarcs converging to more than one centre. These multiple vortices


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should not be confused with the real centre of the system whichmay not be apparent on radar. Location of centres of depressionsby radar is not feasible.

An example of spiral bands in a developing cyclone withoutan eye is shown in Fig.34. Usually the bands are more tightlycoiled and have smaller crossing angles in the more intense sys-tems.

7.5 In cyclonic storms very often an 'eyewall' is partly formedusually as an extension of the innermost spiral band. As thestorm intensifies further the eyewall may become more completeand may separate out from the spiral band and be seen as a dis-tinct ring. The area inside the eyewall is echofree or nearly soand may be circular, elliptical or sometimes of irregular shape.The more intense the cyclone, the more symmetrical and completethe eye is likely to be. Radar pictures of s e v a r e cyclonic stormswith a core of hurricane winds are shown in Figs.35 to 45.

In deep systems an additional eyewall sometimes forms out-side the original one. After sometime one of the walls may disap-pear. This double wall configuration can be seen in Figs.38, 44and 45. In these cases the walls are not quite concentric. Theseare called "asymmetric double eyes". Cases of symmetric doublewalls have been reported in the Atlantic and Pacific. It isbelieved that an asymmetric double eye is only a case of the in-nermost spiral band curving into a complete circle. The symmetricdouble eye is however considered to be the result of a process ofrepeated cycles of intensification and weakening. In either casethe appearance of a double wall is an indication of high inten-sity of the system.

When an appreciable part of the arc of the eyewall is seenand can be identified as such, its geometric centre can be deter-mined fairly accurately and is taken as the centre of the cyclonein preference to. all other data sources. Accuracy of about 0.1degree latitude is possible. The radar centre however may notquite coincide with the pressure or wind centre in some cases.When a small arc of the eyewall is seen (Fig.43) either becausethe rest is beyond range or is not formed the meteorologistshould decide whether it is really the eyewall. Once it is iden-tified as eyewall, the centre of the system can be estimated witha fair degree of accuracy (say within 30 km).

The radius of maximum winds (RMW) of the storm is usually inthe eyewall region a little outside the inner echofree area ofthe eye. It has been established by aircraft observations in theOS and by post-cyclone damage surveys in India that the radius ofmaximum winds (RMW) approximately coincides (within a fewkilometres) with the radius at which maximum radar reflectivityoccurs in the eyewall (Fig.46). Utilising this finding, theRadius of Maximum Reflectivity (RMR) is observed and reported by

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radar stations in India when an eyewall is clearly observed. TheRMR is taken as equal to the RMW and the information is used inthe nomograms for computation of maximum height of storm surge inwhich RMW is one input parameter. The knowledge of RMW alsoenables determination of the point at which the peak surge willoccur.

It has been statistically shown in the Pacific that smallereyes are associated with deeper systems. However this findingcannot be used to compare intensities of two individual stormsbased on eye diameters. In a given storm if there is a gradualdecrease of eye diameter with time it can be invariably as-sociated with intensification of the storm. The variation of RMRis probably better correlated with intensity changes. The con-verse phenomenon i.e. increase of eye diameter or RMR with time3hould theoretically mean weakening of the system. However,operationally extreme caution should be exercised in coming tosuch a conclusion as apparent widening out of the eye may some-times be due to poor seeing conditions of the radar.

Radar reflectivity in the eyewall is often unsymmetricalaround the centre. There are corresponding asymmetries in therainfall and wind speed in the core region. In southern Bay ofBengal storms the highest rain rates and wind speeds in theeyewall appear to occur immediately to the left of the track.

7.6 The spiral bands in the rear often extend into nearlystraight lines of convective cells in the right rear sector wellseparated from the central echo mass of the eyewall area. Thesecells are intense and capable of giving heavy rainfall over thearea:; they move over. These lines known as stramers shouldtherefore be considered while forecasting precipitation. For in-stance, when a storm is crossing the Saurashtra coast, thestreamers appear over Bombay. Hence Bombay may get heavy rainfallwith relatively little rain in South Gujarat and NorthMaharashtra coasts.

7.7 Successive hourly positions obtained by radar are plotted toobtain a track. It is usually seen that the track meanders con-siderably around a mean path even when there is no general changeof direction of motion of the cyclone. The oscillation of thetrack is partly due to errors in radar fixes but partly real.Some scientists have established . a trochoidal motion in manycyclones. If fixes of good accuracy are available for some hoursa smoothened track can be constructed and extrapolated to predictthe likely point of landfall of the storm. Thi3 extrapolationusually gives good results provided there are no synoptic indica-tions • for major change in the track of the system e.g. recurva-ture. To allow for short period meandering and for radar fix er-roj-ii it is desirable to draw an envelope around available fixestaking into account the reported margin of error, while attempt-ing extrapolation of track. Some examples of radar track ex-


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7.8 It is seen from experience that the tightness of bandingof the spiral bands, the number' of bands seen, the completenessof the eyewall,. the decrease of the eye-diameter or of the RMRand the occurrence of double walled eye are all positivelycorrelated with the intensity of the system. However there isconsiderable subjectivity in estimating intensity from theseparameters. The most important problem is that unless thecyclone is very close to the radar, the latter may not seeall the features sufficiently well to be able to assess them inrelation to cyclone intensity. There may also be time lagbetween the appearance of any of these radar features and theintensification or weakening of the storm.

7.9 When a storm comes over land the eyewall seen on the radartends to break up, but in some cases a clear eye can be seenover land also (Fig. 35).

7.10 Fig. 50 shows a satellite (INSAT-lB, visible) imagery ofa cyclone the radar picture of which is shown in Fig. 44. Thetotal cloud coverage shown by satellite is typically about 10times the total radar echo area. The outflow seen by thesatellite cannot be seen by radar as it senses only theprecipitation. However the radar can usually see the corestructure of a nearby cyclone in greater detail than thesatellite can.

Recent studies show that in the case of cyclones withwell defined centres, the satellite and radar fixes generallyagree to within about 20 Km. The differences may be much moreif a well formed eye cannot be seen. Moreover, as the track ofa cyclone oscillates around a mean path, the track(radar-observed) is smoothened out by the forecaster, beforegiving centre positions for the public or outside agencies.

7.11 The total echo area seen by radar is roughly equal tothe total area of significant precipitation (say 2 cm/day) ormore). From experience it is also seen that the diameter ofthe area of gale force winds (15 m. sec or more i.e. the sizeof a severe cyclone is about 1.5 times the radar echodimension.

7.12 For areas of the cyclone which are within about 200 km.of the radar, the latter can estimate rainfall rates andamounts approximately (see section 6) and in any case portraythe spatial distribution of rainfall. The rain ratedistribution can be converted into a Latent Heat Release (LHR)distrubtion. Some satellite studies have shown that changescore areaintensity. As the rainfall pattern can be extrapolated forsome hours, the rainfall distribution can alsopredicted for short periods (see section 9 for a furtherdiscussion).


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7.13 The main limitation of landbased radar in observation ofcyclones, is the range limitation. Radars mounted onreconnaissance aircraft although they have a short range, cango to any part of the cyclone and can thus yield valuable data(see section 9).

7.14 Operational procedures in IMD relating to radarobservations of tropical cyclones are given in the IMD cycloneManual and amended from time to time according to the decisionsof the Annual Cycldone Review (ACR) meetings. Same important,guidelines are reproduced below.

7.14.1 When a cyclone is tracked by more than one radar,greater weightage may be given to the positions reported by the.radar nearest to the cyclone. However, the centre fix based onobservations of the 'eye' should be preferred to that based onspiral band observation.

7.14.2 The distances reported by radar may be rounded off tothe nearest 10 Km and the direction of movement to the nearestof the 16 points of the compass on a smoothezed track incyclone bulletins for public dissemination.

7.14.3 RMR should be reported only when the cyclone centre iswithin 200 km of the radar.


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8.1 Recording of radar information :

In India at present the radar picture is traced on a transparent overlay and transferred to a The over-lay may be a thin transparent plastic sheet or film on which themap of the area is drawn to the same scale as the radar scope. Itis important that the range ring diameters be adjusted duringmaintenance to correspond exactly to the scale of the map. Whiletracing the picture there will be some parallax error as theoverlay is not in the same plane as the CRT face. To avoid this a "reflection plotter" is used in some radars. It is also possibleto feed the map information electronically to the CRT display butthis is generally not done in IMD radars. The overlays againtraced on paper polar diagrams for keeping as a permanent record.

Photographs of the radarscope are also taken for a permanentand accurate record. Unless a polaroid camera and film are U3edit is not possible to get the photograph in realtime. a 35 mm still camera is mounted in front of the radarscope andblack and white pictures are taken in various modes of operationas required. The Cyclone Detection Radars are usually provided inaddition with a camera which can use a 30 m x 35m film roll toenable a large number of pictures to be taken at frequent inter-vals. When the film is developed positive paper copies or contact35 mm positive film copies can be taken. The latter can beprojected on a microfilm reader or projector for any subsequentanalysis. If the pictures on the 30 metre roll are taken at thesame radar settings it is possible to run the film later as a time-lapse movie. This latter purpose can however be betterachieved by using a video camera.

8.2 Transmission of radar information :

For supplying realtime information to forecasters the essen-tial details of the picture are coded in a semiplain languagemessage called RAREP (RAdar REPort). This gives the boundaries ofthe area(s) containing echoes, the distribution in that area(Broken, Scattered etc.), the orientation of line echoes, the in-tensity, tendency and heights of tops of selected echoes andmovement of groups of echoes when it is possible to evaluate it.Any additional information can be added in plain language. A copyof the Radar code used in IMD is at Appendix to this Chapter.These coded messages are transmitted by T/P or W/T to theforecasting offices. Decoding of these messages, does not howevergive the forecaster a complete picture of the echoes as they ap-pear on the scope.

WMO has adopted a new general format for data transmissionthe PM 94 BOFR. This format is being extended for international


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exchange of digital radar data in Europe.It would be ideal for the forecaster to be able to see the

radar scope for himself at frequent intervals. This is possibleat airport installations where the scope is close to theforecaster's room. In some installations 'slave' PPI displays areprovided in the meteorological briefing room and in the air traf-fic control room. For transmission to more distant locations ofthe complete radar picture, a relatively less expensive method isto make an interpreted sketch of the scope at the radar stationand transmit it by facsimile. Dedicated telephone line facsimileis provided for this purpose between some radar stations and thenearest cyclone warning centres. Telefax equipment attached toSTD telephones can enable sending the sketches to any forecastcentre subject only to the vulnerability of telephone lines insevere weather situations. While direct transmission of theanalog radar picture requires very expensive equipment, digitizeddata can be transmitted on low bandwidth transmission lines overlong distances and a TV type display can be provided at theforecast centre (see Section 9). Wherever and whenever possiblethe meteorologist should see the radar picture for himself for a correct appraisal of the situation.

8.3 In the case of tropical cyclones the radar report is dividedinto two parts. Part A contains information on the position(latitude and longitude) of the cyclone determined by radar, itsmovement over the preceding three or six hours, the degree ofconfidence of the fix and the characteristics of the eye (ifseen). This part of the message is transmitted only if the radaris able to give a fix and is sent as an addressed message of highpriority to concerned forecast centres. Part B gives a descrip-tion of all the echoes observed, as in any other situation and istransmitted whether or not the radar is able to locate thecyclone.

8.4 Weather radars at airport locations are normally operatedhourly during the active season. These observations are usedmainly in preparation of terminal forecasts and air field warn-ings. The messages are also exchanged with other aeronauticalmeteorological offices. In the case of 'cyclone detectionradars', observations are taken only at certain fixed hours. Incase of severe weather or a tropical cyclone, observations aretaken three hourly, hourly or at shorter intervals as necessary.When a cyclone is on the radarscope continuous operation isdesirable.

8.5 A high standard of maintenance and periodical calibration ofthe radar is necessary to get reliable and accurate informationfrom it. Deterioration in performance (e.g. poor receiver sen-sitivity, reduction in transmitted power, errors in elevation orazimuth readings) may occur gradually and may go unnoticed if pe-riodical checks are not made. Such deterioration may result inthe radar not seeing significant echoes or underestimating their


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height or intensity. It is therefore necessary for themeteorologist to satisfy himself/herself that the radarperformance is normal. There are routine procedures prescribedfor periodical maintenance checks by the radar stations. TheCyclone Detection Radars are also provided with test equipmentfor monitoring the power transmitted, receiver sensitivity andother radar parameters and for calibrating the isoecho systemat frequent intervals.

8.6 In the use of radar as an operational tool, it isimportant for the forecaster to bear in mind that while radaris a versatile instrument, it has its limitations. Also justas in the case of every instrument there are errors associatedwith radar observations and their interpretation have beendealt with in the relevant sections. It may be useful torecapitulate the major ones here.

8.6.1 Radar at the wavelengths commonly used can detect onlyprecipitation particles and not cloud drops (see section 2.5)

8.6.2 At some wavelengths (particularly with 3 cm. radar)attenuation by rainfall is a serious problem. Interveningprecipitation may prevent precipitation further away from beingdetected. Attenuation can also result in depiction of a smaller areal extent for a distorted shape of echoes. With 10cm. radar these problems are not serious (see section 2.3).

8.6.3 The range up to which a ground based radar can seeprecipitation is limited mainly by the earth's curvature andvaries with radio wave propagation conditions. Only the upperportions of distant precipitating clouds are seen. Hence theeffective range of radar for qualitative use is between 300 to400 Km and for quantitative measurements of echo intensity andprecipitation about 200 Km. in flat terrain. Heights of echoesdetermined by radar may also be in error because of propagationconditions and because of finite width of the radar beam.Resolution is also limited by beam width (see sections 2.6 to2.9) .

8.6.4 Since radar signals fluctuate, measurements of echointensities have to be made by sampling and averaging severalpulses. Not all radars have this facility. There is also nounique relationship between echo intensity and rainfall. Forradar estimation of precipitation, reflectivity rainfallrelationships have to be validated by calibration withraingauges (See section 2.10, 6.3, 6.5).

8.6.5 Many spurious echoes due to anomalous propagationsrefractive index discontinuities, sea clutter, ground clutteretc. need to be distinguished carefully from precipitationechoes. (see sections 3.6, 3.7).


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8.6.6 With conventional radar, only rough subjectiveguidelines are available for identifying or inferring hail, turbulence, tornadoes etc. (See section 4.3, 4.5, 4.7).

8.6.7 A single ground- based radar can usually see only a partof a tropical cyclone at a time. Radar cannot locate thecentre of depressions. In the case of weak cyclones, the rainbands may not be sufficiently well organised to yield reliablecentre positions. Radar positions of cyclones are moreaccurate in intense cyclones but could differ to some extentfrom satellite or synoptic (see sections 7.1, 7.4,7.5). indications

8.6.8 While radar can give some measures of intensification ofcyclones, such as tighter organisation of bands, decrease ofeye diameter or RMR, these are not decisive. Particularly itis not desirable to interpret the increase of eye diameter orRMR as weakening of the cyclone in operational decision making.RMR is not reported when the cyclone is over 200 Km. from theradar. Radar errors also contribute to cyclone trackoscillations. Radar observed positions need to be checked withsatellite or synoptic evidence and the track smoothened whennecessary. Extrapolation of radar track should be done withcare and is not applicable as a forecast procedure in caseswhere recurvature or other sharp changes in track are to beexpected. (see sections 7.5 to 7.8, 7.13).

8.6.9 Lastly the need for proper maintenance and calibrationof the radar and use of careful operational procedures cannotbe overemphasised. (see sections 8.1 to 8.5).

should therefore be considered as only one of thetools in armoury of the meteorologist whose expertise isthe primary factor in the success of his forecast.


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9.1 In the previous sections we have considered weather radar inits primary function of remote detection of precipitation. Withmany recent advances radar is now capable of contributing quan-titative information to a variety of atmospheric inquiries withspatial and temporal resolution unequalled by other instruments.Investigation concerned with precipitation physios, mesoscaiedynamics, the planetary boundary layer and kinematic structuresof the stratosphere and roesosphere are being undertaken usingradar. In this section we shall briefly consider these develop-ments which are not yet in operational use in India. Indeed someof the techniques mentioned here are only in a research mode inother countries too. Only a sketchy account is given here and theinterested reader should consult the references listed.

9.2 Digital Radar :

The radar yields an immense amount of data which a meteorologist cannot assimilate in realtime without some form ofprocessing. Computer processing and computer control have there-fore become the bases for most of the recent techniques to bedescribed. In section 6, the digital processing of data from a conventional radar was mentioned in connection with coantitative animation of precipitation. Digital, processing has numerousother applications.

9.2.1 The video voltage output at each range azimuth bin(illustrated in Fig.5) is converted into a digital quantity, by a processor which works in synchronisation with a programmed scan-ning of the radar antenna. The antenna rotates in the azimuthalplane at one elevation (say zero degree) and then is stepped upin small steps of elevation in successive scans. Thus data arecollected in 3 Dimensions over the entire quantitative range ofthe radar. Echo returns from a number of pulse3 of the radar areaveraged for each bin. These are corrected through software forattenuation of the radar bears due to range and atmospheric gasesand for variations in radar constants and converted to Z values.Using a Z-R relationship a rate of rainfall is calculated foreach bin. Further integration over larger areas can also be per-formed (at the expense of resolution) and the output presented ona TV display in grey shades or in colour code of ranges ofreflectivity or rate of rainfall. The digitised data can betransmitted to a remote terminal through telephone lines, or a radio link. Since most of the operations are by software the sys-tem is highly flexible. Computer control of the radar operationeven from a remote position has been achieved.

Successive scans at frequent intervals enable time integra-tion of rainfall rates and a map of cumulative rainfall atvarious points can be printed out.


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9.2.2 The ordinary PPI gives a quasi-horizontal section of thethree dimensional reflectivity field because the height of theradar beam increases with range. If we construct a series ofPPI's by scanning at various elevations, we can cut out annulicorresponding to any given altitude say 3 km. from the variousFPI's and synthesise a Constant Altitude PPI (CAPPI). While it isFossible to do this without a computer it would be laborious andtime consuming. With a computerised radar system several suchmaps for different altitudes can be constructed quickly.

9.2.3 Just as wo can relate the reflectivity factor (%) to therainfall rate, wo can also have equal.ions of the same form relating it to the liquid . water content M (LWC expressed ingrams. metre-3 ). The LWC here refers only to the precipitationsize particles and not cloud droplets. With such a relationshipthe LWC at various levels can be computed in realtime. It is alsopossible to compute in the case of convectivc clouds the Verti-cally Integrated LWC (VTL) for the whole cell. Several workershave found that the VIL and it3 rate of growth are related to theseverity of a thunderstorm and this quantity can therefore beused for identifying several local storms.

9.2.4 Since the 3-D reflectivity data are available, it is pos-sible to determine the heights of echotops (upto a specified"threshold of reflectivity) by suitably designed software insteadof having to make RHI scans at numerous azimuths and correct them-manually.

9.2.5 Computerization also makes it possible to reject unwantedclutter echo and present a 'clean' picture. Stored data of per-manent echoes can be subtracted from the output. This howeverwill not reject anomalous propagation and similar nonprecipita-tion echoes. For this it i.3 possible to compute the variance ofthe signal which is 3mall for AP and clutter echoes and large forprecipitation echoes and thereby distinguish and reject theformer.

9.2.G Pattern recognition techniques have been employed withcomputerized data to compare the radar echo at time to with theecho at time t2 Thus the motion of the echo can be determinedand it can also be extrapolated in time. The use of an interac-tive display system makes it possible for the meteorologist to'see' the echo in the predicted position. The meteorologist canat this stage incorporate the expected effects of any other fea-ture e.g. topography. In recent years pattern recognition tech-niques have been extended to study motions of particles withinthe echo. This involves high resolution and large computercapacity. It may help in locating areas of turbulence and inidentifying tornadic storms. The method however suffers from thefact that it is actually monitoring changes in reflectivity whichmay not necessarily be due to motion.


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Pattern recognition methods hold great promise in NOWCAST-ING, that is. forecasting for short periods of a few hours using,mainly, frequently updated radar and satellite pictures. This canbe the basis for very short period forecasts over radio or TV fora city or other small regions. In India, this should be par-ticularly successful in well-defined weather systems such a3depressions and cyclones where the precipitation distribution maybe extrapolated in time with greater confidence than shortlivedphenomena such as local severe storms.

9.2.7 Digital radar output is relatively easy to transmit overlong distances. Hence semiprocessed digitized radar data fromvarious stations can be transmitted to a central computer where a composite picture can be displayed after further processing. Sucha system can obtain calibration data from telemetering raingaugesin realtime and use them to correct the display. Its output canagain be transmitted to any remote location such as a waterauthority who may need the precipitation data for flood assess-ment and water management. The computer display can also superim-pose a satellite picture on the radar picture. Such a system hasbeen implemented in the UK. Recently "Radar Networking" hascovered several European countries, so that an almost unbrokenradar data coverage over a large part of Europe is available inrealtime. In the United States it is possible for many users toobtain the digitized radar imagery over telefax type of equip-ment.

9.3 Doppler radar :

9.3.1 The radar echo from an object which has a component of mo-tion towards or away from the radar, suffers a Doppler shift infrequency. This phenomenon has been made use of in military andaviation radar3 to detect moving targets (and distinguish themfrom fixed clutter) and evaluate their speed. In weather radar,pulsed Doppler systems have been developed especially in the pasttwenty years and are coming into operational use in somecountries. Their use is still limited because they require'coherent' transmitter - receivers and elaborate signal process-ing facilities which are all expensive.

9.3.2 Since a Doppler radar can detect only the radial componentof motion towards or away from the radar, ideally there should bethree such radars in a small area to get the three components ofmotion. It is possible to use only two Doppler radars and obtainthe horizontal wind by neglecting the vertical component of mo-tion. Such multiple Doppler systems however are not consideredsuitable for operational work. Hence techniques have beendeveloped to get these outputs from a single Doppler radar.

9.3.3 On a colour PPI display different velocity intervals ofthe precipitation particles can be displayed in different colours


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(instead of reflectivity values). The maximum velocity that canbe unambiguously displayed increases with the pulse repetitionfrequency (p.r.f). Any velocity beyond this maximum value will be'folded over' to coincide with a low velocity value. This isanalogous to the multiple-time-around echo mentioned in section3.7.4, where the maximum unambiguous range increases withdecreasing p.r.f. A compromise between the two conflictingrequirements can be made by choosing a p.r.f. suitable for thepurpose in view. Even if there is a foldover identification ofvelocity intervals can be made from continuity considerations.Such a colour display will indicate precipitation particle motionpattern in small scales directly. Alternatively what is known asa Velocity-Azimuth Display (VAD) can be used on which the maximumpositive and negative velocities will be displayed at theazimuths corresponding to the prevailing direction of particlemotion and zero velocities in the orthogonal directions. Hence itis possible to determine both the direction and speed of the mo-tion. It is possible to interpret these two types of displays todetermine wind variation with height, i.e. wind shear, the verti-cal motion and even the rainfall rate from the vertical motion.In the case of severe storm3 such as tornadoes a 'signature' con-sisting of opposite velocities on either side of the vortex canbe seen. This is a more positive identification than looking fora hook echo in the reflectivity display. 'Downbursts' can also beidentified by the divergence which can be detected.

9.3.4 The Use of Doppler radar is particularly considered usefulfor low level wind shear alerts at airports. Since the downburstor microburst starts as a downdraught within the lowest onekilometre from the ground and takes upto five minutes to spreadon the ground, it can be detected by a Doppler radar to give a warning at least one minute in advance which is the requirementspecified by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. A networkof 'Terminal Doppler Weather Radars' is being established in theUSA for this purpose. A sensitive Doppler radar can also detectthe clear air echo from thunderstorm gust fronts which also causelow level windshear.

9.3.5 The utility of Doppler radar in observation of roesoscale phenomena has been proved. In the case of tropical cyclones whichare larger in extent it is considered feasible to obtain the windfield directly from a suitably designed single land-based Dopplerradar upto a range of about 300 • km. Here again although onlyradial (with respect to the radar, not the cyclone) velocitiesare directly obtainable the total wind field can be computed fromvarious considerations. However land-based radar has not beenused in this fashion in the past. The new NEXRAD (WSR 88D) net-work being set up in the USA is expected to perform in this man-ner. Airborne Doppler radar however has been used vary success-fully in a number of hurricanes.

9.3.6 The Doppler facility can be combined with the various


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other techniques to be described in the subsequent sections,so that radars of great versatility are created. A high degree ofcomputerization and automation is involved. The software forvarious applications has however not yet been standardised and wemay expect this to happen in the next few years.

9.4 Dual wavelength radars :

The simultaneous use of radar at two wavelengths enables thereflectivities at the two wavelengthis to be compared. In the caseof hail of sizes 1 to 4 cm, the reflectivity factor at 10 cm ishigher than that at 3 cm (due to the departure from the Rayleighlaw at the latter wavelength). Hence determination of the ratioof the reflectivities should help detect hail and distinguish itfrom rain showers of high reflectivity. This technique has beensuccessfully applied in the USSR. Usually a single antenna withdual primary feeds for the two wavelengths, can be used for thepurpose.

In the USSR, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria hail suppression iscarried out by seeding rockets fired from ground, after identify-ing zones of hail or likely hail formation from radar.

Comparison of reflectivities at two wavelengths has researchuses such as determination of drop size distribution and thestudy of clear air echoes.

9.5 Millimetre wave radars :

Radars of frequencies higher than 10 GHz (wavelength shorterthan 3 em) are not used operationally because they are subject toheavy attenuation due to rain and therefore their range of opera-tion is severely limited. However because of the Rayleigh fourthpower law (see section 2.3), it is possible to get echo returneven from cloud droplets. Millimetre wave radars are thereforeideal for cloud physics studies. By using vertically pointingradars,. dropsize and vertical motion studies have been carriedout. They have also been tried as ceiloraeters but have not beenvery successful because the cloud boundaries as seen by radar donot coincide with the visual cloud base. Also it is difficult torelate the radar echo to the international cloud classificationsystem.

Millimetre radar being sensitive to light precipitation willprobably be used in automated weather systems to distinguish be-tween various present weather (ww) code figures such a3 drizzle(50 to 59), rain (21, 60 to 65) snow (22, 23, 70 to 75) and formsof transition.

9.6 Polarization Diversity Radars :

In conventional weather radar the radiation is linearly


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polarized (usually horizontally). If a circularly polarizedsignal is used, spherical raindrops will return a signal cir-cularly polarized in the opposite sense which the radar receiverwill not recognise. Hence echo from rain is suppressed in suchradars which are used for non-meteorological purposes where rainecho is unwanted clutter.

However in the case of a non-spherical precipitation par-ticle, if the incident radiation is polarized in one plane, a cross-polarized component is also scattered back. ' Solidprecipitation particles as well as large liquid drops are non-spherical and hence unsymmetric targets which can return echowith two polarizations. This property has been sought to be used'to distinguish between solid and liquid precipitation and alsoprovide direct measurement of drop sizes. A recently developedinstrument is the dual polarization radar in which the polariza-tion is changed in alternate pulses to horizontal and vertical.There are two channels in the receiver to receive the two com-ponents in the echo and derive their ratio which is called thedifferential reflectivity. It is claimed that from this the rainrate can also be derived more accurately than by the conventionalmethods. It is also claimed that conventional radars can bemodified to provide this facility at modest cost.

9.7 VHF and UNF radars for clear air observations :

In recent years powerful radars operating at much lowerfrequencies than conventional radars i. e. in the ultrahighfrequency and very high frequency ranges have been developed.They use a fixed array of antenna elements whose beam is verticalbut which can be electronically switched (without moving parts)to off-vertical directions. These also have a Doppler facilityand can observe wind, turbulence, atmospheric waves and stableatmospheric layers in the troposphere and stratosphere: via scat-tering from clear air irregularities in radio refractive; index.They can also be used for the mesosphere where an ionized mediumis available to give echoes. Hence these are often known as MST(Mesosphere Stratosphere Troposphere) radars. Their mala advan-tage is that they can operate in the optically clear atmosphere(no precipitation particles are needed to provide echoes). Lowerpower versions are commercially available for use in the tropo-sphere or in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. Near-continuous monitoring of upper winds is possible with theseradars which may perhaps one day replace the conventional bal-loonborne radiosonde.

An indigenously developed MST Radar has recently been in-stalled near Tirupathi in Andhra Pradesh for research purposes.

9.8 Satellite borne Radar :

Radar has been used on satellites primarily for non-


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meteorological purpoaos. But those have been used also for mapping ocean surface wind fields. There are many limitationssuch as large beamspread, sideiobes, difficulty in discriminationof targets from ground and sea clutter and noise problems Thesecan be overcome by using Large antennas and high power, it may boexpected that meteorological radars may be flown in satellitessoon for precipitation measurements also. These may have advan-tages over present methods of satellite rainfall estimation usingpassive radiometers in the visible/infrared and microwave bands.

9.9 Use of: Radar in conjunction with other observationalplatforms :

Use of modern radar in conjunction with various ether obser-vational systems e.g. lightning detection systems, microwaveradiometers and sodars may increase its capabilities in severestorm detection, icing detection, flash flood forecasting and thelike. The most important and successful joint use of observa-tional tools is the combination of radar and satellite imagery.

9. 10 To conclude we must emphasize that in the midst of rapiddevelopments in the versatility of radar and increase in automation, the importance of intelligent human interpretation of itsoutputs is increasing. The greatest contribution is thereforethat of the human meteorologist.

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Part 'A*_ (to be reported when centre of a cyclone can bedetermined).


YYGGg 4R L L L 1L L L L w a a a o o o o

EYE or SPIRAL 6CSDT Pd d f f S S S S

L L L : Latitude ) In tenths of a degree.a a a ) Tenths are obtained by

) dividing the number ofL L L L : Longitude ) minutes by six and dis-o o o o ) carding the remainder.

EYE or SPIRAL : Either the word 'EYE' or the word 'SPIRALwill be reported, but not both.

The word 'EYE' will be reported if a partial or complete eye is seen by the radar.

If a double walled eye is seen "DOUBLE EYE"will be reported instead of "EYE".


Explanatory Notes :

(CYRRP PPAA : Radar Roport giving centre of a cyclone.

STATION : Name of Station in plain language.

IIiii : Station Index Number.

YY : GMT date.

GGg : Time of observation in hrs and tens of minutes GMT.

4 : Indicator figure.

1 : Quadrant of globe '1'for our area a3 per WMO definition.

R : Wavelength of radarw 3 for 3 cm radar

0 for 10 cm radar

Page 50: INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT IV-23 WEATHER … Forecasting Manuals dealing with various aspects of Indian Weather,

If the storm centre is estimated using onlySpiral bands the word "SPIRAL willbe reported.

6 : Indicator figure to show that eye charactoristicsand/or confidence of fix follow.

C : Confidence of fix (Vide Table 1).

S : Shape of eye and length of arc of eyewall seen(Vide Table 2).

D : Diameter or length of major axis of the eye(Vide Table 3).

T : Tendency of the eye determined over the periodsince the last observation (Vide Table 4).

NOTE : S, i) and T will be reported as solidus (/) if thestorm centre is fixed from spiral bands only.

P : Period over which the movement of the storm centrehas been determined (Vide Table b).

d d : Direction in tens of degrees towards which the storms s centre is moving.

f f : Speed of movement of storm centre ins s kilometres per hour.

If movement over a period of 3 hours or more cannot be estimated,the group Pd d f f will be dropped.

s s s s

NOTE : The radar Meteorologist may at his discretion add anyother operationally useful information not covered above,in plain language at the end of Part A of the message.


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Table 1

Confidence of Fix (C)


Category Radar echo pattern Likelyaccuracyabout


1 Very poor Spiral bands, ill-definedor too few or too short.

100 km

2 Poor Centre estimated from well-defined spiral bands eyenot visible.

50 km

3 Fair Partial eye wall seen. 30 km

4 Good Closed or nearly closed eyewhose geometric centre canbe located with confidence.

10 km

NOTF : The accuracy and criteria as given above are only illus-trative and not definitive.

Table 2

$hanpe of Eye and length of arc of evewall seen (s)


Length ofarc



Less than 18 0°More than 180°Closed.

III-definedShape otherthan circularor olliptical


Less than 180°More than 180°Closed.



Less than 180°More than 180°Closed.



Page 52: INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT IV-23 WEATHER … Forecasting Manuals dealing with various aspects of Indian Weather,

Table 3

D - Diameter or length of major axis of the eye of the tropicalcyclone.

Code Figure Code Figure


Less than 10 km10 to 19 km20 to 29 km30 to 39 km40 to 49 km50 to 59 km

6 60 to 69 km7 70 to 79 km8 00 to 09 km9 90 km and greater/ Undetermined.

Table 4

T - Tendency of the eye, determined over the period since thelast observation.

Code Figure







Eye has first become visible since the last observation.No significant change in the characteristics or size ofthe eye.Eye has become smaller with no other significant changein characteristics.Eye has become larger with no other significant changein characteristics.Eye has become less distinct with no significant changein size.Eye has become less distinct and decreased in size.Eye has become less distinct and increased in size.Eye has become more distinct with no significant changein size.Eye has become more distinct and decreased in size.Eye has become more distinct and increased in size.Change in character and size of eye cannot be: determined.

Table 5

P - Period over which the movement of the storm centre has beendetermined.

Code Figure Period


During the preceding 3 hoursDuring the preceding 6 hoursDuring a period more than 6 hours


Page 53: INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT IV-23 WEATHER … Forecasting Manuals dealing with various aspects of Indian Weather,

Part B ( t o be r e p o r t e d whenever any r a d a r e c h o i s s o o n )


CHARACTER { b b b / r r r 1 1 1 1 1 1

b b b / r r r } INTENSITYn n n n n n

TENDENCY d d f f ALTD { bbb/H H /rrr }

[NOTE : In the case of cyclones, Part B will normally be reportedonly at synoptic hours. In the case of any break in observationsor s rapid development, additional Part B messages may be trans-mitted as necessary.

2. Part A messages are to be prepared and transmitted as closeto the observation time as possible. Part B can be transmittedseparately, after Part A has been sent. When Part A and Part B are transmitted together, the code groups RAREP, IIiii, YYGGgneed not be included in Part B. ]

Character :

EYE ; An echo identified definitely as the eyewall ofa tropical cyclone.

SPRL BND * A continuous or broken curved line of echoesrecognisable as a spiral band associated with a cyclonic system.

SQL LN : This pattern should normally have a length towidth ratio of about 10 to 1 and length about60 km or more.

BRKN LN : A broken line of echoes.

SLD ; An area fully covered with echoes.

BRKN : An area 4/8 to 7/8 covered with echoes.

SCT : An area 1/8 to 4/8 covered with echoes.

WDLY SCT : An area less than 1/8 covered with echoes.

ISLTD) : Isolated solid mass of echo.


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ECHO ALOFT : Echo seen only at elevations higher than halfthe beamwidth.

bbb : Azimuth in three digits (degrees) of points onthe periphery of an echo area.

rrr : Range (three digits) in units of kilometres.

NOTES : (1) The groups within the brackets { } may bo repeated asmany times as necessary.

(2) In the case of line echoes, in spiral band3 andeyewall, as many bbb/rrr points along the line asnecessary may be given to define the shape of theline. The points should preferably be given along theline in the anticlockwise direction.

(3) In the case of areas, as many bbb/rrr points asnecessary to define the shape may preferably begiven in the anticlockwise order starting from thenorthernmost point. The first point should berepeated as the last point to indicate that it isa closed area.

(4) In any one RAREP message, the character of echoeswill be reported in the order given in

the group description above.

(5) If any echo system with a distinct characteristic ispartly or wholly embedded in another, the two systemsshould be reported in separate groups. For example, a SPRL BND, or BRKN LN (which may be distinguished assuch by using the attenuator or isoecho system)embedded in a larger area of echoes will be reportedas SPRL BND or BRKN LN in addition to the areareported separately.

(6) The number of features or groups should be as few aspossible, and should be just sufficient to convey anoverall picture of the system.


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For radars having facility forquantitative measurement

For radars having facility forquantitative measurement

Code OtherApproximate radars

dBZ rainfall ratemm/hr.

WK 23 to 32 less than 4 QualitativelyMDT 33 to 42 4 to 15 determined asSTG 43 to 52 16 to 63 in draftVRY STG 53 or more G4 and above Weather Radar


NOTES. : (1) The intensity of the strongest echo in the groupis to be reported.

(2) The rainfall rates indicated are based on therelationship Z = 200 R1.6 and may be taken only asa rough guide.

(3) Intensity is to be reported only of echoes within200 km range.

Tendency :

[NOG : IncreasingDCG : DecreasingNO CHG : No change

In view of the difficulties in finding out the tendency ofechoes of large areal extent as in a depression or cyclone, ten-dency should be reported only in case of isolated cells or groupsof cells or a line mainly for aviation purposes. The radarmeteorologist will take into consideration the change in heightarea, length and intensity of echoes over a period of time injudging the tendency.

d d : Direction in tens of degrees towards which the echo•s s or group of echoes is moving.

f f : Speed in kilometres per hour of the echo or group ofs s echoes.

NOTE : (1) In case of a group of echoes or of a line, only theoverall movement of the group of echoes will bereported.


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(2) The movement will be observed over a period of, say30 to 60 minutes.

ALTD Indicator for echo height information.

H H '• Height of top of echo above moan sea level int t kilometres.

NOTE: (1) Reports of heights should be restricted to a maximumrange of 200 km from the station.

(2) In the case of echoes of large area, the height groupmay bo repeated as necessary for including a numberof prominent echoes.

The radar meteorologist will have discretion to report any otherspecial phenomena such as Bright Band and Anomalous Propagationin plain language at the end of the message.

From DDGM(WF) UOI No.w-72010/ dt. Pune-5; the April 1989.

"As per the decision taken in the ACR meeting, 1989 held atMadras RMR (Radius of maximum radar reflectivity) will bereported by adding the word "RMR" followed by the radius indigits in kms at the end of CYREP message".

The following limitations which were pointed out by theWorking Group on Reporting of Radius of Maximum Reflectivity aregiven below:

1. Radius of maximum reflectivity is only approximatelyequal to the radius of maximum winds and there could be a dif-ference of a few kilometres.

2. In view of various sources of error in the determinationof the radius of maximum reflectivity, it should be taken only asan approximate figure and not as an absolute value. These aspectsmay be kept in view by all forecasting offices.


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The following is a fairly representative but not exhaustivebibliography on radar meteorology and related topics dealt within the preceding sections which may be of interest to readersdesiring in-depth study of the subject. While general surveysfrom all over the world are included, individual papers fromIndia only are referred to.

Reference books and General Surveys :

Atlas D. 1964 "Advances in Radar Meteo-rology" Advances in Geo-physics, 10)., AcademicPress, pp 310-478.

2. Atlas D.(Ed.) 1990 "Radar in Meteorology"American MeteorologicalSociety, Boston USA.806 pp.

3. Battan L.J. 1973 "Radar Observation of theAtmosphere" Univ. ofChicago Press. 324 pp.

4. Bean B.R. and 1968 "Radio Meteorology"Dutton E.J. Dover Publications,

New York.

5. Browning K.A. 1982 "Nowcasting".Academic Press,256 pp.

6. Carbone R.(Ed.) 1981 "Recent Progress in RadarMeteorology", AtmosphericTechnology, 13. NationalCenter for AtmosphericResearch, Boulder,Colorado, USA.

7. Collier C.G. 1989 "Applications of WeatherRadar Systems", JohnWiley and Sons, 294 pp.

8. Collinge V.K. and 1987 "Weather Radar and FloodKirby C. Forecasting", John Wiley

and Sons, 296 pp.

9. Commission of t h e 1989 P r e p r i n t s : Seminar onEuropean Communities Weather Radar Networking,and World Meteoro lo- COST-73, B r u s s e l s ,g i c a l O r g a n i z a t i o n September 1989.

Page 58: INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT IV-23 WEATHER … Forecasting Manuals dealing with various aspects of Indian Weather,

10. Doviak H.J. and 1984 Dopplor Radar and WeatherZrnic D.S. Observations,

Academic Press, 458 pp.

11. European Cooperation 1981 "European Weather Radarin the Field of Project", Papers of theScientific and Workshop seminar 9 to 11Technical Research March 1981. 273 pp.

12. Houze R.A. Jr. 1982 "Organization and Struc-and Hobbs P. V. ture of Precipitating

Cloud Systems". Advancesin Geophysics, 24.Academic Press,pp.225-315.

13. India Meteorological 1976 Draft Weather RadarDepartment Manual in 2 volumes.

14. India Meteorological 1979 Cyclone Manual.Department

15. Indian Meteorological Vayu Mandal, 13. 1 and 2 Society Special issue on Local

severe storms.

16. Institution of 1979 IEEE Trans. Geosc.Electrical and Electronics. GE-17, 4,Electronics Special issue on Radio-Engineers (USA) Meteorology.

17. Kerr D.E. 1951 "Propagation of shortRadio waves". MIT Radia-tion Laboratory Series,Vol. 13, McGraw Hill,728 pp.

18. Kessler E. (Ed.) 1982 "Thunderstorms, A SocialScientific and Technolo-gical Documentary" (in 3 Volumes) U.S.Dept. ofCommerce, NOAA.

19. Kostarev V.V., 1971 "Radar Meteorology"Chernikov A.A. and Proceedings of the thirdShupyatskii A.B.(Ed.) All Onion Conference,

Moskva 1968, Translatedby Israel programme forScientific Translations,Jerusalem.


Page 59: INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT IV-23 WEATHER … Forecasting Manuals dealing with various aspects of Indian Weather,

20. Mahapatra P. R. and 1986 Proceedings of theBokhari S.A.(Ed.) Workshop on Multipara-

meter Dopier WeatherRadar for India,. Bangalore, 0-10 December1986.

21. Physical Society and 1946 "Meteorological FactorsRoyal Meteorological in RadiowaveSoeiety Propagation" .

Report of a conferenceheld on 8 April 1946 atThe Royal Institution,London.

22. World Meteorological 1966 "Use of ground-basedOrganization radar in meteorology"

Tech. Note No.78.WMO-No.193. TP.99.

23. World Meteorological 1970 "Use of Weather Radar forOrganization Aviation". Tech. Note

No. 110. WMO-No. 264.TP.148.

24. World Meteorological 1984 "Weather Radars forOrganization monitoring Tropical

Cyclones". Report No.TCP-17, WMO/TD No. 8.

25. World Meteorological 1985 Report No.TCP-19.Organization WMO/TD No.26.

Report of the seminar on the Application of Radardata to Tropical Cyclone:Forecasting. Bangkok,Nov-Dec. 1983.

26. World Meteorological 1908 Manual on Codes. Vol.1,Organization International Codes.

WMO No.306. l-A-61 to 65.

27. The preprints of the Conferences on Radar Meteorology of theAmerican Meteorological Society held once in about 18 months,also contain a number of important papers on RadarMeteorology.

28. Indian Journal of Meteorology and Geophysics, Vol.13 SpecialNo., March 1962, also contains a number of papers on radarmeteorology.


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1. Agarwal O. P. 1979 " Vertical echoes observationsby radar."Mauaam, 30. 1 . 65 68

2. Agarwal O.P. and 19G9 " Radar study of line typeKrishnaraurthy G. thunderstorm over Bombay

airport and surroundings"Ind. J. Met. Geophys. , 20. 1, 35-40.

3. Arunachalam G. and 1976 " Radar study of GopalpurMuralikrishan R. cyclone of 20 25th September

1972." Ind. J. Met. Hydrol.Geophys., 21. 3, 299-302.

4. Asthana II. J. 1980 "Radar observation of thunder-storms from a cyclonic distur-bance. " Mausam, 31. 4, 597-600.

5. Bhandari S.M. 1987 "Rainfall estimation usingRao B.M., Geostationary Satellite VHRRNarayanan M.S., images and validation withRaghavan S., simultaneous Radar rainfallMartin D.W. and measurements."Auvine B. Sc. Rep. ISRO-SAC-SR-27-87

ISRO Bangalore.

6. Bhattacharya P. and 1965 "Radar study of cyclonic stormDe A.C. of September 1962 in the Bay

of Bengal." Ind. J. Met.Geophys. . 16, 1. 81-84.

7. Bhattacharya P. and 1966 "Study of heights of radarDe A.C. Cloud tops in the Gangetic

valley of West Bengal. " Ind. J. Met. Geophys.,11, 4, 591-596.

8. Bhattacharya P. and 1976 "Cyclonic storm of 14-15De A.C. August 1974 in the Bay of

Bengal - A radar study."Ind. J. Met. Hydrol.Geophys., 21, 1. 9-14.


Page 61: INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT IV-23 WEATHER … Forecasting Manuals dealing with various aspects of Indian Weather,

9. B h a t t a c h a r y a P. , 1965 " L i n e t ypo angel ochoes Rakshit. D.K. and o b s e r v e d at, Dura Dura A i r p o r tDe A.C. C a l c u t t a . " Ind. J . Met.

G e o p h y s . . 16, 2 , 2 4 9 - 2 5 4 .

10. Bhattacharya P. K. 1981 "Study of the premonsoonand Barma C.M. squalls from 1975 to 1979

over Dura Dum with referenceto radar echoes."Mausam, 32. 1, 97-100.

11. Chatterjee R.N. and 1986 "A radar study on the fre-Prem Prakash quency of occurrence of

cumulonimbus clouds aroundDelhi."Mausara, 37, 2. 241-244.

12. Chatterjee B.N. and 1990 "Radar study of thunderstormsPrem Prakash around Delhi during monsoon

season."Mausam, 41. 2. 161-165.

13. Chowdhury A., 1972 "Climatology of radar echoesNair K.G.S. and around Nagpur during summerBanerjee A.K. monsoon. Ind. J. Met.

Geophys., 23.. 1, 71-74.

1.4. Chowdhury A. , 1973 "Climatology of radar echoesNair K.G.S. and around Nagpur during non-Banerjee A. K. monsoon seasons." Ind. J.

Met. Geophys., 2A. 2, 165-168.

15. Chowdhury A., 1976 "Radar study of squall linesNair K.G.S. and affecting Nagpur Airport."Banerjee A. K. Ind. J. Met. Hydrol.

Geophys., 21. 1. 43-48.

:.6. Chowdhury A. K. and 1970 "Radar study of premonsoonRakshit D.K. squall lines over Gangetic

West Bengal. " Ind. J. Met.Geophys., 21. 3, 459-462.

17 Das P.M. . 1957 "Movements of two Nor westersDe A.C. and of West Bengal - A radarGangopadhyaya M. study." Ind. J. Met.

Geophys. , 8, 4, 399-410.

18. Datar S.V. and 1964 "Angels near Bombay." Ind. J.Sikdar D.N. Met. Geophys.. Hi, 3. 459-466


Page 62: INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT IV-23 WEATHER … Forecasting Manuals dealing with various aspects of Indian Weather,

19. Datar S.V., 964 "Radar cloud observations atSikdar D.N. and Bombay during the monsoonRai Sircar N. C. season of 1960." Ind. J. Met.

Geophys. , 15, 3, 453-458.

20. De A.C. 1958 "A North Easterly squall atDum Dura Airport during thepremonsoon season of 1957 -A radar study." Ind. J. Met.Geophys. , 9, 4, 371-376.

21. De A.C. 1959 "An unusually high nor'westerradar cloud."Ind. J. Met. Geophys.,111. 3. 359-362.

22. De A.C. 1960 "Radar photograph of Baycoast.Ind. J. Met. Geophys. , U . 4, 417.

23. De A.C. 1963 "Movement of premonsoon squalllines over Gangetic WestBengal as observed by radar atDum Dum Airport. " Ind. J.Met. Geophys., 11, 1, 37-45.

24. De A.C. 1963 "Radar clouds above 10 km."Ind. J. Met. Geophys. , 11, 3, 327-330.

25. De A . C , 1977 "Study on t h e e s t i m a t e s ofB h a t t a c h a r y a P. and p r e c i p i t a t i o n w i t h the he lp ofGhosh S.K. S-Band r a d a r a t C a l c u t t a . "

Ind. J . Met. Hydrol . Geophys.28, 1, 97-102.

26. De A.C. and 1961 "Radar o b s e r v a t i o n s on t h eRaksh i t D.K. fo rmat ion of cumulus c louds

near C a l c u t t a d u r i n g monsoons e a s o n . " Ind. J .Met. Geophys . , 12 , 2 , 289-298.

27. De A.C. and 1959 "Cyclonic s to rm of 13-14Sen S.N. September 1950 in the Bay of

Bengal - A r a d a r s tudy . " Ind.J . Met. Geophys. , 10., 4 , 393-398.

Page 63: INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT IV-23 WEATHER … Forecasting Manuals dealing with various aspects of Indian Weather,

28. De A.C. and 1961 "A Radar s t u d y of premonsoonSen S.N. thunders to rms (nor wes te rs )

over Ganget ic West Bengal.Ind. J. Met.Geophys. , 12, 1, 51-60.

29. Ghosh B. P. 1967 "A Radar study onthunderstorms and convectiveclouds around New Delhi duringSW monsoon season. " Ind. J.Met. Geophys., 18, 3, 391-396.

30. Gupta B. K. , 1955 "Radar observations of rain atMani A. and Poona. " Ind. J. Met. Geophys. , Venkiteshwaran S. P. 6, 1, 31-40.

31. Gupta B. K. , 1961 "Some observations of meltingMani A. and band in radar precipitationVenkiteshwaran S.P. echoes at Poona." Ind. J. Met.

Geophys.. 1Z, 2, 317-322.

32. Gupta B. K. and 1958 "Radar observation of superVenkiteshwaran S.P. cooled water in thunderstorms

at Poona."Ind. J. Met. Geophys. , 9. 2, 167-170.

33. Gupta H. N. and 1960 "North Delhi tornado of 17Gho3h S.K. March 1978."

Mausam, 31, 1, 93-100.

34. Jain P.S. 1989 "Fractal dimensions of cloudsaround Madras. " Mausam,40, 3, 311-316.

35. Jayanthi N. , 1980 "A climatological study ofNarayana J.V. and the heights of radar cloudBalasubramanian J.V. tops." Mausam, 21, 4, 613-615.

36. Koteswaram P. and 1959 "Premonsoon thunderstorms overDe A.C. Gangetic West Bengal by

radar." Ind. J. Met.•Geophys. . 10. 3. 275-202.


Page 64: INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT IV-23 WEATHER … Forecasting Manuals dealing with various aspects of Indian Weather,

37. Krishna K. , 1976 "An exploratory study byChatterjee U.N. , radar of the effect, ofRajamani S., seeding two maritime cumulusKanuga K. K. , clouds." Ind. J. Met. Hydrol.Khemani L.T., Geophys., 22. 1. 78-81.Mukherjee B. K. , Paul S.K. , Vijayakumar R.,Sharma S. K. , Brij Mohan andRamanamurty Bh. V.

38. Kulshrestha S.M. 1962 "Heights of Cumulonimbus cloudtops over North India — A radar study." Ind. J.Met. Geophys., 13., 2, 167-172.

39. Kulshrestha S.M. 1962 "Hot weather Angels associatedwith High Level Temperatureinversion. "Ind. J. Met.Geophys, 13_, 2, 218-226.

40. Kulshrestha S.M. 1900 "Normalized equivalent radarreflectivity factors for waterand ice and their dependenceon radar wavelength." Mausam,31. 3, 369-372.

41. Kulshrestha S.M. 1983 "Radar studies of local severestorms." Vayu Mandal, 13.,1 & 2, 22-28.

42. Kulshrestha S.M. 1983 "Application of ground basedradar technique for study ofturbulence in the atmosphere. " Vayu Mandal. 13. 3 & 4 , 1-3.

43. Kulshrestha S.M. 1983 "CAT and HICAT."Vayu Mandal, 13, 3 & 4, 4-8.

44. Kulshrestha S.M. 1988 "Radar and satellite Signature tures of monsoon depressions Mausam, 39, 2, 229-230

45. Kulshrestha S.M. 1964 "Satellite study of an inlandand Gupta M.G. Monsoon Depression Ind Journal.

Met. Geophys. , 15, 2, 175-182.

5 9

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46. Kulshrestha S. M. and 1964 "Radar climatology of DelhiJain P.S. and neighbourhood spatial

and diurnal variations ofprecipitation echodistribution." Ind. J. Met.Geophys. . 15, 3, 403-416.

47. Kulshrestha S.M. and 1965 "Radar climatology of DelhiJain P.S. and neighbourhood: convective

cells of the hot weatherseason. " Ind. J. Met.Geophys. , 16, 1, 85-90.

48. Kulshrestha S.M. and 1967 "Radar climatology of DelhiJain P.S. and neighbourhood: occurrence

of severe weather." Ind. J.Met. Geophys. , 18, 1, 105-110.

49. Kumar S. , 1976 "Super-refraction over westDayakishan and coast off Bombay. " Ind. J.Krishnamurthy G. Met. Hydrol. Geophys. ,

27, 1. 49-54.

50. Kundu M. M. 1970 "A study of isolated radarechoes of rain clouds aroundAgartala Airport and itsneighbourhood." Ind. J. Met.Geophys., 2JL, 3, 463-468.

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Fig. no. Referred to Legendin sections

1 1.3 Network of Weather Radars of IMDother than Cyclone Detection Radars

2 1.3 Network of Cyclone Detection Radars

3 2.1 Principle of Radar

4 2.1 Radar Displays2.2

5 2.4 Sampling Volume and Averaging2.10.36.5

6 2.6 Range-Height Diagram

7 2.7 Interception of Radar Beam by2.9.1 Precipitating Clouds at Various


8 2.8 Echoes from Ships and their3.7.2 reflection from a building3.7.6

9 2.8 RBI echo of a Hill

10 3.2 oohoes from conveetive cells 4.2

11 2.10.3 KMJ of conveetive cell 3.2 (Grey shades correspond to 53, 434.2 and 23 dBZ)5.3

12 3.3 PPI - Echoes from stratiformPrecipitation

13 3.3 RHI - Echoes from stratiform3.4 Precipitation

14 3.4 As in Pig.13 but with attenuationof 15 dB. Exhibiting Bright Band

15 2.10.3 Reflectivity Contours on PPI3.5 of cluster of echoes with4.4 convective and stratiform parts


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16 3.4 RHI of a s t r a t i f o r m echo of Fig. 15 , showing bright band

2.10.3 RHI Grey scale range normalised3.2 picture showing horizontally3.5 oriented reflectivity contours5.3 in stratiform precipitation and

vertically oriented reflectivitycontours in convective precipitation

18 3.6.1 Offcentred PPI picture showing3.7.4 Anomalous Propagation. Andhra Pradesh

and Orissa coasts and second timearound echo of Burma coast canbe seen

19 3.6.2 Seabreeze front seen as a thin lineecho parallel to the coast

20 3.6.3 Sea clutter southeast of the radar\ (Surface winds were southeasterly)

21 3.7.1 Ground clutter. The echoes to thenorthwest are hills

22 4.4 Squall line about 400 km long7.2

23 4.4 Line of convective cells

24 4.4 As in Fig.23 but at isoecho level 1

(threshold about 28 dBZ)

25 4.4 As in Fig.23 but half an hour later

26 4.4 As in Fig.24 but half an hour later

27 4.5 Hook echo from a hailstorm southwestof Delhi

28 4.8 echo from a Duslstorm

29 4.8 RHI corresponding to Fig.28

30 2.10.3 Digital Video Display during a 6.7 cyclone. (The radar site is at the

centre. Each square is 10 km x 10km.8 shades of grey correspond torainfall rates from 2 to over

-1128 mm. hr


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31 6.7 Digital Print out of rainfall rates-corresponding to Fig.30. The numbers(2 to 8) in each square (10km × 10km) represent rainfall rates of 1, 2, 4,

18, 16, 32. 64 . The blanksquares on the southern eyewall

-1depict rainfall over 128

-1Dots represent 0 to 1 mm.hrBlank squares at centre containground clutter and rainfall is notcomputed. Listing below map showscumulative rainfall in mm. overselected squares.

32 7.1 Radar echoes from a tropical cyclone(Thin is a composite of severalcyclones)

33 7.4 Estimation of Cyclone Centre bySpiral Overlay - Example

34 7.4 Spiral bands in a developing cyclonebefore eye formation

35 7.5 Cyclone over land showing eye7.9 (15 August 1974 Calcutta Radar)

36 7.5 Cyclone 11 November 1977 showingeyewall as an extension of a spiral rainband

37 7.5 Cyclone of Fig.36 about 6 hours . later showing small eye distinctfrom the spiral bands

38 7.5 Cyclone 18 November 1977 exhibiting

double walled eye

39 7.5 Cyclone 13 November 1984

40 2.10.3 Same cyclone as Fig.397.4 Iso echo picture threshold level7.5 42 dBZ

41 2 . 1 0 . 3 Same as F ig .40 bu t t h r e s h o l d l e v e l7.4 37 dBZ7 .5

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42 ?.. 10.3 same as Fig. 40 but. threshold levelY.4 32 dBZ. (The symmetrical took of7.5 the* eyewall in Fig.39 is misleading).

43 7.5 Cyclone 10 May 1979. Eyewall seenas a comma more than 400 km away

44 7.5 Cyclone 8 May 1990 showing double7.10 walled eye

45 7.5 RHI of eyewall corresponding toFig.44 showing double wall

46 7.5 Model of surface structure ofcyclone of November 1984

47 7.7 Extrapolation of radar-determinedtrack 1-2 November 1987

48 7.7 Extrapolation of radar-determinedtrack 17-19 November 1977

49 7.7 Extrapolation of radar-determinedt r a c k 11-12 November 1977

50 7.10 INSAT-1B v i s i b l e imagery 06 UTC i 8 May 1990 showing eye of cyc lone(Compare wi th F ig .44 )

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F I G . 7 .3D

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Fig. 8.

Fig. 9 .

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Fig. 10.

Fig. 11.

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Fig. 12.

Fig. 13.

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Fig. 14.

F ig . 16.

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Fig. 17.

Fig. 18.

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Fig. 19.

Fig. 20.

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Fig. 21.

Fig. 22.

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Fig. 23.

Fig. 24

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Fig. 25.

Fig. 26.

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Fig. 27.

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Fig. 28.

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Fig. 29

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Fig. 3 0 .

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Fig. 3 4 .

Fig. 35.

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Fig. 36.

Fig. 37.

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Fig. 38.

Fig. 39 .

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Fig . 4 0 .

Fig. 41.

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Fig. 4 2 .

Fig. 43 .

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Fig. 44 .

F ig . 4 5 .

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Fig. 46


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FIG. 47.

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FIG. 48.


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FIG. 4 9 .


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Fig. 50.