inconsistent stars.pdf

However, the inconsistency of this energy can cause instability. When found in the destiny palace, this star indicates someone who learns quickly and is a great negotiator. In the relationship palace, it can represent instability in a marriage. T'ai Yin, the moon, represents the mother, the wife, and the earth, as well as "feminine" traits: imagination, psychic skills, sensitivity, and intuition. It imparts spiritual gifts and a strong sense of the sacred. It also represents the soft nest of comfort and abundance. If the moon falls in your destiny palace, it bestows psychic and extrasensory abilities. Reproduction, tranquility, and hidden wealth are also gifts of the moon. It reveals a strong connection with women and accumulates wealth quietly and discreetly. Tian Tong is the relaxed lover of life. It represents emotions, enjoyment, entertainment, and sensitivity. This star is gentle, fun-loving, and concerned with humanitarian pursuits. It is contented by nature, retiring, and happy to let others shine. It is a gracious energy that leans toward spiritual subjects. This star reveals a person who will spend much time in idealistic contemplation and daydreaming. It is a leisurely, joyous, and peaceful star; those with it in their destiny palace are frequently polite, humble, and at ease. They see no point in antagonizing others unnecessarily. If Tian Tong is found in the career palace, any pursuit that involves enjoyment, recreation, leisure, or entertainment is highly favored. This star of contentment also brings a love of luxury and the good things in life. It can indicate where you will have an easy time of things and where you might be a little lazy. It also indicates what aspect of life you will tend to over-romanticize. Tian Liang represents protection, longevity, lateness, solitude, aging, and litigation. This beautiful energy also symbolizes the elderly, medication, insurance, accounting, numbers. It also has the practical connotation of housing and the environment. This is a lucky star that upholds principles and embraces orderliness. Its presence in the destiny palace ensures that major disasters and setbacks are averted, or at least diminished. Tian Liang represents passage through challenging times before reaping the harvest. Found in the destiny palace, it reveals an individual who has the ability to turn bad things into good, misfortune into good fortune. It is often found in the destiny palace of religious leaders. Those with Tian Liang in their destiny palace help others enthusiastically, in the way an older sibling takes care of the younger ones. This star is the astral signature of a priest, judge, or high-ranking official. Problem-solving and longevity are the key words with this star. The Four Lucky Royal J ewels Zuo Fu brings yang Earth assistance and enhances wealth and prominence. It stands for honor, kindness, and acceptance. It is a helper in whatever life palace it is found. It always strives for the best, motivating the individual to reach for the stars. Ever the optimist, this star can see its way safely through any crisis. It possesses great karmic wealth and brings relief and protection from the difficult stars or the obstruction catalyst. You Bi brings glowing, yin Water energy, which symbolizes a constant flow of assistance, particularly in matters of the heart. It is most fortunate to find it in your relationship palace. It supplies honor, kindness, and assistance in whatever life palace it is found in.

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Post on 26-Oct-2015




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However, the inconsistency of this energy can cause instability. When found in the destiny palace,

this star indicates someone who learns quickly and is a great negotiator. In the relationship palace, it can represent instability in a marriage.

T'ai Yin, the moon, represents the mother, the wife, and the earth, as well as "feminine" traits:

imagination, psychic skills, sensitivity, and intuition. It imparts spiritual gifts and a strong sense of

the sacred. It also represents the soft nest of comfort and abundance. If the moon falls in your destiny

palace, it bestows psychic and extrasensory abilities. Reproduction, tranquility, and hidden wealth

are also gifts of the moon. It reveals a strong connection with women and accumulates wealth quietly and discreetly.

Tian Tong is the relaxed lover of life. It represents emotions, enjoyment, entertainment, and

sensitivity. This star is gentle, fun-loving, and concerned with humanitarian pursuits. It is contented

by nature, retiring, and happy to let others shine. It is a gracious energy that leans toward spiritual

subjects. This star reveals a person who will spend much time in idealistic contemplation and

daydreaming. It is a leisurely, joyous, and peaceful star; those with it in their destiny palace are

frequently polite, humble, and at ease. They see no point in antagonizing others unnecessarily. If

Tian Tong is found in the career palace, any pursuit that involves enjoyment, recreation, leisure, or

entertainment is highly favored. This star of contentment also brings a love of luxury and the good

things in life. It can indicate where you will have an easy time of things and where you might be a

little lazy. It also indicates what aspect of life you will tend to over-romanticize.

Tian Liang represents protection, longevity, lateness, solitude, aging, and litigation. This beautiful

energy also symbolizes the elderly, medication, insurance, accounting, numbers. It also has the

practical connotation of housing and the environment. This is a lucky star that upholds principles and

embraces orderliness. Its presence in the destiny palace ensures that major disasters and setbacks are

averted, or at least diminished. Tian Liang represents passage through challenging times before

reaping the harvest. Found in the destiny palace, it reveals an individual who has the ability to turn

bad things into good, misfortune into good fortune. It is often found in the destiny palace of religious

leaders. Those with Tian Liang in their destiny palace help others enthusiastically, in the way an

older sibling takes care of the younger ones. This star is the astral signature of a priest, judge, or high-ranking official. Problem-solving and longevity are the key words with this star.

The Four Lucky Royal J ewels

Zuo Fu brings yang Earth assistance and enhances wealth and prominence. It stands for honor,

kindness, and acceptance. It is a helper in whatever life palace it is found. It always strives for the

best, motivating the individual to reach for the stars. Ever the optimist, this star can see its way safely

through any crisis. It possesses great karmic wealth and brings relief and protection from the difficult stars or the obstruction catalyst.

You Bi brings glowing, yin Water energy, which symbolizes a constant flow of assistance,

particularly in matters of the heart. It is most fortunate to find it in your relationship palace. It supplies honor, kindness, and assistance in whatever life palace it is found in.

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Tian Kui brings yang Fire energy and assistance from benefactors, elders, mentors, superiors, and

generally supportive people. It makes recognition possible. The entire life is enhanced by this star. If

you find it in your chart, expect the appearance of helpful individuals. Where Tian Kui shines, luck

seeks you out in the form of a timely helping hand. You may not be able to recognize these helpful people in the moment, but you will definitely recognize this star's influence in retrospect.

Tian Yue brings yin Fire energy and opportunities stemming from rules, regulations, policies, and

authorities. It brings favorable contacts with the opposite sex and helpful people who guide, protect,

and points you in the right direction. The life palace where it is placed, suggests from where this assistance will come.

The Major Indicators of Intelligence and Talent

Wen Qu brings yin Water energy, natural talent, and intelligence. It indicates a more informal or

nontraditional education, especially in metaphysics or spiritual subjects. Verbal skills are indicated,

as well as fame from utilizing this gift. Wen Qu often appears in the destiny palace of those with

artistic abilities and highly developed senses. This artistic star also applies to self-expression, music, and the performing arts.

Wen Chang brings yang Metal energy, sophisticated social graces, the gift of persuasion, and a more

formal or traditional education in time-honored subjects. Exceptional talent in writing is indicated, as

well as the potential to become famous by using this talent. This profound teaching and speaking

energy brings lively, intelligent, lucid, and clear discourse. This star also concerns literary matters, public education, and the arts.

The Signposts: The Four Life Milestones

Hong Luan indicates marriage, romantic associations, love, and possible pregnancy. It is a milestone

energy of love and romance. When this star aligns every 12 years with the original birth position,

romantic turning points (betrothal, engagement, or beginning of new relationship) occur. This enchanted star forms an auspicious pair with the happiness/joy (birth) star.

Tian Yao indicates enjoyment of the arts and a knack for entertaining, networking, and merriment. It

is also an energy of romance-clandestine affairs, chance encounters, and frivolous romantic pursuits

are found along its path. With Tian Yao, an accidental encounter with a stranger can send the heart

aflutter and become the turning point in a once ordinary existence. The life palace this romantic

energy is placed in will indicate the decade when this encounter will occur, and will delineate the

specifics surrounding that encounter.

Tien Xi indicates celebrations, great happiness, and favorable activities. Like Hong Luan, it can presage major events such as marriage, the birth of children, or an important karmic relationship.

Tian Xing brings difficult situations and "heavenly punishment." Found in the destiny palace, it reveals an influential, fair-minded person with good leadership skills who can also feel alone and

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isolated at times. This milestone star can indicate a great loss, a death, or catalytic event that brings with it a new perspective on life. It reveals new horizons that open from adversity.

The Main Energy of Travel, Change, and Movement

Tian Ma brings pure yang Fire, mobility, activity, and action wherever it is found. This "steed" is a

powerful stallion that flies across the sky with both grace and fortitude. In the destiny palace, it

reveals an extremely busy individual-the busier, the better, in fact. Wherever it is found in the birth

chart will divulge where change, travel, working abroad, or definite forward movement will occur. Tian Ma shines on high achievers.

The Main Energy of Money

Lu Cun (literally, "keeping wealth") generates wealth in the life palace in which it is found. This star

contributes cautious and conservative yin Earth energy that brings financial and spiritual wealth and

the ability to avert danger. A definite enhancer to any life palace, this star brings the good to new

heights and thwarts the detrimental powers of dark stars. It is an indication of added protection and

prosperity. This is also a healing star-the decade in which it is active will see a new beginning in which past hurts or losses are finally put to rest.

The Six Sha )'ao: The Dark Stars

These stars hamper the major stars and negate the positive effects of assisting energies. In certain

situations, they can help mitigate the negative impact of some of the more difficult stars (such as Sha

Qi) in a life palace. The palace or palaces in which these stars are located will indicate when you will

be prone to misfortune or untimely death caused by accidents or unexpected tragedies. From a more positive perspective, they exist as a balancing factor and as a reminder of possible misfortune.

Huo Xing generates unfavorable events that tend to happen quickly. Its presence casts a dark cloud

over the palace in which it is placed. When found in the destiny palace, it reveals an intense,

controlling, and abrasive personality, especially when it is accompanied by other negative stars. In

the destiny palace, it can indicate a difficult childhood, an early departure from the parents, or other

events that occur suddenly. More positively, the yang Fire energy of this star brings troubles into the open.

Ling Xing also brings troubles and unfavorable events that occur quickly; however, these troubles

tend to be hidden. Sneaky and underhanded efforts may accompany this nasty little star. Found in the

destiny palace, it reveals a chaotic childhood and many challenges throughout life. Like Huo Xing, it also indicates an intense, abrasive, and controlling personality.

Qing Yang brings yang Metal energy in the form of problems that arise suddenly, sabotage, and

failure. These issues are in the open and can be predicted, but not avoided. This star indica