inca thakhi john 15 13


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lessons from God to us


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JOHN 15:13

“I Just did it “ , with wet pants and the body discovered Jean Pierre answered when I asked “ why did you

jumped fully clothed to surrounding neighborhood ditch? “ while my complicated mind expected a more com-

plex type of answer .

It was 2:45 pm on a Tuesday l ike any other. I left my house with backpack on my shoulders to get the

children’s ministry. I took the bus to the neighborhood after 20 minutes of sitting as usual reading the item

prepared for children. While walking I noticed that the trail was wet , which usually happens when the canal

is completely fi l led neighborhood bringing water that farmers often use for their land. As I took the path that

led me to the albergue, watermarks on earth became more visible and I suspected something happened.

Once at the Albergue I saw a small lump of shadows stirred to the tree next to the entrance. children were

waiting to start the program ministry, but their faces showed some impatience something that is not common

in them. As I approached a few steps I noticed a small f igure , so small that looked from head to toe l ike a

small pet the kids usually bring neighborhood. Noticing that he was wearing a shirt that covered his body,

I realized that it was a boy , so small that I had not seen before and had muddy shoes , wet hair and hiding

behind the tree the sound of his cough revealed his presence .

The rest of the tribe then approached ( as we usually call the group of children ‘s ministry ) and between

words, shouts and sounds each tried to explain at the same time what had happened. Trying to calm them

it was Jean Pierre who spoke and realizing how wet he was I deduced he was also involved. “ Dany almost

drowned in the ditch ,” were the words that confused me. First, Dany? Who is Dany? and Drowning? , Trying

to understand again , I realized that Dany was the scared litt le boy who was sti l l coughing trying to spit out

the water he had drink and trying to catch his breathing . After reviewing the small kid I sti l l trying to analyze

the scene was watching a 9 year old boy jumping into a river to save a 4-year regardless of the risk it meant

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to. A scene like this is the least that one expects in a community plagued by violence, where from the age of 10

criminal gangs are trained to steal , extort and in many cases kil l for money ; where violence is not only on the

streets also in their homes with abuse and poverty that lurks constantly . “ Why did you jump Jean Pierre ,” I as-

ked again while the child was smiling and shivering from the cold, “ Because I needed.” During the following weeks

visiting these 3 words my thoughts daily. “He needed me .”

“ No one has greater love than this, that he lay down his l ife for his friends . “ ( John 15:13 ) I try to deepen the

intense love that our Lord had to tell us these words , and yet in all my life have not been able to have enough

awareness to realize what was involved , but as young children and had shown me some of it in a noble gesture

of risk to save another . Now Dany is part of our ministry , although the group with less than 5 years ( already one

year old with us) , is protected from everyone, because every time we do an activity everyone is watching him;

even their parents would need the help of the guys from the ministry to take care when busy . What makes children

9 years old interested in the l ives of others ? What makes them be interested to the extent of putting their l ives

at risk? I try to think over and answer but all are outlined in love, and maybe they have understood perfectly bet-

ter than me , as so natural and simple way without putting any barrier , so is the heart of a child . Now that we’ve

learned a l itt le more value to interest us in the l ives of others , and in the spiritual l ives , recently started making

our missionaries and ministry projects . Any children doing mission projects ? , As sure as Christ called us to be

fishers of men. Children ‘s ministry and myself have made a commitment to help others hear the good news of

Christ through what we do. We’ve had the privilege of donating a skimboards (made by the children themselves )

to a community in the jungles of Peru , and maintain a program for them , so they can also have tools to share our

faith as we do . Now we continue to pray that God will continue to guide us and teach each of us to keep our eyes

on Him.

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Despite the violence we live in the community, as a ministry, we show Christ where they are growing : to shake

hands instead of a bullet, give what l itt le we have instead of snatch ensure others instead of being selfish and abo-

ve all, love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves . If a 9 year old boy are aware of the need for Christ

to his l ife and that of others , glory to God for where he has placed us to be l ight, because neither the violence, or

fear , or abuse has made wane.

“ Give Life “ to the example of Christ who is our measure everything we do has become our desire , so I ask your

prayers for the l ife of each one of the kids, because they are not oblivious to the problems that are going against

the world at home, at school or in the community where the fear that one day someone knocks their doors asking

for money for their l ives is our challenge to be l ight and salt that means even give our l ives , t ime and resources for
