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Pinja Kalliosaari Inbound marketing for a small B2B company Case: Eevia Health Oy Thesis Spring 2018 Business and Culture International Business

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Pinja Kalliosaari

Inbound marketing for a small B2B company

Case: Eevia Health Oy


Spring 2018

Business and Culture

International Business

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Thesis abstract

Faculty: Business and culture

Degree Programme: Bachelor of Business Administration

Specialisation: International business

Author(s): Pinja Kalliosaari

Title of thesis: Inbound marketing for a small B2B company, Case: Eevia Health Oy

Supervisor(s): Cory Isaacs

Year: 2018 Number of pages: 54 Number of appendices: 1

The aim of this thesis is to research how a small B2B company can implement in-bound marketing. Additionally, the aim is to create recommendations for the com-missioner based on the results of the study. The commissioner of the thesis is Eevia Health Oy. This thesis deals with the process of inbound marketing and other things associated with it, such as social media, search engine optimization, and measuring the results.

Two interviews were conducted to support the theoretical part. The first interview was executed on 28 February 2018, and the second one on 26 March 2018. Both interviews were conducted as semi-structured interviews, and they were also used to prepare the recommendations for the commissioner. The aim of the interviews was to bring a new perspective to the topic and to provide practical advice for im-plementing inbound marketing.

It can be seen from the final results of the thesis that inbound marketing requires a lot of work and resources. Inbound marketing seems to be a good marketing strat-egy option for the commissioner, if they are ready to commit to it. The recommen-dations included in the thesis provide a solid base for implementing inbound mar-keting.

Keywords: inbound marketing, social media, search engine optimization, blog

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Opinnäytetyön tiivistelmä

Koulutusyksikkö: Liiketalous ja kulttuuri

Tutkinto-ohjelma: Bachelor of Business Administration

Suuntautumisvaihtoehto: Kansainvälinen liiketalous

Tekijä: Pinja Kalliosaari

Työn nimi: Pienen B2B-yrityksen inbound-markkinointi, Case: Eevia Health Oy

Ohjaaja: Cory Isaacs

Vuosi: 2018 Sivumäärä: 54 Liitteiden lukumäärä: 1

Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittää, kuinka pieni B2B-yritys voi harjoit-taa inbound-markkinointia. Lisäksi tavoitteena on luoda toimeksiantajalle toiminta-ehdotukset selvityksen tulosten perusteella. Toimeksiantajana opinnäytetyölle toimii Eevia Health Oy. Opinnäytetyö käsittelee inbound-markkinoinnin prosessia sekä muita siihen liittyviä osa-alueita, kuten sosiaalista mediaa, hakukoneoptimointia ja tulosten mittaamista.

Teoriaosan tueksi on toteutettu kaksi haastattelua. Ensimmäinen haastattelu on pi-detty 28.2.2018 ja toinen 26.3.2018. Molemmat haastattelut on toteutettu teema-haastatteluina, ja niitä on käytetty avuksi myös toimeksiantajan toimintaehdotusten luomisessa. Haastattelujen tarkoituksena oli saada aiheeseen uusia näkökulmia sekä käytännön vinkkejä inbound-markkinoinnin toteuttamiseen.

Opinnäytetyön lopputulosten perusteella käy ilmi, että inbound-markkinointi vaatii paljon työtä ja resursseja. Inbound-markkinointi vaikuttaisi olevan toimeksiantajalle tutkimuksen perusteella hyvä vaihtoehto markkinointistrategiaksi, mikäli toimeksian-taja on valmis sitoutumaan siihen. Opinnäytetyöhön kuuluvat toimintaehdotukset antavat toimeksiantajalle hyvän pohjan inbound-markkinoinnin toteuttamiseen.

Asiasanat: Inbound-markkinointi, sosiaalinen media, hakukoneoptimointi, blogi

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Thesis abstract .................................................................................... 2

Opinnäytetyön tiivistelmä ..................................................................... 3

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................... 4

Terms and Abbreviations ..................................................................... 6

Tables, Figures and Pictures ............................................................... 7

1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 8

1.1 Inbound marketing for a small B2B company .............................................. 8

1.2 The research questions ............................................................................... 9

1.3 The qualitative research method ................................................................. 9

1.4 The commissioner: Eevia Health Oy ......................................................... 10

2 INBOUND MARKETING IN B2B SURROUNDINGS ..................... 11

2.1 Inbound marketing .................................................................................... 12

2.2 The basic process of inbound marketing ................................................... 13

2.3 The differences between inbound- and outbound marketing .................... 14

2.4 Advantages and disadvantages of inbound marketing in B2B .................. 16

3 COMPANY WEBSITE AND SEARCH ENGINES .......................... 18

3.1 The company website in inbound marketing ............................................. 18

3.2 Internet search engines ............................................................................. 19

3.3 Internet search engine optimization and keywords ................................... 20

4 SOCIAL MEDIA ............................................................................ 22

4.1 The benefits and challenges of social media in B2B ................................. 22

4.2 Types of social media channels ................................................................ 23

4.3 Selecting the right social media channels ................................................. 24

5 KEEPING AN ORGANIZATION BLOG ......................................... 26

5.1 Benefits of blogging ................................................................................... 26

5.2 Generating leads with a company blog ..................................................... 27

5.3 Creating content in inbound marketing ...................................................... 28

5.4 E-mail marketing and newsletters ............................................................. 29

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6 MEASURING INBOUND MARKETING ......................................... 31

6.1 Setting goals for inbound marketing .......................................................... 31

6.2 Measuring inbound marketing data ........................................................... 32

7 EMPIRICAL................................................................................... 34

7.1 Interview background ................................................................................ 34

7.2 Results of the interviews ........................................................................... 34

7.3 Recommendations for Eevia Health Oy .................................................... 44

CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................ 48

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................ 49

APPENDICES ..................................................................................... 1

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Terms and Abbreviations

B2B Business-to-business

SEO Search engine optimization

B2C Business-to-consumer

CTA Call-to-action

CPL Cost-per-lead

DMU Decision making unit

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Tables, Figures and Pictures

Figure 1 Inbound marketing process (HubSpot 2018) .......................................... 13

Figure 2 The differences between inbound and outbound marketing ................... 15

Figure 3 The advantages and disadvantages of inbound marketing ..................... 16

Figure 4 The utilization of search engines ............................................................ 20

Figure 5 The buyer phases for lead generation .................................................... 27

Figure 6 SMART goals .......................................................................................... 31

Figure 7 Recommendations for the commissioner ................................................ 44

Table 1 The current state and recommendations according to theory .................. 47

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1.1 Inbound marketing for a small B2B company

The digitalizing world of the 21st century creates new challenges for the sales and

marketing of enterprises. Because of the fast-growing use of the Internet, it becomes

easier for people to access more options and possibly become a client of a compet-

itor. Companies need new ways to make sure they can stand out from all the avail-

able options. In business-to-business (B2B) environment it is even more important

due to the longer decision times where more options are taken to consideration. To

stay with the development of the industry, companies need to also develop their

marketing. Instead of pushing the company to people, the marketers should think

how they could pull the people towards them.

The goal of the thesis is to conduct research on how to utilize inbound marketing in

a small B2B company. Inbound marketing can be implemented inexpensively, which

is why it can be an ideal approach for a small business. The second goal of the

thesis is to create recommendations for the commissioner of the thesis. The recom-

mendations are constructed based on what is learnt during the research. The thesis

consists of two parts. The theoretical part deals with different frameworks of inbound

marketing, such as implementing social media and which metrics should be meas-

ured. The empirical part of the thesis includes two in-depth interviews of marketing

and sales professionals, Ville Orrenmaa and Virpi Varjonen. The thesis is commis-

sioned by a Finnish-Norwegian manufacturer and seller of arctic bioactive ingredi-

ents, Eevia Health Oy.

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1.2 The research questions

This thesis aims to answer the following questions:

1. How does inbound marketing work?

2. How can the commissioner implement inbound marketing?

1.3 The qualitative research method

The chosen method for data collection of the thesis is a qualitative research. Quali-

tative research aims to study the topic in as all-encompassing manner as possible

(Mason 2002, 3; Hirsjärvi, Remes & Sajavaara 2009, 164). According to Hirsjärvi et

al. (2009, 164), qualitative research prefers people as a tool for gathering data, be-

cause they can adapt sufficiently to the varying situations. They emphasize that the

starting point for a qualitative research is not testing hypothesis and theory. Instead

it is important to examine the gathered data in a multilateral and detailed way. Qual-

itative research encourages methods that let the studied people to have their own

point of view. Even though the interview is about gathering data about the subject,

there should be room for discussion. To gain the desired results, it is important that

the interviewee knows about the context (Mason 2002, 64). The target group for

data gathering is selected purposefully instead of randomization (Hirsjärvi et al.

2009, 164).

The goal of the thesis is to research inbound marketing and its use in B2B surround-

ings. To accomplish the goal, one-on-one interviews with experts of the subject is

used for collecting the data. Because there are numerous ways to implement in-

bound marketing, two in-depth interviews give more value to the topic than multiple

short ones would. The interviews are conducted as semi-structured interviews. The

use of semi-structured interviews gives the interviewer an opportunity to ask addi-

tional questions based on the given answers (Doyle 2017). Also, in a semi-struc-

tured interview the interviewer can ask the questions when they come up in the

conversation naturally, instead of following a strict order of the questionnaire. Addi-

tionally, semi-structured interview allows the interviewer and the interviewee to have

a more fluent conversation, which can help the gathering of data.

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To prepare for the interviews, an interview guideline is created for this thesis. It can

be seen from Appendix 1. The interview guideline includes questions that the inter-

viewer has prepared ahead, but the interviews are not strictly following the guideline.

The guideline works as a tool for the interviewer.

1.4 The commissioner: Eevia Health Oy

The commissioner of the thesis is Eevia Health Oy, a Finnish-Norwegian company

located in Southern Ostrobothnia, Finland. They have been operating since spring

2017. The main office of Eevia Health Oy is in Seinäjoki and their factory is in Kau-

hajoki. They specialize in manufacturing and selling organic bioactive ingredients,

such as bilberry and chaga extracts. They sell their ingredients as material for for

example the supplement and cosmetic industries. Eevia Health Oy is focusing on

international business, and their customers are mostly from abroad. All their prod-

ucts have researched positive effects on health. As an example, their bilberry prod-

ucts have indications on eye health. Eevia Health Oy has 14 employees (Eevia

Health Oy, Ref. 1.2.2018).

The current situation of Eevia Health Oy’s marketing is that it is almost non-existent

and unstructured. They do not have an employee with a designated task of handling

their marketing. They are currently not focusing on marketing, but they have an in-

terest to start paying more attention to it. Eevia Health Oy has a solid base for start-

ing inbound marketing, since they already have a functioning website that has been

designed well. They have also created users for some social media channels, such

as LinkedIn and Facebook but the channels are not updated regularly. Eevia Health

Oy has a blog in their company website, but like social media channels it is not

regularly updated. Eevia Health Oy does not have a set budget for marketing efforts.

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Marketing expert Philip Kotler defines marketing as “The process by which compa-

nies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to

capture value from customers in return” (2017, 5). Ward (2018) describes marketing

similarly, as she believes that it is the process of making the potential customers

feel interested in the product or service the company has to offer. She believes that

marketing should be planned. With a marketing plan, the company has a structure

they can follow to increase their sales.

Marketing can be seen everywhere. The advertisements on television and radio,

packaging of products and in the received mail. More recently, marketing has started

to take over the Internet. Websites, social media, blogs and videos are newer, more

interactive places for marketing. This has affected the way of marketing. Now in

2018 marketing has more directness to it, as it is easier to target the right audience.

Marketing has also changed into being more of a dialogue between the company

and the possible customers, instead of the companies announcing their greatness

to larger untargeted audiences (Kotler 2017, 4–5.)

The thesis focuses on inbound marketing in B2B surroundings. Compared to busi-

ness-to-consumer (B2C) markets, B2B has some significant differences. Typically,

in B2B the products are more complex, purchase cycles tend to be longer and there

are more decision makers than in the B2C markets (Brennan, Canning & McDowell

2011, 11). Also, the purchasing process in B2B tends to be more time consuming,

which is why the significance of customer relationships increases. The increased

time on decision making is linked to the higher risks in B2B purchases (Ginty &

Vaccarello 2012, 5). The price of the purchased goods is usually higher in B2B than

B2C. Larger investments are always risky, and demand more research before the

purchase decision. That is why decision making in B2B is usually not carried out by

one person. Hague (Ref. 13.3.2018) points out that the decision-making unit (DMU)

usually consists of multiple people from various departments. To ensure the pur-

chase, the company should please the whole DMU. All these points should be con-

sidered in B2B marketing.

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2.1 Inbound marketing

According to Fishkin and Høgenhaven (2013, 3) inbound marketing is everything

that can be created and done online that creates traffic to the selected channels.

Świeczak (2014, 5) defines inbound marketing in a similar way, as he refers to it as

acting in Internet in such way that the possible customers can find the chosen chan-

nels on their own.

Inbound marketing is a term for a marketing tactic, where the possible future cus-

tomers find the company naturally, without any direct push from the seller’s side. It

requires a lot of work and long-term commitment. It is important to make oneself

heard through the right channels. The right channel can be determined by research-

ing where the company’s target audience exists. Inbound marketing can also be

referred as organic marketing or earned media (Fishkin & Høgenhaven 2013, 3).

The founders of Hubspot, Halligan and Shah (2014, 20–31) say that inbound mar-

keting is equivalent for pulling the customers to the seller. To get noticed by possible

customers, a company must provide helpful information on its channels. The people

of the 21st century are looking for a solution for their problems. Information is readily

available in most locations via the Internet, and that is the primary source of infor-

mation seeking before purchase decisions. Usually purchase decision starts by con-

ducting a search via Google or other search engines. Therefore, it is often said that

a company does not exist without a webpage or other kind of online presence. It is

more likely that the company gets found when the provided content is related to the

company’s industry.

There are numerous different inbound marketing channels. Social media, blogs and

online articles can all be used as a part of company’s inbound marketing strategy.

To gain results, company must make effort on their marketing content. In inbound

marketing, consistency is the base for every action. To attract visitors, it is necessary

to publish new content regularly. This creates traffic to the desired platforms. (Halli-

gan & Shah 2014, 30). Sornoso (2014) agrees with Halligan and Shah, but he would

also add customer service as an inbound marketing channel. A well performed cus-

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tomer service will leave a positive impression for both existing and possible custom-

ers. If the customers are pleased with the company, they are more likely to recom-

mend it to others.

2.2 The basic process of inbound marketing

Figure 1 Inbound marketing process (HubSpot 2018)

As stated in Figure 1, the basic process of inbound marketing is divided into four

sections: attract, convert, close and delight (HubSpot, Ref. 26.4.2018). During the

different phases of the process people are converted from strangers to visitors,

leads, customers and eventually promoters. All the phases have their own purpose

in moving people through the sales funnel. The term sales funnel is used to describe

the journey where people are moving closer to making a purchase (Coudray 2014).

There are a lot of people who can find the company website, but only a small part

of them will ever become customers. The purpose of the sales funnel is to monitor

people on each stage of the funnel and to have them move closer to the purchase.

The first phase is to attract (HubSpot, Ref. 26.4.2018). The aim of the company is

to attract those who could potentially become a paying customer. To get those peo-

ple to visit the company website, it is important to create content that is relevant for

them. To attract the right visitors the company can use a blog and social media

(Yeakley 2014). Another way to gain more desired visitors is to make sure that the

website is using suitable keywords.

After attracting comes the second phase, converting (HubSpot, Ref. 26.4.2018). In

this phase the visitor is converted into a lead. To convert a visitor into a lead, a

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contact of some sort is needed. It can be for example filling an online form to gain

access to a key content piece on the website or a more physical contact such as a

meeting. When the visitor has already been contacted, it is easier to keep up the

conversation and to see if they are interested in what the company has to offer.

In the third phase, close, the lead is turned into a customer (Yeakley 2014). It usually

requires multiple points of contact before the lead is ready to move to the end of the

sales funnel. This can be done by checking in on the lead regularly, for example

with emails. A well working customer relationship management (CRM) system is

helpful in managing the leads as it is easier to keep up with what has been discussed

previously and when would be a good time to check in on the lead again (HubSpot,

Ref. 26.4.2018).

It can be seen from Figure 1, that inbound marketing process does not end to a sale.

The final phase is called delight, and there the aim is to turn the customer into a

promoter (HubSpot, Ref. 26.4.2018). If the customer is pleased with the company’s

product and customer service, they are more likely to recommend it to someone

else. It is also more probable that the customer makes another purchase if the con-

versation with the company doesn’t end after the first sale. A way to keep the con-

versation alive and make sure the customer is pleased is to use targeted emailing

and surveys.

2.3 The differences between inbound- and outbound marketing

Traditional marketing, often referred as outbound marketing, means pushing the in-

formation about the wanted product or service to potential customers. To do this,

companies use for example cold calls, bought emailing lists and TV advertisement.

Outbound marketing interrupts the potential customers in hopes of getting their at-

tention. Inbound marketing on the other hand aims to lure the potential customers

in, without interrupting them. In inbound marketing, the key is to make so interesting

content that the potential customers want to see it. Social media sites such as Fa-

cebook and Twitter require a subscription to send notifications of new posts. When

a person follows a company on social media, they are most likely interested in what

the company is publishing (Patrutiu-Baltes 2016). Outbound marketing exists also

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on the Internet. it is typical for outbound marketing to create content that highlight

the product or service the company is selling (Ference 2017). It is often placed in a

way that it interrupts the content that the viewer is interested in, for example in a

form of a banner ad in the middle of an article. The content of inbound marketing is

created for the customer’s needs, and it does not interrupt the interesting content,

but rather is the content that the viewer is interested in.

Pulling Pushing

As stated by Opreana and Vineran (2015), inbound- and outbound marketing have

different aims. The aim of outbound marketing is to increase sales, whereas inbound

marketing aims to have long term relationships with customers. Different aims also

result as distinctive target groups. Outbound marketing tends to be less specific with

its target group. There is no guarantee the lead is interested in the product or service

the seller is offering. In inbound marketing, it gets more likely to find the right leads.

Even if the lead does not contact the seller themselves, it is possible to see for

example their clicks on the company website and use that information to make them

an offer.

As stated in chapter 1.4, the commissioner is currently not focusing on marketing.

They are mostly highlighting their products on their company website and blog,

which is typical for outbound marketing.

Inbound marketing Outbound marketing

Customer based


Blog, social media

Product based


Email lists, cold calls

Figure 2 The differences between inbound and outbound marketing

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2.4 Advantages and disadvantages of inbound marketing in B2B

Figure 3 The advantages and disadvantages of inbound marketing

Like every marketing method, inbound marketing has its advantages and disad-

vantages. One of the main advantages is visibility. The Internet can be accessed

nearly anytime and anywhere. All the content is constantly available. Buyers are

often looking for relevant solutions that can be found quickly (Hanington 2013). Han-

ington points out, that with successful inbound marketing companies can be found

online more easily than without it. She also informs that when there’s more content,

the website becomes more relevant to the industry in the eyes of search engines.

Active presence on social media can increase search engine visibility and attract

more viewers to the selected website.

According to Lambert (2014), inbound marketing gains more targeted leads to the

company website. Monitoring the web analytics can display which type of content

generates the most valuable leads. The analytics can rapidly inform the type of con-

tent the company should be creating more, and which type of content should be

forgotten. Targeted content attracts the right leads. Inbound marketing is based on

Internet data, which gives it a high measurability (Cook 2017). With inbound mar-

keting it is possible to track how successful the marketing campaigns are, and which

factors could be improved for the next campaign.

Inbound marketing


- Customer relationships

- Targeted leads

- Visibility


- Time consuming

- Requires a lot of target market research

- Long-term commitment

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Inbound marketing is also a beneficial tool for relationship building, which is im-

portant in B2B markets due to the long decision-making times. Social media is

based on conversation (Matchcraft 2017). Sharing content with the leads helps the

nurturing process, until they are ready to make a purchase. Lieberman (2015) de-

fines lead nurturing as keeping close contact with leads that have in some way

showed their interest in the company.

One of the main disadvantages of inbound marketing is that it is time consuming.

Creating relevant content regularly requires effort and dedication (Rengel 2017).

Functional inbound marketing obliges for a long-term commitment (Mosier 2014).

Seeing the results will also take a longer time than in traditional outbound marketing.

Another disadvantage of inbound marketing is that it requires a lot of knowledge of

the target audience (Raveendran 2017). To attract the right viewers to the company

website it is necessary to know their interests and desires. It might also be difficult

to stand out if there is a lot of competition in the industry. The better the target group

is known, the easier it is to create content that is catered towards them.

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3.1 The company website in inbound marketing

Having a company website is vital for marketing, especially for small businesses

(Ruzzier, Ruzzier & Hisrich 2013, 51–55). In some cases, website is seen as the

core of marketing. A well-designed website introduces the products and the com-

pany in an attractive way. Its content is regularly updated to attract visitors, and it

has been designed for the company’s target group. Westwood (2011, 90) accentu-

ates the usability of the website. If the user experience is not pleasant, there is only

a slight chance that the visitor returns to the site. Because of that, Westwood rec-

ommends keeping the website simple. He thinks it is crucial to make sure the viewer

can easily find what they are looking for. The menu and the titles of the website

should be kept straightforward. Also, the content of the website should be relevant

to the company. In today’s world the website should also be optimized for mobile

devices. According to Statista (2017) approximately 53% of the total webpage views

were done by a mobile device. This percentage is excluding tablets, which would

make the percentage even higher.

In inbound marketing, the company website acts as a base for all the online actions.

It is a part of every phase of the inbound marketing process. The company website

contains most of the company’s web content, and it is the place where the viewer

traffic is guided to. The website is also used to convert the visitors into leads (Halli-

gan & Shah 2014, 109). A website designed for inbound marketing includes landing

pages, calls-to-action (CTA) and a contact form (Watts 2016). It also has relevant

content in it, and possibly the company blog. If the company website is not suitable

for inbound marketing, the conversion of leads is not as sufficient as it would be with

a functioning website.

A call-to-action (CTA) tells the viewer what the company would like them to do next

and how they can benefit from it (Ahola 2016). A CTA is usually in a form of a button.

The purpose of a CTA is to guide the viewer through the different actions the com-

pany wishes them to do by suggesting them to the viewer. The CTA buttons can for

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example tell the viewer to subscribe to the newsletter, to read more about the prod-

uct or to download content from the website.

Landing pages are a part of the process of converting leads (Parma 2016). It is a

page that the company uses to attract visitors to turn them into leads. The attraction

usually happens with a larger piece of content, that the visitor can download if they

fill out their information on a form. That can be for example a webinar or a guide.

Another way to define a landing page would be a page that the visitor arrives to after

clicking an advertisement on Google (Vähä-Ruka 2015). As stated by Vähä-Ruka,

the main difference between a normal page and a landing page is that a landing

page has a purpose and a goal. A landing page can be a part of the company web-

site, or a separate page that is designed for a specific marketing campaign (Page

et al. 2012, 4).

The commissioner’s website has already a suitable layout for inbound marketing.

The website has been designed to be user-friendly, and it has been optimized for

mobile devices. The website has CTA’s, but the path of CTA’s is not leading to a

landing page.

3.2 Internet search engines

Search engines are the main function of using Internet (Juslén 2011, 22). They help

users to find what they are looking for from all the unorganized data that Internet

includes. The target of search engines is to offer information corresponding to the

search word that is as high in quality as possible. The most popular search engines

are Google, Bing and Yahoo! Search (eBizMBA 2017). Google (with 1,8 billion us-

ers) has almost double the amount of unique monthly users than the other two com-

bined. Because of that, this thesis will focus more on Google.

In B2B sales surroundings, search engines play a remarkable role. In many cases,

Google search is the first step to a purchase. From marketing point of view, the

possible customers use search engines for things that can be roughly divided to

three categories (Juslén 2011, 140–141).

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The utilization of search engines

1. Defining the problem and retrieving information

2. Comparing the options

3. Finding the place of purchase

Figure 4 The utilization of search engines

The first category is defining the problem and retrieving information. For some po-

tential customers, the solution to their problem is not clear. In this case they start

the purchasing process by searching for alternatives that would help them with their

problem. Search engines give the advantage to find solutions without deeper

knowledge of specific products or companies, compared to other more traditional

information sources such as the yellow pages.

The second category is comparing the options and making an information search

supporting the choice. When the problem and the options are known, the possible

customer compares the options. They search for more detailed information to decide

the most suitable solution for their specific needs.

The final category is finding the place of purchase. When the possible customer has

decided the best solution, they search for the supplier or manufacturer that can offer

that solution for them. In most cases there are several places they can do the pur-

chase from. Depending on the case, they might choose the first one they can find

or make further comparisons. This is the reason why the easier the company can

be found through search engines, the better.

3.3 Internet search engine optimization and keywords

Search engine optimization (SEO) can be used to make the company website more

visible to search engines (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick 2016, 484–485). Its purpose is

to make the chosen pages to appear naturally as high as possible in search engine

results with the desired keywords. Sheehan (2010, 37) tells that the keywords

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should be relevant for both the company and its industry. According to him it is ben-

eficial to use many different keywords and phrases, even hundreds of them if there

are enough resources to do it. Sheehan points out that the more keywords and

phrases are used, the more likely it is that the viewers find the company’s website.

Getting a website high in search engine results requires long-term commitment

(Juslén 2011, 147–153). To make the website relevant in the eyes of Google, it must

have content. It is important to create new content regularly to improve and maintain

the websites position. The easiest way to gain more visibility is to write text content

that includes many of the desired keywords. The more content with the same care-

fully selected keywords, the better. On the other hand, the content should be easy

to read. Repeating the same keywords too many times in one text can be annoying

to the reader. Unnecessary amounts of repetition should be avoided. Another point

that is included to SEO is linking to other websites and social media (Laukkanen

2016). Google tends to rank higher the pages that have been referred by other

pages. By linking the company website to other websites and social media, it is also

likely that new visitors can find the company website from those sources.

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Social media is a term for a public web page, that is open for viewers to read and

take part in (Korpi 2010, 7). Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick (2016, 479) refer to social

media marketing as the online version of the word-of-mouth. In social media, anyone

can share and comment content which again makes it more visible to that person’s

friends and followers.

As Korpi (2010, 10–15) emphasizes, content is the base of every social media chan-

nel. Without it, social media would not exist. The users create content on subjects

that are relevant to the channel. Depending on the users, conversation might add

knowledge and value or act as entertainment. Korpi also states that different social

media channels have different purposes. Some are naturally used for business

whereas others are more oriented for private persons. For example, LinkedIn is

mostly a channel for professional networking. Facebook on the other hand has both

private and professional side included. According to Vähä-Ruka (2016), it is not

enough to only create a social media user for the company. She accentuates the

significance of being active and utilizing the channels that are suitable for the com-

pany’s target market.

4.1 The benefits and challenges of social media in B2B

According to Coles (2014, 5) one of the main benefits of social media is the price.

Social media platforms are mostly free to use, which makes them available to even

the smallest companies. They also have a large and growing audience. For exam-

ple, the amount of Facebook users in the end of 2017 was 2 129 million (Statista

2018). The number of users has increased steadily since 2008, when Facebook had

100 million users.

Like the name tells, social media is a place for socializing. The threshold to contact

the seller through it is relatively low, and this makes the viewers more approachable.

The viewers can give instant feedback, which can be helpful to a company. Social

media also gives companies more visibility on the Internet. This creates traffic to the

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company website and in the end, those viewers can convert into new leads and

possible customers (Coles 2014, 5).

Bodnar and Cohen (2011, 4–5) go to the extent of saying that social media market-

ing is even more beneficial for companies in the B2B markets than it is for those

who operate in the B2C markets. In B2B marketing, relationships with the customer

have a vital role. With the bigger investments and longer decision-making times of

the industry, social media is a good tool for relationship building. If there is more

content available for the leads to review, it usually shortens the length of the deci-

sion-making process. In social media, it is possible to get to know better the general

leads of the company. It is easier to offer them what they need in the way that

pleases them if the target is already known. Another advantage for the B2B compa-

nies is that social media is also a place for extending knowledge. B2B companies

are usually innovators or otherwise highly expertised in their fields, which enables

them to create new and exciting content (Bodnar & Cohen 2011, 4–5).

Social media has also it’s challenges. Using social media for B2B marketing is time

consuming. According to King (2015), 43% of small companies spend more than 6

hours per week on tasks regarding social media. This amount includes content cre-

ation, monitoring and measuring the results.

Another disadvantage is that gaining attention through social media is not always

a positive thing. Talović (2017) reminds companies, that also the negative com-

ments and reviews are visible to other users. He recommends answering to those

negative comments in a friendly matter as soon as possible. It is important to ad-

dress the situation before it gets a lot of visibility.

4.2 Types of social media channels

According to Leino (2011, 120) there’s a social media page for every need and sit-

uation. A broad use of different types of social medias can make the company easier

to find for more viewers. Different social medias can be roughly divided into six cat-

egories (Scott 2014).

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Networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn, where the user can connect with

others. Common feature to these social media sites is that the user has an

own profile which they can use to network and interact with other users.

News where users can share links to other websites and vote for the most

popular ones. This gives more visibility for the shared links. Examples for this

category are Reddit and Digg.

Microblogging where the users share short updates to their followers. Cur-

rently the most used social media in this category is Twitter. Typically mi-

croblogs have a specific word or character count to make sure the updates

stay short.

Media sharing websites include the social medias with a main purpose of

sharing the users own content, such as Instagram and Youtube. These social

medias also have the possibility to interact with other users for example

through comment sections or direct messages.

Bookmarking websites such as StumbleUpon and Delicious. These act as

virtual bookmarks, where the users can save links for later use. The links can

also be shared through these social medias.

Forums and blog comments. As an example, social medias such as Blog-

ger are places where the users can post their own thoughts about different

subjects and then interact with other users in the comment sections. Typi-

cally, the discussion in the comment section is contextual with the topic of the

original post.

Scott (2014) reminds that the categories are not always clear, and some social me-

dias can belong to multiple categories due to their multiple functions.

4.3 Selecting the right social media channels

Selecting the right social media channels for the company requires time. To find the

most suitable social media channels, Aalto and Uusisaari (2010, 86–91) suggest

companies to test different channels. They remind that the popularity of social media

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channels is changing, and there is a possibility that the users move to another chan-

nel. For that reason, it is not possible to name the most suitable social media chan-

nels for the company without trying them. To start selecting the right channels for

the company, McClean (2013) recommends finding out which channels the com-

pany’s target market uses. There are various free demographics of social media

channels that are available, where it is possible to see what types of people are

using the channel. As an example, McClean mentions that Pinterest is mostly used

by under 50-year-old women. Clark (Ref. 20.5.2018) agrees with McClean about

starting from investigating the presence of target market. Both are also recommend-

ing that the company should find out where their competitors are present. For B2B

companies, LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media channels (Welschen-

bach 2017). The reason for it is that the demographics of LinkedIn are suitable for

most of the B2B companies. LinkedIn is a networking channel for business profes-

sionals. Although LinkedIn is one of the clearest choices for B2B social media chan-

nels, it is not the only channel where B2B companies should be present. By re-

searching and trying out different channels, the company can find the ones that are

the most suitable for their needs.

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Blogging (originally known as weblogging) has become common for companies. In

2018, people are blogging about everything. There are millions of blogs readily avail-

able for the readers, no matter what their interests are. According to Bodnar and

Cohen (2011, 78–79) B2B blogging began already in the 1990s by technology com-

panies like Microsoft and Google. The thought of blogging was to have a new way

of communication with the customers. After all, even when the customers are also

companies, the decision makers are human-beings. To gain new customers, com-

panies must have a trustworthy impact to whoever sees their company page. By

blogging about company’s thoughts and values, the viewers see a more in-depth

version of the company.

5.1 Benefits of blogging

A blog can be a place for company’s marketing, communication to outside world

and even customer service. Blogging can also be used to give more information to

leads and prospects to move further in the sales funnel. All of this can be made with

zero to minimal costs, depending on the company’s needs and desires (Kortesuo &

Kurvinen 2011, 174).

As stated by Kortesuo and Kurvinen (2011, 174–177) a blog can help the customers

identify the possible problems they might have. In a best-case scenario, a blog also

includes a solution to that problem. The company blog should give the viewer infor-

mation of the company and the industry. A successful blog reflects the professional

know-how of the company, which makes the readers more eager to contact the

sales team. One of the main benefits of a blog is the traffic it can bring to the com-

pany website. When more viewers are able to find the website, it is likely that at

least some of them are also interested in what the company has to offer.

One of the main benefits of blogging is the efficiency in search engine optimization

and visibility (Korpi 2010, 22–23). Blog posts can be found through search engines

within minutes from publishing. It is relatively easy to include important keywords to

them, which makes them more likely to be found on the first page of search engine

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results. It is recommended to link well written blog posts to other social media chan-

nels. This brings more traffic to the company website.

5.2 Generating leads with a company blog

One of the main goals for many organization blogs is to generate leads that even-

tually become paying customers. There are ways to guide the leads through the

sales funnel by using the blog.

Kortesuo and Kurvinen (2011, 183–185) emphasize the significance of knowing the

target group. They believe that it is easier to gain new leads when the blog is catered

more towards a specific group of people. To identify the buyers position in the sales

funnel, Kortesuo and Kurvinen have divided them to three categories: First phase,

middle phase and buying phase.

Buyer phases for generating leads with a blog

First phase:

The buyer is not aware of their needs or do not know the solution for it

Middle phase:

The buyer is looking for additional information before a purchase

Buying phase:

The buyer is comparing the options for making the purchase

Figure 5 The buyer phases for lead generation

In the first phase, the buyer might not be aware of their needs. The second option

is that they are aware, but are still looking for the right solution. To help this buyer

to turn into a lead, the selling company can blog about practical examples of how to

use their product or service, tell more about researches concerning them and give

more solutions to common needs, where the product or service could be the answer.

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The buyer in the middle phase is already aware of their needs, but they still require

more detailed information before decision making. The organization blog can give

more information about all the needed steps and how those are implemented. It

might also be a good idea to inform about common mistakes if there are any. The

main thing is to help the buyer receive information and to make sure they get more

certainty to their decision making.

The third and final phase is called the buying phase. In this phase, the buyer is

usually exploring and comparing the providers of the needed service or product. In

this phase, the blog posts about previous user experiences and company’s accom-

plishments come to the picture. This information might be the final difference that

makes the company more appealing than the competitors.

The commissioner has a company blog, but they are not publishing content to it

systematically. According to the research of Kortesuo and Kurvinen (2011, 183–

185) the commissioner should create and publish blog posts that take the target

customers to consideration.

5.3 Creating content in inbound marketing

Creating a successful company blog takes time. It is important to keep the blog in-

teresting to the viewers and to post content regularly. It is also necessary to make

sure the blog is not a place for company presentations. The blog should consist of

current topics and experiences. It should also raise conversation, which cannot hap-

pen without a comment section (Kortesuo & Kurvinen 2011, 177–179).

Content is created for also other channels than the company blog. For example,

social media channels and the company website need content for inbound market-

ing to function. Hurmerinta (2014) mentions that to create successful content, the

company should know who they are writing the content to, and what are the needs

of their target market. The purpose of the content is to give meaningful information

for the viewers. The image of the company or the brand should also be taken to

consideration while deciding the topics of the content. The aim is to create content

that is valuable enough for the target market that they would like to come back and

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read more. It is more likely, that the viewer contacts the company if they feel like the

company can help them to solve their current problem.

Vieri (2018) encourages companies to create content systematically. He believes,

that the idea and story of the content are more meaningful than the format the con-

tent is published in. Therefore, he recommends companies to first think what is the

message they want to send with the content and decide afterwards which form is

suitable for the content, and which channel to publish it in. The content does not

have to be in a text form. There are also other options, such as webinars, videos

and infographics (Buckley 2016). Korpi (2010, 31–32) recommends creating content

about how to use the company’s product or service. This does not mean listing the

technical details. Instead, it means showing the viewers how the product or service

works or how beneficial it can be to them.

5.4 E-mail marketing and newsletters

E-mail marketing and newsletters are traditionally considered as outbound market-

ing, but with some changes they can also be used for advantage in inbound mar-

keting. The biggest difference between inbound- and outbound e-mail marketing is

that inbound marketing has always opt-in e-mailing lists. Opt-in means that the per-

son has agreed to receive marketing e-mails from the company. It happens when

the person for example subscribes to the company newsletter or wants to be notified

when new content is posted (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick 2016, 522–523). Asking

viewers to sign up for the e-mailing list is a common call-to-action. (Bodnar & Cohen

2011, 143–144). It can also have a small promise to make it more appealing for the

viewers, such as a short telling of what they can expect content wise or the fre-

quency the emails are getting sent. The best option would be a combination of both.

Email marketing is often used as a tool to convert leads to customers especially in

the B2B surroundings where the decision making takes a longer time. Sometimes

reminding the leads about the company’s existence is what is needed for them to

take the action towards buying. Newsletters are a handy tool for that, if the content

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is created so that it gives value to the receiver. Additional information about the

product or the industry can make the lead more interested in what that specific com-

pany has to offer (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick 2016, 523–524). People receive a lot of

spam mail these days. The goal of good email marketing is to get the subscribers

to look forward to the next email, not to have a general newsletter that never gets

opened (Bodnar & Cohen 2011, 145).

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To know if a marketing campaign has been successful, the marketer should set

specific goals for what is wanted from that campaign. Inbound marketing has nu-

merous different metrics that can be tracked. It can become confusing to follow all

the data, if there are no guidelines to what kind of information is wanted (Leone


6.1 Setting goals for inbound marketing

Korpi (2010, 73) states that goals are an important part of development. According

to him, goals lead the way and give a purpose for company’s actions. It is also nec-

essary to follow-up the goals. Korpi emphasizes that goals motivate the employees.

If they know what they need to achieve, it is easier to act accordingly. Goals should

be checked and updated regularly, to make sure they are lined with the company’s

development. As the commissioner has not been focusing on their marketing efforts,

they have not set goals for it either.

To create relevant goals, the company can use SMART goal framework. The letters

in SMART stand for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely (Conner

2017). Some synonyms are used occasionally, such as replacing attainable with

achievable, but the main idea is the same.

Setting SMART goals


Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely

Figure 6 SMART goals

To create sufficient goals, the company must assess the goals from different per-

spectives. SMART goal framework can be a helpful tool for that. Specific means that

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the goals should be clearly defined, and the company knows what they want to ac-

complish with it (Esposito 2015). Specific goals can be set by asking questions such

as what, why and who. Measurable goals are needed, as without any metrics it is

impossible to determine whether the goal was accomplished or not. Davies (2018)

states, that when the goal is possible to achieve with the company’s available re-

sources, it is attainable. He also explains, that relevant goals should be in line with

each other and with the matters that the company tries to pursue. Goals are not

relevant, if they are not proceeding what the company wants to achieve. The final

requirement for a good goal is that it is timely. Every goal should have a clear time

frame for its execution (Conner 2017). With a set deadline, it is more likely that the

goal gets achieved.

6.2 Measuring inbound marketing data

Collecting and measuring data should be done to gain knowledge of the wanted

subjects (Pyyhtiä 2013, 39). Following meaningless data only decreases the time

and resources from other things. To know what kind of data should be collected, the

goals of the webpage and social media sites should be determined. Even though

the goals define what should be measured, there are some basic functions that

every company should measure.

Visitor tracking is one of the most important metrics to follow (Leino 2011, 224–

229). By tracking visits the company can learn a lot about their visitors and which

kind of marketing actions impact the amounts of visits on the website. Some of the

common things that can be tracked are visitor amounts, where the visitor came from

and what are the most popular sites. Google Analytics is a free basic tool for visitor

tracking. It is available for use in

Conversion means any desired action that the viewer makes to engage with the

company (Halonen 2016). It can be for example subscribing to a newsletter, filling

a form or contacting the sales team. To know if the CTA is working, the conversion

rate of the page should be measured.

𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑔𝑒 × 100 = 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒

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Return on investment (ROI) is measuring the amount of money spent for market-

ing versus what was gained from it (Beattie 2018). ROI can be calculated for the

whole marketing, or it can be adjusted to certain products or campaigns. According

to Beattie, the simplified version of ROI is calculated as so:

(𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑡ℎ − 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔)

𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔= 𝑅𝑂𝐼

Cost-per-lead (CPL) is measured to know what are costs for the gained leads for

the marketing campaign, or more specifically from one source of leads, such as

determined social media channel (Oakley 2016). By calculating CPL the company

can learn which are the sources where they can find the cheapest leads, and also if

there are some sources that require too much resources compared to what is


𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠= 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 − 𝑝𝑒𝑟 − 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑑

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7.1 Interview background

To study the topic more deeply, two separate in-depth interviews were executed.

Both interviews included the same 18 questions. The first interview was with Ville

Orrenmaa on February 28th 2018 and the second interview with Virpi Varjonen was

held on March 26th 2018. The interviewees were aware that the interview was made

from a small B2B company point of view.

Virpi Varjonen is a Market Analyst and Strategist currently working in Invenire Mar-

ket Intelligence Oy. Her focus is on health and nutrition businesses. She also has

an engineering background.

Ville Orrenmaa is the Excecutive Vice President of Myynninmaailma Oy. He is work-

ing with sales and marketing development, and has noticed an increasing interest

in inbound marketing within the Southern Ostrobothnia area through his work.

7.2 Results of the interviews

What are the main objectives of inbound marketing?

Both interviewees mentioned generating sales leads as the main objective of in-

bound marketing of small B2B companies. According to Varjonen, the main reason

to start inbound marketing is to ultimately gain more customers and revenue. Or-

renmaa also added lead nurturing as another objective, if the company has enough

resources. Mawhinney (2017) defines lead nurturing as giving relevant information

to a selected target group in every stage of the buying process. Lead nurturing is

done to get the targets further in the sales funnel, and to eventually get them to

become new customers.

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Would you recommend inbound marketing for small B2B companies?

Why/why not?

Orrenmaa would recommend inbound marketing for small B2B companies, because

inbound marketing is target oriented. He says it is a good thing to have a target in

marketing, so that the marketing campaigns are also giving something to the com-

pany instead of only being an expense. According to Orrenmaa, another good thing

about inbound marketing is that it is easy to measure. With inbound marketing it can

be seen if the held marketing campaigns were successful or not. Varjonen wouldn’t

necessarily recommend inbound marketing for every small B2B company. She

thinks that it is important that the owner or the leader of the company understands

what inbound marketing is about before trying it. She thinks inbound marketing

would be easier to put into practice for companies selling quite technical and defined

products that have many features. She also thinks inbound marketing is suitable for

companies that are selling for example digital platforms or other types of digital tools.

What are the main differences between B2C and B2B inbound marketing?

According to Varjonen there aren’t any big differences between B2C and B2B in-

bound marketing. The basics are the same in both cases. She reminds that there is

also people behind B2B purchases, even though in case of B2B they are not acting

as a private person. She thinks the differences are in the decision-making process

of the purchase. In B2B people are usually not spending their own money, and they

need to justify their purchases to their superiors. This makes the decision making

more complex than in the case of B2C. Varjonen says there are also some cases in

B2C where people need to see what is the story they are telling others and why they

made the purchase, but it doesn’t go to the same extent as in B2B.

Orrenmaa believes that the main difference between B2C and B2B inbound mar-

keting is in the way the companies are handling their leads. In B2C, it is typical that

if the lead does not make a purchase, they are only added to an emailing list. In B2B

the generated leads are typically forwarded to sales department. The lead might be

added to an emailing list, but it is usually not the only thing that happens.

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What is physically required from the company to start inbound marketing?

The first thing Orrenmaa mentions is a marketing plan. He says that inbound mar-

keting is quite complex and creating the marketing plan might be difficult for some-

one who has never done it. The next thing he mentions is the ability to produce

content. According to Orrenmaa creating content is not hard, but it might feel difficult

and out of comfort zone for some people. The next thing he thinks is required is a

system or a software to do the inbound marketing with. Depending on what is

wanted it can include for example sending emails, generating leads with forms or

identifying companies that visit your website. Varjonen agrees with this, and thinks

that it would be ideal if the systems can be integrated to the company’s management

systems, so that the process can be automatic.

What are the most important things about SEO?

Orrenmaa finds SEO to be important for small companies, because their marketing

budgets tend to be low. SEO grows organic visibility, and if the organic visibility is

good it is not required to spend as much money on it. As most important things about

SEO Orrenmaa mentions two things: a technically built website and its content. With

a technically built website he means that the website should have good page loading

speed and it should be easy to use with both computer and mobile devices. For the

content of the website Orrenmaa says it is important that the titles, text and pictures

are named correctly. According to him that might be enough to get high on search

results in the local Finnish markets, but globally it is usually more difficult. Especially

on global markets, the company should choose only some keywords to focus on.

Varjonen agrees with Orrenmaa, and emphasizes that the most important thing

about SEO is to know which keywords are relevant for the company, and to aim to

be on the top of the searches with those keywords.

Is it mandatory to use paid promotion to be successful?

Both Varjonen and Orrenmaa think that it is not mandatory to use paid promotion in

inbound marketing, but it is slow and hard without it. Varjonen brings up the con-

stantly changing algorithms of different social media channels. It seems like the cur-

rent trend for them is to value posts of private people over company posts, which

can be seen in the organic visibility. According to Orrenmaa if the company relies

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only on organic visibility, there is a risk that the number of leads is so low that the

company doesn’t learn to handle them correctly. He recommends that small com-

panies should use from some hundreds to a thousand euros for paid promotion.

That way if the campaign is done correctly the cost-per-lead would be approximately

10 euros according to his experience. That would create 100 leads. Without paid

promotion it might take a whole year to gain as many leads, even if everything is

done correctly.

How to recognize which social media channels are the most beneficial for the


Recognizing the most beneficial channels for the company can be challenging. Or-

renmaa believes it is mostly about trial and error. There are a lot of differences be-

tween social media channels, especially when it comes to paid promotion. Or-

renmaa would suggest starting by choosing 2 or 3 channels at a time and running

marketing campaigns on them. After that the results should be measured. To eval-

uate which channels are the most beneficial, cost-per-lead is one metric that should

be taken in to consideration. Another metric to track is the quality of the gained

leads. Depending on the company, the results may vary a lot. By trying various so-

cial media channels the company can eventually recognize which ones are the most

suitable for them. Varjonen would start by researching the company’s current cus-

tomers. She believes that there’s a larger chance of finding the right channel when

the company knows where it’s customers tend to be the most active.

Would you recommend having a company blog? Why/why not?

Both interviewees agree, that the focus of the blog should be on customers. Accord-

ing to Varjonen and Orrenmaa, a blog is not a place for self-talk. It should be written

in a way that the customers want to read it and can also find it useful. Orrenmaa

recommends that every company that is implementing inbound marketing should

have a blog. Varjonen believes that it depends on the company. For her it is more

like a tool among others. She thinks that it might be a good thing for those customers

who wish to read more in-depth content compared to what social media can offer.

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How often should new content be posted to a blog/social media?

Orrenmaa instructs to start by considering the company’s resources. For small com-

panies, the amount of content is naturally lower than it would be with a bigger com-

pany. It is important to have realistic goals. For small companies Orrenmaa recom-

mends creating 2-3 larger content pieces per year. The large content piece could

be for example a guide. Furthermore, he believes that it is good to have 6-12 blog

posts per year and to update social media channels every week. The amount of

social media posts depends on the social media channel. The lifespan of one post

varies. As an example, in Twitter a post lives only some hours while in Facebook a

post can live for a day. In LinkedIn the posts tend to live for up to a week. Using paid

promotion will lengthen the lifespan of the posts. Varjonen believes that it is more

important to focus on quality over quantity. The posts should feel natural instead of

pushing out content that is not interesting or relevant for the company and its pos-

sible customers. According to Varjonen the baseline for social media posts should

be 2-3 times per week, but depending on what is happening in the company at that

current time it can be more or less than that.

What kind of content would you recommend creating for a blog/social media?

For Varjonen, the type of content is a secondary matter. When the company has a

clear idea what story they would like to tell regarding what they are selling, they can

decide which type of content fits their needs the best. What matters the most is the

inside of the content. She mentions that videos might be a useful form of content to

tell the viewer the company’s story. Varjonen would also recommend creating a

piece of key content where the viewers can be driven to. This could be for example

an e-book or otherwise more detailed explanation on how to use the company’s

products. Orrenmaa emphasizes that the content should be something that the cus-

tomers would think is important enough that they would “pay” for it with their contact

information. The content should answer some questions that the customers might


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Is it enough to publish almost the same content on all social media channels

(f.ex. link to a blog post) or should there be more variety between the chan-


Varjonen thinks there should be some variety between the styles of the content. The

channels have different tones. When comparing LinkedIn and Facebook, even in

B2B Facebook has a more personal feel to it than LinkedIn which is mainly a chan-

nel for business. In many cases the channels are also attracting different users. If

the company is sharing the same content on all the channels, it is not working as

well in all the social media platforms. Orrenmaa agrees that there should be variety

between the channels. In a best-case scenario, all the social media channels should

have different content. Due to resources this is usually not possible in a small com-

pany. If the resources are low, it is better to post the same thing on all the channels

than to post nothing. However, Orrenmaa states that even small changes can be

beneficial. For example posting the posts in different times or changing the tone of

the post more accordingly to the social media channel can improve the results. Or-

renmaa also mentions that even though the same person is following the company

on two different social media channels, they might not see the post in both channels

due to the algorithms of the platforms.

At what point does the viewer become a lead?

Varjonen recommends that every company should create their own definition for a

lead. The definition should include what the viewer needs to do for the company to

regard them as a lead. Depending on the definition it might be for example contact-

ing the company, requesting a sample or in case of a marketing qualified lead it can

be that the viewer shows interest in the company in some way. According to Or-

renmaa the right way to convert viewers to leads with inbound marketing should be

that after the contact, if the viewer is seen relevant to the company, they become a

marketing qualified lead. Then the company should start nurturing the lead to turn it

into sales qualified lead. Orrenmaa explains that this is not the case in many small

and medium sized companies. Due to limited resources, small and medium sized

companies are usually not nurturing their leads as they should. Instead, in many

cases every contact is treated as a sales qualified lead. This is not the optimal way

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to execute inbound marketing, but Orrenmaa believes that it is better to treat every

contact as a lead than to do nothing with them.

When is the right time to forward the leads to the sales team?

Both Varjonen and Orrenmaa agree that in small companies the leads are forwarded

early. Orrenmaa says that the sales team might receive the lead right away after the

first contact, which is good if the company doesn’t use any nurturing campaigns. If

the company does nurture their leads, the company should wait a little before for-

warding them. If the lead shows more interest, for example by first subscribing to a

newsletter and then later downloads a guide from the company blog, they should be

forwarded to the sales team. As an exception Orrenmaa mentions that the lead

should not be forwarded if the lead does not seem relevant to the company. These

exceptions could include for example students. Varjonen thinks the lead forwarding

process should be clearly defined within the company, so that everyone knows when

is the right time to forward the leads. She believes that is very important that the

sales and marketing teams are cooperating.

Which role does goal setting play in inbound marketing?

Varjonen thinks there should be a purpose for everything the company does, since

in the end it is all about sales. To make the system work, the actions should be

measured. She says that it is good to have some goals, but if a company is just

starting inbound marketing without a lot of prior knowledge or experience, Varjonen

would recommend being careful with conclusions. She would rather think about

things from the business perspective, as in what the company is investing to sales

and marketing versus how much revenue they receive from that investment. She

wouldn’t go to too much detail especially at first, and would focus more on broader

aspects as in what has been done during a certain time period and how it affected

the revenue. Orrenmaa believes that it is important to set goals for inbound market-

ing, especially if the company uses paid promotion. It is good to see that the invest-

ments are worth something. Typically, in small B2B companies there are no goals

for marketing, which is not a good thing. According to Orrenmaa it is easy to set

goals for inbound marketing. As an example of what types of goals the company

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should have he suggests having a goal for the number of contacts and sales quali-

fied leads. He also agrees with Varjonen, that it is important to have goals for the


Which factors of inbound marketing should be measured?

Orrenmaa encourages companies to measure every step of the pipeline. For exam-

ple, organically gained Facebook views is a small part of inbound marketing, but it

can give valuable information for the company. If a post gets a low number of views,

there might be something wrong with the formatting or it might be that the topic was

not interesting for the viewers. Orrenmaa recommends measuring the traffic of the

company website. From this information it can be seen how the paid promotion of

for example Facebook and Google is affecting the number of visitors. He also re-

minds that measuring only the traffic is not enough. The time visitors spent on the

website and bounce rate are also a relevant part of understanding how the different

channels are affecting the traffic.

Orrenmaa believes that cost-per-lead is one of the main things to measure, as it

cannot be argued with like some other metrics. Additionally, the quality of leads

should be measured. If there are 100 leads and 50 of them are valuable for the sales

team, the company is doing an excellent job. If there are only a few valuable leads

within that 100, there is something wrong with the marketing campaign. Orrenmaa

says that another good thing to measure is the number of new customers gained

from the campaigns. In B2B the purchasing process is long so the final data might

not be available until 1-2 years after the campaign, but it is still something that should

be measured to find out the end results of the marketing campaign. Like Varjonen

mentioned in the previous question, she believes that the ultimate measuring should

be done in the business level, but also different stages should be taken to consid-

eration. The main things she would recommend measuring are the amount of leads,

and the amount of closed deals.

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Which tools would you suggest using for measuring?

In Orrenmaa’s workplace Myynninmaailma they are currently using HubSpot

( for measuring, which he believes is also the current market

leader for small B2B companies. It includes CRM, but according to Orrenmaa it is

also expensive tool to start inbound marketing with. He says that small B2B compa-

nies usually want to test inbound marketing without large investments before com-

mitting to it. Both Orrenmaa and Varjonen would recommend that if the company

already has a CRM system, it might be a good idea to look for marketing tools that

can be linked to that. When the company is just starting inbound marketing, it is

possible to do it with free tools. As an example Orrenmaa mentions using Lead-

feeder ( for identifying the companies that visit the company web-

site, MailChimp ( for sending marketing emails and a free ver-

sion of HubSpot as a marketing database. He would recommend starting inbound

marketing with the free tools if the company is not certain whether inbound market-

ing is suitable for them, and to conduct larger investments after testing with free

tools. Varjonen does not have any specific recommendations for tools, but she sug-

gests companies to use a tool that can measure the CPL and the cost-per-deal.

What are your recommendations on how to start implementing inbound mar-


Varjonen recommends starting inbound marketing by creating a good story that is

relevant for the customer and not only the product features. Before setting up the

technical details that are required for inbound marketing, she would test the story

with real people. If the story is not working, there is no point to create a lot of content

surrounding it. When the company is pleased with the story, they can start support-

ing it with inbound marketing. Orrenmaa would recommend starting inbound mar-

keting lightly and without large investments. Inbound marketing requires a lot of

work, and it is suggested that the company starts it by testing if inbound marketing

is working for them. It is good to test if the company can commit to creating the

content that inbound marketing requires to function. To start implementing the in-

bound marketing process Orrenmaa would recommend that the company utilizes

their current marketing channels, such as a newsletter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Then the company should create a landing page with a contact form and key content

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piece to lead the traffic to. After the company has gained some leads, they can start

handling them and see what comes from them.

What is the most challenging thing about implementing inbound marketing?

Varjonen believes the most challenging thing is to not get too caught up in details,

such as taking a lot of time deciding which post they should publish to Facebook. It

is important to remember why the company is doing what it is doing and to think

about the bigger picture. It requires quite a lot from the team to move between the

practical and strategy level, but it eventually gets easier with practice. According to

Orrenmaa, marketing practices in small and medium sized companies are typically

straight-forward. As an example he mentions buying an advertisement from a news-

paper. Compared to that, inbound marketing is complicated. With inbound market-

ing there are many things that should be taken into consideration, such as the sys-

tems, content and co-operating with the sales department. To avoid the complica-

tions, Orrenmaa would recommend creating a clear plan for inbound marketing be-

fore starting it.

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7.3 Recommendations for Eevia Health Oy

The recommendations for the commissioner of the thesis, Eevia Health Oy, are cre-

ated based on the theoretical framework and the interviews of Virpi Varjonen and

Ville Orrenmaa. The recommendations act as a guideline for implementing inbound


Recommendations for Eevia Health Oy

1. Create an inbound marketing plan

2. Create content

3. Set up the technical systems

4. Follow-up the leads

5. Measure and adjust

Figure 7 Recommendations for the commissioner

To start implementing inbound marketing, the first things to do is to define the

company’s goals for inbound marketing and to create a plan that helps to achieve

the set goals. Inbound marketing requires many different parts, and it is necessary

to plan beforehand so that it can be executed correctly. The plan should include all

the practicalities, such as who is responsible for creating the content and what

should be measured and when. Making a good plan requires some research. To

know which topics would interest the future customers, it is necessary to know the

target market of the company. Furthermore, the company should know what their

story is and how they want to be identified as. Another thing that the plan should

include is the budget. Inbound marketing can be executed inexpensively, but it is a

slow process. To gain quicker results, it is recommended to use some money for

promotion. The inbound marketing plan should define the inbound marketing pro-

cess and its phases, for example by describing what the website visitor must do to

be considered as a lead. The inbound marketing process is explained in chapter


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The significance of creating content regularly has been mentioned multiple times on

this thesis. Inbound marketing cannot be functional without content, which is why it

is one of the central concepts of the process. The first step of the inbound marketing

process is to attract visitors, which is done by creating valuable content. To imple-

ment inbound marketing, the company should create at least one larger content

piece. This piece of content should be interesting enough for the target market, that

they would like to give their contact information in order receive the content. In the

case of Eevia Health Oy, this content could be for example a guide on how the

ingredients affect the health. In addition to the large content piece, the company

should also create other content for the company blog, website and the social media

channels. The process of creating content starts from ideas. It is recommended, that

the company should have a list of ideas for the content. To make the process easier,

the company should prepare a schedule for posting the content. The schedule does

not need to contain every single post, but it should work as a guide for the employ-

ees. A schedule is recommended especially in a case where the company is running

a marketing campaign. To gain more organic visibility for the content, SEO and key-

word analysis are needed. Their utilization is explained in chapter 3.3.

After the company has an idea on what type of content they will be creating, the

company should set up all the necessary tools. This includes a functioning CRM

system, a tool to identify the visitors and a form for the company website. The form

is the source of lead conversion, which is the second step of the inbound marketing

process. Therefore, the form should be on a well-designed landing page. To get the

visitors to fill out the form, the form should have a functioning CTA. The use of land-

ing pages and CTA is described in chapter 3.1. After the company has gained leads,

it is time to move to the third phase of inbound marketing process, closing. To con-

vert the leads to paying customers, they must be followed-up. Emails are often used

for that purpose, as said in chapter 5.4.

The final thing that is recommended for Eevia Health Oy is to set up a system for

measuring the gathered data. The responsible employees should have a clear idea

on what they are measuring, when and why. There are explanations for some com-

monly measured metrics in chapter 6.3. In addition to those, the company should

set other metrics to follow by defining which of them would give valuable information

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for them. Orrenmaa mentions for example measuring social media data in his inter-

view in chapter 7.2. The measuring is useful only if the company learns something

from it, and the company should also adjust their inbound marketing accordingly to

the data they have gathered.

Table 1 explains the current state of the commissioners inbound marketing actions

according to the theory of the thesis. It also includes recommendations for improve-


Inbound marketing Current state of the

commissioner accord-

ing to the theory


Company website

(Chapter 3)

- Suitable design for

inbound marketing

- Optimized for mobile


- Create at least one

landing page

- Create a path of

CTA’s to drive traffic

to the landing page

- Conduct a keyword

analysis and pub-

lished content based

on the results

Social media

(Chapter 4)

- Users for Facebook,

LinkedIn and Twitter

- Publish content regu-


- Analyse the target

group and optimize

the content for their


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Company blog

(Chapter 5)

- The company website

includes a blog

- There is an option to

subscribe to a news-


- Avoid content that is

only highlighting the


- Create content that is

optimized for the tar-

get market

- Publish content more


Goals and measuring

(Chapter 6)

- The commissioner

has not set goals for


- Set goals utilizing the

SMART -process

- Determine which met-

rics should be meas-

ured to follow the


Table 1 The current state and recommendations according to theory

At this point, the last phase of the inbound marketing process, to delight, is recom-

mended to Eevia Health Oy only if they have enough resources. It is important to

not forget the existing customers, but it is enough to follow them up regularly until

there are enough resources to start converting them to promoters.

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The goal for the thesis was to research inbound marketing through theoretical

framework and to create recommendations for the commissioner Eevia Health Oy

based on the results of the research and two in-depth interviews. This goal was met

in the end of the thesis. With the content of the thesis, the commissioner will be able

to build a working inbound marketing process for their company. To get a full under-

standing of the thesis, it is not enough to only read the recommendations. The the-

oretical framework explains the concepts that are utilized for the recommendations,

and the interviews of the empirical part are adding value to the research as they

were executed with professionals.

The results of the thesis showed that implementing inbound marketing requires a lot

of time and effort from the company, but it is easy to maintain after the implementa-

tion. To implement inbound marketing, the company has to know the type of their

target customer, and create the company’s marketing for them instead of highlight-

ing themselves. It is also necessary to understand the concept and the process of

inbound marketing, which are discussed in chapter two.

The rest of the theoretical part is concerning central concepts of inbound marketing,

such as social media, the company website and SEO. The definitions and functions

for every central concept are addressed, while also explaining why they belong to

the process of inbound marketing and how to implement them.

The empirical part of the thesis consists of two interviews that gave the commis-

sioner valuable information from professionals. The interviewees discussed about

many things that were already explained in the theoretical part, but they added new

angles to the topic and shared their experiences of inbound marketing. The inter-

views were also a significant part of the recommendations for the commissioner.

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Appendix 1. Interview guideline

What are the main objectives of inbound marketing?

Would you recommend inbound marketing for small B2B companies? Why/why not?

What are the main differences between B2C and B2B inbound marketing?

What is physically required from the company to start inbound marketing?

What are the most important things about SEO?

Is it mandatory to use paid promotion to be successful?

How to recognize which social media channels are the most beneficial for the company?

Would you recommend having a company blog? Why/why not?

How often should new content be posted to a blog/social media?

What kind of content would you recommend creating for a blog/social media?

Is it enough to publish almost the same content on all social media channels (f.ex. link to a blog

post) or should there be more variety between the channels?

At what point does the viewer become a lead?

When is the right time to forward the leads to the sales team?

Which role does goal setting play in inbound marketing?

Which factors of inbound marketing should be measured?

Which tools would you suggest using for measuring?

What are your recommendations on how to start implementing inbound marketing?

What is the most challenging thing about implementing inbound marketing?