in many keys -€¦ · when art her gift to heaven-born genius lends, and o’er...


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Page 1: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,
Page 2: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,




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Page 3: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,
Page 4: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,
Page 5: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,
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Page 8: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


HAND unskilled may touch and try the strings,

With vagrant fancies charm ing ca re away,

Some solace oft such id le mu s ic b rings,

Whether the tune be p la intive,bold

,or gay .

Not these the notes the master’ s hand awakes

When Art her gift to heaven-born Geniu s lends,

And o ’er the chords h i s sou l impass ioned breaks

In sound that a l l ou r morta l speech transcend s .

Yet may the master smi le,sometimes

,to hea r

The fa int,imperfect mus ic that betrays

A kindred impu l se,to hi s sp i rit dea r


And,smil ing

,pardon What he cannot pra i se .

Page 9: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,
Page 10: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


ATE overtakes u s a l l !

I bl ame not the decree that bade thee fa l l ;And yet

,thou qua int Old tree


My sou l resents the stroke that shattered thee,

In a l l thy spring-time show of bravery,

Sti l l cheerfu l at the core,

Greeting the May 80 gal l antly once more .

Alas,when we a re old


The invi s ible deep roots of l ife take hold

Upon a Past unknown

To newer generat ions ; I had grown

To love thee for the memories thou alone,

Year after year,with me

Sweetly d idst share,thou Balm of Gi lead tree !

Page 11: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

The Balm Of Gilead Tree

How long ago it seems

Since fi rs t,a ch i ld

,j u s t mingl ing truth with dreams


I s tayed my steps to greet

Thy gracious shadow in the Vi l lage street ;For I had heard beloved l ip s repeat

Old words that seemed to bear

A charm—Of Gilead and the Healer there .

Dimly my heart perce ived

The i r myst ic meaning ; d imly I bel ieved

God se t thee there for good ;Wherefore

,with chi ld ish fa ith

,devout I stood

Beneath thy blos soming boughs,a ssu red He wou ld

From those green depths bles s me

A l ittle sou l,aware of poverty .

Ah ! many a year s ince then

Great storms have shaken thee,sweet suns again

Made glad th ine heart ; and I2

Page 12: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

The Balm of Gilead Tree

1 too have tos sed in t empests,faced the cry

Of hungry w inds,and seen at last the sky

Look forth,d ivinely b lue ;

No t -al l a dream,that trust my chi ldhood knew !


Wel l hast thou done thy part,Thy ways ide warning to each carele s s heart

Whispering,the summer through !

M ight man but learn of thee to be a s true

To H i s dea r l aw Who gave thee l ight and dew,

And bade thee to the end

With shelter,shade

,and strength His ea rth befriend .

Farewel l ! ’t i s trans ient pa in ;

Yet O,whene ’er th i s hea rt

,a chi ld aga in


D rawn close to Memory’ s b reast,

Hea rs the Old vo ices lu l l ing doubt to rest

And owns the firs t bel iefs are s ti l l the best ,I shal l remember thee


Thou fragrant mes senger of peace to me !

Page 13: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


Le vent ! uz’

! te int une Iumzere allume un bran ’


AST twelve ! and chi l l through my Shutter

A gust of the night-wind sweeps ;In the grate i t startles the embers


And the answering blaze up- leaps ;

It fla res the lamp on my table,

And the sca red flame cowers and c reep s

And dies in the dark . So work ends .

What task now the l ittle W i fe keeps !

I shut my book ; in the shadow

I Sit and muse how stern

Blows the piti les s b last of Fate . What !

You are come,Sweet ! Ah

,I tu rn

To the l ip s and the heart that love me !

Why I S i t in th e dark P I learn

How a fra i l love d ies of the ha rdsh ip

That makes ou rs sparkle and bu rn !

Page 14: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


To E . P M .

OW shy and sad th is Ch i ld of Spring .

Her secret spe l l

In wood and del l

She weave s with t ea rs ; her ta sk i s done .

Nor stays she for the blos soming ;Wh i le May flowers bud and blueb i rds s ing,

Apri l i s gone ;And none makes moan

But you and I wi l l not forget

A mark bes ide her grave to set .

Page 15: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


SIGH— a wh i sper,far away


May reach an ea r attuned to hear ;And I could half bel ieve



Your Sp i rit knows that mine i s ! near .

Be wel l ! be happy ! so I p ray .

While round me re igns h igh Chri stmas

I,for a moment

,seem to stay

Bes ide you ! do you th ink so,Dear !

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UY coa l ! buy coal ! !

You hear it,M arguerite ,

Far down the distant street,

That lamentable,long-drawn c ry

And smi le among you r cu sh ions where you l ie,

With sat in-s l ippered feet,

Deep in the velvet cu rve of that qua int cha i r

Carved l ike a shrine above you r golden head

What are you thinking,Sweet !

We note the d iff erence , it may be said

Outs ide,the wintry ai r,

Sharp as hi s v o ic e that p ierces l ike a knife ;The black and grimy trade ;The rough humanity that al l its l i fe

I s doomed to j olt and bawl

Beneath men’ s windows ! hear the dolorou s cal l

Buy coal ! buy coal ! !

Page 17: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

A Lover Considerr, Comparer, Conelua’


Wh i le here a re warmth and bloom

The glowing grate that tempts you r gracefu l foot

To perch upon the fender ; flowers

That make a s i lent summer in the room ;Books

,mus ic

,art ;

And you,the cau se and crown

Of al l th i s beauty,sit here

,smil ing down

On me,whose part

In the s cene i s to adore you — and I do !Flower of my heart


Blos soming so fa r above the world ’ s dark root ;But human

,too !

Buy coa l ! buy coa l

That faint and vanish ing c ry,How al l unl i ke the s igh

With which,del ic iou s ly

,you s ink

Again among you r cu shions and (I th ink)With soft approving eye

Su rvey the ring that white hand deigns to wear.

My ring— and you rs ! ou r sacred sol ita ire !! Splend id

,you sa id . Bu t I

S eem to look down into the blacknes s where

(Of u s two unaware !)

Page 19: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

A Lover Considers, Compares , Concludes

From yonder blackened to i ler in the street,

My exqu i s ite girl , - to you !

That rude sou l fated in its own dark wayTo l ive and love

,to suffer and to pray


Li ke u s perhap s some day .

Shal l i t be named w ith you rs ! —~ be named and owned !

Now,you r heart speaks !

Now shines,tea r-l ighted

,i n those deepening eyes

The vi s ion my sou l seeks

The fai r true self,whose sweet human ities

Cheapen and put to shame

The tawdry elements of dust that cla im

Homage and servitude from such a s you !

Al l va in,fa l se

,fool ish things

Drop o ff their fl imsy wings

And peri sh in the su nl ight and the dew

Of love and pity God has made

To fi l l the heaven of a pu re woman ’ s heart !


O , take you r p leasu re , undismayed ,Laugh


,my Sweet

,and wear

Whatever ’s rich and rare ;I O

Page 20: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

A Lover Cons iders , Compares , Concludes

I know where hides my j ewel,unconfessed !

I know the heart that beats beneath th is vest

SO broidered and beset


flowery fancies,wrought

After some marvel lou s fashion,brought

Acros s the Atlantic to adorn you . Yet,

When these s low days are done,

When you,my Love

,are won


Won,past al l a rgument


,or retreat


When I sha l l l i sten closer to the beat

Of that dea r hea rt,wi l l fear

Startle my own , to hea r

How yours,a l l woman

,denying naught to mine


IS yet,divine !


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Y a thing the heart d ivines

In its firs t d im youth,

Half aware of days unbo rn,

While yet in the front of morn

The Star of Childhood sh ines !

Many a thing the coming years

Sea l with s low,reluctant tea rs

For truth .

Mock not thou the Ch i ld i sh woe ;Soot he the groundles s fear !

What prophetic shadow may

That l ittle help les s heart d ismay

Alas ! we cannot know .

In mystery ou r l ives unfold ;Yonder the secret may be told ;

Not here !

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Page 22: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


OOR faded leaf,blown sh ivering down to me ,

Was i t for this , thy home was fixed so fa r

Beyond the rude hand ’ s reach , where winds a re


In yon blue deep , and heaven so near to t hee

Thou might ’ st unblamed have deemed thyself a sta r !

Was it for this that thou,the fa i res t there ,

First of thy kindred felt the kis s of dawn ,Beloved of the sunsh ine ! —first d idst shareThe dewy wh i sper of the evening a i r


And caught the pale moon ’ s earl iest smile forlorn !

Alas ! there came to thee an evi l day

When,with hi s subtle whisper

,sweet and strange


The late Year sought thee,danc ing on thy spray


And stole the freshnes s from thy heart away,

And flushed thy cheek,amazed

,with crimson change .


Page 23: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

A Fa llen Leaf

Flame-tinged and glowing in thy ways ide tower,

Thou wast the wonder of the pas ser-by ;Perchance a marvel to thyself

,that hou r

When al l thy being owned the fatal power

That matched thy sp lendor with the sunset sky .

Brief was thy dream ! The frost i s keen to—night,

And thou,poor outcast

,t remblest in the du st


Where heedles s footsteps tread thee out of S ight,

And none remembers thee to mou rn thy bl ight

From l ight from life to outer da rknes s thru st !


Page 24: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


ST fal l s the summer night

O ’er field and wood,and thi s dark s i lent stream ,

Where,resting on my oars

,I watch day’ s l ight

Withdraw its las t red beam .

LO,in the west one sta r

From heaven ’ s c lea r deep looks at me wi stfu l ly ;Later, a host wi l l follow,

brighter far,

But none so dear to me .

For thu s,when l ife is done


And Death ’ s great Shadow darkens o ’er mine eyes,

For me sha l l thy lost face,ou r bli s s begun


Open God ’ S Pa rad ise .


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E cricket ch i rp s in the orchard ;The night grows sweet with the s cent of the

barley sheaves,

The wind i s s ti l l ; not a b reath sti rs the shadow 0

l eaves

The moon draws on the'

wal l ;And c lose u nder my window I hear an app le fa l l .

0 that Old s cent of the barley!And the apples lying so cool i n the dew-wet gra s s !

There was once a way, by the broken step s , you cou ld

pa s s

To the orcha rd unseen

Many ’s the night that way after an apple I ’ve

been .

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Page 27: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

Mustered Ou t

Darknes s and S leep then the waking !

Dawn and her face ! O my God , sha l l i t be so aga in !

She s a id so . Thought of that shamed away many a s ta in

From a sou l none too pu re .

I ’ve been true to you,Love ! In heaven I cou ld not be

truer .

O good-bye,da rk world of sorrow !

That ’ s the las t st ab l Now her l i ttle soft hand in my


Comes,s ti l l ing the angu i sh

,hu sh ing the hea rt’ s th rob

to res t,

And her wh isper ! She sa id,

S leep and peace for u s both,i n the holy home of

dead ! !


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If it h av e breath ,I f li fe taste sweet t o it, if deathPa in it s soft petal, no man knows.


INGER ING,I stoop to look

On thee,lone dwel ler in thy forest nook !

Violet,thou dost not mis s

This summer eve,thy l ittle sha re of bl i s s !

Su rely thou finde st i t sweet

Thy tiny tribute,at His grac iou s feet

From that unstained cup ,Pu re a s In Parad ise

,to Offer up !

To leave thee,I am loth


Alike we s leep and wake ; al ike for both

Draws near the Unknown—Death !And hast thou not

,with that brief

,exqu is ite breath

I 9

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Whispering of Love divine,

B rought H i s own message to th i s hea rt of m ine !

Thou hast not l ived in va in ;May ’s t b loom aga in !


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ARK between thy banks , 0 lonely R iver,All day long thy restles s waters moan ;In the bu sy summer fields



Like some mou rnfu l mus ic ’ s undertone,

Sti l l the i r murmu r saddens everywhere

Labor’ s ceaseles s d in,beneath the noontide gl are .

But when n ight along the mis ty val ley

S t ea ls , and shuts the door of forge and m i l l,Hush ing al l the sti r of toi l and traffic


Wh i le the twi l ight a i r breathes cool and s ti l l,

Then thy voice cal l s loud acros s the h i l l s,

And with sound supreme the darkening s i lence fi l l s .

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Page 31: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

All day long the lonely heart keeps s igh ing ;Toi l and thought res i s t its yea rning prayer ;

Li fe needs many th ings,nor stays for p ity

But n ight comes at last ; day’ s s tri fe and ca re

Die forgotten ; then , O heart of mine,Have way ! s i lence and the dark


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URPLE and white and rose !

Out of the sad black mou ld

The fragrant sp ike s u nclose,

The Hyacinth buds and blows .

But how,in the dark and cold


Each blos som its duty knows

To be purple,or wh ite

,or rose


NO Hyac inth ever ha s told !

Pu rple,and wh it e, and rose

A dream of the hues that fleet

At sunset o ’er Alpine snows .

And ever the wonde r grows

That a bu lb in my window-seat,Here by the sa lt sea, knows

How the ! ungfrau pales and glows ,When Twil ight ki s ses her feet !


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Blessed , meth inks, is the lo t o f h im that sleeps, and tosses no t , no r turnsev en Endym ion.



USH !!

sh e s a id,ye Winds that v is it Latmo s !

Breath e no wh i sper where Endymion l ies,

Lost to ea rth beneath the brood ing Skies ;Closer c reep

,ye s i lvery Mists of midnight


Le t no keen-eyed Sta r h is s leep surpri se .

Lu l l h im,0 ye Dews ,— h e must not waken !

Steep h i s Ch i l ly senses in a d ream

Deep and dim,where t his fond face shal l seem ,

Softly gl id ing earthward through the shadows,

Li ke a meteor pa le to pause and gleam .


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HAT whispered She to h im

Bes ide the water d im,

Under the misty shade of leaves that clung

So th ick about the founta in ! Dark and sweet

The vei led night her s i lence o ’er them hung ;No sound of wandering feet


Nor stealthy step of sylvan Creatu re s ti rred’

Among the wood-paths ; fa r away he hea rd

Rome ’ s midnight pu lses beat,

But heeded not . What wh ispered sh e to him

Beneath the shadowy leaves,bes ide the water d im !

Some secret,dread and old


From morta l s over—boldHid by the h igh and j ealou s gods a lway !

Some rune of th ings that were or th ings to

Or sage enchantment wherewith princes sway

The round earth and the sea,


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And happy hea rts of men ! So legends say.

Was it for th is the ir wise King stole away

From pomp and revel ry,

To that lone del l Where,by the founta in ’ s b rim


His dewy-sandal led love kept tryst with h im !

Ah,but the p lace was sweet !

Beneath h is heed les s feet

He crushed the fern and deep del ic iou s bloom

Of violets . Sweeter to h i s sou l her kis s,

Her arms that c lasped h im in the fragrant gloom,

Her s igh of timid bl is s !

D is c rowned awhile,h is brow upon her breast

Forgot its bu rden ; dea r he was, and blest .

Perchance sh e wh ispered th i s’

T was al l sh e knew ! Would ’ st thou her secret share !! Where Love is found

,the wise find Wisdom there .



Page 37: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


!But you , 0 you ,

SO perfec t and so peerless are c reatedOf ev e ry c reature ’s best ! !

The Tempest. Ac t I I I ., Sc ene I . SHAKSPEARE .

OU pearl of maids , M i randa , — sta inles s , free,Fearles s of evi l

,yet not over—bold !

Thy beauty haunts my heart ; beside the sea

In dreams,meth inks I do compan ion thee


Where ’neath the moon the waves shine s i lver-cold,

And thou,W ith gentlest shape of ai ry s tate


And young eyes bright with innocent command,

Wh i le Ariel ’ s wh isp’ring sp rites around thee wa it,

On the wide shore in mus ing mood dost stand .

High o ’er thee darkens al l the wooded i s le,

Beneath thee al l the stars in ocean smi le,

And in thy face the lone and lovely night

I s mirrored lovel ier ! Maiden without gu i le,

Thou in that sol itude has t no affright,But mu rmu re st to thyself a song the wh i le

That charms the s leep ing sea to deeper hush of


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To E . H. R .

ADY,I know a prison

Where a captive p ineth,

A dungeon dark and deep,

Where no beam of noonday shinet h ,And the sweet consol ing stars

Through those unrelenting ba rs

Never peep .

He i s young but wasted

With a s i lent sorrow ;He dares not hope to-day

Nor can hOpe to—morrow ;Yet from l ife he may not

Ti l l the fi re s in h is heart

Die away .


Page 39: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

Oft h ave I thought h im dead,

And hi s pam past forever,But he only s lept

To waken wi ld a s ever ;His p rayer for l iberty ,Lady

,grieved even me


Ti l l I wept .

0 shal l I se t h im free

The Boy in pri son lying !’T i s but a word from thee

And the door i s Open flying .

Thou only ha st the key ;Wi l l mercy sweet plea se thee,

Emily !


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EAR l ittle Boat,home-faring

Acros s the white-capped sea ,

I watch thee tos s and tremble

Li ke the fool i sh heart in me '

Yet shoreward thou art speed ing,

No homing b ird fl ies truer ;Thy master’ s hand i s steady


Thy master’ s eye i s su re .

Why shou ld I d read the tempest !

The stress of coming years !

Why doubt the dis tant harbor

So d imly seen th rough tears !


,may keep , though trembling ,

A course as true as th ine ,For

,happy Boat

,thy Master


,thi s heart of m ine !


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OME with me !

The l ight wind and the se a

Laugh along the sunny shore together’T i s summer weather !

My l ittle s a i l i s dancing on the foam ;Yon fa i ry i s le to—day shal l be ou r home !

0 come with me ! 2

Come with me !

The storm i s on the sea ;Wi ld ’m id the su rge that o ’er u s dashes

The l ightning fla shes !

We must drive head long now before the gale ;I know not wh ither

,nor how fa r, we sai l ,

But— come with


Page 43: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

Twenty Years After

Wiser and s adder ! Ye s— perhaps !So much t h e ~

mo re’

t i s wel l to feel

That where one worshipped in one ’ s youth

I s sti l l the fittest place to kneel .

NO man whose heart yOu’v e deigned to school

Looks back to ca l l h imself a fool !

That ’

s someth ing to be thankfu l for

When fi rst i l lu s ions,thinning fast


Begin to Show how flat and drea r

Life ’ s rea l coast- l i ne l ies at las t

One high romance sti l l throned in mist

By dreams of dawn forever ki s sed !

You keep your secret sti l l . I know

To-night no more than years ago

Why,of al l morta l faces


Should stir the sou l with in me so


Page 44: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

Twenty Years After

Old thoughts deep buried,not to ri se


Live,and reproach me

,in you r eyes .

Old thoughts,old vis ions

,old bel iefs

The th ing I meant— but fa i led— to be !Ah wel l ! —Good-night ! O

UI! ways part h ere

Ay— and hereafter ! Yet to see

Your face for me that shadow wea r

Perhaps heaven i s one man ’ s share !


Page 45: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


NLY a word !

A little winged word

Blown through the busy town,

Lighter than this tle-down,

Lighter than dust,by roving bee or bi rd

B ru shed from the blossoming l i ly’ s golden c rown,

Borne id ly here and there,

Oft a s the summer a i r

About men ’ s doors the sunny sti l lnes s s ti rred .

Only a word !

But sharp—O,Sharper than a two-edged sword


To p ierce and sting and sca r !

Only a word !

A little word that fel l

Unheeded as the dew

That from the darkl ing


Page 46: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

Only a Word

Of summer m idn ight soft ly stea ls to tel l

The t a le Of t inkl ing b rook and s tar—lit del lIn yonder noisome street.

There, pa le with du s t and heat,The l ittle window-flower in workman’ s cel l

It s droop ing bel l

Lift s up to meet the k i s s it knows so wel l .

A word—a drop of dew

But O, t ouch cou ld l i fe’ s lost hope renew !


Page 47: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


BUILT my bower in summer weather,

A bower no b i rd ie need d isda in,

Where two that loved might l ive together,

Safe sheltered from the wind and ra in ;For now that woods are green

,sa id I


The B i rd I love wi l l h i ther fly .

The summer roses bloomed and perished

The brooks grew s i lent in the gras s,

Va in were the May-time hopes I cheri shed ;

My B i rd was but a dream ,ala s !

And thick about my lonely eaves

Began to fa l l the fad ing leaves .


Page 48: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

At Last

And now the sky was drea r November’ s,

And roa red the wind and pla shed the ra in ;Sadly I brooded o’er the embers



,aga inst my window-pane

A flutter fa int,a cry

,I hea rd


I sprang to Open ’

t was my Bird !

A tiny th ing t o brave such weather

Its eyes were d im and ch i l led its feet ;Rain d ripped from every droop ing feather,But O

,its note was pass ing sweet !

I caught it c lose,I held it fast ;

Love s ings within my bower at last !


Page 49: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


ORA’ll be marr ied to-morrow ! Dora , the younge st

of al l !

But yesterday she was the baby ; now she i s

twenty— and ta l l,

Taller than Helen or NIargare t — a bride,and going

away !

And th is old,sad house 18 once more bedecked for a

wedd ing day.

There ’11 be bustle enough in the morn ing,what with

dress ing the bride,

And wedding guests to welcome,and Dora ’ s la st packing

beside ;To-night how qu iet the hou se i s ! I hear but the wind ’ s

low moan,

And the ticking clock in the corner . ’T wil l be so when

she i s gone !


Page 51: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


We two,in a sec ret heaven the heaven of bl i s s denied

Were a lone in the world together,when he was by my

s ide .

He might not speak,and I knew it — but what was

that to me !

Hope i s the s lave that trembles ; Despa i r i s fearles s

and free .

He came for h i s own ! I gave it,unasked . Was it mine

to keep !

How else could I bea r to remember that grave in

the fa r cold deep !

No words,but only a S i lence ; no kis s , though we were

a lone ;Not a S igh— h is true heart guarded my secret a s we ll

a s h is own,

But the c la sp of that c l ing ing hand,in h i s eyes that

pass ionate c laim !

SO he left me . One week later,the news of the

lost sh ip came .


Page 52: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,



None pitied me ; how cou ld I tel l them ! I mou rned

h im al l alone ;I mou rn you as much to-night, Love , now ten long yea rs

a re flown !

Marga ret has her hu sband ; Helen , husband and Ch i ld ren ,too ;

But I have noth ing,Lawrence

,only my dream Of you .

Only a dream,and yet are the others so much more

blest !

Sometimes I cou ld a lmost th ink the sad,wronged love

fares best .

If that dream were the brief delu s ion that d ies with the

br ida l hou r

Cou ld I have borne its fad ing—my l i fe’ s one perfect

flower !

It i s pleasant to V i s itMargaret ; her home is grand and gay,Her husband i s in the Senate

,and ! a ri s ing man


! they

say ;


Page 53: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


They go everywhere together ; h e’s pol ite to her



And Margaret,I know

,i s learning woman’ s le s son not

to mind .

Yet I cannot choose but remember the i r courtship of

long ago,

When R ichard came so early and wa s a lways the la s t

to go,

How they sat and ta lked in the twi l ight or,leaning


In the book —o r the broidery pattern some wonderfu l

th ing unsa id .

Does he ever ca re now to sit! by her ! Or know if she

works or reads !

He has too much to do for h i s party to th ink of the

l ife sh e leads

That l ife he had vowed to cheri sh ! Sad mockery ! Yet,I know


He i s one of the world ’ s goodv

hu sbands . Perhaps it i s

a lways so .


Page 54: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


! I I I

They say i t i s a lways so , Love Everyt hing changes

but you .

Shal l I blame Death ! What -am I, then , that you m ight

not have a ltered,too !

Better my dead than thei r l iv ing,grown so ca reles s and


Dearer the ki s s never given,the tale that never was



Page 55: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,



HE came to me ! sh e came to me !

As though a l ittle b i rd shou ld be

B lown out upon th is wintry sea,

And,buff eted by storm and s leet


Drop on the deck here at my feet .

Perhaps it was not wise nor wel l

To seek such refuge . Who can tel l !’T i s not the shelter you ’

d expect

A b i rd or woman to select ;Nor I the sort of fel low j u st

A woman or a bird would tru st.

But here sh e is. What ’s next,we

’11 see .

Up anchor, shake the mainsa i l free !

One thing i s su re— she ! came to me !

A year ago I d id not dare

To ask th is lady cou ld sh e care

My wild and wandering l ife to share ;


Page 56: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

The Capta in ’s P riz e

TOO bold a question tha t , for me

I,but a grace les s sa i lor she


The fairest,daintiest

,s tatel ies t gi rl


Of al l her haughty house, the pea rl !

See,now ! Two l ittle feet are se t

Bes ide me,in the wind and we t ;

The salt sp ray sparkles in her ha ir ;She tu rns her face to me take care


Sweethea rt ! between the wind and me,

You ’

ll th ink we have wi ld ways at sea !

And yet you know you came to me !

All ’s wel l ! the sh ip begins to fee l

The long swel l underneath her keel ;The harbor-l ights beh ind u s reel ;Far out

,in ra in and darkness


We sha l l be running free ; no moon

Nor sta r,Sweet

,in the sky above ;

Nor pilot wanted,now but Love !

Give me those l ittle hands that seem

To make a l l true that else were dream !

They ’ re m ine— and yet,on sea or shore



Page 57: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

For O,there i s such sovere ignty

In thei r soft touch,their s i lent plea

knows,my Dea r



Page 59: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

Tout passe ! -The l ight,the shadow of th i s mortal day

Sorrow and j oy how fast they fleet


To blend a s one in His eternal thought ,Where Love abides that

hath wrought !


Page 60: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


OT yet—not yet ! B etween the night and mornThere i s an hou r

,uncheered by moon or sta r


That hungers for the day— the day unborn .

Never seems l ight so fa r

As when that hou r s its,darkl ing and forlorn


Waiting,a s we wait

,on the verge of morn .

Not yet not yet ! When,al l ath i rs t for ra in ,

The hot field s gasp,and up the su ltry sky

The great c louds gather,darkening o’er the p la in ,

Earth sti l l s her fa intest s igh ;She wa its —as we wait dumb

,in patient pa in ,

The crash with which the tempest b reaks its chain .

5 1

Page 61: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

The Hour will Come

Not yet—not yet ! When,

flooded fu l l with streams

From mounta in height and glen,the river wide

B rims nea r its thundering fa l l,how sti l l i t gleams !

NO ripple s ti rs the tide

That wa its— as we wait— hold ing hushed in dreamsThe fate with which its cu rrent darkly teems .

The hou r wi l l come l— the dawn,th e thunder-pea l ,

The weltering plunge of waters down the steep !

Ay— thrones



,in terror reel


Deep cal l ing unto deep,

And star to Sta r,when ! udgment breaks the sea l ,

And tyrants learn,at la st

,with whom they dea l !

5 2

Page 62: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


OR h im no b itter tears we shed ;Rather


,we s i t and weep

That we are left,around hi s bed


These annua l rites of memory to keep

Ere we shal l with ou r friend be la id,

Through the long summer days with h im to

Beneath the Old oak ’ s whispering shade .

Where doth he wait for u s ! To-night

Meth inks the blooming earth and fragrant a i r

Shou ld bring his dea r etherea l Sprite

TO seek,thi s eventide

,the old wood where

At eventide we used to meet,

And dream away day’ s sord id strife and care,

Til l dews were th ick beneath ou r feet .

A sweet and noble sou l was he ;Too finely strung for thi s world ’ s tuneles s touch


But breath ing pu res t melody


Page 63: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

The P oet’

s Crave

Of thought divine and tendernes s to such

AS loved him,—a l l too wel l aware

Of wea ry worldl ines s and stri fe how much

H i s sh rinking sp i rit needs must bea r .

Alone with blos soms,birds and bees


At la st he s leepeth in the anc ient shade ;No voice

,save murmur of the breeze


And wh i spers in the flowery grass o’

e rhead

To m ingl e with h i s d ream of peace

If thou,ou r Poet

,in the mould low l a id

Dream sti l l,where thou hast found re lease .


Page 64: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


Y l ight streams fa r,thou gladden ing

O ’er va le and fores t,tower and town ;

From land and sea men look to thee

In every cl ime,as night comes down !

And yet,were a l l the eyes that mark

Thy ri s ing,closed in endles s dark


Und immed would gl itter sti l l

Thy bright,unpitying Spark .

I heed thee not. In yonder co t,

As home I haste,from toi l se t free,

Though dark and damp,the casement lamp

Shines clea r,acros s the fields

,for me .

Dear l ight ! dea r heart ! how wel l I know

If bitter death Shou ld lay me low

Dark would that ca sement be,

And quenched you r W insome glow !

5 5

Page 65: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,



HORACE . Odes, I , ! ! ! VI ! !

LL th i s . pa rade,Boy

,that the Pe rS Ian

Makes o ’er h is cups i s my avers ion !

These wreaths yo u b ind

Of l inden rind

Are nowise to my taste ; and , mind ,I ’ l l have no sea rch ing up and down

For some late rose

That,l ingering


Our l ittle fea st to crown !

Nor do I choose you shou ld be taking

More time and pa ins than go to making

The twist you may,

Of myrtle spray,

Weave fresh,the yea r round

,any day


Page 67: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


F I had bu t a home of my own,sa id he ;

Poor fel low,how sad ly he s ighed a s he sa id i t

I f I had bu t a home of my own you wou ld see

How steady and sober and saving I ’d be,

Though for that,now

,you give me no cred it .

To think I may never get qu it of that trunk,

And d ie after a l l in a lodging-hou se attic !

So low at the prospect my sp irits have sunk

You may thank you r good stars I don ’t go and get drunk,Or p itch into some scrape

,as bad and emphatic . !


,sh e sa id

,now you ’ re fool i sh indeed ,

Not to say you are real ly a l ittle - ungratefu l !

We can ’t have our hou se yet,bu t what i s the need

Of su l king and threatening ! You ’re bound to succeed .

I t ’ s th is grumbl ing,I tel l you

,makes poverty hatefu l !


Page 68: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

Dick the Discontented

And no home of you r own,D ick ! Why

,where a re

yo u r wits !

Here ’s your home in my heart

,where you ’

re ma ster


Such a n ice cosy corner,where nobody s its

But you r own prec ious self ! Very i l l it befit s

A fel low with your luck to ta lk about ! never ’ !

0 there now ! come D icky,be sen s ib le

,do !

I real ly must finish th i s hat . See,to-morrow

We wil l walk in the Park— and the hat must go too,With a rose and a ribbon se t on, to p lease you !

For which I had neither to beg nor to borrow.

Good-night ! go you r ways l—I ’v e heard something


I may mention to—morrow,i f you behave bet t er.

I was told not to te l l,so I hardly can say

0 such luck for u s both ! But it ’s l ate ! you can ’t stay.

You may take it and read it ; it’

S a l l in that let t er ! !


Page 69: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


HE wept ; her tears l ike summer rain

Revived the beauty of her flowe r-l i ke face ;She s ighed— for wonder more than pain


s igh ing,found sh e ga ined an added grace !

She wept,and s ighed .

You th ink sh e d id not care . She d id,

For h im who never wi sh of hers denied .

Nor shou ld the deeper grief be hid ;She ca red for many a th ing that with h im

SO,wept and s ighed .

Sorry and sca red may yet be sh rewd !



,her beauty stil l m ight buy ;

Sorrow prolonged might p rove too rude,

Ay !—mar that face on wh ich she must rely !

Her tears she dried .


Page 70: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


(Addressed to one who asserted that man’s fr iendsh ip was worth more thanwoman’s love .)

NCERTAIN,cap ric iou s




A creatu re that can ’ t be rel ied on

That ’S the verd ict of man,whose l i fe ’

s but a span,

Presuming our sex to decide on !

His l ife ’ s but a span ; somewhat brief, one would

th ink,For a j u st and complete self- inspection ,

Without compl icating the task by debating

How fa r woman fal l s short of perfection !

And you too,though no woman-hater, my friend ,

More cruel,perhaps

,becau se kinder

Even you echo shabbi ly ! Varium et mu tabile

She p roves,wheresoever you find her . !


Page 71: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

A Remonstrance

Place aux dames for awh ile ! Le t a woman expla in

Those s imiles gracefu l,but bitter


With which Civi l ized man,s ince d is cu s s ion began


I l lu s trates hi s ru le— not to h it her !

There ’

s the moon,type of female incons tancy !

Don ’ t you know that her Changes a re due

To the smiles and the frowns,the ups and the down s

Of her master— as ou rs a re to you !

There ’s the wind,blowing h ither and thither ! ’

T i s sa id

Woman ’ s fancy i s fickle as a i r ;But the vacuum sti l l that sh e

’s trying to fi l l

Ah ! ’t i s caused by a coldnes s

,somewhere !

Bring on al l you r emblems ! The dew and the m i st,Sea and cloud

,image woman ’ s caprices !

But observe,i f you please

,how each one of

Confirms me in my exeges i s .62

Page 72: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

A Remonstrance


Under infin ite aspects,each s ti l l i s t he same

Vita l element,pure and pers i stent


You ’d tire Of al l beauty ’

t wou ld fa i l of its duty,

Were its forms ever fixed,nea r or d is tant.

Thus,her mood ever changing

,her m ind sti l l the same


Woman ’s true

,though she seem l ike a tra itor ;

One end she ’s pursu ing

,whatever she ’ s doing


And she reaches it,sooner or la t er !


Page 73: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


E th inks h imself granite . That su its h im right


Steadfast and stern as the mountain wal l yonder !

Well,let h im be granite

,but I ’

ll be the brook

Through cranny and crevice commiss ioned to wander ;The l i ttle brook

,talking and teas ing al l day


Darkl ing or bright,in its misch ievous play

Wearing the heart of the granite awayI

He may be ice,too

,i f that ’

s to h i s mind,

Si lent and cold as the winter-locked river !

He shal l be ice — yes,and I ’

ll be the sta r

That del ights on its su rface to spa rkle and qu iver ;The l ittle s ta r

,lonely and daring and shy,

Which nobody marks as it creeps up the sky,

Its face,i n the ice-mirror imaged

,to spy .


Page 75: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


WEET,my red geranium flower !

Peep ing through my lattice screen ,Li ke a maiden from her bower,

Forth,I pray thee

,look and lean ,

When fa r down the street thou heares t

Step Of h im my heart holds dearest .

Naught to fear,i f thou art seen

Keep ing watch in shine or shower,

Wishing, waiting, hou r by hour ;Spitefu l though the neighbors be

None wil l th ink to mock at thee .

Hark ! h e ’

s coming ! Ye s,

’t i s he !

Nod , dear flower ! The wind blows free ,Nod and if he seem to se e


Say one l ittle word for me !


Page 76: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

In Old Madrid

Tell h im what my m i rror shows

Tresses glos sy,black a s night ,

Brow of pearl,and l ips of rose


D ark-la shed eyes whose glances bright

Many a cava l ier s ays,s ighing


Would reward a man for dying.

(This , of cou rse, i s fa r from right !)But that I am fai r

,he knows


Oft h is looks the truth d isclose ;Tell h im I am good

,l i kewi se


Very grave,discreet

,and wise ;

True I am,and scorn a l l l ies


Such as that Dolores tries

When she,whispering

,s its and sp ies

Yonder,while her needle fl ies !

Bolder ma id I never knew !

Like a pa rrot on its perch

Twists her neck the street to v iew

While the p iou s come from chu rch67

Page 77: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

I n Old Madrid

And the young gal lants are prancing,

Bowing here and there,and glancing !

Ah,they pas s !— And you may search ,

He ’

s not there ! And not for you

The rose that in ou r cou rtyard fel l

Last night,by the moonl it wel l !

I ’m no tattler,nor shal l tel l

Any sou l how that befe l l !

O,I hOpe he loves me ! Yet

SO a re maidens oft dece ived ;Men thei r fanc ies soon forget


Then the fool i sh one i s grieved ;And w ith grief

,one’ s bloom ’

s departed .

Keep me,0 sweet sa ints

,l ight-hearted !


Page 78: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


QOD NIGHT ! I f you and I were lovers

I ’d say,! Good-night and dream of me



But prudence now— o r pride— d i scoversHow very fool i sh that wou ld be .

Since not a shadow of Love ’ s bl indnes s

Lu rks in those eyes of you rs,to bles s

The man they dazzle with thei r kindnes s,

What u se in s ignal s of d istres s !

Lo ok l— o ’er yon s and-bar sa i l s the moon ;Sm i le


,bri l l iant

,and remote


Not much ava i l s that luckles s s chooner

Fast stranded . Better keep afloat !69

Page 79: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

Good-n ight ! ’t i s I must do the dreaming ;

Your pi l low dews obl iviou s steep .

Day ’ s los s in Lethe thus redeeming

Is Beauty ’ s sec ret . You will s leep !

But when,with bird and rose

,you waken

And count you r conquests,do me right ;

I shal l be wi sh ing then I ’d taken

Another sort of leave ! —Good-n ight !


Page 80: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


0 not wake,thou Dearest !


,s leep !

While in dreams thou hearest

Voices low and deep,

With pau se and cadence,creep

Through al l the winding ways

That weave their mystic maze

Around thy maiden hea rt,

Bid them not depart


,s leep !

DO not wake,thou Dearest !


,s leep !

Love,s ince Love thou fearest


Dreaming too,shal l weep

The peace he needs must keep ;7 1

Page 81: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

Yet song and dream may dare

B reathe,s ti l l

,Love’ s tender p rayer ;

Nor fright thy ma iden heart.

no,s leep !


Page 83: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


Why fool i sh mortals love at a l l,

Why we two hold each other dearest,

How long ’t wil l la st

,and how ’

t wi l l end,

You ’d l i ke to know

,you prec iou s queris t !


You never wi l l ! I ’ l l tel l you that !

Yet sti l l ma inta in my fi rs t a s sertion

Love understands what he ’

S about,

And bl inds u s,j u s t for h is d ivers ion .


Ah,why I love you ! If I knew,

I wo u ld not tel l you .


,never .

For soul s l ike yours and mine were made

To play at h ide and seek forever .


There ’s l ittle you do not find out,

But s ince that l ittle makes l i fe pleasant,

I th ink I ’ l l keep the secret sti l l,

And so keep you,too—for the present !


Page 84: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


WEET i s that sol itude where one dear face

Makes a l l the world ! —that face wherein I readWhatever ’s best in letters

,a rt

,or creed ,

And al l that ’ s fa i r in manners,good in men


By Love trans lated ! In some lonel iest glen’T were bl is s to dwel l

,sole student of thy grace


Each day’ s new les son in thy looks to trace !

And yet,in s treet

,or hal l

,or market-place


That face remembered makes a sol itude

D ivinely deep,where nothing mean or rude

Dares enter in . My Love ! with thee ab ides

The Charm that b inds the earth,the s tars

,t h e tides

Beloved by thee,where’er I rest or roam ,

Dwel l s in my heart serene,the unalterable home !


Page 85: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


OVE came to thee a s when among the h i l l s

The Apri l torrent leaps its bank,and breaks

Fa r down the va lley in a flood that wakes

The startled herdsman,and with panic fi l l s

The p lain for b ridges wrecked and shattered m i l l s .

Homestead and hamlet reel ; but soon retakes

The stream it s channel,and with verdu re makes

The toi ler glad,among the field s he ti l l s .

Bu t hers the S lower heart,that unawares

Received the tribute of Love ’ s hundred ri l l s

That stea l in secret down to swel l i ts strength,

Ti l l brimm ing h igh with a l l that Pa ss ion dares

I t bu rsts it s f bu ilded barrier,and fu lfi l s


With one Sheer desperate p lunge,it s fate at length .


Page 86: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,



T Eden ’ s gate a Harp,o ld legends say,

Upborne by angel s,wa its ! mark wel l the plan

Devised in Heaven to try the Sou l of Man !

Six chords a re seen whereon requ i red to play,

Whoso ca l l s mus ic forth has leave to stay ;But though that sou l escape the ! udge

’ s ban

And s its expectant,for a granted span


Awa its it sti l l another ! udgment Day .

For one deep chord ungues sed that Harp contains ;And he whose Skil l may o ’er the rest p revai l

To draw from s ix thei r far-resound ing stra ins,

May yet to wake one note on Sh emnit z fa i l .

And Whoso fa i l s on Sh emnit z , for h is pa ins ,Outs ide the gate

,a stranger

,s ti l l rema ins .


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LAS ! the bitter days before the snow !

When Earth l ies l ike a corpse , unshrouded , bare,Dumb



,beneath the backward s t are

Of pale,reced ing suns ; a primal wo e

Mourns in the wai l ing wind that fa in would know

The secret of thi s death of a l l th ings fa i r .

Who shal l make answer ! Evermore aware

Of ! oy’ s da rk end ing

,bl ind ly man must sha re

The doom sad Natu re,seeking to foreshow


Writes in dead waste and ru in everywhere .

So be it ! Le t Youth,Strength

,and Beauty go

Even the hea rt’ s trea su re— angu ish pas t compare !We die ; God l ives ! O earth—born, answered so


So armed— defy man ’ s deadl ies t foe,Despa ir !


Page 88: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


0 song is here for those the hea rt holds dea rest ;Deep i s the s i lence in Love ’ s holy places !

Nor mine the gift to match dea r names with

mu s ic

And yet,methinks I sometimes see the i r faces

And hea r the i r voices,for one happy moment


Am id the a l ien word s my fancy traces .

Ah , then I know the song, whate’er i t may be


Hath found its key-not e in the i r very being !

Thei r l ives,thei r sp i rit wake the pas s ion in me

To seiz e the j oy,the sorrow

,past u s fleeing

On that swift tide of Time,that sweeps forever

Sorrow and j oy to shores beyond ou r seeing .


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Page 92: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,


AIRIES,wake ! the sun i s se t

Tree and tu rf with dew are wet,

And the moon with laughing l ight

Peeps above yo u mounta in height,While beneath her W itching beam

Morta l s l ie abed,and dream !

Now with tiny leaps,unseen


We ’ l l , across the shadowy green ,Stea l fa r down the darkl ing del l


And where ta l l ferns sh ield u s wel l

Linger in the dus k to hea r

Sounds too fine for morta l ea r .


Page 93: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

A Fa iry Song

Li s t and hea r the sweet B luebel l

R inging S low its fa i ry knel l !

Far and nea r am id the gras s,

Where no ruthles s footstep s pas s,

R ings the B luebel l,sweet and low


Good-night to the elves below .

Hark ! and hea r the Windflower s ighWhen th e n ight-breeze wanders by |

Hear the l i ttle whispering wings

Of those merry moonl ight th ings

Who from si lver cup-lets pou rDew for every th irsty flower !

O,but haste !—No more delay !

Now ’ s the time to dance and play !

Off with many a hop and skip

Down the woodland path we s l ip84

Page 94: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

A Fairy Song

Trip and skip through hollows dark

Lighted by the Firefly’s Spark


Ti l l we reach the moonl it glen

Hidden deep from eyes of men,

Where from forest cave and cel l

Thronging Fai ries rush pel l-mell,

And with bow and cou rtesy meet,

Pau se,thei r lovely Queen to greet .

Queen Titan ia , l i ke a sta r,Sh in ing from her throne afa r


High upon a mossy mound

Bid s the Trumpet Blos soms sound,

Waves her hand,and with a glance


Smil ing,g ives u s leave to dance .

How the fai ry maids and men

Sparkl ing,

fly to partners then !

Queen’ s Own minstrels

,twelve a l l

Crickets s ta lwa rt,black and bold



Page 95: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

A Fairy Song

Beat the i r tambou rs with a d in

That bids u s leap and wh irl and sp in .

Wild the mus ic,wild the glee !

B i rd and squ i rrel,from their tree

Peer,our tiny troupe to see


At ou r m idn ight revel ry .

Snake and toad come never nea r ;Sp iders flee in morta l fea r.


But, a la s ! the eastern sky

Shows the streak that b ids u s fly ;Ended now i s a l l ou r fun ;Fa i ries do not love the sun .

QIieen Titania l ifts her hand ,Van ish a l l ! a t her command .


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DEAR ! and i t ’ s a l l you r own fau lt,All ie


Why wou ld you keep swinging that door !

Now we both are shut up in the c loset

And can never get out any more

That is,never more ti l l Mamma comes


And she ’11 not be at home unti l fou r !

She can ’ t know how dark it i s,in here


And somehow,so smothered and tight !

O All ie,you don ’ t mean you ’

re crying !

NO,we ’ re not going to stay here a l l night !

Pu t you r l ittle face up to the keyhole

And see what a pretty,bright l ight !

All ie dearie,you are not a baby !

And you never Shou ld sc ream and give way

To your feel ings l ike that ; and don’ t bang so !

There ’s nobody up

-sta i rs to hea r u s .

Stop crying ! Be good and we ’11 play .


Page 97: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

In a Closet

In th is c loset a re al l M amma ’ s dres ses

I can feel the black s i lk,and the fu r

On her n ice winter coat ; you feel , All ie !’T i s a lmost a s if we had her .

And someth ing so sweet,and j u st l ike her


Shakes ou t of her th ings when we sti r .

I wi sh we could see ! Here ’s her bonnet

With the lovely pink rose and lace bow .

I ’ l l te l l you what we can be th inking

We are l ike poor bl ind chi ldren,you know !

They must feel to find out . I am thankfu l

We shal l not always have to do so !

They can ’ t see thei r father nor mother,Nor thei r cat

,nor a bit of blue sky,

Nor anyth ing else in the world ! Th ink,

They must stay in the dark ti l l they d ie.

We too must have patience,pretending

We ’re bl ind . S it by s i s ter— don ’t s tand !

Never mind about cutting ou t p ictu res,


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Page 103: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

Hymn f or Decoration Day

O hearts that bleed O sou l s that cry

Against the working of H i s Wi l lWhose storms leave sunshine in the sky,

Whose darknes s bids the dew fa l l sti l l,

Behold how soon His graciou s years

Bring j oy for mourning,l ight for tea rs !

No more the battle—tempest ravesNor blood of brothers s ta ins ou r sod

They S lumber in untroubled graves

Who passed through morta l stri fe to

While softly stirs above the dead

The sign for which thei r blood was shed .

They s leep,who heard the cannon roar

The squa drons charge,the steel blades c lang ;

Far from thei r d reams forevermore

The onset fierce,the death-stroke ’ s pang ;

The pain i s past— the peace they wonShines sweet and steadfa st a s the sun .


Page 104: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

Hymn f or Decora tion Day

0 therefore i s it meet to bring

Ou r garlands to the soldier ’ s tomb,

When sweetest blos soms of the Spring

In Winter ’ s frosty footsteps bloom,

And Hope anew repeats to men

That even this dus t shal l l ive again .


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(Wr itten for the centenn ial ann iversary of the incorporation of the town ofWaterville, Ma ine, ! une 23,

HQ wi l l not love h is country— the dear landWhere he was born !

And we who love thee in ou r pride,to-day wi l l

love thee more,

Thou who s ittes t between the Seas w ith a hand on

either shore !

The sunset gold i s in thy locks,thy face i s towa rd


And in thy lap the orchards l ie the Vineya rds and the

corn .

Thy mounta in heights s tand guard for aye ; their wh ite

crests greet the sun ;League on league thy forests marsha l the i r serried p ines

below ;A hundred rivers d raw thy streams

,ru sh ing sea-wa rd as

they go


Page 107: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

A Song of the Centu ry

So they forge thei r guns and bu i ld the i r sh ip s,and are

thy friends indeed ;Wh i le England laughs acros s the Sea B lood tel l s

we know the breed ! !

0 wel l i t i s to dwel l with thee,North or South or East

or West,

But in al l thy pleasant borders from the mounta ins to

the Sea,

The valley of the Kennebec is the place where I wou ld

be !

And here ’ s a l ittle City,dearer far than a l l the rest ;

’T i s her hundredth b irthday ! Cheer her now

,you who

know her best !

You who know how fa i r her homes are beneath the

summer shade,

How many churches l ift thei r sp ires how trimly court

and lawn

With verdu re charm the stranger’ s eye— how cheeri lyat dawn


Page 108: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

A Song of the Century

Bel l and whistle wake her echoes— how Time’ s magic

touch has la id

A spel l upon her College wal l s whose memory sha l l not

f ade !

Look back to the Old Taconnet ; you r Watervi l le l ies


A clu ster of rude dwel l ings in the Clearing by the


Where the sh in ing salmon leaps ; and t he prowl ing wi ld

cat’ s scream

At m idn ight scares the settler,in h i s troubled dream


Of the dreaded Ind ian war-whoop and the bu rn ing roof

tree ’ s fla re .

Other days and other l ives now ! But many a time,

s ince then,

In peace and war the l ittle town has borne her part right

well .

She has her rol l of heroes— some who unrecorded

fel l .


Page 109: In Many Keys -€¦ · When Art her gift to heaven-born Genius lends, And o’er the chords his soul impassioned breaks ... Flower of my heart,

A Song of the Century

They have passed ; bu t what they stood for,s tands ;

th i s day we bless the men

Who taught and toi led and fought for u s With swordand spade and pen .

They have pas sed a s we shal l pas s ! Another centu ry

wil l see

The green turf growing over ou r own unheeded dust ;Well for thee

,O little City

,if some l ives


,pu re


and j ust,

Sow in thee to-day the seed whose fa i r ha rves t then

shaH be

A city’ s c rown Of glory a people worthy to be free !