improving internet usage and access in ghana: nitas interventions and the complementary roles of...

Download Improving internet usage and access in Ghana: NITAs Interventions and the complementary roles of CSOs National IT Agency, Ghana By Eric Akumiah Director

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About NITA Ensuring the integration of ICT into government business processes, to achieve greater efficiency and effective service delivery to citizens Ensuring significant cost reduction in the provision and maintenance of ICT infrastructure and services by leveraging economies of scale (Shared ICT Services) Ensuring accessibility and convenience of Government services by leveraging ICTs Ensuring the implementation and enforcement of the provisions of the Electronic Transactions Act 2008 NITA’s responsibilities include the following: National IT Agency, Ghana


Improving internet usage and access in Ghana: NITAs Interventions and the complementary roles of CSOs National IT Agency, Ghana By Eric Akumiah Director of Operations & Support About NITA The National Information Technology Agency (NITA) established by Act 771 passed by the Parliament of Ghana in December, 2008 Government IT Agency under Ministry of Communications responsible for the implementation of e-Government. Tasked with the objectives of : regulating the provision of information communications technology, ensuring the provision of quality information communications technology, promoting standards of efficiency in ICT and ensuring high quality of ICT services National IT Agency, Ghana About NITA Ensuring the integration of ICT into government business processes, to achieve greater efficiency and effective service delivery to citizens Ensuring significant cost reduction in the provision and maintenance of ICT infrastructure and services by leveraging economies of scale (Shared ICT Services) Ensuring accessibility and convenience of Government services by leveraging ICTs Ensuring the implementation and enforcement of the provisions of the Electronic Transactions Act 2008 NITAs responsibilities include the following: National IT Agency, Ghana About NITA Projects undertaken by NITA Includes Projects undertaken by NITA Includes: ICT Policy Framework for MDAs Government Interoperability Framework (e- GIF) E-Government network backbone Infrastructure and data centres Standards Development / Pilot Websites eServices for Business Registration, Marriage, Estate Administration, tax administration and other Shared Services Government PKI Certifiedand Digital Signatures Pilot Project E-Immigration, E-Parliament, e-Justice, e- Procurement, e-Health Biometric Passport Project Implementation Many others National IT Agency, Ghana Evolution of e-Government Strategy Pillars All sectors Address 2003 ICT4AD Adopted Legal framework and enabling environment Design of eGhana Project 2006 Preparatory Work for e-Government NITA ACT (771 Electronic Transaction ACT (772) Electronic Communication ACT (775) NCA ACT (769) 2008 Legal Instruments enacted National IT Agency, Ghana Backbone Infrastructure Rollout Pilot Datacenter Pilot e-services E-payment infrastructure 2009 e-Gov Phase I Expansion of Backbone Infrastructure Automation of government Business processes Expanding e-Service Open Government Initiative Data Protection Act 2012 e-Gov Phase II Defining Citizens Digital Image Strengthening Open Data Improving e-Services Expanding access to schools Supporting Data Commission 2014e-Transform Evolution of e-Government Strategy -2 National IT Agency, Ghana Metropolitan Area Network Seat of Government and Ministries Enclave WiMAX Wireless Network (30 BTS) Access at all Regional Capital and some district capitals Pilot Data Center Shared shares, Internet Services and e-services platform 11 pilot e-Service platforms - Passport, birth & Death, DVLA, Police, NCA etc GeGOV Tax administration e- services - Online Tax Management E- Parliament, e-Justice and e-Immigration E-payment platformRegistry Project Progressing National IT Agency, Ghana Citizens Services Available Business registration Marriage registration Birth & Death registration Communication Service licensing Police CID Background Search Passport renewal Drivers and Vehicle License Renewal National IT Agency, Ghana eService Portal eService PortalNational IT Agency, Ghana Government Services Available Shared Services Workflow, Active directory Internet Services , hosting Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Storage as a Service (StaaS Storage as a Service (StaaS) Internet Access Services Data Access Services National IT Agency, Ghana MAN Expansion Two more 4Gbps Rings Eastern Corridor Fiber 738 Km Fiber 27 Districts Covered Managed services ALU Manage Pilot and all DCs, Backbone 1-Stop Service Center Provide all Support to Gov Services LTE Upgrade & Expansion Upgrade Wimax Add 30 BTS National & secondary DC Complete National & Secondary DC Infrastructure Progressing National IT Agency, Ghana National Datacenter Infrastructure National IT Agency, Ghana Correspondenc e / Document Management Systems Automating Gov. Correspon dence and Document Manag. Intranet for MDAs Enhance Governme nt Work Efficiency Gov. Web Standards Ensure Uniform Web standards with Gov. Public Key Infrastructure Ensure Secure Intra-gov. Correspon dence Payment Gateway Ensure Citizen can pay for Gov. services online Open Data Ensure Citizens feedback for enhanced efficiency E-Applications Progressing National IT Agency, Ghana Ghana Electronic Payment Platform National IT Agency, Ghana Critical National Internet Infrastructure National IT Agency, Ghana CERT-GH (National CERT) National IT Agency, Ghana National IPv6 Task Force National IT Agency, Ghana Focus of E-Transform Change way Administrator Work Define citizen digital Identity and responsible use of Cyberspace Improve Citizen Services Empower Citizen for feedback Improve ICT use in Education Citizens Digital identity Data commission Open Data Schools Infrastructur e Teachers Education Portal Digitization e-services e-services Ghanas E-Transform Program Planned National IT Agency, Ghana Ghana Open Data Initiative (GODI) Started by NITA in January 2012 Objective is to create a open data community and a national data portal for Ghana to empower citizens for feedback on governance National IT Agency, Ghana GODI Development Process Community Development Engage Sector Communities through the portal Engaged Citizens through portal, social media and media outreach Portal Enhancement Incorporate Data Analytic & Apps Development Incorporate Linked Data & Enhanced Data Visualization Initial Portal Development Setup Data Catalogue and data visualizationSetup Communities facility National IT Agency, Ghana GODI Demand & Supply Open Data Portal Civil Soc. & Journalist Citizens Developers Gov. Supply Side Demand Side National IT Agency, Ghana Developing the Community Supply Side Data Education ( around data principle and Government Use) Data Management Capacity Building Technical training of data Controllers for Incorporation of Workflow Demand Side Data Education (around Citizen Empowerment ) Data Relevance Discussions (Citizen Centric Data) Boot Camps and Apps Challenges National IT Agency, Ghana National Open Data Policy GODI & Citizens Empowerment Citizen Empowerment Tracking and mapping tools and systems to allow citizens examine government activities and expenditure s GODI allows governments to reach out and incorporate the perspectives and ideas of citizens in decision-making and policy-making. Medium of Empowerment Web Apps (Maps, Charts, Graphs) Native Mobile Apps Citizens Access Via Mobile PhonesPublic libraries across Ghana National IT Agency, Ghana Current Status National IT Agency, Ghana Portal with Data set, Data Visualization and communities engines fully functional Data collection and upload in progress, Citizen centric Apps in development Expected Benefit of GODI mproved Public Service Improved Public Service Increased citizen participation and inclusion through extended offers of services closer to peoples needs Closer cooperation between central and local government Increased internal government efficiency and effectiveness Policy Development through Open Data Economic Development New opportunity for services to business and citizens using government data Better functioning of economy through easy access to core reference information Increased employment for application and service developers Transparency & Accountability Better informed and balanced journalism (data journalism) Behavior change due to the possibility of greater scrutiny Greater accountability of officials by citizens being able to see and challenge individual spending and purchasing decisions National IT Agency, Ghana Visit ourPhone: National IT Agency, Ghana