il bollettino - loyola university chicago · sistant steven metzmaker (jfrc fall ’12), this is a...

FALL 2014 THE ALUMNI NEWSLETTER FOR THE JOHN FELICE ROME CENTER Il Bollettino You made it happen! pg. 2 New director of development pg. 4 A labor of love pg. 5 Make your mark in Rome pg. 11 Celebrating the successes of Insieme IN THIS ISSUE T his summer marked the close of a successful Rome Center campaign—Insieme per il futuro—which is creating attractive new and refurbished spaces and expanded programming on our thriving campus. You made it happen! Thanks to your generosity and the support of many people in the Rome Center extended family, we surpassed our cash goal of $4 million and have already accomplished great things. Building on the success of Insieme, we now look ahead to Phase II of enhancing the Rome Center experience with Avanti! We will share more details about this new campaign next spring, but for now we hope you enjoy reading about the successes of Insieme and look forward to many more good things to come. The Anthony and Susan Brazier Piazza Information Commons

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Page 1: Il Bollettino - Loyola University Chicago · sistant Steven Metzmaker (JFRC Fall ’12), this is a unique opportunity for you to connect with current students, sharing your memories

F A L L 2 0 1 4T H E A L U M N I N E W S L E T T E R F O R T H E J O H N F E L I C E R O M E C E N T E R

Il Bollettino

You made it happen! pg. 2

New director of development pg. 4

A labor of love pg. 5

Make your mark in Rome pg. 11

Celebrating the successes of Insieme I N T H IS ISSU E

T his summer marked the close of a successful Rome Center campaign—Insieme per il futuro—which is creating attractive new and refurbished spaces and expanded programming on our thriving campus. You made it happen! Thanks to your generosity and the support of many people in the Rome Center extended

family, we surpassed our cash goal of $4 million and have already accomplished great things.

Building on the success of Insieme, we now look ahead to Phase II of enhancing the Rome Center experience with Avanti! We will share more details about this new campaign next spring, but for now we hope you enjoy reading about the successes of Insieme and look forward to many more good things to come.

The Anthony and Susan Brazier Piazza Information Commons

Page 2: Il Bollettino - Loyola University Chicago · sistant Steven Metzmaker (JFRC Fall ’12), this is a unique opportunity for you to connect with current students, sharing your memories


Dear Alumni and Friends,It is with great joy that I share the incredible success of the Insieme per il futuro campaign. The dream we share of shaping the future of the John Felice Rome Center is here, and its impact is extraor-dinary.

As you will see in this issue, the abundant generosity of our alum-ni is humbling. Because of you, our students have a beautiful, up-to-date facility to call their own. New and more useful spaces are aplenty at the JFRC—a new infor-mation commons library, a more functional mensa for sharing meals, and large gathering spaces for conferences and speakers to name a few. In addition, we have expanded scholarship support and increased our endowment to support our students’ studies and travels in perpetuity. We are so appreciative of your commitment to the JFRC and hope you in turn take pride in knowing that you are playing such an important role in shaping its future and the future of our students.

While the changes we have made with Insieme are immense, we are not resting. Our work at the JFRC is not done. We will continue to improve our new home and plan for the future. That is why we are launching Avanti!, the second phase of our development vision,

which includes ambitious plans for a new building on campus. This building will increase our study spaces, add more dormi-tories and faculty apartments, and improve the overall study- abroad experience. Whether you name a tile on our new Alumni Wall, remember the John Felice Rome Center in your estate plans, or make an annual gift, you are investing in the future of this life-changing program, one deeply rooted in Jesuit values and academic excellence. Together, we can fulfill John Felice’s vision of a permanent “home away from home” in Rome.

Again, thank you for your ex-traordinary partnership. While the study-abroad experience touches lives in profound and sometimes surprising ways, so, too, does philanthropy. At the JFRC, we see this in all of the ways that our generous donors enrich the student experience, expand scholarship opportunities for deserving students, and renovate and build facilities that will be-come a 21st-century campus. The JFRC’s accomplishments are your accomplishments.

With appreciation,

Emilio IodiceDirector, JFRCVice President, Loyola University Chicago

You made it happen!T R A N S F O R M I N G T H E R O M E C E N T E R

M ESS A GE F ROM T H E DI R ECTOR Insieme per il futuro focused on building an even better Rome Center. Our approach was multi-pronged:

• Increase scholarship support for students

• Renovate, update, and beautify facilities on campus

• Build our endowment to ensure the future of the center

• Expand student programming through unrestricted support

Thanks to the generosity of our many friends and supporters, we surpassed our $4 million goal for outright gifts and have begun an important transformation in the life of the Rome Center. Throughout Insieme, we saw tremendous growth in alumni giving and event participation, and many of our alumni reconnected with the JFRC in meaningful ways.

To demonstrate the University’s commitment to the JFRC, Loyola University Chicago matched outright gifts on a one-to-one basis, doubling our donors’ impact. There is no question that the support of our dedicated and passionate alumni made this incredible success possible. See pgs. 7–9 for a list of campaign donors.


$2.81 Capital gifts

$1.67 Scholarship

$91,000Other programs


$1.74 Director's fund



* Excludes matching funds

Page 3: Il Bollettino - Loyola University Chicago · sistant Steven Metzmaker (JFRC Fall ’12), this is a unique opportunity for you to connect with current students, sharing your memories



Completely new spaces

• Anthony and Susan Brazier Piazza  Information Commons

• Mensa currently under construction, located in former Rinaldo’s space

• New conference center/large meeting room for students on main floor in former library space

• Sculpture and art studio, theatre performance room, music room, and gathering space in the former mensa space—all with retractable walls

Campus enhancements

• Solar panels installed

• Infrastructure brought up to 21st-century standards

Renovated spaces (plans underway for 2014–2016)

• Faculty apartments

• Classrooms

A snapshot of what your gifts helped achieve

Over 80 percent of students attending the JFRC need financial aid to do so. Insieme saw incredible support for scholarships and put a JFRC education within reach for more students. The Vogelheim Schol-arship, the Carol T. Robbins Endowed Scholarship, the Anthony and Susan Brazier Piazza Scholarship, and the Domenico Zipoli Scholarship Fund—just to name a few—help fulfill Loyola's Jesuit mission of educating students from all backgrounds.

“Studying abroad in Rome is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I thank God for the Vogelheim Scholarship, which had a huge part in me being in Rome. I have grown a great deal from this experience, and I will never forget this.”


The installation of solar panels helped us become more sustainable.


Unrestricted support, or the director’s fund, provides flexible funding that is an important component in JFRC operations, academics, and student life. Whether it’s through sponsored study trips like the Poland symposium and a human rights trip to Malta, service programs such as the JFRC Interfaith Retreat, expanded fall and spring semester new-student orientation weekends, or internships, unrestricted support created new opportunities for students to broaden their horizons and be fully immersed in learning.

Photo by Tate Stafford


The next chapter in the JFRC’s history—Avanti!—will support additional, innovative capital projects for new spaces for students to live, learn, and be immersed in the center.


Page 4: Il Bollettino - Loyola University Chicago · sistant Steven Metzmaker (JFRC Fall ’12), this is a unique opportunity for you to connect with current students, sharing your memories


The "late night bakery" on Via Ottariano

Call for alumni hot spots” in Rome

New director of developmentWe are pleased to announce that Janet Myers (JFRC ’89–’90, BS ’93) has

joined the Rome Center’s Advancement team in Chicago as its director of development.

Janet graduated from Loyola University Chicago’s College of Arts and Sci-ences with a degree in psychology in 1993. As a member of the Rome Center class of 1989–90, she has firsthand knowledge of the unique and transforma-tional opportunities that the University’s study-abroad program offers to its students. She brings over a decade of fundraising experience to the JFRC, com-ing most recently from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, where she served as director of development during their recent and highly successful $385 million capital campaign.

Join us in welcoming our new colleague and fellow JFRC alumna! You can reach Janet at [email protected] or 312.915.7652.

The Alumni Relations team requests a list of your favorite hidden gems and hot spots in Rome—whether a restaurant, bar, gelateria, or landmark—to recommend to current JFRC students. Conceived by JFRC Student Life As-sistant Steven Metzmaker (JFRC Fall ’12), this is a unique opportunity for you to connect with current students, sharing your memories and helping them make some incredible ones of their own.

Please submit your recommendation form at, and Alumni Relations will send the list to Rome. From there, Steven and his colleagues will plan the outings, taking pic-tures along the way, so we can post them to Facebook and e-mail some to you. If you have any questions, please e-mail Casey Allison at [email protected].

The former Birreria Pizzeria or "BP" on Via Medaglie d'Oro

Gelateria near the

Rome Center

Photo by Ashley Koneko

Page 5: Il Bollettino - Loyola University Chicago · sistant Steven Metzmaker (JFRC Fall ’12), this is a unique opportunity for you to connect with current students, sharing your memories


A labor of loveT his fall, the Rome Center bids a fond

farewell to a beloved member of its community, the outgoing dean of fac-

ulty, Dr. Susana Cavallo. Dr. Cavallo began her role there seven years ago, and in that time she has helped enhance the quality of Rome Center faculty and programming.

“Emilio Iodice and I went to Rome as a team,” says Dr. Cavallo. “I couldn’t have done it without him and our colleague Marilyn Vitale. Probably the most important thing Father Garanzini wanted us to do was Romanize, Italianize, and Europeanize the education at the JFRC. He wanted us to offer students an education that they could only get in Rome, and that’s what we have strived to do.”

Dr. Cavallo is a creative person who values that trait in others and believes that to be an asset in college students. “For those students with creative tendencies, there wasn’t really an arena to explore that at the Rome Center,” she says. “For those who were not writers or artists or music majors, I thought Rome would be a good chance for them to stretch themselves and try something different. So I created a mini ver-sion of the University’s Department of Fine and Performing Arts there.” This includes courses in voice for non-voice majors where they sing Italian opera, creative writing classes where students take their journals out in front of the Pantheon, theatre courses for non-theatre majors, and courses in filmmaking, drawing, and sculpture. At the end of every year, there is a two-day celebration of the creative arts.

Other accomplishments she helped drive include the Rome Start program, which at-tracts international students to spend their first full Loyola undergraduate year at the Rome Center and then continue their degree in Chicago. Also, coming from a family of student athletes, Dr. Cavallo helped create a “third semester”—an academic extension

from mid-May through late July that offers as much as 15 hours of academic credit and attracts students that otherwise wouldn’t be able to come to Rome, like student athletes, pre-health and other majors that are espe-cially rigorous.

“When I started at the Rome Center, there were almost no business courses,” says Dr. Cavallo. “John Felice believed very strongly in the necessity of preparing ethical leaders. One of the first things I did was work with our business school to find out what would be the

most important courses for business majors in any area to take. We added those courses, and now we’re able to attract a whole new constituency.”

Before Rome, Dr. Cavallo worked as a full professor in Loyola’s Department of Mod-ern Languages and Litera-tures. She had been at Loyola for 25 years before former provost Dr. John Frendreis

asked her to take this job in Rome. This year marks her 33rd year at Loyola. “I have been committed throughout my working career to Jesuit education and seeing to it that the Rome program followed the same guidelines for excellence and diversity that we have at home in Chicago, tenets that were revitalized by Father Garanzini,” says Dr. Cavallo.

Those who work with Dr. Cavallo can attest to her decades-long energy and passion for her work. “I've known Susana since summer 2011,” says Dr. Kathy Getz, dean of Loyola’s Quinlan School of Business. “She is among the

most enthusiastic people I've met at Loyola, and it's always been a pleasure to be in her company. She and I have worked closely on a partnership between Loyola University Chicago and Loyola University Andalucía. This dual degree will be just one part of her legacy as she leaves the JFRC and eventually returns to Chicago.”

Sarah Prentice, (JFRC Fall ’10, BA ’12), is a JFRC Alumni Board member who recounts, “One of my favorite moments at the John Felice Rome Center was during a school trip to Tuscany. Dr. Cavallo supervised the trip, and she did a fantastic job of making sure every-one was having fun. She has the unique ability to bring people together. From sampling wine to singing Italian karaoke at dinner—this trip will always be one of my most cherished memories.”

Dr. Cavallo will be taking a sabbatical from her work to spend time with family as well as cultivating her interest in keyboarding and composition by studying digital composition in New York. In fall 2015, she’ll return to Chi-cago and continue her tenure at Loyola.

“My job in Rome has been about loving the students—loving the city, loving the work, loving the opportunity that John Frendreis gave me—and fulfilling John Felice’s mission,” she says. “It’s all been fun, and I’ll miss it ter-ribly.”

Dr. Cavallo finishes her work in Rome later this year. Her successor, Dr. Alexander “Sander” Evers, will assume the role of associate director for academic programs in January 2015.

(L-R) Chandni Patel (JFRC Fall ‘10, ‘13–’14, Fall ‘14), Russell Gonzalez (JFRC ‘10–’11, ‘12–’13, ‘13–’14; BA ‘12), and Dr. Susana Cavallo in Tuscany

“My job in Rome has been about loving the students—loving the city, loving the work...”


Page 6: Il Bollettino - Loyola University Chicago · sistant Steven Metzmaker (JFRC Fall ’12), this is a unique opportunity for you to connect with current students, sharing your memories


MARCH 9, 2014LA Alumni Art Outing

The new JFRC LA Alumni Chapter organized an evening at the Getty Museum, including a docent-led tour of collection highlights and drinks outside on the gallery’s patio. It was a perfect night to get reacquainted with the Getty’s incredible exhibits and meet new friends.

The next chapter gathering is slated for May with details to come. In the meantime, stay up to date on chapter happenings via the LA Alumni Facebook group (search “John Felice Rome Center Los Angeles Alumni Chapter”).

JUNE 12, 2014San Francisco Alumni Aperitivo

San Francisco alumni joined JFRC Director and Loyola Vice President Emilio Iodice at One Market Restaurant for drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and a chance to meet alumni in the area.

We look forward to sharing a special announcement for those alumni in San Francisco at the upcoming gathering in December!

MAY 2, 2014Cleveland Alumni Aperitivo

Alumni in Cleveland enjoyed an evening at Press Wine Bar, an annual gathering that has become a favorite tradition. Special thanks to the JFRC Cleveland Alumni Chapter, which invited the Loyola Cleveland Rambler Club for an opportunity to catch up with classmates and meet fellow alumni.

AUGUST 7, 2014Chicago GOLD Alumni Aperitivo

JFRC Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) came out for their annual gathering, this year at J. Rocco Italian Table and Bar, to reconnect and meet fellow young alumni. Joining them was JFRC Professor Sander Evers, who made a special toast to the future of the Rome Center.

This annual tradition will be held next August, so we hope to see you there!

Alumni Reconnect

JULY 26, 2014St. Louis Alumni Winetasting

The new JFRC St. Louis Alumni Chapter held a festive wine tasting, including a special visit from JFRC Director Emilio Iodice. Held at Robust Wine Bar, alumni enjoyed a guided wine tasting, choosing their favorite to sip on the rest of the evening.

Connect with your JFRC alumni chapter leaders at We look forward to seeing you in March 2015!

JULY 24, 2014NYC Alumni Aperitivo

Alumni from New York City and surrounding areas came together at Forty Four—a popular Mid-town bar in the Royalton Hotel—to toast JFRC Director Emilio Iodice and learn of new initiatives planned for the Rome Center.

We look forward to seeing you at this annual gathering in May 2015!

Page 7: Il Bollettino - Loyola University Chicago · sistant Steven Metzmaker (JFRC Fall ’12), this is a unique opportunity for you to connect with current students, sharing your memories


$1,000,000 AND BEYONDAnthony Piazza II (JFRC ‘62–’63)Joseph Silliman, PhD (JFRC Spring

‘62, BS ‘63)

$500,000–$999,999Katherine Vogelheim (JFRC ‘77–’78)

and John Hansen

$100,000–$499,999Lynn Carlson and Philip O’Connor,

PhD (JFRC ‘68–’69, BA ‘70)Christie and Anthony de Nicola (JFRC

Spring ‘85)Marie (JFRC Spring ‘88, BS ‘89) and

Brian Fitzpatrick (JFRC ‘90–’91, JFRC ‘92–’93, BA ‘92, JFRC ‘93–’94)

Constance and John Kurowski (JFRC ‘73–’74, BA ‘75)

$50,000–$99,999Paulise and Richard Bell II

(JFRC ‘67–’68)Deborah (JFRC ‘74–’75) and Ted

Dobbs (JFRC Spring ‘75)Leonard Slotkowski Jr. (JFRC ‘65–’66,

BA ‘69, MEd ‘72)Rosanna Coffey and Timothy

Stranges (JFRC ‘66–’67)Netty and Edward Wanandi

$25,000–$49,999Margaret (JFRC Spring ‘73, MUND ‘75)

and Howard BedfordJanice Butler Bart (JFRC ‘65–’66)Kathy (JFRC Spring ‘77, JFRC Summer

‘13) and Guy CraneMichael Ford (MBA ‘00)Maria Teresa and Emilio IodiceBarry McCabeRuthellyn (BA ‘75) and Ronald MusilClaudette and John Nicolai

(JFRC ‘69–’70)Jack O’Connell, Jr. (JFRC ‘68–’69)Carol Robbins (JFRC ‘64–’65) and

Herbert Wolff

$10,000–$24,999Patrick Arbor (BSC ‘58)Anne Bannister (JFRC Fall ‘84, BBA ‘85,

MBA ‘93)Terrence Brizz (JFRC Spring ‘76)Dorothy (MUND ‘62) and Michael

Carbon, MD (BS ‘62)Karen and James Centner Jr.

(JFRC ‘66–’67)Rosemary and John Croghan (BS ‘52)Kathe Dyson (JFRC ‘64–’65)Helen and Thomas FlynnMarianne (JFRC ‘84–’85) and Dennis

Fraher (JFRC ‘84–’85)Helen Frye (JFRC ‘75–’76, BS ‘77)

Thomas Hawley (JFRC ‘66–’67)William Hayes (JFRC ‘65–’66)Laurel and William LairdMargaret H. (JFRC ‘71–’72, MUND ‘73)

and Steven McCormickDonald Novello (JFRC ‘62–’63)Susan and Joseph Power Jr. (JD ‘77)Joan and David Pritchard (JFRC

‘72–’73, BBA ‘74, MA ‘92)Marilyn and Michael Quinlan (PhB ‘67,

MBA ‘70)Mark Russo (JFRC Fall ‘87)Maureen (JFRC ‘66–’67, BA ‘68) and

Robert Schuberth (JFRC ‘66–’67)Susan (JFRC ‘66–’67) and

Martin Tierney

$5,000–$9,999Gemma Allen Nader (JFRC ‘64–’65, BS

‘66) and Albert NaderJoseph ArimondJames Arimond, SJ (BS ‘62, MA ‘68)Joan Batchen (JFRC ‘81–’82, BA ‘83,

MBA ‘88)Mary Ann (JFRC ‘71–’72) and

Larry BowersPatricia Bugelas-Brandt and William

Brandt Jr.Shirley and Michael Brizz

(JFRC ‘71–’72)Kathryn and Michael Carlson (JFRC

‘66–’67, BA ‘68)Susan (JFRC ‘69–’70) and

William CarterPatricia Carter (JFRC ‘62–’63, BS ‘64)Betty (JFRC ‘65–’66) and Thomas

Casey (JFRC ‘65–’66)Daniel Coleman (JFRC Spring ‘77)Nicolette (BBA ‘76) and John Conway

(JFRC Fall ‘73, BACL ‘76)Susan Lamb and Dennis Cook (JFRC

‘72–’73, JFRC ‘79–’80, JD ‘79)James De Norio (MBA ‘04)Jane Gisevius (JFRC ‘63–’64)Joan Los Hank (BS ‘54) and

William J. HankSusan Marzec Hannigan (JFRC ‘76–

’77, BA ‘77) and James Hannigan Jr. (JFRC Spring ‘77, BS ‘77)

Theresa HaranStephanie (JFRC ‘77–’78) and

Fredric HarmanAnne ListonCarolyn and Patrick Lynch (BBA ‘82)Robert Meade Jr. (JFRC Fall ‘69)Lourdes (JFRC ‘76–’77, BA ‘78) and

John Moore (JFRC ‘76–’77)Samuel NaitoKurt Natter (JFRC Fall ‘09, JFRC

Spring ‘10)Daniel O’Connor (BS ‘60)Cheryl O’Donnell (JFRC ‘64–’65,

BS ‘68)

Elizabeth (BS ‘75) and Robert Parkinson Jr. (BBA ‘73, MBA ‘75)

Ernest PivonkaDonalene and Donald Poduska, PhD

(BA ‘56)Donna (JFRC ‘63–’64) and

Robert RissoneMary Pat and James Rohan (JFRC

‘78–’79, JFRC ‘79–’80, BA ‘81, MSIR ‘83)

Jesse Sandoval (JFRC Fall ‘76, BA ‘81)Lindsay Wells and Matthew Slaggie

(JFRC Fall ‘02)Patty and G. Andrews SmithLaura and David Van Etten

(JFRC ‘75–’76, BA ‘77)Mary Jo (JFRC ‘75–’76) and

Sheldon Weinig

$1,000–$4,999Dennis Amato, PhD (JFRC ‘64–’65)Dale (JFRC Spring ‘73) and Thomas

Auffenberg (JFRC Spring ‘73)John Banchero (JFRC ‘71–’72, JFRC

Fall ‘08)Mary Bodie (JFRC ‘72–’73, MD ‘81)

and Thomas Beaver (MD ‘82)Jana and Steven BergfeldTheresa and Lawrence Biggam

(JFRC ‘65–’66)Cynthia Birmingham (JFRC ‘77–’78)Donna (BS ‘74) and Christopher Birren

(JFRC ‘70–’71, BA ‘72)Carolyn and James Bouchard

(BBA ‘84)Cara (JD ‘01) and Craig BoyleChristina (JFRC ‘70–’71, BA ‘72) and

Richard BrittonK. Bernadette (BSN ‘70) and

Michael BrosnanRichard Bruni (JFRC ‘85–’86)David Bruni (JFRC Spring ‘97)Christine and Benjamin Bucca Jr.

(JFRC Fall ‘78)Kathleen Burnett (JFRC Spring ‘97)Deborah (BA ‘74) and Robert

Callahan (JFRC ‘69–’70, BA ‘76)Leonard Canino (JFRC ‘72–’73, BS ‘74)Mary and Matthew Cappiello

(JFRC ‘66–’67)Carolyn Cardinalli (JFRC ‘68–’69)Colleen Carney, PhD (JFRC ‘72–’73)

and Robert HuemmrichMary and Thomas Caso (JFRC ‘67–’68)Marina (JFRC Fall ‘86, BS ‘87) and

Kent CatoSusana Cavallo, PhDEugene Ceccotti (JFRC ‘65–’66)Angie (BS ‘85) and Thomas Cimino Jr.

(BA ‘84, JD ‘87)Dana Green and Thomas Clancy

(JFRC ‘67–’68, BA ‘69)Lorri (JFRC Spring ‘89) and

Brian Collins

Chris and Terry Colwell (JFRC ‘72–’73, JFRC ‘73–’74)

Eorann and Daniel Conway (JFRC Fall ‘82)

Jeanne (JFRC Fall ‘75, BA ‘77) and Patrick Conway (JFRC ‘73–’74, BA ‘74)

Terese Conway (JFRC ‘64–’65, MEd ‘68)

Claire Crossman (JFRC ‘85–’86)Sheila Curry Perkovich (JFRC Spring

‘62, BSEd ‘63) and Mark PerkovichRalph Cusick Jr. (JFRC Fall ‘80, BA ‘81)Claudette (JFRC Spring ‘78) and

Robert Dachowski Jr.Anne Decker (JFRC ‘77–’78)Drucilla Dence (JFRC Fall ‘01, BA ‘02)Donna (MUND ‘69) and Gary Dhein

(JFRC Spring ‘68, BA ‘70)Claire Dittrich (JFRC ‘77–’78)Virginia Duffy (JFRC ‘65–’66)William Eineke (JFRC Spring ‘97,

BBA ‘98)Meg (JFRC ‘85–’86) and

James Erskine IIIMary (JFRC ‘63–’64) and Dennis

Farmer (JFRC ‘63–’64)Thomas Fike (JFRC ‘92–’93, BA ‘94)Beverly and Shaun Fitzpatrick (JFRC

‘67–’68, BA ‘70)Mary Ann (JFRC ‘62–’63, MA ‘69) and

W. Kent FullerPatricia Furgat (BSBA ‘68, MBA ‘78)Andrew Gardiner (JFRC ‘70–’71)Belinda and Edward Garmoe Jr.

(JFRC ‘77–’78)Paul Gearen (JFRC ‘71–’72)Nancy Gerrie Bowen (JFRC ‘74–’75)

and Richard Bowen, PhDJill Gilbert (JFRC Fall ‘86)Kathleen (JFRC ‘64–’65) and

Terence GoldenSheila and John Graham

(JFRC Fall ‘82)George Griesinger (JFRC ‘75–’76,

BA ‘76)Ana and John GyulaiRebecca and Steven Haberberger

(JFRC Fall ‘04)Jane (JFRC ‘77–’78) and Bruce Haupt

(JFRC ‘77–’78)James Hinckley, MDMary Ann (MUND ‘67, MA ‘69) and

Doug Hofherr (JFRC Spring ‘65, JFRC Fall ‘65, BS ‘67)

Nancy (PhD ‘87) and Frank Hogan III (BS ‘59, MEd ‘80)

Lisa (JFRC ‘77–’78) and John Iberle (JFRC ‘73–’74, BBA ‘75)

Patricia Ilacqua (JFRC ‘65–’66)William Jankos (JFRC ‘69–’70)Sara Ann Johnson, MD (MRES ‘72)

and Henry Sullivan, MD (JFRC Fall ‘74, MRES ‘74)


The following individuals gave cumulative gifts of $250 or more throughout the Insieme campaign. Whether gifts were made annually, as part of estate planning, or pledged intention, the diversity of support will enrich the Rome Center cam-pus and enable the JFRC to shape global citizens for decades to come. Mille grazie!

Donor Honor Roll

Page 8: Il Bollettino - Loyola University Chicago · sistant Steven Metzmaker (JFRC Fall ’12), this is a unique opportunity for you to connect with current students, sharing your memories


Christina Johnson-Wolff (BA ‘72) and Richard Wolff

Shena (JFRC Fall ‘98, BS ‘99, MBA ‘03) and Benjamin Keith (BBA ‘00)

Jane Kiernan (JFRC Fall ‘81)Grace King (JFRC Spring ‘89)Laurie Kladis (JFRC ‘87–’88, BA ‘89,

MBA ‘95)Susan (JFRC ‘68–’69, BA ‘70) and

James KlutnickRosemary and Keith KwaterskiAnne Landrum (JFRC ‘62–’63, BS ‘64)Kevin Doyle Leahy (JFRC ‘67–’68)Margaret and Timothy Leahy (JFRC

Fall ‘62, BBA ‘64)Eileen (JFRC ‘71–’72, BS ‘73) and

Michael LeeLouis LenzenMichael (JD ‘65) and

Mary Lou LeydenRachel Lionberg (JFRC Fall ‘01, BA ‘02,

MBA ‘05)Mary Jean (JFRC Fall ‘72, BS ‘74) and

Daniel Lyons (BBA ‘74, JD ‘87)Marsue (JFRC ‘69–’70) and

Peter MacNicolShirley (MEd ‘95) and The Honorable

Michael Madigan (JD ‘67)Kelli and Ryan Mahoney (JFRC

Fall ‘03)Michele Mahoney (JFRC Summer ‘97,

MBA ‘99) and John Keenan Jr. (JFRC ‘91–’92, MBA ‘99)

James Mariani (JFRC ‘70–’71, BA ‘75)Marina Marrelli (JFRC Fall ‘81) and

Robert Anslow Jr.Mary and Royal Martin (JFRC ‘65–’66)Michael Matre (JFRC ‘70–’71, BA ‘72)Nancy Mazzorana (JFRC ‘62–’63,

BS ‘65)Suzanne McCarthy (JFRC ‘67–’68)Corrine McCarthy (JFRC Fall ‘84)Timothy McCartney (JFRC ‘67–’68,

BA ‘71)Aarti and Christopher McDonald

(JFRC ‘85–’86)Maureen McIntyre (JFRC Spring ‘90,

BA ‘91)Bernard Michna (JFRC Fall ‘66, BS ‘67,

MA ‘72)Nancy and Michael Miller

(JFRC ‘66–’67)Michael Mudd (JFRC ‘71–’72)Lynn (MSIR ‘74) and John Murphy Jr.

(JFRC ‘67–’68, BA ‘69, MSIR ‘77)Thomas Murphy (JFRC ‘78–’79)Sue Welch (JFRC ‘64–’65) and

John Murphy (JFRC ‘64–’65)Loretta NamovicCatherine (BS ‘87) and Mark Nathan

(BS ‘86)Kristen (JFRC ‘73–’74) and

Michael NatterVirginia Navarro, PhD (JFRC ‘66–’67,

BA ‘68) and Richard NavarroCindra Nicholson (JFRC ‘75–’76)Annette Nielsen (JFRC ‘66–’67)Denise (JFRC ‘73–’74, BA ‘75, MA ‘83)

and John Noell Jr. (JD ‘85)Marietta Nolan-Stevens (JFRC ‘74–’75,

BSN ‘77) and Kevin Stevens (JFRC Spring ‘73, BA ‘79)

Alfie and Allan Norville (BS ‘60)

Carolyn (JFRC ‘91–’92, BA ‘93) and Mark O’Donnell (JFRC Spring ‘92)

Colin O’Donovan (JFRC ‘00–’01, JFRC ‘02–’03, BACL ‘02, JFRC ‘03–’04)

Kendell Oetter (JFRC Spring ‘78, BA ‘81)

Rosemary (JFRC Spring ‘82, BA ‘85) and Stephen Olson

Felicia Davis O’Malley (JFRC Spring ‘14) and John O’Malley Jr. (JFRC ‘82–’83, BBA ‘86)

Marta (JFRC ‘71–’72) and Patrick O’Rourke (JFRC ‘71–’72)

Christine and Patrick Padon (JFRC ‘70–’71)

Joan (BA ‘02) and David Pasquesi (JFRC Fall ‘82, BA ‘84)

Andrea Pauls Backman (JFRC Fall ‘79, BBA ‘82)

Paula and John Pelissero, PhDDonald Pellioni (JFRC Fall ‘76)Amalia Perea Mahoney (JFRC ‘73–’74,

BA ‘75) and William Mahoney (JFRC ‘73–’74, BA ‘75)

Paulette Petretti (JFRC ‘70–’71, JD ‘90)Gordana Stjepanovic and Michael

Phelps (JFRC ‘70–’71, JFRC ‘72–’73, BA ‘73)

Janet Phillips Tierney (JFRC Fall ‘91, BS ‘93) and Michael Tierney

Marna and Philip PierHelana and William Pietragallo II

(JFRC ‘67–’68)Mary (JFRC ‘04–’05, BA ‘06) and

Benjamin Pietrzyk (JFRC Fall ‘03, BA ‘05, MA ‘06)

Jeanne Poduska (JFRC ‘85–’86)Joseph Pojanowski III (JFRC ‘68–’69)Monica (JFRC ‘77–’78, BA ‘79, MA ‘82)

and Adam PotkayCheryl (JFRC ‘78–’79) and

Charles ProthroThomas Reisinger (JFRC ‘70–’71)Sheri and Jeremy Roche (JFRC

‘64–’65, BS ‘67, MEd ‘75)Carol (JFRC ‘64–’65) and

William RocheKathy (JFRC ‘63–’64) and Thomas

Rucker (JFRC ‘63–’64)Dorothea and Gregory Ryken

(JFRC ‘67–’68)Gayle Sandfox (JFRC ‘72–’73,

MUND ‘75)Ann and Frank Saporito (JFRC ‘73–’74,

BA ‘75)Catherine Schaeder (JFRC Fall ‘82)

and Eric BattermanMary Jo Schmidt (JFRC ‘85–’86)AnonymousDavid Silva (JFRC ‘72–’73)William SimpsonMignon (JFRC ‘66–’67, BA ‘69) and

Hubert SniderAntoinette (JFRC Fall ‘75) and

Christopher SpohnSally Stanton (JFRC ‘71–’72)Katie Bannan Steinke (JFRC ‘69–’70,

BA ‘90)Carolyn (JFRC ‘79–’80) and

Jeff StrandbergJanet and Martin Striegl (JFRC ‘71–’72,

BA ‘73)Joan and Scott Sullivan (JFRC ‘67–’68)

Rachel Geltman and Martin Susz (JFRC ‘74–’75, BS ‘77)

Diane and Andrew Sweeny Jr. (JFRC ‘70–’71)

Cindy and James Tanner (JFRC ‘68–’69)

Patricia O’Shea and Frank Tannura (JFRC Fall ‘76, BBA ‘79)

Susan (BBA ‘83) and Nicholas Tannura (JFRC ‘79–’80, BBA ‘82)

Jeffrey Taylor (JFRC Fall ‘77)Susan Thompson (JFRC ‘67–’68)John Tierney (JFRC ‘63–’64)Mary Kay Tobin, MD (JFRC ‘72–’73)Domenic Toni (JFRC ‘71–’72, JFRC Fall

‘72, BA ‘73)Mary Ahern (JFRC Fall ‘00) and Robert

Trainer Jr.Linda Trytek (JFRC ‘73–’74) and

Edward GoldbergMary Tucker (MUND ‘64)Thomas Tucker (MRE ‘75, MSW ‘92)Virginia Turner (JFRC ‘66–’67) and

Drew SullivanLaurine Krakora (JFRC Spring ‘77) and

John VaileLynn Van Cleave (JFRC Fall ‘90, BS ‘91)Ryan Vaughan (JFRC ‘01–’02, BA ‘04)Antoinette VigilanteEdward Volk (JFRC ‘64–’65, BS ‘67)Hazel and Michael Weaver (JFRC

Spring ‘89, MBA ‘96)Janet and Norman Frederic Weeks

(JFRC Spring ‘66, BA ‘68)Linda Weinfield (DDS ‘84, MS ‘94)James Wells (JFRC ‘64–’65)Laurie and Raymond Wienke

(JFRC ‘77–’78)Chris and Stephen Wilsey

(JFRC ‘65–’66)Kristen Witkowski (JFRC Fall ‘01,

BS ‘03)James Zavislak (JFRC ‘68–’69, BA ‘70)Yvonne Zecca (JFRC ‘70–’71)

$250–$999 James Allman (JFRC ‘70–’71)Irene Bahr and The Honorable

Robert Anderson (JFRC Spring ‘69, BA ‘71, JD ‘74)

Lisa Armento (JFRC ‘80–’81)Julius Aviza (JFRC Fall ‘82, BS ‘83)Kristi (JFRC ‘87–’88, BS ‘90) and Daniel

Bade (BA ‘88)Denise (JFRC Fall ‘77) and

Edward BaranJodi Barke (JFRC Fall ‘87, BBA ‘92)Matthias Baumberger (BA ‘02)Marcia and Jay BaylinDonna Losurdo Beaudet

(JFRC Spring ‘75)Linda Beerman (JFRC ‘70–’71)Angela Bernat (JFRC ‘65–’66)John Bianco (JFRC ‘84–’85)Mara (BS ‘94) and Thomas Blunk

(JFRC Spring ‘90, BBA ‘92)Carol Ann (JFRC ‘64–’65) and

Ronald BoulwareMary Jane Bradley-Smith (JFRC

‘67–’68, JFRC ‘68–’69)Margaret (JFRC ‘72–’73) and

Patrick Breen

Dorothea Brennan (JFRC ‘70–’71)Mary (JFRC ‘80–’81) and Mark BrewerDaniel Brierton (JFRC Fall ‘69)Georganne Brock (JFRC ‘63–’64)Beverly Brooks (JFRC Fall ‘06)Winifred (JFRC Spring ‘64, BS ‘66)

and John BroughanLynne (JFRC ‘72–’73) and

James BrownWilliam Brozovich (JFRC Spring ‘84,

BA ‘86, JD ‘89)Robert Bruun (JFRC ‘63–’64, BBA ‘65)Linda (JFRC ‘84–’85, BBA ‘86) and

Kevin BuggyPeter Burke (JFRC ‘88–’89, MA ‘93)Daniel Burns (JFRC ‘75–’76, JFRC

‘76–’77, BS ‘77)Barbara Blair Busch (JFRC Fall ‘73)Marcia Mary and James Cahill (JFRC

‘64–’65)Rose (JFRC ‘70–’71, MUND ‘72) and

John CalaresoSheila Lent and Matthew Carey (JFRC

‘91–’92, BA ‘94)Joan Carey (JFRC ‘63–’64)Christina (BSN ‘84) and Raymond

Catania (JFRC Fall ‘83, BBA ‘85)William Chambers (JFRC ‘72–’73)Kathryn (JFRC ‘65–’66) and

Gary ChandlerLinda (JFRC ‘64–’65) and

Ralph CharkinsAnita Borzell-Ciarnella and

Enzo CiarnellaLisa (JFRC ‘80–’81) and Nicholas CipitiRenee Cipriano (JFRC Fall ‘83, BA ‘85,

JD ‘88)Frances and Philip Ciulla Jr.

(JFRC ‘71–’72)Theresa (JFRC Spring ‘86, JD ‘90) and

Michael ClancyChristina (JFRC ‘75–’76) and Andrea

Cocozzella (JFRC Fall ‘75)Kathleen Colson (JFRC Fall ‘81)Douglas Colwell (JFRC ‘73–’74, JFRC

Fall ‘75, BS ‘76)Julie and Aldo CongiRandy Costas (JFRC ‘74–’75)Michael Crotty (JFRC ‘69–’70)Thomas Crowley (JFRC Spring ‘81,

BA ‘83)Donna CurinEileen Dallemolle Phelan (JFRC

‘64–’65, BS ‘66) and Thomas Phelan (JFRC ‘64–’65, BS ‘66, MA ‘68, PhD ‘70)

John Daniels (JFRC ‘83–’84)Audrey Davis (JFRC ‘70–’71, BA ‘73)

and Arthur Murphy (MBA ‘73)Ciara De Los Reyes (JFRC Spring ‘97,

BS ‘99)Edythe De Marco (JFRC ‘79–’80) and

Thomas ByrneAlessandro Del Giudice (BS ‘64)Janet Del Grande (JFRC ‘70–’71)Genevieve Delana (MUND ‘48,

JFRC ‘74–’75)Anne Delhey (JFRC Spring ‘11, BA ‘12)Paula and James DeVoto (JFRC

‘68–’69, PhD ‘82)Marti (JFRC ‘72–’73) and

James DohertyTerri Doyle

Page 9: Il Bollettino - Loyola University Chicago · sistant Steven Metzmaker (JFRC Fall ’12), this is a unique opportunity for you to connect with current students, sharing your memories


Theresia (JFRC Spring ‘74, BA ‘75) and James Doyle

James Dunford (JFRC ‘64–’65, BA ‘68)David Dunleavy (JFRC Spring ‘97)Mary and Joseph Egan (JFRC ‘68–’69)Ann Eisel (JFRC ‘65–’66)Mary Margaret Eraci (JFRC Spring ‘89,

BS ‘90, BA ‘90)Frank Fabbro (JFRC Fall ‘80)Joseph Falcone (JFRC ‘66–’67)Claire Farren (JFRC Spring ‘01, BA ‘02,

BSN ‘03)Diana (MUND ‘00) and John

Faulhaber (JFRC ‘66–’67)Mary Felice (JFRC ‘63–’64)Andrew Findley (JFRC Spring ‘00,

BA ‘02)Janis Fine (PhD ‘89)Maureen Flanagan (JFRC ‘74–’75) and

William GronemanJane (JFRC ‘71–’72) and Edward

Flanagan (JFRC ‘71–’72)Janet Fogarty (JFRC ‘75–’76)Daniel Fogarty (JFRC Fall ‘81)Martha Foreman (JFRC Fall ‘70)Megene (JFRC ‘71–’72) and Peter

Forker (JFRC ‘71–’72)Joanne Fortune (JFRC ‘65–’66)Alicia (JFRC ‘70–’71) and

Charles FosterChristine (JFRC Spring ‘88) and

Michael FrantzJulia Franz (JFRC Fall ‘87)Irene Ganas (JFRC ‘66–’67, MUND ‘68)Marlene Lojas and Jess Garcia (BS ‘88)Catherine Gilmore (JFRC ‘74–’75,

BS ‘77)Michael Giovanola (JFRC Fall ‘84)Stephanie and Anthony Hahn

(JFRC ‘65–’66)Marilyn St. Germain-Hall and Patrick

Hall (JFRC ‘64–’65)Anne and Martin Hanley (JFRC

‘77–’78, JD ‘82)Martha (JFRC ‘71–’72) and

Christopher Harold (JFRC ‘71–’72)Cathryn Matot Hartman (MBA ‘92)

and John Hartman (BBA ‘80, MBA ‘82, JD ‘85)

Emma (JFRC Fall ‘62, BSEd ‘64) and Martin Harty (JFRC Fall ‘62, BS ‘63)

Gregory Haupt (JFRC ‘83–’84)Rosemary and Peter Heffernan

(JFRC ‘65–’66)Corina Heiser (JFRC ‘83–’84)Karen and Marvin HermanHarold Hicks (JFRC Fall ‘81, BBA ‘83)Carolyn and Donald Hilliker (JFRC

‘63–’64, BS ‘66)Laura (BBA ‘80, MBA ‘81) and Stephen

Hoepfner (JFRC Fall ‘78, BBA ‘81)Carol Ann Holley (JFRC Fall ‘63)Amy Hubbell (JFRC Fall ‘85)Cindy and John Hunter (JFRC ‘73–’74,

BA ‘75)Deborah Ingraham (JFRC ‘81–’82, BA

‘83, JD ‘86)Mary Taylor Johnson and James

Johnson Jr., PhD (JFRC ‘85–’86, MEd ‘92)

Kathryn JohnsonErika and John Joyce (JFRC

Spring ‘65)

Sara and Christopher Julsrud (JFRC ‘67–’68, BA ‘69)

Margaret (PhD ‘03, JFRC Spring ‘06) and George Kraft (JFRC Spring ‘06)

Robert Krug (JFRC Spring ‘94)Ronald Kuzo (JFRC Spring ‘83)Brian Lavelle, PhD (JFRC Fall ‘89)Mary Joan (MUND ‘59, MEd ‘64, JFRC

Spring ‘73) and Charles LeeBrian Lenahan (JFRC ‘87–’88, BA ‘89)Patricia Leonard (JFRC ‘77–’78)Katherine (BBA ‘01, MS ‘02) and

William Litgen Jr. (JFRC Spring ‘00, BBA ‘01)

Donald Lorek (JFRC ‘69–’70, BA ‘72)Lisa (BSEd ‘03, MEd ‘08) and Timothy

Love (JFRC ‘01–’02, JFRC Fall ‘03, BA ‘03, JD ‘13)

Carol Loverde (JFRC ‘70–’71) and Dominic Di Frisco

Mary Jean and Dan LyonsThomas Machnowski, DDS

(JFRC ‘69–’70)Joan Madeja (JFRC ‘65–’66, BA ‘68)Bridget (JFRC Fall ‘71) and

Brian MadiganLinda Maguire (JFRC Spring ‘84)Julie (JFRC Fall ‘86, MUND ‘88) and

David MaiersTeresa (JFRC ‘81–’82, BBA ‘83, MBA

‘89) and Henry MajsterekSusan G. Manker (MUND ‘79)Alina and Michael Manley (JFRC

‘67–’68, BA ‘69)Monica and John Marcone

(JFRC Fall ‘86)Jane and Lawrence Marino (JFRC

‘72–’73, JFRC ‘73–’74, BA ‘74)Anellina Marrelli (JFRC ‘68–’69)Claudia (JFRC Fall ‘86) and Tim

McCafferyStephen McCall (JFRC Spring ‘91)Charles McCannon Jr. (JFRC ‘67–’68)Justin McCarthy (JFRC ‘71–’72)Tucker McDonagh III (JFRC Fall ‘75,

JFRC Fall ‘76)Cormac McEnery (JFRC ‘70–’71)The Honorable Bernard McGinley

(JFRC ‘65–’66)Timothy McGivern (JFRC ‘69–’70)David McGovern (JFRC Fall ‘82,

BBA ‘85)Marilyn Dunn McGuire, PhD (JFRC

‘69–’70) and William McGuire (JFRC ‘68–’69)

Laurie (JFRC ‘64–’65, JFRC ‘65–’66) and John McHale (JFRC Fall ‘64, BS ‘65, MSIR ‘71)

James McHugh (JFRC Fall ‘01, BBA ‘04)Thomas McKechney (JFRC Spring ‘73)Barbara Meyer (JFRC Fall ‘86, BBA ‘87)Carol Michelini (JFRC ‘68–’69, BA ‘70)Eileen and John Miles (JFRC ‘69–’70)Mary Milton (JFRC ‘68–’69)Elisabeth Mistretta (JFRC Fall ‘99, BA

‘00)Jordan and Charles Mixson (JFRC

Spring ‘96)Mary (JFRC ‘82–’83, BA ‘84) and Eric

MollmanSheyanne Mooter (JFRC ‘98–’99,

BA ‘00)Dennis Mroz (JFRC Fall ‘76, BS ‘78)

Mary (JFRC ‘68–’69, BS ‘72, MSW ‘93) and Peter Mudd (JFRC ‘68–’69)

Edward Muldoon (JFRC ‘72–’73, BBA ‘75, MBA ‘85)

Stephen Mulligan (JFRC Spring ‘72)Paul Murphy, PhD (JFRC ‘77–’78,

MA ‘84)Edward Napleton (JFRC Fall ‘00)Patricia Nisco (JFRC ‘74–’75)John NoonanLoretta (BA ‘72) and John Norton

(JFRC ‘70–’71, BA ‘72, MA ‘75)Kathleen O’Brien (JFRC ‘72–’73)Michael O’Connell (JFRC ‘64–’65)Kevin O’Connor (JFRC ‘70–’71, BA ‘72)Shannon O’Donnell (JFRC Spring ‘74)Margaret (JFRC ‘62–’63, BS ‘64) and

Damon OgleMary Clare (JFRC Fall ‘78, JFRC Fall ‘80,

BA ‘80) and Thomas O’GradyKathleen O’Leary (JFRC ‘72–’73)Catherine Oliven (JFRC ‘77–’78,

BA ‘78)Robert O’Neill (JFRC ‘67–’68)Gretchen Orosz (JFRC Spring ‘87, BS

‘87) and Steven JonesAnn O’Shaughnessy (JFRC Spring ‘88,

BA ‘89, MBA ‘93)Joan Pailhe (JFRC ‘66–’67)Anne (BA ‘74) and Michael Pappas

(JFRC ‘72–’73)Mary Parrilli (JFRC Spring ‘62)Mari Peabody (JFRC ‘70–’71)Frederick Pfeifer (JFRC ‘64–’65)Stephanie and Stephen PicconeKathleen and William Planek (JFRC

Fall ‘82, BBA ‘84)Tina and Michael Plunkett, MD

(JFRC ‘66–’67)Jocelyn Polce (BA ‘06)Stephen Pollard (JFRC ‘72–’73, JFRC

‘73–’74, BA ‘75)Mary (JFRC Spring ‘86) and

John PopracNorma (JFRC ‘68–’69) and Walter

Richard (MA ‘70)Barbara Carroll (JFRC ‘70–’71) and

Brian RobinsonLynne and Raphael Roche III (JFRC

Fall ‘92, BBA ‘94)Jane (JFRC Fall ‘85) and Peter

Rodriguez (BA ‘88)Michael Rosendin (JFRC Fall ‘79)Christine (JFRC ‘73–’74) and

Howard RussockJohn Salvino (JFRC Spring ‘00)Dierdre Savage (JFRC Fall ‘81)Betty Schmidt Bordelon

(JFRC ‘66–’67)Fred Schneider (JFRC ‘71–’72)Jim Schufreider (JFRC Spring ‘81)Barbara (JFRC Spring ‘73, BS ‘74) and

Richard Schwind (JFRC Spring ‘73, BA ‘74)

Adela and Robert Seal, PhDGregory Sebastinelli (JFRC ‘77–’78)James Seigfreid Jr. (JFRC ‘77–’78)William Sexton (JFRC ‘63–’64)Sheila Shaker (JFRC Spring ‘81)Karen Sheridan (JFRC ‘74–’75, BA ‘78)Mary (BS ‘53) and Raymond Simon

(BA ‘53, JD ‘56)

April SinniMartin Sinnott III (JFRC ‘85–’86,

BA ‘87)Christine Sitko (JFRC ‘70–’71, BS ‘72)Deborah Smith (JFRC ‘65–’66)Dana (BS ‘83, BSN ‘86) and John

SpehlmannPatricia and Jeffrey Stava

(JFRC Fall ‘78)Anthony Stellino (JFRC ‘73–’74)Rosanne and Frank Stertz Jr.Molly and Robert Stine (MBA ‘97)Barbara Svoboda (JFRC ‘62–’63, JFRC

Fall ‘62, BS ‘65, MA ‘80)Cathleen (JFRC Fall ‘83, BA ‘86) and

John Swanson (BA ‘85)Carol (JFRC ‘73–’74, JFRC Fall ‘75,

BA ‘77) and Philip Sweet III (JFRC Spring ‘74, JFRC ‘74–’75, JFRC Fall ‘75, BA ‘77)

Norma TataPaul Thesing III (JFRC ‘79–’80)Michael Thomey (JFRC Fall ‘73)Joyce and Nicholas Tibaldi (JFRC

Spring ‘62)Ann (JFRC ‘89–’90, BA ‘95) and Francis

TimonsDorothea (JFRC ‘72–’73) and Michael

Tobin (PhD ‘87)Stephanie Tomakowski (JFRC Spring

‘08, BA ‘09)Edward Touhey (JFRC ‘64–’65)Lynne Traci (JFRC Fall ‘81)Pamela Trent, PhD (JFRC ‘68–’69)Emily (JFRC Fall ‘04, BS ‘06) and

Joseph Turano (JFRC ‘96–’97)Richard Valerian (JFRC ‘67–’68)Donna and David Varnau

(JFRC ‘70–’71)Ann Marie (JFRC ‘92–’93, BS ‘95, JD

‘99) and Jon Vigano (JD ‘98)Sharon Leavitt and Douglas Wait

(JFRC ‘69–’70, BS ‘72)Richard Walsh Jr. (JFRC ‘63–’64)Sheila (JFRC ‘72–’73) and Michael

WareKathleen Weber (JFRC Spring ‘01)Eileen (JFRC ‘69–’70, BA ‘71) and

Richard Weicher (JFRC ‘69–’70, JD ‘74)

Mary Glavin and James Michael Weiss, PhD (JFRC ‘64–’65, BA ‘67)

Frank Werber (JFRC ‘68–’69)Stephen Werner (JFRC Spring ‘06,

BA ‘07)Anne and Joseph Whitaker III (JFRC

‘65–’66, BA ‘68)Kathleen Whitfield (JFRC ‘72–’73)Britt Whitfield (JFRC , BS ‘04)Diane and David WhitmanChristopher Winiarz (JFRC Fall ‘03,

BBA ‘05)Alison and Joseph Winter (JFRC

Spring ‘64)Joseph Wolff (JFRC ‘64–’65)Catherine Wrenn (JFRC ‘88–’89,

MEd ‘94)Lisa (JFRC ‘75–’76) and Thomas WurstMichael Zaker (JFRC Fall ‘84, BA ‘87)Thomas Zmugg (JFRC Fall ‘65, BS ‘67,

MD ‘71, MRES ‘75)Joseph Zuercher (JFRC ‘04–’05)Julie Zuercher (JFRC ‘78–’79

Page 10: Il Bollettino - Loyola University Chicago · sistant Steven Metzmaker (JFRC Fall ’12), this is a unique opportunity for you to connect with current students, sharing your memories


DIRETTORI ($10,000 or more)

Margaret (JFRC Spring ‘73, MUND ‘75) and Howard Bedford

Paulise and Richard Bell II (JFRC ‘67–’68)Janice Butler Bart (JFRC ‘65–’66)Karen and James Centner Jr. (JFRC ‘66–’67)Kathy (JFRC Spring ‘77, JFRC Summer ‘13)

and Guy CraneMichael Ford (MBA ‘00)Constance and John Kurowski (JFRC ‘73–’74,

BA ‘75)Margaret H. (JFRC ‘71–’72, MUND ‘73) and

Steven McCormickDonald Novello (JFRC ‘62–’63)Jack O’Connell, Jr. (JFRC ‘68–’69)Anthony Piazza II (JFRC ‘62–’63)Carol Robbins (JFRC ‘64–’65) and

Herbert WolffKatherine Vogelheim (JFRC ‘77–’78) and

John Hansen

ILLUMINATI ($5,000–$9,999)

Daniel Coleman (JFRC Spring ‘77)Susan Lamb and Dennis Cook (JFRC ‘72–’73,

JFRC ‘79–’80, JD ‘79)Deborah (JFRC ‘74–’75) and Ted Dobbs

(JFRC Spring ‘75)Marianne (JFRC ‘84–’85) and Dennis Fraher

(JFRC ‘84–’85)Maria Teresa and Emilio IodiceLourdes (JFRC ‘76–’77, BA ‘78) and

John Moore (JFRC ‘76–’77)Claudette and John Nicolai (JFRC ‘69–’70)Maureen (JFRC ‘66–’67, BA ‘68) and Robert

Schuberth (JFRC ‘66–’67)Lindsay Wells and Matthew Slaggie

(JFRC Fall ‘02)

ISPIRATORI ($2,500–$4,999)

Claire Crossman (JFRC ‘85–’86)Marie (JFRC Spring ‘88, BS ‘89) and Brian

Fitzpatrick (JFRC ‘90–’91, JFRC ‘92–’93, BA ‘92, JFRC ‘93–’94)

Helen and Thomas FlynnStephanie (JFRC ‘77–’78) and Fredric HarmanKurt Natter (JFRC ‘09–’10)Cheryl O’Donnell (JFRC ‘64–’65, BS ‘68)Jesse Sandoval (JFRC Fall ‘76, BA ‘81)Leonard Slotkowski Jr. (JFRC ‘65–’66, BA ‘69,

MEd ‘72)Lynn Van Cleave (JFRC Fall ‘90, BS ‘91)

BENAFATTORI ($1,000–$2,499)

Gemma Allen Nader (JFRC ‘64–’65, BS ‘66) and Albert Nader

Anne Bannister (JFRC Fall ‘84, BBA ‘85, MBA ‘93)

Joan Batchen (JFRC ‘81–’82, BA ‘83, MBA ‘88)Nancy Gerrie Bowen (JFRC ‘74–’75) and

Richard Bowen, PhDMary Ann (JFRC ‘71–’72) and Larry BowersKathryn and Michael Carlson (JFRC ‘66–’67,

BA ‘68)Lynn Carlson and Philip O’Connor, PhD (JFRC

‘68–’69, BA ‘70)Susan (JFRC ‘69–’70) and William CarterSusana Cavallo, PhDAngie (BS ‘85) and Thomas Cimino Jr.

(BA ‘84, JD ‘87)Dana Green and Thomas Clancy (JFRC

‘67–’68, BA ‘69)Nicolette (BBA ‘76) and John Conway (JFRC

Fall ‘73, BACL ‘76)Claudette (JFRC Spring ‘78) and

Robert Dachowski Jr.Anne Decker (JFRC ‘77–’78)Claire Dittrich (JFRC ‘77–’78)William Eineke (JFRC Spring ‘97, BBA ‘98)Paul Gearen (JFRC ‘71–’72)Jane Gisevius (JFRC ‘63–’64)Marilyn St. Germain-Hall and Patrick Hall

(JFRC ‘64–’65)Jane (JFRC ‘77–’78) and Bruce Haupt

(JFRC ‘77–’78)Thomas Hawley (JFRC ‘66–’67)Lisa (JFRC ‘77–’78) and John Iberle

(JFRC ‘73–’74, BBA ‘75)Laurie Kladis (JFRC ‘87–’88, BA ‘89, MBA ‘95)Laurine Krakora (JFRC Spring ‘77)

and John VaileLaurel and William LairdKevin Doyle Leahy (JFRC ‘67–’68)Kelli and Ryan Mahoney (JFRC Fall ‘03)Michele Mahoney (JFRC Summer ‘97, MBA

‘99) and John Keenan Jr. (JFRC ‘91–’92, MBA ‘99)

Marina Marrelli (JFRC Fall ‘81) and Robert Anslow Jr.

Robert Meade Jr. (JFRC Fall ‘69)Bernard Michna (JFRC Fall ‘66, BS ‘67, MA ‘72)Mary Naito*Samuel NaitoLoretta NamovicMarietta Nolan-Stevens (JFRC ‘74–’75, BSN

‘77) and Kevin Stevens (JFRC Spring ‘73, BA ‘79)

Daniel O’Connor (BS ‘60)Rosemary (JFRC Spring ‘82, BA ‘85) and

Stephen OlsonMarta (JFRC ‘71–’72) and Patrick O’Rourke

(JFRC ‘71–’72)Joan (BA ‘02) and David Pasquesi

(JFRC Fall ‘82, BA ‘84)Helana and William Pietragallo II

(JFRC ‘67–’68)Donalene and Donald Poduska, PhD (BA ‘56)Joseph Pojanowski III (JFRC ‘68–’69)Donna (JFRC ‘63–’64) and Robert RissoneMary Pat and James Rohan (JFRC ‘78–’79,

JFRC ‘79–’80, BA ‘81, MSIR ‘83)Mark Russo (JFRC Fall ‘87)Katie Bannan Steinke (JFRC ‘69–’70, BA ‘90)Rosanna Coffey and Timothy Stranges

(JFRC ‘66–’67)Diane and Andrew Sweeny Jr. (JFRC ‘70–’71)Susan (BBA ‘83) and Nicholas Tannura

(JFRC ‘79–’80, BBA ‘82)Jeffrey Taylor (JFRC Fall ‘77)John Tierney (JFRC ‘63–’64)Mary Kay Tobin, MD (JFRC ‘72–’73)Edward Volk (JFRC ‘64–’65, BS ‘67)Linda Weinfield (DDS ‘84, MS ‘94)

SOSTENITORI ($250–$999, recent alumni 0–10 years)

Beverly Brooks (JFRC Fall ‘06)Mary (JFRC ‘04–’05, BA ‘06) and Benjamin

Pietrzyk (JFRC Fall ‘03, BA ‘05, MA ‘06)

Società di Donatori Chaired by alumnus Jim Centner (JFRC ‘66–’67) and his wife, Karen, the Societa di Donatori invites donors to make personal, annual contributions to the JFRC to fund the center’s top priorities. We are extremely grateful to the following individuals for their continued support and generosity to the Rome Center.

* Deceased

Page 11: Il Bollettino - Loyola University Chicago · sistant Steven Metzmaker (JFRC Fall ’12), this is a unique opportunity for you to connect with current students, sharing your memories


The Alumni Wall Initiative invites Rome Center alumni to inscribe a message on a tile in a remodeled space at the heart of campus. The Alumni Wall will be adjacent to the new coffee bar and within steps of the outdoor café portion of the new mensa.

Gifts to the Alumni Wall Initiative will support the JFRC Campus Renovation Fund, which enables new and ongoing campus improvements, building a better and more modern Rome Center for future generations.

Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Gifts to this initiative will be accepted until the end of 2015.

Make your mark in RomeN A M E A T I L E O N T H E N E W A L U M N I W A L L


$1,0004” x 8” tile with 23 characters per line and up to three lines of text

$2,5008” x 8” tile with 23 characters per line and up to six lines of text

$5,00012” x 12” tile with 23 char-acters per line and up to six lines of text

We invite you to inscribe your tile with a personal message; honor a loved one, celebrate a favorite professor, or leave an inspiring message for future generations. There are four options available:


1. Decide on gift amount and tile size

2. Choose a method to make your gift:



• One-time gift via credit card

• Automatic recurring gift via credit or debit card (1–18 monthly installments)


• Instructions for remitting a check are at


• Set up a pledge by calling 800.424.1513 andreceive monthly or quarterly reminders until it isfulfilled

3. Submit your tile inscription online when you make an online gift, or call 800.424.1513.

4. Determine whether you want a souvenir tile sent to you. You will receive a picture of your tile once it is installed.


Situated at the heart of campus, the outdoor patio overlooking the new wall will be enjoyed by students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors for years to come.


Page 12: Il Bollettino - Loyola University Chicago · sistant Steven Metzmaker (JFRC Fall ’12), this is a unique opportunity for you to connect with current students, sharing your memories

John Felice Rome Center820 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1500Chicago, IL 60611 • 800.424.1513

Calendar of eventsJ O H N F E L I C E R O M E C E N T E RVisit for a complete list of upcoming events.





CHICAGO ALUMNI APERITIVONovember 5, 2014 • 6–8 pm • Loyola’s Water Tower CampusThe Pere Marquette Suite in Baumhart HallREGISTER: us for an evening to connect with fellow alumni and a very special guest, JFRC Dean of Faculty Dr. Susana Cavallo. Enjoy a prosecco tasting, wine and hors d’oeuvres, and a chance to catch up and reminisce.

DC ALUMNI GIVE BACKNovember 15, 2014 • 9:30 am –1 pm • Christ HouseREGISTER: by DC Alumni Chapter ambassadors Ben Pietrzyk (JFRC Fall ’03) and Mary Pietrzyk (JFRC ’04–’05), join fellow alumni in the DC area for an oppor-tunity to give back to the community.

CHICAGO ALUMNI GIVE BACKDecember 7, 2014 • 1–4 pm • Merchandise MartREGISTER: fellow alumni in the Chicago area for this annual service event, orga-nized by JFRC Alumni Board Member Claire Dittrich (JFRC ‘77–’78).

ST. LOUIS ALUMNI APERITIVOMarch 8, 2015 • Location TBASave the date for this annual spring gathering to connect with fellow JFRC alumni in St. Louis. We’ll take advantage of the Missouri Valley Conference finals in town, celebrating wins, and toasting fellow alumni!

50TH REUNION: CLASS OF 1964–65May 5–9, 2015 • Rome, ItalyThe class of 1964–65 will celebrate their 50th reunion with a special trip to Rome, including an itinerary that will surely bring back memories! Visit for details.

50TH REUNION: CLASS OF 1965–66 October 1–4, 2015 • Rome, ItalyThe class of 1965–66 will celebrate their 50th reunion in the most fitting way—Roma style! Mark your calendars, and visit for details and to RSVP.