ijrlli ualij 2 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduers of fine tobuoro and cigars, and mmiij.vturera of...

1, .?; Of" i ' ft f. , i ief ,' 't 1 a-- ' V' V ' U '. ',. IJrlli UAlij 1 2 ' PUBLISHED BY J. W. ROBERTSON & Go. No. 111. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1882. SO Ceau RakirrUtlaa ptt kvsatlu Mr ft." THE DAILY BULLETIN' In published every morning, and cir- culated throughout the town, and for- warded to the other Islands by every opportunity. Subscription, .50 cents per month. Hj L., Shkuon, - - . Editor. All business communications to be ad- dressed, J. W. Roukuthon & Co. A Japanoso Yarn,' Fact and fancy meet each other bo nearly in stories told of the octopus that people who read them nrc at one time .inclined to believe even Victor Hugo, and other times to disbelieve even the naturalists. Both are interesting, however, and any person who una had ttie privilege 01 seeing a devil fish, especially if the one. Been happens to be a large speci- men, caii easily 'perceivo what excel- lent material it affords for a wonder- ful tale. The story, as given below, was communicated to the "Toklo Times" by a correspondent to whom it was given us a specimen of En.li h composition, by u Japanese scholar who was a caudidate for the portion of translator. "The author of ' Shuyukidon,' who lived some sixty years ago, was once travelling in Mustu, one of the northern provinces. Walking one day near the sen beach be heard the bellow of a bull, and went in the direction of the noise. He was then witness of an extraordinary combat between some cuttlefish and a bull. An , enormous poulpc, witli bright purple eyes, and tentacles six feet lting, imd attacked the quadruped. Throwing its arms around the body, the monster tried to make for the water with its captive. Meanwhile other octdpi, in large numbers and of great size, swarmed ou to the shore which seemed to be alive with their big, rouud heads. Some of them assisting their comrade, soon like him attacked the bull, dragging it down to the sea. Their quarry, however, made a brave resistance, and succeeded in goring its first foe in the head and belly, and shaking itself free from its embrace. Before it could escape, however, it was firmly held by a still larger monster, while others took solicitous care of the wounded one. The unfortunate beast's bellowing attracted a crowd of fishermen to the spot. One of the tcesc, stronger und braver than his fellows, his limbs swathed in straw bandages, and a sharp knife in his hand, boldly rushed to the rescue of the bull, und cut through the tehaclea which enclosed it. Other poulpc then attacked the fisher, to whose aid his fellows hastened, and a fierce fight ensued between men and monsters, in which the former were victorious, many of the squids being, killed,' while the rest escaped into the water. "Two of the tentacles, wound round. the bull were so heavy that one man alone could not currythem. One was twelve and tlje. other six feet long; the larger ilie-Hw- were subsequently boiled in sections at different timesiu abig kettle. Home years previous to this t battle cattle had disappeared in a mysteri- ous way from the same shore. The fight between the cephalopoda and thp bull enlightened the proprietors aHjtotljecanHoof.thcifoss," ' ,. THE OLD CORNER Kstabllshcs, 1858. Hakt Bitot., : : Proprietors. ' MEALS Served up In flrst-elu- s style at all hours Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m. Always on hand Cigars Tobacco, Pipes dee.. Se. Also, lood 23iiiilHi ! 76 B. F. EHLERS & Co., All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods 71 PLUSH! PLUSH I PLUSH! PLUMES! TLUMES! PLUMES! ! ! t MM - ' . T. , .t .... r c : t fr ' JUST , afl AT THE of Jk.. 3MC. No. 104 FORT STREET. Assets, Surplus, This Company issues every desirable form of policy. The tontine policy issued by this those offered by any other company, r or particulars npplv to , 71 C. O. BKRGEIi, Special Agent Hnw'n Islands I RE MAN'S FUND INSUR-- - ANCK COMPANY of San Fran- cisco, fire nud Marine.- - Cash capital Cold. 8500,000. Dwelling risks a spe- cialty. Detached dwellings and contents insured for a period of 3 years, tir two premiums in advance. Ilv writing small Hues on carefully selecttd risks, well dUttiunted, offers indemnity second to noho. Losses promptly adjusted. Buuior & Co., Agents, for tho 10 Hawaiian Islands. CREAMS I This delicious and very i. H ''$ ? - nutrituotis article of is manufactutcd by F. HORN, Practical every week, and Ja. warranted to be strictly pure, i or sole at F, Staua Caty Faetej, 86 71 Hotel street. lm A. J EWELER,t Dealer In HuwaKnri Curlosliles. Store In the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4 ing, opposite the Bank. M AX KCICART,. MannfactuniiK Jevcier, iNo. o KMnumanu st. :1 Watch Maker and Jeweler, Always on hand a nice stock of Clocks and Jewelry.- - Uejiiilrlnj,' Watches and Clocks a Spei-l-alty- , No, Ui Fort btree., ;12 MoOhosney & . Proprietora Honolulu Timncrv : Dealers in IHda; Tallow & Leather, Also, Groceries, Provisions 71 Salt, cto., i'te., etc. and 7W5BT by L0NC, for wile In sny onan ' 24 Allks a Bosinson. DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, Received by vary steamer. Hats, Hats, Hats, Satins Satins Satins TRIMMINGS! TRIMMINGS! TRIMMINGS! FLOWERS! FLOWERS! FLOWERS! REftPIVPn HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM, lOTellis, New York Life Insurance Co. 847,000,000. $10,000,000. Purely Mutual. CHOCOLATE Confectionery Confectioner, MvIwb KRAFT, OPTICIAN, D.W.CLARK, GSWatcios, GithenB, Redwood Cedar (94) HONOLULU. Company yields better returns than Kbbcrt Leuem, I!. 11. Cooke, I EWERS & COOKE, J (succeHxirs to Lewcrs & DUksnn.) Irajvorters snil Dealer In Ltnnbr and all kinds of Buildlnp Material:. I'ort street. Honoluln. ' 1 WILDER A Co., Dealers in Paints, Oils, Nolls, Halt and Bulldlajc Materials of every klntt, cor. i'ort and Queen ts., Honolulu. 1 ALLEN 4 ROBINSON, in lumber and nil kinds of building materials, paints, oils, nails, etc., etc 71 HOLL1STER & Co., Wholesaln and Import- ers of Fine Tobuoro and Cigars, and MmiiJ.vturerA of tods Water, Oinger Ale, tc, &v IS & PHILLIPS, Practical, l'lumbeis, UtLt Fitters und Coppe- rsmiths, No. 18 Nuuaniist, Honolulu. House and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 fct.CHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort at. Impor'er and dealer In Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. 63 BROWN &, CO., Importers and In A fen, Wines and Spirits, Xb. U Merchant St.. Honolulu. 12 PERSONS SEEKING Employment, and .all parties either 11 Honolulu or nt any of the Islsndi in the Group in want !' Kmployees will plooe make their want known to the undersigned, who will do all in their power to till their- orders. P.O. Jones. jr.. J.SB. athertoa. B. F. Dillingham, Kmplptont Cm'mltUe r. Ms Ce 1 CO N F E J T I ON K R V , , P. Mclnerny, No. 71 Fort st, above HotclBtrfet.ikeops always on hnnd on the best KreifeK"Hnd Callfor. nla msniifrtcturcd eonfictionery, which Ih; offers for side to the (rode or at retail, nt reduced prices; alio Jlio beM brands of choice' eljrurK to lxV had in tliu market. The best ice crenui, soda'wuter und eonl-lul- u Cull and try them. 1 Drink, iriHherM CHAMPAGNE CIDER! So favorably known throughout the Hawaiian Islands. Sold by till respectable dealers. No. l.'l Lililm a., Honolulu 71 "The Planters' Monthly," , Price IB cents a copy. Subscription price - tl.:0 n yoar. Bend orders to FORT ST&EET. Commission Merchants. CUua ttlrckU. Kb. O. Irwlu. WM..G. IRWIN & COMPANY, and Commission Ageute. Honolulu. MACFABLANK ft CO., Importers 4 Cocaaueston Mer-chant- Kobuxtoa's rW-Piw- f SuUdlDK, Queen street, HoaoHuu. 1 H- - IIACKFELD COMPANY, Oenerai CoBualasloa Aiients. Queen street, Uoaolola. 1 A 8. CLEOHOBN Co., Importers and Commhwioa Mercasnti, Deal- ers In General MerchaadUe, Queen nud Kiiab'.iniann sts., Honolulu. 7s U. A. 1'. Caxttr. P. C. Jootts. Jr. Ci BttKWEB t CO.. -- ' Shipping and.Uommlsiioa Merchants Vjueen street, HuBOlalU. 1 rpiIEO. 1L DAV1ES & Co., Lm- - porters and cum mission mer- chants; and agent, for Lloyd's and the Liverpool Underwriters. British and Foreign Inttsrafico Co., and Northern Assurance Co. 71 T?D. HOFFSCHIVKGER & CO., "-- f Importers and Commission Mer-chant- --, II nolulu, Oahq. 1 U.B.WIIIUbw, a. CbeMtocvca. .11. Dlmaikl WILLIAMS, DIMON1) & Co.. ' T Shipping and Commission Mer- chants, Union .Block, corner Fine and Market streets. San Francisco, Cut. AesMTs'voa Pacific Mall Steamship Company. VacUo Steam NavtRttton Company, Cunard Company Col. line of l'acksts from Hw York, HawaUaa line of Packets. China Traders laaanace Co. (limltod), Marine Insurance Co. ot Indoa. 71 JOHN T. WATEIUIOUSE, Mrohondise. (jiteen t, Honaluln. 1 "M" S. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer- - ehtiudlsenirfl Cotaiuisslou Merchants Hiiuoluiu. j TVI" S. GRINBAUM & CO., t ..I c,nlloii Merchants, 214 CallfoinU street, Ban Francisco, tal. V T. LKNKHAN kCO", - Importers aai CoauaiMion Mer. chanU, Nuaanust, MoaOaato. l s.K.cs.ti. i..Aatrti. ft A ST LB COOKE, y Shipalns; an4 Cetaaujeioa Mer. chants. Importers and Dealers ta Gen. eral Merchandise, No. M-'Ki- sUurt. Honolulu. j WING WO CHAN ft Co., 22 Ktmaaa stratt. Importers and Dealers in Chineeo Goods end Groceries. Always on hand, Tea at all quali-tte- s suiuble lor fasaily or floatation use. . bji JAMES liANLON.irUJ attend to or sick keeaes. Leave orders at J. W. Robertson ft Co'. 74 Ifr , JOHN A. HA ft 9 1. NO Kit,' Agent to take Ackaowledfiaents to Contracts' for Labor. Interior Wee, Honolulu. T E. WISEMAN, 7 Merchant st. u Heal .Estate liro'-e- r. Kmplojaient .Went and ttcarral Oasoe IliismeVs. Telephone, No. ,172., 10 sQHARLES T, UL'LIC'K, NtVTAKV ITBLIC, Agent to take Ackaow ledtfmrats to Latwir Coatrnrt". AND (JKNKRAL lltWtNKKH AOEI7T. Onice. In Maine's IHoekccraer Qneen and KaahuraaWstrceu. Heaaiaro. Si ' Legal Cap. A new lot Suit received ay J. W. Xte101l & Co PEOPLE'S UNK O? OMNIBUSSES 5 Jamkh Donn, ... lropri(itot':4. NUUANU VALLKY KOUTK: Vp trlp: Lrsvr W. U. Irwin i CV. A.M. u:lB, 7:UU, 8:00, 10:30. r.M. IS :0., 2 :00, 4 :00, 5 :10, 6 0, 9t00 lmn trips: Ino r J. II.l'iy. A.H. :80, 7 ::), 8 'M. M. r J. 12:45, 2:U0P 4 :40, 5:40, 7:00, ' Suhoav Time Tahlk. Up tripa; I.osvi- - U. trwin a IV. A.M. 9:00, 10:00. p.m. laao, a .oo, 4 too, c90, 8:is. Dtma trlpi; Lira lie, of J. it. Pa(r, AM. 9::V10W. V.M. 12:45, 3U10, 4:30, 7:10, 9:10. ,. : nP.IlCTANIA A rUNAHOU ST.KOVntff' Up trip: Irsve W O trwin & Co, A.M. (i:UO. 0:50. 7:46. 10:00. ; V?sS t u 11. OX .rVi .m K.lft i.l, n .rr Down tripe: Leave l'nnnhou mrrct. ...... . A.' A.M. i:3U. 7tZ&, 8.40. lltlO. "Xr r.M. 12:45,3:10,4:30, 6:10,7:10,10:80 Sunday Time Taiilk: Leave the Stalilcs, cor. Fort and Hotel' :. atA.. fur T'linulimt Ktr.ft T.nnir llfs.Mj.W : Baths, fare 50 cts., baths included: a.m. 0:30 to tValkiki; 9:00, 10:00, K ana 11:10. . D U . A.fH In IVallrlVI. M.im'-- ' w. w ..w ww ..M.a, W.W and 8:43. Down itlpsr I.eirr Punkhou trrel. am ft.ftn o.v to-i- n ?' TM. 1S:40, 3:10, 5:30, 7:10, 00. WAIKIK1 KOUTK: Ont trips: Leave W. O. lrwin4'Co.' A. v. 7:15, 10HX). T. M. 2rfX), 5:10. ,, Down trips: Leave WolkUtL a. M. :V0, 10:50. V. M. 2:50, 5 U50. , Sunday trips : Leave stables. A. M. :30. . ' ; ' v. it Leave Walktkl 'VM A.M. 7:40. r.M. 5:50, 5:10. The Long Braarb Bataa vtU te the ts HWiU. " .. t '..";'. ' ProfeseloDAla. .'9 TV R . CA8T1.B.15 ' Attorney at Lowaih. Noi-'--tt nry t'uniir. Merchant atrcot,next U tlw i'ost Cfrtee. 1 SB. DOI.K, Lainrer and Notary Pub-- .! No. l. Kaabumami st. 11 '. . JM. DAVIDSONtAttonugr atLaw : Merchant street. 10 RICHARD- - fTIbICKERTON; , and Counsellor at 1 nw. : Money to tend on Mortgage of Free- - ' holds. OtUce, No, 34 Merchant t 1 BROWN, ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub- lic, and Acrat for taking Acknowledg- ments of lastrumsata for the Islaiid ef Uahu. No.B Kaubnmaau street, Beae-lul- u. 1' IRANCISM. HATCH, Attorney M ILLIAMO. SSIITH, Attor-nc- y at Law, No. Sfi Merchant street. J3 In ' . M. HAOAN, M. Bt, Physician & Surgeon, Kesldenee tU OfBce, 194 Xaaaasj M. OateehoursfMsalOtoll AJi.saaalatn 5rJt. lpi . TB;. O. TBOCKSEAV Ik to aetuy , U Ida friends that he has retailed practice in Hoaolnln. Besldencw aa4 consulllnff rooms, No. 73 ruachhowl st, opposite the roakitl pate of the Qacea'a Hoipitul. ConsnUIng hours Iron 9 a.n to 12. Telephone No. 193. 68 lm 'ffl '4 JL imitation rooms at No. t Kekui St.,,"",'. .... Meiepnose na m. was v DR. CHARLES T. K0DGER8. , J street Kestdenen, Hawaiian Hotel. 1 A PULLER, Snrreyor for Bureau 'Ll veHtas. n m -- RAY TAVLOll. Teacher of FUafr. - ' ' forte and V3 Orpm. Taaieg In'aU v i" vcjuivuw. w 99m I j W ,' -- . .1 E. UOAVELT- -, Ciinmiting and J Comtmrtlng Esglnrer emctMM J. W. UOBfJUSO.N & CC. 38 Merchant street. nS.i a 'M '&LMAMuAJiA'iL:k. . f'vC-.X- .:;-- l 't. tcJ.-yk?mkLwf.- s.

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Page 1: IJrlli UAlij 2 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduers of Fine Tobuoro and Cigars, and MmiiJ.vturerA of tods Water, Oinger Ale, tc, &v IS & PHILLIPS, Practical, l'lumbeis, UtLt Fitters




i '



, i

ief ,'



a-- '

V'V '




No. 111. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1882. SO CeauRakirrUtlaa

ptt kvsatlu Mrft."

THE DAILY BULLETIN'In published every morning, and cir-

culated throughout the town, and for-warded to the other Islands by everyopportunity.

Subscription, .50 cents per month.Hj L., Shkuon, - - . Editor.All business communications to be ad-

dressed, J. W. Roukuthon & Co.

A Japanoso Yarn,'

Fact and fancy meet each other bo

nearly in stories told of the octopusthat people who read them nrc atone time .inclined to believe evenVictor Hugo, and other times todisbelieve even the naturalists. Bothare interesting, however, and anyperson who una had ttie privilege 01seeing a devil fish, especially if theone. Been happens to be a large speci-men, caii easily 'perceivo what excel-lent material it affords for a wonder-ful tale. The story, as given below,was communicated to the "TokloTimes" by a correspondent to whomit was given us a specimen of En.li hcomposition, by u Japanese scholarwho was a caudidate for the portionof translator.

"The author of ' Shuyukidon,'who lived some sixty years ago, wasonce travelling in Mustu, one of thenorthern provinces. Walking oneday near the sen beach be heard thebellow of a bull, and went in thedirection of the noise. He was thenwitness of an extraordinary combatbetween some cuttlefish and a bull.An , enormous poulpc, witli brightpurple eyes, and tentacles six feetlting, imd attacked the quadruped.Throwing its arms around the body,the monster tried to make for thewater with its captive. Meanwhileother octdpi, in large numbers andof great size, swarmed ou to theshore which seemed to be alive withtheir big, rouud heads. Some ofthem assisting their comrade, soonlike him attacked the bull, draggingit down to the sea. Their quarry,however, made a brave resistance,and succeeded in goring its first foein the head and belly, and shakingitself free from its embrace. Beforeit could escape, however, it wasfirmly held by a still larger monster,while others took solicitous care ofthe wounded one. The unfortunatebeast's bellowing attracted a crowdof fishermen to the spot. One ofthe tcesc, stronger und braver thanhis fellows, his limbs swathed instraw bandages, and a sharp knifein his hand, boldly rushed to therescue of the bull, und cut throughthe tehaclea which enclosed it.Other poulpc then attacked thefisher, to whose aid his fellowshastened, and a fierce fight ensuedbetween men and monsters, in whichthe former were victorious, many ofthe squids being, killed,' while therest escaped into the water.

"Two of the tentacles, woundround. the bull were so heavy thatone man alone could not currythem.One was twelve and tlje. other sixfeet long; the larger ilie-Hw-

were subsequently boiled in sectionsat different timesiu abig kettle.Home years previous to this


cattle had disappeared in a mysteri-ous way from the same shore. Thefight between the cephalopoda andthp bull enlightened the proprietorsaHjtotljecanHoof.thcifoss," '


THE OLD CORNERKstabllshcs, 1858.

Hakt Bitot., : : Proprietors.'MEALS

Served up In flrst-elu- s style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars Tobacco, Pipesdee.. Se. Also,

lood 23iiiilHi !76

B. F. EHLERS & Co.,

All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods71


! ! t

MM - '

. T. , .t .... r c : tfr ' JUST, aflAT THE

of Jk.. 3MC.


Assets, Surplus,

This Company issues every desirable form of policy.The tontine policy issued by this

those offered by any other company, r or particulars npplv to ,

71 C. O. BKRGEIi, Special Agent Hnw'n Islands


cisco, fire nud Marine.- - Cash capitalCold. 8500,000. Dwelling risks a spe-cialty. Detached dwellings and contentsinsured for a period of 3 years, tir twopremiums in advance. Ilv writing smallHues on carefully selecttd risks, welldUttiunted, offers indemnity second tonoho. Losses promptly adjusted.

Buuior & Co., Agents, for tho10 Hawaiian Islands.


This delicious and veryi. H ''$ ? -

nutrituotis article ofis manufactutcd by

F. HORN, Practicalevery week, and Ja. warranted to be

strictly pure, i or sole atF, Staua Caty Faetej,

86 71 Hotel street. lm


J EWELER,tDealer In HuwaKnri Curlosliles.

Store In the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4

ing, opposite the Bank.

M AX KCICART,. MannfactuniiKJevcier, iNo. o KMnumanu st. :1

Watch Maker and Jeweler,

Always on hand a nice stock ofClocks and Jewelry.--

Uejiiilrlnj,' Watches and Clocks a Spei-l-alty-,

No, Ui Fort btree., ;12

MoOhosney & .

Proprietora Honolulu Timncrv :

Dealers in IHda; Tallow & Leather,Also, Groceries, Provisions

71 Salt, cto., i'te., etc.


7W5BT byL0NC, for wile In sny onan'

24 Allks a Bosinson.

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,Received by vary steamer.

Hats, Hats, Hats,Satins Satins Satins





New York Life Insurance Co.847,000,000. $10,000,000.

Purely Mutual.









Redwood Cedar


Company yields better returns than

Kbbcrt Leuem, I!. 11. Cooke,

I EWERS & COOKE,J (succeHxirs to Lewcrs & DUksnn.)Irajvorters snil Dealer In Ltnnbr and allkinds of Buildlnp Material:. I'ort street.Honoluln. ' 1

WILDER A Co., Dealers inPaints, Oils, Nolls, Halt

and Bulldlajc Materials of every klntt,cor. i'ort and Queen ts., Honolulu. 1

ALLEN 4 ROBINSON,in lumber and nil kinds

of building materials, paints, oils,nails, etc., etc 71

HOLL1STER & Co., Wholesalnand Import-

ers of Fine Tobuoro and Cigars, andMmiiJ.vturerA of tods Water, OingerAle, tc, &v IS

& PHILLIPS, Practical,l'lumbeis, UtLt Fitters und Coppe-

rsmiths, No. 18 Nuuaniist, Honolulu.House and Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

fct.CHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort at.Impor'er and dealer In Gent's,

Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes andslippers. 63

BROWN &, CO., Importers andIn A fen, Wines and Spirits,

Xb. U Merchant St.. Honolulu. 12

PERSONS SEEKINGEmployment, and .all parties either

11 Honolulu or nt any of the Islsndi inthe Group in want !' Kmployees willplooe make their want known to theundersigned, who will do all in theirpower to till their- orders.

P.O. Jones. jr.. J.SB. athertoa. B. F.Dillingham, Kmplptont Cm'mltUe r.Ms Ce 1

CO N F E J T I O N K R V ,, P. Mclnerny, No. 71 Fort st, above

HotclBtrfet.ikeops always on hnnd onthe best KreifeK"Hnd Callfor.

nla msniifrtcturcd eonfictionery, whichIh; offers for side to the (rode or at retail,nt reduced prices; alio Jlio beM brands ofchoice' eljrurK to lxV had in tliu market.The best ice crenui, soda'wuter und eonl-lul- u

Cull and try them. 1


So favorably known throughout theHawaiian Islands. Sold by till

respectable dealers.No. l.'l Lililm a., Honolulu 71

"The Planters' Monthly,", Price IB cents a copy.

Subscription price - tl.:0 n yoar.Bend orders to


Commission Merchants.CUua ttlrckU. Kb. O. Irwlu.

WM..G. IRWIN & COMPANY,and Commission

Ageute. Honolulu.

MACFABLANK ft CO.,Importers 4 Cocaaueston Mer-chant-

Kobuxtoa's rW-Piw- f SuUdlDK,Queen street, HoaoHuu. 1

H- - IIACKFELD COMPANY,Oenerai CoBualasloa Aiients.

Queen street, Uoaolola. 1

A 8. CLEOHOBN Co., Importersand Commhwioa Mercasnti, Deal-

ers In General MerchaadUe, Queen nudKiiab'.iniann sts., Honolulu. 7s

U. A. 1'. Caxttr. P. C. Jootts. Jr.Ci BttKWEB t CO..

-- ' Shipping and.Uommlsiioa MerchantsVjueen street, HuBOlalU. 1

rpiIEO. 1L DAV1ES & Co., Lm- -

porters and cum mission mer-chants; and agent, for Lloyd's andthe Liverpool Underwriters. Britishand Foreign Inttsrafico Co., andNorthern Assurance Co. 71

T?D. HOFFSCHIVKGER & CO.,"-- f Importers and Commission Mer-chant- --,

II nolulu, Oahq. 1

U.B.WIIIUbw, a. CbeMtocvca. .11. DlmaiklWILLIAMS, DIMON1) & Co..' T Shipping and Commission Mer-chants, Union .Block, corner Fine andMarket streets. San Francisco, Cut.

AesMTs'voaPacific Mall Steamship Company.VacUo Steam NavtRttton Company,Cunard CompanyCol. line of l'acksts from Hw York,HawaUaa line of Packets.China Traders laaanace Co. (limltod),Marine Insurance Co. ot Indoa. 71


Mrohondise. (jiteen t, Honaluln. 1

"M" S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer--

ehtiudlsenirfl Cotaiuisslou MerchantsHiiuoluiu. j

TVI" S. GRINBAUM & CO.,t ..I c,nlloii Merchants, 214CallfoinU street, Ban Francisco,tal.

V T. LKNKHAN kCO",- Importers aai CoauaiMion Mer.

chanU, Nuaanust, MoaOaato. ls.K.cs.ti. i..Aatrti.

ft A ST LB COOKE,y Shipalns; an4 Cetaaujeioa Mer.chants. Importers and Dealers ta Gen.eral Merchandise, No. M-'Ki- sUurt.Honolulu. j

WING WO CHAN ft Co.,22 Ktmaaa stratt.

Importers and Dealers in ChineeoGoods end Groceries.

Always on hand, Tea at all quali-tte- ssuiuble lor fasaily or floatation

use. . bji

JAMES liANLON.irUJ attend toor sick keeaes. Leave

orders at J. W. Robertson ft Co'.74 Ifr ,

JOHN A. HA ft 9 1. NO Kit,'Agent to take Ackaowledfiaents to

Contracts' for Labor. Interior Wee,Honolulu.

T E. WISEMAN, 7 Merchant st.u Heal .Estate liro'-e-r. Kmplojaient.Went and ttcarral Oasoe IliismeVs.

Telephone, No. ,172., 10


Agent to take Ackaow ledtfmrats toLatwir Coatrnrt".

AND (JKNKRAL lltWtNKKH AOEI7T.Onice. In Maine's IHoekccraer Qneen

and KaahuraaWstrceu. Heaaiaro. Si '

Legal Cap.A new lot Suit received ay

J. W. Xte101l & Co


Jamkh Donn, ... lropri(itot':4.NUUANU VALLKY KOUTK:

Vp trlp: Lrsvr W. U. Irwin i CV.A.M. u:lB, 7:UU, 8:00, 10:30.r.M. IS :0., 2 :00, 4 :00, 5 :10, 6 0, 9t00

lmn trips: Ino r J. II.l'iy.A.H. :80, 7 ::), 8 'M. M.rJ. 12:45, 2:U0P 4 :40, 5:40, 7:00, '

Suhoav Time Tahlk.Up tripa; I.osvi- - U. trwin a IV.

A.M. 9:00, 10:00.p.m. laao, a .oo, 4 too, c90, 8:is.

Dtma trlpi; Lira lie, of J. it. Pa(r,AM. 9::V10W.V.M. 12:45, 3U10, 4:30, 7:10, 9:10. ,. :

nP.IlCTANIA A rUNAHOU ST.KOVntff'Up trip: Irsve W O trwin & Co,

A.M. (i:UO. 0:50. 7:46. 10:00. ; V?sSt u 11. OX .rVi .m K.lft i.l, n .rr

Down tripe: Leave l'nnnhou mrrct....... . A.'A.M. i:3U. 7tZ&, 8.40. lltlO. "Xr

r.M. 12:45,3:10,4:30, 6:10,7:10,10:80Sunday Time Taiilk:

Leave the Stalilcs, cor. Fort and Hotel' :.atA.. fur T'linulimt Ktr.ft T.nnir llfs.Mj.W :

Baths, fare 50 cts., baths included:a.m. 0:30 to tValkiki; 9:00, 10:00, K

ana 11:10. .

D U . A.fH In IVallrlVI. M.im'-- 'w. w ..w ww ..M.a, W.Wand 8:43.Down itlpsr I.eirr Punkhou trrel.

am ft.ftn o.v to-i- n ?'

TM. 1S:40, 3:10, 5:30, 7:10, 00.WAIKIK1 KOUTK:

Ont trips: Leave W. O. lrwin4'Co.'A. v. 7:15, 10HX).

T. M. 2rfX), 5:10. ,,Down trips: Leave WolkUtL

a. M. :V0, 10:50.V. M. 2:50, 5 U50. ,

Sunday trips : Leave stables.A. M. :30. . ' ; 'v. it

Leave Walktkl 'VM

A.M. 7:40.r.M. 5:50, 5:10.

The Long Braarb Bataa vtU te the tsHWiU.

" .. t '..";'. '


TV R . CA8T1.B.15' Attorney at Lowaih. Noi-'--ttnry t'uniir. Merchant atrcot,next Utlw i'ost Cfrtee. 1

SB. DOI.K, Lainrer and Notary Pub--.!No. l. Kaabumami st. 11 '. .

JM. DAVIDSONtAttonugr atLaw: Merchant street. 10



and Counsellor at 1 nw. :

Money to tend on Mortgage of Free-- 'holds. OtUce, No, 34 Merchant t 1

BROWN, ATTORNEYand Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub-

lic, and Acrat for taking Acknowledg-ments of lastrumsata for the Islaiid efUahu. No.B Kaubnmaau street, Beae-lul- u.



ILLIAMO. SSIITH, Attor-nc- y

at Law, No. Sfi Merchantstreet. J3 In '

. M. HAOAN, M. Bt,Physician & Surgeon,

Kesldenee tU OfBce, 194 Xaaaasj M.OateehoursfMsalOtoll AJi.saaalatn5rJt. lpi .

TB;. O. TBOCKSEAV Ik to aetuy ,U Ida friends that he has retailedpractice in Hoaolnln. Besldencw aa4consulllnff rooms, No. 73 ruachhowl st,opposite the roakitl pate of the Qacea'aHoipitul. ConsnUIng hours Iron 9 a.nto 12. Telephone No. 193. 68 lm



JL imitation rooms at No. t Kekui St.,,"",'.....Meiepnose na m. was v

DR. CHARLES T. K0DGER8. , Jstreet Kestdenen, Hawaiian Hotel. 1

A PULLER, Snrreyor for Bureau 'LlveHtas. n m

-- RAY TAVLOll. Teacher of FUafr. -

' ' forte and V3Orpm. Taaieg In'aU vi" vcjuivuw. w 99m I j

W ,'-- . .1

E. UOAVELT- -, Ciinmiting and JComtmrtlng Esglnrer emctMM

J. W. UOBfJUSO.N & CC. 38 Merchant street. nS.i a'M

'&LMAMuAJiA'iL:k. . f'vC-.X- .:;-- l 't. tcJ.-yk?mkLwf.- s.

Page 2: IJrlli UAlij 2 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduers of Fine Tobuoro and Cigars, and MmiiJ.vturerA of tods Water, Oinger Ale, tc, &v IS & PHILLIPS, Practical, l'lumbeis, UtLt Fitters






I'- -

FRIDAY, JNE 1, 1882.


By the Anti-Chihcs- Bilh. which'

President Arthur has signed, Chi-

nese laborers cannot enter the portsof the United States after the, GtluofAugust next. Tlic probabilitiestire, that being prohibited from go--'

ing to California, tho Mongolian tidewill diverge elsewhere, and wo may

count on getting our full share 'atthese Islands. Tho fountain ofChinese emigration is inexhaustible,

and it wilbrequiro but a Bmall stream"of 'jtto quite drownj us out in this

little Kingdom. The history of tliat'pcolo' shows that wherever they

liavo onco,.obtaiiicd a fopt liold,,tlicyhave never leccded. Now, us" history, rcpcalsfitself," every nowand then, ,lct us loot, at a brief,sketch of the history; otthe Chinesein ' tho Phillipino " Islands, of 'which

KMunilln is the capital, and thencogitate, upon what the' future mayhave iti ' store for the Hawaiian Isl-

ands.Over 300 years ago, the Chinese

began to, arrive, in jthc Phillipines,anil when" in the lapse' of years theybegan to control industries and hadreached 20,000 in numbers, .the

"Spanish residents complained to the.home Government, with a requestthat the immigration bo put a stop!to.1 A Commissioner from Spain tomake iuquiiies, reported amongother things, that the Chinese " art?

'hcred ,to their idol worjshin. andheathenish doctrines; that theywould not conform to the customsand manners of the Spaniards ; thatthey combined as a class for .their,own advancement ; that by their;rmilnronllinr rwminptitinil tlll'V nion- -

9' ODolized nil branches of trade andcommerce; that they impoverishedthe Islands by sending to China alltheir earnings; that .when they hadacquired a competency they wentback to China to spend their gains,nnd that for each one that returnedhome manv.others came out to more Ithan flll'b'is place." This all soundsasUiougJk,it,yorc written yesterday,aiul'dcscriptive of the Chinese inHawaii nci, instead of by a Spanishofficial nt Manilla, over 200 years,ago. "About the year 1700, thesepeople became so strong and nrro-ean- t'

that the Spaniards rose andslaughtered over 20,000 .of .then.A. quarter of a century later, they

still more numerous than ever,and planned n rebellion, with the in- -'tcntiqn. of 1. taking' possession of theIslands. Then there was anotherslaughter, in which multitudes per- -

iahed.' .The,, number was thereafterlimited "to iG,0p0 who "alone were

,; allowed to, 'remain on the Islands.But in spite of .this they continued to

.'come, and'tliere are now over 120,- -000 Jn Manilla alone, nnd they will

jferplong become virtually the'owneisbibatvuluoblo'lejand.

Here, and now, they arc quiet and.pntjent. they, become strong.in"wealth and numbers, may we notexpect iuut uicy win uwiMupi. iw

,wbollyvusurp tho Government ofvtl)eBCi beautiful --Islands ? And whatWf UV prevent this result our grandarmy ff -

Wejead'in papers" lately receivedthat the Chinese Minister to England

, jhaajboted'thati'iiiitlie.iiext twenty-fiv-e

yeare, China t,wiU control thecomWcrco'of'the'world.' ' '


4 r l)u--- ' - ' 7

Which is--

:which ? . JLTBe' J?. 'C'.vil'.ofjycBterday informs lis

there are oi; immigrants on poora'the Moihirch': arid thcn.it coca on to,chunVeruw tjcl adults of both sexes',,

i ,anu tiic miHorsf .tno ugures oiwnjcnfoot up H.sa. Take your chtice-- i-

, onlyvu uiffomncci. : .; . '

Thb ''Appropriation Bill is theBtaadiug. order hi,the Assembly to- -,

" l&nyj and tlic lliit item tobc con- -pidufcd is that of u. King's Guard,

88,9 J1.50,''1 in 'increase of someevtlii'! thousand ldllara over the

HWr. .

y u lie man tor nan v raucisco, per. barkentino l.lln, vVhuh ut thorPost

rf . . -. .. . .

CJtllecl I A. J(. tins nay.

The bgtne Condticlo, arrived yestarda,. fU. dajs from San Fran-meo1- .

, '

TOlfirwriTiiBTi' " ffTn

"JUT 1,0 W .: &

4? ' ' tinutitlftin."'Ta-- p.'--pr- tltioa8 re;

ceived and rufefpd i ,

From Makawao. that two Renrc- -fiontatlvca be.aljbwcd that .district. "'

rrom fkftanapau, mat uovcrnmentlamis-'h- sold to natives only.'.'Ticj&uuday observance law, asamended, was reported from' Com-

mittee.'- i t'1 y'v' i.Kaunauiano read first time a

,bill ro.nmcnd.tho genealogies Act of1HBO. .v.

Mr. Mnhoo Tcad flrst-ftima- a billto amend the auctioneers' licenseAct. (Pfovldcsthafa licenso maybo'iBsued for each taxation district.)' 'Mr. Katinhmtmor proposes to ap

propriate. 815,000 for repairs ofbriugctt- - in his district and - thbbuiUlingtqf .water ciatcrps. . .

On ,',mptiqnf 'Jjfi Brown, thoSergeantat-Arm- '' was instructed .toprovidvc;2"0"oun;6tM66 daily forthe.uae' of ic 'mc&berb.' 'Mi. Kcau gave hotico of ,a,bll toamend ArtielcJ dff tHo Constitution.

Mr." Palphau'rgye notice of a billto amcnd"thc Hospital A'ct of ,1865!. . Tho order tof .the day was thentaken'titlaxatlorr ConBpl.ida-tio- n

Billfri comnAitte'fe of tlic whole.The afternoop.iW.nji occupied in

disQUssing tho.pew taxation bill,Jl:itoi Minister of

Finance With some Tathcr im- -jortant ccep'tinB, it is a' codifica- -nuu ui.tiiu cxiauug- - Bvuucreu auiiuwia


" To tuf, EpiTpu of the Bulletin,Silt: I noticerthat for the roosttrivial offences'fjiit-n,.- . women andchildren, natiyea and foreigners, orearrested by warrant and locked upin the prison, the natives taking itas a matter,, of.coqrso, seciug andfpcling ' no shame, therein... In no,civjlized.co.untry in iho world is thatdonet but here, and such' a relic ofbarbarism should be .expunged .atleast from our Civil Code.

WKy lt 'WerwaB 1 eVmijtted as-

tonishes nie AVas ' it to liclp withother matters1 to keep the natives infear . nnd bondage, while certainparties foathcrcd their nests and ob-

tained grants 6f. :1aiid?"l Was" it be-

cause' it was w'ell-k'no- Jdiat but afew years ago ifeeatiyes had littleor no shame, and that therefore itwte 'necessary inj drclcr to Christian- -hm mum lUMb nuitbiuiMi: puuiuu tlj!might learn frbihsfcHsoelutions withforeigners eHbiild lib''nii4cd in" ihe"bddi IJcPanydisinUjrestcd" person'read 'the Civil CoUcaii'd sec "for him-

self how many, cases are dealt withby warrants. and incarceration whena summons 'wouui answer tue pur--poattfor if the person summoned- -

dfd not put in air 'appearance, fie' orshe could be' immediately apprehend-ed on warrant, and' further punishedfor disregarding an order of theCourt ;isuchdaws are' a blot on Ha-Waii-

.intelligence. There is nodoubt but:I tliat the nieu' responsiblefof these' laws are the AmericanMiB8ionarics.who, wjth.allthe nobleand philanthfopical .'designs theyhad, in their :' intention tds,britir the

I Islanda , uuder tlie healing intlueuccor.-tlie-

; t;pfistiuiiuspensatton, liave'n9;ye(' lqft tbo.qucstionof ' their;suc-ces- s

unsolved. . a of thisclass required to have Christianitypiaceu, oeiore mem in as lull ameasure. as the. doctrine, worship,manners,' 'dogma's, rites and .ceremonies would alow,'. instead ofwhich In 'dealing,with'', this 'people allhas been'HTared'down '10.1110 veripatpuritanical cvcrityw., They havesoiirfhtAt6 Vuvftn6w'ft,vlcc by mainforcc'insti'aJd of trying to raise jiic

glorious t'ruthsswhlcjiflow 'from tfeboptriner of Christ'spassion. 008' tof'-tll- warmest 'ad- -

Imlrisrs ' of' natiyelcKayiitcr, . fi'. his",The IelandiWbrliRV, naec; ,130.(the Hevi-H- ; T. .Cheevor) aaji,. WApooploathat .liyC'liko .the H.awaiianscannot !beJ viI:tuous'':and'plnfel;', &0wfar; apeyer thy may be Christianized ;'JuVd .ytii'f through, tho,;.rigof, of tholaws, the vigilance of magistratesand" constables.r&twtfnfsof thb .'Church; it;is pro-liab- le

'that teRj! la no.mprenum.

bcr of inhabitants ; 'in, 'cities inEngumd', prance "or America."

Lhcvc-ndk- . much faith in. Christ Ianity, which requires Htbe agency ofHiOj cojaaoj,Mfmq ,wjin a peopleampng.womtliurp are causey at.work which It is "nearly imp'68sibleto arreBtMand'wh'iehramt insurenaUonaf depopulation; tjie majorityof "ffhqnyjwjBitlLj "(JlseaBps of which

most are troubled to licentiousnessand to,sbfalld Christians, and arc"therefdre iniclr 'llodlcs nijdpas-sion- s

prone to' immorality.Tho idea entreating thcsecople

ns children, cou'plod with'ultra puritanism, must have been repugnant toall this people, and savors to-m- c ofrelics' of the e, days inEngland, when .man, women, andchildren were forced to Church, andof the days of Henrv. Elizabeth andMary.

I lie question I would ask vvithe Apostles try to Christianize theAncients by coercion r Wo, thcyjused the language of tho Sacramentsof the early Christian Church, ofwhich Conorrcfrnilmialiiuii knows' nothing and' canhot:bring before them,and from these misguided men camethe old " Blue Laws "of Connect-icut," with additional powers con-

ferred on officers who can practiceextortion and tyranny, as the writerbefore quoted says,. not even posses-sed by aTurkt ah 'Pasha. 1 am awarethat some of. (he'so ridiculous laws,have bceh anironded ,: but 'there, s

yet which require purging.The, House is now4 sitting, .surelysome member, seeing that these bar-baric institutions whioh affect 'foreigners as well as nativcsvBtill .existwill look Into it. Bas-Ble- -

Juno 4th, 1882. . ' ' , -

Of the foreign' members in theAssembly there are several who arevery fluent in the, native language,and it is interesting 'and amusing toobserve a duel or a three corneredcombat in words in Hawaiian be-

tween Messrs. Widcmann, IUce andIscnburg.. , w , .

Bartlctt Allen of New Bedford,bos just c6mpletcd ris beautifullyiiiouvil'u Hiirf-uuu- i. lur xtiug ivuia-kau- a

of the Sandwich Inlands, to beused to run between the islands.,'Tlic boat is built like a whale boat,is fhlrty-tw- o feet long, and will bepropelled by twelve oars, double-banke- d,

'and a lug sail seventeen feetlong on the foot and twenty two feethighlit is provided, with a ceuter-bofvr- dj

and tu'e row-loc- ks ati'of high-ly thirniilied-vbra89- . Exi ,' '


-- ,' ''" At the Artesian, well at the.Hawaiian Hotel at 7; o'clock laBticlngnt.riinktwntp'nl: t

.caljbthan;.that i the.QvcriimcntJfpiron'Kine,strcpt,'but'inot" as 'iho

i Art " 'Pkmi attlTtfitAttf Snnn 1jkitrwW UUIIl i A.UUJ DVIUVUIIIIIIUV lJtftllL;

Mit. Kli. Johskon lectures to theHawaiian's' ;this 'FriaycVcning, atKnwnlahao Church. Subject : Midni'lit' scenes Europe;The Curse and the Cure. His lastlecture will be givn at Fort streetChurch next Sunday nfhorningSubject: Who makes the.ttrink; itTrials 'and Impeachment ?,

TiT'JITKI) a young Olrl,tomnkegenurally-nKefir- l fn'the house

ol a lady on Maul.-- Tor partlmilnrs en-quire at the Hawaiian Hotel,. ltoomNo.t(S, hi the morning before U:30. a 07

WANTED, a quiet family .'carriagefor.a lady toilrlvu.

one Which canibe, trusted for sufety uodat tins f'nmc time, not a lazy bc'ist.

. .. 07

VT OXIOB'. The"' iindernlg'ncd ' U now,1 .nnmnri'il to itIvh lrKhuns lu Hmltllxhor French, and aiiyotherforelsu lah- -ffunge, .orally, ami wlentlllcally, with themosi.caxy metuou tou periect .know-lebjr- c,

to youitg ladles ut the. KinderGarten 'School prondsPH. Nuuartu Aye- -nnc. datlv from 2 toil n. m.i.-un- to!youiifi iricn, at the premises 'opposite(jueen Kinnu's, irom ; to ip p.m.For parjlculttrt encjulre thcfeln - 1021 U; A. Marffuur.Trof . of InRiuiKon.

. ..';.'! il :. in

FIRE WOOD!First Quality of'btst flrp wood

. For l8oq Chefap IEither In cord. woodsor .cut, anipllt to

order. Ail wood delivered oany part of the city without

extra charge.

Send oMerVto' ' '

Enternrise Flotainir71 .

' laTJfort street.'

JOHN N0TT,Tin, RuJB.BJttat.Iron Worker,

number, lias .tatter, tea,

'.Sftpvpp and, Ranges,r UI ail'KlllQS. r . ;

Plumbers', stock and metals.Hd'iiBO Furnishing Goods,

7? ' ' .Ciiandeliera, Lamps. &c.

(imlmi'Miii'iiiiir " 'mmiwu'iiii ' f'n '

n nJ n '' n'n'n n""

. il'i '. 'm '

AccoltutKp .to previous, aqtico. ameeting yfRs'hcld at tho JlawaiiflnHotel last vening, to tnkmeasurcsfor tho prber observance of nextFourth of July. About 100 peoplewere' present. ".'The meotlng wasJt4le'dtd ortlef.Tiy'.HIs Ex. J. M.

Comly., ,A, Corhtaltteo of 21 wasappointed, to make, proper arrange-ments "for the day; the committeeconsists of A. J. Cartwright, Chair- -

.,' fl.'..,o ..w1,nlD A IT! Villauiaui viuho kJl'4 viv0 auiioJ; H. Brown, J. A. ' 'Hopper,B. H. Eldridgc.F. P. Hastings,1 C Jones, jr., A. S. Hartwcll, B.F.'Dillingham, A. W. Busli, R. W.Lolnc, D. A. McKinley, Dr. Kodgcrs,Jtf.-'- Scott, .E. P. .Adorns, A.Heb-bar- d,

C. N. Arnold, T. V. Kennedy,Dr. McGrew, W. F. Allen. A sub-

scription list was opened, and thesum of $1,290750 were raised atonce. The following programmewas spoken of j Salutes .to. be firedat sunrise, noon and sunset. Exer-cises at Kawaiahao in the following:Picnic in the afternoon ; and a ballin the evening. , ', ...

. it J: 1

Second haid..-To- p Buggj', OpenBiiggy, Brjb'als.,5-8iiclTrottin- Sulkyfor sale, very low,' nt Phil Stein's,on 'Forf "street, above" Hotel. " ' llw

H. H ACKFELD & CO.Have just received

Per bktne "Eureka,"50 cases sugar-corn- , " Crown"

brand, - .

50 coses Sardines, .

-- ' 50 cases olive oil,

, '25 barrels G.SG. S. F.,flour,- casos medium bread,

', 10' casoB soda crackors,

' 'S"10 cases Jancy crackers,

10 barrels' cocoanut oil, "

10D0 keg shooks,

40 cases frcBh buttor,

30 cases twist tobacco,.10 casos boots and shoes, .

5 cases new dry goods,s '""" ' '

5 cosob donims,

j.f-6.-. &0., .i&C.,

yt' .

Fonsale by

H. HACKFELD & Co.May 15. 89


Importers and deolmin'' "

Lumber and.. .... Building Materials

of all kinds. .

Also, in stock-- ,f-- . in &

Paint andwhitewosli brushes, j

Metallic and other paints,, . 'x.--


Glass, papat oil,' !' j.

Doors, sashes, biindsj

cM Ac, Ac,

Forsale in'CfuaritlticB to suit

7.V' ; ' Z " ..vt'low prices.

. .4 f vsC,'i,'V)S.V'

ne&iv pcw.'tuld In perfect; suit;uuictlixur


-v or

.iucfv uuimrai,. - .


1 Ida'jfurniturt Express Wagta,

has. jiis't bcen.tborouuhlr overhauled''"'and painted.

1 two-seate- d Bprl&g Wagon,so'un,dand In perfect rpnnlng order.

i tight Road.Suiky, .'

has been uSed but.very little, and Is' order. Nj iuperfect

. . ...' .' .,AUoa fews'ctsoiM -

iJSTew. Singly Harness.Apply at 'O.K. Williams, Furniture

Warerooms, 111 Fort street. 97 2v

Honolulu Drayman'sr ,

H : OK.'-i- J j.

Union Protective.Prices of Cartage :

ON and AFTER ihe 1st of MAY,1882, tho following prices will

be chargod on all . . . i

Sugar, Rice, Iron, ''Coal Goose or baggti,

.MaehiBry,aad ''

General Merchandiie.CARTAOE-r-O- all sugafVnd'rioc,

25 eta per ton' of 2000 lbs., .withinthe following boundaries:Pokaka warehouse, ,,. , .

Steamer shed and the City Front, ona line of the above named ware-

house. . .t !'''

Also from" Brewer's wharf to thoFishmbrkct wharves. ,(

Trom- - Esplanade'to the jQtfCeri; street. ' 'wnarves, vw

37i'ctir'pert6n.All sugar and rice to be delivered on

the wharf and not on the vessels'rail, as formerly., Ijfdelivcrcd

on the vessels' rail 37Jctsperton..'

Coal, bagged, 117 2 ctsper ton, 2240 lbs" loose, 50 cts.; or any part thereof.

Lots of coal over 50 tons, 40 ots a tonCarting and piliug coal, per agreementBricks $1 per 1000 -

" pressed, $1.50 pcr.1000Lime or Cement !7 3 cts a load;Merchandise to bond 37 J-- 'J single load

" from bond 60 cts , ; . ;. - : . '" to the Island steamers and schrs,

. CO cts single loadMolasses 37,1-- 2 ets single loadGeneral merchandise, cx'eluslre of tho

above clause, 37 1- -2 Cts load or ton

Including the following boundariesBcretania, Alakea and Maunakea

streets and City Front;Iron and machinery 90 cts load or tonExtra heavy machinery and safes. as per

agreement; t' '

Lumber 50 cts .per 1Q001

osts 1-- 3 cent each , . JShliiglen 60 cts per 10,000 , .. '

Itubblshnud dirt SO 'cts single load.Bouts T5 cts caeb ".t ' :'IMack sand per speclal'Rgreemeat,4 "

.White sand 2.50 single load . .' :Wond 60 ets tiord .:.. '.Furniture, as per agreement. ,

.FromrtKe City Froirt; to any of;tho" '' ' "following places V

Kukul.Htreet- - '...... i .....0,.S0.1oad ,School s't. bet. Kmma& Bridge 0.75Waiplula 1,00 "Judd st., , 1.60 "lee worllft".. .'...J... .'.'....2.C0-'.- 'Leleo Slid School; sts..... ..... :..1,q0 ."1 unul ................. .....x.yO,'Kohololoa 1.00'"Kaka&kb.' ;.:. .1.00 "Walle'r''(Kallhi-- ) T.. . . .'it .,.'. . . 13.00 'Ponoa' .... '.. .'. . .. .'...'.': . i. :.3.&0 '"Vawaa.... .....,.....;..; ...1.60 'rimnhnu ....;.:.. ". ;.'.i.00 :"Insane Alum.'... ........ .2.60 "Alapal'Ml'alunia).... ,.,.....,..,1,60 ;Qui-en'- s Bospltal .. '. 0,75; '.'(ivrqiicne House ........... .;r i 0.7.5,-- " ,(Jaliu Prison ..'.'............,. .L00,To Gov't Vawder Mauizlna. ner , .

l..l kf'inAA ll. XUlAuu .- - rt'nH

From apto 'dlttb ..: .7. . . v .". :'.",'. . q'.'jW:,:

u - ' ' yMMOiitATio. G'. Chabd 'rf

? ! ; : : . . M. CakTR . ; r- .- :it.- Wi'F,IIARttArT,,-'- -- i'

" " -i; - - -- l-

" GKo.'Ii.'JuVBf&isojr,''.',. .. ;iniw..p:tvW4yn, ,y7.7. , , .per Fi Hu"staceh.Mnagpr.

Q; H.'BOBEBTSON,Druvnlan"-;- st teams

In town. .'1Weplmue No. 65:-- ' '.' "'IS", , tr aJ?..I

- '8hlrt and Hbilery;Fancy and. BluoFflffluel'ShrrtBr'"W lute Shirts jp jreat variety,Imported cxpreHs!yVfnr'.thtStiatket.78 lw..-,- . ,.'A. S. .Cljfghorn"& Co.

Cs'llaium Bread,ex Calbarlen, (or sale lu

qnantltlcs to s'ult'by ' '"$ J"," ''90 . A..S. CLEfiiloitN fc Co.

GREAT Bargain For SalcrrTholately occupied.by'G.

C Beekley, on Lnlihavstreetthe adjoining property witlrdwel-in- g

house on same. These placesare favorably situated aiul"lnt ashort distiinco from town. For fur-ther partioulara apply to Goorgw..C,Beokley, W

BALK, a stylish Carriage Horse,? drives double or single, perfectly

sounui also iiuruess.ana'iinp uvurv.09 Apply to C. O. II KUUKtt.


J&&$$&$' D8?' ' ''

,v' tezxtitfli' !' r'-- LtdMi M

Page 3: IJrlli UAlij 2 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduers of Fine Tobuoro and Cigars, and MmiiJ.vturerA of tods Water, Oinger Ale, tc, &v IS & PHILLIPS, Practical, l'lumbeis, UtLt Fitters


tl- -

Ii. y1





Ikippia Kte.Tho Helen V. Almy, oil May 22d,

23 dava. nnd Ida Schnnucf on the. 25th, '20 days, have arrived at Salt;V,'. Francisco from this port.

r' j'J, The 'Amelia arrived ntPprt Blake-- ;',;,' ly on tho 20Ui ull. from this port.f.-.,- . Tho Obcton sailed from Liver-f,;-:po- ol

May 9th, and the Forest Queenfrom San Francisco on the

25th for this port.I, ",Tho bark Paradox for this portwas spoken "April 4th, inlatl N.,long.. 25 yr .

TELEPHONIC.vi Dimond Head, Juno 8, 0:30 a.m.

Light Easterly wind.Bark Forest Queen off port.

schooner 8 miles off.Schr.Kulamanu G'milcs off.Schr. Jenny off to leeward.

.... Arrivals. .

Juno 9Bk Forest Queen from San FranSchr Mana from MalikoStmr Iwalnnl from Kona and KnuSchr Malolo from HhkolauSchr Waloll from Pnauhau

Departures.June 7--

Vessels Leaving this day.Bktne Ella fojsSan Francisco,Stmr Jonics Makee for Kauai.Schr Kckaiiluohi for Hanalci..

vessels, in Port.H. D. H. S'.' Champion, Capt. Hopeltrltlpli steamer MonarchBktnElla, - - -

Am Miss, bgtnc Morning Star, BraySwe bgtue Vesta,Bk California, HowardHaw brig Nlnlto,Bktne KllkltatAm bark IteVcrcAm bktne Jane A. Falkinburg.Bktne Malay, - :'Am bgtne.Cousuclo, Howard

.Vessels Expected.Big Nome . Frm ' DuoBk Stella, from New "York, ' AplBk Edward May from Liverpool, - MayBkl'riscllla, from Newcastle, '

MaySchr Julia, fm'S t Islands, '

"May :t

Br stmr Strathnlrly, from S F, May 17Stmr Australia from H F, . June 11

RMHS'Zcalandla.-fro- Sydney, ' July 3Gr bk Adolph, fm Newcastlc-on-Tyn- o

Bk Paradox, fmNewcastle-on-Tyn- e, JncBkJosefa, fm Cardiff. Aug 14Haw bk IolanI, from Bremen. :. StptBk Anna Erecht; fm. Newcastle,-B-

Oberon, fm Liverpool,'." ,l ..- -'Haw bk Kale, fm Bremen ' . 'Schr Bosarlo, from 8 F, for KabululBk F S Thompson, fm VIctorlr fr "


Houses to Rent! j

A beautiful house on School st, nearXuuattu st, with new furulturc'audKitchen utenBtls cohiplete, tent reason-able.

An, elegant Cottage on King st, ad.joining thp Reformatory. School, andnearly opposite 8. K. KauPs residence.

A'.. very comfortable home on: Emmast, u1table for a nice family.

A very choice dwelling on Punchbowlst,' opposite tho Queen's Hospital. Allthe above residences are In splendid lo-

cations, and reasonable in price,' andthey will rent quick. ! .

' 'A beautiful ho'fts'e nn'd crouads" to ncll

on Beretanla st', next to )V. KCustle'sresluence : house new. contalnmo rooms.vlth-al- l modern lmprbyeraents. A newlybuilt cottapcon Feniacotast, oppositeMr. Hassipger.'s residence, to sell cheap.

Slots adiolulnz,j(rontlHKonBeretanlast, and running bactqKlnau st; Hup- -.

crior lots for building purposes. To sellat once' at! 'reasonable "price.

2C acres ol ground on Suuanu Valley,i.l'mlIK'''al)0e"''tlfe Ice House,-know- as

the old McKeague Plantation.. Ground',vand bullOinK to lease or,cU;CTod fence

r, etc. .Ilcntl3p0 a yeap selfor.i3jB00.' on easy terms,,-- , , :; ,"" "";

Several good leases to sell aroundHonolulu; iand other bouses, .cottages,and rooms to rent. -

! Johemi E: WisEMiKr,('' ' "Real Estate Broker..'.:S7 Merchant-.strcet- - , lUilyr ,

LTvT.'A room in a pleasuntly situ-atedrO locality. Ten minutes walk

rom the Vpt ofllce. Apply to.65 'J. W. iUlllKlCTHON'A Co.

rFOU'SALt;, Six desirable lptfl.on King

and' water laid' oli, Forparticulars address P O Box 134. 50

' THOU SAliB, one new Hcow, capable ofP holding 10 tons, built by O. Kmmes,anil now In good order. For further partlculars apply, to Tuko. H Daviks & Co.

170n.8ALK, a MULE CART.J, - Apply to

H. Hackfeld &rCo.

on tl.ol.th April huit, in HonoLUHt. some papers and a pluu of'land, bearing" on tlicm the names ofJohn Knklnanhd O. W. Webb, TheUnder will be rewnrdedlon lealng smneat the Bulletin Ofue.', H3 Iw

K?JU ,.! Wtl , "SAiTFBANCISCOj 33)A55r.

T6 clipper bktno

E L L A ttj, master,

Wirt have quick dispatch for the aboveport. , For freight or passage apply to

" & Co-.- , Agent.

FOR.SAN FRANCISCO.jlJfiP The clipper bktne

MJANE A. FALKINBURG,"Forbes, master, . -

Will bavo quick dispatch for the aboveport. For frcjglit or passage apply to

Castlk & Cooke, Agents.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO,m Tho clipper bgtneO N S',U EML .0;"

nun urn, uianici.Will' have quick' dispatch for tho aboveport. F6r freight or passage apply to . .

iv. u. utwiN s uo. Agents.'

. R. FOSTER & Co.'b

Line of Steamers

THE "IWALAN1,"Bates,,..- - -- ., - ' Commander

Runs regularly to Kona nnd.Kau,as.pcr following. TimoTablc : -

Leaves Honolulu at 4 p.m. oxMonday, May' 1 Thurday, June 1Thiu-sd-a, May 11. Monday. June 12Mbriday,'-Ma- y 23 Thursday,-Jun- e 22

Anmvxa at Honolulu:Tuesday, May 9 "Friday, Juno 0Friday, May 10 Tuesday, June 20Tuesday. May 30 Friday, June 30

THE "C.R. BISHOP,"Berry, "-

'- - - CommanderLeaves HoNOLyijr every

Monday, at 5 r.M., for Nawiliwili,'Koloa', Llcefe, and Waimca, Kauai.

- Retuuni NO 1 leavesNawiliwili overy Friday evening.

THE "JAMES MAKEE,"McDonald, ... Commander

Leaves Honolulu bvsbtThursday'; at 5 r.u., for Kapaa and

Kilanea, Kauai.Retukning Leaver

Kapaa' every Tuesday evening. 75


Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Lahninn, Maa- -laetv BaV.-- ; :Makena.'Mahu kona. K--awuihue, Laupahoehoe and Hilo.

Keturuiug, viii wucu at an tnealovo ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday u.m. 1


2ji&lK ship Company.FOR SAN FRANCISCO;

The splendid steaiushlo ,

"ZEALAS'D ilA," '

Webber, Commandor,Will leavelfonoluluror Ban Francisco

on or about July 3.

FOR SYDNEY via"AUCKLANDThe splendid steamship


. '" 5"OargilirCommader- ,-,.Oa Uth;

For freight and i aBsage apply to H.vn.ora u wt, ncuHi

NOTICK to Contractors The plansfor .the, proposed

new bulldlnrf of the Y. M. C. A. of Honolulu can be seen'at the office of C.flrewcr & Co. Sealed Tenders for theconstnictlonof the same will be recalledby the Ilulldlng . Committee up to 12o'clock nooarWdnesday, June 21st,1882, at the ofllce of C. Brewer Co.,.Satlffactry-guarante- e for faithfulperform tnee of contract must be fur-nlsh-

by those bidding ior ibc job,'TJje'Bulldlng .Coramjttcee'scn'es the

right of reiecUng any or all bids'.1 U.JO.NEM, Jit.,.!:.---? .ny AKTIIKHTO?r,C. M. Cooxk,

Tlulldiug Co'fflWlttee Y. at. C. A.

POB 'SALE, ft ,twoiseatd- - wagonwith pole and thaus, and a

double harness," nearly new, price,8150. May be seen in rear ox o.20 .SchobHt." VW. G. Necdham. 72

aLeuse from a Telescope. fr mLOKT, Look-ou- t, at J. W. JlobertMiu& co's. The under will be rewarded byreturning same to the Telephone Office

107 lw

A Black Better Dog, 'any oneknowing his whereabouts will

please leave word'-wit- u Hkmuy WATEn-hoith- e.

. 01 wf

'p 1 .


OaniacotjSUl Buildersi

Buggies, Carriages, Express "Wagons

' nnd every kind of vehiclesmanufactured.

Blacksmlthing, horse-shoein- g,

and alt kinds of repairing done.

C. WESTKeeps constantly, on hand and, for

sole a complete stock of .carriagebuilding materials.

All orders promptly filled, 71

,'." JLewers & Cooke, "

Lumber Merchants,Keep constantly on hand a full

'. ' , assortment of

Lumber of all Kinds;

Paints, Oils, Varnishes,

Brushes of all sorts."Wall Paper,. Nails,

71 Spikes, &c, &c

Just ReceivedPer bktno Enreka, a full line of


Silk, merino and cotton.

Pajama Suits, Etc.91 A. W. Richardson & Co,

JAE0ES, Keaident Agent,Honolulu. H.. I. .71

ICE MANUFACTORY.Ice. delivered to all Darts of the

City. Shipping- - supplied in quantifiesto suit.- - Telephone, No. fit), uiuce atWilder & Co.'s. - 18

;:Jist Received.x Kalakana, - '-- '

TablonutUMeJFruitSi.. .- --Nice Breakfast Goods',- - such as

Candle Flsli, Salmon and . " - '- . i - llir Pork in Mb-- . Tins,

Siiltadlc for families. For sale ny-- 196'' . ' A. R. CiKoiioRN :Cd,

" Drink PHliner &'CioV

7fi cents per doten. 43


Californian Mules !

' irExpectedpci-Lndy'tatnpso-

68 ' Apply to CIIrewcr i. Co.

1 1th of June.FLAGS. FLAGSisFLAGS.

WB. have just received a largeaBsortthc.iit'.of ,,

Hawaiian, American, ' 'and KriBb Flags

in" 3 tfand 7 yard lengths;' al'ao Ha-

waiian and American Kings, printedon cloth, ;fconi 3 jc 5 to 'i'A-- x 84 in.

For sale cheap by85 J. W. ltoberttjon &Ce.

Kamenamena Bay

Kapiolani Park, JivnelO and 121882$The following gcntlomoa comprise the Arrangements;

W. O. Ibwim, CkcilBsowx, U.B.MacfamlankvCapt.A.N.Tam, - Jamks

Programme: ft

First :Bay, Saturday, June lOtb.v Conrmeacing at 2 o'clock, sharp. ' . '' Plate, $100. - '

For nawallaa.bftdfcorses; mile uash; catch weights. Bntiancer 'G. Kelly ran. Vcnns,J. Cummins..:.'.. b.g. Staadford Colt

Lucas.;.' . b.pp. Stranger' ;.' Eng's Plate, $125.

For three-year-ol- open to all; bestB. Kelly v..'.

W. H. Cornwcll.ftuoea Emma

Rmtalng Race; 'J--4 mil dssb; free

A. Wwkxahim





forG.B. Kelly.'. i x.m, Veuua .4

O. b.g. Murk Twain.J. 'A. Gummins a b.g. Stamlford ColtM: E. Albough . cm. Romping Girl.

SecbndJDay, Monday, June 12thCommencing at 11 o'clock, sharp.' - Laahi Cm $40.

Mule Bace ; mile dash; free to all ; catchII. N. Crabhe .C. A.Bailey....'L. J. AyletcDick.

Patkof mile; free for-al- l

, W.H. CornwellJ. F. Colburn

EsidprodtyTrotting Race; mile heats; best 3 In & to

a better recora than a mo m any publicM. E. AinaugtiJos. Dodd.

Doud. 11.





. hj.ZxpreesCup, 875.

Bace, one mile, to all horses lunc besa doWen haefcj1uiunum jjruviuua iu una xuu 01 tiuou. cnirancc, but

Manuel Reia.n ........ban. Pink

lamahattfthaTrotting Bace; mile beats; best S in 0 to

Orrver.M.,E. Albaugh. Coquette

Lnaaaakaainana Plate $100. -

One a half mile dash; free fee all carry 100 lbs.G. B.

MarkTwaiu. J

It. g.U.EogMuVu 8100.

Free all horses bred in the Kingdom;'810.

G.B. Kelly ...'.:..J. A. Cummins". . ..'C. Lucas.. ....;.:.

"'Pony-Sac- o

One mile dash; open to all, ponies bred

J. ':,'. BushwhackerJ. '.

' .'.J. Holt....,..' , .......Tyrant

EainlaniCw. 876.irurdle'Race; one mile dash, 4 hurdles;




All horses these races willbe under of andtheir will be final.

race be underrules of Bldod Horse

toAU, rider.All races


on Parkhorses are sold In pools

n;le4In order to

Uo bne will onwhich

can be

Kos. 28 and 40 Fort

of allon hand to



AvCommittee of :


3ln3; to carrv 16o lfc. 83 5WbJi. Hancock


all to carry 910

Coco HeadKate

$75.bred catch

gtc.b.c. Equal

harness; free to all than bavo astills Kingdom. 810- -.


Trotting free tluitsix xn

J. WatsonPlato. 8200.

w. ...b.g.cm.

and to Entrance, 810......b.h. Hancock.

"0." Stillman kg.V(. General Garfield


for all.


r.m.b.g. Cob)

.b.g.Cup 850.

not over hands

II. KingWhy Not


free catch

xt jjUcas b.ff.Girl- -

Bace One. 825.for man to' SOtnelghbor's the last on under the

W.I). Adams .';Autone Jack

Bli?ycl, Tricyclet

, , lor 300 yards, for medals and a

entered frthe. control the

decisionAll running will tho

the FAcinc. Assoc-iation, excepting as

horse toiuury awlU.be under, the

rnles the .Associa-tion. '

Nb'pbol'selllng theAll wlUbe

o,ut.serurr and order,,e allowed track

the badge,obtained on tbe'grouuds.

a i . im .' tasn. m sin w i


street.(above itoeu;

and built order.'Repairing, and Trimming

' promptly

' '.



lOOlbs. Entrance,

Entrance, 9.....Nigger

Cup.Kingdom; WeicbtiS


race in Kntrance,Coquette






free Entrance, 920.

best in 3; cateh neigata,

Venus;Staiulf onl

In tho Kingdom, 13 1--2


for all;




Free all; ride donkey, itkafj

Aylett .::UluhimMorina.




trotting,National Trotting



without association,

New Carriage Idnde


General Garfield--

weights.Minnie- -





Koanonna. MoknWhua


WelghU. EntranccyV



.'......and Racec

Vermft to trala horats- - on ta Parktrack cai. obtaisl from Mr. H.K.'rf?Macfarlane. anlum nml an.,1eonipany entrance ftaa-- v

Oniclal 'I'rocrnmmr nf HWt Dt'SRaces may be procured lit Blissm. J. wRobertson t Co.'s Bookstore U("pro-i- O

liuun VI lTIHtU stb iur ino DCBimi Of orare.

Admlttaiiectoand Carrisgrs, COcts; AdmltUnwtotba,- -orauu ownu,' eijx- -

J3. hi. WruEMjtit, Chairman.--a A. Fkikcx, Seeretary. Hfii t i iJii 'ty

N, mS Vj 'rV J?

Page 4: IJrlli UAlij 2 - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduers of Fine Tobuoro and Cigars, and MmiiJ.vturerA of tods Water, Oinger Ale, tc, &v IS & PHILLIPS, Practical, l'lumbeis, UtLt Fitters




BR '



ec-:- .











wi:rrv ' ' .7) ; wx .1 KvmTi'ixsmT&&mr&&?iwwwitrx 1111111 p ii m n iiii'im hi 11 mini ns i

'.' 't ' s 'l '' V. ,.,"- - 'L1TilKJAT.l;,T,-V- . ', a.'Ct ' 0' J"1 ( f .woj. m.itj.M imi i ,!.nr.- - .jfnjr.'n... .t.. ... .. - i m - . . . t- i- , uM fc, y y wv jU.HMWKfc. .iftfaaAiiaf W.. gayiv 1 yrr-"as- T" TVir. "?--r - n

JSSiamuia . w,v ., , 'iLi'- -i' l.. s '" v,1 ' n' --mfciwy,.1.'.-i-rf! - . .


"r,A?- ,: rv a?Wtj?- - r ,

. .' . V ,v,..;.mv uwummnwuimauxa HMttfiOWiMJaJH

.M. McI3fImpof tcr and l)oaler In .

Clothing, Boots anfl Shoe Perfumery,Toilet Articles, Pocket Cutlery,, etc., etc.

Gents' Furnishing. Goods, Trunks, Values,Traveling Bags, "Watches, Diamonds, .Tewelery and Sllvcr-ware,-et- c.

Northeast Conier of Fort and Merchant sts.f Honolulu.


Full Lines of Superior Furnishing Goods,tl' '

f:-- ;

f , . ;: To all interested in the


m-- :


l( Call ami pcenre oiw of those Itlogant

Chronograph Watches.Im-JIa- 12

Only Two JUeft.(32) .


.Brum Carlwright. W.

Union Feed Compaiiy--CARRIES

Largest and

HEAY, GRAINOf All description, and guarantees keep a full supply

constantly nn hand.

r2 ond orders to A. W. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.

WILDER & Co.,General Agents for the

Mutual Life Insurance Co.of New York,

The Largest, Safest and Most

Economical Life Insurance Go.

in the world,

Cash assets, - - over 890,000,000

For information concerning the,Company and for rates of insurance.apply to Mll.in-.l- l cc V.O., uenenu



Agents: or.J. u. uikmas, noiicir-ji- g

Agent . 71

Beaver Saloon,H. J. Nolte, proprietor.

First-clas-s EefreslimentsServed from 3 a.m. to 10 p.m.

First-clas- s grades of

Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes,and smokers' sundries.

A. Billiard Table!.I

is connected with the establishment.

TTNION FEED COMPANY, A, W.V Bcsu, Manager. Sec advertise-

ment on other pnge. 28



;F .HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Iiakor.

Ry;No.71 Hotel st. Telophono 74. DO


Just received oxFurueas Abbey,

fcl200 Coils of ManilaandSlFul Hope, all sizes.

For sale low by

2m. A. "W. Telrco & Co.




lliilikalani Mnnifesto !' II? Till.'

Ky- -






JiLLLUUN LAJYIfAIliWof February, 1H82,

TranBlatcd by II. I. Shi'ldou; publlehcdby T. O. Thmtn.

Price, : : 25 cents.ftj be had at J. W. Boberton & Co'e.



11th of June Races,

M. McIXEKNY.immmmmmmmmm

S. J.ueo. A. W. Bush.


Best Stock'


Just Received

Per D. C. MurrayA new lot of cloth hacked

Drawing Paper.3fi, 42,, and ,r8 inches wide:

Tracing paper in sheets,

Triangles and Color .Slants

Dixon's Drawing Pencils,Blank Books, Fools Cap,

Thumb Tacks,? and a fineussortmentof Notarial Record Books,

Supreme Court Scrap Books,

Register of Actions.

Stock "Wallets,or Bill Cases, &c, &c.,&c.,&c.

J. W. Robertson & Co.



For sido at25 A. W. Kichaiipson'h.


and Builder,1

Honolulu Stenm Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

8ashc8, Doors,, and all kinds of 'Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll und BandBuwlng.. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting,

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other Isrlands solicited. 21

Journal Papors.Anew lot' hint received bv

J. W.'ItOBKJtTtlON & Co.

Si.. ..&: ..11.4:.. DILLING-HAM- , &; GO, f.iiv mjig gm-v- M

FRIDAY; JUNE 9, 1882.

A Carious Bill.I KKCEXT1.Y came across n copy of

n funny old bill from .a painter sentto a noble lord, a professed connois-

seur and largo collector of pictures,writes a London nrt critic. I givethe items verbatim, for the amuse-

ment of yqur readers, from the copy,which reads more like a comic effusion than a poor man's claim forartistic work:

To filling up the chink in the RedSen, and repairing the damages ofPharaoh's host. To cleansing six ofthe Apostles, and adding an entirelynew Judos Iscariot. To a pair ofnew hands for Daniel in the lions'den, and a set of teeth for the lion-ess. To an alteration in the Beliefs,mending the Commandments, andmaking a new Lord's Prayer. To apair of cars for Balaam, and makinga new tongue for the as. To a newbroom anil bonnet for the Witch ofEndor. To a shcet-nucho- r, a jury-mas- t,

and a long-bo- at for Noah'sArk. To painting twenty-on- e newsteps to Jacob's ladder. To makinga new head for Holofernes, andcleansing Judith's hands. To givingu blush to the cheeks of Eve on pre-senting the apple' to Adam. Topainting a shoulder of mutton and ashin of beef in the mouth of two ofthe ravens feeding Elijah. To theexact representation of Noah in thecharacter of a general reviewing bintroops, preparatory to their march,with the dove dressed as an aiile-de-cam-

To painting Samson makingn present of his jaw-bon- e to the proprietors of the British Museum. Tomaking the Congress of America, asin 1784, and the Tower of Bubtlcompanion prints. To preparingSolomon's nose, and making a newnail to his middle linger.

Hthof JUIE!Don't yon Forget it!

,A lot of Extra Quality

New Zealand Oats.Go early aud secure what you want

from 'theUnion Feed Co. .,

Hereafter taking a back seatWill not be dreaded so much

by persons' going io

Crowded Gatheringsas has boon tlio enno in ibo past.

Mr. Geo. F. WellsHas imported a large lot of

Comfortable Chairs !

that he will furnish to parties de-

siring extra seuts at

Reasonable Prices !

For further particulars enquire atWells' Music Stors, 107 Fort street,Telephone 179. 83

HONOLULU IRONWorks Co. Steam engines, sugarmills, boilers, coolers, Iron, brass

and lead castings; machinery of "everydencription made to order. 1'arilculurntttntlon paid to .hip's bhick.mUliing.Job work executed on short notice. 1


ESTABLISH AlENT,At Mrs. A,. M. MclUs' Cloak and

Mantle Making Department,No. 10-- t lrt Street, : : HonoluluOrders executed at short notice. 72

fT"MlE Hawaiian Journal, " Ko IIa-.J- L

waii Pab Aina," owned andedited by Kawainui Uros. ; has aweekly edition of iifiOO copies, andis the nest udycrtisiug medium. Of-fice, No. 0 Merchant st.

Trial Balance Paper.A now lot jnst recelvedhy

J. W. ROBEKT60.N & Co.

, Importers and Denier In

UawnnroitA A nniAiiHiinl TTMnlAvnantd

Houbo Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c.

Have Just recolved from New York, a fall assortment itNew and Desirable Tools & Shelf Hardware

AIfo, from London,Wostcnholm's 1XL Knives and llnzorn, Wade & Butcher' Razors.

Oarden Shcnrn. Btuhb.s' files, all kinds and sizes; Uubhock's White Leadand Zinc, llubliock's pale boiled oil, dry palnto. pnmmlce xtonc.

Fine ground black lead, lump alum, enamelled saucepan.Tinned saucepans, fry pane, tea kettles, galvanized buckets.

Tubs and basins, Ilahblt metal, hexlgon and square nnts,Sheet zinc, perforated aud plain; u large assortment of

Door Mats, Fish Lines and Twine,Limerick Hooks, sail needles, topsail chains, moling screws, rat traps,

Wee hoes, Chamois, skins, dandy brushes, hand bellows, anvils, vises, etc.

WIRE ! ,:S5ta,p,lw"ta,,' WIRE !

Wo have lately received several invoices of

Plows, made specially for the Island trade,by the Mollnc Plow Co., anil arc still able to furnish all styles and sizes, withextra parts, at lowest price.

In addition to our regular stock, which Is more complete than ever before,we have recelved'many NOVKbTIKS to which wo Invite the attention of buyers.25 DILLINGHAM & CO.,.Fort Streat.

1 ' ii u i i.i i III ill AS

THE VERDICT OF GUILTY!All Ladies having visited the

CALIFORNIA ONE PRICE BAZAR,During the last week have found us guilty of

Selling Goods at Slaughtering Prices !

In addition .to our large and new stock of Staple Dry Goods, we haTeopened one of the most elegant collections of

Shoes ! Shoes !Ever placed before the Ladies of this city, surpassing in quality and price

A full Hup of the

- " Sarah Brenhardt Sandals."-- GIVE US A CALL.-- a

CHAS. J. FISHEL,44 . Corner of Fovt and Hotel Sts.

J, T. WaterhouseHas just received, ex Atalanta, . ., - -

' '


Prints, French Merinos, Hats,

in part of

Gaps, Perfumery,

Saddlery, Hardware, Faints, Oils,

Crockeryware, etc., etc.BB ?. U HLJi.H.lLU-- J - -'

' ."U.l.ilm".l'.-WBW?-

V &) wKBcLtffiKi In HI ii f23i rV9H9 rjvln jMi s j ' u


Subscription DepartmentWe are prepared to regeivo further .orders for any paper or magazine-publishe-

in California, tho Eastern Stutes, Canada und Kurope.At the present time we receive by every mail ovur one hundred and

fifty different r.apore and magazines, published in the English, r'ruueh,German and ,vxandinuvian Languages, fur our subscribers

As our subscrinlion list is lurge, we are enabled to furaish tho pasperat a low rate-- of subscription.
