iiscre® w$ st/n wfi-1 ^narjers af icccfidljj,^' mm. · 2014. 4. 8. · mm mm.,v o l u bteijw...

mm mm. ,VOLUbt E ijW EW TY-Q^Et InO! 62 I ^OCEAN: G R O V E iN EytfIJER SEY iJ?R tD i^/D i& EM B & R 26; i9J3 : m ■■03% safea m Mm a a iiS s is i^ ^ S ‘te* 'Sm sm m mm nudrVicliilty la;General ;'/ '■ -■ la.-Shy, ^B'etIne,itd;ypuifroin."inbi: - • I sp- i&pf-life -t:,’d ’ gone '■ " be fe^J5^^8^uadJAj^awyB9i«f^Si^| 1 ’bUyo, go n tills - o.fd'ih,' ■;fofe%he_r©T. *t a'klud’’ereoting lo idl/whom-H '«S!b!*wbv*^bfsB».'iMv< *'.’ ii3*Vi/b^*!-;;a;S;. ISIS > JA And/aoimake, hla Opath si ^narjersaficccfidljJ,^' MM. JohnijotVvga'ybH^ :^a^.;!t.iJ^vi§W:l(fSi§^pb^®S^t;A^et^: •p^jj{.0jr^i^'€3'g$ls^^B^<a^iia' tj SB jrT-' gives-d-’-tdtal:.^ Uhdndlvidod? itiahdie'd-byVthe/^ ^^^^i^e7t)iHlcfepfl^|||ibl!faimapj ^?^?^^5*t-^^^e.®tB-i3^e^o^n4jjL'ii;!itSi>S|tt<0^: been $1.C0 jl-3 per1 , barrel. ’ ,,, CENTRAL TBANSFEB OPENED pfltejA bbl^iw ^'S’^OTei^ewIbfe'fW^e'atii ,,- .a force va to t ;. —■what? , No? SBBliiMsitSWWfi 53c tfi siSSS^JloM. iVer •‘w in iiscre® w$ %A!)W% t'fir ADDBOSS IS’ i t e rs BYDR. .M$M r, - „ 'nbtoB;iwabiiobrd'M flgur 6 ol FrnnCob H. Willard It Ja a aiak'.:> ' tbe './orfd • bettor,: 'than .Bh6- former~ftba.ihsyaS'ttat;;ort3;wilcil, BjpjfSb^e.^a^?iBtffifiBj>i^3>^af^S^ .w , tlie: attooiorvMKaUistb,' -thbm.;;''SKo ,WaSitlfbleaa^s.;a‘;publlci"BpeakprVah(l the. largest body of ^omeS ln the .; ' :‘Shp‘"e<^:?ithe; union' its.. ;.’ril6ttb,:, ‘Rob 'Qpdy • anC fllemo '■ and, ^Nattvt '■•'1. -.nd :ehc.’wns >£ho J rnde ind jfijb.SbsJigaye ^th el’i-s^ndal^inaBEages' /b’efapbS^yBBd^Bmra^ ttacblng ln tho publtp f iools, - t^.-c^A»^^So^ra&:^Qtf;!a7.^fbat;:jlipS£:ir«jE '' ^ojfi'efi',i^,pSim!^f^lij»^^-,riTitfi^^a( lpfluen 'q still ptirvlvc f , „ v iforJhtica-maiia, the‘'Change"i ft : ,\.i-Stllrri\ i n«iWAV.*tri 1 T !i Wii'l-'frY i’ /ltviM wY i^’S^ir-yyi,i*,t^> utidor. fiiPA V M ^«*o d;^u^«w ^ItflfH :^ f> - & L?- '’* '-1 1 r7«i'. 0. rt-’tfR S rsfi J^ S » ^ ,^ ^ 8 iiU '^ ^ a a it'? 5 i arrived Sb^rsjab^lSuy^^bbn^bfed^Itlilay ••ai^||[y;i^e'i?Sbkiia g%Bohitbiu^fcatfpi»'. wiryiiiiij'ori Uio. Old 1'.inethbd; ;; when: •^iibM Sj'^S^ltS^l^ftS^.^W ithb: ;niKatj^&}a^4#d?br^^S&Sr5®^ ,''i/r^'.-‘id:iii«iY'.irtii-ilri - '-i.Ln ^ i•■ ''tbiUC.i'•‘twiJ-'- • V m fSPH lSre.‘id;j;';Sbei.dlod.hdibele 8a!but-;not friendless; andfihertdylng iwords were'. ‘H 6\®£;bea^lififiltyyisfat%j 6et;!.'5 idth:; rolnut'es,;.'',Thpiad^ress;?wasd their retnarirs to Hvd minutes each. ' ^etriJ?r^«iS^^ba';f^l^§;ob'te*jb|ii 8 ' .Tbursday/'-Januaryi;i’5v;as\'aydayy;^ bu^'Rnjlt;atbi«tIC;CTouiidd,jia;plaii.- niug;ab,lcdi'carnlYdr,dnWcHlby.;laIce, for :(bo latterlpari/ot January.' : Hla 'i^jih{^^j^i^^'^-;i^e|ii^^ibia:e£v £w> ssoure/ 4E4Vji^iD^itf€Eex;t}I^iiSd4!qattW0'layiito>’siy<aii. ’.''PflVtypfytKoyplanyunder'cohBldera'. '^iv^ffli^4lc^^l|i&^<ytv^^ci,?-tj^^4nv;r/'0l£l3ii;-.i .yfltysyhot'unlnieiyt.bhRt, , 1 t';jfr.'Hari; y byvibrfbce'baB;,,lii:;'’ JilB ,- oflprtg,: -Phlli •I^ebWeyj' of New' Yorlt-Clty, abd .B.dr: ■^W(-4 hi)nQiaXdferai%nii<i^ vJiaSeiU N.y Ry itlll..bb;braugbtr:!tbgbtlier ',ln i 'a WT*#>l?t-.bi>rint8 -,bn th'e' .tco,: ' Lamey- .*»? ibcf^ptoc^sr^o'il!!!. .eSdatmpli»*t',afcate*;- cit-' tfi 1sifcprliitrjo;-lji%Vvr-i < ■;.:'- V ; c v ' i * ' . ' ,';Jbls/;expcdted,' 5 bhtybbth 1 ntdes of tKe^pRb.'wlli •be' brllllfiiitly llluknlnnt: d^/^t^tBVeydillii^nCih'db.'bb'eto'^ill. h'«^h.x^^''.'Hinfd)biitlbhvpY;.thb' itfcr p^Weil.^^H^'tYs^YtiA^Ab^jlSanttcrio^, the itfea^0f--;-^^.%'’ '0 7\ ii*?%i'$.>*-l'"?. ':'..ybere-.'are, mnnyofhar^-'datans.or thc,-:carnlYaI/'wbioh.:'-Mr. Harvey -fein pects to' ’ work cut and glvo .to the pablioi'atSM ’early: ;dbte^‘.y,y,'''.:y',' .;.'»■ B8ISW S UK St/n Jt’S CHliKCH -<!SI3,1S JHIB'fl^IG I Pastor ; lii.''M orn|ng HlaisbarSes : on > o''X ••?:• } '■ (KtX 'i •';' :> t.-vw1 .;’ * ‘! jffr . i&$/s ,i>’} '{ y< -S :•'£■•'; •. !• On t'lhc-. Abgols* •Chrtstmab ■ Bdnri ,V ’ '.-{bnnday,’ 8 «hobl. KxondsjBs; • Blouthty. Ki^it.:.a ^ ’tciiesday’ Aitemooiu:^[ '■ ; lf||gi i l IS ACQl)l!f*B I ic rs Snyy 0c Was ftit Gniity «f Mnr- :??/ f wldb™mhlbltloaSafithe;ildu 6rttjiafflbS -«(ah|l\^^eE 4> ,vw# ® ® 5 ^,’t ^ :#4dmdy:seod,«t$r 1 > ime5;Wbehy tiiv. 10 <t>jail^V0 ,^lieipr 'petf?; 6 -'bv'-5 ^hd.-:mbbfi;Tne:a'-part'bf^their;-dayvO •- the nl' and tp all, cJ',asfc» to a tr v e iS fe W w M ® gap '.;MHr.' BfUlard, S? f'v b :’-’vOf!dn\’df’O cn;in:nrrivo'frnm lii 7:M.!on: tahgttitKptfdji^bfe’v^hffl^'ein^ 6 ‘ thtHr-;t • vjiw lll-’. bW‘.\lU-> Ar — .*•■ •- - »- «• I“ ■ 1 Raid.' of Ric_.. ____ ot- Matnwap, ‘ recolvqd:.. n-j 'gtmeB'ot 'svound.lb'Iii.'f ei<iilrnpli. froni vylilcli h o S ® »tat , - , it | u-.^niul; rtt tbo ills 1 1 BoSWeliycbm:' tSjb: »BNItlGUT BOHOOH HEA1K’ :‘{i^&^^<iic^.}£^^c.-''Ch<$'ii^^irfdC'i’9rd)9ej^lid 14briarli^v:aUa^,TOUUanl,,.,JiL,eehaii,i ;id^{&eJ^l^bib^^::U&.';'.'.<}aroUna.' a'i^nei-,vtttT-t'bfewbady;on’yAprU;,28i :XDil,ywas^con 6hided:wbeDi;thb'Jurj, aftpr .being out' an .houri aad .twolvo rnluutbai .rotUrned a. verdict’ of not gull tv. . a t l . 4 2:laat' Saturday1. of tor- 1 ^Ofl"n£:j!^‘^t7l1 ffi^fei?./-^i^"iyJiy?^'i'ii*J'-'ot?,'?fiii r.'-r' :'.' idehanu entered-; the.-’ counroom' dbreeimltluted .before :tbb.' jury’came’ ittijSj H o 1nerydttSlJK puehed 'baclc. the iiolr from.ihis. :-foroUead ,:and kept claaplngyand'yuiolaaplng.bla'hands; Ifl'S t’a.ce ovaa wltbo'ut color 'ah'd bis, uyps wero . wlddly-openod and .dle- ;tfeiid i iyyi 1 ;;"Vb $ .'On • th e 1 '.announcement ot the ;y'erulct 'their^uge';bEo^d;.which' cram'- rued . - ' . t h e t h e , .dbcvrv.vbtiratHutoiwlldvbheerlofiand ’bpplauael tuid .-'iaany ' pii'raona -vuBUed: to. thh prlsbilor’B’bos to’cobgratulat'e .hlni:'!l 'jIjeehau^nKkcd ’tbe :' 3ustlco fot perbjlssion ;io ad^dresB'the :Jury; and ppon :,lils' request’-.being) granted he thanked :'them ;for . the patience they had. diyplayed ahdi for the verdlct. die also < expreBsed th is. thahlss- to Jun- tlcQ.:Mln'tufn *bor’ 'tl)b faH ’and imparT tlal.’mn’ii.ner jh which 1 hO had' con- ducted the caso. ’ The attorneya. on both-'6ldb0;.werbyto th^SjChtiSt^puBriwhyy.W the.other'-.wltiieBseij bdd been treab , ,Tho.'Justice";; tlienvtJrdered-Jhejprl- ; 8Qi>er'tb;-bedl 8 .cbarge()y.’.;Immedlateiy ly’ liliiriii ''jifs TOlepeb . befehan ,hnd'. hla •fflfe^nd>ysbnJsihrt‘ed.|Jdrythei:tffllu’,'tp: fo r jnfoklcatlouV.y.vyty .''t'-’v' v- ; *"’’ ■Buty.i;^sutyR'Snjper.>n(obdent ;.SIusl- /-Z,' G*v, * i'-i el old Job. A Non. Prpfji’jphn 1 Euright; countyisup'cr-' intondenb bfjsohoplB.recblv.e'd.hottce ia3f:Satufhay;njgbt:'pf hldlreiippplhty mint, at:tho’ handa pt,State’’ G&mmlS;, ddll; '.Thditdlogram.pt.noUflcattop' also cbhtalhe^the?lnfor^a,idon .;thab’. thp appointment' * as; 'unanlmpusly cou-; flrmed;'hy;thoVstatbBoard;'p£.Bdocay yfohvteAAyby-.-bA’jy ^ ,':■Thli uptiointmeut'conies uudep thp tpude’hteybfpscbodlB-i-.toVt'Bive'itbelr; wholeSim'b to tho/dutleb; ot yther.ot-. bce!/';ttr,;.E lttmedihihW-reilr’hlfrom.-tlio-Ii03itl.br-. pf, sUpeCTteiVs^PtihotpaHdf the’: Rbea-. hold;icbboia,;is potdtt^a-hd'■h.aajheldi Biieo'thbehBc’swcnshof!-th&'law ,c^eatr ing'tbat'tpbEtloh-hbeu^twon^tyolirs: ii’reeb’ol 3 i pvibllc-' schools’,;■; f 0 r ;;^r';piorb; , .oisjsa ,i. - ■“ '»•- 5 I * ^ 4 ,«*‘M^siiS^VWSM*KJSito-..»iaS!a»(!Si , - an'. Dugutd -svaa ill.for over a year, (ihliiSnilmiebibgiaSs^ajil-; eh fully,,bain;- devoted to tho Andl- tpr l1 nu‘ nsw;'1 r 3..- A w Mtov;. and . dva 1 .*ron’ n'ri'R’o.jfptyii^#3fliiii^' ;y BaSKBTBAr.Ti SCTfEDHflG.: ;j\AI^Teptuho’s :>iniiuger, -ila’s.-irrajngcd jyAScVlce'bffetrong.Gamce .';',;:;1 < ;!Uiliu^e1e^1ffj^|ttt;79 ibD|^iif(v.f»as i.ar- tah^e'd' the’; -.tplbiwthg '< ’schedule,. '.to :iUttS4^4i‘..h;Bis,;i; 'N ^t«rqi^i^wU^i<Hl. .teBSiiv;:<lceaut’p r o y e t:’ 'd;y.i“;‘^ ' 1 7; ,• (;pbcemhBr.i,.;a j/’: Hlg'^ Academy‘diof". - Now ■ 'iBruuswlck tj:a t homevdJau'ua.ry.S.tXnvdder.yciub/'dof .RasshlcV .at\‘tRasBa(c;’:;s’!Jataudry:y J 0 »i Olyraplb'dCiub/.'.of- Thing Branch; at kofne;,:jai\uaty:. .IS, ;Hlcltsdu .1 .high echopl;:.bf Jorkiy Glty. a j hoin'OJ .Fcb- tuary .Tl/ lnvader .ClUb, ot'Paaealc; Bb-hhmVjl’ ,:''^eGrtt9i7.;;b'98,&vHoi)oirea AiBheSchoolsat.y.tlibraohAtlarolr!1 .14, Rldei^Hoore-Stotyart'fichobl.Qf,'Tren - t o n . '’at'. hom o, t ’.i'1;','.1 1 ■’• A, Kt'.'''1'''’' i'i,The:'ho'mdsgahios ’ .jyilttfe;■•’p la y e d .'oii ;tbo~ court- of th e T. iM. j C.lA’.-i Asbury Pprj{b;v;Ertofts.' are';belng;- inade '. to hhvo- tho' jeam 8 ll,of , tbb ,. HaQt.' Xoraoy ;ljighy 6 eliool;:^ea^e.^edt.Neptune'. 'i.B^iponlng,;,.; I ;^ttlo^Jifi-^^6e:<31e‘d:|iitvJ^i|r^ayen' 0 ^ 0 |A 11 J-PIANS 1 '?a;m - * d ;ifeliea Ip Presldenl % Wfi -1 ,At- Bt,'.P aurs. M. ;B;1; Chureh, • > thla and'added, irba ale by the chorus' Choir, b t ’young: ladlCii, dlrcotedtby ,?.frp. ;M. Q. Shrete./yAt'the;. 'evening’.ceerylcO Mrs .:' Shreve,; presented fScbneqker’B cantataV-'lThe’’Hope, of -the- .’World;’’ to the manUe'Btd'ellght.of’a; inrge au diecc:;. f. '"> '\yt!;■ TvVrj- ’ Vi-i'■ : '*•'&:’■ ; Tbia to’plo of Abe morning;sermbn by-BaBtor. I Uls;Was .‘‘.The Name. -bf thetChtistnias: Child,*’ . ’ whlchs’r had- beenjreveajed, fo, Mary^tb.J oscibli'and to John fhp .BaptlsL' 't|heV discourse y/BB based'.-on’i;the Text, found in .th c first Vchapterbof 'itac^i^w, tbd ttveh- ty^Hrat -yersA—y.'Thou •shalt'‘ call ! hla, namd.;Jesus. -for he 'shall save hit people;frotn' their ’nihsi'.M/It’ A'ab coh- cluded by ‘the. speakpr .that' thereiVha. BiBsificaabeij;ius'J-A‘;::Ahihe;'.;;bvea^ so -eminent;bn’’:auttorlty;.as;Bb’aUeS':, pehre who afOfmod “a rose^by, any t ler air w o u l d >-meU a * namo r _■. n- 1 ihr J > the-nam e :hlgh.over.aU ’aanie 8;:a:Sa-, ylour. VfJeauBleiprcclous'tomankind for’the beasbn; that He'.ls,the.Savlour .of'thewbrldi.He.camefp'SGek'and to save tliat which Jwas’- lost; > His nilBsion’ w.hti’ to save ‘people Nfpom’ their-'sins, as; declared In; the text; and.JesuB'.CbrlBt-'alpne; can'bdos.tbls; both In, thtsTifo and Vtbb' life, l.-to como. And becauso He shall savc His >!e fron Ut-r 11 away tho' necessity for tho sinnor to sacrlflce himself,; as- do the hcathon, tbdescaptiAhB;;; Aoinsqtie^eBApt^ihiS.' Wrong-idolngi.; ■ If -, Cbrlstm aa’;nxeatw any tiiingyaccbraihg. to.' the; speaker; it; pngfit;tp5ii^n;ahnaterestj(Mi: investment of the sbed'hlaod of .Cal-’ vary. i ' At' nlgKt;.- Bbv.dHrA-BfllB {preached ^ V ‘,T%|.^jjgelj;.J • jCl^tH«iwi •iSS^jf&f i bxerclsoa .t.he1'-sermon ii-waa .brief r but; Intlrely; lri; keeplng;.wl^h'.:;tbe'.ChrlBtt' mas spirit; The text’Wps taken fro.m Luke ,2f My^r'IRldryftp God In;.the; highest, on earth peace, -good will t rard ' u text; Bev. Mi Bills' said; cohalned .three bars 01 : heaveniy;:s 6ngi-’; i l ) :;The.ascription; unto..God.bf;rlghtful:praise,'.for,'rHe. is tlio author.of .tlie; plarn of Bdlva-’ tion (2) The .glortpns atMpiinop^ labriv-ibf 0 rii; ---p'orroct In.rniGj::’ p^iio^^ddyA^eSiM^iMB barth .v’-’-H ® ) ■ The’Ccointorttng i‘proclamation ’of HbB^ehfsJy.attituiie ■ lApwhrdsAiedrth;'; "Goo'i - ill ;; • ird rs^n.” | The eo g of- thh;/angels {was; ph expression; pf the 1 jpiy ln .heaven-.pyer the 1coming of 'tbe lHesIcs.nisc of-’inon.vs'iW Tlie;; 'hdVe’/Had'.yiBTbns.'oftbejeuper'na'tural, 'theBhbpberds^ 1 watchlng:tbel^flo.c>; on1 'Bethlehem’p ptaih were specially fayored-lnhbarJngthe' music: of-.thc. h e p y e n ly :b h p if.’ ’! ;.:"■• ■•? . 7 ’ '.v ’.‘.ThenCh’rlstmasVcolebratlon of tbs SUnday:; .school-u-Junlor; ’ Interinedi-’ ii to a n d ;’ Senior - (iapar.tmehtEb-.-U’aa held’ pn' Monday evening ,1 when ’ Mrs:. JIarg 3 t e t ;f’;';','A’spy-Hes!!C. -presented Santa’ ClauB,. Jr.;”, a yjiinoful can, tata;;; in this;.piece' ‘-‘Santa, Jr.," dlscoy.ora';pld; Santa’s,Christmas sacli BhdUnia Rpirlt-of ^Isqbief h e . p ro 1- cced to: dlBtrlbute its cohtebta,: with the. result that’ ho gjbc the .presents right’ , and’ .' left- wlthbub ^regard -‘ to proper ..'o wnership. He is. dlBcclvered in the’ act by oldl.Santa, who. pro- •ceods'fbr’thwithHo’ .'stinighten^obtthe tangie....'.7.;:--.'v ■'X-i 0 ■■ '~< ;.i:'S> '-: A MejyChrlstraasi -eierclses1"; ot .‘ .the IJegirinerA. 'Pr'mbfy bPd Cradle ;Rplb dopartmcnts Were'- heid.:on ,Tuesday i i f t e r n . o o n v . ’.v.”■' • : ; J ;•:.!•Xv 7 .--.'-’.. ■ T ic miiin body of thgx'olfpjfnlt^ffl elaborately: . rTUono .politlclnne •who -on 'TueSday'£':-,y ed;from:Ume to.-tlm etd ttriangb^.fO&c;-';-; •’lii’ fti OtAop■ J abuarySO: • Tho 'Tjy^usj^i^^abV/ tiponmlit^ef elded to'^exteud!-(rcsp’dciai An^iii^idft'Mfi tO:;tTesideht /WU8on’..tp|be-4iresent^|?A; (baUgural;-A:;: Jpseph.iA TUinuity^ffio ‘p'l^ldisfit'aisasr^ija^i.iin'diJ^Bife.^l^*^, O^Wd-'’.8tat^jSii^tort»5jSi^® |^i^i5^ ioJsbsBajhpeclaiiybiiiyited^ ed'dvor.And-theplanSfpr-tbe-’a^a^-fic.t1; ing; in>bf:|,th’p, new;’.:,’:GoveinarJj^^'^;iff't practically .completed. .;ThV .eiBrclSes^‘^ : Yvlll' fdke place nt'nbdn; ;ari'd,'tho oa^V;'id will ip .admlniiitered by Chief,JusUcov/,- * William S.’ dumpiere, of; the State ‘i'\ Supreme Court. ••,, 'iiiH*., ■ I i Tlio Senate and HoUbo'1Jointjcomrrii'^V inittoe, named at the'eecondVspeolalV;':.:; session;’of; the’: legislature last ‘imm-A:;-; ftier; to consider., the . advlsabiUWTP^ 7?-; the selection of counselore at law to act .as advlserB: to :tbe:legl 8latufe\raa',;' : to’; ^e^t^g^U far.-<^^(|pi|^<Micpiis^^'-^D|^iaii-y^J; m a t .',’ on . Taegdny. . lt,Ts . pndejfstdbdyi ■ that the ,committeei.yvill :;repd^'^the ;■ •■ £ : plan- favorably. 1; The idea yvae ; sugjV;;-r; gested .by Sonator Johnson, Of :Bar- ;- ; gen county, who was' president of the 0 -i Senate,toward..the’.close of,;.ttie':,laBt.:'v.:. session.. The committee la mado .up 'i?' ofjSepatdrs’ Sloeum}.' .McQlnnis^f-'yandAo';; B ead;; and; Assemblymen;,’IJisgen, ivVi Kaydi and:. Hichards,l ;Mr..:. Blchardstl.;-y who is' tlioVniinorlty' leaiierV Ih. ii.thcji-.y; 'H ouse;..Is i-iji/jdhdShe’; w sB/lujnableJto^ gh -to-.TreritStf'ipniTnesdayJjhjyjYjJJu -xAlthdttgRfthe^^Hsl'h^dlyitipe^: for the launching, of a hdom,-for. the 7 ; r,ext::’Dom'ocratlc candidate fob'Gdvk.’:;!; ernor. frlends of-', 8«nBt<^~?®pnfW#7j^ nre .bn thejoh early: ’an d Jhoy tal Iced .ofthls,poE 8lbilitW Tuesday; A h e’Senh';;:-:; tor has the '‘bee/’ and there ure., ' many , Influential i .-Hemocrats/liwhpiKl? tldnk' he v’ould mako’ a formidable;':;:; norptnee. because of; his.' publld.'tr.ecW;/' o’rd i ,,5 This ,Tohnsdn . dlbcuBslpn was;':. •; of 'course,: oniyiiJriemdiy/faiki^/Ai^ ii mm m ftftf EARLY PATHENf BEQl)lREp; 1 * 3hlp S» - r 'As imenls( I t, «#• Uii d Eafh V«tr , , p*^TRiullf" \ , . ,,i nee,- attornej 'or has atflrmed a report made.’- 1 ( ittee I- . rer Coin iPeter P.’ Dodd relative ’to ’ p.mansi-hf nor In which’ ; the.asseBsments io r’.tie-;'’’ . tlrrve, r.t ie p a ’t, ,s the ordl- > ' S nahce, proyldingfoi; the? cpns'tri^'tiht>-:i;i‘r‘ of itkei SeWer JJb,; interpreted;iby:?lhdili '^,6 ^&c 6n>in%iio4 i r • g n'd':ipf^iSij^^»|? 'dnhAliir^-otA^ir'^otdt:/^aeS^dnt?;'y; contrary to what was:general^;-Ah- '.- ®simehtsA’‘/-iwherhby,A'(ih'd ownersi b.dlleyed payments; were ,djh,Jh ? tional,^lth tUe"m' at.'atfy* tlmu during 7 , the spe'ejfled period. ' - 1 ' Aeting .on':;Mr,-7T2:,v/r;.i;.ce,’h.'adv'cej?-1 :':; have to: fiid-l’ihe.-one-third.- gsaessinent ’ chargo at -Freehold’ as 7 .Tieuthgain’sr /,. properties. oh',which It is unpald-vby V? Bebiii’ary? 1st: . The .1913j, sliare: /of, ;>' shdasBesemonts werd due July?:! -i ast:;,; Sfiiny of them have’ :i'of,-’ .:be,edipalil.-;:/-?. Others haye? only...h8en,,i;ald’1 ?ln/piirt;:-.l;v RuU payments, of tho dne-third.-.'nuiBti /? be inade .by : February, 1 pr :the cdlri-y,-’: lectpr' will take ’ the ;BUme cdursa?:aa' : ’-■ he does when general .taxi. msHaViuirA-'ib’ pai d/ ’. :? The;- recent;'lnterpfetation;; ot ■ .Ihp/iji drdlnancelhiis proyed. aa'innch,: a! siirt, :l?' prise tofthose‘.;Whp took:’actlve- ifart'iv: fix' Its establishment a3,.tb’the.:taxp.ayr:;’y ers'in:general.'- .'Ali'werak.un'der;; the i if. ’of "P/ NdnilnUtlonSt .> ''; V -? Monmouth Loc No 107; K p:,-: imsvnoniin'atod, thdso plhcevr,/ of jto; d e t y 3 s d |5 ^ J |® |’® | p ^ ^ S W p i n g i mander'i/JV.aiNolahl-Wjce’hbahdelort: ‘mn'eriiguaM & SSpftJ“'fid&k^p-dgtsr. cua'iarSHavidstiiWlliamB.maste^ im^ressign' that the -proippfly 'ihiJlfi-S-is ers';'c 6uid;?let;. thd? anio'unk.:8iide' j fprv'’A tlired;yehra and;:Ihen’lpay^iiln;falji-i ; Flrem bii’s;.: TpuTOhW.dUfe-.l Vt W«.,:V7asblngton;:piay;:'tw'-jhd/e"4a'S^]^ eii'iead. Ihlhe.pockottilUidvd.to.nynpi A’v;. ihient of thd Oceau Gro.ve:hr 6ihs;i;ttid;A :/!.-5 ’ ”, '.." ' ’. ' '•tr-f-J'.’i'- heirig.hetwreh-'StdkeByarKi .-1 toi> bivFrlday eyepingi,'Hece'bibsyV^lf/lcl

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Post on 07-Mar-2021




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Page 1: iiscre® w$ St/n Wfi-1 ^narjers af icccfidljJ,^' MM. · 2014. 4. 8. · mm mm.,V O L U btEijW E W TY -Q ^Et InO ! 6 2 I ^ O C E A N : G R O V E i N E y t f I J E R S E Y i J ?R t

mm mm.,V O L U b tE i j W E W T Y - Q ^ E t I n O ! 6 2 I ^ O C E A N : G R O V E i N E y t f I J E R S E Y i J ? R t D i ^ / D i & E M B & R 2 6 ; i 9 J 3 : m ■■03%safea


a a i i S s i s i ^ ^ S‘te*

'Sm smm


nudrV icliilty la ;G en era l;'/'■-■la .-S h y ,

^B 'e tIn e ,itd ;ypuifroin."inbi:

- • I sp- i& pf-life -t:,’d

’ g o n e '■"b e

f e ^ J 5 ^ ^ 8 ^ u a d J A j ^ a w y B 9 i « f ^ S i ^ |

1 ’ bUyo, go n tills - o.fd'ih,'■;fofe%he_r©T.

* ta 'k lud’’ereoting l o idl/whom-H

'«S!b!*wbv*^bfsB».'iMv< *''.’ii3*Vi/b^*!-;;a;S;.

I S I S> JA A n d /a o im a k e , hla O path si

narjers af icccfidljJ, ' MM.


: a^.;!t.iJ^vi§W :l(fS i§ ^ p b ^ ® S ^ t;A ^ e t^ :

• p ^ j j { . 0 j r ^ i ^ '€ 3 'g $ l s ^ ^ B ^ < a ^ i i a '

t j SB jrT-'

gives-d-’- td ta l: .^ Uhdndlvidod?

itiahdie 'd-byV the/^

^ ^ ^ ^ i^ e 7 t ) iH lc f e p f l ^ | | | i b l ! f a im a p j


been $1.C0 jl-3 per1, b arre l. ’ , , ,


p f l t e jA b b l^ i w ^ 'S ’ O T e i^ ew Ib fe 'fW ^e 'a tii

,,- .a force v a t o t ;. —■w hat? , No?SBBliiMsitSWWfi 53c tfi

s i S S S ^ J l o M .iVer •‘win

i i s c r e ® w $

%A!)W%t'fir ADDBOSS IS’ i t e r s


. M $ M

„ r, - „

'nb toB ;iw abiiobrd 'M

flgur6 o l FrnnCob H. W illard I t Ja a

aiak'.:>' tb e './orfd • b e tto r ,: 'th a n .Bh6-

fo rm e r~ f tb a .ih s y a S 't ta t ; ;o r t3 ;w ilc i l ,

B jp jfS b ^e .^ a^ ? iB tff if iB j> i^ 3 > ^a f^ S ^ .w , t l ie : attooiorvMKaUistb,' -thbm.;;''SKo ,W aSitlfbleaa^s.;a‘;publlci"BpeakprVah(l

th e . la rg e s t body o f ^om eS ln th e

. ; ' :‘Shp‘"e<^:?ithe; u n io n ' its.. ;.’ril6ttb ,:, ‘Rob 'Qpdy • a n C fllem o '■ and, ^N attv t

'■•'1. -.nd :ehc.’ wns >£ho J rnde ind

j fijb.SbsJigaye th e l’i-s^ndal^inaB Eages'


tta c b ln g ln tho publtp f iools, -t^.-c^A»^^So^ra&:^Qtf;!a7.^fbat;:jlipS£:ir«jE''^o jfi'e fi',i^ ,pS im !^f^ lij»^^-,riT itfi^^a(

lpfluen 'q s till ptirvlvc f , „ v

iforJhtica-maiia, the‘'C hange"i ft:,\.i -Stllrri\i n«iWAV.*tri1T !i Wii 'l-'frYi’/ltviM wYi ’S ir-yyi ,i*,t >utidor.

fiiPA V M «*o d ;^ u ^« w ItflfH :f>- & L?-'’*'-1 ‘1 r 7 « i ' . 0. rt-’tfR

S rsfi J ^ S » ^ ,^ ^ 8 i iU '^ ^ a a i t '? 5 i a rrived S b ^ r s j a b ^ lS u y ^ ^ b b n ^ b f e d ^ I t l i l a y

• •ai^ ||[y ;i^e 'i?S bkiia g%Bohitbiu^fcatfpi»'.

w iryiiiiij'ori U io. Old 1'.inethbd; ;; when:• ^ i i b M S j '^ S ^ l t S ^ l ^ f t S ^ .^ W i t h b : ; n iK a t j ^ & } a ^ 4 # d ? b r ^ ^ S & S r 5 ® ^

,''i/r^'.-‘id:iii«iY'.irtii-ilri - '-i.Ln i•■''tbiUC.i'• ‘twiJ-'-

• Vm


lSre.‘id ;j;';Sbei.dlod.hdibele8a!bu t-;no t friend less; andfihertdylng iwords were'. ‘H 6\® £ ;b e a ^ lif if ilty y isfa t% j6et;!.'5idth:;

rolnut'es,;.'',T hpiad^ress;?w asd

th e i r re tnarirs to Hvd m in u tes each. '

^ e tr iJ ? r^ « iS ^ ^ b a '; f^ l^ § ;o b 'te * jb |i i8 ' .T bursday/'-Januaryi;i’5v;as\'aydayy;^

bu^ 'R njlt;atb i« tIC ;C T ouiidd ,jia;p laii.- n iu g ;a b ,lc d i'carnlY dr,dnW cHlby.;laIce, for :(bo l a t te r lp a r i /o t Ja n u a ry .' : Hla

'i ^ j i h { ^ ^ j ^ i ^ ^ '^ - ; i ^ e | i i ^ ^ i b i a : e £ v £w> ssoure/

4E4Vji iD itf€Eex;t}I^iiSd4!qattW0'layiito>’siy<aii.



‘.yfltysyhot'unlnieiyt.bhR t, ,1 t '; jf r . 'H a ri; y byvibrfbce'baB;,,lii:;'’ JilB ,- o flp rtg ,: -Phlli •I^ebWeyj' of New' Yorlt-C lty, abd .B.dr: ■^W(-4hi)nQiaXdferai%nii<i^ vJiaSeiU N.y Ry itl l l. .b b ;b ra u g b tr:!tbgbtlier ',ln i 'a WT*#>l?t-.bi>rint8 -, bn th'e' .tco,: ' Lam ey- .*»? ibcf^ptoc^sr^o'il!!!. .eSdatmpli»*t',afcate*;- cit-' tfi 1 sifcprliitrjo;-lji%Vvr-i < ■;.:'- V; c v ' i * ' . ' ,'; Jb ls/;expcd ted ,'5bhtybbth 1 ntdes of tKe^pRb.'wlli •be' brllllfiiitly llluknlnnt: d ^ /^ t^ tB V eyd illii^nC ih 'db .'bb 'e to '^ ill. h '«^h .x^^ ''.'H in fd )b iitlbhvpY ;.thb ' itfcr p^Weil.^^H^'tYs^YtiA^Ab^jlSanttcrio^, th e itfea 0f--;- .%'’ '0 7\ii*?%i'$.>*-l'" ?. ':'..ybere-.'are, m n n y o fh a r^ - 'd a ta n s .o r thc,-:carnlYaI/'wbioh.:'-Mr. H arvey -fein pects to ' ’ w ork c u t an d glvo .to the pablioi'atSM ’early: ;dbte^‘.y,y,'''.:y',' .;.'»■


-<!SI3,1S JH IB'fl^IG I

P a s to r ; li i . ''M o rn |n g HlaisbarSes : on

> o''X ••? :• •• }'■ (KtX'i •';' :> t.-vw1.;’ *‘! jffr. i&$/s, i >’}'{ y<-S :•'£■•'; •. ■!• On t'lhc-. Abgols* • C hrtstm ab ■ Bdnri ,V ’

■'. - {bnnday,’8«hobl. KxondsjBs; • Blouthty.

K i^ it.:. a ^ ’tciiesday’ Aitemooiu: ['■;

l f | | g i i l IS A C Q l)l!f*B I

ic r s Snyy 0c Was ftit Gniity «f Mnr-

:??/ f w ldb™ m hlb ltloaSafithe;ildu6rttjiafflbS

™ - « ( a h | l \ ^ ^ e E 4 > ,vw# „ ® ® 5 ^ ,’t ^ :#4dmdy:seod,«t$r1>ime5;Wbehy

tii v. 1 0 < t>jai l^V0 ,^lieipr 'petf?;

6 -'bv'-5 ^hd.-:mbbfi;Tne:a'-part'bf^their;-dayvO

•- th e nl' and tp a ll, cJ',asfc» t o a t r v e

i S f e W w M I ® ®

g a p '. ;MH r.' B fU lard , S?

f 'v b : ’-’vOf!dn\’d f’O cn ;in :n rrivo 'frnm lii 7:M.!on:

tahgttitKptfdji^bfe’v ^ h ff l^ 'e in ^

6 ‘ thtHr-;t • vjiw lll-’. bW‘.\lU->

Ar —.*•■ •- - »- «• I“ ■

1 R a id .' of R ic _ .. ____ot- M atnw ap, ‘ recolvqd:.. n - j 'gtmeB'ot 'svound.lb'Iii.'f ei<iilrnpli. fron i vylilcli h o

S ® » t a t , - , it |u-.^niul; rtt tbo

ills 1 1 BoSWeliycbm:'


:‘{i^&^^<iic^.}£^^c.-''Ch<$'ii^^irfdC'i’9rd)9ej lid1 4 b ria rli^v :aU a^ ,TOUUanl,,.,J iL ,eeh a ii,i;id ^{ & eJ^ l^b ib ^^ ::U & .'; '. '.< } a ro U n a .' a'i^nei-,vtttT-t'bfew bady;o n ’yAprU;,28i :XDil,ywas^con6hided :w beD i;thb 'Ju rj, a f tp r .being o u t' an .houri a a d .twolvo rnluutbai .rotUrned a . v e rd ic t’ of n o t gull tv. . a t l . 4 2 : l a a t ' Satu rday1. of tor- 1 Ofl"n£:j! ‘ t7l1ffi^fei?./-^i^"iyJiy? 'i'ii*J'-'ot?,'?fiii r.'-r' :'.' i d e h a n u en tered-; the.-’ counroom ' d b ree im ltlu ted .before :tbb.' ju r y ’ cam e’ ittijSj H o 1 nerydttSlJK puehed 'baclc. th e iio lr fro m .ih is . :-foroUead , :and kep t c laap ln g y an d 'y u io la ap ln g .b la 'h an d s; Ifl'S t’a.ce ovaa w ltbo'ut color 'ah'd bis, uyps w ero . wlddly-openod an d .dle-

; tfeiid i iyyi1 ;;"Vb• $ .'On • the1'.announcem ent o t the

;y'erulct 'their uge';bEo^d;.which' cram'- rued . - ' . t h e t h e , .dbcvrv.vbtiratH utoiw lldvbheerlofiand ’bpp lauael tu id .-'iaany ' pii'raona -vuBUed: to. th h prlsbilor’B’b o s t o ’cobgratulat'e .hlni:'!l 'jIjeehau^nKkcd ’tb e :'3ustlco fo t perbjlssion ;io ad^dresB'the :Jury; and ppon :,lils' request’ -.being) g ran ted he thanked :'them ;for . the patience they had. diyplayed ahdi fo r t h e verdlct. d ie also < expreBsed t h i s . thahlss- to Jun- tlcQ.:Mln'tufn *bor’'tl)b faH ’and imparT t la l . ’mn’ii.ner j h w h ic h 1 hO h a d ' con­ducted th e caso. ’ T h e atto rneya. on both-'6ldb0; .w e rb y to th^SjChtiSt^puBriwhyy.Wthe.other'-.wltiieBseij bdd been tr e a b

, ,Tho.'Justice";; tlienv tJrdered-Jhejprl- ;8Qi>er'tb;-bedl8.cbarge()y.’.;Imm edlateiy ly’ liliiriii ''jifs TOlepeb . befehan ,h n d '. hla •fflfe^nd>ysbnJsihrt‘ed.|Jdrythei:tffllu’,'tp:

fo r jnfoklcatlouV.y.vyty .''t'-’v' v- ; *"’’

■Buty.i;^sutyR 'Sn jper.> n(obdent ; .SIusl- /-Z,' G*v, * i'-i el o ld Jo b . A Non.

Prpfji’jp h n 1 E u rig h t; countyisup 'cr-' in to n d en b bfjsohoplB .recblv.e'd .hottce ia3 f:S a tu fh ay ;n jg b t:'p f hldlreiippplhty m in t, a t : th o ’ handa p t ,S ta te ’’ G&mmlS;,

ddll; '.Thditdlogram .pt.noU flcattop' also c b h ta lh e ^ th e ? ln fo r^ a ,id o n .; th ab ’. thpappoin tm ent' * as; 'unanlm pusly cou-;flrm ed ;'hy ;thoV sta tbB oard ;'p£.B docayyfohvteAAyby-.-bA’j y ^,':■ T h l i up tio in tm eu t'con ies uudep thp

tpude’hteybfpscbodlB-i-.toVt'Bive'itbelr;w holeS im 'b to tho /du tleb ; o t yther.ot-. b c e ! / '; t t r , ;.Elttm edih ihW -reilr’h lfrom .-tlio-Ii03itl.br-. p f, sUpeCTteiVs^PtihotpaHdf the’: Rbea-. h o ld ;ic b b o ia ,;is potdtt^a-hd'■h.aajheldi B iieo 'thbehB c’swcnshof!-th&'law ,c^eatr in g 'tb a t'tp b E tlo h -h b e u ^ tw o n ^ ty o lirs :

ii’reeb’ol 3 i pvibllc-' schools’, ;■; f 0 r ;; r';piorb;

, .oisjsa ,i. - ■“ ' » • -

5 I * ^ 4 ,«*‘M^siiS^VWSM*KJSito-..»iaS!a»(!Si

, - an '. D ugutd -svaa ill.fo r over a y ea r,(ih liiS n ilm ieb ibg iaS s^ajil-;

eh fu lly ,,b a in ;- devoted to th o Andl-tp r l1 nu‘ n sw ;'1 r 3..- A w Mtov;. and . dva 1

.* ro n ’ n 'r i'R’o . j f p t y i i ^ # 3 f l i i i i ^ ' ;y


;j\A I^T eptuho’s :>iniiuger, - i la ’s.-irrajngcd jy A S cV lce 'b ffe trong .G am ce .';',;:;1

<;!Uiliu^e1e^1ffj^|ttt;7 9 ibD|^iif(v.f»as i.ar- tah^e'd ' th e ’ ; -.tplbiwthg '< ’sc h ed u le ,. '.to :iUttS4^4i‘..h;Bis,;i; 'N ^ t« rq i^ i^w U ^i< H l..teBSiiv;:<lceaut’p ro y e t:’'d;y.i“; ‘ ' 17 ;,• (;pbcemhBr.i,. ; a j / ’ : H lg '^A cadem y‘diof". - Now ■ 'iB ruusw lck t j : a t hom evdJau'ua.ry.S.tX nvdder.yciub/'dof .RasshlcV .a t \ ‘tRasBa(c;’:;s’!Jataudry:y J 0»i Olyraplb'dCiub/.'.of- Thing B ranch ; a t kofne;,:ja i\ua ty :. .IS , ; H lcltsdu .1 .high echopl;:.b f Jo rk iy Glty. a j hoin'OJ .Fcb- tu a r y .T l / ln v a d e r .ClUb, o t'P aaea lc ; Bb-hhmVjl’,:''^eGrtt9i7.;;b'98,&vHoi)oirea A iBheSchoolsat.y .tlibraohA tlarolr!1.14 , R ldei^H oore-Stotyart'fichobl.Q f,'Tren­to n .'’at'. homo, t ’.i'1;','.1 1 ■’ • A, Kt'.'''1' ' ' ’' i'i,The:'ho'mdsgahios ’.jyilttfe;■•’played.'oii ;tbo~ court- of t h e T . iM. j C.lA’.-i Asbury Pprj{b;v;Ertofts.' a re ';b e ln g ;- in ad e '. to hhvo- tho ' je a m 8 ll,,of ,, tbb ,. HaQt.' Xoraoy ;ljighy6 e lio o l;:^ea ^e .^ ed t.N ep tu n e '.

'i.B^iponlng,;,.; I

;^ ttlo^Jifi-^^6e:< 31e‘d : |iitv J^ i|r^ a y e n '

0 ^ 0 | A 1 1 J-P IA N S 1'?a;m

- * d ;ifeliea Ip Presldenl % Wfi-1

,At- B t , '.P a u r s . M. ;B;1; C hureh, • > th la

and 'added, irba ale by the chorus' Choir, b t ’young: ladlCii, d lrcotedtby ,?.frp. ;M. Q. S h re te ./ yA t'the;. 'evening’.ceerylcO M rs .:' Shreve,; p resen ted fScbneqker’B cantataV -'lThe’’ H ope, o f - the- .’W orld;’’ to the m anU e'B td'ellght.of’a; inrge au diecc:;. f. '"> '\yt ■ !;■ TvVrj- ’Vi-i'■: '*•'&:’■;

Tbia to’plo of A be m orn ing ;serm bn by-BaB tor. I Uls;W as .‘‘.The N am e. -bf th e tC h tis tn ia s : Child,*’ . ’ whlchs’r had- beenjreveajed, fo, M ary^ tb .J oscibli'and to Jo h n fh p .BaptlsL' 't|heV discourse y/BB based'.-on’i;the T e x t, found i n . t h c firs t Vchapterbof 'itac^ i^w , tbd ttveh- ty^Hrat -yersA—y.'Thou •sh a lt'‘ call ! hla, nam d.;Jesus. -for h e 'sh a ll save h it people;frotn' the ir ’nihsi'.M/It’ A'ab coh- cluded by ‘the. speakpr .th a t ' thereiV ha.

BiBsificaabei j;iu s ' J-A‘;::Ahihe;'.;;bvea^

so -em inent;bn’’:au tto rlty ;.a s ;B b ’aUeS':, pehre who afOfmod “ a rose^by, any

t ler air w o u ld >-meU a *nam o r _■. n - 1 ihr J >

the-nam e :h lgh .over.aU ’aa n ie8; :a:Sa-, y lou r. V fJeauB leip rcc lous'tom ank ind fo r ’ th e beasbn; th a t H e '.ls ,the.Savlour .o f 'th e w b r ld i.H e .c a m e fp 'S G e k 'a n d to save t l ia t w hich Jw as’- lo s t; > H is nilBsion’ w.hti’ to save ‘people Nfpom’ their-'s ins, a s ; declared I n ; th e tex t; and.JesuB '.C brlB t-'alpne; can'bdos.tbls; both In , th tsT ifo and Vtbb' life, l.-to como. A nd becauso H e shall savc H is >!e fron Ut-r 1 1 aw ay tho ' necessity fo r tho s in n o r to sacrlflce h im self,; as- do th e hcathon,tbdescaptiAhB;;; A oinsqtie^eBApt^ihiS.' Wrong-idolngi.; ■ I f -, C b rls tm aa’; nxeatw any tii in g y a c c b ra ih g . to .' th e ; speaker; i t ; p n g fit;tp 5 ii^ n ;ah n a te re s tj(M i: investm ent of th e sbed 'h laod of .Cal-’ vary. i '

A t' nlgKt;.- Bbv.dHrA-BfllB {preached ^ V ‘,T%|.^jjgelj;.J • jCl^tH«iwi •iSS^jf&f i

bxerclsoa .t.he1 '-sermon ii-waa .brief r but; In tlrely ; lri; keeplng;.wl^h'.:;tbe'.ChrlBtt' m as sp irit; The tex t’Wps taken fro.m L uke ,2f M y ^ r 'IR ld ry ftp God In ;.th e ; h ighest, on earth peace, -good will t ra rd ' u tex t; Bev. Mi

B ills ' said; c o h a ln e d .th ree b a rs 0 1 : heaveniy;:s6n g i-’; i l ) :;T he.ascrip tion; u n to ..G od .b f;rlgh tfu l:p ra ise ,'.fo r,'rH e. is tlio a u th o r .o f .tlie ; plarn o f Bdlva-’ tion (2 ) The .g lo rtpns atM piinop^ lab riv -ib f 0rii; ---p'orroct In.rniGj:: ’p^iio^^ddyA ^eSiM ^iM B b a rth .v’-’-H ® ) ■ T he’Ccointorttng i ‘p roclam ation ’of

HbB^ehfsJy.attituiie ■ lApwhrdsAiedrth;'; "Goo'i - ill ;; • ird rs^n .” | The eo g o f- thh;/angels {was; ph expression; pf t h e 1 jpiy ln .heaven-.pyer th e 1 com ing of'tbe lHesIcs.nisc of-’inon.vs'iW Tlie;;'hdVe’/Had'.yiBTbns.'oftbejeuper'na'tural, 'th eB h b p b erd s^ 1w atch lng :tbe l^ flo .c> ; on1 'B eth lehem ’p p taih were specially f a y o re d - ln h b a r J n g th e ' m u sic : of-.thc. hep y en ly :bhpif.’ ’! ;.:"■• ■•?. 7 ■’ '.v’ .‘.ThenCh’rlstm asV colebratlon of tbs SUnday:; .school-u-Junlor; ’ In terinedi-’ ii to a n d ;’ Senior - (iapar.tmehtEb-.-U’aa held’ pn' M onday evening , 1 w hen ’ Mrs:. JIarg 3 t e t ;f’;';','A’spy-Hes!!C. -presented

S an ta ’ ClauB,. J r . ;”, a yjiinoful can, t a ta ; ; ; in th is ;.p iece ' ‘-‘Santa, J r . ," dlscoy.ora';pld; S an ta’s ,C hris tm as sacliBhdUnia Rpirlt-of I s q b ie f he . p ro 1- cced to: dlB trlbute its cohtebta,: w ith th e . re su lt th a t’ ho gjbc th e .presents r ig h t’, and’.' le f t- w lthbub ^ rega rd -‘ to p roper ..'o w nership . H e is . dlBcclvered in the’ ac t b y oldl.Santa, w h o . p ro - •ceods'fbr’thw ithH o’.'s tin ig h ten ^ o b tth e tangie....'.7.;:--.'v ■'X-i0 ■■ '~<;.i:'S>'-: A

M ejyC hrlstraasi -e ierc lses1"; o t .‘.the IJegirinerA. 'P r'm bfy bPd Cradle ;Rplb dopartm cnts Were'- heid .:on ,Tuesday i i f t e r n . o o n v . ’.v.”■ ' • : ; J ; •:.!• Xv 7 .--.'-’.. ■ •

T ic miiin body of thgx'olfpjfnlt^ffl e laborately :

. rTUono .politlclnne •who -on 'TueSday'£':-,y

ed ;from :U m e to .- tlm e td ttriangb^.fO&c;-';-; •’lii’ftiOtAop ■ J abuarySO :

• Tho 'Tjy^usj^i^^abV/ tiponmlit^ef elded to '^exteud!-(rcsp’dciai A n^iii^ id ft'M fi tO :;tTesideht /WU8on’..tp|be-4i r e s e n t ^ |? A ;

(baUgural;-A:;: Jpseph.iA T U in u ity ^ ff io‘p 'l^ ld is f it 'a isa s r^ ija ^ i.iin 'd iJ^ B ife .^ l^ * ^ ,O^Wd-'’. 8 t a t ^ j S i i ^ t o r t » 5 j S i ^ ® |^ i ^ i 5 ^

ioJsbsB ajhpeclaiiyb iiiy ited^

e d 'd v o r .A n d -th e p la n S fp r- tb e -’a^a^ -fic .t1; ing; in>bf:|,th’p, new;’.:,’:G o v e in a rJ j^ ^ '^ ;if f 't p ractically .com pleted. .;ThV .eiB rclSes^ ‘ : Yvlll' fdke place n t'n b d n ; ;ari'd,'tho oa^V ;'id will i p ’.adm lniiitered b y C h ie f , JusUcov/,- * W illiam S.’ dum piere , o f; th e S ta te ‘i'\ Suprem e C ourt. • • , , 'i i iH * ., ■ I i

Tlio Senate and HoUbo'1 Jointjcomrrii'^V inittoe, nam ed a t the'eecondVspeolalV;':.:; se ss ion ;’of; th e ’: leg isla tu re la s t ‘imm-A:;-; ftier; to consider., th e . advlsabiUWTP^ 7?-; the selection of counselore a t law to ac t .as advlserB: to :tb e :leg l8la tu fe \raa ',;' : to’; ^e^t^g^Ufar.-<^^(|pi|^<Micpiis^ '-^D|^iaii-y^J; m at .',’on . Taegdny. . l t ,T s . pndejfstdbdyi ■ th a t the , committeei.yvill : ;re p d ^ '^ th e;■•■£: plan- favorably. 1; T he idea yvae ; su g jV;;-r; gested .by Sonator Johnson, Of :Bar- ;- ; gen county, w ho was' p re s id en t o f th e0 -i S e n a te ,tow ard ..the’.close of,;.ttie':,laBt.:'v.:. session .. T he com m ittee la m ado .up 'i?' o fjSepatdrs’ Sloeum}.' .McQlnnis^f-'yandAo';; B e a d ; ; a n d ; A ssem blym en; ,’ IJisgen, ivVi Kaydi a n d :. H ichards,l ;M r..:. B lchardstl.;-y w ho is' tlioVniinorlty' leaiierV Ih . ii.thcji-.y; 'H ouse;.. Is i-iji/jdhdShe’; w sB /lu jn ab le J to ^ gh -to-.TreritStf'ipniTnesdayJjhjyjYjJJu - x A l t h d t t g R f t h e ^ ^ H s l 'h ^ d l y i t i p e ^ : fo r th e launching , of a hdom,-for. th e 7 ; r,ext::’Dom'ocratlc candidate fob 'G dvk.’:;!; e rnor. f r lends o f -', 8«nBt<^~?®pnfW #7j^ nre .bn th e jo h early: ’an d Jhoy ta l Iced.ofthls,poE 8lbilitW Tuesday; A h e ’Senh';;:-:;to r h a s th e ' ‘b e e /’ an d th e re u r e . , ' m any , Influential i .-Hem ocrats/liwhpiKl? tldnk ' h e v’ould m ak o ’ a form idable;':;:; norptnee. because of; his.' publld.'tr.ecW;/' o’rd i ,,5 T his ,Tohnsdn . dlbcuBslpn was;':. •; of 'course ,: o n iy iiJ r iem d iy /fa ik i^ /A i^

i i



EARLY PATHENf BEQl)lREp;1 * 3h lp S» - r 'As im e n ls( I t ,

«#• Uii d Eafh V«tr , ,p*^TRiullf" \ , . , , i nee,- a tto rn e j 'o r

has atflrm ed a re p o rt made.’- 1 ( i t te e I- . re r Coin

iPeter P.’ Dodd re la tiv e ’to ’ p .m ansi-h f nor In w hich’; the.asseB sm ents i o r ’. t i e - ; '’’.

tlrrv e , r.t ie p a ’t, ,s the o rd l- >' S nahce, p ro y ld in g fo i; the? cpns'tri^'tiht>-:i;i‘r‘ o f i tk e i SeWer JJb,; interpreted;iby:?lhdili'^,6 ^ & c 6n>in%iio4 i r • g n 'd ' : i p f ^ i S i j ^ ^ » | ?

'd n h A li i r ^ -o tA ^ ir '^ o td t : /^ a e S ^ d n t? ; 'y ;

co n tra ry to w h a t w a s :g e n e ra l^ ;-A h - '.-

® sim ehtsA’‘/-iwherhby,A'(ih'd ow nersi b.dlleyed paym en ts ; w ere ,djh,Jh ? t io n a l ,^ l th tUe"m' at.'atfy* tlm u d u rin g 7 , the spe'ejfled period. ' - 1 '

A eting .on':;Mr,-7T2:,v/r;.i;.ce,’h.'adv'cej?-1:':;

have to: fiid-l’ihe.-one-third.- gsaessinent ’ chargo a t -Freehold’ a s 7.T ieu thga in ’sr /,. p roperties . oh ',w hich I t is unpald-vby V? Bebiii’ary? 1st: . The .1913j, sliare: /o f , ;>' s hdasBesem onts w erd due July?:! -i ast:;,; Sfiiny of them hav e’ :i'of,-’.:be,edipalil.-;:/-?. O thers haye? only...h8en,,i;ald’1?ln/piirt;:-.l;v RuU paym ents, of tho dne-third.-.'nuiBti /? b e inade .by : F ebruary , 1 p r :th e cdlri-y,-’: lec tp r' w ill tak e ’ th e ;BUme cdursa?:a a ' : ’-■ h e does when general .taxi. msHaViuirA-'ib’ pa i d/ ’. :?

The;- recen t;'ln terp fe ta tion ;; o t ■ .Ihp/iji d rd lnancelh iis proyed. aa'innch,: a! siirt, :l?' p rise to fth o se ‘.;Whp took :’actlve- ifart'iv : fix' Its estab lishm ent a3,.tb’the.:taxp.ayr:; ’y ers 'in :genera l.'- .'A li'werak.un'der;; th e i

i f . ’o f "P / NdnilnUtlonSt .>''; V-? M onm outh Loc No 107; K

p:,-: imsvnoniin'atod, thdso plhcevr,/o f jto;

d e t y 3 s d |5 ^ J |® |’® | p ^ ^ S W p i n g i

m ander'i/JV .aiN olahl-W jce’hbahdelort:

‘mn'eriiguaM & S S p f t J “ 'fid& k^p-dgtsr. cua'iarSH avidstiiW lliam B .m aste^

im^ressign' th a t th e -proippfly 'ihiJlfi-S-is ers';'c6uid;?let;. thd? anio'unk.:8iide' j fprv '’Atlired ;yehra and;: Ih e n ’lpay^iiln;falji-i

; F lrem bii’s;.: TpuTOhW.dUfe-.l VtW«.,:V7asblngton;:piay;:'tw '-jhd/e"4a'S^]^

eii'iead. Ih lhe .pockottilU idvd .to .nynpi A’v;. ih ien t of thd Oceau Gro.ve:hr6’ih s;i;ttid ;A :/!.-5

’ ” , '.." ' ’. ' '•tr-f-J'.’i'-heirig.hetwreh-'StdkeByarKi.-1 toi> b iv F rld a y eyep ingi,'H ece'b ibsyV ^lf/lcl

Page 2: iiscre® w$ St/n Wfi-1 ^narjers af icccfidljJ,^' MM. · 2014. 4. 8. · mm mm.,V O L U btEijW E W TY -Q ^Et InO ! 6 2 I ^ O C E A N : G R O V E i N E y t f I J E R S E Y i J ?R t

' ' . ■‘ ' n M * \ * > ? v ’v ' s ' ’ '


EDUCATION COST $23,653,78)Tbat Sura Spent ou New Jersey’s

Schools the Fast Year


As shown by stntlstk-s compiled by the S late D epartm ent ot Public In ­struction it cost ju s t $23,653,789.70 to educate the children o t Now Je r ­sey through the public school system during the past year. This is • the largest am ount ever spent by New Jersey for education and is an In­crease of $1,813,256.06 over the p re ­vious year when education cost $.2 1 ,- 840.573.73.

Of the to tal sum expended, how­ever, $4,672,238.7.7 was d istribu ted ffiom the sale of bonds. Of all o f th .: Item s in tbe list, the la rg est is that of $10,935,315, spen t, for teachers ' salaries, not Including m anual tra tn -

'in g teachers.Lands and buildings come next

with $7,188,252. Of tills sum $3,- 344,411 was spent fnr building or en ­larg ing school .houses; $632,875 for the purchase of lands; $1,001,849 for In terest on ou tstand ing bonds; $141,756 for o rd inary repairs to sehqol houses; $520,992 to r ex trao r­d inary repairs ; $155,391 for fu rn ish ­ing, and $459,926 for th e paym ent of bonds due.

• R eal E sta to T ransfe rs .Tho follow ing transfers of real es­

ta te In th is vicinity w ere recorded ln tho office of the County C lerk a t F reeho ld fo r the w eek ending las t Saturday :

M argaret F . Osborn, Adm'x, to H enry D. M cKngbt. Lot 862, Ocean Grove, $1.

C harles E. B arber, Ex’r, to Ida L, Schaffer. P a r t lo t 184, Ocean Grove.

W illiam S. -Carrick to P e te r A Davison. L ot 49, Ocean Grove, $1.

H enry B envenga, et ux, to W alter C. Hyde. L and w esterly side Prospect avenue, tow nship N eptune, $1.''

Jam es A. B radley, et ux, to George C. Jonps. Land F o u rth .a v e ­nue, B radley Beach, $1.

A vondale Realty-Co. to John Dew- h lrs t. Lots 547, 548, map B, Avon­dale T errace, $1.

A vondale R ealty 'C o. to John Dew- h lrst. Lots 148 to 151, map A, Avondale Terrace, $1.

A vondale R ealty Co. to R osabeile Casner. Lots 98, 99, map A, Avon­dale Terrace, $1.

A vondale R ealty Co. to R osabella Casner, Lots 534, 535, map B, Avon­dale Terrace, $1.

H erm an P. Lazarus, ot ux, to C harles W. Thompson. P a r t lot 1092, A sbury P ark , $1.

M atthias T. A pplegate, e t ux, to L illian Sutphln, e t als. Land corner Sunset avenue and Kingsley stree t, also lot Sixth avenue, Asbury P ark , $ 1.


G. H. RqehMg, Of the S tate S tree t M, B Church, T ren ton , a d ­dressed St. P au l’s Sunday school las t Sunday afternoon . on ‘‘The Pow er ot God;" illu s tra tin g the sam e w ith electrical appara tus. He was accom panied by Mr. Kam m , secre tary of the local Y. M. C. A

Dr. J , W, M arshall, d istric t super­in tenden t, was a welcome v isitor a l Sr, P au l's Sunday school la s t Sun­day afternoon, spending some time In the various departm ents and say­ing a few words in each one.

A ttendance n t Sunday school las t Sunday was 384; collection, $1,3.58,

M rs ., M argare t' Asay-Hesse w as a v isitor a t. Sunday school las t S u n ­day, and: took charge o t- th e C h ris t­m a s ’music.. Rov. H enry W heeler spoke to a

•large audience a t - the E pw orth League; service on Sunday evening,

(Subject, "P rom ises of God.” j The E pw orth League orchestra, i assisted by Mrs. Hesse, will give a i concert In Simpson M E . Church, Long B ranch, the th ird w eek ln Ja n u a ry for the benefit of the L adles' Aid Society of th a t church.

The C hristm as exercises of th e B eginners ' and P rim ary d epart­m ents, also the C radle Roil, of St, P a u l’s Sunday school, will be held on T uesday afternoon, next, Decem­ber 23, a t 2.30. A special invitation Is extended to all the friends, of the children of these departm ents to be, presen t and enjoy the exercises.

A can ta ta , "S an ta C laus, J r . ,” -vlll, t c presented by the Ju n io r, In te r­m ediate and Senior departm ents of the Sunday school under the d irec­tion of Mrs. M argaret Asay-Hesse on Monday evening, December 22, a t 7.39 o'clock. An outline of the can­ta ta presen ts “Santa, J r . ,” who finds old S an ta 's C hristm as sack and in a sp ir it of m ischief proceeds to d is­tr ib u te th e gifts, handing the wrong presen ts to the children. Old Santa finally discovers him and proceeds to stra igh ten o u t .the' tangle.. The lrnd ing^characters a re R uth M ar­shall, Miss Dyckman, Miss B anta, B ern b art Hommell, Je an e tte Taylor, Edith Pullen , George W sstervelt, E rn est W oolston, Clarence Chamber- lain , LeRoy H endrickson and V ictor Chamberlain... Alt the paren ts and friends of th e school are Invited to be present.

. The reg u la r m eeting of the Sun­day school board will be held in the church parlo r th is (Friday), evening nt 7,4 5 o ’clock. .

The. annual C hristm as lociai of the M others ' Circle will be held

' Yu, Vma',1 toady for Chrittmar now, and tho TELEPHONE hot holpod mo oa much in making my preparations. " ‘

Let the Telephone Help You ■' Prepare for Christmas

r O U R T e le p h o n e is on d u ty a t all tim e s . I t w ill h e lp y o u m a k e y o u r C h ris tm a s p u rc h a se s an d s a v e y o u r t im e a n d effo rt in p re p a r in g for th e

C h r is tm a s h o lid ay . .A ll o f th e u p - to -d a te s to re s h a v e m a d e ca re fu l p re p a -

■ ra tio n s to h an d le C h r is tm a s te lep h o n e o rd e rs , a n d w ill g iv e y o u r o rd e r by telephone p ro m p t an d care fu l a tte n tio n . •

AVhy not make life' easier for the ,hpp em­ployee* anti save your time for yet,f house­hold duties by buying early and b y I * :u ',honc?Suppose you try the easy, satisfactory tele­phone way of shopping thio week.

N E W Y O R K T E L E P H O N E C O .B -H

INTEREST IN FARMERS’ WEEK ! -. CASHIES DAYTON DEADMost Imperlanl Agricultural tleellig long Connected With Asbury Park

Ever le ld In State and Ocean Grove BankA fter a leng thy illness E dm und B.

Dayton, cash ier of tho A sbury P a rk and Ocean Grove B ank, died on

r S r i S M ’ I W ednesday in T ren ton a t th e hom eI m eeting ever ™eld in New Je r- P i “ L818 ' S " i

F arm ers '. W eek a t New Brunsw ick, beginning F riday , December 26th and closing W ednesday, December 31st, willtu ra l m eetingsoy. The lecture will be given in the' audience room of th e .college a s the cam pus near th e railw ay sta tion . The lis t of speakers include Dr. O'. G, Hopkins, th e noted Illino is soil ex­p ert: J . H. H ale, of C onnecticut; Dr. Carl W Gpy, the livestock au th o rity of the U niversity of Pennsylvania; Edw ard Van Alstyne, of New York, who is widely known as an expert in dairy m a tte rs; F red B, Skinner,- of New Y ork, raid C: G raham , ofM assachusetts, who a re leading au-

!n i tho rilies In poultry , and the New

the |H arold A. A pplegate to L illian j December 23, a t the close ofSutphln, et als. Land corner Sun- j ch ild ren 's C hristm as exorcises,set avenue and Kingsley stree t, alsolo t Sixth avenue, A sbury Park, i , T he Epw orth League o rchestra hasj 2 G0C, j been engaged to play for the Nop-

' W illiam Gtffavd, et ux, to Mary tune kigh school basketball gam es..

the church on Tuesday afternoon, 'J e rs e y Experim ent Station sc ientists

Ew ing. Land W est A sbury P ark , $40. M orris T ietelbaum , e t ux, ' to

Fbllow lng Is tlie program for the C hristm as exercises of the Begin?

C harles D. Vail. P a r t lot 19, R ange .n e ts ' and P rim ary departm ents next E , W est Asbury P ark . $1. I Tuesday afternoon:

John F. Davison lu Edw ard J. i Song, "W elcom e. M erry C hrlst- S troud. Lots 0, 9, map Asbury i nu ts;" p rayer, Rev. J. D. Bills;

j hym n, "S ilen t N ig h t;" recitation , H arold W ainrlgh t: concerted recitaDavi-


■ P a rk , $1A lbert W. Lee to R obert W.

son. P a r t lot 153, Block I,W est Asbury P ark , $1.

Mary Reynolds to Howard C. Mat­thews, Land Springwood avenue,Asbiirv P ark , $1.

W ilbert A. B eecroft, Sheriff, to i VnnCIeve, B uchanon ft Smock Lum ber Co. P a rt lot 5, range IT, Asbury r a rk , $500.

Jersey Coast R ealty Co. to John W righ t. L o t 77. . Robbins addition to A sbury P a rk , $1.

C harles S. H endrickson, e t ux, to H elena E. Seale. Q ne-haif lo t 18, m ap N orthw est Asbury P a rk , $1;

Bessie M. D eppeler and Oscar W., h er husband, to Milder E. Guernsey.Land G rand avenue, A sbury Pari.SI.

Je rsey Coast R ealty Co. to Mary A. Green. Lot. 4 5, Robbins' addi­tion, A sbury P ark . $1.

M argaret A. B eatty, Ind. and as E x ’rx to E lizabeth L. Toland. P a r t le ts 175, 176, map Loch Arb6.ur, $1.

Charles D. Vail to Morris Teltel- baum F art lots 340, 341, map Allcn- h u rst. $ I .


Young Couple Cam e F ro m K eyport to Bo W edded Hero.

? Miss H elen F itzgerald , daughter , of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin F itzgerald , of

K eyport, and J, Raym ond M atthews, son of Mr. and Mrs, John N. Mat­thew s, of the Ettmo place, slipped down So Ocean Grove las t Tuesday ostensibly to v isit Mr. and Mra. W il­liam E. G ilbert, of A sbury avenue. Tbe sam e evening they sough t a m in ister and were happily joined in wedlock, news of th e m arriage then being telephoned to th e ir fam ilies in K eyport.

The m arriag e cerem ony w as per­form ed by tho Rev. G. H . Bechtold a t h is 'hom e, 79 E m bury avenue, the w itnesses being Mr. and Mrs. Gil­bert. The groom , w ith h is paren ts, has been a sum m er resid en t of Ocean Grove for m any years. H e Is in the grocery business a t K eyport.

Who will give the la tes t resu lts of re ­search in th e ir departm ents.- F riday is ho rticu ltu ra l day, and Saturday, is poultry day. A special program Is a rranged als-.; for nur-'; serym en on Saturday.

Monday fs livestock d ay ,. W hile the series of lectu res or; livestock sub­jects are being given there will be lectures In- other, rooms. . on farm stops. The annual m eeting of tho E. B, V oorhees Society will be held Monday.

A special program for prize-w in­ners in county corn contests will be­gin Monday afternoon and continue until Tuesday noon S evera l'coun ties are sending groups of young peo­ple for these lectures.

Tuesday, is dev.otod largely to soils Thom as; song, “The F irs t Christ- i and crops, Doctor H opkins will de- m as; " rec ita tion , "C hristm as 'B eils," i liver two lectures,Raymond; Borden; concerted rec ita- i W ednesday is. co-operation day. tlon, Andrew Milligan,' Sheldon j The forenoon Is given to th ree prac- V oblley, George H utchinson; r e c i t a - : Heal arid successful experiences In tlon, E lizabeth Glover; rec ita- j Co-operation, In the afternoon It is tion, Leon Ridgew ay; song, Anna hoped that, thousands of New Jersey l-lulse; concerted recita tion , “ C hrist- ! fa rm ers w in m eet rep resen ta tives of n tas,” C harles Seaman, -Byron ! the- ra ilroads in a conference on ship- Ijolm es, Charles Conover, K enneth j ping farm products to m arket. Gen- H arle, H arold V anA rsdale, Em ile.! oral F re igh t A gent Ogden of the. S tone; recita tions; Donald Lee and I Rennslyvnnla R ailroad, and T hird R uth " P ea rsa ll; duet, “ By-Low j Vice .P resid en t Koons of the Central T ow n," M yrtle Pullen and E lizabeth ! R ailroad of New Je rsey a re on tha R obinson, w ith the Tiny Tots from I program , and the farm ers -In attend-.

tion, "L am bs ol Je sus ,” B eginners’ j departm ent, W arren Brown, A lberta | Jones, Dorothy Franklin* Newton I M ount, Clyde Courier, A lberta Still

well, Dorothy Handley, W endell C harles W ilgus, R uth

In his seventy-th ird year. D eath w as caused by B rig h t's disease and dropsy. The funera l service w as held tills (F rid a y ) m orning a t th e Oii- p h an t home, and In term en t w ill be bo m ade In th e cem etery a t M ata­wan.

Mr. D ayton was. born i s M ataw an on A ugust 24, 1850. He w as tha son of the la te D r .A, D. Dayton. In 1872 he g raduated from P rinceton U niversity, im m ediately th e rea fte r tak in g up the study of law. F o r a tim e he was In the office of G arre t M. H obart a t Paterson . L a te r he en ­gaged in business In New Y ork City as o dealer ln cardboard , and follow­ed th is w ith a term of service in sev­eral bank ing houses u n it1, w hen th e Asliury P a rk and Ocean Grove Bank

, w as form ed lh 1889, he joined Its forces as cashier, which position ho filled w ith distinguished ability u n ­til Incapacitated by illness.' In 'a d d i­tion to being Its cashier Mr. Dayton was also a d irec to r In th is hank,

in accordance w ith Mr. D ayton’s | desire, expressed only, a few days

before Ills death . Rev. Dr. A. E. B al­la rd . of Ocean Grove, preached the. funera l serm on.


By-Low Town— Elizabeth Bouse, M arjorie B llm s, R u th Schw artz, C aroline H andley, 'L ots P ine, Hazel C ourier, M argaret G illln; recita tion , “ Guess W hat. I Am H olding," Don­ald H om m ell: s o l o , - “ The C hrist­mas S ta r;" E ugen ie Shreye; rec ita­tion, “ C hristm as S ta rs ," E lizabeth RObinsor?, Marlon S torn, Ilda Brooks, M iriam Lee, L au ra Rico, M yrtle Pullen ; concerted recitation , “ W hen G randm a W as a L ittle G irl,” E d ith Cooke, F rancis P ine, R uth Deiss, M artha M iller, Evelyn Guyer, F lo rence Nary, Marion L e tts , Debor­ah E dd lem an ; recita tion , F rancis Sutton; stag ing, carol, “ C hristm as Bolls,” .

P re p a rin g C hristm as B arrel.Tbe W om an's Homo M issionary

Society, of Ocean Grove, is ,p reparing to pack th e ir annual barrel. A plea, for con tribu tions is m ade for cloth-

; ing, household goods, canned goods,| dried f ru it, and ra y artic les su itable

fo r use in a m in iste r’s fam ily. A j card w ill, bring, tha collector to you,I o r goods m ay be sen t to the c h a ir­

man. M rs, W . H R ussell, 43 P ilg rim Pathw ay,

W atch -for Lakewood Rector.'Rov. H. P. Sehatchley has taken

charge of the Episcopal church a t Lakewood In place of Rev. E dw ard E , MatthewB, who has been rec to r fo r abou t tw elve years. Rev. Mr. MatthewB w ill re s t and travel. His church m em bers recently presented him w ith a beau tifu l and costly gold watch.

FU ndt-F isher.


By Rev, S teadm an A pplegate, 92 E m bury avenue, Ocean Grove, Miss M arguerite FUndt and Clarence B. F ish e r woro m arried on Tuesday evening, i The b ride Is. th e dau g h te r o f . and ;-M rs:. E dw ard .F llrid t,, q f Asbffiry' /P a rk .: ..T h eg ro o m /tls 'h ls r i, A.

W omen W ill H ave Clnbhonse.L ast S atu rd ay announcem ent .w as

m ade a t th e w eekly m eeting of th e A sbury ' P a rk W om an’s Club th a t Mrs. A. C- L unggren h a s m ade, p ro ­vision w hereby the club eventually w ill coma in to possession of h er home a t F o u rth a venue and Em ory s tree t, a s a - clubhouse. The' club sen t a le tte r, to M ayor-elect W illiam .A. B arry u rg ing him to' appoin t .» wom an to th e Board of E ducation.

U nclaim ed L ette rs .T he follow ing le tte rs rem ain u n ­

claim ed In th e Ocean Grove poBtof-' flee fo r th e w eek end ing December 17 th : . •' . . .

Mrs. .B ronelle, Mrs. • H. •' H am m ett; M rs:ly P h i l l ip ,M r o . R appenecker,

i t i

a.T-.ce a re Urged to tak e p a rt in th is conference. -

The location of th e lectu re room s on th e college cam pus near the ra il­way sta tion , "trolley s ta tion , hotels and boarding house;; w ill in su re p e r­sonal com fort to ail v isitors. The charac te r of the lectu res and tb.e iim­portance of th e sub jects should a t­t ra c t m any thousands to New B runs­w ick fo r the week.

I>r. W. A. Robinson, of Ocean Grovo, is .Re-Elected T reasu rer.

Dr. W illiam A. Robinson, of Oceah Grove; a ttended on Tuesday a m eet­in g of the M onm outh County Medical' Society, held a t F reehold . T h is be ing-til!; an nual session of the society ■the follow ing officers w ere elected;

P residen t, Dr. R, S. B ennett, As­b ury P a rk ; vice presiden t, Dr. E . M. Beach', W est L ong B ranch ; se c re ­tary , Dr. L, p . W ise, Long Branch,. rG-eiected; treasu re r . Dr. W. A. Rob­inson, Ocean Grove, re-elected; re ­po rter, Dr. B, E. Failing , A tlan tic .Highlands.

New m em bers a re Dr. J . T u rn e r Rose, A sb u ry ,P a rk ; Dr. S tanley H. Nichols, L ong B ranch, and Dr. A rlle Munson. Red B ank, t h e ’la t te r being received from the Ind iana S ta te Medical Society. A pplications fo r m em bership w ere received from Dr

. F red Thompson, B elm ar, and Dr. W alter Roillm an, R ed B ank,


New B ody is H eaded by M orris Odell, off Camden, P residen t; ;

Out, of a to ta l of th irty -n in e lodges of E lk s ln Now Jersey , tw enty-th ree w ere represented a t a m eeting last Sunday afte rn o o n iff th e hom e of Camden Lodge, Broadw ay and F eder­al s tree t. Camden, when t h e ’ New Je rsey S tato Association, B. P. O. B ., was organized to prom ote sociability am ong th e m em bers In th e State.

Officers, w ore elected as follow s: P residen t, Morrle Odell, qf Camdan; v ice-president, A. J . B am erest, of H o­boken; T hom as Crowley; of . Lam - bertv ille , and F. L. F r k t s . o f Dover; - secre ta ry , E . L .,S m ith , of PhUHps- b tirg ; tre a su re r ; F red erick G. M uller, of A tlan tic C ity: se rg ea n t-a t-a rm s ,: R ichard 'F .'R ooney , of Newark.

L egislative an d o th e r com m ittees w ere appointed anti w ill m ake re ­po rts m. th e next m eeting lri N ew ark, Ja n u a ry 18.

Tax B oard H ears Appeals, A m ong th e appeals considered o r

W ednesdriy by th e M onm outh County Tax . B oard s ittin g tab A sbury P a rk Were, tw o from Ocean Grove p roperty ow ners. . Mrs. Idn CartU dge. askod fo r tfce cancellation of S50C tax on personal p ro p erty a t 38 W ebb avc- 1 mio, .lev ied by e rro r off .assessor, which w as g ran ted , Mrs.lO. R. Bhu- b ert requested a redrictlou of. $ l ;000

Mrs. Tafffc M issionary Speaker. .Mrs. M arcus ' L. T a ft, a fo rm er

m issionary to China, gave an address on "T he M eaning of CitrMjbuas to r. China,” on Tuesday afternoon a t a m eeting of the A sbury P a rk V/. F . M. S., held p.f. th e hom e of M rs. Mel- v ina Sill, 305 F irs t avenue I t w ill

.be rem em bered th a t Mrs. T aft was one of tho speakers a t th e m lsslon- cry exercises held In Ocean Grove la s t A ugust. D uring th e m eeting on Tuesday, Mrs. E. A. M argerum , o f Ocean Grove, d irected a tten tio n to tho fund being raised w ith w hich to establish a hom e for .re tu rn ed m is­sionaries which now approxim ates $30,000,, I t w as suggested by Rev. Dr. (Rockdale th a t th e hom e be lo ­cated tn A sbury P ark .

Orchestra every afternoon and evening until Christmas

Saturday a discount of twenty per

cent, on Armstrong shoes tor women

4 ny of our $5 or $ 6 styleswill be subject to th is discount on Saturday,

This offer is made owing to the fact that the Armstrong firm has changed bafids and extensive alterations are to be made in the styles. ;

The Asbury. Park Times contains further de­tails of this sale in Friday’s issue.

Visit Toyland on the 4th Floor

Select Y o u r Books in the State’s Largest Book Store

First floor.

A Sale of 1 ,0 0 0 Silk Petticoats for Christmas Shoppers

A Sale of Boys’ Suits—sizes 6 to 8 years—$ 4 .98 .

A Sale of Boys’ Raincoats—sizes 6 to 16 years—$ 2 .i

Open evenings until Christmas

Special Valaes in Men’s

of Reliable Standard MakesSuch as Interwoven Hosiery, Root’s Underwear, Duofold H ealth Underwear—-a luxury for the sensitive skin—at no cost morethan m ant' inferior makes. Stuttgarter Underwear, a geuuire German garment. An exceptional line of Shirts at righ t prices. . One special lo t . of white Oxford Cheviot' Shirts at 35c., three for $ i —slightly imperfect, but a great bargain at this price. O ur store is well supplied with, many good, and reliable goods, priced right for their respective grades. Sweaters, from the cheapest to the very best. Mack­inaws in great variety for boys and men

Howard L BordenHatter aind Furnisher

712 Cooknmn Avenue, Asbury Park N. J,

J . C. Pslmstesr Asbury Howland

PALMATEER S HOWLANDGfiOCBRSP itch e r Gcta B ridge Oontract-

T he Contract to build a reinforced concrete b ridge on th e road betw een Mnrlbori ami Vanderfcurg has been aw arded by th e Board o f Chosen Freeho lders to .H . B. P itcher, rep re ­sen ting th e Ocean C o n trac tin g : Oo.,

.fo r $756. Mr. P itch e r offered to finish th e b ridge in twenty-five days. Owen J. Melee, of Soabrlght, bid $835 fo r th e job.

L ost H er FIock o f Tnrkeys.'flock of nineteen fine turkeys h a s .

mysteriously .(disappeared : from . tho',nremlses of ;Mrs. Ellqn' Quackonbuah.mci&tr-: flnraniiiiln' liinfiifir/'Ar 1 -4‘ *-L 1 • ’•'a corner on the >

sqvera alts,ha Am a im lt-.

We are now located in onr new and up-to-date store at

700-702 Mattison Avenue, Asbury ParkC o r n e r o f B o n d S t r e e t

You r P a tro n ag e ©oiiGlted. - H o te l T r o d s a f i p s d a l t y

The HoneysuckleOPEN ALL THE YEAR,

B eao h ® b d . S n r f ^v en u es . Ba*t looatlbttvV:jc-’o.1 Newhouso.- H o t water b e a t! H e a te d ' p i- a re a s , C o r re q tf a p p o ln tm e n ta fo r: refln ed p a tro n s . O u l t f t e a r id b e d a s p e c ia l ^ea tn ty a s f . J-i

T H E ST. ELMO - , - '7.!v.?'-. 5 .77. “ Wri Avenue ocean Grove, Wow Jersoy : ‘fpiS ,.m. 'Inntrftl Ini ri.1 1 'O.UghUUlly looetedi oa prlnblpril tbororiglirahi. -Oentrril to ali .riolot. oi IntcnML .OBcaaU ':

' ........ oqo. t . Hcimei, prai.ri • t, ;.-- the .rsff-A

Page 3: iiscre® w$ St/n Wfi-1 ^narjers af icccfidljJ,^' MM. · 2014. 4. 8. · mm mm.,V O L U btEijW E W TY -Q ^Et InO ! 6 2 I ^ O C E A N : G R O V E i N E y t f I J E R S E Y i J ?R t

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' ] § § kI F imr

; f '0$*.ifT-'- ••': ' tia «SetwI Greeting . t o ' Hla - Friends

li tis ;

IlSfflSS!Done tbrooflb &ctoode,:,lWtli Dend

vwr ' *<''xi~>*SWV*itej-'.CTT'nTrTTT” -s*- , • *-*'.!/:r7*-" ,r

^V H .;V,ri4i;:r^iiniB; /pSlS'siR .-freehold;;.; <ivristenoBon''te :h e a d f te e .Oite.ctqiate

1 o T ,t h e J^ onm putU v Q o u n t /; Ifafnifers’'. E x c h a n g b /a t / th e , a n n u a l. ja e e U n g io t.th a t;()rg an lra tlo n ,;;te s tT S a tu rd ay i/a t

: ^ iB o lte p b r t q t ..“/riqasuroi/,; vj;./j N.

ipbtntoesV' hari-TiCraw' iind /g f i ln - fromN biem bqt'90;;i9 i'2 :tteN bV qtnlie5;3 .0 ,■1 9 IS , :ris ”$813,917.05,- /•'the-.um ouut bf sales o t- 'fe rtlliz e rs .a n d -.ctjemlbala w ns $144,057.06; T pe sa les o f-sw eet po tatoes, 'rgrass? aeed4 ,-parle : green; barrels ','' baskets, e tcl.'/am ou& ted^ t a . $i)4,93f.4 '8;vm aking .n 'jtqtnl/./ctf;:Jt,v

T kqpreaen t'?cap tta l”a tpck ;#aB glv-,

m rnnm S^MB 'M V i " v "


5: iwiHr u* ('M*n,.v J ' r Jj.f Wi/O? T v T / . rtr.vC; I

t e i i i |s i |® s S s l p l,iu " :riU T3iAr A a-

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?,'il&t!;’5w hbtejybb vr<5urid’u p ; life r and (Snrrenr;"Siifc/.Its?calrc, .............. ' ’ “ '■W

'V-»,'vVitnout ,a"'dl8tlnctlottvtb f r lp p d jo r tb

I t ;a m an :k a8-\yrpnkodrtae I/w an t h im" rt^tfbrglyeVip ?>; ’’,(A;'1'?,:

Aril ris;1$76;4S<f,'-'uni iricreafeZ of?$22B b v e r;'l:9l 2 ;':wheri' th a ■' cap ita l',; stock.'"2 ..,1 i»(?'ld'fte t'! .mkcTnsAo,n' -rxJ'iiTHa worn

N am ed .to j . t ^ o p e m to

W ltu 'O c ^ ^

O bserving jtjDaypd o f-: i i^ inycr 'fo r

i ’ossagb of rC onstltpilcxuil; Amend?h»;7 ';.w.p:A-.py-:-:dpdtUA •)?■'''■' '‘'ifm o n t toy/ NaUon-WldC; I ’TOliltiitlon

-y■ll‘Sf,+ ii-.p± p., . f. p.. A t t h e ,weekly;,'mebtlng of;,the N.ovy Brunswick-.; d U trio t'.p reaoherB i'M on- day m orn ing l i i lh o ' p a r lo r o f '. St. Bkuks .M.? E/'ChutokV'-.dcerfa Grove:-, hn'< add ress, on '.‘T ha L ite Arid .W ork_ 7 Vrf tt. ” t t 11 Uo. ,1 *,. w ■ — ■

' ThlB SUrnlus.yqibeil . to v.the.y. ?18,- fp;8i!s:qfi'Burplus::.;T

- Wql i b; - . . ™— : -VrieeUngdwa's -open1 tb - f th e ,, p ubllc;. a '.n u riib 'e rQ flu y m eria rid '.w o jn b n w u re . preSorit.il Tb’e, addreas.' glveh .witbout.. 'B bte3..w aB beard;w l^^I'V.’ irfrr:-Uriity»elU'anid»■ .inKoariViv777+:??


prcfltei-TS4,ob7!52/? 7 7 *^ A ta to e e .'-A iBiiviiMVl1A AZ Kv - 4 h «/ /4VTfthah /' !• h ilts atiy*'

trd a fta fe e fitto p d tte d ^ th a t^ n ^

iast;>year,tk e y ’vGxp^ti d e d - th i s ,,- an d , t h a t i a ll ;-’d» t

olieheS-vilf> - jf ox rtrade.'.?^ltli’>i,Vswev ;G*-;' ckang0;r:. T K a ^ i ^ i t g ^ « B l n e s B ^ c ^ ;

Yei\' r'i4-VAri.r4n: “«>'a ; ClVrtfoa''. fivfptin-'

774elai.'to,iiDoWpy.BP'':-7:':':7Bp Arid- iri aottie 1 kindlxiddOd bri p o rin lt:

AySS',', .^ d ;a to u C ' fCrHbe:'rwrerig , tb a t: : l did; Iryfe '& ^vibtjln tend-j'ijS^^^?- /7 (Aud eudeavor In f iitu rs n o t so torof-.

^ ^ i ( j ''? e R 4 ;s p e c Ia i .g r <e4tljSBlt»4-tadsy.Ji7h'ii>; ') . - *w.buld change ■•-•«--■

Ion grist/; d to f ^ '^ io f tw t tc h -^ J i ln t f e n t ; W as 'm M eC hclns 't,292 :m llC kS *-'d :.:j dyr'The afSraSo p rlco .pald the, farm er; t 6i 'p b ta tb e s* so ia ith fo rig h ”-,the;:.ex- clmrigC'thts. ydnr.w as.S l-B S p er bar?,'re l .ib r 'B l '^ .c e n ta p e r ib u sh c l .t r ic ta d - .;ing\Tpahd^.and;; rloh g ^ ,iip ta to es ..T aB ;('aVera'go'orlCe'::te r ; th e ,e Ix .y e a rB - ’ha5.hrien.:$l;8tf:-l-3/per b arre l. .Q ';?? /

iS;'gr'i-:.;Th.o ’Oceari, • Grb.vo> charter,_to p,' bor- ,;ftP,-^bugh'8 ' .wldarranfeo', •>; ftg-.-gtf' 7

$T*it$9!M cS IwQutd iiurply,defeat- Its great;]'p i'-w P ;4 7 7 7 P 7 7 :l

l t 'f t 'C h ao s;, of unondlng'-■' v ‘ j s t r l f q . v ..•(- ’ Site% A n'd;jfbrce.'- ad- pOBltlon— what?,., ; No? :.--?:C -y-hody-'knows, ‘ ,?• 'iP’Z. J7‘i' - , ^M yV v^qenfr'Ithat/its;.; o b Jecb 'fo t^ iB f : |d l l : ”v< riieso'r- ' . ' r i , . :-d'- i'j-'':'drYr:: :f;,^?"<5WprSbrfco-mtlko the /ch an g o ■■ a n d r th e :

’i hb.'.-th 'ptoqsB^.v ’M%

New Ftetnre fic ilililes Travel WN eivarkFrom Stibre,

' • r ' ' " -■ ■'iaa frS u n d 'tty j’m orilrig 'T hei'N ow ark.l1'^ 8^ w-.orldtrarisfer ,q£ th e C en tra l . rallraad. *.nt ‘ p te ' lril:-;’ 8 iie; died hom<

tiiIb-w as -form ally ' opened.*.:: T he ,...,! A . , t „ , t h

trilD gure.of F rahces'E d .W illard . I t is a tiltin g 'm em o ria l of; a w om an w ho ' iri' .horrday-’iHVed 'a holy U fe ,, an d o gavci ih e f 'itiia «>'.' a tren g th - and -.rahUlty to iipakq r ’-v - -? -'•■t. -_■. --u.1

ound ...... ..: , , .J |, . ...„ ...... ,.„ ,,.. -,' ‘‘Shb la knalvn as-ii-temperancG ro-,

.'WESitylA flB , CflRNIVAL;dfinaoer Darvey PJosnlcg Ulfl Spee-

•J * (aele for Next Meslh; - * 'E -A .'- Harvey;- m an ag er/o f, tho As'-

b 'riry /T ark a tM etlc! grouridt!',:lp 'plan­n ing (rid: Icq carnival on: W esley ,lake fo r :tb e id tto r: p a r t .of j a r iu i r y . ,. H isId e a 'la to ;hav ri,a , Series ' o f : . hockey nVatihes and sk a tin g rprips {or, prizes. Mr, ,-.Harvey "will endeavor to ' secure " i lq t t i ’-Wbbd,/ of io n g .-B rp ric h ,' arid sevcfai: .o 'thor'. ripeod m orvela to'/glve- exhibitions/,>ii- aktttlng,-.;^-j.pj 7 v ■rParts'ot thto plan^^.undor/cohsldera-

,tton / h y v P ro m o te r ; . H arvey • pompye-. hencLs 'several races betd-een echool- hoyriA.of/'Montpbuth..- courity .: ' These .'wll$/'b.ri t:h'bVd-/ ori\.l/H ddy 'afternoon, Ja n u a ry 's ,9, . alw ays provldlrig,;- of ,'course,.;.that-'thorri.is. .sufficient.Ice,.on th a .lak e ;."A n d th e snm e n ig h t• th e re wfil (be /ri m asque carnival,- in w hich pliyljje’' shiitqrs, o f ; th e T w in, Z Cities wlUiIie iriskpd: to partic ipate . - Tv- • "-.A

':.V-IiUe!riot;u rillke ly :th 'k t,:it;JIr.-H arV, *a-..aV _-ee*.diAll

*V':|l&8?.e3n?0cfce.dv' tii a t : l> o tli ,i b I d e : o t tlioT akeiw lU bebriniantly/inum lnat-’ ed fo r th is everit; arid..that; there, w ill: r»H4-4nW, rtf t tho ftfl-

form er— aud shq w aB 'that. ond m uch moro: She 'w as a 'p h l l a n th r o p l s t ,

’-is■»'aj;-'.>-„»iri’Vn.hinV,»: «*_w ho saw / th e mauy’-’ovlls : w;hich-: at? fllc t soclety /and rifie irisp ired and. Ipd’ oii,. the” a ttack . • agairisT,, them . -She was-,tireless.‘gs'A /publlp ./speaker: rind' w rlt'er/. 'She.'-w fought e u t her,/g rea t /w.brk:/<lur!ng the/;tw enty. , :y e n rs . in /which*/ she/8 ,w as/i.p residen t; o f the,' .W oman’s ', . /C h r is tia n - .--;T em p eran c e . -Untori, arid lived; to see th a t , society .the- lafgost /body .of w /jm en ;> in /. th e w orld’s ; h isto ry . ','■-■■/,/,*. v -<?, . 'i ‘8h o /g q y o th e unlbn l t s / m otlo , ‘Tor Gocf- '.and'-./Hbmo ■ and r N ative L and ,?-./ ond / she '.was/'.-the// founder an d ; Urst prcalderit e f th e W orld'B Unipn. ; : , f ‘S h o 'g av c .the 'l//annua l'-m oflsagca fo r / t lfe b ty .y q a rs , .ivhich- touched / ori rf.any /rb fo rm s 1 b e s ld c s / th a t /o f .te m - . perancoy a n d :■ so u n d e d ,In-. 187.6, th e : rip te fbbWomatf'Suflfrage. arid ln /188S

v/ /'Phere- a re many, o ther, de ta ils of the? carn ival/w hich -Mr. H arvey ex-, pects/ to w ork o u f an d glvo to t l ie ; pnllUc lit a h early date, B"■MIKBAN IS ACQUITTED

PROGRAMK ^ P A u t t c m i r a


! .EAST SUNDAY:' r '

P a s to r In . J lo rn ln g Discourses on

“ Tho Jfauio o f Je su s” and a t N ight

o n "T h e A ngels’ - C hristm as. Song.”

Sunday 'School Exercises „Monday.

N ight an d Tuesday- A fternoon. ,

INAUGURATION PLANS 7 T 7 ' JlAelode Invlfalloa Jo President ’ WIU ;/ \ : f

1 son and Oihers ’ \ r '' 'r t

attended e rn o r’ wore'ed from tim e to tlm e to a r ra n g e 'fo b / .Vthe- lnaugurntlom o f.G overnor/F ie ld :?'','/1 et- ori:;’ " p *?- - them eet. -._ , . ,. . . . ____ .,,,

' The lnaugura tloh 'com m ittee ".do- : ." velded to extend a- special lnvitatlori. ■/ ',:/:',4ft PrnaMnri4 lUllortn fn ho ntnoMif In f. •': / V*1‘.

, A t .St.' P au l’s M./.E. - Church, th is place; th e celebration of th e 'C h ris t- mao/ /season properly began la s t Sun­day' when, a t both m ornlrig/ahd even-

U ulted S tates Je rsey , M artine also b e 1 specially;

ing w orship, the re w ererspcolill se r;':tho ' p a s to r,iE.ev. J , D. /BUle,m o h s 'b y .................... ,

and addAd m usic by th e chorns cholr o t yoiing, ladles. d irected by Mrs. H. G. ShreVe. A t ,the:/'//evening / service M rs. .-‘/Shreve; presen ted ./Schnecker’s Ca/ritata',"Tho Hope Of- the /W orld,” to the/m anlfe/at 'deUght o f: a la rg e au dlence,- ’: ' / '- » , ' / » / . ' '/ ■ T he topic of the m orning sermon by/- P a s to r B ills .was "T he . Name", of the/,C hristm as Child,’' / ' which- :' had - been .revealed fb/M ary, , to Jorieph and 'tq Jo h n th e '.B aptist// T he . diBCOUTBB wria i'basqd'.on th e ' te x t , fburid ; In: the' f irs t/,chapter/.-bf M atthew , the tweri- ty.?flrst verse— ‘‘T h o u-shaU call. h ls nam o Jesu B /'fb r h e 's h a l l .: save/-.,-his pcople. ftom th c lr sin:!:'/. I t.w as.con -

p ‘rac.tlcally:,cbm'pjeted./:'//Th'e /exercises/;a t noon; and tho o a th i '4rt-J.rtA fit, f«g/Tb,nH'sA;''',‘/h ;W llltihcep lace

s i

w om en/ she/w aa w lthpu t a rival. andXt/jz;/ "'L'l « i ' J m. nn ri Tinw. W of

Briilai /was/ fo rm a lly • opened.-// The 'jttrst, tra in ''- ffb ir i ''.N e w a rk arrived

nAnnhMorl wlHl ".ri>'

w o r ld , 'f o r u s a l l tohom eless 'h u t/.ib f/

i a r j S * js fle jVahiyjt fiullly ol Mar* 1 V dtrlng-Hts. Turner. derlng

t tPOiiis. B lv e r ' th eU ria l of Josepli;ti-li’ixLi'.,•i.ii’J.A'-/ n riiitn ^ ,'/ T t .nnlioD ;M briarlty; aU'as- WUUam ,J. Leehan,

for! the„: m u rd e r / .o f Mrs. Carolinerr,:lz_. T nirrtttrnnA nn.T iti-uer a t Lakew ood, on A pril 28, iO lJ.y/w ak.ooncluded w hen the ' ju ry , a f te r being o u t an hour: and. tw elve m inutes, 're tu rned a verd ic t .-q f .'not gu ilty /a t - 4,42, la s t ' Saturday- aftor- nbon.

T /oehan' en tered- 'the~ courtrobm th ree m lriutes beforo th e ju ry cam e iri./i' -He neryouBlyypushed hack , the . h a ir f ro m h is ?/forehead / and- .k e p t clasping m nd ' unclasping h is hands. H1& face w as w ith o u t color and h is eyes w ere : w idely opened and d is­

te n d e d .,/ '' A i.-i'V '"' / ■■'. ; "‘/.K- ;D :on the announcem ent ' o f . the

.'■mulct the, huge crow d, w hich cram - - ' — - n tr. the/

eluded-/by. th e speaker th a t th e re was* niflcance Hn ; a nam e, even;

m ittce, nam ed a t the second/ spM lafh;5/i;^ :;| seEBlon of th e , leg lslaturo -laBt sum-.':',: '.

a significance though I t m ay havo heen-douhted by so em inen t an au th o rity a s ! Shakes? pehfe' wbo affirmed? " a fbee b'y; any other/ nam e/ would sm ell/ as sw eet." A. nam e m eans somethirig; Jesus Is th e nam c h igh ovcr/all nam es; a Sa- vlorir. / /Jesus is jrec io u S ; to.'mfirikinu fo r;th e reason th a t H e l8 ,the*Savlour o f th e ,w o rld ;’ H oicam e, to- se e k 'a n d to save lh a t w hlchkw as loaf, -. H is m ission' was- to save 'peop le 'from th e ir sins, as declared ln th e tex t;; and / Je su e /C h ris t - alone c a n ; do .this, bo th ln th is llto and the: lite ; to come. And' because H e sha ll save His people, fro m th e ir sins It takes, aw ay the-nocosalty fo r ta p sinner to sacrifice, him self, as :do the heathen, to escape, th e co n g ru en ces /.'o f rile, w rong-doing. If/.C hris tm as m eans anyth ing , 'accord ing to: the speaker, i t ought to m ean an In terest on the Investm ent of the shed’blood of Cal-

th n t the .com m ittee . w ill , repOtT/ the;?;/'///? : p lan favorably. '/The' Idea' ,was;. sug-.:i,J';,;?. , • gested by Senatof -Johnson, / o f ':Ber?'/;/''!$';;-'j gen county.'.who w as preslderif'bf/HiS'vi^Jajvl Senate tow ard / the ;closo bf; /tD p^jS^Js1 ! ^ session.; / The com m ittee I s 1 m ade .up , . /“/;;, of .Senators Slocum , M cGlnnlsV-ana H ead, and Assemblymeri . Zlsgeri; •',/; v/i:.j,V.! K ays, and Richards.:/ M r./: Rlchafds./.'./J:'"/.:-,': who Is th e .'m inority leader In the,/ / '■/'/•} House, Is 111, and he was unable go to T renton on Tuesday.. ' . .

A lthough ; th e tim e. Is . h a rd ly ripe , , /for th e launching of a boom fo r the next D em ocratic; cand idate fo r C or-

I errior, friends of Senator. .JohifBon " / / a re qn th e job early , an d th ey ta lked /'■ ' ■: Of:this/| ~to r '

mod the ■ sm a ll'/ cburthousio to.;dbpV?V/'.'hurst , ln to ”v

-a ' horduglv.

fW ® :

|???K T ;^ a t./th o :e7 e8''th a t:w a n t:‘.chnnE

'SHb kshbul'd//sriridbf W /.mejwu'eu’/itD


T h o /n O w jra n s fo r 'W ilig re/%obmxniriuI«»t

• „ .th /thb./mriin: l in e 'o f t h q ' . ratlrq 'T h aT o n g /w a lt/ 'a t^ T jllz ab e th .'/n eces- ' sa ry uiider. H ie .b ld . ' m ethod;.-.w hen'..AZ-akn '-iVti-U A;! A n f.f.rin ni-t. vWlth - th e :

• ; D r; Jloaw/ell spoice ' fo r. 'fbrtyrfiyo.. lulnufes.-' The-.ad^ress'/was dlscusBed4."”I ; -ft il-"U V.-VVU-, i' V'.-VTVT- n r1 T\f •

dot?;v.-. b u rst . In to w ild ; cheering and •nppkyiso; arid, m any; porsons rushed to the, p risoner's box tb congratulate- h im .'/.’jLeehau/ asked ‘t h e ”justice for per/mission Jo address tho Jury, and -/ upon yiiis .requestV belng - g ran ted he

----- •- * ‘‘- i / u . L t ' . ' . a . ^ ' - t t ; ^ - , . A n i lX v i r in IT air .

by. Revs; Dr.i JV ,>Vti M arshniT and .Dr.

the lr 'T em arkstb .-ilye./m inu toscach /'/A '/com m lttee.'.w as/.'appoin ted/fr^^th e ^ ©etl^g'.-to.Vctfh^pBir$ik©'^^Tt'MvTM®tr Oeban'':^^//Gro.va;' 'S .^ tta ii 's // '// C hristian ' Temhorarice:/;Z'H

t y ::stra'ct‘'and//-Ferr'y;atfeot--/:ltvla',es?.

cbrinoctIahB /w lth 'Scrantoniarid:Squth Newi/ joffley. /tralris/:/ . ConnocUqri . w lll/

H e /a l sq * eXpreBSBd-,-1 .tlce 'M lnturn ' f o r ’ th.e falr/ancl im par- tlal>Tnripner : lri. ivhich ; ho h a d con-. dricted 'th e case. / Tho a tto rn ey s bn

'botlj-.BidBs; werq th ah k ed .h y h im tor • tbe>/c6ur/t/epus: w ay la ' w hich/ h e : and - th e /q th a r w ltnesse^ h ad been trea t? ;

"■/ o f i- z n ! ■ .The Justice' .'.thpri' d rdered.-.the.pfl-/ sonqr'to /‘bq .d ischarged.//.im m sdlately

Jlqu6i-’tra-nicXi I : His. -. t. h-^ifqojanfiysq&sstrixteg J o r th e tra in to go,'td LattewQQ'd.'/»‘-;L a te r L nahao w ent to;/Nriw/York’.','/whpra ,'he wfls a rre sted -' fo rjn to x ic a tlo n rV ; -j- --

r'r ‘ . B A SItETBA LL SOHEDUl/iE ‘ .But, .C ounty , S uperin tenden t M ost --------

, —. ' —- . . a-.Sw,.'--,.,-'t.,;. ' - ' xfanm rer; H a s ' -A rranged':a


Give U p F reeho ld Jo b . SI/ ' / P f of .J o h n E n ito h t ; :c o u n ty B u p e r - ln tcn acrit/ 'o f/8Cho01a;:re'coivQdnotlc'A In o tS h tu rd a y n ig h t .o fh lo .re a i) p o in t- '

h is,possibility, Tuesday; T he Sena V ».* .. h a s the; "bee," an d th e re -: are'/ >/■' ./

m any influential,': D em ocrats w ho '/ / / '' th ink he would m ake a form idable - //•?/nom inee because of h is pubilc/ fee l -■•''-:"'zA='- J ■.ihoo-or<I. This Johnson discussion was/ of course, only, friendly talk . . ■ :• '///


vary. •..... . .....A t n ig h t R ov, Mr., B ills preuched

"The,, A ngels’. C hristm as Song.” Owing to th e lengG i/of, th e musical exercises ,-the • serm on was brief but lntlrely,..lri keeping .wljh th e Christ­m as sp irit; The text was taken frpm ,L uke - 2, ,xlv ------ 'h ighest, on tow ard mori;B ills said, heav en ly ’.' i unto- GodIs, th e au thor...............t io n ., (2 ) -The glorious

Township Stwcr Assessments Due z Oie-Thlrd Each t u r

|“®Ttiullf V. Lawrence,- a tto rney to r ■ ihe N eptune 'fownzlilp 'Coiumitted, has affirmed a rep o rt m ade to - 'th ecom m ittee by Sewer CommjEsl/bher/ ;;: .:

Mon?;;.;;;.( 2 Jr!,'J;ne g lorious s u i w n - _____ ______m ont; o f m oro p erfec t harm ony one-th ird--of th e l r / tb ta l a'sBeBsm'erit./' ' ?- am ong m en, "P e a c e 'o n ea rth .” (3 ) each y e a r 'f o r / th ree Tlio com forting proclam ation of co n tra ry -to w hat was generrillv un-

Heaven 8 /a ttitu d e tow ards earth , derstood to have' been th e m othod of . Good w ill tow ard m en.' The.'song paym ents, w hereby the p roperty" of th e angels w as an expression of owner's | believed paym ents w ere o ik

------------- K.r, v,|rxo* rtf -----trio Joy In heaveir over the com ing of t lo n a l .x t i tb .J h e m ^ ,a iry tim e d u rin g th e ftedcom er of m en .' W hile men the specified period. ...... . _h a v e 'h a J visibns of th e .su p ern a tu ra l, p . Acting on Mr. Xmwrence’s (^ c e < f •.. - »•' '_x.: zt_* >ka(w'.Dnptf I Collector W alte r.-H. -G rava tt ?will-tho B & e T f lg 'watching th e ir flocv Collector W alter ..H. .G ray au :wau- ^ & t e m ' s : p lalp w ere specially haverto

.Buiu,, yv*?“ .L M jA Ja rii '' v Phrk-

c q n ta ta e d iH 'O '.te , ^nanim qrisly - con??

'tirinv-;, ;V / n - ^ P u v r z ^ ^ - u s o r rae 1 k«ra0 ’.; " “r3L CR ut ^ ; r .

i Jr:.r-Krt'nSrtKfrtl 'mnM' ta lRA'#iA”At, :E.l'i;>. .. w . ,rvxKvr^ x. l, ---- ___ , , .'-Elatloriklp/belngkor/erile^/^eari

vt-'LiV-“ - • riiJzUvT.A»niS: A« V > i < t » ?'i'Coo.'

liS m riilr ite lj t ife tirb ^"'.supoi/v-lplng'prlnclpal'.qf' th e /E re e -

A a' aTxV»iftlo; a /nKRitToh.'.ho h a 3 /h e h

htgKp,choal,'.at:'/'homQ;.A/:Mate^Ip .^ » '|B e g ln n e rs '- ,/P r lm a ryRIdGr-M oorc?Stewart'scKobl;of/Tren-:,ton. a t‘-h o m o .' , . ’■■ ,"i ’■

koTa” och'oolc,aa‘ poslU qu/he haa/helfi,|,.:-.;the;hom ft;-Eatoqs^^ B lriW ke/euactknenV o’f thri/law^^^^^^ ' — “ ' n-.-A-. Ashurv:i 0 gA t j^t tt <14: J

Page 4: iiscre® w$ St/n Wfi-1 ^narjers af icccfidljJ,^' MM. · 2014. 4. 8. · mm mm.,V O L U btEijW E W TY -Q ^Et InO ! 6 2 I ^ O C E A N : G R O V E i N E y t f I J E R S E Y i J ?R t

. Molly Dearborn’s father signaled the trolley car a t the corner of the village atreet and helped K itty Baker up. the

.; high step to one of the front seats.: ‘‘Thank you, Mr, Dearborn; good night,” cried Kitty, waving her hand as he sw ung off the moving car.' ■ vff /

“Good'night,’- he called back, adding to the conductor as the rear of tiff ca r passed him v “Please le t th a t young lady off a t Belmont s t r e e t”

The conductor shouted back some answer, and th e / ' alm ost empty car whizzed a-way into the darkness of the Bnrroundiiig country.

“Grandm other will scold,” she thought, turning up the CQllar of her coat and .lifting her. face to the strong- breeze that swept through the open

... car. “She will tell me th a t Bakers and W itheram s alw ays rode iii their own carriages and th a t no lady returned home unescorted from any m errymak­ing; But we are quite poor now, am i.

• our days of splendor are past. As long as I work side by side In the same office as Molly I m ust use the same vehicle th a t she does.”

K itty smiled a little as she thought of the. errand- that had taken her to Molly's that August evening.. •Molly was to be marriedv and K itty had gone

: out to Hornedale to see* all the dainty details of the trousseau and to discuss* the simple plans. She was to be brides1 maid-.When Molly w as; married in the Village church.

'JMie conductor thrust a oujloused. blackened palm under her pretty nose, and K itty fumbled for a nickel and paid it. The bell jangled several times; then there was nothing save the Hash

.. of the car tow ard the city between walls of green trees on either side of the track.

Thinking of weddings reminded K it­ty of one th a t might have been hers if her pride had hot Caused her to break tro th with Len Thoruieigh when the Baked fortune went to smash a t her fa ther’s death.- It had been Len* a first year a t college, .mul he had cfiufed bit­terly because he, m ust w ait three years, before he .could leave and support her, H e ' wanted to break oil and go into, his fa ther’s business without complet­ing his college career, but the great

^magnate had demurred and held Len to a promise made years before. \

Kitty, had no t •Seen Leii since she had

She closed her eyes. • mid; the ' Wind blew little to,ldi-iis of her brown hair over her white forehead. A ’ ■

A hot breath on her neck roused her distantly. ./

“M ight as well be sociable.” sald r thick, voice behind her, jiud she turned to Uud th a t the solitary pjisseugtM* had walked along the running board and taken A sea t back of lierV’?*I)on!t cjirc how long ; we v ktay .: do • ypu^” / Hi? laughed recklessly, inn) K itty sat-there, frozen /with horror. . ' • ./; I f the coitduetor or. the motbrinai) would only turn around?' ;.

“S’pose-\I ■ might as well sit bbside you,” mumbled ..the,, tnati us-lie essayed to climb over the sont.. “Please don 't;’*' cried Ivltty. unaw are

ofj the sharp teri’br iii lier voice,

t aeitt ' h iuf ;*ffiiif ti'tiei 'le tte r tha t madeBim' see light a t last. N othing-but

. cruelty Would have opened bis . eyes. She closed her eyes now ,'and a stran­gled sol) rose to her lips ns she thought of the last three years of- waiting.

- They stopped tit n little hooded sta ­tion and changed conductors.- -Kitty Balder never knew It. She sa t there drowsily, her face very tender, think­ing of Len Thornleigh.

•The bell ringing up fares roused her a little, and she groped for another Qve cent., piece* There was nothlug left in her. purse save a silver quarter. She held i t in her* gloved .fingers, waiting for the. conductor./ W hen lie cam e she did not look up.

H e leaned acrpas .the interveriing space and held out bls liuiid.

K itty sta red down a t the hand. It . waff very different from, the hand of

the Other conductor.' This was a clean.,brown, m uscular lookiijg- ‘hand, -withwell; kep t,na ils and a plain gold, ring off the little finger. «

It was a. fumillar Uand. A suddeiv horror smbte K itty Baker,- and sliq th rust forw ard the silver quarter. Somehow it spun away out Of her fin­gers and went into the darkness.

. “Oh.”’ she cried sharply. “1 haven’tx another .|tenn.v with 1110!” Then she - , look(»d into . Ills, face and saw that if

the hand Was the hand of Len Thorn- leigh the face certainly belonged to the son . of the g re a t . financier. His

■ eyes iny t hers uncertainly, •' steadied ■.and became lilts o f ‘.gray agate, - ‘ v

I t could not he, Leh.-for he did not recognize tier. ; It was u wonderful re­semblance.

“T hat was all the* money 1 had.” apologized Kitty, “ W hat shall I doY”

**ypu can [ia.v me another time.” he said gravely and touched his lia). He rang up her fare and w ent aw ay to the back of tbe car.

K itty sa t paralyzed with surprise. I t was Len Thornlelgh’s voice she bad beard too.• H er good kense told bet* th a t this was absurd—to Imagine th a t this trol-.

')ey conductor could lie Len Thornieigh! Why, Len drove arouml In his own high power motorcars, and she had read only the day before th a t his fa­th e r was building a g reat country

/ house atfrlnrbloliond.; .T he car, whistled shrlily as It w ent <Iown*the steep Incline th a t approached a narrow bridge over the little river. As they rum bled over, tiff bridge the car slackened speed and came to A mid-’ den b'tpndfttlll n t jtlm sam e In stan t.tha t thd llghts went out. . , i'

;^ ; T he: conductor’went forward and sat Vw»wn'-'with’/ilie. motofman.. T.hey talk*; • ed-\together in ’ hffv. tones. Kl f ty look- i;ed back.through the ear and saw 'one.^m an.sitting alone on the rear seal) H e /appeared to be asleep ;ilthough I16, /s tir re d as slic jp tikeci.n t.hhn.- -

diuief; tiietffwaltiug/Tor* /faff.pqw.eff to; rut 1 ffii /tp 'tiff, irofiey .‘ cn

A d a rk , form sw ung 'into'a*Jew from the fron t platform; and .the raotorman th rust his head through the open front window. ’;

The conductor pushed the loafer- bnck into the seat and hustled him into tlie rear-of -tho ear. “Stay there,v be ordered sternly, “or T il pu t you off r-undersfaiid?” ; \ ;•'•••.•■•

The loafer grumbled himself into nn*. easy slumber, iiud the conductor came up and stood a t the end of K itty‘a seat. K itty could see his form out­lined against the open.qnd.

“ 1 am sorry, he frightened you,” be said courteously. / “ I should hot have left Ihe • car only I thought iff .was asleep.’’ . /•; •'-> ;V: '

“I t ; is no 111attcr,” trembled Kitty.“Must we w ait loiig?” : ; :V .- -.- “ I cannot say. There, is. something

wrong at the power bouse. The serv­ice has been poor all clay;”. H e s a t down on the end of h e r sent, and removed his cap. •letting the-wind, riiflle his hair. l ie did hot addres's her again. • / '

K ilty knew that lie; was sitting there to protect, her; niul she left ff.grateful s tir of. warmth a t his (houghtfillness. It was what .oiio would expect fforn a man tlidt looked so ;much likcr Iffii Thorhicighl ;- • . — ■ ; -/

Suddenly he put iij> his hand aiid rumpled lils hail* In such a familiar

'm anner th a t K itty Baker overstepped’ the bounds o f conventionality and qx- c I aimed:

“Len!” .... *Like a tlash lie tuVued. tow ard her

and sa t staring. In that iustatit the light (la red u 1 \ and reveajed her face. Again they were in darkness, but he was sliding.along llie sdat toward her. “ k itty ! is It really votiV” he. asked hoarsely. '

“ W hy/Len. Len. it Is you afte r ull!” she half sobbed. . . - .

Sonieliow her hands were hi;lils and he was holding them tightly.* shaking them up and down. ,/

“ W hat are you doing here?” he asked brusquely, as. one unaccustomed to «ee- irig his wbinnnkind riding unprotected hi public vehicles at midnight.

Kitty, told him fninkly, finding a de­licious sense of. reliqf in talking to him. a g a in .. s ■

“Aiid y o u r ’ she asked a t last. “W orklng-rearnlng.. iny living.” lie

said.grluity. V • • > . •“Then you -are i>oor. Something tins

hiiijpened. Oh, Len, I am so glad!’; K itty’s voice %yns betraying. ■:

“Now th a t’ I am a wage earner you can tell me* if you.love me,”'h e sale) gently,

“Oh, Len, ;of course I do!” sobbed K itty 011 his shoulder, and the inutoi*- uiaii discreetly turned lils back" upon them.

“And you will m arry m e?”- he asked, after an interval. . ,

“Yes.” she whispered, “if you can take grandniotlffr top;?': • : : /: “Of course. 1 wisli .t jiere Vveremore of you to take, uncles and eOpslns and a u n t s . l i e chuckled * guy ly, theii ftiul-. denly: “ But- how abmit iny father’ - money ? Yon- hate the stuff;”

“Yes. In a .way, only I felt I could not hold you. -to y o u r .promise when T was so poor, andr-and—I thought you were .ivovUing/for, your living. iib\v.v K itty drew away from his aim s. ' .V v-

“I am. When you drew th a t line against, m y; money; 1 went to father and told him if I V en t through college I /would earn every penny, myself. 1

LOVE THEIR-PAJAMAS.Englishmen 8 aid to f a k e a belight- In

"W earing T hem • Publicly.;'/•W riting from South;‘Africff ajioul; the

sights ‘ to b e s e e n f f ii ?• th a t eoilntry., BW. Howe in his monthly says:

“On the llne bet\\ffcii Butuwayo aiid a 1 is b u ry t here • a re / a ! goiip1 / liiti iiySa 1 is b u ry t h ert*. • a re ' a ; g o < m u h’y

towns, including o n e . built /■ ii round/ the best gold, iiifno In. tthbdeslu. / AiVd bpyv; !he v tople turned oiit to see rfie; train .•ome In! At one place We ^estimated tb u tjh e re iniist have been 5tMiit round the Hiatlou. • / >?/-•

"TruliiM travel over the line oniy two or three times a week, and people Reem to come fro in great distances in the country td see the tra in s , go by/ But beiweon the stations theie were millions, o f .acres of- liiiid as wild-as If wus In the days of Adam. . •.. /.

“Early in the morning bur English passengers walked about in pajam as when wo stepped, ut stations. English ineu love . that sort of thitig. / At Vic toria fiiIJs they visited the ita In forest in pujnmas. und In .lohiinnesburg 1-was told tbat on Sundays and holidays pa Jamas a re worn around houses and yards, until lunch time.

“Englishmen* show their pujiunas so much that I cordially hate that partle ular form of nlghtdresH. Englishmen have the sa m e ' passipn for running around In pajam as that American boys have for running around In basebalj8UitS.” ;. s '/ : ./> .v/'


, w /g n o r W orship.-• <—There Is no . sneh ''WpwlUji>/of /n a - . tlonal genius in America' a t 'p re T a its abroail,’’ Haiti u racenLIy rafurnetV tour- ist. "la G erm any/for iriHtaiice. a t the .opem the acale of prleea vurles uecord-. ing to . the . eouiposer, • W agner, .of

; course, com m anding-the top notch ad­m ission.. , Blit, th e most. Ipecttii'ac/jfea- .

;ture oi thls. muslcal adoration is th a t it aiTccts the tollets. as well.s , With tbe elaborate gowning o f ra. Nety York audience in mind, I approached, oiir landlady as to the. propriety of appear­ing a t the opera in such a m akeshift c o s tu m ers my tourist wardrobe afford­ed. ‘It'depends,entirely upoii the .<jom-i poser; you' intend to hear, fraulein,’ was-her.aBtonisliing reply,'-,-Tor sbn)e your present attire, would be perfectly prop et, bu t if i t is the great W agner you arc to hear’— , She Broke off, but an expressive shrug of tbo shoulders' told plainer tlmn words th a t . i t Would bo an affront to ills' ashes to appear in anything- but tbo moat stunning and np to date evening gown.*’—New York Tribune.

No. 23 South Matin St., Asbury Park* O p p o s ite M a in A V cn u e G a fc s , O c c a n G roye . v )

. ’ / , A Fgll Line of:

It 8ees an Object by Piecemeat and Not a t a Glaricoi * C , .

The eye doen not take .In. an -'object a t a glance, but piecemeaI.; ; It follows the outline of the object, but-' does ff) by jum ping from point to poinrvin an irregular iminner. never twice alike.

In look! 11 g a t a large ,circle) for itv fttance, the mbveuient Is not. regular, the, gaze passing from point to point until a complete riiental Image\of the circle is; formed, even though the per­son undergoing tlie tests s ta rts a t the top of the circle and attem pts to fol­low; its outline all around back to the sta rting p l a c e ; S u c h ocular, move ments* are so rapid that one Is aw are of l hem

Proof of the ' irregular movement of the eye; may be provided; according to' the ,Optica I .lotinut I a ud Revie w, by meuna of tile tuot ion picture/ camera. A snin II. Wright fight is placed across the room,.aiid this forms a small image Ion the cornea of the eye. As the ey(? attempts, to follow tin* curve, q f; the test object the motion picture camera takes a rapid succession of views of the eye ink) itg bright spot. Then a comparison Of the resulting p rin ts and the position of the bright spots in each shows the ,movements of the eyeball in following the circle.

couldn’t., let th e girl I loved go out to work every day and be sueii a drone

; t)ff i t f y) y \y ? !<e(i'r s leepi J ,v) it 1 it I ;Wbji; •ydqreff/lf.. gf a lid tuojhey* w,ptk ti^Vtojd - very.r tn tt eh!. svijp vt''«ti e: refit rm^Vbofft oi

myself. He let nie do it, au d ^ I’yt done, all sorts o f things, K itty. T T lils trolle.v work Is fipe jtnd.’ cooj aiid healthy hi the- snuinier, t im e r . Ho laughed ii big. healthy laugh,

^Your—father—w as disappointed?” “Not In rln* least. Guess w hat Ids

Inst words were when I took this, job; K itty?” There w n s laughter In Ills voice. •

“Tdllnie.”. “ ‘Go out .and grtib for your living. I t won’t liuri y<)ii;—ff\Tid“ if -v o u -c a ir find tlmt lit -le glr' ol’rio iirs-rpaii Ba­ker’s ilaugluio’- just kidnap lier and tell her tho'H* is a big. lojiesome house waiting for her here.*'* Leifs voice was very ti*iider when he concluded.

“Anti grandm other, too?” asked Kit- ty weakly. .

R .... .....know all onv women folks have died,” said.Len in a Inishcd voice. / j ,j

“Len. I believe- you. need* usT whl.s- pered Kltt.v. and this tim e she did not resistAvhcii b |s arm s went aromid her.

Tlie lightsr (lured iij>'.again as. the power refui ae.d“ to stay now,' and Len w ent back to his, p.osf ‘ whl!<? tlie; car w ent 011. -inward I lie' ifity. Icav lng tho bridge •Iffhiml ihat • ihysMcnl ) bridge

‘ tba t lufd brought tbesc twVr parted-loy., e^s ,st> •stvnnfiidy- trget her again.- ..; •'

' The motdyinan glhm ed-: Iffalf jfnto the car. •’ ii.ty*s ijnpmh-blitfth-ing. fjice dre; 1 inlug tl'ere Ton? Miff)front:’ seat, • In* f f 'v -j1 !ic»;ii»e!gh‘s;,ffeamlngT count.eiiahyy'^M-*!he Iffy!;;fftrttfornf aml

. sen t h i in v*d 1; f f n deiv l iyhj 1 g vslgnii iffof* '• oqngrahilaMoiV/aiid yuffdfeHowTsbiji;}?X . ))V/ oi’! 1:0<CI* i 11•<I . y •

f-inWiiwf' HiA Vi • m*»V.v-’- )YIdr>(ii ip. * •'

Old French In Official England.One ihay not be Ignorant, perha[is.

tha t French, old French, remains as the la nguage used 4n certa bi- ro.Vn i proclamations I ii /Engliuid ■

So wlieti “tlie,-king’s assent” la giv en before l.tiy:; throne In -‘the painted cham ber’-- the clerk cries In the Ian gunge of our rather. “Le roy le veult,'* (“the king so pffases"). If the bfii th a t he is asked to npprove is a', money bill the .clerk adds after a profound obeisance. “The .king -thanks ,h.*.s good subjects, accepts their benevolence iiud is pleased.” The proylaiuation on a s­cending the throne Is preceded by tlie trad! tidnu 1 cn 11 of the. French ii era Ids of former times, “Oyez, oyez, oyez!”, Alas, tha t time has disfigured this old world or- our country.: and today tlieffphlegmatic / Eiigllsh hdrald- cries thrice to t h e : pfeopiO: "Oh.; yesl/ Oh. yes! Oh. yes!”-^Gri de Paris. AN

N onal Baths. v; ■ /,./ ■. :f H e was a gentlem an ' who was in Washington as a minister, representing 'Honduras. Diplomats. : nccording tii the popular; coil cep tl on, a ey er; sky the wrong thing. They are; believed to-be the; delicacy of language/- and : the finesse o f voca buInry. This purtlcular diplomat en tered . an uptow n; barber* shop In Washington and got a isiiaye after* he had explained what he want­ed in words, which, were^ more full of accent than of Uiiency ; / . . • / /•/- “Now. sir.” said the burlier briskly “can’t wc give y<ih a Turkish bath.”

“N Oroyj ry | >1 icd the in ii n fro m Hon- duraa. ivltn. sor/ie hesitation'. “ You see. I'm no im T urk ’’ -P opu la r Mugn*; zlne. '• '

Pl.inls ahd Electricity.The Idea/j11, growing plants' by* elcc*.

•rlclty Ihis.heen referred to as the “ last cry*: in gardening and fioriculture: but.

- a s-aff m 11 rr'r-ot*TnI’ t r r h tr ld ua j s ucrffly- a ydbpli* ot ooiit a ricff old. Ah long ago us;; 1 TffT; -eject rl e I ty ./ lift a n -.'a Id to / p i ii fit* cafjlvatlon. was advocatedTby u writer in the old Gentlem an's .Magazine, ^who nieniioncd 'tlie^Jistoundlng results he had achieved fntrn electrifying n ffiyr tie si*veutc*en times.—Loudon TltiB its

• j ' . v .A Thackeray Slip.V / ., Thackeray, asked Lowell to point out candidly any error of Queen Anne English In the novel “ Henry Esmond.", Lowell askedLowell asked - tf people used a t that time, the phrase “different to,” ; T

“Hung ii all!” crigd-Tlmckeray. .“No'.y course they (Ildnffl'V’

■ HrAWR thfl' I'inM Tkala ‘Draws the Line Thcr-,. .^Il'.tliu.-world| iovos jrldvaf;--Wiiidtert.'

wIbd jrijy. , ■ ' 'toe. wlHi' guj;./Xe?V:liiit It Bnte'a, to /b u y w o il t i in /

preseutH ; for 'lilta,;' .added' the •

• . - When T hank , Were Given.*Many S’enrs ago n noted chief o f tha

tribe of- Chippewa Indians while hunt ing wounded n deer and fojlotVed i t for miles; The chase Tvns long und very severe,’and the Indlnu w as fa the last stages.of exhaustion from fatigue and lack ,of food and w ater wheu lie found lilmself on the top of n wonderful raouutnin, a t the foot of which nestled n" benntlful lulto crystal clear. . From the surface of; the lake trout- leaped

i and upon the shore lay the deer he. had hunted. H ere were food, water, flsli nnd fuel for cooking.

Italslng hla hand and facing the set­ting sun, the exhausted chief exclaim ed, -Tsh-pem-ing,” wlileh in th e Chip­pewa tongiie menus “heaven" or "the place op high.!’ . ' , .

The, story wns remembered, and the name given by the Indian was adopted" by th e white se ttlers when the present city of Ishpemlng, -Mich;, w as formed —Ladles’ Home Journal.

Inexperienced.In a boarding house for ljhcbelors

Amanda, n typical “mummy," looked afte r the guests’ comfort In true south­ern style, so well th a t one of the men thought lie'would take her aw ay with him In the sum m er In the capacity of housekeeper. Toward spring he w ay­laid her In the hall one dny-and said:

"Mnndy, do you like the country?”- Mnndy reckoned she did.

“Would you like to go a w ay with me this sum m er and keep house for me?” s , - .

Mnndy w as sure she would.“Suppose I g e t a bungalow. Do you

think you could ta k e ‘care of It nicely by yourself ?”

Mandy gasped and rolled her eyes. “ ’Deed, no. tnnssn! Reckon you all

hetter get somebody else; I don’t know nothin’ about ta k ln ’ care of any, an i­mals.”—H arper's Magazine.

• Antiquity ;of Nagging,No. if you are nagged you are not

alone in your experience. _Nor iirc the ungged persons of this ago tlio. only nagged persons of any age. • Nagging is an old custom. The)- tell us th a t Adam. Job. Socrates, Aesop, Leonidas. Mncliinvelll and many mole distin­guished liistorlcnl personages were vic­tims of nagging. This proves tbp an ­tiquity but no t the wisdom., or the respectability of nagging. And if it Is as old as i t is claimed to be let. it craw l nwn.v som ewheio to . die. T Por. come to think of. It. nagging, Is ju s t as hurtful to the nagger as it la to the nagged, So‘ why In jure 'ourselves for the purpose of in jurying some one else? Samson did thut, you know, when he pulled down the temple of Gnzu and broke, ki& own hnck. R ather a ' poor example to follow, eh?—D etroit Free Press. ‘ ‘ - V ■ f - ; ' ■ - .'V

Wrote In Bed.T,"Mnrk Tw ain wrote nearly all bis Inter Uboks in bed. So p e rs is ten t/a “sluggard” was he th a t Jie had. a spe­cially contrived bed-desk fltted up so thnt .he could w rite , w ithout trouble or exet'Uoii, while propped ; luxuriously, among his pillows. • H e used to ayer th n t m ost of his best thoughts cam e to him in bed 'and th a t the trouble und worry of getting u p , , shaving vand dressing dispersed .them , all and .loft, lilm hi. no mood for commencing his iiternry labors. , H e ' was of opinion th u t bed wus tho very best place, for the author, nnd he ncfed upon his be­lief;: '

Careless,H ave you made a special study of

Die subject on wblcb yoii aro goliig to "TectureVV !■;: ' .

“No,” replied the gifted speuker. “ I tried th a t once, :and I gdt flOjinterepted ■ lu the su b jec t.tha t I- didn’t, luivc. titne to1, w rite the lecture,’’ — AVashingtqii Star.. ■; T':--'... '■ V'l'V-'j.aV'"./''.

- j ;Man’s Lovo For Wo.-.mn" I f a rniiu ‘ilp jc s-a w ouiaii-for hei':

looks he will love: her f i i / j ly e ' yoiirs:: If lie loves .lierjinlnd lie (v|ll “love, lior for to n , y# jrs, " if liu .l.qycs'/i.lior'vwaya he will dpvejhor

hollAiiVns mliAn / l i , i ■«t,,a ii: tl , . ,*.

Automobile SuppliesFully Equipped for / ’ : / j

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proved the best'rem edy for children while teething.- "BE,SURE YOU ASK FOR

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George G. Pridhani& Brother

PRAGTIGrtl-P a in t e r s f f M

T h i r t y y b a i^ © ' B x p .o r l a n c o ; l o / / ‘;^P a l n t l n f f S e a e h o r o P r o p e

/ 5 7 B m b u r y r t v ©n u ■/:/ff-/ n r . F . a N c d a v f •

L o t ’ U s E e t lm o tdo o n /■ ' -/■ffY o u r N e x t o b P h d h o '4 7 7 " ^ :

Christmas Hvaienewhile not generally included in th e , season’s', festivities, ■ is nevertheless a Triost importarit' factor in 'househblfl economy. An uphto-date' hatli-robin :‘anS- lavatory is ,nof.longer, to . be) considered; an expensive lux­ury, .Improved, jnei hods of

A. L. E. Strassburger ;'' 42 Pflgrlm Pathway -Oeean Grove, N, J.Telephohu J.74S A sb u ry ;,, , ‘

r » « h C s r o c e r

manufacture .have greatlj' re- duce^.‘ jheii/,hpst;//Ai; ^mas 'xiresent': to . vour, fai _ : : n V . __________ _ •__ ± Walter C. Parkbp

Page 5: iiscre® w$ St/n Wfi-1 ^narjers af icccfidljJ,^' MM. · 2014. 4. 8. · mm mm.,V O L U btEijW E W TY -Q ^Et InO ! 6 2 I ^ O C E A N : G R O V E i N E y t f I J E R S E Y i J ?R t

U ''com' a iw'&f on % mmii

He Faces Many Trying Ordeals , J n His Early,.Exnerience. ; .


Tribulations of a ; V ete ran -S ta r Who v /Sta-Md I With a. -'Swollo Head'

y y ./d n d 'G o t'F ired an d T h en Worked HI■ Way Back Into J? ib-Cm iany. "

' ln ;!• dJ.'f k nn Maguzlri igh j; :FnlWrtoa - w rites ah, article entitled ir^Ehq M aking-otk Big Longucr.” ..i t ls; p a . t r u e sfory- of tbe 'developtnent of ono'

o t, tbe g rea te s t, boll players. - in “ the , j,/U nited; sta tes; a s told by. .blmsolf to

Mri F u llerton . Thls.plnye;r, or,'course, 'ri began the, game .its a boy and’ passed -.th rough all,tho stages from a&ateui-.to v miho'. league teams, und then ln to 'tb t

big-league: In this early Sxperleuse tie bedrimo a great victim of t h e ’'swelled, head," hit the first bqll pitctled wben..

. h o ’.vent to bot.after being told to w att for tw o strikes and finally lost.his' posl-

• tlon o t die big league team, -After many vicissitudes be lost his -'sWelled, head” : aud got. Into: the -big league

. again, .where today nt -th lrty-fou- r .y ears of age. be Is one/of the great- . yeterans of . the game. .' Or bls llhai en-' trance Into the big league he says:. ? .

ri- v " ln ;Ju n e I was purebased for a large sum ty , the club w blcb.lhen-w as. the strongest lb the country I didn’t say n Word .about money, although thecliib paid over. H/UOP for me. The new idn:onger.sat^jdow i; with me- in the hotel tbe algbt-l Joined bis team.

.; ‘All, I w a n t ' he sufd. i s fqr you to ; get out there nud hustle und behave

yourself. I've heard you’re barcb to tlandle.- bilt (111 take a chance.' '

•• ‘You won’t have any trouble-w ith ne.’ I assured him. 'All -I w a n t 'I s a chance to show t tint I can play ’

'Yoh’|l gut all'tny cbaui-eyou want.; he snld quietly. . 'You’re lh the lineup CoSiorrow.

"Sfagi- fright! Did you aver' etsffer ItV I did th a t night, ily -herves were jumping, and n thousand 'tim es T flgZ ured out plays—yes, and made tb cm - ln planning whnt I would do the next

, day. . ' " s i '■'•; /"W e were plu.vlng a game against s ’

team 'w hich we figured we would tinvs" - to 'b o u t out to win the championship.

I pictured myself .hitting home runs and making triple plays, and when 1 (woke In th e morning J was nervous, ri shaky, uncertain sod-scared bull piny er. In practice before.the grime every­thing Hit m y-waj 1 either fumbled or

! threw -wild, .ns my nerves were rngs The crowd seemed to be sorry for me

_ when,they weren't: mocking. It was a rqilef wtlglV tbe game started.. "

”1 was second at bnt.lt! tbe linen; on u fbreigu Held nnd with ii hostile;

.. crowd roaring The first man filed oul .'Walt him out. Take two.' said the manager as I picked up n b a t Tlie first pitched-ball cut the heart of tin­plate I Buw It t i l the way .up and kncw .it would have been easy to bit It hard, ye t 1 let It go Strike one.' the umpire .yelled, and the crowd bowled.1 wus coo| U3 « Boston east'w ind. Tho

. second ball caipe wliizzlrig up straight over the plate with, nothing on Ii. arid I.lte iied to hit It. yet let St go for the second strike/ ' / ■

"Tlfen I settled, to iiit, expecting a curve bail T he 'curve went wide. A fust otii went high and wide. 1 figured th a t ,the pitcher thought lie had ri suck e r a J bat. nnd would curve- one over! He/crime with a fast ball h foot ftlgb. and I sw ung a t-ft and struck o u t My,/ heart; nearly got spiked as it-sank Into my iocs going back to tbe bench.

'• 'T h a t's the.hoy.' said, tho manager. '/•W alth im o u t Make .him pitch.’,.V: “ i coal'd have kissed him for those

words I went to short with my nerves stcpdy. and , my system ' full of confi­dence. The first ball hit w as a s ta le r

- over, second I got the bail w ith one . mind, and there w asn 't a chimes to

throw the -runner out IV • stopped to straighten up. so 1 threw without Iddk-

;• ing nnd without; waiting arid -plunged ’forward onto my face.' Tbe/yellrifrom tin- .crowd told inc th e 'f irs fb a se m n n had caught I t ' a n d 'a s 1 .scraped the

-mifeof my; eyes /rind tro tted -b ack ; -to positlon I 'e lt t homo * ,.

, >5 wasn’t clt -• elated, bt th vij-iintldonce th a t had carried me th rough ' 5 the liiihor leagues cam e back with • o :.

:fi in r ( . 'i< i i l f n n u 1 x t i n a ' i f f / i r i o :. v I w n a n \

H ow .to.R oad 'thoM oon.Few /people-' c an '.te ll a t n glance

w hether the moon Is w axlug o r wutw Ing. ,; H ere- is ri whimsical rule to , re­member by. I t is very simple to those who know Latin and Is riot* difficult/

dor: those wjio do. not. Tho first thlug In io no tlco iw hether, the m odi is like .. D-.or a O—th a t Is w hether the full Semicircular curve Is on the right or the lo f t . -If the moon shows a D ,th n t naturally. stands for . decrese it “ I t wanes.” :

.But then comes Iri'the great principle “The nibon Is always, deceitful," and one tin s to understand the ; opposite of W hat tho moon says, so th a t ,a 'm oon which 'shows a D Is waxing moot, whijo a w aning moon Is-llko ri.O.■ Those w h o . boye no Latin 'will no doubt look/ to see, w hther the inooit says It Is “decreasing,” In wlilcli case' they will understand th a t It-Is waxing, While, a w aning moon will deny th a t itlls ''decreasing." -Now'York Sun.

/vri^d/U itbitbuU ltokeLnrid.w ^heSi.; He whipped n?curve lnsldo .th e pinto 1 pri'tciided.to dodge aud let tlie ball b it '

vtriui. H kl? t*ar^ utid i squjrtiied,' but ns .‘-.tliel uitituigcr bent over trie I. winked At iVhlml'iind.-'Ibttlng. him .lift-me. V.limped;i-vrin-mnf i/i . #1 rbik?-it nri nto OO/Vtrtri '-Vtn '-1 h»!

i , An Old T im * Merman. -'.''iiihuraqEiBg'anti 'detiilleaiaccbujsrof s : m en iian 'seen -in tile Atlantic,, w ritten appnreritly In gv^d fnltli, ends wlfh tlip

; ro]lowiiig <lescrlr*-ion of .tlie' irionHter,' Which; may puHslljly have been a 's e a l, or ri s'en-llori. " T h a t m onster is/abont..- .eight; feet, long,. his skin ..Is; broffnYuul.; taw ny .vw lthon taiiyscn iesf.a ll'ih lsm o-: tious a re 1 like tliosc. of iuon. tlie, eyes nre a . proportionable,- size, - A , l i t t le ' mouth, • a ifirifge ahd tint- riosei .yery ' W hlte-teeth;’ b lack -h a in an d ch tn /co v - '

/ere'is"/wlflifJib■i.riiossy-.,:b.cafdj-:.-u:'/sbrt,l,-'of-' whiskers .under t l ie : nose. the 'ears 1 ike;

.•'tfioso'-oiE trieri; 11ns betweon the. fingers of '.his;, bands • rind ? feet like, those; of;

;d'ieks.; InrA ':word.'l ie js ,a .w e ll• shaped •man. . 'Wlilfch /Is. certified tq- be true by CnRtniri: .-Oliver .//.Mo’rSK'iiariiJ , John

"Martin,' pllot. /rind by th e w hole/crbw v ^.consisting bf tw oinnd-thlrty mcn.'"„(Aii, article from B res t; in/Trevojix.” ’ T h e ; monster, was .mention/ ed ' ln 'Uie Qnzette of/.Ams'terdam./.O/et- .12 1725, where, I f is said, i t .was seen •/iri the - ocean, in August- of the sairiu'- yciit— St. Louis Globe-Democfnt

TTioy Were Fined or .Boston For .Not' . - ; . Roach Ing a V erdict/. cy ■ . ,? /N o t/nlWays enviable. Was 'the. lot of /Ike ibid ' tim e' Juryman, /for .there? was 'always../'the prosprict/'of trouble, if./tiie /ycfdlct dld not-grattfy ' the higher pow- ere.‘ ;T h u s the/fallnre of a ju ry to cbn? vie; Sir .Nlcliolns' Tbrockuiorton. liiadc ,Queen/Mriry /''lll for three days,", uud slle cauic out'/ of h er, sick/ chamher to; fine th e ' disbhilglrig Jury ' (nleariwhile, jdufined /lri prison) the sum o f $iu’.(HK) j u hend.

; / Elizabeth /followed th e ' sam ep l|ip /' nnd.?the prnot|ce of Qnlng/ Eagllsh Ju- fles dld no t.cease uhtll 1(170. . when a-

, fine liifllctcd.by, the • notorious / Jeffreys was: rescindecl on appeal. ' / c.; / . ,;;■///

V-' Iri some/old ..tkue' ''eqrirts of • q u a rte r , sessions" -the ' Injunction' tb lily their

■-heads- together had to he i carried /out L y /ju ry m en .ia illte ra ijp ah lo n . AVber. they, began to consider th e verdict they /

_|vere ' supposed to dlVe' beuestii the • level o f tbe jury box iind reinaiu in th a t cramped posltiori until" a decision was reached. ? '

Mennwh|le tbe court - usbe- stood near the box armed with a long wand of willow If any. jurym an ventured to. errierge.above the surface before tbe twelve minds .were agreed dowri came liiy .'aud on tbe bead of the offender -Chicago News

Cost of F irst C lass Traveling.■Wlil!o;ori the 1‘ttclUc ocean 1 met a

life Insurance, man who told- m e. th a t h traveled constantly and ; lint his

/expenses, afloat arid ashore,'averaged $11 a day. H e kept no •expense ac-, cbn'rit. lio 'suld.'-A t/the enil of tho year he charged the company $11 a day fo r

-expenses; imtl tha:' was ujiuost exactly w hat h e spent. I made a .calculation aud found that' the p resent trip has cost us $11 « day each, alm ost to ;; penny. ■'■ , ~ /■ ,

I f you warit^to.kuow' .what trrivgliri;: costs, here Is nn estim ate you may de­pend upou. This m eans rapid travel­ing, by railroad mid, stcarivshlp, arid! sightseeing lit the towns ,with-, the a s ­sistance of a guide. The estim ate in­cludes the purchases a traveler. Is com pclled to m a k e anil cannot be reduced much unless you .travel second; class- iind deny .vourself .many . th in g s.-E d W. Howo In I lls Travel Notes/'-.

His Morning Duty. .Ministerial dijtios rind increasing dig­

nity have not robbed u certain m inister of his cherished boyhood accomplish-' m ent of m aking fritters. Ho frequent­ly exercises this skill a t breakfast time, much to ;uo delight o f- th e younger memhOrB o f , tlje family. .Edith, the. four-year-olu’ driughter, recently took tea wlthi i; member o f 'tb e congrega­tion. A fter the s ilen t grace the-little one, looking a t her.unm arried hostess, rem arked w ith pity: !

“You hon't hnve any one to pray for you, do y o n ? " .- ;.' . / .. . .

Sriid one-o f the ladles present, smtl? irig: ! /.-./,/-.. ' ■’

“I suppose .your papa prays for you, .three times il day.”

“Oh, no, / lie d o esn 't” wns the In­nocent'and curliest answer. “Ho fries ln the morning rind p rays'In the after-, noon!”—Pjilladelphln Ledger.

.Common Weakness.An Interesting light Is thrown ori the

purely .human side of the lnte Edw ard VII/ of'Englnria 'by a story.told of Ills inability to resist, .the. tem ptation to appropriate ' ii .particularly good anec­dote. ■/ ■

gome one told- a" delightful story to' one o f : his' innjesty 's young nieces.-

for If-you, (elt-unele ri gooc^ story.- he forgets lri, ii; .day :br two th a t it w as- told 'to film and feoes; ajiout- repeating

-It to every one sis hfs own,” .

L, - if* irmation-Vl/i. ed. .* -' Simmons hijd-jkturricd from his vaca- '.on. ‘,‘1 certainly gnjoyed the husk?

iug bees,’’.bio shki to tlio young woman; “W ere you. ever/ in Tho couu try .. during the bonsou of husithlg'hees?"

',‘H usk ingf:heeg|" exclnlmed the girl,:-'iivTrt«.' 'Ji7 S S 11 Nt,:.IL:/A* a //.H f 'A'i


MOTIONS OF PLANTS.8omo Forma (Of ^Vogetablo Life Havo

^y^the' Power of 'Choice.One of tbe chief distinctions between

veffctublo, u n d .animal life is th a t ani­mals have power of choice iind of vol­untary. inotloD. wlille vegetables and plants grow only mechanically’ by nat­ural taw. But. the microscope Beems to sh o w ,th a t muny vegetable forms c a n ; move as easily as can animals.

Thero Is a plant called Volvox, globa* tor. §o minute that million? of it could be put in a. wineglass, which Is seen to whirl like n top across the Held of tho microscope. . Some plants found in our ponds; which are a till*, more minute, move habitually, as with an apparent purpoSe.

Dnrwlp^ who; gave closer study than any other naturalist to climbing plants, stated that these seemed to exercise: the* liberty of choice. Their tendrils ,; In climbing oyer pieces of wood ^ lth hol(?s, Will try one hole after auother until the^’ And one that pleases them .: Ho suw. one • tendril withdraw * itse lf a fter having located Itself in a hole fori thirty-six hour# v

Other plants will run a long way over tlie grdbnd. refusing to climb the trees In their path until they como.to a peculiar species of tree, to wbiqb tiiey: at once cling.—H arper’s Weekly. .

■ Misuse of the Dictionary,•Since1 the time of Johnson tho die-,

tlonariea have attem pted to record the pronunciations - prevalent among the best speakers o t English In their, gen­eration. That tbey should dictate pro- nunclatiou wuH, of course, as ridiculous as It would have been futile. But. as in the case bf Cnesar. the honor, of dic: tators seems to have been thrust upon th em .' Those wpo* found themselves wallowing In the sjougb of despond be­cause of 'conflicting pronunciations appealed to the dictionary as* their ar­biter and protettfor, and for their fu­tu re 'sa fe ty exalted it; to the position of ' a. despot. Thus,' while nobody searches the dictionary to avoid those words which. It stigm atizes',as Blang. the pronunciation fiend Is continually devouring Its pages ,lest he commit tho unpardonable sin of uttering a syllable not sanctioned by Its nuthorfty.—Rob­e rt J . Mehner In the Atlantic Monthly.

It is one thing to make soda crackers thatare occasion-

It is quite an­other thing to make them sothat thejr arealways better than all other soda crack­ers, a l w a y s &f unvarying goodness.T h e n a m e 4i U n e e d a • stamped or. ev­e ry b is c u i t— means tha t if a million packages of Uneeda ms- cuit were placed before you, you could choose any one of them, con­fident th a t every soda cracker in

j ew o u l d be as good as the best Uneeda Biscuit ever baked. Five cents.



The Deaf and.Dumb.In early times , l t , w as an opinion,

mnintalned,even by pbllosopbers, that the education of the deaf and dumb ..was 'Impossible,'. it wus then believed tlint language could be acquired only through the medium, of tbe ar. as shown by the couplet of Lucretius:T o I n s t r u c t . th e d e a f no a r t . co u ld ev e r

re a c h .N p c a r * , Im p ro v e ' Ihom a n d no w ladom

te a c hThe first mention of Instruction-for

the deaf, und -dumb is found lri Bede. /A; otUer ease/ls/m et withI for some; centuries. . Ituilolfus Agrico

ia; of,Heidelberg -makes mention' of an/ ed.rienfed deaf mute ln his 'iDlaieft-

■ "Ucn,” ■/ i4«U It; whs/not until .11120 'that’; Iristruetlon Tor tlie deaf arid dumb be­gan to. be general.—New York Ameri­can. . ,

- A * end on tho F !rrr, ■/ Why not. build h good pond on .the .farm? /. The. government will stock It with fish: -it tw ill furnish i water fdr yourstockthe^veur, rouuhby insta lllng pipes.and. h.vdraiits.to keep the w ater -. cooj and sariltitry. arid’ when wintfer,

■ comes I t win furnlsh s tine place for

S H E R IF F 'S SAJUS. — By _ virtue ,ot sundry w rits of.:'., fa. to m e d irec t­ed, issued ou t of th e C ourt of Com mon Pleas of M onm outh county, will be exposed to sa ls a t publie vendue, on M onday, tile 2 9 th B ay of Decean bee, lO lil, betw een the hours of 12

/ o 'clock and 5 o’clock ( a t 1 o’clock), ri: the afternoon of Bald day, a t th e C ourt H ouse? F reehold , in th t tow n­ship of Xfreehold, cdunty ot Mon-

■ruouth. New, Jersey .Ail the d efendan t's r ig h t, ti t le and

intore8t In and to rill th a t Building lot /nu m b er eleven (No. 11) R ange {Lj. i In form erly W est P ark , a tra c t or parcel-of land and prom ises hereinaf­te r particu la rly described, situa te ,

I ly ing and being iu the city of A s; t bury Park,- In th e county of Mont ! m outh and Stato of New Jersey , lay- j ing and being on th e w est side of B orden avenue, fo rm erly Second, ave- nite Beginning a t Lhe sou theast

'c o rn e r of lo t No. 12, R a n g e -(L ) , con- ' veyod to Joseph -W ilkins, A. D.,

1910; thence (1 ) sou therly , along Borden avenue fo rty -th ree fee t; (2 ) w esterly, para lle l w ith th e sou th line of lo t No. ,12, ono h undred and fifty feet to th e re a r line o f lotB In R ange (L ) j (8 ) no rtherly , nltm g said re a r llrio forty-three . feet;to ; th e sou thw est cofrier of lot. No. .12; (4-) eastw ardly , alorig-the so u th llne of . lo t 'N o. . 12. ono hundred .'and fifty feet, to th e bo- glnlng. B eing the sam e lo t No, 11, R ange (-L), convoyed by J . DeW ltt- -Fay, E lizabeth 0 . B ergen and o thers; to .'J . E dw ard Borden,, by deod dated. Jttly 19, A./D. 183, feeor$pd In Book 368 of Deeds, page B98. &c„ n t F re e ­hold.

Seized a s t h e , p ro p erty o f p h aries Moore, taken /in : execution a t th e s u it .of John S. H all, arid /to: be sold, b y :' 'W ILBERT A. BEECRO FT, .

ri'// :/- ■/•-/;:/'.-ri-ri '//riri:/-.'/ ri ' /Sheriff.P it'ff P ro S o .'A tt’ys. ri ; j .

. D ated Decombor 1, 1913. $13.26

iv lO l iN N / B U R T I S


" ASBliEY PARK, NEW JERSEYrCofilnB arid burial ca-ilcclH oil liniid or. furniilicd

' .-,•- to prd«r^^‘ 'f 8p«1 al Btientiott^tcn,to framiir.v UictureR^v * '

T tc la s Ire jr. Ocinr, Orr.vF o r New Y ork, N ew ark and E liza­

b e th ,, all ra il, 6.06, >6.49, -7.56,8.42, 1L3G a. m , 2.12, 3.65, S4.49, 7.09, 8.64 .-p; m» Sundays 8.21 a. m. YOUR E Y E S4.13, /p .38, 8 .2 8 -p. in

F o r Easton, B ethlehem , s.llcn- town fi'ad, M auct chunk, 5*.49, 8.42, 11.25 ' a. in ., 2.1? .(8 .56 ,P*i m. to'TlnrtJ-ft/AN VJ .6 rO-l onS'ni -A’:i IO'■ i

fltop those headaches and net\T)U ttyuhVes. .We ■ _ guaraatee.tostop .them'with gtasses! .

ycarB' eipcriince. f V- V, f l

lrig,i-HkffIsl»'urgi,/ 6/48/ a, in .,,/2/1-3: p r iri.. /Sundays, 8 ;2 l o, m, . .■ *New Y ork ,: only, ,,'S Saturdays/'oaly/'./riri'-ri/r .i-Vri'./ri '/

WM. A.’Klttlllson

: Aaftwryj^Parlf.y New':.

New York and L o i^ Branch R. R.

T inw T able to effect Dec. Zt, 1918.


F o r New Y ork— 6.06, 0.37, §.49, ’ 7.09, 7.55, 8/09, g.42, 9,07, 11.26

. ;a .,m ., i :0 9 , 2.12, 3/65, 4 .22, 4.49 (Sa tu rd ay s o n ly ) , 5.22, 7.09, 8.54 p. m. S undaya 8.21, 9.00 a . a,,

. 4.13, 6.15, 5.26, 6.38, 7.37, 8 .2 8 / 9 .27 ,p . m. , ;

F o r E lizab e th arid ;N ew ark-~C .06t 6.37, ,■ 6.49, .7.08 . (except E liz a - . beth)/, 8/09 . (except E lizabeth );

/ 8.42, 9.07, 11,25 a . m ., 1.09, 2.‘12, 3.55, 4.22; 4.49 /(Sa tu rdays on ly),

■■ 6.22, 7.09, 8.54 p. m . Sundays 8.21, 8.00 a/ in., 4.13, 6.15, 6.26,

. 0.38, 7.37, 8.28, 9.27 p. m.F o r M ataw an and P e rth Amboy—

6.06 0.87 (M ataw an on ly).6.49, 8.42, 9.07, 11.25 a.m.. 1.09, .2.12, .3 .66, 4.49 (S a tu r­d a y s .a n d M atawan only)^. 5.22

. I t Is alw ays bes t to ca tch a te a k o r a p lum bing re p a ir w hen f t t o s t ; s ta r t s , ; because i t s tendency ■ riirirto /iri grow. w W w ith aeg ier .

■. “Homo-made*’ rep a irs a r e m a k e . /■. slilfts a t isest, an d a ro tb o costliest In th e Ion;- ru n — placo y o u r pln/mb- // tog problem s on o u r "shoulders,' arid / w e w ill solve tliem prom p.tly ab d sa tisfacto rily . - . ‘





■ roi

. Telephone 428.


(M ataw an on ly ), 7.09, 8:61 p. m. Sundays 8.21, »,00 a. m ., 4.18(M ataw an only), 5.26 (M atnwan o n ly ), 6.38 (M ataw an on ly), 8.28 p. m.

F o r Ret) B ank— 6.06, 6.37, 6.49, 7.08 7.55, 3/09, 8.42, 9.07, 11,25 a, m.; 1.09, .2/12,• 3.66, 4,22, 4.49 (S a tu rdays on ly ), 5.22, 7.02, 8.64 p m. Sundays 21, 9.00 a. m ., f4.13, 5.15, 5.26, 6.38, 7.37, 8.28,

. 9.27 p. m.F o r Long Bratich— S.06, 6.27, 6.49,

7.09, 7.55, 8.09, 8.42, 9.07, 10.06,11.13, 11.25. 11.59 o. m., 3.39,2.12: 2.25, 3.55,, 4.17 (Saturdays on ly), .4.22, 4.45 (Saturdayson ly ), 5.22, 5.39;. 3.20, 6.46, 7.03,7.09, 8.1-4, 8.54 p. .m, Sundays 8.21. 9.00, 11.-35,' 11.39 a . m.,

' 4,13, 5.26, 6;13, 6.38, 7.37, 8.28, 9.17, 9.27 p. m/

F o r Belm xr, Spring L ake, ilan a- squan an d P o in t P leasan t— 1.57 (M ondays excepted), 6.00 (Po in t PieaBant, excepted), 6.44, 6.5G,7.25., (P o in t P leasan t . except-./ e d ) , 7.40 (P o in t P leasan t except­e d ) , 8.07 (P o in t P le a sa n t' except-

. e d ) , 9.14, 10*36, ltt.57 , 11.36' (P o in t P leasan t excepted), 12,63,

1.33, 2.14 (S a tu rdays only), 8/3§y2.33, 3.08 (S a tu rdays on ly), 3.20 P o in t P leasan t / ■ excepted), ,3.51 P o in t P leasan t excepted), 4.60' (P o in t P leasan t excepted); ,5,03

.5 ,2 4 ,'6 .3 4 (Sa tu rdays o n ly ) ,. 6.OS (S a tu rd ay s /ex cep ted ), 6,24, 6.53, 7:11, 8.12, 11.14 p. m . SundaysI.57 . 5.57, 7.40, 7,51 (P o in t P le a sa n t excepted)-, 10.30, 11.14,I I .2 7 a. m ., 12.68, 3.29, 4.19, 4.50 (P o in t. P leasan t excepted), 6.1.6, 7.26, 10.50 p. nt.

For, P h iladelph ia (B road S tree t) via'' Lakew ood arid : D elaw are R iver B ridge R oute— 7.40 a. m.

F o r F reehold , T renton and P h ila ­delphia, via Sea Girt and Penna. R. R.— 6.00, 7.26, 8.07, 11.36 a. m., 'g.ijo (except P h iladelph ia),

• 3.51, (F reeh o ld -o n ly ), 4 .50; p.. in Sundays 7.'51 a. m ., 4.56 p. m.-

F o r Toms R iver, Mt. Holly, Camden und P h iladelph ia (M ark e t St. W h arf). Ha Sea Side P ark — 6.56а. m ., 2.311, 5.34 (Sa tu rdays only) p. m. Sundays 7,40 a. m., 4.19 p.

. m. ' _ . :F o r F reeho ld via M atawan and C. R

.R . of N J .— 6.49 ,-8 .42 , 11.25 a m.,. 1.09, 3.55, 5.22 p. m. Sun­days 9.00 a, m ., 4.13, 8.28 p. m.

S'o'r. T renton and P h iladelph ia , via Bound Brook R oute— 6.06, 6,49,

ri 8.42, 11.25 a. m„- 2.12, 3.55,7 .OS. S.54 p m. Sundays 8.61 a m., 4.13, 6.38, 8.28 p. m.


C. R. R. of N, J., fo o t of L iberty . . ' S tre e t— 4.00, 8.30, 11.30 a. m ... ' 1:20 (Sa tu rdays only) 3.30, 4:45,

5.30, 6.30, 9.00 p. m,/ 12.01 m id­night. a m d a y s 1.00, 9.15 a. m„4.00, 9.00 p. m.

C R, R. of N. J .. foot of W est 23rd Su-aet—,8.20, 11.20 a. a i.r 1.10 (Sa tu rdays only), . 3.20, . 4.30,S.20, 6.20, 8.50, 11.50 p, m. Sun­days 9.05 a. m., 3.50, 8.60 p. >.a.

Penna. R. R., 7 th Avenue and 32nd Street^a-7.04. 9.04, 11.12. a. m .,

.1 2 .3 4 , 3.42, 4.24 (Sa tu rdays ex­cep ted ), 5.12 p. m. Sundays 8,38,9.30, 11.12 a. m ., 1.30, 5,12 p. m.

,Penna, R. R Hudson Term inal (H.& M. R. R .) Church an d C ortlandtS tre e ts - - ,’.00, 9.06, 11.10 a. • m.,12.27 (Sa tu rdays on ly), 12.89, 3,42; 4.2!' (Sa tu rdays excepted),б,12 p. in Sundaya 8,30, 9.30,

.1 1 .1 0 a. in.. 1.30, 5.17 p. m.F o r fu rth e r particulars! see tim e

tab les a t sta tions.L. W; BERRY, • ’ •

Supt.‘N. Y. & L. B. R. R. CHARLES O. McFADDIN,

G. P.. A N. Y. & L. B. R, R D N. BELL,

G. P . A, Pennsylvania R. I i W. C. H O PE,

G. P. A. C entral R. R. of N. J.

New Jersey Centra!'

Exocntor’s N otice. : A -C harles :H, H illm an, execn tor riot

S arah A./Stokes,;, deceased,’ by o rder of tho S urrogate of th e C ounty o f M onm outh, hereby gives notice to Ihe cred ito rs of the- said deceased to bring in th e ir debts, dem ands an d claim s ag a in s t th e e s ta te o f sa id de- - ceased, und er oa th o r affirm ation, vrithin n ine m onths from the e igh teeath day o f October, 1918, or they w ill ha forever barred o f any action th e re fo r ag a in s t th e said ex­ecutor.

CHARLES H. HILLMAN,247, E a s t Main s tree t, H addoc-

Eeld, N. J . 43-53

\ : t p


E te c n to rs ' Notice.K atherine E . Brown and F ra n k

Appleby, executors o f, E dw ard *L Brown, deceased, by o rd er o f tits Surrogate of th e County o f Mon­m outh, hereby give notice to the creditors of th;- said deceased tp b ring In tbet.r debts, dem ands arid claim s against th e es ta te of said de­ceased, u n d er • o a th or affirm ation, w ith in nine m ouths from the eigh*. ti'en th day. of November, 1913, or they w ill be forever b arred of Any action therefo r ag a in s t th e sa id ax* ecutors.


47-4 ' :

P r i c e o f

ELECTRICITY REDUCED25 per cent, in Ocean Grow./, ; 162-3 per cent, in ■ Asbury Park and other shore towns, 7~.

Now Is t h e . t!m e to in s ta ll E lec­tric ity . E very facility fo r p rom pt ' ST. and. efficient w ork: P rices r i g h t ■ ;/:/

FRANK S. MORRIS ? ji:• E le c tr ic a l C o n tr a c to r ;.;;/-/f

47 Main Ave., Otyan.jQraty@|Telephone CG-M ” j.' , . : V;i

W. E . Txylor88 Abhctt Avenue-

■ A.-D.iCLAh)s';:;./ qt Mt. Tnbpr W «y

Taylor & Clark Builders

Ocean Grove, N. J?The good k in d o f carpenter w o rk—cheapest in th e end


HOUSE PAINTER26 Ocean Avenne, Ocean Grove, N. J :


PA PER H ANG ING . D EC O RA T IN G 'Residence: " , .7:.

J37 M t. Herraon W ay, Ocean Grove ; . i '7/h . P .O .Box- I I I ’ • :y j{ \ '77

W. C. and A F. Cottrell Architects

R o o m s 318-320, K ln m o n th Bnll.S- ■ in g ; A s b u r y P a rk ; N . ' J . T el* e p h o n e 873-W .

LAUNDRYF o r g iom pt wor.k, well done, give m s ; Sl­i t .tria l. Fam ily wash solicited. Openi o\J alt the year.CHU LEN, :B7 OLIN ST., Opw P. 0.-V-‘:;V

Ocean' Grow*. s v;,A

. ■ mg. (rn-m.,' G01STRAGTPR

and BUILDER [ _ . /Residence,/.Nn, 66 / Deck//Ayeniue;/;/ •■•/•>,'• VQCBAN GROVE; te 7 7 7 7 7 0 7 :

Page 6: iiscre® w$ St/n Wfi-1 ^narjers af icccfidljJ,^' MM. · 2014. 4. 8. · mm mm.,V O L U btEijW E W TY -Q ^Et InO ! 6 2 I ^ O C E A N : G R O V E i N E y t f I J E R S E Y i J ?R t

s H o se 'iu Service 2 0 Y ears;. y ’\ . ' .L lperiy;H Q se Gompanj'.-'pfv.'SoutU'c


■riow-York bay.,'lu tfcb' year.; lT94f-1>y-

W*$0ibBerifc, pne' day. ii i6f;a!jBSii<!^ito.’?.; JriBlf?fclgfiiSx?Sin


iiwiiiaE d ito r

THE OCEAN GROVE TIMESA W c f i d y N e w s p a p c r P a b H B lie d a« 48 M a in A v « m k . O e c a a G r o v e , N e w J « m y

i G E O R G E F . R A IN E A R P u b l i s h e r |. J O H N E . Q U IN N

, Entered for transmission through the-limits a t the Ocean Grove postoffice as second-clasa matter.

S u h a e r ip t o n rate one dollar a year, payable in advance to comply with postal reg ilation. Mx months, s ix ty .(66) cen ts ; three months, thirty-five (35) cents,- No subscription entered for a shorter period than three months. Single copies, three f3) cents,

A d v e r t i s i n g rates supplied on request. Reading notices inserted. In .body of paper at ten* fin) cents a line for the initial insertion; four o r more insertions, tw enty-fivepcrccnt.d iflcount.

■ ‘ Cash must accompany all'such notices.' . / ■ .

FRIDAY, DECEM BER 20, 1013. No. 52

■1 Dependent upon clim atic conditions, ahvice carn ival on W esley lak e i s ; to be given th e la tte r p a r t of next m onth, u nder the d irection o t;E , A. H ar­vey, m anager of the .athletic groundB in A sbury PaVk. This Is a splendid move, and we tru s t th a t everyth ing will he so ordered as. to favor th e sue? cessful culm ination of the plan now und er consideration. I t is noted with a feeling o f /g re a t p leasure th a t the affair is to he advertised as the A sbury P a rk and Ocean Grove ska tliig carnival, which m eans th a t the T w in Cities a re .expected to pu ll together fo r the success of th is e v e n t .: T here is no good reason why they should .no t do so. And there Is no good reason ,why, u nder th e able guidance o f M anager Harvey, the carnival may n o t be njado of such im portance as to a ttra c t w idespread a tten tio n , th u s giving bo th .th e P a rk and the Grove some excellent advertising. I t Is popularly believed th a t these reso rts a re as dead in w in ter as the proverbial door nail. I t is high tim e th is im pression w as dissipated. In h is efforts, to provide these places w ith a high-class w inter a ttrac tio n Mr. H arvey’s hands should be upheld by every resid en t of the Twin Cities. ;

£ a n d N e w sSlultum in Prirvo.

Give ono wom an tw o m inutes to size an o th er woman up add she can devote two hours to describing w h a t the o ther had on.— South Amboy Cit­izen; ; . ' ■

,* .* ' *** ' '*** ' ■B u t W hy Not?. .

■*' The ed tio r of tho S tandard notes w ith considerable sa tisfaction th a t tho nam e which he suggested for the w estern p a r t of th e tow n, won ‘th e prize,’even though h e 'd id n ’t get it.— Red B ank. S tandard . : ■ /

. . . 1 .;-’s • • • -1 Looked n t Jo h n ; Joliri Looked a t

; Me.’-.’: ivv/'AWill it be ju d g e Law rence and

P rosecutor T aylor; or ; P rosecu tor Law rence and, som e one else fo r Coun|ty Judge? Senator Slocum could enlighten ub now, if he only', would.— M atawan Jou rnal, j;

« . . . .. • « • . , . . .

E lim inating .the Senate 's provision fo r a bank deposit guaran ty , to be follow ed shortly by tlie in troduction of a se para te b ill to establish a gu ar­an ty of such a n a tu re , th e com m ittee presented to both H ouses of Con­g ress on Monday the adm in istra tion currency bill in its final form to be enacted into law. The m easure follows closely the lines laid down by P resi­d en t W ilson In his dem ands for currency reform — indeed, It may be said th is bill is one of the P re sid en t’s p e t m easures. The worlcing.of the ,new p lan will be pu t up to the banks, and if ail we read and hear of the m atter- is tru e the banks w ill Have qu ite a job in sm oothing ou t the currency h igh­w ay ,.hu t th a t tliey can m ake th e road easygoing is en tirely w ith in reason to believe. The new law is an experim ent and tt will have to be tried before i t can e ith er be approved or condemned.

' ’ - ® •A school for tlio tra in in g and education ot women in suffrage work

h as been in stitu ted a t W ashington, D. C. And w hat place better than th e sea t of our governm ent could be selected fo r the establishm ent of a school such as th is? The course a t th is la te s t college consists of elghty-flve lectures, to he delivered by soiri’e of the m ost p rom inen t suffragists in the country, and when the .student has successfully passed through the en tire cu rricu ­lum . she will be fu lly qualified to go out in to the w orld and preach the doc­tr in e of equal suffrage to the franchise-seeking women of the nation , and

. to m ere m an, for the conversion of man to “ the cause” is one of tho m ost p rom inent subjects in the school schedule.

B u t why no t enroll men r ig h t the re a t W ashington am ong tile studen ts — Senators aiid R epresentatives, any and all who will have to do w ith giv­ing the women of tills country the r ig h t to vote a t a no-d istan t day?

' . — - .We have no sym pathy, w ith the plan pf some new spapers in enlarging

. upon and m agn ify ing .the effect of a few business fa ilu res th roughou t the country and se ttin g the cause down, to so-called h a rd .tlin e s due to the poli­cies of tlie p resen t adm in istra tion . F ailu res come and failu res go;- biit .they do ho t run on forever. No m atte r If the party in power is riot the party

—-vOf..this paper.', we want. to. see prosperous lim es arid will contribute our liu inb le"share 1 and word to th a t end as often a s n iay .be; and .therefore we see no good reason to grum ble and g ro w l'if some o ther party than ours w as successful a t the polls. The law. of supply and ; dem and still rules

' everyw here, and w e -h a v e a haiipv faith th a t business conditions w ill rig h t them selves, not because of, h u t in spite- of, any .chock th a t is supposed to have been placed under the w heels of progress by the party ill power.

A man Is as old as he feels, some sage has wisely rem arked. T herefore Dr, B allard , Who yesterday celebrated his n inety -th ird b irthday, m ust .be quite a young fellow, despite ills years, for he feels as frisk y ,a s a colt and is s till eapaiie of doing a prodigious am ount of work. One has only to

■ look Upon liis kindly face,’ beam ing good n a tu re and irrad ia tin g sunshine to knoiv th a t his h ea rt is still ,iii tlie first freshness of youth and th a t so fa r as feeling is joneerned age canno t w ither lilm. The T im es heartily con- ' g ratu la 'tes Dr. B allard on the attaiiinient,, not of “ a ripe old age"— for we d islike to use tills term in connection with the friend o t e v e ry m an , woman and child In Ocean GrovN—b u t for th a t-h e . has been so long spared in a useful life, and th a t lie stills w alks am ong us as the em bodim ent of. a perfec t specim en of young, manhood.

I t is claim ed by no less an au th o rity •than Calvin N. K endall, S tate Com m issioner of Education, th a t the money spent annually , fo r the ‘schools of New . Jersey— $l'fi,000,000, or thereabouts— is doing only four-fifths, of ’ th e ac tual w ork it is capable of-doing. In o ther words, $3,000,00.0 of school; m oney is absolu te ly w asted every year. The cause Is a ttr ib u ted , n o t to any fau lt of the schools or teachers, bu t lies with the scholars, owing to thefr truancy and absenteeism : This being the case-, then it Is high tim e for p a r ­en ts and tru a n t officers to com bine th e ir forces in tlie effort to Uemedy m at­te rs ; and they can do i t if they will, leaving out, o f course, absenteeism th rough illness, which is alw ays possible, though in bill n fractional ratio. We have a com pulsory education law, lint such u inw is w orthless If not p roperly enforced.

— -S -------- .W ith th is issue the tw enty-first volum e of the Ocean Grove T im es is

com pleted. The price of tlie paper is ono do llar a year, payable In advance, a s requ ired by tho postoffice d epartm en t,-and It ts our purpose to adhore to th is ru le as rig id ly as possible.- The old plnn of continuing tlie paper in?

.definitely, tru s tin g th a t the subscriber would pay up, or else w ait un til he died nnd then charge It to h is esta te , was not fh lr to e ither tlie publisher or the subscriber, and certain ly It Is not good buslnoss. A t one dollar a year we th in k The Tinlos good value, and we nre gratified to know th a t others a re sim ilarly m inded, as is frequently expressed to us in le tte rs from pleased .subscribers.


The People’s N ational B ank, of W estfield, Union county, enjoys, tlie ’ d istinction of having been th e f irs t-hank ing in stitu tio n iri. New Jersey , to- ' apply fo r m em bership in th e now fodornl reserve banking system . Secre­

ta ry klcAdoo, o f the T reasury D epartm ent, received a tolegrnjn. from-the bank Monday m orning, in which fo rm al .app lication fo r mem bership

S|?Jy w as .made.- L®.S I R H ave the express com panies du ring tho hdlldays suffered fn conse-

iiuence of th e in stitu tion of-tho parcel post? Apply to any prfstofllcb in the•ik-'.".’.;- . __r___i t . . ------*1. 1.. . . . . . . t. . .

. The N ew ark tran sfe r of th e C en tra l-ra ilro ad opoiied the firs t of the ’?.$/< week Is found to be popular w ith p a tro n s 'o f th a t rpail from the shore sec

I t offers, opportunity , fo r ready access to New Je rsey 's m etropolis, ^ 'v .-v j'tha tis w hat tho trav e le r seeks. \ -


*JV,. ‘ —^-r-T . „ •T t' m ay have been j . t ig h t squeeze;ln som e places but, so fa r as can he.

0 L' learned , S an ta C laus d id n o t .get s tu c k In any.chim neys-about tow n/ no mat-i itriidi':<if«in1r 'rtfttaeivlea r - • -/’■ • >t - . •tft’tbr. how-btidly ho was stuck otherw ise.

■'v -‘i- JE v eh 'in . nicrving p ictu ree th d 'w h ite -S la v e TrafDc is unpopulai;,''ap ^ 1fin ''

R o b in s 'in December.The unusual sig h t of a roliin red ­

breast hopping about the lawn in the m onth , of ’ December, looking . fo r worms,, was . w itnessed by. Mrs George Lewis, a t h e r liom e’ on th e A delphla road, oho day tills weelcV— M onmouth D em ocrat,. F reehold . ,;;'t .

. »«'• • • • • • • ; . 'A nd in M onm outli, Too.

Apples g row n in some of 't h e P a ­cific coast Stfitos a re consldei'-d as world beaters, b u t there a re apple grow ers r ig h t here in M ercer county who annually b ring f ru it froiu. the ir orchards to th e S ta te exhibits; and v'ho, if 'feiven. encouragem ent :to en­te r in to com petition w ith Pacific- coast grow ers, would m ake them go some, to use a-com m on expression.— T ren ton S tate G azette. ’

*«• »»• • * • - No Vacation.? Pei-lsli tlie T hought,

Com m issioner K endall, addressing tlie teachers’ in s titu te in M orris county, recently expressed liis con­viction th a t before m any years th e public school teachers w ill he eiri? ployed twelve m onths in the. year, th e usual vacation tim e to be, spen t by them in v isiting the p aren ts of their pupils and g e ttin g acquain ted w ith the conditions u nder w hich they live, ’- o rder th a t in strbctton of a prac

i Whcn'you sccurc^ a Momifillil nimeoiiie ;i>oIicy yogi protect yonr family-nini -tw© ways. Yon jjivs them tlie b^efflt'lof IJfe' ; Irilwahee in the i?rp clential, and you reMeve tSiem from the : pos^I-Of losing the Ole Insnranee tlioney i through unfortunate or unwise fstvestmemtiEvery inohth tor Weufy ye^ri; or for life the heneiielffls'y w illreceive a'check fromJOHN?

mm—9——The Prudential

rOBKCBT P . DRYDEN. P r c a t« « n t

intical n a tu re m ay be given.

I t is to be feared th a t Dr. K endall lias no t fully considered the p rac ti­cal— th e financial—-side of such a plan. T eachers are now paid for ten m onths’ w ork in th e year, in moc-t of the tow ns and cities. In a. few d is­tric ts t.ho scliool, year is no t nlore than e ight irtonths. To add four or more paym ents w ill m ean ah increase, of tw enty per cent, in expenditures, and one- o f the g rea te s t com plaints a t p resen t Is over the. g rea t cost of school m aintenance.

Sum m br schools .' w i l l ' no doubt grow in popu larity in th e la rg e elite’s, w here m any of th e children a re much b e tte r off in the class room than in the s tree ts ; .but th e re will be no. abandonm ent of the sum m er vtica- tion, e ith e r for pupils or children .— T renton Times. ■. '•

• • • > • . ***■-.S trong P lea fo r Suffrage.

The addross of Dr. Anna Howard^ Shaw upon the enfranchisem nnt of women, a t the opera house on Tues­day evening was an in te llec tual trea t, no m atter w hat opinions the hearer may have held as to the m erits of tho sub jec t under discussion. Dr. Shaw l.as a m anner of .presenting her sub ­jec t which com m ands a tten tion . The women have no votes with which to enforco the ir dem anda, and as a con­sequence, b a v e no recourse except in an appeal' to the Inheren t sense o t ju stice in every m an, if it is possi­ble to reach it th rough the frequen t coating of prejud ice and self-conceit. I t Is upon th is ground , of sim ple ju s ­tice, th a t Dr.. Shaw m akes lier ap­peal, and i t m ust be adm itted th a t she m akes a Btrong one. T he g ist of lier a rgum en t is t h a t women a re Just ns much citizens of tho republic as men are, th a t iri pp ln t of intelligence nnd character tliey a re peers of m en; th a t they are' d iscrim inated ' against no t because of, lack of Intelligence, lack of property , lack of m orals, or hccause’ of crim inal instincts, bu t solely becnuse of th e ir sex. AgninBt tills g laring in ju stice she cries out and dem ands, in th e nam e qf justice, equal rig h ts for women.— Freehold T ranscrip t.

. . . . ♦ • **

Some Public Schobl Problem s. . add p ress neiys & vIowb .'. . . . . . ;

-To one who will stop to analyze the figures adduced by Com m issioner Calvin N. K endall in h la annunl r e ­p o rt to th e S tate B oard of E duca­tion th ere is a phase of w as te ;th a t la •positively' appalling , 'a lth o u g h b y no mean.; com m on,to Jersey . This is th a t ,the;?lE;'H)o;O00 b e in g , spen t . an ­nually bn public schools in ’the S tate: is doing only four-fifths the wobk it is capablo of perform ing, owing to truancy and absenteeism ;

Losing the .effectiveness of twonty cents on the do llar jvourd b ankrup t nny private corpora tion in, sh o rt- o r ­der; T h a t through th e negligence of paren ts And “ g uard ians o r .laxity.; of officials in enforcing the. com pulsory a ttendance law’.,‘ th is opportunity should bo lo st'.to Now .Jersey m akes Insistent Ja r ' m ore enorgetlc action In- th a t p a rticu la r during ,;, th e .- present school year,;even though o u r .s ta n d - '■in g - ir ------------------------ -*.«•o th er

n th is respect a s com pared with r S tates ds/lilgh . ; . , ; \

; On a l ja s ls 'o f .'enrollm ent; accord 1 h ig to 'D r : K endall, It- costs-$.t2i2 i,Jt6; teach a- child,'- whereaB on a baBis ot attondarico ; for.-tile fillV-BphobPyear:; th e coBt Is ‘$4().'8 i;.w hich ;.ls tanta?. jn o u n t '.to.'Bkidng jthot.vtfh.O .'.a^'"’ ^ ”



FOR SAjPropeFfiy ksiawe as

The O liv e M ouseCorner of Beach and Heck Avenues

One block-from the ocean . .

Twenty-eight guest rooms, furnished. Including a first-class patronage. Can* purchased at a right price to closean estate.Full particulars, by applying to



For Sale in OceanGr©¥£ -IIlll

The Alaska Hotel, hilly furnished, steam heated. . .TheNew Philadelphia, furnished.

These houses, have had a very successful'season, ai;e tVell khown^and. iucely locateid;;^ , . -dud can , be purchased on , reasonable terms, . If you are iu the m arket -to

buj' they are worth considering. ’ ' ■ v bv

Three properties belonging to the estate of the late Hrs. E.iate-?^r^:^^}A ^5 tpkes;’ ah^b(ii|eh applying to D. , C " ■■■ L

37 Pilgrim Patiiway, Ocean Grove, 208 Bond St;;Asbufy Park-:

'“ j .A n d o n t Rellca Used a t FeaaL . A t tho. recan t goidon w eddtrig.alihl?

v6riiaryvof Mr. and - . Mrs, Sponcor S to u t' M orris, o f A tlantic H ighlands, th e re w as am ong the tabjo o rnam ents a j ddcantor n early 2 O p; years" bid; - and A plato ; th a t wan. ,taken £ r t ^

W ater W ttchi I

;,:'A . petition , . her o f residen ts: o f-ibw ef-'W ater-’ B o ro u g h ,o f Hi;

'.prbp.eHyoW.nera; '’h ;;adJo ln lng :tlie

lB,i;rikktrifff tBkt;

ag o 'tho bof Qugh couriiiil; . de'sir^: to'.i:; onriBX- f th in ■

a,espreM ea;,lts:,dosIr^ .to;|;,6nnbk',iT;“ J<•.'

1 Jo h n Comstock, g ran d fa th e rn- P<

d o go.'£6etio

i a t the wqcshockinglyrn a fy ib fU s-th o ntgoi irtt|; m t g-ranniv

Placbrfin MWamand police protection Boldmuja w s

Page 7: iiscre® w$ St/n Wfi-1 ^narjers af icccfidljJ,^' MM. · 2014. 4. 8. · mm mm.,V O L U btEijW E W TY -Q ^Et InO ! 6 2 I ^ O C E A N : G R O V E i N E y t f I J E R S E Y i J ?R t

^v ijip^ iD A r,: b k cE S crtE B s'd, 1 9 1 3 ,

»■»»«»»«»»«»»>»»»«»■«■■— aeaeeaee»ooeeoee«eb

8 I E F FI:C I EN T • -;‘‘ "i<r.8,.' ■*.*•'•;8& -«••><*’-J P I V ^ ’..-*;•’♦ /:? ■■}' /•' A jy ^ qulired in 'h an d lin g Che holiday; tu sh a t tb e postofflce..* . -• .'■•viY

f:-V ;•<•:’ " ■ / / ’.V/, i.'-r,T h e e n g a g e ia e h t o t Miss .D orothy

Li.- B rett;','of, W est Grove,, aifii H w - , ord 'E .'S h ln n , o f P e r th Amboy,"Is an ­nounced. . The la t te r is, th e son o f Mr. and .M rs. Sam uel Shinn, fo rm er­ly .of Ocean Grovei-. : : > . ; :

; 8 - ■ v - v - v «>! • ' , , * : • : ; : % ; • / ; !Miss MabOl, Jenk lnson , of Snuger-

tles?;M .' ,Y.‘, a fo rm er > residen t of Ocean Grove, .Ib, m aking a holiday v isit w ith re la tives In A sbury Party. She is th e daugU ter.’of Mr. and Mrs'. C harles H ^.Jenk lhson . . / ’ . <

'■ft;' <t / , .V - • /L eaving. Ocbah GroVe ’ * tom orrow ;

Mrs:,'-Almeda Young, of tho M orav­ian; 18 W obb 'avenue, w ill spend .the: w in te r: w ith friends in Cleveland", Ohio,, a f te r ,a sh o ijf / ,v is i t to ,. N orth ■Jersey an d ,B eth leh em , P a . : ''-■I-' . . '-i..''i.-Miss i) .. N .F re n t ts , .' of,- New ark, ow ner o f th e A tlantic. House, p roper­ty, Occan G rovo,'■th e ..f irs t of the week; w ent to S t. - P e te rsb u rg , . F la. She >111/pass t h e ’.Winter a t th a t re ­so rt, s to p p in g 'a t th e Brevard.'

’. /v ' ' « '.<• :/ ..R ev, Dr. Jam es W. M arshall, of 93

■Webb, avenue,’ w as, in M ataw an las t Sunday and preached In th e F ir s t .M. E .,p u lp it a t m orn ing service. In the n fternoon he presided a t th e fo u rth qun rte riy coriforonce o f , th e church.

C apta in . W illiam .D eH art, of 72% L ake /avenue) ,w h o : recently.; w e n t ' to h is . w in ter ' homo on S ta ten Island, celebrated h is eigh ty-n in th b irthday ann iversary la s t ’. Sunday, w hen a .re - , union of th e fam ily ' w as hold tit P o r t Richm ond. :

:V ’ «• W.A t Now M onm outh oh W ediiesday,

evening of la s t w eek Mr. an d M rs- F ltz ro y ," W alling celebrated • th e ir : fo rtie th w edding anniversary . ; The W allings, have a cottage In. Ocean Grove a t 1 tho no rth w est corner of C en tral and A bbott avenues.

/ ’ . /. «*. ,■/’ A v isito r to th is place on F riday of la s t w eek w as Mrs! E ,-Y oung , of. E aston , P a., fo rm e rly o f th e Ocean F ro n t : HouBe, Ocean Grove. Today. Mrs. Young leaves E asto n , fo r St. A ugustine,; F la ., ' w here Bho will spend the w in ter a t .the St. George hotel. - ■ , - ,

. ■<*'<* .

The . .C hristm as v a c a tio n '' lias b rought H aro ld S hear,' sou of Rev. and Mrs. <A„ L. Shear, 142 A b b o tt’ avenue, to Ocean Grove lo r a fo rt­n ig h t's stay. T he young m an isstudying m edicine tn • tb e Flow er H ospital Medicul School, New Y ork City. *; ,

M iss-C ornelia T. Davisson, of 77. • Mt. Carm el W ay, la s t Monday went’ to M arlboro, N, Y ., w here, u n ti l a f­te r th e llrn t of M arch, she will be ag u es t a t th e ".home of th e Bov J . N. K ugl’er; Miss Davisson Is a m em ber of the. local Boar d of RepreBouta tive Lessees. -4' <4. M r: 'a n d Mrs. G. B. H alsall, fo r­

m erly p rop rie to rs of the L adles' S tore on Main avenue, w ent to C ran­ford, N. 3., t o . spend '.’C irristm as aj;' th e hom e of th .oir. daug h te r, M ra George Ferguson. .After th e holi­days th e y w ill go South , to pass the W inter in, F lo rida . ;

<4 <4Mr. an d Mrs. Joseph F. Clancy, of

81 Art. Carm el Way, las t Sunday .en­te r ta in ed Miss M a m ie Clancy, '• Mr. a ird 'M rs. W illiam G. Z iegler, tbo la t- t e r 'a 'th r e e child ren , an d Miss Sarah Pollook,' o f T re n to n .. The v isito rs m ade , th e tr ip from the ^ ta te Capital in an autom obile: > ' ' V 's- ' . ,

'/'M rs, : A n n a ': B allsrd -L ew is, So­p ran o ; M iss L illian Holm es, con- tra lto j./O scaf, M organ, tenor, .’and P au l M o rg an , bass, ' com prised the q u a r te tte tb a t sang th e C hristm as m usic , in th e F irs t B ap tis t Church Inst Sunday. ■ .These nam es are fa­m iliar to Ocean Grove, people, as is also, th a t o f 'th e B ap tis t church o r­gan ist, W .: Leroy. Ralsch.

8 A Community BuilderT hat is wliai a bank should be. The history of Asbury

Park and Ocean G rove bank shows that it has been a strong facto? in the growth of our community.

This bank is always read}' to a ss is t; aud encourage worthy enterprise. ' '/•;. -/

O ur city is growing rapidly; and we are glad to lead in its development.

We have grown with the tovirn. Each year our re­sources have been strengthened, and our field enlarged.

O ur policy of adding “ strength to strength ’’ has plac­ed the Asbury Park and Ocean Grove bank in a strong po­sition to serve you well.

Your protection is assured by the strength shown in onr increased resources. •

' H appy New Y e a r ! . . ! v: .r$i• ; V . ' / / ' . \ ' / ;•

V- S horte st dayh,-now... v . :M " » > ; .v

r&kw, O hrlatm as dqubIc w ill repeated . ":many: ^hurcltes t^ie.^om ihK -Suii-;

* • : ■ ' ^ a .2 • ;;.w-;t i Fj ’v ; , ’-Y1

: r ’ iF"M rb. J. H eokm an, o f L a k e ' a v e - ^ , /(■ t Muo, is' spending th e 'holidays w ith ; / i ■. .'relatives lw R eading, P a . -> ■'. -• •. : .r;f r ' ' ;< '''M rfl.'Frank. S tack, of A tlantlo av6-; vVj '.hue;; h as beou' spend ing .a .w eek , w ith .: A /.'h e r m other in Phlldalophia.; ’ / / :.; .. > '■ ;."M V : •' ; *'■.

H olidays at. tho, tow nship schools / / / began h n W edueBday' a n d ; w, 1 cou- ,V. : D hue u n til Monday, J a h u a ry oij 'f ' ■;/■Ay t;Fv ‘ ' V v;i «:,-<• , i:i ■>:;/ / : ; y T he'/sp .eaker-at tho local' E pw orth

League, service, last. S u n d ay w as ’the S.'.v Rby. D r.:G eorge ,C lark , o t-126 Mala',

avenue:" ': - :•, ■ 1 , «:• <•. ;

i . • . , t Th e • Ocean Grovo/jVssociatlon thlB V ::> '& hek-presen ted each of ita em ployes

w ith a C hristm as, tu rk ey , in' keeping' J-w ith 'a n n u a l c u s to m ./ ; ..

,v ':' . :Mrs. M aryM cPhorsbn and Mr. and , ilSira: ’ F ra n k Kingf,:- d t the-.B ath . AY® ' , ;S . 'nuelH a 'uso ,. have , gone to Phlladol-

ph la fo r the,w inter..- >> - -. '» ’■ <• . «t , , '

: Mr. and Mrs. W esley WUliamb. of f , :: 26 L ak e avenue, aro lu Philadolphla,

: to rem a in 'o v e r the holidays, accord-” .in g to annual custom. \ - :

/■*;,;Roy W oolley, of 132 Main avenue,

pressed in to service th is w eek a t... ‘tho A sbury P a rk postofflce to help

J o u t w ith th e holiday rush ;T :.V : i *: ’■ V--”.5 M r. an d Mrs. E. C. Pogue, from J V Cam den, jo ined h e r p aren ts, Rev.

hnd Mrs. J . D. Bills, 85. Hedk avenue,. v Y /i/h y a fa tn lly reu m o n yesterday. .. .J ‘ » ■<* \ .f- O ver Sunday laBt H arry V olck ,'o f./ th e A ssociation office, v isited .h is

m o th er a t BayBido, L. I: H e w as ac- .:. / com panied by M rs . Volck.-

; • : / ; ' Bliss Ida A- Garwood and Alias Jon- , h ie B. Conover, .of 49; P ilg rim P ath- ' w a y ,' have re tu rn ed from a v isit .to

. frien d s In W est Philadelphia.'A ' :»' ,

• J lr . and Mrs: T hom as ;M. Dickey, 71 Mt. P isgah Way, w ent to F luah- iiig, L. L , to spend C hristm as a t tho

v ' hom e of th e ir son. Dr. Goorgo Dick

A holiday houso party a t the home of F red .’H endricks, 89 A sbury ave­nue. Is composed of M r; bird Mrs.: 0. A . W ilbur ,and young son’ Ronert,- of N ew prk; . ;M1bs Vera- H endricks,- a teacher ln tho schools a t Passaic, and A rth u r - H ubschm ltt, -'. of th e last- nam ed olty. M rs. }Vllbur,,and Miss H endricks a re th e ' dau g h te rs of Mr. H endricks. ‘ :.'

'.C harles 0 . L sC ount an d Alias L e- Count,: sum m or reslden ts of Ocean Grove; a.re now ' h f' St.i ; Petersbufg ', F la . .M r/ LeCount w rites tho Tim es: “ There, ban- been no’: exaggeration’- In regard to th is place. I t Ib a live, eh- te rp ’fislng , well-governed c ity ,., Clt- m atb deligh tfu l, flowers gorgeous, f iu lts and yogetahles fresh - and de­licious; i t ; (s grow ing Tapldly,- w ith first-class -residences and w ill soon become one o f .th e fam ous w in ter re ­sorts of :tho lan d .” , :'.j .. .i ' . ' Asbury Park and Ocean Grove BankT IE LYMANS IN ENGLAND

N orijury,'‘London ';'pec. .6, 1913. E d ito r Ocean Grove T im es:—-. >Ve:.reachcd Southam pton on Sat­urday. m ofnrag, Novemhor 30th, a f­ter, an uneven tfu l voyage o n the steam er St. Louis, stopping f i r s t : u t P lym outh , E ngland. By ' tho way, P lym outh Is to be g rea tly affected by th e a lte ra tio n of th e p lan s of the sfeainBhtp' companies, who have de­cided to abandon P lym outh a s a p o rt of call, and to land , th e passengers fo r E ngland d irectly a t Southam p-, ton. W h a t a Iobs to P lym outh , w hero, 1423 lirst-class passengers, w ere landed d u rin g / th e /p a s t sum -’ m er, w ith over 300,000 pounds of mail;", and ;bver 700 .passengers enl- barked frbm Plym'outh to r th e Conti­nent. W h at a loss th e change will en ta il to ho tel keepers, dcalors In supplies and w orkm en in general. ’

Wo passed ,the flfty-th lrd ann iver­sa ry of o u r m arriage on • th e vessel on T hanksgiving day. W hen it was known, am ong th e passengers an Im ­p ro m p tu 'c o n c e r t w as gotten up,' to v/hieh -w e.w ere i n v i t e d , t h e '• young fo lk s-jo in in g In singing, recitations and piano solos, as well as giving selections on o ther m usical Instru ­m ents. M r . Lym an w as .called on fo r a speech, which ho gavo In hum ­orous vein, and I was im portuned to say som ething, so I ’gave them a sol­id poem ( one of m y own composl- t in ) , bu t was trot le t off so easily, The calls lo r ano ther being, forcible, I gave them a ham orous ex trac t I caugh t from ono of Dr. T iffany’s speeches when ho gave us a lecture on “ W ork and Us W orth.V ; ,.

On the whole, o u r 'o cean trip was enjoyable and in all th ings quite sa t­isfactory. T here Is one th in g quite odd to u s In London about le tters. Any le tte r addressed tp .a p a r ty hav ­ing th e w rong_num ber of th e house, it m ust be delivered -- to tb a t num ber, oven-If th e ca rr le r knovys you a re not liv ing there , b iit perhaps next door.- Tho le tte r goes, w here th e . n u m b e rofnfpq *• - ’ -.1 - » ■ . 1

’ ; ‘ MRS. A. W . LYAtAN./ fMrs. L y m a n -sen d s, also the pro­gram of a concert held on December ,11 a t th e Sutfon A dult School, and In; which her- daughter, M adame r ,su ra do V ilm a rfM rs . Jean L. Schaefer),, was th e soprano- soloist.)

The Officers and Directors of

National Bankwish for the residents of this community

a very merry and a very happy holiday season

We Respectfully Invite Your Account {affording protection for your funds and efficient and I

courteous service. An account with theYVilliam-.Rawlings', J r . , . of P al­

m yra, w as a v isitor to ' Ocean Grove, la s t M onday. -. M r,. '.Rawlings,'/-’w ho w as fo ffn erly ’associated Tn the sum ­mer, m onths -with .William Ladom ua in ith-e Jew elry business here . isinow rep resen tin g tho Gold B anks Qulck- silyor Company,:’of N0Vada. -

. . . M -■* ' •-»A t th e . C hristm as en tsy ta lnm on t of

the-local L p th e ran ,Sunday school in th a t church ; la s t Sunday evening th e re w ere app ro p ria te g ilts fo r ,the pasto r,. Rev. ,6 . H. B ech to ld ;-o f 79 E m bury.'avenuo,' Ocean Grovo, and fo r th e o rgan ist, L. vanGllluwo, of 108 Main avenue, th is place." 1 ;


C ontest'’ a t . K oyport R e tu rn s Con- n ec ttca t A lan: W inner.

A few n igh ts ago an oystor opening contest waa hold a t K eyport; The con testan ts were P e te r - Larse'n, of C onnecticut; Neil B radford, of Vtr- g lh la ,:« n d .E d w a rd , Brynb,. of-.- Key. port: F or speed the: con test ’.was aclose ono, w ith Bryne finishing first la 'tw eh ty -th reo m inutes, b u t when the’ Judges exam ined ,th e ou tpu t of. Larsen ho was . found: to have 414-

.perfect oyste rs o u t of a posBible 476, Bradford 410 ou t of 489 and B ryne 27,7 out of 49.5, Larson therefore be­ing the declared the w inner.

.The' judgee w ere Jam es Kelaoy, ot A sbury P a rk ; Capt. W . Scott H op­k in s , ’Capt. Jo h n Mount: and R obert E llsw orth, of K eyport.

' H a rry W ntson M a d e C ashier,.H arry , A. W atson succeeds tbo la te

E dinund .B. D ayton 'as: cashier, of, th e A sbury’P a rk and Ocean Gfqye .Bank, the-appo in tm en t being ratified by the , d irecto rs o f ! th e bank on-W odpesday evening. /M r.tW atso n ,' w hd 'h as . been th e ' a ss is ta n t cusbler for. som e years,' grew up In tho service of th is. In stitu ­t io n ,! In w hich he en tered as-.a mes- 'aengdr: boy ip l8 9 7 . , 1 ' : '

;.- EV ER Y WOMAN w ants and noeds thess- books. A t 'nn expense o f m sn j thousands',of do lla rs ' anil n early two •yepr8 tim e -.wo have 'com plotod and ready fo r ' delivery, the S ix ' Volume In te rn a tio n a l'C o o k in g ;L ib ra ry by. 47/ ot-.. th e ' /W orld’s F am ous .Chofs-^- H ntttid . States,- C anada an d - E urope. Recipes', hqw* Nover tjefore" publish- ed. ., V ery com plete and easily under-- stood. VEadj book com plo te;.'D o Luxe R ecipe ", Books.’ L ibrary con-; Slsts of- Y.'-'i . , • , •V- T H B SALAD BOOK.. •;

T H E liH/CFlNG DISH B O O K ,..';?; t h b ’AFt h r n o o n t e a -b o o k . . ,'. - T H E DAINTY SW EET’BOOK: :

/ Beautifully,ohjboB8cd.',covoro.-throoa n iS fo h r/co la fb /Ih - 'a ttrao U y b r^m n fie ra ./’M n h fey ib fu n d ed M ih d t/d e-;J f tk te d .> U h V ’- . th e ^ '’; h b ^ ^ ;M O S T -:iDEAL'THRlSTM A6;iPRHSBii!Tah‘# ; ,

S ecurity .B ldg!, L ea A ngeles,‘.f ju l.1

will be a valuable assetN. J . TAYLOR, P resid en t.

JACOB STILES, Vice F rM tte n t.

T. A. MCLLEK, C u U n .

JOS. H . RAIN EAR, A sst. Cashier.

D irectors;N. J; Taylor. ... Jacob StllGB W illiam M oran T . N elson ' LUlngore C. V.. H urley • ’ Thom as Wyncoop S. D. W oolley i ,W. K. B radner John H u lshn rt T. A. M iller

A N DV P .

U. S. Depository Postal 5avi ng;s System’ T o Exchange.Ono, tw o and th ree fam ily ' houses

lu N ew ark, E a s t Orange, K earny, A rlington, R oseville an d H ilto n / Owners o f ‘thesS properties ‘sire anx­ious to exchange fo r Ocean Grove cottago o r ho te l property . W ill deal w ith 'ow hora o r b rokers . M all to ll p a rticu la rs o f w hn t you have and s ta te w h a t you w lll exchange fo r and we. Will g lad ly BUbmlt photos and p articu la rs of w h a t can be exobang­ed. S averabof these a re hotaes. o th / era good Incom e property. Beyer R ealty Co., 1176 Broadi s tree t, New- a rk .— 46-49. - : y;' /.?

Page 8: iiscre® w$ St/n Wfi-1 ^narjers af icccfidljJ,^' MM. · 2014. 4. 8. · mm mm.,V O L U btEijW E W TY -Q ^Et InO ! 6 2 I ^ O C E A N : G R O V E i N E y t f I J E R S E Y i J ?R t

t;p ;

88.>»*> .8

of Musu£v"|fe‘ £8. •

"The Tale Has Served Its .Purpose”



Overhead wna the Japuiie.se sky of tender blue. • Jn. tlie fur distance tbe sqowy peak o fFujlyum n seeiiied p a in t ed against the horizon, and below a t the.foot.of tbe terraced hill tile w aters of -the' iiilqnd sea lapped the silver Bunds. Q/

I t was all very beautiful, very peace ful, a place to dream of love , or a


happy past or a sweet, beckoning fu ■ turo. ..." -Yet Harrington stood th ere-w ith u , grlw ’smile on his lips and m urder lu

his heart. In the doorway of a tiny hillside tenipie his form bulked large beside the small Japanese guide.

“ You are sure?"/ ho asked. Takl for the th ird time th a t afternoon.

“Of a most positive siireness,” re- ; sponded Takl, also for the third time.

H arrington turned slowly and w ent back into the temple. Six strides cur

.“. rle<l him across to tbe shrine with its image, of th e s itting Buddha, culm,

. peaceful and remote In its a ttitude of meditation.

H e did not look up a t the Image, i / ■ H is eyes sought, the small flat gray

' green stone se t in the exact center of the votive table. I t was round and polished as if with much rubbing.

“If you have lied to me, Takl,’’ be said sternly to the guide, who had pad ded softly in bis wake, “it will go hard w ith you. 1 urn not to be taken in by ordinary tourist stories.”

“That is a tru th ," assured Tnki sol­emnly. “ I have m yself seen i t with, my own eyes."

“Seen w liat?”“The action of tbe death stone, hon­

orable sir."■ ‘ . Hiirrington suppressed a slnidder,

and ills voice, shook a little iis be. mo­tioned to the Japanese. ‘

; “Go oil. Takl. Tell me about. It.”. Tu'ki drew a long, hissing 1 iron tin und

- sa t down upon his heels. H arrington •leaned a gains! the votive table and guzed moodily down a t the green stone.

“A man from my .village had an en­emy. He wished him much evil, and lie persuaded his enemy to Come to Jlnsn aiid to kiss the deiitli stone; said It would bring-much virtue. The. one., thy kiss th e stone and fall dead On the

- - table.-,’ ■Hiirrington walked slowlv lo Hie door

and w ent down the crooked/ pat it. . . ' among the cryptoinevias. Presently lie

came out on the seashore and made •his . way toward the picturesque little Inn where lie hud 1 ice.ii stopping; •

His H o s t cimio forward, rubbing ills hands with ill concealed pleasure.

"M.v lord will not dine alone to­night.” lie said, smiling. "OtlierAiiier- ieiin gentlemen and ladies will honor lily worthless house." V

- Harringtoii smiled absently, nnd then ns a sudden thought /blazed its way through tlie dark chads of Ids mind liq

. asked abruptly: ...: “These new people—whnt. are their

nuiues?" -. / ■/ , , , ' ‘Alas, it h a s ' escaped uiy wretched

.memory,’.' lamented Cbenyo, "hut one is a tall geiitieniiin of reddish' liuir nnd

. merry, laugh.""Grayson himself. A t lost!" mutter.,

ed Harringtoii, and lie hurried awu.v(lo ins tiny room, w h ere a serviun was In w aiting \vitii water.'for his hath.'

When lie emerged an hour later, lie . ' yvils clothed in spotless white, nnd. '• coot-refreshed und handsome. lie was

warmly welcomed .by the little party- of Americans dining ou the veranda.

"Dick Harrington, by nil ■tling good!" shouted Janies Grayson, spring-' ing ui> und grasping H arrington's re­luctant ft and. "griscllln. here is an old friend. Vou reuiemlier I'rlscilla, ell. D ick;" Griiyson laughed heartily ns ids pretty w ife' arose nnd shook hands w ith tile grave efed mini.

"Yes,- I remember .Mrs. Grnysiui." rumbled riarrlugton’s deep voice, and

- tlie pretty color which had graced ITis- ciii.n's chocks faded and -left ti startled pallor.

lfl-iscilla Grayson (lad nearly loved Z Dick Harrington once upon a tilde.

Then Gl'u.vsmi had come and swept' her. heart into Ids own keeping. She had never forgotten Htirrlngloil’s while hot' anger, his hitter despair and Ids

-deuuiu/ndon ef Grayson, who seemed ’/ ; : quite unconscious of playing tra ito r to

ills friend. • ■■ ... 'H iirrington laid '.w aited his time.

1 Some day, lie Ifdd himself. there would./b T v come the oppor t un i t y t o pay back'

v - Grayson for liis treachery. A kindly / ' - fa te must bring ’ them together, iind

'. then—let Grayson look out for h.iui-. s e lf . . ,

. / .So Harrington laid nursed Ids hatredturd jealousy through n hitter year ot

. restless wandering from one country, ! . another, nowhere tliiding comfort

■e/i./A ./pr peuee for .bis troubled heart. A few A ,- ' ' ' weeks ago. when he first catne to Jo-SJ/V-iv’ capan, he bolfrd th a t tb<j Graysons were.- i , . In Tokyo; When Takl. hts guide, bad

tnlil him the stin-v n f t he death stoneci , told tdin the story of; the death stone £ *£s ? j ' f t v l i h f l o n t o r m l . T I

sometldog o f a shock/ fo r bim

INSTINCT AND INTELLECT., Now. iis they gat c .. ii P tanid tlie ta- Ijle. IIiirriiigton, .the t wo Gruyxoi,iSUind

,a bride aiid grtimii rrinicSah I'faiiclseb, The'Broad Ddforonco Between tho Acts ;Die';,Martins, there was. liUle/ hint of ; ' 0f the; Two Powers. - .V';the tragedy th a t lurked behind Hnr--.’ i.-r r ninny years It lias lieen 'the:,eiis

.riiigtdn’s pIcUs.intrlc.s I’rl.s-ilJa quite, emu-to tli.ttk o f Instinct and in tel II- forgot her nervousness iind laughed ■ , gej„.,. as set over against euch other and jested -w ith her old lover, never Tlu. nm ner repi‘oseiits,tlie Inherited ref knowing flint oacli light reference to | umions of the a n iu ia l/th e .la tte r signi- tlie Past w as like a stall wound in Ills tics liinse acts willed-the auliuul leuriis heart. His lips grew wlilte. anil there j„ the-course of its Indlvlduiil life-'nud ■was a tense look about ids. .month - its power to learn in tills faslilon;':, \vhen they arose 'froiii the table. f liistinct!ve:licts lire “perfect the very

An idle evening followed;..- They ' ; time." -wliile Inlelligent nets arewalked on,ilie sapds.and stood speech-. Hiowiy-ucqiilrcd ■ in so. far as an aiil-less in the .glory of tlie sunset.;, They ! mul iis depending On its Instincts; It. Is sit\v tbe moon rise ov er..the, flistiint ' = : uc;

anil ;th«,vtbe victim . of i t s , iiricestry a nd - of its

Aver.e te enyiroiitiient’ t In su 'bi>8iispeak of - Fujiyam aduinl) when .the nuoorjfsiniys fell on tlie ; \i, iiuniligeiii;: it rUm adiiplP Itii^emsnored mountiiin and:turned;.tlie crest-, yh'miiiient t9 Itself.iriiii rise.iU.dve lli to a lustrous pearl., . . ; ' . . iuiniedlate slln-oumilligH and net In- tile

“W hat a wuiiderful oouutry!’’ breath. ur „ .dlsianl end to he areumed Miu;Martin.. :./U .does, not seein tl ia t 8 |>lf«iic»cl8 - v / : VpAnything wrong or wicked 8‘oiikl everhappen here.

Ilavvlngton drew a sharp brerttli and looked away. Priscilla Grayson ‘ may have heard hiiu, for she looked a t bis .stern profile, and she seemed to find something ominous in its set. expres­sion, for she suddenly complained of the cold and urged her husband to r.o- turn to th e ' inii. The Martins soon followed, and Harrington was left alone with bis bit tern ess of sp ir it \

Tlie moon sw ung iiigh in the heriv. •ens when « st,ep somided; on the sand beside him.

"By Jove. I ’d, like to pnTnt this!’* Cried Gra.vson’s co rd la 1 voice.

‘‘W ait until you scc the temi)ie.v re­marked IlnrHhgton deliberately. : ‘;

Orayson sprang up. “Let's go there now.” '

H arrington got., upon Ids feet and slowly led Ibe way /along the crooked, p a th 'u n d e r the. black shadows of the i cryptomerfas. Orr hs^cfibig. tiie temple i Harrington pushed open the polished | cedar, door and held It w ide for. Gray­son to follow him. It was dim mud i fragran t in.there. A cimdle was burn- j ing low before the altar. Kpme ill- j cense sticks were-glowing red on tlie

Instinct is blind as to the outeonje I of its.netion; Inti.iUgencc; foi^sees and • m odi fies: Its heh a v lo r in the 1 igh t of 1 ts ’ foresight The suprem eexainpje of,in>.

sUnct has been ( he wasfi going through an elaborate <-oursc of action to pro­vide food for Its yet mdmtebed off spring^ seeking out d i>artieular species of caterpillar, stinging every segment Just enough to stun, the anliniti. but not kill It, and tlu*i». depositing the worm

j a t- tb ? bottom 0f .Its newly utnde neat ls where it luia laid its egg. covering up

the coil and tjubi leaving, never to see the*larvae nor to live to do the same act another season The supremely In Leliigent aid in nl Is iim n .p o sscss ln g t be

' • earth by the geidn.s of liis'.intellect.8 M; E. Haggerty in A tlantic Monthly

BROKEN ENGLISH.HadWrestling Match a. Frehchman

With One • Little Verb.He wua a lla rd sv or id ng and Intel 11'

gent Frenchman, but the verbs still, troubled him

“Ab. yes. m 'sieur. I .saw Mrs Brown the other day..'’ pe said to an English friend, “and she felled—I mean, to ld-

votive table. When their eyes had j ?«o‘ tb a t her school Was soon to breakgfown accustoined t o . the darkness ! down.'' • ,they perceived, ilie m ighty image, of j' “Break up, surely?” tlie. Buddha in tlio recess.

I ’resently they movediS: ' I:isuy<

“Ah. yes. break up! Your verbs do one «c- I trouble me so yet! Break up—that

cord and crossed to the votive! tabie, W'liife Grayson's.,eyes .sought the face . of the Buddha, iliirriiigtoii’s burning gaze Was fixed on tile d»*ath ston© <et in the table. The vase o f hotttaae' sticks stood near, and the red glow., from the burn ing ,sticks .shone down und revealed the dull gray g m * stone. -

I wisii—I wish I could ptiiut tins ju s t as i f is.-• But It Isn 't in my liiio. as you say.” hrotitbed Grayson, bring­ing his eyes down. Vo meet rtiosu of the other than. .

H arrington’smiled atifiiy.. • ,“I f you w ant ■ to h11ai11 your desires,

old man, all yon Jia.vo to d a is to kiss the-; wishing stone- there.” he said uwk*; wiirdTy. . ■ " : : : ■ 8 ' z • •

Weji, !ien> goes. Dock) b shall wish for the genius to paint the temple us it is. L/>oks as idiotic as kissing the blarney stone, eh?” Grayson laughed, bent sw iftly and would have pressed ids ’lifts to the death stone, had not Harrington's hand snatched Idm back.

*T>on’t! '’ be cried .'sharply, placing hi nisei f before the* table. “You don’t know w hat you are doing. Jiin .” • ■

Grayson- smiled queenly.“ I1 happen to, he iicqmdnted with the

death stoiii* of M usn,” lie: said (liiietlyf Tlierc‘. fojimred •« long silence.:' There

w a s ' no s'ouiid save Hafriiigtbh's.: deep . agonized breathing. The smoke ofhe burniiig incense swilled ' upw ard,

and was lost in the darkness above the table.- The face of the .Biuldhu looked down upon them from .the lotus ionf. throne, . "

I did hot know. I n ev e r suspected tin til Mojjjgb u Hick; ■ I a m sorry,” .said 'Jiiji Grayson a t last, and his hand rest-, cd oil the shoulder Of. the maif who. had hired him to death nnfi then snatched, him away, a t tlie fa nil mo*; meiit.. : “ , ' ” ; *.- •

Harrington slowly lifted Ids head and looked* lit his successful rival. Grayson read in his eyes all the. pain and suiter ing he had undergone during the past two years, and a great pity filled Ids I j earl. . *

“I don't hiaino you, Hiirrington. I would have done I he same thing under ilie same circumstances.” he muttered.-

Como down to the shore and tell me all ii bout It.” •• 8 •.

W ithout a word they went away and sa t down on tlie silver sands. They talked until the gray dawn pearl-, ed the east, and ITijjcillu'-enmi* to’ tlio vorajula of the Inn. wan and frighlf ctiod; looking fur lwr ijusband.

She saw Grayson and Dick llaiviiig- ton standing Hhoidder. to shoulder talking as only/ intim ate friends may talk. She daw them part with n long pressure o f hands and her imshand's affectionate slap on tlie other's shoul­der. . /•'*; . ;; v: ' ' / .

Harrington has been called home to put his shoulder to; the wheel of busi­ness.” lie explained to Priscilla, but she guessed th a t sornehow'.Dick H arring­ton had. recovered his manhood', and Rbe'.wad g ja ti • ; , * • Voav

Takl. t h e ; guide, cume running to.' tbeiii. “My Jord, Harrington lum gone, aw«y.,? he said hnxibusly' “Perhaps he wna offended thn t I cduid hot, tipi the stn iigb t truth*/*; ;.y : . • '■/ -v.“You did not tell Mr.- ' Hii'rringteift th a t the dpnth stone ‘had been stolen years ago flhd that the stone! lri ;0 uV temple / is merely a,f b it of: old- Jacle placed there to de(*elve the iinwnr^?“\ ;UJ. m eant to,Aihdecefye hJm«s^ r:/o f;h

8ureiie8»--'ivdid.j*V^" Never raimU TajcV ilje tf il^

eerved/ltd Ip u r p o s e . ^ . ^ w i l J / n .d v ^ .k'nowVdiowj or,i^hV r ))iitr a good" map ‘

-'found; ;himsgj f • /'Mr;, i jtijiti.

whs-it!”. •• Why was she going to let her school break up st> varl.v?” . t ;

"Because infiuenza had broken down in i t ” • " V " • -8 : •

“Broken but. It is a hit puzzling; Isn’t it?” / . : : , <./’

“Broken out—ali. yes! And she Is going to;leave the hottse in charge of w earotaki»r. as slie fears it might he broken— iiow do j say that, please?”

“Broken Into, I-expect.”“T hat is It Broken Ipto—by the

burglars.'” ; -.• -Z. ' -“ Is tier sou iparrled yet?” :

8 *‘ No: t he ei ig:ige meiit Is' brbken ,In ” , “Bmitenvbjrv. .Oil, i lm*dh-t Tt?urd of

that!. Is she worried about it?” v •He only broke up the news to her

•ast week Is that jdglilT*••‘No; you should say j u s t ' ’broke'

there.”“Ah. veil: I think I am nearly broke

myself by those verbs of yours!"And he went sadly on hla way.—

Pearson’s : Weekly.

Food and Its Flavor*-in a plea for be tte r food! In America

-rea lly /p u re fdod. better copked—the Jo(ini.(il 6f the A niprleiin .Medical Assp ciution calis on. doctots; and; nurses: to muke -'tlie m ih jeet “of^serirtus nationni' impqrt/'V. “We 'cook! food for ht least fqu r reasons,’ . sa ys th e ■ J oti ran I .v "to sterilize; it; ro rna lie Tt . mi tritious. by render It liiore <*asil.v digestible and to* improve dr yary Its tinvor /T h e last of these is at teast as Important ns any

.of th e ,’others When the gustatory nerves tingle In resjmnse to the stltn ulus of. some rare roudimettt or aro. mu the saliva tlows tti joyotts exelte- m ent npd the digestive, juices, by whoso he u i g 11 t n t jn cm tees food Is traits fornied into uourislimetii, respond in salutary add f iri lest m easure T he^tii. pie anti pleasant way tb bring this about is to pay proper attention to th e ; flavor of food.” . ;

A Rhythmical Criticism. ' Professor Rrander Matthews was

talking of certain past participles that have fallen Into, disuse, reports the,, Washington Star

The past partielpio ••gotten*’ Ims. gone out in England alihongb It stib Ungers on with us lit Eitglaml gotten is'tu most «.s obsolete as “putten “ In some part s o f (’at ml »erlu n«K t la* v I lingers sti I lise gplteit aial pMUeii/ tittd ii;{teai*Wei;‘ <>hre told me «»f a ’tesso'ti on. the past imrtlciiiles wfterettV she gave h«»r pit v pilR an exeretse to Write on the black / board: ' ■* * V: ; ' / 1. - In the mutsi. ot tlie exerciso uu 'air ■’bin began; io; lautilj ^.She asked him why ne s vgjVltig.. -aiid lie a n :su e r id 1 • ^ 8•/•‘Joe 's -fiiiiV riiifVeil ;where* he'.V'Vdibnto hnye putteii ptit.8 . ‘ ; v /* •

' •• / Out af Scrvfc^.; A yoiing lioiisekeepeix; if her cook la stupid, I te r mirse^Iiije,; lier maid', more given to flirtation than to nouseliold duties, aighs fo r.the model Her\'unta of t he good old times. But did “the good old' times” over exist historically,;or do they only JJve iu dream s and bal* .lads? , 8 8 .sC batlcs Diclfens tells of the .'appall-

: iiig stupidity of Tsondon kitchens. Sir W aiter Scott mention# a g en iu s:who. fearing th a t nil his m aster’s bees would desert tho hive, plastered the openings and suffocated., nil the iu unites. Slira uel Breck has/ grewsoihc accpvj ntfl >of burglars, Jiighwttymeii. pirates- and m urderers -timong the v( Evicts sen t over from England before tlie; Hevqlu- tiori. Daniel Defoe's 8 pletures of ex-* travhgunce, carelessness, rasiaiity; and all th a t is undeHimhlc among sgrvnnta is n classic, Jonathan Swift’s “Dlrets tions to .SerYnnts” seems to forestall eVery story of negligence, or wasteful­ness, or dirtiness the present genera­tion has lietu’d.—Living Church

/T h e Top Hat.Although the bogitming of the “cylln

*der of civilization.” us It lias been called, can be trnfced buck , to the Eliza­bethan cru, It is only about seventy or eighty years ago that the top bat of the present dity readied its final

• shape. Since then 'it 1ms altered slight­ly in tho dimetislons of tile crown and the curl of the brim, but the hht itself has retuallied essentially unchanged The top hat scents \o have had its be­ginning in .th e habit of-gallants-in the Elizabethan period of cocking' ,ujv one side of /.their broad brimmed, 'h igh crowned fe lt or betiyer htits and secun* ing* them w ith ,a jewel. The Frencli eoiii't, l i te r developed th is into dockjufe, up three sides o f the hut and fastening one with a loop of, ribbon/ From this fashion cume the; cockade, now used only by grooms find footmen/8 The silk h a t of today was hbru in Frnncc nnd supplanted the now i/early extinct, beaver hat of prhcticnlly the ^nmo'- sliape. though considerably^ larger.— London Standard;

^ ; : Blind ;Swimmors. ■The man who is unfortunate enough

to lose h is sight or fco .be ilqni blind is.says . a - medical . authority,' ‘ severely handienpped on dry ground, bu t' he can,. If lie is n swimmer; fiiid Ids way easily, enough- in the w ater. Blind people genernll.y have! a keen sense of hearing, and' they can steer themselves In the w ater by .sound as well as tin ordinary m a n by sight. If. they areswimming- toward a certain pointw histle from time to .tim e wdl enablo them to vouch it with unerring aceu^ racy. This fayf has been proved by some- iiiterpsting expgyliiients. A race betweeiv biind men and ordimtry HwIm- nierS oil ,ia .lake resulted iii' a victory, for / the former. Normal swim m ers lose.- much time, in .raising their heads for the’ purpose vof keepinig titeir eyen on Tlic 'wiiiiiing post,- / This also pre­vents them froth cotvcentrating all their attention on "speed;—Excliaiige.

v t / ; . ;

j ' tVpr!

We have started a campaign

and\ /r-

; .-'l.v/X

1 C M &- ■ : mO ur representative will call upon alj I “8;

merchants iu our territory to,t-iplain the merits of the gas arc and single 1 -j *j'unit lamp. . Also ;our plan of easy .'payments.

Look for him. .: •■■■■' 1 • ' 8 ••It will pay you.

Commercial Department -

C oas t G a s Co.5 0 M a i n A v e n u e , . O c e a n G r o v e , NT. J .



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& BERRY ROLLER SKATESFull Line^ofThese Roller^Skates ior^Christmas

Gilts—also Ice SkatesRosbs For Restoring-.Hail*.,

ttoses fili-ni tlie .chief - ingredient' ln irlin t is prohulil.v tlie earliest recipe for a hair restorer 011 record. According to Pliny, “wild rohe leaves reduced Into n liniment with hear's grense make the hiiir. grow ngath In m o s t, marvelous fashion." Pliny . nlso recommends

hslies of roses ns serving to .trim the linirs of tlie eV.ebiowa-" Itoses flgured prominently in several, old time strong drinks, siieh ns rosn-soils, wldci) consisted of’ rosewntcf mixed wftli aqua vitae ami flavored with clnno- nion. T h e’ favorite morning d raft among Ellznhothnn roisterers . was “rosa soils, to wash th e molllgrubq out of a. moody livatn."—I.oudon Chronicle.

. Remote Origin of Alcohol,No .one lam p's when uleohol wns first

made I t ls commonly taught th n t it was first distilled by the Arabians about the. tenth century, bu t;tiic re . is. little doubt th a t, they obtained 'the secret-'from Italian doctors;, w ho,hud long been practicing it. Paul Itleh- tc r in the Berliner Kilulsche YVothcu- schrift shows, thnt. a UnowJCdge of 'aq'uu nrdetis,". or- "hurnlng water,"

may he traced as far puck us the sec­ond century A; D. to a Chrlstiuu'futbee. numed.' Ilippolytus, who possessed a fcelpe analogous to those handed about during the middle ages.' ; /■ .-.

' .'E ldest Ball Gamo. i "Tennis Is prqimuheed the oldest of

all the existing hull gaiiies,. It is Im­possible'tti give jtS'origin, but It/Wiis p layed . ln -Diiiqpe during' the middle, luges In the parks of ditches o f the •feudul, c'ustlcs:';. It w as a t 'f i r s t the pastime; of .kings'and nobles, but later It grew^populuv wlti) utl classes. The;

.li'rcnch'. took lt*froui tbe'ltulhM is ana ;the'. English'' I'rom thC; French.’—New" YorU-Press. ' ' " '■ t i V ; 8 ".

TT"* Both 8tdos of I t . : " i-

Jo h n n y . Yvhiii aloes it ■ tneiih tti sny "seoihg it he huiniiriins. sltlt*: ti t fill rigs?; dud?/-,.Father .'-Well' lei us tult.e un.Vs ' ample,:, no w /im uy sides pus jj hnpapiV; sttlii. *;for" limrii iij;t*>, ,-Ai t|hiiiiy , 8 F ather Fxiu-Tiy And When .mini otb er.,m atPsteps ton the;, niiiiaiiii ..spin’ iie: sees tho'serlo/is side 'tif .it.-anti'‘.vtMr.see. the h i im orb us side.: .I.iiiitlini Answers' '

■ / : Inuen.iduiu;-/;.'-'/ V/.;; /-•.■•.•Slow." «ald .Mrs. iltnidnrt. "If ylin;

do n. lltfIt* ivur!/ ror J i i e / l '!l g |re .vojria" good .men I 'a f te r ii w hile/' i / v - ' s

'•JOU’.II,. ySj

• Unploaoant .’Rbactioh. v, ' . . ; ,Boucsr-W hut’ J s f i t ' t h a t ' inukes yon.

look sp dpwiiuenvled?" Cl|idvs—My 'eiu'-' 'ployec’s .’ wife v. bus 'cndowetiy unotlier misslpu. ^Boines—Y\-hat df.'that? ''filuks —Eye'ry tlm q she does I t tlie old piup Slits . down . buy salariesi to got -eveti.'—-: I Boston Post. V ';....' i-fM ".........

Involvod. '.v r/yZ’.''Young;’ \yomiui'-AppUcnn_8 Kxt'\j.'ie

tne.-.diut l syppoHe'^bh.tlbii'tJtndty/pi ’nphody w haTdbnlM viiut^a'y^■to ;do'n6tlilni5,''.Many-jrds,''-1 don't,fTr^Ddon'.^duow'"


sV-.Tite., poweri;i l

SAFETY RAZORS : :M m §in the following known makes : Gem, Gillette, Auto-Strop, . ffl > . ' * Durham-Duplex, Robeson Sure Edge. : . .. v-

Roller Coaster Wagons and Sledsi | | Table Cutlery,colators, Pocket Knives and Me- I chanics’ Tools. \ . J

SN Y D B R atp A l r S TUSHBR8

Q o & m sMrtROVVARe; ■■U8TLEKS;:/k

S .? 8 ?8 ,Kl Lake " “ """Asbury Park, IN. / IS. G. 'APPASGAT^, J, PAUL aPJPLEGATB/

A p p le g ^ it ^ <& A p p le g a itie

iiM iiiiiaInsurance : Mortgage- Loans; 27 Pi I gr i m Pat h way, N?ar Auditoriun-

lt |ra i

Telephone: Connection ■ 8 Ocean Grove, v.'fj

Repairing Promptly Attended To' . ,

P. 0 .; Box';a, Ocean Oi ove. JM iLv'AV:, L ■ 8 \><f

mrmwmkS I - L A S ; W .;!^ B A R T -0 N

' Carpenter d pResidence, r. pl ■; ofne5;; veM'/West:-;GroV^Jlra- ■/ --A •■zv-yg"? ■■ •-- • ./:-/■ f- ’id-;. - :[


p i l l

. ,/:vjLt)/ Of i;i l 31 fi* V iiu © -; z;; €18 N # e r a j |p

. / T ; r ’ ' ’ 8 T o lo p b o n o No.'lOQf - ; X / y s , _ ’.‘ V--.';, CarrlQgeB of every dosorlption and utl Uio la tc a t o ty la s /’ -A.B'ljInda o f i u b i / /

q hort no'tlcp. RoartUnff l>y;day, vrcalfo r JUontbJ

Page 9: iiscre® w$ St/n Wfi-1 ^narjers af icccfidljJ,^' MM. · 2014. 4. 8. · mm mm.,V O L U btEijW E W TY -Q ^Et InO ! 6 2 I ^ O C E A N : G R O V E i N E y t f I J E R S E Y i J ?R t

, . , 7 . . . . . . ,

• ■ . ■ 1




• ^ ^ ,v > * v ;• ,v-v •' : * • ^ •* “ * . * *-* • : - » ' 1 * ' v . ‘ ' 4 ' ' ' * *

g i||H o w ::fe O r to rA Few Suggestions from

¥ 1

CO.Printers for Particular Folks

Ordering printing somewhat different frombuying a cigarj and ih the interests of harmqny batween yonrself and your

‘printer a few suggestiqnsfroqi the,printer’s . standpoint should be acceptable to, you. I f yoh^Trili' foUow tliese suggestions in ordering printing' yon •will

• -find, less fault with your printer, and be better pleased with yourself.

Don’t Wait until the last letterhead or envel­ope is4gone and then send yonr printer a. R U SH ' order. Givi; him a little more time and he will give you better worlc.-

j": . V:“ • 7 7 -/;V-Y; '7 :77-7 7 7 '. :-;7 >; 77 7. “77 777777 TV 7 ' .77'7 ■ 7 777:7 7777W hen you get proof- mark all errors or changesand return, to the printer with the copy and any samples that may .come with, ,

■ proof.r' Even if the proof is' O. K . he.will not know th a t you think* so ; unless■ you tell him. ' :7 :;-/ * ' • ' /; / 7 v ' • • 7 :77':';7 *

L e t one competent petsoii in yonr office han­dle all printing orders. Serious complications and errors are often caused by several persons giving conflicting instructions. 7 7 7 : ; r

W rite all copy carefully and in full, just as youwant,it printed. Do hot leave anything to the printer’s .imagination. .. He is usually a matter-of-fact business person, “with little time, for flights' of fancy, and is hot gifted with second, sight. 1 • •• 7

Don’t shop around. Select a good, responsiblehouse to execute'your work and you will get better service than by having a . . lot of poorly-equipped, chtap-john printers figure on every job, and giving the order to the one that quotes the lowest price each time. You usually get “stung,” if the printer doesn’t. ' \

Price is not the only consideration in buying‘printing. Quality is what you really want, and'don’t th ink you can get the best work for the lowest price. In the nature of things you cannot.

Don’t buy your printing on a bet, the term s-of which-are that yon can persuade a printer to accept your order at a price which will mean a loss, instead of a profit to him. You can hardly expect to

_get-a. satisfactory job by siuali methods

Did you ever stop to think that the man whogets ten estimates from ten different printers on each job of printing, and al­ways gives the work to the7 lowest bidder will always be using indifferent printing? I t is the tru th—think .it over.

This is an age of specialties, and almost everyprinting house nowadays makes a specialty of certain kinds of printing. You can' usually secure the best work and best printing for your use by selecting the printer who makes a specialty of your particular kind of work. Do n o t^ —. expect a poster printer, for instance, to turn out the most artistic advertising J brochures and stationery. -


• - X.


The Best of B very thing a

Out \V’ '-7,7 Bread. Biscuits, Rolls^ Cakes, Pies, Etc: Appetizing Specialties Always on Hand

. ; " Freshly Baked Goods Daily ‘X ' HeadquartersTor t i e Famqus PAN DANDY B R E A D ,. T he Big Loaf Jor' tbe B ig fF a m ily ,I f you have not . tried it

you are missing.something good. .

, S t o r e a t ’

4.7 Pilgrim PathwayOcean Qrove, N. J.d p p o e l l o t h o

T p o s t o f f l c o

Lumber - HardwarePaints^ Plumbers’ Supplies

W :

Beaver Board >32 a n d '48 I n c ite s x v td e , 60 to 192 I n c h e s lo n o

j9s South Main Street I Asbury Park,: CS. 4 .7

'•v,:pM lll on P re m ise .


, ; / Branch Y ard , S p rin g ’Lake. Now Je rs e y

: .a vy V. Cj i f r ' ' ; ' ; X

'BSKER'tlie SHOti; MAN:m<v-- K Is Side Agent, lor'

° " torfMer- M t' ■' Se," J" - '

| y complete'" line of shoes for childreff \Shoes sent, |

P | „,:ihe;Skae:i

Ilea l E s ta te T ransfe rs .Tlio lollowlnB W ansfars of rea l ob-

ta te In th is, vicinity wero recordod ln the office of th e County Cleric a t F reeh o ld fo r 'the weelc end ing laBt S atu rday : , • v . .

G raham C. Voorhees, e t ux, to S arah G. Voorheea. . L o t 1S91, Ocean Grove, $1. ' . ; .

Jam es H. H anna, e t ux, to E lla W, S tryker. L ot 958, Ocean Grovo, $1.

S arah E. Brown . to ’ H enry P . Syruin, e t ux. L ot 801, Ocean Grove,* 1 .

C harles H. Osborn, e t ux, to George Y, H u n t,. e t a l. ' L o t 166; B rad ley P ark , $1. s

Thom as A. Pullen , e t .ux, to Chrl3 A. Rose. One-half lo t 252, B radloy P a rk , $300. '• i

K ate D. Camdbell to C harles A. Campbell. L ot 202 an d 40 24-100 f t , '2 0 1 , B radley P ark ; ?1.

Jacob R. B arry , e t ux, to E lizabeth G llm artlon. . Lot 747, map B radloy B each, $ 1.

Jam es A. Bradley,* e t ux, to C ath­arin e B. S m ith .. Land F ou th avenue,' B radley Beach, $1. .

May Mazet to L eo 'M . Coopor. Land McCabe .avenue, B radley Beach, $1.

E dw ard C. Batchelor, e t als, Ex'ro, to E d ith H. F razer. L ot 614, map Avon; $1;000.

Avondale R ealty Cos to W alter H. R eynolds.. Lots 119; 120 m ap A, Avondale T errace , $100. t •

Avondale R ealty Co. to H arry E s­te lle .. L ots: 116, 116; m ap .A ; Avon­dale Terrace, $1.- E m m a-R . Downs an d O scar. A„ h er husband, to Isabella J . G allag­her: P a r t lo ts 722, 723, m ap As-b ury P a rk , $1. ■ ,

W illiam A, Berry! o t ux, to E d ­w ard E. H ill/ e t ux. L and Main s tree t, A sbury P ark , $1.

L ouis Sharfatein , e t als, to H arry B anker, Lotp 5 to . 8, m ap' 1, Sharf- steiri- & Golding, W est A sbury ' P ark , ? f . •• '/•'VC.-v.: - ; ■ ' / ;

> B en ja ro ln ' Cohen, e t ux, to ' -Max W einstein. Lot, 8 , m ap. A ,': ' W est; ■Park,'..$l. ,, : ■ * V '’\L.':1 John M .:M arvin, e t u x ,- to George; W yckoff. ' L and F ifth avonue, ■ As- b d r jr ,P a rk ,-$ l!. ;

Je'rsoy Coast R ealty Co.- to Jam os. ,T;/’Green:';', 'L o t '137, -R obbins’ Addt? ,tiori to A sbury P a rk ; ,$ l. “'V '

: F lo rence T. > .A nderson and ; R u­dolph, lior huaband, to C hestor Car- ,aiHp;,'..Lot- 8 , .DeNyeo /& Boud, m ap ' W esfrA shury. P ark ,: $l/v. i.;-. Louis Sharfsteln , p t '- a ls , . to . O tto A:•/Spies;."; L o ts /8 ,. '4; m ap 8h arfs te ln . i /G n ld lrig ; W est A sbury:Pafk ', $1..

G eorge 'L ; H olland .to M elissa Og« den.'/./Lot 14, H olland P a rk ,: A ibury.P iirk , $ 1 . ; • * / ; ’;■■ '"i ; »- ■

iM icbmCafrio-.p;

j z » Hy.itmgp, ;i yr/u-----« . . ...... . --WWW

■ f i H W i M M

Offices fo r County F arm ers . .Jam es C. H endrickson, of M lddlc-

towri tow nship is tho new presiden t o f tffe S tate H orticu ltu ra l Society E llas S. B lack, of L ittle S ilver, is a m em ber of tho oxecutlve and special f ru it com m ittees; W iillam H. Reid, •of T ennent, m em ber of. the.executlve ' arid • leg islative com m ittees; J o h n C. Riebdale , of Phalanx,; the legislative com m ittee; 'A ., C. McLean, of E aton- tew n, the special / f r u i t . com m ittee, and Mr. (teid an d C harles A. B a ird , 1 ot F reeh o ld ,, m em bers of th e f ru it com m ittee.

B a rre l to r E llis Inland.Mrs. L. P . H yatt, 38 OUn stree t,

announces th a t the local Queen E sth e r Circle will pack a barre l for E llis Islan d Im m ediately a f te r the holidays, and ,wlll be g lad lo rocelvo donations of cash, clothing, toys, gam es, hooks, pictures,- papers and old postcards. All donations should be sen t to Mtss Jennlo F o ste r, 107 Bro.adway, o r notify any m em ber of the* circle,- "

'W a te r Cress K ing Divorced.F ra n k Dennis, proprieto r, o t tho

K eystone Ice Company, o f Aebury P ark and L ong Branch, and known all over the country as tho “w a te r cross k ing ,’’ h as been notified th a t hiH wife,. Mrs. A nn Dennis, had been gran ted a d ivorce by th e C um berland county (P a .) court. In lieu of a li­mony, Mrs. D ennis is to recelvo $40,- 000 from her-husband . '

is now

. the Center of

N. E. Dxtchanon President

G A. SMOCK; Sec, and Treaa.

Buchanon & Smock J Lumber to .

. ' '- . ’ D ealersIn . f

M ^:Lu;iTiber;;,.,;Mlllwork and Builders’ Hardware

S o co nd . T h ir d a n d R a i lro a d U vea .7 ASBURY PARK

: Sole maCLOfaetaren o f 6m Albemarle brand at Codar Btdnglee.

. Polnte,. OH*,, t'amljsbes. and Brush- e*.' : : ; . " S V "f

Solo agents for King’s Windsor O r . m ent for Mbnmoatfi and Ocean

,t counties. , ,, - • •

J. L. Thombsoh1: ..............■"'■I

Brought about this Result, and the Asbury Park Board of Trade pledges the public

that every effort will be made to maintain this posidoti..

EDWARD R. LUKE. 502 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park. N. J. J

L Christmas Presents S


Page 10: iiscre® w$ St/n Wfi-1 ^narjers af icccfidljJ,^' MM. · 2014. 4. 8. · mm mm.,V O L U btEijW E W TY -Q ^Et InO ! 6 2 I ^ O C E A N : G R O V E i N E y t f I J E R S E Y i J ?R t


SINSIR SEEKS FBEEIOMSehunuB-Qclak Files Divorce

Pepers in ChicagoSuit fo r divorce w as filed in Chi­

cago on M onday b y . Mme. E rnestine ;"7 Sehum ann-H eink, th e singer, against

h e r husband, W illiam Rapp. Deser­tion is th e charge. They w ete .m ar­ried in Chicago in May, 1905, and th e con tralto since has m ade Chicago

.'/ hep residence p a r t , of th e tim e.Rapp deserted h e r tw o years ago,

tho singer alleges. They had no • . children. T em peram enta l and fam i- : / - l y differences a re said to have es­

tran g ed the R apps. ’ M adame Schu- . m ann-H eink had e ig h t children ' by h e r two fo rm er m arriages., T h a t she. /would seek a divorce" from Rapp hatf

/ b e e n . known fo r som e tim e to her friends. ; / / / / ; . :

Rapp is said to he in Now York Ho is ,a law yer, fo rty years old, and a m an of m eans. H is fa th e r was editor-in-chief o f th e -Chicago S taats- Z eltung when he, died- about six years ago. . /-.>// .//■■■/' /•//

Schum ann-H eink’s firs t husband w as E rn est H eink whom she mnr-

. rled in 1882,. w ith o u t ob tain ing the consent of th e D resden Opera House au thorities, w here she w a s t h $ n singing, w ith tb e re su lt th a t h er con- t ra e t was cancelled.

Tho d iva’a second husband was P au l Schum ann, an ac to r and the­atrica l m anager and froin th a t tim e

, she took, th e nam e Schum ann-H elnk. /'■' In 1905 Schum ann-H elnk bought

a hom e a t N orth Caldw ell and also applied, to tho Essex courts fo r n a t­u ra lization papers, which, howevet w ore eventually refused, and she be­came an A m erican citizen through

v h e r m arriage to Mr. Rapp!

T lie New P h ilad e lp h ia Sunday 7 R ecord.

Acceding to th e frequen tly ex­pressed desire of its subscribers and tho dem ands of 'th e read ing public, the /Philadelphia Record will m ake a

,; new dep artu re in the publication of itn Sunday edition beginning Ja n u ­ary 4 th . . . .

The new Sunday Record w ill con­tain a' four-pagd colored comic sec­tion , an enlarged m agazine section, a new 'fashion d ep artm en t, the am us­ing . W illie Greeh, draw n by H, H.

, Brown, who ; resum es h is pranks in th is issue, and a new serial by H a r ­old M cGrath, en titled “ The Adven­tu re s of K ath ry n ,” besides the re-

‘ cently added tw enty-page , fiction magazine. .

And there will be stories,/puzzles, co n te s ts ,' a rtic les and pictures for big and little boys and girls, as well as n il-the news of the th ings th a t happen— of sport, of th e m arkets, of the home, of every th ing and every­body. 1

In .'tbe colored comic section, there will be portrayed the doings of the (famous B uster B row n, by R. F. Out-

. cuult,: known in every country of the world whore colored comics have been printed;; of- Dimples, by Grace

D rayton; of Toby M altese, a m uch-m arried fe lin f- gentlem an; the. love affair of F red and F lora ; as well as o ther childhood,friends.

In the en arged -m agazine section,, the re will be. included a New F ash ­ion D epartm ent and m any o ther new features-

S im ultaneous w ith th e publication of “The A dventures of K ath ryn” ex-

/ clnsivejy ln th e Sunday Record there w ill. be show n in every .m oving pic? tu re house w ithin the range of the R ecord 's c irculation , th a t is supplied by tho Sellg service, p ictures Illus­tra tiv e of th e story. Consequently those who view these p ictu res will obtain a m uch c learer conception of them , by follpw ing the story cnch Sunday in th e Record.

W ith nil these added features, the re ta il price of The Sunday Record w ill be advanced to live cents. The Sunday Record In its new dress will rep resen t the biggest nnd best five cen ts’ w orth you ever bought in a Sunday new spaper.

An ad v an ce .o rd er to your news agen t or c a rr ie r would be ndvlsnhle to assure receip t of a copy of Plilln- delph ia’s new est, biggest and best Sunday new spaper,— 52.


Thom pson fo r County Clerk.Chosen F reeho lder R obert C.

Tlijompson. D em ocrat, h a s declared his Intention to become a candidate for county cleric a t next fall’s p ri­m ary. II is said l ha t Mr . Thompson’s

. frieqdn have been u rg ing him for oeveral m onths past to en ter the contest, h u t he refra ined from giving his consent un til recently.

P a s to r Irw in Goes to W ilmington.L ast Sunday, Ibp Rev. Joseph Y.

Irw in , fo rm erly p asto r of th e M ata­w an B ap tis t C hurch, en tered upon h is new charge, the D elaw are Avenue

/B ap tis t C hurch, W ilm ington,, Del. 'T h e 'l a t t e r is th e leading ’B aptist . Church in: th e m ertopolis of the Dia­

m ond S tate . *. ,

P rogressives P la n D inner.A W ashington d inner is- planned

, ;hy th e P rogressive League of Great? 3./.;er.: A sbury. P a rk , hi which it Is hoped

to .socu ro as speakers Senator A lbert li/L/Beveridge and; Mrs. Douglas Robin-

“ .son, s is te r of Col. Theodore Roose- :F; yelt. - T he d inner w ill .'ho given in v '- .F eb ru a ry . '-'

L incoln Club Offlcors.New officers of th e Lincoln Repub'-.

T l 'can Club, A sbury P a rk , a re : p re s i­dent; T. F ra n k Appleby; . vice presi-

-, dents, W illiam J: Couse,; 0 . R. Zaeh- A'/nriaB,! M ajor Edw in S. F arro w ; sec-

retary-, D ./E . B u rto n ; treasu re r, W. ;V K. Fenn. ." v .- % , ■ >

, ’ //.’■ • Y. M ..C . A. Incorporated . .'y .//; •>4 ’bp 'M ataw ari Y oung Men’s Cbris- ■1 ;tiau...Assqc!iitlpn..-has! filed /certificate

,. oi - incorpora tion w ith /thfi county ’'•, :nleflc: ' : T h eTtruBtaes a re /. George; , M: ./ J fa rris / B. ./Wv/Biss’eil, Therori?gedio;.'

The Christm as en te rta in m en t en­titled “ Santa Claus, J r i ,” rendered by the. m em bers of the Sunday school of S t: .P a u l’s M. E. C hurch on Mon­day n igh t, w as 'p ronounced by those p re sen t to be th e b es t over given by th e school. T he lead ing characters w ere Miss R u th M arshall as “A nne,” Roy H arvey,, cut B radley B each, aa “ San ta ClauS,” and LeRoy H endrick­son a s “ Santa Claus, J r .” T he clos-'. in g num ber was a iab ieau rep resen t­ing “ T h e ‘N ativ ity ,” a il the ligh ts in th e church b e in g e x tin g u ish e d , the only illum ination .being from can­dles placed on th e ; ;p la tfo rm . The school w as assisted by th e E pw orth L eague orchestra , w ith Mrs. M .. E s­telle W heeler a t the / pipe organ, Miss G lendora -Weeks a t one piano, and M iss C lara H epburn a t the o th ­e r , and a la rge chorus choir under the direction of Mrs. B lanche- Ben- n e tt Shreve. .; ././; .

D uring the can ta ta several solos w ere sung. Among the so lo ists were Miss R u th M arshall, Miss M arguerite Jackson; 'Miss Em m a R ogers, Miss C ham berlain , V ictor C ham berlain, H arry Cham borlain and L ees Broome. Beside the can ta ta , rec ita ­tions w ere given by B e rn h a r t Hom ­mell, Lucille Glover, E lizabeth Van- A rsdale, Miss Y arnall and th e An­derson tw ins from B rad ley Beach.

A t the close the pastor. Rev. J. D. B ills, presented S uperin tenden t H a r­ry H endrickson w ith a Very hand­som e pictu re, a g ift from the otllcera of th e school. ' • . / ;

The church and Sunday school room w ere filled. The can ta ta was in charge of Mrs. Hesse, assisted by Miss R uth M arshall. T he decorations w ere the w ork of H erb e rt D. C lark nnd Joseph H.’ W ister, a s s is te d : by E arl H eight.

On Tuesday afternoon th e Cradle Roll, .'B eginners’ and P rim a ry ' de­p a rtm en ts had th e ir C hristm as en te r­ta inm en t a t 2.30 o’clock. A large C hristm as tree, 'trim m ed and lighted w ith electric lam ps, g ree ted th e lit­tle folks, who were accom panied by th e ir p a ren ts and friends to .th e num ­ber of four hundred. The young peo- plo rendered a deligh tfu l p rqg ram pf songs, solos and recita tions. A t the close th e Sunday schoo l-su p erin ten ­den t w as 'p resen ted w ith a travelling case by the Beginners’ and P rim ary d epartm en ts and Rev. J . . D. Bills w as given a handsom e palm and Mr. W is te r” a substan tial am prin t of gold.

The paren ts of th e l i t t le ones in, the K indergarten class of „ the M others’ Circle were p resen ted w ith C hristm as gifts m ade by th e ir own children . This d epartm en t Is in charge of Mrs. Fred Pine.

A t the close of the exercises all of the children,, together w ith th e ir p a r­ents and members of th e M others’ Circle w ere (alien to the dining-room of th e church and trea ted to ice cream and cake, a fte r w hich the chil­li pen received th e ir candy and . o r­anges; The candy given by St, P au l’s school .was fu rn ished by B loom e Bros., and came direct, from the W adsw orth factory in. Newark-.

The Christinas donations fo r the poor have been placed in th e hands of Mrs. S. M .'Lewis, w ho w ill see to th e ir d istribution .

The a ttendance a t St. P au l’s Sun­day school las t Sunday w as 348; col­lection, $13.58.

The Epw ortli League orchestra has arranged to ' give concerts 'w ith Mrs. Hesse a t Lakewood on Ja n u a ry 2 2 , and a t New M onm outh th e last week in January .

Rev. George C larke addressed the E pw orth League, service la s t Suhday evening on his travels in Jerusalem . H e gave- a very, in te restin g account o( h is journey, Miss May Shepard w as th e soloist. . . . / / /■:'.-'

A t th e ir m eeting on: Monday night" the finance com m ittee Were trea ted to caddy and oranges by th e Sunday school. .

A t a m eeting of the Sunday school board held. la B t F riday n ig h t Super­in te n d e n t/ H endrickson,/M rs;.;./1-1, A. W alton rind H. A; K u n a th w ere a p ­pointed a. com m ittee to p rocure rugs, and curtainB for the classroom s of tbe Senior departm ent.

A t the regu lar m eeting of th e ot? ficial board the pastorvw as g iven ,fu ll pow er to conduct revival: services, beginning the first Sunday n ig h t in Jan u ary , and continuing th e re a fte r as long as in his jud g m en t is wise. .. W atch n igh t services w ill be held

Iri St. P au l’s church nex t W ednesday n ight, beginning a t 9.30 o 'clock. This service will tak e the place of. the u sua l p rayer meeting..

A com m ittee consisting of M essrs, B utler,: P rldham , W ard and H en­drickson w as appointed by the of­ficial hoard to ascerta in from a l l th e societies of the church th e ir opinion respecting th e .publication of a chu rch bu lletin , and w h at am ount they w ill con tribu te tow ards th e cost ol' tho same. ■ . / / . - " ' v : /

The sta tem en t w as m ade recently tlin t tw enty-eight, d ifferent societies h o ld 'th e ir m eetings ' in St, P a u l’s church . Did you ever coun t them ? W hy should n o t each of these so­c ieties su b scrib e /a t lea s t $5 tow ards th e expense, of heating, and ligh t­ing th e building? How m any do?

T h e suggestlonw as m ade’a t a recen t m eeting of th e official board th a t all. notices be. condense j and. p u t in as b rief a space aB possible. A good' plan. B ro th e r B h t le r frequen tly h as . enough/’n o t ic e s to fill a . column' of tho Qccan Grovo T im es, ■ Bome of them covering two pages. C ut down th e notices.and; do /not fo rce B ro ther B ills to cut down on h is serm on. • //••. Next;. Sunday being , review day lri;

th e .Sabbath school, Roy. ; J , D/ BillS’ W ill-review th e lesson from 'theijiesk.. ' T he/annual C hristm as social of/this M others’ Circle w a s held ori'.TUOBdny afternoon , in connection .w ith the c h ild ren 's C hristm as exorcises,-/v/•',<//


E sta te , V alued a t .$32,000, Is- Bob. queatlied to M em bers of Fa/mlly.-.

In the- /county; vsurrogato’s 1 Officethe will of T hoihas Jackson/ la te /of Ocean Grove, has been; adm itted " to probate, th e ’e s ta te i beirig valued a t $2 2 ,000 . T he te s ta to r left $600 to his son, Joseph C , Jrickson, o f Ocean Grove, arid $100 to ? h is , grandspni Thomas', sori o f 'F le tc h e r D urrell/. of LaW rencevllle. T h e rem a in d e r 'o f th e esta te is bequeathed.,in. equal sh a re r to h is children , Joseph C. Jackson; Ocean Grove; Mrs. Ella- Jackson , Shepherd,/w idow of C harles L; Sliep- herd, Ifreehold, and Mrs, L au ra P u r- r e l l , , wife o f F le tc h e rD u rre ll , Law- renceville.. Mr. Jackson appointed h is ’son

Joseph,- Jackson , and son-in-law. F letcher D urre ll and . C harles. L . Shepherd, now' deceased,/ executors

. T ria l Postponed.Because o f th e illness of. form oi

Judge W ilbur A. Heisley, in / New York, the tr ia l of Coroner A lbert W. Bennett, W illiam S., Jackson / . John Corlies, B enjam in H urley arid B en ja­min/McDufllO, charged w ith -.aiding and abetting th e Obtaining of false reg istrations, w as postponed to W ed­nesday, D ecem ber ’ 31st, / McDuffie was also ind ic ted on ri charge o f il­legal sale of liquor a t Ocean avenue and 1 2 th s tree t;,p e lm ar, arid the tr ia l of th is case was also postponed: B e­sides Judge Heisley, the five, men w ill be defended by S. A. P atterson arid ClmrleB E. Cook, of A sbury P ark .

/ F a rm B uild ings B urned. . “On a recen t day th e outbuildings/

on th e farm of John V anK irk, in Marlboro .. tow nship, 'n e a r . W icka- tu n k , w ere - burned . . Mr. V anK irk discovered th e flaines • issuing from the lo ft o f a la rge barn. He succeed­ed in drivirig o u t all the. live /stock , h u t the blaze, consum ed the barn , cow hbuse, w agon house, corn cribs,' m any tons of hay, 750 bushels -Of corrii sta lk s and m achinery. The barn w as bu ilt fou rteen years ago, to replace one w hich w as burned then.

Local Soloists a t Concert.'. Mrs. A nna Ballard-Lew is and

Mrs. Blanclio Benne/tt-Shreve, of Ocean Grove; w ere am ong the vocal soloists a t th e concert in the F irs t M .E. Church,' A sbury P ark ,' o n .F rid a y evening of la s t week, given by . th e m usic com m ittee of th e W om an’s Club! Mrs. Lewis s a n g 'th e W altz Song frhm P uccin i’s “ La Bohem e,” and Mrs. Shreve gave the. jew el Sohq from “ F a u s t.” ' *

Took Off T hree Fingers.• In opera ting a pinner a t K eyport

a few days ago, W illiam H.' C herry lost th ree fingers. Coming in con­tac t w ith tho m achine one ot the .fingers was cu t off 'completely and two others in ju re d so badly th a t am ­putation was necessary. T he■ in jured man is a m em ber of tho firm of TIN ton & C herry, carriage builders, ,of South K eyport.

. St. P n u l’s Sunday Services.9.30, B rotherhood m eeting; '10.30,

serm on, ‘iNew Y enr’s Vows,” by Rev. J . D. B ills; 2.30, Sunday school and Ausemhiy; 6.15, E pw orth League;7.30, serm on, ‘‘Once-Told (Tales,”

by the pasto r. A t ; the w atchn igb t service next W ednesday evening Rey. Mr. Bills w ill preach on “ The Y ear’s Crown.” ■

West. G rove /Firem en’s Relief.Ofilcers of th e F irem en’s R elief

Association of W est Grove, newly- elected, a re : Silas. W. B arton , presi dent;. I ra W :' Boyce, vice p resident; WlUlam R. O’Brien, secretary; Jo ­seph' II. P e terson , treasu re r; Alonzo L. W hite, collector. ”

D e a f n e s s Ciuinot Bo Coredby local applications, a s-th ey cannot reach th e d iseased, po rtion / of . the ear.: T here is only ono way to 'c u ro / deafness, arid th a t is. by constitu tion­al rem edial. . .D ea fn ess 'is caused by an inftam efl. condition of th e m ucous lin ing of th e E ustach ian Tube. W hen th is / ta b s ia inflamed you havo a rum bling sound or im perfect head ­ing, and w hen - i t is entirely/closed,- Deafness la th e resu lt, a n d . unless the Inflam m ation can be tak en ’/out and th is tube resto red to I ts norm alcondition, hearing will- bo destroyed forever? nine cases out of teri' areforever:caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of tbo mncona surfaces.

We will give One Hundred Dolinin for any case o f Deafness (caused by; catarrh) th a t cannot be cured by Hall’s Critarrh Cure. Send for d r - , culars, free.

F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggista, 75c.- 'Take Hall’s Family Pills for Con­

stipation.;-- j '


P u b lic notice is hereby given th a t th e subscribers will /ap p ly ,; ./ to ■. the L eg islatu ro on Ja n u a ry l3 th , 1914, fo r th e > passage of a bill :or Taw ’iri-,nnvtinrntlnoi’Fnn vi nnnii'n.'l. J/VJlii.iT*co rp p ra tin g . a s a ibproiigh / o f / OcerijSv

at. portion of ./Neptune/Grove', n il o f th a t Tow nship in th e county o f M onm outh' S ta te /p f N ew /jprsoy, Within/ tlio..fpS. low ing ‘ / described; , boundaries,;; Boiindcd on th e caat by /tho Atlaritii;:ocean, on th e no rth ’i»y th e so u th e fi / ly.' hpnndary line of th e c ity of/Aia-'i bury I ’a rk , i on- th e west. by tho m ath ro ad lead ing . from -Asbury/ P a rS /t&.- f l o l m o w 'i I n n rt- ' f t n / ' " '.H i A’. / ‘ ? J 7 . ' ' ri/iL’i'j.-L.'SL'.j

/ Lorig/Gotn E lks1/ A ntom pliilri., / ? : / "nip .fliitpni’obilo-, d isp o s e d , 'o f ,/pp-

th e sharo plafi/hy’ the /lo o a l jo d g o /of i

GOATS FLAYED ALIVE. |, pirusf/Tortures Inflicted on-Animals tn

Many Parts of India. ■''In an lUnatrated" pam phlet Issued by

th e Anlinnra' Friend epclety.'of Eng, land ' ' ' " ■ “andf attention ts/draw ri to th e Indian practice o f flaying' live goata './T h is commercial ,barbarity ' -Ib ?: prevalent throughout Bengal arid ts; done In or­der to.obtain longer ineunnrements -for the m arket.'so called long necks com maridlng u higher price ori'account of the extra length. T he dreadful, process Is carried out by beginning tho flaying a t the eyes an d ’ mouth of tbe llvlngZ goat and working down, the neck, aft­er wlilch tho throat Is cut: In oneof these cases/ which cam e nrider the

. notice of the Hon.-Mrs. C hnriton .'the flaylrig had been partially carried out. and. tho. animal, though rescued frbtri” his ibrmentorH.;finally- succumbed, In misery to the ngony. be bad endured. The Initial act of ,torture was perform ed under the eyo tn the shupe of,a cut In; the form of a St. Andrew 's cross, arid the skin, to rn 'aw ay In flaps, felt •down the' anim al's “neck.

,Tho practice of branding; domestic onlmnis for ornamentnl purposes and slitting tho ours and nostrils of donkeys Is prevalent-tn many parts of India. These cruelties result Id much suffer­ing. though' they a re erroneously sup posed by tbe poorer cluses of the popu­lation to convey soino, benefit to the .animal. . :. .-• ’

Bullocks ivltb one side of the face alm ost burnt nwny nre to ho seen every where tbronghout tbu erist. and but little comment Is aroused by the plight of these unfortunate, creatures, which toil yoked to a heavy .. ill ' bal­anced c u r t Thi^e poor linlinnls nre Insnfllpicntly fed. bnhltunllv overladen nnd - overdriven, nnd their shrinking necks show tumors und ulcerated sores caused by the Incessant working of the clumsy yoke Id dally use. ,

In DelhLnnd elsewhere secret places exist w here, buliocks nre .turocd into monsters for exhibition Id religions proccgsloiiH. , “I /myself." says Mrs. Cbnrltou. ’’sbw .oDe of theso poor mnn mado monsters a t H ardw ar, a sacred place Id tlie Dun (United provinces), and secured ./a photograph.: It .was be­ing led about inchnrge. of a fakir; who, showed me with pride several: legs which hnd been engrafted, on Its back, and the process m ust have been most painful." Iu performing th is cruel op­eration more tlmn one anim al Is killed in the greatest agony.

"It - "i'd >'Mn/jjA 7 % J***!*1!'; -r \ r'P -'71 r - l'v. \! *

® r s e y s »

mixtures, 44aud 50? iu. i6n^ siu- gle and double Lreastedj collarsvelvet aiid convertible and without belts, li^bi; ahd ff^rb

KING OF WILD BULLS.India’s Gaur Combines Courage and

Audacity With Great S treng th .' Thu guur is often / wrongly termed

•’bison.” The name Is not correct; the bison Is tlio bos honussus of Llthuuiiia und tho Caucasus. The gaur. fouDd In Indo-Uhiua, Is certainly the' fliiest of all the w ild' bulls; lit overawes all. op

.ponents by Ills courage, audacity uud great strength.

H b Is a huge beust and sometime^ measures six feet to the root of the tail/ H e Is distinguished from all o ther wild cuttle by the prominent hump between the two horns. Tbe lat­ter are massive, flat a t the base, nnd ringed, aud they describe a very wide curve from the root upward.

Tho cout Is of an olive brown tint, shading hi blnck. with very short, fine, buir. -

Tho gnur is found both Id the forest und on the mountains, for. In spite of his great size, he is extremely agile, so tbat he can run up the mountain slopes and climb the rocks with ease. '// .•/ •

Like the elephant, he feeds on grass and plants, and wbeD ho cannot get these he falls back on hnmbuo shoots, nnd the buds nnd branches of trees,

The gaiirs feed until about 9 o’clock Jn the morning; then they return to the bamboo forests'm jd clenrings to sleep” L ater In the afternoon they come out to graze and drink. They ure not timid, and several shots 'can be fired among/ a herd before they become alarm ed.- / Duke of Montpelier in Wide- World Magazine.

8eacoast Defenses..Tt seems rather udd; come to thliik

about it. th a t all of our big coast de fenso rifles are only available to shoot a t un enemy coming ln from sen. In their rear- they are without protection and would .require liri nrmy to project them against Invaders who might ellml; over the back fence after us These big guns have a horizontal swing ot only about ten degrees azltnnth ’ Wouldn’t it he w ise to bo make tbes«

big shooting Irons, th a t they Could be sw ung elerir arotind- the circle, so ,tha t they.;’could defend -them selves;; so ;.to . speak? W e could, then load .'era .with broken.up stove plate, bolts, newspaper jokes/fam ily 'portraits arid yarious -JunU .

;■ Tho poorest, men in France a; • aririy ofiiccra. ■ In' fact,” they

a:aririy ofiivers. ■ ,-fri fact, ' they /

.starve/to ; death if they hnd, a 1

colors—this season’s models. Prices' as-follows:

•’/ ' •, ' . 'J y . '»,,1 " i 7’;,.

$22 /and ’ $25 values, at $18150 $ 1 7 and $ 18 values, at $ 12 , 75 $ 12 and $ 1 3 values, at , $8;75

/ Boys’ Overcoats' ■/ Greys, browns, blues and.

fancies, button to neck mOclels, nicely tailored. Good, warm garments. Sizes 3 to 12 years; prices as follows:

$4.00 values at $ 2 .7 5 '; - $6.00 values at $4.50 ,$8.00 values at $6.50

Anktra JIark.. Sfffo Jfraetj

Ml■ ; -* - --/■ ;Wt>t -•V r‘iXp'r'-i


m ,m

,f ' j p


■ Special Vaises in Men’s v

HATS and FURNISHINGSo f Reliable Standard lllakes ; ' 7


Such .as Interwoven Hosiery^ Rootls'::tlnderWear,H ealth Underwear—a luxury for the'sensitive ho /sM'cost morethfi.n many' inferior- makes./- . Stuft'g'arter Underwear^//' 7 ; a’geriuiife"German garment. - An exceptipua! line of./Sliirts.at/':

.prices, ;./'Orij2 “sp ec i^ /lo t /bf //w hit^ /O ^ord iGhriyidti/fiShirts at 3 5 c . , t^rce -for $i'—slightly imperfect, but n 'greal/ bargain at/th is price! ' /Our, store i s !/'v^lk/ /supplied' ;w many good and reliable goods, priced/right^iorlbfcir/ftM pccti^/^ grades,' Sweaters', from the c^eripept tp the ycry best. y )4aclc7 ^/S

V / ' \: ■/--maws in great variety/for bqys/*nd men/- /' //

Howard L Borden jq i p R m a n ; . ^ y ' e t t