ii 14l inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5jbp7k/data/0183.pdf · rot for hutunlay the ala against e d...

1 1a r- Ii t i t ljfttbntati 14L > I II i VOL XL NO 23 PADUCAH KY WEDNESDAY JANUARY 27 1904 10 CENTS PER WEEK I NOTHING F TODAY I tOinitorfeitcra Arraigned null f Their Trials Set Mono of Thom Has Yet Been Heard i By the Federal Antborities I Here DOCTOR PUOKETT WAIVES r There havo been bo new develop mints In the counterfeiting en set to- day ¬ This morning tho four mon ar tested yesterday near Dexter Calla way county were arraigned before U s Commlf ilonor Armour Gardner and Dr luckott waived examination be ¬ tog held in the sum of f 1000 which ho gave The case against John Wyatt was J rot for Hut unlay the Ala against E D Thompson unit Robert Duncan ar seated day before ycitcrday win set for Wednesday next Tho caio against M G Warren wal- let for Thursday and Horaoo Warrvn his son oho waived examination and was hold to answer in tho sum of tl 000 which ho gave It is said government oulours arq t hot on the trail of tho persons who mado tho bogus 20 bills that have boon pusd It I is alio said that tho vrisoners l ill cxposo them at tbo tri l als tt Is claimed l that Wyatt Is tho man- N io assed a counterfeit ISO bill on a woman living on a shanty boat somo timo ago tho bill non afterwards boo tug pasted by her here on a merchant Wyatt claims he got the bill from a tit win living near Blood river Calloway t owintyt Sr 1 is alleged to have railed a f 20 bill hero on Morrltz Fried i man tho wholesale liquor dealer who f i notlflod him of It by inailand received good money in exchange t GAnother claim Is that a bogus 130 bill or the same one was afterwards l passed by tho older Warren on Dr Pnckett who in turn paned 1 It on War- ren ¬ son wnc today waived examina ¬ than i The affair teems very much mixed And it is said the photograph plates will be recovered in a day or two 1 showing who hae been making the I cameI state It was expected that some of the cues would bo tried today before Cow missioner Gurdnorbnt nono was ready for trial r THREE CHILDREN BURNED Saline 0 Jan 27Theihreo small children of Henry Folslngor of Rook port north of this city wero burned to death in a flro that destroyed tho farmhouse Tho dead are Elnora Folilnger aged 1U Gnorgo Foisinger aged 10 Elva Foitingcr aged 0fatally Injornl i MM Henry Feltingur aged 85 moth ¬ er of tho children The children wcro sleeping in a room directly nboio tho gwnicr kitchen PERPLEXED 1QOllr mu sighed Reginald i lifting I IllckloI Wishbone Why Miss Orchid wrUfsihal she would like an Angora tot i Christinas j present and I dont knosV ifshu goatObIcngoI I mow 1 NEWS NOTES Wllllnm Carson flack tho leader of s HID minority in the house will in nilI probability outer tbo race for congress ia tho Eleventh distriot It is now bollovnd that tho murder 9f Mire Sarah Schaefer in Bedford Ind was tho result of n cnso of mis ¬ taken identify but no clew to thoI I murderer has boon found Mrs Mcudcnhall and daughter Miss Tennessee Mondenhall will loavo this f l Memphisl aftrn 11 par L is ± lSBI THREE TO HANG I Pembroke Murderers Brought t to the City Today t Sheriff From Christian Brings dove p I in All to Place In Our Jn FOUR YET TO BE TRIED Sheriff L R Davit of Hopkins vlllc Gbrlttlaa county Ky arrived I In tho city this morning with Frank Sherman Dill Garrntt Ed Holland Frank Mosaic George Holland Dick Oarnqy and Frank Morrlwoather col ¬ ored for info keeping Tho former four are being hold on the charge ftf murder while the latter three have already been oonvloted and sentenced to hang for murder Tho negroes were brought hero for ufo kcoplngln case an attempt would be nude by friends to secure them from tho Hopkinivillo jail They aro alleged to have killed an unknown man at Pembroke Ky November H- and it it tho llrat time threo sentenced to hang wero over in the jail hero at the tamo time Tho other four are to bo tried i in April ONE GETS- RELEASE Paducah Steamboat Men Have i Partial Success k4r J Expect a Now Hearing in tho Steam ¬ boat Tax Cases Ryman Line Let Out Attorney E W Bagby and Mr Saunders A Fowler have returns- from Frankfort Ky where they wen to secure a now hearing from tho court of appeals in tho steamboat cues where tho state revenue agouti at ¬ tempted to make them pay a franchise tax The State agent brought snit against the Ryman line St Lculs and Ten ¬ nessee River Packet Co and the Ten nesioo and Ohio river Packet Co t compel them to pay a franchise tax sand a judgment was rendered against tho steamboat lines Tho Paducah gentlemen tried to secure a new bear ¬ log and succeeded in securing a dis ¬ missal in regard to the Ryman I1noi The other two steamboat company oases aro andor consideration and it is thought they too will bo dismissed This decision wfll mean A great deal ono of those interested explain ¬ ed anti will affect ivory steamship nod steamboat line in this country i other states fallow the example sot by Kfltitnokv This is tho first steamboat case of 18 kind brought up and no other state has pail any attention to tho steamboat lines hut Kentucky Wo hopo to havo tho caio dismissed an a now hearing has been given us and eve think tho commercial value of tho ttcabmoat lines will 1 bo recognized and tho matter dropped The ether states recoguizu the commercial value and hava ngt interfered with tho river companies to The principal claim of tho local river men II that tho state has nothing to do with tho rivers which are own ¬ ed by the government MORE EFFECTIVE John said tho annoyed mother Ethol has too many young mon call fag Wont you try yourhand at tile ¬ couraging them No replied tho stern father Ill try my foot A GOOD MAN Is ho a capable advance agent Vury He advanced himself 6000 for his first irontha expenses = t DIED INCHAIR Mrs Hannah Donnoy an Aged Citizen Dies I Probably Died From Heart Disease Today EarlyColored Child Smothered CORONER IS INVESTIGATING I Mrs Hannan Donnoy of 810 South Second street was found dead this morning bout 9 oclock at her home She was still partly In her arm chair unit had evidently been dead some time She usually retired early unit it was supposed had followed her usual custom This morning when time serv ¬ ant went to wake her tho was found with Lead on her breast dead Tho deceased was torn in Ireland but had been a resident of Paducah for many years She Is said to have been 73 years old nod had been living on Sonth Second street for many years She has one daughter Louise Don ¬ noy who has beep out of tho city for some weeks Sho bad no other rela ¬ tives so far as is known Coroner William Peal was called to Plnnkotts lull neighborhood this morning to hold an inquest over tho remains of an infant child of Marga ¬ ret or Bertha hell colored who oath ¬ er froze to death last night or was smothered to death in the bed at tho resldeuco on 402 South llth street The mother telephoned the police station this morning asking frr the services of Coroner Peal It was un ¬ derstood at the police station that tho negro womans older chill was sloop ¬ ing with the infant and accidentally rolled over on it Coroner Peal decided death was from nat urel causes The verdict of the coroners jury rill no doubt be death from heart fail ¬ ure or apoplexy Her laughter is in St Louis and is expected tomorrow to attend the funeral the time for which has not boon sot WEATHERt OAPT JOE WOODS SAYS TillS IS LIKE SUMMER TIME IN COMPARISON Captain Joo Woods of tho Paducah police toroe who brought Clarence In ¬ gram back from Minneapolis Minn morno ¬ ing that be experienced tbo most ex tromo cold weather he over felt When J reached Minneapolis be stated tho thermometer registered 40 degrees below zero and at Stillwa ter on tbo river a few miles from there it registered 43 below It I got snowbound on a train At Odon between Cairo anti Ohloagoand romatuod there for more than three hours It II A trip I will long remem ¬ bor PADUCAKf WILL THIS mrL llo IT BECOMES A LAW A bill has passed in tho houso at Frankfort which will affect Padncah should it pees iu the senate It provides that In counties having cities of tho second class tho county dark instead of the sheriff will boo some a member of tho election board This is special or class legislation but it Jt pastes it will result in County dork Charles Graham instead of Sheriff Leo Potter being a member of the election board COUNTY COURT Annie S Darnhlll deeds to tho L and N road for f 1 and other consider ¬ anon property near the Thompson stock yards Emmett DaRby Jr has qualities no a notary public Mise Mando Brandon of Bonton passed through tho city on route to her homo front Cincinnati this morning Sho Ims boon in school at Cincinnati a WANTS TO- RESTRAIN Rehkopf Company Filed Its In S junction Today Sues for Restraining Order in Circuit Court and For 20000 Damages Against Union TRIAL FOR FEBRUARY 2ND A restraining order Is asked in a suit filed today by tho E Rehkopf company of Paducah against tho members of Union No2 Leather worbenasking that they bo restrained from Interfering in any way with the nonunion employee of the plants or the business of the saute Individual members of the union said to bo as follows aro made parties to the suit Fd Alexander James Lowo Cliff Senter Columbus Ran ¬ som Thomas Warren John Sanders Chris Prnees Charles Zeits Jack Hol ¬ land James Sanders O Evans Al Rudolph Will Goodman Will Burch Ratal Story Frank Earhart Hall Wallace Charles Phillips Max Prness Matt Memory Joe Green Enoch Fletcher Joe Hurst Frank Wiseman Browfalo Graham Stove Fahey Frank Hambriok Benny Schoenberg Sam Oopperwaite Fred Brabio Oscar Den ker Ed Ycltima Charles Swander Loeser George Swendor Dnfort Ullmaa Richard Martin Iko Ander ¬ son J T Meyers Tom Gardner William Kurtz Albert Womblo Will Surges James Ellis Emmert Holland Jim Griffin W 0 Edrington Thomas Smith Andy Hooey John Rupertns Joseph Frailer George Ohastaine James Walker Richard Woods Dan Cummins George Holifleld Thoma Ooylb Babcock Joseph Spitzmll ler Frank Peterson Edward Antonc Thomas Clark James Welsh Willie Crawford Ed Bulger In addition to the injunction to pro- ven ¬ an interference with his business I Mr Rohrfopf asks for 20000 damages against the members of the union and tho union Itself It f it claimed that the firm has many contracts to fill and that the defen ¬ dante have interfered by striking and by keeping others who desire to work from working by enticing and intimi ¬ dating them from work Little more than already published has been learned in regard to tho as ¬ sault mado day before yesterday on two employee of the Rehkopf plant who had come hero from other places to work The alleged assailants bavo not boon canght- Lcatherworkers claim that they have had nothing to do with any die ¬ orders Jndgo Win Reed has sot February 2 as the day for bearing tho motion for A restraining order GOOD MAN GONE DEATH OF MR MATTHEW UOAUH OX PULASUI COUNTY ILL Mr Matthew Rono ft highly I respected citizen of Loding Poluski county Ill died very sudden nt his homo on Sunday morning at 8 oclock IInlliUlll I all of hit life Ho was n good 1 and upright citizen and A loving husband anti father Ho loft n wifo and seven children fonr sons and throe daughters Alto throe siitornall of Pnlaski county Mr and Mrs Frank Augustus of 1319 Monroe street this city return ¬ ed home last night on the Fowler from Lounge where they woro summoned Sunday by telegraph to attend the funeral of Mr Roach who was n biothorlnlaur of Mrs Augustus IN A CRITICAL CONDITION Captain John Segcnfelter has not Improved and ho Is in a crltcal condi ¬ tion in Iris room at tho Palmer house Ho was not expected to livo through ¬ out tho night but rallied Subscribe ft The Sun t ICE MAY s I SINK COAL Great Damage Likely Near Louisville Suspect Arrested at Louisville For the Murder of tho Bedford Ind School Teacher NEWS OF THE LEGISLATURE Louisville Ky Jan 27Mtillonll of bushels of coal aro in imminent danger at Pumpkin Patch and heavy forces of men are at work to save tho barnes harbored there Already tbo fleet has suffered from the heavy ice Several barges wero sunk there early this morning but nono of tbo fleet has broken loose- Louisville Ky Jan 27Harry Behr dark haired was taken under detention by Lonisvillo detectives wh f think ho is guilty of the murder o Miss Schafor the school teacher of Bedford whoso mysterious death has attracted national attention The sus ¬ pected man says ho is from Memphis Tenn and is about thirty and tall with dark hair Ho has been in hid ¬ ing hero with negroes slnco last Fri- day LAST RITES Louisville Jan 27U Bishop Dudleys funeral this afternoon Blab ¬ op Burton read the opening services Bishop Gailor tbo lesson and Bishop Francis tho creed anti prayers The benediction was pronounced by Bishop Burton Bishop Peterkin had charge of the services at the grave ATTEMPTED BRIBERY FELONY Frankfort Ky Jan 27The criminal law committee hue reported favorably to the house the bill of Representative Miller amending the law as to bribery and attempted bribery making it a felony THE BEOKHAM COUNTY The Senato bill creating the county of Beokham was favorably reported b the legislative redistricting committe- and advanced to the cale- ndarHEAVY ICE Stops Packets in the Ohio River Again The Sprngno Loft Today for Louis ville Followed by Other Boats The Ohio river this morning pre ¬ rented a most forlorn appearance to time river men being full of slowly floating ico which makes navigation f impossible The ice began to flow heavy last night and this morning is so thick iu some places that n person can walk nol s This is tbo big gorgo which broke loose at Cincinnati several days I ago and has been slowly working its way down The greater portion of the gorge got hung up at Carrsvillo and caused the Joe Fowler to turn bank there yesterday Tho ico nt Cam villa was caked np to the height of several feet This morning tho big steel hull Sprague left for Louisville with a small tow of barges and will crush through tho ico floes Following tho Sprague tho J D Finlcy loft Tho Finloy was followed by tho Harry Brown which in turn was followed by tho Cruiser Tho Spragno will open the way for tho other boats which are not fortu ¬ nate enough to have steel hulls Tbo ico is very thick and the boats will necessarily go slow Tho pooplo of Lexington protest against tbo adoption of tho Gully alp t machine rnoisure y I 1 1- CIrr VBOUTTHE HAU I 0 Girl Wanted for lo sehreakjnh Arrested at Mayifeld 1 r ii A Number of Small Robberies Burglaries Repoiod to andI I I the Police I ORDINANCE COMMITTEE MET i Officer Albritton of Mayfield ar ¬ rived in the city at noon with Mary Clark a negro girl about 14 yemrs of 1 age charged with house breaking The girl was arrested in Hayflold and is alleged to have broken into tho residence of Mr A F Lagerwahl agent for tho American Express com pany here Saturday and stolen a watch ana other jewelry The girl took the key whloh had enterf drawers in the house and took every ¬ thing ofjvalne Au express man came to tho residence that afternoon to de ¬ liver a bundle and the girl thought it was some one returning homo and fled carrying but littlo stuff away with her She loft the principal part of the goods on tho floor h H Ai Fntroll of the Lone Oak sec ¬ Eton attempted to put his pocketbook in his pocket thus morning on market and missed the pocket The puree ii fell to the ground and it Is claimed was snatched by Clyde Nance of s Pottavlllo Graves county Nanco took tho 93590 out of the pookotbook and threw the book into a stall in the Iceman wagon yard Officers Huxley and Cross began an investigation and reoovere4 the money Nance was ao ¬ companied by another boy but claims he intended to turn tha money over to the owner when it wan called for Tho boys olJpa they did not attempt to steal the pocketbook and will not bo prosecuted The plumber shop of Mr Matt Oonl yeon No 116 South Seventh street fare as Mr Conlson could learn nothing was taken Entrance was effected through a side window which was broken out and after the burglar or burglars had gotten in opened the door from the inside A cigar butt was found in the building and the door was found stand ¬ ing wide open this morning Mr Ocnlson kept no money at the shop and has missed no tools It is evident the burglars made a poor haul U I Tho ordinance committee of both boards met last night to consider charteer amendments and referred the matter to tho presidents of tho boards and Mayor D A Yeller Mayor Yeller stated that he would try to got the two chairmen together today andi i have a talk There will be ranch corrospondenco to attend to before tho amendments are settled on Hnnters report A Jersey cow in a pitiful condition between La Bello park end Paducah They fcnn i the row lying in the snow nearly frozen and unable to walk boil legs being cither frozen or broken Mr John E Friantthe blacksmith reported to tho police this murnlig that ho lost fits tine sold watch inr i somo way Ho had tho watch on time 111Il l 1 r rUE MARKETS t WUT + niOll LOW CXJiB 591 Sa ty4 I J IIlIltbf f July Slay ts41 1 4r 49 OATS s y My 4al oQ n- July374 3TI J7ia- CQTTOf lfar5 U 1 S DO ar 4z May1 s3 ISw 136S July 511 a5 34 1J r- Aug15 IS 14 Jo Ia cpI3 qY t 351 3g5 STOCKS r Co 13d 134 134- r N loll too 01J tdo P 9S 9I rd 4- v S5tl ill art- U s r 5I 581 J S = 1m 5

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Page 1: Ii 14L Inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5jbp7k/data/0183.pdf · rot for Hutunlay the Ala against E D Thompson unit Robert Duncan ar seated day before ycitcrday win set for Wednesday next Tho


1a r-

Iit i

t ljfttbntati 14L>




tOinitorfeitcra Arraigned nullf

Their Trials Set

Mono of Thom Has Yet Been Heardi

By the Federal AntboritiesI



There havo been bo new developmints In the counterfeiting en set to-


This morning tho four mon artested yesterday near Dexter Callaway county were arraigned before Us Commlf ilonor Armour Gardner andDr luckott waived examination be ¬

tog held in the sum of f 1000 whichho gave

The case against John Wyatt wasJ rot for Hut unlay the Ala against ED Thompson unit Robert Duncan arseated day before ycitcrday win setfor Wednesday next

Tho caio against M G Warren wal-let for Thursday and Horaoo Warrvnhis son oho waived examination andwas hold to answer in tho sum of tl000 which ho gave

It is said government oulours arq

t hot on the trail of tho persons who

mado tho bogus 20 bills that haveboon pusd It Iis alio said that thovrisoners lill cxposo them at tbo trilals

tt Is claimedl that Wyatt Is tho man-

N io assed a counterfeit ISO bill on awoman living on a shanty boat somo

timo ago tho bill non afterwards boo

tug pasted by her here on a merchantWyatt claims he got the bill from a

tit win living near Blood river Calloway

towintytSr 1is alleged to have

railed a f 20 bill hero on Morrltz Friedi man tho wholesale liquor dealer who

f i notlflod him of It by inailand receivedgood money in exchange

t GAnother claim Is that a bogus 130bill or the same one was afterwards

l passed by tho older Warren on DrPnckett who in turn paned 1It on War-



son wnc today waived examina ¬


i The affair teems very much mixedAnd it is said the photograph plateswill be recovered in a day or two

1 showing who hae been making the

IcameIstateIt was expected that some of the

cues would bo tried today before Cowmissioner Gurdnorbnt nono was readyfor trial


Saline 0 Jan 27Theihreo smallchildren of Henry Folslngor of Rookport north of this city wero burnedto death in a flro that destroyed thofarmhouse

Tho dead are Elnora Folilngeraged 1U Gnorgo Foisinger aged 10

Elva Foitingcr aged 0fatally Injornli

MM Henry Feltingur aged 85 moth ¬

er of tho children The children wcrosleeping in a room directly nboio thogwnicr kitchen


1QOllr mu sighed Reginald i lifting

IIllckloIWishboneWhy Miss Orchid wrUfsihal she

would like an Angora tot i Christinas j

present and I dont knosV ifshu




Wllllnm Carson flack tho leader ofsHID minority in the house will in nilIprobability outer tbo race for congressia tho Eleventh distriot

It is now bollovnd that tho murder

9f Mire Sarah Schaefer in BedfordInd was tho result of n cnso of mis ¬

taken identify but no clew to thoII murderer has boon found

Mrs Mcudcnhall and daughter MissTennessee Mondenhall will loavo this


11 par L is ± lSBI



Pembroke Murderers Broughtt

to the City Today


Sheriff From Christian Brings dove pI

in All to Place In Our



Sheriff L R Davit of Hopkinsvlllc Gbrlttlaa county Ky arrivedI

In tho city this morning with FrankSherman Dill Garrntt Ed HollandFrank Mosaic George Holland DickOarnqy and Frank Morrlwoather col ¬

ored for info keepingTho former four are being hold on

the charge ftf murder while the latterthree have already been oonvlotedand sentenced to hang for murderTho negroes were brought hero forufo kcoplngln case an attempt wouldbe nude by friends to secure themfrom tho Hopkinivillo jail They aroalleged to have killed an unknownman at Pembroke Ky November H-

and it it tho llrat time threo sentencedto hang wero over in the jail hero atthe tamo time

Tho other four are to bo tried iinApril



Paducah Steamboat Men Havei

Partial Success

k4r J

Expect a Now Hearing in tho Steam ¬

boat Tax Cases Ryman Line

Let Out

Attorney E W Bagby and MrSaunders A Fowler have returns-from Frankfort Ky where they wento secure a now hearing from tho courtof appeals in tho steamboat cueswhere tho state revenue agouti at ¬

tempted to make them pay a franchisetax

The State agent brought snit againstthe Ryman line St Lculs and Ten ¬

nessee River Packet Co and the Ten

nesioo and Ohio river Packet Co tcompel them to pay a franchise tax

sand a judgment was rendered againsttho steamboat lines Tho Paducahgentlemen tried to secure a new bear ¬

log and succeeded in securing a dis ¬

missal in regard to the Ryman I1noi

The other two steamboat companyoases aro andor consideration and it isthought they too will bo dismissed

This decision wfll mean A greatdeal ono of those interested explain ¬

ed anti will affect ivory steamshipnod steamboat line in this country i

other states fallow the example sot byKfltitnokv This is tho first steamboatcase of 18 kind brought up and noother state has pail any attention totho steamboat lines hut KentuckyWo hopo to havo tho caio dismissed ana now hearing has been given us andeve think tho commercial value of thottcabmoat lines will 1bo recognized andtho matter dropped The ether statesrecoguizu the commercial value andhava ngt interfered with tho rivercompanies to

The principal claim of tho localriver men II that tho state has nothingto do with tho rivers which are own ¬

ed by the government

MORE EFFECTIVEJohn said tho annoyed mother

Ethol has too many young mon callfag Wont you try yourhand at tile ¬

couraging themNo replied tho stern father

Ill try my foot

A GOOD MANIs ho a capable advance agentVury He advanced himself 6000

for his first irontha expenses

= t


Mrs Hannah Donnoy an Aged

Citizen DiesI

Probably Died From Heart Disease

Today EarlyColored Child



I Mrs Hannan Donnoy of 810 SouthSecond street was found dead thismorning bout 9 oclock at her homeShe was still partly In her arm chairunit had evidently been dead some time

She usually retired early unit itwas supposed had followed her usualcustom This morning when time serv ¬

ant went to wake her tho was foundwith Lead on her breast dead

Tho deceased was torn in Irelandbut had been a resident of Paducahfor many years She Is said to havebeen 73 years old nod had been livingon Sonth Second street for manyyears

She has one daughter Louise Don ¬

noy who has beep out of tho city forsome weeks Sho bad no other rela ¬

tives so far as is knownCoroner William Peal was called to

Plnnkotts lull neighborhood thismorning to hold an inquest over thoremains of an infant child of Marga ¬

ret or Bertha hell colored who oath ¬

er froze to death last night or wassmothered to death in the bed at thoresldeuco on 402 South llth street

The mother telephoned the policestation this morning asking frr theservices of Coroner Peal It was un ¬

derstood at the police station that thonegro womans older chill was sloop ¬

ing with the infant and accidentallyrolled over on it Coroner Peal decideddeath was from nat urel causes

The verdict of the coroners juryrill no doubt be death from heart fail ¬

ure or apoplexy Her laughter is inSt Louis and is expected tomorrowto attend the funeral the time forwhich has not boon sot



Captain Joo Woods of tho Paducahpolice toroe who brought Clarence In ¬

gram back from Minneapolis Minnmorno ¬

ing that be experienced tbo most extromo cold weather he over felt

When J reached Minneapolis be

stated tho thermometer registered40 degrees below zero and at Stillwater on tbo river a few miles fromthere it registered 43 below

It I got snowbound on a train At

Odon between Cairo anti Ohloagoandromatuod there for more than threehours It II A trip I will long remem ¬




A bill has passed in tho houso atFrankfort which will affect Padncahshould it pees iu the senate

It provides that In counties havingcities of tho second class tho county

dark instead of the sheriff will boo

some a member of tho election boardThis is special or class legislation but itJt pastes it will result in County dorkCharles Graham instead of Sheriff Leo

Potter being a member of the electionboard

COUNTY COURTAnnie S Darnhlll deeds to tho L

and N road for f 1 and other consider ¬

anon property near the Thompsonstock yards

Emmett DaRby Jr has qualitiesno a notary public

Mise Mando Brandon of Bontonpassed through tho city on route to herhomo front Cincinnati this morningSho Ims boon in school at Cincinnatia



Rehkopf Company Filed Its InS junction Today

Sues for Restraining Order in CircuitCourt and For 20000 Damages

Against Union


A restraining order Is asked in asuit filed today by tho E Rehkopfcompany of Paducah against thomembers of Union No2 Leatherworbenasking that they bo restrainedfrom Interfering in any way with thenonunion employee of the plants orthe business of the saute

Individual members of the unionsaid to bo as follows aro made partiesto the suit Fd Alexander JamesLowo Cliff Senter Columbus Ran ¬

som Thomas Warren John SandersChris Prnees Charles Zeits Jack Hol ¬

land James Sanders O Evans AlRudolph Will Goodman Will BurchRatal Story Frank Earhart HallWallace Charles Phillips Max PrnessMatt Memory Joe Green EnochFletcher Joe Hurst Frank WisemanBrowfalo Graham Stove Fahey FrankHambriok Benny Schoenberg SamOopperwaite Fred Brabio Oscar Denker Ed Ycltima Charles Swander

Loeser George Swendor DnfortUllmaa Richard Martin Iko Ander ¬

son J T Meyers Tom GardnerWilliam Kurtz Albert Womblo WillSurges James Ellis Emmert HollandJim Griffin W 0 Edrington ThomasSmith Andy Hooey John RupertnsJoseph Frailer George OhastaineJames Walker Richard Woods DanCummins George Holifleld ThomaOoylb Babcock Joseph Spitzmlller Frank Peterson Edward AntoncThomas Clark James Welsh WillieCrawford Ed Bulger

In addition to the injunction to pro-


an interference with his business I

Mr Rohrfopf asks for 20000 damagesagainst the members of the union andtho union Itself

It fit claimed that the firm has manycontracts to fill and that the defen ¬

dante have interfered by striking andby keeping others who desire to workfrom working by enticing and intimi ¬

dating them from workLittle more than already published

has been learned in regard to tho as ¬

sault mado day before yesterday ontwo employee of the Rehkopf plantwho had come hero from other placesto work The alleged assailants bavonot boon canght-

Lcatherworkers claim that theyhave had nothing to do with any die ¬

ordersJndgo Win Reed has sot February 2

as the day for bearing tho motion forA restraining order




Mr Matthew Rono ft highly I

respected citizen of Loding Poluskicounty Ill died very sudden nt hishomo on Sunday morning at 8 oclock

IInlliUlll I

all of hit life Ho was n good1 andupright citizen and A loving husbandanti father Ho loft n wifo and sevenchildren fonr sons and throe daughtersAlto throe siitornall of Pnlaski county

Mr and Mrs Frank Augustus of1319 Monroe street this city return ¬

ed home last night on the Fowler fromLounge where they woro summonedSunday by telegraph to attend thefuneral of Mr Roach who was nbiothorlnlaur of Mrs Augustus


Captain John Segcnfelter has notImproved and ho Is in a crltcal condi ¬

tion in Iris room at tho Palmer houseHo was not expected to livo through ¬

out tho night but rallied

Subscribe ft The Sunt




Great Damage Likely NearLouisville

Suspect Arrested at Louisville For theMurder of tho Bedford Ind

School Teacher


Louisville Ky Jan 27Mtillonllof bushels of coal aro in imminentdanger at Pumpkin Patch and heavyforces of men are at work to save thobarnes harbored there Already tbofleet has suffered from the heavy iceSeveral barges wero sunk there earlythis morning but nono of tbo fleethas broken loose-

Louisville Ky Jan 27HarryBehr dark haired was taken underdetention by Lonisvillo detectives wh

fthink ho is guilty of the murder oMiss Schafor the school teacher ofBedford whoso mysterious death hasattracted national attention The sus ¬

pected man says ho is from MemphisTenn and is about thirty and tallwith dark hair Ho has been in hid ¬

ing hero with negroes slnco last Fri-day

LAST RITESLouisville Jan 27U Bishop

Dudleys funeral this afternoon Blab ¬

op Burton read the opening servicesBishop Gailor tbo lesson and BishopFrancis tho creed anti prayers Thebenediction was pronounced by BishopBurton Bishop Peterkin had chargeof the services at the grave


Frankfort Ky Jan 27Thecriminal law committee hue reportedfavorably to the house the bill ofRepresentative Miller amending thelaw as to bribery and attemptedbribery making it a felony


The Senato bill creating the countyof Beokham was favorably reported bthe legislative redistricting committe-and advanced to the cale-ndarHEAVY


Stops Packets in the Ohio RiverAgain

The Sprngno Loft Today for Louis

ville Followed by Other Boats

The Ohio river this morning pre ¬

rented a most forlorn appearance totime river men being full of slowlyfloating ico which makes navigationfimpossible

The ice began to flow heavy lastnight and this morning is so thick iusome places that n person can walk

nol s This is tbo big gorgo whichbroke loose at Cincinnati several days I

ago and has been slowly working itsway down The greater portion ofthe gorge got hung up at Carrsvilloand caused the Joe Fowler to turnbank there yesterday Tho ico nt Camvilla was caked np to the height ofseveral feet

This morning tho big steel hullSprague left for Louisville with asmall tow of barges and will crushthrough tho ico floes Following thoSprague tho J D Finlcy loft ThoFinloy was followed by tho HarryBrown which in turn was followed bytho Cruiser

Tho Spragno will open the way fortho other boats which are not fortu ¬

nate enough to have steel hulls Tboico is very thick and the boats willnecessarily go slow

Tho pooplo of Lexington protestagainst tbo adoption of tho Gully alp t

machine rnoisure y

I 11-


HAUI0Girl Wanted for lo sehreakjnh

Arrested at Mayifeld1 rii

A Number of Small RobberiesBurglaries Repoiod to andII


the PoliceI



Officer Albritton of Mayfield ar ¬

rived in the city at noon with MaryClark a negro girl about 14 yemrs of


age charged with house breakingThe girl was arrested in Hayflold

and is alleged to have broken into thoresidence of Mr A F Lagerwahlagent for tho American Express company here Saturday and stolen awatch ana other jewelry

The girl took the key whloh hadenterfdrawers in the house and took every ¬

thing ofjvalne Auexpress man cameto tho residence that afternoon to de ¬

liver a bundle and the girl thought itwas some one returning homo andfled carrying but littlo stuff awaywith her She loft the principal partof the goods on tho floor

hH Ai Fntroll of the Lone Oak sec ¬

Eton attempted to put his pocketbookin his pocket thus morning on marketand missed the pocket The puree iifell to the ground and it Is claimedwas snatched by Clyde Nance of sPottavlllo Graves county Nancotook tho 93590 out of the pookotbookand threw the book into a stall in theIceman wagon yard Officers Huxleyand Cross began an investigation andreoovere4 the money Nance was ao¬

companied by another boy but claimshe intended to turn tha money over tothe owner when it wan called forTho boys olJpa they did not attemptto steal the pocketbook and will notbo prosecuted

The plumber shop of Mr Matt Oonlyeon No 116 South Seventh streetfareas Mr Conlson could learn nothing

was takenEntrance was effected through a

side window which was broken outand after the burglar or burglars hadgotten in opened the door from theinside A cigar butt was found in thebuilding and the door was found stand ¬

ing wide open this morning MrOcnlson kept no money at the shopand has missed no tools It is evidentthe burglars made a poor haul


Tho ordinance committee of bothboards met last night to considercharteer amendments and referred thematter to tho presidents of tho boardsand Mayor D A Yeller MayorYeller stated that he would try to gotthe two chairmen together today andiihave a talk There will be ranchcorrospondenco to attend to before thoamendments are settled on

Hnnters report A Jersey cow in apitiful condition between La Bellopark end Paducah They fcnn i therow lying in the snow nearly frozenand unable to walk boil legs beingcither frozen or broken

Mr John E Friantthe blacksmithreported to tho police this murnligthat ho lost fits tine sold watch inr i

somo way Ho had tho watch on time111Ill1


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