ignition 5 12.05.14


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Post on 13-Dec-2014



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This Week...Youtube ad revenue donations, World under water, blackmailing lawyers, hard working snoozes, 3D make-up printer

Youtube ad revenue donationsPedigree

World under waterCarbon Story

Blackmailing LawyersFlemish Lawyer’s Association

Hard working snoozesBEKO

3D make up printerGrace Choi

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Very clever idea from Pedigree, they are experimenting with a new way to raise money for their ‘Adoption Drive’ through Youtube’ s revenue sharing model.

Through this model, if the content that you upload to Youtube is popular enough, ads will be served with it. You then earn 40% of the advertising revenue. So Pedigree have made an incredibly cute video and they’re urging people to share it in order to make money for the cause.Very powerful!

Youtube ad revenue donationsPedigree Adoption Drive

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World Under WaterCarbonstory

CarbonStory is a crowd funded platform which supports climate change projects. Their goal with this project is to change the perception that rising water levels only threaten coastal areas. Their data shows that seas levels could rise by 6feet in the next 100 years, which would flood New York, London and Mumbai.

To tie in with World Environment day, and with the help of BBDO and Proximity Singapore, they launched an interactive web experience which allowed you to enter any location and see the effects of climate change.

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Blackmailing lawyersFlemish Lawyer’s Association

When Belgium's first radio station Radio 1 presented their new identity consisting of new programs, new presenters, a new logo and a brand new baseline: Always curious. They overlooked one minor detail: alwayscurious.be.

The association of Belgian lawyers used this in a smart way, they bought the alwayscurious.be domain name and published a video on it asking for an exchange: a few minutes of air time on Radio 1 to talk about cybersquatting, intellectual ownership,… for their precious domain name.

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Hard Working SnoozesBEKO

A great solution for coffee lovers, an app that links your alarm clock to your coffee machine, making your valuable ‘snooze’ time work harder for you!

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A Harvard Business graduate has disrupted the beauty industry and has created a 3D make up printer, that will retail for $300 and allow anyone to print makeup by ripping the colour code off colour photos on the internet. It hooks up to a computer like a normal printer.

It’s called Mink and it will enable the web to become the biggest beauty store in the world. You can take a picture of your friend’s lipstick and then print it out for yourself.

According to Grace, make up companies charge a huge premium on colour which technology can provide for free. By that, she means colour printers are available to everyone, and the ink they have is the same as the ink that makeup companies use in their products.

This could revolutionise the make up industry if it can get past prototype stage!

3D makeup printerGrace Choi