ignition 5 25.03.13


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Page 1: Ignition 5 25.03.13


Page 2: Ignition 5 25.03.13

This Week...Standing up for a friend, A weather app with a difference, Social Smoking, Hospital music, Shazam snowboarding

Standing up for a friendCarlsberg

A weather app with a differenceSwackett

Social SmokingOntorio Ministry of Health

Hospital musicLullaby Factory

Shazam SnowboardingRed Bull Supernatural

Page 3: Ignition 5 25.03.13

Standing up for a friendCarlsbergCarlsberg and Heineken seem to be involved in some sort of prank-off over the last few years. First we have one from Heineken at a Champions League game in 2010, Carlsberg reacted with their bikers in cinema in 2011, only last month Heineken came up The Candidate and now Carlsberg have brought out The Friendship Test.

This one puts your friends to the ultimate test to see how far they will go to save you. They’ve gone beyond the video to create a Facebook app, where you can ask your Facebook friends whether they will help you or not.


Page 4: Ignition 5 25.03.13

A weather app with a differenceSwackettswackett® shows you the weather in a fun new way by helping you visualize what you actually use weather information for: to decide how to dress.

The bottom line: If swackett peeps appear wearing a jacket or carrying and umbrella, you probably should too.

swackett weather apps are state-of-the-art in every way, and include all the features and functionality you need in a weather app. swackett apps feature hourly and extended forecasts, satellite imagery, radar (where available), push notifications and much, much more

Page 5: Ignition 5 25.03.13

Social SmokingOntorio Ministry of Health

To poke fun at the social phenomenon known as ‘social smoking’, ad agency BBDO Toronto created an ad for the Ontorio Ministry of Health that humorously replaces cigarettes with farts.

Called ‘Social Farter’, it tells the story of a young lady who only farts in social situations.

Ridiculous as it may sound, that is the precise message that the ministry is trying to convey—that “social farting is as ridiculous as social smoking”.

Page 6: Ignition 5 25.03.13

The Lullaby Factory is a system of musical tubes installed on the exterior of Great Ormond Street Hospital for children that plays lullabies to help patients sleep.

No stranger to providing innovative therapy to its patients, the hospital has collaborated with Studio Weave to reappropriate ugly pipe work on the exterior of the building as a system of musical tubes that lull patients to sleep with relaxing sounds.

The pieces are in reality created by composer and sound artist Jessica Curry, and can be heard through special listening pipes, or by tuning into the Lullaby Factory radio station.

Hospital Music Lullaby Factory

Page 7: Ignition 5 25.03.13

Red Bull’s partnership with NBC Sports for its Signature Series featured a further third party collaboration in the form of a synchronised Shazam App offering exclusive dual screened content.

Fans who watched the event were shown a Shazam logo on their TV screens as certain riders prepared to start their runs. They could then open the Shazam app on their smartphones and begin the dual-immersion experience.

The television broadcast showed traditional angles of the riders, while the smartphone screen showed what the riders were seeing as they barrelled downhill and hit jumps and tricks. Once activated, the app also directed users to Facebook or Twitter for further interaction with the snowboarding competition.

Shazam SnowboardingRed Bull Supernatural