iggg not p .. roy^ children's men's and 'shoesthe mother's friend, inwhite and...

The Mother's Friend, in White and fancy, collars attached or detached, the 50c. •« _ kind/reduced t0:.:....*. .". '. . - -.... wC 9 and Children-s Shirtwaists. \u25a0\u25a0:/.Gentlenieh|si-Plain;Whi^ stitched^ Band kerchiefs;- 15cv qaality^ 3q^ lor : --25c.j each"..*..""-'— "•-•"•-;>•_"• •-••"•• ••>—'••*'*? \u25a0 \u25a0. \u25a0. i \u25a0-. ;\u25a0>\u25a0'.;\u25a0.."_.\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 i '..„ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0...'\u25a0.. \u25a0.\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 *\u25a0 •\u25a0 * 200^dozen Gentlemen's White -Hemmed •Edge^oH^size^ sc:,'reduced t0;....... ..............;-.. ;\u25a0\u25a0&? Men's and Young ITien^s Suits. Men's $7.50 and 18 Suits \ |J A reduced to ' . *p*jo\y\J' \u25a0 : Men's $B^so and $10 Suits' -X ;g A reduced to . /^ - ; \*P^? Men's : sl i and $12 Suits n g' reduced to --,<"/ ,*^ Men's $12.50 and :sl3;so:; C & *7 X Suits reduced to . :;. * \u0084 $15 and; $18/ Suits, /C tt\MVb $li; 98; arid $22 Suits>P \u25a0'* *J**sy Boys!^and Childr en's Clothing. Boyskl3ouble-Breasteid ; s2^ f; |'O : ;.;Bpys/Pouble?Breaste(iand(St | /iQ Norfolk $2:soand $2.75 Suits* *' V °. . -Boys' Double-Breasted and f QQ. NorfoJk^S.aridSS.SOSuits,..'^^';^ 0 Boys' and Ghildren> Fancy -Sailor, Blouse,^ -Norfolk ; and Vestee Suits, w6rtli ; s4 and- $5, reduced' 4^ tO •• \u25a0• , •** - ° .; 1 Mens and Boys Men's and Boys' plain Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, 25c. qualit}', reduced g^-, to .... ........ r -. ....... •• .........1-V'^<»" Men's Fancy and Plain Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, 25c. quality, re- « y/ duced t0.......... \u0084•••-• ...... /G Men's 50c. .plain and fancy Combedr Egyptian Shirts and Drawers reduced 3^-, to: ...^OG Pure linen,- regular 10c. quality.^ About 300 dozeiv in this lot. No less than halt a dozen to a-.custbmer. Metis Jhiris ßeduced to 29c Collars attached or detached. -Regular 50c. Shirts. ' ' '. " /rMen's/TSc/i' Madras /SWrtsV^w-^g^ separate 1 cuffs; reduced to: <. v^y Men's ftalfjibsei Men's Black, Tan, and Fancy Half Hose, fast color and seamless, worth 10c., W^ reduced to, per- pair ;.'... -. •\u25a0•••• *fy' Men's Fancy Silk Embroideredarid Drop- stitch Hose, worth isc, -reduced- to, jqw per pair...... ...\u25a0\u2666...................... .' ....... 'V**: Men's Fine Imported Lisle and Drop- stitch Hose, in Black, Tan, and fancy, \u25a0 ,q \u25a0 woith 25c, reduced to .. ...........:... /•**• Pieaios with Reputation (CONCLUDSD FROMPAjGETinRTEEK) Dr. Robert F. Williams and Mr. James M. Valentine are at the tWann Springs. * » ' *' Mr. and Mrs. Burlthardf Werner have returned from their bridal trip, and are now Jocaled at 5^4 norvth Twenty-fourth .* * . Mr. James Grigg returned Mondaynight from a visit to his daughter, Mrs. E. H. Gibson, in Culpeper. •'' \u25a0 Miss Jean Knox will spend a few days next week as the guest 01 Miss Katie Hoge. . \u25a0• \u2666 Miss Kate Kennon "Wrenn will leave shortly for Montvale, In Bedford county. Miss l/oulse Prosser will be for the remainder of the summer the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. P. Bland, on Mobjack bay- . . " * Mr. B. C. -Lewis, a. graduate of the -V. M. 1., returned liomei Friday. ' - * \u25a0 * \u25a0 Mrs. Hugh Taylor returned Friday from a two weeks' stay at Buckroe 33each. homfr. Colonel Cary's health Is niuch" Im- Iprbved.; and he has decided to give up 'life. < :\u25a0:/\u25a0": : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-' \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -• . •\u25a0•\u25a0 --.: :'-;\u25a0',//\u25a0 '-\u25a0 '/Mr. Alfred B. Williams left the lilattcf' part of lost w'ook' for' Washington, !D c. where he will be . jo'nod' by. h!s vdritiKhtcr. 1 ' Miss .Marguerl:e Dandridge WilliJims and will accompany /her to ' Greenville, S. C. Miss Willian-.s has : boon " atlcnding school : during the past : session -near Philadelphia:-- : '. / ".r;.r. '; ' \u25a0\u25a0- .: *- ** :' -\u25a0' - . . •';\u25a0 : Mrs. Jncz Montague .will arrive in the city to-day from Ashland and for. the t uturo ' will make her liomc here. 1 \u25a0 .". * './ / Captain and Mrs. Thomas Pincknej*. of Charleston, S. C.\ will-spend a few days this week with .Mr. C..C Pinckney, in Richmond, befor* lca\-Ing. for Europe, where. they will spend the summer.,- .-./ » "'" ' Mr. Robert Gray has purchfise«l a coun-; try home on the Petersburg road, and. will with his family, leave in a few days for his new home. '-\u25a0: :' "•' " *..•'-•• ,'" : '-'" Mrs. Rosa Albwt has; returned from a pleasant trip to Grand View Hotel. \u25a0 % \u25a0 . . - \u25a0 - \u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0, \u25a0 \u25a0 .. .. . . .. \u25a0 Judge and Mrs. Edmund Waddlll will leave early In August for the Old Sweet Springs. « -' Mlf^ ,Mfc« V^rioov has'returncd from a trip to the seashore* . Mrs. Dan Talley .-wid Miss Kate Talley •will leave next week for the Old Sweet Springs. - '\u25a0\u25a0 Mr. ajifl Mrs. Edward Stettlnlus. of r*'i ! rr"C \u25a0"\u25a0n*!j]w>i>.j'": r>_' '''ff ''lyIn 1 «?; olfy with Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Carrlns-- ton. . M.lss Gertrude Franklin^ Clash has re~ "urned from Virginia Beach. -\u25a0:.•„>•- .--\u25a0 Jfr. William Lidmbcrt is^spending a few flaj's In Fluvanna county. ' ', , •. , •! ' Mr.W.B. Freeman, Mr. Allen Freeman. in<J Mr. Douglass Freeman have returned Trom Northfield. Mr. Douglas Freeman, vho has been so desperately "ill. 5s better. '-\u25a0 / '• '. •''\u25a0-\u25a0. : " Mrs: Philip Taliaferro \u25a0\u25a0' and family are spending some time at Buckroe Beach. ' . -*' * : '..'.' \u25a0- ' . Miss Shcrrcd Wilson hasrreturn'ed from Virginia Beach. Mrs. Charles JL-ehman has.*returned home from a delightful trip to Cincinnati. t ' » " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 / I Mr. George Haynes has returnefl from ' Iho seashore to'his home on south Third ttreet. * \u2666 •--'\u25a0\u25a0 , T.lrs. W r . G. Taylor and ' Miss Kath- leen Taylor, of Fonticclio.^will leave,- ir, a few days for •Crockett Springs, where they will spend the summer. _ \u25a0 : « \u25a0/ \u25a0 .*--•\u25a0 Miss McKenny is 'spending 'some tim« in Ashland, where she is visiting Mrs. C C. Bridges. Misses Lizzie and Minnie Morris wiff spend the summer at Wilson's Springs. •' ' * *-' \u25a0\u25a0 Miss Julia Cardwell is visiting Mrs. SL P. Boston in Orange county... \u25a0 \u2666 Mr. "William C. '. Nolance has returned from a. pleasant visit to Hanover and Ashland. ». \u25a0 Mrs. -Henry Didier. who has been visit- ing in Virginia has returned to Baltimore *.0 >\u0084- ".\u25a0 -. . Mrs. Arista B. Hoge and Miss Sldnej R. Goldsborough are spending the sum- mer in Virginia. \u25a0 Miss Gertrude "SKeltbh/ will ride at thr Charlottesville horseshpw. a "bay '.gelding 1 , "Adonis." * * Mrs. A. rieiner, of Baltimore, is at Front Royai. Va. \u25a0 months travelling: in Europe. Most of hi 3 time will be spent in England. '• .\u25a0*.".. - Mrs. W. T. -Shepherd and little M;s3 Louise Shepherd are visiting Dr. and Mr». J. S. Pentlleton, at "White trail," near Scottsville. ;\u25a0.-;•' '\u25a0 ' m Jliss Evelyn Deitricii will leave the lat- ter part of; the week for Mrs. Meredith*! cottage, Virginia Be.ich. Miss Dandridge is visiting her aunt. Mr 3. Edward Rock, at lied Hills. Vn. * , > " '. Mrs. -T. C- Cunningham is vl3!tlny C* Wpodburn, the home of Judge Christian. In Charles City county. Mrs. J. L. Tabb and family, of Balti- more, are at their country residence, Sel- den, ~Va. , * * : Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Hazen are at Vir- ginia Beach where Dr. Hazen's health steadily improves. : Miss Caroiv. sister of Mrs. Rooseve"t» who passed much of the winter season aC the .White ITouse. and later was a gu<-st at Oyster Bay, sailed Tuesday for South- ern. Europe. A Sa«l Cane. (New Toric, Sun.) . . "I /have,, a -grand idea.'.' exclaimed thi wild-eyed man. "Try. pkvying- pingr-poncr it :m auto with a ffot-ba.ll and golf sticlvs! But his friends, weeping 1 , led him av.-ny, The stress of modern life had proved to* much' for him. - ; •Misct»n."itraccl. . - (New York Sun.) Mrs. Towe: Unless you're satisfied wltj the bathing suit I select you can go with- out any at all. ; ' Miss tjiula Towe: Oh, mamma, I wai never quite as naughty as \u25a0 that. Xext Snndny at Popiilar Deach Park, \u25a0 We.it Point. Vn. / Only sixty minutes ride each way. Fast trains-l eaving: .Richmond (Southern Rail- way Station V 3:30 A. M., 4 P. M.: rcturn- infr. leave' West Point S and 10 P. If. Fifty cents round trip. After stock-taking we find we have a surplus of certain num- bers bfotir 'different makes of Refrigerators and Ice Chests. TO CLOSE OUT are ; always . worth the ; mo- neyyou'payofor them v For- tune' bixngs in sonic iboats that are. ilKsteered, but .•ex- perience is absolutely es- sential to the selection-- of a good, reliable piano. A Quarter of a Century in bttsirress has >- taught us many things. A corps of skilled piano choosers maxe selections for us; from 11 the best product of the leading factories in the world. The STIENWAY, HARDMAN, KNABE, STANDARD, HAIKES, KIMBALL The Most Perfect -Piano Player is; thelriANOLA. It is not only endorsed, but used by all the greatest living musicians. . It sup- plies the technic while you .add the expression. ' .AVill play anything with perfect precision. Pianola Con- - certs ' every, morning and afternoon. -'. . Victor Talking: Machines •Really talk-—there are no wheezes or sputters',-,-- but sound is so accuratel\ r re- produced^ by them that vis- itors to our store frequent- ly remark that some; artist must be singing or playing, when the records are niere- | lv being tried. . 101 1 E&jt Main. 9|East Broad i we offer special inducements. Then we have the usual quan- tities of odds and ends, which accumulate from time to time. These we offer at very low prices— such as 16-inch White Meat Dish for .. ;-."'.\u25a0;-.\u25a0. ...... . .25c. 8-inch Covered Vegeta- ble-Dish for .... : .. . . .25c. Gall "and be convinced that now is a good time to save money on the above goods. THEE, BJffiiS CO, «B% CKICHCSTSR'S ENGLISH - :»**k^S<ftv t n JUCI> »»1 »«ld »«i»lU«'b*w- •>*»» 1 ? \u25a0 *NK3 \u25a0>«» -*»•rlW»»^ T*k« »* •the'v »»*»• fA **i «3 Da«MCrM>«u »nfc«»UliiU»i»- •»*» '}**•** «MlwUUr«c. UmHrnm •%•***, r*U*~ ***• \ZriW*a&r9So* Another Shipment of Music Boxes> -\u0084 The "Regina" of course, because it is the peer of all niusic-boxes bn-the market/ and we ca,rry only the best, in every line. ;.• .; . /; Self-sacrificing^ > \ PRICE, $18.50 UP.. \u25a0hHRIII X&rpest > andy Oldest Jlusic House/ In ". the \u25a0South. : : 10s east bbo as bxeeet;;/ > //k / \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 V ' :: ' \u25a0 ,',••\u25a0 *•'•':'\u25a0 '\u25a0' - ;-." .. ': .-' V Mr. Frederick ' Valentine 'has! gone to Blue' Ridge Springs to join his family, where they, are spending .the summer. Miss Cally Ryland is visiting Miss Giles in Hagerstown, Md. \u25a0 ' -;\u25a0 :j * » '.•;• : . :; /\u25a0 '- 1 ' -Mrs. Edgar Taylor has returned from Buckroe Beach. \u25a0 '\u25a0 * * •;\u25a0 - . . \u25a0 ' . '\u25a0 Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Gardner will spend a portion of the summer . in Loudoun county. \u25a0•. -\u25a0\u25a0 ' -.-;' \u0084•»>•' -' " ... - . :: --. Miss Lora Chapin has returned .from Buckroe Beach. \u25a0:-ri \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0="'."\u25a0 "'\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0:'\u25a0 */•"' /\u25a0 "\u25a0 ' \u25a0 \u25a0' Judge and Mrs. Henry W. Hoge and children, of Staunton, are visiting friends in the city. ; - : , ' \u25a0 : .-•'. * ./. ;'" \u25a0\u25a0 'V Mr.' and Mrs. Carter Braxton," of Staun- ton, are spending some time with friends In the city. \u25a0 " ' ' ' -' .* :./\u25a0/ ' •.* * \u25a0' - . ' " :Miss- Elise/ Ellyson left' Wednesday morrining tor', "Beechwood,". Louisa, coun-" ty. where she: will spend: the month of \u25a0juiy." - \u25a0 .' \u25a0 r *-?\u25a0-* ::\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- .'.•; : \u25a0--:\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 .* .-' *'-'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0'-:\u25a0: rj - \ Mr. and Mrs. John. Brown have been spending a- week, at Virginia Beach, : and were expected home Thursday. / /' : V^Miss' Julia Wills,, who; has been spend- ing'; several/ weeks ;.with her.; sister, .Mrs. \u25a0Walter Sublett, / will leave Monday : : tor -Nelsoiv'county.'; :':' v - : /-/; /; : :: ; ,? -/ v>'./ -v : •-.:-;'/\u25a0 ' *. . ! ;i> Mr.. 'and Mrs;' l*' BLTShexAerdvwill \u25a0 spend '^V fw»^^'» C<^_ \u25a0\u25a0 *^^ M . ' _ .i I : Imi' JBmmm .'.II. "^ •• \u25a0 Mrs. Rudolph Teusler, who- returned from Japan about six weeks ago on ac- count of her health, is improving. t.ie will' probably remain here with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. ; Minor Woodward, until Christmas, when she will join her husband, who is a medical missionary to Japan. - * * Mrs. David Porter Guest, and her Ut- tleson. wfll spend the summer at Blue Ridge Springs. ;'-: * \u2666 \u25a0 Miss Emily Lyman is at the Rockbridge Alum. . - »..: " » •..'. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0::\u25a0 Miss Sadie Jeffries and her sister will leave shortly for the Rockbridge Alum Springs. - . Mrs. Ben Palmer willentertain the Stay- at-Home Whist Club this evening at 8:15 o'clock. . * * * - . ' Miss Mary Johnston' arrived at the Warm Springs from Birmingham, Ala., caturday. She was accompanied by Major j. w.' Johnston and Misses Eloise and Elizabeth Johnston. Mrs. J. R.: V. Daniel left Monday for General Rosser's home,' near Charlottes- ville. > : ; . Miss Edith Seymour Is visiting Miss Tarns, in Staunton. \u25a0 . •. \u25a0 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hancock are at Waynesboro. * *' * Miss Fannie E. Mittlcdorfer is visiting at the home of Mr. S: Marcus, in Gordons- viiie. ,; . ..;... ... * * \u25a0 Mrs. Leon Wallerstein and family are at Virginia Beach. \u25a0 - '. , --:• .•".,.. - \u25a0 \u25a0 .\u25a0 : Miss Rose Anderson is the guest of Mrs. Fred. Scott. " in the Florida cotttage, at the Greenbrier White Sulphur. ,-,-.. :-; . ...--,, Mrs. C. M. Lumsden, ; Miss Lumsden, Messrs. D. M. arid J. O. Lumsden .are vis- iting Mrs. J.iEzekiel Hall, of Alton. : * * •. n \u25a0*• , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montague are at Afton, Va. i '.?':, :-» » » '\u25a0 Messrs. Charles Bargamjn and W. A: Huddlcston are at the Afton House, in Albemarle. - *\u2666 ' c ; Mrs. W. D. Thomas and Miss Lavinia Thomas returned last week from a visit to Mrs. John Kerr Branch, at her coun- try home, in New York State. On their way to Richmond they stopped a few days in New York city - ' . * - ,Mrs> W. T. Oppenhimer and family are at Virginia Beach. * * Hon. John Goode, of Bedford, Va., is at the Virginia Hotel, Virginia Beach. : -_ . \u2666 * Mrs. John Currie is spending; several weeks at the AVhite. * w - Mrs. Henry D. Perkins and family are at the Beach. \u25a0 . . street Mrs. Werner was formerly Miss Maggie Parrish. and was married^on June 2Sth to Mr. Werner at Fort Mitchell, Lunenburg county. '" « * Miss Bessie Ellyson is visiting Miss Mo- rctta Slingluff, in Gloucester county. ' * Miss Jean Berkeley has returned to Richmond from Gloucester. •\u2666*'.\u25a0 : Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Perkins are visiting Mrs. V. B. •Jefteries. of Scottsville. * ' : - : -. Misses Edith Merrill and Helen Smith, who have been visiting in Williamsburg, have returned home. * * Mr. and Mrs.- James Preston Carson are at the Virginia Sweet Springs. •. . Miss Josephine Putney, is visiting her grandfather, Colonel R. E. Withers, on Lawyer's Hill, Wytheville, Va. » * The Rev. Herbert M. Hope has returned from Greenbrier "White Sulphur. ' \u25a0'*. . * ." Mr. Claude Dean is at the Greenbrier White. * * /; Mr. /R./L. /Thaw /and Mastery William Thaw are spending " some} time^ at Beach. -' .-. . , - t 'Master,;; Henry;Froehling. : Is-i sojourning! atjV^fgiriia .Beach^iAvhere he^ls/a guest at I:} Fairbourne -.cottage. ] -•"\u25a0 ' .' * »\u25a0» \u25a0 * \u25a0 ''Master IrvinKnowles : is spending some tiirie ; i at Beach. -** * . :to;the ; lnclemency ? of * the iweather, thor* \u25a0vu no : atuxram : mt. tk« mmUm •# : t . -.. ' " . c ." » ' Miss Nellie Gordon has returned from Mrs. John S. Wise's country house party. ,- . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0"" * i *' - "Misses Nannie and Elizabeth Barks : dale ' have returned home from Virginia Beach. . \u25a0'.\u25a0'\u25a0;-• :\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0 ':;'•\u25a0''\u25a0: \u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0".' ,*. * '*\u25a0\u25a0' -. "'-\u25a0-\u25a0' --''^' , Miss Mamie Jones returned from Vir- ginia Beach Sunday.*- \u25a0 " . . -' .' - - .' . * \u25a0 -.- .'' : - Miss Annie : White returned ' to her home in Bowling Green Saturday after a pleas- ant visit to friends in this city. ' . .. ' .'' '\u25a0:-'- ':- ' *\ * . ;'; ' .\u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 -Mrs.- E. C. Judson,. of Payson City, Utah, is visiting her nephew , Mr. J. .J. Robinson, No.- 309 .north; Twenty-ejghth street "and will visit \u25a0" relatives in Newport News before" her return Home. : " 1 " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.- r ' **' .*' ".-\u25a0". '"• \u25a0 ' Mr: John Tatem, .of Portsmouth, has come to this city to make his future home.- \u25a0 -\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0'. -"'• -. \u25a0'. , - \u25a0' . ;\u25a0 " - ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : \u2666\u25a0*••\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 : . - - .' .-\u25a0 Miss' Louise' Waldower, of Savannah, who is well known in: this city, is : the guest of Mrs. Meredith at Virginia Beach. Mr. _ David i ßaldwin, ••: of Baltimore, Is at the Homestead,- Hot. Springs, Va. -. : ; ';, --\u25a0\u25a0•, ; ** \u2666 '. ; v x : : Mrs. David O'Brien has as her guests Miss Daisy Perkins/ Miss Jennie Taylor, and, Miss. Sadye Coleman,. of Baltimore. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0'-•..:'' ' - \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 , \u25a0- ** '-.""*\u25a0 \u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0 " i - - .'-\u25a0'" - : - . Mrs. : Lieo'ri Mayfield, of west Main street, will'leave next week for Verdon, Hanover county.". . , ' \u0084s -i., '^'- . /;_•- v , ' :.': .'- \u25a0" * '- "' •*•--'.- 'j Mrs. Georgo Armstrong -Lyon has^-re-: turned from a 'pleasant .visit ; to; the Fair- bourne cottage, at ..-Virginia- 1 Beach." : \u25a0\u25a0: '\u25a0\u25a0: '\u25a0 . ':.' \-^^- :^>:;*'^ :^ : .r-''-v,^::U<:^- : ' Mrs. H.,W.;New= will leave; shortly/^ for Ocean View, \u25a0 : where she; will spend two weeks. \u25a0 , , . . **::* . \u0084 Miss Mattie Jennings left last Sunday to visit friends in Hanover." She will be ab- sent about two months. : '-. * c ..» -.-\u25a0 - Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas J. Bowles: are vis- iting Major J. P. Bowles,- of Fluvanna county.. " ' : - ' \u25a0-• ""*"\u25a0• --:•- ' ; Miss Pauline Graser who sailed for Eu- rope on Thursday, -was tendered a fare- weli"party by her friends Monday night. Miss Carrie M. Brown, of Richmond, Is spending several weeks at Virginia Beach. :.*\u25a0.- .*:*.\u25a0 Miss. Tanner, of 217 east Main street, is the guest of her brother, the. Rev. Edwin Xee -.Tanner, at Homer, N. Y. \-Mr'.-and Mrs. George 11. Richardson are spending; a..: few weeks in Norfolk, Vir- ginia- Beach,' and Mathews county. \u25a0t. "- - :\u25a0• * * \u25a0 .- Miss: Helen Miller, of Norfolk, is visit- ing at the Valentine House. Miss Miliej-i is a sister of Mr. Hugh Gordon Mil!er, : of Norfolk. ' ' ' . '"1. ' \u25a0 " * *•• * Mi-; and Mrs. Overton Sale have return- ed from their bridal trip, and are at home ;to their friends, on Clay street.. Mias Marie Stith and Miss Jones, of Chatham, will arrive in the city on Thurs- day,-^, and will be the guests of friends at ihe Valentine House. 'V . -.*- i * .. Miss Etisca'Desper is visiting her home, at Palmyra, Fluvanna county, ,where she expects to remain two' months.' .'. : ' ; " ' . * *i* - Mrs.- John Jackson has returned from a brief visit to friends in Norfolk. . - X .. „* * ,:-. \u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0 . Improvements have already been com- menced at the Woman's Club. The hall nnd'the ceilings in the parlors and audi- torium wilf be handsomely papered.; Beau- tiCul.~new chanaeliers "will be placed in the parlors and auditorium. Although the regular Monday afternoon teas 'have ceased ' for the summer months, yet the front parlor and the library are open, and the. members will" have the use of these and other rooms which are not be- ing repaired, as the club will not be> closed. :-' \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0. \u25a0 " \u25a0' - ' ' \u25a0" \u25a0', \u25a0 : *:* *" \u25a0':. ' Miss M. G. ! Braithwaite has returned to the city after spending the past year, and a half in' Arizona, /where she has been teaching in the Government school for Indians. ' , * *\u25a0 * ' \u25a0-\u25a0 '•\u25a0 Mrs. AAlice Fitz is quiteindisposedather residence on Church Hill. In: the recent death of her daughter. Miss Juliette/ she has -the sympathy of a host of friends. ; ; *..-, . ' ' - -' : *\u25a0"'* *' : - \u25a0 :\u25a0 /. . ' Miss; Bessie Lambert is spending .the summer at Jefferson Park Hotel, near Charlottesville. \u25a0 <. ..'\u25a0" \u25a0 . : * *;*- . -\u25a0 - Miss Grace Adelaide and Miss Kather- ine Belle Powell will . be the guests of Mrs. Grymes, at Virginia Beach, ,for seve- ral weeks. - . \u25a0 --,-\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0* v. * T ' -. \u25a0 - \u25a0 Miss Mattie Lambert is spendinfg the summeri near Charlottesville. \u25a0-' \u2666"-•'• \u25a0.- Mr. and Mrs. A. F.- Craig are- spending a month ' in Asheville, N. C. ' \u25a0 \u25a0\X \u25a0\u25a0 "\u25a0 '.*. « . . ' - .-\u25a0 ' Miss: Julia Cardwell is visiting Mrs. M. P. "Boston in Orange county. -.--.\u25a0 ? j -\u25a0-:' \u25a0\u25a0-- •-\u25a0'i '* •"'-\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0Mr: William -C. Noland has returned from a pleasant visit to Hanover and Ashland.- ,' ' i 2Sth to Mr.'; Werner at Fort Mitchell, Lunenburg ; county. Miss Nina B. Constable is spending a few weeks at "Wyndover," near , Char- lottesville, as the guest of Miss Mimi A. Borchers. - ; Mr.; and' Mrs. rßurkhardt: : Werrier; have returned j fromji their VbridaJ i trip/yfarid%are nqwj? located tatls24? north .l Twenty-fourth" Btrcet^S Mr^Werner^waa^fdririerly^Mlss Mauie Parrlsh.f and%u'jßarried on! June ' \u25a0 ,-\u25a0'\u25a0'• \u25a0' "-\u25a0"\u25a0' - '..-:" ,"--\u25a0 = Miss Ruby Chewning was given a lawn party by her cousins, the Misses -Vaughan,' of Louisa, with whom she is -staying. .; -; > \u25a0•.<• v * ---•..- : .;.; Mr. Polk Miller arid : his quartette will give a concert July 22d in the . home of Mr. George E. Robertson, in -Chester, for the beneflt of the Episcopal church. - ; \u25a0 '-' " \u25a0*:** \u25a0- .; . \u25a0 \u25a0 .'• Mrs. Lusretia Brooks, left Thursday for Verdon, \u25a0 Hanover county. \u25a0' \u25a0 ' : .. \u25a0'. ' ' ' \u25a0\u25a0 ' " '\u25a0*"<,\u25a0\u25a0 : *'\u25a0'\u25a0"•'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 —^ : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•'-.\u25a0•.-..-. .Miss Christian has left for Chautauqua where she will spend several weeks. " -. \u25a0- .:.' :-': -'- * •:;\u25a0 .. - ' ; '' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' . : i" Miss Mira Gregory -Is the guest of Mrs. Nesbitt Bass,- in : Chester. : .-.,..: , Miss " Mary Brockenbrough is visiting friends in Amelia county. ...\u25a0•\u25a0-;-.. •- ".•,.- :-, * •"« •. -\u25a0- : .••-. - . : Mr. Boydßrcfoks, of Washington, D. C; Is spending - some ° time * with Mr." 1Georgo K. Taylor, <on^ Church' Hill. _ . \u25a0V: I .'••». .-- ; .. Miss : Edna Towsjey,,- who has. been £isi? ing Missi-Lizzie Roberson; of Church *: Hill, has returned .to- her-, home in . Louisa county. «'\u25a0"--.>\u25a0'\u25a0. -:\ \u25a0•.'..:• •-" . . . : 1 - ' - . \u25a0 '-,* •\u25a0>••'- '.'-.' Miss E. P.,Neale left" the city. Friday for Birmingham; Ala., ! to ; visit' her sister, Mrs. Charles L. Leadbetter. »\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0.•:-\u25a0:. .\u25a0\u25a0.;\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0.-,£. - -. -:-.VV'i,;:.. ->;-*U : v*.':; -: : \( \u25a0,\u25a0;;>.: v-:. : . Mr. ;C. G. : Lambert- . and ', family . : are spending the '•- summer .;. at .Jefferson :.Park Hotel;" near Charlottesyille."* . "' : \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 - "•;•*\u2666\u25a0'•' \u25a0'.-'. •::'",•\u25a0•;\u25a0 ; : Miss : Spltzeri; arid Miss Jennie •. Spitz'er. will ' leave Wednesday v - for Atlantic f\ City,* NJ>J. , "- "-•- l " '•\u25a0•,' \u0084V :,- ' . \u0084,' \u25a0 \u25a0.*\u25a0* •* .'".: \u25a0 ' . Miss Louise Potts is spending the sum- mer \u25a0in . Chester. ' , .. . : . - -' •• \ : -' \u25a0 :' ;.. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews, who have been visiting their daughter, . Mrs. C. T. -Hutchinson, of Staunton, have re- turned home. : -. ,; \ . . -..*\u2666* /\u25a0 ;. •\u25a0 . : \u25a0 Dr: J. L. M. Curry and his party will sail for this country August 28th. For the last few weeks they have been staying in Switzerland, where his health has greatly improved. '" -\u25a0'- \u25a0'/\u25a0' * *"• ' '" .\u25a0 , . \u25a0' : '• \u25a0 - '<\u25a0 Mrs. Robert Richford Roberts, Jr., Is visiting, the family of Colonel Coles, in Fredericksburg. ** * * Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Herbert Funston are spending two weeks at. Atlantic City. * "'. •-\u25a0- \u25a0 | Miss Kate Kennon Wrenn left Wednes- day for Montvale, Va., where she will spend the summer. # Mr. P. J. White and his son will leave .August sth for California and a trip through- the West. .\ . ;\u25a0 :\u25a0 ; -: . ;= \u25a0-'* * ','"\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0' '' ' .'-" - \ Mr. and Mrs. : James, Beverly Elam will leave' in: August for Saratoga. They.: will stay there two weeks and then goio.Lake George .and other points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T." Crump left Thursday for Atlantic City. \u25a0 ;', '."-."\u25a0.*."• Miss P. E. Brornm arid Mr. Louis Bromm and Miss P. Grasser will sail to- day from New York on the North German- .Lloyd steamship Grosser. Kurfurst, for Bremen, via Cherbourg. -\u25a0 . ; ; : *• *\u25a0'* :-\u25a0 .•- . \u25a0 Madame and -Miss Claire Guillaume ex-j pect to goto Chautauiiua this summer. ' Mrs. L. O. Miller, Miss Alma Miller, and Miss Emma Perkinson will leave this week for the 'coast of Maine, *' *-\u25a0\u2666 ' / ' ." ' %\u25a0; Mrs. Williams and Miss Loulie Wil- liams will leave next month for the coast of Maine. ' ~ Mrs. Henry Williams and Miss .Adele Williams expect., to sail for Europe in August. '• , \ : > * * \u25a0Messrs. Ernest and Winns Wilson, who have been spending several days at: Vir- ginia Beach, have returned home. * " * <\u25a0 * Miss Mamie Randolph, daughter of Rev. Buckner' Jlandolph. is spending:, several weeks with Miss Florence; Dudley Guil- laudeau, at" her summer home, Water Mill, Lon^- Island. :.- \u0084 : ,\u25a0 \u25a0 , : ....... 1, ,'-.-, .:\u25a0;.. burg-. Later In the season they will- take a northern trip.-, . .." \u25a0 \u0084 \u0084 '\u25a0 . .-.'-. \u0084' ;: - ...'•*•-\u25a0\u25a0 .' \u25a0\u25a0 Mrs. Margaret Corbell, a popular young lady of Baltimore, is visiting her -cousin, Mrs. Charles Hughes, in this cfty. \u25a0 - -•-\u2666 * .•. '• ..: ' -\u25a0 s Miss . Margaret Regnault left yesterday, for Louisa county, where she will be the guest of Mrs. Clayton. G. Coleman. ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0.- - : - * \u25a0'»'\u25a0 •\u25a0' \u25a0 . \u25a0' -- .' ; . . \u25a0 Miss Mabel Montague, a teacher in the Foulk and Long: Institute,, near Philadel- phia, ".islhome'to spend her vacation with her mother, Mrs. S. .M. Montague, Sixth and Main streets. '*\u25a0•/\u25a0 i Mrs. H. T. Walker is visiting Mrs. Samuel Lumpkin, at Furnham, Va, - : .... . - * ,;-.* :' Mr. Robert Pegram was a. guest at a dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Green Tues- day at the Princess Anne. •.\u25a0>-—••• - : » \u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - .;. -." Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Parrish, Miss Elma Morris, and Mr.. G. Eddie Diggs have just returned from ':a pleasant visit to Mr. J. T. Diggs, in Louisa' county: „. . ; - '>; .*=-*'\u25a0 : : Mrs. : Robert Pegram was a " gu est at va dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Green Tues- day at the Princess Anne. : . '\u25a0 ' -\u25a0-\u25a0/*•\u25a0* * - \u25a0'.-.\u25a0.. : ' ' Miss Margaret Shields, who went to the Beach to spend the Fourth; has returned home. ;•• •• \u25a0 .-' \u25a0 \u25a0 •. •.*\u25a0".: .. \u25a0:•; . - Captain and Mrs. Richard Croxton left the city Tuesday night .for Plattsburg, N. V.. after an absence of five months from the post. Both Captain and Mrs. Croxton are almost entirely well after their serious illnesses. '\u25a0'\u25a0,• "'" v * * .:\u25a0• -\u25a0 ':•\u25a0/'\u25a0"\u25a0'."\u25a0 . Mr: and ..Irs. Etlvv-ard Stetttniiis, of Chicago, are the guests of Mr/ and Mrs. Tucker ,-Carrington. : \u25a0. * * - .. Mrs. W. H. Dean and children, who have been visiting In Charlottesville, have returned home. , !:., *\u25a0* * ' '?'. \u25a0 - \u25a0 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mathews have returned to the city, after spending a few days in Staunton. ** * : . Mr. H. L.. Edmunds is visiting Mr. D. S. Jones, in 1 Newport News. " . .."*** - Mr. Larkin M. Gill is visiting his daugh- ter, Mrs. S.V. Meredith. - * *' * \u25a0 \u25a0 Miss Pattie Chiles, who has been visit- ing Mrs. J. W. Folzey, has returned to the city. * \u25a0 \u25a0- Mrs. -E..R. Barber is visiting her father, Mr. E.T. Myers, in Lynchburg. .' * Mrs. R. W. Miles and children are spending the summer in Dublin. .. •\u0084 •-."\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0 Mrs.. George H. Wylie has returned home, after a pleasant visit to Appornat- tox county. * * Mrs. A. E. Jennings is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wirt Holman, of Amelia county. . . _• * « " '.. - - . . Dr. George Cooper, with his family, will spend the summer months in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. E.*l. P*irrish. Miss Edna Morris, and Mr. G. Eddie Diggs have-just- returned from a pleasant visit to Mr. J. T. Diggs, in Louisa county. , -\u25a0 * * Mrs. Larkin Glazebrook will leave shortly to .visit relatives in Bon Air. - . . \u25a0 - - * \u25a0 \u25a0 * . '\u25a0-'-' Mr.f.S. H. Hawes and Miss Katherine Hawes are at the Union Theological Seminary/ for the summer. -...« *:'*;\u25a0 ".-', . Mr Earl ?Jiller left Wednesday for Ocean View. .. \u25a0.. * * Misses Annie and Alice Doyle,' had a few young friends to. a watermelon feast Tuesday night.-: . ..-..--..,_—....,,.. ' '\u25a0 - -; .'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.".- \u25a0.-\u25a0-•. \u25a0 -'• * ' .- \u25a0 - Misses, Rena and Hawsie. Glazebrook will leave this week to spend the sum- mer with relatives in Tappahannock. Misses Ella: and Mary Thomas' left Thursday morning for the Red Sulphur Sp'ringf.'- ; ' •'\u25a0'"',",'\u25a0"'" ."\u25a0 : . ' -.*.\u2666\u25a0•\u25a0- '" ' Mrs. Barton H. Grundy will leave for th'o'Greenbrier. White Sulphur July ID, where she will spend the summer. •. \u25a0y ; .>;:;.:: "-"\u25a0-\u25a0. •?.-;*.:• ~-' : .'r'-'::.. .-:"\u25a0" Masters - Haxall and Carter Branch Grundy " returned Tueisday :-' from '-"- Mary- land, where they visited their aunt, -Mrs. Pugh. '-.\u25a0• '. ; - . . '\u0084' \u25a0 . . \u25a0\u25a0. ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0*••.- '- ' v-- : Mr. S. C. Leake, who has .been visiting friends In Charlottesville, . has returned home. \u25a0\u25a0'. \u25a0_\u25a0' '. ..? ." : •-* . # *;... :"\u25a0 ... Mr. J. Jordan Leake will spend his va- cation at the Hot Springs. . •\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 ' \u25a0 ' .. :"\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 ". \u25a0" : '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u2666:»;• .;• %_\u25a0 --\u25a0.- '\u25a0 :\u25a0 % t -Mrs. R. . F. Meade and Miss Rosalie Jorifs left yesterday, for Beaver: Dam. - : ". ; *. '\u25a0':..-\u25a0:' ': " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 * * - "-"' : {"Miss: Loulie 'Snead left Wednesday, to visit - Miss . Louise -. S. Fontaine.'Jof - Beaver. Dam.'.' \u25a0'.:- ,' ": -.'"",\u25a0' ' : - \u25a0 * '. ' m •- -> -- - Miss: Lola Williams, of South Pine street, is visiting friends in Crewe, . Vav : : : Mr. A. ;' Synods';, and i Miss ) Celia % Synods left^yesterday.; for.-' the 'Raleigh- Springs -to, speniJ'the'isummer. /Ini: the " ; fall they .will X Mrs;: Gordon i "Christian ,1s: with her' [mother.'i Mrs.' Myer,* at.CharlesCityJCourtj Chouse 7 '^} :};%\u25a0 i: 1:--1 ':-- V;-- •"•!,\u25a0.:,; -i;.:^,^";-y7;.--;-s:-; *'j i-.'..' '\u25a0-''* . \u25a0: ->-' : ' >;;*/: '"".'-V 'N:';--> %-' :S: S. Miss ; Jennie ;BarronX Is /yisitinff ? friends in Charles i City county." " - "" . - > ;---iv, lL*'AirnonS:\the ; passengers \who] sailed j from \u25a0Baltlmo'r^yw^nei^ay^ntt^'BrOT'^i^wia. + '.;\u25a0' * Miss Pearl Bruden is staying at Old Point. \u25a0•\u25a0.-.. :"-- .- ' \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 " * , *" . ' - Mrs. Richard Moncure, child and maid have left for Virginia Beach. : . Mrs. J. Marcuse will leave for Long Island; and the mountains" of New York to spend the summer. \u25a0 ; ; ;-. ' \u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 * « * ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wiltshire and the Misses Mary and Eusie Evans, of south Third street, left to-day for ' Virginia Beach. Cold Sulphur. The latter' part of. Augxist Miss Montague will* visit Mrs. Basil Gor- don," in the Adirondacks. "\u25a0:--. :.",'•' Miss Annie ; Bailey, of Curdsville, and Mr. Davis, of Amelia Courthouse, will be married July 16 at Smj-rna church, near Sheppard's, Va. * \u25a0-*•• lr Mrs. C. W. Massie and children have left for Amherst county, where they will spend the. summer "\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'*!**\u25a0 .Mrs. Cecil Sutherland and Miss Frances Sutherland are visiting'relatives- in \u25a0Phila- delphia. - - : . •• * * * - Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Cullingworth are spending the summer at Buffalo Lithia Springs. .. * * \u25a0 Mr.- Bernard A. Games is . among the guests at the Fairbourne cottage, Virginia Beach. ..." \u25a0\u25a0•.... * * *-' '\u25a0:\u25a0;\u25a0: ' ' \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0' '\u25a0£ . Mrs. Howard P. Page and Miss Con- stance Boudar left Tuesday night for "At- lantic City, Lake George, and New York city. : They will remain in the North two months; : ' . * m - *Mr. A. Lyhds and Miss Cella Lynds, of 320 east ' Grace street,, left yesterday lor italeiyh Springs, Va;, for the remain- der of the summer. They contemplate a trip through Canada in. the fall. Miss Carrie M. Brown is spending three weeks at Virginia Beach: -^ :-sc*.:-sc- *. *. "\u25a0." '.*"'\u25a0 The recrular \u25a0 monthly meeting of the Church Hill branch ;.,ofa- the r; Woman's: •Christian Association will'be held at 2603 east Franklin street this afternoon. ' Mrs. John H. Montague and/ Mr. John IT. Montague, Jr., are vislting~Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taliaferro, at their country home^ near Baltimore. \u25a0-\u25a0*•'• * * judge" Waddill and trie Misses TVaddill have returned home from VirginiaBeach, and in a few days will leave for the Rockbridge Alum Springs. Miss Julia bceiger rs visiting Miss Helen Taylor, in Norfolk. **• \u25a0 \u25a0 Mr. and Mrs. Harry D Eichelberger were among the guests -""Wednesday. at" Mr. and Mrs. I. T.. "Walker's fishing party at- Ocean View. \u25a0 . " * - \u25a0 - -\u25a0" Miss Albie St. John is at Virginia Beach with ' her, mother. •\u25a0\u25a0•••' ' ' * * * Miss Didia Faulkner is visiting Mrs. Robert Traylor, in- Hampton. : .. . \u25a0\u25a0: \u25a0 \u25a0*. * *' \u25a0 . ."\u25a0•: \u25a0 I Miss Mamie Johr is visiting.Mrs. How- ard T. Brane, in Newport News. . . . . \u25a0 . * ,\ •. \ Mrs. C. L. Cooke is visiting her sisters, the Misses Trout, in Staunton. Mrs. "W. B. Wilson,- who has been visit- ing Major and Mrs. James H. Dooley, has returned to her- home. . . \u25a0\u25a0 . - .- * * - \u25a0- .... Miss Etta Knightlj 1 is visiting ncr aunt, Mrs. Dennis Brown, in Staunton. . - V 'Mrs. J. D Crew, who has been visiting relatives in Charlottesville, has returned to the city. \u25a0 -.:\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•.-.'•" Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Valer are spending the summer in Wytheville. > . \u25a0 -\u25a0 , * * . Miss Taliaferro is "visiting Mrs. W. M. Strother in Lynchburg. . Miss Rose Smith is visiting Miss Louise Bowman on Church Hill, Lynchburg. .;-• \u25a0\u25a0."\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0 » -•-'• \u25a0 - : ': ': ' -.-: .Mr. and Mrsi J. A. Madison are visiting in Petersburg. -Miss Mattie Couch, Miss Louise Couch, and Miss Gracie Couch.- of Petersburg, are visiting. Mrs. Thomas Nolan. \u0084 : :. Mrs. R. O. Thomas, , of Lynchburg. is visiting: friends and relatives in the city. ' . .\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0' '\u25a0 \u25a0: . * *. * --\u25a0/, :",\u25a0". , * The, Acorn Club will give another" of their delightful' dances at Lakeside to- night. , ;. . '. " •: •Miss Natalie Lancaster and Miss Rhea: Scott., of Ashland. Will leave:' to-rday to* spend two weeks at a house party at Varlna.- : : / _; ; - ":\u25a0 <:\u25a0 '.'"\u25a0', ' ".' ' '..' - \u25a0'-• " '**';* '-\u25a0: - \u25a0 ' \u25a0 ' - \u25a0 Mr! Jerry Tyler, of -Washington, D. C, who -has been visiting Mr. James H," Drake, has returned" home. •. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0 .;; . \u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0-* ** :\u25a0 \u25a0-". ;.:- -:; :\u25a0 \u25a0; Dr. arid: Mrs. Henry Winslow Harper, and' son are visiting Mrs.' Allen,. N0., 201 south ;, Third street. Dr. Harper is pro- fessor] of chemistry at the xexas Univer- sity:"^ j Mr's. -i Harper ;\u25a0 is;: a sister of .Mrs. Allen, land^was Miss Susie .West, of Green Springs; iiLouisa. ; Both of these .visitors, haye f a large circle of iriends in this city who will be glad to hear of their arrival. : \u25a0 .\u25a0 .'\u25a0\u25a0 •; * * ---'-.\u25a0\u25a0 •• - ' \u25a0 :: ? : -" Miss ; Ellen Hale Underwood, of Fayette- "ville, Ky., is visiting- "on west Grace street.:- ' '. . , '\u25a0\u25a0' . < - - \ J' : [\u25a0/ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:' •;,;. ;.-. \u25a0 \u25a0• ;.; Mr. -S. H. Morning, who /has been at a house party at Mr. John S.: Wise's 'couhtry place, i passed - through the city /yesterday oh his way to Louisville,' Ky. ' >..'"- \u25a0;y^ :v :-:-\:-'-- ; \- *-'**-' -_-. -: ' - -:' v Miss \u25a0 Katie' Miller, who ; has : been - the' guest of -Miss. Ethel^Frpman; of "Henrico, returned"; home Monday.': . / :- . v .': ; "\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'-' "/•"\u25a0'"." : 'j.' ."- "\u25a0--''. * .'."I"."' •-.-.-\u25a0\u25a0-•-. \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0•"-":\u25a0;\u25a0". .\u25a0».-\u25a0"•'• ' \u25a0\u25a0 : :Enos^^ll:loaveiin;a : ffew.i'days s to visit ; her ;sisterh; Mrs. : W. : M. -Perkins, Louisa : Courthouse, Va;; .: - \ . r ':\u25a0:::\u25a0:\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 -"i : \u25a0\u25a0 -:W.^i>i^l^f *>^ -- -li'^tvc :'^- : --?ii: j-ITKoi-Misses^.Tyler^entertained: \on /.the Fourth i at ''Halerick.'^ near Radfordi \u25a0 v \u0084\u25a0:-. 7Vy;\u25a0\u25a0:-: : *\u25a0;\u25a0: f^X^fy.;^:^: 'i:i \u25a0•>. Miss rEimlce Spiers, of pinyriddie^eounty,' is -visiting 'relatives iHere^S:ri^fc'?i^^^^ ;:; Miss j. Eunice" Gregory^ and; Mrs.- Carter ; areithevguests of Mrs. Nesbitt Bass; In Misa Helen Montajrue ar.d Mralyß^j PaJUh»r. wilS lasiva oa JuU' £*. forßtlii] tie Church Hill branch of the Woman's Christian Association. . : \u25a0 ,/ -'--\u25a0\u25a0 ; - .*'\u25a0* * - :-"- / Miss Anna - ; Pleasants will leave next \u25a0week -for Ocean View, where she will spend" several weeks. \u25a0 * * \u25a0' * •Mr. Fred Jurgens left Sunday night."for St. Louis, and will spend a month visit- ing several northern cities. " \u25a0 '.. .. '\u25a0'. * * >* -"' Mrs. 'Ramon Garcin has returned home after a pleasant month spent at Barton Heights. . •.:-\u25a0: \u25a0'>;"• ,\u25a0\u25a0 •" . . , * * . \u25a0 ---«:\u25a0 - Mrs. C. W. Massie and children have left for Amhorst county, where they' will spend. the summer.; -.'•; '..-.. ..-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* \u25a0 : - - * Mrs. Cecil Sutherland' and Miss Frances Sutherland are visiting relatives in Phila- delphia. . * *-* r - ; - Mr. and- Mrs. J.- N. Cullingworth : are spending the. summer at Buffalo Llthia Springs. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .'-' .'\u25a0*\u25a0'* * Mr. Bernard A. Gair.es is among 1 the guests at the Fairbourne cottage,. Virginia Beach. . : . ' \u25a0 NOT-QS. \u25a0 **yOF ** *•" .-: ' -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 „,: \u25a0\u25a0--. . .. - \u25a0'.;., \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-..-:\u25a0 -'c.*- .'";. SOCIETY "IHBQUNDS with offerings that will easily attest its value igGg for money saving. Not a few -specials scattered here •and there, but your unrestricted- choice of •' \u25a0\u25a0 'jvs^w?c .. Roy^ 9 und Children's - P Suit's, Furnishings, fiats "and 'Shoes TO BE SOLD AT ONE THIRD OFF AND LESS. Children's Wash Pants, sizes 3 to ** 10 year 5. ........ ....................... ."...... *UG 1 Boys 9 Knee Pants. Boys' 50c. and 75c. Knee Pants re- duced t0:........... .. .. &9C The $1:00 Shirtwaists reduced 7f7 _ t0....;^v.;».V.v'^.>.-.^.v V »-».^--"v ; f* ?^ Unlaundcred Waists, sizes 3 .to. -fair 12, worth 25c., reduced to. :. J^m'/ZC The ' 75c. Shirtwaist reduced > « t0. . :.=.-. . . ;.... .. .:......... o3C

Upload: others

Post on 25-Jun-2020




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Page 1: igGg Not P .. Roy^ Children's Men's and 'ShoesThe Mother's Friend, inWhite and fancy, collars attached or detached, the 50c. •«_ kind/reduced t0:.:....*..". t0:.:....*..". '..-

The Mother's Friend, in White and fancy,collars attached or detached, the 50c. •« _kind/reduced t0:.:....*..". '..- -.... wC

9 and Children-sShirtwaists.

\u25a0\u25a0:/.Gentlenieh|si-Plain;Whi^stitched^ Band kerchiefs;- 15cv qaality^ 3q^lor:--25c.j each"..*..""-'— "•-•"•-;>•_"• •-••"••••>—'••*'*?

\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0.i \u25a0-.

;\u25a0>\u25a0'.;\u25a0.."_.\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 i'..„ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0...'\u25a0.. \u25a0.\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0

\u25a0. '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 *\u25a0 •\u25a0*

200^dozen Gentlemen's White -Hemmed•Edge^oH^size^sc:,'reduced t0;....... ..............;-.. ;\u25a0\u25a0&?

Men's and Young ITien^s Suits.Men's $7.50 and 18 Suits \ |J A

reduced to'. *p*jo\y\J'

\u25a0:Men's $B^so and $10 Suits' -X ;gA

reduced to . /^- ;\*P^?

Men's:sliand $12 Suits n g'reduced to --,<"/ ,*^ •

Men's $12.50 and :sl3;so:; C& *7XSuits reduced to . :;.

•*\u0084 $15 and; $18/ Suits, /Ctt\MVb$li;98; arid $22 Suits>P \u25a0'* *J**sy

Boys!^and Children's Clothing.Boyskl3ouble-Breasteid ;s2^ f; |'O:

;.;Bpys/Pouble?Breaste(iand(St |/iQNorfolk $2:soand $2.75 Suits* *'

V°..-Boys' Double-Breasted and f QQ.NorfoJk^S.aridSS.SOSuits,..'^^';^ 0

Boys' and Ghildren> Fancy -Sailor,Blouse,^ -Norfolk ;and Vestee Suits,w6rtli;s4 and- $5, reduced' 4^tO ••

\u25a0• , •** - °.; 1

Mens andBoysMen's and Boys' plain Balbriggan Shirts

and Drawers, 25c. qualit}', reduced g^-,

to ............ r-. ....... ••• .........1-V'^<»"Men's Fancy and Plain Balbriggan

Shirts and Drawers, 25c. quality, re- « y/

duced t0.......... \u0084•••-• ...... • /G

Men's 50c. .plain and fancy CombedrEgyptian Shirts and Drawers reduced 3^-,to: ...^OG

Pure linen,-regular 10c. quality.^ About300 dozeiv in this lot. No less than halt a

dozen to a-.custbmer.

Metis Jhiris ßeduced to 29cCollars attached or detached. -Regular

50c. Shirts.' '

'. "

/rMen's/TSc/i' Madras /SWrtsV^w-^g^separate

1cuffs; reduced to: <. v^y

Men's ftalfjibseiMen's Black, Tan, and Fancy Half Hose,

fast color and seamless, worth 10c., W^reduced to, per-pair ;.'... -. •\u25a0•••• *fy'Men's Fancy Silk Embroideredarid Drop-

stitch Hose, worth isc, -reduced- to, jqwper pair...... ...\u25a0\u2666...................... .' ....... 'V**:

Men's Fine Imported Lisle and Drop-stitch Hose, inBlack, Tan, and fancy, \u25a0 ,q \u25a0

woith 25c, reduced to .............:... /•**•

Pieaios withReputation


Dr. Robert F. Williams and Mr. JamesM. Valentine are at the tWann Springs.*


Mr. and Mrs. Burlthardf Werner havereturned from their bridal trip, and arenow Jocaled at 5^4 norvth Twenty-fourth

.* • * . •

Mr. James Grigg returned Mondaynightfrom a visit to his daughter, Mrs. E. H.Gibson, in Culpeper.

•'' •\u25a0

Miss Jean Knox will spend a few daysnext week as the guest 01 Miss KatieHoge. .


•Miss Kate Kennon "Wrenn will leave

shortly for Montvale, In Bedford county.

Miss l/oulse Prosser will be for theremainder of the summer the guest ofher aunt, Mrs. J. P. Bland, on Mobjackbay- .." * •

Mr. B. C. -Lewis, a. graduate of the -V.M. 1., returned liomeiFriday.

' - *\u25a0• *


Mrs. Hugh Taylor returned Fridayfrom a two weeks' stay at Buckroe33each.

homfr. Colonel Cary's health Is niuch" Im-Iprbved.; and he has decided to give up

'life. <

:\u25a0:/\u25a0": : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-' \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -•. •\u25a0•\u25a0 --.: :'-;\u25a0',//\u25a0 '-\u25a0'/Mr. Alfred B. Williams left thelilattcf' part of lost w'ook' for'Washington,!D c. where he will be . jo'nod' by. h!svdritiKhtcr.1' Miss .Marguerl:e Dandridge

WilliJims and will accompany /her to'Greenville, S. C. Miss Willian-.s has :boon

" atlcnding school :during the past :session-near Philadelphia:-- : '. /".r;.r. ';

'\u25a0\u25a0- .: *- **

:' -\u25a0' - ..•';\u25a0 :Mrs. Jncz Montague .will arrive in thecity to-day from Ashland and for. thetuturo

'willmake her liomc here. 1

\u25a0 .". * • • './ /Captain and Mrs. Thomas Pincknej*. of

Charleston, S. C.\will-spend a few days

this week with .Mr. C..C Pinckney, inRichmond, befor* lca\-Ing. for Europe,

where. they will spend the summer.,- .-./•»

• "'"'

Mr. Robert Gray has purchfise«l a coun-;try home on the Petersburg road, and.will with his family, leave in a few days

for his new home.'-\u25a0: :' "•' "

*..•'-•• ,'" :'-'"Mrs. Rosa Albwt has; returned from a

pleasant trip to Grand View Hotel.\u25a0 % \u25a0. . - •

\u25a0• -

\u25a0 . \u25a0

\u25a0• ,

\u25a0\u25a0.. .. •. . . . \u25a0

Judge and Mrs. Edmund Waddlll willleave early In August for the Old SweetSprings.

• •«

-'Mlf^,Mfc« V^rioov has'returncd from a

trip to the seashore*•. •Mrs. Dan Talley .-wid Miss Kate Talley

•will leave next week for the Old SweetSprings. - '\u25a0\u25a0• • •

Mr. ajifl Mrs. Edward Stettlnlus. ofr*'i!rr"C \u25a0"\u25a0n*!j]w>i>.j'": r>_' '''ff ''lyIn 1 «?;

olfy with Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Carrlns--ton. •.•

M.lss Gertrude Franklin^ Clash has re~"urned from Virginia Beach.


.--\u25a0Jfr. William Lidmbcrt is^spending a few

flaj's In Fluvanna county.' ', ,

•. , •! '

Mr.W.B. Freeman, Mr. AllenFreeman.in<J Mr.Douglass Freeman have returnedTrom Northfield. Mr. Douglas Freeman,vho has been so desperately "ill.5s better.

'-\u25a0 / '• '. •''\u25a0-\u25a0. :"

Mrs: Philip Taliaferro \u25a0\u25a0' and family arespending some time at Buckroe Beach.' .-*'• *

: '..'.' \u25a0-'

. Miss Shcrrcd Wilson hasrreturn'ed fromVirginia Beach.

Mrs. Charles JL-ehman has.*returned homefrom a delightful trip to Cincinnati.




IMr. George Haynes has returnefl from

'Iho seashore to'his home on south Thirdttreet.

*\u2666 •--'\u25a0\u25a0

,T.lrs. Wr. G. Taylor and'

Miss Kath-leen Taylor, of Fonticclio.^will leave,- ir,a few days for •Crockett Springs, wherethey will spend the summer. _

\u25a0: « \u25a0/ \u25a0.*--•\u25a0

Miss McKenny is 'spending 'some tim«in Ashland, where she is visiting Mrs. CC. Bridges.

Misses Lizzie and Minnie Morris wiffspend the summer at Wilson's Springs.•' ' * • *-'


Miss Julia Cardwell is visiting Mrs. SLP. Boston in Orange county...• \u25a0


Mr. "William C. '. Nolance has returnedfrom a. pleasant visit to Hanover andAshland.

».• \u25a0

Mrs.-Henry Didier. who has been visit-ing in Virginia has returned to Baltimore

*.0 >\u0084- ".\u25a0 -. .Mrs. Arista B. Hoge and Miss Sldnej

R. Goldsborough are spending the sum-mer in Virginia. \u25a0

Miss Gertrude "SKeltbh/ will ride at thrCharlottesville horseshpw. a "bay '.gelding 1,"Adonis."


*Mrs. A. rieiner, of Baltimore, is at Front

Royai. Va. \u25a0

months travelling: in Europe. Most of hi3time willbe spent in England.

'• .\u25a0*."..-

Mrs. W. T. -Shepherd and little M;s3Louise Shepherd are visiting Dr. and Mr».J. S. Pentlleton, at "White trail," nearScottsville.

;\u25a0.-;•' '\u25a0'


Jliss Evelyn Deitricii will leave the lat-ter part of; the week for Mrs. Meredith*!cottage, Virginia Be.ich.

• Miss Dandridge is visitingher aunt. Mr3.Edward Rock, at lied Hills. Vn.* ,>"

'.Mrs. -T. C- Cunningham is vl3!tlny C*

Wpodburn, the home of Judge Christian.In Charles City county.

Mrs. J. L. Tabb and family, of Balti-more, are at their country residence, Sel-den, ~Va. , * *:Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Hazen are at Vir-ginia Beach where Dr. Hazen's healthsteadily improves.

:Miss Caroiv. sister of Mrs. Rooseve"t»

who passed much of the winter season aCthe .White ITouse. and later was a gu<-stat Oyster Bay, sailed Tuesday for South-ern. Europe.

A Sa«l Cane.(New Toric,Sun.) . .

"I/have,, a -grand idea.'.' exclaimed thiwild-eyed man. "Try.pkvying- pingr-poncr it:m auto with a ffot-ba.ll and golf sticlvs!

But his friends, weeping1, led him av.-ny,The stress of modern life had proved to*much' for him.

-;•Misct»n."itraccl. .-(New York Sun.)

Mrs. Towe: Unless you're satisfied wltjthe bathing suit Iselect you can go with-out any at all. ;'Miss tjiula Towe: Oh, mamma, Iwainever quite as naughty as \u25a0 that.

Xext Snndny at Popiilar Deach Park,\u25a0 We.it Point. Vn.

/ Only sixty minutes ride each way. Fasttrains-l eaving: .Richmond (Southern Rail-way Station V3:30 A. M., 4 P. M.: rcturn-infr. leave' West Point S and 10 P. If.Fifty cents round trip.

After stock-taking we find wehave a surplus of certain num-bers bfotir 'different makes ofRefrigerators and Ice Chests.


are ;always .worth the;mo-neyyou'payofor them v For-tune' bixngs in sonic iboatsthat are. ilKsteered, but .•ex-perience is absolutely es-sential to the selection-- of agood, reliable piano.

AQuarter of a Centuryin bttsirress has >- taught usmany things. A corps ofskilled piano choosers maxeselections for us; from 11 thebest product of the leadingfactories in the world. TheSTIENWAY, HARDMAN, KNABE,STANDARD, HAIKES, KIMBALLThe Most Perfect -PianoPlayer is;thelriANOLA.

It is not only endorsed,but used by all the greatestliving musicians. . It sup-plies the technic while you.add the expression.


play anything with perfectprecision. Pianola Con--certs ' every, morning andafternoon. -'. .

Victor Talking: Machines•Really talk-—there are nowheezes or sputters',-,-- butsound is so accuratel\ r re-produced^ by them that vis-itors to our store frequent-ly remark that some; artistmust be singing or playing,when the records are niere-

| lvbeing tried. .

1011 E&jtMain.9|East Broadi

we offer special inducements.Then we have the usual quan-

tities of odds and ends, whichaccumulate from time to time.These we offer at very lowprices— such as

—16-inch White Meat Dish

for .. ;-."'.\u25a0;-.\u25a0. ...... . .25c.8-inch Covered Vegeta-

ble-Dish for .... :.. .. .25c.Gall "and be convinced that

now is a good time to savemoney on the above goods.



:»**k^S<ftvtn JUCI> »»1 »«ld »«i»lU«'b*w- •>*»»1?

—\u25a0*NK3\u25a0>«» -*»•rlW»»^ T*k«»*•the'v »»*»•

fA **i«3 Da«MCrM>«u »nfc«»UliiU»i»- •»*»'}**•**

«MlwUUr«c. UmHrnm •%•***,r*U*~***•\ZriW*a&r9So*

Another Shipment

ofMusic Boxes> -\u0084The "Regina" of course,

because it is the peer •of allniusic-boxes bn-the market/and we ca,rry only the best,in every line. ;.• .; ./;Self-sacrificing^ > \

PRICE, $18.50 UP..

\u25a0hHRIIIX&rpest > andy Oldest Jlusic House/ In". the \u25a0South. :

:10s east bboas bxeeet;;/ >//k

/ \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 V'


\u25a0 ,',••\u25a0 *•'•':'\u25a0 '\u25a0'-

;-.".. ': .-' VMr. Frederick

'Valentine 'has! gone to

Blue' Ridge Springs to join his family,where they, are spending .the summer.

Miss Cally Ryland is visiting Miss Gilesin Hagerstown, Md.


'-;\u25a0 :j*

» '.•;• :.:; /\u25a0 '- 1'

-Mrs. Edgar Taylor has returned fromBuckroe Beach.

\u25a0 '\u25a0 * * •;\u25a0-

. . \u25a0


. '\u25a0Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Gardner will spend

a portion of the summer .in Loudouncounty.\u25a0•. -\u25a0\u25a0

' -.-;' \u0084•»>•' -' " ... - . ::--.Miss Lora Chapin has returned .from

Buckroe Beach.\u25a0:-ri \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0="'."\u25a0 "'\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0:'\u25a0 */•"'/\u25a0 "\u25a0

'\u25a0 \u25a0'

Judge and Mrs. Henry W. Hoge andchildren, of Staunton, are visiting friendsin the city.;- :, '

\u25a0 :.-•'.* • •

./. ;'" \u25a0\u25a0 'VMr.' and Mrs. Carter Braxton," of Staun-

ton, are spending some time with friendsIn the city. \u25a0

" ' ' '-' .* :./\u25a0/

'•.* * \u25a0'

- . ' ":Miss- Elise/ Ellyson left' Wednesday

morrining tor', "Beechwood,". Louisa, coun-"ty. where she: will spend: the month of\u25a0juiy." -

\u25a0 .' • \u25a0 r • *-?\u25a0-*::\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- .'.•; :\u25a0--:\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 .* .-' *'-'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0'-:\u25a0: rj


Mr. and Mrs. John. Brown have beenspending a- week, at Virginia Beach,:andwere expected home Thursday. • / /':

V^Miss'Julia Wills,, who; has been spend-ing';several/ weeks ;.with her.; sister, .Mrs.\u25a0Walter Sublett, / will leave Monday ::tor-Nelsoiv'county.'; :':'v-

:/-/; /;:::;,? -/ v>'./ -v:•-.:-;'/\u25a0'

*.• .

!;i>Mr..'and Mrs;'l*'BLTShexAerdvwill \u25a0 spend'^V fw»^^'» C<^_ \u25a0\u25a0 *^^

M. ' _.i I:Imi'JBmmm .'.II."^

•• •\u25a0

Mrs. Rudolph Teusler, who- returnedfrom Japan about six weeks ago on ac-count of her health, is improving. t.iewill'probably remain here with her par-ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. ;Minor Woodward,

until Christmas, when she will join herhusband, who is a medical missionaryto Japan.

-• * *

Mrs. David Porter Guest, and her Ut-tleson. wfll spend the summer at BlueRidge Springs.



Miss EmilyLyman is at the Rockbridge

Alum. . -»..:

"•» •..'. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0::\u25a0

Miss Sadie Jeffries and her sister willleave shortly for the Rockbridge AlumSprings.


•. •Mrs. Ben Palmer willentertain the Stay-

at-Home Whist Club this evening at 8:15o'clock.

. * * *-. '

Miss Mary Johnston' arrived at theWarm Springs from Birmingham, Ala.,caturday. She was accompanied by Majorj. w.' Johnston and Misses Eloise andElizabeth Johnston.

Mrs. J. R.: V. Daniel left Monday forGeneral Rosser's home,' near Charlottes-ville. >

: ;. • • •Miss Edith Seymour Is visiting Miss

Tarns, in Staunton. • \u25a0 .•. •


Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hancock are atWaynesboro. * *' *

Miss Fannie E. Mittlcdorfer is visiting

at the home of Mr.S: Marcus, in Gordons-viiie. ,; . ..;... ...

* * •\u25a0 Mrs. Leon Wallerstein and family areat Virginia Beach.


'. , --:• .•".,.. -\u25a0

\u25a0 .\u25a0 :

Miss Rose Anderson is the guest of Mrs.Fred. Scott.

"in the Florida cotttage, at

the Greenbrier White Sulphur.,-,-.. :-;. ...--,,

Mrs. C. M. Lumsden, ;Miss Lumsden,

Messrs. D. M. arid J. O. Lumsden .are vis-itingMrs. J.iEzekiel Hall, of Alton.

: * * ••.

n \u25a0*• ,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montague are at

Afton, Va. i'.?':,:-» » »

'\u25a0 Messrs. Charles Bargamjn and W. A:

Huddlcston are at the Afton House, in



c;Mrs. W. D. Thomas and Miss LaviniaThomas returned last week from a visit

to Mrs. John Kerr Branch, at her coun-try home, in New York State. On theirway to Richmond they stopped a fewdays in New York city- '•. * -,Mrs> W. T. Oppenhimer and family are

at Virginia Beach.• * *Hon. John •Goode, of Bedford, Va., is

at the Virginia Hotel, Virginia Beach.

: -_ . \u2666 * •Mrs. John Currie is spending; several

weeks at the AVhite.* w -

Mrs. Henry D. Perkins and family areat the Beach. \u25a0 . .

street Mrs. Werner was formerly MissMaggie Parrish. and was married^on June2Sth to Mr. Werner at Fort Mitchell,Lunenburg county.'"


Miss Bessie Ellyson is visiting Miss Mo-rctta Slingluff, in Gloucester county.•'* •

Miss Jean Berkeley has returned to

Richmond from Gloucester.•\u2666*'.\u25a0

:Mr.and Mrs. A. H. Perkins are visiting

Mrs. V. B.•Jefteries. of Scottsville.• * • ' : - :-.

Misses Edith Merrill and Helen Smith,

who have been visiting in Williamsburg,

have returned home.• * *Mr. and Mrs.- James Preston Carson are

at the Virginia Sweet Springs.

•. • .Miss Josephine Putney, is visiting her

grandfather, Colonel R. E. Withers, onLawyer's Hill, Wytheville, Va.•


The Rev. Herbert M.Hope has returnedfrom Greenbrier "White Sulphur.

' \u25a0'*.. *."

Mr. Claude Dean is at the GreenbrierWhite.

• * */;Mr./R./L./Thaw /and Mastery WilliamThaw are spending

"some} time^ at

Beach. -'.-. . • ,• -

t 'Master,;; Henry;Froehling.:Is-isojourning!atjV^fgiriia .Beach^iAvhere he^ls/a guest

at I:}Fairbourne -.cottage. ]-•"\u25a0

'.' *

»\u25a0» \u25a0*


''Master IrvinKnowles :is spending sometiirie;iat Beach.-*** .:to;the;lnclemency

? of*the iweather,thor* \u25a0vu no:atuxram :mt. tk« mmUm • •#

: t . -.. '" •. c." » '

Miss Nellie Gordon has returned fromMrs. John S. Wise's country house party.,- . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0"" *

i*' -

"Misses Nannie and Elizabeth Barks:dale

'have returned home from Virginia

Beach. . \u25a0'.\u25a0'\u25a0;-• :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0

':;'•\u25a0''\u25a0: \u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0".' ,*.* '*\u25a0\u25a0' -. "'-\u25a0-\u25a0' --''^', Miss Mamie Jones returned from Vir-ginia Beach Sunday.*- \u25a0

" .• . -' .'- -

.'. *\u25a0 -.- .'' :

-Miss Annie:White returned

'to her home

in Bowling Green Saturday after a pleas-ant visit to friends in this city.

' . ..'.'' '\u25a0:-'- ':-

'*\ *. ;'; '


\u25a0 . \u25a0

-Mrs.- E. C. Judson,. of Payson City,Utah, is visiting her nephew ,Mr. J. .J.Robinson, No.- 309 .north; Twenty-ejghthstreet "and willvisit \u25a0" relatives in Newport

News before" her return Home. :"

1" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.- r ' **'.*'".-\u25a0". '"•



Mr: John Tatem, .of Portsmouth, hascome to this city to make his futurehome.- \u25a0 -\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0'. -"'•-. \u25a0'. , - \u25a0' .

;\u25a0" - '

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :\u2666\u25a0*••\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :.

- -.' .-\u25a0

Miss' Louise' Waldower, of Savannah,who is well known in: this city, is :theguest of Mrs. Meredith at VirginiaBeach.

Mr. _Davidißaldwin, ••:of Baltimore, Is atthe Homestead,- Hot.Springs, Va. -. :; ';,

--\u25a0\u25a0•,; ** \u2666 '. ; v x ::

Mrs. David O'Brien has as her guests

Miss Daisy Perkins/ Miss Jennie Taylor,and, Miss. Sadye Coleman,. of Baltimore.

\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0'-•..:'' ' -\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0-

** '-.""*\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0

"i- -

.'-\u25a0'"-: -

.Mrs.:Lieo'ri Mayfield, of west Main street,

will'leave next week for Verdon, Hanovercounty.". . ,

'\u0084s -i.,

'^'-. /;_•- v ,':.':.'-

\u25a0" * '-"'•*•--'.-

'jMrs. Georgo Armstrong -Lyon has^-re-:turned from a 'pleasant .visit;to;the Fair-bourne cottage, at ..-Virginia-1Beach." :

\u25a0\u25a0: '\u25a0\u25a0: '\u25a0 . ':.' \-^^-:^>:;*' :̂^:.r-''-v,^::U<:^-:'Mrs. H.,W.;New= will leave; shortly/^ for

Ocean View,\u25a0:where she; will spend twoweeks.

\u25a0 , , . . **::*. \u0084

Miss Mattie Jennings left last Sunday tovisit friends in Hanover." She will be ab-sent about two months. :

'-. *c ..» -.-\u25a0 -

Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas J. Bowles: are vis-

iting Major J. P. Bowles,- of Fluvannacounty..

" '• : •

- '\u25a0-• ""*"\u25a0• --:•- '

;Miss Pauline Graser who sailed for Eu-rope on Thursday, -was tendered a fare-weli"party by her friends Monday night.

• Miss Carrie M. Brown, of Richmond, Isspending several weeks at Virginia Beach.

:.*\u25a0.- .*:*.\u25a0

Miss. Tanner, of 217 east Main street, isthe guest of her brother, the. Rev. EdwinXee -.Tanner, at Homer, N. Y.

\-Mr'.-and Mrs. George 11. Richardson arespending; a..: few weeks in Norfolk, Vir-ginia-Beach,' and Mathews county.

\u25a0t. "- - :\u25a0• * * \u25a0

.- Miss:Helen Miller, of Norfolk, is visit-ing at the Valentine House. MissMiliej-iis a sister of Mr. Hugh GordonMil!er,:of Norfolk.

' ' ' .'"1. ' \u25a0

" * *••*Mi-;and Mrs. Overton Sale have return-

ed from their bridal trip, and are athome ;to their friends, on Clay street..

Mias Marie Stith and Miss Jones, ofChatham, willarrive in the city on Thurs-day,-^, and will be the guests of friendsat ihe Valentine House.

'V . -.*-i* ..Miss Etisca'Desper is visiting her home,

at Palmyra, Fluvanna county, ,where sheexpects to remain two' months.'.'. : ';" ' . *


Mrs.- John Jackson has returned froma brief visit to friends in Norfolk. .-

X . . „*• * ,:-. \u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0 .Improvements have already been com-

menced at the Woman's Club. The hallnnd'the ceilings in the parlors and audi-torium wilf be handsomely papered.; Beau-tiCul.~new chanaeliers "will be placed inthe parlors and auditorium. Although theregular Monday afternoon teas 'haveceased 'for the summer months, yet thefront parlor and the library are open,and the. members will"have the use ofthese and other rooms which are not be-ing repaired, as the club will not be>closed. :-' \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0.


-''\u25a0" \u25a0', \u25a0 : *:**"


Miss M. G.!Braithwaite has returned tothe city after spending the past year, anda half in' Arizona, /where she has beenteaching in the Government school forIndians.

' , **\u25a0

* '\u25a0-\u25a0 '•\u25a0

Mrs. AAliceFitz is quiteindisposedatherresidence on Church Hill. In:the recentdeath of her daughter. Miss Juliette/ shehas -the sympathy of a host of friends.;;

*..-, . ' ' - -' : *\u25a0"'**': -

\u25a0 :\u25a0 /. . 'Miss; Bessie Lambert is spending .the

summer at Jefferson Park Hotel, nearCharlottesville.

\u25a0 <. ..'\u25a0" \u25a0 .:* *;*-. • -\u25a0-

Miss Grace Adelaide and Miss Kather-ine Belle Powell will. be the guests ofMrs. Grymes, at Virginia Beach, ,for seve-ral weeks.

- . • • \u25a0

--,-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0* v. * T

' -. \u25a0


Miss Mattie Lambert is spendinfg thesummeri near Charlottesville.

\u25a0-' \u2666"-•'• \u25a0.-Mr. and Mrs. A. F.-Craig are- spending

a month'in Asheville, N. C.


\u25a0\X \u25a0\u25a0 "\u25a0—

'.*. « . . '- .-\u25a0'

Miss: Julia Cardwell is visiting Mrs. M.P. "Boston in Orange county.

-.--.\u25a0 ? j -\u25a0-:' \u25a0\u25a0-- •-\u25a0'i '* •"'-\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0

\u25a0Mr: William -C. Noland has returnedfrom a pleasant visit to Hanover andAshland.- ,' ' i

2Sth to Mr.';Werner at Fort Mitchell,Lunenburg ;county.

Miss Nina B. Constable is spending afew weeks at "Wyndover," near ,Char-lottesville, as the guest of Miss Mimi A.Borchers. -

; Mr.;and' Mrs. rßurkhardt: :Werrier; havereturned jfromjitheir VbridaJ itrip/yfarid%arenqwj? located tatls24? north.l Twenty-fourth"Btrcet^S Mr^Werner^waa^fdririerly^MlssMauie Parrlsh.f and%u'jßarried on!June

'\u25a0 ,-\u25a0'\u25a0'• \u25a0' "-\u25a0"\u25a0'

-'..-:" ,"--\u25a0 =

Miss Ruby Chewning was given a lawnparty by her cousins, the Misses -Vaughan,'of Louisa, with whom she is -staying.

.; -; > \u25a0•.<• v* ---•..- :• .;.;

Mr. Polk Miller arid :his quartette willgive a concert July 22d in the .home ofMr. George E.Robertson, in-Chester, forthe beneflt of the Episcopal church.

-; \u25a0 '-' "

\u25a0*:** \u25a0- .;. \u25a0\u25a0 .'•

Mrs. Lusretia Brooks, left Thursday forVerdon, \u25a0 Hanover county.


':. . \u25a0'.

'''\u25a0\u25a0'" '\u25a0*"<,\u25a0\u25a0 :*'\u25a0'\u25a0"•'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 —^ : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•'-.\u25a0•.-..-.

.Miss Christian has left for Chautauquawhere she will spend several weeks."

-. \u25a0-.:.' :-':-'- • * •:;\u25a0 .. - ';' '

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' .:i"Miss Mira Gregory -Is the guest of Mrs.

Nesbitt Bass,- in: Chester. : .-.,..:

, Miss"Mary Brockenbrough is visiting

friends in Amelia county....\u25a0•\u25a0-;-.. •- ".•,.- :-,

*•"« •. -\u25a0- :.••-.

- .:Mr.Boydßrcfoks, of Washington, D. C;

Is spending -some °time

*with Mr."1Georgo

K. Taylor, <on^ Church' Hill. _. •

\u25a0V: I.'••». .--;..Miss:Edna Towsjey,,- who has. been £isi?

ing Missi-Lizzie Roberson; of Church*:Hill,has returned .to- her-,home in . Louisacounty. «'\u25a0"--.>\u25a0'\u25a0. -:\ \u25a0•.'..:• •-" • . . .:1 - ' - . \u25a0 '-,* •\u25a0>••'- '.'-.'

Miss E. P.,Neale left"the city.Friday forBirmingham; Ala.,!to;visit'her sister, Mrs.Charles L. Leadbetter. »\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0.•:-\u25a0:. .\u25a0\u25a0.;\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0.-,£.-

-. -:-.VV'i,;:..->;-*U:v*.':;-::\( \u25a0,\u25a0;;>.: v-:.:.Mr. ;C. G.: Lambert- .and ', family.:arespending the '•-summer .;. at .Jefferson :.ParkHotel;" near Charlottesyille."* . "'

: \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0- "•;•*\u2666\u25a0'•' \u25a0'.-'.•::'",•\u25a0•;\u25a0 ; •:Miss :Spltzeri; arid Miss Jennie •.Spitz'er.

will'leave Wednesday v-

for Atlantic f\City,*NJ>J. , "- "-•- l


\u0084V :,- '. \u0084,'\u25a0 \u25a0.*\u25a0* •* .'".: \u25a0 ' .

Miss Louise Potts is spending the sum-mer \u25a0in.Chester.

' , . . .: . - -' •• •

\:-' \u25a0 :' ;..Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matthews, who

have been visiting their daughter, . Mrs.C. T.-Hutchinson, of Staunton, have re-turned home. : -.

,;\ . . -..*\u2666* /\u25a0 ;. •\u25a0 . : \u25a0 •

Dr: J. L. M. Curry and his party willsail for this country August 28th. For thelast few weeks they have been staying inSwitzerland, where his health has greatlyimproved.

'"-\u25a0'- \u25a0'/\u25a0' * *"• ' '"

.\u25a0 ,.\u25a0' :'•


- '<\u25a0Mrs. Robert Richford Roberts, Jr., Is

visiting, the family of Colonel Coles, inFredericksburg.*** *

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Herbert Funston

are spending two weeks at. Atlantic City.• * •"'. •-\u25a0- \u25a0

| Miss Kate Kennon Wrenn left Wednes-day for Montvale, Va., where she willspend the summer.


Mr. P. J. White and his son will leave.August sth for California and a tripthrough- the West. .\ . ;\u25a0

:\u25a0 ; -: . ;= •\u25a0-'*

* ','"\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0' '' '

.'-" -\ Mr. and Mrs.: James, Beverly Elam willleave' in: August for Saratoga. They.: willstay there two weeks and then goio.LakeGeorge .and other points of interest.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank T."Crump leftThursday for Atlantic City. \u25a0 ;',

'."-."\u25a0.*."•Miss P. E. Brornm arid Mr. Louis

Bromm and Miss P. Grasser will sail to-day from New York on the North German-.Lloyd steamship • Grosser. Kurfurst, forBremen, via Cherbourg.

-\u25a0 . ; ;: *• *\u25a0'* :-\u25a0 .•- . \u25a0

Madame and -Miss Claire Guillaume ex-jpect to goto Chautauiiua this summer.


Mrs. L. O. Miller, Miss Alma Miller,

and Miss Emma Perkinson willleave thisweek for the 'coast of Maine,*'



."' %\u25a0;

Mrs. Williams and Miss Loulie Wil-liams willleave next month for the coastof Maine. ' ~

Mrs. Henry Williams and Miss .AdeleWilliams expect., to sail for Europe inAugust. '•

, \ : > * *\u25a0Messrs. Ernest and Winns Wilson, whohave been spending several days at: Vir-ginia Beach, have returned home.

* " *<\u25a0

*MissMamie Randolph, daughter of Rev.

Buckner' Jlandolph. is spending:, severalweeks with Miss Florence; Dudley Guil-laudeau, at" her summer home, Water Mill,

Lon^-Island. :.- \u0084 : ,\u25a0 \u25a0 ,:....... 1, ,'-.-, .:\u25a0;..

burg-. Later In the season they will-takea northern trip.-, . .."\u25a0

\u0084 \u0084

'\u25a0 . .-.'-.\u0084' ;:- ...'•*•-\u25a0\u25a0 .' \u25a0\u25a0

Mrs. Margaret Corbell, a popular younglady of Baltimore, is visiting her -cousin,

Mrs. Charles Hughes, in this cfty.\u25a0


* .•. '• ..: '-\u25a0 s

Miss .Margaret Regnault left yesterday,for Louisa county, where she willbe theguest of Mrs. Clayton. G. Coleman. •

;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0.--: - * \u25a0'»'\u25a0 •\u25a0'

\u25a0 . \u25a0' -- .';. . \u25a0

Miss Mabel Montague, a teacher in theFoulk and Long:Institute,, near Philadel-phia,".islhome'to spend her vacation withher mother, Mrs. S. .M. Montague, Sixthand Main streets.

'*\u25a0•/\u25a0iMrs. H. T. Walker is visiting Mrs.

Samuel Lumpkin, at Furnham, Va,-: .... . - * ,;-.* :'Mr. Robert Pegram was a.guest at a

dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Green Tues-day at the Princess Anne.

•.\u25a0>-—••• -:» \u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

-.;. -."

Mr. and Mrs. E. I.Parrish, Miss ElmaMorris, and Mr..G. Eddie Diggs have just

returned from ':a pleasant visit to Mr. J.T.Diggs, in Louisa' county: „. .;- '>; .*=-*'\u25a0 ::

Mrs.:Robert Pegram was a "gu est at vadinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Green Tues-day at the Princess Anne.

:. '\u25a0'

-\u25a0-\u25a0/*•\u25a0** -

\u25a0'.-.\u25a0.. :' '

Miss Margaret Shields, who went to theBeach to spend the Fourth; has returnedhome. ;•• •• •

\u25a0 .-' \u25a0

\u25a0 •. •.*\u25a0".: .. \u25a0:•; . -Captain and Mrs. Richard Croxton left

the city Tuesday night.for Plattsburg,

N. V.. after an absence of five monthsfrom the post. Both Captain and Mrs.Croxton are almost entirely well aftertheir serious illnesses.


v* *.:\u25a0• -\u25a0 ':•\u25a0/'\u25a0"\u25a0'."\u25a0

. Mr: and ..Irs. Etlvv-ard Stetttniiis, ofChicago, are the guests of Mr/ and Mrs.

Tucker ,-Carrington. : \u25a0.* * -..

Mrs. W. H. Dean and children, who

have been visiting InCharlottesville, havereturned home. , !:.,

*\u25a0** '

'?'. \u25a0-


Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mathews havereturned to the city, after spending afew days in Staunton.** *

:.Mr.H. L..Edmunds is visitingMr. D. S.Jones, in1Newport News." . .."*** -Mr.Larkin M.Gillis visiting his daugh-

ter, Mrs. S.V. Meredith.-•

* *'*\u25a0


Miss Pattie Chiles, who has been visit-ing Mrs. J. W. Folzey, has returned tothe city. *

\u25a0\u25a0• -

Mrs.-E..R. Barber is visiting her father,

Mr. E.T. Myers, in Lynchburg. .'*»

* •

Mrs. R. W. Miles and children arespending the summer in Dublin... •\u0084 •-."\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0

Mrs.. George H. Wylie has returnedhome, after a pleasant visit to Appornat-tox county. * * •

Mrs. A. E. Jennings is visiting herdaughter, Mrs. Wirt Holman, of Ameliacounty. ..



'.. - - . .Dr. George Cooper, with his family, will

spend the summer months in Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. E.*l. P*irrish. Miss EdnaMorris, and Mr. G. Eddie Diggs have-just-

returned from a pleasant visit to Mr. J.T. Diggs, in Louisa county.,-\u25a0

* *Mrs. Larkin Glazebrook will leave

shortly to .visit relatives in Bon Air.-

.. \u25a0

- - *\u25a0 \u25a0 * . '\u25a0-'-'

Mr.f.S. H. Hawes and Miss KatherineHawes are at the Union TheologicalSeminary/ for the summer.

-...« *:'*;\u25a0 ".-', .Mr Earl ?Jiller left Wednesday for

Ocean View. . .\u25a0..

* • *Misses Annie and Alice Doyle,' had a

few young friends to.a watermelon feastTuesday night.-: . ..-..--..,_—....,,..' '\u25a0 -

-; .'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.".- \u25a0.-\u25a0-•. \u25a0

• -'• * ' .- \u25a0

-Misses, Rena and Hawsie. Glazebrook

will leave this week to spend the sum-mer with relatives in Tappahannock.

Misses Ella: and Mary Thomas' leftThursday morning for the Red SulphurSp'ringf.'- ; ' •'\u25a0'"',",'\u25a0"'"."\u25a0 :. '

-.*.\u2666\u25a0•\u25a0-'" '

Mrs. Barton H. Grundy will leave forth'o'Greenbrier. White Sulphur July ID,where she will spend the summer. •.\u25a0y ; .>;:;.:: "-"\u25a0-\u25a0. •?.-;*.:• ~-':.'r'-'::.. .-:"\u25a0"

Masters - Haxall and Carter BranchGrundy

"returned Tueisday :-'from '-"-Mary-

land, where they visited their aunt, -Mrs.Pugh. '-.\u25a0• '. ;

-. .

'\u0084' \u25a0 . . \u25a0\u25a0.'

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0*••.-'- ' v-- :

Mr.S. C. Leake, who has .been visiting

friends In Charlottesville, . has returnedhome.

\u25a0\u25a0'. \u25a0_\u25a0' '. ..? .": •-* .#• *;... :"\u25a0... Mr. J. Jordan Leake willspend his va-

cation at the Hot Springs. . •\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'

\u25a0' ..:"\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 ". \u25a0" : '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u2666:»;• .;• %_\u25a0 --\u25a0.- '\u25a0 :\u25a0 %

t -Mrs. R. . F. Meade and Miss RosalieJorifs left yesterday, for Beaver: Dam.-:".


*. '\u25a0':..-\u25a0:' ':"

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0— * • * - "-"' :

{"Miss:Loulie 'Snead left Wednesday, tovisit

-Miss .Louise -.S. Fontaine.'Jof -Beaver.

Dam.'.' \u25a0'.:-• ,' ": -.'"",\u25a0' ':- \u25a0

*'.' •

m•- ->

-- -Miss: Lola Williams, of South Pine

street, is visiting friends in Crewe, .Vav:::

Mr. A. ;'Synods';, andiMiss )Celia % Synodsleft^yesterday.; for.-'the 'Raleigh- Springs -to,speniJ'the'isummer. /Ini:the

";fall they .will

X Mrs;:Gordon i"Christian ,1s: with her'[mother.'i Mrs.' Myer,* at.CharlesCityJCourtjChouse 7'^}:};%\u25a0 i:1:--1':-- V;-- •" •!,\u25a0.:,; -i;.:^,^";-y7;.--;-s:-; *'ji-.'..' '\u25a0-''* . \u25a0: ->-':'>;;*/: '"".'-V'N:';--> %-':S:S. Miss;Jennie ;BarronX Is /yisitinff? friendsin Charles i City county."

" - ""

.- > • ;---iv,lL*'AirnonS:\the;passengers \who]sailed jfrom\u25a0Baltlmo'r^yw^nei^ay^ntt^'BrOT'^i^wia.

+ '.;\u25a0'*

Miss Pearl Bruden is staying at OldPoint. \u25a0•\u25a0.-.. :"--

.- ' \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0" * ,*" . ' -

Mrs. Richard Moncure, child and maidhave left for Virginia Beach. : .

Mrs. J. Marcuse will leave for LongIsland; and the mountains" of New Yorkto spend the summer. \u25a0 ;;;-.'• \u25a0



* '

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wiltshire and theMisses Mary and Eusie Evans, of southThird street, left to-day for



Cold Sulphur. The latter' part of. AugxistMiss Montague will*visit Mrs. Basil Gor-don," in the Adirondacks.

"\u25a0:--. :.",'•'Miss Annie ;Bailey, of Curdsville, and

Mr. Davis, of Amelia Courthouse, will be

married July 16 at Smj-rna church, nearSheppard's, Va.*

\u25a0-*•• lrMrs. C. W. Massie and children have

left for Amherst county, where they willspend the. summer

"\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'*!**\u25a0.Mrs. Cecil Sutherland and Miss Frances

Sutherland are visiting'relatives- in \u25a0Phila-delphia.- -: . ••

* * * -Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Cullingworth are

spending the summer at Buffalo LithiaSprings. .. * * •


Mr.- Bernard A. Games is . among theguests at the Fairbourne cottage, VirginiaBeach. ..."

\u25a0\u25a0•....* * *-' '\u25a0:\u25a0;\u25a0:

' '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0' '\u25a0£ .

Mrs. Howard P. Page and Miss Con-stance Boudar left Tuesday night for "At-

lantic City, Lake George, and New Yorkcity. :They will remain in the North twomonths; :'. * • m

-*Mr. A. Lyhds and Miss Cella Lynds,of 320 east


Grace street,, left yesterdaylor italeiyh Springs, Va;, for the remain-der of the summer. They contemplate atrip through Canada in. the fall.

Miss Carrie M.Brown is spending threeweeks at Virginia Beach: -^ :-sc*.:-sc-

*.„ *."\u25a0." '.*"'\u25a0The recrular \u25a0 monthly meeting of the

Church Hill branch ;.,ofa- the r;Woman's:•Christian Association will'be held at 2603east Franklin street this afternoon.'

Mrs. John H. Montague and/ Mr. JohnIT. Montague, Jr., are vislting~Mr. andMrs. Jack Taliaferro, at their country

home^ near Baltimore.\u25a0-\u25a0*•'• * *

judge" Waddill and trie Misses TVaddillhave returned home from VirginiaBeach,and in a few days will leave for theRockbridge Alum Springs.

Miss Julia bceiger rs visiting MissHelen Taylor, in Norfolk.**•\u25a0


Mr. and Mrs. Harry D Eichelbergerwere among the guests -""Wednesday. • at"Mr.and Mrs. I.T.."Walker's fishing partyat- Ocean View. \u25a0

• ." • * • -\u25a0


Miss Albie St. John is at VirginiaBeach with


•\u25a0\u25a0•••''' * * *

Miss Didia Faulkner is visiting Mrs.Robert Traylor, in-Hampton.

: •.. • . \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0

\u25a0*. * *'\u25a0 . ."\u25a0•: \u25a0

IMiss Mamie Johr is visiting.Mrs. How-ard T. Brane, in Newport News... . . \u25a0 . * ,\ •. \

Mrs. C. L. Cooke is visiting her sisters,the Misses Trout, in Staunton.

Mrs. "W. B. Wilson,- who has been visit-ing Major and Mrs. James H. Dooley,has returned to her- home.. . \u25a0\u25a0 . -

.- • * * -\u25a0- ....

Miss Etta Knightlj1is visiting ncr aunt,Mrs. Dennis Brown, in Staunton. . -


'Mrs. J. D Crew, who has been visiting

relatives in Charlottesville, has returnedto the city.

\u25a0 -.:\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•.-.'•"Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Valer are spending

the summer in Wytheville.> . \u25a0 -\u25a0 , * * • .

Miss Taliaferro is "visiting Mrs. W. M.Strother in Lynchburg. .

Miss Rose Smith is visiting Miss LouiseBowman on Church Hill,Lynchburg..;-• \u25a0\u25a0."\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0 » -•-'•


-:': ':'

-.-:.Mr.and Mrsi J. A. Madison are visitingin Petersburg.

-Miss Mattie Couch, Miss Louise Couch,and Miss Gracie Couch.- of Petersburg,are visiting. Mrs. Thomas Nolan. \u0084::.

Mrs. R. O. Thomas, , of Lynchburg. isvisiting:friends and relatives in the city.' . .\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0' '\u25a0 \u25a0: .*


--\u25a0/, :",\u25a0". ,*The, Acorn Club will give another" of

their delightful' dances at Lakeside to-night. , ;. . '.


•:•Miss Natalie Lancaster and Miss Rhea:Scott., of Ashland. Will leave:' to-rdayto* spend two weeks at a house partyat Varlna.- : : /

_;; - ":\u25a0 <:\u25a0 '.'"\u25a0','

".' ' '..'-

\u25a0'-•" '**';* '-\u25a0:


'\u25a0' -


Mr! Jerry Tyler, of -Washington, D. C,who -has been visiting Mr. James H,"

Drake, has returned" home.•. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.

\u25a0 .;; . \u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0-* **:\u25a0 \u25a0-". ;.:- -:; :\u25a0 \u25a0;Dr. arid: Mrs. Henry Winslow Harper,

and' son are visiting Mrs.' Allen,. N0.,201south ;,Third street. Dr. Harper is pro-fessor] of chemistry at the xexas Univer-sity:"^jMr's. -iHarper ;\u25a0 is;:a sister of .Mrs.Allen, land^was Miss Susie .West, of GreenSprings; iiLouisa. ;Both of these .visitors,haye fa large circle of iriends in this citywho will be glad to hear of their arrival.: \u25a0 .\u25a0 .'\u25a0\u25a0 •; * * ---'-.\u25a0\u25a0 •• - ' \u25a0 ::?:-"

Miss;Ellen Hale Underwood, of Fayette-"ville, Ky., is visiting-"on west Gracestreet.:-

''. . , '\u25a0\u25a0' . < - -

\ J': [\u25a0/ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:' •;,;. • • • ;.-. \u25a0 \u25a0• ;.;Mr.-S. H. Morning, who /has been at a

house party at Mr. John S.: Wise's 'couhtryplace, ipassed - through the city/yesterday

oh his way to Louisville,' Ky.'


; \- *-'**-' -_-. -: ' - -:'v Miss \u25a0 Katie' Miller, who ;has :been


guest of-Miss.Ethel^Frpman; of"Henrico,returned"; home Monday.': . / :- . v .': ;

"\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'-' "/•"\u25a0'"." :'j.'."- "\u25a0--''. *.'."I"."'•-.-.-\u25a0\u25a0-•-. \u25a0• -\u25a0\u25a0•"-":\u25a0;\u25a0". .\u25a0».-\u25a0"•'• '\u25a0\u25a0

::Enos^^ll:loaveiin;a:ffew.i'days s

to visit;her ;sisterh; Mrs.:W.:M.-Perkins,

Louisa :Courthouse, Va;; .: -\ . r

':\u25a0:::\u25a0:\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 -"i:\u25a0\u25a0 -:W.^i>i^l^f*>^-- -li'^tvc:'^-:--?ii:j-ITKoi-Misses^.Tyler^entertained: \on /.theFourth iat ''Halerick.'^ near Radfordi \u25a0 v

\u0084\u25a0:-.7Vy;\u25a0\u25a0:-: :*\u25a0;\u25a0: f^X^fy.;^:^:'i:i\u25a0•>. Miss rEimlce Spiers, of pinyriddie^eounty,'is -visiting 'relatives iHere^S:ri^fc'?i^^^^;:; Miss j.Eunice" Gregory^ and; Mrs.- Carter ;

areithevguests of Mrs. Nesbitt Bass; In

Misa Helen Montajrue ar.d Mralyß^jPaJUh»r. wilS lasiva oa JuU' £*. forßtlii]

tie Church Hillbranch of the Woman'sChristian Association. .:

\u25a0 ,/ -'--\u25a0\u25a0 ;-

.*'\u25a0* * -:-"-

/Miss Anna -;Pleasants will leave next

\u25a0week -for Ocean View, where she willspend" several weeks.


* * \u25a0'*

•Mr.Fred Jurgens left Sunday night."for

St. Louis, and will spend a month visit-ing several northern cities.


• '.. .. '\u25a0'.* * >* -"'

Mrs. 'Ramon Garcin has returned homeafter a pleasant month spent at BartonHeights. . •.:-\u25a0: \u25a0'>;"• •

,\u25a0\u25a0•" . . , * * • . \u25a0 ---«:\u25a0

-Mrs. C. W. Massie and children have

left for Amhorst county, where they' willspend. the summer.; -.'•; '..-..


\u25a0 :- - *

Mrs. Cecil Sutherland' and Miss FrancesSutherland are visiting relatives in Phila-delphia.

.* *-* r -; -

Mr. and- Mrs. J.- N. Cullingworth:arespending the. summer at Buffalo LlthiaSprings. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

.'-' .'\u25a0*\u25a0'* *Mr. Bernard A. Gair.es is among 1 the

guests at the Fairbourne cottage,. VirginiaBeach. .: . '



• **yOF***•" •.-:' -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 „,: \u25a0\u25a0--. . .. -

\u25a0'.;., \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-..-:\u25a0 -'c.*- .'";.

SOCIETY"IHBQUNDS with offerings that will easily attest its value

igGg for money saving. Not a few -specials scattered here

•and there, but your unrestricted- choice of •'\u25a0\u25a0

'jvs^w?c .. Roy^9 und Children's -

P Suit's, Furnishings, fiats"and 'ShoesTO BE SOLD ATONE THIRD OFF AND LESS.

Children's Wash Pants, sizes 3 to **10 year5......... ....................... ."...... *UG

1 Boys 9 Knee Pants.Boys' 50c. and 75c. Knee Pants re-

duced t0:........... .... &9C

The $1:00 Shirtwaists reduced 7f7_

t0....;^v.;».V.v'^.>.-.^.v V»-».^--"v;f*?^

Unlaundcred Waists, sizes 3 .to. -fair12, worth 25c., reduced to.:. J^m'/ZC


75c. Shirtwaist reduced >«

t0..:.=.-.. .;.... .. .:......... o3C