ifyourdesire in the - pitts s-2b · ifyourdesire is t() excel in the tield of compelition jicro-...


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Page 1: Ifyourdesire in the - Pitts S-2B · Ifyourdesire is t() excel in the tield of compelition JICro- balk~, a Pin.>; S~ial pro\iide~ the most direcl route 10 lhe Wumr:rs' Circle. 1'\0
Page 2: Ifyourdesire in the - Pitts S-2B · Ifyourdesire is t() excel in the tield of compelition JICro- balk~, a Pin.>; S~ial pro\iide~ the most direcl route 10 lhe Wumr:rs' Circle. 1'\0
Page 3: Ifyourdesire in the - Pitts S-2B · Ifyourdesire is t() excel in the tield of compelition JICro- balk~, a Pin.>; S~ial pro\iide~ the most direcl route 10 lhe Wumr:rs' Circle. 1'\0

Ifyourdesire is t() excel in the tield of compelitionJICro-

balk~, a Pin.>;S~ial pro\iide~ the most direcl route 10

lhe Wumr:rs' Circle. 1'\0 olher aircrat"t has cven corne

do;;c 10 lhe number of lrophies and medals garnered by

Pius pilots()vcrthe past four decadcs. Pinshas ~n in

lhe Wim~ Circle more Ihan ail OIher aireraft combincd.

ln lAC sanctioned C()nle.~t~ Ihe Pilts is pmt of the win-

ning IroKtilion. Thal'\ why you will always sec mon;Pius

Spccials JII acrobalie eonlcsls Ihan other designs. With

the dcvc10pmem of lhe S-2e. the Pius ~pecial is <."I..'l1ain

I()eontinue i1s dominant l'Ole in competition. Il has what

<.:ompelilive individualsde.sire mosl: incrcdiblc pc:owcr and

oUlstaniling pr:rfoollance.

ln the tield ofAir ShowOyin~,thercarca lotof diITcrcnl

aircT;\flto choose from, hut only one commandsmore

;Ittention Ihan alllhe others in the field of pislon power'

Ihat's Ihc Pius. People are fa~inJllcd by its sj.,c, lb.: sound

it pUIS OU1. and morc than anything, Ihc kind of

maneuverin2 you can do with it. The positivecontmlof

Ihe Pius is Ihe reasùn il ha.~heen used hy mt'>refonnali()n

teiliDS lhan an)' olher design. The c'panded per(orm-

Jmcc cnvclopc ur the ~-2C assures ils conlinued appcal

as the primary crowd p!caser in thc Air Show indU'.uy.

"'Of I~ purp:~" of aerohalic Ir.nning, ntlthing IOps a PiUs

::;-2C l:rom IhI.-Slandpoint uf cçonumin. tu the ease uf

handling. and Ihe incrcdible nlllgc uf maneuwring - up

Ihrooghthe most diffieultUnlimiledsequence'i,nothing

can bcal a PiUs S-2C. $lUdcOls realilJ: thdr poh:nlial ill

a PiUs much quickcr. and arc cOllsidcrJbly mure inclined

totale up the spurt of contest tlying or cmcr the world ()f

aif<>hows. There is acomfon faclor in flying a PiUs, allln~

with ib cenilied ruggedness, thal makes il a champion.

.IS wdl as.m eŒxli\le 1001. in the training en~'irunment.

Page 4: Ifyourdesire in the - Pitts S-2B · Ifyourdesire is t() excel in the tield of compelition JICro- balk~, a Pin.>; S~ial pro\iide~ the most direcl route 10 lhe Wumr:rs' Circle. 1'\0


The inntwatit'ln~ manife.<.ted in thl; S-2C ha\'!: ("apptxl

olI a dcc1tdc of dmmatic :ldvanccmcO!s in the tield nf

at:m:Ihalic ain.:ran. AI a limt: whl.-nbrc.lkthroughs wccc

beginning 10 level off, the PiLl' wa... lriln..Cormt'd

though a sçrics of Icchnologicalupgrades thal (lUilhe

do:f;ign in the point pos.iuun for simplicity. cUective-

fiess. and shccr, unlimited power. T'~ hang lime on

lbe ve1'lkal1inc VU1ually diminate.\ encrgy manage-

ment !;"oncenls. Vou ;':;11Ido loore :lOd stay lbcrc longcr

in a PiUs S.2C! ThaÙ due in fUIt to Hartzell's new

CLAW propcllcr,:1 (:ompositC,

Iltree-hla<kd w(mder Ihal compli.

ments the nlher new realUres of

the ~.2C. The CLAW is standard

i,>slIcwith an S-le.

Roll r.II,('h:ls ior.:rcascd tu the blue

st.age. (opping 300+ de/:.~ per

~ond wilh the development l'If

the S-2l"s acrodynamically bal-

;Hu;:cd.CùnslMI speed ailerons. Tbal mcans roll mte i~

aboui thc same at 100 mph a~ it is al 200 mph, IIIcaning

you cali dkk off prcâsion point mils al jusi ahoul any

speed. Maximum ~lkk pressure al full aileron detleç-

lion is 11merc 15 pounds and Ihal halances wilh full

pitch inpui (al 4 Gs), giviug the slick a "MJuared foree"

feel. Stick cenl~ring i~ world da'is.

Old fashiollcd, high dmg. ugly J;pade~ are OUI. improv-

ing rtspon~ as weil as ac.'>lhclÎcs.

A cI~an.:r airframc, couplcd wilh a rede.<.igned slcckcr

c:ln0py, impmved landing t.:ear and rccontigurcd wing

lips provides a JO 10 15 11I\)1\inl:feasc in t'mise spced

over 100 old S.28.

Page 5: Ifyourdesire in the - Pitts S-2B · Ifyourdesire is t() excel in the tield of compelition JICro- balk~, a Pin.>; S~ial pro\iide~ the most direcl route 10 lhe Wumr:rs' Circle. 1'\0

The S-2C's ycrtÜ:al and horil.Onlallails have becn reworkcd,

enlar.!ed and rendered much more cft"cctive. ille the ailer-

ons Ihey are I}()W:K'rodynmnieally balant-oo, diminating btlt)\<,t

tabs, making th~ ain:rafllruly symmelrieal in lenm of input

COl\:"e.\Villl Ihe impmYed tail, snap rolls arc jusi as crisp 10

the ouiside a.s the in.sidc. Sinee Ihe rudder pedal fOfCCs ha'"c

heen lightcncd, h:unmcrhcad slaUs are delighlfully ca...y. The

old problem of lorq~illg oIT on lOI', characlerb1ic uf the S-

2U, is gone and theœ's alw:I)'s cnough rower in reserve 10

hoM the rudder in for a douhle h.3mmcrhead. Invencd Ilighl

in ail S-lC is easy, rcquiring almust no Corwanl pres..urt! to

maintain propcr nose position.

Vertical lines are where Ihc S-2C rcally sbine... Il bas alllh~

energy you nccd pulliog up Crom kvel nighl (right side up or

invcrtcd) for a quick lIir ln Iht\ top of lhe box. You c:m click

off VI.11.ical4 or R point mils. mulliplc ailerun ro1l.s. multiple

snap mils (inside or outside), "bang 10u1(h" lorque mils. and

slow-mo t:til slides. Going Ihe other way, IIpins can range

from mild 10 wild. Rerovery "mm inverted fiai spins is a

pk-ce of cake. The flaltcncd beUy on the S-lC cnh:u:Kes the

illusion of stmight lines.

Four MinUle Freeslyles or air shows ean be embdlishcd wilh

the mosl dynamic and ex.::iting new lumhlin~ and gyroscopic

mancuycrs. liymk likt\ a hdly dancer. or hang in space liLe

a hclkopler. Tt was made for the rush of uninbibitcd cxprcs-

SiOn-.1 tool for .::unvcning fanl3sies 10 realilies.

1~t's face il, aloI nf people havc been nervous about hmding

a Pill.~ Special. With the inacascd wing area, new landing

gear, impro~! d \'isibilily, and impnwed tail respnns.:,lhe new

5- 2C cros~<, Ihe tence slowcr, touches down slo er :md Ir:Kh

Slr.lighter than any other modcl. I\onnallailwheel profidt\ney

will allow JIqukk, ca,y tr.uhilion...wilh dry paillis!

Wha! lhè S-2C repre~nls js thè culmination of ycars of ob-

s.:rvill~, talkjng 10 pilols and c\amining I~ struclure of tht\

Pins for Ihc kind oflweaking: Ihat would put the aircraft in the

class oC,.think the thoughl, feel the action". It is an eXlen,jon

of your desires. a vebidc for m,h'cnlurc. a :>urgk.tl inslrumenl

for car.'ing up an .terobati.:: box with honed precision.

Page 6: Ifyourdesire in the - Pitts S-2B · Ifyourdesire is t() excel in the tield of compelition JICro- balk~, a Pin.>; S~ial pro\iide~ the most direcl route 10 lhe Wumr:rs' Circle. 1'\0
Page 7: Ifyourdesire in the - Pitts S-2B · Ifyourdesire is t() excel in the tield of compelition JICro- balk~, a Pin.>; S~ial pro\iide~ the most direcl route 10 lhe Wumr:rs' Circle. 1'\0

The PiUs Special S-2C confocms to r-edernl Avialion Regulations Part 23 ~lUdis manufaetuccd as a type certifie<!

..iJ'Çraft in Ibc itCrubaliç çatc~ory. The S-2C wa~ .k~i!::ned for Unlimiled AerohaLics in eompelilion nying, ajrshows,

and aembatic training. While il i.. capable of cross country and rec-

rt<ltional flying. its primary design pulJXlsc is prcçisiuD 1lçrobatin.

Curtis Pius inlroduecd Ihe fiNI ~eNion of Ihi.. popular biplane in

1944. From 1960 up through Ibc present day. !hc Pius Special has

had a dhtinguished pla.:e in the sport of ~'ol\lpl:liti\le aerobatic.. or-

ganir.ed Ihmugh the Jnternatiooal Aembatie Club, and ha.. visited

!hc winncr'» çjrde more than dll other acrobatic ain:l"'dft dcsigns


With weilover a half eentury of proof in !he boJ<..!hc Pills Sp:Ôal

hat. seen a 101of relinemenls, keeping it atlhe top of the lisl of win-

ncr.>. lt has pnwen itscl'- ruggcd. reliahlc. responsivc and supremc

inils dass.

Ali Pilt~ SJk-'Cials arc buill of a stccltulx: fusdage frame, that is

cove:red wilh alumirmlll sheet and durable polyfilkr. The ~ylllmelri-

cal airfoil wings arc m:ldc of wood spars and rib.., fahcie covered.

Of the m.1re thaJ'l 4.000 )XIns trult go into a Pius Special, cach is a

Page 8: Ifyourdesire in the - Pitts S-2B · Ifyourdesire is t() excel in the tield of compelition JICro- balk~, a Pin.>; S~ial pro\iide~ the most direcl route 10 lhe Wumr:rs' Circle. 1'\0

w r1. C an iu ils own righl. The aircraft has he(,n de-

signcd and lest t1t"1wnto meet or cxcccd ail FM st:md-

ard~. An S-2C can bc t10wn to +6 or -5 Us, has a Vne oC

11:'5KlAS and a maximum ~truclUral croise speed of 134

KTAS. TI is imended tbat a Pius S-2C will spcnd more

than thrcc-founb.~ of its liCe in the air in any attitude nut

stmigbt and Icvd.


WhCD you pun.:ha\>Ca Pill~ Spedal. yt"lu htct"lllle pan \"If

the elile Pitt.. Family the uhimaleAcrob:tùc Squadron. The

ta(,.1ory is "su casa". Kcganllcss of the age or model of

your Pilts Spcdal, your aircraft is we!ct"lllle al ail of the

Pim Dealers facilities and at the Faclory in Afton, Wyo-

ming. If is part of thc Pius Commiuncnt to providc '>Crv-

icc and mainlenam.~ for ail PiUs Aircraft. Whelher you

n«!d an anflUal, an overhaul. recovering, re-rigging, or :1

major rehuild. the Factory can :lccomnwdalc y u...with

lhe righl parts, the COl1\X:tproccdures and fa."1service. If you arc unable to fly tu Afton with your PiUs, we ean make

arr:mgcmenl:. Cor pid. up and de1ivery. We have'''1 found ajob yet lhat was eonsi~ too small or 100 large. (".cI il

right Ihe lïNI lime: eaU the Fao:.:wryfor your "Crviœ ~s.

Page 9: Ifyourdesire in the - Pitts S-2B · Ifyourdesire is t() excel in the tield of compelition JICro- balk~, a Pin.>; S~ial pro\iide~ the most direcl route 10 lhe Wumr:rs' Circle. 1'\0



Wt:both L.nowyuu've gO!an inl~"1 in Ihc i>iusSp'Cial(H"

yuu wooldn't be rtading thi... 5onow th:lt you'vc 1'C<1dIhmu~h

our description.., studiN lhe design and performance spoc~,

looked al Ihe piClun:s, and probahly talked 10 wmc Pin»

uwnas frS TlME FOR A O"F,MO FLIGUI. NUlhing eI<.e

can bc mùrc cnnvincing (han slr.tpping on a parachute and

~trapring y()ursclf inlo fi Pius S-2e for demonstr.dilln of the

perfùm1anc:c cm'dope. Let Ui'>show )'OU I~ power, the in-

cn;ilibk rdte uf climb. the agilil)' Ihal is Icgcndar;' Pitls, Ihe

cxcitement of Unlimit.cd acrobaties (if you're ready fur il),

and if)'ou'vC Devcr Jooped an airplanc. wc'U ~uw you how.

Cali now; (31'17)R!l6.3151, and wc'U make the alTangemcnb

for a tlight you will ncvcr fUq!et. Ynu've worl;ed hard 10

hecomewhal you areand nowyou OWC:il 10yoursdf.


Page 10: Ifyourdesire in the - Pitts S-2B · Ifyourdesire is t() excel in the tield of compelition JICro- balk~, a Pin.>; S~ial pro\iide~ the most direcl route 10 lhe Wumr:rs' Circle. 1'\0


Fuel capacily (w/S-gal wing tank)...

...lycomingAEIO-S40. 260 hp1.200hr

Hartzell.constant speedcomposite three.blade 78in dia


2Oft... 127.5 sq ft

...13.3Ibl sq ft (normal category)12.7lb/sqft (aerobatic)

...6.59Ib' hp (normalcalegory)6.251b 1hp (aerobalic)

...2 tandem...6ft11 in



...545Ib (normalcalegory)5451b (aerobatic)

... ..29gai(28usable)aerobaticflight.24gai(23gaiusable)

Powerplant .......Recommended TBO...




Wing loading...

Power loading...




Emptyweighl..................Maximum gross weighl...Uselulload... ..................

PERFORMANCEAerobatic Ilighiload limits......Takeoff distance ground rolL ........Takeoff distance over 50-" obstacle .....

Max demonstrated crosswing component...Rate 01 climb. sea level (minimum wt). ...Maximum level speed. sea level............................Cruise speed 1endurance w 130-min rsv sld luel...

(fuel consumption) @ 75% power....best economy. 6.000 1

Landing distance over 5O-ft obstacle...

Landing distance. ground roll....



169 kt...150KTAS/1.6hr...(64 pphl14 gph)



V (bestrateofdimb)........Vy (design maneuvering).........

VA (maxslructuralcruising)...VNO(neverexceed)...VNE(stall, clean)...

82 KlAS...134 KlAS...134KIAS...185 KlAS...5SKIA$

Cuslom Parachutes

Canopy Covers

OPTIONSCustom Paint & Design Electronic Gauges

Protective Ribbon

Page 11: Ifyourdesire in the - Pitts S-2B · Ifyourdesire is t() excel in the tield of compelition JICro- balk~, a Pin.>; S~ial pro\iide~ the most direcl route 10 lhe Wumr:rs' Circle. 1'\0