Í[fmfsef lmjn ¨m¸Ínmfsj wf 1btjg ,potfswbtzpoeprints.rclis.org/23882/1/alp_kudeb sayi 6.pdf ·...

.","-& 1. Giriş DiPZ eT hPZ] VTÌ\Xë SÛ]T\[T- aX hP]bcP] eT cPaXWX QT[VT ]XcT[XêX cP- ëhP] ^QYT[Ta VTÌ\XëcT] Vá]á\á- iT ëZ cdc\PZcPSa[Pa 1d ]TST]- [T WTa QXaX \dc[PZP Z^ad]\Pb VTaT- ZT] QXa Zá[cáa \XaPbSa <áiT[TaST- ZX TbTa[TaX] TbZX\T Q^id[\P STêX- ëX\ eT ZPhQ^[\P báaTRX]T TcZX TST] T] Û]T\[X UPZcÛa[Ta* ^QYT[TaX ^[dëcd- aP] ÛiVá] \P[iT\T eT bcaáZcáa bXb- cT\X]STZX \PcTahP[X] iXZbT[ eT ZX\hPbP[ dhd\[Pa Zd[[P]\ ëTZX[[TaX eT Qd[d]SdZ[Pa ^acP\SPZX ÌTeaT Z^- ëd[[Pa]SP] TcZX[T]\T[TaXSXa <áiT ^acP\]SPZX Z^]U^a Z^ëd[[Pa] ^[dë- cdaP] _PaP\TcaT[TaST \ThSP]P VT- [TQX[TRTZ aXbZ[Ta éZ TcZXbX bRPZ[Z eT bRPZ[Z SP[VP[P]\P[Pa QPè[ ]T\ eT QPè[ ]T\ SP[VP[P]\P[Pa QXh^[^YXZ TcZX[Ta \TZP]XZ TcZX[Ta bTb TcZX[TaX Pc \^bUTaXZ TcZX[Ta eQ ^QYT[TaX] bPê[ê- ] cTWSXc Tc\TZcTSXa <áiT[TaST ^Q- YThT SXaTZc \áSPWP[T TSX[\TST] Qd bPh[P] TcZX[TaX] \X]X\XiT TSX[\TbX eT XSTP[ Z^ad\P Z^ëd[[Pa]] bPê[P]- Sê ^acP\[Pa] ^[dëcdad[\Pb {_PbXU Û][ThXRX Z^ad\P| ^[PaPZ ]XcT[T]SX- aX[\TZcT* cPaXWX \XaPb] Z^ad]\Pb]P Û]T\[X ZPcZ[Pa bd]\PZcPSa 2. Müze Ortamında Riskler <áiT]X] XÌ ^acP\]] Së ^acP\- SP] ]T ZPSPa TcZX[T]SXêX]X] P][P- ë[\Pb XÌX] XÌ eT Së Z^]U^a Z^ëd[- [Pa ^QYT eT hP_ bPê[ê PÌb]SP] Xi[T]\T[XSXa 6TaTZ bTaVX[T\T VT- aTZ ST ST_^[P\P Z^ëd[[Pa]SP Qd- [d]P] Z^[TZbXh^][Pa] bRPZ[Z eT QPê[ ]T\ ^aP][Pa]SPZX STêXëX\- [Ta ^QYT[TaX] Wi[P Q^id[\Pb]P eT cT[PbX \á\Zá] ^[\PhP] WPbPa[P- aP ]TST] ^[\PZcPSa AXbZ TcZT][T- aX]X] \áiT XÌX]T ]T STaTRTST TcZX TccXêX P]RPZ Xi[T\T h^[dh[P cTb_Xc TSX[TQX[Xa :^[TZbXh^][Pa] Q^id[- \P[Pa WP[X]ST Pha[\Pb VTaTZTRTZ Z^]bTaePbh^] eT aTbc^aPbh^] Qác- ÌTbX]T ^aP][P Ì^Z SPWP Pi QXa WPa- RP\Ph[P _PbXU Û][ThXRX Z^]bTa- ePbh^] VTaÌTZ[TëcXaX[TQX[\TZcTSXa çi[T\T ST _PbXU Z^]bTaePbh^]d] QXa _PaÌPbSa <áiT ^acP\]SPZX \TeRdc XZ[X\ Z^ëd[[Pa]] P][Pë[PQX[\TbX XÌX] b- RPZ[Z eT QPê[ ]T\ Û[Ìá\[TaX]X] Sá- iT][X eT bZ PaP[Z[Pa[P Xi[T]\TbX VT- aTZ[XSXa çSTP[ ^[P] Vá]á] !# bPPcX Û[Ìá\ eT ZPhc P[c]P P[\PZca ¬á]- Zá bRPZ[Z eT QPê[ ]T\ STêTa[TaX Vá][áZ WPUcP[Z eT h[[Z ^[PaPZ bá- aTZ[X X]X_ ÌZPQX[\TZcTSXa <áiT S- ë]SPZX XZ[X\bT[ S^êP[ STêXëXZ[XZ[Ta eT WPeP Sdad\d \áiT QX]Pb]] XÌX- ]T TcZX TSTQX[Xa 1d]P TZ ^[PaPZ bc- \P eTeThP ëZ[P]Sa\P bXbcT\[TaX ST \áiT XÌX ^acP\]P TcZX TSTQX[TRTZ UPZcÛa[TaSXa <áiT[TaX] Ì^êd bRPZ[Z eT ]T\ SP[VP[P]\P[Pa]SP] TcZX[T]- \TZcTSXa 1X]PhP VÛaT Ì^Z SPWP Zá- ÌáZ Û[ÌTZcT Qd[d]P] cTëWXa eXcaX][T- aX X[T ^acP\ PaPb]SP UPaZ[[Z[Pa ^[P- QX[\TZcTSXa EXcaX]X] XÌX]ST X]^a- VP]XZ QXa ^QYT Qd[d]daZT] ^acP\- SP ^aVP]XZ ^QYT[Ta Qd[d]PQX[\TZcT- SXa >QYT[TaT ÛiVá Z^ad\P Z^ëd[[P- a XÌX] ÌTëXc[X eXcaX] bXbcT\[TaX VT[XëcX- aX[\XëcXa BX[XZP YT[ _P]T[[TaX Qd[d]P] cTëWXa eXcaX][TaX]X] hP]]SP ÛiT[ RX- WPi[Pa hPaS\h[P bc\P WPeP[P]- Sa\Pb bPê[P]P] eT Qá]hTbX]ST eTaX ZPhc RXWPi[Pa QPa]SaP] eXcaX][Ta ST Qd[d]\PZcPSa 0haRP ëê SXaTZc ^[PaPZ ^QYThT hP]bc\PhP] ÛiT[ S^- ]P]\[ eXcaX][Ta ST cPbPa[P]\ëca 1d][Pa ^QYT WPbPa]] Û][T]\TbX]T hÛ]T[XZ cTSQXa[Ta bPê[P\PZcPSa[Pa BRPZ[Z eT QPê[ ]T\ QXaQXa[TaXh- [T hPZ]SP] X[VX[X ^[d_ VT]T[[XZ[T ST QXa RXWPi X[T Û[Ìá[TQX[Xa[Ta BRPZ[Z o 2 X[T QPê[ ]T\ XbT A7 X[T XUPST TSX- [Xa 2XWPi[Pa] Z^\_[TZb ^[\P[Pa]P eT WPbbPbXhTc STaTRT[TaX]T QPê[ ^[P- aPZ _XhPbPSP STêXëT] hPc[PaSP Ì^Z ÌTëXc[X áaá][Ta Qd[d]\PZcPSa CTa- \^WXVa^VaPPa eT T[TZca^]XZ bT]- bÛa S^]P]\[ {SPcP[^VVTa|[Pa eTaX ZPhc RXWPi ePbcPbh[P bRPZ[Z eT ]T\ eTaX[TaX Xi[T]TQX[\TZcT eT ZPhc P[c]P P[]PQX[\TZcTSXa <áiTST Z^[TZbXh^][Pa] Qd[d]Sd- êd WTa hTaST Xi[T\T hP_[\Pb bPê[Z- [ ^[PRPZca çi[T\T Z^]d\d]d] bT- ÌX[\TbX ÌTëXc[X UPZcÛa[TaT QPê[Sa eT \^]XcÛaá] Xi[T\T bXbcT\X]X] bP- STRT Qd[d]Sdêd hTaX] QX[VXbX]X eTaT- .Í[FMFSEF ĂLMJN ¨M¸ÍNMFSJ WF 1BTJG ,POTFSWBTZPO #.2#5.#0 *#/& -7<7%71°.7 ANALYSING THE CLIMATIC CONDITIONS AND PASSIVE CONSERVATION IN MUSEUMS ABSTRACT In order to protect cultural properties and artifacts, risks should be determined and risk management should be made in museum buildings. The study emhpasizes the effects of some risks on museum artifacts. Aim of the study is to determine the environmental risks such as temperature and relative humidity. According to risk analysis, museum experts can manage the climatic comfort conditions at the intended level. Optimum conservation criteria can be implemented for the artifacts and exhibition cases. Ensuring that the museum has temperature and humidity monitoring systems in use in storage and dis- play areas is essential. Also environmental conditions should be monitored. This investigation, coupled with condition checks, would be used to formulate a strategy for the display of the objects in the exhibi- tion that would considerably minimize any risks of further damage by the environmental effects. #.2#5.#0 *#/& -7<7%71°.7 $$ &GRTGO 4KUM ;¤PGVKOK XG -GPVUGN [KNG¬VKTOG &CKTG $C¬MCPN¯ 6C¬PCDKNKT -¥NV¥T 8CTNMNCTP -QTWOC XG 1PCTO $¤N¥O¥ &QMVQTC ¯TGPEKUK GRQUVC CNRCUNCPMW\WEWQINW"KDDIQXVT

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Post on 02-Jul-2019




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Page 1: Í[FMFSEF LMJN ¨M¸ÍNMFSJ WF 1BTJG ,POTFSWBTZPOeprints.rclis.org/23882/1/alp_kudeb sayi 6.pdf · ÌTbX]T ^aP][P Ì^Z SPWP Pi QXa WPa-RP\Ph[P _PbXU Û][ThXRX Z^]bTa-ePbh^] VTaÌTZ[TëcXaX[TQX[\TZcTSXa

1. Giriş-










2. Müze Ortamında Riskler--




























ABSTRACTIn order to protect cultural properties and artifacts, risks should be determined and risk management should be made in museum buildings. The study emhpasizes the effects of some risks on museum artifacts. Aim of the study is to determine the environmental risks such as temperature and relative humidity. According to risk analysis, museum experts can manage the climatic comfort conditions at the intended level. Optimum conservation criteria can be implemented for the artifacts and exhibition cases. Ensuring that the museum has temperature and humidity monitoring systems in use in storage and dis-play areas is essential. Also environmental conditions should be monitored. This investigation, coupled with condition checks, would be used to formulate a strategy for the display of the objects in the exhibi-tion that would considerably minimize any risks of further damage by the environmental effects.

Page 2: Í[FMFSEF LMJN ¨M¸ÍNMFSJ WF 1BTJG ,POTFSWBTZPOeprints.rclis.org/23882/1/alp_kudeb sayi 6.pdf · ÌTbX]T ^aP][P Ì^Z SPWP Pi QXa WPa-RP\Ph[P _PbXU Û][ThXRX Z^]bTa-ePbh^] VTaÌTZ[TëcXaX[TQX[\TZcTSXa





























Nemli Ortamda






Page 3: Í[FMFSEF LMJN ¨M¸ÍNMFSJ WF 1BTJG ,POTFSWBTZPOeprints.rclis.org/23882/1/alp_kudeb sayi 6.pdf · ÌTbX]T ^aP][P Ì^Z SPWP Pi QXa WPa-RP\Ph[P _PbXU Û][ThXRX Z^]bTa-ePbh^] VTaÌTZ[TëcXaX[TQX[\TZcTSXa





























3. Örnek Uygulama

Page 4: Í[FMFSEF LMJN ¨M¸ÍNMFSJ WF 1BTJG ,POTFSWBTZPOeprints.rclis.org/23882/1/alp_kudeb sayi 6.pdf · ÌTbX]T ^aP][P Ì^Z SPWP Pi QXa WPa-RP\Ph[P _PbXU Û][ThXRX Z^]bTa-ePbh^] VTaÌTZ[TëcXaX[TQX[\TZcTSXa





-hir salonu,

salonu vitrin içi,

Page 5: Í[FMFSEF LMJN ¨M¸ÍNMFSJ WF 1BTJG ,POTFSWBTZPOeprints.rclis.org/23882/1/alp_kudeb sayi 6.pdf · ÌTbX]T ^aP][P Ì^Z SPWP Pi QXa WPa-RP\Ph[P _PbXU Û][ThXRX Z^]bTa-ePbh^] VTaÌTZ[TëcXaX[TQX[\TZcTSXa

4. Analiz Sonuçları ve Tartışma







1. kat -


1. kat -

nu vitrin içi,

Page 6: Í[FMFSEF LMJN ¨M¸ÍNMFSJ WF 1BTJG ,POTFSWBTZPOeprints.rclis.org/23882/1/alp_kudeb sayi 6.pdf · ÌTbX]T ^aP][P Ì^Z SPWP Pi QXa WPa-RP\Ph[P _PbXU Û][ThXRX Z^]bTa-ePbh^] VTaÌTZ[TëcXaX[TQX[\TZcTSXa

1 (Müzelerde



























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