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33, iFIT P., I I I i -:; o (»* U to: - - : i ,, v. : | ; - . ! I- ••• \. J. ISAM ..M i jllllT roN : !0 ;• Bes y.i \i ^ ~ ^ \ [Ci . t \-' ' or '.'• '• r i ';* .... !". i ..'<.'J < in - "ii hi wt C.'C'.'KI MES, PuilisherJ IV ..„ 4i.. s. i.i i '.11 •. i.i| MTA 1 'ti ;••.« < t'M< KM'.4 V.'tir- BOUTf, I"•4', -.*» YOC WEEKLY TO THE E—COR. CAMPKELL AND CHERRY SI REFT IV MEHBHON &(.30., ESTABLISHED U XLII.—No. RAH\^'AY, N. J., SATURDAY, OCTOBEJR| 13, LADY TEMPLE'S DAUGHTER. lieallht—thi* t.l»(» rant ho k«j» in RAHWAY POST-OFFICE No^York Timje. MAIL8 AHUiVE. DR. SANFORD'S given witli a force UNKIDEU, riillaclulphlu. South and West 00 mi.il 10,17 u. in. 4:48, 7:58, BOOTS, A t No. A V OrivslfK 1 11 Ml '.It 8 ai K < urrv ARCTIC uAi p.m. 'I 1 tt. MAY, ti!;O'J p.m. Ori'V, without chan^u, I.OHS AT Uff. tN ^ HOTEL, wi.uo.vn f AY. N. This UousJ Is i ;>nvoi(!i'titly loeuti'd tlio nvyoimuol.lnlio.i of tl-. j UuVclitii; publ l h llk^U-l ft 'tho ueoonuncK .bliol.a , A N j l l U<|>OM, :irc « -wd «' all limits. Tn nt IH ml ar-il 1 tiou of tho J>i whore mosils -VV. PKU M \- KM. ANV-'kv. LODG1JS 1. l>i>ai I for ilics :viul sti with the Hoi WM Billidxl Ui ,m» m [I Stable counec. e Hotel j el. S. CUAMfJEULlN. Prop in. Ii 58, 7 :.V FOB a. m. 19 W p. u Fon A. 03 mid ». IU. Fou •d Foul m.; 12 Xi; E-IRLTCH, NoJ SS '.RVlS'i STRKKT, t OFSEGAR& Whol«sd« »nd V.bUll Otalrr in All th* bf*t| br» id» of lhon.o manufacture »nd i, "] obaccc ' Snuff, etc. Aud »mok« l:(K). 7.20. 8.(>a, U:l» 1:47, a.r.O. 5:t8. und 7:58, idtiyn, 1:00, 10:17. n. in. 4:18. K\V Hiti'NKWicK, '13-.M5, 1:00, , 10:!;i, a. in. VlXti, 1:47, 3:50. r»:'OT. <l:MI, 7:5S, Uf^.n.m. Sun- 10:'J:|;,IUII., l:, r i8,i;48,7 08, p.m. KTHCIIKN, I'J:'^). 1:00. 7 'JO, 8:03, 111, <t. I". 13:02. l:f'2, 3:00, •.25.(1:151,7:58,0:331>. in. Htm- •a, n.m. 1:68.0:20,7:58 p.m. .| iu. S f>8. p. i IKOU •H> 1>1 H, 4:4 i\>. 1 AH Fou M lit. 10 41.4:47, >V», Fou 1 KN1.0 PAHK, 13:25. 7:li0, 10:13 02. 1:53. 2:50. ;S:41, 5:37. 0:25, p. m, Sundays, 10:2iJ, a. in. p. in. BKUN. 13:25, 7:20, 10:11). (W. 1:53, 3:50, 3:41, 5 ::37, (1:25, p. ni. Sundays, 10:23 u.m. 1:58, KNKh, ElHiAU'tt ANDSi 1 A Sl'UINO, 1:03 ;u. in., !t::)l mid(5:17, 7:19 'OOPBRIDOK, 7:03, 0:10 und , 12:45, !{:;H, 5:40, 0:17 7:19 p.m. RTU AMUOY, 7:02, and 11:05 5.3:31, 5.10, 0:17 7:11). CUOSSINO, 9:-lG a.m., 5:40 p.m. OUTU AMUOY, 12:45 and 5:40. It Vll th« httV, br« id» of Ihoi (tai>orte\l S f « r » , 1 ob*ccc Sou m miCn of ill d^-scrtpl f>us. UlEST FOR GKR> ASIA FIRE IN'SJUR* ANCK CO$r\>'Y Of NEW YOKK CITY. G "' CMR EMPOH'iM A v i IMFORTEI> JAM) DOMESTIC SEOAESJ TO- BACCO, P.PKS, 'oHOKERS' ARTICLES. Ox. .$) Miiu S jm."., i fit to Watson's Drug St RiHWil, J<. J. ZJ. E M. SLATER, IlOlit I'MiTTNO, , HAN&TKG AU>> DC4J-IU PAINTS, «i»113- GLASS AND PUfTY A goo I; IO Chsrrj ?- P. O *. J J ^ l , . l i L l > H L D 1K*8. LLI:;US HIGH— IO'IO J. J. AL. High, ju Ac. Id »«.t, IUhw»j. N. T 1A)HMILLER, L-uir, -'M inn ESSES <fc FEA HERS, I HI; in all its branches iN<i AND RErAlRINO MA!IN S: UEET, RAUWAY, N. KSLIE LUPTON, AT LAW. T EWIS S. AYKUS, D.D.S. •*-i Grodure >f the Penn. Coll. of —UDKNTAL 8UUOKRY.— a of CH>M Mrdil for " Operatlr* Dc OFFICE OV'BK COLES' DKUO 8T«)RK. MAIN ST. u ,,,^u>,^: Mond*y, Thur»d»y; anc Fridsj 3:.« «aa to;j p. 10. Tae*d»T. Si«tarf«y 1:80 o 6 p.m .tlitiy.* M A-RpH & KYNO, $o. Ill MAIN St.. Rahway. N. ^nton ajiddrakrt In Furniture lr««st«. wlilch ••« offer a» low o< they <a | U ala« oar Utock »R() jiricov Cn.lTtnktuj ! tnd M»t i be uur and ejx Iu all iu s URVEYING AND LEVELING I.N AM, ITS URASCIIKS. W. E. CLAUK. - CITYSU Offkc—V>ty ItallBalldiriK, corner MalrJandMon rwMre«t#. Kahwsjr, N. J. I L Hp«ci»l hU'.ii'ion j.alil to re-!ocath)|{ old propcrtj p n u r w i add SiK-clficatiotn for Patenw «t Eta •ooabie Hat«i. rEAVER &MEAD, KKAL EKTATE, HUEINSURANX'H. LOA|18 Umet%r renled, boOKht or »old. Rein; colltct *<1 Ta»e» *nl Mucwmentdpald at * OWcottnt. Knt!/e chw^e liktn of Heal B»Utc, stj owncni re <|ti**t. G 1li Mill) Ht.. I .,.., j *»3 BroailwkT, N. Y. IU^wiy. S J.i*"' 1 ) Hoonip. ; j _ KOJ MILLER, 143 MAIN AOKNT rOU TIIK UN'ITKD STATK* DYKIN HCWIUN'G KSTABLISHJ All I AND KNT.I of OarrtM-ftU Dyed and 8 ronrod irlth i, wltbont bets;rippoO,at P. «. Fou iu. Foil M'ATAWAN, 9:4(J n.m..12 i 5 and 5:40. Fou iW BANK' 0:10 u. m.; 12:45, 5:10 p.m. HllANClI, OOKAN CtllOVK, A«- f PAIUK, UCKAN Bi£Ar4i. SPKI>G LAKK, Ginr, M.SNABiiUAN AND POINT PLKAK- LVNT, U:40 a.m.; 12:45, 3:49, 5:40 p . m . Y TKAIKS leave Railway for Points ou New York aud Loug Brauch K. U., u '" • ...5:40p.m. FOK ffiLlZAJJBTH. 2:46, 5:30, 0:00,0 :!30, 6:57, 7:1), 7:110, 7:40, 8:01. 8:13, 8:41, 8:49 9:30,10:i !1:37. 2,3), p a. m.; 12 11 i FOK ^ :10,T:30 p.m. Siiula.ya,2:40, 7:30, 0:45,10:30,10:40 1215 '4& 5^6558^)383« 90J :15, , 5^ :3«, 9:0J>, o. , 3:40, 5:30, 0:00,0:30,0:57. 7:40, 8:01, 8:41, 8:40, 9:30, 10:2 140l 7 10:30,10:10.H:30a.m.;13:43,l;08,l :37,2:30, 8:80,4-27 53q,5:40,0:00.6J23,7:30.8:00 > 8:30 8-.50,9-.40,10:20 11:05.11 JJO p . m . Sundays, 2:40, 7:30, 9:4-5, 10:30, 10:40, a. m.. 12:15. 4:56.5^ FouN 7:10,7:31 10J20. 1C 1:37,2:3C Suuduy; 12:15,4 FOK connect " Brook fer to i double York Ci THAI> WAY, 0:' 9:00. 9i 7:00,8:03,8:30,9:08,9:40,ll:05p.m , 2:48,5:30,0:00,0 :o0,0:57, , 7:4(5, 8:01, 8:13, 8:41, 8:49, 9:30, 10:40, U:30,a.m.; 12:42,1:08. ,4-.27,3 20,5:40,0:00,G :23,7:30. 1,9:40,10:20,11:05,1150, p.ui, 4101040 ,8:5( a:4H, 7:30,9:45,10:30,10:40 a.m.; 56,923.7:00, 8:03,8:30,9^)8,0:40, m. ! IOO^LYN, N.Y., all through tniins at Jersey City with boats of yu Annex " allording direct trans- nd from Fulton street, avoiding [errifigo uud journey across New :y. : 8 LFAVE NEW YORK FOU RAH- K). fl:30, 7:00, 7:20, 7:30, 8:10,8:30 0, 10:10, 11:10 a. in.; 12:00 uoon; 5.-0O,6:l6,5:2O > 5:a0,5:40.5:50 l «:10,«:30,7:00 7:30, 8:3p,9:(W, 10:00,11:30 p.m, 12:00 night. 8undiwt.8:15, 9:00, 9:30. a. in.; 1:00, 3:00, 4:30, 5:03, 5 :*5, 0:30, 7:00,7:45, 9:45 p. m ., 12KK)ni|{ht. us wishing to take Southern xpress trains, not stojiping at will be obliged to take a preced- ing trafit to jsome point where tho express train nuikes regular stop. CHAB. E. PUG1I, Gen'l Manager J. H.fWQOD.Geii'l Pass. Agent. F. \\\ JACKSON, Guu'l Sup't P. H. It. N. J. D|iv. ROB or West Rahway in trai TU i . i CRT E. PETT1T. 8up'tN.Y. Div. M. SCHWARTZ, ID CIIEIUIY STUEliT. Practical Watchmater & Jeweler WA i Watch Worl piaran ceil. H. Ko. 11 It TO J. I- Mtt |ow«t cmb "W. j Kucc | 138 MAIN 6TBJEET, All operation* on the Nutiiral Ticth, clthc T)U«v*d Teeth, osrefully »n 1 cotiw;lentlou»l Ilubicr, C<l!u1old. flold, I'lajlluri, cir Oontln or ( lB Years Exporienco, j —DEALKU I S — OBSS, 0L00KS AND JEW LEY; YE CLASSES, ETC. r ring- of nil kinds of French and American f, Clocks nnd Jowclcry. warrnut<-d for one yeur, and full cutlsfaction LYMAN CLARK, DENTIST, OAS ADMINISTERED. Cll»ton St. IUHWAT, N.J all its Branches. I remxxrtluUjr recommerijl Mr. iW. P. 11 fotnier pftUotu, IUI i Kmtiemttii wbo thoroughly to iky ibftt hu mtctxmtuty oper»t«<l upon ! <BI .:;:- TOLLS, Flilln K , Regulating or Tt***/^ 1 of i to. Arttflciul Teeth,' ">» Gum Inwrted, atul & perfect tli Woodbrldue 8:iI0 a. in. 12:47. v:2H p. in. Perth Amboy, 8:110 n. in. 5:25 gi.ni. Northern Way Mtills.Wtfl A- M.J5-.23 I-.M. Bouthuru, " 10:05 A. ii. Phlladelphiiv and South, 4:45 X. M. " West, 5:40 " Southern, Way Mulls). 5:40 " MnlU aro tm-lvcd from Nmy llrun»wlrk, Mi-turh- n, rrliici-tou. 'lV'nton, llrUtol, 8outl> and Wi-«t U'rnry, ntnl livWItlrr*. Delaware I£4llroailn, at M»IU iirt' n-ccl.cil from Kllzn'n'tli, Ni (vurk. North •Irrnoy. Dcluwarc Jt Laoknwnuiin und Nvw Ji-rm-y IViitrul IlAlIruiultt, ut 6:17, Ot'Jl u. in., &:tl l>. m. j MAILS CLOSE. I Woodbridge, 0:")l>, 10:45 A.M. 5:10 l'.M. IVrthAmboy, 11:50 A.M.. 5.0(1 V.M. New York Norll; and Kasl, 7:30 0:30 13:30 A. M,. 4:00 5:00 7:00 1V M.I Philadeli.hiu und Wtiy, «:00 v. M., 5:00 7:00 v. M. Through Southern, And PhilaJ U:00 A. M. Through South anil West, $:00 l'.M., 7:00 iv M. j j Mallit nn' (lU]uitch('(l jor KIIZIIIHUI, Newark, Delnwaro A Lackawannn, NL-WJITSUJ 1'i-ntral Kail-, roadsi uud Northern New Jcriwy, ut U:iO u. in., 4:(X) 5:00 ami 7:001>. in. J M«11H uro iU»[)utclieil from PlilhtluluDln, Trenton, l'rlnceton, New Hriinxwlck, Metnclii-n, South uud Weit .Ti-rsry. and lit-lvlilcru, Dclawnrv; Ilullroad* at 9:00 n. in., 5:00ami 7:lW )>. m. i Ollli-o O|HIII< nl 7:00 n. m.; closes at ^:30 p. in. Sumliiv Mnil^nrrlve 5:17 mul 10:31 a. MI., and close to all points nt !):00 a. m. and .V00 i>. irt. UlHrc opt-n on Sunday from U:!10 to I0::i0 a. in. MONEY ORDERS. i 1 Can be obtained at this ofHco pi.vable at any money order ofllee iu the United Stiitts or Foreign country. I S. M. OL1VEH, roBtmastcr. WANTED. OPERATORS, ! OPERATORS. j 1 am now' in a position tt) guarantee steady work all the year round. Pleasant work andgood pay. i ;• I). V. THOMAS, UNION HALL. Iirvigorator. INVIGORATE THE LIVER, and euro Dytpepila INVICORATE THE LIVER, tnd euro «ll Bilious Dls««s*s INVIGORATE THE LIVER, and «ur« Constipation and PII*>. INVIGORATE THE LIVER, ' and cur* Sick HMd-ache. INVICORATE THE LIVER, and euro all SununerCompltlntf, INVICORATE THE LIVER, and cw« Cholera Morbus and Colic INVICORATE THE LIVER, and cure J»undlca »iid Sillowncss- INVICORATE THE LIVER, ami euro Sluggish Circulation. INVIGORATE THE LIVER, and cure Spring Fevers. INVIGORATE THE LIVER, and cure Sour Stomach. INVICORATE THE LIVER, and cure Diseases of the Liter INVICORATE THE LIVER, and Strengthen the Sys'.em. INVICORATE THE LIVER, and, Purity the Blood. INVICORATE THE LIVER, and clear the Complexion. INVIGORATE THE LIVER, and Prevent Fev«rs. INVICORATE THELIVER, and Regulate the Bowels. INVICORATE THE LIVER, v and assist Digestion. INVIGORATE THE LIVER, and drive away the Blues. INVICORATE THE LIVER, and increase your Appttlte, INVICORATE THE LIVER, i and take oare of your Health. WANTED! 1OO To Work on G-ossamer; Clothing. —AIJ5O— Folders, Finishers and lluttou Hule Mukers. -A.T- Taylor & Bloo Irving Street, Baliv/ay, N. J. $1.00 Per Day Clvon to Exporl- oncod pporators until they get used to tho \rVork. Work given out iu any Quantity, Delivered anil called for. NEW MACHINES, NEW MACHINES. NEW MACHINES. Whooler & Wilson and Domestic Machines for Sale CHEAP. Payment taken ^n work. i i Operators are qpw earning $2.25 per day. I.M. tho Dentist, to my friends aud UDpcr»tftDdiDeDt*l Surgery, aud also tnyjown t««th, In a manner that give* d) J. L. BROWN, DKMTIOT. STEADY WORK i The Year Round AN INVIG0BATED LIVER in out that Hcts out all Ita functions. DR. SAHFOED'S LIVER INVIGORATOR. This medicine is just what the name Indicates. A general family Medicine, purely Vege- table, and i3 CATIIVUTIC ami TONIC. For Bale by all Druggists. 100 pas;o book on thd "Liver and its Diseases," will be sent free, to all who eend their address on n postal card to DR. SANFORD, 24 Duano Street, Now Torfc SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR. FOK SALE AT BROWN'S DRUG STORE; B ROWN & 1IETFIELD, (Successors to John 15. Brown,) LIVERY, SALE And EXCHANGE STABLE,: ut the rear of Clminberlin's Hotel, j CAMPBELL ST., RAHWAY, N.J. Coaches furnished for Fum-ruls, Wed- ngs, t!tc. •! I Miss Williams's School! For Young Ladies d Children Crand Street, Corner of Whittier, Will ru-open Wedm-sJliiy, SepU'mlicr 13- Kcsidi's thons\i:il Kngli^h brtiiiclieH, Latin und Fn-nch, Drawing und I'aintinb; will lie taught. j Mis.s UKSSIK WILLIAMS, . Teacher (ff| iiistrviuu'iit:il Music. A. WHITE, Milton Lake Icc(. OFFICE: !t§ Cherry Street. RESIDENCE Cor. Hilton and St. George's Avenues. P. O. ADDRESS BOX IOI. ALSO PROPRIETOR OF I : 1 jiolcliii^ (ho rojic bid <-T»*rk jY l tilt tlirou^ti tlio: window tlun,idraw|tig out liin or fjuurth time ilily— niitcs late ! o bef the matter. ' Ten in letliing .'abting tity Op.'Ui Ht door, ing at an the odo rojie up th where he old door ii 10'churchya the ted it f ron C4urt. I [F(|r whomwas groun iding-dcsk, lit- wan p} .1 general a indeed pectanc f Heetned t io|e cliurch. At last thodoor \va its hiiiges, and gl ailgcd, (as if to sa ming ! ]' i Who >Vas coining lajdv, tall land stately,: tang ! "—the ,1K* trembling capable oi'. in one hand, d anxiously beside him ; vatch for the he mattered I never knew iere must be •oiu him, he aisle to the inainod gaz- the wall that und Kc-para- of Temple aiting '. Not 'tady at the ' W i i i t i n g t o o of troubled pervade the i heard to turn iitct-s were ex- "Tlu-y are An elderly eaniiig heavily upon thejarin of a yo ng lady, taller a|id nioiej stately eve Tliev were msinjjttlarlv alike that it w]as evidi-nt that the\ and daughter—Lady pie, 1 as all l\v world the little world of Harford. Very ciarefully and Temple Jed her mother along, tin gentle, patient inval years, the beautiful b the villagers loved entered i tho church, congregation rose to ajs their forefathers time iminei^orial win qntered—atid remain 1 than herself. were mother tnd Miss Tein- knew, at lenst tenderlv Miss I of so many in.d ladv whom : well, and the They whole q tjilj escorted by tin tjwo ladies iX'ere safe tho family pew. T pr >ceeded ;! no one ii receive them— had risen from n the Temples d standing un- old clerk, the y ensconced in leu the service Harford would tia,ve dreamt of its doing so before. i The service in this tmauit old :li(iireli was always coiiiineiiced by a lumber of lads undi lasses—ay, and >ld moil and women too—after •alnging themselves |on each side of lie aisle between he Court w iHymn. | Harford Church boasted a barrel and a chamber oraan ; the former given by some pioiu dead-and-gone fljempUi, "to be phiyed for ever"— 'so the inscription uj on it ran. Cer- jtainly it was a re "narkable instru- .uid day, and is even now, as I, rite this, several tunes, and many tween thle Vicarage and cats, sinking the Morning nkent of its kind capable of playing the N'iear's wife w most extraordinary aliants and hvmns npbodv could ever j ft was still the tion of tho old pe sj, who played held no more jnec was the darling of g young;folk detestc ijome accident wot it seemed probable on putting and gr and puthng, the giver intended. Advancing years l)ohn [Adams ; lie regularly, and ad j ride and admira- ple ; and John t, thought earth ions treasure ; it his heart. The I it, and wished d befall it ; but that it would go >aning, groaning lgth of time its were tellftn upon ould not attend gy ;taken jof this to in ;ber-organ, which \ his jibjsenoi'. Eve to rcc|>iu'ile and c*. the o ted ; of tlu I man was 11 le knew it \\ wedge," an antago roduce had been the chain- as played during ything was done nciliate .lolm, but >t to be concilia- is •• the tii'm edge I stoutly opposed tho iniiovation. At the present tjiiiie a coniproiniso had )ust been eturted ; he was to l jthe Ihymns d I h h d v X tlid not:seem a I Furniture movwl to any part of tho City! or viciuky. . j I WILLIAM WESTERVEL1], Carpier M Bmlr, Shop on Bridge St., •• . . yks' 1 1 NEAR ESSEX, - RAHWAY, N •V- , BtmQton ac> ae«r St. Ooon.t'1 J 0. and I the chants. droll arrangement then I but now, I when I think of those instrument:? at opposite ends of the chijrch, beijng playi-d in turn, first one, ihen thij other, and not in- freinjontly by accident both together, thcrtby produciifg a horrible dis- ' * : ' m it Lad wlji us tj< so if r I des n d likf. >asse<| ak Wynter," sai her face ver want to gee y you come wit " 1 cannot < as we walked up tli will join yon later !< The old ' ever as it closed uj> forms. '• I don't clerk ; "it b< me it creaki Sir William last time." "My motl we go toheij 'i " irjrjui pie, coming jlown the to meet me. \ " Presently ; biit I tell meiirst that \i'hat is not true.' " How canI toll v as he touched pleading face was tho man she had . : so cruelly wronged; urging her to >r you, MM.: give hci>t-lf to himonce a^ain, blind einplo feebly,. and almost penniless though h \ 1 -he wan y " 1 ;• was. icularly. Will " Oh, (iodfrey, this is the h.udo^t tlu Court V" ! i.» f all my t r i a l s ! " >lie was >avinu', ' I explained in a plaintive tone, tie path ; " I " What is, my darling'.''' : ; "To put your love from me when ed more than: Heaven knows h^w dear it is, and he retreating ; how gladly I would keep it. ! ' , ! " -L)<> not wr«.vk our happiness tl muttered tho ood. . I mind at when poot uutrhit forth? er heard 'i " pp again. Come, to me ; I 'will take such care of you, my loved cue ! " he entivatt-d. No ; I "wronged you once I n; answer jy "'lliat you have broken youlr en ih Ld ^g with Lord no other reason tliun •ecu some one whom him V : I; It is (juite tiftie, looking somewhat a eonfe.«-sion. cannot do so again. Uut. oh, (i.nK frey '—rai>ing her ]K\le, worn face j down ; shall |—"you would forgive meif von ed Miss Teni- j knew how I have repented, and h"..\v Lady's Walk;I have suffered. !" j "I know you have, Mary. But want you to; never mind the past ; we cannot re- I have hcjir^l, call that. The future is all ours, ; |and I will make it so bright and hat you /have beautiful for you," he said cheerily. " But I am'blind and helpless ! ; '" " If you will^nly trust yourself to ed evasivjbly. i Lambert, for me, I will be the light'of" your life, that you have j even as you have been the light and you puffer to i love of mine." : j " If I only knew which was right! " ' she replied, j she murmured helplessly. K^hed at the | " What does your heart tell you to euiue.^sioii. | i u<> . "Then I am vory sj>rry to hear it; « Oh, Godfrey," she wintered, he is such a good| man, and nievefy throwing her arms round his neck, way worthy of you. ;How could you u you know myheart tells me—-to do such a cruelj jheartless thing ? ", come !" I asked, with thej |.'re(idom of an old friend. riend. | \ : "Oh, don't, dji n't ! "—lifting her hands depreeatiimly.i "Ijcould not help it—I really'dould not! help it 1" And the proud, handsome girl beside \ h h d d me buried her fa'c sobbed as thouii break. ] " I could wisl willful and wavv sai 1, jMitting my round hcv. " I "j; bring a great <jl yourself, especial your intention «it From what 1 he and extravagant his wife, you w 1 you live." '' Pray do not idle tales, I assui g \\\ her hands, and Closely to his breast he clasped her, his beautiful long-lost love, the same, yet not the same—a far nobler woman. Fearing to interrupt them, I had remained quietly in my chair ; be- ides, I knew, that I wis onlv little 1 her heart would; M rs . Wynter, and nobody minded ; me. you were not so | ard, my. child," I arn'i aitectionattily m afraid you will •al oi sorrow ujxm v if voii carry out mivryiug this man. ar, ihe is very wild and, if you become regret it as long as 1 \ •ay that ; they are .-,., uy<m." ; ' ;_ I think youj Jhoisld have acquain- ted Lord Lamhoi t with your changed " I wish she would wake up ; she ha.s shared all my sorrows, and now I want her to share my joy." '• I have been doing that all along, dear," I replied, laughing and crying in a breath. NN hat I did or what I said iu my delight and flurry I cannot remember. I only know that in my excitement I kissed them both. * * * * " Ting, tang—ting tang ! " I am rather early. As I lean back in my pew, the thoughts and memo- feelings towards him. j " Then, ifhe «"it-s of bygone days ?rowd .upon me. ease vou from your ! Wanying idly around the church, my I aiul"<>-ood ; if"not, *•'}'*•' t:i " s u r°n the grand new organ, had chosen to re engagement, we! it should be ft cost." I "The cost \v< to both." " I am af ra'ul cuss that, or. d for the best," her intenogativ "Yes," shij raising her ban wont to be tin little snake \va As 1 ga/.ed upp eyes, I though|t serpent she hak will sting her jv " What does it'.' " I asked, ip hev room. •' She was (•; but slit- doesn't Hilled, at whatever ild be unhappittcss it is too late to dis- anything but hope replied, looking at ly. : ! : answered simply, Th i h py The ring that was erected—so the little brass plate re- cords— "Tn Hi-.- Prai-o and Glory of i.u.I .mil :n l.uvir.g Mi-tuory of DANK MAIJ.JAKET r ] said h: ave; come right, 11 liccn such a that I know raised her h:u>< you,' They iw added MissT, I find myself wondering what poor John Adams would say to this. Involuntarily I turn. Yes, there stands my enemy of olden time, re wasgone, au<l :ii,i :ll -k. yrini, and frowning. Hut its tones are no longer heard ; they are silent and still as the voice of its •oiled in its place, its \\ iekefl-lobking of the words >'The taken to her bottom ry heart out." I.ady Temple say to iiis'mg at the door of tlnr vexed at first ; aind now. She ju*-t o doubt it will all ," tihild ; you! have ;ooil daughter to me )ne above ' - -anil she —' will tak*' ciu'v of ere her last Wo\iK," aple, all uneoiisvioiis piou> giver, and of him who loved it well. My milMe daughter i> she 1'lays arranging Jier now that her mother is t<io old to <lo so. Now my eye re>ts upon the moniu inents and lvcumbi-ut forms in the mortuary chapel, bathed in agh>riou< flood ot gold and crimson light, which lint;ei^ lovingly UJMIII the tvn> mailed figures at the arched entrame. than one of whom yivater l<>ve hath no man had—h«' laid down hi» "life lor friend how literally ;tiuc the • latement was, for neither sh|enor I dreamed that the lnessatre Iliad come to the .gentle jj;tieiit spirit into the \\A\\ of eternal life. g j brightness :nii * ! Mary T woman wh hanec of •u * • • c was not the only is thrown awav all her Ah me ! 1 rniild write >iuh ijiiainl. and curious Mori,--, ol' this dear old" I'hut'eli and the dcad-aud."oue Teni- ,,l,. s [ s i, 1} , 1,,-n-. I forbear, berau-e I might proM' wearis"i::c i for 1 am only a country parMin's wife, belong- ing to the generation that is pa^s- in«j away—not learned iu the new ways of the world ; and I can onlv chance of h ippiness to gra^> a tlll [ my olll f^hioned, simple .to, V shadow, nor ;\ as she the only ,>nc to inmvoNVM ,,1,1-fashioned.Mini.le wav. cordj it strikes comical, but unsc Til-day we star gethiT. 1 did 11 come, aud the a- gle were jsomethi retired, as usua 1 it was a most 1'iuly one. ted pretty well to- ot know .lohn had vful crash and jan- ng to remember. I suffer for do have made married Is such a bad perish as fai *ior will 1 say this—that hot and Hurried, and John finished his hymn in triumph. At last the service came to an end. Thejcongregatio LadV Temple p midst. Ah me knojyn that that tunity they won the respect whic and simplicity o ways paid her, t beeiji a dry eye i mongst them . 'iihe tAvo lades remained i rose, a.s before, for pass through their p g , if they had only was the last oppor- d have of renderimr 1, in their affection heart, they had al there would not have porj-h, Lady T benlch, exchan woifds with the sedl through ] Misjs Temple < that she wished wetit to them a. 1 in the mple seated on the ing! a few kindly villagers as thriy pas- kn^w by the glances U8t j in my direction to ; speak to me. I qu I carno tip, I he: >ting ; the old Thefc will be j It yo ashB blo# Lord ha' mere Atid it always soon as I could. As rd one of the farmers proverb— '' It J0 o»ke bios soms afore jc ashe. Irntle of come to ihrasho ; »ma afore ye o&ke, on wo poors folke 1' i\'Z so. She couldnot worse choice. '' She o, I will not record nan s name it. m a y as I am concorned ; more about him than life and his dea,tli were far too dread- equally shocking, and fn ful tb describe. Few and miserable were th£ years of her marrijd life, and very; bitter cause had slip to regret her willful- ness and disloyalty to Lord Lambert. One trouble! "followed closely upon another ; aini, when the end really c a m e , i t w ; i j S too much for Ladv Temple's daughter. She became seriously ill, and, when she recovered, it was to fimjl that the darkness that had fallen Upon her mother had fallen also upou her—never more in this life wojuld poor Mary Bee the beautiful things of earth. ; We were kitting together, ^he and I, inher favorite room, for the first time since, her illness, talking over plans and arrangements for the future. Th? evening was k liot and 1 sultry, and somehow I fell | asleep. How long : \ slept I do not know ; through the gathering j^l " dim religious light." I but, hearing start—she chair as b( alone. , I awokq with a sitting in tile arm- fore, but she "\jfas not omes true', my lady,"' Bending imp The door creeks upon it-^ hin^e-;. They are coming ! An elderly lady, tall and stately, loaning upon h>-r husband's arm, advances toward* me om of the g g ee an>und them the children that have been sent to bless and complete their union and bring increased happiness and love ; and I know, by the won- drous light of that beautiful face, that she has found not only rest, but peace—that peace which the world cannot give. Softly stealing through the church conies the soundof sweetest melody, tilling our hearts with gladness. Her voice is mingling with the heavenly strains, and. in a few touching words, she is telling far more about herself than I have done, or could do. Listen ! *' I was not evvr thud, nor pnijed thai Thou Sliou'ds't li'iJ me on ; I loved to choose and ne my ia:h : lm: cow Lead Thou me on : t loved the garish day. and, spite of Tcir*. Pride rulnTiuy will; remember no: \iw: years. " So lory Thy power hath blest me, sari- it Hi'A ' Will lead me on O'er moor ai:J fen, o'er erag and tom-nt, tili The uighlU gone!" over her with < earnest ; 100 doses |1.00. "Why u=e a gritty, muddy, di^igreeablc article wheu Hood's Sarsapurilia. «> pure, so clear, so delightful, canbe obtained. ^ tit \ , f •c. -i

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    All th* bf*t| br» id» of lhon.o manufacture »ndi, "] obaccc ' Snuff, etc. Aud »mok«

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    7:00 v. M.Through Southern, And PhilaJ U:00 A. M.Through South anil West, $:00 l'.M.,

    7:00 iv M. j jMallit nn' (lU]uitch('(l jor KIIZIIIHUI, Newark,

    Delnwaro A Lackawannn, NL-W JITSUJ 1'i-ntral Kail-,roadsi uud Northern New Jcriwy, ut U:iO u. in., 4:(X)5:00 ami 7:001>. in. J

    M«11H uro iU»[)utclieil from PlilhtluluDln, Trenton,l'rlnceton, New Hriinxwlck, Metnclii-n, South uudWeit .Ti-rsry. and lit-lvlilcru, Dclawnrv; Ilullroad* at9:00 n. in., 5:00ami 7:lW )>. m. i

    Ollli-o O|HIII< nl 7:00 n. m.; closes at ̂ :30 p. in.Sumliiv Mnil^nrrlve 5:17 mul 10:31 a. MI., and close

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    Miss Williams's School!For Young Ladies d Children

    Crand Street, Corner of Whittier,

    Will ru-open Wedm-sJliiy, SepU'mlicr 13-

    Kcsidi's tho ns\i:il Kngli^h brtiiiclieH,Latin und Fn-nch, Drawing und I'aintinb;will lie taught. j

    Mis.s UKSSIK WILLIAMS, . Teacher (ff|iiistrviuu'iit:il Music.

    A. WHITE,

    Milton Lake Icc(.OFFICE: !t§ Cherry Street.


    Cor. Hilton and St. George's Avenues.P. O. ADDRESS BOX I O I .


    I :1 jiolcliii^ (ho rojic

    bid ceeded ;! no one ii

    receive them—had risen fromn the Templesd standing un-old clerk, the

    y ensconced inleu the serviceHarford would

    tia,ve dreamt of its doing so before.i The service in this tmauit old:li(iireli was always coiiiineiiced by alumber of lads undi lasses—ay, and>ld moil and women too—after•alnging themselves |on each side oflie aisle betweenhe Court w

    iHymn.| Harford Church boasted a barrel

    and a chamber oraan ; the formergiven by some pioiu dead-and-gonefljempUi, "to be phiyed for ever"—'so the inscription uj on it ran. Cer-jtainly it was a re "narkable instru-

    .uid day, and iseven now, as I,

    rite this, severaltunes, and many

    tween thle Vicarage andcats, sinking the Morning

    nkent of its kindcapable of playingthe N'iear's wife wmost extraordinaryaliants and hvmns npbodv could ever

    j ft was still thetion of tho old pe

    sj, who playedheld no more jnecwas the darling ofgyoung;folk detestcijome accident wotit seemed probableon putting and grand puthng, thegiver intended.

    • Advancing yearsl)ohn [Adams ; lieregularly, and ad


    ride and admira-ple ; and Johnt, thought earthions treasure ; ithis heart. TheI it, and wishedd befall it ; butthat it would go

    >aning, groaninglgth of time its

    were tellftn uponould not attend

    gy;taken jof this to in;ber-organ, which \his jibjsenoi'. Eveto rcc|>iu'ile and c*.the oted ;of tlu

    I man was 11le knew it \\wedge," an


    had beenthe chain-

    as played duringything was donenciliate .lolm, but>t to be concilia-is •• the tii'm edgeI stoutly opposed

    tho iniiovation.At the present tjiiiie a coniproiniso

    had )ust been eturted ; he was tol jthe Ihymns d I h h


    X tlid not:seem aI

    Furniture movwl to any part of tho City! orviciuky. . j



    Carpier M Bmlr,Shop on Bridge St.,

    • • .

    . yks'1



    •V-, BtmQton ac> ae«r St. Ooon.t'1



    and I the chants.droll arrangement

    then I but now, I when I think ofthose instrument:? at opposite endsof the chijrch, beijng playi-d in turn,first one, ihen thij other, and not in-freinjontly by accident both together,thcrtby produciifg a horrible dis-

    ' * : ' m it


    us tj<so if


    des nd likf.>asseing her ]K\le, worn face

    j down ; shall |—"you would forgive me if voned Miss Teni- j knew how I have repented, and h"..\vLady's Walk;I have suffered. !"

    j " I know you have, Mary. Butwant you to; never mind the past ; we cannot re-I have hcjir^l, call that. The future is all ours,

    ; |and I will make it so bright andhat you /have beautiful for you," he said cheerily.

    " But I am'blind and helpless ! ; '"" If you will^nly trust yourself to

    ed evasivjbly. i

    Lambert, for me, I will be the light'of" your life,that you have j even as you have been the light andyou puffer to i love of mine."

    : j " If I only knew which was right! "' she replied, j she murmured helplessly.K^hed at the | " What does your heart tell you to

    euiue.^sioi i . | i u .

    "Then I am vory sj>rry to hear it; « Oh, Godfrey," she wintered,he is such a good| man, and nievefy throwing her arms round his neck,way worthy of you. ;How could you u you know my heart tells me—-todo such a cruelj jheartless thing ? ", come ! "I asked, with thej |.'re(idom of an oldfriend.riend. | \ :

    "Oh, don't, dji n't ! "—lifting herhands depreeatiimly.i "Ijcould nothelp it—I really'dould not! help it 1"And the proud, handsome girl beside

    \ h h d dme buried her fa'csobbed as thouiibreak. ]

    " I could wislwillful and wavvsai 1, jMitting myround hcv. " I "j;bring a great mailed figures at the arched entrame.than one of whom yivater lve hathno man had—h«' laid down hi» "lifelor friend

    how literally ;tiuc the • latement was,for neither sh|e nor I dreamed thatthe lnessatre Iliad come tothe .gentle jj;tieiit spirit into the

    \\A\\ of eternal life.g j

    brightness :nii* !

    Mary Twoman whhanec of

    • u * • •

    c was not the onlyis thrown awav all her

    A h m e ! 1 r n i i l d w r i t e > i u h i j i i a i n l .

    and curious Mori,--, ol' this dear old"I'hut'eli and the dcad-aud."oue Teni-,,l,.s [s i,1}, 1,,-n-. I forbear, berau-eI might proM' wearis"i::c i for 1 amonly a country parMin's wife, belong-ing to the generation that is pa^s-in«j away—not learned iu the newways of the world ; and I can onlv

    chance of h ippiness to gra^> a t l l l[ m y o l l l f^hioned, simple .to, Vshadow, nor ;\ as she the only ,>nc to i n m v o N V M ,,1,1-fashioned.Mini.le wav.

    cordj it strikescomical, but unsc

    Til-day we stargethiT. 1 did 11come, aud the a-gle were jsomethiretired, as usua1

    it was a most1'iuly one.ted pretty well to-ot know .lohn hadvful crash and jan-ng to remember. I

    suffer for dohave mademarried Issuch a badperish as fai*ior will 1 saythis—that

    hot and Hurried,and John finished his hymn intriumph.

    At last the service came to an end.ThejcongregatioLadV Templepmidst. Ah meknojyn that thattunity they wonthe respect whicand simplicity oways paid her, tbeeiji a dry eye i mongst them .

    'iihe tAvo lades remained i

    rose, a.s before, forpass through theirp g

    , if they had onlywas the last oppor-d have of renderimr1, in their affectionheart, they had al

    there would not have

    porj-h, Lady Tbenlch, exchanwoifds with thesedl through ]Misjs Temple <that she wishedwetit to them a.1

    in themple seated on theing! a few kindlyvillagers as thriy pas-kn^w by the glancesU8t j in my directionto ;speak to me. I

    quI carno tip, I he:

    >ting; the old

    Thefc will be jIt yo ashB blo#Lord ha' mere

    Atid it always

    soon as I could. Asrd one of the farmersproverb—

    ' ' It J0 o»ke bios soms afore j c ashe.Irntle of come to ihrasho ;»ma afore ye o&ke,

    on wo poors folke 1'

    i\'Z so. She could notworse choice. '' She

    o, I will not record

    nan s name i t . m a yas I am concorned ;

    more about him thanlife and his dea,tli were

    far too dread-equally shocking, and fnful tb describe.

    Few and miserable were th£ yearsof her marrijd life, and very; bittercause had slip to regret her willful-ness and disloyalty to Lord Lambert.One trouble! "followed closely uponanother ; aini, when the end reallyc a m e , i t w ; i j S too much for LadvTemple's daughter. She becameseriously ill, and, when she recovered,it was to fimjl that the darkness thathad fallen Upon her mother hadfallen also upou her—never more inthis life wojuld poor Mary Bee thebeautiful things of earth. ;

    We were kitting together, ^he andI, in her favorite room, for the firsttime since, her illness, talking overplans and arrangements for thefuture. Th? evening was kliot and


    sultry, and somehow I fell | asleep.How long : \ slept I do not know ;

    through the gathering ĵ l" dim religious light." I

    but, hearingstart—shechair as b(alone.

    , I awokq with asitting in tile arm-

    fore, but she "\jfas not

    omes true', my lady,"' Bending

    impThe door creeks upon it-̂ hin^e-;.

    They are coming ! An elderly lady,tall and stately, loaning upon h>-rhusband's arm, advances toward* me

    om of theg g ee an>und

    them the children that have beensent to bless and complete theirunion and bring increased happinessand love ; and I know, by the won-drous light of that beautiful face,that she has found not only rest, butpeace—that peace which the worldcannot give.

    Softly stealing through the churchconies the soundof sweetest melody,tilling our hearts with gladness. Hervoice is mingling with the heavenlystrains, and. in a few touching words,she is telling far more about herselfthan I have done, or could do. Listen !

    *' I was not evvr thud, nor pnijed thai ThouSliou'ds't li'iJ me on ;

    I loved to choose and ne my ia:h : lm: cowLead Thou me on :

    t loved the garish day. and, spite of Tcir*.Pride rulnTiuy will; remember no: \iw: years.

    " So lory Thy power hath blest me, sari- it Hi'A 'Will lead me on •

    O'er moor ai:J fen, o'er erag and tom-nt, tiliThe uighlU gone!"

    over her with < earnest; 100 doses |1.00.

    "Why u=e a gritty, muddy, di^igreeablcarticle wheu Hood's Sarsapurilia. «> pure,so clear, so delightful, can be obtained.



    \, f

    •c. - i

  • . . ! " - • • - ? • - • .





    Singl* Cop




    i m , . ; . vaxx

    K.JJ0Ct0BEnk,'l883- ; 1.

    iuwst tgulo the maUur, »ml !c*H. »»ionUoi»to tho w w r l Hint »hc communi ty to Am*

    ! Iliurmnt OmtMtoii «if »Utty Oh tho l>art ofM WtUtiuii. W. Mbiulell wiH will v r

    wor «f tho IMHU- of *nli» towjwblp.i h U f W n w u

    f l

    Replar Kpfcliffl Nmiption.r\>» HOVKUSOHA* SKW JKHSJIV.


    if Muils.ii) (.'ountv.

    tuta.A>u|nty Ue-At ;» HUY

    {iiiMican Ktcmlvir 29mvnvmciutships of tiiimecliugs toPistrict Coi

    MONO:it S r- M.lion tho Kej


    ing of \\\t UnionoouUvo tAunmilUx

    18Sil. it was krto Iho several wnnlcounty to hold Ui

    elect ilcltgatm to Ui j i ami also

    the County ExecmiUinvfrvni each wa.nl and tow

    VY. OCTOHKK lin aerordauec withublicau voters of U1 lo meel nt their t

    and elect dcjlegales to 'each Co:She ratio ofpublican vo'

    one to caet east at the hist a

    tiou for Corfmer. ami one delegfraction of the samo over twen—eadv war^amUowiiship to 1one delegat*1'.

    •SOITWI to

    add town-?ir primarye Assemblyo elect twomive. Com-uslijlp on

    1tlii^ resolu-tion countySUMJI placesiveptiou inh tjfty Ke-nerafelec-

    ite Cor eachy-tiye votesivc tvt least

    two •jiolepues to the Coutive Commit,!ee "from each wanship asabov^ stated.

    1 he. number of delegates touuder the alww apportionmentw l uu! township 13 as follow:


    —list ward.55$ votes 1

    4kh 199

    To ta l . . . . . . . .SEC'O-NJD ASSKMllLY PISTK

    Elirabeth—5th wanl 5S4 votes 1

    7th •' 206 ••I'uioa ; 177 " .Springfield . 1.. • tiv>Craafonl....! 103 "Linden 1 ISO "Summit j . . . . 13S "New Provideuco 55


    lJahwav— 1st, ward 103 votes3d3d4tti

    ClarkFan-wood I.


    ..112 '

    ..231 •inrlt-ltl—litDist. 101 '

    2\\ " 177

    4ih " 2**3 '

    Total.J 3The Asstrir bly Contentions w

    a: the call uf ±e Chaijnu-n of tfciOA in tlieir respective distr


    E. M. WocJD. Secy.;Dated Sept!. 29, iyt*3.

    In accordance with! the abovRepublican voters of t|iLs city ar<to meet in thleir different wardsdelegates, on [Monday evening, tlsSa, as follows ; |

    First Ward—Coles' Ilali.Second Waird—Poiijerhi'iie's 1Third War-Chainberliii'9 IIFounii Ward—Clxjru's Hall,

    ty|Execu-and town-be electedfrom each



    T. |delegate;

    11 U- heldla.it Con-

    cts.J R .



    : ca)l, ^herequestedto'select

    ctober 15,• • i

    otel!tel.!ovejr Post

    ! B. A.{epubliciui Exccui

    THE OUXTY COUK'ITin.- tune o{ the C'oijuty Court.'

    taken up sinci1 Tue.sdajy of lastthe trial of cjvil COM.-.-}. The p

    i its litbeira oil the secondmonth aud h-iu examining

    h b

    ve Consumed hillibout 150 cotnplai

    of yctr-i by onli



    vrbicb numbe" they halve fouudtru«: bills of ii dictiii'jni and twem'.-nt*. Thb

    five| daysfromUs,


    in the largest batbaa been found in

    e xmnd Jury, midtlie wetfibcra of th

    th'.- faithful niiiuner in] which li»/ted public l|t«in'.Ns jmd haviiji'ihhfc'J MI r/iuj.-h in sucjh a hiief t

    The followiri^' ate tlje presenttht /rand jury : i

    r, 4 XCI.ARK TOWNhUIl* I'UKflKVi

    l.'nwn Cr/>tTilm to ifiil:Tli': iituwl ifjqutsl for the Htat

    J c m y and hit the body of tlio <L'/iion UJKJ/I their rc»t>e/;tiveV:id : That, w|ierL-;ia, it.them that th bihwit

    V WyHi UilH pnUn Ju

    N, UiorefoW. inuwut

    t t Wllll W M u t t l tul the ovc

    thl*thotl Inquiwi «h, UiorefoW.

    Wlllliun W . MtAutetl ntul theof th poor for Uiiflr «lorc|lotlon in thopivmlw*. wwi for tholr u ulwlon to do theduty linposinl ii|M)it: tliem by the law» ofthis stale., :

    Hcglaler next T u

    It miut b»w IRSCO a terrible tub > of fclT-ftlrn, tint caused tho PnAlmlut lo ask

    ' Who tan stand l*fore his cold T Iday Uiihow miIK\ tlmHull'sbeen ftil t"blc«d."

    In hi-were fow and doubtful

    ich happier ihonld tlih gtneratlonhaa as n hoitsehold rcmo

    Syrup : no woudtcimw thai millions rlao up


    and cull

    to iy.

    you fohaw i«l

    heart ever seem to Atop nndl a death-like wnsntlon, do you

    l i i f hliave *\\%x\\ palnm in region of your heartImvo Heart ; Dlseiwo. Try Dr.Heart Kcgulutor. fl.per boltle.

    AMERICAN WINE IN EUKOPE.Mr. I: peer, the New J e w y producer of

    Tort \\ hie, bus an ofTer from certain cop-Itnllsts o purchase nil his Wine for shipment vbroad. They claim Mr; Spccr'awinoH uTt- unoxcclletf by any production iuthe'wofld. Order* from Dresden andother jiutBof Europe, have Iweu jtlllwl byMr. Hp t̂-r during Ihu past your, ottle. \

    i !Strength to vigorously push n business,

    strength to study for u profession, strengthto regulate a household, strength todo1 a jduy's labor without physicalpain.- |I)o youj dusiro strength? Ifyou are broken clown, have no energy,feel asj if lift) was hardly worthIjvlng, you can hi relieved and restoredto robust health And strength by takiugBrown'd Iron Bi[tcrs, a sure cure fordyspepsia, malariu, weakness und alldiseases! recpiiritig u true, reliable,JionalcHolic tonic.; It acts on the blood,nerves ind muscles and regulates everypart of tihe system^

    Mr. S| B. Button,, 'd'i'i N. Greene Street,TUKNTON, N. J., | says: " I have beencured (if SL'vi'i'u ; dyspepsia by using

    ! Brown's Iron Hitters."

    Mr. .fames A. Sharer, t!'J4 S. Warrenstreet, TruKNTON, iN. J., says :" I usedBrown's| Iron Bitters with good resultsfor weakness and debility. "

    . HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE.The best salve used in the world fur

    If there be one spot dearer to many menthiiu any other, it is the ace to till a straightflush.

    A New Hampshire graveyard contains atombstone erected to the memory of "threetwins." /

    A lady who was frightened by a littledog until she was yellow, said it made her' 'a terrier-caught-lier" color.

    "Strike while tho iron is hot" will prob-ably be! the signal used if ii strike shouldbe ordered among the laundry hands.

    A Yankee editor, observing that " thecensus embraces '17,000.000 women," asks :" Who wouldn't be a census V"

    Slang is always objectionable. Instead ofsaying "A dead give away," we would ad-vise you to say "A posthumous donation."

    Simpson says that when he asked thegirl who is now his wife to marry him shesaid : I don't mind," and she never hasminded.

    Not one of the cackling old hens iu thiscountry appears to know or care that aFlorida turtle will lay 150 eggs in a daywithout making the least bit of noise.The hen fuss over one little egg is absurd.

    The Popular Science Mouthly asks :"Whatrfire crowds?" It is not quite certainhow science will handle this question, butthe averuge common school educated manknows that uuder some circumstances threeis considered a crowd.

    Dudes who chew the heads of their canesare advised by a medical editor to have thebauic made of soft rubber lnstead"of silver.It makes less wear and tear on the gums,and helps the teeth to come through justas well.

    "Were you in the. late war'/" aslked aveteran of a badly-demoralized cltezenwho came hobbling down the street-on acrutch. "I don't know how hito youmean," was the sad reply, "she guve methis one last night before tea."

    An honest farmer who had seen RichardIII. performed one night waited upon themaimgcr next morning to suy that, If thegentleman who wuntcd a horse on tho pre-vious evening was of the smne mind, hehad several animals in his meadow andwould be happy to deal with him.

    A lady says her husband will sit on abarbed wire fence all the afternoon to seca base ball match aud never move a mus-cle, but when ho goes to church he can'tnit in u cushion pew for llftcen minuteswithout wiggling all over the sent andchanging bin position forty times.—I'cck'aSun.

    The Viwsar girls have n I'liilocolocalio-liaij Society mid dimms "Tho Alum ofMim, 1M Chocolate lujuncs to iho Diges-tion ?" & - -ALWAY.H 'fHK LEADING AND MOST WIDELY




    Two j Dollars a Year.ifAYAHI.K IN ADVANCK.

    A 1HIAL Tit I P.I'IIOHU clt'"jlrlii({ to m i the papor us It In l>rfuro bo.


  • \ TI

    P. it . 13 &

    to-'. P. 10 to

    U. !], 4, ft &



    jsi tojjia.$A to ijio.

    i>NX i k . ' s

    IS kllOW of (^li t


    i r k

    • 'JCO

    N. J




    |iiow Shut



    HI AND

    " - ' • • : • • • : •> s t

    oils:••< l - l l j . l

    If. .v.

    . i

    -Y J.


    ' • *'*. ' .'. > V



    IditMUnl Wjr }.Ut< 'I'likuruAdnV. U W W U ' B l^rtiK Mow fori l of W 4 M [











    ^ " i ? ^>^-^ | .1 : ! ' l ^^r^{^"^M

    Mr. Uooriit! If. Uiown the t\nijr« K(.Miclntcat N(jw Yt>ik city dliwlmy »t h!n•Um\ for \\w\ iKTomnunlutUm of tlu

    i ; '

    The A»v»H'A'iK IH for milo ill tin.] follow.Illjj plftoo*: j j

    l'»jim Now* (.'o., I'. H. H, l),.|Hit;' I . While's [NOWM Htuml, next iloor tothe Tost Olljt'ii ; Kdwmd C'rivVfiils NI>\VNHtnnd, ilillMhln street ; A. S,U ! Milt t


    Uroociy nloijo, Milton, und JOKMO Cooper'NGrocery null Croekory More, 2ftj' UFHIK*


    Uo^lstor tji'M Tuojdny,

    Common |l\mnrll moots next kriio»duyulyht.

    Water Hoiiml moois Wodnowlnyj night of

    Ht'sistor ,Wxl Tuesday, if you want tocull your ljmllot next month tor JloiMtlmuUixon, for Uovoinor. / j

    . Snmll boys rlillng on Ijicvdos, |uv oftunto l>o soon! on I ho' sldywnlkM ofi eoiuo ofKuliwuv's principal tUorouglifutus, whi/.zIng along ut n rnplil mto. mm-h to theunnoyiinoo of d t l j

    The entertainment by theHomo Association, will* l>o next Fridayevening, \\i the Opera House. We willpublish th • socurvdat Watson's Drug Store.

    A dohaliou visit will be j^ivoiJohns, psvstor of the 1st M. K. Ctho yi;xrst>nago on I)rand streetevening, OcloU'r 10th A cordi i

    OcloU'r 10th. A cordlion is extended to all friendlywhether members of the church"

    Nov. H.liuroh, nt;Tuesday;

    nl invitii-|inclined,!r not. I

    Wo am ri'nuesteil to state that Mi-Campbell,, hue of the " Salvalk n Army,is expected in Rahway on Saturd: y tho U!tinst., unle^-i something unforeseen occurs.,and will oiHciateat the meetings to IH? heldou Sunday at the Free Methodist church^Elm avenue.


    Register next Tuesday.

    The reasons why every body should goto the Fii-»l Baptist Church uexlnight, to -see and hear Mr. Aclhotter known as " Yon Boyle,that lu« will not fail to interest aall who lijear him ; 2d, that his uhumorist jis acknowledged hv si

    Thursdaymd Hoylo,

    are, 1st,,d iustriuitbility as iich meu us

    D., anilUev. 15.1 \V. Samson. IX IX,Rev. U. j " . Me Arthur, 1). IX, of |Ne\v YorkCity, andj 3d. that, " ho makes people laugi'until tluiy cry, without olYen ''• •- — 'tAste." !

    Lawrence May and George L.iytou, whowere liulictfd for murder, Tthe Giaull Juiy, for the killingDietz, iii August last, •will be

    lesday. byof Augusttried next

    :kle. at theTuesday) before Judge Van SyCourt House iu Elizabeth. Mr. WilliainU. "Wilstin will represent the State. MT.Thomas\l. Shafer, of Shafer ifc Uuranjl,i« counsl-1 for May, and Barriin and My lk'iinett.and in so doing got directo wuy of tho brick from Van Pelt'swhich struck him upon tho fore

    'oiling him to tho ground. Tho bo}

    who ntion olilayinjjiily'iuaithey arthe bphysquensuffe'afthasacebeeDa!ah!thuree<


    Leary is rather small considering hi;nit was an active, intelligent and amis boy. Dr. Cladek baviug done al•ould be done for the boy at the timeed the- parents to call their

    eijklul of

    ipublished the report of the lullingmad dog on Grand street, and lit is po:Lie Mr. Castor's cow wits bitten W that d>

    Do not fail to register next Tuesday,

    Nightj gatemen have been) placedIrving und Cherry street crossings, anduNo at itlio crossing of the l». R. R. jutMilton (vvenue. A reeoid of each nerKin•who crqsiU'S the trucks at either ofplaces is kent by the day gateman, ajidalso by the nightman, so that tfie Compaxiy-nill knliw how many peophj cross eftclihour of ilhis twenty four. A rk-cord is a|«okept of jthe uuinbor of wagons that crssthe tracks. We understand that this| isexperimental, and tho menthese records for seven daysnights, I after which time il

    uro to kcjcpaud seVenthe Kail

    road Company think it advisable, regu-lar nigMineu will be placed At the crossings. |About 2,000 people | crossed | atCherry Street, Thursday, thatj is countingeach ti»V' i' pi'rson crossed, some havinggone thlotigh tho gates a dozen times.

    It wap just one year and two| weeks frpmthe tiin**: of tho great freshet Of 1882, thatthe Monroe street bridge was Rebuilt. Thiswas the llrst of the Railway) bridges t|iatsuccumtx-Hl to the raging floodj and it is asingular fact that it was the last of thej 10bridgesithat were destroyed, tel be replaced.Notwitijistttudiug the oppasition met; inhaving [these bridges rebuilt, Rahway is notby any [means the last place i I the countyto have! the damaged structures replaced,as then! are yet a number of j bridges thatarc to be- built. The appropriation is [ex-hausted, and consequently, wl^ercthe workhas not already been done it must remainin its present condition till thej new appro-priation can be inaiU; next year. The iiti-zens oi Rahway were represented in thoBoard i f Chosen Freeholders by Mr. W. E.Clatk and Mr. A. J. Halidajy, when thoresolutions to rebuild the Rahfvay bridges,and appropriations for dome the work•were passed, and had it not [been for -thepersistent aud successful efforts of tljiosegentlemen, there is no telliu^ when ;the•work would have been done.

    Register next Tuesday,

    HOME JAS-istrlal Ilbme

    has begunfor poor

    childrdn. ' Already they arc supporting1*"'chlldruu whose father diedsince, i The following ludieelected as o Hoard of Mam

    T U B KAHWAY INUUHTRIA!XKJIAT|(ON.—The Hah way IndAss»ci4iion, consisting of ladiia tnerjtorioua work, of cari

    Awociation : Mrs. J. Lamlmant] Mm, George W. SuvBOH, Mrs. Josephine Rollln.'Shotwell, Mrs. I. P. WoodCoinpm Newark,e also among the guests and their singwas appreciated to such an extent thatwere, encored.

    iihway Lodge has a membership of,rly 40 persons, including gentlemen whomanufacturers, merchants, mechanics,

    in fact all branches of American inrics. The Order in case of death of a

    (mber pays to tho family of their brother,L sum pi $2,000 Thus combining with

    a brotherhood of mutual friendship, aninsurance association, for its members only.

    After the lodge exercises were concludedi! party repaired to Chainberlin's hotel

    ere they partook cf a collation, the fol-



    |MM V-

    MiHa| DuMrs! A.n. M ! A

    Mr* N. V.rs. V. Bohu-

    vuvMi, Mrs. St. (/lair ire, Mrx'p J.Marlitl, Mrs. Dr. II. Page Hough, Mrrt.M. Oliver, Mrs. C. S. Hyno.jandh l l b T h « l U 8 ure

    M > y jMiw Haruh llobuidon. The«o la receive dotmtlDns, and] anylttJy niay b«conio ft ineiuber of the Asso-clatloii uttoii payment of thjj sumofionedollarT Upoa p&ymeot of W5 or morjc anbonorfrry We membership U given. l i t allwho bclWiTlD Home Ml*»lon»ry workjhclp

    U Worthy cwue. I


    thwlojving being tho

    MKN'I1.Oysters. Stowed Oysters.

    Fried Oysters.Vickies. Celary.

    OJiickeB Salad. Lobster Salad.Cold Roast Beef. Cold Ham.

    Cold Tongue,scuitu, Dread. Cmckers.

    Fancy Cakes,irrant Jelly. Ice Cream.

    Almonds and Katsltm.ars- Grapes. Bananas,. Peaches.

    CoSee. Tea. Lemonade.Sogurs.

    W. B. OHAMBEttLIN, Caterer.; Committee.


    Registfcr next Tutsday.

    Positive, wait ; comparative, waiter;portative, go and get it yourscU.

    "I heiir d you kksed tho prettiest girl ine room, at thy party hwt night,'observed

    youtji in bluo glass goggles toLASTER. CEMENT, I l i lR . AND KOCKA-VAY SAND,At price* as low m can bo (urchoaed In the State.


    COAL,At bottom priceii, au j tUc bc«t quality In the


    }£ff",S. »pcclal dlBcouut o»> car-load loto. ar\

    t C. HOTTER, Manager.Brewster's Doit, iopt Lewis Street,

    ANY ARTICLE iold by the installmentplan as low M tor cash at VesccliuVs.Babbitt's Soap, 5c. Mr bar, Higgins*, 5c.,Itorax, 5c., at ScnuppmanVBACUELORH Buy nomethlng nice forYour la/ly love. Î ow of things toryclivrtpnt Voacclliw.

    1>uy u lurgc lMir of SclnmpmnnV laundryD Botvi), only i-'Oc., 122 Miiiu 8 t

    BEST 50c Tea in the city. To induce atrial wo oiler 2 llw. granulated stigurfree with every 21b packugu of ten, Scliiip-pmnn's New Cash Grocery. 122 Main »t.

    BOARD wanted for tho Winter, neat thedepot, for gentleman and wife. Roomto havu southern expoHure- Address A, :itADVOCATE Olllce.

    pHILDUEN buy some useful presents\J for your parents, plenty and cheap atVescelliw.

    /Iream Flour $7.00;per bl., at Bcliupp-V man's.

    CASH paid for live poultry, at Gllby'sMarket, Cherry street.Cream Flour f7.00 per bl., at Schupp-man'a, 123 Main Bt.EOUU Furnished Hooms to Let. Applyat A. Turner's Shoe Store.FLATS TO LET in Ch|mberlin'8 build-ing, opposite tho depot—live roomseach, •with gas, stationary wash tubn, etc.Apply at ofllec of Cbamberlin's HoteL

    &OOD prices paid for Gents' cast offClothing at Daniel Gates', 1 H i MainStreet. Letters promptly attended to.

    GIRLS Get some nobby present for yoursweetheart and be sure to examine mystock before you buy., Vescelius.

    n ENT'S Clothing cleaned, dyed, pressed,VT repaired aud alterations made, at lowestprices, go to the practical tailor, KidGloves cleaned,

    DANIEL GATES.St., llnhway, N. J.


    T IVE and dressed poultry constantly ouJLj hand, at Oilby's Market, C'lierrj'street.

    T ADIES, get some useful article forLJ your husband, something pretty foryour children, at Vescelius's-

    atches, ldoz. .boxes 10c, at Schupp-man's. 122 Main St.

    New England Table Sauce, 7c. per bottle.•C'how'Chow, 20c. .Mixed 1'iekles, 20c,at Schuppmun's.

    OLD GOLD and silver bought for cashor taken iu trade at Vescelius's.Sea Foam Baking Powder, i lb. boxes,20c, 1-Rcker's i lb. boxes. 10c, MSchuppmauls.

    Uchuppmau's Celebrated Mixed Teu, 50c.IJ per lb. ' :

    illi Java Coffee iiOc. per lb. or 511)3.$1.40, at Schuppniau's, 122 Muiu St.

    Schooner Blueing, 8c, Best LaundryStarch, 8c, Clothes Pins, 2c per doz.orOdoz. 10c, at Schuppmau's, 122 MainSt.

    he best Ten iu the city, 50c. per lb., atSchuppnian's, 122 Main St.T

    Valeuciailtaisins, 10c. per lb., Now Cur-rants, 8c , Citron, 20c, at Schupp-man's. I •

    WANTED to rent from November 1st,for four or five months a furnishedhouse with all modern improvements.Address with nil particulars to

    CHAULES A. Yoyso,Asbury Park, N. J.

    H lbs Ex. C Sugar 52c, at Schuppman's.



    0AVE) 81i 6351GJ7Broi • i f



    W JKIIHNl> LA 1)1 K

    AL?O A F I L L

    I * r < "



    DRESS (i(



    AI.SU AN I;

    DREOur Stock coitalrm all the

    diffeirne Dtp


    AND HI


    ' , ; ' • ' > ! ' • • : •







    WAKK, N. J.



    NE OF



    "B AND 1'LUSHES,





    r.'J-'^^V^^t**''4'52*' "••'' --J. . .-- •-

    . . . - .•'• - • f*


  • t



    .IVKll SVUlir twvrvl i

    01 S;llo l>\ nil Unitf*;!



    I. C. MonroeWithout tho \

    WAKHANTKDWhich many Vv<

    Can TAsk your Druccist f*'



    I. C. M0NR01KOK SA

    Brooklyh.N. Y




    Uon?, alla\s inflammation, i>ri>tccts themembrane f om ;idili


    v?r, Ac. I ncouali-dfor colds in he tics.il.

    wable t<-, - r)ybj"lheli

    iuto the nostrils. On receipt; of K)c. wpicfcias. 1

    Sold bj Rahway drnggi«s« iELYS CREAM BALM CO.,



    T I V C The World Witch 'StationeryI HIVC is the fa>utt so', iti'' Article in th

    ('«>:.till.* 18 fher:.? No'.r I'.iJVn-HoMt-r, lVn ami a llaiHeu:l price- 15 cent.-. I"watch guannteed withorder. Kor 25 cunt-, in •f'-i.Tli'-. « r will M-IM) n Ci« i t l i tl.-.-unt- ( l o M I'l . i loI'^'.td S t u d - , ( iuld I*iat. d iW i t c h ( t.»in, CcW I'lsU-d

    ng Arti'r. 18 E

    i i t y vr< • j x j l i d r t l s l i n t . in r. " \ \


    of ISK.N'SUN'S l A l ' C I N i :i 1 l H

    i e»

    on the \Vn>

    I I'; tf> tin- tinI1 d ] | fI;

    nx-k.nl|v.-r f

    I n n s ; I n h n u r t> 'im\t t in- l i t e r

    r s m i i f t l i n t f o r t itil W|i« t h r u

    n o i i l f i l i n iIII ! l . i« l i t / , a i


    mm)'and arc r

    vlnlii J Itfrom the

    filling."it of it »"i I \vi*nt1 lmii:;lit•i J'l.AS-

    yh my liver vi

    I fnniiloiiftl kin.fur ilie Huril ('

    imlnr. J'rieeii.«iy,,Nrw York


    MfTTKK.•r.i|M.-fi;il I l l t c

    lirs(clii^.s nrti\VCIIHOM paid.

    iildreM- II. ,1. I I M W D K N i: CO., IlrlKliton, N. Y1 mile I'li'l (if Hin!li4iti.T,)

    Madison S u r e Theater.a^lh Slroot, sdjoiilin^ Fifth Avenue Hotol, N. Y.


    -: o :-

    MONTH ()]•'

    RAJAH;Or, Wynoot's Ward.


    A lirllllniit c o m n l y l>yi


    produced wllli new wcucrynnil a perfect caet,

    Every Evening at 8:30.Saturday Matinee at 2.

    Seals Si'dirftl bj'j jail, THegrapli, or

    Rahway City Bonds.An tin: Debt, i« now ('omproiiiim'il, the

    )rfw.'iit it tin; lime to pay uHMisfinent.H und);u:k tiixA>ly.Ii«w:>tttn>n«!,r»tfiiUontopy i1ffjx»IW,a.iddut n i l t l l

    it. 8Ot» tY ALL l>nUOOlnTH."rri«> II.


    ;KOH HAl.K ATN"« DRUG S'lpi.tK.

    With Pen and Pencil" No, sir :J I don't believe ncwspniu'r men

    nrv more diskiimtcd tlmti imy otlier eliiss ofmen who entn tlieir living liv tlieir lirniiiM,"siiid Mr. A. it. Sl«)ffri«l, Miitni^cr of theAdveitisiii); j Department of tlie St. I'HIIII'innrcr-I'ni'lf. Slill, tho.-e of them wlindodejik work nfe lein|)led to Hlinnilulo, for it'svery Imnl oi< (lie nerves niui i^toni.'irli."

    " As for eiiitnple— t " ' '" As for lexiunple, in my ,JKI) E T C . , E T C .

    MAURICE GOVE OYSTERSbelli;.' n< w In m-:lMi|i can In: obta ined at

    So. r, I l K l f H Y S T . , H A I I W A Y , N . .1.

    Fishfof Different Varieties,





    AND1 SOLD.


    le J

    of Vegetables and FruitIN SEASON.


    i'k Clams and RooknwayOysters.


    No. 9 Cherry Street.—FOH—







    ds (lawfully jinoved to or from

    place desired.

    •s lof' • v'igar'a Peed store, or

    •ssod to Richard Robson, Rah

    Post-ofHoe,| promptly attended

    1845. 1882.THE

    MUTUAL BENEFITLife Insurance Co.,

    NEWARK, Sf. J .

    AIVIZI DODD, President.

    JAMES B. PEARSON. Vicc-Prtiidcot.EDWARD L. DOBBINS, Secretary.

    Pa id PolIcjr-IIoldera since Organiza-t ion In 1845:

    Policy ClaimsDividendsSurrendered Policies...

    . . . $33,922,895 81. . . 29,054,510 07

    9,20G,14G 04

    Total $71,183,051 92

    The Kecelpts for Interest have been$14,655,915 21 more than enough topay all expenses and (axes.

    Assets, Market Value $35,804,40') 23Liabilities, New York Stand-

    ard 30,040,209 40

    Surtilus $5,15-8,100 7?

    Why run the ri?k of forfeiture? or why trust tothe unccrtainrie? of tlif a^e.'.-nu-nt p!:m> win-n •,-(.::Can g«t ABSOLUTELY NON-r6i:FEITAHLK I.VHT.ASIEat the LOWEST NKT co-Tin T H E J I I T I - A I . HENKI-ITLIKE IN^I-BAM E C'OXI-ASV, of Xrnark. Nev. .(,T>.•>.

    A party insuring at a^e So on tho anmiii! life y.'.^i.,can have:

    OVER 4 TEAM'insurance for 2 TEAKS'prjjni:;i::..OVER 1 0 VEAI^' iu-unmce for 5 YEA!I~" "rtL;;-

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    Will do well to examine pc-r^onally :U thewareroonis of the niiiinifacturi-rs. 40 Eiist14th street (Union Squtiri-), New York, theFinest Assortment of the Best Organswe have ever offend; in solid cases of nat-ural woods, or elegantly decorated in {/old,silver aiid colors. Many tutestyles art ready this season. Prices, $22to $900. Sixtj/ styles an- from $7S to$200. For rashf easy payments orrented, with agreement that if rent bepromptly paid until it amounts to the juiceof the organ it becomes the property of theperson hiring without further jiaynient.

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    T o r n p n y n i r i i l o n < \ u l r i i < i- , . f ; - . , „ ! r i . i h

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