t, :.~~;:;:~:.·:.i::;:;r::y.i«i:~,,l · 2016-05-12 · some of tbe work w hich she started....

THE WEEKLY EXPONENT. THE WEEKLY EXPO.XE:\T, DE< 13, JUI:!. ."UMBER H .Na G o<m I mcrnieiiuB iom : l!AGE S!lE Of GOOK I Is LI G G ES s MET t "" l OO NHION TO MO NH NAN I BOOK IS EXPEGTtll 0 0 0 p A 0 ('l RAM ,.:·;,;,·1::;: : ;' ,: ::.:.:e I lJ I Ir•• l n ex1.,tc 1c1., va held it Organization of Electric Students to I .Enterprise of Y. W. C. A. Is Meeting nn•l .. right f!Uar<l. BY PlAY GAST __ Profe Contribute to Support of Annual With Such Success That Extra Edi· H 0 "" nta<k '•ne- of four frt•t' th ow" P et J ;::-. nwPt whi,•h inrlu1l Class Undertaking-Other \Vork. tian of Books Is Necessary. n 11 Hartman failell :it his only t·ha11 1 , Chefs College l't1en Give t:d c t' e·n' the ,t Ganin :11111 Lall er madt• ont? :iph····· Wi th Production of "Professor's ntertaining Menu of Music. Suffragettes Appear our of thrtlC tries ap1e<'C'. Foley 11rn<l1• 0 of the ... c. ..... Un 1111,tion. ).fr. Pn•hty the meiulwr .. )!' tl E' \("'NJr•ling to pre!'ent pJau..; tlw Y. his Olll' tr.'· gooil. Sl•hC'rutt>rhnru \\'harr.on w s ma•lf' rlic J•f•rman .. ·nt dwir clnh bt•l1l a nn•drng- nt whit·b timi• tlit:>,. ,, . ( . . .A. cook hook will he i"'tn•il be ref{•rt•e tht.> fir.,.t balr. and L:illn Malady" Coll ege Dramatic Club Scores It 's Greatest Success <:ttl. 1 id )l \\.h tworth w;1..; t•lcdc'1 hC'ld a lli .. ni thP elet:tri ion• Th(' reeipe .... a frw , 1 f (it>rnrninc umpirf'd the fir . ..;t i·t·1 v. "how gn·t·n eaeh "}1ti11...,. wl1ii·h haYe been c11ntrihutc1l hy th,_. nntl SdH'rmrrhoru the ..;.el'OU11.. Tim(' of Frill::ly (>\·ening whnt w•1q; \ .. t e ohwt't ( rl1tl nieding, th!! "·yli!"' urge'1 that t>Vt>r,t llll:"Ulher he rm lo1u1g lllt'll of the colleg-t' :ts wrll :H hn.h·C's wns t·w1•11ty minutt•:--. tht"' b('...:f dramatil..' pro(hH:tiou :i':,';"tc::t HOME ECONOMI CS CLUB "l'lll". ., ,...e It .. wi .. t•. thnefort'. ..,ibh, in the "'Pring. Al·tive work in aml :\Ii"" has looked thPm OYer. HAS INTERESTING ME ETING. ,Jack· 'o·Lantern l'lub '•Tht• o outline sonw g••tH"ral rt•gul:ttions, to l'ltJ•:lra'ion for the will not The h:\Ye all Profr .. :\Cala1ly, ·· a t'Olllt'dy hy .T. gram. The pro trn •·nf •rc·p.} Ii\ 1 "tu l1·nt St•nat<'. in co111me:i cJ until after tht> holi1la,v". het>n "'"<'ureU. Thr r .. "g:ulnr m<'eting of tb€' HnnH• ).1. Barrie . ..:\ f:iir sizrd ernwd grt•eterl l 1 ln(" n111l g-nl•l tlir lti11g litu's whh·h thf' eluhi The next matter for ..... ion ·wa ).Jj .. .., Baldwin of the art department, Eeonomie" dub wa"' Jwld Frida:· at th<" the 11roductiou. 1 me n. To carrv w ll('h m i.rh latt r form in ).f. C' shoul1l that of gfrinj! the :\fontannn aml \·ie Yallc>au haYe thnrge of th·' hour . g:ne au Tbe plar pre<.;cnts nn nhRent mind.C'l in t 'lt' n1.u11on f th•· of the aid. ..\ftl·r n few remark-. from tho-.•' ··on·r <.'uts and something Yer.v outline of the work of i•luh..; profe..,:-;or, who in loYe, does not know ... Le orgauizt•r1. pn·,i•nt it <leeitlecl that the book tit anJ npprupdate is assured. The in other in«titutiorus nt thico meeting- ic aud has not the itlea who \fter l!;t.'1H"nii in which was for the goo1l of the college a"' ;l book will contain a.bout J'.?.3 page". and Yalunhle sug,1?cstions werr the woman tlrnt lu .. · is in 10,·e with. ;1 l.1rg-t! number of thl: ::is well whol('- and bring snc-h recehe The contract for 1 ,:>00 COJiies h::t!-:i been obtaine<l. His old !'l'hool friend, Dr. Cose11s, is .ls Pr<'si1lt>nt Jf::tmiltnn and Pr11fes...:.or th<' of the entire Hu.Jent ho•h. lf't to Detrich, whose work bas alway., ).li'"s Al1la Rmitll r('ad a letter from treating him an1l th,• .\tkiu-.on, who were i•re!' nt, took i1a.rt, lt was thrn Yoted to donate $.JJJO to hel."'n \'NY in the past. On· Grace ('lark to the elnb. :\.!is5 nature of the malady, but doeR not W:tJ•pre" at1 d () tie full E"Xt1•n1 a111l it wns to appoint a committee the staff. The matter of ha dug n clnh ly ::mo eopies of the book were printe<1 ('Iark was formerl_v a student at tbP wish to it to the profe!=i!.:or. Ht3 ·low•trd st:1tC"1l that altJwuJ.!h it w11<> to pn•p:ire some regulatiirns and haYe picture taken Sunday wa" broug-ht two years ngo, but this number wa'< coJJege, gra.dunting with the of is thwart('(} in hb hopes by the profes· iardt>st (•rot:?"rnm e\t>r utfrmpted J,y •hem f.iuhmitretl fur cnni-;i<lerntion and up and it dHided th:tt an bot1r fouud becauf.e of tile grea! ·J1, and whi le here Rhe was one of secretary, Lucy White, who i.s, <·ollt•ge hamJ. H wns carrie1l out :u•tion in the manner proYidecl by tht? later in the day would be more <'OnYen· demand for the book throughout the members of the club. )liss as the doetor more than n. match 1 than nuv J•re,·wus program. of the student Senate. ient for the club than the on(' !:(Ct so Cl nrk is now l ocated in South Afric:.1. fo r him. e tlii11g that the chef uniforms The committ(>e appointed con!iiste<l of ae:curdingly the change was mndc and :Miss llark i ns spoke on the late El· The first act closes wit h the doct or "lb tlrnt the t•ollegt> band siix students from among those present, e,·ery club member t:rged to be pres- Professo r R. A. 'ooley is in tbe Bit· Jen Il . Richards, who was the founder of dec laring to the t be na t uN nnil three faculty The mem· ent. one of the lar gest and best home sci· of his malady and refusi ng to tell who in the .. iou of the organizt.· hers appointed were, from the stu· the meeting the freshmen ter Root va ll ey this week on work co11· enee schools in the count ry. It was the woman is, declaring that it is a b<.>t'D handed down by former clent!' Chas . Han en, 'Valter ' Vi1Mll 1 enrolled in the e1ectrica1 course were neeted wi th t he Farmers' I nst itute<; decided after this talk that the club thi!lg that the professor should find s. nre out of date and in Ralph Brabrook, F. W. Schumacher, taken into the cl ub. being held there should raise a fund to help enrry on ont for himself. The aet io .. is compli· wor!<ie thnn no nt a11. other intere!<=ting feature of the \:ibly was when the women of the g-e enrolled ns members of the l Suffrage club appeared in derby and Xo violent dem- ations were ma<lC', but n. grent rnt of nmu,,.ement was on appearance. <' Jirogram as gh'en hy the band 1,1 gooil to mi!'•-, it .i<.; printed in n th-e ]a ... t 1•age of the paper. E MONTANAN PICTURES WILL BE TAK EN SUNDAY. e taking o.i the ph•tnres of the al organizat1011H at the college will -9tnue Sunday at which time the R. "" club wil1 meet at Schlechten 's at ) and thr play cast of the "Pro· John Tait and Bert Cla r kston and some of tbe work which she started. Chti}cl by the appearance of nu elderly from the faculty, Professors Knen le, Miss Rausie Roeche r was placed in dame, who desires to capture tlie pro· Gilruth and Atkinson. GOll[G[ ijUINTETTE · aEFEATS charge of this. fessor fo r herself an<l who is :tided by Tbe commitee named met at the call her sou and bis wife. of the chairman, on Tuesday e'"ening. BOUFFONS PLAN TO HAVE In the act the action changes After a brief it vrns decided DANCE ON WEDNESDAY to the country e 8 tate of Sir George, to ask the young ladles of the college ClUB IN "lJrre the harve't is being gathererl. to appoint two members and tbe two Iuvirations are out fo r the first Bouf- 'Ti;e profe:-sor is singularly li!tht·heart- clubs ::llread:· formed to appoint fon dance to be giYen year """"ed· t:>cl and cannot explain bi!':> He une to act as members of the 11ecday en;iliug in liall . The be:>t uneoni:;cimisl_v is making: love to LUC.\' eommittee. Thi larger committee of music h<!6 heen se.:urr·cl und refresh- "'hite, who rt'gar.dcd !l!-1 a parasite not hi ut itlljgl e:xplected a W1"th W1'lcomb Out of L" 1neup the College Team Secures 111ents \illl \.,e !'en·ed . Jn adilition to and a sneak by the gister. mretrng wt >e ea e< atH regu atwn' , this, the ball will be mo•t attraeti.-el;• The act 0 1 0 , 05 with ihe profe,.or tarry· drawn up an.I 'ubmitted in a day or Victory--College Team !:; Not in Best Form Al- deeorate•l, and e,·eryt11ing poi nts to a rng oif Lucy. who b in a simulate<! two. mo!it delightful time Jaint, a plan which had originated lY-ith though Score Favors the Them 14 Points the dowager ,;, she p1am1eu on doing OfflGEflS ARE GHOSEN BY THE GOllEGE GRANGE of quick passes. Gosman made good a try for goal. C'otner followed with an· other. Foul called 011 the colleg-:> for two men on tl1c> ball. Laller ma<le the basket. Short !;• aftt•r"ard a SGHUOl OF MUSIG IN SUGGESSf Ul REGITAl this same trick herself. Tbe last act closes the action happilr for all except thr dowager, her son an•l 11is wife, who nre very much discom· fil ted at the turn affairs tnke. The last two acts are heJ1,rd a great deal by •\ Yery hy·pJay between tWO Of r \, Malady·· :it the pJnce a Same Officers Are Re-elected With One Although tl1e college team <lid not display nearly the playing ability that had been expeec· ed of them, they won from the team r epresenting the Carroll club oi Ht-1 ena by a score of 31 to 1 i. in the con· test W'"e<lnesday n ight. fou l was called on thC' eollt-ge and the L arge Attenda nce Greets Students Helena forward failed at the try. Foley Musi c in Regul ar Recital Held of ; hr fa rm and t he professor ·.1 maicl.' hour Jater. At W'if ham's the E xception at Meeting Monday. 'fhe hcaxier parts were taken by maceuticnl c1ub will meet at 11 :00; Other Business Transacted. This was the first game of the sea· son which fact may account .for the poor showing made, but time after time easy tries for bas.kets were missetl by th e Coll egians and they let the Hel· ena men get away from them time and time again-often times resulting in a basket for the visitors. made it good for two, how(lyer, ns recovered the ba ll at once and connect· ed wi th the ring. Several quick pas:,cs followed in the next play and resultetl in anothe r b aske t by Gosman . Roc;.3 fouled by r unn i ng with the ball and Laller failed at the try. llartman made a long shot whic h was The next play was fumb led, but Gosman re· co,·ered the ba ll and a long }>ass tn RMs netted the college two more points. Ross r epeated for two mor..,., Gan·in made one of the prettiest bas· kets of t he e\·e-t1i ng from midfield and was foll owed by a si milar basket from Rof.ls just befo re the close of the ha l f.. Saturd ay Afternoon. 'hemical club at II :J.5; the Y. at 11 :311 an<l the four preparatory 1 es at noon. Jn addition to thi'3 Pr-in-Chief Vestal urges that all lhave not already done so haxe in uaJ pietures taken at W'itham ·s. JR toR BASKETBAll TEAM IS ANNOUNGED Pla y at L ovell a nd Cowley, Wy- oming, Al so Pl ay Tri ple B's of Billings. ach Dockstader ba1;J announced the team will leave on · e:tstern trip the middle ot next l'., prollab1y on '\\•dne!-day. On that rng they "i!J play the· town team •OYell, ''yorniug: the next eYening- wilJ play the Big Horn Aca<lamy tcd at t'owley. \Yyvming. and on .. ay "ill lllt'f:t the t'amou"' Triple A at Hilling..;.. l1l' fu .. t i" not ah..,oluteh- a" I. hut tlw otht . .'r" <1n• untl g-u;tr:.rn · to ("UY<>r expen ... e ... }J<lYe 1 :-l•Cun.•11. .\1 Bi.lling-... the ... quall hr .. :ak up for tht• Chrbtma" . I'urth1..•r tlatt' .. have> not been nr· .?:Nl for unt..,itlt• of thn-.e pre\'iomdv tio1w1l rn tht• EXJ•Ollt nt. . ouch Doek ... ta<ler lrns nl!"O nnnounl·e<l •w plau of practi1•t.• an<l from now on holJ n•;.nilnr !<l.'rimmaRe on T1w..;. an1l 'Yt.•1h11..• .. day There ' be 'it'rimnrnge on other e,·en i n..; wdl. hut tht• .. .,, two will he t-C't rt for tl1i:- wurk. He tl.:>..;.ires al1 of to μ-et cll)wn to the ball '-t'l' tht• tt'am in nction on the!'e two • 1ings :ma although there will not he eat dC'al of opportunity for be· " the holiday:.', the same plan will adhered to following the ,·aeatlon. t hn, been 'tated that the "ter' will probably be .,.n hand ou for the f•t1TJ'O!:e of get in °'l111le yell One of the most important of the State College Grange was held in the se·wing rooms of the home science depnrtmcnt Monday e,·eni ng, at which time officers for the coming year were chosen. Jn eYery ca5:c the officers for the past year were except in the case of chaplain, whe re John B. Ta it was chosen to succeed Ford B. Lei na rd. The officers a re: )!aster, L. G. Scherme rhor n; stew· a.rd, R. C'. J ones; assistant steward, Le· ray \\' i lley; l ady n sistant steward, Georgia Cullum; A l- fred Atkinson; gate keeper. J. Edward Hodgski5is; secretary, Joseph D. gan; tre:i.surer, R. F. Miller; chaplain, .l ohn B. Tai t; court ladieo:, Flora, Ella Harmon; Pomona, Balliugcr. It is expected that a large delegation will attend the meeting of the 8tate Grange when it mel'ts in .Junuary. Steps were taken toward ha dng a di! \\"ithin the first twenty seeontls oi play tbe college made their first cou· nect ion with the ring. Bing Hotlgskbs sco r ing on a signa l play . 'fhe Helena men rallied and took the lead from the Co ll eg ians in the next few but it was shortly regain tl by the col· lege when Cotner and Gosman each '-?· cured a field basket . From this on the eollege held their p1aee in the lea.I. Fo r the college there was no partic· ular star. They won, j)laying as a unit and each man did well. <.'otner rolled an in<li,·idual oi tf!n po i nts-the highetit made in the This was his first collegt.• gamt:'. He• replaee<l. \\.ilcomlJ of l<n;t yf:'ar "<tuad at centC'r, the latter b1.:"i11g coniiued 111 his home on aecount of 1111· The music recital held in the nssem· bly room of the college Saturday after· noon at two o'clock, under the auspi ces of rhe music department, displayed great ta l ent on the part of the perfo rm · ers. The difficult compositions of ,·ar· ied natu re were rendered exceptionnlly wen and Pr of. Pau l :McXeeley and Blnnche 1'Ic)Jeel ey deserve rspeciu l credit for the of the affair .. The program gi,·en followb : \\ 7 achs.......... ....... Yalse de Salon "Willie Loni!!le Fenner ......... . The score stood 16 to f.I in faYor of Beaumont. ........ C'on .. Amor\• Collegians at the end of the this half. :\Ii!':S Frankie Koch. The college returned with the sam" Bohm ............................................ Ln Orace lineup in the second half. Germa i n.,,. :\Iyrtle Hollier. Kyle Jones ns the profess r, nnd Mis':i )[yers as Lucy White, the profes· -;or's secretary. George Rooseve lt the docto r an<l :Miss l\ [ yrt le Al derson, (Contin n e<l on Page Thr ee.) UEBATE TO BE HElD MONDAY IN MAIN HAll P.o th Teams Are in Good Condition- Coll ege H as Accepted Unjverci · ty' s Question. The date for the annun l d('bate be· replneerl in the te!l.m Bachmann.... . .. Les Sylpbes tween the two lower cias!-l i lM haR been cmd the lattt"•r was called on to ::\Iit:.:s Yera Harris. the !-ieC'Oll( f pa rt of the ('ontest. Bohm..... . ..... Am Berg Znell moYt•d forward to )fonday t.'Yeniug. at the b(•ginniug of this half the eol Azalia Liufirld. Owing to th<' fnct that a number on the kge men had three trie8. bne each fail- \\';1chs.... ......................... t'aprict• l'ivie Lt:':1gue Lecturl' cour:;e has been ed to C'Onnect with the basket. Go:-:· !>earl ll('ighton. for Friday, it ''a!'{ decided man then threw a basket, Uut it was not Binet...... ........ l'antai:-;r· T:uantelli that it would he ndd!-!ablr to bold the gree ream on the grm111jl this time lis attraetPrl lllO'-t of the nttentiu11 ior anil a tomm i rteC' wns n11pointccl to sec the dsitors. He was substitute on la-.t tonnted as br httd fouled in the pn•· Lelia Linfh .. ld. <lehate on auothrr rvcning. t>t.•di111! se1·imnw.;.rc>.. Gan·in 111nde goml B:tclunann... . .. Air ... nn<l Grae•• Both of thr cl:1ss havt."' been· tbat this was <lon year's t enm and hi'.".!- work at on the frt.•(' throw. Following a st•ri:"":-; ).fi .. s Hnberta Henry. training hard for thr past few weeks the bu,,.iness se .. c.inn hail com(' to a tlosf", the following interesting pro· gram wa" giYt•n: gunr1l \\"1;•dnes1lay wus g-0011 !"Us hf' w•1:-: the me:-ins of breaking up oi tht• collc'ge pla.'·"'. Poley :il"'o 1·laye•l a goool gam<' at forwtn1l, being 111 t:Ylry phy antl a diffh-ult man to coYl:r. of :--hort passes, llartmnn tht' Cho11iu, up. -tn, ::'.'\o. 1 ......... Pononais0 and promise n. eonte-st of mor(' thnu nexr two points. Gm.man foule1l an1l )fi:-s \"ie Ynllenn. interest. Tlw lrt·i-ihman tt.>am, (;er111:1iue failed. 1'ime w:1s tnkc>n out !HI, Xo. 4 ....... Impromptu l'omposed uf Frank C'ttssitly. Mollil' _\.I Piano and Yalll'au; di:-;eu..,,.,ion, of LitC'rfir/ in the Gr:.rngl', ·• Carl Peter· <.,on; ,·iolin "'010. Proft':o"HI' H. F. ).filll'r; .. I Parcels Po:-;t in Europe anrl the rnited Stnteo;:, ·' Presi1h•11t Hamil· ton. The> meeting rJo ... p1l with thf' ing of a number of old familiar collegr The g:tllll' in 1letail follow"': lor a H1•lc>na man. Ootner "'Cored altt:r I ).fi.,, Florc>nt'e lc>n and D:n·id Steel, nndrr Willard .\t two long- paAs('-:; ancl Jlt•l1 1 11a foult"l, R .... Bark. Hark, thr Ln.rk coach, ha,·r rn:nlc g01)d Ro!-, making good in th(' try. Jlrlen:t :\li"'s Kammlln•r. ancl t'xpect to mnke tunfrst a Jl\·ely On the fir)o.t jump Cotner .. ·d thf• ball and 011 a "igwtl play Ho•ll.! .. ki"':-> slipped up from guanl nnd 111a1lt> th" fir ... t t·wo for the (\illt•,i!iau ... was the first :?O of play and incid(.•ntly was the only madr Uy the husky guard. Thl' Hl•I· foulf'd nnd failed this time . <'ho11in. op. 6:?. "\ro. 1 ........... Xodurn(' one. C'o:H·h Gilruth hns takt:n l':trl\ of Timl' bad to lie> tnken out for Folt-.\-, ).fi...:.s )land .\lex:indn. tlw sophomore team, con"istiug of Al- w!lo hurt his anklf'. A duuhle foul foi· ").IacDowell, op. -16. )."o. ..Polonai--• frl"'d EbPrlc>, .\lfred LinJit.•1d nud Hoh· PRESIDENT HAMILTON ADDRESSES HELENA MEN. h·w1·'1. neither ... id(' 111t the try. Flnhr now repl11ct"d :n• tht• for· w;1nl Gt'rmaiue ..,ecur1•d two ena men were put on tht.•ir gnanl with and C 1 an·i11 had SlH't't·---; with a thi!:I ancl minutl''i in tlnnY. fr11111 midfield. Cotner nn<l F'luhr i'e1uling the hull o\·rr the flnor hc:>io··\• 1·ael1 a1ldeJ a goal and ).f:idd1.x Presitlent Hamilton re t urned f rom the next bai:;ket wa" mailt'. A pile·up n•11laced Gosman at the guard pusitiou. Helrna \\'ednestlay morning nfter a oeeurrt.>d at the front of the hall dnr· Foley the nPxt nnrl tirn,.. brief trip, the 1•rindpal businesi; o( ing this time in whieb Tai haJ to be taken out for G:irvin. In '' hich to rrspou<l to an in,·itation man, the gatekeeper, W:l'.'1 a princi1 1 :d the last two mi nutes of play thr ganH' of t he He l ena Commerieal club to character. Foley tripped a Collegian slowe<l down a great deal. l111wr,·1•r. speak on Stnte College . The nnd in the try Ross r'ailetl and a. mill· Foley added three points on n. fielJ onl:· other out of town gppaker was nte later Foley secured the ba!-.ktt nnd free throw. The fin:tl score was Lieut enant GoYer nor Allen . who spoke for Helena. L aller followed hi"' Iea1l l'ollegians 31, C'nrroll club li. on t he per ma nent mill ta.."I: for the short!:· afterwo.rd ancl ruhled two more Thi:' lineups :111J indh·iclual for :\Ii"" Ruth Hartman. '' THE P ROFE S SOR 'S MALADY '' IS FINANCIAL SUCCESS. .At a meeting of thf' .laek 'o·Lnnterns TurHday no finnnrinl rrport" were ready in regnrd to the of the production giYen the Friday prt'.'\"· iou..;.. However. it was htatetl that th<' club nettecl a. larger than at any of their former productions. An an1lit tommittec ellnsbtin,:r of "'altrr \\'ilJo;:on, )fox l\enck and port of the st ate of learn· 10 the visitors' score On tht next thtl two were fi'i follow..;. : ing. play the hnll went out nftl'T n l'arroll eluh-Gnn·in (.3) ::ip1°ointeil · o look O\'er th• C'L'nter; 1 rnt:t.led at tlH' play. ert T. Kellt•y. Tht• fJUC•stion on thp -.dtlr111t•nt nf bhor di .. putt"s liy compul!wry arhitra tion and the fn•:-:hmt·n will 1kl'1·n<l tht· affirmatin· side> ul thr prnpot<ition. 1'11\• ju<lg-t•s for tht• t·ontt>""I "di he> Profe .. \Y. F . .BrC'w1·r, lJ. Hpanltling anli C. Drnrl1orn. 'rhe •• 'l'hat n. miu· imum wage to 'Le operativr in work cohops. fa.ctoril'"', departn1ent :uirl the \owentt>d industrie:s shou ld be es· throughout thr llnitr1l granted.''- !<ubmitkd hy thc:i unhn!-;ity hnr.; bC'cn n.cc.:>ptt.'d a111l wurk will bt' 1•ommeuerd at onee. .\ qne:-tion al!iO Lrfu milted 111 l'tah .. ,.\. ('. for :lpprO\

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. Na G l~ES ~"'~~~~=~'~"' o<m I mcrnieiiuB iom : l!AGE S!lE Of GOOK I :.~~;":;:~:.·:.i::;:;r::Y.i«i:~,,L: Is LI G G ES s MET t ~·. "" i'"'"r~. lU•I:~,


• 11~~. r~~.k l OO NHION TO MO NH NAN I BOOK IS EXPEGTtll l'l'~:;;';\'t.r7;~~,: ;;,;]"~~~ ''~,~;"'~'.~:

~, 0 0 0 p A 0 ('l RAM ,.:·;,;,·1::;: : ;' ,: ~.,;:ieei::: ::.:.:e ~,.ti; I ~'. ::~t~~) .'~"l ::::;h;r~~i.1~~11l;'../;'"~~:r;:1:'. ~ lJ I cluh~ Ir•• l n ex1.,tc 1c1., va held it Organization of E lectric Students to I .Enterprise of Y. W. C. A. Is Meeting nn•l llot1~ .. kh~ (~) right f!Uar<l. BY PlAY GAST

__ Profe Contribute to Support of Annual With Such Success That Extra Edi· H0"" nta<k '•ne- of four frt•t' th ow"

P et J ;::-. nwPt n~. whi,•h inrlu1l Class Undertaking-Other \Vork. tian of Books I s Necessary. n 11 Hartman failell :it his only t·ha11 1,

Chefs College l't1en Give t:d c t' e·n' the ,t ~ulenh, Ganin :11111 Lall er madt• ont? :iph····· With Production of "Professor's

ntertaining Menu of Music.

Suffragettes Appear

our of thrtlC tries ap1e<'C'. Foley 11rn<l1•

• 0 of the ... ,~11 ~r c. ..... Un 1111,tion. ).fr. Pn•hty the meiulwr .. )!' tl E' EIPi·~r \("'NJr•ling to pre!'ent pJau..; tlw Y. his Olll' tr.'· gooil. Sl•hC'rutt>rhnru wa~

\\'harr.on w s ma•lf' rlic J•f•rman .. ·nt dwir clnh bt•l1l a nn•drng- nt whit·b timi• tlit:>,. ,, . ( . . .A. cook hook will he i"'tn•il be ref{•rt•e tht.> fir.,.t balr. and L:illn thl~

Malady" College Dramatic Club

Scores It's Greatest Success

<:ttl. •1 id )l \\.h tworth w;1..; t•lcdc'1 hC'ld a ~hurt lli .. cu~"'iun ni thP elet:tri ion• Uiri--tma~. Th(' reeipe .... a frw ,1f ~et•ontl. (it>rnrninc umpirf'd the fir . ..;t

i·t·1 v . "how gn·t·n eaeh "}1ti11...,. I'rl''-iiktl~ wl1ii·h haYe been c11ntrihutc1l hy th,_. nntl SdH'rmrrhoru the ..;.el'OU11.. Tim(' of Frill::ly (>\·ening witnes~rtl whnt w•1q;

\ .. t e ohwt't ( rl1tl nieding, th!! "·yli!"' urge'1 that t>Vt>r,t llll:"Ulher he rm lo1u1g lllt'll of the colleg-t' :ts wrll :H hn.h·C's wns t·w1•11ty minutt•:--. perl1ap~ tht"' b('...:f dramatil..' pro(hH:tiou

~~·".~;.""011• ':,:::;:'. 11 11~rn;,, irfo~1:'.' :i':,';"tc::t ~'.:~1.:0~1'.',~1;1; :~r g::~'.;'~ ~~,'.~:~~~ ~,: ~;~t~: :·:: 11 ,'.~\.:'.'.:~~~;, ~~'":h:l/~:::::\::::;: • .Jtl:~; HOME E CONOMI CS CLUB ::~l~:~u:tt'.~:~:, 1 :1,'.0 ~\~,1~ ~:;~.::.~nc•:;· t~: "l'lll". ., ,...e ~ort. It .. ~·eme1l wi .. t•. thnefort'. ..,ibh, in the "'Pring. Al·tive work in aml :\Ii"" Harkin~ has looked thPm OYer. H AS INTERESTING MEETING. ,Jack· 'o·Lantern l'lub prrscntt~J '•Tht•

o outline sonw g••tH"ral rt•gul:ttions, to l'ltJ•:lra'ion for the ~huw will not h~· The atlYerti~emC'uts h:\Ye pr:li~til•:tlly all Profr .. ~or·:; :\Cala1ly, ·· a t'Olllt'dy hy .T.

gram. The pro trn •·nf •rc·p.} Ii\ 1 ~l' "tu l1·nt St•nat<'. in co111me:i cJ until after tht> holi1la,v". het>n "'"<'ureU. Thr r .. "g:ulnr m<'eting of tb€' HnnH• ).1. Barrie . ..:\ f:iir sizrd ernwd grt•eterl

l 1 ln(" n111l g-nl•l tlir lti11g litu's non~ whh·h thf' eluhi The next matter for di~cu ..... ion ·wa ).Jj .. .., Baldwin of the art department, Eeonomie" dub wa"' Jwld Frida:· at th<" the 11roductiou.

1 me n. To carrv w ll('h m i.rh latt r form in ).f. ~- C' shoul1l that of gfrinj! the :\fontannn f~11<1nci;1l aml \·ie Yallc>au haYe thnrge of th·' n~"embly hour. ).Ji~s Ile~s g:ne au Tbe plar pre<.;cnts nn nhRent mind.C'l

in t 'lt' n1.u11on f th•· m:1jorit~· of the aid. ..\ftl·r n few remark-. from tho-.•' ··on·r <.'uts and something Yer.v arti~· outline of the work of ~imil:ir i•luh..; profe..,:-;or, who i~ in loYe, does not know

~tu•1t•ut ... Le orgauizt•r1. pn·,i•nt it wa~ <leeitlecl that the book tit anJ npprupdate is assured. The in other in«titutiorus nt thico meeting- ic aud has not the ~light<':-it itlea who

\fter l!;t.'1H"nii ili~<.;(·nco"ion. in which was for the goo1l of the college a"' ;l book will contain a.bout J'.?.3 page". and man~· Yalunhle sug,1?cstions werr the woman i~ tlrnt lu .. · is in 10,·e with.

;1 l.1rg-t! number of thl: ~tudents, ::is well whol('- and bring snc-h ~hould recehe The contract for 1 ,:>00 COJiies h::t!-:i been obtaine<l. His old !'l'hool friend, Dr. Cose11s, is

.ls Pr<'si1lt>nt Jf::tmiltnn and Pr11fes...:.or th<' ~upport of the entire Hu.Jent ho•h. lf't to Detrich, whose work bas alway., ).li'"s Al1la Rmitll r('ad a letter from treating him an1l h:i~ di~H~o,·erNl th,•

.\tkiu-.on, who were i•re!' nt, took i1a.rt, lt was thrn Yoted to donate $.JJJO to hel."'n \'NY ~mtisfactory in the past. On· :\li~s Grace ('lark to the elnb. :\.!is5 nature of the malady, but doeR not

W:tJ•pre" at1 d () tie full E"Xt1•n1 a111l it wns t11~eidt•il to appoint a committee the staff. The matter of ha dug n clnh ly ::mo eopies of the book were printe<1 ('Iark was formerl_v a student at tbP wish to rr,~eal it to the profe!=i!.:or. Ht3

·low•trd st:1tC"1l that altJwuJ.!h it w11<> to pn•p:ire some regulatiirns and haYe picture taken Sunday wa" al~o broug-ht two years ngo, but this number wa'< coJJege, gra.dunting with the cht~s of is thwart('(} in hb hopes by the profes·

iardt>st (•rot:?"rnm e\t>r utfrmpted J,y •hem f.iuhmitretl fur cnni-;i<lerntion and up and it wa~ dHided th:tt an bot1r fouud in~ufficient becauf.e of tile grea! ·J1, and whi le here Rhe was one of th~ ~or's· secretary, Lucy White, who i.s,

<·ollt•ge hamJ. H wns carrie1l out :u•tion in the manner proYidecl by tht? later in the day would be more <'OnYen· demand for the book throughout the enthu~ia~tic members of the club. )liss as the doetor ~ays, more than n. match

1 than nuv J•re,·wus program. ~rrnstitution of the student Senate. ient for the club than the on(' !:(Ct so ~tnte. Clnrk is now located in South Afric:.1. for him.

e tlii11g that the chef uniforms The committ(>e appointed con!iiste<l of ae:curdingly the change was mndc and :Miss llarkins spoke on the late El· T he first act closes with the doctor

~ted "lb tlrnt the t•ollegt> band siix students from among those present, e,·ery club member t:rged to be pres- Professor R. A. 'ooley is in tbe Bit· Jen Il. Richards, who was the founder of dec laring to the profes~or t be natuN

nnil three faculty member~. The mem· ent. one of t he l argest and best home sci· of his malady and refusi ng to tell w ho

in the po~se!; .. iou of the organizt.· hers appointed were, from the stu· Follo~· i ng the meeting the freshmen ter Root valley this week on work co11· enee schools in the count ry. It was the woman is, declaring that it is a

lrnn~ b<.>t'D handed down by former clent!' Chas. Han en, 'Valter ' Vi1Mll1 enrolled in the e1ectrica1 course were neeted wi th t he Farmers' I nst itute<; decided after this talk that the cl ub t hi!lg that the professor should find

s. nre mi~fit">, out of date and in Ralph Brabrook, F . W. Schumacher, taken into the club. being held there should raise a fund to help enrry on ont for himself. The aet io .. is compli·

wor!<ie thnn no uniform~ nt a11.

other intere!<=ting feature of the

\:ibly was when the women of the

g-e enrolled ns members of the

l Suffrage club appeared in derby

and men·~ coat~. Xo violent dem­

ations were ma<lC', but n. grent

rnt of nmu,,.ement was eau~ed on


<' Jirogram as gh'en hy the band

1,1 gooil to mi!'•-, ~o it .i<.; printed in

n th-e ]a ... t 1•age of the paper.



e taking o.i the ph•tnres of the

al organizat1011H at the college will

-9tnue Sunday at which time the R.

"" club wil1 meet at Schlechten 's at

) and thr play cast of the "Pro·

John Tait and Bert Cla rkston and some of tbe work which she started. Chti}cl by the appearance of nu elderly

from the faculty, Professors Knen le, Miss Rausie Roecher was placed in dame, who desires to capture tlie pro·

Gilruth and Atkinson. GOll[G[ ijUINTETTE ·aEFEATS charge of this. fessor fo r herself an<l who is :tided by

Tbe commitee named met at the call her sou and bis wife.

of the chairman, on Tuesday e'"ening. BOUFFONS PLAN TO HAVE In the ~econd act the action changes

After a brief discus~ion it vrns decided DANCE ON WEDNESDAY to the country e8 tate of Si r Geo rge,

to ask the young ladles of the college C~RROll ClUB IN BASKETB~ll "lJrre the harve't is being gathererl.

to appoint two members and tbe two Iuvirations are out fo r the first Bouf- 'Ti;e profe:-sor is singularly li!tht·heart-

~tudeut clubs ::llread:· formed to appoint fon dance to be giYen thi~ year """"ed· t:>cl and cannot explain bi!':> feeling~. He

une meml.>c~r to act as members of the 11ecday en;iliug in Elk~· liall . The be:>t uneoni:;cimisl_v is making: love to LUC.\'

eommittee. Thi larger committee ha~ of music h<!6 heen se.:urr·cl und refresh- "'hite, who i~ rt'gar.dcd !l!-1 a parasite

not ~·et m~ltl. hi ut itlljgl e:xplected ltb~t a W1"th W1'lcomb Out of L"1neup the College Team Secures 111ents \illl \.,e !'en·ed. Jn adilition to and a sneak by the profc~sor's gister.

mretrng wt >e ea e< atH regu atwn' , this, the ball will be mo•t attraeti.-el;• The act 0 10 , 05 with ihe profe,.or tarry·

drawn up an.I 'ubmitted in a day or Victory--College Team !:; Not in Best Form Al- deeorate•l, and e,·eryt11ing po ints to a rng oif Lucy. who b in a simulate<!

two. mo!it delightful time Jaint, a plan which had originated lY-ith

though Score Favors the Them 14 Points the dowager ,;, she p1am1eu on doing


BY THE GOllEGE GRANGE of quick passes. Gosman made good a

try for goal. C'otner followed with an·

other. Foul wa~ called 011 the colleg-:>

for two men on tl1c> ball. Laller ma<le

the basket. Short !;• aftt•r"ard a ~econJ



this same trick herself.

Tbe last act closes the action happilr

for all except thr dowager, her son an•l

11is wife, who nre very much discom·

fil ted at the turn affairs tnke. The last

two acts are heJ1,rd a great deal by •\

Yery 3illU~ing hy·pJay between tWO Of

r \, Malady·· :it the ~nme pJnce a Same Officers Are Re-elected With One

Although tl1e college ba..,ke ~ball team

<lid not display nearly the ba~ketball

playing ability that had been expeec·

ed of them, they won from the team

representing the Carroll club oi Ht-1

ena by a score of 31 to 1 i. in the con·

test W'"e<lnesday night. fou l was called on thC' eollt-ge and the Large Attendance Greets Students

Helena forward failed at the try. Foley Music in Regular Recital Held

of ; hr fa r m laborer~ and t he professor ·.1

maicl . '

hour Jater. At W'if ham's the E xception at Meeting Monday. 'fhe hcaxier parts were taken by

maceuticnl c1ub will meet at 11 :00; Other Business Transacted. This was the first game of the sea·

son which fact may account .for the

poor showing made, but time after

time easy tries for bas.kets were missetl

by the Collegians and they let the Hel·

ena men get away from them time and

time again-often times resulting in a

basket for the visitors.

made it good for two, how(lyer, ns h~

recovered the ba ll at once and connect·

ed with the ring. Several quick pas:,cs

followed in the next play and resultetl

in anothe r baske t by Gosman . Roc;.3

fouled by r unn ing with the ball and

Laller failed at the try. llartman made

a long shot which was succ~ssfu l. The

next play was fumb led, but Gosman re·

co,·ered the ba ll and a long }>ass tn

RMs netted the college two more

points. Ross repeated for two mor..,.,

Gan·in made one of the prettiest bas·

kets of t he e\·e-t1i ng from midfield and

was fo ll owed by a similar basket from

Rof.ls just before the c lose of the ha lf..

Saturday Afternoon .

'hemical club at II :J.5; the Y. ~.

at 11 :311 an<l the four preparatory

1 es at noon. Jn addition to thi'3

Pr-in-Chief Vestal urges that all

lhave not already done so haxe in

uaJ pietures taken at W'itham ·s.



Play at L ovell a nd Cowley, W y­

oming, Also Play Triple B ' s

of Billings.

ach Dockstader ba1;J announced

the ba~k<>thall team will leave on

· e:tstern trip the middle ot next

l'., prollab1y on '\\•dne!-day. On that

rng they "i!J play the· town team

•OYell, ''yorniug: the next eYening­

wilJ play the Big Horn Aca<lamy

tcd at t'owley. \Yyvming. and on

.. ay the~· "ill lllt'f:t the t'amou"' Triple A at Hilling..;..

l1l' fu .. t ~uml: i" not ah..,oluteh- a"

I. hut tlw otht . .'r" <1n• untl g-u;tr:.rn ·

~uffo:ieut to ("UY<>r expen ... e ... }J<lYe

1 :-l•Cun.•11. .\1 Bi.lling-... the ... quall

hr .. :ak up for tht• Chrbtma" va~a-

. I'urth1..•r tlatt' .. have> not been nr·

.?:Nl for unt..,itlt• of thn-.e pre\'iomdv

tio1w1l rn tht• EXJ•Ollt nt. .

ouch Doek ... ta<ler lrns nl!"O nnnounl·e<l

•w plau of practi1•t.• an<l from now on

holJ n•;.nilnr !<l.'rimmaRe on T1w..;.

an1l 'Yt.•1h11..• .. day eq•ning~. There

' be ~ome 'it'rimnrnge on other e,·en

i n..; wdl. hut tht• .. .,, two will he t-C't

rt for tl1i:- wurk. He tl.:>..;.ires al1 of

~tudt•nts to µ-et cll)wn to the ball

'-t'l' tht• tt'am in nction on the!'e two

• 1ings :ma although there will not he

eat dC'al of opportunity for thl~ be·

" the holiday:.', the same plan will

adhered to following the ,·aeatlon.

t hn, al~o been 'tated that the

"ter' will probably be .,.n hand ou

·t.~ eq•nin~ for the f•t1TJ'O!:e of get

in °'l111le yell prn~tice.

One of the most important meetin~s

of the State College Grange was held

in the se·wing rooms of the home science

depnrtmcnt Monday e,·en ing, at which

time officers for the coming year were

chosen. Jn eYery ca5:c the officers for

the past year were cho~en, except in

the case of chaplain, where John B.

Ta it was chosen to succeed F ord B.

Lei na rd. The officers a re:

)!aster, L . G. Schermerhor n; stew·

a.rd, R. C'. J ones; assistant steward, L e·

ray \\' illey; lady n sistant steward,

1fi~s Georgia Cullum; °'·er~eerer, A l­

fred Atkinson; gate keeper. J . Edward

Hodgski5is; secretary, Joseph D. ~Ior·

gan; tre:i.surer, R. F. Miller; chaplain,

.lohn B. Tai t ; court ladieo:, Flora, E lla

Harmon; ('ere~\ ).Ii~s Hes~; Pomona,

Mi~s Balliugcr.

It is expected that a large delegation

will attend the meeting of the 8tate

Grange when it mel'ts in .Junuary.

Steps were taken toward ha dng a di!

\\"ithin the first twenty seeontls oi

play tbe college made their first cou·

nect ion with the ring. Bing Hotlgskbs

sco ring on a signal play. 'fhe Helena

men rallied and took the lead from the

Coll egians in the next few miuute~,

but it was shortly regain tl by the col·

lege when Cotner and Gosman each '-?·

cured a field basket. From this on

the eollege held their p1aee in the lea.I.

For the college there was no partic·

ular star. They won, j)laying as a

unit and each man did well. <.'otner

rolled uµ an in<li,·idual ~tore oi tf!n

po ints-the highetit made in the gnn11~.

This was his first collegt.• gamt:'. He•

replaee<l. \\.ilcomlJ of l<n;t yf:'ar ·~ "<tuad

at centC'r, the latter b1.:"i11g coniiued 111

his home on aecount of sil·kn~~s. 1111·

The music recital held in the nssem·

bly room of the college Saturday after·

noon at two o'clock, under the auspices

of rhe music department, displayed

great ta lent on the part of t he perform ·

ers. The difficult compositions of ,·ar·

ied nature were rendered exceptionnlly

wen and P rof. Paul :McXeeley and .Mis~

Blnnche 1'Ic)Jeeley deserve rspeciu l

credit for the :succe~s of the affair ..

The program gi,·en followb :

\\7 achs.......... . ...... Yalse de Salon

Mi~s "Willie Loni!!le Fenner ......... .

The score stood 16 to f.I in faYor of ih~ Beaumont. . ....... C'on .. Amor\•

Collegians at the end of the this half. :\Ii!':S Frankie Koch.

The college returned wi t h the sam" Bohm ............................................ Ln Orace

lineup in the second half. Germain.,,. ::\[i~s :\Iyrtle Hollier.

Kyle Jones ns the profess r, nnd Mis':i

~\fae ) [yers as Lucy White, the profes·

-;or's secretary. George Rooseve lt wa~

the docto r an<l :Miss l\[yrt le Al derson,

(Contin ne<l on Page Three.)



P.oth Teams Are in Good Condition­

College H as Accepted Unjverci ·

ty' s Question.

The date for the annunl d('bate be·

replneerl L~lller in the Yi~iting te!l.m Bachmann.... . .. Les Sylpbes tween the two lower cias!-lilM haR been

cmd the lattt"•r was called on to refere~ ::\Iit:.:s Yera Harris.

the !-ieC'Oll(f pa rt of the ('ontest. Ri~ht Bohm..... . ..... Am Berg Znell moYt•d forward to )fonday t.'Yeniug.

at the b(•ginniug of this half the eol )li~s Azalia Liufirld. Owing to th<' fnct that a number on the

kge men had three trie8. bne each fail- \\';1chs.... . ........................ Ynl~e t'aprict• l'ivie Lt:':1gue Lecturl' cour:;e has been

ed to C'Onnect with the basket. Go:-:· )fis~ !>earl ll('ighton. ~che<luletl for Friday, it ''a!'{ decided

man then threw a basket, Uut it was not Binet...... . ....... l'antai:-;r· T:uantelli that it would he ndd!-!ablr to bold the

gree ream on the grm111jl ~tt this time lis attraetPrl lllO'-t of the nttentiu11 ior

anil a tomm irteC' wns n11pointccl to sec the dsitors. He was substitute on la-.t tonnted as br httd fouled in the pn•· ){i~~ Lelia Linfh .. ld. <lehate on auothrr rvcning.

t>t.•di111! se1·imnw.;.rc>.. Gan·in 111nde goml B:tclunann... . .. Air ... nn<l Grae•• Both of thr cl:1ss tram~ havt."' been·

tbat this was <lon year's cnlleg~ t enm and hi'.".!- work at on the frt.•(' throw. Following a st•ri:"":-; ).fi .. s Hnberta Henry. training hard for thr past few weeks

.\.ftc~r the bu,,.iness se .. c.inn hail com('

to a tlosf", the following interesting pro·

gram wa" giYt•n:

gunr1l \\"1;•dnes1lay wus g-0011 !"Us hf' w•1:-:

the me:-ins of breaking up man~· oi tht•

collc'ge pla.'·"'. Poley :il"'o 1·laye•l a goool

gam<' at forwtn1l, being 111 t:Ylry phy

antl a diffh-ult man to coYl:r.

of :--hort passes, llartmnn ~cored tht' Cho11iu, up. -tn, ::'.'\o. 1 ......... Pononais0 and promise n. eonte-st of mor(' thnu

nexr two points. Gm.man foule1l an1l )fi:-s \"ie Ynllenn. pa~sin~ interest. Tlw lrt·i-ihman tt.>am,

(;er111:1iue failed. 1'ime w:1s tnkc>n out ~chubert. !HI, Xo. 4 ....... Impromptu l'omposed uf Frank C'ttssitly. Mollil' _\.I

Piano ~luet, :\Ii~:-<<'" ~chunrncher and

Yalll'au; di:-;eu..,,.,ion, ''\~:due of LitC'rfir/

Roeicti~s in the Gr:.rngl', ·• Carl Peter·

<.,on; ,·iolin "'010. Proft':o"HI' H. F. ).filll'r;

di~eus~ion .. I Parcels Po:-;t in Europe anrl

the rnited Stnteo;:, ·' Presi1h•11t Hamil·

ton. The> meeting rJo ... p1l with thf' sin~·

ing of a number of old familiar collegr o;:ong~ .

The g:tllll' in 1letail follow"':

lor a H1•lc>na man. Ootner "'Cored altt:r I ).fi.,, Florc>nt'e Thnrpt.~. lc>n and D:n·id Steel, nndrr Willard .\t

two long- paAs('-:; ancl Jlt•l1111a foult"l, R .... huhert·Li~zt. Bark. Hark, thr Ln.rk kin~ a~ coach, ha,·r rn:nlc g01)d pr1lgr~ss

Ro!-, making good in th(' try. Jlrlen:t :\li"'s ~ophia Kammlln•r. ancl t'xpect to mnke tht~ tunfrst a Jl\·ely

On the fir)o.t jump Cotner :-~·1·ur .. ·d thf•

ball and 011 a "igwtl play Ho•ll.! .. ki"':->

slipped up from guanl nnd 111a1lt> th"

fir ... t t·wo point~ for the (\illt•,i!iau ...

'rhi~ was the first :?O "tl'nnd~ of play

and incid(.•ntly was the only loa~kt:t

madr Uy the husky guard. Thl' Hl•I·

a~ain foulf'd nnd lfo~~ failed this time. <'ho11in. op. 6:?. "\ro. 1 ........... Xodurn(' one. C'o:H·h Gilruth hns takt:n l':trl\ of

Timl' bad to lie> tnken out for Folt-.\-, ).fi...:.s )land .\lex:indn. tlw sophomore team, con"istiug of Al­

w!lo hurt his anklf'. A duuhle foul foi· ").IacDowell, op. -16. )."o. 1~ . .Polonai--• frl"'d EbPrlc>, .\lfred LinJit.•1d nud Hoh·



h·w1·'1. neither ... id(' H'orin~ 111t the try.

Flnhr now repl11ct"d Ho~s :n• tht• for·

w;1nl po~ition. Gt'rmaiue ..,ecur1•d two

ena men were put on tht.•ir gnanl with and C1 an·i11 had SlH't't·---; with a ~imilar

thi!:I ancl ~e,·eral minutl''i pa~--e·l in tlnnY. fr11111 midfield. Cotner nn<l F'luhr

i'e1uling the hull o\·rr the flnor hc:>io··\• 1·ael1 a1ldeJ a fit~ld goal and ).f:idd1.x

Presitlent Hamilton re turned f rom the next bai:;ket wa" mailt'. A pile·up n•11laced Gosman at the guard pusitiou.

Helrna \\'ednestlay morning nfter a oeeurrt.>d at the front of the hall dnr· Foley ~eeun•d the nPxt ba~ket nnrl tirn,..

brief trip, the 1•rindpal businesi; o( ing this time in whieb Prnfe:-;~llr Tai haJ to be taken out for G:irvin. In

'' hich wa~ to r rspou<l to an in,·itation man, the gatekeeper, W:l'.'1 a princi11:d the last two minutes of play thr ganH'

of t he Helena Commerieal club to character. Foley tripped a Collegian slowe<l down a great deal. l111wr,·1•r.

speak on ~fon tana Stnte College. The nnd in the try Ross r'ailetl and a. mill· Foley added three points on n. fielJ

onl:· other out of town gppaker was nte later Foley secured the fir~t ba!-.ktt nnd free throw. The fin:tl score was

L ieut enant GoYer nor Allen . who spoke for Helena. Laller followed hi"' Iea1l l'ollegians 31, C'nrroll club li.

on t he perma nent mill ta.."I: for the ~up· short!:· afterwo.rd ancl ruhled two more Thi:' lineups :111J indh·iclual o;:cor('~ for

:\Ii"" Ruth Hartman.



.At a meeting of thf' .laek 'o·Lnnterns

TurHday t~Yenlng. no finnnrinl rrport"

were ready in regnrd to the ~m.·ce)o.s of

the production giYen the Friday prt'.'\"·

iou..;.. However. it was htatetl that th<'

club nettecl a. larger ~um than at any

of their former productions. An an1lit

in~ tommittec ellnsbtin,:r of "'altrr

\\'ilJo;:on, )fox l\enck and Un~· .fonr~.

port of the s tate in~titution" of learn· 10 the visitors' score On tht next thtl two tC'atn~ were fi'i follow..;. :

ing. play the hnll went out nftl'T n seri"~ l'arroll eluh-Gnn·in (.3)

wa~ ::ip1°ointeil · o look O\'er th• bill~

C'L'nter; 1

rnt:t.led at tlH' play.

ert T. Kellt•y.

Tht• fJUC•stion i~ on thp -.dtlr111t•nt nf

bhor di .. putt"s liy compul!wry arhitra

tion and the fn•:-:hmt·n will 1kl'1·n<l tht·

affirmatin· side> ul thr prnpot<ition. 1'11\•

ju<lg-t•s for tht• t·ontt>""I "di he> Profe ..

~or-. \Y. F . .BrC'w1·r, ~J. lJ. Hpanltling anli

C. ~. Drnrl1orn. 'rhe <1ue~tion, •• Rt·~olYed, 'l'hat n. miu·

imum wage to 'Le operativr in work

cohops. fa.ctoril'"', departn1ent "'torr~ :uirl

the \owentt>d industrie:s shou ld be es·

tahli~hetl throughout thr llnitr1l

Stat<'".-Con~titittionality g ranted.''­

!<ubmitkd hy thc:i unhn!-;ity hnr.; bC'cn

n.cc.:>ptt.'d a111l wurk will bt' 1•ommeuerd

at onee. .\ qne:-tion ha~ al!iO Lrfu ~uh

milted 111 l'tah .. ,.\. ('. for :lpprO\ ~d.

I' ;:'.•' 2 TIIE \l""EEKLY EXPO::-""E=-T. FRID.\\". Dl:<'E)lBER 13. 1!11~.

The Weelily Exponent. mt"ut ... l'an rl 1 111' po ... -.iblC' goorl n111l m'.l.\"

clo ~rt"ar harm. Christmas Candies

Perfumes and Toilet


Russell Freeman 1 COSTLY DELAYS

) fo .. t pt.•oplt' intend to

Out gr

Established Jan. 1, 1910.

u or ~[ nthly Exp D~ll • ('•

t.lhh.-.hci .hn l. 1"'''.

J>ubl1 ... hc>U en~r) l'r •. l.t) of th11 Col· )tge year ln- au {'ilit 1r1 d -..t:iii chO"l'n from the .. tudt•ut~ of the ::\Ion·nnn ~tatc f'oJIPge oJf .\_.:-nl'uiture and )[cchanh' ,\rt~. Boz"nrnn, ){ ntan:.i..


rh ~entr l l'O"' u n dw 'l ho l 'l' R, Z"'lll 1n th1• l~"l'I\'.' in

th1.• t.•a .... tern t'D•l of tli" '-tat1..• will not lJt' to?mpte•l .... :-tr· n.:h r. ~ • r -..r a .. 1t oc tt> ·1 nr )fi .... u a. f·ir thl'rt' will ht• ut .1rtl(' t'ho1c1~ l"' r"lr "'' thr• di.-tarn.•1•

Initial Stationery Cut Glass


Headquarters at the Hub Both Phones

SOME TIME, .\ud "hile putting it off hi~ ni..'1!TeC"!!te oi little :-um through their fingl."'r'. Tht"' way o .... :l, t• ~ucce-.-.full to ~an• NOW. ''"h~· uot hr~in to -;av~ 3t auspil'iou::. mumt~nt by openi !'-3\"illl?"' 3('C'OUnt at GALLATIN TRUST A ND



fr 1.1 lrnme , .... coDl'Prtlf' 1 if locateil :tt thl• .atlt'r pl:l1't>. In th1 ... ('Onnt•ctiQn it 111·· lw ~t11.t1••l th.it pr·u •wnJh· all of t 1t:' ... tatt' :r.:r. .. utu~illn" c·t' hi:.:her )t'aru i lT rt'.' :n th ·wr-..t r:1 ha:f ot rl11~ -.rn.lt

nn~l it .. houM h~ u. mor(· tlrnu fair tluP ?t 1•:1rt ot d:C'm -.honl 1 hC' plure I .... 1 t I .1 t tbt-.. ,, .. tt'.'rD :-t.'l tion may ha n:-1~ 't r ne .. ., t·' tht.lll. In lh\'.' l''·~·nt of t•m:.n"t'ttng !.t•inf' lr:ln"ft•rrt••l f(l ~[i-. -.'."lul' .1,.?r:('.11.tur..? ~Ion•• will bt.• l~t:t in t h1 t .1 , ru half l)i •he ~tah'. the ,,.t'"t

.\n•l aJ .. o olon 'r forgt>t tn mention th in:-.titution t•1 your iri ml!'. They m.n· be intere""tt'tl in attending collt'gC', lr thr~· may he> :thle to Jin~" a gooll word :llon~ t11 wht~re it will bring rc3ult ~. En•ry .... tudrnt owes that much to hi.; .\lrnu )fatt'r. .\nd don "t forget that the cnllt.'Ct' want;;; to ~et an engineer· ;o~ liuildinl! :rnrl thl' t.•nginl'ering l'Chool of tht• "'talt'. Lo1lk o,·er the articlt.•-. on that ~ubjt.•ct appearing in the Ex pc111(•11t tllri~.v :lllJ spr<'ali it among ;_111 of ,·,lttr frien1l:-', C'spl'('ialh· tho~c who m:l~~ l•l' abh.• to a~:-'"'it in° securiu~ it TIH• r 1Il1•gC' i"' the logicnJ plal'C' for ro !!i11C'i•rit1!!, an•l eq~ry effort mu'>t h~ ma•le to .!L't ir •

Hand Painted China Fountain Pens

Safety Razors

Hand Bags

The Exponent advertisers to

i~ the bl"'"t medium for Capital Sl00,000

I '.\. ~- DA YIDSOX, L"asbie

reach college ~tudcnts. =------------...:!.l Editi)r inC'hief ·-········ -~«·lm.-r I!. ~ >lbe•g. 'I l

DusiD<"• )!.1aaqrr .l're-l E r. ,j. u, ·13 :Unuai.:-rnq EJitor

Lrndsll P. D.ld•l'"·)U. ·1.::; Ci:cuJation ~[anagl'r .

.... J. Ernht llorJer. "1.3

A~ .. t. Busine~s ~ tnnn~er .Geo. ""· BLnn, ·11

)[anal!l"'r rrn h dt h:l"11l!? l:lw. Jih1>rnl :Hh anrl thP Ho;• E. ::'\[ t1 .... or, 'l;} t. thn l: ur-.t· .... lffrn ... 1 :tt thl' unin•r,.ity:

.\ci:,t. Circulation ').fana~er 'H tht' :-- .te Xorm:il .. , h• ol. th•~ )fontau.1

A Right M ove.

l)f rill the thin~-. thnt haye happen"•l on tht~ hill during the pa'St wt.>ck. Oll•'

oi I he lt'a .... t tJlkell nf. a nil Yl''t un 1l11ul1te•ll.'· thr lH.'"'t moYe ma•lC'. ha ... bc1~n th\• matter of the club-.. org1.1niz1' I H, Y l • l :irk. :-..tih' :---ch•rnl of \lua• .. at But ti."'. a.nil or

Iutcreollegiate Editor .. . Rhorla Daw!!' .. , 13

I'·'' p in .... 11t11tion-.. tlh• < 1llt'.':.t1• 11f on tht' hill. g:i\'iug- the :Oinntannn tht~lr . 1 ~ )I nt·i:;, at D1'l'r Lo·l~e. an1l the \\" .... fiu:uu:i:d haekin\.!. a .... '''\'li .'\" whatrYcr

.Athletic Rt'.'porter ... H()bt. T. Kdlevi JM .. u l-uh·1•r:-lf.'" at Tl!!'kna. a~._i ... tant'C' rh('y may he ~thlc lo) re1Hk'". GenNal HC'portcr ~·m h· thi• t~:t--tern part of the -;tflh'. in tlll' prC'Jiaration of the hook. The

.R. Lc~lie Pt•tugrew. 'l.j 'Yhich i-. rapit.11~· grnwin<.r in importanl'•~. iir~t l'lull to do this wa~ the Electri" General Reporter •:l•~:-t.'r\l? .. ~onll~ rt-cn~nition. Oud anoth· duh. at a met•ting ht'lcl l;-rid:ty. at which

·····-Cha~. A. ""hippll'. 11 l'r p·•int of import:rnct~ i~ tht> rel:itin• time tlll~.'" YOtC'd to gi,·e $5 toward put GC'neral Rt'.'portcr-:\[yrtlu ~\.lders•Jll, 'l 3 -.trength of th(I rw11 in~titution:... in en ting out the hook.

:?int'.'ering. Tht> rfllleql' Im~ the larg-t•r .\nil this "JHrit i~ lhC' spirit that cnn

and Pocket Books.


Largest Stock

Lowest Prices




28 West Main 3pe<:ial Attention P aid to Students

Sub!'eriptil1n Rat~Two Dollar.:; per year

1 five cents per copy. ~\d>ert1s·

ing rates nl:tdc kuown l)D applic:ttil)n. Entered ns st'cond cb~~ mail matter

at Bozeman, Montnna. under A.ct of Congress of March 3, l i9.

fa1•ulty, the ht'tter equipmt'.'1H. the mort"' make the cnllN!C' publication stand out ~·pac 1 · ~rnd is izenC'l'~llly known a'\ tht"' a~ thl' he"'t put out in the west. :\ot ~·hich the welfare of the college is eon· in.;

1tution for the tN1ching of praetkal only that, but it will maki' the annual ct-rnC'd and Prt'.'sident Ilamilton made

s('JC'ucc. Till' eollt•J?e ha .... n ~pedal a h('tter aJsC'rtising agenl.'y than it a otroug appeal to the men to hold to· ell't:trical buildin!r and large !'I.bops, ull now 1~. gcther as one body with the facu lty to oi whh•h would be Yaluele~..; if eng-iu- Thi-; aetinu desen-es the most fa,·.Jr- "€.'e that the ad,·aneement of the coi­

The W eekly Exponen t is strictly a et•ii•:; i:-. rran~ferred to tht3 uniYcr..;ity. al>le romment. The )[ontanan is ofte11 ll'ge i::i kept on during this year as well student enterprise. I ts chief purpose thu" entailing a laqre Jo..;s to the state. con!>iilered a~ hcing for th!.'.' junior clas.s a:i berl'tofore. A number of studen~ is to present to its readers each week .\11 l l:l"t it is tht• ::!t•nerally accepted alone. This i" nor true. To he sur-~. prohlem:. were diseusserl, but all from an accurate and complete r ecord of the (/!·inion, of tbo~C' inn po..;ithln to know, the junior cJa.;;~ b rntrn"-tecl with tht• the point mentioned abon?. developments in college affairs during tlrnt the best rl':-ult-. art'.' ohtitint?cl when puhli<.•ntion of the hook, and whaten•r < las:-es wC"re excusC'rl for the half that period and it is intended that its ·he two in ... titutiou ..... the ~tatt' t"nin'r· crt•tht i~ secun~1l thrnugh the book gen hour al!(l pra<'ticall.» e,·ery man in the influence shall be exerted for the u p- <:it~· :rnJ. tht' :->wt~ l ollegt~. h:n·e th1•ir erall~- e'.''e" to that el:t~"· llowen•r. institution was pre:->('nt for the meet building of M. S. c . The paper is the U'llf"t."=' dividNl intn the art.. and pro· the hook shows e,·ery phase of colleg-e ing. result of voluntary effort put forth by f~-.; .... iuns at one. nnd the praeti(~al arnl life nnd work as no oth('r ageney can, t he students who compose the staff. appl\•11 "'t'ienct• ;H tht"' other. The 1 ar nnd it doe.,. a grNlt deal tow:trd th" EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF th':!ll' Foun1l:uion. wliith ha'i st"'t man;· buil•ling up of the in,titution. In thi~

of t ht· "'tandard;;; in thi..., wt>rk. dem:tnd"l ''a.'" it helps e,·ery department. l'\·C'r.'' that the -.ratC' rollegt' :-houl·l ba,·e ag· per,.on ronm•ct('U with the collegt>. anrl ri1·ult11re, t•ng111cering. pharmA1.'_,. an•l hence 'ihnuld mean more than ·mere!~- ~1 thl' pr:tctieal :-\cience ... while tht""· uni\"('r junior annual-it i-hould mean the col :-it.v ~11ould ban:- law, mt:'dicine and tlu~ il'ge .'·ear book-:lud 3~ suth e,·C'r." p('r

======~~=-~==~--~======= CALENDAR.

De~emhl•r lt.i, ~loncla~· . .., :3t p. m.­}""n.shman-Sophomore debate; :l"'Si?m'>ly hnlpl.

December 13 . Friday. 11 :00 a. bnnd concert in as.:;embly hall.

m.- liht•l"Sl art cour:-e.... :-\on and en•ry dub in collej.!t' ~hntliil Th.'i i~ by 1111 mean" a complete linr make c,·er:· effort to make the book

December !!O, Friday, 1~:00 Christmas vacation begins.

m.- of the argument::; for ha,·ing the en good. It is for this broad dew tak\'11 gineering in its entirety at Bozenrnn by the Electric club that they are to but it is enough to s('t people thinking. be complimented. It bas been hear•l

Engineering School Should be at Boze. man.

The timl' is fast approaching when the lpgh;lature of the state will bold 1t:5 !IP~!lious again and at that time it will be c:lllcd on to ~oh·e a problt"'m of vital importance ti} ~fontana ~tntt:> College. Practically since the organization of the seYeral iustitutiom. of higher learn· ing in tht.• 1\tnte, there hn,;; been a dupli­cation of the C'nginN•ring ('Ourses in the eollege itnd the uni\"l'r~dty. This has ril­wa.r~ bC'rn a matter of grf'at d1-.v\t1'i·

faction and has heen a needle .. " ex· peu!;e to the slate. At a mC'cting of the ~ at(' board of education l::i.~t .'·ear. the mattt•r came up for heate<l discu~sion and it was dreided to look into this duplication of eour;cs. Both institu tions Larl petitioned for engint:"ering buildings to cost iu the agzregate

Xow, in order to haYC it located in the that the leaders of the other clubs in i::'wret Pea City, e•·er:· student must pur e\·ery effort forth to make tha leg i~latl)r.:; !-.ee the:.;ie points. E,·ery influ· <:nee tnust be brought to bear and the result can on!.'· be for the good of the s.tnte as a whole.

Remember This.

From now on people "ill bt:> lea ,·ing for their homes and other pince:, where thf•y expect M s1><'nd the C'hrbtmru. hol id:lys. The time will undoubtt"'dly hl' lar1?1"'ly ::ipt:'nt in re .. tlng up after th~ "trenuou:;. dtty~ spent in college, and dur in~ thi~ rime the collt.~ite will often Mme up iu the talk going ou. Xow, here i-. the point to remember-whNher senior or freshmau-what i~ -;aid of the col· legl"' by the student~ is gC'nemlly taken as the truth, and the in~titution is judged accordingly. either ~ood or b~ld.

eollcg(' ha Ye expressed tbemseh·es fa.-. orably to" --ard the plan 1 and it is hopcil that ~111 of the clubs, classes aofl other organizations will assist in the work.


Ralph ' ' "e1b, asc;iistant in the agron· omy department. will lea,·e Bozeman and se,·er relations with the college, at the commencement of the Christmas ,·aeation. He will go to hi· home at ,,.('nnna, JJ!inob. o take charge of :! large farm left by his father. )fr. '\ell~ · fatht"'r died in October an<l this made it neee,.:;iary for him to return to the ea-.;t. :\{r. 'Yells was a Ull~ grad· uate of the l:ni,·er::1ity of Illinois and wa.:; a good man. F:.e,·eral new men art~

being considered for the posit ion and ~omo one of them will probably b<' i.::hosen and be on hnnd by t he close of the Yacation.


Thf- executi' e committee of tho ·' 1t11 1rni assoclutton. composed of :\Ii~" Frie·la Bu11. ·1_1;, ){i,.<; Eh-a ""ilson, '09. :\Iiss Helen Fisher. ·10, Edmund Burke, 'Oi'. and F. " ". Ham, ·03, mer l~::;t \\'edne ... dc.iy c,·euing at the home of :tliss W'iJ~on on Grand a,·cnue. The annual organization of t he executi '""' •·ummiltee wa~ at"complished by elect· ing F. '\\". H:im, 03 . chai rman; Edmund Burke, secret a ry-t reasurer , and Miss Ei,·a " 'ilson, cor res pondi ng secretary.

T he continuance of the work ou the <'ard index s.'-stem of add resses and po· tlticns of the graduates w hich is now rn the secretary 's office, was d iscuS'Sed and sub-committees appointed to briug t he index up to date. A sub-committee wa~ also appointed to draft a letter to ull the graduates asking them to join the O';~oeiation and co-operate in boos t · irig f\1r their alma m3ter.


Saturda,v eYrning the boys lidng nt the Delta l'hi house ga,·e an informal farewell part~- for "~illard A tkins, one of their number wh o expects to go to Chicago, Ch ristmas to en roll in t he lnw school of t he Unh ·ersity.

The guests ar r i ,·cd about eight o'clock and the next two and a half

$140,000. rrhe board and legfalature saw the foll~~ of this needless duplica­tion and neither &chool secured its building.

The need for a !;Uitable building hera was great nud until it i~ secured the college will be greatly hampereJ in ~t:i work nloug engineering lines. The legislature can not b(\ blamed for an:-· obsen·cr can ~C<' the foll~· of thC' ~tatf' suprorting two euginet~ring ~chl)ol..; with two f1H•nil ies, two sets of equip· ruent, two st~t~ of huilding-; and l)ther needlt.>s:-> duplicatit)n~.

Sc> do not make any false statements of the in&titution. Then• i-; no need for exaggeratifln of the benefits to be secured at 1Uontana t3tate; they :ire great as it is. Exaggeration of them can only lead to diz:;trust and disap· poiounent. .\ t the same rime. ther(' i~ no need oi exaggerating the faults of the college and facultv-eYery fol! ulty hai, them in the eye~ of th~ geu· eral q;tudeut body. \\"hen it comes t.• :1 final an:.dysi~, thC' faculty is prett,Y good-it is i;quarc1 and i!'i desC'n·ing oi but little of the abu~C' heaped upon it. So, it will he well to leave the unkind thing-; about them unsaitl-tho!'.e ~lute·

SPECIAL MEN ' S ASSEMBLY hours w('re spent on a sleigh ride, two CALLED BY PRESIDENT. sleighs being used fo r the occasion. On

thei r r('turn the crowd sat down to an

As it is now it 1s impo"'-;ihle for en gineeriDf;! to nwke the propt.•r progre~ in the stale Wilh engint"ering at th•~

two in:-.titution~ hoth are h:rndic:lp1•cll in th('ir ('\lllljlt>tition with 1ho .... f1 "'clrnol" in tht.' i.'<l"t. Xl•itht•r iu'itilutiou C':rn ~1.'cun~ ftu11b enou~h t11 m:tkt~ a u,: tl1i=ig out of .rn t•ngineerin,E! 1l<'p::trrnH•11 Tht' o.;,,1atC' t•annot aft'ord ~n<'h <lupiic·1 tjllD. Jfont'tl if eni_rinet•riu,i j-; to h·t\ ~

:my J'lact.• Ill th(' liil!her l'duc:ttional ~~·, tL'm of )fonta1rn, it ~rem~ that ther~

nrn~t be "'~)1111• ~Ppar:ltion anti whet·:··• thc :kpartnwnt (?Ol'"' to )[1-.,'."imJla or to Bo-,; .... man. the ~t:ttt.:' will be th!." Ut'tter off for it.

The next quC'::-tiun b what argument'i mav be ad\ :rnt'ed in f;n·or of C'ach plaCl'i anJ con~equcutl~·. the proper plaet- for the engineering dl'p::ntment of the !->t:\te. ThC' writer cannot go inti) ,\ lengthy artidc on thb sub.it"'Ct in '.\ lim 1h•d ~pati'. hut th1• follo\\;n::t p•>lll'' r" ·worthy of thinking of:

Fir~t. a lar~e part of thl\ monry-.. f)

Friday at 10:30. a special men's as­s('ml>ly was called together hy Prl'si dent Hamilton. In a growing lnstitu· tion it often beeomrs neee!isary for the stutl('nt ... to gN together and make plan~ ~o that the ('Jltire !,Choo! can pull to· gethn for a eommon end aml thio was the th('me of the adJress mnrle by Pres· itit"nt Hamilton. Xumerou~ questions will COll\C' • Up in


Twenty per cent discount. We are making this special price on Trunks and Cases for the holidays.

Walsh's FOR XMAS---ESPECIALL Y MADE FOR COLLEGE Calen~ars wi~h College Seal; Xmas Cards, eight de­

signs, with College Seal. New and original. A most complete line of Pennants, Scarfs and Pillow

Covers, all priced low.

oyster feed . di~pe rsing just as the l)('w

day came in. ) f r. Atkinq, for whom the affnir wa":J

giYrn, hag alwa.'·~ beru a lea;ler in col· lege affairh. Last year be wa~ a mcm· ber of the two college debate teams, won thf' half mile raee at the dua l meet with tht> {'ui,·ersit,·, ent.ererl mo~t

of the interdas.:; con tcsls and the lol·al nratorieal cont\'.' .... t. IT is presC'nce will ht> mi~·H.,d in tht'-;l' eYents thi..; year an•l thC' good wi~be~ oi hi" man.' friend., will attend .:\ l r. Atkino to hi~ new I cation.

Dekg-are-, from ~i ~1tie~ ol \\·a:'.'oh1u~ t11r: lrnYt' organlzt>d a 1.:1Jmmitt1•1~ to h110::.t for a great "·u-,hing-tnn exhibit 8t the Pananrn·Pacific cxpn .... ition. .T. E. t"hilhl•rg. prt.,..,idt•nt ot tlw .\.-Y.·P. ex pt1,.ition. i!-. thairm:1n of the CllmmittC'e. .\ •\"t'li defin1•d plan fnr the exhibit will be pre ... enti:od rn the next legblatun.'.

IudiBna unin·r~ity !:\C'nior:; hav(' d(' d1lrd upon unique ('!a~h tn"'ifrnta. Th• men will w(':1r l.'Orrluroy trnu:-.ers, an·l the womC'n will be a1lf)rned with Mack· 1Il3.W CIJ3t~.

'l'he Dally towan, of th(' State un i n•rsit~· of Iowa, gin·~ it a~ the resul t ol' Jh in,·('st1gation:. that onh· one col· le-ge engageml'nt in eleven .res11lts 1n nt<irriage. T wonders wbethl'r th•"' 1.;howin~ jq; br ter in other ~o·educa ti• l1:1l school~.

the maintt~nan~e ut the e11llei!e i•ome­from the national g•wernmC'nt; ~1:·1r I j"~. upkl•t~p and all such thing"-rhc state is c-a.l11•d on tn furni!lh onh 'he­buildings u111l C'<]Uip:11ent for th,-.. rns•t·

tntion, which 1.unount:. to a \"l'ry ~mall l 5lllll a-. t"omp ired with th.~ •J al 1"'X· peos.e of the enlh•gt>. He mi' it mu ... l L1..~ TL~ men who t>nt<'r nthlctH•-.; nt Y!\ lt? :1h1are1n tL.t tt \Yill be a sa~·ing l•) tht' PHILLIPS' BOOK STORE mu"'t han• higher standing..; in thrir ... : te to l1:n t' tht~ eni;ineenng i:ollt.•~1~ ~tutliP" th:ln are requirNi of the othl•r lo<'1lc•l " fl, wm·in. The Store of Useful Gifts J 'turicnh. Th,• porf1•1·.t •_•••rk 1, 4110: ~ecoml. i:-. the m:tttt.>r of location. then the athlet(' mu~t ha,·e an n ,·cr·

---- -------------------------) ag" of :?~.) an1l all other ..;tudents :?Ott


ritht"'r in prin .. or _imitati?n, but fl go()d m!'ln· p 11• l n. ·t not >:;o>e them actually growin£C. \\ e ha Ye a fine Jot oi t f'UI now in rhe1r fu glor.'·, and the public in genernl i!i tn,·itt•rl tl\ r1ltnt:> ~m·I .. t! ti "'tn :-..111i•l a nfternoon, Dreember I-3th. Evcr.'·body welcomC'.

Cangobr' s 6teenbouses BOTH PHON ES 315 S. TRACY A VJ



BOZEMAN CAB CO. Automobile same as ha.ck for

city calls

H ome Phone, 132 Bell, 230-2

PENNANTS Make Ideal Christmas


.D Easy to mail. We carry over I 00 styles, and the prices are right.

The Golden Rule

Bozeman 's brightest and best Christmas store . Easiest to find what you are looking for, easiest to gather suggestions if you are in doubt as to what you want. Only 15 days more before Christmas. There can be no advan­tage in waiting.

When You T hink

of Shir ts, Collars, Underwear, Hosiery or Furnishings for

Holiday gifts, think of

We sell only reliable fu rnish­ings, and the new things are 1lways shown here first. You '11 find that it pays to trade here.


Popular Price St.ore for Men



ROOMS $15.00 PER MON'rr


If .'-ou are in the market for so· Coal


Bear Creek and 1Coantain Ho -lump and cg~; wood and kit ling.

"?e ha,·e the be:,t li,·ery town.



Does the work easilv-no hea tubing to earr)· arou.nd-just c connection to rhe socket gives) .J.O foo t run.

Sold on a guarantee.

Owen house ljardware @;:,


m dainty boxes. Gue ·

anteed fresh and pure,


Sugar Bowl Opposite Lyric Theatre.

Hot Drinks Light Lunc c



Th elen & Han Up-to-date Livery and Automobile

H om e Phone 25H Bell Phone u

E. W. THOMPSON :Four Chair Ba~ber Sb op

(Successo r to F. E . Da•·is PLAIN AND TURKISH BA1

Corner of Main and TraeJ

WE ReBpectfully bid for a sh.lr' your trade, and w ill ce r t a treat :rou fai r . Try us.


Phone 20 Opp. Court H'




Extra Trousers Free every Suit or Overcoat order during this month. You can have the extra

trousers of same goods as Suit or aifferent, if you like. Hurry.

·' Wears6Q like

Looks50 like

. l_M_Bo_~_h_:_:_o_•O-~-Iu_~_E_~_c_o_~_~_N_c'°_:_rN_~_1_C_~_•~-~-~-E_s~-~-t ..... l I I H. R. HARRIS, the tailor J ~---------------------~nzm-.-me ________ _ Costs 25




~f " \n wo;,; ...:it~•l b~· hH

her Sundav nod :'lofond3y. - ·:·-

Mr , !-'t uley of (ircat Fall .. , anJ bt•r

gtit('r, J-;-.;el)-D. "'<'fC t:U~ ... f:., 'lf )fi.,..,

wlia :--ot.1nle'f f 1r n fr" •lay ... nt Ham·

n JI-ill

Every man that smokes a pipe desires to eventually own A BBB---The Perfection of Pipe Construction

Sold at

to 3.3 dollar-. a "uit aml can't be duplicate1l for the "amC' monl'y in any other place in thiJ-< "tate. That·~ what 111\" l'Ustomer:i. ~a..- .

1 'm making thC kind of d11the~ tlint !!in:• :-;ati .. fo1•tinn , an1l any time tht.•\" don't, I ·m rt>acly to makl' go01l.

Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts


J. )f ~t·•pht•ns, "luperinten<knt of the Ft.•rg-us 1 onnt.'· Experimcnr Station. is in BtJzcm:rn aud will remain here for a mnnth or more prepnring reports of tLe work here. Ile will abo publi~b

a n•port of the progre"s made b,y the !>ta.tion since it was founded four .'·ears

,,·m. Fluhr, who plnyC"1l in the last "~w minutes uf the gnm(' \\~rdne~da:v

C\'enlt1g, went to Helena 'l'buniday t<l

.tpl10:~lT PS ~ witness in a law t-iUit at

thC' t~:1pital city . HC' expects to return to Ro:ten1an &aturday.

~\t :-:,:;:; lO 83.".i. I really <lon 't belicn• ,·ou can gl't !::1nch Yalue:s ready-mtl.lll'.

Practicnl courses in Cid!, Electrical and ~ech::mical Engineering, ~Iechanic Art~, Agriculture, Dairy, Horticulture, Domestic Science, Industrial Chemistry, Economic Biology, ~!athematics, Literature, For· estry, Pharmacy, Music and Art.

flie S1..:,a fl hns lit~\.l ~rn•ral mPrt· the r•n w-e k, hut nothing ha"

n 1lquf' that 1s rN1dy for puhlit·a·

''BILL'' Beautiful grounds, commodious builU.ings, complete woo!l and iron

shops, extensive laboratories. model kitchen and sewing rooms, music and art studio.

James Bell, 'll, who t:-; engage1l in rt1cuJturnl work at Darb.'·. ~ontana. id a short d~tt to is friends on the 1 la"t wtoek. Hl' w 1" on hi~ wa.'·


111r from a vi~H in )(iles Ch~· (Continued from Pago One.) The e1>ll~gl' b gi'tting out 10,00()

('Opie.;; of a bulletin announcing the farmers' and homemakers' short courses the dowager. Alonzo Burket, Rhoda OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT

Prof R. ". (lark h nt L£'wistown, aho, this WC'Pk attending the Xorth­Ht Li,·e-:tock show and rl'ad a paper

to be held at the ~o1lege the latter part Dawes, Georgia Cullom, Kenyon Tal· imitati on of the affected speech of the of .Tanuary. The bulletin wtll be sent Cott, Edward Hodgskiss, Oli\"c Clark nobility ancl his stage presence was ex·

out to all farmers and others interested and Joseph Truman were the others in cellent. Rhoda Dawes, as his wife, in the work 80 that a good attendance the cast and it t."au be safely said that played the part of a woman who twists may be secured. The bulletin contains no C!l.St was eYer better chosen at the her husband about her finger at her

ci~ht pages, part printed matter and coll~ge. will. Her work while it gave little


or the meeting ... Flint-Lynn Lumber Company \\Tm. Pink was elC'cteil basketball tnagn for the prepurntory students a mC't•ting h1•ld Fri~l:t_,-. Tht'y 1lrC'ided

eommt•u1·1~ work a..:i '\Ot.111 as po..;sible thb ~port.

part views. The work of Mr. Jones in the earlier opportunity for brilliancy. was good and _.!•- part of the pla.'· especia lly was fine, Ceserving of much praise.

Profeg~or \\'m. ).(. ( 'oblcigh has been bis ab~entmindedness being extremelr I Mi~s :Myrtle Al<ler~{lll as the dowag­

in the eastern part of the state this natural. In the second act. where he er. presented capitally the part of an -•!•- v-eek on extension work. He addresseil had one very difficult part to carry old woman, who i~ almost on the verge

A number of the 1•rt>paratory stu- thr students of the ~iles City high ou!', be did it with none of the self- , of her second childhood and who has lit..: liv :-'Ii:: on Third nvC'nue held a school, of the Dawson count)~ high cr-nsciousneM that is so common among centered ber whol~ life upon gettin~

·ig-hing (•arty !'->:uurday e,·ening, tak- high ~chool. of Rc>rl Lodge and of For· am!\teur:;. Hi~ lines were well learne~l a ''man.·' "\'i•ith ait excellent memory

r Jn Brirlqn ran·n'" and returning syth. During- his ab~ence, his claRse3 and were deliYered with a Yigor that f0r her lines and ·with a fine capabili·

>rily niter rle,·en. 1,a,~e Ueen met by Profe~sor Barnes wa3 ref1esbiug. As a whole his work ty, )Iiss A.l<ler::iou ga,·e rhis difficul"

_.!•- au.1 Uy )lr. \Veatherbead of the state eoulcl be classed as well abo,·e the or- part full justice. The st)conll music recital for the year Lo:.ud of health department. dinar.'·· The part of the professor's sister, a

'' 11 he held 111 the a~~embly hall to- - •!•- )[iss i1Iyers is no less desen·iug oi woman who had been disappointed in

1 ,rrow afteruon nt two o'clock. A St::irln• pro,·ed to be a busy day fo r pr.tise than Mr. Jones. 'Vith a part love until the whole world seemed to

·ge attL~ndnlH'l' il"; desired so that the th 0 ph<Jt('lgrnphers of the city, when a tht1t wris fully as difficult as that taken lian:• lost its goodness, was gi,·en by

.Jdent~ may become accustomed to IJ.lrge unmhcr of th0 pictures for th:! by the former, she came out of the pro· :\1iss Olh·e Clark. Miss Clark was at

a.ying before audiences. 1914 lfontanan were taken. Both gal· <!nstion with a reputation for herself her best aud the applause which he:

_.:._ ler ies were busy the greater part of fully establ is hed. The part demanded work won was well desen·ed.

lUss Hazel Hopkins led the Y. \V, C. the day and a large part of the work to a ,·ery c:neful study of the lines in or· K enyo n Talcott in the part of the

meeting Tuesday noon, taking as be done along that l ine was put out of de·: that all the innuendoes and insinu- fa::::h ionable young doctor, was exccl -r subject "The Debt of Literature the way. at.ions that the secretary was continu- lent, although the part ga\·e him li ttle the Bible. 1 ' l!i~ses Qli,·e Selin and _.:.__ ally m3king might be effecth·e. An- opportunity fo r much acting.

arsa Riddle sang a duet. The next H. E. :Morris, ,09, has left for th ".! ot her feature that made the part a hard One featur e that went far in making

-.eting is to be a C'hristmns praise eastern part of the country, where h e one was to assume the air of meekness the work of the cast a success was the

·yiee. will do some work for the biology de and at the same time ca rry one of the- juvenil e orchestra under t he leadership

--:·- partment. His work calls him to principal parts in the piny.. These two I (If ~Irs. O. E. Myers. The orchestra

President !Iamilton addressed the Washington and from there be will go warring tendencies were at no time in donated its serdces and pro\·ed a most

~mbers of the junior class Wednesday to Xew York City. It is probable that evidence in )Liss M~·ers 1 work and welcome addition to the eYening 's en· 1 ternoon, at which timt:> be urged that be will attend the meeting of the Amer· wi thout doub t her work could be pro- tertninment. Four selections were

f• ey get in and net as a unit in putting ican Association for the Ad,·aneemeut nouneed most satisfactory. played, each be ing recei,·ed with ap·

" t the ~fontanau this yea r. A full of Science at CJe,·eland before return- In the minor parts perhaps the most plause that was well degen·ed. -•cendancc was reported and the talk ing. effeeth ·e was l\Iiss Georgia Cullum in Between the secoull and last acts,

:.,.1ch appreciated. - ·:-- the part of the profc sor's maid. It ~lrs. Una B. H er rick, deall of women,

--:·- A number of college girls were the became necessary for her to act the who drilled the east, made a few re·

•The class in ad,·anced cooking ga,·e guests of the lVoman ·8 elub, Monday part oi the entirely willing maid with marks thanking the audience fo r the

other of 1heir r •lebrated meals Fri· All of the freshman girh were th f) the excessively bashful and canny suit· nttendance and outlining the next pro­

y. Each ml~mbt•r had a guest-those guests of 1frs. Herrick and a number on; and the manner in which she car- ductiou of the club. It was planned,

)mbers of the <:lass residing in the of the girls of the Home Economies ricd off this part did her great credit. sh·.· announced. to present a. play of

y bad a~ their guests their mothers, club also attended. The principal fea- T he work of George RooseYelt a Sudermann 's and as a curtain r aises

nile the others invited friends in the tures of the meeting were the piano Docto r Cosens is worthy of more than some other farce, the two together

liege. selections by ~f rs. Myers and the read- passing mention . The part is one that forming a good evening's entertain·

--:·- ing of "Ee,·rywoman" by Mrs. Her- requires that a certain mystery be ment.

Miss Lucille Higgins, '11, who has 'b.rge of the school at Hoffman. Mon­n'!\, spent several days in Bozeman ls week ,·isiting ·with her sister, "Miss

tfti Riggins, who is a freshman in me science.

In a letter recein;•d from Harry F. etz during the past week. he says J.t he haJ:> a good po::iition as assis at stnte entomologist, but will b"

.,.. ck in college again ned fall if notb­~ ~ happens. He ts Ji,·ing iu Indian-.,,,, oHs.

rick. mai ntained nt t imes and that at ocher The "Professor's Malady" was the _.:.._ times positiYe frankness be displayed. third production of the J ack· 'o·Lan·

M. L. Wilson left Bozeman Thurs· This was ,·ery well done by Mr. Roose- t .... rns and as stated aboYe, was per haps

day for F argo, No rth Dakota, where he ,·elt and his work stamps him as a it ~ most successful from the artistic will confer with Prof. Bolley of the ,·aluable addition to the club . standpoi nt. The members of the cast

Xorth Dakota Agricultural college on As one of the bashful suitors. Joo se<'med al most to be made for the.\.' a number of important f lax problems. Truman was \"cry effccth ·e, gh·ing a p:Hts nnd this together with the train­From there he will go to Aberdeen, good Scotch dialect and acting a rather ing gi\·en . resulted iu an offering that

South Dakota, to ass ist H . P. Patter- difficult part up to, but not beyond. its :l professional troupe could ban? been

son for a ·wee~ in shor t courses held limit. Edwa rd Hodgsklss played the proud of. there and then will proceed o:i to his p 1rt of the other suitor with all his I i10111c in Iowa. ).fr. "\\"ilson will re- usual grace and won repeated applau:;e Chocolates rceei,·eU dail)· from the

turn ru Bozeman about the second week with his well turned remarks. mol't sanitary candy factory in the oi .lauuary. As Sir George, Alonzo Burket rep- .;;tate at the Pnlm, l~ East )Iain

_.:._ resented the brainless member of the street.-Ad,·.

AT FRESHMEN MEETING The prepara tory debate to be held Rnglish nobi lity that is rapidly pas3- I CARR ELECTED YELL LEADER

with the high school, will take place in it!t; from public life; he ga\·e a perfect

the high school nssembJ:· hall on the

101 E ast Main Street



The Exclusive Shoe Store

from Saturday, December

14, to December 24th.


22 West Main


Our Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass and Cl-.ina make a beautiful and lasting present. The College Seal jewelry and Souvenir Spoons are suitable gifts also.

Leslie E. Gage Jeweler and Registered Optometrist

Bozeman, Mont.

Get your

Xmas Box Candy at


Phone 82



Office Michigan Bldg.

Suite Xo. li. Bozeman, Mont



Rooms l and 2 Story Block

Phone 46 blk. Bozeman, M ont.



Golden Rule Blk. Bell Phone 97 blk.



Office and Residence 201 S. Third

Phones-Bell 494' red-Home 2962

Bozeman, "Montana.


ORAL SURGEONS Ten per cent discoount to students

Commercial National Bank Bldg. Bozeman, Montana



P ost Office Block. Bozeman, "?ifont .




Bozeman, Montana



Suite 5 Gallatin Block ou Don't Need

Hunt Good eYening of .January 9th. The preps will take the affirmatj,·e ~ide of the question, 'I Rcsoh·cd . rrhat the go,·e111-ment shoulJ own nntl operate tele­graphs. 1

' This is the hil_?h sebool <le·

LYRIC THEATRE TLe Freshmen cl:.l~s held a meeting ) londay to complete arrangements for the <lebute and to take up sen:>ral other


I ~--------~ oes

{"erybody is wearing them-yon see

e01 wherever you go.

Nicho1son' s Shoes

1 1e shoes chat please--they .Fit, Wear,


le~· are made on up·to-date lasts. We

,.l' n .size and n ~:idth for e,·ery loot.


High Class Vaudeville and

bate question for tbis year. Moving Pictures


There 1s still time for taking and finishing Photos for Xmas Gifts at the


THE NEW ONES Chrisbnas and New Years Letters, Post Cards, Score Cards, Dinner Cards and Art Pri~ts of all kinds, will interest you at

The Gallatin Drug Co. The Drug Store On The Corn.er

matters. The meeting was held in Professo:

T ··dlman 's rooms auJ. after some pre­liminary hu:-;iness the elas:s proct:>eded to elect a cheer leader for the debatl' FriJn.,· night. Myron ('arr wa~ elected by a large majority. The pn~sident then called for a report of the committee on

Capital Stock·-············ $150,000.no Surplus and Profits .... 2.J0,000.&0

GEORGE COX, Cashier Bozeman -)fontana

a class emblem and after some disrus- It might he mentioned incidentally sion an emblem was chosen which that the docs are planning to do all would be suitable for the members of ju3tice to tht> freshman initiates at teams representing their class in ath- their annua l party which will be held letics or other tournaments. The pres· in:mediately after final examinations.

ident then appointed a committee con· sisting of Miss K ountz, Alberta Borth· S. N. L . CLUB HOLDS SOCIAL wick and Miss \\'alker to select a motto for the class.



The 8 . N. L. club was ente rtaine•i 3aturday night by Miss Dorothy Gat· ton at her home. No special program

OF THE COLLEGE DOES. was gh·en, the e,·ening being spent in

--- a genera l good time. Elaborate refresh-

Last Thursday the C'ollege Does helrJ ments were served nt the close of the

a. short meeting, the mnin bui::iness be· e~ening. i11g the election of officers for the en· The members present were ~fisses suing year. Miss Ruth Hartman was I D-)rothy Gatton, Ruth Hartmnn , .Alda elected president of the society, Mi.:1::1 Smith, ~fargarrt Bole-, H ettie Schumn· OJi,·e r1nrk vice p re!:.>iden t nnd 1Iiss cher, Olin~ l'lark and Ethel Ynn Camp. C!a "'a Fin.oder~ was selecte<l as see rc- ).[iq_s )fyrtle Alder'"on w:is the on'r t·u·v·treasurer. guest of the club.

Nelson Cab Co. Oldest and most reliable in

the City Cabs for weddings, parties

and funerals a specialty Bell Phone 273 Home Phone 1962



LUMBER - 00-


LUMBER COMP ANY 320 West Main St.

Fifty·one students of the Unin"'rsity of "\\"ashington are facing cxpuJ.;;ion be­cause they have protested against th1"' university reet>i,·ing a $12,000 gift fro:n ·'-· J. Blethen of Heattle. They deelaM the money i~ minted .

Page 4

This For Everybody

Initial Handkerchiefs For Christmas

THE HUB Ed and Lou Howard, Props.

My Xmas Present 11

l_.,, Jr c 1 o t·

:--. 1it 01 O'er 'ti.r r i('r .J from QH t JI .it.

Suit Shop 238 W. Main KIRBY McCUSKER


Z1unrlftr11 fl;alb-Jf arfyrlirfyra il(ouirrt

Uori.wtrngrn bri llrr ffioutaua ~taat <f>y11111asi11m i!irgimrutn-il\nµµrllr

_'\m lfrritng llrm Brri.::rljntrn iJrcrmbrr 1.912


Loooo Howard , Chef

Co11cert a la Cereta11a





HEINRICH REI:\HARDT SELECTIO FRO~! THE SPRING i\.IAID L---------------------1111111111111111111111111~ I.f You \Yant to ""in n T'retty (;irl Two Little Bee~



A dozen Photographs, such as we know how to produce,

make 1 2 splendid


12 Black Ave. ~

How I LOYL' :t Prett~· Fa1't' Tl1e :Fountain Fay Fc.1untain :Fa.'· Protection Institution

On the Track Day Dream!<. Yhion:; o! Bli~s

<'arl~ha1..l :lrnreh Finule. D:n· Dream~ \Yaltz Grandiosa.

B.\RlToXE >'OLO'°'. )IR. WILL lL\lXE:-i



.\ DRL\M Pll'Tl'RE OF OLD 80l'TH l."ncle Tom i~ 1lrowsing before tl1e loi:r fire in the enjoyment of the

quiet uf his (':1bin in old Kentueky, when there pns~e~ before him familiar '-'('t'.'llL'!-1 of the • 1 0ld South.'' arHl finally a Yision of the Emandpation. ·•Dixie.··


A ~pe<:ial Dish Prepared fo r •·Prexy"'



XOTE.-'\\e suggeH Ceretana Rolled Oat for the ~1ippery boys.




STUDENTS Buy your Pennants before leaving for your Xmas Vaca­

tion. They will please your friends as gifts for Xmas. Best line in town at


ANOTHER BIG MONARCH CHEESE .)[ntlt' t ra' forl t'uu1i y. 1'• nll'" 1 . "-f· f't~•1 ic 11 11 Lt on t c llu.1h•,·. a ... 1t l'otH:ii1i-. tli;1t .. t ric'h. f('~lm\ ila\ur a-.. tlOt"" lll fll(' )10llRh l \'Ira l•l lJJ° ( IH'(·"'l'. ,\.t• Wlll I I n e l' ltl :::' th,-. 1 f.., t'hE'l'"E." c111 fl1ttniler J-.. HI!~.~· .... ·l ~r tt'11 \l" \vur orfrr for ;l 1•it•f"e tt1r ~-our );IJlll'"' 1lio11t'.r.

"·,,art l•ihrin.; ... , me vt thC' l11~g-f- ... t ,-nlu .\r ]< .. 1·,·rr t 1 tfereo.1 A f~o t.:11

THOS. H. REA & CO. Prompt Delivery B oth Phones 24


ever Hits the


Tuxedo Billiard Parlor


Michigan Block F. C. Brandeburg, Prop.

The High Class Barber Shop for College Men TUXEDO BARBER SHOP

C. A. Md TYRE Michigan Building N::~Ec°.ll:~c~~:. ::~~i~~~~~·r~hi~;~~~~ming line, canno::i~~ l For all kinds of lu~~!v~~2~~ ii?~ts and Funeral

l"3\ airy· a1hani:inl! (Ua ... .., solo). huglt ..... :-ounding. cl3!'b of arm~. fatal k C d Y l caYalry elrnrg1..'


ilenth in a ~unken trench ; finale. panic·:;:;tricken army . _____ w_o_i_·_· _~_o_m_e_a_n~-s~e-e-u--s-· _:_o_u_a_r_e_a_\_V_a_)_·_s ____ , in n>ut and <lct<Ot. We COme, W et er YOU UY Or not. ROASTS Both Phones Free D elivery

TrRKEY, CR.\NBERRY R.ff(.E PO:\£:\CE:-i Dl'CHE:3SE Basketball===hv Bob AliTU IN BREEZES KING Reverie Eccosais

The <'Ollegc- won. By winuine: the fir..,t Fumhling and ilelaying the }13.""- until game ""t.>dnt.·"tlay t'\'t•niug the C(•llt>~· he was t'o\"t.>n·U wa ... his ehief fault<;; ian~ OJtl'D(.•d 1he !-t"ason with a elean along tl.ih- llue. Hi!' playing was stead:· !<hH('. ..:\Jthough 1b('~· ,.,·on thi:- ganw h:· hOW(.>Yer. nn11 he proYed a capable sub· a margin tif l! point!". yet they <liJ. not ~tituto for \\"ilcomb.


I ·11 Xen:•r Look at a Prett~· Girl _.\.gain \\"hen "·omau is the Question

You Can' t Pay the Landlord \\-ith Lo,·e


:XeYer :.Uincl Singing, Jn,,.,t Dan('e, :.Uy Dear \Ve '\\ill Go, Go. t o the Go-Go

get into the crame with the !'ame -:.pint :t..;, did the team last y('ar nor did the~· \\"ikomb was unable to play in this show the Jett·rminntiou ro work eYer~· ~ame owin~ to a !-light mne::-.;. .A. few minute during th~ contest. '"hat thi:-; days· re.;t anJ. he will be back on the wa~ due to ean be ea!'ily nn,;;wered. Tht' ilo<1r again and will undoubtedly be <'{lllege player.:; haYe hecome oYer \"lJ..l· rea1ly for the BillinJ;!" game.






fident a::; to their ability and C{ID":"<.:

quemly Uid not exert them:-:eh-es to the limit and did no1 gee into the ~ame with the proper !'pirit. Their ne.d game 1s wi1h the Triple B's of Bill· ing~. and if the same puffed condition continues the~· are going to get an awful trouncing.

\\' hen tht! men rl'all.'· 1litl get into tht' game ~ome cx('elh~m hal1 wn:- exhibitt"•l by the- t.•oll('j?t' playt>r.... t.'otner. the elongat('d 1.:rnter from Billing:-". wa~ th~ large~t inrli,·idual '-COrl·r for 1he Cl)l·

lt>~t' agl!regation. Ten 11oints. were seore<l by him, man~· C1i them being ilif ficult 1ries at thl· ha ... ket. Hi' p3""'!<ine: 1h1.~ Lall was. J?(•dd and he rook µoo l care of the ll<'lena ('l'lltl'r. In ban<llins the :-phert la- wa" a little errath'.


One-Fourth Less

t ht' One-Fourth L ess ....;. lt> w •. n.lw l n~


Owinc to 11ni nw1h1t• we'l.tlif' ~onoli·

1lurinc thr fall. we Lnno>

~tol'k on h nol thsn u .. nnl :11 thi .. time.

\\"hile thi... "' uufortuuute .for ll", it

n~surC'" pro .. pet•ti-rt" bn~·er-> 1•1M11y o

lhi .. :- 3 .. 011 • .. j!001i..; {ll ..;~Jett irtJlll.

ls"t year at about hali ot the original


Both Hartman and Ross seemed un· able to find the ba~ket with any degree of aecuracy and both mi!'-~eJ se,·eral ea-.y :-hot"' when a little more time ~:n

throwing wonJ.l ha,·e increased the col­lege ~corr. Buth forwards showed .fht:-he"' of la~t year ·s form at time'" when a numlier (If 1•retty baskets were engeU by buth men.

While no!:-111an lli<l not fall below the srnndrtrd "t.>t hy the other member~ of thE" tt•an, hr did nnt ... how the 3ggre:-; siYellt""'"' thnt i·harnctcriud his work




What do we need? UNIFORMS Do11 ' t forget the Band Street Carnival, Drill Hall, Friday

la11uary 10, 1913 at 7:30 P . .Al. Progrnm Compltmen/J ofrl:t Boumnn Jlrl/ing Co.

la~t 't'bon. tou .. nrnu wns undoul.nedl,.- utes although be was unable to !':Core. his ca~tl.'rn trip Suntla~-. He attende<l tht• 'Lt:-t J?lrnr1l in 1ht' 'latl\ during 191:?. I the meeung 1lf the Ac:i::oeiation of 1.."m-Ife follnwe.1 hi ... nwu dosPly. han<llel Fl1r Ikll'na. ll illb. :111<l },oh--y were t he n•r ... i1;r pre~ident!-. in \Ya:-biug1on, D. 1he lmll wi.>11. coul<l drihhle with any 11articular ~tar... Hillis was the ~ubst i~ l'. Uc aJ...o addrt':- .. ed the :\arioual J\:in­phtyl'T 'Tl tht"' :-tat<' and had the iacult.Y tute guar<l ou the wllc>ge team last <lergarten ac: ... oci:1tiou. From \\ra!-hin~­of ..,Ji1•1iinµ- up Ulll'XJ1\'l'h•clly ancl scorin~ .. f'ason and played au cxct:'Jlent gam·~ ton la• went to Xew York to atteucl the a ha-:kl·t. In \\\•11ue .. da.,-· ... gamt;\. how· for the <..'arn1JI duh. .\!though '>mall. mel•ting of tht.• boar•1 oi trnstel•s oi thl' eYl'r, he ..;,•l·lllt•d unal.Jll to !!<'t intn th•" he i!'. fast aud tinw afkr tin1t.1 hroke up ( ·arueg-ie .f'ouurlatit.in. On his wny haek ~onft.''-'t with th1\ !'roper ~pirit and on l'Olleg~l play:-. liy !-<lipping in unt.•xpected lu.• attt•l1dl•ll the 1llt'l'ting nt' tht.• :-taie ""'t"Yl'ral Ol'C3 ... (ou..; lt>t"t n Hell'R:l forwarJ I.'· an1l grnhhing till' ball. Foll.'y wa .. hnar11 tit ed1H·ntinn 111 H1•lt>na :tn•1 ad­un1•t1Yl'rt.•1l ior an t•a .. y try at till' ha.;; thl• ht•'t o,;1..·orer h•r tlH• llt.>h:'n3 11gg-rL1~a· dn•..;-.t•d thf' l"nh·l·~ ity duh in Grt>at ket. ]fr·• work "ill probably impron~ tion. :.\Lan~· of hi ... h:1-.;kt>b were Ion~. Fall~. no,;, tlu• "'" .... n n•h .1111•.,. ... , hut Li .... J'l:n·in~ •liiiicuh shot" Jrum 1liif£>rt'nt an;'.!lt"•. i:-. 11nly 1 h.irtt F•r:-.tJc 1f ull th~ llll'U tterm.1im• and Lalh·r ai .. o pl.ly£>1l g-nod it the ) Tt''t' ~t t 111£>. !!ame .. , lioth on !ht' tlocir and in ... coring Dt•kitin;.t t o:i.d1 :•:tlmt•r l'XJ•l'ct:-- a·

11•ast tit11 l'll cP11t1 ~taut" in the try·out for the 1

w11 11·tt>r <'olkgiate 1lehatt• !!.:>am". Tait• tr.' 1.H:t will }'l'rh:q1" 1•1· ht•l1l ilt'1'l1 lilher 1 T.

aurill;! •h1• wholt> :,!.lllll~ than an:. other 111lt>g:1• ::11an. Ht• wa ... :iltl~r hi ... torwrtr·l

t'Yt·r~ mimat> :tn•l ht• :tl:--o worked harl on tbt• ofit'll"'I' •·• II(' ... bowefl a laek ~1f

prae1it'c in hnn.llincr till' h:i.11 an•l hi~

11a ..... inl! nr tinH·s w:i ... r:uher p1lor. ~ut·n

<'I• 1~lit1ou.;, l'. 11 h<> 11\ erlookecl o1urin(! tlh P:lr]y J<.1rt of th(' Y•'ar. hut th\•re l'­

ab ... ol11t1 Jy no t·XC'l'1.' for 1hC> men uor

;!l't ini? in lll•l J•la.' in!! as if they really meant it.

In \fa,ld.,x and Fluhr. the co11ee:e bn~ two Q1>01l ta•\\ 'nwn. Both pluyed dut !tH! tht, !:lttn )':\rt oi the ::rame un•l ~howt'•l up w1•ll. Fluhr got inti\ th .. • .. e(lrlnr.r col run liy c.1c-rn:! out' while on

Tiu.~ Ht'l~na tl·am ~et.'1111.•11 oYl'r anxiou.­to -.;)wot n bn:-k1.·t a1lll tlid not take L'1rnugh time to guage 1heir ~hob. They :d:-o s£>entt•d ra1ht•r Wt>ak on pa ... ->ing:. whid1 w1..•akl·ned tht:'ir oifen~in:• gnme.

Doth utt>r collri.'i··t•• tt"am ... :i.re ex I•cCtf'•l lo he ~tro1·.: thi.;, v1,.•ar. Thcrt" are 111.1 y guoil d1 :)att•r ... in th~ t11.:. fri'!'-lnuan cln .... . ~l'"t•ll. "ho wa:- on

Thi" wn~ thl' t:i .. t gtuur to be played tlil' !l·.t•n ih•tt.•a1in!! \\" . :-:.. C. Ia~r vear. at h11111t' hefort• t hri..,tn11i.... nlthough tlw will pNll:lJ•"" try 'ut :.l!.?;tlin thb ~·ear. eu .. tern part of tla• stah', p1avi.ng sey- W,ur .. 1•. :l Y(.•teran oi' three inter·c~lleg eollt•gt:> playl'rs "ill mu kt" a tr.ip to the I iatt.1. •ll•~1 .. tr->. may again enter t.lt'bate. t•ral game~ tht•r('. TlJL• game with the Day; .. , c tll•haH·r from tlw !-'tat(' ('ollege, Trii,Je B ·~ will he p l aYl'<l on the :::~ith, 1"' ut .. o expet'tt•il to tr,Y·c.ut ior the r~am aml how the ('nllegian~ will show up 111 °1·1io&.IT \\'. s. <..'. this gam(' will g-i,·e .. onh" line on their real abillt,·.


E . Par Kel1y. of Big- Timber, bas bel·n

The Willson Co It 1P dea,l run, a ,J .:\Ll•lolox 1•luv\•1l a ~ood

• ;.:ame nt !!""JR ,J ilunn~ the Ju"t few mili. I'rt• .. i<lL nt ( ·raigheail

::ippc1iu1e•1 t•l plan High .Tinx, th~ 'Y:.ir· "ity <'hri .. trna-: 1·t>lt•bration. KC"lJ~· i:-: n·ti1•cnt anol rrfu"'l'" to :--av an~·thing­

rt>rurned .iro.n altout tlu~ cddlTation. Th; !:<tuU ts nt

Al.obi -· pa~,/ g/gu jar• with Aumidor , ....

Many of the world's greatest scholars say that good tobacco helps the mind to focus its faculties. If that is true, where could you find a more delightful aid to con­centration than


Made of tender mid­dle leaves, to which long aging has given a temptingly satisfy­ing Ba\·or and a vel­ye~y mellowness that wooes your senses and smoot he s out the wrinkles of your brain.

it.,~ ... or Kirk \H111•L ·'

µ-arnislJl•d with much lt1t'al eul11r. l·our :-'e is mndt• :t"' 11raeti ahh• as put The stthh'nb C'X)l(.'l't :i gou(l Jinx how- hJe in trainrn!! t 1e J 11•11 to he oi r

eYcr, for K(.•lly h:1:-; th1' r1•putation oi lH•· !'l'r\'i('C t~> 'he:> vu\ "I •11t nt. t.' 1ursl·~

ing one c1i the bt•..,t fun· maker s and htHany, deudroloi.!'"· -.ih I culture t

~tunt plannerc;; in tilt' uniYer~ity . othl'T practi1·nl forP"'tn· ~uhj1.~et"'C,

ThO'l' lil:'lJ1ing Rt'lly with the High gh·en. ~\1:y i·"r-.(..in 11im•tt~en vl•ar.;, ~l inx an• Tom Bu~ha. 'Hl, L'arl Dickey. nrny f'ntC'r the ('C•llr"'l'. proY1tlin~ ·1~. R. Horl:md. 'lJ. and Rog1.'0(' \\" ell .. , ghrs ('\"ld(.'I'('("'-; C' i 111..•in~ nhle to r ·1~. The committee llh'mbers are al:-o !-l'f' the Wtlli !-lh'1.'tS'-fu1ly. uo·in terY iewahle.

The !lhort cour:-e in fort.>~tr.Y will lit>-· gin January 6 and continut• until ~Iareh 31, accordin~ to a !mile in i:-o. .. uC" l l Profes~or K irk wou11. ht•a.J oi tht> dt>J a • meat ot' fnrt'' n·.

··I 1~xpC>t't to ~N' llf It~a .. t :!.J or 3 1 men 1n tht> eour"'t' thi" yt•ar, ·' !'aiJ Pro

Th" national Granj:?£> hn" it~clr in favor of permittinl! farme r: l.11rrow mont'\" from po .. toiiict• "avi b:,nk at a r~te sli~htly :1\Jnn• :! 1 i

·~ent at whieh it , ... loa111.··l to ha Tb· l~rang:t• 1kclnn·tl 1wnn.\· l t>ttr>r po .. tag,• und rt•t·iprocity bill.