if the world was made out of 100 people

Self-Awareness If the world was made out of 100 people Baturay Özden

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Post on 12-Jan-2015



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Page 1: If the world was made out of 100 people


If the world was made out of 100 people

Baturay Özden

Page 2: If the world was made out of 100 people


If the world was made out of 100 people: movie


Cultural Sensitivity

Page 3: If the world was made out of 100 people

Short movie

If the world was made out of 100 people…

Page 4: If the world was made out of 100 people

What do you think?

About your life’s worth…

About the future you would have…

About how to change your life…

About who can help you to change your life…

About people like yourself right now…

…If you imagine yourself to be in the following situations?

Page 5: If the world was made out of 100 people

What if…

Your mother or father has HIV and has become too sick towork. As the oldest child, many adult responsibilitiesbecome yours: caring for the sick parent, looking after yourbrothers and sisters, taking care of the house, earningmoney, putting food on the table. Meanwhile, there isn'tenough money to buy the needed medicines for yourmother or father. Preparing for your future is put aside tosurvive the present…

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What if…

You live in one of the poorest countries which are locked ina vicious circle in which poverty causes conflict and conflictcauses poverty. Many people die in combat or get sickbecause of the spread of infectious diseases, caused by refugees. You don’t have a stable home, you don’t have any childhood and you can’t go to school. You will berecruited as a soldier. Is there a future for you?

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What if…

The systems in your country don’t work well and you need to find a way to get your things done. Or, you don’t earn enough money to live on, but you need to put food on the table. Would you break procedures and laws? Would youaccept a bribe? Or would you try to change thecircumstances and fight against corruption?

Remember this though: corruption decreases the amount of wealth in a country and lowers the standards of living.

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What if…

You live in one of the poorest countries in this world with a

hugh dept to repay. There is just no money to pay for an

education system, no mony for any kind of healthservice,

and no money to pay for other needs in the social sector.

What would your future be like?

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What if…

You live in a developing country. This means the social,

economic, political, cultural and environmental conditions

are not developed yet. So, you live below an acceptable

standard of living. You don’t have access to the basics,

such as food, housing, a job, health services, education

and safety. You just try to live through the day.

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What if…

Your physical or mental condition keeps you from beingable to function in an expected manner. Even though thereare many opportunities for you to learn more skills, yourparents don’t think you’re able to do so. They try to hideyou and exclude you from community activities, such as school. This means you will be isolated and the onlycontact you have with other people is within your ownfamily.

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What if…

There aren’t enough resources in your country to

provide for a good education system.

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What if…

Your country doesn’t have good developed laws and

regulations (good legal systems, fair tax policies) to create

a good working private sector. This means that it is difficult

for you to start your own business or to find a desent job in

an existing one. Now you’re unable to escape from poverty.

Page 13: If the world was made out of 100 people

What if…

You are a farmer. The last couple of years your business

had major setbacks. Not only were your crops damaged

because of extreme wheater (hurricanes, tornados, floods),

this year you are experiencing the devastating results of

pollution. Everything you grew on your land got polluted

and you are not able to sell a thing. All your resources are

gone so now you have to consider finding another job.

Page 14: If the world was made out of 100 people

What if…

You are a woman living in the Sub-Saharen in Africa.

You’re considered to be the property of your husband:

everything you do, you do because your husband tells you

to do so. Asking questions is not an option. You don’t have

a say in the raise of your children, you don’t have a say in

when or where to be touched, and when your husband is in

a bad mood, you are the one he punishes.

Page 15: If the world was made out of 100 people

What if…

Globalization brings the world closer through the exchange of goods and products, information, knowledge and culture.

Your country has not been able to profit from globalization, due to the fast and dramatical changes in the last couple of years. This means that your country has not been able to grow as fast as other countries did and now your country is experiencing economical disadvantages.

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What if…

You live in a developing country. The environment you live in is unsafe and unclean. You can’t provide for sufficient nutrition and there is no possibility to gain acces to medical care. You are sick and you are a risk for other people. You’re just wondering how much longer you have to live like this.

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What if…

You live in a place without strong infrastructures. This

means that you don’t have any access to electricity or

clean drinking water. Because of this, you have major

health problems. The nearest hospital is hours away, and

the roads leading you to that place are in a bad condition.

You are doubting to go, because with your health at the

moment, you might not succeed to get to the hospital at all.

Page 18: If the world was made out of 100 people

What if…

Milennium Development Goals are targets set by the UN to cut the world poverty in half by 2015.

You live in a poor country and your government is receiving

money to solve the poverty problem. But, your government

does not know how to spend this money. This means that

up untill now, you haven’t seen any changes, and you are

wondering if there will ever be a better life for you.

Page 19: If the world was made out of 100 people

What if…

You live in a poor country and you’re not able to sell

your products to other countries. The trade barriers keep

you from doing so. This means you can’t profit from trade

and you aren’t able to improve your living conditions.

You’re struggling to provide in your needs.

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What if…

You live at the countryside and you want to find a job in the big city to improve your family’s life. You know that a lot ofpeople want to do the same. The chance you will find aplace there is not very high because of this. That meansyou would have to set up a shelter at the outskirts, where itis very dangerous. The chance your home will be flooded at that place is very high. What to do?

Page 21: If the world was made out of 100 people

What do you think?

About your life’s worth…

About the future you would have…

About how to change your life…

About who can help you to change your life…

About people like yourself right now…

…If you imagine yourself to be in these situations?

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Now you’ve heard all this…

…Let’s discuss what’s on your mind!

You will have 20 minutes.

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Time is up…

Please present what you have discussed.

Page 24: If the world was made out of 100 people

And what if…

You were the one person with all possibilities.

Would you care to try to make a difference

in this world?

Page 25: If the world was made out of 100 people

Cultural Sensitivity

Things you will see ONLY in

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Page 38: If the world was made out of 100 people


Page 39: If the world was made out of 100 people


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Page 41: If the world was made out of 100 people

And Finally...

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Page 44: If the world was made out of 100 people
Page 45: If the world was made out of 100 people
Page 46: If the world was made out of 100 people
Page 47: If the world was made out of 100 people
Page 48: If the world was made out of 100 people
Page 49: If the world was made out of 100 people
Page 50: If the world was made out of 100 people
Page 51: If the world was made out of 100 people

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