[ieee comput. soc 12th international workshop on rapid system protyping. rsp 2001 - monterey, ca,...

A Tool box to Map System Level Communications on HW/SW Architectures * Denis Hommais, FrCdCric PCtrot, and Ivan AugC Equipe ASIMLIP6 Universitt Pierre et Marie Curie Paris. France Abstract We present a hardware and software tool box that allows to niap an initial specification done in term of tasks comniu- nicating through FIFOs onto a HWBW architecture. Comrnunication templates are used to characterize the way data are exchanged between tasks realized either in software or in hardware. From these templates, we define the specifications -in terms of resources necessary to han- dle the communications- of a hardware niodule and a set of + software drivers. These Inte face Modules and their softvare counterparts allow simple Virtual Component reuse since they not only implement protocol compatibility through the use of the VCI/OCB standard but also system level conimunications through semantics widely accepted in the design coinmu- n ity. The intetjtiace modules have been used in the COSY project for the iniplementation of a video decoder by Philips starting from a system-level description and per- forming conimunication rejinement using Cadence VCC and Philips’ own conimunication schemes. 1. Introduction Communicating sequential processes[ 1 ;2] are often used to describe the behavioral specifications of systems. The use of this formalism for the description of embedded sys- tems is presented in [ 1, 3,4] and several HW/SW Codesign frameworks support this semantict5, 6,7]. The starting point of our work is therefore the specifi- cation of an application as a set of tasks communicating through FIFOs. Each task uses blocking primitives to read and write data through mono-directional, bounded, lossless channels organized as FIFOs. This model is an extention of the Kahn processes network[2] model, in the which the FIFOs are infinite (and therefore the writes non-blocking). Kahn processes networks have the property that the order of the data within each channel doesn’t depend on the order of evaluation of the processes. Having bounded FIFOs pre- serves this property, but 1) makes the write primitive block- ing and 2) may lead to deadlocks[8]. The application specification relies on classical read(channe1, buffer, n) and write(channe1, buffer, n) primitives, where channel is a point-to- point link identifier and buffer is an ordered set of n items. Since the primitives are blocking ones, the content of the buffer may not be altered during their execution. The process that writes into the FIFO is called the producer and the one that reads from the FIFO the consumer. This paper deals with the mapping of the commu- nications from such a specification to an actual hard- warekoftware implementation on the target architecture of Fig. 1. The architecture is symmetric multi-processor ........................................ I SMP Kemel with pthreads -./ Coprocessor I Coprocessor I -A- Figure l. Typical target system (SMP), and the software runs on top of an SMP kernel im- plementing the POSIX threads. The master and slave inter- faces are ad-hoc hardware modules that implements hard- ware support for several communication types. Based on a general FIFO model[9], we describe some representative communications templates to perform data exchanges efficiently, for a producer in SW or HW to a consumer in SW or HW. The templates are then analyzed to determine the respective responsibilities of the software and the hardware to actually perform the communication at _ _ minimal hardware cost. ‘This work has been funded in part by the COSY 25443 Esprit Project. 1074-6005/01 $10.00 0 2001 IEEE 77 ‘I

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Page 1: [IEEE Comput. Soc 12th International Workshop on Rapid System Protyping. RSP 2001 - Monterey, CA, USA (25-27 June 2001)] Proceedings 12th International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping

A Tool box to Map System Level Communications on HW/SW Architectures *

Denis Hommais, FrCdCric PCtrot, and Ivan AugC Equipe ASIMLIP6

Universitt Pierre et Marie Curie Paris. France


We present a hardware and software tool box that allows to niap an initial specification done in term of tasks comniu- nicating through FIFOs onto a HWBW architecture.

Comrnunication templates are used to characterize the way data are exchanged between tasks realized either in software or in hardware. From these templates, we define the specifications -in terms of resources necessary to han- dle the communications- of a hardware niodule and a set of +

software drivers. These Inte f a c e Modules and their softvare counterparts

allow simple Virtual Component reuse since they not only implement protocol compatibility through the use of the VCI/OCB standard but also system level conimunications through semantics widely accepted in the design coinmu- n ity.

The intetjtiace modules have been used in the COSY project for the iniplementation of a video decoder by Philips starting from a system-level description and per- forming conimunication rejinement using Cadence VCC and Philips’ own conimunication schemes.

1. Introduction

Communicating sequential processes[ 1 ;2] are often used to describe the behavioral specifications of systems. The use of this formalism for the description of embedded sys- tems is presented in [ 1, 3,4] and several HW/SW Codesign frameworks support this semantict5, 6,7].

The starting point of our work is therefore the specifi- cation of an application as a set of tasks communicating through FIFOs. Each task uses blocking primitives to read and write data through mono-directional, bounded, lossless channels organized as FIFOs. This model is an extention of the Kahn processes network[2] model, in the which the FIFOs are infinite (and therefore the writes non-blocking). Kahn processes networks have the property that the order of the data within each channel doesn’t depend on the order

of evaluation of the processes. Having bounded FIFOs pre- serves this property, but 1) makes the write primitive block- ing and 2) may lead to deadlocks[8].

The application specification relies on classical read(channe1, buffer, n) and write(channe1, buffer, n) primitives, where channel is a point-to- point link identifier and buffer is an ordered set of n items. Since the primitives are blocking ones, the content of the buffer may not be altered during their execution. The process that writes into the FIFO is called the producer and the one that reads from the FIFO the consumer.

This paper deals with the mapping of the commu- nications from such a specification to an actual hard- warekoftware implementation on the target architecture of Fig. 1. The architecture is symmetric multi-processor


I SMP Kemel with pthreads

-./ Coprocessor I Coprocessor I


Figure l . Typical target system

(SMP), and the software runs on top of an SMP kernel im- plementing the POSIX threads. The master and slave inter- faces are ad-hoc hardware modules that implements hard- ware support for several communication types.

Based on a general FIFO model[9], we describe some representative communications templates to perform data exchanges efficiently, for a producer in SW or HW to a consumer in SW or HW. The templates are then analyzed to determine the respective responsibilities of the software and the hardware to actually perform the communication at _ _ minimal hardware cost.

‘This work has been funded in part by the COSY 25443 Esprit Project.

1074-6005/01 $10.00 0 2001 IEEE 77 ‘ I

Page 2: [IEEE Comput. Soc 12th International Workshop on Rapid System Protyping. RSP 2001 - Monterey, CA, USA (25-27 June 2001)] Proceedings 12th International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping

2. FIFO Communications

FIFO communication means performing 4 actions: 1. Data transfer between both channels ends. The process

knows an upper bound on the number of items that can be transfered by reading the FIFO status, thus no lock of the FIFO data is necessary to perform the transfer,

2 . FIFO status shared variable update by the reader and the writer. This is a variable shared by the producer and the consumer, therefore concurrent accesses shall not occur,

3. Suspending a task when it cannot perform the required operation due to lack of full or empty FIFO slots,

4. Resuming a task when either data or slots are available allowing a blocked operation to resume. The way these actions are performed clearly depends on

the HW or SW nature of the processes and on their imple- mentation. The task of communication synthesis as we de- fine it consists in mapping a given channel onto one prede- fined communication template.

The general approach is inspired of the one presented in [ 10, 113, that however stays in the generality. Our contri- bution is to formalize more clearly what data transfers are made from in a multi-tasks, multi-processor environment, and to present practical templates for them.

The read and write primitives perform inter-process communications. They can be implemented using the POSIX threads API, and therefore be used as is either for the specification or for the implementation of the SW/SW communications on the target architecture.

3. Communication Mapping

In software, communication mapping is handled by the implementation of the read and write primitives on top of a multi-tasking kernel that supports the POSIX threads. Ac- cessing a FIFO buffer for reading or-writing is a simple memory copy. However updating its status must be per- formed under the control of a mutex that guarantees exclu- sive access to the variable. To access the shared variable, a mutex-lock must be performed. If the mutex is already locked, then the calling thread is blocked until i t is unlocked by an other thread using mu tex-unl ock.

If data (resp. FIFO slots) are not available, the task is suspended waiting for a condition to become true. Depend- ing on the hardware or software nature of the task it com- municates with, either conditions (cond with cond-wai t) or POSIX semaphores (sem with sem-wai t) are used. The con- dition is changed by the producer (resp. consumer) thread once it has accessed the FIFO with either cond-signal or semjost. The way the copy is performed depends on the template that is used to implement the communication.

In hardware, we have chosen to use a communication protocol as close as possible to the read and write primi- tives, because these are used in the task behavioral specifi- cation. This necessitate to define a hardware interface mod- ule that performs data transfer from a coprocessor that uses

the vector protocol presented in Fig. 2 through the intercon- nect and provides mechanisms to support synchronization between the producer and the consumer. This choice is dic- tated by the following reasons:

0 The tool that synthesizes the task as a coprocessor doesn’t have to know about the bus protocol, the mas- terness/slaveness of the VC, the interrupts handling, the system address map, ..., that are system and communica- tion implementation related,

0 The user that wants to try other communications means, like an other bus standard, a switch, or even simply an other manner of using the communication resources doesn’t have to express these details in the behavior of the component. This allows easy exploration of the com- munication means without the need of modifying the be- haviors and resynthesizing the coprocessors,

0 Unlike a FIFO protocol in the which the items are pro- duced or consumed one by one, the vector protocol spec- ifies the number of items to be exchanged during a trans- fer, and this information can be used to optimize the transfer at system level.



DIN ( M) DI x x DZ x w )



Figure 2. Timing diagram of a vector transfer

This vectorprotocol is as follows. The coprocessor sets the number of items to transmit on the LENGTH lines and as- serts the REQ signal. This is the hardware counterpart of the call of the software primitive. The STEP signal vali- dates the data present on the DATA lines. When all items have been transfered, the DONE signal is asserted. This is the hardware counterpart of returning from the primitive. This protocol can be implemented with a two states FSM for each channel. To handle this protocol, the coprocessor must have an internal buffer. The absence of address (or index) lines avoids dependencies regarding the buffer im- plementation, that can be random access or not.

All the details and complexity of the communication pro- tocols are hidden in a hardware interface module and its software drivers. The module has a VCI interface to guar- antee interconnect level compatibility, and can be either ini- tiator or target of a VCI transfer.

VCI is a necessary but not sufficient condition to IP reuse, because at this level it is already necessary to have a common high-level communication setup between the VCs. One way of ensuring that is to define a set of communication templates and to build a programmable Hardware Interface Module to support them.


Page 3: [IEEE Comput. Soc 12th International Workshop on Rapid System Protyping. RSP 2001 - Monterey, CA, USA (25-27 June 2001)] Proceedings 12th International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping

Figure 3. Mapping threads and communica- tion onto an architecture

The Fig. 3 illustrates the mapping process. The tasks are mapped either on software -no processor is specified since it is an SMP- or on hardware. The communications are tagged with a predefined template that instanciates pre- existing components, depending on the peak throughput, la- tency, periodicity, burstiness, etc, of the transfer.

4. Communication Templates

We present a few distinctive communication templates to outline the resources needed by the Interface Module. All these templates share a common concern: ensuring proper data exchange while minimizing tasks context switches, bus usage and interrupt generation.

4.1. SW to SW

A channel for SW/SW communication is initialized usign the channelInitSS1 ( s l o t s , size), where s lo t s is the number of slots of the FIFO, and size the size of an item in bytes. For this template, the FIFO is in memory. This requires a kernel implementing the POSIX threads to run on the processors. As - almost - all current kernels are POSIX compliant, this is solely a compilation of the initial primitives for the target processor.

4.2. SW to HW and vice-versa

A channel between a SW producer and a HW con- sumer is created with channelInitSH1 (slots, size, addr, line), where the two first parameters are as above, a d d r is the physical address of the FIFO, address from which other FIFO resources can be known, such as the num- ber of items in the physical FIFO, etc, and l i n e that is the


Figure 4. Software/Software communication

index of the interruption line to be used to make one copro- cessor aware of a transfer related information. The FIFO can either be in memory or in the interface. We present here the case where the FIFO is in the interface, and we assume that the producer is a SW task and the consumer a HW co- processor. The opposite transaction is symmetrical.

The physical FIFO depth is not related to the size param- eter of the primitive. Data is split into chunks that can be accepted by the interface. If the FIFO is in the interface,

Figure 5. Software/Hardware communication

the status is implemented in the interface itself and updated by the hardware. It is automatically incremented when a datum is written by in the FIFO and decremented when the coprocessor reads a data using the vector protocol.

We need a mechanism that can stop the writing task when the FIFO is full. This allows other software tasks to run while the producing task waits for slots to be available in the FIFO. Conversely, when some data are consumed by the


Procedure 1 SW/HW communication: Producer CHANNELWRITE(chunne l . buf; s i z e ) n = sire p = depth - s t a t u s for ever do

m = m i n ( n , p ) fori = 0 tom - 1 do

end for n = n - m if n = 0 then

break end if threshold = m i n ( m , depth) mask = mask V itline atomically sEM-WAIT(channe1)

f i f o = buf!fIi]

end for return size

coprocessor, we need a mechanism to wake up the produc-


Page 4: [IEEE Comput. Soc 12th International Workshop on Rapid System Protyping. RSP 2001 - Monterey, CA, USA (25-27 June 2001)] Proceedings 12th International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping

ing task so it can be rescheduled by the system. In the full software implementation of the task, we use a semaphore to stop and restart the task. The writing task is in software, so it can execute a sem-wait to stop itself waiting for the con- sumer to empty the FIFO. This is illustated by the code of Procedure 1 . To wake up the task when slots are vacant, we need to execute a semjost. To do so, the interface module implements a programmable threshold that generates an in- terrupt when the FIFO contains at least as many empty slots as the threshold value. When the interrupt is raised, the han- dler executes a semqost. Note that the primitives used in the interrupt handler shall not block the task currently be- ing executed, as this could cause deadlocks. The interrupt handling routine is presented in Procedure 2.

Procedure 2 SW/HW communication: Interrupt handler THRESHOLDINTERRUPTHANDLER(channe1) mask = maskA -itline atomically SEM-POST(channe!)

4.3. HW to HW

The HW/HW template that we present here also has the FIFO in the interface, which is therefore a slave. We as- sume that the master is the producer and the slave the con- sumer for the sake of the explanation, but the template is completely symmetric.

1 Copro

Figure 6. Hardware/Hardware communication

To start a transfer, the CPU configures the master with the slave address and the length of the transfer. It also ask the master to emit an interrupt once the transfer is over. It then starts the master interface.

Let us now assume that the producer sends many data and that the consumer reads slowly. The simple solution is to have the slave emits wait acknowledges. This, however, waste bandwidth and may even lead to a timeout. To avoid timeout, one can issue retracts. However, the bus will be very congested then, since many masters will compete for the bus only to see if they can resume their transfers. This waste bus bandwidth for the other masters that have indeed data to transfer.

An other solution is to have the master check the number of empty slots and send only this amount of data. This needs an other master to fetch the FIFO status and clever hardware to build packets from them. This also need some way of

asking the master to poll the slave status, either using an internal timer or a CPU request. This clearly isn’t viable for high performance communications.

The last solution is to use split transactions. Either the bus standard supports it -AMBA does- or it doesn’t -like the PI-Bus- in which case we propose is a simple form of split transaction implemented in the bus wrappers. We in- dex p the actors on the producer side and c the ones on the consumer side. The master, is coupled to a slave,, and the slave, is coupled to a master,. Master, tries to write into a full FIFO. Slave, issues a split acknowledge and master,, goes into a frozen state, waiting for a wakeup signal to be- come true. When the condition for which slave, sent a split is no longer true, master, writes into slave, at a specific ad- dress. This activates the wakeup signal, and master, can resume its transfer. Note that master, doesn’t know how many slots are available in the FIFO, but since the copro- cessor on top of slave, makes vectorized read requests, the adequate number of data will be transfered at once.

This handshake is quite sophisticated, but it is necessary to both avoid the use of the CPU when a FIFO is full, and avoid wasting bandwidth.

5. Hardware Interface Architecture

Two considerations have been retained for the architec- ture of the interface module:

1. The module must be usable on target busses with differ- ent protocols and different size and timing constraints,

2. The module must be able to cope with different commu- nication strategies,

3. The interface module must be modular to grow with the number of channel needed by the coprocessor plugged on top of it.

The Fig. 7 shows the internal architecture of the Inter- face Module with its bus wrappers. The interface module has two VCI interfaces. One is a target to act as a slave on the bus and one is an initiator for bus master access. Be- hind the VCI interface, three kinds of modules are needed to support the communication templates: a slave module, a master module and an interrupt source.

From the tasks point of view, a task has always the ini- tiative of a data transfer, because the task call a primitive when it needs to read or write data. The vector protocol also follows this semantic. Between the coprocessor and the interface module, the coprocessor always has the initia- tive of the transfer, but its initiative is bounded to reading or writing a given internal FIFO of the interface module.

The slave module contains the FIFO of the communica- tion channel. Depending on the direction of the channel, the coprocessor reads (or writes) in the FIFO using the vector protocol. The slave module FIFO can be accessed through the bus slave wrapper and the VCI interface, by any master on the bus.


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t IT

Figure 7. Hardware Interface Module architec- ture

Two other resources used by the communication tem- plates are addressed in the slave module: the FIFO sta- tus register that give the number of filled slots in the FIFO and the threshold interrupt generator that raises an interrupt when the number of filled slots is equal to a programmed value.


Virtual Component

Figure 8. Implementation of the split transac- tion in the wrappers.

The master module is used when the internal FIFO is not the target of the primitive: the interface module must fetch or store data in a memory or in another interface module as a master on the system bus. The coprocessor does not have any knowledge on address map. The master module must generate addresses to access the memory or a FIFO in another interface module. To do so, the master module

provides a programmable address generator. This address generator can be configured by the software to address a FIFO in an interface module or a circular buffer, that is a FIFO in memory. The parameters of this address genera- tor are the first address of the transfer, the address of the last item (for a circular buffer), the increment to add to the current address to get the next one, the total length of the transfer to access only a finite number of data. It can also generate, upon request, an interrupt to inform the processor that the transfer is over.

The support for the split transaction is the responsibility of the wrappers, as illustrated in Fig. 8, that uses the naming convention of the previous section.

The interrupt source receives the interrupt request of the other submodules to send only one request to the processor. When the processor receives the interrupt, i t reads a vector in the interrupt source. This vector is the one that corre- sponds to the active interrupt with the highest priority. A vector is a 32 bits register that can be initialized by the pro- cessor at boot time. In the interrupt source, the interrupts can be individually masked. The processor can get the sta- tus of each interrupt line and an acknowledge can be send to the interrupt requester when the vector is read.

6. Results

The Interface Module can be parameterized in term of number of submodules: up to 8 slave modules and up to 2 master modules. Each submodule can be parameterized independently in term of data size, FIFO depth and interrupt generation.

The Interface Module has been described in C for the cycle truehit true CASS[ 121 simulator. The choice of com- piled C simulation is motivated by the speed of execution, the ease of debug and the accuracy of the evaluation of each communication template.

For actual hardware, a generic synthesizable RT level VHDL model has been designed. The synthesis of a mod- ule with the following configuration : 2 slave FIFO (twice 22 slots) and 2 masters (twice 12 slots) needs 11000 gates, 0.7 mm2 in 18pm, and has a propagation time of 8ns.

The fairly automated level of communication mapping allows to quickly map a behavior onto an architecture.

The interface module and the software drivers have been used to implement a system realizing the decoding of a flow of jpeg pictures in real time. Using the high performance cycle true hardware software CASS simulator[ 131, a cross- compiler for the target processor and a POSIX kernel, it is easy to evaluate the performances of each possible imple- mentation of the system (see Fig. 9).

Fig. 9 4 4 presents the task graph of the jpeg decoder and Figures 9.(b) to 9.(f) possible implementations. The vcims is the interface module subject of this paper, and the mw and sw are respectively VCUPI-Bus master wrappers and VCUPI-Bus slave wrappers. All other hardware modules are PI-Bus compatible.


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,.... . ~ . . ~ . .....

Figure 9. Implementations of the JPEG specification

All the implementations have been simulated at the cy- cle level. As a result the full software implementation (a) has to run at 1.2 GHz whereas the mostly hardware imple- mentation (f) has to run at 16 MHz to decode 25 images per seconds.

7. Conclusion

We have presented hardware and software components to be used to perform the mapping of a FIFO communica- tion on a HW/SW architecture. A few templates based on these components have illustrated their practical use.

During the COSY project, these hardware modules have been used by Philips, with Philips own templates, as target for the communications mapping by Cadence VCC. We also have developed C simulation models for Philips TSS [ 141 simulator so to allow cycle true simulation of the resulting system.

This approach can be used for system with heteroge-


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considered, from the the general purpose processor point of to the hardware Ones: it is the DSP respon-

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coprocessor, it uses those new communication templates.

[ 131

such a task needs to exchange data with the processor or a