identifying the elements of a plot...

Identifying the Elements of A Plot Diagram ELA

Upload: nguyendang

Post on 18-Mar-2018




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Identifying the

Elements of A

Plot Diagram



• To identify elements of plot including the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

• To analyze plot while reading.

• To use context clues to define vocabulary words.

Plot Diagram






Plot (definition)

• Plot is the organized

pattern or sequence

of events that make

up a story. Every

plot is made up of a

series of incidents

that are related to

one another.

Literary Terms

• Plot • the action or

sequence of

events in a story;

it is usually a

series of related

incidents that

build and grow as

the story develops

Literary Terms

• Plot Line • A graphic organizer that shows the events of the plot

• Includes exposition, rising action, conflict, climax, falling action, and resolution

1. Exposition

• This usually occurs at the beginning of a short

story. Here the characters are introduced. We also

learn about the setting of the story. Most

importantly, we are introduced to the main conflict

(main problem).

Plot Line Definitions

• Exposition • Usually found at the beginning of a story or play

• Introduces the main characters

• Describes the setting

• Establishes the conflict

• Sets the mood and tone

2. Rising Action

• This part of the story begins to

develop the conflict(s). A building

of interest or suspense occurs.

Plot Line Definitions

• Rising Action • Where the main conflict unfolds

• Builds suspense and raises questions

• When the plot develops

Plot Line Definitions

• Conflict

– Internal

– External

• Struggle between opposing forces

• Can be both internal and external

• Struggle that is within the character

• One character struggles against another character or opposing force

3. Climax

• This is the turning point of the story.

Usually the main character comes face

to face with a conflict. The main

character will change in some way.

Plot Line Definitions

• Climax • Turning point of the story

• The moment when the story reaches its peak

• Results in some kind of change for the main character

• Sometimes ends the story

4. Falling Action

• All loose ends

of the plot are

tied up. The

conflict(s) and

climax are

taken care of.

Plot Line Defintions

• Falling Action • Occurs after the climax

• Action slows down

5. Resolution

• The story

comes to a



Plot Line Defintions

• Resolution • Ties up loose ends

• May provide a resolution to the conflict


What it looks like

Exposition introduces the

characters, the setting, and the

basic situation

The rising action introduces the story’s main

conflict. During the rising action, this conflict

grows more intense

The climax is the most exciting moment in the plot, when the conflict is

the most intense. The climax is sometimes called the turning point

The falling action is everything that happens after

the climax. During the falling action, the conflict

winds down in intensity.

The resolution is the end of the story,

when the conflict is resolved and all the

loose ends are tied up. The resolution is

sometimes called the denouement.

Conflict: the struggle between

opposing forces

Plot: is the sequences of events that

shows the conflict developing.



Putting It All Together

1. Exposition

2. Rising Action

3. Climax

4. Falling Action

5. Resolution

Beginning of


Middle of Story

End of Story

Whole class:

• Let’s put “The Little Red Riding Hood” on a PLOT PYRAMID

• What is the story attempting to teach us with the building conflicts?

• This is known as THEME


• Your group will have a children’s story

• Read the story

• Analyze the story based on the literary terms for PLOT

• EVERYONE will complete the PLOT LINE worksheet

• Then AS A GROUP complete a PLOT PYRAMID on the Poster paper