ideas for peace world design

WORLD DESIGN Visions and tools for international decentralized cooperation to development Training course for design for cooperation to development 2014-15 OR Scientific coordinator: P. Ranzo Programm coordinators _Dicdea: M. A. Sbordone, R. Veneziano Programm coordinators _Ecole Supérieur des Arts Saint-Luc (Liegi, BE) : Pierre Delvoie, Jean-Luc Théate.

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Page 1: Ideas for peace world design

WORLD DESIGN Visions and tools for international decentralized

cooperation to development

Training course for design for cooperation to development 2014-15


Scientific coordinator: P. Ranzo Programm coordinators _Dicdea: M. A. Sbordone, R. Veneziano Programm coordinators _Ecole Supérieur des Arts Saint-Luc (Liegi, BE) : Pierre Delvoie, Jean-Luc Théate.

Page 2: Ideas for peace world design

The Ideas for peace lab, is a huge networking community that supports the development of an ecosystem promoting projects that have a distinctive value gained in the cooperative development field. The scientific commetee, made up of the local autority councilor Peace e international cooperation and researchers of the Ideas Department SUN, points out the research topics and strategies. Furthermore activites related to the setting up of a educational network about international cooperational and design for sustainibility that involve national and international universities.

Ideas for Peace Lab issues:


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Ideas for Peace Lab aims: -  Focus on needs and necessities favouring and sharing knowledge beetween universities and ngo.

-  Promote planning activities that respond to real needs and at the same time highlight expectations of the population

- Targeted activities for the development of products and services to accomplish the population needs. - Strengheten technical and scientific knowledge in order to face political and social iussues -  Implement new cooperation models oriented for the creation of procedures to take on the emerging issues


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WORLD  DESIGN  is  an  intensive  course  programm  refers  to  the  students  and  experts  in  design  for  coopera>on  and  strategies  to  development,  with  the  purpose  to  create  huge  training  and  research  opportuni>es  to  share  knowledge  in  a  network  of  visi>ng  professor  and  students  from  different  Countries  and  cultures.    The  Dicdea  department  -­‐  Ideas  for  Peace  Lab  –  of  Second  University  of  Naples,  in  partnership  with  organisms  and  Ngo  -­‐    École  Supérieur  des  Arts  Saint-­‐Luc,  Liège,  CiQà  della  Scienza,  Fondo  Provinciale  Milanese  per  la  cooperazione  internazionale,  launch  a  new  program  >tled  WORLD  DESIGN_Visions  and  tools  for  interna>onal  decentralized  coopera>on  to  development.  It  is  about  an  intensive  course  combina>on  of  lectures  by  professors  and  researchers  from  different  european  universi>es,  workshops  innova>on  form  oriented  conducted  by  tutorial  mul>disciplinary  groups,  adressed  and  shared  with  local  communi>es.  

WORLD DESIGN introduction

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The  intensive  course  is  about  design  and  research  focused  on  food  security  and  nutrishment    awarness  and  it  will  be  develop  in  collabora>on  with  university  and  school  partners  and  it  will  be  fully  credited  within  the  home  is>tu>on  curriculum  for  all  students.    It  is  open  to  all  italian  and  foreign  students  from  the  network  who  are  enrolled  in  a  design  course  and  keen  on  design  for  coopera>on.      


 The  objec>ve  is  to  offer  to  all  students  the  below  opportuni>es:      to  have  an  overview  of  coopera>on  to  development  taught  by  renowned  visi>ng  professor;  to  benefit  from  a  large  european  schools  and  university  network  useful  for  early  exposure  to  research;  to  learn  the  coopera>on  tools  from  interna>onal  worldwide  exper>se;  to  increase  their  own  abili>es  and  culture  in  wide  range  of  future  possibili>es.  

Course objective

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Specific  theme  tutorials  groups    Lectures  Laboratories  of  design  Laboratories  of  prototype                  Course  will  take  place  in  each  partnership  country  a\er  a  short  period  of  online  training  lessons.  The  first  edi>on  of  the  intensive  course  will  held  in  Liège  and  in  Aversa/Naples  and  the  experimental  phase  is  made  on  the  field  in  a  Thirth  Country.    The  valida>on  of  the  design  project  will  be  supervisioned  by  a  mul>disciplinary  team  project  in  third  country.  The  steps  of  the  training  course  will  provide  a  prac>cal  contribu>on  to  test  new  models  aimed  to  implement  solu>ons  on  the  food  security  and  awarness.                          

Program structure

Course sites

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The  project  field  is  releted  to  Product  Service  System  Design  with  focuses  on  specific  issues:  -­‐  Enpowerment  of  Human  abili>es;  -­‐  Nutri>on  and  Wellness  sustainable  local  produc>on  chains;  -­‐  Dailylife  product  and  services  products  to  improve  quality  of  life.            


Further  ques>ons  can  be  addressed  to:    Ideas  for  Peace  Lab  [email protected]  Maria  AntonieQa  Sbordone  [email protected]  Rosanna  Veneziano  [email protected]    Pierre  Delvoie  [email protected]  Jean-­‐Luc  Théate  jean-­‐[email protected]  Isabelle  Vandevoort  vandevoort.isabelle@saint-­‐        

Practical information

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Pubblica>ons      Ranzo  P.,  Sbordone  M.A.,  Veneziano  R.,  Doing  for  peace.  Design  e  pra>che  per  la  cooperazione  internazionale,  Franco  Angeli,  2011.    Veneziano  R.  2014.  Xerofood.  Col>vate  life,  progeQazione  di  un  sistema  di  col>vazione  per  i  paesi  terzi,  I  Conferenza  Annuale  ESPERIENZE  E  CONOSCENZE:  Progeh  Internazionali  nei  Paesi  Emergen>Conferenza  Paesi  in  via  di  sviluppo,  Roma  3-­‐4  febbraio  2014.      Veneziano,  Sbordone  M.A.  Design  for  Well-­‐being  and  personal  care.  Sistema  di  prodoh  e  servizi  per  la  micro-­‐imprenditorialità  nei  paesi  terzi.  I  Conferenza  Annuale  ESPERIENZE  E  CONOSCENZE:  Progeh  Internazionali  nei  Paesi  Emergen>  Conferenza  Paesi  in  via  di  sviluppo,  Roma  3-­‐4  febbraio  2014.    Veneziano,  Sbordone  M.A.,  Doing  for  People.  Healthcare  Design  for  Immigrants,  in  PAD  Pages  on  Arts  &  Design.    

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The human activities are having a deep impact on the climate change “ ”

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…adaptation has to be planned …and mitigation is crucial

“ ”

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The predictions, the risks

are simulated thanks to a macroeconomic global complexed models

and the estimates

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“PESETA” and “WITCH” are systems of previsional studies about the impact of climate change in different areas

and in the economical, social global geographical scale

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Are big dikes good enough for the production of energy?

Huge territories from China to Brazil are desertificated

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The population that are bound to suffer are those that have burned

less fossil fuel

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Case history in the world

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ethical product

Safer human conditions

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The  Mine  Kafon  is  a  low-­‐cost  wind-­‐powered  mine  detonator  with  the  appearance  of  a  giant,  spiky-­‐armed  tumbleweed.  The  Mine  Kafon,  at  this  prototype  stage,  has  been  exhibited  at  the  London  Design  Museum,  Milan  Design  Week,  Helsinki  Museum,  and  acquired  by  MOMA  in  New  York.    

Mine kafon

Massoud Hassani

ethical product

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ethical product

Safer human conditions

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Solar  BoQle  is  a  low-­‐cost  container  capable  of  disinfec>ng  water  for  people  consuming  microbiologically  contaminated  raw  water;  based  in  the  SODIS  (Solar  Water  Disinfec>on)  system.      

Solar Bottle

Alberto Meda Francisco Gomez Paz


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ethical product

Safer human conditions

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The Q drum project is a durable container designed to roll easily, and can transport seventy-five liters of clean and potable water. Rolling the water in a cylindrical container, rather than lifting and carrying it, eases the burden of bringing water to those who need it.


P. J. and J. P. S. Hendrikse


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The 50L Q Drum is manufactured from Linear Low Density Polyethylene by means of rotational moulding and has a high compatibility with foodstuffs and water

the solution

The Q Drum is user friendly and the unique longitudinal shaft permits the drum to be pulled using a rope tied through the hole. There are no removable or breakable handles or axles, and the rope can be repaired on the spot or easily replaced

the problem

The burden of fetching water, invariably over long distances by cumbersome and far too often, unhygienic means, is all too evident in developing countries

Even a child can pull 50 litres of water over flat terrain for several kilometres without undue strain, and could shift the burden of water collection away from adult women

Versa'le  &  Tough    

Efficient  &  Fun    

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WarkaWater- 2012


Safer human conditions

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Arturo Vittori

demonstrative product

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ethical product

Awarness & responsability

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The  project  Miss  Landmine    create  and  directs  by  Morten  Traavik  is  a  beauty  contest  was  realized  in  Angola  and  in  Cambodia.    Both  countries  rank  alongside  Afghanistan  as  among  the  world's  most  heavily  mined  places,  with  a  correspondingly  high  number  of  vic>ms  who  suffered  the  terrible  effects  of  the  weapons  le\  festering  a\er  years  of  conflict.  

Miss landmine

Morten Traavik

ethical product

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demonstrative product

Awarness & responsability

Caso Glasses - 2010

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Caso  Project  is  a  set  of  ‘na>onal’  glasses  in  which  the  capacity  is  determined  by  the  amount  of  water  available  per  capita  in  the  country  whose  name  is  stamped  on  the  glass,  H2O  Milano,  2010.    

Caso Glasses

Jacopo Zibardi

demonstrative product

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United States: 2150 m3 per capita per year

Italy: 1200 m3. per capita per year

China: 700 m3 per capita per year

France: 647 m3 per capita per year

United Kingdom: 300 m3 per capita per year

Nigeria: 50 m3per capita per year

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demonstrative product

Awarness & responsability

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Limited  edi>on  -­‐  The  Watercard  it’s  made  for  “Acqua”  exhibi>on  -­‐  Opos  Gallery  2003.    

Drinkable Watercard

Paolo Ulian

demonstrative product

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Product and service

Knowledge for all

XLPC- 2002

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OLPC’s  mission  is  to  provide  a  means  for  learning,  self-­‐expression,  and  explora>on  to  the  nearly  two  billion  children  of  the  developing  world  with  liQle  or  no  access  to  educa>on.    


Nicholas Negroponte

product and service

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The most important way to participate is to donate one or more laptops at But it is possible to host own fundraising drive, help at a nearby pilot.

Almost everywhere the XO goes, school attendance increases dramatically as the children begin to open their minds and explore their own potential.

The XO is a potent learning tool designed and built especially for children in developing countries, living in some of the most remote environments.

To create educational opportunities for the world's poorest children by providing each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop with content and software designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning.

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Knowledge for all

Masterpeace- 2008

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Master peace

Tamar Meshulam


Master  Peace  is  a  table  game,  which  was  developed  as  a  projec>on  tool  for  face-­‐to-­‐face  interac>ons.  This  game  helps  mee>ng  each  other  by  crea>ng  something  together  and  demonstrates  a  method  to  create  collabora>ve  stories.  In  the  designer  perspec>ve,  expression  that  uses  rich  metaphors,  is  essen>al  for  understanding  between  ‘Others’.

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Product and processes

Made abroad

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The  project’s  mission  is  to  promote  self-­‐sustaining  communi>es  of  talented  ar>sans  in  underdeveloped  countries.  Artecnica’s  vision  is  to  introduce  into  the  world’s  ar>sanal  communi>es  two  essen>al  components:  the  designer  and  the  project  producer.  The  designer  can  dovetail  the  capaci>es  of  ar>sans  with  the  needs  of  the  interna>onal  market-­‐place.    

Design W/Conscience tran­Sglass®

tran­Sglass® - T. Boontje and E. Woffenden

product and processes

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Design W/ Conscience Ta TU

product and processes

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The  TaTu  coffee  table  and  stool  project  is  the  result  of  designer  collabora>ons  with  developing-­‐world  ar>sans.  The  TaTu  tables  designed  by  Stephen  Burks  and  made  by  cra\speople  in  Cape  Town,  South  Africa.  


Stephen Burks


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transNeoma>c  is  a  conceptually  innova>ve  container  bowl  cra\ed  from  a  repurposed  scooter  tyre  and  natural  wicker.  Each  >re  is  thoroughly  steam-­‐cleaned  and  finished  in  an  eco-­‐friendly  sealant.  transNeoma>c  comes  with  an  op>onal  handwoven  hemp  cover  that  slips  over  its  rubber  base.  Each  piece  is  packaged  in  a  reusable  drawstring  tote.      


Estudio Campana


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M’Afrique  is  a  furniture  collec>on  for  the  Italian  brand  Moroso,  produced  with  the  help  of  tradi>onal  cra\smen  in  Senegal.    




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A gente transforma Marcelo Rosenbaum


The  project  A  gente  transforma  led  by  the  designer  Marcelo  Rosenbaum,  is  an  ini>a>ve  that    uses  design  to  show  the  Brazilian  soul;  in  its  2nd  edi>on  has  as  main  goal  to  insert  the  ar>sanal  work  in  the  decora>ve  market  and  introduce  opportuni>es  for  a  new  social  business.

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“We believe in new models for the country development. The AGT brings a new look for the design, because it aims the local development from the way it deals with the community and the world, connecting the local with the global”. M. Rosenbaum

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design Is trait-d’union between the real necessities

and cultural visions of the populations

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Workshop Topics The project methodology is based on the shared definition of project themes for which researchers, students, young designers, NGO, API, government agencies, have established a common approach. A conceptual map was outlined where “needs” and “visions” had the same role during the entire project process, giving rise to the issue and the configuration of goods and services.

supplying and economizing resources



Personal care 04

Utensils and daily life

Products and services Systems for health and emergencies 02

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nothing is lost

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Strategic design involve Community"

Strategy"product service system"

Product design"Disinfect water product"

supplying and economizing resource 01

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The  water  we  want  project  is    a  collec>ve  water  steriliza>on  system    that  focuses  on  the  problem  of  access  to  water  resources,  it  is  designed  to  promote  the  use  of  clean  water  for  the  daily  needs  of  a  village.  

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cm 31

0 cm





140 cm

46 cm


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ultraviolet radiation sterilization with carbon

to remove the bacterias the solid particles in suspension are removed from the water through a nano structured film

to remove micro-organisms. It takes place in the sterilization chamber due to the UV lamps action; sterilization with the activated carbon to absorb the residual pollutants

The transport of water takes place in a sterilized, bio-plastic, hermetically sealed container to prevent the fluid contamination

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Products and services Systems for health and emergencies 02

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The  aim  is  to  develop  alterna>ve  and  sustainable  solu>ons  that  involve  the  local  popula>on  in  the  food  management  reducing  the  deser>fica>on.  The  study  focused  mainly  on  the  life  condi>ons  of  people  living  in  Sub-­‐Saharan  Africa,  where  the  use  of  the  cassava  is  quite  widespread.    

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T h e c a s s av a i s a h i g h l y - p r o d u c t i v e t u b e r w i t h

e x c e l l e n t a d a p t a b i l i t y t o t h e e n v i r o n m e n t

w h o s e u s e i s c l o s e l y l i n k e d t o t h e s p r e a d i n g

o f K w a s h i o r k o r :

a c h i l d h o o d d i s e a s e c a u s e d b y a n u n b a l a n c e d

d i e t w i t h a h i g h p r o t e i n c o n t e n t b u t p o o r i n

v i t a m i n s , p r o t e i n s a n d m i n e r a l s .

nourishment and health

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The  project  is  comprised  of  a  greenhouse  which,  like  in  a  conserva>ve  system,  op>mises  the  breeding  environment  and  makes  it  performing,  and  of  an  immaterial  service  which  supports  the  project  through  a  network.  

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succulent plants I n s p i r a t i o n f o r X e r o f o o d c a m e f r o m

s u c c u l e n t s , w h o s e i n t e r n a l s t r u c t u r e a n d

o u t e r s u r f a c e e n a b l e t h e m t o s u r v i v e i n

x e r i c e n v i r o n m e n t s b y r e t a i n i n g

w a t e r i n s i d e s p e c i a l p a r e n c h y m a l

t i s s u e s a n d r e d u c i n g w a t e r l o s s e s

t h r o u g h t r a n s p i r a t i o n .

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working principles T h r o u g h t h e c o o l i n g o f i t s

c o m p o n e n t s , t h e s y s t e m

e n s u r e s l o w l e v e l s o f

m o i s t u r e a n d i n t e r n a l

t e m p e r a t u r e . I t s w o r k i n g

p r i n c i p l e g u a r a n t e e s a l o w

t e m p e r a t u r e a n d h u m i d i t y

l e v e l b y t h e c o o l i n g a c t i o n

o f t h e e l e m e n t s t h a t

c o m p o s e t h e g r e e n h o u s e .

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O n t h e t o p i s m a d e b y

fi l a m e n t s a n d r e fl e c t i n g

t e x t i l e , w h i c h i m b i b e s b y

h u m i d i t y d u r i n g t h e

t e m p e r a t u r e r a n g e a n d ,

b e l o w e , i s m a d e b y s p o n g y

l a y e r a n d m a t e r b i s h e e t

w h i c h h a s w a t e r d a i l y r e l e a s e

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T h e X e r o F o o d s y s t e m i s m a d e

u p o f m o d u l e s o f d i f f e r e n t

s i z e s t o s u i t v a r i o u s b r e e d i n g

p a t t e r n s a n d l a y o u t s w h i c h

c a n b e t a i l o r e d t o t h e n e e d s o f

t h e t a r g e t v i l l a g e .

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farming layouts

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service T h e s e r v i c e a c c o m p a n y i n g t h e p r o d u c t a i m s a t

p r o m o t i n g t h e o n l i n e p r o j e c t a n d t o s u p p o r t i t

t h r o u g h t h e a c t i v e i n v o l v e m e n t o f t h e v i r t u a l

c o m m u n i t y.

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t h e F r e e S e e d k i t c o n t a i n i n g t h e s e e d s a n d

i n f o r m a t i o n n e c e s s a r y f o r b r e e d i n g .

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tools and daily living

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nail extractor hammer saw

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personal care

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Design for Well-being and personal care

The  project  experiments  a  micro-­‐entrepreneurship  model  in  the  field  cosme>c  healthcare  industry  able  to  convey,  through  the  local  popula>on,  a  new  concept  of  wellness  and  body  care.  It  relies  on  the  crea>on  of  produc>on  and  sales  laboratories  that  are  mee>ng,  training  and  dialogue  places,  pursuing  socio-­‐economic  emancipa>on.  

Rita di Paolo, Silvia De Martino

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WORLD DESIGN Visions and tools for international decentralized

cooperation to development