ict for children with literacy difficulties

What can ICT offer students struggling with literacy? ICT can help students with dyslexia and other learning difficulties to develop and use sustainable strategies around: Organisation Notetaking Reading Writing Mathematics Kerensa Robertson, RTLB, Cluster 11

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Page 1: Ict for children with literacy difficulties

What can ICT offer students struggling with literacy?

ICT can help students with dyslexia and other learning difficulties to develop and use sustainable strategies around:● Organisation● Notetaking● Reading● Writing● Mathematics

Kerensa Robertson, RTLB, Cluster 11

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what is one of the most powerful pedagogical tools to support students with literacy?


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the big picture

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Where to Begin?Notice Are there students who show some signs of dyslexia in my class?

What is the area of greatest need?

Reflect What have I tried already? How successful was it?

Adjust How can I adjust one activity or routine to meet their needs?

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Explaining Dyslexia

Are there students in your class who are struggling with areas related to literacy?

What is Dyslexia?

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Many students with learning difficulties struggle with organising their work and keeping track of homework. Organising Work● Encourages good habits

for life-long success● Access to all work in

one place

Remembering Work● Allows teachers, parents and

students to access homework.

● Keeps all notes in one place● Apps for Audio reminders

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Note Taking

Students with reading difficulties often struggle to copy and complete tasks off the whiteboard.

The simplest solution is to let them take a photo of the notes on a tablet or phone and have it sitting beside them sothey can work on the task. - They can also take photos of completed tasks

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Using Visual Strategies for note taking

Mind mapping is useful as many students with literacy difficulties find organising their notes visually is useful. Useful programmes incorporate images as well as colour coding

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Students with reading difficulties find many literacy and research activities difficult. Useful supports include:● Simplifying the appearance of web pages● Text-talk programmes● Choosing easy to read fonts

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Choosing a font

Good fonts are sans serif, monospaced and roman based. ● has not performed well in

research. ● Italics are particularly difficult. ● Not all students with reading difficulties find the

same fonts easy to read. Try: arial comic sans

courier helvetica verdana

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The purpose of using technology is for students to be able to effectively communicate. Read & Write, Word Q and Ginger work as a toolbar. They include dictionaries, text prediction,and read back students’ work.

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Often students with literacy difficulties also have difficulty recognising and recording numbers.● Use talking calculators ● Online workbooks● Maths Games to reinforce learning.● Reinforcing and reviewing learning

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Other Useful Stuff for iPads...Word processing for iPad

Private Journal

How to Mindmap


Kokako 123

Mr Thorne’s Phonics (Myths and Legends)

Kids Discover...

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To give feedback

To help refine and improve my practice, I am seeking feedback through a short survey.It is available on paper now or online at:https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/L6PMZR5It is anonymous and may collectively be collectively used as part of 2014 post-graduate studies.

Thanks for your time

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ReferencesAltformat (n.d.). Top tips for creating Dyslexia friendly print materials. Retrieved June 20, 2014, from http://www.altformat.org/index.asp?pid=344

British Dyslexia Association (2014, May). I.C.T. for Literacy. | BDA Technology. Retrieved from http://bdatech.org/learning/i-c-t-for-literacy/Bryne, R. (n.d.). Free Technology for Teachers. Retrieved June 2014, from http://www.freetech4teachers.com/CALL Scotland (2014). iPad Apps for Learners with Dyslexia. Retrieved June 20, 2014, from http://www.callscotland.org.uk/Resources/Posters-and-Leaflets/iPad-Apps-for-Learners-with-Dyslexia/Dyslexia Foundation of New Zealand (n.d.). THE 4D EDGE ? NEIL MACKAY AND THE NEW TEACHING PARADIGM. Retrieved June 20, 2014, from http://www.4d.org.nz/edge/#introEppsk (n.d.). ICT Resources for dyslexic learners. Retrieved June 2-14, from http://www.netvibes.com/dyslexia#HomeMacClaskey, K. (n.d.). Leveling the playing field with apps. Retrieved from http://www.scoop.it/t/leveling-the-playing-field-with-appsMacKay, N. (2006). Removing dyslexia as a barrier to achievement: The Dyslexia Friendly Schools toolkit. Outwood [England: SEN Marketing.Ministry of Education (n.d.). Centre for Assistive Technology. Retrieved June 20, 2014, from http://www.minedu.govt.nz/NZEducation/EducationPolicies/SpecialEducation/ServicesAndSupport/AssistiveTechnology/CentreForAssistiveTechnologyAndNewsletters.aspxRello, L., & Baeza-Yates, R. (n.d.). Good Fonts for Dyslexia. Retrieved from http://www.luzrello.com/Publications_files/assets2013.pdfRose, J. (2009). Identifying and Treating Children and Young People with Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties. Retrieved from http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20130401151715/https://www.education.gov.uk/publications/eOrderingDownload/00659-2009DOM-EN.pdfSingleton, C. (2009). ). Interventions for Dyslexia. Retrieved from http://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/files/Singleton%20Report.pdfTe@chThought (2012, September 17). 50 Popular iPad Apps For Struggling Readers & Writers. Retrieved June 2014, from http://www.teachthought.com/apps-2/50-popular-ipad-apps-for-struggling-readers-writers/

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