icop on confined space

 Introductio n, Legislation and Registration of Confined Space Husdin Che Amat Industrial Hygiene & Ergonomic Division DOSH 1

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industrial code of practice on confined space


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Introduction, Legislation and

Registration of Confined Space

Husdin Che Amat 

Industrial Hygiene & Ergonomic DivisionDOSH


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Upon completion of this chapter,participants will be able to:

• State the definition of confined space at 

workplace,• Explain the legislation related to the confined

space occupations.

Application procedures on AGT/ES registration.


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Definition of Confined Space

What is a confined space?  • An enclosed or partially enclosed space,

• Is at atmospheric pressure during occupancy,

• Is not intended or designed primarily as a place of work, and

• Is liable at any time to :i. Have an atmosphere which contains harmful levels of 


ii. Have an oxygen deficiency or excess

iii.Cause engulfment and

Could have restricted means for entry and exit.

(From Industry Code Of Practice For Safe Working In Confined Space 2010)


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Worker :

1. Inexperience : Not recognizing space as a confined space,not educated on potential hazards

2. Familiarity : assuming that conditions will remain the same;trusting their senses, and underestimating the danger

3. Taking short cuts : Failure to use, or failure of respiratoryequipment, and failure to apply for PTW

4. Responding to an accident : Trying to rescue others

Management :

1. No confined space entry program

2. Not equipped to manage the emergency situation


Causes of Incidents

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Types of Confined Space

Confined spaces can also be classified into 2 categories :

1.Open-topped enclosures with depths which restrict natural movement of air,

(e.g. pits, tanks, excavations, trenches, hoppers, vaults)2.Enclosures with limited openings for entry and exit (e.g. Sewers, ducts,

tunnels, pipes, silos, cooling towers, columns, boilers, furnaces, ships, )


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Examples of Confined Space


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Examples of Confined Space


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Examples of Confined Space



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Example of Confined Space



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Examples of Confined Space


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Examples of Confined Space

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A. Because you are doing a job involving work inconfined space such as :

 – Cleaning, inspection, painting, maintenance

 – Modification involving hot work, repairs, etc

B. Because you are the Authorized Gas Tester, and it 

is your job to test the atmosphere and ensure it is

safe for others to enter

C. Because you are with the emergency rescue team : – To rescue people in trouble in the confined space


Why Do You Have To Enter

Confined Space?

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OSHA 1994 

• General duties of employers

and self-employed persons

to their employees

 – Section 15(1)

 – Section 15(2)


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OSHA 1994 (Cont.) 

• Penalty under section 19 for

offences under sections 15

to 18;

 – Be liable to a fine not exceedingfifty thousand Malaysia

Ringgit or to imprisonment for

a term not exceeding two years 

or to both


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General Duties of Employee

Part VI: General duties of employees at work   (OSHA 1994)

- Section 24 (1)

- Section 24 (2)A person who contravenes the provisions of this sectionshall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, beliable to a fine not exceeding one thousand MalaysiaRinggit  or to imprisonment for a term not exceedingthree months or to both 


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•Regulation 13 (1) :Where any work has to be done inside any

chamber, tank, vat, pit, pressure or other

vessel or other confined space in which

dangerous fumes are liable to be present to

such an extent as to involve risk to anyperson being overcome thereby, such

confined space shall, unless there is other

adequate means of egress, be provided with

a manhole; such manhole may be

rectangular, oval or circular in shape, andshall not be less than sixteen inches wide 

or not less than eighteen inches in

diameter if circular.


FMA 1967 : SHW Reg 1970 

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No person shall be required or permitted to enter any confined space unless:-

a. All practicable steps have been taken to remove any fumes which may bepresent and to prevent any ingress of fumes;

b. It has been ascertained by a suitable test that the confined space is freefrom dangerous fumes;

Provided that where such test cannot be carried out, theperson entering a confined space shall wear an efficient respiratory protective device suitable for the dangeroussubstance that is to be expected and a suitable safety belt with attached life line of adequate dimensions leading to aconvenient point outside the tank or vessel.

c. A reliable and competent person is stationed at the entrance to the tank orvessel to supervise the operations and to take such action as may benecessary in any emergency


Factories & Machinery

(Safety, Health & Welfare) Regulations 1970 – 

Regulation 13 (2) 

I d t C d Of P ti

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• Produced by Department of Occupational Safety and Health(DOSH)

• Enforced by DOSH

• Does not apply to: – Underground mining

 – Other places not at atmosphericpressure

• Organisations involved in draftingthe code:• DOSH, Petronas, JPP, IWK, TM, TNB,

Putrajaya Holding Sdn Bhd, Pejabat Kesihatan (DBKL), BOMBA, JPP, Cabot Materials Research Sdn Bhd


Industry Code Of Practice


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ICOP Confined Space

• Industry Code Of Practice For Safe

Working In A Confined Space 2010

– Gazetted on 22nd July 2010

• Gazette no.

[P.U.(B) 324 / 2010]


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ICOP Confined Space

Contents◦ PART II : Confined Space Entry Program (15 elements)

◦ PART III : Detail Requirements

 – Permit to work 

 – Isolation requirements


Hazardous Atmosphere – Rescue and Emergency Services

 – Health Requirement 

 – Training

 – Additional Precautions


Record Keeping◦ PART IV : Duties of Responsible Persons


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To post danger sign such as – DANGER – CONFINED SPACE.


In both Bahasa Malaysia and

English• To develop and implement a

written confined space


To take measures to prevent unauthorized persons from

entering the confined space


Highlights in ICOP 2010

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Section 38(a) : The approved industrial codeof practice shall be admissible in evidence in


• Section 51 : General Penalty not exceeding

RM10,000.00 or 1 year imprisonment, or both


OSHA 1994 : ICOP 

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Dokumen Permohonan 

• Tujuan permohonan

• Butiran lengkap latihanSurat 


• Dilengkapkan dan dikemukakan bersama surat permohonan


pendaftaranpusat pengajar

• Dasar KKP

• Jumlah kakitangan

• Jenis urusan utama syarikat • Carta organisasi & sistem pengurusan

• Salinan sijil pendaftaran denganSuruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (ROC)

Latar belakang syarikat & profil



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Dokumen Permohonan 

• Tenaga pengajar (tetap/jemputan) perlumendapat kebenaran daripada JKKP.

• Surat perjanjian di antara pusat pengajardan pengajar (tenaga pengajar jemputan)

Senarai danmaklumat pengajarkursus (termasuk 


• Berdasarkan kepada modul latihan yang telah ditetapkan.

• Perlu diberikan kepada peserta latihansemasa latihan dijalankan.

Nota lengkaplatihan 

• Berdasarkan kepada modul latihan yang telah ditetapkan.

• Perlu digunakan sebagai panduan olehtenaga pengajar semasa mengendalikanlatihan.

Plan pembelajaran 


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Dokumen Permohonan 

• Berdasarkan kepada modul latihan yang telah ditetapkan & nota pembelajaran.

• Perlu digunakan oleh pengajar semasa latihan.

• Microsoft power point/tranparensi.


• Borang maklumbalas peserta 

• Tatacara penyimpanan rekod peserta 

• Salinan surat-surat perjanjian yang berkaitan

• Dokumen-dokumen sokongan.

Dokumen-dokumen lain 


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Modul Latihan 

• Modul latihan bagi bekerja selamat diruang terkurung untuk Orang Yang Dibenarkan Masuk dan Orang Menjaga (AESP)

• Modul latihan bagi bekerja selamat diruang terkurung untuk Penguji GasBertauliah (AGT ) dan Penyelia 

Kemasukan (ES)• Ditetapkan dan diluluskan oleh JKKP.

Modul latihan

• Modul latihan semula bagi bekerja selamat di ruang terkurung untuk AESP

• Modul latihan semula bagi bekerja selamat di ruang terkurung AGT /ES

• Ditetapkan dan diluluskan oleh JKKP.

Modul latihan

semula (refresher course ) 


T P j R T k

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Tenaga Pengajar Ruang Terkurung  

Dokumen Permohonan

Borang maklumat tenaga pengajar

Salinan biodata diri (CV)

Salinan sijil kursus “Train The

Trainer” (NIOSH) 

Salinan Sijil “Trainer for AGT” (NIOSH) 

Surat pelantikan tenaga pengajar

Surat persetujuan daripada pusat pengajar

Surat perjanjian di antara pusat pengajardan pengajar (tenaga pengajar jemputan)

Salinan resit pembayaran KWSP (tenaga pengajar tetap)


Minimum 3 tahunpengalaman kerja 

sebagai AGT & ESberdaftar

Minimum 2 tahunpengalaman

mengajar bidang KKP


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Tempoh Kelulusan Pengiktirafan 


• 2 tahun


• Jika syarat yang 

dinyatakan dalamsurat kelulusan atausyarat-syarat lain JKKP tidak dipatuhi

• Gagal kemukakan

permohonanlanjutan dalamtempoh yang ditetapkan.


• Permohonan 3 bulan sebelumtamat tempoh pendaftaran.

• Mengemukakan maklumat:•Surat permohonan lanjutan.

•Semua dokumen/maklumat berkaitan permohonan (rujuk 

 perenggan 6.2 ICOP ).

•Carta organisasi terkini.

•Maklumat latihan dalam tempohkelulusan terdahulu.

•Senarai pengajar tetap atau jemputan terkini.


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Penguji Gas Bertauliah (AGT) /

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Penguji Gas Bertauliah (AGT) / 

Penyelia Kemasukan(ES)

• Minimum SPM atau setaraf dengannya dan kredit dalam subjek 

Sains atau sekurang-kurangnya gred C dalam subjek Sains

Menghadiri kursus AE-SP dan AGT-ES• Lulus peperiksaan AE-SP dan AGT-ES yang dikendalikan oleh


• Minimum 3 tahun pengalaman kerja dalam bidang ruang



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