i was born intelligent but education ruined me

VALUE EDUCATION I WAS BORN INTELLIGENT BUT EDUCATION RUINED ME Members: 1. Jasmeet Saluja 2. Keyur Bhushan Chandra 3. Rakesh Roushan 4. Satya prakash singh

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Post on 12-Jul-2015



Presentations & Public Speaking

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Members:1. Jasmeet Saluja2. Keyur Bhushan Chandra3. Rakesh Roushan4. Satya prakash singh

I was Born Intelligent But Education Ruined my Life

Okay guys ….

so what do you think we would have done first when we got the assignment of a presentation on

this topic ?

Obviously Googling

Just have a look to what we found when we typed the first letter

So you see what we ( here it refers to Indians ) really want Google to answer us

We want it to look into our love affairs and then when we find our “better halves” to be no better than a “devil” :P, we want a

solution to it and then ………

well not going further In the list, lets move on

Let’s come back to the topic “I was Born Intelligent But Education Ruined my Life”

So, that's a famous quote you'll spot on T-shirts all around the world! But let's give it a serious thought.

Do you think education ruined you? Did it kill your creativity? Did it narrow down your focus?

Edison never went to school - yet he could claim 1093 patents. So is the case with many achievers.

What do you say friends?

I really want to know what my friends sittinghere think of this topic?? Do you really think,this is an almost proverbial and wittystatement, which is the outcome of a poorsoul who was tired of studying?

Well, not completely false, the statement iscontrived from the great Albert Einstein’smemorable quote “The only thing thatinterferes with my learning is my education”.

Scrolling through the contents on net I came across this, just have a look……..

" Man is his own star; and the soul that canrender an honest and perfect mancommands all light, all influence, all fate;nothing to him falls early or too late.Our fatal shadows that walk by us still“

'Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains‘. Living in a civil society we are bound by many shackles, and education is also one of them.

Just see the IRONY in here!!

• What is education?

• It is still a question our philosopher, thinkers and Gurus are trying to find an answer. Down the two thousand years of our intellectual history mankind is still groping in the dark for an answer.

And here we have our heroes ( refers to Institutes or Coaching Personals claiming 100% success ) of educational reform preaching quality education.

• Okay ! I have a question for all . Try to answer it , there is a great logic behind it.

Q. There are 7 boys A,B,C,D,E,F,G. A is reading a book, B is dancing, C is playing chess, D is writing, E is also writing, F is sweeping, So what is G doing ???

• PLAYING CHESS obviously…

You can argue with me , telling C could have played chess with the computer , but here it’s not the case.


Well I don’t think so, Although you may need some education to play chess !

I guess this answers the question how are we born INTELLIGENT!!

We are a naturally inquisitive animal, and we learn from what we discover.

The systematic delivery of education can stifle natural curiosity, deaden instinctive learning and damage the ability to learn through experience, leaving people only trusting what those in 'authority' deem right for the individual to know.

• I feel this topic has much to say beyond alaugh. Have we ever tried to actually look intowhat this means.

• The above statement has a seriousimplication, which is indeed very true, infact Iwould say a bitter truth. This is a satire on oureducational system. Starting from thechildhood to the highly professional educationeverything is based on theory learnt before.There is nothing new that is added.

Education can be taughtbut intelligence cannot

• Who taught Mr. Ambani the principles of management and leadership? He never joined any IIM ...its just that he knew..how to handle people through his experience and skill... !!!

So I feel yeah to some extent bookish knowledge is required but this in no way can guarantee succesS..!!

Today at the time when information is overloaded,we have turned into a species where we acceptthings rather than questioning them. Have we everquestioned things that are essential to us, whyshould fan be designed like this? Almost never!We take things for granted and try to study over,ultimately not understanding it completely. That’swhat education has been doing. We neither use ourcreativity coz everything you need is just few clicksaway. So why should you think be creative andwaste time. Hmm. Correct! Think about this as well.I hope I make some sense, if I was able to connectmy emotions with you.

• Einsten said "The true purpose of education is to train the mind think."

"Theories or figures that can be referred in books need not be remembered"

• If you want to clear the exams you need to solve a problem exactly the way the professor told us. There can be 101 methods to solve that but we can't apply them. I am not telling that its professor's fault because he has been asked by the higher authorities to do that.

• I would like to ask one question why it is that now we don't have someone like Newton or Einstein.

It is not because we have invented everything and no innovation is required???

Surely NO, Its because of the education system.

• Education never ruins anyone, but it is the curriculum which spoils matters.

Examinations are proving to be one ridiculous method of evaluation.

• "Education should be exercise; it has become massage". - Martin H. Fischer

• "Conventional education is aimed at getting a good job. Real education is aimed at doing a good job." - Nithyashanti

Seeing the other side of the coin

A recent show on Discovery channel about the "Genius"described that genius is not born. Anyone who isnurtured or brought up in a certain way or told to learnthings in a specific pattern can become a so-called genius.

I think you would agree that without education, you & Iwould not have been able to express our views here inthis manner.

Education doesn't necessarily mean a formal one.What we learn from day-to-day activities practically isalso Education.

And we are students for a lifetime......

• By this ….. We come to end of our presentation

Let us end our presentation with these following words :