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Partly cloudy tonight and Fri- day probably showers Friday fresh southerly winds A Washington Paper For Washington People Number 2078 WASHINGTON THURSDAY MARCH 27 1902 Price One Cent I j VCb e tUt mt I i 4 WILL INVESTIGATE DANISH ISLAND SALE Capt Christmas Charges- of Bribery Taken Up by the House ACCUSES MEMBERS OF CtRGRESS Said He Had to Buy Up Two Press Associations and Lobbyists Also REFERS TO ABNER MKINLEY HeaaeEsoB Appoints a Cemaittae of Seven Isclueig Matters DabeH Hitt Cousiss McCall Richardson Dins mere and Cowherd ta Take Charge The Heust today adopted i offered by Mr Rtebarosnn of Team ess B Democratic Mar lesser instructing the Speaker to appoint a eommiUee of seven to investigate tbe caarjges mads by Can taln Christmas tn eeaectioa with the purchase of the Danish West Imlles The Speaker then appointed the fellow Ing committee Messrs Dalsell of Pennsylvania Hltt of Illinois Cousins of Iowa McCall of Massachusetts Republicans Messrs Richardson of Tennessee Dins more of Arkansas and Cowherd of Mis- souri Democrat Directly after the reading of the min- utes in the House this meraiag Repre- sentative Richard of Tsnnoanco the Democratic leery loader arose te atten- tion of privilege Captain Christmas Charges He had read from the clerks desk resolutions netting forth that whereas Captala Von Christmas agent of the Dan- ish Government lad made a secret and robfideatfal report to his Government setting forth that he wee entitled to 1 per teat or altogether about oM of tbe price to be paid by this Govern for the Danish West ladies part of which was seed in bribing members of the United States Congress and other promin- ent cittaeas and far subsiataiag the Amer- ican press and whertftM the ratification has not yet Mea oonniimniatoa the a eaey not yet appropriated therefore Resolved that Ute Speaker of the House be instructed te appoint a com- mittee of seven members of the House te examine Ito the truth 0f these charges Mr Paynes Peint f Order Representative Payne of New York the Republican leer lesser at once rateed a point of order The preamble sets forth that this is a secret one he said sarcastic- ally and thin the reeofoUea contra dicts ttself The feels are not known A question of srivHeae eaaaot be tennis on such a retort The scatter te set be- fore the H Mr Xtebareaea replied with BMtch warmth I wilt stets on my honor as a member be declared that I have before me what purports to be ass what I believe to be that report leas one pap Those charges were mail by the diplomatic agent of the Danish Government who was also the quasi if not the real agent of our own Government The report was a soreet one but I say fully realteiag the force of my worts that on copy of k Whem did Ute gentleman examine the archives of the Government at Des mark interjected Mr Payne F eIIOhltl a re- port I ban a it have sever bees it Speak t my boor Dee ark was ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ the retort but that is not the only way in which to get a report Captain Christ- mas makes grave charges sad they ought te be Investigated I disclaim in this connection all intention of sparring for say political advantage in this matter Speaker Henderson laid that Congress had no Jurisdiction te investigate charges against American newspapers and he questioned the right of the house to in- vestigate wiles members of the flow were sot specified in the resolution Mr Richardson accordingly amended his reso- lution so as te include members of the House The Speaker thereupon overrated Mr Payees point of order Hew Reports Were Obtained Continuing Mr Richardson read vlt by Niels Gras a former eitisen of Denmark in which he stated that he had sees the secret and confidential made by Christmas to list Govern- ment sad the statements published ia Copenhagen prers aad setting forth the charge that had HeR obliged- to see large sumsM money to subsidize two press associations sad members of the American Confess Mr Ors a btavlL stated that Christ- mas had declared the truth of the ever his signature and that the printed reports were correct Mr read translations from a of Danish papers com- menting on the sale of the Danish island sad the report of Christmas as well as his agreement with the Ministry that he was to receive 1 per coat of the purchase price of the island Alleged Bribes en Credit ORe of the papers made the statement that Christmas had bribed Americas leg wiators on credit the uaderataadtag be- ing that he was te receive MotOt when the sale was consummated with which to pay them for aUias tn bringing shoot the purchase Another paper said that Christmas had carried on negotiations with members- of Conarees through Mr C W Knott aa- tattatate friend of Senator Hanna sad R P Body aa attorney of city a friend of Congressman Secretary of Babawy- Coatteaiag Mr Richaraaoa told of See retarr of Bwbaasy Whites visit from London to Copeaaagoa to further the sale Mr Rteheroaea the read a racta from the traaoiatioa of Captain Christmas re- port to the Danish Government tfl Abner McKinley Captain Christmas that he had made tae acquaintance of the Presidents brother Abaer McKinley aad Ida pertaer Mr Orown who are gentlemen much respect ed says aad la a poattioa to have in aonce with hostess mon sad stateomen- mt says further that Abaer McKinley sad Mr Brows had entree te the White House amt know all about the affairs of Coaareos sad are welt aa te what members of suits Dined Coag rasemoa at Raleigh He also says that he had to promise a certain awl to Mars McKinley sad Brown sad to pay a large sum to two press asoociaiioas one ia New York sad one fa Waeaiagtoa aad that he had a guarantee of these amounts promised from J A W beakers ia New York City farther his report says that he dined Coagresnuaa a Hotel JlaMgh to further the purchase of the Islands sad te give tbew the assurance that they shooM have a ahar of too commission for the sale CIt then Iris the sad that lie wu tile guest of there JJa these excerpts It set by Ite report c M paid to re I Sea I as- a re- ports state- ments Rkbardss number I Gardner Christmas Refers was forth Chrtstmas formed Csgrese malt aesoepistk are ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GRINDING THE FOR A Dismissals From the Force Scheduled the First Balch of Wtyicli Will Go On Saturday Afteinoon a AX TIlOUSANl sale CENSU ADS The officials of Ute Gases Busch are grinding the Ceases Ole ax for the necks of a thousand more clerks The decapitation wtti be eoaoacted oa the In- stallment piss sad the Job it te expected will be completed by April IS The Sent Installment of between one hundred sad two hundred the figures being furnished this moratag by Appointment Clerk BENNING ENTRIES FOR TOMORROW Following are the entries for Ute races at Denning tomorrow First race Selling three yearolds sad up five and furious Tax Mar H Right way 1W Gwyaae Fie Rus- sell 1 N Leslie Bruce Thad It4 Elizabeth Moos 11 Cormorant lit Al bert aright IM Alack 84 Imperialist 110 Mistress 11 Termless let K- 1niaa M Happy M Obliged H Ross W Frivol Secoatl race Maiden lilies twe years half mile Frocks ad Frills Blue Ielft Mda Adele Harding Mexieaaaa Allie Violet Merry Muses Mi Third race Mares three years sad up six furlongs Karly Kve Deaaa Honors M Red Damsel 114 Priaooss- Otlllle 114 Fourth race Maiden threeyoarolas ix furlongs Justice lit Odds sad lit Dark Low Fbxey Cur ley 1 fd Floumoy 19 Douse Hoe ora 107 Silver Trinket 107 GayhlWa 1 lei I End lit ese h1f 4 lip ¬ < ¬ LaacJey will be drives late the shambles oa Saturday Mr Laagley saM this morning that the dismissal of those stated te go by the ISth of April would set the working force down almost to the also desired for the permanent horses It te exported that April X will be the day whoa the rgeet number will be dis- missed 107 The Bandit lei Unsay Port 17 High Carnival 17 Fifth nee Three years aad up seven furlongs Jack McGinn 113 Charley Moors 112 Flare lei Rightaway K Giaki U Lae H Swamplands M Illu- minate M Caithness 91 Sixth race Three years and up son leg use mile and seventy yards Alt Saints Konroluca 10 Farrell 17 Los Key IS Rendezvous M Cherished K Apprenticeship allowance AN AGED MANS SUICIDE Jeha H Rolline Takes Own Life by In- haling Gas About 1230 today John II Rollins sixtyeight years of ape of S17 D Street souibweat committed sufeioe in the bath- room of his hence by labeling Illuminat- ing He was discovered by ilk son Kay lUitias The Fourth precinct police are investi- gating the case I lOt ins ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE PRESIDENT APPEALS TO CONGRESS IN BEHALF OF THE ISLAND OF CUBA Reminds the Legislators of the Fledges of This Conntzy and Makes Stzong Recommendations Regarding tfye Diplomatic Consular and Commercial Relations Between the Two Countzies The President this afternoon seat the following message to Congress relative te the affairs Of Cuba Te the Congress of the United States I commend to the Congress sidoratiett of measures for malntaialag diplomatic and consular representatives in Cuba aad for earrylag out tbaare visions of the act making tea for the support of the army th ftaeal year ending June 13 182 approved March 2 1901 reading as follows Provided further that in fulfillment of the declaration contained in the Joint resolution approved April 2 ISM For the recognition of the inde- pendence of the people of Cuba demand leg that the Government of Spain re- linquish its authority and government Island of Cuba and to withdraw Its land and naval forces from Cuba aad Cubes waters and directing the Presi- dent of the Untied States to use the land sad naval forces of the United States to carry these resolutions into effect the President is hereby authorized to leave the government sad control cf the island of Cuba to its people so soon as a gov- ernment shall have beeR established in sold island under a constitution which either as part thereof er In an ordinance appended thereto shall define the future relations of the United States with Cuba substantially as follows I That the Government of Cuba sball never enter into any treaty or other com- pact with any foreign Power or Powers which Impair or tend to impair the independence of Cuba nor in any manner authorise or permit any foreign Power or Powers te obtain by colonization or for military or naval purposes or otbewlse lodgment in or coatrol over say portion ef said island II That said Government sball sot as or contract say public debt to pay the Interest upon which aad to make rea seeable staMag had provisions for the ultimate discharge of which the ordinary revenues of the island after tM current expenses of Government shell b That Government ef Cuba consents that the United States may exercise tb right to intervene for the preaervatiea of Cuban independence the maintenance of Ball Teams Mysterious Lead l er Fails tp Arrive THE SITUATION IS STRAINED Telegram Received But Its Anther Fails te Shew We Pretest Glee te His Whereabeets Fans Weald of a doubt that there is Thomas who is MM to have a position as maaager of tIM Seta torlal baseball aggregation The ute meet that Tom Leftus is a living breath- Ing sad Material Individual has bees sworn to by many people who claim to have net and talked with him Under these circumstances it is hard to believe that tie manager of the Basebcll tab incorporated is seth tag more than a name but still the teas are wavering They want to believe that there has beer a manager secured te pilot their ebaup Gas through the treacherous shoals of a baseball season they waat to believe that Loftua eventually meaaa to arrive at the National Capital but It is hard work They have been told that Lotto was la Dubueae that he would arrive here just a week that he was In Chicago and that he would arrive positively last night They have bees told all these things and have believed them The de- mon of skepticism however ta gnawing at their vitals sod shout two more pipe dreams of this sort will bring the whole structure of their conftdeace tumbling to the ground Where Loftus sad what Is he dolag A little less than a week ago received that he would arrive oa a cer- tain date There was much scurrying erased and preparations were made to give the new manager a rousing recep- tion lie failed to the basoball public patiently set- tled down to await some word from the sea who will govern their team during the coming season None cane It eeuM easily he thought that there te no such person as Loftiw for all the Washington fees could leers This silence was followed by the re port of a secret conference between Presi- dent Fred Postal Manager LenIN and Dan Johnson president of the League at Chicago This meeting was held be- hind closed doors and nothing was made public concerning it Following close upon title conference and shortly after the return of postal to Detroit there came a deluge of rumors from the Wolverine City stating that the Sessions were stilted for a shelf and that Pittsburg hi I already bees selected as Its successor This story was indig- nantly denied by local men interested In the club but still there was HO word concerning the whereabouts of Loftus Finally it was announced that be would arrive last night and the situation once more grew tranquil Now it is said that the missing manager will reach here today Well he may Editor Turns Counterfeiter BBRLIN March 27 Horr Leaser ior morly editor or the Weekly Odin at Muenchea has been sentenced to eighteen years Imprisonment for counterfeiting appr a j I I del I III the MANAGER LOFTUS I STRANGELY SILENT r bas bees ear beyond tile seek a parses Loft ago I 1 arriv- er timely con for en- titled la- the will sums d11nK laedoeuate Like to Bin Informed It sbaow as ac- cepted Washing- ton wogl vas i some- time ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ a government adequate ttt protection of life property sad liberty and for discharging too eoHgatfoas with respect to Cuba imposed by treaty of Paris oa the United States new to be assumed and undertakes by Ute Govern of Cuba IV That all acts of th United States in Cuba during its military there- of are ratified sad valMaoi and all lawful acquired ekercaauor shall be maintained sod protected V That the Government of Cuba will ex eeute and as far as necessary extend the plans already devised or other plans to j be mutually agreed upon for the sanita- tion of the cities of the Island to the end that a re urrence of sad infec- tious diseases may be prevented thereby assuring proteetloa to people sad commerce ef Cuba as well as to the com- merce of the Southern ports ef the United States sad the people residing therein That the Isle of Pines shall be omitted from the proposed boun- daries of Cuba the title thereto being left te future adjustment by VII That te enable the United States to maintain the independence of cubs and to protect the people thereof as well as for Its own defence the Govorameat of Calla will sell or lease to Uw United States lands necessary or naval stations at certain pouts to be agreed upon with the BrusMoat of the United States VIII That by way of further nsoaraaee the Government of Cube will smoedr the fore- going provisions in a pert treaty with the United States The people of Cuba having framed a constitution embracing the foregoing re- quirements sad having a who te soon to take omce the time te sear for th fulfillment of the pledge of the United States to leave the and control of the island of Cuba io Its people I am advised by is Secre tarT of War that it te now expected that the installation of the Government of Cuba sad tbe termination of military ecowetfett of that latest by the United States will take place ea the foth of May next It Is necessary that the establishment of interaajtioMkl r 4ioas lit4i eee j r VI I I for g spec I I tIt and r tile mat i rights the coaotitutI eel treats eke Presi- dent govern- ment > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + MAGNATES MEET MINE WORKERS L RAILROAD Senator Commit fee Scores Great Triumph OUTLOOK NOW AfUSrflCOUS Magnate Will Tell Their Side f the Anthracite Troubles and Jraraittee May Act as an Arbitratl t Tribunal Between Operators and Eaiplayes NsW March KrThe great power of the National Civic Federation was better exemplified tod my than ever before during its short existence when Senator Haaaa announced this that the Federation had prevailed opoa of the presieeata of tM large an- thracite carrying railroads sad anthracite interests which eoatrol praotMatty all the Immense Pennsylvania M Ve agree to tires of the United Mire Workers of America Accordingly at ocloek lag President even Thomas oT the Brio Railroad President George F Baer of the Philadelphia and Readta Railroad President William H Truead fse of the Delaware Lackawanna and W4ftorn Rail- road aad Preaidoat Olipaaai of the Dela- ware and Hudson Comb Company called at the headquarters of tiNt CWe Federa- tion in the Church Mission BattdiHg a1 there entered late conferenee with the fuU conciliation committee efe Jbf National Civic Federation sad iiia nhiir of the United Mire Workers The mine workers present yere Presi dent John Mitchell sad nts John Fahey Thomas Xicbotoiaad Thomas Icy The lest three mentlcaed are also chair- men of their district committees Yesterday President Mitchell sad his confederates recited to the Federation fully the present status of the strained affairs In the anthracite district whore 1149M miners threaten te strike Today the other side of the story was told The fut that the railroad sad an- thracite magnates agreed toi do and did respond to the invitation ef Session Hanna to attend todays meeting te a great victory for the Federation In the strike of IN these present singly and collectively positively refused to treat with the mine workers President Oliphant was especially strong in ids refusal to trea6 with the men and a number of bitter at- tacks OB President Mitehel and the Hnioa The fact is that tile strike of 19M was only settled through the stroaifpuc efforts of Senator lianas who prevailed on J P Morgan te bring the rallroajl and coal men into line The Meeting this morning opened at 14SO Messrs Thomas Bser Htpbaat sad were salted by Sen- ator ITnnna who reoidodhat the meeting te cite fully the operateiaf sine of the Thereafter a general ilfjnjunjrr would occur The advisability of the pnciliatioa 4 j I YORK hIs meet spas equal vies Pre J Tru dale t Hanna t some terms the reproislta 1030 his morn sot made ups ease C I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ with the Government f Cuba should ce laclde with Its iaexguratioa as well to provide a channel for the conduct of dip lomatic relations rfehj the new State open the path immediate sego Uatieas of agreements to carry out the of tINt act above quoted It te also advisable that con- sular representation be established with- out delay at the prlaripal Cuban ports n order that eomm the island be conducted with ofie regard to the or malities prescribed the revenue aad navigation statutes pT Ute United States j have the customary local resorts open to thorn for their business seeds aad the case artetag for the protection of their rights I therefore recommend that revision be forthwith and the salaries ap propriated to be immediately available a Savoy KjctraordJamy aad Mia Inter Plenipotentiary to the Re- public of Cuba MM b Secretary of the legation 20M c Second secretary of the legation r d Consul general at Havana SoM- e Consul at Cionfuogos 3off e Consul at Santiago de Cuba 3eM I do sot recommend the present rattoB ef the consulates formerly main- tained at Renege Cardenas Matanzas- Kuevitas Sagua laGrande and San Juan de los Remedies The commercial Interests at those ports heretofore have sot bees large The consular fees collected there during the fiscal year lfitt97 aggregated ITSMe It te believed that the actual needs of the six oAoes named can be emcleatly subserved by agents under the three principal consular offices until events may snow the necessity of erecting a full consulate at any point The commercial and political condi- tions ia tile Island of Cuba while under Ute Spanish crown story little basis for estimating the local development of ia- tereourae with this country under tile in- fluence of the new Eolations which have beea created by the achievement of Cu- ban independence gas which are to be broadened and streagthened in every proper way by pasts with the Cubans sad by iffM and beneaceat legis- lation aiming to stimulate the commerce between the two countries if the great task we accepted la 18M te to be fittingly accomplished THBOD0RK ROO6KVBLT White House Washtacton March 27 HI a- te con I pro j that American cltheens is may for mad had Cuba mud ail reM Upeit ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ eammittee ar or m sots ting m the Vhreateaed strike was to be decided meeting Secretary Raipa aetea of the Fosera- Joa ras asked if tile fact that the large operators Interests were represented at this mersfecs eouM be a practical reco ef the Ualted Ale Workers Ho said that Ute meeting today was la formal and U wouU sot tboreCsre be fair to put such a uftaUtuttfua upon tile of tINt maaaaMa The minors hero be added represent the Miners in the laid lot he dM sot think it would be fair to say they repre- sented tile He said It was a deli- cate question and the situation would not be these advantage of ia the meetas It was reported this morning that Saa tor liaaaa had called spas Mr Morgan yesterday afternoon sad talked with him regarding the strike sltuatloa It vas also reported that Morgan had said to Mr Haaaa that he was la Saver of avoid j lag a strike and saw no to tie recognition of the union Senator Haaaa denied that be bad talked with Mr Morgan about the strike He had seen Morgan be said tilt r th as whatever had sea said about the threat ened strike Statements Fuss the Leaders Senator Haaaa The developments thus far are a signal victory for tile miners sal the Civic Federation The op6r U rs have been brought to a realizing sense that there is a common good to be derived from an organisation in their own ranks If nothing else results from the meet of the Federation today the estab- lishment of this community of interests is a strong card against any resort strikes in the future The battle te half won win the operators and the men have been brought together President MttcballjECTho result of tb x meeting will mean m oh for the future of the mining interests m Poaacylvanla It Is the first occasion oa which we fel that the men will have a fair sal im partial hearing It Of most certainly a- long step in our favor sad a victory for the Civic The organisa- tion though still young has already proved its strength Senator Manes said today that J Pier pout Morgue had sot been asked te co- operate In say way with the federation- in effecting a settlement I saw Mr Morgan yesterday said be but the strike question was only referred te la a casual way FOUR CHINESE CAPTURED- A White Man Was Endeavoring te Get Them late Buale BUFFALO N Y March 27 Four sad ODe white man were cap tured by two policemen late last night as the Chinamen were being smuggled late thte country la a rowboat propelled- by the white man The capture was made in Petal and apparently tile boat had bees rowed from Canada but this seems almost in- credible owing to the vast as ouat et lee in the lake It is impossible to leers anything from the prisoners otherwise the police be- lieve they might be a aMInn to stop the great amount of smugglta going on at this port a- te tr- I doa I I I I I lag o great I Chi mooting pres- ence autos Objet lien t Federation River Mil ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BILL CREATING NEW OFFICE IN DISTRICT Tfye Secretary of ife District of Columbia The two District Commis- sioners chosen from ciril life now hare no one to net ia tfceir places during their absence from the city while there is a substitute for the Commissioner This Commis- sioner Macfnrland says might sometimes prove a serious con dition and it is to correct the matter that the Commissioners have had prepared and Senator ifcOfillan lies mtrodnced a bill providing for a Secretary for the District of Columbia BELIOETS AUTO Comment Concerning HiAI leged Infraction of Law MAJOR SYLVESTER TO ACT The Head sf the Metr p HtaH Police Will Make a Test Cue of MU OBabe Ca- gresoroaas Arrest and Release Optsioa ef a District Official A thorough iavoaiisation will be made by Major Sylvester rogardw the acOoa of LJea4oaaat Daley of the Ninth precinct who related Congraosman O H P Bel moa of New York several days age after he had Mea taken isle malady by Bteyde Policeman Edwaros oa a charge of nm sing his automobile faster than the law allows while coming into the dty front Beaatag TIle action of Lteateaaat Daley la set upholding the officer after his having made the arrest has crested discussion among the members of the Department sad cithene- Se far aa PeUcesaan Edward ease hi concerned it Is by the police oMeiple that ho oaiy his duty and te ia r to blame for maMne the arrosC- Ma wt yyrvostor m r tL3 morals s 4 Unit ta Uar Bdwards had atoaJy obcre The head af the POM Doamcb that he hasl oamumlad a fail report of the Inclatat Ueateaaat- Da ey sad that the matter of lalaanins Urn So far there have Mea no verges erred agaiaat the bicycle no Representative Belmont aad ii is staled oa good authority that it la sot likely that such sells will be takes When seen this afternoon just prior to starting for the Belmont stated that be did sot low of Ute proposed iavoatigatioa as be newer crossed a bridge mil he reached U 1 have sot yet been advised Maid of the police Investigation nd nctil I am I do sot know what action I will take saM Mr Belmont Te incident hen Meta greatly exaggerated There were two veaiclea ahead of me an I was just about keeaiac up with a street ear whea my man who was riding backward told me that a policeman was beckeaia to me I stopped aad was told that f was ex- ceeding the speed limit I that I thought the omcer was mistaken bet was required to go te the polio static where after hearing the facts tile li tenaat ordered my release In speaking of the matter this morning a District onteial said to the release of Representative Del mont without his having placed the sary collateral i in my opiates diacrimiaaUoa If Congrtasmca Ute who sake the laws for our city violate them they should in my opinion be to softer the same as the rttiieas lion taken by lieutenant Daley ia the ter placed his subordinate in a very harnessing poaitioB and it in donate there will many more arrests of for fast running of their ma- chines until the of this head BURNS CASE CITED IN LOCAL COURT The Trial of Hezekiah Coates Charged With Murder- The greater part of the moraine sion of the trial of Hesekwb Gates col- ored charged with the murder f Carrie Corbia also colored was taken up la the discussion of the admissibility of the tes- timony of police officers relative te al- leged confessions of the accused Messrs Strasbursor aad Dammnn oa behalf of the defendaat opposed the ad mission of such testimony aa evidence against Coates The argument In favor of this proposition was based on the ruling of the court in New York in the ease of Florence Burns who was charged with the murder of Walter Brooks Justice Anderson ruled that the was competent and De ctiY Lacey of the Metropolitan police force was called to give evidence Throughout- the long argument relative to tile ad mtesibility of the evtdoaee tile nccassd boy sat apparently unconcerned Me was not chewing tobacco however as be te re ported to have deae yesterday daring tINt proceedings Justice Aadersoa this artemoon at the eoaclusioa of tile Oovorameuts tastlmeay in the ease ordered the Jury to return a verdict of not guilty I I BIt TO WI J unaIWe CMIIII red the 1 vestl lire Mr Belmoets Statemest rue what aetlea lie would take la tM I t i The action takes the potae t If be outcome Is FLORENCE Henry eer RIflE BEJTJf9fl Po- lice did way dieepsdng mat- t Migg c3u on ter3 Mated from Cagraema waeJt t omM ty Ic red tests by Rep eseatative m reply d by rela- tive auto- mobilists case f sea testi- mony ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > Proposed Revival of Sec- retary Abolished by- Law of 1874 TO FILL iff mAID May Act as i i Absence of Others From Civil Life TO BE NAMED BY PRESIDENT Measure latroduced by Senatet McMBJaa at the af the Mr MacfarJasi Writes in Explanation- of the Object of Ute Prapasitiea Tile ogee of of the Btetdot of Columbia te to be erected it the wfjmus are realised Senator MeMltssa at Ute reauost of the Csmmtesloners hotroaueod a both remtteg to tile ogee of Secretary of tile District of Columbia which vMes that a secretary shall be appointed by the with the eoasoBC of the roeetve a salary of lssa a year TIle bill provides that Ute oSee be filled within thirty days attar tbe passage of tile MM It te stipulated that Uated States and a resident District according to the rules sow plying to the District bead similar to those by therCem May Act as Camraiseieaer The secretary te te be Acting Cods stoaer during the absence of etcher of tile Comaiiosioaers from elvll life The particular duties of the Secretary shall be to keep a record of tINt ness and eerreepoadeace of Ute Cammtenlesijre sitting as a board aad other par mass duties as the Board eC 1111111 Is Purpose ef the BOIL of Ute secretary shall with tile approval of the CeaMal ers a suttAoJe person to par Ma duties usejssjsnWrii such sM 4het fte prtaetpal obfeet of sae trAct government i- of either ot time Cossmissioners Ire tVL Ala He stated that serious essbarraosmoaC Ire tile presoat Mr Marfarrnaa tat tile last that TINt bill would imha aattell rusAt a sb- Cotasabia itls auMnmja by die act of1SW- ahsMsaing tile territorial Mesa ot eat for tile District Affect Dr TiaelL sinners Dr TfasdaU would be the sr- soa ebi fiy steeled by the cbaago hi thee law Dr Ttadall te conslderod oao of tbs moot esadeat ofitesrs of tIN District ripe and te vtrtually a clerk sot a eeted by changes of admJatetratiaa or hi the personnel of the Board of Coawnuaasaa ers Tide bill would give him much power than bo sow but It would also ia maJdas him vtrtuaNr a Commissioner make him liable to meat at any time ary to sot a considerraion ia bo Dr Ttodairs salary would sot be by tt uflililill Ur Strange Conduct Indulged Charles T Murray MADE THREATS OF VIOLENCE Mr Charles T Murray who has bees i ted for some time petit la roNgasa chess ned physical culture was this morning at the Rueoeil MS G Street northwest where be precinct station aa a charge of insanity Mr Murray It te saii has bees dividing tat recently botwosa religious jets sad physical culture Previous te that be was a rhnis enthusiast and was regarded as the cbamplsa of the District At S oclock thte moratog Mr Mm pay sad It Is std saaoBafed that be wets tile employer sad Mr Russell the em Be ateo stated that ho was Ore af a satesataa It Is said that bo tINt mentally nabahuMoa A teasdBiabte crowd attracted b the vicinity of the ottcc The parol wagon was and tits unferts- mue man was carried to precinct althea No 1 where tile charge of insanity mm lodged against him fe1fef Commissioner ers Seer of the of the WJetJ- a the Se Itr t ce- o Neat Ste ts held rr years Ute secretary shall be a eItbea st tiN of C- It ales that Ite gt a gives ers sell any to u H4t isle 1 et custody sad use of die of tIN st Oiuabla In tile of Ute temporary It provided that e ISM letter Mn t l a Wu of tIN oC uc ease of tM absence JaIPt u u re tile law prwiies foe a jllUllt- M of tile Secretary of ue IIIC TIle present Secretary to tile cIa ereat He to tile redeekr node The qdea of CLERK ARRESTED ON INSANITY ol Percy IL lip at tIM First st went to the adios Ite ill eC beIac a clerk tor the throw several to became la the of Dr D Percy Stickling wee ialiy sad said lie thought Mr osta was I Ill Request Crefealsc- s ye- gttleeeed sty Lode pcs see four led shelf trite sit nNaers is provided atoll sheers from Sias prescribe shall bate saris ehargo tbs seaat Rltetri it event aheeaee Is he met Meuliej p10erday- wrue a i i g- lltwhat bw Obamkelaers eeeodeC- e aac pspasd is to provide abaLtt Inte- trepNe admiaietrstba DN any elem su ion rlres for Raglaeer Geaiesssec scree Dirl t pill poe belongs see spar exercises sal bpi es t3tatgsd e in- lay arrested ace s 5 sad locked the sate Cosebia where erpiepe ploy sad longed Ills threat- ened b calls trees window and proceeded stress wen mouser opeaig and abet- ting doors and moving pieces off srs0brre esSls- fa Murray w ¬ = +

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Page 1: I VCb e tUt mt - Library of Congress · End lit ese h1f 4 lip ... room of his hence by labeling Illuminat-ing He was discovered by ilk son Kay lUitias The Fourth precinct police are

Partly cloudy tonight and Fri-

day probably showers Fridayfresh southerly winds

A Washington PaperFor Washington People

Number 2078 WASHINGTON THURSDAY MARCH 27 1902 Price One Cent

I j

VCb e tUt mtI




Capt Christmas Charges-of Bribery Taken Up

by the House


Said He Had to Buy Up TwoPress Associations and

Lobbyists Also


HeaaeEsoB Appoints a Cemaittaeof Seven Isclueig Matters DabeHHitt Cousiss McCall Richardson Dinsmere and Cowherd ta Take Charge

The Heust today adopted i

offered by Mr Rtebarosnn of Team ess B

Democratic Mar lesser instructing theSpeaker to appoint a eommiUee of seven

to investigate tbe caarjges mads by Cantaln Christmas tn eeaectioa with thepurchase of the Danish West Imlles

The Speaker then appointed the fellowIng committee

Messrs Dalsell of Pennsylvania Hlttof Illinois Cousins of Iowa McCall ofMassachusetts Republicans

Messrs Richardson of Tennessee Dinsmore of Arkansas and Cowherd of Mis-

souri DemocratDirectly after the reading of the min-

utes in the House this meraiag Repre-sentative Richard of Tsnnoanco theDemocratic leery loader arose te atten-

tion of privilegeCaptain Christmas Charges

He had read from the clerks deskresolutions netting forth that whereasCaptala Von Christmas agent of the Dan-

ish Government lad made a secret androbfideatfal report to his Governmentsetting forth that he wee entitled to 1

per teat or altogether about oM oftbe price to be paid by this Governfor the Danish West ladies part of whichwas seed in bribing members of theUnited States Congress and other promin-ent cittaeas and far subsiataiag the Amer-

ican press and whertftM the ratificationhas not yet Mea oonniimniatoa the a eaeynot yet appropriated therefore

Resolved that Ute Speaker of theHouse be instructed te appoint a com-

mittee of seven members of the House teexamine Ito the truth 0f these charges

Mr Paynes Peint f OrderRepresentative Payne of New York the

Republican leer lesser at once rateeda point of order

The preamble sets forth that thisis a secret one he said sarcastic-

ally and thin the reeofoUea contradicts ttself The feels are not knownA question of srivHeae eaaaot be tennison such a retort The scatter te set be-

fore the HMr Xtebareaea replied with BMtch

warmthI wilt stets on my honor as a member

be declared that I have before me whatpurports to be ass what I believe to bethat report leas one pap Those chargeswere mail by the diplomatic agent of theDanish Government who was also thequasi if not the real agent of our ownGovernment The report was a soreetone but I say fully realteiag the forceof my worts that oncopy of k

Whem did Ute gentleman examine thearchives of the Government at Desmark interjected Mr Payne





I ban a

it have sever bees it



my boor

Dee ark was











the retort but that is not the only wayin which to get a report Captain Christ-mas makes grave charges sad they oughtte be Investigated I disclaim in thisconnection all intention of sparring forsay political advantage in this matter

Speaker Henderson laid that Congresshad no Jurisdiction te investigate chargesagainst American newspapers and hequestioned the right of the house to in-

vestigate wiles members of the flowwere sot specified in the resolution Mr

Richardson accordingly amended his reso-

lution so as te include members of theHouse

The Speaker thereupon overrated MrPayees point of order

Hew Reports Were ObtainedContinuing Mr Richardson read

vlt by Niels Gras a former eitisenof Denmark in which he stated that hehad sees the secret and confidential

made by Christmas to list Govern-

ment sad the statements published iaCopenhagen prers aad setting forth thecharge that had HeR obliged-to see large sumsM money to subsidizetwo press associations sad members ofthe American Confess

Mr Ors a btavlL stated that Christ-mas had declared the truth of the

ever his signature and that theprinted reports were correct

Mr read translationsfrom a of Danish papers com-

menting on the sale of the Danish islandsad the report of Christmas as well ashis agreement with the Ministry that hewas to receive 1 per coat of the purchaseprice of the island

Alleged Bribes en CreditORe of the papers made the statement

that Christmas had bribed Americas leg

wiators on credit the uaderataadtag be-

ing that he was te receive MotOt whenthe sale was consummated with which topay them for aUias tn bringing shoot thepurchase

Another paper said that Christmas hadcarried on negotiations with members-of Conarees through Mr C W Knott aa-

tattatate friend of Senator Hanna sadR P Body aa attorney of city a

friend of CongressmanSecretary of Babawy-

Coatteaiag Mr Richaraaoa told of Seeretarr of Bwbaasy Whites visit fromLondon to Copeaaagoa to further the sale

Mr Rteheroaea the read a racta fromthe traaoiatioa of Captain Christmas re-

port to the Danish Governmenttfl Abner McKinley

Captain Christmas that he had made taeacquaintance of the Presidents brotherAbaer McKinley aad Ida pertaer MrOrown who are gentlemen much respected says aad la a poattioa to have inaonce with hostess mon sad stateomen-

mt says furtherthat Abaer McKinley sad Mr Brows hadentree te the White House amt knowall about the affairs of Coaareos sad arewelt aa te what members of

suitsDined Coag rasemoa at Raleigh

He also says that he had to promise acertain awl to Mars McKinley sadBrown sad to pay a large sum to twopress asoociaiioas one ia New York sadone fa Waeaiagtoa aad that he had aguarantee of these amounts promisedfrom J A W beakers ia NewYork City

farther his report says that he dinedCoagresnuaa a Hotel JlaMgh tofurther the purchase of the Islands sad tegive tbew the assurance that theyshooM have a ahar of too commission

for the sale





sad that lie wu tile guest ofthere

JJa these excerpts It set by


report c

M paid to re













Referswas forth


formedCsgrese malt aesoepistk











Dismissals From the Force Scheduled the FirstBalch of Wtyicli Will Go On Saturday Afteinoon





The officials of Ute Gases Busch aregrinding the Ceases Ole ax for thenecks of a thousand more clerks Thedecapitation wtti be eoaoacted oa the In-

stallment piss sad the Job it te expected

will be completed by April IS The SentInstallment of between one hundred sadtwo hundred the figures being furnishedthis moratag by Appointment Clerk



Following are the entries for Ute racesat Denning tomorrow

First race Selling three yearolds sadup five and furious Tax MarH Right way 1W Gwyaae Fie Rus-sell 1 N Leslie Bruce Thad It4Elizabeth Moos 11 Cormorant lit Albert aright IM Alack 84 Imperialist110 Mistress 11 Termless let K-1niaa M Happy M Obliged H RossW Frivol

Secoatl race Maiden lilies twe yearshalf mile Frocks ad Frills BlueIelft Mda Adele Harding MexieaaaaAllie Violet Merry Muses Mi

Third race Mares three years sad upsix furlongs Karly Kve DeaaaHonors M Red Damsel 114 Priaooss-Otlllle 114

Fourth race Maiden threeyoarolasix furlongs Justice lit Odds sad

lit Dark Low Fbxey Curley 1 fd Floumoy 19 Douse Hoeora 107 Silver Trinket 107 GayhlWa




End lit

ese h1f4





LaacJey will be drives late the shamblesoa Saturday

Mr Laagley saM this morning that thedismissal of those stated te go by theISth of April would set the working forcedown almost to the also desired for thepermanent horses

It te exported that April X will be theday whoa the rgeet number will be dis-missed

107 The Bandit lei Unsay Port 17High Carnival 17Fifth nee Three years aad up seven

furlongs Jack McGinn 113 CharleyMoors 112 Flare lei Rightaway KGiaki U Lae H Swamplands M Illu-minate M Caithness 91

Sixth race Three years and up sonleg use mile and seventy yards AltSaints Konroluca 10 Farrell 17Los Key IS Rendezvous M CherishedK

Apprenticeship allowance


Jeha H Rolline Takes Own Life by In-

haling GasAbout 1230 today John II Rollins

sixtyeight years of ape of S17 D Streetsouibweat committed sufeioe in the bath-room of his hence by labeling Illuminat-ing He was discovered by ilk sonKay lUitias

The Fourth precinct police are investi-gating the case












OF THE ISLAND OF CUBAReminds the Legislators of the Fledges of This Conntzy and

Makes Stzong Recommendations Regarding tfye

Diplomatic Consular and CommercialRelations Between the Two Countzies

The President this afternoon seat thefollowing message to Congress relative tethe affairs Of Cuba

Te the Congress of the United StatesI commend to the Congresssidoratiett of measures for malntaialagdiplomatic and consular representativesin Cuba aad for earrylag out tbaarevisions of the act making teafor the support of the army th ftaealyear ending June 13 182 approved March2 1901 reading as follows

Provided further that in fulfillmentof the declaration contained in the Jointresolution approved April 2 ISM

For the recognition of the inde-pendence of the people of Cuba demandleg that the Government of Spain re-linquish its authority and government

Island of Cuba and to withdraw Itsland and naval forces from Cuba aadCubes waters and directing the Presi-dent of the Untied States to use the landsad naval forces of the United States tocarry these resolutions into effect thePresident is hereby authorized to leavethe government sad control cf the islandof Cuba to its people so soon as a gov-ernment shall have beeR established insold island under a constitution whicheither as part thereof er In an ordinanceappended thereto shall define the futurerelations of the United States with Cubasubstantially as follows

IThat the Government of Cuba sball

never enter into any treaty or other com-pact with any foreign Power or Powerswhich Impair or tend to impair theindependence of Cuba nor in any mannerauthorise or permit any foreign Power orPowers te obtain by colonization or formilitary or naval purposes or otbewlselodgment in or coatrol over say portion efsaid island

IIThat said Government sball sot as

or contract say public debt to paythe Interest upon which aad to make reaseeable staMag had provisions for theultimate discharge of which the ordinaryrevenues of the island after tMcurrent expenses of Government shell b

That Government ef Cuba consentsthat the United States may exercise tbright to intervene for the preaervatiea ofCuban independence the maintenance of

Ball Teams Mysterious Lead

l er Fails tp Arrive


Telegram Received But Its Anther Failste Shew We Pretest Glee te His

Whereabeets Fans Weald

of a doubt that there isThomas who is MM to have

a position as maaager of tIM Setatorlal baseball aggregation The utemeet that Tom Leftus is a living breath-Ing sad Material Individual has beessworn to by many people who claim tohave net and talked with him

Under these circumstances it is hard tobelieve that tie manager of the

Basebcll tab incorporated is sethtag more than a name but still the teasare wavering They want to believe thatthere has beer a manager secured te pilottheir ebaup Gas through the treacherousshoals of a baseball season they waatto believe that Loftua eventually meaaato arrive at the National Capital butIt is hard work

They have been told that Lotto was laDubueae that he would arrive here justa week that he was In Chicago and

that he would arrive positively lastnight They have bees told all thesethings and have believed them The de-

mon of skepticism however ta gnawingat their vitals sod shout two more pipedreams of this sort will bring the wholestructure of their conftdeace tumblingto the ground

Where Loftus sad what Is he dolagA little less than a week agoreceived that he would arrive oa a cer-

tain date There was much scurryingerased and preparations were made togive the new manager a rousing recep-tion lie failed to

the basoball public patiently set-

tled down to await some word from thesea who will govern their team duringthe coming season None cane It eeuMeasily he thought that there te no suchperson as Loftiw for all the Washingtonfees could leers

This silence was followed by the report of a secret conference between Presi-dent Fred Postal Manager LenIN andDan Johnson president of the Leagueat Chicago This meeting was held be-

hind closed doors and nothing was madepublic concerning it

Following close upon title conferenceand shortly after the return of postal toDetroit there came a deluge of rumorsfrom the Wolverine City stating that theSessions were stilted for a shelf andthat Pittsburg hi I already bees selectedas Its successor This story was indig-nantly denied by local men interested Inthe club but still there was HO wordconcerning the whereabouts of Loftus

Finally it was announced that be wouldarrive last night and the situation oncemore grew tranquil Now it is said thatthe missing manager will reach here

today Well he may

Editor Turns CounterfeiterBBRLIN March 27 Horr Leaser ior

morly editor or the Weekly Odin atMuenchea has been sentenced to eighteenyears Imprisonment for counterfeiting











bas bees ear beyond tileseek a parses



I 1


timely con








Like to Bin


It sbaowas




wogl vas










< ¬









a government adequate ttt protectionof life property sad libertyand for discharging too eoHgatfoas withrespect to Cuba imposed by treaty ofParis oa the United States new to beassumed and undertakes by Ute Govern

of CubaIV

That all acts of th United States inCuba during its military there-of are ratified sad valMaoi and alllawful acquired ekercaauor shallbe maintained sod protected

VThat the Government of Cuba will ex

eeute and as far as necessary extend theplans already devised or other plans to j

be mutually agreed upon for the sanita-tion of the cities of the Island to the endthat a re urrence of sad infec-tious diseases may be prevented therebyassuring proteetloa to people sadcommerce ef Cuba as well as to the com-merce of the Southern ports ef the UnitedStates sad the people residing therein

That the Isle of Pines shall be omittedfrom the proposed boun-daries of Cuba the title thereto being leftte future adjustment by

VIIThat te enable the United States to

maintain the independence of cubs andto protect the people thereof as well asfor Its own defence the Govorameat ofCalla will sell or lease to Uw UnitedStates lands necessary ornaval stations at certain poutsto be agreed upon with the BrusMoat ofthe United States

VIIIThat by way of further nsoaraaee the

Government of Cube will smoedr the fore-going provisions in a pert treatywith the United States

The people of Cuba having framed aconstitution embracing the foregoing re-quirements sad having a

who te soon to take omce the timete sear for th fulfillment of the pledgeof the United States to leave the

and control of the island of Cubaio Its people I am advised by is SecretarT of War that it te now expected thatthe installation of the Government ofCuba sad tbe termination of militaryecowetfett of that latest by the UnitedStates will take place ea the foth of Maynext

It Is necessary that theestablishment of interaajtioMkl r 4ioas








for gspec










coaotitutI eel


eke Presi-dent














Senator Commitfee Scores Great



Magnate Will Tell Their Side f theAnthracite Troubles and JraraitteeMay Act as an Arbitratl t TribunalBetween Operators and Eaiplayes

NsW March KrThe greatpower of the National Civic Federationwas better exemplified tod my than everbefore during its short existence whenSenator Haaaa announced thisthat the Federation had prevailed opoa

of the presieeata of tM large an-thracite carrying railroads sad anthraciteinterests which eoatrol praotMatty all theImmense Pennsylvania M Ve agree to

tires of the United Mire Workers ofAmerica

Accordingly at ocloeklag President even Thomas oT the BrioRailroad President George F Baer ofthe Philadelphia and Readta RailroadPresident William H Truead fse of theDelaware Lackawanna and W4ftorn Rail-

road aad Preaidoat Olipaaai of the Dela-ware and Hudson Comb Company calledat the headquarters of tiNt CWe Federa-tion in the Church Mission BattdiHg a1there entered late conferenee with the fuUconciliation committee efe Jbf NationalCivic Federation sad iiia nhiir of theUnited Mire Workers

The mine workers present yere President John Mitchell sad ntsJohn Fahey Thomas Xicbotoiaad ThomasIcy

The lest three mentlcaed are also chair-men of their district committees

Yesterday President Mitchell sad hisconfederates recited to the Federationfully the present status of the strainedaffairs In the anthracite district whore1149M miners threaten te strike

Today the other side of the story wastold The fut that the railroad sad an-

thracite magnates agreed toi do anddid respond to the invitation ef SessionHanna to attend todays meeting te agreat victory for the Federation

In the strike of IN these presentsingly and collectively positively refusedto treat with the mine workers

President Oliphant was especiallystrong in ids refusal to trea6 with themen and a number of bitter at-

tacks OB President Mitehel and theHnioa

The fact is that tile strike of 19M wasonly settled through the stroaifpuc effortsof Senator lianas who prevailed on JP Morgan te bring the rallroajl and coalmen into line

The Meeting this morning opened at14SO Messrs Thomas Bser Htpbaatsad were salted by Sen-

ator ITnnna who reoidodhat the meetingte cite fully the operateiaf sine of the

Thereafter a general ilfjnjunjrr wouldoccur

The advisability of the pnciliatioa

4 j




meet spas equal

vies Pre







terms the reproislta

1030 his morn
















with the Government f Cuba should celaclde with Its iaexguratioa as well toprovide a channel for the conduct of diplomatic relations rfehj the new State

open the path immediate segoUatieas of agreements tocarry out the of tINt act abovequoted It te also advisable that con-sular representation be established with-out delay at the prlaripal Cuban ports norder that eomm the islandbe conducted with ofie regard to the ormalities prescribed the revenue aadnavigation statutes pT Ute United States j

have the customary local resorts opento thorn for their business seeds aad thecase artetag for the protection of theirrights

I therefore recommend that revisionbe forthwith and the salaries appropriated to be immediately available

a Savoy KjctraordJamy aad MiaInter Plenipotentiary to the Re-public of Cuba MM

b Secretary of the legation 20Mc Second secretary of the legation rd Consul general at Havana SoM-e Consul at Cionfuogos 3offe Consul at Santiago de Cuba 3eMI do sot recommend the present

rattoB ef the consulates formerly main-tained at Renege Cardenas Matanzas-Kuevitas Sagua laGrande and San Juande los Remedies The commercial Interestsat those ports heretofore have sot beeslarge The consular fees collected thereduring the fiscal year lfitt97 aggregatedITSMe It te believed that the actualneeds of the six oAoes named can beemcleatly subserved by agents under thethree principal consular offices untilevents may snow the necessity of erectinga full consulate at any point

The commercial and political condi-tions ia tile Island of Cuba while underUte Spanish crown story little basis forestimating the local development of ia-tereourae with this country under tile in-

fluence of the new Eolations which havebeea created by the achievement of Cu-

ban independence gas which are to bebroadened and streagthened in everyproper way by pasts with theCubans sad by iffM and beneaceat legis-lation aiming to stimulate the commercebetween the two countries if the greattask we accepted la 18M te to be fittinglyaccomplished


Washtacton March 27 HI


con Ipro


that American cltheens is may



had Cuba














eammittee ar or m sots ting m theVhreateaed strike was to be decided

meetingSecretary Raipa aetea of the Fosera-

Joa ras asked if tile fact that the largeoperators Interests were represented atthis mersfecs eouM be

a practical reco ef the UaltedAle Workers

Ho said that Ute meeting today was laformal and U wouU sot tboreCsre be fairto put such a uftaUtuttfua upon tile

of tINt maaaaMaThe minors hero be added represent

the Miners in the laid lot he dM sotthink it would be fair to say they repre-sented tile He said It was a deli-cate question and the situation wouldnot be these advantage of ia the meetas

It was reported this morning that Saator liaaaa had called spas Mr Morganyesterday afternoon sad talked with himregarding the strike sltuatloa It vasalso reported that Morgan had said toMr Haaaa that he was la Saver of avoid

j lag a strike and saw no to tierecognition of the union

Senator Haaaa denied that be bad talkedwith Mr Morgan about the strike Hehad seen Morgan be said tilt r th aswhatever had sea said about the threatened strike

Statements Fuss the LeadersSenator Haaaa The developments thus

far are a signal victory for tile miners salthe Civic Federation The op6r U rs havebeen brought to a realizing sense thatthere is a common good to be derivedfrom an organisation in their own ranks

If nothing else results from the meetof the Federation today the estab-

lishment of this community of interestsis a strong card against any resortstrikes in the future The battle te halfwon win the operators and the men havebeen brought together

President MttcballjECTho result of tb xmeeting will mean m oh for the future ofthe mining interests m Poaacylvanla ItIs the first occasion oa which we felthat the men will have a fair sal impartial hearing It Of most certainly a-

long step in our favor sad a victoryfor the Civic The organisa-tion though still young has alreadyproved its strength

Senator Manes said today that J Pierpout Morgue had sot been asked te co-

operate In say way with the federation-in effecting a settlement I saw MrMorgan yesterday said be but thestrike question was only referred te laa casual way


A White Man Was Endeavoring te GetThem late Buale

BUFFALO N Y March 27 Foursad ODe white man were cap

tured by two policemen late last nightas the Chinamen were being smuggledlate thte country la a rowboat propelled-by the white man

The capture was made in Petaland apparently tile boat had bees rowedfrom Canada but this seems almost in-

credible owing to the vast as ouat et leein the lake

It is impossible to leers anything fromthe prisoners otherwise the police be-lieve they might be a aMInn to stopthe great amount of smugglta going onat this port


tr-I doaI













Objet lien















Tfye Secretary of ifeDistrict of Columbia

The two District Commis-sioners chosen from ciril lifenow hare no one to net ia tfceirplaces during their absencefrom the city while there is asubstitute for theCommissioner This Commis-sioner Macfnrland says mightsometimes prove a serious condition and it is to correct thematter that the Commissionershave had prepared and SenatorifcOfillan lies mtrodnced a billproviding for a Secretary forthe District of Columbia


Comment Concerning HiAIleged Infraction of Law


The Head sf the Metr p HtaH Police WillMake a Test Cue of MU OBabe Ca-

gresoroaas Arrest and Release Optsioaef a District Official

A thorough iavoaiisation will be madeby Major Sylvester rogardw the acOoaof LJea4oaaat Daley of the Ninth precinctwho related Congraosman O H P Belmoa of New York several days age afterhe had Mea taken isle malady by BteydePoliceman Edwaros oa a charge of nmsing his automobile faster than the lawallows while coming into the dty frontBeaatag

TIle action of Lteateaaat Daley la setupholding the officer after his havingmade the arrest has cresteddiscussion among the members of the

Department sad cithene-Se far aa PeUcesaan Edward ease hi

concerned it Is by the policeoMeiple that ho oaiy his duty and teia r to blame for maMne the arrosC-Ma wt yyrvostor m

r tL3 morals s 4 Unit ta UarBdwards had atoaJy obcre

The head af the POM Doamcbthat he hasl oamumlad a fail

report of the Inclatat Ueateaaat-Da ey sad that the matter of lalaanins Urn

So far there have Mea no vergeserred agaiaat the bicycle no

Representative Belmont aad ii is staledoa good authority that it la sot likelythat such sells will be takes

When seen this afternoon just priorto starting for theBelmont stated that be did sot lowof Ute proposed iavoatigatioa as be newercrossed a bridge mil he reached U

1 have sot yet been advised Maidof the police Investigation nd nctil Iam I do sot know what action I willtake saM Mr Belmont Te incidenthen Meta greatly exaggerated There weretwo veaiclea ahead of me an I was justabout keeaiac up with a street ear wheamy man who was riding backward toldme that a policeman was beckeaia to meI stopped aad was told that f was ex-ceeding the speed limit I that Ithought the omcer was mistaken bet wasrequired to go te the polio staticwhere after hearing the facts tile litenaat ordered my release

In speaking of the matter this morninga District onteial said

to the release of Representative Delmont without his having placed thesary collateral i in my opiatesdiacrimiaaUoa If Congrtasmca Utewho sake the laws for our city violatethem they should in my opinion beto softer the same as the rttiieaslion taken by lieutenant Daley ia theter placed his subordinate in a veryharnessing poaitioB and it in donatethere will many more arrests of

for fast running of their ma-chines until the of thishead



The Trial of Hezekiah CoatesCharged With Murder-

The greater part of the morainesion of the trial of Hesekwb Gates col-

ored charged with the murder f CarrieCorbia also colored was taken up la thediscussion of the admissibility of the tes-

timony of police officers relative te al-

leged confessions of the accusedMessrs Strasbursor aad Dammnn oa

behalf of the defendaat opposed the admission of such testimony aa evidenceagainst Coates The argument In favor ofthis proposition was based on the rulingof the court in New York in the easeof Florence Burns who was charged withthe murder of Walter Brooks

Justice Anderson ruled that thewas competent and De ctiY

Lacey of the Metropolitan police forcewas called to give evidence Throughout-the long argument relative to tile admtesibility of the evtdoaee tile nccassdboy sat apparently unconcerned Me wasnot chewing tobacco however as be te reported to have deae yesterday daring tINtproceedings

Justice Aadersoa this artemoon at theeoaclusioa of tile Oovorameuts tastlmeayin the ease ordered the Jury to return averdict of not guilty













Mr Belmoets Statemest

ruewhat aetlea lie would take la tM




The action takes the potae



outcome Is








dieepsdng mat-t Migg

c3uon ter3


Cagraema waeJt t omM tyIc red

tests by

Rep eseatative


reply d

by rela-tive

















Proposed Revival of Sec-

retary Abolished by-

Law of 1874


May Act as i iAbsence of Others From

Civil Life


Measure latroduced by Senatet McMBJaaat the af theMr MacfarJasi Writes in Explanation-of the Object of Ute Prapasitiea

Tile ogee of of the Btetdotof Columbia te to be erected it the wfjmus

are realisedSenator MeMltssa at Ute reauost of the

Csmmtesloners hotroaueod a bothremtteg to tile ogee of Secretary of

tile District of Columbia whichvMes that a secretary shall be appointedby the with the eoasoBC of the

roeetve a salary of lssa a yearTIle bill provides that Ute oSee

be filled within thirty days attar tbepassage of tile MM It te stipulated that

Uated States and a residentDistrict according to the rules sowplying to the District

bead similar to those by therCem

May Act as CamraiseieaerThe secretary te te be Acting Cods

stoaer during the absence of etcher of tileComaiiosioaers from elvll life

The particular duties of the Secretaryshall be to keep a record of tINt nessand eerreepoadeace of Ute Cammtenlesijresitting as a board aad other parmass duties as the Board eC 1111111 Is

Purpose ef the BOIL

of Ute secretaryshall with tile approval of the CeaMal

ers a suttAoJe person topar Ma duties

usejssjsnWrii suchsM 4het fte prtaetpal obfeet of sae

trAct government i-

of either ot time Cossmissioners Ire tVLAla

He stated that serious essbarraosmoaCIre tile presoat

Mr Marfarrnaa tat tile last that

TINt bill would imha aattell rusAt a sb-

Cotasabia itls auMnmja by die act of1SW-ahsMsaing tile territorial Mesa oteat for tile District

Affect Dr TiaelL

sinners Dr TfasdaU would be the sr-soa ebi fiy steeled by the cbaago hi theelaw Dr Ttadall te conslderod oao of tbsmoot esadeat ofitesrs of tIN District

ripe and te vtrtually a clerk sot a eetedby changes of admJatetratiaa or hi thepersonnel of the Board of Coawnuaasaaers Tide bill would give him muchpower than bo sow but Itwould also ia maJdas him vtrtuaNr aCommissioner make him liable tomeat at any timeary to sot a considerraion ia boDr Ttodairs salary would sot beby tt

uflililill Ur

Strange Conduct IndulgedCharles T Murray


Mr Charles T Murray who has beesi ted for some time petit la roNgasachess ned physical culture wasthis morning at theRueoeil MS G Street northwest where be

precinct station aa a charge of insanityMr Murray It te saii has bees dividing

tat recently botwosa religiousjets sad physical culture Previous tethat be was a rhnis enthusiast and wasregarded as the cbamplsa of the District

At S oclock thte moratog Mr Mm pay

sad It Is std saaoBafed that be wets

tile employer sad Mr Russell the emBe ateo stated that ho was Ore

af a satesataa It Is said that botINt

mentally nabahuMoaA teasdBiabte crowd attracted b

the vicinity of the ottcc The parolwagon was and tits unferts-mue man was carried to precinct altheaNo 1 where tile charge of insanity mmlodged against him





of the of the WJetJ-a the Se Itrt ce-o

NeatSte ts held rr years

Ute secretary shall be a eItbea st tiNof


It ales that Ite gt agives


sellany to uH4t isle 1 et

custody sad use of die of tINst Oiuabla

In tile of Ute temporaryIt provided that


letter Mnt l


Wuof tIN oC uc

ease of tM absence

JaIPt u u retile law prwiies foe a jllUllt-

Mof tile Secretary of ue IIIC

TIle present Secretary to tile cIa

ereat He to tile redeekr

nodeThe qdea of



ol Percy IL

lip at tIM First


went to the adios Ite ill

eC beIac a clerk tor the

throw severalto became

la the of

Dr D Percy Stickling wee ialiysad said lie thought Mr osta


I Ill


Crefealsc-s ye-gttleeeed sty



see four led




is provided atoll

sheers from Sias prescribeshall bate saris ehargo tbs

seaat Rltetri it

event aheeaeeIs he

met Meuliej p10erday-wrue a i i g-

lltwhat bw Obamkelaers eeeodeC-e aac

pspasd is to provide abaLtt Inte-trepNe admiaietrstba DN


su ionrlres

for Raglaeer Geaiesssecscree Dirl t


poebelongs see


salbpi es

t3tatgsd e




s 5 sad locked

the sate


where erpiepe

ploysad longed Ills

threat-ened b calls treeswindow and proceeded stresswen mouser opeaig and abet-ting doors and moving pieces off srs0brre

esSls-fa Murray



