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I t ! ,. , o Officials Term .Lake As Unsafe PHONE VA 2-1162 0--------------0 0'----------------'0 M~O.R.E LOCAL ADVERTISINC LOCAL CIRCULATION LOCAL NEWSMATIER GROSSE POINTE WAR MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND JUNE1-15 WE GAVE Hundreds of Gros..c:;e Pomte Homes \l\o"111 be Solicited thl!l v,'eek.end and durmg the ensumg weeks to see that thIS stl<,kf'r appear!'l In en'r\' wmdow m Grosse Pomte \\111 ~()ur<; bt' the next home" Veterans BY CARRIER lOc A MONTH Gro... PUlnr.'8 FIRST NeW81JQp", GROSSE POINTE 30, MICHiGAN - THURSDAY, JUNE 3.1948 CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY HESRY C. LA \ ERS 'h~rlo. t, pO'I;,~rrl \I~"i\ ~hoRf'rrr Tho I'POONl bv Shlrln T l- chool District olds Election ~ng those contributing to I baseball team's successful n IS Dick Bodycombe_ He he! and plays first. e \'oung athlete attended Pomle HIgh He IS the of ~'r and Mrs A. Body- be of LUlcoln RoIM!. Jllcture.s:.ory of the ReView's dlotler of the Week" appears I the !POrts 1"8:1', I f da\ before Henry C. Lav, I Township Clerk dIed, he told Iat'l. Clara WIlev that be ex- to go on a trip the next eek Aid In Compiling List Of Pointe O ' M T E---!r------------..°C-Itl- e °1 HELP "FOLLIES" MAKE GOOD A RR A G R 1 PHS, Father Clark's Invocation I z ns I Rickey Is Broke, _ .... "I"l.. ,• ., __ 1 M ks Are Asked and Blue Too SWimming Will not be al .. '" 1_ I i\.... - 1 TJ -b lowed In the Grosse Pomte ou~h both of Ihe lo<.al news, ar lY.lemOrla rl ute I P.1<.key Berard 11 of 238 Mc- area of Lake St. ClaIr untIl o.,arhero; t"ok pictures of the T Hit Kmley Road. broke his arm Fn- BOld lllt!\ In thl' Amencan G 0 e p day when hI' fell off a tree "'hill' the ban WhICh cut the bath- B ball !..tague roo;,e POll\te JOined lhl' n3tlOll mad .. th .. SUpl eme sacTlfice m the I playmg near his home Ing season short last year 1'8 m JunIOr ase , thiS WHk III the observancl' of !Iao;t '" ar I \ !I<>ld'elN led the one taken M D The youngter 1\ho IS the o;on of lifted, tun Bradl\ood Revleweam •• emollal a\ by pay 109 tnbute In the balkground taps werE' The Grosse Pomte Honor I Mr and Mrs EirICh H Berard. IS, It wa.o; dlclosed ov Dr T S. M h to to ItS war dead sound ..d b\ bugler Mike Kane of a slxth.grader at Richard S<.hool .', ar and ex, arlOI' po. A r ..cord , roll d attended .olemn Alger Post VFW an echo b\' Mrs Roll AssoclatlOn needs your I I Rlckl'Y. very blue about hIS mis- IDaVIes, Toy, nSnJp Health Commlg. "' " '''~~~' :'.~ g"' " n'.. held SO,," " th, H"" '''IC"H"t ,'G".~ p,,,,, """t help' A lost must he made of I ,,,'us, wh"h .,11 ,""a,1 h" '0' """. w'" boon,d ,w,mmmg "."to , • ". R," ,h"" 00 <h' GM" p"",, "I< A"",a" Amtn"" Log""laU vet"'R' who .. rved 1n dun"g .o"m" .".t,,". .a"'''' h<~ '" ,,<1 d", to pollu,,"' . ",. .,," .tt,"' M,d,,- Ib,h S,hoolI"", Th'y hoa'" Fa-." .. alw h'''d i Wo"d War n ahd .... "me I to" ,"" to appm '" 'h' R""" ,.<t,"" ... " "",' w,th a ,to'" "ers \ ther James D Clalk 0 s..A of These hadlt on I t hId : as a warning to other bo's and Board of Health rul1ng ~t I c ,Ilelle s 90th com. I a rl es are I' reeords must be brought up , _ae t East Lan I 5t Clare of ~lont ..fallo gl\ p a (3th \ear undel the ausplcl'S of' I girls to play safe. e/W nt pro~ra!U a 6 11 h • I stirring lIlvocatlOn and P.l'V E H the War Memorial Assoclatlon to date. It IS essential that sunda\ June Wl ear I V" , I hid ""," F K",,~g. d""- •""". ,,'W Chn.cCh",", ,'- I "h"h laus'h'" a "-day d"" an .. eu..ate ost?".,. Teeo" D, D"'" "a',d th.t 'a ed I d nl' of the world's fer th .. bene,!l,tlon ITuesdav. JUlIe 1 to raise $525,000 'of the accompllshments of 1 1 264 Plan rl'cently rpcelved word from the 0/ G\o~: s;eak His sUbJect Mr Bert WI( kln,i1; preSident of I fot a War Memorial Library I each of Vf'teran be prepared State Health Departml'nt that "'" f 0 ,,,"It.,, to, ",",I d"t,,,, 'oad th" "am" Th' p"po~d I,,,,,,, " to .. IAk'_St Cia" " .cdl ,",.,,-to be Da~0; 0• ppor ). or the 113 Grosse Pomte ,ons who lerl'cted at Fisher Road and Ker.1 for the permanent flie whICh -:"IQ,' I To G ra d uate fSeWc-Itmlvel.n and the ban IS still ef. dt I G ss ,cheval, site of the "Honor Roll" \ Will be placed In the proposed \ i ne Arn popu ar ro I' LATE 0 FFICIAL I war Memorial LIbrary II State Health officers told Dr. 'e teacher of the dance, IS •• - t-t I A GPHS \ DaVIes that they are al"are of th- U the proverbUll bee these I~ Fo11oWlIlg IS Father Clark's m. t" .... ,_ I\hal With planning her I I vocallon I At present the' names of 3.603 ' ,.~ chlonnallon systems bemg m. 10$ recital at the Musle Hall I ~. I . All around the world taps are men and I'On1l'n are represented -,..~-- ~i stalled by Grosse POintl' ParlC~ ,,"' " ~d 15 a"d ",p' to I "h,,,g "fUy " ,1,""1 M,m",~ I" tha' "I, 0, JU"' 2nd.• I,U'! \ G,,,u p,,,,, H,g' S,hool I, Fum, ~d Woo" " ou,' p""U- ago and Washmgton, D. C, I D3) Tnbute to our Hl'roes of War I was mailed to each vetl'ran '1\ hose \1- expected to graduate 264 semors I tlon m the bathmg areas TheY' _, .he \"n teach for two na. t Th~ taps are mmgled WIth rever- name appears on the Honor Roll I ~ at th~ commencement ceremom~s I ~ald If tests prove the systpms ef. d '",ong mu"" ."'""._ I"" P""" m ,", 'uog "",,,,,,,, Tho ,,,I"'" ~d., .m,h ." ,,' Imtd Thund.y. Jo" J7 ,,,Iud'" r,nt". tho ,,"n<t,"" ,,'" "" I-at AnzIO Beach, on the white I be filled out and returned to the In thiS figure are SlX \-eterans. removed. . African shore on a gre"n hillside, PUbllc Library, Will contam mfor. The school office howe\'eT re- In Bntaln. In tiny l.w..emburg, atlmatlon necessary for these rec, ported that thl~ figure \\ould not Thps ..... lmmmg season .... as schl'd" tropical Iwo.Jmla, at Bataan and onls. be offlclal until fmal I'x;aO'llna- uled to get underway m Grossl!' Leyte III the Phlllppmes and at \ tlons are completed Wlthm the Pomte Clt~ •. Farms and Shores on. other mE'monal spots too numerous The Grosse Pomte Honor Roll Working behind the scenes of the Junior League's next several days_ June 15 The Woods expects tD' to mention. Assocll1.tlon III askmg the co-op- "Follies" are DIreCtor Alfred Burke and !.Irs James Mc- John R. Barnes, supl'nntendant have Its bathmg beach rl'ady lit> I eratiOn of every Grosse Pomte Clt. , . . of the School DI8tnct, Will present the new Lakefront Park by the PeTicles. the "'reat orator and Izen m makmg certaIn that thIS Millan, talent chairman; The pair are highly responSIble the diplomas dunng the tradl- d f th th " f th "h'" . h h ed f . I en 0 e mon statesman of Athens. when' asked list and informatiOn IS obtamed or e It nohces t e 5 OW recelV a ter Its premIer tlOnal nles which WIll be held m, Accord.ng to Eventt BLane, tr, speak of the first Athenians Despite every attempt to make performance Wednesday at the Music Hall, The Follies front of the school bUlldmg In Park Village manager, the ban. \\ho fdl 10 the Pelaponnl'slan War. Ithe service list complete some WIll also be presented on Thursday and Friday, June 3 and the event of bad weather. the ex. wl11 not Interfere WIth the \'11-; confessl'd that he doubted the names mav have been omltt~d As 4. Proceeds wl go to the Jumor Lea g u e '& "PIoneer ercl~es WIll be conducted 10 Pierce lag,,'s bathmg program. \\I~dom of any speech at such a a Citizen \~I11 you check th!' Honor AudlloTium "The elaborate chlorinatIon sy~ tome and dl'c1ared that \\hen man's i Roll at Kercheval Avenue and House," School Pnnclpal William B tern We are Instalhng Will k~~ I deedS have bl'en great, they \ Fisher Road for the naml'! of vet- IClemlnson WIll present the varl- the wat"r saf!' for SWlmmm'" de--' \ ShOUld be honored in deed only, erans you know. If any name 19 lIT ar ~""emorl-al ~_ibIN'ry ""'0 ous awards to outstandmg I !!plte the condition of Lak: St.' Today we are one m mmd With not Included "'-'Ill you please tele- yy, l'.Ij ,...L t scholars, I Clair," Lane saId, 'Our park "''In the great orator of Greece Whe1l1 pbone th1! llbrary, N~ 2191. OUtstandmg fa c to" 0 f thiS be op"n for sWlmmlng bv the bm!! ,.,.1 1\7 d \\e conSIder the gTel1.t deeds of B "r. C · C term's class 15 the small number I schOols close oUs month:" ~OOUrow .L Tame \alor ",hlch our AmerIcan Heroes At the time the Orosse Pomte e.L rue ommunltv enter of veterans who are bemg grad- e late~t 111 sWlm.sUlt styles I have achll'vE'd The graves of our Honor P.olI ASSOCiatIon was be- :/ uated. The first post.war exG I. d th f 'th brave dl'ad tell a storv of devo- 1943 M s Fl en Se 5 graduatmg class exceeded 100 Th ntulte e opening 0 e 'T" h. C' k I ,gun 10 , • IS or ce Vl'r. The plans for a Grosse Pomte I but erowds th .. present houSlng e Park IS the only one of the \'tted pool at the Grosse \ .L owns rn ler I tlon to Jusltce and Fr~edom. which of the pUblic hbrary Wa!! gwen the War ~{l'monal Library are the I capacltv to Its hmlts The archl- members_ fIve Pomtes to have a wall struc. te Yacht Club on DecoratIOn T I surpasses the power of language responslbllitv for rl'cordmg the i rl'ahzatlOn of hopes for a library I t~ct s plan for the new Grosse ------- ture around ItS bl'ach This en. Mr Don J Goodrow. attorney, naml'S and keeping the records up bUilding which Will serve not only \ Pomte War Memonal Library m. I abll's the Village to control and I was named actmg clerk 01 <:'rosse We il1\'oke the bll'~smg of AI- to da.te, as a librar~, but also a.'l a me- eludes four floors of fireproof j J 0 hn Eme ry trE'a.t all water 10 the swunmmg Pomt~ Township by the TownshLp !Ulght\ God on thes" gallant mar. •. monal, 10 the form of a true com' stacks, which together With the area. 2J... b ~ I Board to succeed H ..nrv C Lav. I I) rs baptlsed 10 their own blood I The Air Raid" arden orgamza. mumt\' tenter. ~ow IS our chance books shelw'd 10 the varlou~ , ~{ean\\lhlle Dr DaVIes mdlcated vmtm tr r lero; who dl!'d suddenly la.'lt Wed- al'd on the matenal possessIOns llon, under the dlrE'ctlon of ),{r to m~ke an lOvestml'nt which l! rooms. Will pro\'lde SVacE' for at I InS mash Up that he planned to take numl'rou.l I nesday ~{a\' 26 I and ~plTltual value which thelr IClarence D. Blessed. canva.'lsed certll.m to pay dll'ldends In the de- lea.'lt 90.000 books The Board of test.!! thiS week HIS hopes how. f' M Go d t d sacrlficl' prl'sen,'ed for Uq i the hornell 10 Grosse Pomte 10 an velopment of better CitiZens and Educatlon mtends to mamtam the ev~r for favorable results were ~O l'E4.RS AGO Be ore r 0 :'111' accep e I OurR IS the solemn obligatLon to attempt to secure the names and a ncher and fuller hfe, ' Pierce Llbrarv as a branCh. and John Emery, of 2033 Fleetwood, very low He stated that the Ma- rate pollce and fIre de. Ithe posmon. he resl",ned U Town. ke ..p faltb \\,th them and be loyall informatIOn needed. Smce that also to buIld a branch hbrarv as prominent Lochrnoor Club golfer, comb County up until several day. ent, \\ l'r e estabhshed i ship JustIce of thl' Peace.. John III' our personal hves to the IdealS Itime It has been nl'cessary to de- one \\,ng of the Charles A. Par. was taken to Bon Secours Hospl- I ago had bel'n releasmg Its sewage th condll\lm In Grosse Pomte L Potter of Barrington Road. 1 and fre,eclom for which they gave I pend on fflends and famlhes of I (ells SchOOl WIth these three h- tal 10 senous condition Thursday mto Lake St. Clair, at the Nme shIp normal after heavy I prominent altorne\ was naml'd to I their all ' the \'etl'rans for these list~ OthE'r cltles in the DetrOIt met. I b 11 t II ...~ I,mormng when the car he was I'llie drain . , t I It h B m g. rarle,; room .... I even us. ). "" •• e of m~a~les. fill the ludlclal vacancli by he I Thoqe who died 10 battle would Your help "''Ill be appreclatl'd In Iropo I an area suc as Ir 10 dd f th h t:I f dTlvmg smashed mto a. tree off I ThIs IS the same achon which I., ~ ham and HIghland Park have Ipro\'1 e or e oUSln" 0 J if A p .. RS I ~O:l.r~ 1>8\'" .ok"d for nothmg more Their I SE'eing that no name IS omitted I ' fI 150000 books adequatE' for a I' erson venue_ ,was a major factor 10 causmg the .J \r.-\ AGO Carl Schwelkart Town~hlp 'Ill' one hope \\as that \Ou and I from the Honor Roll Inn!, had spacIous and beautl u , It I He suffered a fractured hip and ban last year an ElLzabeth Kramm an I' 1b \ bUllrl nO'o II IS regrelabll' .arg'c mereas p In noDU a lOn, ., no<' <i '" I . _ _ Ipen Isor disclosed that the board 1V0uid enJoy what they had ll'ft be-I I rar: 1 ,,- \ IIn Lern .... InJl.on~:; ~ •• IC:il. .s sa' - "P I nced her candidacy for the Iat som~ future mE'l'tll1!,: "''Ill rUlE' 'I IUnd that Grosse POInte which IS other' may be eonfmed kl the hopsltal 001boar~ Local stores adver- as t whether Mr Goodrow \\,11 It I~ our o;olemn dut\. to perfect B h r:r Wlse such an Ideal place m which for !lE'veral 'l\c~ks I Dr DaVlI'S dl~c1osed that as long butl~r 22 cents a pound, and h .... ld 0 the ('\l'rk ~ offIce until the IInd pres~n I' our pnceless, sacred rot ers race to live. should be thl' only place I The 185000 b.?oks borrowed l8.!t Pobce reported that the aCCI. as Macomb County releasod sew- n 10 cents a pack~e. I Townshl electIOn next Februar~ heTitage to the end. I of It'! size and \\l'alth \\hlch ha~ yur. by 1035, people Who are Idl'nt occur~ when Emery at- age III the lake the pJllutlon fE, . p \ I A l C"- no cl'ntral public library A bTief llbrary card holders. provl' Grosse i tempted to ta)"e the cune on Jef. I would remam f '£AM AGO I ssau t narues ."on"'" 'h' "n'"'' "h"h ",11 ''',,"' t, ... ".d,"g "mmu",',- ',,~n "m H.".,d Road .,. "Off"""" th' ""ghku''''' ormal cerl'mony to admit d. N Thu~ shall WE' be li\'lng Monu- lOb .. pro\'1ded In lh~ Groqsl' PomlP I General u,e of the 11'orar~ Wlll high rail' of speed. ' count~. have promised to keep out n l~ ~~nrr and Jack "'elson De Icate ew ml'nt~ to our gallant .Heroes who I ThE' Wo'is~ Brothers. Alb!'rt 23. I\\'ar ME'monal Llbrarv IS gl\'en undoubtedl]r IIlcrease With thl' ad-II ------- of the lahe" said Dr DaVIes •. but lh DetrOIt Bar Assocta- died that \\e mIght li~e here so that the need for a Cl'n- dltlO'1 of more bookS and a better ",-henever a heav\ rainfall occUN ~l! be held thiS commg weck I Id \ 0 Lord help us to safeguard the I and FMtz. 21. of DetrOit are be-I tral' library bUlldmg ma" be bet. locatIOn of librarieS' Park Gets New they have no ch~lce In thc mat. 1ta\ne C t b Id St K b F' f h . ld 10'" held by St Clair Shores Police. ~ . oun y UI mg I er y Ie peace 0 t I' ",or - '" ter understood )lost handicapped bY th .. pres. $15000F' T k ter TheIr se",age oveIilow goes bro<e ae'eated Holy ~ame to I Where there IS hatred, let us for assault ""th mtent to kill Olfl- I . , Ire rue t th 1k S' . cer Georj(~ LaFore~t 33. of Grosse I l'nt lack of books and referl'nce 1 ' I mol' a I' lace Softball ChampiOnship I d plant loVE' . . . I I I ma'enals are the ~tudents both GrossI' POinte Parh s Flrt> De- I ------- FI\ " \ Gro"~ pOll1te Far~,s rledlcate "here there IS darkneo;s let us I Pomt" Shoreo; Po Ice d H ..lpm~ to d..\'~Iop thl' clUld of 'high school and coIlP"~ age partment \\,11 have a no\\' S15000 I r. E-\R8 -\GO to .paclouO re\\ Krrb\ Fll'loi J ah After the attack \\hlch occure 1. "II ,.. , ab I . brill?: I,.. t mto an adll t IIllequatl' an" v; l' - Smc,> collrge~ IInd Ulll\ or,lt \ li flrp truck 1I1 sorVlCI' Fnda \ \\ hlch H. h H' k r! r. chard School wa~ Kerb\ nrar \Iach ~'on.ia\' aftl'r' 0 DI\lne ~{astl'r "'rant that W~ at John 0 Place 24';00 Ea.t Jetrer- tra nect to meet the rlut,P' and . II . Ifc - I er "j.~ '~'rt\ CU)'I bv the Aulo. . th \ rful f!;\'" ral~IIl'" .,.. boon SlIndll\ mormnO' thl' VICt m branes an' taxl'd he\ond their r.atureo; 1\ th" modern flr~.flght. . noon 1\I ro 0 ,.'" ma\ not ~o much see!. to • ron" ,.. rE'sponolbllit,es of cltlzen.h'p l' I t b h d h f '" "" 1 t ncl d g f t Lierillh, \Ilchl~an a d a bas!'baU double' T b d ,\\'a~ taken to Bon Sl'couro; Hos- Iml s \. t I' mcn-ase l1Ui1l er 0 In", ..ulpn en I u 10 a 00 CH'momes n 'olerl. a~ to "onool~ 0 e un er. O'le of th. lIbrarv 0; foremo.t col1l'~~ ~tudf'n" ma,,\, or whom I electncal ladder Ie M. h POlllte HI,i1;h School h.",rl~r otood II' to und"ro;tanrl To be plta1 \\-here h .. \\as Irratl'd Cor a aim' Th. Gno;sr POInte P\l~lIc '- . - auses IS ap -'ct t I ;:raduRte 210 i The lar"e ,rowd pro'sent ~RW I da o to love For It l' III g!\"_ tWO-lOch kmfe wound 10 hIS left Lb h n I 0;" " 1" ra. are \etHans It l~ n'" E'1\~ar\ that It Y:a~ dIsclosed by Chief Rec- I . ,. II 0\ I' I b I ran \\ or 0; I C 0 00 E' public l,brar,I''' 10 1\ metropolltan tor \\ ho said that the . \- h I 0, . Jamro; K \\ atlklO' \ I age prE'lIl- '~~ that \1 e receive It 10;111par. n tlOn \\,th the schoolo at all tlmrO, I nl'''' ~,. I CIty Police ~Id that they'" E lE\R ,\("00 Ornt and :\1'11 lIicEad',. ,o,rca. r 0 'Ii-' -,'C ~3..~~" ""<1 It I~ I Of( dut\' at the tlml'. LaFor ... ~45 hid bI th n nth area lIkr D trolt speCialize In ref' cal replaces an old model \\hlch ouerl a tllhet to CurtIS R Web. Barneo new supenn .' n011l I". , ,,,., ... - - , •• "• C I r~n e oW " I erence matenals Ih b Id b h II \1'1' - tlOn comnll,OlOner partlcl)'lat~ 111 111 d,ll1j1; that\\E' are born to eter- PstwIISpnjO~Il1~aSnaCKI\ltll""'lgrad .. borrowed ~!I,U.l 000'" l"~" I_as. :en so y te \'1 ~e to stcr of DetrOit for not ha\tng p bl c scnools. began tladltlOnal opelHl1g- rla\ feo;tl\lt",. nal life. I Forl'st ",hen thc brothers ",ho had I year 8847 Chllclrl'n from pUbllc.1 \.>I&""'L Tv ..':':::.':.:;:. I t,:,; C:l~ '.l:,1o~ "0":"01 caU1l1l1~ an o~rtlcles 10 t~e ReVIew ~{r Watklllo threW the tlro;t bal1 I b~l'n dnnkllll/; ~ntl'red th .. eatl'TY I nvat" and parochial o;chaol,; I I aCCident at Jdfprson near ~otre "~~c~::1l1dren s r EdU~~; to ~rr ~lcEachill behllld thr plate \R'IF.D ROBBER and b.cam" abu'lV!' Thl'} Iplored ~amc In cia .. ~ro\lp~ wllh t"ach- I Adults too po;p!'clally the bU.l'l T-\P POr.'ooTER I Damr last v.eek ),lrs \\ebster eded D P 1'1 the tirot conteolllf the rlotlhl •. TO BE Df:PORTED hl"dattPfmPht tOt prtr\d'cnt an'h' trhoUtbhl"ero; for 1I10trUCtlOn lInd hrlp In n," mrn \\111 f1l1d an ""!arj1;,,d DaVid Falrlps. son of ),Irs and \\3S taken to Bon S~cours Hos- 11.'1 a III t _ ar" 111 \\ IC r l"rorrnce d'oartm'nt u_"rul and . I f ,I""'n of 1358 Br~k. hra<1rr t\\O -I.!Ue," an I.n:llm mnco Char!e. "'cGture, pleaded ~I It\ h h I If l-arn n~ h)\\ to II-I' boo,,~ 'up. " -. ~lrs \ Ictor Falrl,,"" 5';Q Flohrr ,!' ta or minor lnjunrs nrt 11 ~ non.lr~l'llr l:~n1- \\ th olrll'r brot "r cut t I' no 'cr 0 1lc,;; oll'l11pnt'l'Y to the,r ochool \\orh nrofl.able 1'1 ~ l<lltlon I,,\'urp ha~ lw>pn tapl'~<1 for memhH.h,p Pollce rel'nrt"<1 that \\ eb.ter S ',~_ cn'r"d \\Ith II dpjl"rcr ~rO"-"o P'lf"O P,,'l ';01 ,)oroAtlnj( I" armr<1 robberv h~foro .It,<1;:-e \\.th A por!..pt hnlf .. Thl' pAir o •. ThO' "l'\~. hhra'\ \\,'1 1"r,,\ elf' ;\ road"l£: f()f adult' he..- not h""n In Blu .. Kf'\ honoT3r\' for jltlllOr caT ~truck one rlrl\en h, Anthony c I [) Collf'jI;e of En"l' Ir~ J~\nr ()f ClrCll1t ('onrt Thlll"'- Th" brothH. \\'err al'1"rf'h"'1<11''' . fo""'otton ThHI' )<; to be Rn ain!' D .. ',rot I\Oman 10 r'" .....el\" Yorh (','nlral PMt 8 to 1 beall'lfnl roo 11 I\hor" chlld~pn .... ' mrn at Dl'l1l,;on rnl\pr~lt~ GrAn- Torm"rno of ..trol, 1\,,0 1\&1 In !';en onl e \\R~ nph ..lrl ponrl'njl; A ohort tlmp Jatf'r 1'>\ 1,1 ,hAr]'" ma\ t()01" 0 nl:'l\ n- 1n '"ll)npo r e arlln" room f"rmohoc! ,\',th \,11" OhiO who hR\f' or." "nt- rlTi\In2: hrh n,l " f'"llr" ocout car ," _" ,::rl" at the school Tho nl::ht, AT' 0:\\\ ~t Ambrose '{tGII no rlep"rlatlOn to Canarla PHklO- Rnd Ofl'ICH Stanlp\ KlM- hook t ih <1 I'llnge rha'" an<1 readln'" l~mp< t d hI hid 'ha' ~ o)'lp!'d sud1enl\ tn ge' _____ b t <;t PRill. \" '; I HI' ro lfl'oo;pd to robb nl/; tho of SI C!Rlr ShOfp- P;'!IC~' Th!'\ \'1" HI' ~tor\ he'llr< o' a 0 an Th fit f th'" 'I ~ an Inj1; tll ~c 0 ar$ ,p, ea er. I' L , ' .. ~a _ ~ - . mn.,t apprpclatl0n p.>r\orl~ n,a\ e In ,mIll I\ 0 1~r"om \\ II sh.p anrl -"n II''' I hIt, h.hlh"r off tho stro"t \ r.r""oe POllltc Drugs store several \\"r .. h.d\l1E' In, a bORthou,,' be h.ld PTl' 'chool chllrlr.'n \\111 mRk~ :t an ,deal plac~ for 'ho'p .. '" I\\e!'hs ago I P011ce oald ,hat LaFor"-t l~ rE" \\ho lIke to bro\\o;~ and rl'ad '1 HIGH ,,("HOOI. HERO~" 1 h h .,. ha\" a )'IIRC" \11 lhl' room ".net. ' ______ rownng at IS orne on ~ ern,er f 1I a lllllrt and fnendlv atmospherf' , JOI' Frnmm and Sp:rlrr \\ ebcr 1 \ Road lall\' d!'sll<'nl'd or th"m a" \\'1 , I I Groo,r p,1I1le Ht2:h Sthool ~lll CHIEF \\' AR:S~ 'fOl"TR . \ the older bo~ s and girls \ Pro\ 10;10n ha~ bel'n made to I """I" rAm. I' n' " ~r PH hArrl Farm' Pollc" aprrehf'nd"d ~~\'. \\ ( ..... hOll'<P and ncr"a op the \l~~ of thr .. ,'ral \OII'ho _hool,n" flrO' craCl,cr.' ROR P-\RK 0'"'' \ann"- to\l"CtIOP" of non,hook \\ ':olllal t 1~ I)' 712 ~lIfl'11ng-f'tAl" • ,... 1 n 'h" \ rllllt\ of Gro .. ~ pOInl" Park P,)hcl' IUP 10okmj1; for thl' matrnai "il" h th, :.brar:. ('Hero \1ho h '"' h 0 \.. \ hi .. n 1\ n\: 1 ' h I ","rl an<l robhed Lonj1; hRnd,capnprl b\ an mRrl,,- a< arlel,t "na! 0"1'\ ,rl'O h'r' of Ihr Gr<"l'" ,'11 a "1 ° "'~" 1/\'\ F"h'r R"~ I H'llh:-;' ho()1 Thp\ \"". rl'lea o .rl rll 1"r - '\ 0 'll<' oU'\le lo\lerl,n., "f booh- O1at::a 1 (), F:rlllcall<m \\ hoop The \ ,"th' " ~ 'le h" '" Bo'l ?flp" Trrr1\ I,~ ~ t 'n~ll" la.h nz "to ThplmR !' Il\\orth of 7/\i\ 7.1~r_ a 'i rdrl~n( ~ m~lcnRI th<' Th'" ),,1 l,hran \\hlrh \\~O a , ~,p,r" thlo mlln'h "r "Ir' H ." '~I \\hrr r h o r 'l.m "al1cr H'\l ChIef of B"rkohlr r :-;~I\.ro1~\ n ~h' H~r _on, ::: I,., tho plIhlll 'n 'h~ 1 l' 't "f 'h Gr".oe P"''l'. Ro',on\ I: rr dort on a! th~ , ,\e I '., r,1, 0 pllr.r conlal'l n~ ~8~ I\a' lakpn t>r~"\ ha' hoen 01'''''''111;:1\ rff r- Clllh \\ 11\ he hop' 11' °1l11Ilh\. r~b\ , drctlfln on ~'''!l- ,______________ RE~m..'T'" '" "T 'OTIll: ""' \thOl' "" ",,17"0 'hr o1lf' ,~'o Th ,,<~ 1 arl' of th < llr '1"" CI .U W k ,n,r.-\(.f:CU1'(1I C\llt,r~ 1,~o1or \\hlcll 'h" lhr~\ '''nll' 0,"1". '\0 A 1"1R"" II Ann ounce ean- p ee l.,11\ rArk rP.,r!pr' \\l-h,n" A h~o .\-1I0:1::1"i \rro,rj,I1Z '0) "'0 lh~ l1e\\ ' h""\ thoro It r~~ hr !lp/lr111jl' hpfore th" \11\/1>:''' ,ollncI1 1;-10'o,r" 80\rl' I.hra',~n thr "'"0 -I' Adl~ntl\>:,eOIl~h '-\'''1'1:\ eo1 Th r fR,r < (',"r ," ,,, Ii ,. II. ~ro1 tho rurn f~"m \\!l"rr It "'111 h~ 10 rl'qu~"tcct b\' Ihp counnl to ,n. Amrn' a" j,'hra r \- A"""cla',on an<1 mA<I~ ~\'~l1Rbk to a gr!'a\rr I " •• b\' "Illage trucks to the "I"atft .uch Int"ntlonO to F,\"rltt rrconl'l1.nrlo t"'o 00»)..' 1"rr capita' number of rpn)'llp , for thiS rlectl0n r1CR1HIP \\ or\- t.) hr,lI' nrx 01' rem"\ ,OJ , ... , .,' I d r ft a.k~ j dump B Lan. \ IIIa"'/' man""'rr at lea-'!t a.!l Ihe m1l1,mum rM(>ntl81 for lld~- Thr ph"\n"l<'rllph rerord C011 ..C- I "'rpt~d on Saturdav de.\ Jllnp 7th R".l r 1c 0a, ' .. .... t , "o~",oratp 1'1 thl~ rffort R"oldpnt.. aT(' warned that unl~.~ 2" hours before the counCil con. quat" hbrRrv aenlce JUdj1;/'d by t\On whIch n<"l\\ 1I1('luooo nf'arh -r" ~ pm to 9 r m at '. • "" th d r. P 01 " follo",mji( ."hool' h\ I<at'lrnn~ 11)'1 lll\ t\r po nf rdllo,' eoofl<'rRl\On t< I/;l\rn bv dl'amnj1; up \rnro .~" .tan"ar!l .r,,'l.~" omtr 1400 reror 0 \\111 ho krpt m R I'r, !n('1 10 nef~r IZI rl" 1'.1 d ,n \" ~ , I,t o "! ' I' nl' ,I" l11n, Pl~01"C~ of <110cRrip,j ma- RCl'lllar cO\1nnl m."lml(o ,"" .ho .. lrl r"l\ hR\r 'lOO(l(l hooh- The ol'panlO' r,om 'hr 0". of ".\h h '1~rrl 1\ Ivrh\ \5 1 n r ,,' " I _ l' lal I '" I h. mp""lble to cu' h. d ,,\ 'he .,."n I ,"I' f,,""lh ( 1'1 n\ ,oJ' t' 'n "r 1\ 00,) h""ho \\ .. 1 ~ll ," f,' :1 r, "", 0 0n 0, tl1... SI!cllall\l,hc ""...cu~ l.hos S14.ll'lmct. 1:'1oncta~ o! each month al:> r m. IS no .. ulol~ !;u bdvw standard, tl..on,,,,ucJ on Pag(; ~) a,1J :.tason, (j J. Ill1c ~1,aLL uc.,\Cc,1 o I-coMPLETE \ ()Illy the R:O~JEW 01".1 of ALL 80m. CO\'ertg e P lnte II Gntiot 1 11 Gro flse .rw ...... I r'- 0

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Page 1: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · I t!,., • oOfficials Term .Lake As Unsafe PHONE VA 2-1162 0--------------0 0'----------------'0 M~O.R.E




OfficialsTerm .LakeAs Unsafe

PHONE VA 2-1162








Hundreds of Gros..c:;e Pomte Homes \l\o"111 be Solicitedthl!l v,'eek.end and durmg the ensumg weeks tosee that thIS stl<,kf'r appear!'l In en'r\' wmdow mGrosse Pomte \\111 ~()ur<; bt' the next home"





'h~rlo. t, pO'I;,~rrl\I~"i\ ~hoRf'rrr Tho

I'POONl bv Shlrln T


chool Districtolds Election

•~ng those contributing toI baseball team's successfuln IS Dick Bodycombe_ He

he! and plays first.e \'oung athlete attended

Pomle HIgh He IS theof ~'r and Mrs A. Body-

be of LUlcoln RoIM!.•Jllcture.s:.ory of the ReView'sdlotler of the Week" appears I

the !POrts 1"8:1', If da\ before Henry C. Lav, ITownship Clerk dIed, he toldIat'l. Clara WIlev that be ex-

to go on a trip the next

eek Aid In Compiling List Of PointeO


M T E---!r------------..°C-Itl- e °1 HELP "FOLLIES" MAKE GOOD


AG R 1 PHS, Father Clark's Invocation I z ns I Rickey Is Broke,


.... "I"l.. , • ., __ 1 M ks Are Asked and Blue Too SWimming Will not be al ..'" 1_ I i\.... - 1 TJ -b lowed In the Grosse Pomte

ou~h both of Ihe lo<.al news, ar lY.lemOrla rl ute I P.1<.key Berard 11 of 238 Mc- area of Lake St. ClaIr untIlo.,arhero; t"ok pictures of the T Hit Kmley Road. broke his arm Fn-BOld lllt!\ In thl' Amencan G 0 e p day when hI' fell off a tree "'hill' the ban WhICh cut the bath-


ball !..tague roo;,e POll\te JOined lhl' n3tlOll mad .. th .. SUpl eme sacTlfice m the I playmg near his home Ing season short last year 1'8

m JunIOr ase , thiS WHk III the observancl' of !Iao;t '" ar I \!I<>ld'elN led the one taken M D The youngter 1\ho IS the o;on of lifted,tun Bradl\ood Revleweam •• emollal a\ by pay 109 tnbute In the balkground taps werE' The Grosse Pomte Honor I Mr and Mrs EirICh H Berard. IS, It wa.o; dlclosed ov Dr T S.

M h to to ItS war dead sound ..d b\ bugler Mike Kane of a slxth.grader at Richard S<.hool .',ar and ex, arlOI' po. A r ..cord , roll d attended .olemn Alger Post VFW an echo b\' Mrs Roll AssoclatlOn needs your I I Rlckl'Y. very blue about hIS mis- IDaVIes, Toy, nSnJp Health Commlg."' " '''~~~' :'.~ g"' " n'.. held SO,," " th, H"" '''IC"H"t ,'G".~ p,,,,, """t help' A lost must he made of I,,,'us, wh"h .,11 ,""a,1 h" '0' """. w'" boon,d ,w,mmmg"."to , • ". R," ,h"" 00 <h' GM" p"",, "I< A"",a" Amtn"" Log""laU vet"'R' who .. rved 1n dun"g .o"m" .".t,,". .a"'''' h<~ '" ,,<1 d", to pollu,,"' . ",..,," .tt,"' M,d,,- Ib,h S,hoolI"", Th'y hoa'" Fa-." .. alw h'''d iWo"d War n ahd .... "me I to" ,"" to appm '" 'h' R""" ,.<t,"" ... " "",' w,th a ,to'"

"ers \ ther James D Clalk 0 s..A of These hadlt on I t hId : as a warning to other bo's and Board of Health rul1ng~t I c ,Ilelle s 90th com. I a rl es are I' reeords must be brought up ,_ a e t East Lan I 5t Clare of ~lont ..fallo gl\ p a (3th \ear undel the ausplcl'S of' I girls to play safe.

e/Wnt pro~ra!U a6

11 h • I stirring lIlvocatlOn and P.l'V E H the War Memorial Assoclatlon to date. It IS essential thatsunda\ June • Wl ear I V" , I hid""," F K",,~g. d""- •""". ,,'W Chn.cCh",", ,'- I "h"h laus'h'" a "-day d"" an .. eu..ate ost?".,. Teeo" D, D"'" "a',d th.t 'a

ed I d nl' of the world's fer th .. bene,!l,tlon ITuesdav. JUlIe 1 to raise $525,000 'of the accompllshments of 11264 Plan rl'cently rpcelved word from the

0/ G\o~: s;eak His sUbJect Mr Bert WI( kln,i1; preSident of I fot a War Memorial Library Ieach of Vf'teran be prepared State Health Departml'nt that"'" f 0 ,,,"It.,, to, ",",I d"t,,,, 'oad th" "am" Th' p"po~d I,,,,,,, " to .. IAk'_St Cia" " .cdl ,",.,,-tobe Da~0; 0 • ppor ). or the 113 Grosse Pomte ,ons who lerl'cted at Fisher Road and Ker.1 for the permanent flie whICh -:"IQ,' ITo G raduate fSeWc-Itmlvel.nand the ban IS still ef.

dt I G ss ,cheval, site of the "Honor Roll" \ Will be placed In the proposed \i ne Arn popu ar ro I' LATE 0 FF IC IAL I war Memorial LIbrary I I State Health officers told Dr.'e teacher of the dance, IS •• - t-t I A GPHS \DaVIes that they are al"are of th-

U the proverbUll bee these I ~ Fo11oWlIlg IS Father Clark's m. • t" ...., _ I\hal With planning her I I vocallon I At present the' names of 3.603 ' ,.~ chlonnallon systems bemg m.10$ recital at the Musle Hall I ~. I . All around the world taps are men and I'On1l'n are represented -,..~-- ~i stalled by Grosse POintl' ParlC~,,"' " ~d 15 a"d ",p' to I "h,,,g "fUy " ,1,""1 M,m",~ I" tha' "I, 0, JU"' 2nd.• I,U'! • \ G,,,u p,,,,, H,g' S,hool I, Fum, ~d Woo" " ou,' p""U-ago and Washmgton, D. C, I D3) Tnbute to our Hl'roes of War Iwas mailed to each vetl'ran '1\ hose \1- expected to graduate 264 semors I tlon m the bathmg areas TheY'_, .he \"n teach for two na. t Th~ taps are mmgled WIth rever- name appears on the Honor Roll I • ~ at th~ commencement ceremom~s I ~ald If tests prove the systpms ef.d '",ong mu"" ."'""._ I"" P""" m ,", 'uog "",,,,,,,, Tho ,,,I"'" ~d., .m,h ." ,,' Imtd Thund.y. Jo" J7 ,,,Iud'" r,nt". tho ,,"n<t,"" ,,'" ""

I-at AnzIO Beach, on the white Ibe filled out and returned to the In thiS figure are SlX \-eterans. removed. .African shore on a gre"n hillside, PUbllc Library, Will contam mfor. The school office howe\'eT re- •In Bntaln. In tiny l.w..emburg, atlmatlon necessary for these rec, ported that thl~ figure \\ould not Thps .....lmmmg season ....as schl'd"tropical Iwo.Jmla, at Bataan and onls. be offlclal until fmal I'x;aO'llna- uled to get underway m Grossl!'Leyte III the Phlllppmes and at \ • tlons are completed Wlthm the Pomte Clt~ •. Farms and Shores on.other mE'monal spots too numerous The Grosse Pomte Honor Roll Working behind the scenes of the Junior League's next several days_ June 15 The Woods expects tD'to mention. Assocll1.tlon III askmg the co-op- "Follies" are DIreCtor Alfred Burke and !.Irs James Mc- John R. Barnes, supl'nntendant have Its bathmg beach rl'ady lit>• I eratiOn of every Grosse Pomte Clt. , . . • of the School DI8tnct, Will present the new Lakefront Park by the

PeTicles. the "'reat orator and Izen m makmg certaIn that thIS Millan, talent chairman; The pair are highly responSIble the diplomas dunng the tradl- d f th th" f th "h'" . h h ed f . I en 0 e monstatesman of Athens. when' asked list and informatiOn IS obtamed or e It nohces t e 5 OW recelV a ter Its premIer tlOnal nles which WIll be held m, Accord.ng to Eventt BLane,tr, speak of the first Athenians Despite every attempt to make performance Wednesday at the Music Hall, The Follies front of the school bUlldmg In Park Village manager, the ban.\\ho fdl 10 the Pelaponnl'slan War. I the service list complete some WIll also be presented on Thursday and Friday, June 3 and the event of bad weather. the ex. wl11 not Interfere WIth the \'11-;confessl'd that he doubted the names mav have been omltt~d As 4. Proceeds wl go to the Jumor Lea g u e '& "PIoneer ercl~es WIll be conducted 10 Pierce lag,,'s bathmg program.\\I~dom of any speech at such a a Citizen \~I11 you check th!' Honor AudlloTium "The elaborate chlorinatIon sy~tome and dl'c1ared that \\hen man's i Roll at Kercheval Avenue and House," School Pnnclpal William B tern We are Instalhng Will k~~

I deedS have bl'en great, they \ Fisher Road for the naml'! of vet- IClemlnson WIll present the varl- the wat"r saf!' for SWlmmm'" de--'


ShOUld be honored in deed only, erans you know. If any name 19 lITar ~""emorl-al~_ibIN'ry ""'0 ous awards to outstandmg I !!plte the condition of Lak: St.'Today we are one m mmd With not Included "'-'Ill you please tele- yy, l'.Ij ,...L t scholars, I Clair," Lane saId, 'Our park "''In

the great orator of Greece Whe1l1 pbone th1! llbrary, N~ 2191. OUtstandmg fa c to" 0 f thiS be op"n for sWlmmlng bv the bm!!,.,.1 1\7 d \\e conSIder the gTel1.t deeds of • B "r. C · C term's class 15 the small number I schOols close oUs month:"

• ~OOUrow .L Tame \alor ",hlch our AmerIcan Heroes At the time the Orosse Pomte e.L rue ommunltv enter of veterans who are bemg grad-e late~t 111 sWlm.sUlt styles I have achll'vE'd The graves of our Honor P.olI ASSOCiatIon was be- :/ uated. The first post.war exG I. •

d th f'th brave dl'ad tell a storv of devo- 1943 M s Fl en Se 5 graduatmg class exceeded 100 Thntulte e opening 0 e 'T" h . C' k I ,gun 10 , • IS or ce Vl'r. The plans for a Grosse Pomte I but erowds th .. present houSlng e Park IS the only one of the

\'tted pool at the Grosse \ .L owns rn ler I tlon to Jusltce and Fr~edom. which of the pUblic hbrary Wa!! gwen the War ~{l'monal Library are the I capacltv to Its hmlts The archl- members_ fIve Pomtes to have a wall struc.te Yacht Club on DecoratIOn T Isurpasses the power of language responslbllitv for rl'cordmg the i rl'ahzatlOn of hopes for a library I t~ct s plan for the new Grosse ------- ture around ItS bl'ach This en.

Mr Don J Goodrow. attorney, • naml'S and keeping the records up bUilding which Will serve not only \ Pomte War Memonal Library m. I abll's the Village to control and

Iwas named actmg clerk 01 <:'rosse We il1\'oke the bll'~smg of AI- to da.te, as a librar~, but also a.'l a me- eludes four floors of fireproof j J0hn Eme ry trE'a.t all water 10 the swunmmgPomt~ Township by the TownshLp !Ulght\ God on thes" gallant mar. •. monal, 10 the form of a true com' stacks, which together With the area.2J... b ~ I Board to succeed H ..nrv C Lav. I I) rs baptlsed 10 their own blood I The Air Raid" arden orgamza. mumt\' tenter. ~ow IS our chance books shelw'd 10 the varlou~ , ~{ean\\lhlle Dr DaVIes mdlcatedvmtm tr r lero; who dl!'d suddenly la.'lt Wed- al'd on the matenal possessIOns llon, under the dlrE'ctlon of ),{r to m~ke an lOvestml'nt which l! rooms. Will pro\'lde SVacE' for at I InS mash Up that he planned to take numl'rou.l

Inesday ~{a \' 26 I and ~plTltual value which thelr IClarence D. Blessed. canva.'lsed certll.m to pay dll'ldends In the de- lea.'lt 90.000 books The Board of • test.!! thiS week HIS hopes how.

f' M Go d t d sacrlficl' prl'sen,'ed for Uq i the hornell 10 Grosse Pomte 10 an velopment of better CitiZens and Educatlon mtends to mamtam the ev~r for favorable results were~O l'E4.RS AGO Be ore r 0 :'111' accep e I OurR IS the solemn obligatLon to attempt to secure the names and a ncher and fuller hfe, ' Pierce Llbrarv as a branCh. and John Emery, of 2033 Fleetwood, very low He stated that the Ma-

rate pollce and fIre de. Ithe posmon. he resl",ned U Town. ke ..p faltb \\,th them and be loyall informatIOn needed. Smce that also to buIld a branch hbrarv as prominent Lochrnoor Club golfer, comb County up until several day.ent, \\ l'r e estabhshed i ship JustIce of thl' Peace.. John III' our personal hves to the IdealS Itime It has been nl'cessary to de- • one \\,ng of the Charles A. Par. was taken to Bon Secours Hospl- I ago had bel'n releasmg Its sewage

th condll\lm In Grosse Pomte L Potter of Barrington Road. 1 and fre,eclom for which they gave I pend on fflends and famlhes of I (ells SchOOl WIth these three h- tal 10 senous condition Thursday mto Lake St. Clair, at the NmeshIp normal after heavy I prominent altorne\ was naml'd to I their all ' the \'etl'rans for these list~ OthE'r cltles in the DetrOIt met. I b 11 t II ...~ I,mormng when the car he was I'llie drain. , t I I t h B m g. rarle,; room ....I even us. ). "" ••

e of m~a~les. fill the ludlclal vacancli by he I Thoqe who died 10 battle would Your help "''Ill be appreclatl'd In I ropo I an area suc as Ir 10 d d f th h t:I f dTlvmg smashed mto a. tree off I ThIs IS the same achon whichI., ~ ham and HIghland Park have Ipro\'1 e or e oUSln" 0 J if Ap .. RS I ~O:l.r~ 1>8\'" .ok"d for nothmg more Their I SE'eing that no name IS omitted I ' f I 150000 books adequatE' for a I' erson venue_ ,was a major factor 10 causmg the

.J \r.-\ AGO Carl Schwelkart Town~hlp 'Ill' one hope \\as that \Ou and I from the Honor Roll Inn!, had spacIous and beautl u , I t I He suffered a fractured hip and ban last yearan ElLzabeth Kramm an I' 1 b \ bUllrl nO'o II IS regrelabll' .arg'c mereasp

In noDU a lOn, ., no<' <i '" I ._ _ Ipen Isor disclosed that the board 1V0uid enJoy what they had ll'ft be-I I rar: 1 ,,- \ • • IIn Lern .... InJl.on~:; ~ •• IC:il.•.s sa' - "PI •

nced her candidacy for the Iat som~ future mE'l'tll1!,: "''Ill rUlE' 'I IUnd that Grosse POInte which IS other' • may be eonfmed kl the hopsltal •001boar~ Local stores adver- as t whether Mr Goodrow \\,11 It I~ our o;olemn dut\. to perfect B h r:r Wlse such an Ideal place m which for !lE'veral 'l\c~ks I Dr DaVlI'S dl~c1osed that as long

butl~r 22 cents a pound, and h ....ld 0 the ('\l'rk ~ offIce until the IInd pres~n I' our pnceless, sacred rot ers race to live. should be thl' only place I The 185000 b.?oks borrowed l8.!t Pobce reported that the aCCI. as Macomb County releasod sew-n 10cents a pack~e. ITownshl electIOn next Februar~ heTitage to the end. I of It'! size and \\l'alth \\hlch ha~ yur. by 1035, people Who are Idl'nt occur~ when Emery at- age III the lake the pJllutlon

fE, . p \ I A l C"- no cl'ntral public library A bTief llbrary card holders. provl' Grosse i tempted to ta)"e the cune on Jef. I would remamf '£AM AGO I • ssau t narues ."on"'" 'h' "n'"'' "h"h ",11 ''',,"' t, ... ".d,"g "mmu",',- ',,~n "m H.".,d Road .,. "Off"""" th' ""ghku'''''ormal cerl'mony to admit d. N Thu~ shall WE' be li\'lng Monu- lOb .. pro\'1ded In lh~ Groqsl' PomlP I General u,e of the 11'orar~ Wlll high rail' of speed. ' count~. have promised to keep out

n l~ ~~nrr and Jack "'elson De Icate ew ml'nt~ to our gallant .Heroes who I ThE' Wo'is~ Brothers. Alb!'rt 23. I\\'ar ME'monal Llbrarv IS gl\'en undoubtedl]r IIlcrease With thl' ad-II ------- of the lahe" said Dr DaVIes •. butlh DetrOIt Bar Assocta- died that \\e mIght li~e here so that the need for a Cl'n- dltlO'1 of more bookS and a better ",-henever a heav\ rainfall occUN

~l! be held thiS commg weck I Id \ 0 Lord help us to safeguard the I and FMtz. 21. of DetrOit are be-I tral' library bUlldmg ma" be bet. locatIOn of librarieS' Park Gets New they have no ch~lce In thc mat.1ta\ne C t b Id St K b F' f h . ld 10'" held by St Clair Shores Police. ~ .• oun y UI mg I er y Ie peace 0 t I' ",or - '" ter understood )lost handicapped bY th .. pres. $15000F' T k ter TheIr se",age oveIilow goesbro<e ae'eated Holy ~ame to I Where there IS hatred, let us for assault ""th mtent to kill Olfl- I . , Ire rue t th 1 k •S ' . cer Georj(~ LaFore~t 33. of Grosse I • l'nt lack of books and referl'nce 1 ' I mol' a I'

lace Softball ChampiOnship I d plant loVE' . . . I I I ma'enals are the ~tudents both GrossI' POinte Parh s Flrt> De- I -------


" \ Gro"~ pOll1te Far~,s rledlcate "here there IS darkneo;s let us I Pomt" Shoreo; Po Ice • d H ..lpm~ to d ..\'~Iop thl' clUld of 'high school and coIlP"~ age partment \\,11 have a no\\' S15000 Ir. E-\R8 -\GO to .paclouO re\\ Krrb\ Fll'loi J ah After the attack \\hlch occure 1. "II ,.. ,ab I . brill?: I,.. t mto an adll t IIllequatl' an" v; l' - Smc,> collrge~ IInd Ulll\ or,lt \ li flrp truck 1I1 sorVlCI' Fnda \ \\ hlch H. h H' k

r! r. chard School wa~ Kerb\ nrar \Iach ~'on.ia\' aftl'r' 0 DI\lne ~{astl'r "'rant that W~ at John 0 Place 24';00 Ea.t Jetrer- tra nect to meet the rlut,P' and . • II . Ifc - I er"j.~ '~'rt\ CU)'I bv the Aulo. . th \ rful f!;\'" ral~IIl'" .,.. boon SlIndll\ mormnO' thl' VICt m branes an' taxl'd he\ond their r.atureo; 1\ th" modern flr~.flght.

. noon 1\I ro 0 ,.'" ma\ not ~o much see!. to • ron" ,.. rE'sponolbllit,es of cltlzen.h'p l' I t b h d h f '" "" 1 t ncl d g f tLierillh, \Ilchl~an a d a bas!'baU double' T b d ,\\'a~ taken to Bon Sl'couro; Hos- Iml s \. t I' mcn-ase l1Ui1l er 0 In", .. ulpn en I u 10 a 00CH'momes n 'olerl. a~ to "onool~ 0 e un er. O'le of th. lIbrarv 0; foremo.t col1l'~~ ~tudf'n" ma,,\, or whom I electncal ladder Ie M. hPOlllte HI,i1;h School h.",rl~r otood II' to und"ro;tanrl To be plta1 \\-here h .. \\as Irratl'd Cor a aim' Th. Gno;sr POInte P\l~lIc '- . - auses IS ap

-'ct t I ;:raduRte 210 i The lar"e ,rowd pro'sent ~RW I d ao

to love For It l' III g!\"_ tWO-lOch kmfe wound 10 hIS left L b h n I 0;" " 1" ra. are \etHans It l~ n'" E'1\~ar\ that It Y:a~ dIsclosed by Chief Rec-

I. ,. II 0\ I' I b I ran \\ or 0; I C 0 00 E' public l,brar,I''' 10 1\ metropolltan tor \\ ho said that the . \- h I

0, . Jamro; K \\ atlklO' \ I age prE'lIl- '~~ that \1 e receive It 10;111par. n tlOn \\,th the schoolo at all tlmrO, I nl'''' ~,. I CIty Police ~Id that they'"E lE\R ,\("00 Ornt and :\1'11 lIicEad',. ,o,rca. r 0 'Ii-' -,'C ~3..~~" ""<1 It I~ I Of( dut\' at the tlml'. LaFor ... ~45 hid b I th n nth area lIkr D trolt speCialize In ref' cal replaces an old model \\hlch ouerl a tllhet to CurtIS R Web.Barneo new supenn .' n011l I". , ,,,., ... - - , •• " • C I r~n e oW " I erence matenals I h b Id b h II

\1'1' - tlOn comnll,OlOner partlcl)'lat~ 111 111 d,ll1j1; that\\E' are born to eter- PstwIISpnjO~Il1~aSnaCKI\ltll""'lgrad .. borrowed ~!I,U.l 000'" l"~" I_as. :en so y t e \'1 ~e to stcr of DetrOit for not ha\tngp bl c scnools. began tladltlOnal opelHl1g- rla\ feo;tl\lt",. nal life. IForl'st ",hen thc brothers ",ho had I year 8847 Chllclrl'n from pUbllc.1 • \.>I&""'L Tv ..':':::.':.:;:. I t,:,; C:l~ '.l:,1o~ "0":"01 caU1l1l1~ an

o~rtlcles 10 t~e ReVIew ~{r Watklllo threW the tlro;t bal1 Ib~l'n dnnkllll/; ~ntl'red th .. eatl'TY I nvat" and parochial o;chaol,; I I aCCident at Jdfprson near ~otre"~~c~::1l1dren s r EdU~~; to ~rr ~lcEachill behllld thr plate \R'IF.D ROBBER and b.cam" abu'lV!' Thl'} Iplored ~amc In cia .. ~ro\lp~ wllh t"ach- I Adults too po;p!'clally the bU.l'l T-\P POr.'ooTER I Damr last v.eek ),lrs \\ebster

eded D P 1'1 the tirot conteolllf the rlotlhl •. TO BE Df:PORTED hl"dattPfmPht tOt prtr\d'cnt an'h' trhoUtbhl"ero; for 1I10trUCtlOn lInd hrlp In n," mrn \\111 f1l1d an ""!arj1;,,d DaVid Falrlps. son of ),Irs and \\3S taken to Bon S~cours Hos-11.'1 a III t _ ar" 111 \\ IC r l"rorrnce d'oartm'nt u_"rul and . I f

,I""'n of 1358 Br~k. hra<1rr t\\O -I.!Ue," an I.n:llm mnco Char!e. "'cGture, pleaded ~I It\ h h I If l-arn n~ h)\\ to II-I' boo,,~ 'up. " - . ~lrs \ Ictor Falrl,,"" 5';Q Flohrr ,!' ta or minor lnjunrsnrt 11 ~ non.lr~l'llr l:~n1- \\ th olrll'r brot "r cut t I' no 'cr 0 1lc,;; oll'l11pnt'l'Y to the,r ochool \\orh nrofl.able 1'1 ~ l<lltlon I,,\'urp ha~ lw>pn tapl'~<1 for memhH.h,p Pollce rel'nrt"<1 that \\ eb.ter S',~_ cn'r"d \\Ith II dpjl"rcr ~rO"-"o P'lf"O P,,'l ';01 ,)oroAtlnj( I" armr<1 robberv h~foro .It,<1;:-e \\.th A por!..pt hnlf .. Thl' pAir o •. ThO' "l'\~. hhra'\ \\,'1 1"r,,\ elf' ;\ road"l£: f()f adult' he..- not h""n In Blu .. Kf'\ honoT3r\' for jltlllOr caT ~truck one rlrl\en h, Anthony

c I [) Collf'jI;e of En"l' • Ir~ J~\nr ()f ClrCll1t ('onrt Thlll"'- Th" brothH. \\'err al'1"rf'h"'1<11''' . fo""'otton ThHI' )<; to be Rn ain!' D • ..',rot I\Oman 10 r'" .....el\" Yorh (','nlral PMt 8 to 1 beall'lfnl roo 11 I\hor" chlld~pn .... ' mrn at Dl'l1l,;on rnl\pr~lt~ GrAn- Torm"rno of ..trol, 1\,,0 1\&1In !';en onl e \\R~ nph ..lrl ponrl'njl; A ohort tlmp Jatf'r 1'>\ 1,1 ,hAr]'" ma\ t()01" 0 nl:'l\ n- 1n '"ll)npo rearlln" room f"rmohoc! ,\',th \,11" OhiO who hR\f' or." "nt- rlTi\In2: hrh n,l " f'"llr" ocout car," _" ,::rl" at the school Tho nl::ht, AT' 0:\\\ ~t Ambrose '{tGII no rlep"rlatlOn to Canarla PHklO- Rnd Ofl'ICH Stanlp\ KlM- hook t ih <1 I'llnge rha'" an<1 readln'" l~mp< t d h I hid 'ha' ~ o)'lp!'d sud1enl\ tn ge' •

_____ b t <;t PRill. \" '; I HI' ro lfl'oo;pd to robb nl/; tho of SI C!Rlr ShOfp- P;'!IC~' Th!'\ \'1" HI' ~tor\ he'llr< o' a 0 an Th fit f th'" 'I ~ an Inj1; tll ~c 0 ar$ ,p, ea er. I' L , ' ..~a _ ~ - . mn.,t apprpclatl0n p.>r\orl~ n,a\ e In ,mIll I \ 0 1~r"om \\ II sh.p anrl -"n II''' I hIt, h.hlh"r off tho stro"t


r.r""oe POllltc Drugs store several \\"r .. h.d\l1E' In, a bORthou,,' be h.ld PTl' 'chool chllrlr.'n \\111 mRk~ :t an ,deal plac~ for 'ho'p.. '" I\\e!'hs ago I P011ce oald ,hat LaFor"-t l~ rE" \\ho lIke to bro\\o;~ and rl'ad '1

HIGH ,,("HOOI. HERO~" 1 h h .,. ha\" a )'IIRC" \11 lhl' room ".net. '______ rownng at IS orne on ~ ern,er f 1I a lllllrt and fnendlv atmospherf', JOI' Frnmm and Sp:rlrr \\ ebcr 1 \ Road lall\' d!'sll<'nl'd or th"m a" \\'1 , II Groo,r p,1I1le Ht2:h Sthool ~lll CHIEF \\' AR:S~ 'fOl"TR . \ the older bo~ s and girls \ Pro\ 10;10n ha~ bel'n made to I

"""I" rAm. I' n' " ~r PH hArrl Farm' Pollc" aprrehf'nd"d ~~\'. \\ ( ..... hOll'<P and ncr"a op the \l~~ of thr.. ,'ral \OII'ho _hool,n" flrO' craCl,cr.' ROR P-\RK 0'"'' • \ann"- to\l"CtIOP" of non,hook\\ ':olllal t 1~ I)' 712 ~lIfl'11ng-f'tAl" • ,...1 n 'h" \ rllllt\ of Gro .. ~ pOInl" Park P,)hcl' IUP 10okmj1; for thl' matrnai "il" h th, :.brar:. ('Hero\1ho h '"' h 0 \.. \ hi .. n 1\ n\: 1 ' h I ","rl an<l robhed Lonj1; hRnd,capnprl b\ an mRrl,,- a< arlel,t "na! 0"1'\ ,rl'O

h'r' of Ihr Gr<"l'" ,'11 a "1 ° "'~" 1/\'\ F"h'r R"~ I H'llh:-;' ho()1 Thp\ \"". rl'leao.rl rll 1"r - '\ 0 • 'll<' oU'\le lo\lerl,n., "f booh- O1at::a1 (), F:rlllcall<m \\ hoop The \ ,"th' " ~ 'le h" '" Bo'l ?flp" Trrr1\ I,~ ~ t 'n~ll" la.h nz "to ThplmR !' Il\\orth of 7/\i\ 7.1~r_ a 'i rdrl~n( ~ m~lcnRI th<' Th'" ),,1 l,hran \\hlrh \\~O a, ~,p,r" thlo mlln'h "r "Ir' H ." '~I \\hrrr ho r 'l.m "al1cr H'\l ChIef of B"rkohlrr :-;~I\.ro1~\ n ~h' H~r _on, ::: I,., tho plIhlll 'n 'h~ 1 l' 't "f 'h Gr".oe P"''l'. Ro',on\

I: rr dort on a! th~ , ,\e I '., r,1, 0 pllr.r conlal'l n~ ~8~ I\a' lakpn t>r~"\ ha' hoen 01'''''''111;:1\ rff r- Clllh \\ 11\ he hop' 11' °1l11Ilh\. r~b\, drctlfln on ~'''!l- ,______________ RE~m..'T'" '" "T 'OTIll: ""' \thOl' " " ",,17"0 'hr o1lf' ,~'o Th ,,<~ 1 arl' of th < llr '1""

CI.U W k ,n,r.-\(.f:CU1'(1I C\llt,r~ 1,~o1or \\hlcll 'h" lhr~\ '''nll' 0,"1". '\0 A 1"1R"" II

Announce ean- p ee l.,11\ rArk rP.,r!pr' \\l-h,n" A h~o .\-1I0:1::1"i \rro,rj,I1Z '0) "'0 lh~ l1e\\ ' h""\ thoro It r~~ hr

!lp/lr111jl' hpfore th" \11\/1>:''' ,ollncI1 1;-10'o,r" 80\rl' I.hra',~n thr "'"0 -I' Adl~ntl\>:,eOIl~h '-\'''1'1:\ eo1


fR,r < (',"r ," ,,, Ii ,. II. ~ro1 tho rurn f~"m \\!l"rr It "'111 h~ 10 rl'qu~"tcct b\' Ihp counnl to ,n. Amrn' a" j,'hrar\- A"""cla',on an<1 mA<I~ ~\'~l1Rbk to a gr!'a\rr


•• b\' "Illage trucks to the "I"atft .uch Int"ntlonO to F,\"rltt rrconl'l1.nrlo t"'o 00»)..' 1"rr capita' number of rpn)'llp, for thiS rlectl0n r1CR1HIP \\ or\- t.) hr,lI' nrx 01' rem"\ ,OJ , • ... , .,' I

d• r

fta.k~ j dump B Lan. \ IIIa"'/' man""'rr at lea-'!t a.!l Ihe m1l1,mum rM(>ntl81 for lld~- Thr ph"\n"l<'rllph rerord C011..C- I

"'rpt~d on Saturdav de.\ Jllnp 7th R".l r 1c0 a , ' .. ....t, "o~",oratp 1'1 thl~ rffort R"oldpnt.. aT(' warned that unl~.~ 2" hours before the counCil con. quat" hbrRrv aenlce JUdj1;/'d by t\On whIch n<"l\\ 1I1('luooo nf'arh

-r" ~ pm to 9 r m at '. • "" th • d r. P 01" follo",mji( ."hool' h\ I<at'lrnn~ 11)'1 lll\ t\rpo nf rdllo,' eoofl<'rRl\On t< I/;l\rn bv dl'amnj1; up \rnro .~" .tan"ar!l .r,,'l.~" omtr 1400 reror 0 \\111 ho krpt m RI'r, !n('1 10 nef~r IZI rl" 1'.1 d ,n \" ~ , I,to "! ' I' nl' ,I" l11n, Pl~01"C~ of <110cRrip,j ma- RCl'lllar cO\1nnl m."lml(o ,"" .ho .. lrl r"l\ hR\r 'lOO(l(l hooh- The ol'panlO' r,om 'hr 0". of ".\h h

'1~rrl 1\ Ivrh\ \51


,,' " I _ l' lal I '" I h. mp""lble to cu' h. d ,,\ 'he .,."n I ,"I' f,,""lh ( 1'1 n\ ,oJ' t' 'n "r 1\ 00,) h""ho \\ .. 1 ~ll ," f,' :1 r, "", 0 0n 0,

tl1... SI!cllall\l,hc ""...cu~ l.hos S14.ll'lmct. 1:'1oncta~ o! each month al:> r m. IS no .. ulol~ !;u bdvw standard, tl..on,,,,ucJ on Pag(; ~)a,1J :.tason, (j J. Ill1c ~1,aLL uc.,\Cc,1

oI-coMPLETE \()Illy the R:O~JEW 01".1

of ALL 80m.CO\'ertge P lnte II Gntiot 111 Groflse .rw......I r'- 0

Page 2: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · I t!,., • oOfficials Term .Lake As Unsafe PHONE VA 2-1162 0--------------0 0'----------------'0 M~O.R.E


16300 Mack Aye at OUler Dmo

NIagara bUOO

Chas.~rheyden~ Inc.

and there's much more titanjust a beautiful building

There are m.ny traJitiolU here at V erheJJen' s • , ,,ome of them. as old as the establishment it>elt~ ~ " tuJilions that have meant so much to 50 1ll11'V

peoplf', for in its 39 years V f'rheyJen' I has gro\; 11 10

be one of the larselt and best lmown establishmento In

America. It serves both Groue Pointe and DetrOit

'l'hunday, JUlie 3,

Woods Businessmen Add To 4th Celebration"A. Deal In Your VlUagc" ClUll- to lllCky residents

alrn .ponlOred by the Grosse TIle awards will b,' III \ Ie d~olnte Woods SUslnNill 1I1en'I A.s- the lal& and Colorful ~'OUrtbloclatlon. will reach a. cllntax. on July celebraUon at '1 L\~n So:1Ilonday, July II when the Assocl.- field which .ponllOr"~1llllllUallv

tlon \\'111present \'aluable awardS the Grolllle Pointe Kl ....alliS Cl=


Cite PointeInsurance Man

James R. Kennedy, 400 LmcolnRoad, local representative of theXcw England J.lutual Life Insur.ance Company ot Boston, has beenpreaented the 1948 Natloll&l Bual-Ity Award for his exceptionalrecord 1n life Lnsur&l1ceconserva'tlOn.

ThIs annual award, sponsoredjointly by the Na.tional A.8socla-lion of Life Underwriters and theLIfe Insurance Agency Manage-ment Aasoclation. II glnn only toliCe Insurance nten who nleet rigidunderwriting quaUflcations andwho fUrnlsn outstanding serviceto policyholders.-----ACTION USDERWATEB

U. S. Na.vy personnel equippedWIth ca.meras, teleVISion and depthsounding eqUipment are combmgthe bottom of Lake Mead reser-vo~r, Hoover Dam, Nevada, theworld's largest artlficial lake, todetermine what deposits of SIltand sand are domg to the lake.


:\*~.it Deep Freeze..,... 1350.00 Value iC

Record Player s89.50 Value' Lawn Mower 529.95 Value* -Given Away By- *.Grosse Pointe Woods Business Men's Ass'n.


Va,llie)l$3ilO.Oll ~a.\ne)

A t ,~ r."* -peel' fC;:;et l~9;;O-va\Ue)

$1( rOf ~:~\o.et~.s 91 ,,~ •• to•• '.G\~~. 9...'l\~..''5 \9'\8""",,4. .. ;!uW '

1',,1.\& i\e\'"

n7J • OTOOoe 'to ~e "Of~),.r P-ra.~l~Ml\t ot )'\te

G\\oO'\l~:D& o"et•• SOl\ ~\\OO'L hs.&e of ~ or

~ yute ......~tb tbe ~"Gp"';~I-et one 't\C~:Y»U' ,;olJ1L

".l(l Given WithPurchase of SOcor Over


19531:llaet Ave. %OIlS Mact A"e.




H.4.RKJ.'\"ESSPBAR1IACY ROSLYN' MARKET2G31S l\1~1I. Ave. 21m Mack An.


UF.BOLD'S ~EN'S WEAR P.~~ROD'S BARBER SHOP21443 ~Iaek Av~. ZlO!' :\Iack AVe.

CR\'STAL'S TOT'S &; TEEX'S SHOP n"~LEX'S Pt~R)~LNT WA\'E SHOP1835 F1eetlroocf Drive %le%3 ":\lact Ave.

Rrsso'S M.\RKET ELtCTR01.ol\E APPUA..'\"CE28'i'46 :\I~k Ave. %OS11 Mack Ave.

lrAl\'1)F.RWIF.L BARBER SHOP l\UU1J~ H..~t<~KI: WI1Il'E STORE2075t 'lack Ave. %till Mack Ave•

RrSTt:R'S ROOT SHOP SII,\'A'S MOIOR SALES Ii SERVICE::1l~2:>:\b.d. AYe. 2tl!! :\Iack .he •


~jjll ~Ia('k .\vt PHI!.:-, :0,\\ ".t.r SHOP

* TIPPl"~ I '-XCH 20,tS ':\Iack Ave.::Oi80 \Ia;k '.0\1'1' S( f) r A'S GIFT SHOP

U)(H~IOOR HARDllARE 29!l4,i Matk Att.2en9 ~'.('k ..hc m:o..........1'01\ n: \\00D8 MARKET

PAXOO'SCO~.'EcnONERY Z038S :\'.tll; Ave.21792 :\Iaek Ave. GROSS.: POIl\"TE WOODS ct:STOM TAILOR



11616 WHI'ITIER, near KELLY ROADCltJl for Appolntmeat to See l\laterials iD Your Rome

VE. H038

Finely TailoredCurtains and Draperies

By Bedell

Will Brighten Up Your Homefor Spring and Summer

GrlUlefully de.slgned to complimentyour rooms . • • yO'Ur windows • • •and the color harttlony of yourhome. Slipcovers custom-made, too.

lo-DAY SERVICEKl.rsch - Traverse drapery hardware used excluslvely

Flex.a.lum Blinds. Cornice Boards - custom made alip cO'VerllMa.terials also sold retal! by yard.

Open ThUrs., Fri, Sat. Eves.




• 3 Blf Sew Models to Cboose hom• IJbforaJ Trad ...ln Ano.-.net'

Brinl In Your Soiled Clothes

We Will Wash Them - FREE!

By Factory.Trained Representauve

Elettr.z.ne ApplillnteWe Call FOr and Deliver-_IS l\IACKAVE.-

JUNE 3 I 4 fr. 1:30 to • P.I.

_ om

HOOVEll VL~£UUJIAotllorbed DeaJe1'


.....6 Westinghouse &....~ LAUNDROMAT ~


Readers of The Grosse Pointe Review are invitedto send their thoughts on questions of public interestfor use in the Pointe Letter Box. The writer's nameand address must aecompany each letter, but will bewithheld on request.

Two autos were seriously dam-aged and one person was hurt asa resUlt of an accident at Z,tlll:kand Morou Tnuraday.

While wa.itmg to make a lettturn, a car driven by Walter KLng,60. of Detroit, wu hit by anotherauto driven by Hr.rold C. Marx,2", also of Detroit.

llarx, suffered deep head. cuts,and wu treated at Cottage Hos.pltal.

Farms Pollee reported they IS-

sued a ticket to !\larx tor recklessdrivmg.

Driver HurtIn Accident

se••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1


Tl. 2-6600


War Memorial Library



309,') ASHLAND A\ f:.

..~~~~::~~~~,:;::; ~_: ,l.1- tam yoar moyjn~ and !tor- ~.,~ problems over to as!

• ~~~~8ER: I'...... BEST (OSTS SO "OKE. !


Page Two


Damages to Mr.rx's car wu es-LET'S HELP THE MAILMEN t,mated at $150. King'" damage!

Iwere reported a.t $300.

There 18 no BIll before Congress that is In greater need ----of prompt enactment mto law than S 1949 recommended by I Stork Pays Visitthe Senate PQst OffICe and Civl1 Sernce Commlttee to pro-, On Memorial Dayvide an adJustment of salaries for Postal Employees.

Mr. and },Irs. John M. Halde.ed. IIn 23 years. or since 1925, they have recelv mcreases man, of Detroit. announce the

amounting to $800 or about 40CC. For the first 20 of those IIbIrth of a daughter, L)'IUl Louile, NA\'Y OO~SSION2" "'ears the" worked for a salarv comparable to those ex. on IIlemorlal Day at cotthtagefHos- Doctors and scientist. of medi.• ,). oJ. oJ. .' Pltal. IIlrs. Haldeman III e ormer cal allied fields may now be com-lSting lD 1925 Wlthout adJustment whatsoever. Frances Dodd, of Cheboygan, mluioned to speCialize in the neld

f 1" . th "'lien. The young father ill the f h d 'IN pro .......mSalanes in pnvate mdustry and the cost 0 IVlDg meson of Mr and Mrl Albert W 0 researc , un er a ne 0----ased f t t ., . . adopted by the Navy's Bureau of

same period of tune have mcre a ar grea er amoun • Haldeman of Beaconsfield Road. !.fedlcine and Surgery.

The Bill S 1949 provides an increase of $BOO per annum.however, actuanal flgUres show an increase of $1000 isneeded to bring postal salaries on a level with private in.dustry.

Our letter carrier and other postal employees are nowand have had a most difficult experience in trying to makeends meet. They have been loyal and conscientious aboutthe job of getting the mails through before, during andafter the war: yet this loyalty has paid poor dividends. Theyfind themselves not only depnved 0 fthe pleasures of anormal standard of living but also the bare uecessities oflife.

Buying a. home or car or household furnishings are U-M Stu~ent ~rites Dr. Davies Tellsbeyond the reach of most postal employees, except by going Of PhoeniX Project of X-Ray Successinto debt which further lowers their standard of living until TO THE EDITOR 'l'O 'I'BE EDITOB:

'd. Ra" famil 'din h me for Undoubtedly you have heanl of At the completion of the recentdebts are pal lSlDg a y, proVl g a 0 the Phoenix Project recently Grolllle Pointe Townahlp surveyelderly dependents or sickness react8 in the same manner. launched by tile Ul1I.ftl:llity of 9675 people wers X.rayec!, &%14

Aside from all these, low salaries paid to ~sta1 t;m- ==ton:p~~~r:t~:~ =~~::e~th~:: :~:ployees have reflected a lower standard of your mail &el"Vlee. dead and we woUld like to teU ready receiving medIcal care.Thi8 is to be expected since qualified people cannot be in. everyone of It. great stgnificance. Your generous uelstance anddueed. to enter the service and many with long years of Ita purpose ill ~o abow how atomie that of your staff have contrib-

• . h are qualified to perform the required duties are enem', Whie h 10 recently n1led to make thll community 1Ul'~~ W o. wroucht death and destructlon, vey the succesa it was.remgrung because of better mducements e1sew'here. can be used tor the benefit of

. mankind The staft members of the !olich!..Congress and Congress alone can make adJUStments. '. gan, Wa.yne County, and Grosse

The present Congress will adjourn withm .a mo~th. If no The PhoenlX Project has been IPointe Health Depar;ment aa wellaction is taken, postal employees mWlt agam walt and your saluted by the AtomIC Energy as those o~ the TuDercUl:>sis and_.1 service will suffer added inefficiency because of adeli- ComnusSlon and the Office of Na- Health Society WIsh to thank you~:: . ti f . ced 1 ees val Research Both ofnces are and express appreCiation for your........... resIgn&; ons 0 expenen emp oy • read.y to all" the proje.ct with lSIiatance.

Appeala by the public can do much to encourage Con- flnancial 8\1pport. It ill only through the effon andp-essional action. Won't you sit down and write a letter to • backmg of citizens in a commun-senators Vandenberg and Ferguson, senate Office Building, The Phoenix Project will at- lty that .. project can succeed.Wuhington 25, D. C. and to Congressman Youngblood fect not only SCIentists, stUdents, You can feel that you had a shareHOU8e Office Building Washington 25, D. C. asking them to and teachen. but ~so. every ~ar~yn~;~t~:n~u~f th~~~po~~ II. . h' Bill S 1949 t th fl f f" 11 man. woman and child In thetake 5teps to bnng t e . ou on ~ 001' or l?-a 1world. We, at the Universtty of condItions mcludlng tuberculOSIS. I

action and that they support lts enactment mto law dunng II1IUchlgan, realiZe the slgmflcance Please &ccept the smcere thanksthia lIe8810n of Congress. of launchmg 8. project IIUch as of each of the members of the

this one ,and are cert.&ln that your Steenng Committee \I,ho guidedpaper will co.open.te in emphulz- thl.a program through to comple-ing the Importance of the PhoenlX lion.ProJect. SlDl-«ely yours,

(Continued from Page 1) • 'to S. DAVIES. ":\1.D'II am enclosing a. copy of the G~ PolDte ~'P ..tJI1I popular a.nd widely used col- WIn have the opportumty of en' lilchigan Dally, in which all the Be&ltll ConlID1Ml_ \1ectlon. Here patrons roa.y select JOYIng apecial mUSIcal prolrf&lll& known details of the Project lIl'e -----die compositions and particular Film forums WIll al80 be ar- gwen, and am leavmg you the N .... tAm "nyrecordmgs they WIsh. ranged Kitchen facilities will be task of arousing Grosse POinte ames MUS CCO p.

Pr . I ad f th pro\"lded for the use ot these to realize the significance of the "Letters To EditorU

O\"lSlonIS a 80 m ~ or ~ , , ..torage of a film library which, Igroup~ IPhoenoX ProJei:t. I The ReVIew received t h r e eIt IS hoped. may be a reahty 111 An audltonum Wlth 8. seatmg lLIlOn)'ITlOUIletters thiS week per-Ithe near future. capacity of 2~ people Wlll be I ~iDcel'eIy youn, tammg to the recent destruction

..qUIpped WIth a small stage and Sal'a Stepb_a of the Grosse Pomte High SchoolThe Grosse Pomte Hlstoncal i dreSSing rooms, and \\"lll be a\'all- I 381 JonJaD Ban tIcket booth by a. group of boys

~oom. whIch WIll be on the sec" able to all Grosse Pomte organu;- "('Diversity of lIklt. It 19 the pohcy of this newspaperQ/1tn~.uflteOOr.~f thlmepohbrtanrar1t"'Wlcull1tuCornal-atlona. A-. ArlIor, mclL not to pUblish "Letters to the Edl-

.. _. • ----- tor" unless the writer's name andaemce to the community. Books, 'ImEF T.4.KES OOAT address accomplUly each letter but IFulfilling Its purpose as 8. me-m&pII,. lettera, and miscellaneous monal llbrary, the new building Mrs. W. G. Even sman , of 884 will be withheld on request.=atonal relative to Grosse Pomte WIll house the names and records Westchester, reported to City Po- -----bistary will be collected and pre- f all th G P t d Ihce that someone took her coat PLE.'lSE HELP

ed hoe rol.ll.le om e men an I . ~ot too late! GIve to Crusade:~rv ere. women who 80 unselfIshly con. from her car which \\'&5 parked at"The new hbrary ""ill have facll" , tnbuted theIr services III World, 16931 Kercheval. The coat wu for Children. send your gift to I

l~es to U&st organIZatIOns and War II Actmg I.S custodian of ,valued 8.t $50. Box 2288, Detroit 31.clubs In planmng programs. and these records and offenng to the Imil also pro\"de rooms for their I public the numerous and Increased Imeetmgs. The"e \\"111b.. o;mall Iservices descnbed a b 0 v e. therooms for informaal diSCUSSIonGl'Osse Pomte 'Var "'tentorIal LI-"I1d atudy groups, lIJ1d a larger bran' should 'Prove a worthy and I

reom which mil accomadate a SUitable memonal-<me to which.::roup of fIfty ~opl" lt~rf' chil- e\Cryonc In Gr.>sse Pomtedlren and ..dult~ of Grosse Pomte ,"Pointe WIth Pnde"

Offlce at 15121 Kerche\'al bet,,'een Maryland and Lakepointe"The Only Weekly Newspaper Coyenng All ~e ,~om.

in Grosse Pointe and Gratiot TownshipsL. B. OLDfIA},I ..... . .....••• ,..... PubliaherCHARLES MANOS .,.................. EditorPAUL J. BLACKBURN •••. Advertising ManagerROBERT P. OLDHAM ..•••••...... AdvertisingDEE HEBERT . . . . . . . . . • • .. Clusified Adv.JOHN J. BROW NE . . .... ". Circulation Mgr.Subscnptlon Rate/; B~ Mall $2 00 per year, 5c per copy.

Published Every Thursday by The Grosse Pointe Printing Co.\'Al1ey 2.1162 - 2.1163 - 2-4558 - 2-4559

.r r~

• >~ '(

.ri ~~




, .

f .


Page 3: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · I t!,., • oOfficials Term .Lake As Unsafe PHONE VA 2-1162 0--------------0 0'----------------'0 M~O.R.E









Page Three ..


S\IIert JUln FlOrida

OralCIS 2 Doz. lie

~l1n~hin(l Hi Ho ~~I

Craekt'T<; Ib &x 2& I,

ao Count Book III~Iatchl''' .. . 2 for 29c I


Tide - OxydolChipso - Ivory Flakes

Ivory Snow




Land 0' Lake.Sweet Cream i

BUlTER'!189lli. I




Jil'19th.________ I

Direet from Whitefish PointFRESH TROUTand WHITEFISH



-- .



Texas Seedlr'<o;

Grapelrlit 4 for 29c

We can supply you with everything from a new mlrro: foryour compact to a mantle mIrror for your home.

.; Glass Furniture Top!! 1".


Grosse Pointe Glass & Mirror Shop17143 Kercheul NI. 3143

Passenger Hurt in AccidentA tral'flc aCCident occured on WU Tldlnl\' WIth HomunK

I..akp,hore Drive and Kl'rby Road Hornung told pollCP hl' swungSunday whpn an auto driven by Into the curh to avold qtnklnl1; 3.Alvm S Hornung, 20, of Eaqt Df'- vehlrlp that had quddenly cut mtotrolt, smashed mto th!' curh, hit hlq rl~ht of way,another car and thpn turnpd OVl'r. Thl' second car waq dnven by

The only one InJureI'd wa'l An- Jame, HardlP of DptrOit •••thony Tena"lla'l, 19, of DetrOit Dama?;eq to Hornun~', car wa.......ho wa~ trl'atod at Cottagr H"q.1 ro;tlmatprj at S100 Hardll's autop,tal f~ 3r~lq~d_ q~o~:rJer _y_e_~a,~g~t1y Impaired _

"Furs cleaned and glazed by Most ModemFurner Methods

InsurEd • ColdFur Storage

in GrOSSE f)oioleDuring the hot summer months your valuablefurs' and all your family's Winter garmentsbelong In ~IONDRY'S REFRIGERATEDSTORAGE VAULTS, located at 375 FIsherroad, Grosse POinte.

Wondrr CleanErSTU. 3-4800


Swanson CannedChicken 314 lb. $1.996-Oz. Boned Turkey .. 49c6-0z. Boned Chicken • 49cI:xtra Large SizePrunes 2-lb. Pkg. 59cJ:xtra Fanc~'Apricots Ih. Pk~. 59cC~ and Blacl."t'nCatsup ... 2 BUs. t9cWhitt> RQst'Consomme Madrilt"nl"

.2 Tins 37cRon '.hant Jt'Hil'dGreen Turtle {'ono;,ommt"

. . 2 Tine; 55c.f6.0z. Tin .. C'ro..w &Rlack\\l'U GralK'fmitJuicfo .. .. 25cSunshinf' Kri<iip\Crackers Ih. Ho..: 27('

Beautifully Decorated and Roasted

• Chicken Pies • Turkey Pies• Meat Pies • Potato Salad• Cole Slaw • Baked Beans etc.

Please Place Orden In AdvanceTo Avoid Disappointment


For Your

Pllrty Dr Pienie!Let Us Suggest That You Order EverythingYou Need From Our Complete DelicatessenDepartment!

* Roast TurkeyComplete with Stuffing and Gravy

* Baked HAM

American taxpayers would havesaved approXimately $2 blllloni Ifthe Presldpnt had passed Instead 1of vetOIng the anginal Republlcantax-cut bill a year ago I ~ J

VFW AwardsPrizes ToEssay Writers

Winners of the f'luy contest"Human Rights - The Key toWorld Peace" were notified lastweek of theIr BuccellS

The awards were made by Mrla J Tilton, ThiS contest IS SPOil'IOred l'very year bv the AlgerPost 99~ and Its Auxlllary of theVeterans of Foreign Wars.

At the Grosse Pomte high school,first prize of $10 went to JeanParfitt, llA, Jeanne Beyer, 11B,won lIetond prlzP, which was $6,and Bruce TerriS, lOA. won thethird prize of $4

At Pierce JUnior Hlli';h SchoolRobert Law, MarCia Istock andDiane Nylund were awarded first, Isecond and third prIZes respec- \lively

The Judges were B A, Chap'low, T A. Jacques, and H, MTotzke.


Heavy Plump





.. tiRE'S Ol'tT1lit Stotf'--3H" Mr'lu'hnl .. Rd -r~ 1-4;":"



He was graduated from GrossePOinte High School In 1946

Tommy was honored for hiS or.Iglonal1ty and movatlOns m thefield of sound englneenng TheSpeech Department and other menof radiO expressed their mdebted-nellS to him. The radiO work hasbeen a hobby With Tommy, hiSfield of stUdy bemg mecharucalengineering.

TOMMY STOOl[University PreSident-elect of theSpeech Assoclatlon of America,who afterwards gave an address,"The RadiO Audience Talks Back"

Wayne HqnorsTommy Stock

"For Instance, lome chaptet!outline the plan for developing theIndiVidual, today we have Baha'Iplans for cultlvatmg and de-velopmg all the nations together.mankind u a Single Unit."

c' "cce~:ar)' cr by the Board of Ed"catl01

PRECI NCT NO 7-Votlng place at the MASONSCHOOL, 1340 Vernier Road, Grosse POinte Woods,1\1chlgan Precinct to Include all territory northof Weir Lane and the County Line and from therear lot line of Marter Road on the east to themlGdle of Dufflo Road.

PRECINCT NO 6-Votmg place at the VERNI ERSCHOOL, 36 Vernier Road, Grosse POinte Shores,1\ l ch gan Prec lnct to Include al! terrl tory north ofWe r Lane and the County Ll'le and from Lake St.Clair to the east Side of Marter Road

PRECINCT NO 5-V::Jting place at the KERBYSCHOOL, 104 Kerby Road, Grosse POinte Farms,i\khlgan Precinct to Include all territory between\'.'elr Lane on the north, and the rear lot line ofi\ 1erm\ea~her on the south, and from Lake St.Clair on the east to the middle of Dufflo Road be-yond the Farms,

-C.Y 1~: ':' 1 Il ,I e amount of $:5...16500 a~d such.:; ~ I~ • ::J ~ leM tJ bc ~Jb'llitted to the \ole of the


.' , ,,' "c" :::,:: S31J Scrod D,strlct \\ III be held on t\lcnda.J,• ~"c' ,::;" i De cpefled at 7 ')') o'clock A M and closed

T • (' "'. , c Gr~~se P: ~'e f--< gh Scf'-ool In the Village of:; be ,'eCI' 'he hOl,rs of 8 30 o'clock PM andIl" - tJ'l' t'ed to If csc prcscl't ar,d entitled to




Church Group Local Mariner Richard School AudienceTo Hear Talk Scouts Act In

U 't d N " Hears "Peace of Mind" Talko~e JU~l g~neral :cltllnOgDoSf IMemorial Rites "Accordmg to .. recent new .. loWS develops the Plan tur~her;

paper article, no one hu complete the chapters have IlgnlflcliJ\ceThe Woman's Society of Chnstlan Manner Girl Stout~ from Gros,l' pE'ace of mind today," Itated Mr, &S long u they are read together;

I P'lIntr took part m the SeventhScience of The Gros~e Pomt.' Annual Merthant Manne Me- Floyd MunlOn. Ipeaker at the but If they are taken out of the~ethMlst Church Will be hrld on mOllal ServlC e held May 31 In thl' Baha'I Public Meetmg at Richard context they lose the significance

?It ' School on Tuesday evenm(. "The that thE' author attached to them,Wedncsday, Junc 12 at 8 pm at ' rnllrr~ Church at the foot ofW j I A best sellers are those on. pea.ce ofthe home of Mrs A W C I oor \\ arr venue, DetrOIt1047 Ham ton R 'd' • a ctt, Of lhe 12 Marml'r Scout, par- mmd and how to be happy, But

p oa , ta Ipatmg 8 IIere Grosse POInte peace of mind cannot be &chlevedThe speakl'1 of the {'vellmg ....ill I Io:lrl~ l';Uranor Frizzell, Emily through possessions 01' economic

be Mrs, Frederltk G. Poole Wlfl' I Hal <hng- Lmda Huntmgton, Made- success It Is the result ot' the de-of the executlve ~(U ptal y ~f lh Ion Halkman Mary Jelneck, Bar- velopment of the 1011.Conferente Board of EducatlOnC Ibar a, Repd, Jamce Gclhaar, Judy The basis of man'. happlneuMra. Poole rel('nlly vel y abl' Mac1.;aull;hton, atwmpamed by and spmtual development II thel'hamplOned the Il"'ht<; f '" } their I('ader, Mrs Alton Hunting- moral law, and only the moral

" n "omen ton I f God b th' bo tIn the church at thl' Gpnel al con-I aw 0 can nng I. au.ference of The MethOdist Chunh Aller ,praver, and a short ad. Human laws can neVE't bring aIn Boston Idrps, bj the rpctor of Manners new IOclety, wlule the Laws of

• Church the color guard, the Ma- God bring about new clvllUl&t1onsMrs Poole Will speak on "Thp nner Scouts and the clergy form- In obeYing GOd, man hnds peace,

Umted !\'atlons and aU 1'0 omen of ed a prol'eo;o;lOn and proceedE'd to and mner conflict ceases!'th h

the foot of Bates Street The con.e c urch fello\\shlp are InVited I • "Ever Slnte the begmmng," con.to be present Igrl'gatlOn fo11ol\ I'd "• The mpn m Uniform, the MH.- tmued Mr. MunlOn, when man

_____ nner c;tout~ and the rector then first appeared With a conllClence,boarded a tug boat OlInI'd by M I he DlVme Teacherll or ProphetsHal ry Beckrr of the Propeller \ have cflme mto their midst andClub Port of DetrOit. protlalmed the moral law; not

At the mternatlOnalhne the tra, fully, but accordmg to the cap&c-Fmal nt.s II err hrlrl la~t IHok I,huonal rpremony of scattermg Ity of men to receive It These

for Ray H Bra" n, 51, of 111-l flO\I rro; on the 1\ ater In memory bemgs are the Authonty, andWhlttlpr Rnad H" dlo<l Wedn, 0;- oflhos.. 1'0 ho (hed at sea took their AuthOrity comes from Godday, :'lay 26 at Hal per Hospital I plat" Three salutes v. ere fired They are condUl18 brmgmg to

t dunn?; the stre\\ mg of flo\\ E'rs man the waters of KnowledgeHe v. a~ an elder tOl 20 \ ear~ The pi ograms endl'd v.lth Taps a from the vallt unkno ....'Il reservOIr

at the Jeffero;on Avenue Prcsb}, clOSing prayer and BenedictIOn' lot God ThSY alone determinetenan Church, what 15 goon and what IS right.

A nattve Detro,ter he \1 aq for J()l~ FORCE~ L "Thls continuity of religIOn can35 years !>llchlg-an repleo;entatlY( Xa\ al Air ReserVists JOIned be well described In the follOWingof the Burnham,Stoepel & ('0 He forfl'o; With a veteran's aqSOCla- Simile. God ts the author of thewa, a member uf the DetrOit t.on to aid starvmg NavajO and complete volume of RevelationYacht Club. IH~pI tnbes In Anzona recently Each religIOn IS a smgle chapter of

\\ hen supplies, colletted by the as- the volume, and each prophet, theSurvlvmg 31 e hlq 1\ Ifo HrI, n soualloll, .,.,ere flown to the re- Pen used In wntmg that partlcu-

E, and two chIldren, Robert \\ ! clplpnts bv Reserve pilots at- lar chapter In the volume; eachand Mrs. DOriS Bennett, both of I tarhed to ~a",al Air StatIOn, Los chapter prepares the reader forDetrOIt Alamitos, Callforma the next, each chapter that fol-

1\, ,,... rte Fa'm:;

, , - ~ c '.~ - ~

8C\'" P , 1 E r- c: ~ .~ - c -'

b, , r' .- ,

.d~ .., , 'C 2I

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~",ro;:cr, prL.v, 1-

, ,8T1CE IS A'...SJ C \ :', . -, da) :Jf J ,"'e A D ~ . ~ '" -~ 0 clock P \ ~ E.o ' 'C " C"

~..l '''' ~ ,--1 '"' "r'''~ ~=' )' 1(; B,:aro d sa J D ~rr'ct for the term of three ~ears and'--...I IV <.l .................... '---...

i't Sh,rIEe) T J'II ':,' C c" I, \ F" ~c'd 2 d /\ :::e \ 'oed) SreafIer are cardldates tor said office.



~' the polls of sa d els: \' 'I :)= 2,e a' t I'e p~:' ,';C; ;:Jlaces In tl'e se\eral precincts of the D1s.:11 :; 0 clcck A \ 1 to:: J :' 2C, ~ \ , , Eas'e'l Da) I gh~ Sa\ 'nE; Time a.-,d that at said election there,

"LICE \' St...EAFFER SecretaryBoarj of EdJcatlon Rural Ag'lcultural5o:hc:1 0 str ct No 1, Crosse POinteTe,' ~sr p, \'\la)~e CC\.Jrty, t\~ chl£an

Pr:EDNCT NO 2-V:)tlng place at t'e Geor;;eDEt:ER SCHOOL, 15425 Kercne,al h C'Iue Gr:.'sseP: '1:e Park, Michigan Preci 'ct to II'cl,ide theI :d e of Mack A\erue, rear let II e en tile ea,sts::;e c' Three Mile DrIVe fIlldd e 0' Jc 'e'sor he-r.e ;'-e City Limits (IIlCIL.8CS b2t,l s ~e5 ::J \\'a)-e.'''' A enue )

?:E: \CT NO 3-Vctlrg p'ace af • 2 Le\\ s E, 'A ~E SCHOOL, 7-Kl Caoleux Foa: (1'1' cf Crcssec, '-Te t\ ~Ichlgan. PreclllCl to IrclL.de th:; rrlddleC' "'eek Avenue, rear lot 1 re C'l tne ea::t s ae ofI,e" i;':,ad Lake St Clair rear lot II'e ::,l the I..est,S '.12 ::C AJdubon h enue.'''~r ' rT NO 4 V r p G b, ::\... \\... _ :::;~Jrg P a::c ar t::; c'e a-T = r CHARD SCHOOL, 1-;-5 ':cK €y Roo:dC =, :: PCJrte Farrrs, t\lIch g2n Prec 'ct t8 InC:ud2

REGISTRATION MUST BE ON OR BEFORE 9 o'clock PM, June 5th, 194~ Only persons whohave registered may vote at the school election.

Notice is hereby given of an election in Rural Agrlculturar School District No 1,GrossePOinte Township, Wayne County, Michigan, to be held on


the FOURTEENTH DAY OF JUNE, A.D. 1948,at tile polling places of the several precincts of the DIstrict, to WIt:

Pl\EC:NCT NO 1-Votlrg place at th:o Rcbe't the middle of Mack Avenue, rear lot line on the-RO\ 18LY SCHOOL, 8.:20 BEf<3c-onsfleld Grosse north Side of Moran Road, Lake St. Clair, rear lorP'de Park, MlchlgiJrl Precinct to Illclude the lire on v.est Side of Lakeland Avenue.~:::8 e of Jefferson A\enue, tIle rear lot 111'8 on;re east Side of Whittier Road, Lake St. Clair, tileC '/ L '111ts.


wntown Traind CameraShopm w. ELIZABETH

Olle Block North ofTuller Hotel




$8.11to $lllG




rlJaY, :Tune 3, 1948~I ChoralI~ P't At lercecer pOinte High SchoolGrosse rl 1\ III be heard be-

I Conce school auditorium!'Ierce

I F 'a' June 4. at 8 15,ee nu J'

\lc IS ,wlted to attend,pub III 1\ hlrh will be un.~g~~ecllOn of Mr, John E,


I:!sr TO DOt/l Crusade for Children

I ~lIlplete thiS sentence, "1-.. to CrusadE' for Chlldren~ , In 25 words or lesi.~ 'dl pritl S, Bolt 2288, De-


Page 4: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · I t!,., • oOfficials Term .Lake As Unsafe PHONE VA 2-1162 0--------------0 0'----------------'0 M~O.R.E

==========--=1ROTPql!\l'T DI~hwasben and DLposal1s are powtrl'dby ~.b.p. motor~,Illaranked 1 'l"tar

BOTPOINT DI~hwashen sa,,!' "honn per 'lI'l0l""over hand dl,llwashinr.

-rh~ay, June 3,l{r. a.nc1 Mrs. H;;; ~G

Ha.rvard ROad al<' \ Sjtl~e\Ion Robert, who I~ a • g

ocUUe.!lDenllOn UnlvelSll\ Gra.:Ohio. On Sunda\ June e'youth Will return h llle II I

parents tor tile SU'll,ru \ie


IIYGIDo'lC DISRWASHISG... water hotter than hum3."lhands can stand-pIll.! deter.gent-washes dishes h~g,en.e-ally clean.FRO~"T OPENING • • . per.mlts ell.'iier loading and pro-videa greater v1&Ibility-t:\ ena. child can see and helpTABLE TOP WORK SURHCE• . • offers additional Voorkaurface-576 square inches oruseable space. No crack.'! OfcreVices to collect dust or d.rt.l"ERSATILE • • .washes 58dlshes in one operation plus.s11ver. Ala<> doe:! pots a.ndpans.WATER CONTROL ••. au'~mat1cally a liS u res propt!ramount of water enterlnl!' 'l..bf()!' wash and rinse actlor-.sWithout waste.ELECTRIC-BEAT DRYIXG ...a!ter the wasrJrJi &ondrtr~-.rgcycles have been complet~,the 82&-Watt Calrod hea:.nl;unit furnishes abunaant cle~heat for dry1.n(.


Dishwasher UnitsSeparate Hatpo.nt Dish-~asher unIts are mad!' Int'\\o models, namely Withporrpl:Hn enampl top anda loM~r model tQ 1I.t underCurrf'nt dra~n IndlV1dualUll.~ '0 plug in an;"Where ISS28450 Under~a~n modelIS $264:>0.

Ay,il,ble With TheHotpoint Disposall.y.

lC'Food-WiSte DisposerDlSPOSALL FOOD WASTE DISPOSERshreds a.nd dISPOS~ or food leftovers v;-ju'lestill fresh. Eliminates garbage containersand odors Dlsposal! lS self-cleaning. Oper-a.t~ for 10e a month.

The CompletelyEl@etrie Dishwash@r - Sinh


Setter Home Heatln,Detreft • DearlMim • • e..e..tiM • • .... •0...... Poln.. • Hamtra_ • hrk • • UIMOIaPIIIk • MIrvMI. c...... • PlywMUth • • I-. • o.k • w.,. · w

Right about now"'"l~':.~IIp:-4!1 'If..- >-

~~1\~~fQ~ l~ ~11iW!~J~ ~.J/

your furnace ~'~'.r~or stoker is pretty tired

Alter its 6 or 7 month race ""ith Old Man Wirner ••. • Bood part of it ill,ub-zero temperacurCl • • • your coal beaUoS plant is d~ foe a little well.deserved attentioo.

Remember that coal and coal heating equipment. working efficientlytogether. ~omprised the tnU1 heating system dw: won haads d~n Over OldMan Winter • • • without once being lapped by shortageS. heat lOterruptiOllor turned-down thermO$tau. You'U want to be sure it doa aD equally goodjob next year - and it ""ill. if you Jive it half a chaAce.

A good IbflrOUlh deaain& a ,(JtfIpUt. checkover


r. ~ for worn or defective pares, • ~.eftll inspection ol-: \.) - 8uCl aad heating IUrfaca - and your furnace or

~.q rQ '11 $Coker will be ready for DUt win~'s uiumph over_...-:==~~=:;: the tberm.ometer. Facilities are ready now for


' _ • L'oll thorough, unhurried care of this imponant maner.-,.. Your local coal mailer is the man to consult aboDt

...... cleaning and repair service. Pick up the 'phone andcall him now. before you forser-

U your local a.l merchant bas DO facilities fotcleaning service, or for emetJCDC)" service 24 boun Iday for your furnace Ol'SlOker ••• all CHERRY 4331,

!Gets Bachelor's Degree At Central

LoUI' G. Lendz,loll, or Gros-e ,!Iencement exercises Saturda.y,

POUlt" Woods Will be among the June 12. h of Mr a.nd MI'fI11221 Central MlchlgllJ1 College He ~s ~ e ~~dZlon 'ot Sever~St'mors who Will receive Bache- Lenur, ,lor s degrees at the annual Com- Road.

by HotpointilutolftatieAT LAST•••

NAVY LEADSThe U. S., Na.vy recMlitlIlg' na-

tion, New York, led the nationWlth the highest total of newNavy recMlits during the flMltquarter of 1948, WIth 5,062 en-listees. Tlus fIgure was actUallyonly 57.7% of New York's as-SIgned quota of 8,771.

BELL PROPOSESThe MIchigan Bell Telephone

CompllJ1Y proposes to issue $75,-000,000 III debentures.



Doris Ann ShoverIn Wellesley Pageant

MRS PBILIP G. GERLACHIn a ceremony conducted by Father DeGneudt at St.

Clare of Montefalco Church, Saturday, Margaret M. Corte-ville became the bride of Philip G. Gerlach, Jr., son of Mr.and Mrs. George Gerlach, of Buckingham Road. The newbride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Corteville of Bed-ford Road.

SPIICIALPu8h-Up Permanent

Wave. Guaranteed tolast 6-8 months •• $5.00

HELEN HERNALSTEENIn the Woods for 10 Years21023 Mack - TV. 1.5S02

Grosse Pointe Woods



Church GroupHears Speaker

Miss Dori. Ann Shover, daugh,ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bertram PaulShover, 1429 Grayton Road, was.. 10101st III the traditional TreeDay Dance Pageant held recentlya.t Wellesley College. MIBll Shover,.. freslUnllJ1 lot the college, alsodId some ot choreography tor thepa.gellJ1t, a.nd is 8. member of thecollege dance group.

A member of the va.ral.ty hockeyteam lut fall, she is salesrna.n

Congregauona.l Women meeting of the college yearbook III heron June 8 a.t the home of Mrs. dormitory. She graduated lastJames Cunningham, .72 N. Co- June from the Groaae Pointelomal COurt, will have as their Country Day School.speaker, Mill Margaret EwlnJ,Mis. Ewing was born In China.of MIs'lOnary parenti lIJ1d educat- LADIES BRIDGEed at Wheaton College, MaSll. Be. A Ladies Bndge Luncheon wufore 1eaVlIlg for England, M1JIa held at the Lochmoor ClUb'Ewmg was Business Gl1'l'lI Secre-tary III Detroit and a member of Wednel!ld&y. Mrs. Norton S. Wal-the Mayflower Congregational bridge and Mrs. Ellsworth R.Church. DurIng the last year Ihe Beeman were hoste.uea.was sta.tioned at o.ventry, Eng-land, associated Wlth ReverendLeslie Cook. MisA EwIng Will tellof her work in Coventry and herrecent vtslt to Holland.

Devotlona Will be conducted bythe mirwster, Reverend CharlesW. Scheid, !IIrs James C Bolles,newly elected. preslClent WJll pre-IIlde.

The FIrat AnnuLl Po.ter ArtContest conducted In OroaaePomte High School and Brownella.nd Pierce Junior High Schoolsended Friday wIth 15 stUdentswmnmg awards .

!lfr. John R. Sa.rnea, wperin.tendant of the School DI.trict,made the 1.\\ ards betore 200 whoattended the spectal program Lnthe school .

FollOWIng' the presentations, Mr.Sidney W. Seeley, ot the Welcb.Seeley Art StudiO' III GroisePointe, discussed the wInmng de-sign., polntmg' out both the goodspots a.nd the questIonable m&nlp-ulatlon of color and arrangement.

Others present mcluded lo{rCharles Saaer, USIStant princI-pal and Mr W. Colburn Standish,of \\'alker ,. Co. contest sponsor

FIrst prIZe wInners m the semorand junior cla..s~s were ElalneSeverin, 189 McKinley Road,Grosse Pomte High; and DianeNylund, 1230 N. Oxford Road, f "",

Pierce. They received $25 ea.ch.The contest Is sponsored by the

Walker ... Co. with hope. or cre-ating WIder IIlte!t1t In art In theschool system. It-J.s hoped the con-test Will become lIJ1 Importantpart In the art educa.tlon progr8JllArt teachera who advaed the .tu •dent.s m their effort. where !l111ILumpan, GPHS; Mrs. Gray,PIerce; and llrs. Meldrum, Brow-nell.

Other prize winnerl in the field L-of 131 that contributed posterswere: Sue lolartin and Sally Sey-more, GPHS. who re<:elved secondand third prize money. $15 and$10 respectively in the seIDorcompetition.

In the Junior Hlgh cla.ss, LowellG. Ja.ckson, took second prize of$10 and B&mbr Wigton won the$15 third prize. Both &ore Pierce.tudent! .

Cash. winners a.1Io wers ParsonAmold, Andnena. Londes, JoyPerry, Patncta Jenk., GPHS;Jeannie Hollister, Peggy More-land, Jill Read, a.nd Nancy Va.nDenbuesch, Pierce; Susan Senffand MarUta Smith. They eachreceived $5.


7j 'Ii~ 15 Awardeda Prizes In

Art Contest

For Complete DinnersFeaturiDg Roast Cbleken

We Dellver

Order 1Il Advance

TU. 1.2100

Phone us lor an A pfH'mtmmt Mila OUtDecorator in Your Home

WithEntertain Seniors

Prom, BanquetHa.rva.rd House Wall the set- r Among the guests at the ban.

tlng for the st. Paul Jr -Sr. ba.n- qu~t were Reverend A. Melvin,quet and the Lochmoor Club, for Reverend J. Bohr, Reverend Rthe J-Hop. Both were .ponsored Parnsh, Mr. a.nd Mra. E. Lauer,by the JUll10rs m honor of the Mr. R. VanT1em, and Mr. a.ndSeniors The dance took place Mrs. J. Kelnstedt.FrIday, ;\{ay 28, a.nd the banquet, After the usual tout.s had beenWednesday, June 2. exchanged, the ilemor. read their

• class WIll and prophecy. The eve-Although the prom WB.! 8. mng closed WIth the stngmg of

closed Lffair, many of the friends' the class songs by both the Jun,of both claaaea attended. Some .or. and Seniors.of the couple. who were there Iare: James Law and RIta Lelt. Ph TU 2 DDCJ!Aauser, r-:ancy Schuma.cher and, 011 s __Albert Campenhout, J 0 ann e IKrehnbnnk and Pa.Ul Meldrum,Ma.ry Ann H:Uebr&nd and BudBaker, Clara Konen and Warren ISma.le, Robert Sharpe a.nd pa.ula.1Hardy, J&mes Furton and Joan IWllyte, Pluhp Van Hollebeke a.ndMa.ry Lou Thibodeau, ann Alda Dilaer Delivery ServiceMa.ne Crowe and Jim McCook

Pap Four,


16726 E.W,rrf!n-3 Blocks East of Outer Driye I, MASTER HEATER ~- COOLER~=:;~;~~~~!.i':~=~14~~~~~E: WARREllat IIEWPORT .. VALLEY2-8181

Bv SIUBOS" FORD: Editor s ~ote-The !;1!OWlng 'Letter to the Editor" appeara In: thiS space bceause of Its partlcular interest. to . Teen Talk." rea.ders.'1'<) THE EDITOR:. We, &n a..stomshed bod) of student.s, feel that whoever wrote the: letter which you pUblished in lut week. "Teen Talk." column certa.lnly• d'd not expreSll the Idell8 of the present llA c1ll.S1 of Grone Pointe.)Ilgh School Although we reaJlZe there are a few ~Dtrle feUow• students whom \\ e ha\e to. feel sorry for, occaSionally. there was no• ca.ll for thiS provokmg lett!'r. And so we, .peaking tor the rNl llA: student body of Grosse Pomte High congratulate Sharon Ford tor her, commendabie repl~ a.nd &gain we pUbll('ly apologl%e tor the pretenders: who addressed the letter to fOu which you pUblished m a recent• l.SSue of your respect&ble newspaper.: Apolocett~. youn,

TIle ~l.aJorlty of the PreMlltllA claM of GroNe Pte HII'll

. What a wonderful long weekend Hope everyone had a ......eU time

. a.'1d you know there are only 11\'e more days ot school. then eXLm' and: a super summer vacation. We have some nice parties to tell you about• 110 here \\ e go; Treasure hunt and dml'er at Tom and Jim Fenske on Torrey RdI That \\BS the b.g \\ord last Thursda)' mght, when the bo) s ~ntertalned: the n'embers of the " altherI League They had arranged a trea-: !lure hunt that wu reaJly a. hunt• \\ere those clues ever hidden! ! !: Some of the mary kids who en-. Joyed thiS lIJ1d the mOl'les after-: "..ards Wl're, LellS Moeller, Tom, NellOn, Manlyn Faust, Rus. Has-: kms, Russ Dtesmg, Bul 1'\elson,• DoriS Foster, "'ally Moeller. Vir,: gUlla Reed, Horst Haber, Loraine• Asmus, Bob Schneider, Helen Hipp-o tel, Gordon Faust, Barbara Memke,: Phyllls FrlIJ1k, Margie Storkel,• Dave Carr, and Christa Meuller.: The gang all agrepd It was a dJf.• !erent and fun evenlIlg.: On to Fnday night at the Boat, ClUb where the "Quad Hop" held.: Kelly Green and white crepe paper 8IIaroa Fonl•• treamers decorated the blalroom and the very enJoyable band of Bl1l: Ga1l proVided the muSIc for the popular affair.• It "'U a typical early swnmer scene, In that the cool water• breeze. were blOWIng in the French doors from the nver, a.nd all the: merry makers of the evemng were dressed In the latest for, the fellas, lported aummer tuxes and the girls in thelr newest swnmer formalS: or lovely pastel cottons made the settmg so complete. We saw Bob

!:~~;~~ ~~7t~\T~~~:IIA~e~~~:~~:t~~ ~~~:n: B~~~, Dick Augustme 'n Mary Ellen Antnm, Bill Isbey 'n Allee Ann Slcltler,: Doug Buck 'n Allee Nevil, Bill Carruthers 'n Bev BoUn, George Berenak• '11 Mary Ann Wagnor, Chuck Wagnor 'n Katy Wle1a.nd, and many ma.nylmore of the kids who make up the junior set of the Pointe and old• G.P.H. T'wu a nice evening tor a. dance and. all who were there had•• wonderful time.I On to early Sunday momlng when a gang of kids in a picnic mood: made off to Rochester again. after the swell time had on the Twds• picnic last weekend. They piled Into their cars with the biggest• lunche. you ever saw and made pretty good time out there to enjoy: • tuU dr.y. fUn romping in the hill. and wooda. They were planning'. little IlWimming thl. time In IUlts and not jea.na but it W'U just: klnda ot chilly! ! ! But these kid. had a swell time any way, Barb• Mann 'n Bill Treuter, Helen Plath 'n Herm KlIngelhoter, Meekle Va.n: Zanen 'n Dick Redmond, Lou CIl'ere 'n Sue Cruickshank, Terry Thomas.'n Felice Thorpe, Sue Carson 'n Cal Grey, Mary Ann },{lIJ1n 'n Jerry: Keckl'l%ie and they had a gay time., SurprISe, surpI'lsel in honor of SLl1, Smith's eighteenth birthday: on Fnday mght at the home of Matgle Storkel. A group of her• pals got together and mr.de a party of fun for th1a popula.r G. P. gLl: The blgge8t event of ne&t weekend wIll of course be the SenIor• Prom. We hear the theme of the semI formal affair i. to be "life in• China." Dave Ramsey IUld Pat Martin are co. chairmen of the decor.: .tion commIttee. Ed Karrer heads the refreshment committee, andXarlIyn ShangellJl head of the invitation committee. The music com-Inlttee under the hea.d of Stule Ward announced the band for the",,,enlag to be that or Jimmy Strauss a. mighty fine outfit. Of courseonly the 12th Gra.de cla.u may attend Uus, and the da.nce is m honorof the graduating Cll.lll of June '48.

Well Uua completes the round-up for thiS week ..• see yOll around.


Page 5: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · I t!,., • oOfficials Term .Lake As Unsafe PHONE VA 2-1162 0--------------0 0'----------------'0 M~O.R.E









Pap I..'iv.;

XI. 10M

Wooderful ill ta..'n ••• perfect in counuy!The DeW electric roaster-own cooks •complete meal for from three co six,bakes a pie or cake-e\"eD routS • 20-pound turby. Take it .....ith you my-~here-jt .....ill broil, toaSt, gri1l or fry toperfectiOfl wherever there'. A-c cu.rreftt.You'll bd portable electric router.ovesu ill your MateSt Ediloa office andat your fa,'Orite appliaace Store. Seethem today!

An Electric Roaster COokl Ewrtthi.••• PI"II in~'




Florist and Nursery17651.61 MACK AVE.• • •We Now Have A Complete Selection of




During Mack Ave. Wid~ning-IENTaANCE CAN 8E MADE 01'1


The DETROIT E81S01 Co.

We are fortunate in having Mr. Mahr at a memberof the Harrison organization, and cordialy invite youto come in and meet him. and inspect our new lineaof modem materials. I

Style minded Grosse Pointers will be thrilled by Mr.Mahr's new selections of correlated materials forSlip-Cover, and Drape combinations, or correlatedDr.-nery combinations.

This new department will be under the personaldirection of Mr. Jack Mahr and will feature completeservices in Draperies, Slipcovers, Upholstering, Fur-niture redesigning, Window Shades, and VenetianBlinds.

The Robert E. Harrison Floor Coverini Companywishes to announce the addition of a completenew drapery department.

16903TUxedo 1.0100

ANNOUNCINGBARRISON"'S New Correlated Drapery. Slip..

Cover and Venetian Blind Services

HANDIEsr HELPER YOU EVil SAW I~ elllb,nlll only • bout :0 pounds constructed ofdurahle ~tetl. aluminum Ind enamel, • 0\11 to4'$ter 'I",11. carrIed. tully cleanN Mon come eqwpped.,m dIshes. broIler. I"dclle-radJ tIO _ .. Jdaall' IppUall" O\IdeL

•••• - -IOIIGH IT ••• "' STYLEI- - _ ••••••••


\ _.... USE IT ALL JUI IOU.' •• - •• •• •1

Sutllmer or ..,ntv. 11'5 perfect for keep,n. food " .. na.t:se one for backurd p,cnICS-U an aux,hafT 0\_ iaI die lutchaa-or for hoc dulles 1& bafet -.11.



\ _.


ISchool Events Keep \jPolnte Girl BusyI A GrOS'" Pomte student .....M I

prominent In the end-of-the,p'ar I'.whool events at Mount Muy Col- Ilege, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1

She II ROllemuy I'leffman, of I1100 Bucklnghe.m; a Junior, whowon honorll In a borRe show, acted I

Ion the committee for th. sopho-more-Ienlor banquet: headed her ICIUll'S lodalih' committee, and 1

Iwas vlce-pres1dent of the Junior's Iclub I



that ForstersCive Away A



Day andNight Service






For Complete DetaIls \'1Slt Our Store


1tWO CHARLH OIX at ChalmeMl


Johnny Bntz, widely known former Grosse Pointer,who now resides on Manistique Avenue in Detroit withMrs. Britz enjoyed a five generation famIly reuniondW'mg the holidays at their home. Standing from leftto nght are Mrs. Britz, great-grandmother; Mrs. Hay-den Turrell, of St. Clair Shores, grandmother; seatedfrom left to nght: Mrs. Lena Herbold, of Battle Creek.Mich., great.great.grandmother; Mrs. Richard Shuart,of St. CLaIr Shores, mothers; and baby Richard lLShuart.


f'litl'nd an tnnlatlon to "151tthf'm at Ihl'lr nl'W locatlon-4980 Audubon at "arren for

Complete Beaut, SerTIeeIf ~ou df''iirl' a Prarhral and

Ht Buolllal RalrdnssPhone TU. 2..1540

~ ' ~:~'C'-:n LoaC"!OI,.l~\-l~""" ...... b'-"'-

SeTS lv,e i'\I~eetl.,g I

Th~ 'llclllgan L('ague for CrlP-pl~d Chlldr~n ar~ h&\"ing their iannual JUl'!' party on Fnday IJ1IM 11th The members VI111 meet'for lun,heon at 12 SO pM. at the IDetroit Yacht Club.

I Follo\\ Illg the luncheon Mrs I

H~',r ... \\ ledlltte~ I' .11 be th~ guestIIpE'aher. She \\.n diSCUSS current I~\ ~nts 'fro AnY Sulll\'BJ1 VlO- I

I.nlst aeeoomplnl~rl by Mrs. Flor-Icnc~ :-"olt~ \\ III compl~te th eafter....('(\1 C' .... rt~rH'Y1n1f'nt \\ lth • St~l~,'.d 'Ill< cal

WE DELIVER---------- - - -

The summer school term atGroo.e POinte High School v- IIIbegm June 21, and contmuethlOugh August 13.

The summu curnculum will in-clude the follo\1 lUg courses. T}'P'109 I-IV, English 7B through l2A,French 1I and IV, Latm I-IV,Spanish ll-IV, SOCIal Studies 7Bthrough12A. Cn ICS I! and II!,Economics, Math. 3B through12A. and lIlstrumental mWiIC.

Spec lal courses VI"lll be pro-Vided for elementuy students in d I~~~~a;~.spelling In gradel as Poi nte Bri e -E e c t

Five prls from Grosse Pomte Students may enroll U1 room 114Ire among the 141 students at the hIgh school Fnday, JW1e S W d d . Dwho received degre~s from Mary- 18, from 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock; ets e Ingat egrove College at the 38th annua.l Saturday, June 19, from 9 0 clockcommencement Wednesday. to 12.~O o'clock, and Monday, Glona Ann Rewoldt, of Grosse IMrs. John Gorman ""'belan, o(

They are ~ancy ~I:ary Dubrul June 21, from So'clock to (Pomte, VIlli become the brIde of Mmneapolls. Iand J:{atherlne Ann Gahm, daugh- o'clock. Dr. Joseph Leo Whelan, of Mm-I Follov,mg the church rites, Mrtel's of Mr and ~1rs Stephen :M The fee per course for reSl- neapolis, on Saturda)', JWle 12'1and Mra Rev-oldt will be hosts IDuBrul, of 900 Sunnmgdale Dn\C; dent..e of Grosse Pomte VlIll be $7, The young couple have completed a.t & reception at the GrossePatricia Barbara Kronner, daugh- '1 \1hill' non-residents Will pay $14. p1a.na for their weddmg which", 111


Pomte Yacht Club.tel' of ~1r. ltnd !\irs W,lllam Classes are held from 8 o'clock take pla.ce at ChrIst Lutheran The bride-elect has I.llked La-O';'{elll Kronner, of 17505 East \ in the morning to 12'40 o'clock. IroqUOIS Ave. Church at 4 o'clock Vonne Haslett to be her maid of \Jefferson; ],1ar)' Kathr)-n Ross, ThiS pro\'ldes for three one and in the '&!ternoon, the Rev. Harry Ihon0r and only attendant.daughter of Mr and Mrs, Edward one he If hour periods. Students E. Olsen offlc1atmg. Best man will be Dr. John Per-Kowalski, 2065 Lennon Avenue I are not urged to sign up for all I Gloria is the daughter of },II' kins. of Mlddletovm, 0, and seat. I

and Anna Mane Well' daughter of three periods unless adVISed to by and Mrs. Wilham John ReVloldt, Img guests Will be Dr. Charles G I11[1'. and Mrs. James P. Weir, of their counselors. The rea.'lon for of Sunnmgdale drlye. BJ1d Dr Klllens, Dr Charles J. France, Dr I335 Merriweather thiS IS that th~ee classes make too Whelan's parents are Mr. and IJoseph L. Posch and Dr John G.

His Emmence Edward CardlJ'al much work slllce the assIgnments Blelov.skl, all of DetrOIt. IMooney, D D, A:'chblShop of De- are three times the normal as. Birthday Party I Busy weeks are &head Df Glirla,trait, conferred the degrees The \'Slgnment given dunng a reglllar At Stammen Home between trousseau-shopplr.g, pre-!Reverend '''llllam E ~ld[anu~, sCllool term. Thi t f I". d 1 t1 nuptial parties BJ1d graduate work'f ---- l' een r en"" an re aves h 'd in al Iassistant director, Department. 0 v. ere present to fete Mrs. WIlhelm Ion er master s egree flOC!EducatlOn, ::'\atlonal CaLhollc "el- IS+-~ f 924 B gt Iwork. She \\111 recelVe her mas._ ..men, 0 arrm on It" J \fare Conference, delivered the ad- Roa.d, at a b1rthda)' lWlcheon on er &I m Wle.dress to the gra.duates. May 28 at her home. -----

Included anlong the guests \ure Former Woods Couple \

I 11 NF"teda Gllllon, and Mrs Grohalskl, Announce Birth

n5ta eWboth of whom have recently a.r- \

'I rived from ~nnan\'. Others at- :Mr. and Mrs, Robert Geldut, Itendmg were Mrs. Stammen's SIS- formerl)' of Grosse Pomte Woods,:0f f .1C e r s tel's. Mrs. Otto Kloenhammer,l became the parents of a baby girl, ;Mrs. Anna. Dehn, and 1>11'5.Henry I Leshe Jane, on ~ta.y 5. Mrs. Gel- \

IBy DEGGY B.-\;TES __ A 1lA'" Moore' and Mrs. August JankO\\'-' dart is the former Nancy Sqmre.

Mrs. Ja!nes C Bolles or ~[c-" _... k 1.1 P ul H ch II

Kinley Road \\ as mducted as KSO\\'LTOS s _y, I'll. a emf!. Mrs. The Geldarts now reSide m~ ~onnan Kloenhammer, Mrs. AI'. Buffalo K. Y.preSident of the Grosse Pomte The rodent vs garbage can war, thur 'Volfe, Mrs. John 1>hlatz'j ,


CongregatlOn~_Women s Assocla- Yo 111 reach a. sudden chmax when I Mrs. Raymond Kloenharnmer, Mrs Prolu!1.itlolllstll ha\'e e-stablUlbedbon on May ~". you have the Grosse Pointe Hard- Minnie Eitner, BJ1d Mrs. R. All- I more dry tern tory m Uua eoun-

Other officers Ire Mrs, Loyd ware 15915 E. Je1rerson, install brecht. I t th b f h billI ". eed, Mrs, E ~ BenedIct, Mrs. ) our'modern Barto-HYgiene under. ry an e ore pro 1 on.i Rex Regan, ~lrs. Earl Dulmage, I ground garbage receptacle. The


Mrs. Don Laster, MrS. Theodore Barto.HV<Tlene umt is standud 20Hunt Mrs C BenJs.nun Rush, Igallon ll;Z~ moulded concrete W1Mrs. William Browne. Mrs. M. L I an mSlde removable life long canIVBJ1 Dagans, and Mrs. Janles for euy diSPOSal, plUS a cutHuette. alummum co,'er that "'":Illnot break

ThlS Is a very Significant y!ar Ior rust. The complete unit weighsin the history of tlus ASSOCiation 1175 pounds and costs $24.95 plUSas a. new organ1zatlonaJ pattern $2.00 for lllst&llatlon. Order tlusIS to be follol\ ed m which the modern convenience fro m themembers are to meet III group Grosse Pomte Hardware today.meetmgs once monthly and as a •general assoclatlDn once per Prom mght Will find you lookingmonth. 1 k b t ful • un drearn If

The groups v,":Ill be completely I I e & eau 1 :if0

gal f threorganized each \ ear Respec- ~ou are wearing a orm rom I'

Ibve chairman for the groups for I Clothes Line One dreamy dress1948 are ~lrs Fred Sherwood" featurl!d In the Window this week

I ~trs Ernost Rav ~lrs George Mc- ,IS a light p,nk mm1ty v.":Ith em'

ICuten, and ~[;S Harry Kyzlvat 1 broidery trim... and for a

_____ I swooshmg entran ...e, a ta1't.eta un-I

I"I am gl\.ng t.. Crusade for I del' skirt. The whole effect 1S e\'ery

Children because ••• " Complete' graduate'S drearn of a prom dress.

Ithat S('nten~e - send It to Box Ma.ke the Clothes Lme, 379 FIsher2288, DetrOit 31. You ma.y w.n a Road, your shoppmg place fori 1949 Mercury! graduation gifts ~Id prom prettles.

"~Ieet me at Helen's" • • • a I

I fa.vonte phrase of Grosse Pomte \1

shoppers Helen's ~t.1l1ne1'), 16906 15554 E. Warren at S;omersetKercheval IS the friendly sboppewhere good f!'lends meet to re~a~e Ilast year' I hat and to create this Iseason s chapeau. ;';0\\. for extr&serY1Ce, Hel~n has op~nt'd a nt'\\"shoppe on ~ack at Lakepolnte,

I whE'rE' she 1< featurmg ready-mlldeand cu~tom-made hats, hand b&gland haS E'ry. And best of all •••Heltn Will contmUI' her hobby claas Iat the new location!

------ I

MarygroveDegrees To5 Pointers

active underMrs. Roy

\bdu'!.Baha, HH2

hr further infonnatlon or literature '" nte:Box K, Grosse pOinte RE>V1E'W.

j. ,21 Kercheval, Grosse Pomte 30, ~1:lch.

Open Sonda,Tsand Every Day-9 to 9

~ th" \. arfare and stnfe berthe "lke of r'~\ld~llt • re Igton. lt IS

IL'[I' lat It violates thegiro', " bas1s of all reh.


• F'~e".l Prod~e • Select Meats • QuaLty Grocer.es

TU. 1-2008


GrossePte. Woods Market~5 :\lack-Betweeo Lancaster &: Country Club Drh e

@rosst ~ointe Itbobi't ~buttb

Keetln&, a,KEkBY SCHOOLKerby near Kere_eTa!

-SERVICES-45 ::.Iornlnr Worahlp " 8ennOll

aGtl12:30 Les501l PeTl04 tori1••artrre, t. ot Cburch SChool

45t112:30 Lesson and p~1~ ler ","ursery and KinderPI'"Cjdr~lJ 1

CGmplele Youth PrOIJ'loDl II

'. Hl'GH C. WHITE, 1

Pastor Ih. Ant"erp Rd. TU. 1.11~-g ~." n MoroSl! betweenj;;o-,':!-al and RIdge I

SW1day SchoolImloo-IO JO LIDo

_1 .... f 00-11 45 a m.ed!:"d" Erenlnc TestimontalWaUtg i 00 P m.

rg Room open weell: day.l~,~ • 'll. to 9 00 p m.-BundaYD) ~ Ii()) pm.


U:JO .... "'b ••• 1 anD"

e\\ J Heiskell, publisher ofheads Crusade for Chlldren

G~n\\lch, Connecticut. De-s dme started on May 1.

er MothersPrincipal

jA l\[others Club of DeferI held their la.st meeting of

'Star at the school on Thura-l!temoon, May 27th. Duringb'lefbUSiness meeting, It was

t~ make a small donationIllOI~eprojector fund.•Kerb), pnnclpal of Defer

Lsooke on present trends intS as an ald to the teach-

of"ud.ng and spellmg.4A group presented a pro-II I culmmatlon of thelrtnp to Greenfield V1llage.

those present were Mrs.Mrs Babcock, Mrs, Ho-

llrs Bro\\-nell, Mrs, Pre8-Yn. Pochert, Mrs. Cameron,!lannone,Mrs Wentz, Mrs

and her house guest, Mrs.

Local ThespiansTo Meet Sunday,

,Public InvitedI Th~ 111 "t g( nfral meetmg of theI G.os~e PuwLe Thcdtre Mince It~ 10-

lclptlOn, SlX \\"eh~ ago, will be heldI a+ th,> Aigel Houoe on !lunday aft.

I(l noun at 3 30 P III IJune 6 ). Allpi p~.nt regl5tres~ In the Thea.tre

: llre belng ulj?;ed to aU.'ld but theI meetm~ Will I\l'lcome any penonwho nught be lOtere~Led 10 active

Iservice to the C(lmmunit~ theatre,

First production of the Theatre

lib schedul"d for June 24, 2::', and,26 at the Pierce Audltonum U....

Ience Yo a ~ picked because of 1tsWI<.I. appeal to people ()f all ages.

1 Res( I \ at IOn for tickets can bemade through the box-otfce tele-phone -Tu ::'.0422

~ I~U~. ,. MlU!i. (J~03 .,ju£~.lA ' S S h 1

,,1&' Jurf 15 II III be a great Gr.:lsse Pointe ummer C 001I1the Ii\es of Mr and MI'l Th.-y hllH ()ne Child, "'aide marI 'loesta of 1623 Cadillic C, Moesta, of Balfou'r Road and Cl 1:':. de DetrOit On thiS date ~ two grandchildren, Ro<.lman C and asses.L' lxeago thp\ were marMed In Marianne, of Somerset Road, andchur.h III Detroit. one great grandchlltl ~laureen

\IOt'sta 77 was born on The couple plan to rN elH rela-rt; "h,"h IS noW East Grand tlves and friends at theIr home 10

ar<l Jet!ersvn III DetrOIt and the evening of their 'Golden An-'loesta, 72, IS a. native of nlversary."

ersday, June 3, 1948;..--Charles Moestas MarkGolden Wedding Year

Page 6: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · I t!,., • oOfficials Term .Lake As Unsafe PHONE VA 2-1162 0--------------0 0'----------------'0 M~O.R.E

ROBERTSRadio ServiceTU.2.4550

J63&9 Eo \\ arren

Expert •••R•• io Service

HOllie Calls l\lade

IJ'hUl'lC!ay, June 3

Council Approves 'Firms For Children

The Gro.se POUll. h t"10 IontUn! Council IIst~ th. foll

111m.u SUitable for. hlldr,You Knew SUSI(''' . T Men nder Colorado Sklt'l 81Beauty", "Adventures' orHOOQ, """ngels Alle) ,llJld'enne Takes Over".

The followmg "Pt, rpcomf'd for Teen-Ager~ . (,r'en DoStreet", "Matmg <'>f 'lillyGirl Tlaa", "Tenth A1Pllue A"Ch&llenge", and . L IUlslanl

ESQUIRE THEATRE BLOC.Gr033f1 Potftte Branch Start

1\L1CE M SHEAFFER, SecretaryBClardof Education, Rural Agncult~hool District No I Grosse Pain! ~TC\Vl \ If\ \\'a)'le Co'unty t\lr(t't/

Protect your ftluables apinst fire, theft and moths,in our modern Cold Storale Vault.


M•••• uuI La ... ' Sui.. Taiiond to OrderAltvatio... 1teIiaiq. C&Maia, uti Preaain,

14931 E. JEFFERSON, at Gty LimitsFnd M.Sch_ Eat. 1121 0,.. E.... Till 7:00 LL

PRECINCT NO 6-Votmg place at the VEK ::~SCHOOL, 36 Vernier Road. Grosse POinte Sr~-c-:Michigan Precinct t:) Include all territory rr- ;:fWeir Lane and the County Line and from La,~ SC10ll to the east Side of Marter Road

PRECINCT NO 5-Votlng place at the K="'i3YSCHOOL, 104 Kerby RDad, Grosse POinte Fa-rrs.Michigan Precinct to Include all territory betl CC1

Weir Lane on the north, and the rear lot I, 'C cfMerriweather on the south, and from La"e S•.Clair on the east to the middle of Dufflo Roa] ",,,-yond the Farms

Cash andCarry


The Mod Modernly Equipped Plant Jor High Quality WOTkmanshiJ

HARPER at BEDFORD TU. &-321.lt98 Fur and Appar@l

Storag@ Tinl@!

Barbara FlowersEntertains Class

HOLD PRISONERCity Police saId tha.t tht'y held

Hugh Perry, 228, of DetrOit, atthe request of Park Pollce. HeIS alleged to have been carrymg Iconcealed weapons.

Barbara Flowers. or YorkshIreRoad, entertamed 40 of her ciass- Don't let a child starve' Give tomates, members of the graduatmg: Crusade for Children, Bolt 2288,class at ,St. Clare of Montpfalco DetrOit 31.School. Saturda.y WIth a butret-Idance party.

The young hostess Is the daugb.ter of Mr. and Mrs J. C Flowers.

St. Paul Students Await· S · Ur" uJuntOr- entOr J nOp-------:=---A long, SWishing gown and a \0 AT TECH RITza

summer tux Will be In order Fri. Honorable Carl W. For.ythe,,~ day, June 4, for the JUnIOr-sl~nlo~ Mayor or the City ot Ferndale,

"J" Hop which IS to be he a Will be the speaker at the tlf.the Lothmoor Club. teenth annual commencement ex-

The Juniors have ('ngag('d the erclses or the Lawrence In.tltute,ervlces of Eddie Murrsy and HIS or Technology to be held Tuel!d&y,Bob.lo Orchestra to furmsh dance June 8, at 8 p.m. In tbe RackhammusIc from 9 till 12. The Sen. Educational Memonal BulldmgIOrs are to be guests or honor. auditorium, 100 FarnlWorth av.

Chaperones for the affair are enue., ,Mr and Mrs. William CIOI't'e,IIlr. DANNECKER IS "GRAND POP"and Mrs. Leo Kulka, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mr•. Arthur C. Dan-Stanley Gelmak, Dr• .and Mrs J. necker, Jr., ot DetrOit, announcedPaul Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. the birth ot a son, Stephen Cbarle,lI,ward Lauer, Mr. and Mrs Thomas 011 Sunday. May 30 at Women aTrombley. Hospital. Mrs. Dannecker La the

former Catherine Swenson.The new father Is the son or

Mr and Mrs Arthur C. Danneckerof Cadieux Roa.d.

PRECINCT NO 3-Votlng place at the LeWIS EMAIRE SCHOOL, 740 Cadieux Road. City of GrossePoIII Ie, tvir<.hlgan. Precinct to Include the middleof Mack Avenue. rear lot line on the east Side ofNeff Road, Lake St Clair, rear lot line on the westSide of Audubon Avenue.

PRECINCT NO 7-Votlng place at the t\il'::; JSCHOOL, 1840 Vernier Road, Grosse POinte \\M chlgan Precinct to Include all territory

PRECINCT NO 4-Vvtmg place at the Pere Gab- of Weir Lane and the County Line and fre~nel RICHARD SCHOOL, 176 McKlrley Road rear lot line cf Marter Road on the east T J 2Grosse POinte Farms, Michigan Precinct to Irelude middle of Dufflo Road

on Saturday, the 5th day of June, A.D. 1948from 3 00 o'clock P 1\1. to 900 o'clock P t\ 1, Eastern Da) light Sa\ Ing Time or both of I,\hlch~II unregistered qualified sch\)o) electors of the D strict may register for the annual elect'o'1 CYhool District to be hpld en ]U'le 11 1\ D 1913. 2"j for otf">er cieetlcns, ge leral or speCial,district, until a general re-reglstrat J,) is c-dered aeco-dlng to law.

N/tlce is alY1 gl\en y'at pr0\1 '"''1 I'~c::bC'''n rradc by th:~ 80ard of EdLJca'lon for the reglstraall ,jTlrqlstered and qua Itled scl sri elc:trrs of the d",-'Ic[ at ,11') time durln~ office hours by the rpa's of the abO\e named el'2menta'y :,cr')::'" areJ ::;r the f:;r "clDals ~f t~e Crosse POlrte Hign Schc'the Pierce jurlcr H'gh Scrccl a~d ('r he Sec.'e',,-! ,,'1"1 Cr tre SGp€r,ntendent of Scho::,ls ana 'D -ector of 6els ness and Finance d the 8::wd Ci Ed...;:", en, at the otf C€ of the Board of Educa+IJ'St Clair Al,enue Grcsse POinte City ~~Ichlgan

Notice is hereby given that there will b= a registration of the unregistered qua!lfl€delectors of Rural Agricultural School District N) 1, Grosse POinte Township, Wayne (OL.ni\

Michigan, at the polling places of the several precincts of the district, to-Wit:PRECINCT NO I-Voting place at the Robert the middle of Mack Avenue, rear lot line en I ~

TROMBLY SCHOOL, 820 Beaconsfield, Grosse north Side of ~1oran Road, Lake St Clal r, rea- UPOinte Park, Michigan Precinct to Include the line on west Side of Lakeland Avenue.middle of Jefferson Avenue, the rear lot line onthe east Side of Whittier Road, Lake St. Clai r, theCity Limits.

PRECINCT NO, 2-Votlng 'place at the GeorgeDEFER SCHOOL, 15425 Kercheval Avenue, GrossePOinte Park, Michigan Precinct to Include themiddle of Mack Avenue. rear lot line on the eastSide of Three Mile Dme, middle of Jefferson Ave-nue, the City Limits (Includes botn Sides of Way-burn Avenue )

of Rural Agricultural School District No.1, of the Township of GrossePOinte,Vvayne County,Michigan, for



Barbara :a-J. IA: "SomethmgbeSides school, that's soft andeasy, like camp:'

Stuart Ward, 1%B: "Work likemad so that when I come toschool next semester I can alfordto eat lunch"

AUdrey Greul1cb, 12A: "Work. • • and pay back all the debtsI contracted In school." ,

Rick Schmitz, UA: "I mighteither fly or ta.ke a boat downaround the Canbbean and CentralAmenca.."

STEAL BOAT l\lOTORA new 10-horse power boat mo.

tor, valued at $250 was stolen-- Sunday form a boat oW!l('d by

Thomas Burkemo, 690{St. Clair.fIrst half at Ca.mpCavell, and loaf The boat was morred at the Clty'sthe second half" waterfront park at the tl.llleof the

Lois Buck, 1%8: "I'm gomg to theft.Ocean City, New Jersey ... eat,SWIm,eat and SWl.lll••• smk."






8@!j 24-HOURI. Prompt



PHONETU. 1.0951VI. 1-6284


Vacation Is No ProblemFor Pointe Girls, Boys

i~~ __ ...--... _~_~ .._ ".~ . _:--._::4While thousands were acclaimIng the winner of the

500 Mile-Speedway Classic, Grosse Pointe cr{)W11ed~t8 ownspeed king. He is Alan Kiech, left, of 733 St. Cl&11',.,,:howon the Drake Trophy in the Toy Jet Racers competitionat the Neighborhood Club. He is shown with hiA n.restrival for top honor, Bob Backman, of 217 Lakeview who.was awarded a medal. Third place honors went to Alan'sbrother Million.

For The June Bride

~~ ~

£ITY GL~'SSCO."A. 2.4000

"MORE" than an appropriate GIFT






J;XTERTAJXS SISTERMrs A J. Wllhams of Loch.

moor Blvd honored her SlIter Mrs II

George T Pfl('!t'f'r of Loll Angell'Sat a. tea Wednesday which sa" I

I 50 guesu. IMr~ Pflpl'\'f'r "Xpl'CUl to r ..turn

to thf' W...t eORot Iloout Jun .. 1()

I.,I fI

IJ..- --""rT'"~ ~..-"., ....aP",.., ._'I: ~.-r"'ft'l' .......~ ~".r_ ..

Woman EntersFishing Contest

First contestants to enter thelocal flshmg' contest which got un.dClWay In Grosse POinte last wekwere Msr. H. Worrell. 1053 Mary.land; and Mr. Robert Domine, 212Kl'rby. WHERE TO CO! WHAT TO DO!Mrs. Worr('U caught a Muske-lunge 43 Inches long and Mr.Domme brought In & Northenl.Pike measurmg 27 Inches.

Both catches were made In LakeSt Clair.

The contest which offers valu-able prize. to the big ones In fiveclasses WIll contmue to June 25. Have )'OUdeCided as to how you

It IS open to all reSIdent, of WIll spend your summer vacation?Grosse POinte. There IS no entry In the event that you are stilifee debatmg over a summer cruise, a

Roland Gray, sponsor ot the con- motor tnp or Just stay at home,test, announced that all fish can fiSh, SWIm and golf, perhaps abe measurpd dally from 5 pm. to quIZ conducted by the Tower.6 p.m. at hls sports store at 106 GPHS pubhcatlon. might help youKercheval. make up your mmd.

---- The Tower staff asked severalPublish Book boys and girls "Wha.t are youpl~ning to do dunng summer vac.

InSpams.h ahon?" Here are their scmtillat.ing answers:

Betty Amason and Saney E\....The apPOintment of C. M. del m's: "Go to camp to get out of

RIO, as general meager of the civilization:'"Dlrectoric Industnal de Michl. iJametl ~ Brosklt', 7A: "I plangan:' was annou,lced today by to go on an educatIOnal tnp WithCharles J_ Hanu, pUbhsher, Fox the boys ot the seventh, eighthBldg. and mnth grades:'

Mr. del Rio Is preSident of the d t l\IOTHl!:RS MEETDel RIO Trading Corp.• with or. Irene Macbalea, 8A: "Spen mosflce In the General Motors Bldg, of my summer out West and the The members of Navy Mothersand ISwell known m the exportmg rest In Flonda.." Club No 68 will hold their regu-bUSiness. Mary ,Jelnlck, 9B: "We have a lar meeting Wednesdsy afternoon,

The directory Is the Latin Am. trailer and act like gypsies every June 9, at the Veterans' bUlldlllg. Iencan edItion ot the DetrOit DI- summer:'rectory of BUSlllelll!and Industry. iJame1lBery, 9A: "Get a job orIt WIll be pnnted in Spanish. work WIth my father, so I can

The "Directono Industrial de keep up my motor bIke and theMichigan," WIll be UMd by indus- morale ot the girls."tnal executive personnel In the ,Jaaet BaUentilll(', lOB: "I'm offlesdlng cltles of Latm Amenca. to camp to gIVemy bram a rest!"

Consulate and embassle!l of Ho~1e Clarke, lOA: "Playa lotof golf and tenms, that IS. If I

these Spamsh speakmg countrIes have time left from the tOll ofWith offlcesm the US. WIll alsohave the directory available for summer school:'theIr countrymen mterested In sally ADdrus, 11B: ''I'm plan-domg bUSiness WIth Detroit and mhg to be a JUnior counselor theMichigan Industnal concerns. ~CI ClllO~OCl ClCI~ I

The directory Will be ready for TIM E~II dellvery In the Fall. ~

Annual Exh}bition ~ '\:f su~;'1EdAt Art Institute CONDITION$.

The Twelfth Annual Wayne $I Umverslty Art ExhibItion WIll Tnar COT. G'I~

••• ,1\ ror rm'"


have ItS formal opemng on Tues. ,... th •• ead s.day evenmg, June 15, at the De. eeUolIs. ""

trolt' Institute of Arts, Prof. AAA Service IWayne 1.. Claxton, chairman ofthe art department, has an- CALL DIRECTnounced. TU. 1-9813

The eXhibItion, featunng pamt- EARL RICHARDS ~..mgs, draWIngs, sculptunng, de- •sign, graphiC worka, and crafts I SHELL SERVICE ~by students and faculty of thp 20397 Mack Ave. ~dppartment, WIll remam on VIew tthrough July 4. Grosse Pointe Woods X




"~ I



Pl.ur .. lnwblwCL. -. ad IrIbII •



IJni'lueFor Steel Casemea.t Windows



THE Y-SULThe Perfect All.Alummum. 8eU-8torlng COmbmationWmdows Ten average size wmdows, completely m-ataIled and caulked-$%15



Bronle or GalvanJzed WlI'e._--ALSO e

Screeu Be-Wired ••• Re-Painted ••• Repairedaad HUDg•THE NEW




TERMS PR 3700 YR5. TO PAY Hold Silver Tea

Cit S h & S C A Silver Tea and Hobby Dill-y as ereenD. 1 ~~a:e~l a~; 1~1\;"m~;~~:sc::13814 II. SlEVIN MILl: RD. IecutlVe Board of the Women. A!I-

Chnef ... o.eraW .,. C. b. C•• I',",II-l"l B.rn ....; "f'. 2,r.tI ISOclatlon of the Grosse PomteWoods Presbytt'tlan Church at

__ the Church, 19950 Mack AvenueIat Torrl'Y R"." M" ("h ... , ...

IBrownell WIll be In charge of theprogram. and Mrs John Kol-'packy Will be chairman of re-freshments.



Our C.... ",.,. 5.",'c. .IHI P.rts De".rtmenlOPEN. A. M. TO MIDNIGHT


r••_phone NI.... ,.. 4000 Open Sat. Till S

PIa- I!ftJf ..::

SHUMWA V'S I Picnic ForF:' - -: - ci~Jict I ~.-~ m~,~~f~' u,,-

Foods L'quors I verslt) of MichIgan Club of Grosse

* ~ * Pointe will be held Sunday, June: • 6, at fIve 0 clock. It WIU be a

garden party and picnic supper atROGER COTE KOPl''Y KATS the home of Joe Parsons, 1~

NOW APPEARING AT CAPT. SHUMWAY'S Buckingham Road In ClUeof In.NIGHTLY EXCEPT MONDAY clement \\('ather the faCIlities of

a fine recreatIon room are avall. t~'COlllple~ DilUter ServJee 6:" PM. to 1 A,M. Dail,. able. ,Exeept Monday Sanday 3 to 1 ,

All food, Including rolls, and.,Trt,d tht Fam/ly (0 Ont of Our DdIC/OUI Dinners beveragps \\ III be furmehed excppt

2 9 hamburgers. f ran k fur t e r s or14948 East Jefferson at Blfrington MU. 9 8 steaks, \\hlch members shouldbnng \\ Ith them for brOiling oncharcoal grills that \\ 111be avaIl.able. Telephone reservations toMrs. Joseph A. Murph)', NI. 7~There will be a nominal charge

SIX new members of the Boardof Governors Will be elected atthIS annual meetmg to replace theSIXwhose term IS expiring.


I" .I

Page 7: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · I t!,., • oOfficials Term .Lake As Unsafe PHONE VA 2-1162 0--------------0 0'----------------'0 M~O.R.E


• r














VAlley 2.8548



Ploor LampaMmo. Ele<:tnw





Expertly Cleaned. Repaired andRenewed

Free PIck-Up and DellveryEstimates Without Obhgatlon


rEA-CE EV LLTJlEltAlO CHVRCHEaat "arre •• ad Balf.u

Bev. 1:.".0 &. Cia... Paoto~XI' .I::",la A. Xeu. Vlear

Judltb S.,."ces at Ppare LuthprlUl ChurchIWill !JPglll noxt SO:lIldal at 8 AO llrd11 '.10 a", l:p, Enn" G ('I.u" w11lb~:> hi'! ~ermcn OJ) the- well.knQ.,rn\\ords oC Salllu~l. To Obe}' Is BeeterThan Sacr1flt"'p •

Tne Sunday School and Bible ClusbegIn at 9 45 a m The Sunday School.tor.,. will be "stephen." a i.'t"ry of aChristian martyr.

~ FRANK W. LEAMONWINDOW SHADE CO.13912 Cbarle,'oix VA. 2-0289

Between LakeVIew and Eastla\\n





hp.llrtd •• plutel PelCltlllH-

MetaI Deckt-Porea-1latlooh",


Pioneer Rooliq and Sheet Metal470g EASTLAWN


Zocal ~hurches

, ...) r n

'\T "" 1 Jl r I TntR" en'll(".a('L. ....,n ~d'll"tl" .. 'ad'1l"t".'"".TnH'IT',,"~h and "a~f'.'"

".,.".('~. ,.nof"" ".'It,. iF;11 an '[ ..-..,~ \\f~r~l"'lfl ~"'n'

T.tloo- H '\1 \i)n"f"lut""'''11 a I'll - ,>, lr!ror ~ ChurchQ 'i;) - S z., ....", ~ "' ........1~ =l'" - G"rman S.rr"'lt"~ '«'1~h R"'l

(""'~'ln'Url(\n... C'\ ,... _ "T'" "" 1f~}. c:: \ t " 1

~ .. ! ...Y... c \ .. A

1\\'1 '

I "',. ",- r

L" "d ~


hg ~e5t Prices Pa d

HANSONChevrolet Co.


Cars Wanted

Grosse POll .. te


The Grosse POinte ReView15121 Kercheval

:Jet. Lakepointe and Maryla.!ld

VAlley 2-1162Say "Charge It!"


Upon Request


DEADL1NE I5 p. m.Tuesday

CASH RATEThe minimum Charge forcla.sslfied ads Is 50c for 15words. four cent£ ror ea.c11acldltlonal word.

CHARGE RATEIV; a convenience ads wlll beaccepted over tbe telephone.The mlolw.lIrn charge tateIs 60C for 15 words. fourcents for each addItionalword. Payment can be madeby cash. check or moneyor.der.

LOCTUIOOR Club membersh,p forsale CA 9740 dllY ume •• LO 7-fi331evelllngs.

Flowersn.rd,' Lllle'. PaCIfic high hre<1 Del-

phlnlwns Slid Perelllal. :;1. 0768.1~9 )luir Road

<:""' .. Pr 't;1;\" 1 J'

10 • ~I ...... 4'f'-'ll ..




;;T"C" I -c:. Il;;,j. "' .....11; .. ,.. 1">1. \111i .... - -Stri (-;C''' \ ~ t' ',..0 T ..' rt-

':t ('>rt'" ." "11 41,1-. .. t 10 1::: ~ 1 ( .........0"'\" ~I 301;; -p...~dE' r"llTl ~""4- ,-

SC>F"II-Ard M.trhl-" -eha,r- al.o-"dd\ \-.A r 11.11 II If' ("0\ ,. ......d Pl 4";:(\1

1& "OOT Inl&n<1 IAkl'. .,. G ~<1-rt'r:d 11"- Ro..dy to sa11 Sacrltlce (".11'- T 'l(I4S

i::"\t"J(-;F 5'1"~~~~~"' .... ",'''''.1 'LF ~-r.

])' 1\1AI-:F '--1 l''''l'~ \ ~ .. j... <: ~




SITUATION WANTED-MALaTWO H,gh Scbool boy" would IlIee

"ork mowIng lawns. Please c&lI 1'1.19J5 or TU 2-3299

Lr:ZlER'S lnc makers ot fine cosmet-1 sand pertuo\e.!. ha, C &11 openLngfor a dlstr,butor This Is a Bpl.ndldopportunlt)" tor an alert. ambitious"'"uman t.Ct earn better than &\ era,gtIncome. TrainIng gratll Write BoxE. Gr~a.e Pointe Re ..le... 15121 Ker-che' al. care ot this paper G,,'e age.education, a<1dress ....<1phOne IlWll"

bel'WA.'IITED-Experlenced maid (or ....alt.

reaa alld Ilarlor m.ld worl. GrossePomte re.ldent, t,,"o In famllS". Ret-erencea requIred T.lephone !'II. 266~

WANTED TO BUYHigh .. t prices paid for lUena' IIUllll Iand sl1oes. Telephone call wlll brlllgWl to you Ullme<1lately. 1'l1one n,4->62:;

Clean Cotton RagsNo stockings, sllks or rayons

Crosse POinte Pnntlng Co15121 KERCHEVAL •

l"lH:-:1'l LHE Wanted. If you huean) thing In the Hne of household(urnlture and rUga call Isaac J;eat-Voay FurnIture, I~U30 Kerche,al VA.~.2115

(,ARDE~II' ..... La .. ns. hedee. trlmme<1l!.XlJerlellCed .. ~rker. WAlnut 5-&«2

GAltDEXI:-;G La,,'ns hedge. trlmmel!'.xl).rleneed .. "rker. WAlnut :;-5W

Sodding - Seeding - Gra.d1ng

Tree RemovingTrimming - GUyIng


Greater DetroitLandscape Company


Free EsttmatebTUxedo 2-2275



'- "


Phone TUxet10 2-1048

Gl'aves SewmgMachine Co.o orlller\> Diet"

Mack TU. 2-1555

Interior and Exterior


lJ(,;CORATI"G\'A •• ~~19


Sewmg MachinesanI!

Vacuum CleanersRer,alrs and Parts - All Make.

\\ e Plck Lp llnd lJell\ erBUttOlllvJlp5 - n~mlll,titchtnl'


Rt;~it;w Want .4.ds

A time and money&ll..,ng COUHnlenceIn ..eoUgate todaY

22700 Harper AvenMTel Roseville 4565.W

AW~l~GS-:--ev. lllld repOlr awning.alao put up Y"u can t hest ourprlee Trv u! l"UEE I'\ck up &lIddel!\en LocatPd at tJ9QS Chari".•oll< ...A 1.7{u5 After 5 call LA.7.J14~ C & K A" nlOg (,0



I~TF.:RIOR and "'':\.TF.RIOR



ClSTU \1-~tADE .1Ip co,ers Guaran-t~f" J '9,( I hUlal ..,l IP }t~lne qauht\ ma ...

tenal r le~ f"t.tllllah~ ~xvert up.Misterll'g Tt .. ,~o ~-6158

RI;.I 1~1(,,"1.RATOt: - Alld motur .cr-\ I e L' f'JlH 1 and bOllded Kel~ Ul..l~l r ~rlbld. ro Le ,,,srd. (""ld~l,ot,t". !lcr'al .lId ~tber. W,l1Iam.\.All" .' III


2014 W Warren TYler 7.7807

FOR Ectt-r ~"II t'ng e.rd lIelorating.lall Tl.cd(, 1-4521 ,ree estlm.tes

,.. ,







Also 20 Wallpaper BooksTo Choose From

Which Are Outstanding





VA. 2-6588Nels Swanson

Painting, Paper Hangingand Decorating

5059 LENOX A\'E,


Paperhanging • Color SChemesGraining - Steam1ng - Glazing

KARL ERHARDT13410 Maiden

PIngree 3118


\\ •• t "t )Ioros. RoadWmd"" ('le8rlnl:

Storm and S('r€-t'H S\ n LeeBrooks Window Cleaners

VA ~-~1;:;4 1627 Grar

Let George Do It!



VA 4-0b5619 TEAM Expenenct ... indo .... \\"all. ICARPET and LINOLEUM LAID

and calking hUlldmg cleaning U Iand REPAIRED S'~ 'r CarpetC Carlson M1." ~OS~ I . ....PAINTING &/; DECORATING IShlfted-

A C nOUK. de"oratlne. plllntlng. In- ARlington 0642tmnr •• nd exterior. ..allpaper r~-1mo\"ed waslllng 111'<1 eleanlllr 12..9 WASHERS - VACUUMSLakepolnte VA 2-5;;S1 IRONERS REPAIRED

('a\1 "G. ror the Best an<l~ aatost Appliance Sen.,ce

On the East SideNI. 6872


\49.4 ~lack &t Wa) burn


Your Spring CleanIngDone By


SERVICEwm Take Down Storm WmdowsPut Up Screens A~ nlngs Etc

Wall Wa.shln~ Our SpecIalty .

Call TR 1-0294For Free Estimate

1& YEARS ~."p~ripn p ...lndoVof ... 11.an<1 caulklng bulldlng cleaning. U.C ('arlonn \It" ~%~

O'BRIEN BROS.Wmdow Cleaning

CompanyStorm Sash and SCreen service

Wall Washins.:Paper and Calclmlnt' Cleaned \

Exterior House Wa.'lhmg . Ex.perienced Men for Every Job

l.sUmate.s Cheel fUll" GIven 9121Alwav/:: A Good Job

VA. 2-8180

. \"arrcn

~ (e~la.: ..;G Deil"ery

,I SHADE\.li\G'---

\rI\DO'\ <;II:\])E-S---

lIld C"lll Ira .._hed andcltllOed.High qaullty workor experienced men. VA.

C.\Rl'E.'TER \fORK


1I'''''"l paper cleaned. "'hlte..uk lo uar&l\ t~d TV .-



Free Estimates

P\.:;~::e:t 2952

DolTLY 'AtATIOS GROVP8 ....T THE(lRO!l~£ l'Tt: Mf:.HORIAL ('"lBCH

BeginnIng ~1,,"lIa I June 2~lh. and;LVTHEB ....S ('Hlllt'JI Ot TJI.... Tin. 08088£ POI'(TF. rontlnulnK !l,r uKh Frida) Julr 2.lrd. ,

Kt.iOIUIATJOl\ I tU'lrB£loATlOlOAt. <.,HL.ij<.,H Dally "'ac"t1vn (11"U~' "Ill be hpld In •'erur JlI .. II"a) E•• t at Lakulew \ -'l.eeUa. I. BLchard Kchool th~ Church 1l0uIP "cry v"ok d.y'(,\I,la F. !>t1c1Lle •• DO. p •• lor 'IrKlnl~) ne.r "errh~ .. 1 mornln~ (q ,~ Vl 12 rm for b ,a llnd •


1',loa Healrlee ~l.. rr.". 'arhh ~.rker lharle. ~ bebeld, p.. lor ,IrIs "f the community bot ...~en the'B ~O A )1 -Cllurc!} llChool CI....ee5 "Dllday ages o( three "nd tpn

Ironl the Nursery througll tile Adult I 11 a In _ \~ or.hlp benlre. Tho) will lnpH III the ~ lJ .. or)' Kin-'L.,..~rtn1ent each Sunday. 11 "m _ CI,uf( h S,ll',ol dorgarten Prlmarv an,1 Junior Do.:

11 00 It. ~[-Morntnl' wotlhlp The T~jp HI.1Jlt1ln~'(fJnJmltt.,,. de ...t~d thp flattry,.nt"l Thf' pr(,gram't \1.111 ,,,dude I

subject ot tile p....tor'. aermon 'Will be. r )11, .. ln8" "f!I~ ora t~r ',I,e ) ear J .' .nety of actiVIt« 0 "111Ch all o( lhe •Escuaea • I HIH('J_l f[ u ~ b Q. n (j, (lll:urm ...n. ~rB flllid r"-n \ !II Olld rJrlH."htflll and h.-.tp••6 00 P M -Senior Luther Learue II.., ',rge \~ W,lham' ""cretan ful 111stead ~t a d"lly otl~r,ng thHe •700 P. )I-Younr People. Luther' The (,Be.rd "r Del«)M •••• el~ct"'J ....,Il oe a r.gl.t, ..tlon fe. "t $400 trr

Lea&'ue. \the tollu" lnl" o(rlCer. lur If,e eMulng tho month tor Church Srh'001 men,beraJune Sth-Tue.day June 8th at 8 ) elr ~r. lIar"ld W Beattie cll..ir' and $6 (.10 (or non.momb .. , Tran"por-'

p m the Sunday Scho"l teachers and I man ~lrs ttarlcs. SLot g !e( rel&r~ tall;'"! ha~ I1I\l,a...., l","'n <01( mfothtrK o( & :ol!lcel"l .. m meet ~'ollo,,'me a bUSI-


The tlnal meeting o( t>,.. C n C I~r ,bl' III In U e ~aat ., haa bun.nea' meeting &Ild election <It ol!lcera. Club "'111 I" hpl,1 SUI I, aftemoon v ',rk~ol , ul 'lultp ,urec .. rully I1l noieh- •there .. lII DC a social bour. "t BOlll"e ...lasgu\\ a <"u"gc 011 Pwo I b',rh"',,1 I(r"up. 'mt\ 110 d<lubt that .. 111•

I ILako Ib, llip (aOP this aummer Call the.THt: OBOIlSy' l'UI!<T.t. X£MOBIAL The Purdcntlal Committee .. III meet U urr, OfIlee. Nlacara ~77~. (or Cur- •

CHt:BCH I~Ionds> "elllng at & IJ ,,, at 7'J1 t:nl- \ Ih' r lIlt"rm.tir,n •Be•• lorad tlU, Xlaloter "crSll; PlaceII Lake &I",r.. 80.... The (ollo"ing rnPlllb',- of the lYFFEB80S' A'''£SCE METHODIST

llt'l'lJAY. JL~1l: 6 lbunh llchool haH had ~'rtect attend. . <.,HLBCli9 30 A 114-Church .cl,(,ol In all de- al,<' dUrIIII: the mUllth "I April IJe/(enoD ....VeDlI.. t. at Marlborolllb

vartm.nUl Gra<iuatlon elC~rclee8 In the I Anll Adalll" :'1""',,, <I,Alma,. Boy blduy DE .... D.D •• 1ai8hr


1ntermedlate Iiepartment n ,I,ut K,wb,,11 Klllderj;ortcll I band.) lllae 8'9 .5 A M -S"nday mornmg (orum Lllzaheth ~dams. Jv,c'. Arnold 10 00' am - Aged Pe"ple'a Da~'.

S~aker Mn Charlea B Lord ~ or C"r'ltophpr Klmhall Sis!' Blarkburll Sermon 8Ub,~e.t. Our 811 or Yeare"I More Il.ffecthe Chnstlan E<1ucatlon busa.n Cooper. .\Lanvn Clark. Karen Il 1\ C'.I"lmunlOIl and ,"cpptlon of

J1 00 A )1 -Church school contin- hh"l~nbrand mpmheroued Nuraery, Kindergarten Pr1l1lary. tlr'l Grade. 1000-1200 nOon - Church School

11 00 A M -Morning .. orahlp :>er- EllzalJtth ('t,oate (or thp rl\\I<I.o.,mon by Dr Fit! r.ecolld lonule. I' 1; I" (JO ,,,on - ('hureh brh.",1

12 1~ P M -Se •• lon meetlng mini.. Barbara Hender.on J.ne Dell Yor., class •• I~r ~Olln~ pe"pl.' anll adult.tel' s stlld~. bo, l>up Ann 8<hutte I 7 3IJ pm - A reception \\ilI be hpld

• • • Tblrd Grade hororirg thf)CJp "" h, 'fla\p becomeI Ple ... e run II e toUo .. mg on June o. J"ne Arn"ld :.II<hael nurtlllgt"~ I member. o( Ih. ulurlh t1urlnlt tbl.

10. 17 as a pQ!,1 Mtlce Car,l Reed. Alan Choa.te, Sandra H~tl. 'Con!erence l ur~ •ma!l D1Ck Ada.ms ITb.anday.

~H"I8T1A.'" l!>Ul.l\CE (,Ht'Il(;HES IJ'ollr\h lorade' 1') U/) ,,;" - l'NJ Cn ... sell lIll"vod The Onl, ,cauoe And Creator Charlos l>chepel Barnara Sholer 12'J(J noon - C,rcle meHltll"s of the

...m be lbe sull.ect of the LessvII- I,a) PurL P.obut Budds. PaUlua Woman'. S'>cl~l.l>ermon In all C h r I S I I a II Sc,enc' ILlIl'j,>" 7 OU.1()00 Pill - Rlcr, ollon t"r thec!1Uf(f~e! thrtlughuUl the \\>orld un t Iftb urar1e' ::outh of the (llurch anrt c~[I munll}.bund,,) June & , ~ary Catller!'\e Beneon. Ellzabeth 7.w pm - ChOir rehearsal

Tl]e Golde" Text (Saalma 86 910) 110 l!' "der.',r t..l.""oru Jone- Rlchard .All llaU,,"" "hv'" thou hut made l.cpel Helen SI<..cum. Georg" S"lndle.

sllo.ll c"me and .....<>r.hlp betore thee. hurse. DMnna Brad" Alice L)nno Lord and .hall glorlf)" til) narre \Iortln MOI..t Clarkl"or th~u art great an.l doest .. on- I>lxth (,nuIe:dr"u. things tI ou art ("od alore ~)' t..llzabelh Frl.sell.

IAmollg th~ Blble L1tatl~n. ,. thla llulltlngt;1I

pas.age. (Psalm l..l 89) Let all the I""\Catll uracle:earth fe.r t',e Lord 1.1 al Ithp In- CIJrl.tllle Brad" C~'nthla )iartm1".bltanUl o( the ""rid btalld III aVoe DOI.na ~a. SliUth.


o( hIm For h~ .pake. and tt ...a'i t.llbtb (,racledone. be comrn&llde<1, and' tt "tood Danl~1 SolJer.fut . !'<Illth Gracie'

Correlatlve passage! t" be read trom Shy )Ieeker Jim K&lbnelach Fredthe Cbr .. tlan SCience textbook, . Scl- Slocum. Lmda HUlltlngton, E'Ueanorence an<1 liealtb With Key to thO },'r1saoll, Barbara ReedScriptures' b) Man Baleor Ed<ly, In-c1ude the toUo .. lrg II' I~O) . Spiritual MEiO!>lAH Lt:TIlEaAS COSTLY ~IO\"O:calU8t1on Is the one question to b.con8ldered. (or more thall all <others Soatb ... t Cor".r of .. enbua! .. 4 Douglas L. PaterllOn, of Detroit,op,ritual caU6llu~n relates to hum&ll Lakew""d A,.a ... 1 mformed 'Voods Police that theP

rc.gres~:' Tel.pb"Jle ,'Alle,. ~-21!1 [d sk ta ..,A Il.A. LGeber, ruter en er Ir on mS car were

lOT. MICHAEL'S CHAPEL IJ:placo-1l )(.L. ,...>1la. AHlataat p ... ter nolen while he wu attendm& ther- Saada" lllae 8, _-"'. Tb tit Tb d

Loebm ... ~ 8oIlJ.u~d •• d FaI a) D.. 8el"\'fce. of worship at 8 00 a.zn and uv= ea re as Urs ay eve--The Kn. Edgar H l:e" "Iear at JQ I) "m SUlld., 8<:hool seSSIOU mng. The car was park~d on the

6L":N'DAY.JU'~E 6. 1948 trom 9 15 to 10 15 a. m I hU2'e lot at tile tJ,me of the theft.8 00 A. ~-Hol) Communioll. -9 ~O A M -ehurcll School clo.mg .. -.... ....

GREY Ha~'wood Wakefield collapsible exercise.. ,. ....bugln' m ~er~ gMd condluon, aJeo \ 11 00 A M -Mornmg Pra)er and -4 S M ......., ............~............"','"""'l1lI ..ilia) Ilel! IT. 2-1514 sermon foll<owe<1 b) Concreeatlonal I ~. • • ~ ,.

FOR SALE-<.<>od used c10thlng from Pl~OT~? ~:;r.:~lng:oS;~aY, June 20 ~ ~ ewIn" IItJ'1ne ~,..tla ~~• better homes. ver~ reason8ble price through Sunda' September 5 the only ~:I r".

Import.d china for your collection 1 &el"\lce of the dllY ....111be that o( H&ly ~ Convert Your OLD SEWING ....ACH!NE ;"00 A ~Groaae Pointe Re-Sale ShOll. 1.m d 9 .", ~ • .IUA.....Kercheval at Chalmers Open dall~, C~U:I~~,:"Wltb a dreg at ."" LIllo • Handy Electric- Portable- - Electric $2 I 95 ~,.u-S. VA 2-6300 • -4 • Console, an Elaborate Desk or into ~•

DAVENPORT. LawllOn .t~le. ..ry BAliTJPN8TEB PBE8BYTEB1AN 4 Your Own Cabinet - up ~rea.sonablt, shp co\er included. up- CHURCH. • • • • • • • •• • • • .. • ~holaten. sprlngll, A-I condition M.... I.tlqlll _d 'e_enoa 4 "" •

SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE ML' 589S Kev. Tlleodore V. Xoldealce. Th.D .• 4" Our portable job bas a fine •~GALLON Slat~ bottom aqulol'lWII. Jlho1de~ ~.. ,.,.00<1 ease covered wIth ~

OOC'TORS _ Dentlrn _ Receptionist Outleta, $27 00 VA. 2-~660 Pho.., VAlle) Z..t%I% I~ bea.utiful lea.tberette. newa ..allable from 115 Oll If sultable, TYPEWRlTER l.ndeMo"ood atandard St::-'"DAY. JL'!oo"E6 ' 4 motor. foot control. w1r1n~ ~ ..full time In tall NI 7689. Excellent cOlldlbon Wilson Dalll. Sunday SchOol at 9 Ci a III ....Ith and plugs. The Ught IS Opo ~ ..

L~J.lRIIl.~CED Womw ...anta day )l&<"kand Wa.hmgton Road Cluae81oofor .11 alTe!h Holy Communl"n ~ ~ional All repairs or over- ~

"ork Good Ironer. Call &iter 6 d I b d at 1 a m e nurser) lS open ~ ... • -' 4TE 2.0714. WOLVERINE 14'(00\ e uxe oat an durmg thIS serYiee to car' for small ~ '1aul jobI!J extra. ~E\'enrude motor. ~. 11p., $J7500 chll<1ren ....hlle the,r pe.renUl attend • 4

W E. MEECHAM C~t;.r?:rne;;~~e~hli~u P:::' time. 1 20 w:~~;::~~~~b,2-~:~mge tMr aale :'~I~Sh~ :~e":' :tJ::r~tof' ~u:e~~ ~ ~ We Repair All Makes 0' Sewing Machin.. ~~PLmmING and HEATING LADY Wiahea d.)' or part tune work In good condition Tt: 2-1600 tor Ildults and 40 centa (or chllllren A "l ~ ALL WORK FREE ESTIMATES IN ~.

REPAIRING A SPECIALTY LO. 7-8310 MlSCELLAl'EOr:S Linens e~tr'emeh' special .enlce at 130 p. m... Ith Dr ~ GUAB~"TEED YOUR HOME •cheap Pointe Yemce Medalllan table Allan Zaun, oC Jelter.on A,enue Frea- ~

1552 Brys Drive EMPWYMENT AGENCIES datlul. PL Vemce Medalllan lunch b}terlan Churcb, and Dr. Le.he A. ~ ALL MAKES OF MACHINES SOLD .. •Grosse Potnte Woods, MIch. cloU.. and .. apkms. extra lLnen nap- Bechtel. Exeeuth'e 8eeretary o( Pres- 4 Free D61IlOn&tratl01J u, Your Home Q" ....

--CARPE-TS-CLE- ANED- WLLI1lR - Emplo)ment agency. FI klns lice. also Maderla luncheon and hl'tery. as spoue,." wlll mark the .iOtb] Filter QKeen Vcu:uum Cleaner ~~ IIollleatic help. womell for place mat aeta MoIre sllk card table Anlll\ersary ot the (oun<1lnl!' of our ~ ~

AND REPAIRED laundry and cleaning. Part-tlme or 'co,ers poker chIp! and ca.se.a .-.kln church. The Youth GrouPS ....m meet ~S • d '. L~_ ~ I .., ~.. eekly. Good Iaundrelll and clean- mlllk' scar(. ne ... electr>c blanket I .... usual at 6 15 Midweek aeornce ....llI I ~ eft'"Ille i. ae..... e ~a es ....0. ~

IN YOUR HOME er! Otber houhebold Imen. to~ numeroWl be conducted sA Wlual at 7 30 p. m. I~ - ~ +

QUALITY WORKMANSHIP HIl:LD S l!.'mplo)m.nt (or competent to mentlon Closing e~tate Calli Wednesda}. June 9th, D) Dr. Mol- ~ 218 E. CIANO RIVER I 3430 GRAND RIVER ~ ..General Carpet Service ~o~~~e<1...~~~p. C~~f~RI~'I~~dSi_~;J or ir~~d:~.2-1~8 6aturda)'. Sunda)' and denl<e I~ • CA. 3183 TE. 1-7530 ~ •~.:

VA 2-3127 IU.V Plltman Employment for dome~- BEAt:TU'l"L Domelltlc Kara.Saruk ~ft~~~~;E c~~'il: II... .... ~ ~ Opell Th~a.t. *!i4..!'riclaJ...."l!l ~D!P...:.l\!: ....~ ~ ..iI

__ _ bl tl'- htlp gardners w,"do a.hers ru.. 9x15, perfect condltlon. lltlO )[eetl •• 1\00'" Ia Kerb' SeADOl ~

IATTl. ~C'I'IYb Dep"",labl., reu"na e IaUllure.ses. dar ork. dIah ash : Man'laIld ;rby l\ear ll.el'lknal 'Y 'or 'Y ...

rooting, .,ulng Work myself, h- llialds. ser~lce statIOn attendantll I 'D.,,,,T'UG"'RATOR For sale J L Hud- al •cpnsed :; ,earS expenence H Ih"~" .. Bailll1a, SUe ••• r .... ;Sear Kerehn I •B,~ ...er H~~ '\1ar' land T1J. 2-51K1 LO ,-9;:;,9 S-4 P ~1 son. 7 cu It. $7500 Tt: :!-5SS7 Be•• H"lh G. "h1le. Past<lr \ MILLIN CAM P .

MUDER~ltE Bath and kitchen WIth 16 PIECES O( needlepoInt ftn .. hed in Be.,:tt8 "aIlA1Itwerp Bd, 6Gl COOK RD. GROSSE PO~ WOODSalummum I'.""l<c rr st~~! tll~ FHA I FOR RENT antique blue 5(fo/ Iroquoi. Tel. Tl". I-lUll U'O"""t.rms R B Tile, :12116 Franc'" d IGAS Stooe. Yo-hne SULr, lell hand u~en'l Sa.day: A Stay-At-.Bome Camp for Boys and GIl"Ls.' ..e St ('l&lr Sbores RoserlUc 2052. MODER:-l 3.room 0;11~'ear aroun cot- good ahare $;;() 00 L,ving room . 10 4;; - !>Iornlng worship &:1<1ser-\ Ages 2 Years to 10 Years •~ uges on Hatsen s l.land .• U con- 2' hal $12500 16091 mon b) the p... tor June 28th to A"~''+ 6tbFree r.t," ales ,enlence;. by week or Se&!lon Apph' ~~~ej,o"':PI~ r;.~SS6r. . 1U 4;>-l:l uu-Lesson an<1 pia' period .. _..... • •

SCUEt,:-"S-U ,nu ha\e t"", or brok- 24"i0 N Channel Dr. Phone Algonac I .'.. If", nurser; and k'"dergart~n cTOldren Lim1ted Enrollment. •en BLree"" tl,at ne.d ftxlllg call uS 496-J4 t f GARDEN Cuillvator. operated b~ ~~ Clarer.ce Slocum I" 10 charge of I Direewr lliARGARET L. l\IILLIN ro. %-03%8 :

~~o l~;:;:;hl~~t.~o~e L ...Be~="il~; pnce C~~gA::~~;sL~ns~~c~Ol~S~~';; ~~~;~ ~':,"t~~D:;~:Od condition, $90 63.\ Y~~ek1O~~~ga~:;:" ~:an;h~B ~~>n~ar:~ ! :LiCASTE PolIshing and Sutflng All hot and cold running ,..ater :I bed- EVERGREE~ TreeB tor sale, cheap lot the uunery for tbe month of June I "PARTICULAR PAINTING -

t,l)('s of me!>tl art:,I..- rol:sl'.d sno rvv,,"", Illneuprll'!: m.Tlr ...... hOUSe- 212 KerD,' Road Grosse Pte Farma !>Ill'" Lorna Bugbee and mise U'na Db: 1 •

tut're-d ...6~9 L,\a~t". V-\ 2-7614 kecplng fact hUe! VA 1""4$4 "\\nte I U:!I"lt 1..1 luo; Aludergarte:: I for loS, \YIXC-Suppl e';-buttM:' le.buttcn Jark 0 :.Illler. Cedar.l11~ !lllch REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 12-1230 - Lesson penod for all de- PARTICULAR PEOPLE" :

INTERIOR _ EXTERIOR I ~~~e~~i~Ch~:;:nS&;Chl~~l1G~~~~~ ~~- C~~T~:b. ~~,i~.LaiJe..:;,e r~~;:~:'GROSSE Pointe Park, Kottltlgham- =~:;U1~~~s~~e ,';'~~Chch~~eOlof ~~e I In;~fr:d~~ ~t~ - fQ~~Ck~rv;!ee :Palnttnll: and Decoratlnj1; I Tex'-do ~-1555 • erall"" complete bath, runlllng hot Brick buugalo... 2 bedrvomo. ule ) outh class All ,outh of b,gh llChool .. e ea .. e 0 Ie •

1969 Fleetwood Dr. NI.2836 Rt:FFLED Curtains ....ashed and Iron- ...ater 3 bedrooms. June 19th to .rulr bath /lrSt :! bedrooms second mod- lLII"eand over are cordlau~ llIslted to I MILLER DECORATORS •Gr

nooe pr'lnte woods ed '9'~ "-nellles Tt: 2-8613 31st $30000 Tt" 2-5006 ernlzed Ieltchell. hTlck garase. 011 attend 5184 Holcomb OL. OJ".... ~__ v ~ ~ ,,~ heat Cha ..e~. ~Iagar& ~1 Tb.ndar:' ..... ,-8 P m - Choir part)' at the home ot INeat, Clean Decorating CARPET ING • RUGS WA..Vl'ED TO RE."i'r VAC!lNT-8172 Rhode Dnve nr. )1r and Mre Bugbee 3ll Beacon HIli

and Paperhanging A)( III urgent need ot small flat or UtiCa. Only $500.00 down 3004I;e~o:lll ~~s~~~:h~=~ ~~ g:: IUPHOLSTERY apartment in Groee Pointe for m~'- room bouse, 10 yrs, old" 100x cnolr member! are invited to .ttend IF1n;t Class WOrk Guaranteed self and daughter eIe,.n But r.f- ft. lot. 1" block [rom Van Dyke. • •• 4&.. lllae 7EXPERT WALL CLEANING BeauUfully Cleaned In your erenc"," Pleaae call M%'lI Wllaon full price $4500 00. 8 p,n' - Board ot educatLon meet- I

orne Dryin two hours. No Board or Education, x-n:. :!OOO. betore I g at the bome ot Mrs !"ranCl. H I

CALL DICK I~ 'o'olng No Shnnka.ge. NO 5 BONNELL-WILLS INC ;lro\\r I

VA 1.8164 I.crul t odor Quality work I FAXflLY Of 3 adulte deslre 2 bedroom Hl~! 'lac\.. 1.~52 Kell,.Il\edD~ld oJlIU 9"np easa.n unturlll~hea flat or ,ncome In St I VA t 1104 YE 9-6000 I S p'n "neral meeting or Ir~ ",,-

I guaranteed and lllSured I Ambro.e pan.h Excel\ent references man' Soc1et' at ChTlSllal' SerllCO .tI GEORGE S DALL Y l Call '"' : .• ~59 • GROSSE POINTE I the l.ome ot )lr. A W Colett )lrs I

;:-....,.•. ,., -I"tchen cabtnete.1 Free Esumates I REGISTERt;D Nur ..... orle.ng at Bon 803 RIVARD }'"red~r"h G Poole 'lTI.te of t"e Execu- Ir • _ au cs and alter- Fine I S'cour n ....pltal and eng,nepr hu~, T..." h.d-ourro' bath u{> 1 bodroom tl'C SOLretan ot the Conference ~ard :

~' a., k"d W,lllam Brockel. I CENTURY band do.,re apt n.t or mc"me \)atl' Q<'" n I Excellent locatlo- un- ot J:.ducatlon ,..,11 spea!,. on Tfl'" t:nned mS'e;'er' Dr Eut Detroit. Interior Decoratmg I r CO I E •• t S.de. lmmedlateh ~I 3~4;; or u.ualh ,1n. co,\-tructlor. Prlcpd TIght I~at,on'. .-"" ....U. ~,lS-W Exterior Painting ,CARPET CLEAN I i'l---.l I YA: S383 OVoner ::-0;1.SO!'6 FAITH Ll TIlERA~ CHI:RCB I --

PL.\STERL'iG VA 4-8C04 15112 Mack NI _0255 \ w:~;eE~r ~~;I~t ~: ~~~~:;;-b;eb:~:;~~~ Grosse POlW near C"srl""lx ILIld .\:'\lOOUC}.)lE~ n \ ,..._ 'RC::C

ROD CCRD b' profe ... lOnal mllO and fa.'ulh. :-.ott!nghar) 50 ft Lot 2 rar garage. I B~' C H Laa, •• P .. - I\~!~Cl1'Y OR SUBURBAN IBE~ S Exclt.."e D,'c"ratmg Son Ice TRA \ E, ..>L IJ" .... ,..g to Detroit ('all :Mr. Kimmel, 7 room •• 3 hedrol'm. 011 helt 55.500 \" BeT C E, Showalter, An't Pallor "PL.~STERlNG DONE Painting. ..-all ..... hlrg v.l"ldow by the yard or WAlr.ut 4-3311 by Frldl)' d01nl REALTY ,J":~n::~ ScM'l - q '0 a I'll ... ,th II '

Il"q cleanl~G' .'''Tn" "Ind' .... r~p:Ae.d v; Will Replace It f-m- You T,\'-o~flddlc.al(ed-"iIf'-er' de."e 2 \ r KEY Ispec,al Ser\lce Ul ob •• n8llce o! Ch 1-1,0 ", 'r J'lo~ertng In enr gerrr,,1 .pr nl: clean ng CI~ered bl" I e J hedruom house fUTnlel.ed for 6, IT S .~o 1""1" ~t lo. dreT" D.,. ,

1:'11', ca" r 1rn\oh l.bor mater" In.ur.re~I~I~~'~ l!!'!. Standard Window Shad.e co. m"nths "': lo-ge! Groos. Pointe pre. I \'10. ;-~4 At '~~ttr~h~cm I Senlce of Worshlp - It 00 a m I

. ".r- a 'h It once A-' PU-\TI"G orr! De r"t'~g Bo,e-18,n '1G' i ur :'oopll(l,bor' 0"'- ,) ypars I tprred ">T 007, I 1"- th Slnder,~ M.lton Lmhart "" gue.tctYDi: H WHITE r'.'"ts ~r-a'o~ ...atenr "fed O\ot- 1~915 E warren at Buckmo-ham I - -1.0 E sr~akcrl'.: " l' o\r\~ Cot. C.IlI,'1 J;' !:,,11.rl cMlere! :> _" I PETS I "AC.\ST TS FOR S.'L ;5ER'\10'- THEM!: Gro,,"lnl l p ,• " 'ro ' \llle Hoad ",ork~r' [, '01 _!' ~, rlerce Be', Tuxedo 2-5440 \\Jlll G)O

~CJse't"nlf' ':l997\ tit, rc"r~nro -.,0 (. t ....' a,_S,I-IIft'DT'W,---=:-Plilii"t\r",-';j-;;-rl .. ard, LOT F .~Io pa,' 11 (',-lr' ClUh Tl:."-T H Trro 1 14-1.,e!ter Mt: <>I~Z .) OL , ~ \..ra.... ". \ ",. _;: '. ror.l 1 ,- , no'IO DOG TRA IN IN G \\on' ,. Pr~.t" rk '- 1 rolZ!' 'w' r' L~'l:\l~ 'I-etlrg .. <:I rOlOp

l CE'IE~"T REPAIRS ('rd I '01 0 ,'I opOlr Jae),!:,r )'0 dH I DOt. Traln)"g at ,our rom~ Tram ~g r.~E Poml' Wood' ~~O HAmp."n tl"l\ "I r~" h L"~(,rmod Moml'er' a'l.1 c< PA1~T1XG tnterl'" ar<l oxt~M"r I " ~ 4"~ _ _ _ _ _ I,','ns dalll tor AKC "l"d"rce R"a" O.. r~- TI ;;.;2S4 ,Co) r'"

;:, • , rop" r. p<rchetl pa,"r>,.nlC'n~ ... I ..... h ~s "atch pC'l\\ 1'-'. ~_ 1 ~" <:" 0 !'l;0rt trlah A \.n 7t~ WE ~..HI;~ .hn. ,t1o,..., •••• _ _ _ ' ...... ~a. garage plll~erl;: C.UI"I"1l" '" 'rA per."n-\ 'icE", :.):10"" ,I " _ Tt __ -!~"_ I ("'tALE Kittono Wlll lC'''0 t" a"~ or. I~ ItE \L ESTATE WA!Io'TED I Surd.' S I Ml Toach.r s Moellng

AI'r l' \' t,~ De Gn &e. ,,1',' !-and e.1 a" d ",".ra~leed Free \ ====- ~:::-__ ._ -..-he will ",.e thpm a good horr.~ : 7 ,,) r mA,le' ~1I6.l e<lJtl'".te VIlI- ,.... .-1123 da)S, PU~"TISG &:. DECOR.'TlSG ::-0;12116 1~IO\"T....G )Iv fam,l' I" Detro,t "'o-t In. ~lll

~~_t .. ~ ... b" rlCla'lnl', caulk .. I VA 4-.I.S e'o IT,,- . to bu" t"rep hedro<m rO"'1e Dral ("lrl ~C'"t. a-rj B" S<oul' )I.otm&".'_., ~ I , _ rj VA 1-5065 • FOR SALE ,..,th o...ner only \-A .-8623 .. e-I at t' 0 ,u<t.al I 'ur I_ Y f'lrg~ rl~tc,Lt. T'dal I

~'A _, ''l an<1 r.palr con' Ol-,R CARD CF QUAl1T FOR A BETTER grade of ueed fur- I"•.' 9t1l'. ~, \ ,~ for block ba.e- nlture. ""e I!lUC l'elt..-3Y Furnl- WA!\iTED USED CI\B8 Altar vU 1<\ ~Iott,ng at I~.O T''''"'rk ...... J'h t ..." t\lre st l'l!l~OK.rcH,.d W~ ,,1..-~" ('''"rch ( unr I '(~c: rl/: - ~ 00 .. m

.... ~...:\t,." \tlltt(l-r A.n<t E~\VARD L!\:\~~ !ale 1~0 thll\gs )nure lookng r'r .... 1'P.1\ATE Port" , a-;:~'~ " .. ~ 1811\, ~ r Z2 ManninR, 1']........ \ \ :~~1 r; II <"1('3'" (';\,. 1'r "I,",' ~fi'C"&tf" paM\ 1'., Il.l ~ ..... <:: ~ .... (")-, .r_,..~.t., \ F",," 4) '4\' ~IH ~,.rt a ......r r ~ll ~ 1"~h"'.r.JlI

R PB S j C>,,,",A 1 ••, I.-'ll I Ap:::l'" •

, \ 44t,"l

>:: =:.1 C I

\I' And wall ...aehlng Call us'r\,1U!.-aU wuhlnl: and IrtormIn a",~ do...n Prl~ can't ben. 1.7,;;;; &iter Ii wi ~

S Wall \\ a!l'lng and t:P-\Clo.,..rg \l.achne )lelhods

~t. €'.! v. rh rs Insured Com-IL-1 p""lCq l~rtlal Free 'Est1 ...

M C.. I \. Er I..e 9-0770 Vi' LA. 8

lIa !.,t@,rlL" a"d e.xtetlor En-frlCt or r.ar Ilorcb Kl.tehen:J. reereallon rooms. .ttlcrt.'l'odelrg Promllt aen1ce.

•• r'r!:"a.'\ pIS. Eo Barber.\~blt, :\1 ~78.

Y reoommended wall 'lIl"Uhtnll'b' nflned white meD. Call00 4192W ... hed Wlnodo .. s cleaned.oed mop :<;0 mess. Ko job

IIllIll. \"Erlce q-1966ALL" .. hlDj; interior and ex-

p:u:t.rl; Immediate aernce.p~III" TI' 1-0678-lI"urlrg mter" rind exterior

B .spert. Call VAlley








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le"e1l0ft Lincoln-MercuryService

W. Offer So Much ToSo Many For So Llttlel

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'only SatISfied Customers Keep Us In BU'l e,,'

12 Lubricattons for Less than~~ Price



17020 MACK

~ursda" Jun~3WATER BAI.UlT STOLE!\; CAll ~'Hh 'I Dorolhv Thol'lIung, of 1106 City Pollcl' 11.1 ! I I / ~

I,Be&lollSflrld \\ III partiCipate ll\ of DetrOIt, fOI 'I' I I I uh"t b ...:onthe YWCA Water Ballet 0 e \,OlX Sunday III I '\ 'I I I

held at the C,'lItl al YWCA all the Cab hi.. \\ ll~ L" I I• t ,I d tL kevenlll.l:.s _.0_f_J_I_m_e_3_a_n_d_,, u_rn_e_"'_ov_e_r_to_1I I It 1'0iL

I;-__ ~ ...... '""~~~~~~o'lOo'lOo'lOioll:OlC~ioIl:~ioIl:O~O~!li~O~O~OMtUG<~!lit.>fo~........~••• ', •••••~~ ,;~~

IS Yes-Mack Avenue Is Open:~ and You Can Reach....,","",","",",",",",",","",",",","~ ~ 0!~~.!!.Ci 0 000 {j 0 MOO 0 0 0 O~~~~ "

~~~f~~~lO~~~~n TRLJl{,;:AY~as~ and Mouldmg Palnter Will give ~ou ~use No Brush Mar P- fJ any Tlml's Faster - Easy for Anyone to

- - er ect Straight Lmes!



Specially Recommended For:Wmdow" &; "torm 'la"h Dnor TrimSC'rffn Frllml''' & )ll'sh PlInel"Ra<;f' "ollldlnl1" T", n ('olm' rff..rtsCabmet )loUldtn~s And Othrr l'ses

• To commemorate Penn's Treat\ \Io~t1IWI-Ill-am De Indlans-oneofthemostslgmficanttrear l nn In Amentan luStOry-thlS popular. low. fraternal whIskey IS namerr T liT. "Wilham Penn. The Treatv Whlskel'J.HE~ REATY nHISKEY Gooderham'" Worts Ltd., Peona 1'110. - - U. S, A. (Gooderham 85 Worts Ltd,

BLEIIDED WHISI'EY CanadIan bUSIness since 1832)n i\ IC " ..... 35% StniPt WIaIte,. i5~ •• II..... s,Irits. ~ & Worts Ltd. pew,


510 to 522.51Other Rocis from 52.95Bring Your FISh to Be


BADIIITOI SETS4 Imported ~quets,

nets, l)OI>t.s, Arnencan-made

Shuttles. Rule Book,

106 Kerche"AI GrO". POinte Fan".Tt' 1-5262

r -

II (.ro"<;l' POintl' Rl'prl'wntatlYf'~RD. S R Barr, NI 0226

R H. Johnston TU.2-6895

WE BUILD A BETTER GARAGE!.Alumlnum .Frame .Block and Brick •••

ALL TYPES OF GARAGE DOORSAuthorized Dealer for

Aluminum Garages and Cottage.WE DO ALL KINDS OF CEMENT WORK

Kale Construction Co_SrI' '1OOl'1

11041 E. 7 MILEPI. 5007

game, Al lI&id, "I rE'allzed thepoSSibIlity of a perfpct game 10

the 4th 1n00ng and then I real.Iy began ,1>t>arlOg down. Andthanks to 'the team's wonderfulsupport and the honw run byVmce Se-hoeck, lanky fIrst base-man, I managpd to make It "

AI expects to Jom a Class Cteam Il\ the DetrOIt BaseballFf'deratlon shortly.

Un 11 k e the reputation ofplteh('rs at thelplate, Al IS a de-pendabl~ hItter HIS averagethul year IS over 300,

The hIgh school hurler IS theSf'cond pitcher to wm the hOllorwhIch IS a we('kly feature of theRevlf'w Last w~ek Tom Bo~ ds'strike-out artist Harry Edsallwas named, He fanned 60 III

four games.Each week the ReView \\ III

name a "Sandlotter of the\\' e e k, Il\ co-operatIOn witheoachl's and managers of localtea.ms Each honored sandlotterwllI receive a TIger autographedbas~ball,

Watch the ReVIew for nextwl'l'k s "S and lot t I' r of the\\'eek '

ROTC Is PopularCourse At MSC

I : ~

( •• I

~~ I -. I • lit ~ ..-.....-"':"_-"'- .. I.. '''''''' ,~"",: .-- ._ 'Glosse POInte lilgh S~hool s tenms team \\ III bE' seekmg th .. Clas' I

A State ChampIOnshIp to beheld at Kalamazoo on ~'nda\' and Sat.urday June 4 and ~ The local netters captured the regional tItle lastweek From ll'ft to right the team members are Alex Mann, JmlBarber, Hugh DIll, Bob Schneider, Bob StrttglOer. and Dan Guy Thp 1

ti&" ITo;:;; MS~;Chultz FLYERS E~D SEASOS I

T B PI St. Paul HIgh pnded Its ftrstI 0 egm. ay season of lra~k competition on II

• sour note last week D U S I

I S EtL:")1 L dumped the Flyers 66 to 20 on lib) :n Ooa OOp I 2-l. at D U S At the State Claso;

The Neighborhood Club Softball I C finals at Lansmg on Sat, May ILeague \\111 get underway Mon- 29 neither of the two Flyers, who Iday. June 14. 16 teams sponsor- had quallll.ed In the ReglOnals cameed by local m~rchants and clubs, close to placmg. !\\ III compete.

All games WIll bl' played atthe !\'elghborhood Club field onMondays and Tuesdays of aseven. week 6cason.

The team, diVIded mto dIVISIons,\, III bid for percPntages og 500 or

• better to qualify for the dIVISionApplicatIOns for advanced Re. playoffs. The two sumvlOg teams

serve OffIcers Tralnmg courses \I III then play for the leaguehave halted because more than tItle400 stUdents had applled tor lcss Bill DuR~her, IS the league dl-than 300 \'aC8nCI~S eXisting m the rector, reported that the follow-corps, accordmg to the quota set 109 bUSiness establishments andup by the US FIfth Army head- clubs have entered teams m thequarters. Although two vears of league. DcFoures, Pete Moors,ROT C IS reqUIred bv state laws IOld Brick Inn, Surface Gnndmg,governmg the college, tne ad. FIsher Record, G P. Merchants,vanced courl>eS are offered for Hudson A A , Grace Church,those men contemplatmg a nnll- Chrysler McPar, East~rn Hea.tmg,tar\' Career and reserve or regUlar P & G LunCh, Pagoto Soda, Up-army and air force commIssIons town Cleaners and AmVels


WIth flVf! npw opponentl'l ll.ndthree tradItIOnal nvals ,\ avne Iurllv~rslCY WIll Pla~ an t'1/1:nt- I

I game schedule dunng the 1918 Ifootball season accordmg- to Al-den \V Thomp'lOn. dIrector of ihealth ('ducat!on and athl~tlc' I


IVAtley 2-1185

.4.L 8RYA~Tout a~all1st ~lonroe In the SIX

rames he fanned 50 batersSpeakmg about hiS no.hlt

bv Pat Kaulltr. He completedthl~ Sl'aSOll ,. llh 4 wms and 2 Id.,[, atq 11t,lLIlII1g" a 2'~l1t -.hilt-, ,



'All.,. ~.IIll.~





Hurler Named t'Sandlotter of theA GI'Osse POll1te High School

pItcher \\ ho hurlpd hIS \I a~ IOtathe' PrE'p Hall of lo'ame' IS theRl'vIP\\ s 'Sandlotter of the"l'ek ' HIS 118mI' \S Allan Brv.ant and he \\ on the honor bypltchmg a no.hlt no.run 3 to 0vlctorv o~er Ford~n last \\eekon the local diamond

It marks lhe 0;('( ond no.llltterfor the huskv rll(hthander Lasty"ar he hUll ..d II pl'rfpct ~ameIn th" GrossI' Pomte BaspballLl'a~u ..

In last wel'k ~ contest Bry.ant held Fords1n batters at bal\\ Ith hIs fast ball qtrl kIng-.out11 FI\'p men reached fa st fouron \\ IIlks and one on an In.field error.

For bemg named thp out.standIng sa'ldlotter of thE' \\ eek,AI \\ III r"celve a baseball auto-!traphed by Georg" Kell. HootEvers and all the Derolt T.,!;ers

The vOLth IS 16 yea IS old, andhe IS the son of lIfr and lIlrsC P Bryant of 682 LincolnRoad. He II an plE'\'E'nth grader

ThiS IS hiS thIrd yl'ar \\ Ititthe school mne \\ hlch IS coacbed




Glanmleed Worbumship - Lo" Price

Prompt Service - EXPERT MECHANICSAvajJabh! to Serve You NOW on All Ouysler Cars


Lake Shore Motor Sales1461' E. JEFfERSON

Get Our Price First


15311 E. ....He ...onOPP. Esquire Theatre

LAK. IHOII M0101 SAUllWJ E. "ou",_ uo_t.. - 1'I.nlUL ...

",e •• 111 .... 41.ple'e ,' ..... ~'M'1Ii


16146 E. ElIht ~i1e KoaclPR. 7M. Near GratIOt



- GIBLl' ISOrTBA.LLThe X~lghborhood Club gIrls I

Softball teanl IS very anxIous to&rrt.nge tor gam~s with other Icommunlt) teams If vou are on ateam and would hk~ sonte practice Igames pleue call lIll55 Masak :"1.600 Thursday n1Jl'hU a diamond IIS reserv('d on the Club play. Iground tor girls Interested In SOH-Iball



I~St. Paul ~igh Los~s I Scout LeadersI To St. Vmcent Nine • • •I Sloppy fielding cost St pauli Participate mIHIgh s baseball team an 8 to 6 de-fpat at th .. hands of St. Vmcent C 'H D ' While the U S armed forcesand a tie for first place With the j amp oe own struggle With the problpm of too

(La"r. Part. D<opart.. ".tl same team In the Prochlal League few men, MichIgan State Collegp sEast SIde 2nd Dlv Instpad the :!Iilnetv selected Scout Leaders 1department of mlhtar)' SClellce

&lti_t ... F.nt - GUJ'UleM "'ork • IFlyers had to settle tor a 2nd from tins area are partlclpatmg and tact cs fmds Itself \\ Ilh Justplace tie WIth St Ambrose and m a ReglOnal.sponsored 'H 0 e the opposIte SItuation-too manySt. J\{arlln. Each of them won 6 Down' (outdoor training pro- students applymg for advancedand lost 2. gram) at C01ll'ge Camp on Lake 111lhtary tra.lnmg.

After the loss to St Vmcent on GE'neva 10 "/lsconslO, thIS week.May 24 the Flyers bounced back l'nd Friday, Saturday, and Sun-te, whip St. Charles 8 to 3 on May dav, June 4. 5, and 6 Our local

[26 Both ga~es ",ere p1ayl'd at the delegates Will participate wlth

IS.... lIa ........ t - A ... tt .. n-l Neighborhood Club and had been 1.200 other key volunteers repre.ramed out earher 10 the season sentlng the 85 local CounCIls mI••••••~ !. Scout Reg.on Seven, whIch in-

t1filU.pn?,l Window Shades i ;:~~~::"::",~.:::~:'no:..~";~::'\Il.Y UIW TheIr 10b Wl)) bl' tl"J !tather-- ... --~ man~' valuable sugl\'estlons which

Serving YoUr ~eigiabOJ" can bt' adopted for the I~alCounCil s 'Gold Rush," to be held

For Thirty YeM. tht' last weekend of June In theKmslllgton Park Area, n"ar New • S t H Id

St nd d W. d Sh d C HUdson New techniques In pack At present. MSC's ROT C umt por smen 0a ar 1n ow a e ompany framE' and tent makmg, carcass- numbers 1769, Includmg 1355 1lI 'Fishermen's Night'15915 E. Wi ..... It IlIdtiqhlm TU 2-5440 sIze barbeculllg, group Campmg, basIC and 414 m advanced tram- The Junt' membershIp meetmg

outdoor cooking and other Scout 109 ThIS 414 total, according to ot the Wayne County Sportman'sskIlls wI1I be learned by our "Hoe Col. John L. Whitelaw. command- ClUb to be held at the club's new

()~C~~()~ Downers" and brought back for I ant, ranks MichIgan State as the meetll1g place the Northwest De-ft. r!. ,L ' r. ~ th .. "Gold Rush," In which 3000 I largest advanced tl ammg umt In trolt Post A~erlcan LegIOn Ha1l.,,11 ,,,,,et7IIlInS ~tDre i local JUnior and Semor Leaders the FIfth Army area, which In. I at Greenfield Road and School-


e , I WIll partiCIpate cludes colleges and Unlversltles 10 'craft Wednesday evemng Jun 9TROLLlNC REELS .,..... $8 to $16.95 e Our 3000 "Gold Ru~h" partlcl- 12 mldwestern states. Will be "FIshermen s Night." I' ,

Pfl Sh k S h B d d h~

pants WIll check 1)1 as 'prospec- Fred Westerman chief or theC uerger, a espeare, out en an ot er tors' to stake cla\ms on which to JERSEY JOE fIsh diVISIon or th~ state conser-


leading models of Cilsting Reels $2.45 to $35 e set up the~r t;nts and e~Ulp",lent vatlOn department, WIll speak and

RODS II ad I $2 50~

ready to dig for the gold in answer quesllon~. Bill Ruby, who,a m e 5 . up Scoutmg. caught over 500 bass on a fly rod


.... Complete supply of Fly CutlDz' Reels, Rods and Lines. WIthin 50 mIles of DetrOIt dunng

MARTJN OUTBOARD MOTORS ... "Splk(''' Bri,l!,'gs, of Dptrolt Ttl\'er the past two years Will tell where...~ fame. IS servmg as 'Gold Rush" to go and ho~v to'do It Bob Bliss

Models 40 and 60 in Stodt' IChaIrman WIth the j1;lamorous WIll give a demonstrallon WIthtltl(' or 'Terntorlal Governor,' the new spmnln'" rod and reel.


SALES a SERVICE e remIniscent of the :!Iiatlon's gold Harold Sauer ~U demonstrateDelphia MariDe Paints - Small Boat Hardware - Manila Ropes ~ Inlsh era onp hundred years ago crow callmg.

, Boats - Llle Jackets • Cushions IThp 'Governor' will be on hand ------


when the 'Hoe Downers' IE'ave forH. BUCKERIDGE & SON e Wisconsll1 to urge all of them to GOOD COXTESTlSOll Kerche .... Open EYenin- •• VA. 2-&740 i1 ~omp back WIth lots of 'Gold DetrOIt's most excIting contest'" • IIIRuo;h' Ideas. You may Win a. 1949 Mercury.

~~)<=>(~~~)~n 'I '- Complete this sE'ntence: "I am------ glvmg to Crusade for ChIldren

I '-ARIETY SHOW I because •• , ", and send It to Box

I2288 DetrOit 31.

Have you st'en the 'darlings" 1-------------of the Com.numty" You have anopportumty of domg so by 'RId. The challenger ••• Jersey109 the Rall~' Fnday night June IJoe Walcott who surpnsed4th at 8 00 p.m. In the 8udltonum h .'of thp Xplghborhood Club The t e sportmg world last De-AI'nual Show 15 put on by the cemher when his bout withclUbs and classes of the Club and Joe Lows lasted the full 15promises an evemng of dancmg, rounds, a g a I n meets thecomedy, thrllls and a tram tnp I champ on Wednesday June

Ithroughout the Umted States Sl'e 23 .. ' "your friends 111 action' Comp to . Cavalcade of Sportsthl' VarIet~. Show' Friday mght, presents the heavyweightJune 4th-1714~ Waterloo! tttle match over WXYZ-ABC I

lbegmmng at 10.:00 p.m. Theblow-by-blow descrIptton and Ibetween-rounds color Will be I

I handled by Don Dunphy and IIBill Corum respectively •