digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/43/1943-07-01.pdf ·...

Everyone is invited to a pIa. be:Jte. lit NlOW, .uted under the spoasor_ ship of the Grosse Pointe Woocla business mt:ll Jlat TtleSday night at the Qilb Hoop-De-Doo, DotS Mack avenlle. Dual ob;ective of lfU&t pn>miMs to be an interesting ,YeBing of _ tertainment and ~ is to cot. lect funds for & 1rage I«"rice aa', flag to be Iown 011 the .taB at 1M Wooda III1UIieipa1 buiJdiaIr aad _ belp defray cxpeIIIa of the .-l it_b _pia, to _1IeY _ ... day. T!Ie ... ",', tie... ~ l( Leave of Absence Granted to Park ViUage Attorney Ex -Commissioner Johnson Springs Surprise Attack on Park Commission at Meeting .... .... .... dII1t. Other ~ lie ... tliIeDt ... a.ch1lduled cfurillB the tIaf IDaa1 CIa c:rampete with ., ., .. lied ia impromptu tObtaa lU'e~ 011 the entire Detnlit aft&, the field Sanday. If it raina Sunday. Positimy 110 ... jaw- ell' .... the baseball game win be played ch will be made" wm Monday, prio.r to th~ fireworks dis. pn'::for refreshmeutll ':" ~ play. If It raUls aga.Jn Monday, the through the courtesy of the proprieo. baseball game M1l be cancelled. tor, Glenn Markle qd Elmer Freri, manager at Cub Hoop-De-DoQ. Boxes for voluntary (COIlScienee. says Diesing) contn'butions will be provided and e.... ryone iJI free to COlI<o tribute ..... hat he wishes. Marshall Jameson will act u mas- ler of ceremonies of the evemng. A letter was received by the Grosse ~[LS'C for dantmg and the show win Pomte Park commission from PIerre I be pro\-ided by Vic and Joe and the V. HeftIer, VIllage attorney, request- boys. Accordion music will be offero- mg a leave of absence, so that he ed by ~!rs Vlrg1ll1a Dorenbush. Mis' could take up hiS duties as a Iieuten. Odette WIll stage a number of dances. ant (]g) in the USNR. He reported Farrel Weber and Herb Savage ate for duty June 17, in Boston, Mass. to produce a novelty act and Mise Since the leave was granted, a Iel- VirgJDla Housey lI~11halldle the vo- low member of the same law firm cals, agreed to act as village attorney at least for the remamder of the fiscal Steal c.... &om Ca:r year. The nt'w attorney IS Leshe Carl Clarke, 734 \\ ashmgton, re- Alexander, who \\as accepted by the: ported to local police, SnncUY. June commiSSion 'Zl' tbat a \aluable foldmg camera CommiSSIoner \\ard Van Deusen "as slolen from hiS car 1I.hich wu suggested a letter be sent to Heftier parked m hIS garage at the rear of confirming the lea\e of absence. hiS home. -P11010 b)' £VOl' PnotOll'apll1C J,)epartment CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY ~ ... ~ - ... _-....- ~ I,. ... "<: .. :~$0:"t';~~i ~- ; , (; - .' j~ ~ " . Ma,. F, O. R,&in«, of 361 McMIllan road, Grone Po;n'e Fonn •• j. now e:ommanclmr olf~ of the E•• n... l\e ..nlnanee pl.nt. one of the lead.nr ..... 11 anN p.... t. m lhe UnIted 5tate •. The E•• " •• ,I'" plant h•• ~C." .. (..I moo<hcre<!tffor Iu.",nll: .on ext~m .. ly h'lfh .... te of ",.oduchon of cal,ber 45 c"rtndr'" 'nd be,nr th.. fint pl""t 'n t~ UnIte<! 510t... to m.n"f.ct....., &t~1 c.Ttnclre ca .... In pred"elton q_nhl... Th•• pl.nt .... a•• nle<! th.. AnnT,Nary "E" June 16 M.... R,.,n, "nc1 da,,«htn, B•..- .... ret" ........... t FndaT hom ".'II_r MaJOr R,.,nl .. E ftrI& .. IIe. REMEMBER? cw, ... REVIEW ClftI YCNI COMPLETE ~ 01 ALL HOIDeI ill GroNe Poiat. A Gratiot Twpa. VOL. 19-No. 47 •••••••••••••••••• Park Employees Given ~.--,OOO In Salary Raises Blanket Increases iEY.:.~~~- iU::=li;~~~~sin .,~~G~~~?~~N Business Men Plan Approx. -mate S.-x Ilth?~a:~e ~~::~:~e~:tsd~~il~;~~::~ Pearl Adams Case "7i~:~~}'" '< ~;< ~ ••• ~~ ~~ :' Gala Independence which "as to take place tom or' <t. ~:,< .;' ~ k The ve diet of Justice Joseph P, P C t Ad ~~~:, \~~:;,~;.st~;s~d~~r:l~at~ Uvick, 0 Grosse Pointe, in the Day Celebrat •• on er en vance I DavIs, chall"man of the collecting roommg ~use case of the City of orgamzahon, urgently requests all Grosse P~lnte vs, Mrs. Pearl Ad- ------- housewives to continue saving dms was ~Ifirmed Tuesday in Wayne , Independence DaY will be marked in Grosse I'oinle by a A!! !!!::::icip::! :::::p!c,'cs of Goo •• ::' , ..;.t:~ were granted aiter C.trelUI I t;,~;, i!i":;".~.ur lill' iUlure vide. I, ('(."n.:' ....c:::t =::>::.t. giant fireworks ciispiay at 10 p.m., Sunday night on Mason bejel Pointe PiUk were granted raises study and hours of considerallon by up. Mrs. Adams 10lt the serond roanc\ in Grosse Pointe Woods under the sponsorship of the Grosse amounting to approximately SIX per the labor relations committee, \\ ho If there is anyone "'ho is leav. of the ~idely publiCIZed fig'tt to reat Pointe WOC!ds business mell. with Arnold L. Diesing acting u cent of current salaries by actIOn of felt such Increases were justified by ing the arfa for a wuk or two rooms In CIrCUit Judge Josepb A. general chairman. the vl!lage commIssion MoncUY current increased Ihing costs. Thc and "ishes their kItchen fats I hloynihan's court when she was Availability of impressive fireworks was lelulled early last aight, at an apprOXImate cost of matter haa been referred to commit- picked up, they are asked to calli found guillv by a jury of nine wOmet! month when the government released quantities of gunpowder lIome ten thou~and dollars per year tee two weeks ago after being sug' Mrs, DaVIS. NIagara Sill, and she and two mrn, O'le WOIDalt ,,'as ex- and other materials which had deteriorated too much for war to the village. gested by CommISSioners Van Deu. "ill see that the grease IS col. cused by consent of coulLu:l. Ju* use, to fireworks man~facturers. Not one bit of matet:ial ....hic: h The ~commendations of the labor sen and Cunlllngham. Commlsslon. lected. i MOYnihan instructed the jury tha.t could be used for makmg bullets (lr bombs has gone mto theu' "t!!-ttions CQI1Imiuee of the Park com- er Damman ",as absent from Mon- - - I Mrs. Adams must be found guilty un- manufacture. llIirfion were unanimously awroved dav's meetin~. der existing law. The display will be let off on Mason school field, which wiD by tbe commission accordmg to a By terms of the schedule, Park po- Sendoff to See Eight The appeal to circuit <:ourt set accommodate the thousands "B fi schedule of recommended increases. lice and firemen Will be given a raise aside JUstIce Uvick's con\iction and who annually gather in the ene t President Goddard explained that of $1650 per month, ralSlng their an. from Art'JI to Leave sentence to pay a handred dollar be Woods to show their love of ------------- nual salanes from a $2,622 base to M d J I 5th or serve 30 days in jail. Jadge )40J'. country by celebrating the POI NTE $2,820 As compared With the Farms, on ay, u y nlhan WIll re.sentence Mrs, Adami Fourth of July in traditional T d baS<' pay is $2.i72 for firemen and after her case is reViewed by tbe stYle. U es 8Y PARAGRAPHS police. In the City of Grosse Pointe Board 57 has notified eight area probation department. Many sensational IUrpriSes the a\ erage for police and firemen is youths wl-o reported with a group The case will probably be appealed are promised by the commit- II, THE POINTER $1,904, from whIch 10 per cent is for examination at the induction to the MIchigan supreme court, ae. tee in the fireworks di!!play. In- Eminent evidence that reported withheld and placed in War Bonds center on June Zl to report to the cording to Nedwin Smokier, attorney eluded In the program will be ftictiaa betweell the assessor and the under pro\isions of the recently NeighborhOOd club Monday at 11 :30 for Mrs. Adams. the traditional Niagara Falls police and fire departments m the adopted retirement fund plan. for actIve service. After the jury had deliberated scene and a huge illuminated City of Grosse Pointe is fictional, is Maintenance and lahor was grant- The Home Front committee and I some fiftcen minntes they returned ...... the a!IOft pktve of the At'tII,'& Lelo.ed e--t Amencan Bag winding \lp with a seea in this true fish story (which ed a 10 cent an hour raise. increasmg Breakfast club is planning a lendaff to teport to Judge Moynihan that ---. with JoIns Maz_U HaWeIlMll, _ of Mr .... eI StTand finale of extravagant propor- isn't fictional). the hourly pay from $105 llnd $1001 party whIch will include a short ad-l they could not ~ee, He retlU'Ded _ s-c-deld a__ wilen the '-tte: ...... &r&d- tions. . Last weekend Budget Director to $1.15 and $1.10. The Farnn pays dress and a muslcai program. Lunch tnem 1\lth warnlJlg that be woaId G--I ....... wliblte at F'liDt .-tlT. Geoeral Kaud. Ever)'ODe IS adVIsed to come early $1.12 and $1 00 per hour and the WIll be served to the boys who are keep them locked up until midu'''ht ...... ~ .......... A fiae play&ical apecimeD. for his in order to be on hand for the dis- BloIlddl, Police Chief Trombly (each ... .-I toW IWdeIauo tIaa be -.Id . hie aD f -.;.L a brace of tbelt. sons) plus city $1.13 and $1 06, from which 10 leaying and each WIll be given a Ot later if necessary to reach a vet"- t w.... or lea play at ten. ~.... ~ Hn" _ cam,' kd a '- ,.... __ ia duwe If Ii la' tbomtoa "Duck" Reaume, of the per cent is withheld for the retire- package comaimng muoclhl.neous dIet. ""'- ,.............-,. wwk at ow. W .. Iey .. -n.r.a,. fain prevC1lts the rewor 4Iis. tire ~e1It, were fishing in the ment plan in the city. glftS, "'Y'ou will.hue to find the defClld- OW..~ _ Il8iIia-.l wid! Pili Deka T],eta. A play Sunday, the p"osram will be lab when the last named had a fish Park office girls receive an in- Those who are leaving iUe: ant (lU1ly," &aid ludge W01JIilwa.. e.- Haw..- pno... staged 011 Mon~y Dig?t at the same - -,. ~L ,- h-k and sm'keto crease amounting to approximately Haney H. Cools, 1426 Beaccas- his ~ vge to the jury. "I find tile 511 - t actmtMa. hour. Should ram agQI prend the --.~ w.m DJlI vv six ~r cent of their aDllual lab.. field; Walter L PICkard, lOiS Way- ordiince to be rasoaable .-4 ...... ......,.." .. • ' .. lbspb.,. lIOIIda,. it ... iIl be aha Withia IraJf an hour the trio an4 ries. burn; WJ!liam T, I~land, 217 Mer. f tflc facts ia tbc.case 1 wiD haM" -... .. .. I .. -.IE at .... A-.. DmltieIt ., Tuada, JIiPt. ==;::~ ~hea:::of~ --------- ,.;... ~fhe!"; John M. Bt:r::s, Jr .. ~ ~Iy the b... ThO! '-f bH 'f~ ~ <~. - ~caMbtVlMh Stona Dt-_ a..c CoIouiaI road; AAthon,. P, ~, ~'!i'ua1 COIlditiaDa a.ul tbue ...... .... ~ .l---= ..~. ~-;t ~ a. . __ " ... ~ ~ ~ • ..,. -~ ~.-~.. ~~ ~ ~~ 'J ~ ~ - ~~ I.eaAailIaIiQy re- .....-:.-~ Eo tr.__ ~ .._~ . .. &L_ teIe(' ~ 4tpart- turDed to t1Ieit hoIae.-lJarriqtaa,............ .--- """ -'-"l'UWte. s~. 10 ~~ u:" ta.. 1UId~ meMI ~ ladies' ha'Ddbaas last SlUIday evening, they foImd ' ........... '<. .,.- •• - ~ - ".... we liYe JD this democracy. ... bedIa iqs being slDlen from ..... .., h . b b.... ..1... D._ h o Ena a .oJ~ tetlJtl1ing home on .1-. '_L k A . urclt &>14: en WUldow rolrel1 and riliA. C We u~:;s fur h COn t " ...... ~es~ par s. warmDg IS In contrast to the heary Jloods stones strewed around the yard. Af- DOG loug fonu 0 the ~...... bere'lll"ltb loSSlled to all who attend I whIch \\ere experiented in th'. ter &. little investigation, it was umpmg round --------- thse parks not to leave any valu- SIX"eeks ago, Grosse Pomte ~~~ foun l that the storm which took Village Manager abla ~ benches, tables or the la"n. reSIdents are now being warned that place Sunday was to blame. Lighten- The Grosse Pointe Park commis- Ak R °d there IS not enough "ater p ssur Ing ha~ struc~ the brick chimney of sion Monday night autboriz~ the SS est ents to SUlDlDerSchool to allow for garden Or lawn ::rink~ a servIce station at the corner, and exerCISe of an option on some four C nse liT t hng beh\een the hours of 5 and 9 Bymg stones had played havoc With and one-third acres of ground on 0 rYe n a er EnroUmentUp pm Local police officers have been the Bacon home. Qwnn road in Chnton townshIp In E. B. Lane. village manager, this remindmg the people that the ordi. --------- Macomb county. to be used as gar. week Issued an appeal to residents Principal \Valter F. Clerninson an. nanCe agamst sprmkhng during YOUb8ater Sutfen Dialocated bage disposal and refuse dump. of Grosse Pomte Park to refrain nOUJlced Tuesday that summer I these hour5 IS st,lI m effect. Elbow While Playing at Pier The Park had a (\() day lease with from use of water for sprmkling or school enrollment thIS )ear is over One local restaurant reported that purchase option on a rental basIS of Irrigation between the hours of four 600, which IS shghtly hIgher than the pressure \\as so low bel\\eec 10 Richard Moore, 15 years old, of $SO. The rental, under the agreement, and eleven P hl, daily, except Sun. the average of pre\ious )ears. am, and noon, on June 26, that no 4.25 Lothrop, was taken to Cottage is to be subtracted from the purchase day. Enro1lment in the elemcntary I ",-ater came from the taps. Ho\\ever, hospItal by Farms patrolmen, for pnce of $3,000. Completion of the The request for such co-opera- grades is greatly Increased this sea- this conc!lhon WIll soon be corrected treatment for a dIslocated elbow. deal wtll depend upon exammation I tlOn followed a SImIlar request from son, v.bile the number has shown II when the new water mams are m. The injury was suffered while play- of deed and abstract fOl' the property I the Detroit board of 1I.ater com mis- shght drop m both the Jumor and I stalled, ing at tht' municipal pier on June 24. by the Vlllage attorney. sioners to the Park. The vlllage wa- senior high schools. _ ---------------------------- ter is pumped hy Detroit and the The decrease in JUnIor and semor I Go R t POINTER IN CO~IMAND measure is being taken to effect a enrollment is easIly accounted for 1111 vernor eques s leveling of water usage, 50 that no loss of llOtentLaI. students to Army I Planning Program senolls shortage WIll occur in De. and Navy trammg programs and troit's wartime mdustnes, or in reSJ- through current job opportumtles. for Post .War Era dential 'A-artlme DetrOIt. _ The city has an ordmance cO\er- Farms ViD .... e Offices to . th - A commUnicatIon '\as receh ed by mg e subject and although no law C'Joee Monday July 5 tl G P P I ~overns u~e nf ,..~tfr in th .. P .. 1.- ' I Ie rosse omte ar" tomm".,on . . - f from GOHrnor Kel", askmg about every reSident is urgently requested Municipal offIces and sen 'ce func- plans for tJ,e post.\\ar era He asked to observe the request as a patno- tlon~ of Grosse romte Farms 1\111 that the \llla.tre study the cond,tIon tic duty. If Vlolatlons occur, a law not be operirtmg. Monda), Julv S, of the'r mUnJc,palIlY and dIscover may become necessary, saId Mr. reported Harry .. rurton, \llIage Lane. ' clerJ.. what sort of deCISIons should be 1------------------- ,made \\ h,ch \\ollld be most beneficlal R ti ° Bo dUE 1A 1° ti° f to the commun,;,. a on ar rges ar Y pp lea on or It ",as >ugg~;led that a pubhc New 'A' Books; Issues Instructions Here 1\OrJ.., prOject be planncd, and a copy sentr_lto tjhe go'ernor. ThIS plan Tnt're are tho"C "ho would saynot declare h''l1self at the tIme or "ou u mc ude 'uch Items a, the con. h 'h ' d f ~ h h The Grosse POInte war pricc and qu,ere saId 'Kew rat on hooks \\\11 " t at t ey a'"e or It '" en, at It e heanng \\ l\en Ihe meetmg room st, UCllon anr! repaIrIng of gUller, I f C fi . rationing board has requested tl,at bc maIled back a' 'oon iI' they are ' t'e sugge<t on 0 omml'SlOner I \\as nea ""I" pet'lloners agamst ~ 5('\\ rr:>. atld l;\ tr('{'h \ \ ' car o"ners file theIr a"plIcatlon. a. read\ E\Cn clTort ,\III he made to T J \ ard" an Deusen, Presldenl the apphca:,v,. JV '"'v" '.,mea ,"at ,. I 0 I 1>< Prr. dent Gocl<Jard re" < 'B G dd d 11 E It soon as pOSSIble for ne\\- "\" books ha'e the nc\\ book, In the I,ands of I '"ar. 0 ar ca ed upon x- e had Prl\ale bJ'Iness reasons at Iteralc, '\hat ' e "ad pre\l0ush' salJ 50 that the boarrl mav proce<; tl,e't1 all car and mol0rC\c1c o\\ners bv' I I Illomml<sIoner Arthur P Johnson for the lIme Pre'l<lrnl Goddard agreed a 101lt a p annms:{ eomm''''on for thc _.- P J and mad out all new hook' hefor .. ] Jh' 21. "hen thclr pre'ent book' 11 I' I reman,s at the meetmg of the ark ".1.1 ohnson that the Auto Club \l agc >l ,a,d II "ould 'o'ma Ollt 'f d' 11 I ' thc pre,ent " ...... hook rat,,:m< c"pITe e'.) 'C. But tl", ciln (nl) hc done ,f. ., ,o-nm"<'on .' on a} nrg,ll nnc" "ou d hc an a<srl to I'e \tI- dl(' atdll.HlL 01 I"lC (t.7('n", and It J July 21 m,,"rlSI< eO.0pe"ate h, R'Ctllll'l"theIr ld t ' PrelaclOg hI> bla.t "lIh the state age, bOlh 10 t'le c1'aractcr of the I ' "011 a"e a"a, 'OmL 01' 'C re.pon- b II d' The ma,1 rene\\al pial, "I, ch a1.0 apDlIcat ~n lorm, at oncc and filIng s DI!I'lC . I ment that h.s Crltlc,sms "ere con- UI ('n" an I1C rnenJe to be de. 'Includes rene"als of thc ha<1c 'n" t',em pr0mptl, " ' • o. 'c comml<. "n rl\ca lro" thc ta"c, tlereon and ad- : 1-------------- ,'rurll\c" ntended anel madc 10 tl c j motorcycle rations chmmate< t 'e The new app!Jcatlon fo'm. I,l..e .......... 1 m'lled I nt "e la, ore tl elr cause. h '" ' ------------ 'PIrlIOflrIendhne •• as all member< I ... sc oo[.hou'e reRl.tral10n that \\a, : "'C Il'erllast \e.r. ,,"I ha,c a tIre , i" I '111. n """ I t',C, r...,. <'n lor ne<:essary ?~en ha<1c rat on' \\ere m.pcetlOn rcc0rd attar cd In fiihn~ 'Attention! Students Who ,' 0 1 tl,e CO"l1ml~'lOn "ere cons,dercrl pa".n" tIC :::WOO!l a"1'lual sa'ar) m. Issued b.l fall To Irel "" ncw '\ "I.t t,e form, ai'p' eant. '''o\lld mal..c I Are Transferring to , 1" lnCfllh, J,',n'0n 'aIlr<J mto lIe lTea'c \\1" out d" ",on anel I\,th or "D' b00J..•• a car O. ,..,otorC\c!r 'Ire th~t t~rl- lire 'cr.a' numhrr, tGrosse Pointe High Schoola I ,.od\ and \lOJentl\ <1 '"need \\'1' iUC I ';Jee 1 IIc \\a, 10,,1 b, I'r{.I. owner need, takt: onh tJ,e tollr. .... ,l"1'Z:' ;uC" aCC'llra.r t " '9\.rltl('''l ,n Th ...(",. ~ t tl1('lf" dCC]lii.10n m the matter of t11~ ti,..,., ( .. )...1 ~a"~! I '. c ~.;~ ..._ ..... ~ ....,.. _ _ ~ t, s.iT,ple st(P~ 1ll n 1tn mav D~ cop1t'c1 trom tll~ old' ..) U\lt ~ \0\0 \ t'\l'tt.t to tran" '"... .eo ~vu.,., o. tll1fl C'JrnOlH,cr- tv \\)1\ :11 t le p"o-- t ( I, " m"')lle Cl,'D d I Pick ur an applicatIon at 1m l\'~ rccorr!,~, corree'ed at the l~.t ler" ,r'"c ",r'c I", .(10)'1 po'r lrerea'e ,~i DCe"l 'u:.o"1 ttcd. " .R"~'ohnr "at ,'n or 2t tne k'cal ) ,'a-rl m'''t'ct'on. urle', tle ~pp"cant h~, '011 cr : a" "'" tle (,r,,",c I Te CO't1"1\1<' on acted "'I",'Lt h.d 'pC!: mOl" hour, In d, u"mg off'ce Thc form' ~re n,n a,a, a"" '1c'1 l 11red a nc\\ I 'e 'mce thcn In 'I'" ,,'c """1 Ie t t',,', :" lal' C0ura,;re. ,a"i 10 In'.' 1 In tu'n 'l!l: ""'d arrl\ II;: at t e final sc'"e IJle of at these places '''I' ca'e he <~olll<l ,n'e 11\ t"lC nc\\ , .. c-c I ,,,'nth re'lue"ed". I'-m I dO\ln 2 po,.,' Ie p ece 01 reHn Ir tor Inlrca.C, a'1d tIe c0n, ;.,on mcre- I 2 F,U out thr fO"1T"and mOl 1 It to : 'C num,er anl1 a".,'l a no', e,- ,npal \\ a Ire I ('el"1 n. 'n tlll~ I t',e' ll'l)(e t'la' \'Ioulri '1a'e re JL,ed " d;op'o\ed t ,cm \o.lr\\(l"p-lcc.a"1rir.l.rmnl(:h0rl-~ ;,1.1: Tnln lrth1\tot r rC'"J(l';:HO '\'r(""" ..... r~\r.lr ..t"t" 1'\ .... 'Ilt\t I", :.1\.(' .... ac;. "rd,jl'- .10 .... (' 0t 1 C td n"\.."'l~. "C"aCl.)r.~e,.:n 'p<>- I togethcr 1I.,:h (a) t' e back cC'\Cr 01 Thc back 'Oler I' rc'1U red a' part t altc'lcluJ '"111 c,l ,'e, f, '\lard at "t lOr la' n'0n, )"n,. a"d "-11' 1S In I lal e'lc,' ,n, " ... '"e eom- I :"e r-r'ent "" .. or' I) 'lx><'>k (prop- (\! t'1r ap"l1ca:,(\n hera lse ,t "e" I' ran r "1 0 I CI' c'ci', 10' tIC ,11'I)l:r II. <la'ed ',a' rr be- m.' 'r,' 0" ,j I t-,. le"a: n erl} filkd oull. ~nd (11) tIC (1 "'."1t <'ence that thc ,,,ntr hdrl II l'r(\1" ,(x'o'sr ['0' 'r " I nr1 I' ct' l'lC m.ttrr , ,,, I hHe \! n. I \! ), -'('1 1'<''< I e I Ire ml\prt"'tlon "'C'C'0""d '" lCl\\JI1Il 1 :I.' f""r \ l~"lI('r1 T..:l.110n tI"1rf c;. rn' tl(o t() Ir 'Tr ...\-\ I ,,~.. l " ~ (1' \ 11. , 1 crn t1) r 1 ff'r a t mr an i ;lc;.<.C-:C'~ (\ , rr .... , 1 r \. .. -rr "C' .s."1 i~ .... ci p-O;Jfr mc;.<f")('ctl"'l'1 ... \l~~(' hrC'1"] r~d(" a tconr\\.al I .... t(' ',.. 11 1 ::;;: n {~"" tiT t at H'ln\, k lr r 1 i t ,,\(" 1 r '.. I 1 \\ ., I' II \1C ..e • \\ I'h \ol.nt("(""" .... (" j1 110\\ hf'Jn~ \nv m0t0"'J<-" \\ \'('1 .-1' l' old;:l.t I '''ano{(,"1 r"" <: hI" I,'J M:t'" ~. nn I ({'..,1 1 jl('ri a Tf t "C'<;,rnl;t \c ~ )ITP \\ ( 01 "11 flI: l P1J t,e (' _ ... ." '\ , ... enllQ('c1. t1'e ht"'l-l"'d v.ld hc~m p"0 C'~(. one tl""e I-";,rrt 0n ~\ oil qu.ll j I"'" tnt 'C; , c;,l .., ,,. .. (em,., I ",,"'Ouh1 ~u\r Tf ~urc;..('i t (' (~"'." .. c;. pC'\.ted a.n ..1 'a ..;'" It .1\ h........ ~.tu n 11. I ccs<Jng the ~ppl cat,on< a•• oon L' fd lnSptctM " I be ncn,cd a rt- son I Slon to e'-ans:{e lIt ""nlllll' One com- e" rOM." <' )ner ?c)u"j ha\e bte. I they .tart eomlng In." Mr, GhC:I-, nc:waL , mlUlOn.r uled Johnson why be dId, InVIted to .ouk. IS Y..... Aco Thie w.1t The portrait of the late George Defer was unveiled at the Grosse Pointe Park Municipal bUlldmg by his niece Winona Defer. , • Mr. De- fer had been village president from 1918 to 1926 ••• was actlve on school board, and in village, township and state political affairs •• , Defer school in Grosse Pomte Park was named ~inhis honor. East Detroit Airport Boosters' club sent a petition WIth thousands of .ignatures to the county board of 5uperv"J50rs to spht the two million I dollar bond issue fot a Clly aJrport into two even parts - one mllhon for an ~irport for the east side of De- troit and the other m,lhon dollars for a site on the ",est side. The Neighborhood club sent out a plea for a p,ano for their club rooms. Local rt:sldents were warned that extra precaution ?ould be 13k-I en by the police force to uphold all traffiC la?s ••• the statement "'''U made that the local people 'Aere the ones V101atmg these lall s the most. It Yean ,,-"0 Thia Week Grosse Pomte Park commiSSion asked residents to refram from teas. mg the t",o ncw dccr "hlch \\cre placed In the laJ..csIde park .•• the aUlmals - they sa,d - "'ould be. come a sonrce of much pleasure to V1SltorS once tne deer beC-'l.me older aJld more accustomed to trelr new surroundmgs The Garden CottaRc eompetHion • • , held under au,pTCtS of Grosse FLlJnte .and r..astcrn MlCm",an Horu-, cul:ura[ Socletv •.• 1\ as announred I ... compelltl0n \\ ~< opcn to rcsl-, dents of GrO'i'e romte to\\ n.llIp 1 ...,,11 thclr 0" n gardrn and dOln't I th~lr own work ... purpo.c \\~s to dc:\Clop beauty of the Pomte ac much a. po« ,ie. I Jol,'1 R l<..ern\, ••• rrco\(" 'l/t In Harper h~pItal Irom a -r,ln'" opera. I tl"ln on t1e no'e ... T 'c a"ln ,at mu SIC rrc",,1 jl:IHn h, t"c \ r" 'fir r"I~ (".:1 mU<I( (1Cp;lr ~('n. ".1.-: held June 22 Gro">re EI1"orlh\ ~as elecled pre<ldent of Grosse (Continued on Page J) I ! 1fU iMident ",;'WfaiIe 4rtriua c10wft LaJceshOP- , :;"~ the other day, we noticed a '~'-creat JltJDlbet of weeping willows aDd nrious bushes which could ItUd a little trimming. Shrubbery is beautiful, bat too much of it detrlicts fn- its beauty. In some spots it is 10 thick tbat olle is not able to see the water lor a whole block or two. So, 't'i1lage officials, send some one CMll: ..nth fllears and snips and see what can be done about it. i I

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Page 1: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/43/1943-07-01.pdf · Everyone is invited to a pIa.be:Jte. lit NlOW, .uted under the spoasor_ ship of

Everyone is invited to a pIa. be:Jte.lit NlOW, .uted under the spoasor_ship of the Grosse Pointe Wooclabusiness mt:ll Jlat TtleSday night atthe Qilb Hoop-De-Doo, DotS Mackavenlle.

Dual ob;ective of lfU&t pn>miMsto be an interesting ,YeBing of _tertainment and ~ is to cot.lect funds for & 1rage I«"rice aa',flag to be Iown 011 the .taB at 1MWooda III1UIieipa1 buiJdiaIr aad _belp defray cxpeIIIa of the .-lit_b _pia, to _1IeY _ ...day.

T!Ie ... ",', tie...~ l(

Leave of AbsenceGranted to ParkViUage Attorney

Ex -Commissioner Johnson Springs SurpriseAttack on Park Commission at Meeting

.... ....

.... dII1t. Other ~ lie ... tliIeDt ...a.ch1lduled cfurillB the tIaf IDaa1 CIa c:rampete with ., ., .. lied iaimpromptu tObtaa lU'e~ 011 the entire Detnlit aft&,

the field Sanday. If it raina Sunday. Positimy 110 ... jaw- ell' ....the baseball game win be played ch will be made" wmMonday, prio.r to th~ fireworks dis. pn'::for refreshmeutll ':" ~play. If It raUls aga.Jn Monday, the through the courtesy of the proprieo.baseball game M1l be cancelled. tor, Glenn Markle qd Elmer Freri,

manager at Cub Hoop-De-DoQ.Boxes for voluntary (COIlScienee.says Diesing) contn'butions will beprovided and e....ryone iJI free to COlI<otribute .....hat he wishes.

Marshall Jameson will act u mas-ler of ceremonies of the evemng.

A letter was received by the Grosse ~[LS'C for dantmg and the show winPomte Park commission from PIerre Ibe pro\-ided by Vic and Joe and theV. HeftIer, VIllage attorney, request- boys. Accordion music will be offero-mg a leave of absence, so that he ed by ~!rs Vlrg1ll1a Dorenbush. Mis'could take up hiS duties as a Iieuten. Odette WIll stage a number of dances.ant (]g) in the USNR. He reported Farrel Weber and Herb Savage atefor duty June 17, in Boston, Mass. to produce a novelty act and Mise

Since the leave was granted, a Iel- VirgJDla Housey lI~11halldle the vo-low member of the same law firm cals,agreed to act as village attorney atleast for the remamder of the fiscal Steal c.... &om Ca:ryear. The nt'w attorney IS Leshe Carl Clarke, 734 \\ ashmgton, re-Alexander, who \\as accepted by the: ported to local police, SnncUY. June

commiSSion 'Zl' tbat a \aluable foldmg cameraCommiSSIoner \\ard Van Deusen "as slolen from hiS car 1I.hich wu

suggested a letter be sent to Heftier parked m hIS garage at the rear ofconfirming the lea\e of absence. hiS home.

-P11010 b)' £VOl' PnotOll'apll1C J,)epartment


~... ~ - ..._-....-~ I,. ... "<: ..

:~$0:"t';~~i ~-; ,

(; - .' j~ ~

" .

Ma,. F, O. R,&in«, of 361 McMIllan road, Grone Po;n'e Fonn ••j. now e:ommanclmr olf~ of the E•• n... l\e ..nlnanee pl.nt. one of thelead.nr ..... 11anN p.... t. m lhe UnIted 5tate •. The E•• " •• ,I'" plant h••~C." .. (..I moo<hcre<!tf for Iu.",nll: .on ext~m ..ly h'lfh ....te of ",.oduchonof cal,ber 45 c"rtndr'" 'nd be,nr th.. fint pl""t 'n t~ UnIte<!510t...to m.n"f.ct....., &t~1 c.Ttnclre ca.... In pred"elton q_nhl... Th••pl.nt .... a•• nle<! th.. AnnT,Nary "E" June 16 M.... R,.,n, "nc1da,,«htn, B• ..- .... ret" ........... t FndaT hom ".'II_r MaJOr R,.,nl.. E ftrI& .. IIe.


cw, ... REVIEW ClftI YCNI


GroNe Poiat. A Gratiot Twpa.

VOL. 19-No. 47


Park Employees Given ~.--,OOOIn Salary RaisesBlanket Increases iEY.:.~~~- iU::=li;~~~~sin.,~~G~~~?~~N Business Men PlanApprox.-mate S.-x Ilth?~a:~e ~~::~:~e~:tsd~~il~;~~::~ Pearl Adams Case "7i~:~~}'" '< ~;< ~ ••• ~~ ~ ~ :' Gala Independence

which "as to take place tom or' <t. ~:,< .;' ~ kThe ve diet of Justice Joseph P,

P C t Ad ~~~:,\~~:;,~;.st~;s~d~~r:l~at~ Uvick, 0 Grosse Pointe, in the Day Celebrat ••oner en vance IDavIs, chall"man of the collecting roommg ~use case of the City oforgamzahon, urgently requests all Grosse P~lnte vs, Mrs. Pearl Ad-

------- housewives to continue saving dms was ~Ifirmed Tuesday in Wayne , Independence DaY will be marked in Grosse I'oinle by aA!! !!!::::icip::! :::::p!c,'cs of Goo•• ::' , ..;.t:~ were granted aiter C.trelUI It;,~;, i!i":;".~.ur lill' iUlure vide. I,('(."n.:' ....c:::t =::>::.t. giant fireworks ciispiay at 10 p.m., Sunday night on Mason bejel

Pointe PiUk were granted raises study and hours of considerallon by up. Mrs. Adams 10lt the serond roanc\ in Grosse Pointe Woods under the sponsorship of the Grosseamounting to approximately SIX per the labor relations committee, \\ ho If there is anyone "'ho is leav. of the ~idely publiCIZed fig'tt to reat Pointe WOC!ds business mell. with Arnold L. Diesing acting ucent of current salaries by actIOn of felt such Increases were justified by ing the arfa for a wuk or two rooms In CIrCUit Judge Josepb A. general chairman.the vl!lage commIssion MoncUY current increased Ihing costs. Thc and "ishes their kItchen fats I hloynihan's court when she was Availability of impressive fireworks was lelulled early lastaight, at an apprOXImate cost of matter haa been referred to commit- picked up, they are asked to calli found guillv by a jury of nine wOmet! month when the government released quantities of gunpowderlIome ten thou~and dollars per year tee two weeks ago after being sug' Mrs, DaVIS. NIagara Sill, and she and two mrn, O'le WOIDalt ,,'as ex- and other materials which had deteriorated too much for warto the village. gested by CommISSioners Van Deu. "ill see that the grease IS col. cused by consent of coulLu:l. Ju* use, to fireworks man~facturers. Not one bit of matet:ial ....hic:h

The ~commendations of the labor sen and Cunlllngham. Commlsslon. lected. i MOYnihan instructed the jury tha.t could be used for makmg bullets (lr bombs has gone mto theu'"t!!-ttions CQI1Imiuee of the Park com- er Damman ",as absent from Mon- - - IMrs. Adams must be found guilty un- manufacture.llIirfion were unanimously awroved dav's meetin~. der existing law. The display will be let off on Mason school field, which wiDby tbe commission accordmg to a By terms of the schedule, Park po- Sendoff to See Eight The appeal to circuit <:ourt set accommodate the thousands "B fischedule of recommended increases. lice and firemen Will be given a raise aside JUstIce Uvick's con\iction and who annually gather in the ene tPresident Goddard explained that of $1650 per month, ralSlng their an. from Art'JI to Leave sentence to pay a handred dollar be Woods to show their love of------------- nual salanes from a $2,622 base to M d J I 5th or serve 30 days in jail. Jadge )40J'. country by celebrating thePOI N T E $2,820 As compared With the Farms, on ay, u y nlhan WIll re.sentence Mrs, Adami Fourth of July in traditional T d

baS<' pay is $2.i72 for firemen and after her case is reViewed by tbe stYle. Ues 8YPARAGRAPHS police. In the City of Grosse Pointe Board 57 has notified eight area probation department. Many sensational IUrpriSesthe a\ erage for police and firemen is youths wl-o reported with a group The case will probably be appealed are promised by the commit-

II, THE POINTER $1,904, from whIch 10 per cent is for examination at the induction to the MIchigan supreme court, ae. tee in the fireworks di!!play. In-Eminent evidence that reported withheld and placed in War Bonds center on June Zl to report to the cording to Nedwin Smokier, attorney eluded In the program will be

ftictiaa betweell the assessor and the under pro\isions of the recently NeighborhOOd club Monday at 11 :30 for Mrs. Adams. the traditional Niagara Fallspolice and fire departments m the adopted retirement fund plan. for actIve service. After the jury had deliberated scene and a huge illuminatedCity of Grosse Pointe is fictional, is Maintenance and lahor was grant- The Home Front committee and Isome fiftcen minntes they returned ...... the a!IOft pktve of the At'tII,'& Lelo.ed e--t Amencan Bag winding \lp with aseea in this true fish story (which ed a 10 cent an hour raise. increasmg Breakfast club is planning a lendaff to teport to Judge Moynihan that ---. with JoIns Maz_U HaWeIlMll, _ of Mr .... eI StTand finale of extravagant propor-isn't fictional). the hourly pay from $105 llnd $1001 party whIch will include a short ad-l they could not ~ee, He retlU'Ded _ s-c-deld a__ wilen the '-tte: ...... &r&d- tions. • .

Last weekend Budget Director to $1.15 and $1.10. The Farnn pays dress and a muslcai program. Lunch tnem 1\lth warnlJlg that be woaId G--I .......wliblte at F'liDt .-tlT. Geoeral Kaud. Ever)'ODe IS adVIsed to come early$1.12 and $1 00 per hour and the WIll be served to the boys who are keep them locked up until midu'''ht ...... • ~ .......... A fiae play&ical apecimeD. for his in order to be on hand for the dis-BloIlddl, Police Chief Trombly (each ... .-I toW IWdeIauo tIaa be -.Id . hie aD f

-.;.L a brace of tbelt. sons) plus city $1.13 and $1 06, from which 10 leaying and each WIll be given a Ot later if necessary to reach a vet"- t w.... or lea play at ten.~.... ~ Hn" _ cam,' kd a '- ,.... __ ia duwe If Ii la'tbomtoa "Duck" Reaume, of the per cent is withheld for the retire- package comaimng muoclhl.neous dIet. ""'- ,.............-,. wwk at ow. W .. Iey .. -n.r.a,. fain prevC1lts the rewor 4Iis.tire ~e1It, were fishing in the ment plan in the city. glftS, "'Y'ou will.hue to find the defClld- OW..~ _ Il8iIia-.l wid! Pili Deka T],eta. A play Sunday, the p"osram will belab when the last named had a fish Park office girls receive an in- Those who are leaving iUe: ant (lU1ly," &aid ludge W01JIilwa.. e.- Haw..- pno... staged 011 Mon~y Dig?t at the same- -,. ~L ,- h-k and sm'keto crease amounting to approximately Haney H. Cools, 1426 Beaccas- his ~ vge to the jury. "I find tile • 511 - t actmtMa. hour. Should ram agQI prend theo¥ --.~ w.m DJlI vv six ~r cent of their aDllual lab.. field; Walter L PICkard, lOiS Way- ordiince to be rasoaable .-4 ...... ......,..." .. • ' .. lbspb.,. lIOIIda,. it ...iIl be ahaWithia IraJf an hour the trio an4 ries. burn; WJ!liam T, I~land, 217 Mer. f tflc facts ia tbc.case 1 wiD haM" -... .. .. I .. -.IE at .... A-.. DmltieIt ., Tuada, JIiPt.==;::~ ~hea:::of~ --------- ,.;...~fhe!"; John M. Bt:r::s, Jr .. ~ ~Iy the b... ThO!'-f bH 'f~ ~

<~. - ~caMbtVlMh Stona Dt-_ a..c CoIouiaI road; AAthon,. P, ~, ~'!i'ua1 COIlditiaDa a.ul tbue ...... .... ~.l---= ..~. ~-;t ~ a. . __ " ... ~ ~ ~ • ..,.-~~.-~..~~ ~ ~ ~ 'J ~ ~ - ~~I.eaAailIaIiQy re- .....-:.-~ Eo tr.__ ~ .._~ . .. &L_ teIe(' ~ 4tpart-

turDed to t1Ieit hoIae.-lJarriqtaa,............ .--- """ -'-"l'UWte. s~. 10 ~~ u:" ta.. 1UId~ meMI ~ ladies' ha'Ddbaaslast SlUIday evening, they foImd ' ........... '<. .,.- •• - ~ - ".... we liYe JD this democracy. ... bedIa iqs being slDlen from..... .., h . b b......1...D._ ho Ena a .oJ~ tetlJtl1ing home on .1-. '_L k A .urclt &>14: en WUldow rolrel1 and riliA. C We u~:;s fur h COn t " ...... ~es~ par s. warmDg IS In contrast to the heary Jloodsstones strewed around the yard. Af- DOG loug fonu 0 the ~...... bere'lll"ltb loSSlled to all who attend I whIch \\ere experiented in th'.ter &. little investigation, it was umpmg round --------- thse parks not to leave any valu- SIX"eeks ago, Grosse Pomte ~~~foun

lthat the storm which took Village Manager abla ~ benches, tables or the la"n. reSIdents are now being warned that

place Sunday was to blame. Lighten- The Grosse Pointe Park commis- A k R °d there IS not enough "ater p ssurIng ha~ struc~ the brick chimney of sion Monday night autboriz~ the S S est ents to SUlDlDerSchool to allow for garden Or lawn ::rink~a servIce station at the corner, and exerCISe of an option on some four C nse liT t hng beh\een the hours of 5 and 9Bymg stones had played havoc With and one-third acres of ground on 0 rYe na er EnroUmentUp pm Local police officers have beenthe Bacon home. Qwnn road in Chnton townshIp In E. B. Lane. village manager, this remindmg the people that the ordi.

--------- Macomb county. to be used as gar. week Issued an appeal to residents Principal \Valter F. Clerninson an. nanCe agamst sprmkhng duringYOUb8ater Sutfen Dialocated bage disposal and refuse dump. of Grosse Pomte Park to refrain nOUJlced Tuesday that summer I these hour5 IS st,lI m effect.Elbow While Playing at Pier The Park had a (\() day lease with from use of water for sprmkling or school enrollment thIS )ear is over One local restaurant reported that

purchase option on a rental basIS of Irrigation between the hours of four 600, which IS shghtly hIgher than the pressure \\as so low bel\\eec 10Richard Moore, 15 years old, of $SO. The rental, under the agreement, and eleven P hl, daily, except Sun. the average of pre\ious )ears. am, and noon, on June 26, that no

4.25 Lothrop, was taken to Cottage is to be subtracted from the purchase day. Enro1lment in the elemcntary I ",-ater came from the taps. Ho\\ever,hospItal by Farms patrolmen, for pnce of $3,000. Completion of the The request for such co-opera- grades is greatly Increased this sea- this conc!lhon WIll soon be correctedtreatment for a dIslocated elbow. deal wtll depend upon exammation I tlOn followed a SImIlar request from son, v.bile the number has shown II when the new water mams are m.The injury was suffered while play- of deed and abstract fOl' the property I the Detroit board of 1I.ater com mis- shght drop m both the Jumor and I stalled,ing at tht' municipal pier on June 24. by the Vlllage attorney. sioners to the Park. The vlllage wa- senior high schools. _---------------------------- ter is pumped hy Detroit and the The decrease in JUnIor and semor IGo R tPOINTER IN CO~IMAND measure is being taken to effect a enrollment is easIly accounted for 1111 vernor eques s

leveling of water usage, 50 that no loss of llOtentLaI. students to Army IPlanning Programsenolls shortage WIll occur in De. and Navy trammg programs andtroit's wartime mdustnes, or in reSJ- through current job opportumtles. for Post .War Eradential 'A-artlme DetrOIt. _

The city has an ordmance cO\er- Farms ViD....e Offices to. th - A commUnicatIon '\as receh ed bymg e subject and although no law C'Joee Monday July 5 tl G P P I

~overns u~e nf ,..~tfr in th .. P .. 1.- ' I Ie rosse omte ar" tomm".,on. . - f from GOHrnor Kel", askmg aboutevery reSident is urgently requested Municipal offIces and sen 'ce func-

plans for tJ,e post.\\ar era He askedto observe the request as a patno- tlon~ of Grosse romte Farms 1\111that the \llla.tre study the cond,tIontic duty. If Vlolatlons occur, a law not be operirtmg. Monda), Julv S,of the'r mUnJc,palIlY and dIscovermay become necessary, saId Mr. reported Harry .. rurton, \llIage

Lane. ' clerJ.. what sort of deCISIons should be1------------------- ,made \\ h,ch \\ollld be most beneficlal

R ti° Bo dUE 1 A 1° ti° f to the commun,;,.a on ar rges ar Y pp lea on or It ",as >ugg~;led that a pubhc

New 'A' Books; Issues Instructions Here 1\OrJ.., prOject be planncd, and a copy

sentr_lto tjhe go'ernor. ThIS plan Tnt're are tho"C "ho would saynot declare h''l1self at the tIme or"ou u mc ude 'uch Items a, the con. h 'h ' d f ~ h hThe Grosse POInte war pricc and qu,ere saId 'Kew rat on hooks \\\11 " t at t ey a'"e or It '" en, at It e heanng \\ l\en Ihe meetmg roomst, UCllon anr! repaIrIng of gUller, I f C fi .rationing board has requested tl,at bc maIled back a' 'oon iI' they are ' t 'e sugge<t on 0 omml'SlOner I \\as nea ""I" pet'lloners agamst

~ 5('\\ rr:>. atld l;\ tr('{'h \ \ 'car o"ners file theIr a"plIcatlon. a. read\ E\Cn clTort ,\III he made to T J \ ard" an Deusen, Presldenl the apphca:,v,. JV '"'v" '.,mea ,"at

,. I 0 I 1>< Prr. dent Gocl<Jard re" < 'B G dd d 11 E Itsoon as pOSSIble for ne\\- "\" books ha'e the nc\\ book, In the I,ands of I '"ar. 0 ar ca ed upon x- e had Prl\ale bJ'Iness reasons atIteralc, '\hat ' e "ad pre\l0ush' salJ50 that the boarrl mav proce<; tl,e't1 all car and mol0rC\c1c o\\ners bv' I I Illomml<sIoner Arthur P Johnson for the lIme Pre'l<lrnl Goddard agreed

a 101lt a p annms:{ eomm''''on for thc _.- P Jand mad out all new hook' hefor .. ] Jh' 21. "hen thclr pre'ent book' 11 I' I reman,s at the meetmg of the ark ".1.1 ohnson that the Auto Club\l agc >l ,a,d II "ould 'o'ma Ollt 'f d' 11 I 'thc pre,ent " ...... hook rat,,:m< c"pITe e'.) 'C. But tl", ciln (nl) hc done ,f. ., ,o-nm"<'on .' on a} nrg,ll nnc" "ou d hc an a<srl to I'e \tI-dl(' atdll.HlL 01 I"lC (t.7('n", and It J

July 21 m,,"rlSI< eO.0pe"ate h, R'Ctllll'l"theIr ld t ' PrelaclOg hI> bla.t "lIh the state age, bOlh 10 t'le c1'aractcr of theI ' "011 a"e a"a, 'OmL 01' 'C re.pon- b II d'The ma,1 rene\\al pial, "I, ch a1.0 apDlIcat ~n lorm, at oncc and filIng s DI!I'lC . I ment that h.s Crltlc,sms "ere con- UI('n" an I1C rnenJe to be de.

'Includes rene"als of thc ha<1c 'n" t',em pr0mptl, " ' • o. 'c comml<. "n rl\ca lro" thc ta"c, tlereon and ad-: 1-------------- ,'rurll\c" ntended anel madc 10 tl c • jmotorcycle rations chmmate< t 'e The new app!Jcatlon fo'm. I,l..e .......... 1 m'lled I nt "e la, ore tl elr cause.h '" ' ------------ 'PIrlIOflrIendhne •• as all member< I ...sc oo[.hou'e reRl.tral10n that \\a, : "'C Il'erllast \e.r. ,,"I ha,c a tIre , i" I '111. n """ I t',C, r...,. <'n lor

ne<:essary ?~en ha<1c rat on' \\ere m.pcetlOn rcc0rd attar cd In fiihn~ 'Attention! Students Who ,'01 tl,e CO"l1ml~'lOn "ere cons,dercrl pa".n" tIC :::WOO!l a"1'lual sa'ar) m.Issued b.l fall To Irel "" ncw '\ "I.t t,e form, ai'p' eant. '''o\lld mal..c IAre Transferring to , 1" lnCfllh, J,',n'0n 'aIlr<J mto lIe lTea'c \\1" out d" ",on anel I\,thor "D' b00J..•• a car O. ,..,otorC\c!r 'Ire th~t t~rl- lire 'cr.a' numhrr, tGrosse Pointe High Schoola I ,.od\ and \lOJentl\ <1 '"need \\'1' iUC I ';Jee 1 IIc \\a, 10,,1 b, I'r{.I.owner need, takt: onh tJ,e tollr. ....,l"1'Z:' ;uC" aCC'llra.rt" '9\.rltl('''l ,n Th ...(",. • ~ t tl1('lf" dCC]lii.10n m the matter of t11~ ti,..,., ( .. )...1 ~a"~! I '. c ~.;~ ..._ .....

• ~ .. ..,.. _ _ ~ t,

s.iT,ple st(P~ 1ll n 1tn mav D~ cop1t'c1 trom tll~ old' ..) U\lt ~ \0\0 \ t'\l'tt.t to tran" • '"... .eo • ~vu.,., o. tll1fl C'JrnOlH,cr- tv \\)1\ :11 t le p"o--t ( I, " m"')lle Cl,'D dI Pick ur an applicatIon at 1m l\'~ rccorr!,~, corree'ed at the l~.t ler" ,r'"c ",r'c I", .(10)'1 po'r lrerea'e ,~i DCe"l 'u:.o"1 ttcd.

" .R"~'ohnr "at ,'n or 2t tne k'cal ) ,'a-rl m'''t'ct'on. urle', tle ~pp"cant h~, '011 cr : a" "'" tle (,r,,",c I T e CO't1"1\1<'on acted "'I",'Lt h.d 'pC!: mOl" hour, In d, u"mgoff'ce Thc form' ~re n,n a,a, a"" '1c'1l11red a nc\\ I 'e 'mce thcn In 'I'" ,,'c """1 Ie t t',,', :" lal' C0ura,;re. ,a"i 10 In'.' 1 In tu'n 'l!l: ""'d arrl\ II;: at t e final sc'"e IJle ofat these places '''I' ca'e he <~olll<l ,n'e 11\ t"lC nc\\ , .. c-c I ,,,'nth re'lue"ed". I'-m I dO\ln 2 po,.,' Ie p ece 01 reHn Ir tor Inlrca.C, a'1d tIe c0n, ;.,on mcre-

I 2 F,U out thr fO"1T"and mOl 1 It to : 'C num,er anl1 a".,'l a no', e,- ,npal \\ a Ire I ('el"1 n. 'n tlll~ I t',e' ll'l)(e t'la' \'Ioulri '1a'e re JL,ed " d;op'o\ed t ,cm\o.lr\\(l"p-lcc.a"1rir.l.rmnl(:h0rl-~ ;,1.1:Tnlnlrth1\totrrC'"J(l';:HO '\'r(""" ..... r~\r.lr ..t"t" 1'\ .... 'Ilt\t I", :.1\.(' .... ac;. "rd,jl'- .10 ....(' 0t 1 C td n"\.."'l~. "C"aCl.)r.~e,.:n 'p<>-

I togethcr 1I.,:h (a) t' e back cC'\Cr 01 Thc back 'Oler I' rc'1U red a' part t altc'lcluJ '"111 c,l ,'e, f, '\lard at "t lOr la' n'0n, )"n,. a"d "-11' 1S In I lal e'lc,' ,n, " ... '"e eom-I :"e r-r'ent "" .. or' I) 'lx><'>k (prop- (\! t'1r ap"l1ca:,(\n hera lse ,t "e" I'ran•r "1 0 I CI' c'ci', 10' tIC ,11'I)l:r II. <la'ed ',a' rr be- m.' 'r,' 0" ,j I t-,. le"a: nerl} filkd oull. ~nd (11) tIC (1 "'."1t <'ence that thc ,,,ntr hdrl II l'r(\1" ,(x'o'sr ['0' 'r " I nr1 I' ct' l'lC m.ttrr , ,,, I hHe \! n. I \! ), -'('1 1'<''< I eI •Ire ml\prt"'tlon "'C'C'0""d '" lCl\\JI1Il 1 :I.' f""r \ l~"lI('r1 T..:l.110n tI"1rf c;. rn' tl(o t() Ir 'Tr ...\-\ I ,,~.. l " ~ (1' \ 11. , 1 crn t1) r 1 ff'r a t mr an i ;lc;.<.C-:C'~ (\ , rr ...., 1 r \. .. -rr "C' .s."1 i ~....cip-O;Jfr mc;.<f")('ctl"'l'1... \l~~(' hrC'1"] r~d(" a tconr\\.al I .... t(' ',.. 111 ::;;:n {~"" tiT t at H'ln\, k l r r 1i t ,,\(" 1 r ' .. I 1 \\ ., I' II \ 1 C ..e

• \\ I'h \ol.nt("(""" ....(" j1 110\\ hf'Jn~ \nv m0t0"'J<-" \\ \'('1 .-1' l' old;:l.t I '''ano{(,"1 r"" <: hI" I,'J M:t'" ~. nn I ({'..,11jl('ria Tft

"C'<;,rnl;t \c ~ )ITP \\ ( 01 "11 flI: l P1J t,e (' _ ... ." '\ , ...

enllQ('c1. t1'e ht"'l-l"'d v.ld hc~m p"0 C'~(. one tl""e I-";,rrt 0n ~\ oil qu.ll j I"'" tnt 'C; , c;,l .., ,,. .. (em,., I ",,"'Ouh1 ~u\r Tf ~urc;..('i t (' (~"'." .. c;. pC'\.ted a.n ..1 'a ..;'" It .1\ h........~.tu n 11.

I ccs<Jng the ~ppl cat,on< a •• oon L' fd lnSptctM " I be ncn,cd a rt- son I Slon to e'-ans:{e lIt ""nlllll' One com- e" rOM." <' )ner ?c)u"j ha\e bte.I they .tart eomlng In." Mr, GhC:I-, nc:waL , mlUlOn.r uled Johnson why be dId, InVIted to .ouk.

IS Y..... Aco Thie w.1tThe portrait of the late George

Defer was unveiled at the GrossePointe Park Municipal bUlldmg byhis niece Winona Defer. , • Mr. De-fer had been village president from1918 to 1926 ••• was actlve on schoolboard, and in village, township andstate political affairs •• , Defer schoolin Grosse Pomte Park was named~inhis honor.

East Detroit Airport Boosters'club sent a petition WIth thousandsof .ignatures to the county board of5uperv"J50rs to spht the two million Idollar bond issue fot a Clly aJrportinto two even parts - one mllhon foran ~irport for the east side of De-troit and the other m,lhon dollarsfor a site on the ",est side.

The Neighborhood club sent out aplea for a p,ano for their clubrooms. Local rt:sldents were warnedthat extra precaution ?ould be 13k-Ien by the police force to uphold alltraffiC la?s ••• the statement "'''U

made that the local people 'Aere theones V101atmg these lall s the most.

It Yean ,,-"0 Thia WeekGrosse Pomte Park commiSSion

asked residents to refram from teas.mg the t",o ncw dccr "hlch \\creplaced In the laJ..csIde park .•• theaUlmals - they sa,d - "'ould be.come a sonrce of much pleasure toV1SltorS once tne deer beC-'l.me olderaJld more accustomed to trelr newsurroundmgs

The Garden CottaRc eompetHion• • , held under au,pTCtS of GrosseFLlJnte .and r..astcrn MlCm",an Horu-,cul:ura[ Socletv •.• 1\ as announred I... compelltl0n \\ ~< opcn to rcsl-,dents of GrO'i'e romte to\\ n.llIp 1

...,,11 thclr 0" n gardrn and dOln't Ith~lr own work ... purpo.c \\~s todc:\Clop beauty of the Pomte acmuch a. po« ,ie. I

Jol,'1 R l<..ern\, ••• rrco\(" 'l/t In

Harper h~pItal Irom a -r,ln'" opera. I

tl"ln on t1e no'e ... T 'c a"ln ,at muSIC rrc",,1 jl:IHn h, t"c \ r" 'firr"I~ (".:1 mU<I( (1Cp;lr ~('n. ".1.-:held June 22 Gro">re EI1"orlh\~as elecled pre<ldent of Grosse

(Continued on Page J) I


1fU iMident• • •

",;'WfaiIe 4rtriua c10wft LaJceshOP-, :;"~ the other day, we noticed a

'~'-creat JltJDlbet of weeping willowsaDd nrious bushes which couldItUd a little trimming. Shrubbery isbeautiful, bat too much of it detrlictsfn- its beauty. In some spots it is10 thick tbat olle is not able to seethe water lor a whole block or two.

So, 't'i1lage officials, send some oneCMll: ..nth fllears and snips and seewhat can be done about it.


Page 2: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/43/1943-07-01.pdf · Everyone is invited to a pIa.be:Jte. lit NlOW, .uted under the spoasor_ ship of




., J 1 I I I

Thursday, July 1, 1943

• I

MaiD OfIiee _d Plaat16219 Maek, Jlu.r Bedford


• I I'

_ Wiu Wit!a Tho -

ton road, Graue Pointe Farllll at 8pm., FridaY, July 2. Mr. Park'i prizeCanadian collection Will be shown,and a large attendanee l~ invited.

• r 11 I I I

J 1 I '"

GERALD DeNOMME, Proprietor

Lovely Bags $1 to $7.95

BIG AND LITTLE HATS!$1.95 to $9.95

f I


• I I.

••• , I I


Protect Them from FIRE, THEFT AND MomS

Bt'at the heat - "'Ithout turnml<' a haIr - th,. summer t In.tunmng I ll'htwtl!fht hats I c"Cltm~lv femInine. • smartly.. ,u.1 carl" hed" p~ra,ol< cla~"c'. bonnet'. beret~ •••man, other' In coconuts, fallle<, P,Qlle<. ,'ra", All sum-mer eharm~n I

217.. MIICIr AYeII_ at AnitaGroue PoiDt. Woocia

and it', no wonder ... it's so comfort-able yet so effective you'll swear it'sblack magicl No electnclty or heat isnecessary, yet It gives beautIful, soft,long-lasting ctlrh. May we give you atest curl?


Everybody's Talking About the NewWILLAT WANDA


Storo Ho ..... , to • DaiI,E:o:e"pt Friday aDd Saturday. 0,... 'TiJ • P'"

In Order to Permit Our Employe. to En-joy Their Vacationl.

Will Re-open for BUliness Monday, July 19

ANNOUNCEMENTJACK REID, welllmowll Hair Styliat will be at thia Salon

Starting July 13.


11113 Mack Avenue .t Bedford TU.2-7171Open Tunda, ... d Frida, E"enial'_ b, Appoiat ..... t

Clowd MonclaJ'1

Yoar fur eoat b ..ot ufe-if it ia ..ot stoncl and cared fOIl' 1lJ.qoerie ..c.ed fvrien I All the &bo ........ r.rs are pot.glial ......,..to that precio... fur coat now haqiD. _protoeled in your doMt.CaD •• today!

WE CAN FIX IT - BUTWe Cannot Give Immediate Service

Tber. are .tiD pula a... lable to repair you ram.. b.t they .... Mo_->A, inc ..... iurll' dirocul. to I.t. For that _a _ .Ilk ~ ..... petie ..t whoa "011 J,ri... )'OlD' a.t iD for ..."..;n. W.'U 1.:0: It ..fut ..... poaaibly caD I


TV. 2~45S0

II YMn a FIII'rier14361 Harper at awmer. PRo 2S44

The next meetmg of the GrossePointe Collectors club will be held at

lhe home of ]. Ale" Park. 125 LeWIS'

Plailatelilb to MeetTolDOl1'OwNiPt in F.....


, dauatater


Upon completion of their weddmgtrip Mr and Mrs. Edwin R. Stroh.Ir, returned Tuesday from Sea Is-land Beach, Ga , to make their homeon Beverly road

* .. •Mr and Mrs George Hammond

announce the birth of a son, RobertWilham, on June 20. The Hammondsreside on Merriweather road.

Local Girl to Wed .Naval Air Cadet

of DC1'onsbire rc:d, and t!:~ !ate Mr.Belanger, was united in marriagelast Saturday morning to Lient.George Michael qut, of Atlanta.Ga.

Vows were repeated at a nuptiafhigh mass at the St. Oare church.Tbe only attendant for the bridewas her sister, Mrs. Truman F,Brenton; assisting the groom wasCapt John McGregor of ChIcago.

Lieutenant Egart is the son ofMrs. James B. Egart of Atlanta,Ga., and the late Mr. Egart.

• * ..Mrs. Russell Alger of Provencal

road left recently to open her sum-mer home, Starboard cottage, atYork Harbor, Maine.

•••Mr and Mrs Wilham 0 Kronner,

of East Jefferson, left Monday forMemphiS, Tenn, to spend three daysWith their son, EnSign \Vllham O.Kronner, Jr

• • •Sherman FItzsimons, of Stephens

road, 13 spendmg the summer at Te.ton Valley Ranch, near Kelly, Wyo.. . .

Mrs William P Bro\\n, the for.mer Monica Lauer, arri\'ed homeFriday from San FranCISco, wher~she nad been \VIm her nusoand. En-sign Bro\\n for the past "ightmonths. She plans to spend the duorallon ~Ith her parents, Mr. andlolrs. Herman Lauer, of CountryClub drhe.

- . .

MRS. THOMAS F. BRADYLo."I,. Mr •• ThCllllU F. ~y

'W.a Mlaa J... "t F. Dmne ~foreh"r marryl''' wt Saturday .t 10o'd_k in St. Clare "hurch. She iathe da .... hter of Mr. aDd Mr •.JORpb D... iue, of Kena"l'tonroad. Mr. Brad, io the .On of Mn.TboJD&a F. Brad, and tbe lale Dr.Brad,., of DetrOIt. The COUll'" aPe

at ......."nt apeudizur a ho..e .....ooni.. the .... t.

SA\\ WILLIS BEARD .~ BET-ty Koebel down at the Park the oth.er day Seemed to ha\C been havmga good hme together playin' tennis


MISS Rowe's Camp Vlhich is located Maj. and Mrs. Jack Drew, ofnear Traverse City. She is working Lakepointe avenue, announce theas a jUnior counsellor.• * .. engagement of theIr daughter, Clara

S" W DAN LEI T H A USE R LoUlse to Naval Air Cadet Thomasplaymg a mellow game of goJr at 1. Van Inwagen, son of Mr. andLochmoor the other day. Mrs. George Van Inwagen, or Ha\'e-

.. .. * hill avenue, Detroit.J A.CKJE ROHN HAD A GROUP Tentative weddmg plans have been

of her old pals up at her cottage in made for Christ church chapel forCanada for a couple of days. Roz- the first week in August. The cere-anne Rupp, Sue Essert, Martha Mc. mony WIll take place upon the grad.Cray, Mary Jane Kreller, Ann Lev- uation of Cadet Van I~wagen inerenz, and Pat Tobm seemed to have Pensacola, Fla. Only two membersenjo)ed themselves at a hot game of of the wedding party have beeatennIS while J ean Garret~on, and I chosen; PatriCIa Ann Baker andJackie Roha had a real great bme Mary ,MaUde Drew, both cousins oftrying to throw Bonnie Essert into the brlde-to-be.the water. What's the matter Bon- Miss Drew is I graduate of ~i!!Ii!!ii!!If!!I~I""""'H-H"Die, can't you swim? The gals re- Grosse Pointe high school, while her Iturned home very tIred but healthy fiance attended Southeastern in De.

l:k:~ARA ~;B; AND M~R- troi~ .• -------.--

jode Wolfe are starting their work- Mlhtary Weddmg at .Ing gal career's down at Parke Davis. ISt. Clare ChurchThey are working all during tbes~er ~ hope to CO!ltia~l!.WOI"k:. ~ K. 'B

• • •



." I ti~*........" '/(J •.


not just a group of womta ,.,.....around in unirorm," Colonel lC1IPtosaid thIS week. ''They are _ .. "who are takmg theIr air rai41r1f'l1aduties seriously and they are Iirin«their service. in a remarbllr, _-selfish fashion. Having take. thenecessary courses for aIr raid. wu.dens they are learning military tour.tesy, dnll and c!.tsclplme so lb. tlaey~ III be ~ven better fitted t~ ferntheIr neighbors. They are a lP'Oapof serious-mmded women of all raceland nationahtle! and I am proad of •everyone of them ••


Ann Sheaffer the other da) Ind bvthe way she spoke she had .. -swell Itime dUtlng /ler one week 'I~t WIthGloria Rennick who live! m Dear- I1xJ11I. She was Gloria's ~t at IS that a httle bit of initiatl\e goesDearborn high school's comtDtnce. a long way.ment exercises. She also af/tendedthe prom June 17 at DearbcnJ. Innas the date or Jim Garret now at-tending the UDiversity of MIchIgan- ..

THERE IS NOTHING LIKE Agood old fashion house party to startout the summer vacation with abang according to Sue Martz. Suein'fited several of her chums to spenda rew days with her at her summerhome which is not far from PortHuroa, Mich. Ann Mitchell, EllenReno, Patsy Toohey, Betty Ann VanAntwerp, Juae Staub. Lois Gehrig,Joan Downey and Mary Jo Wortlevwere among Sue's guests who hadfun horseback rHun&" swilllming,singing, and hiking together. Mrs.Martz said the girls were a grandbunch to be WIth, Because of theIrtanned faces they retul1Ied homelooking hke a band of Indians, sheadded.

SHIRLEY KRAMER JUST RE-turned home after spending .evera!days in New York City. Not oulywu Ihe introduced to Charhe s,.vek and Harry lames but she alsomet a real tlIte fellow by tbe NlDC

of Gerry Walsh. (Keep lip t""'~work Shirley I) Shirley hopes liD beMeome .enra.l sh.ada thisslQDlDet.

First Regiment of Women Air RaidWardens Win Be Graduated Tonight


'l'U. %-'7•



- Open Cntl1 10 P )of.

~ ~ -, ~ ..\...dJl ueuue log-Clller

\Vhen Husband and \Vife

How.D, Micbipa

Joseph de

Citizeaa MubW Auto IlUUl'Ulce Com:HU1Y


.. COtJK'\'1LLE, at WA.UEN

Attention Automobile





The New Finueial ResponaibiJity Law enacted In'the ,,-ture maka every automobile owner raponaibIeillOM of _ ac:e:ideat which raglb in peraonal injury or_th. £rideace of FiDaDeiaI Respouaibility muat be 61edwith the Secretary of State. A policy of Liabilib m.UI'-gee iD • COmpalU' acceptable to the Department of StateD the moat CODveaieat way to 6Ie.

1DaW'e now to avoid future emhurusaaent.


'1'-. _'... p.iq of them - theIIIIideJe wa'le that .. ClOOI. ... ClOIIIfon...... 10 eftectzw!

Darin .. ),[ay,firat r...a-nt WOIDeb ALTHOUGH),[ A NY G n L s &he faU..were buier than net, Co-opeI"It- worked ...ery hard dariaI' the 'Winter ---------Jug with the VFW. tiM IIMl!Ibcts of monttu doiftg odd jobs to help olrt at AWVS Garden Partythe regiment Pllt in IJl entire da, the junior AWVS, their work 'fn$

selling poppies. emMemorial Oar certainly not done in vain. Besides Featured Floral andthe regiment formed a unit of the receiving much satisfaction from it, Table Settingsmlhtary escort in Detroit's annual a group of them were chosen toparade. Members loaned 21 autos ror serve as junior counsellors at Camp Blue skies and warm weather fav-the conveyance of disabled veterans Tinega ~here many children [rom lored the garden party which Mrs.and gold star mothers in the pro- the Protestant Chddren's home spenti John J. O'Brien gave for all AWVS'Cessioll and were later given an en- the greater part of theIr summer units in the DetrOit area last Fridavthusiastlc vote of tbanks by the each year. The camp is located near afternoon, The scene of this long-Umted Memonal Day committee. Orchard Lake. anticipated party was the residence

Between publIC appearances, mem- The girls left June 2S and expect of Mrs. O'Brien on Kercheval ave-bers of tbe regiment have found to return home around July 29, but nue in the Farms.time for many other worthwhile If my guess is right r am pretty sure Mrs. Richard Webber supervised _ _ • • _ • • • •services. Last November more tban many of them Will stay longer They the artIstIcally-arranged table set- Kn ~ _300 of them were blood donors at wdlmstruct the 120 campers m such tlngs ",hich were placed on the OW the War Clubsthe Red Cross procurement bureau things as S\\lmmmg, camp craft, na- lawns. Another who arranged set- _ • • • • • • • •and ;n December they gave a ChrlSt- ture lore, and hand craft. The camp- tings was Mrs. Beresford Palmer,mas party for 1,000 underprivileged ers range from fhe to 14 years of ....ho used olin green as her main Mrs. Edward C. Bahm, chairmanchildren at Cass hJg'h schooL Regi- age. Among the girls who wl1l serve theme, comphmented by chartreuse of the Neighborhood War club. inment women have been helpful as as junior counsellors at the camp are calla hlies and plum-colored leaves the Grosse Pointe area IS pleased 10sen,ce personnel at many public af- Jeanne Thorne, Joan Terry, Laura Mrs. Alger Shelden completed her report that \Cry gratlfymg result.fairs sponsored by OCD includmg Murphy, Barbara Sickles, Bobby duties by decoratmg two tables have been obtained through the ef-the address by Ambassador Grew at Hoskm, Ruth Ann Sheaffer, Ann Early AmeflCan glassVlare, whIte forts of Mrs. G. A. Pillsbury, lIe\\!) Ithe Masomc Temple and the recent Sheaffer, Ann Lemmger, and ~fary stock and blue delphinium was the apPointed field dIrector for the area,Miclllgan industrial conference ..t Jane Sheaffer I Will tdl all of you settmg Mrs RKhard W. Jackson who has added many new names toRackham Memonal. more about It as soon as I hear from used on a P<mder blue c1cth. Other the roll of block leaders.

Led bv energetic Col. Augustus the gals. interesting exhibits were floral deco- Odilon Houtekier, member of thePhelps Munro, th;: first reglmentl • - - r:uitlM dM .. nv m ..ml, .... ('If th. Grn!se Pc"n'e area COCt!'!cilof de-has become an outstanding ~LU umt I BILL MAAS C E R T A I r-; L Y ....\VVS and th~ Garden Club of fense, has assIsted Mrs. Plllsl-ury lD IIn DetroIt and has helped In count- dldn't ",aste much IImc getting a\\aY Michigan. securang block leaders in Gratiotless ways to make cit,zens of the from Grosse POlDte He IS110Wat hiS --------_ township and co-operatlDg withCity conscious of the Importance of Isummer home up at Camlachle, Ont, Summer Courses ~elghborhood War clubs In gettlDg

INSURANCE I clvJhan defense. Speakers for many VI here he IS ...orkmg extre!lllely hard complete coverage In that zone.public gathenngs have been provld- paintmg' hiS boat, cuttlDg the grass, at Must.e School Kew block leaders who have been

ISZI Dand Stott Builctinlr Detroit ed by the regiment and Colonel and cOlng a bit of farming on theenrolled recently by Mrs. Pillsbury. ICHeny 4744 • N1aaara 45S5 I Munro has personally addresed side I don't know exactly how hllg I.. each of whom 15 leader of a small

many grc'.ps he exp~cls to be up there. I \l,/ Ith musIc makes morale as the~-~~ I "Members of the first regiment are * * * Islogan, the Gros~e POlDte SchOOl of fightmg umt on the home front, WIth___________________ i!<I__ I HEAR TH \T SHIRLEY KOE- ~fIlSIC, under the dlrecllon of Lcona the responslbJhty of seeklDg and

I I r , • • • ••• r I •• • I • • I • I r • bd IS takmg a pre-medIc cours~ at IHainke. J5 conducting a summer promoting partJClpatlon In the "~:the summer seSSion of the l.:n"erslty term of SIX ... eek~ to all mtcrcsted I ~~?rt by every member of her unl.of MIChigan Good luck to )ou S'ml' ID mUSIC ancl ItS techniques T'le ,'''''ow. I

* • • c')urse I< bCR',"nm:;: tIllS v.eek and Gro ... Poin_\\ HE'\" I IIE \RD THIS STORY \\111 contlnuc through AUI:( 3 I \lrs S M Barker, 410 t:nl\ffSltv

I couldn't help but tcll 'ou about It L1a"e~ m \OIC~, \'01m. mtcrprc- Place. ~rrs Henry Barnard, 181The story begms "ke tillS Bctl)' tallo" In p'ano, thcon. radiO and rec- \1 ern\\eathcr. and Mrs \\ endellJohn~on "ho graduatcd from Gro«e reatTOn make~ up the curnculum lathers. 597 Xeff road.r<nnle h'll;n last June ...cnt to lIe Those mtcrc,tcd mav enroll now at e.-.. Pon.te ParIr-DetrOit City airport to see some "f the school, li028 Kcrchen!, or by Mrs Helen FIOster, sector leader;her aeronauhc ;'1structo"s \\' 'e call ng Tu",edo 1 !1i6O ~lrs Raymond Kaul.tz, 1254 Bea-Ishe ""as SItting In one of theIr 0'- --------- conslield, Mrs, F. Seeley. sectorIices waltlng for them the telephone Saturday \Vcdding leo1der; Mrs Carl Breer, 15600rang. Xo one \lias around so Beth \\llldmll1 POlDte Dnve, Yrs Henry~:e:e~~t":I~.~,nd :~k,t:e ."'::«~~~Gro:'e, Po:nte \f emo lal ch1lreh a' ~ar~~~t~~ I~::~"~_!,~ff~~s~~ :}~~.- .......... - J .. ...,. 'I IIV\. II. , ....,\U ..,., " ....... lit" "'(.IIC t t \ C ~ ................ , ...... , o..n" ...... n.u.e. ... ' ... 1the penon \II h,)m t"~ 'l1c«a~c "1\ '"cnd nR 01 lanet n"rn< <1, l~'lt'r I.,d ~{l<' June Bant 1:;l66 \\ 1Ddmlllfor '\lkr finrl1l1R I"c m;lI1 ."11 of ~lr a"<1 \If< 10 III \Ic'\e" l'o1Dte Drnc.handlll" h.rn t'lc mc« ..!'e t ,a' , 0 i B,,-n, 0f (01"'.,.1 "o.d, .n,1 Ph I \fr' S S Deput\, sector leadel.took <hc ~a, ah0,.t to ,Iart on 'lC"llamc< "lIc'") «'n 01 \lr and ~lr~ i v-, If G (,l1dnt'r, 132, Redfordwa\' 01lt of tht' O/flCC \\hcn the m,n I 1'.111 B l\lIcn 01 DC\on<lHre road: road. Mrs Ralph ClarKe, 1324 Grav.a.kcd Pct:) If ~I ~ ,\Cre 1001- nR for a, Tht' c0\lple ",I rC<lde Mrc \\h ie I "'1 roa-i: ~rl" Man Jane Barrov.s,

IJell Rt'tty ~atd th::.-t ,,"r l1ad h(,(,1 PT'l\~tr \'...... ' .....1 - .... :, """IlVII I 10i'l P..C,tl(' T rO.l.l1 \Ir .. i \ \\ In :

lo"l.tn~ fo- a )0" f'r <orne 11 ne h tlrd In Detro" t~" ]Jl2 ....0.k<wC \fr' C)ni I Roe Hat Shoprlt<"1n t <:.("rm to l.l\ (" fl11V 1 llc .... 1 r 1 - (,"'1 1)('1 12fN \\ h'ttH .... :::Inti \fr<; (;. Im.n'erau<.'Clkr'1c' " Lo ... W,r"R"""rt<'d T'!'("r"'.l,'4 ....,,.k<hrc I ~

kr m.ln!"" 1'1 \' 1 He., 1""'1 ( \' 'r '\ ~c ~. "a .....(1 \\n ".4.~ GrAtiot ToW1tlhrp-- Ii '"'hc P l(,e c, " " -e I rr a< 1 , <er I r, ""'e,1 to Pa', p ,c'" H'" at I \' r< L" I C Medin _'IJ(f{) I k .n 13381 E. Jefferson - Corner Coplin 1l?Jrela-, <1.- n~ at ~" ~cr \H', 111()\ (,r1 I n a": ],0: r 'p T,el\l-< S~mllc: "a,lor Y04<l i-Ikha-'I Open E...,., N1rht Untol'HO<\ ~ that for a fa r\ 1.1. 1 c I~ '-0,1 I '<"n cnm,'.ny '" a, n " . I ann \I"J M ~unce ~lcCleliand 20923 I

pomt that t'\lS slor) "'ell ,Iiu<lrate< I lied. Ker,osha. j iliil&liiIliiliillii8ii&l~~mlli Q $

Office$ at 15121 Kercheval between Maryland and Lakepointe

"The Only Weekly Nev.spaper Covering All the Homes inGrosse POlllte and Gratiot Townships"

L. B OLDHAM .. Pub/ .. ",.,P J Bu.CJCBI.1DI Elli/Ot ,,"" AdlJn"/,"ng MlI1'IIIg ...Rita Wa.lby M ,.. • SOCial and X ews Editor

SublcnptlOll Rata: B, Mill. 12 00 per ,tlr. 5c per cop,.By Carner. 10 Calu I MOlltb,

Published Every Thursday by The Grosse Pointe Printing CO.LENOX 1162--1163



Due to the great dtsturbances which were rampaging inDetrOIt some ten days ago, certain restrictions were laid on thecivilian populatIon of all surrounding districts. The people ofGrosse Pomte and the VICUllt)' are to be congratulated for thespirit which was shown III obeYing these requests.

After the curfew hours, strollers left the sidewalks andautomobIles left the streets People willinglY remained on theirfront porches instead of gathering in groups as cunosity seek-ers. This calls for praise for these residents.

Those seeking amusements, whether indoors or outdoors,had to remain content with substitutes. It was a hardship in thIShot w~ather, but the people a~ain carne through with flying col-ors With th" <"",.,.",.t .. Hit .. " .. f ....p +~A ~A'.":".:~ __

This shows that -the.p~~pl~ ~tdr~~;;~"P~;~te and the sur.ro~ndiDg area may be counted on in any emergency which mayanse.


• With the sun shinning so brightly, and the weather remain-mg.so warm on these days, extra precautions must be takenagainst sun bu~. Even though it maY seem cooler to expose agreat d.eal of skIn surface, the time spent in soothing the burntarea wtll not prove worth while.

If you go to the beach or if you play in Your own back wardase some kind of lotion to prevent even the least bit of su~hum. Many wo~king days are lost through this type of care-lessness, and thIS year m.ore th~n ever before. every workingday counts. Therefore, thsnk tWIce before pulling that shirt offYour back.

.... Two

Musical Tea Givenat Lochmoor Club

One hundred and seventy memo!Jers of the adanced training clan ofthe tirst regiment of women air ralCl"arden. "III be graduated in cere-monies Thursday evening (tonight)at eight o'clock at MacKenzie highschool. In the group, w)l1ch has com-pletl!d 15 ~eekl of trammg, wlll be 28CODlmlS$loned officers, 44 non-com'mlssloned officers and 100 privates.

The graduation will take placeon the first anniversary of the firdme~hng of the women's lirst regl'ment at Roosevelt field WilhamSavlDger, area warden of area 12,who was present at that mitlalmeetmg, Will be a guest at the grad.ua.tlon Frank M. McLaury, dlrec.tor of the Detroit OCD, \\111 presentcerhficates to graduates.

Col Owen G. Cleary, cine! air raidwarden or the state of Mlcblgan andcommander of the Michigan statetroops in the Detroit metropolitanarea, will come here rrom Ypsilantito give the principal add~es! at thegraduation. He and Col. AugustusPhelps Munro, commandant of thetirst regiment, Will lead the militaryii.UU Ui6011,,il. GlIC:H ur hunur ior theevemng 11'11 be Capt. Milton R.",rartley, of the U. S. Navy. Alsopresent will be the Navy drum andbugle corps rroJll the Detroit navalarmory.

At the conclusion or the cere-monies the women air raid wardensand their friends will dance to themusIc o~ Dave Bach and his orches-tra.

Ri!presmtative of all sections ofDetroit, the first regiment of womenair raid wardens has performedmany a worthwhile activity duringrecent months.

The groap hu appeared in nu-merous parades and patriotic rallil:sand has stimulated interest in cll'i.lian defense wherever it has apo

Verdi, and OIL 'eclat de rire de Man- peared. More than 250 members ofon' by Auber, the regiment participated in the

Among the solos Miss Mansfield Armistice Day parade last Navemberplayed was the delightful "Autom- and the regiment also appeared as a

Wednesday aft el1lOOD, June 16th, me" written by the celebrated harp- unit in the area 12 parade and cele-Yrs. Lee Cosart entertained fifty- 1st Marcel Grandjany, with whom bratlOn in December In Januaryfive 8'l1ests at Locbmoor club with she studied. they gave exhibition drills at 13 areaa mllSica1 tea, introducing Madame --------- meetings and meetings of women'sPia IU, lIn!Dknown Earopean eolo- Swimmer GiYft Firat Aid organizations. Continuing at an ae'ratllra IOPr&DO, and Marie JacnOD celerated pace, the women madeJiaasfidd, coacert barpisL Little Jerry Sutton, age 9, of 446 more and more pablic appearances

The prQl'J'&Dl, which was present- Ashland, was given first aid last Fri- as requests came in for their len--....... ,.. I' day ::afternoon by Grotse Pointe ices at rallies and public meetings.

.. iD -- _ozart .ty e, IIlchJded & Park __ 1:__ f L_ bad . _ Uarcbin~ in their smart blue uni--z • • f." ~" a ter De gone S1VUII

...... ~ JlIdripII wrtttaa or wae miag at the lakeside park IUtd hac! forms. they formed au alert 1ltIit in• ;;;t~-''T-.w 1';;;- ~i.-e IID4iu nricc. Tile oiitan later the "I Aw Au Aw"riLoIn Da'y~ v••

.... 'iota ........... ..;. toOk Iaim ... _.' nile and later sold War BODdIlotal.- - • $S3,2S0 ill the cIriYe ~ bJ



I•• I

Page 3: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/43/1943-07-01.pdf · Everyone is invited to a pIa.be:Jte. lit NlOW, .uted under the spoasor_ ship of

Page Three


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Terms 55.95 Terms $6.95LAdy'. J'itud CaS<! Man. F1t:ted ca.e

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Smonly "=gned tra\Cl:l.ln/i:case- PCdod taland room,


-, .s.~:.---;'~~ nlc ;.

~ ~Spraying your landscape grounds is your ~ tinvestment in maintaining beauU' and tb~ COlt- :.

trol of foliage destruction usually caused byvarious Insect pests.

MACK AVE.opeD. rrl

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$11953 Ways to Buy

11 :: ~a:rg~a;:-p~yI-' I" Ftl15 , .. , A ....J 10. --'1 C. 1-3 Do w n ,

>.1 Balanee $1. % 5t Weekly.

Tree Surgery * Trimming * Tree Remcwa1s

Complete Garden Service Pruning ~TUxedo z..227S 1388


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LE, 1884


NOTICESquare Deal Cleaners

r.,.Jar '1.50 Tal..





14119 MACK AVIHUIBet. Lak~wood ud Chalmers0,. Prl ... Sat. 'I'Itl I. lII.

With Z-tection pole, bollrope and storage box.

I~"~;baad GIFTS for I J.E.,.ry Oc:cui_ .


ISllZ Ken:h.-I

1433. E. Jelfenon

Police Chief Urges I STOLEN CAR RECOVERED Ijeation, notif,ed the o~ntr lh~t •I I'. Lamborn. 1169 Bedford. report- car an,,, erlng the descr.ptloll gIVen.Residents to Use ,,, to 1"~aT pol re c,dy W~dnesday .....s be"'g' f>elrl by them L.1mbona

Sal t 0 F th' morning' that !,IS automoblle had I cl",med the car as hiS.e y ver our bcen ,t0len Gro,se POinte Woods ---------,.Police Otief Hemv Plcl. of the II pobee. upon recelling thiS commun. --Hit .Hirohito with Tift-

Park. urgently asks all reSident> of --- ---- --Grosse POinte to make "~afe')o , thekeynote of all actll.lles lor tillS holl.1dav ~eekend I

. De,plte ....arllme tr"ff,c restrle.,lions. every effort should De madeto reduce Fourth of Julv aCCIdents Ias much as possible." he <aId

There are ,everai ways bl ....hlchthe cluef'> ....ords may be heeded AI.though hohday traff.c w,lI be at themInimum. those ....ho are driVingmust Il>atch out for other motonstsand pedestrIans These people are\I ar workers on their .....ay to \I orkOr they are employed III the mOl" Iment o{ ~ ar matenah

Since d ,tance tral ehng IS at aprertllum, the people at home mustalso take extra precauhons againstaCCIdents. These mclude dro\\nmgs,falls, firea'ms, and o.er c~pO,Lrc I

trom ti,e ,un

I~R_1u c.. ~~~'~~ SP~~~~,L:::S ..... 75, i



War Bond Winnersin Tin Can SalvageContest Announced

New Drain PlanPresented toG. P. Woods' Heads

The Grosse Pointe board of edu-eatioa WIll sponsor dasses In tenntsiraltration fOf' all age groups at theGrape l'olRte high school startmgTllCI4iy, July 6.

The duses WIll be under th~ dl-rectioa of Lawrence WesterVille ofthe summer playground staff. Mr.WestenlUe IS the coach of the hIghschool tellnls team

The clus schedule IS as follo.'GirtI and women, Tuesda.y, 3 to 5

p.m.Boys, Thursday, 3 to S pmAdlllts (men and ,.,omen), Tues-

day and Thursda}, 7 to 9 pm

On Monday, Wednesday and Fn-da.y, the: courts Will be open to allreSidents of Grosse POinte. In theevenings preference will be gnen toadults wllh a limit of one hour's play,prOVided other players are waJlIll~.Permits loll! be Issued on the hour

The m,tructlon and play,"g Pflll-leges are \\lthout charge. FurtherIllformat.on on thIS program may besecured 1y callmg N,agara 2000. ex.tenslOll 25.

TsisCIassesOffered PointeCJaildren, Adults

.'~-' ,;::. A GLjI[....'~UI! e, GI (.~~c Pum t .... ~

\\ ()r.rl.s (nmml"'''' on prr"'lrlrn. COJn-cllmen Palll \{ areo anrl 'mold D,es-'"lOr togrllrr \\.t 1 t'le , !lage en~ln.c-'. attended a mrct'"i1 of the\\., ne count} rira n commISSIon In

DC'rOlt \\ tdne<dav mormnll'. June C L SED'il to d.sc~« toe dralllage problem 01'1 Gro<'r Po nte \\'",,-1,. I

.l, plan \\ .. prr<cnled to form.

'~~'~tl:r\~~'\:(\~\:~~~:~~r"G~a".~. i:(>:.~~hl~t!:,~~;:~::..al:.~n ;\,;.~~;II_ JULY 19th TO AUGUST 2nd IIr'i''''w •.",1td con(ht 0n<; "';llO. 3PO;"Ti,)\f"ti h, I

tM rrp"r<en'a' '"' \\h" all~nrlt~ I, e mnl '11' ~ We cannot make delivery on work brought in after July 10 until after reopen-

\, ,~_ • ~ ~ ing on Monday, AUR'u~t Second.\ .../'... ~(' P" I n,,('q f'~" :1"1 m;l ,1' cir'<" .-r r,"t1. errn p npc' ~ g;. ' II I • ~, We kindiy uk our many co1stomer~ to bear with us in thiS curhlllmmt of QJ

• n:.~ • ',r r -r <,;c, .• '), T' ~ .ervlce whICh IS madl' neceS'3ry by re~ulatlon~ lO\'ovemmg workmll; hours. i~Ot ~.,(' r" r l"~ ("('lnq" rl ...... Q

" <1. e'" r," , 'nw ',' ~ TH£ SAME DATFS OBSERVFD o\T OUR BRANCH ATI ( 1', \I 1r "" KORTE STATION. DI KERCHFVAL AVENUE.III. 11 e "" • " ) " ~ ~

I Pu .. , ,n the Tr_ ~ SQr.\RE DEAL CLE.\\ERS & DYERS i~ I

c" ~ ,,' ~ 15221; CHARLEVOIX LJ::'nox 4225 GROSSE POINTE :>;-"fi--. ~,.. );: (l. » .".

t"'rt: at i24 :'-.tt':f 1 .r~I"I.1,\ m "'1.1 nq ~r:'I"'r;'l~~":'''''''':'':'''';'''':"";'''''''";'''''''''''-''':''''''''''-'''''~'' ~----_ ...... - ......... -- .....-- .....------ ........ --- ......... ---- -.-J



_ .... -....


CHARLES VERHEYDEN. Inc., Funeral Direeton

There are twn exceptionally beautIful SlumberRoom~ on the l'econd floor of the \'erhe~den e<lah-hshment. 1 he~e are at the head of the great stair-case and \\ hen families choo~e are u~ed for first andsecond day Stattln~ Xew and appreCiated. thl~ faclI-ltl' 1~anI) one of the man) prOVided \\ lthout ex tracost at our Grosse Pointe estabhshment.

((;antinued from faie One)Po lte Lion> duL for If>e .M!ingyea .••. Friends mourned the deatbof Fred Champine on June 22 •••was a Farms pohce officer for 12year

Otto J. Vogt, Jr, of GroS!e Pointe rift YeAr. A.o Tlai. W_kPark, was num~red among the 763 Th, Alger museum. the Grcnscofficers who graduated from the Point! branch of the Detroit Inlti-Camp Lee, Va, officers school tute of Arts, ~ as the 5cene of an* art e>'1lblt ••. With 6Q.odd pIeces 111

CAMP ABBOT. ORE _ Rooerl oll~, d'awlngs and pnnts ••• lath.1. Rosseau, 1130 Balfour road. Groue ered (rom several sources m NewPOinte, Mlch, who recently entered York .nd Detro.t , •• some &culp.mlhtary service. has arrived at the ture \"rk was also shown.

Dr. R,x P. Cranson was electedengineer replacement traintng cen-ter here to undergo a 'v.Jr.e In basic preSIdent of Grosse Pointe Rotarytramlng In preparation for duty as a club.. Detroit CIVIl orcht'Stra pre-combat engmeer. sented their second program in the* local hl,h school ••• Board of edu-

CARLSBAD ARMY A1R FIELD, calton I anned an extensive athletiCCARLSBAD, N. M. _ Second Lt. and soc al program for the younger

genera:'on hving In thiS area.Robert McLean Behr, son of Mr.and Mrs. Fred A. 8ehr of 57 Colon- 0..., Year """0 Thi. W.klal road, Grosse POlnle Shores, Mich., I The executive council of Grossehas reported to the Carlsbad Army POJnte Cl\ Ihan defenst made finalAir Field, Carlsbad, N M, where plans for registration of all drivershe Will be a student m the air forces I deslflng to share rides \','Ith passeng-central Instructors school for ~om- ers and 01 all those desinng ridesbardlers. , ..• these plans fell JO With the na-

Lieutenant Behr is regularly Ita- ~Iona~pl::.n w~ch was first sponsored

Ihoned at the Big Spring, Texas bom- "e'e uy 1 ne KeVlewbardler school, where be is an in- \\ oods \ oters approved Issuance of

, structor. $90,000 JO bonds to finance cost ofThe C1entral instructors schoul com- mstalhng additional water mams •••

bines "rdresher" courses in basic to bUild u':>pressure In vanous partsbombardlenng with Dew techniques of the Village.worked out in various commands, Dr. Charles A. Parcells was re-Officers back from combat contrab- elected as preSIdent of the Grosse Prolld possessor of a $50 War I

II ute the.r experiences. Students in POinte board of education for the Bond, 6'st praze III a con lest spon-the school reutrn to the.r home sta- tenth hme • • • :Ralph Clarke re- SOf'ed by the Wayne COUnty tin can

i tIons to give cadet dasses the bene- elected secrelary for eighth succes- salvQe committee, is 16 year oldfit of thtlr course at CBIS. sive time, •• Charles Poupard 'ie- Jacquelyne Avery of 5558 Vancou\- ,

I, * elected treasurer for 26th consecu- er, it 'lns announced today by KedCEDAR FAU-S, lOWA. _ Pvt. bve term. BIOIldell, of the Wayne county sal- I

James A. HotchkiSS, 18, of Grosse Thomas A. Gill donated h.s World vage committee.Pomte, MichIgan, son of Mr. and \Var I gas mask to the growing pile A Bumber of CTedltable entnesMrs. R. S. HotchkiSS, 1305 Whither of scrap metal and rubber which was from the Gr06se Pomte area were I I

road, Grosse Pomte Park, Mich., hu being collected. , • There was only submitted in the contest accordingarrived at Iowa State Teacheu rol- one violator of last week's bla.ckout to Neil Blondell, salvage director for ,leg~, 80th AAF college Tng. Detach- to receive a pohce ticket ••• The this utnc!.ment, udar Falls, Iowa, [or course Fourth ,.,Ill be celebrated With I WlIU!ffS of $25 ,"Var Bonds ,.,'ereof Army Air Force instructlolJ, lut. party for 22 draftees. announced 2S follov.s' Mrs. Flo) ding approximately five montll£ prior --------- Sell of 284 Lenox, Mary Downs of Ito his appointment u an aviation ea- Ne•.ghborhood Club 3215 Blaine, and Annette F. Huber, Idet In the AAF. During this period of m18 Meyers road. Wtnnmg en-he WIll take numerous academic N-E-W-S tries were .elected by a judging com-courses, a.s well as elementary flying mitteil comPGSed of E. ]. Anderson,trammg. Upon completIOn of the cbau'man of the Wayne count v sal.course he win be claSSIfied as a pi- Play TennIs-Like to learn how? vage eommittee; Kennelh Burn< Ilot, navigator or bombard;er and go Girl!. Monday, 10 to 12, ages 12 to cha.inlllrn of the state of l.hchlganon to schools of the !lying tralnl.'Ig 16; boys, 'Vednesday, 10 to 12, ages, ~ CDIIUIlittee; John McGill."command for training In these .pe- 12 to 16. Courts available every day saJna6dirilioD of the WPB.cialties. from 9 a m. to 5 pm, except Sam. ]~l".e, whose entry took fint I

I * da.y and Sunday. ~ ..~'.l*ittNj ! ('I_rtOO'!! ill!!!tta-

I ......... ',1<, hu b'" Om.- D_._T ....".,....""~1~..""",o2dW.. uThp mod -1/[

'ferred from Fort C\lSter~ to Fort .how. Reheanal, for boy. and Iiris, qetHtr1ritb the slopa "5&n your! ~BeDjuUn Hm:iaon Dear lDdiuaapo- ),(9ncla.y and Wednesday, 1:.30 to 3. n. .Save Their SkiD." loin. Sdf. ...P_P ~ti&,. Iua.. • ~ _ ,. M... JA..a.a4~, r.~-'~' .~ a <At-*-" i1lvst...... • ..'"-' ,.,

I * I Handcraft and Sewing-lAke to shOwing. Jap belOit crushed inside (: .""In, W!t ~l.!';'!.

I Pvt.]oceph J. Moors. of 13" Bea- make things? Gull, Monday and a tia Clll. trampled upon by a b01Uoe- a....... K t w ...t M.attnsees,cOllsfield Innue, .OG of Mr. and W~Clday. 3:30 to 5. aces six to Wife. The two other winning enulCS Reear., 5 ~ e.-.

I Mn. "Pete" Moon, of East Jeff- 16. beth cousisted of lets of Jingles. TIlyt. DoIb., ete.

Ierson. h,a,;.been transferred fr~ Ft. Paddle Tennis-Enr play? Try it. Babyland FurnitureICuster, Mlch, to a medical uamlOl\, Every day, any time. Citv Engm. eer Winsbattalion at Camp Joseph T. Robm- Horseshoes _ Tournaments starL .~Json, Arlc Pmate Moors entered the Bo}.s, Friday, July 16,4 p.rn,; girls, Wayne County Roadservice some three weeks ago. HIS I Friday, July 23, <4 pm.

IWife reSides at 1377 Beaconsfield. I Games-Like to play? Baseball, Commission Seat* \ol1eyball, Newcomb, dodgeball, etc.

Emil Neeme, son of Mr. and Mrs E\try nlght, 7 to 9. Prescott G. Brown, of ]1)1 EastI Xeeme, of Beaconsfield avenue, ~ho I Day of Surprises-Every Frcday, Kirby, fifly-r",o-) ear-old civil engi-enbsted In the Manne corps se,'eral 2 to 4. Don't miSs the fun. It might neer, was named 'Vayne county roadmonths ago, has been called to actn e be a pet show, a Circus, Or an Indi- commisSioner Monday. filing theduty. He left today for ~hami uni- an pow w()w. E\Cryone ,.,eleome. vacancy Clused by the death of Johnverslty at Oxford, Ohio, where he Camp Fire Glrls' day camp--Open F. Breining.Will be enrolled in & Marine Corps to all girls, Starts July 13 through Brown 'Mil serve With Charles L.tramlOg program. Aug. lZ, 9.30 a.m. to 3:30 pm., Wilson and MIchael J. O'Brien, m.

A graduate of Grosse Pomte high Tuesday and Thursday. RegJstration cumbenl$.

I school, Em.l has been a. student at fee, 25 cents. Bnng your o~n lunch Mr. BrOWll is engJneer for Grosse ~~~~lj!!I~Ji!!Ii~ffi1!i!!IE! ..~mJ~J"l.JE!JiID~Jre!lE!rel"E!ffi1Ji~IE!Ii~JeJE!~

Butler ulllverslty, at Indlanapohs, and five cents for milk. Actlv.tles Pomte. W h I- t G I-I Ind He ...as promment In athletIC include handcraft, sports and ganles,) The new commIssioner is a nauve e a SOl n eCircles, a.s ....ere h.s brothers, both Junior fiut llld. nature study, folic Detrolter, son of Mason L. Brown,In I)lgh school lnd college. ancing, hIkes and cook-outs. WIdely knov.n engmeer, and was

graduated from the UllIversity ofA woman clerk at war iroductlon An entire meehalllud dl"slon In Michtgan in 1914. He assoclattd hlm-

I dnve headquarters has developed a lllotlOn uses about eighteen thousand self ...-ith hiS father, and with amethod of processing workers' pro- gallons of gasolIne e\'ery hour, or brother now carries on the firm's

I duetion suggestlOns ,.-hich laves four thou!lnd gallons more than the bUSiness.A,m :n:ln !'-ot::': po::- :1'~::' :::d 26-1,~ ~~t::,,17 g2s-o!:ne r2.t~on dernar..d e£ ~rt ~ • Tci.cldn or V...orid "Vv.ar I'heets of paper. I'Vashlngton, D. C. I Detroit cUy supen lsors ha.d

strongly endorsed Ed\\ud ]. 'Valsh,

IchaJrman 01 the \\ a) ne county leg-Islatn e delegation for- the road post\Valsh got 48 votes to Bro .....n.s 84.

******'*****With the Menand Women in

Service.." ..." ..,





per Pound

Doris Mason, of Grosse POInteFarms. became the bride of Fra'lcisDuffy, at a nuptial Mass In SaintPaul s church, Monday morning,June 28 at mne-thlrty. The puentsof the bride ire Mr and :Mrs B BM~on, of Kerby road.

Local Girl MarriedMonday at Sl. Paul's

---- Win Wit!l TiD

!'lOW - today or tomorrow isthe t,me to put your car 10 tunefor .ummer drlvlllg. Smce you nolonger drive It for fun It's becomea strictly busllless propositIon tohave us recondition it for top per-formance. gas economy, long hfe andsatisfaction.

Put Your Car

CLIFF LEWIS, Senice Manager

Freah Caught

White Fish and Lake Trout

Just R.eceived A Carload of~'"' ..1 -". Ierme.ons

from Gear ..

COMPLETEBumping and Painting Service

011 AIl Maku of Car.

We Bone Them for You - No Ration Pointl

SFIRE BROS. - Successors to

Tom Boyd Inc.Authorized Fon! Salea &: Service


Canning Suppliesand

Picnic Needs!


Delicioul C. Ie R. McMillan



11122 Kercheval Ave. Phone Niagara 3200 Grosse Pointefl.!!!) W. McNichols - Phone UN. 1.6700

SFIRE'S BJnnrngham Store -- Phone 3810

U. S. No.1 White Cobbler


~~~ . ~

Just Received A Full Carload

Turkey Pies, each SSe

Sixth Church of ChristScientist. Detroit

14730 Kercheval AvenueSunday Services

10 30 am.Sunday SChool

Semon for )ul; and August10 JO am.

Wecbu:sday Evening TestimonialMeetln&, 8 -00 pm.

Readulg Room open week day.n -00 a m to 9 {l'J pm-SundayZ:JO to 5'00 pm.

Tbunday, Ju'y 1. 1943

Grosse Pointe Review Liners Get Results ,


Page 4: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/43/1943-07-01.pdf · Everyone is invited to a pIa.be:Jte. lit NlOW, .uted under the spoasor_ ship of

, '

Jt:.s,. I," S

Thurtldar. July], ]943

• DooNI.9584


EIIertail.alll......1 -1I6H1S -1..SII. MalleI


Where' Ya FromMac?




PIa)'a in Any Key - Playing Your Requeatl

------- C L U B -- _


2 · Complete - 2vA t'DFVII.LE





Friday" Saturday and Sunday - Dance Every Ni,bt

Cooled by RefrigeratioaFriday and Saturday July 2 uad 3

"Mrs. Wiggs ofthe Cabbage II "Manila Calling"

Patch"SIIIIc!u and Mcmcla, July .. _ 5

Mickey ROODey in

"Andy Hardy's Double Life"William Tracy iu

"About Face"

You'D Like the Atmosphere Here!!

cap'l Sbumway'sCOCKTAIL BAR

14948 East Jefferson* Serviq *


Hoop · De20845 Mack AvenueCLENN MARKLE, Prop.

AIpr Cafe oa Eut W..,..Popular Spot on Eut Side

Oue of the most popular night_pots In town is the Alger Cafe onEast Wilrren. Peorle from the en- ~ames don't mean auythin, to ourI1re area gather there frequently to, fighters i1cross the sea One Blue-enJoy populilr eutertalmen! and I Jilcket, home after sef'ing action IIImghtly danCing

I the Pilc.fic, stated that persons'Bllhe Bysher contmuts gl\ 109 ,

t d 11 I d ra nilmt' dldn t miller but .1lme. ofgues s any an a !lOpu ar an "quest numbers In a strle ....hlch can CIties \I ere very ,mportant As soonbe characterized only as her 0'" n as a SeTlICe man lands aboard I newThl> first class Slnger has as her I shIp or is tran~ferred to a new sta-i1CCOmpanlst, Joe Alexilnder, v. ho tlon _ he looks for buddies fromcomphments. tillS lovely songstress hIs home town or hom~ ItatWIth rendltlons on the plano anti e,accordion I "\Vhere 'ya from Mac'" - IS tba

-------- familiar salutatIon, rather tI•• _---5 ... Tla for Tokio "What s your name buddyP.

Big Summer Specialty ShowFeaturing

JACK WILSON, World", OwDpioa Batoa Twirlerand Other Sterling Acts

@lSffi!lii!l~!~~~~.~!i~.2.'5l.~--- --~--

If pa ... t toJri'N .M f .. iI,.•• d ,"0."

Frieftd. • 1' •• :

treat.lIltl.,thona t. cn.••••• Jaer. you'D a1-..,. 0 fig o...... ,. lIi.he. toch_ fro .. ,Tender It"" \rl,F"'" chldcoa,S.h, Fro.. lop,..... Sp .. ci.1French • 1t.1i,... D.,h,,".


WASUN'SGood FoCMI v....'U R _

1564 BroadwayAt Cnad am. Park

R.taanatuacfS. Fooci HGUM

.. ,., WiM8 aDd LiqIlOn

C)pe. E....,. bay "IiI 2 ........ ,...... HoIWa,.. a.-

Fro_ 1:......

15203 E WorrenAt Lokepornt

T .... t the F1I1IIib' to





TI...nda,.- wt T;.. To.u."t-<:nia Stwt>eu m • "".*"1apecial "The HidCI.a Haad" pIuA1aa Mowlwa,. ba • biJr ......."it "'The D..a Witla Hitler."Alao ....... ttNctiaII. the TJaneStoops .. "Sock A.bte BabJ."Cart_ -.I H••• reel S-"~L Be _ ...... !

ngstress Thrillsatroos Nightly at

Ted and Len's Bar

w n.... ....Iy 7.'W , Berpi. M ....

.t J p .....Jack Benny. PrIScilla Lane



Warren \,\liham, MargueriteChapmin In

"ONE DANGEROUS NIGHT"Cartoon - !\ev.s

FI'i.o Sat. ....,. Z, I)lout,. Wooley. Ida LupiDO


Th~ sensatIOnal Je!SlCii Gar ...oodis thnllll1g patrons nightly \I lth herInterpretation of todil\ 's and ) es-ttrday\ songs at Ted i1nd Len'sStage Bar, Harptr i1t Drexel

Ttamecl with Mlss Gilr\\oocl IS

Arnold Hormtl, a Jlrotegt of Benn,'Goodman, \I ho can do \\onders Withthe l\ory I-t)'s of a piano

ThIS is not the first a!lpeil-i1nce inDetro,t for JessIca Gilr" ood for shtsmilshcd all e"ishng records for ClubCasilno, a a few .Ilonths ago. hdud.ed in the varied progrilm \IhlCh sheoffers are mImic lng, Slllls, songs andparodies.

Brinr Them Here and

Save Your Ration Points

Foz,. PIl-..tl

Every morning at daybreak, 1S to20 pheasants Vls,t a Victory gardenwhich neighbors are "ork,"g near1046 \\ hltlier.

Start Sa.ialr T. N_ - for tIaeHat Tia p~

P1mSimOll Simone, Tom ColIn)'

In"'CAT P&eI'U"

Cartoon. Senal, "G-Men VI. the

IBlack Dragon" shown at Satur-day Matinee Only.

5_ .. M.... T_ Ju,. .. S. IR_1.er FolD I 0- SpocialHolida,. M.tiD .. Start. .t :I _.Mo..da,.. hi,. 5. .\Villter Pidgeon, Hedy Lamarr


PlusJack Oakie, Janet Blair, Don


Celebrate the Holiday by SeeingThese Two Great PIctures.

*ro.l ....





Quality Counts"

Try Our DeliciousSandwiches

* * *nANCEEftIl'Thanda,., Fridal,.ud

Setanla,. K.. btSaDda,. Matlaee .. to •

AIIo Stmda,. K.pt

FrL. Set. ... Z. SLloyd Nolan, Carole Landis



WithWm. (Hop.Along Cassidy) BoydCoatiav_ Saha"" from 12:45

S-..Mon., T_ J.1y .. 50,Mickey Rooney, Lewis Stone





Geo. ~ders, Her~rt MarshallCoetia_ S_da,. from 12:45

W .... n... hi,. 7, aStuilrt Erwin




The Dead End Kids and wtlleTough GU)S

Automatic counters on rural rOild.In 39 ~tates recorded one recentmonth's motor traffiC as 56 per centof pre-\\ ar normill.


.. . ...

Mack HornCharacter Dancer

Billie BysherLovely Son,.tre"

Michael MoratGeJlial M. C.


Mme. Odette

16352 E. Warren

Juggling and Harmonica


GENE FENBYAnd HisOrchestra

Completely Air Conditioned





Newly DecoratedNew M_rement

--- reaturin, --_

I~ Show:' ,Varied ProgramNow Offered at ' ~. Scheduled to Playl!~ ~~.~ at Colony Theatrespots IS oS-ermr a bll' IUDUMr A well balanced program of twoclalty Show for the enJoyDII-.e III ell top.notch attractions has been en.their patrons, new and oJd. rared by the management of t~,

Club Hoop.Oe-Doo, lU t:'" WaW.. Colony Theiltre at lS6JS Mack ave_is featurlni Jack WilsOll. th. WY', nue, for next Sunday, Mondav ardchampion baton hoolrler If~'... Tuesdav .JOy paradu and wat~b aPfllla.Uy The first picture presents the 1&,

those tW1rhnr batons, clog', ~ to mlhar Mickey Rooney, LewiS StoGesee thli champion of the art. team ID i1nother great Andy Ha'dy

Other Iterhng act. complete thIS picture entitled "Andy Hardy'.wonderful specialty show. wlW:b i.I Double Life" Here Andy has girloffered tWice nightly 011 FrIday. ,»t. trouble agaIn, only III a double !lor.urday and Sunday ev~nilll'. .: bon. Young and old ahke have

-------- .i Brown to look forward to these ....ndy

Co tin" Sbo Hardy pictures.D UOUS W • On the sime prOiram i. SOlDer-BiDed by Aloma -" Jet Maugham'. novel "The Moon

and SJx!lence" powerfully adapted tofor Monday, July 5 the screen to attain the rating inHollYWood as belDg one of the mosttalked. about pictures of the yearThe strong cast is headed by ~orgeSanders, Dons Dudley and HerbertMarshall.

The Aloma thutre, Charlevoix atWsyburn, will have a contiaDOUssbol\lftr on Monda)', July 5. startulgat 2 pm, beSides the rerular SUA-day matinee

Simone Simon has returned to I A son, Richard Fredenck, Jr, was..\merican films to st.ar With Tom born to Mr. &rid Mrs, R.Jchard F.Conway in • The ut People," a HuegIJ, of Somenet road, on Junem~.ter) .melodrama. which everyOlie 21. Mrs. Huegh IS the former Manonshould see,. Baetz.

On th" ~:am~ ,","T. R.~y R.o.;:~, t~:favorite lOll of the "'lid and .'oolywest, \11'111appear in "Idaho," All ,",06gure ~stel"Dl in their list of "l1kes"WIU not "ant to pas; up tillS wat-ern movie filled with danng adyCD-ture and breath-taking thnll ..

Famous NovelAdapted to Screenat Vope Theatre

JOE ALEXANDERI Piano and Accordion





a..-••• at • .,..



s-.. MDD. .haJJ 4, 5e-__ MoHa,. from Z p.m.

SimOll SImone, Tom Conway


Roy RogersIn

"IDAHO"T~ W... n... ... ..7,.

Warnn \\'ll11am, MargaretCl,apman In


PlusFrances L.1nltforcl, Rohert PaIge

FrL. Sat. hi,. Z. :IHeely LamarT, Walter Pidgeon


PlusDOll Ameche, J«k Oalae


- .~ UHI n :r -B.... F_ .... Stell"', F.- ..

All De ...

INew Variety ShowI at CiuD Stevadora

It. speciill hohday prOiram hasbeen billed for the Shores theiltre,Mack i1t Xme-Ml!e road, to beginSunday afternoon, July 4, and con-tinuing through July 6. A 5peClaJholiday matinee will start at J p.m.,Monday, July S.

"Hitler', Childreo" band lIpOIIZeimer's starthn. DonI "EddCatioa Ifor Death" heildlmes a areat doublefeature program which opeDI Fri-day for seven big days at the VOIUetheatre, Harper at Harvard.

WIth .uch well-known ebUactetactors ill Tun Holt, Bonita Gru.ville, Otto Kreuger IJld H. B. Wlll'11-er, "HItler', Children" YivicIJ ..........

'rlie lin, of this great tioubie.blll trayS the inhuman IDonia oi N~.li. "WhIte Carro" starrm. Walter dominatio and tyraDny. •Pidgeon and Hedy Lamarr. This fine Completinr the program II ,..story with its ;ungle background is other fine picture with AJu Laddthe perfect .ettmg for the da;k as the tough BUY with • butt of.bea.uty of Lamarr and the polite gold in the cvrcutl)' popUuo -fa.Jw1dsomeness of Pidgeon. ture "Lnclcy Jordan" witJt He1elI

"Something to Shout About," is Walker and Mabel Paip.the other film 'cheduled. Ia it J&c.k0aJde, JaneZ BIa.it and Don Aaeche ..are their true 'Ures; 0a.I0e with JUt AaotJ.er JIUtT ...,. _~ cracb, Janet Blair addiq ail. reparted _ .... ~o ..daiel to tIN: plot, and Doll .AJ-:be , - ~_

i'oBp. "n1sHad J'CIII bmae '..... daTo 1... 27. •----------..-. ...Celehn.te the ho1idan. ~ aceieatime: two great pictures. Coate arb'to the matinee on Sunday or NOD-day It 3 p m... or come to tbe eve-ning show•• Sanda,. through Tues.day.

d.. .... .....,.. ..., ......*.,..", ...... Mr.

SID'SCafe and Cocktail

LoungelASt WARlDI, lit lAaHAM

elm" M~


*June Tracy~ .. .,.. ..- .. tile.. ". ia • ..., Md

wEt -.

*Alvin Reg

Larry Ray........ ,.,.. ,.......... boch ..... Md eId.



•Grosse Pointe School of Music

171Z1 Ka-cbenI A.....LaONA HAJUfKE,. Direct.

w....... aM SbIDpI _ We at AD T'__

n.Holt. &.ita GnaWle, Otto ~er ill

"IDTLER'S CHILDREN".....AlIa IAlW, Mea. Walker, MUeI Paqe ill




~ AIm VICll..IN O"'v"'!'L£T OF EJ.[OTIO~S


• T_ 01Six W... Now .st..rtiq~"A..-a)

r-.a Now at the

Music Makes Morale


.... Air Conditionecl- EAST SIDE'S GAYEST PLAY.SPOT - Now Air ConditionedEDDY SHEPHERD'S CLUB

* '1M Sherwood Trio * Fernando & raire * Johnny PlattD_C4 SI,J.lta Momart Mon01letteo N.....elt,. DKOIYff* Mary AUi_ * Lee MalOn * Ethel ShepherdIuroIlebc Contort.on .. ' T~n"T O~t?olf. Grand..,' Sm,...* JOE BA~KET, "The New Trumpet KIng," and Hi. o.-che.tra

F~"'"T"'2 BOB MARBLE. ., Ih~ P ..,no

2 Vaudeville Shows \ightly ~ First Show at 9:15 H::~~:I}'


It. very rood show is on displayfor the Stevadora customers thisweek. Acts such as Fernilndo andFair, Sherwood TriO, Marv Albson,Johllny Platt, Lee Mason ~nd EthelShe1)herd A close look at the Sher-

I '1\'00<1 Trio reveal! a new act eom-posed of old fa\'ontes, Schutta Ind

I Kent With Sharon Lynn, the lovelylaSSIe that used to have the beauti-ful chorus hereabouts Thev do anexcellent dancmg act, of course BobSchulla al",ays dId dance out of the

I \I orld for our money

IA cute httle girl, Mary AI1J~on,

does an amumg acrobahc act that

Ileaves her qUIte "breathless," 1\ hichshe Sln~ for a finllh as she .tandson her head

I Fernando and Fair "'Jlh thelrI Monmart manoneUes run the gaunt-let of smgmi, danCing, pathos andcOllledy WIth theIr dolls. JohnnyPatt turns out to ~ an excellentmagician Mtll some new and unusu-Ial magical IllUSiOnS Joe Banket fills

I In hl5 usual trumpet solo spot Just

II'"big a liI\onte as ever. He has anew !llano player In the band thatIS mce to see back In the mUSlCbUSiness. Bob Marble, "ho used tobe Mth L) Ie Carlisle's orchestra.

Etbel Shepherd has some new ar-rangements of the popular songs ashill Lee Masoo who also does the..mne. Last week's closmg was liik-en advantage of by Eddy Shepherdto do a lot of deanng up and pamt-Ing i1roulld the club. SO don't be

: surpnsed if something doesn't lookI different when )'OU walk UI,

-----_--NOW-Pla-,...-_----Ispecial HolidayG d Program BilledJe.lica arwoo for Shores Theatre


Arnold HormelAt tM PiaDo

.... p., -. . .....

Page 5: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/43/1943-07-01.pdf · Everyone is invited to a pIa.be:Jte. lit NlOW, .uted under the spoasor_ ship of

. for the duration!


°Do _ try to 0+1 ... ~ dedt.,. 1oeowefk.1"",," 1M ,&ft ...... , ....

Anything with a motor needs oil to

keep it running smoothly, whether it

be a tank, a plane, a jeep or a house-

hold electric appliance. * Your faith-ful electric servants must last for the

duration. A drop of oil occasionallywiH do much to prolong their use-

fu Ines.~ and avert possible break-down. Give your electric appliancesthis simple "ounce of prevention!"

A DROP OF OILmay help to


Send All Your Garments HerePLAIN SKIRTS

Protect them from Heat,Moth .. Duat ud DeleriG.ratioa lIy Ill'iL,m, themhere for Expert Care. Au.tborized furrier method,are used by our com,..teJIt and u:perieaced .taff.Con.ult Us.

Expertly C1eued and PreuedOne WeekODly

LE. 2000

"."'''H-=-I • '51.1•• " ......CLEANERS

II'" E. JfFenoIII at Fume.


ESTABLISHED II YEARS.-.- ---~Save Your Furs


Grosse Pointe Review Liners Get Results

IThomas GIllIS, 71, 1246 Beacons-

field, was buned ~fondav mormngfrom St Ambrose church He diedlast Thursda\- as the result of a hearta!lad.. . I

~l r Gllhs, a retired Insurance man. I

left hiS ",fe, ".nna; SIXchildren, t"osons, James and Harold; four daugh-ters, 'Iargaret and Geraldine GIll",

IRita ~Iacheskl and Mrs. Roberta IBlum: two slUers, ~[rs HarryBarnes and Mrs. Lou,s McGhnskey,and SlX grandchildren sUr\l\e him.

Bur'al was In ~[t Oh\ et cemete')

IFormer TeacherSuccumbs in Ohio








CLOSEAT 6:00 P. M.

Secretary Resigns

• c (-.

("- J. r 1 l... f • \\ (; ( m ~ •\

" (n ''''y;:t.,. P')\"'''~"l... ~ .. • (r:...~r(. ")

'1... 1 (n • ,. A r- ~. r"


1 ... 1 !\ I,{ \f

~. '1a;: • (" '" \... \\

\\"\L ,,, Or at l~ t I' ' ~ 1,,,R"~lmrl ~' (, (' ,. 1 ~~('~ fl"'r

Tuberculosis c1a.lms most I" ~s in:M,chlgan among males OIH -4() yeanof age according to final 1942 figurcsreleased by the SUlle health derart-ment Almost t",ce as mam deal»d tuberculo'is occur amon" male< a,amon" females and mo<l deal ,among females occur belorc al<C30

51"t) - four per cent of 1 le I fCimen, "omen and chlldrcn \\ \l() d c iof !ubercula'ls \\erc male. Of t'lC,eIIi3 male" tuberculo<" cau.ed mo"death. 1'1 the aQ'r ,,~() on ~_N1 " ,"-t",o per cent 01 the men \\ ho dldof tuhercn!"<r< \\ ere 0\ cr a"c 411 t ,(dl'ea'e ha\ m" cau<ed apr-ox.ma:eI) as man) deatrs am""" mak' mt~.r "xt", as In t'le a:;:e "f,l\.p .:m4()

1 Ih('rcuJo~ ~ dC'4lnc; .a"Cln~ 1rmd1("~-cae lcd thel- peak ,n !oe ilQ'C gr(\u"2$ :!)

Rep. RabautCondemns ProposedDirksen Proposal

Girl Follows inFather's Footsteps

I;,~~;" 1"'J"l'....n "

LEnox 2443


Junior AWVSN.E ..W.S


Ordinariee No. 43Provides:

The e"treme shortage of \\ aterIn dIfferent parts of the \"lila~emakes It neee".ary to enforce thISordmance Please co-operate \\ ,th\ 0ur Poltce Department in carn-,nR"out the provislo", of the or-dmance

PHILIP F. ALLARD,Villalre Clerk.


Section 1. The use of water sup-phed by the Village of GrossePomte \Voods "ater system be-tween the hours of 5 ()() pm. and9.00 pm Eastern War TIme dur-mg the months of June July,.\ugust and September, <hall berestricted to ordmary houselJoldsanitarv or commerclal uses andthe us~ of such \\ ater for spnnk-hng or "atermg la\\(Is, garden,or olher 'lmllar or hke purpose ,<hereh)' prohlhlted dunng sUfh re-<tncll\ e penod

For Greater Comfortand Peace of Mind

. Call

Mrs Helen Balmer Spencer,Grosse Pointe high school social

Grosse POinte', dlstll1gulshed I~i' studies teacher, died at the home uf IIslat -, Rep LOUIS C RahaJt took a slster III Man.6eld, OhIO, June 22,1a de' 'lIle stand on the OPA ar&u- a~cordln~ to ",ord reCle> ed by \\' Rment on the Roor of the house of Clemmson prinCipalreprr cntatl\es on frida\, June 18, Buna.l "as III Indianola, lo ....a1943 arllcularl\' With reference to ~f rs c;pcncer had been unable tolhe D -ksen amendment teach 'mce January because of III

In • >\Hr to a Guest,on from I{ep. health She came to Grosse Pomte In

resent" .. e \\ alter, of PChllS\lvania, 1928 She held a masters degree from Ias to ' e "'ay m "hlch adophon of the Lrlversily of :\ficlllgan and wasthe pr 'osed amendment wOlild af. a member of lhe Colony club and Ifect tl, rent-control system, Mr of Kappa Pnl She sen ed as an of- IRabaut stated ficer of the Gro.se Pointe Hlg'll

"It" uld have a drastIC effect on School Teachers' clubIt Mrs Spencer's outstandlllR \Iork i

"Let \ ta.ke mto conslderahon for at the high school'" as III the fielda few m lutes the group thIs amend- MARK DUNN of ,0catlOnal gUidance II

ment an ects There are 7,000 000 Dk d d I etrolt fraternal CIrcles g~nerally, Convenient Hour. I

)\ or ers n In ustrv to ay receIvIng i and the hnlihts of Columbus 10 par. Iless t~an 40 cents an hour There are I I f h IOffered Art Loyer.I !lCUar, o,t one 0 I e,r most en-m thJS counlrv on PlJbhc asmtance i lhuslashe and talenled leaders on I --3,110,000 people All of theIr lllcomc I J ""'h h ., k D f h Husbands and WII es need no long.

une ""', " en ,,"ar unn or tel b kIS fi"ed \ umber reeel\ mg aid Old- 11 • er fear contmua IC enng over. I past Hars executl\ e ,ecretar)' o[ hage ass," dnce, 2,230 000 dependent G'" l'R h d I I hi" hose Idea. It \\ a.s to buv t IS pa.lnt-Children, 150000 th'e bhnd ro 000 dal/rhlet IC

bar cbollncl, re IOq~1S d- mg or purchase that stalue

, , let a )0 to ecome associate , > ,general reilef, 460,000 persOns , T. Th I" The art gallery recent" rem,O'J~'-• , "'.' J uc;;e .omas 1<1..oer In toe G GIn the local gOI ernmenls of th,s If lIed by J05eph de Timme III rosse

, I tra Ie COllrt. • h blcountry, exc!udmg the educational I A b f G b POinte Farms IS open to t e pu lCS U'1lless manager 0 a nel I 10 Thsystem, trere arc 1,990,000 persons R h d 11 k I I e\ er) e\ en 109 unh pm. tse• .., ff ("I ~ ~ \. ..t • I Ie ar J ar was malO y respon. l..-.u _ n _ .• & _ I ..•p Del, e- on • ~ ~ , ~.::'.= :':~t .;~ a: •.';': slLle for the sahagmg of depreSSion " .. ~ ' v~ •• , y~ .rompt .. . I three yea, and 1\ho at the present h d d dl d dl Ito come to the gallenes, view the

STOKER time must ~ay an increase in the cost I ~:~ss, :otha':nat:~~~i :lJd ::~m~:~sh~~', \lorks of art, andhlea\C inI pedect Iof food 01 50 per cent. TheIr general f h h h d d h I agreement over t ~ arllc es pur-o t e group t at a ~a e suc ~n Icost of IIImg ha' gone up 27 per I. 19"" f 1 b I chasedausp,CIOU> stilrt III "", 0 O\ud ycent. 50 they are taklllg a cut ev~ry I h h I h d ---------

• sue a I enomena gro"t unng G d C

(OAL day °d 2J per ffcen~ I~ YO~ pass \he I the next decade, but "'lllch, III com- ar en ontest .------------------------amen mtnt 0 ere y t e gent e- mon wit I so many other organlla- I k A 01 bl BroedeD Plumbmg. and Beali ...man from Illlll?IS, )OU are sancllon- lions of Its kllld, fOl.nd the bleak I B an s V8J a e .......109 a furt',er disregard for those al- days fo O\\ln 1930 almost m,llr- __ , COMPLETE PLUMBINC SERVJCEready suffrnng under the prJce con- I It I t mountable • Entr\" cuds for the state o[ ~hch- TU.2.3737 ..38 Z075Za._-,-fa ac. R' b I I BUMia"r f h f h d IC arilans nght y credIt Mark ,gan ,",cton Garden contest are ncr.\ """OSI" POI- WOODS\\3nt to go urt er I t at oes 'Oft ... ... ••

t Tl k b h f Ik D\Jnn 9.,.h holdlllg the lodge logeth. a\allable at the offIces of all clerksno mO\e IOU Iln a out t e 0 s , .b k h - f h er on the hagh plane It has mam' III Gross~ Pomle communlueS, ae-ac - orne, 0 t eo soldIers at the - ... ff f hf I talned. COrdllliir to ~orbert P ~,e 0 t eront. \\ant )OU to thlllk about I local V'CtOn- Garden elluncll.

those people. There \\e ha\e mIl!. Do ' Loc P h t t th' n t k ersons \\ IS .ng 0 en er elrtary allotmen:s to 2,OOO,lXKlpeople home or Victory gardens In the state'11th a fixed Illcom~. That lS $50 a th I Bo contest are ad\lsed that all entr)' Imonth, $12 for tbe 6rst c1llld and $10 e ce X cards must be turned III b) July 10for each addlllonal chIld of the fam. I

Ily. There are 2,000,000 of them. : ~ Johnny comes marching N 0 hb h d CI b iNOTI CE "Vote for the amendment if you home on leave mama "on't have '0 elg or 00 U~ iii!lI!!iI want to, turn them do\\n, turn your ~ck the ice box for recently the Summer Day Camp

back on thase who are maklllg the OPA limp1J6ed the system of IUU'TO RESIDENTS OF great samfices today, 2,lXKl,OOOof Ill&, food certlficatu to servIce men Starts Next Tuesday

them back home. home on furlou(h. The new rules I"1£ that does not mo\ e you, I want also sbortened to three days the --

to tell )OU about the veterans who minimum food allowance period I Summer day camp at the Xelgh-I• ha'e been praJsed from lime to tIme I Figbt~ Oft leave (O\'er 72 hours) borhood club starts Tuesday, July

on the floor of this house. You have ftla1 JlII!Iesent leave papers to their 113' at 9 JO a m. ThIS program IS Ithexp III thLl country, and they have local qlJoo boards where they wiU sponsored by the Camp Fire Girls,iL fixed income, frozen, with an in~ be islllCd tickets to cover thelT .tay but dot:. not llecessaTlly mean thatcrease In the cost of bVlllg of SO per at II.- ~Io .. netl for ratloned a girl mu.st be a member of the or-jcent on food, and above 25 per cent foods _11 lie ISSUed oaly to men who gaJllZatiOOl- The actIvity IS open lO allitt:Eccueral cost of hving, There ~ atJlome or where ratioa stamps ph ei/rht .yean. of .. e ~1ld over_ jare ,olio of them ill number. b"e Dlelkd. the ~trabclft fee, II 25 =~l

.j- '-k -........ aM Mda .m~"" __waDt to today, and vote fDl' the Uld five cUb for .uk. ,Dirksen amendment to cat this bIll. • The activities Wlll !Delllde hand.fUrther than It has already been cut, Twur Baby Carriage 'en.!t, hikes. OI:oo;,-ouu;, JaIUTe Slllay,the sum of $12,000,000 by the com- I Theft P k Lo nnt aId, ~es and talk rlanclllg Imitt~ that ga\C It conSideration, a I at ar t Girls Ill~e:ested please r~glstercommittee that sat for five '!I'eek. on now at the NeIghborhood club, 17145the" ar agenc) hlll. i A twia baby carriage belonging to Waterloo, I

"Mr. chairman, thiS IS senous busl' ~lr. and Mrs. H. Fieiirer, of 817 Bea. -------__ I

ness I was happy to see my dlstin- conslield. was stolen from the Grosse Park ResidentglllShed colleague from Connecticut, I POlllte ParJ.. parklng lot on EastMr M'ler, III IllS v,he~1chalr, a veter- Jefferson Tuesday afternoon Buried Mondayan of the last \\ ar, sa). 'r am SOrT), I Mrs Rieger had lelt the carnageI must dIffer \\Jth the dlstmgulshed there and taken her t\\in 17-month.gentleman from IIlmols' Yes, ~fr ofd boys ".,th her shopplllg She 'liaS

Chairman, '" the \\'orld \Yar "e halj gone approxlmalely half an hour,a $32,000,000,000 blll, of \\ hlch $13,- !.lrs. RIeger" as told b) an anony-500,000,000 "as mfla!.on If pnce con-I mous ",itn~ss that t"o young boysIrol IS aba.:ldoned and a slmllar per-I had been seen" Ith such a carnaiirccentage carned on In thIS "ar up to near the lot,the present lime. it \\ ollid be 28lXKl,- Park police all Illyesllgatlllg Any-000,000, and if It ca,rrled on up 10 the one \\lth clews may nOtlfv police orend of the calendar ) car 1943, the' ~frs. Rieger at Drexel 8475.sum "ould be $iO,OOO,OOO,OOO for m- IRatlOn. The amendment of the gent- I BABY BOYleman from IllinOIS .hould be defeat- Pvt and Mrs. Wilham C. Coehlls,ed" i Jr, of Bedford road, Grosse POlllte

--------- I Park, announce the birth of a son,Tuberculosis Claims \\'lIl1all1 Charles lII, on June 20 A 'II0rker at a Call1ornia aircraftPn\3te Cot:l!us 15 stationed at the plant has ,,"orked out a machme CP-IMore Males Over !.Ianne Corps base at San Diegel. eratlOn "hlch can be performed by a

Forty in ~fichigan jC.a..lt.1iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.ra.l.ne.eiiian.d .. tr.'P.I.es.o.u.!P.U.l••• ,

There IS stili a war on and there ISsllli a need for workers to help Will

the "arJUlllOrS r There IS a defilllte lob

for) au on the home.front, and anImportant one There are man) kllldsof II ark to be done - some of It fUllsome of II not so much fun, bUI allof II necessat). We can't 0111do theglamolous lob any more than ourbo) s can They are "orklllg fM us,so now thaI "e ha,e our summerfree "c can all get together at thework.hop a.nd help them Yo Ith t~1IIall lmportant lob of winning the war

The \\ orkshop IS open e-ery Tues-da)' from 10 a m until 3 p m at 17027

I Kercheul.

IWalch the AW\-S \\llldo\\ for

w~ekly nollces 011 the bla.ckbaal d.

! New MEA Pre.identI Earl R Lalllg, takmg offlce as

IpresJdent of the ~fldllgan EducationAssoClallon, deslnbes dangers topubhc school efflclenc\, Recom.mends reorgalllzatlon, tenure, mml-mum salary and further study ofstate ald.

lor airplane \\mdsl"lIelds and Instrument COY-

ers, to make lacqu('rs used 10 camouf1a!(mgeqUIpment and a, a base for s~ nthet Ie rubbernecdffi for tlrt"'>, j<3smaskq raratroop eqU1P.ment and dozens 01 other thmgs

.. Ever} time r thmk of It, Fred. I realizeho\\ fortunate ....e ",ere m ha\ 109 a he\ eragedl~tl\1mg mdll~try 10 ex .• tence 1'0 h('n '''dohro).,e oul . ready and ,,"llhnR: to con'ertl00"~ to the product on of thl<; cntlcall)n('('(J(''! "ar r-MIIC' I'm mlstht y ~llr(' ho<llI";::l:"'r. '1'.0 '1"1 t haH ..

NeaJ' Ch..,..ler TAIlk P!aat


Cocktails - Hi ..hball.Wines

Whiskies - Beers


- Now Senina'Your Favorite




*You'll Want to Refax - Enjoy aDelicious Lunch or Your

Favorite Drink

.. Th, mort / .rad 0"(1111 II, Judgr, tlu mer, Irealize tM fad/(, 1I1d rrq,".,mmt< of thl< worart a, dlfJrrrnt f.om flrr one 1lough! m 25~,a.< aga 0< mglll I' (Tam dm ..

.. i.f'~. and I can 1;1\1' you ,w example ofhem In!" I hat I~ Frl'd In World War I thecLld OI<C'\ ()f akohol prooucf'd for "'ar purpo<;('<; "ere fo md In smokf'Ie<>.'\po ....der me(hc1'1 '\ Jpplu"<; and chemical warfart' mat('nalsTn thl~ "ar 'hI' ne('d for Ihl~ product. farmme \ lUll r*ca.lo,(' It I' al<0 ,,,,,d a~ a furl topro~l torpcdr.c •• to ma'-.csha.:('o,n)('( ;:'a,,-'


28515 MACK

Close in-20 minutesfrom Grosse Pointe

Beverly Hills Golf ClubRestaurant Bar Tournamentse-.... or Hon. ......k Tallk Plant Bu. - e-.ter Line BII. frOIll

Eia'ht.Mile uti Vall DJke

Barbecued Rib. - Chicken

Sea Fooda - FuD Courae Dinner.

Try Our Sunday Full Course Dinuer.

for w(\m~n of both s~rvic~s consistsof a soft.crown~d hat with roll~dl>rJm and black band, short Na\ yblue Jacket \\1th sllghtly blIllt-upshoulders, rounded collar and pom!-

WAVES's and SPAR\ [or get ed lapels, sl,,-gored .klrt, reser,eabout. clothing e"peuses after they blue and dark blue slmts, black sea-"list because the Navv and Coast man s tl~, ,mart over. the-shoulderGuard tah care of thiS all-Important lea.th~r pouch ba.g whIch IS optlona.l:Ctllllnll1e Item \\ Inte gloves III ",mter and bla.ck In

011 arrl\al at tllelr tra.ll1mg ",c!loov, summer, beIge hsle hose, and blackWAVE's and SPAR's are glHn a I o.-rords$300 allowance for umforms and ot;,-I Cut to flatter e, ery figure, theer clothing The off,CIal umform co,t un If 0 r m s ma.ke \V.'\ VE's andit about $160 and the $40 ba.lance can SPAR s look and feel their besthe used for shoes, glo\ es und~r- The onl) dd'ference between the unl-elotlun, and other needed apparel form. of the lwo sen Ices IS the lapel

The Mainbocher-deslgned umform Inslgma and hat bind

Navy and Coast GuardBuy Clothing forWAVE's and SPAR's

Thursday, JuTy !, 194!-- -----------------------------


Page 6: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/43/1943-07-01.pdf · Everyone is invited to a pIa.be:Jte. lit NlOW, .uted under the spoasor_ ship of



•Thursday, July 1. 1943


"I WiD Bear True Faith ••• "

Rewlt. Lave placed and IDUllUUlJeG 11M

Review m FIRST PLACE m "local" .dv.rti..in, - For local merchanta Imow which medi.um coven the market molt completely andc:oIIUMond. reader • .dvmiain, c:oaJicienc ..You have to bave that "REACH" to let "RE-SULTS."

"I wUl beu tlu Faith &Oil Anii".a;;o; ° ••• " 1& tW. ~MariM lJe~'1 .th. a. she b commllsJonecl In tile .......01 the women I auiJlal'J corps. tllat 01 Ule MariDel. Her pIecIre IeIter laC Is backed by 4iseipliDed service. aIUl1rith War Beads. n..DODd 70a b1&7OQ Flar DI;rllcllll pro&en Uaa~ lar.

IJ. 5, TrlWll,., D,nnwwt • _

1, Place .... H....Iicapped I IIn Ihe fint five months of 190tJ

~e United States Emplo)'lDent serv-Ice made 6,~ placements of physi-cally handicapped v.orkers in Mich.If2.n, Montague A Clark, WMC dlS-tnct director, annuunced recently

!pub ea... FireSparks from an mClDerator was

the cause of $15 in damages to a roofat 623 ~I\ard, on June 24 The resi-dence b the home of C H Osborne .,

50,000 READERS

10,500 HOMESIn ALL of Grosse Pointe and Gratiot TownshipAN ACTIVE - ABLE ..TOaBUY AUDIENCE

Of Upwards of

The Review ALONE Covers

Cratiot Township ia .. rerular a h.bit a, ret-tinr a rood lIirht', reat. People have 1ft.medto place confidence m The ReYiew Dews and..tv. _, eollllDlll.

You Have to Have REACH

The Grosse Pointe Review15121 Kercheval Lenox 1162


Tested-Proven Advertising


Open New Lock at Soo

Former KiskaResident

Therl' IS one Bluejacket who isplJ'tcularly anlUOU. to throw thelaps out of KlSka - He IS Henr)Winkl'l a retired 'hlef bos'n's mateIn the t: S Nal'v, who leased KlSk.. R ti.' t Giabland for $24 a year frolll the rov- 8 omn! a a neeerrimenl back In 1924 The Nal \ !P___' Feoda-man made a IIl'table camp for him.. Blue Stamps K. Land Mself On the Island and startl'd ralS_ through July 7,Ing blue faxes For 15 years unhl Blue Stamp~ !'i', P and Q1939. "hen the government cut off ,hrough Aug 7all clV1han conceuions, he turned out .... b. ~, 8.tler, Fata,pelts and fur coats on the IZ-'''1IIe c:.....I FIM-strip of nearly barren Itnd Now Red Stamp P now validthtt the Japs have temporarily tak- valid July I.en o~er the ISland. he wants to help c,.tr-l'rase the lap. and see to It that h15 Stamp 21-1 Ib through July Zl.foxes are alhe and healthy !.._

Stamp 13, Sibs expires August 15Stamps 15 and 16, Sibs. each forUltnU!g, expire Oct 31....... S~

Stamp 18 now valide.-U--

No 6 coupons valid.F.IOiI-

Period 5 coupon good for II gal •Ions good until Sept. JOTN-

Second mspectlon due. A book ve-hicles by Sept. 30; B's by June 30J hlrd inspection due: (. book ve-bicles by Aug. 31. Commercial ve.hicles every 60 days or 5,000 mile,whichever IS first.


10 &om Marnilll' ,,"onbi&' .....thl'me, "A CaU tl) the CoImtJt."

10 a m Church school few dIiWr.of the prImary and begllllltr dWrt-ments Juniors will attend IIJIIriiae....orshlp service Mth y011l1l' ~and adults.

A nursery under comptt~.t Wi4.ershlp IS Opl'n dUrlD, mommc ....Ice

Seabees Name theFourth of July'Can Do' Day


Southeasl cornt- 01 Kerc!leyalInd Lch""O<'>d avenuCI A H A~b«'r. pasto,. 14J.4 Lalcewl'lOd aft-nue Tel~phone uno" 212t

Out on Island "X .. whl're the Sea.bees are building the ailvance andmObile base' for the armed force5,nothmg IS too difficult to accomplish.They are knoy,n by their slogan _~ICan Do"

So July 4th has bel'n named "Can00' nay - not only In commemora.tion of Jobs "ell done by the bat-talions - but as a rallymg call fornew recruits.

Now the Na\'y i. seeking 100 flOOmore skilled tradesmen - mechan".carpenters, machinIst" draftsm~n,electr Clam, rIg II; I' r 5, Po\\ dcrmt n,plpentters and plu-nbers. "elders.",''lad bu,lders, concrete "orkt.s,and many others Thl'se men '" UbUild new hases on Islands and ttr-ntory yet to be t&ken from the ene-my, ana to replace hattallons ID thefield "ho are In nted of a well dt-served rest

!\'aval rat,.,gs up to and lDcludmgchIef pelt" offl~er .. Ilh salanes from$54 In $12n per mont'" plu. 2 per cent.exIra IN OHr.~as dut}, aTC offl'rrdskillen \\ orkmrn commen'ural C "111

e''l'er,enre aT'd ahl"l} In addItIonenl'lel! men recene excellent foodanI! Quarters, expert dental anAmedical care. unllorm., geT'erOJSaliowance for dePl'ndtnt~. and other,"c,dentals

~fn.t attraetl\t of alliS that I mancan d" hI< part In the \\ a- effon andHt eno' .nue 10 "Mk at h s t-aM-~("",.p 1"" llf'l" "., ~q f .... ~ ne', "i"~""""j

menlo a"1d ga n nR Ihe benefit of thelemcrrenr, (If ....".. I

TIll' ne~rc.t Xa" reCfU IIn,.. ,'alIon IS prepa'en 10 furnl<h all dl'la,'sW1th('ln: () ))11::' tlOT1

Every Thurlday


15121 Kercheval Aye.

• •


InGrosse Pointe FarmsGrosse Pointe WoodsCity of Grosse PointeGrosse Pointe Park

To Deliver

=======TheGrosse Pointe Review

One of th .. boys back from Guad-aklnll te11l thiS one Seems a Japsoldier (captured of cour~e) aske<l• Bluejackl'l ...hy the AmericanNavy &I ... a)s "IDS Important en-rag e men I s Thc sailor replied:"That's becaLose v.e pray before we.Urt fighting"

But the Jap protested,' So do "e.""Yeah said thl' ~allor, but '" ho

ran undersland ) ou guys '"

Here's Why Coast Guard Names Kerl E. YOUI" of Warren, "ichAuianmenb "--- This cfuh o<:cufred on Kercheval

-~ avenueto 17aYear-Oldt The second smashup Involved

-- Robert K. Copeland, of 35S1 St.The Ulut Guard today announced I Jeal1, Dttrolt, when he colhded WIth

many new assignments now opttl to a ear operated by Stella Mauer, I)f17 year old!. In,e1uded amonII' the 1004 Balfour, gOing east on Vernornew duties are horU~-lNItrollillr, hi(hwaysound.detecllon. fire.contro!hng, and No Illjunes ",ere sustained andbeach patrol ...Ith watch-dogs. officers dId not luue any ticket>

Those \uth knowledge of horses ordors are being ,oulht In particular Public Is OtleredMen with radiO skills too, are In de- U

FBI Agent Warns of I m~hde Coast Guard IS us in' the STummer Classes in ~~,~N Sabota Th t Ihorse and dog patrol system alons 001 Inspection Meetillr at the Richard SeW6Jew ge rea the hundrecU of mIlts' of aolated REV eHAs. W. SCHEID, W'~in Local War Plants btulus on th~ ~ast cotst and Cali- Openlni~ y,er~ annou'lced for men Sext Sunday. July., the -L~h

forma. It was a beach patrolman and ....omen in the machin~ tool op_ .... - ..h 0 I serVIce and th~ church schoOl of tltel.A~Sr~G _ German\ has reo "'h 0 urlt dlSCO\cdr~~ the pr!lsence of I erallons and preCISion inspection lIar G r 0 sse POI n I e COnjTegau..1

tentl) compll'ted I~~ traJ~lDg of 3S t e nOl\-l'Xl'cute "am "ho made a tramlng duses at Grosse POinte church Will be held at 10 a m InsteadlandIng from a German submarine Iligh school of Ihe customary II a m The 10 am,

saboteurs for speCIal au'-ment If! h • -- h I b..... on t e cout of ....,..g Island. The mac11lne tool operations In- our W1 J I' the rcgular m-=-ungtht t"nlted Statel and some of them \" II 11m f tt. . ..:.o..:'h

,.1 latn Thompsen. CBM, recruit- struchon consish of tramlng on the I' or "e $.. iiim~r set'vttea -_ilia, already b«' here, if information ff f C Mil contmue until AUgll.St 1. ThIatOIlrCI'S usually found rehable are IlIg dO Icer or th~ oast Guard, 10- lathe, milling machine. shaper, and SlJtlday Mr Scheid will preach on

I h 5 cate at 351 Federal bUlldmg, DetroIt I tool grmder A tramee may sPl'clah%~ thl' SUbil'~t "Th~ S'l!"reme Co:l!ri DETROIT. - 1he new first lockcorrect, 0 II Bugas, In charge of sa d"W d th I f h I b at Sault Ste ~farJe. vital Jink 1I1 thethe Ol'trolt office of the FBI .. arned I, e nee e a ertness 0 t e on one tl"pe of machine or gain a Ullon of Jesus - The Ideal"

17 year.olders for tnl'se jobs, wheth- general kno" ledge of all the dIffer- Sunday afternoon, July 4th, t~e passdge ...ay of most of the country'sill all address gIVeII at the wstnct t b f b h 1 b I church family of GrossI' Pointe r___ war essenhal iron ore, Will be openedilldustnal protectlon cOllference held er I e or eac patro, or su ent machines ........

hunting on thc high seas, these men I The prl'CISIOn IDsptction instructIon grcgallonal, "'111 hold an Ice crum by the U S Army corps of enginel'r.at the R.ackham Memortal building a I' best." SOCial at the ho-e of Mr and Mrs. for commercial traffiC alter a brief.. Detroit. r consIsts of blueprmt reading, mathe- ElVin Holl'ma, 1121 Balfour. u.s.

P'.'lcular °mphasl b t t 1 h f .... Cl'remon" on Sunday, July 11, It ....as-. • S IS elng pu I rna ICS, ayollt, t e use 0 mlcromet. Kenneth Lortng of Brys Driloe is J

The FBI speCIal agent Slid that on these 17 a,e men, however, those ers, calipers surface gages, height chairman of the committee ""Tn announced last week by Col. PaschalCOIIStallt V1fIlance was euentlll far over 38 are also eligible SaId Chief gages, dial IndIcator ,ages, etc. charge. N. Strong, Detroit dlStnct engmecr,• Protection of American war Thomason "It', th, 17 vtar old bov.1 Th,. tra,",n", .. (lff,.~,."wilhnnt ..not --------- ~.... • ••• ..,_,luts. we _nt • , . while they call stdl1through the ~tate board of control --------- .. ....- -- n_

"Eyeryth~ that seems SUSPiCIOUS.chOOse the service they _nt to be for vocational education CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Skllkd aliens now engaged in leuItO aa!ttr how apparently trIvial, ill" The summer schedule of classes is CHURCIlES essential work should report to 10.Mould be reported to ollr field The OctrOI! offIce IS DOWthe only l5 follows cal offices of the United State5 Em-.......... B.. ""'s statod "\\'e'U find '----t G d If' S "God" wlll be the subject of tae ployment service for poSSible refer-......... ...-. I.oUU uar recrultlDg 0 Ice In ection 1 ma~l"n~ tnn! Mn"rI.\I 1..... nI•••• 1'!Ilo.. ,.. ..II ...~..:_.:.__ w!lether it is true and worth- Mlchlran. Those residIng out of the Tuesday, Thursday, 6-11 p m.~ -- .. SCience"" ~hu;che~' th;;;Ug';;';t-~ Iral to war JOOS,John L ~raig, slatew!JiIe or 1lOt." city are requl'sted to wrlle to Coa.t Secllon Z, machine tool, \"ednes. world on Sundav, July 4. • director of the USES, saId today In

The FBI. BlI(a.s added, IS proceed- Guard RecrUIting Office, 3.51 Federal day, FrIday and Saturdar, 6 .30-11 30 The golden text (Isaiah 3Z ZZ> is announclDg a nl'W list of job open-.. 08 the a.ssumpllon that the ene- BwldlDi, DetrOit. pm; ''The Lord IS our judte, the Lord is .ng. avulable III the DetrOit indus-

our lawgiver, the Lord IS our KlDg; tnal area.,. aaents are now ill this country. SectIon 3, preCISIOn inspection, he Wlll save us ..The CODference W"&S sponsored by Detroit Tec:b Beam. Monday. \\iedllesday and Friday, 6- Among the BIble citatIons is this

• Miehiau oeo ud the Detroit New Scmuber Coanes 11 pm. passage (Psalm 67 '4): "0 let tlteOCD. New problems ud deyelop- Sectioll 4, precisl'On mspectlon, nations be glad and sing for joy: f/Jr... ts in plant protecllon apu16t SpeC/al emphasIS is btil1g placed Monday and Wednesday, 7-10 pm. thou shalt judge the people right-acmyactioa were dlScllased by u. on preparing young ",omen for the If )OU are lDterested in securlDg :~tS~~ and govern the nations upOn- 6Ad s1lb,.-ts co -ed' I d d J'obs that must be filled as the young training of thiS type, call the Grosse_-, - .... v~ IIII' a e Correlative passages to be read... relationship between the Nm., men leal e for the services, at the Pointe board of education. NI 2000, from the Christlln SCIence textbook,... the OCD in the protection of summer session of tbe Detroi1 In. extension 25. uScience and Health with Key to thepbats Mer which the Arts., exer- stltute of Technology, for which reg- --------- Scnptures," by Mary Baker Eddy,ciIta sole anthonty. and planh for Istratlon now IS andcr way, Marries New Yorker ,"elude the fol1owln& (p. 100): ullan-""L OCD . T h 'h IS properly self-governed only wben--.. II responsible. Talks also ec , t e downto"n college for • hI' IS guided rightly and aovem~ by"'e IiYe1l 011 mlJl)' othtr plant de- men and women, hu courses of every MISS Dorothy Beecham ChICk, of IJIS Maker divine Truth aad Love.".... e topics, ed P't!'t!t4'J~e e~~l' tt"_f"f'"ipht;m for t~':13.:"! !'ig~ ~~hoe! NPw Vnr1r wat m~rri ..d 1::Id F",':!!y f '.... t W'b displayed. • graduates. They lDelude buslJ1eu to Jame, L. Longley, son of Mr. and PEACE L11I'HEIlAR

11le profram wa.' !IrOlllht to a subjects, incladmg typewritinr and Mrs. Qifford Longley of Grosse aIURCH.. witb a ecmtrol ~nd I!emoll' shorthilld, engmeenng. pharmacy, Pointe Farms. The scene of the wed. REV. E. G. CLAUS. PMtatr.... by Capt. 00Da1d 5 Leonard, engineerlllg and many lpecial gov- ding was the Presbyterian church, IJ1 &at War:resa Del Ballow4irict6r of ei't'ilian dffense. and stall, ernment.approved courses that pre. Scarhorough, N. Y. Herbert Koehlinger, ~

A&ditiouJ dutrict lIleetiftrs 10r pa:~ students for Il2IJlCIrtant war student of Concordia Semiaa.rJ'. St.__ proIectioa workm wi!. be ar- )0"". Gnat Police Ezpeuea to Louis, Mo-, will -.akc up his dtrtib It-.. ........... ------- j,w-.I CellI-&:- Jul., 111. PelJ:e Ev. Lutheran clIurc" East~.,.- -.:I'" _by HCDI'1 Lobt, ItaEr Two AIde AcmE' ta ,....~- ......~ ... WI!'ft'D and Balfour, this ....~ltectiOa ~ ada_en! I..MI""" Aft... Henry Piel Grosse Poiate Park- July 4. The Yicar wiD uaist.:ldIbe~ - I~.:..-h- f aitar lel'TlCe. The Rey. I!llIIllOfi Go- .........., c Ie. WII II'lDltd upeuse Qa... ._- -'" ----'- b"'- ,........._p' ---'.._~ . . . -. pas ..... wm p~ 011 t e

. . ..... -~ 0ilN ~.... ... e lDOIIey by the C08IIlISSIOll It ib t!ltme: ~ ~te ;]f a Clu'it-..... - of _. -- .' ~ ~ Foo..''' H_ ,',_ '",, -il..)j.__"..S ~- awh lDBt&. .. _

Jtcl6etj Ii.*\.JOJI ~ ~ Polite to be lttId-at Char1evcnx. j:G) 14 ,;;i4nled. suaeJr; a ear hie; Oflented by Kitlqb. Jot, 11to U .~ for. cbildrtB of aD ... t'"tm1ltS eturi1lI t1se ,_ JM8hs at

9:30 LIIl.

Tbe IUllJual dail,. vaeatioa Billieschool .tarts },[OIlday, July U Illdeontillues far three w~ek,. Mcmdayto Friday each week, beginllittg at51:00 a.m. and closmg at 12 lJOCJLOasses for all ages. Bible stud)',hymn study and smgmg. and handwO!'k proJects. Happy and profitabledays for boys and I1rls.

," I .. , ."'.... " (~


I f ( .. ') l '1 ( ~ ('\ r r ,...J \'\.

l't"'T~ t"'lt 1 ,., c:,. "tlrln T'I(,X~

1 '\ 4 Tv .."\ Ir1 r;a. ("'~... ,.,'''' t ,. ~ .. <. , ~.l"T ~"'1 ~('n~ a' 10 Oil a"fl T',. ... ~1~},..,11 meet" 9 1~ "r'M~

(' .."t.'C 1001

Page 7: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/43/1943-07-01.pdf · Everyone is invited to a pIa.be:Jte. lit NlOW, .uted under the spoasor_ ship of

• e

LENOX 5376

, ,,


--- -

"I lJelilvI I C611-

I lJelieve I mUlt-I b,lieve I wlll-



The new PAY-AS-YOU-GO Tax Plan is NOTA NEW TAX•••,

Not an Extra Tax ••• Just an easier way of helping yourcountry raise the money to help end this war!



lrS-NOl 2-0%---


Get thiP.cIl •• ght ... ''This-.w., .. colle.". taxes, vmiJ,.,.i into eff.ctJvIy lit, it net a Rat 2~ tax. It's only 20% on that portion of your income.Iter you mek. yeur permiseible deductiOns:::- Th•. _~clucl.s 17" forinee .... t•• s ana 3%'for Vidt>ry Taxes.

New here's the .... C'Kingtning ... with 75% .f either your 1942 or 19.43TeMe, f&rgiven (conceHed) and with the 5% Victory Tax r.duced to 3%, everywege earner will have less taxes to pay. Not only that, Uncle Sam is elimi:~ toh. heoooche of Dig kJmp payments ... from now on you will m.rely1MINYint • litHe 8ft eut .F every lIC1ye"v.lope ana thef ... yl

Teke t+t. ceae ef • man earning $40.00 per week, with a wiFe and twoDEDUCTiONSchiWren ... right new $1.30 per week is being deducted for the Victory Tax WITHOLDING

I r ... I»ut with the pay-as-you-go tax ... he will only have SOc per week 'itt" mo~ than tho .. ef the r'l'.nlleot...r (In thlJ 'lIb1e raf.s may'" a &etw .. n .rack.,s'.tletkJeted end that incfudes Income as weH as Victory Taxi ofl'ice ,obI .. where the rates run on ..... r.'.s""'rriM.

"",,,,.d MCrr ....<40 .....

Intt.ad ef 20% d.ducted. h. has only 2% deducted. This man, ~ke e let of M<srnM ""' .... od 2Dop' 3~ ....W..a.ll' Sin'" Ho ..... 1 DIp

$ .40 $ ..40Ia...i... ,....."$ .40 $ .040ott,.r w... .ern.,., wiH heve ",ere money to buy more War Bonds! $2.60 $ ..w .50 .SO .50$25.00 .50 .7030.00 3.60 1.10 .70 .70

2.20 1.00 .8035.00 .4.60 .10 .803.20 2.00 1.00.w.OO 5.60 1.&0 1.00".20 3.00 '.60 2.&0 1.60i.20 .4.00 1..40SO.OO 7.60 5.00 3.80 2.60

55.00 1.60 '.20 .4.80 3.60 2..407.20 6.00 ... .4060.00 9.60 '.80 5.60L~ at the chart ot the right ... at a quick glance you can estimate the 9.20 8.00 6..4070.00 1160 180 7.60

11.20 10.00 8.40amount of your weekly deductions. They may not only be less than you 80.00 13.60 10.80 9.6013.20 12.00 10.4090.00 15.60 12.80 11.60thought-but, best of all, each week in practical.lY every instance your 15.20 14.00

100.00 17.60income taxes are paid.


Page 8: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/43/1943-07-01.pdf · Everyone is invited to a pIa.be:Jte. lit NlOW, .uted under the spoasor_ ship of






Thursday, July I. ~




14332 Mack Ite&.r CbaI-.Ph_ LEDGE 074

De~"Oit, Mich.AD Pre'tious WDrk G........ tM4

lIy Me Will Be Takes eu.of at My New PJaq of

B .. ine.. ,14332 MACK AVENUE

Formerly at Willen JewelersCIoHd Wed'day Startinc May S

PAINTING-DecoratIng and paper.hangmg All work guaranteed.

Wm. Elgeman. Call TU. 2-908J

INTERIOR - Decorating GuaraD-teerl workmansbip and matena.l

(plus 30 years experIence) Esti-mates free. Have your work cknaenow FHA time payment, If deSired.WJllIam Loader. Tuxedo 2-7143.


Kercheval at LakepomteHUBER F. KLEKME, MuteS'

A special patriotiC service will bebeld Independence Day Sabbath bythe Grosse POInte Wood5 Presby.teoans at 10 am. at tbe Masonscbool on Vernier road, east of Mackavenue. Dr Joseph A. Vance, actin"pastor, ""Ill speak on "The Soul ofAmenca." and the mIxed chorus Uf'-

der the directIOn of the orgalllst, Ed-Alden Barrell Jr, 1\1111 slllg. Mrs. R.KeIth Hoo' er WIll smg a s010 en-titled "He Knows the 'lay" b7Briggs




WAS HER ServiceNiagara 0995

Call Moming. or EyeningsFloor Lampa

Minor Ea.etriaIRepairs



Free Estimates 10 Your HomeParts for All Makes




COM P LET E - Frammg servoIce a\'allable on prlOts, pIctures,

palOtlngs, etc. Prompt and excellentservice. Golden Basket Bookshop.1f>82(JKercheval Nl. 6553


D -\Y or NIGHT


9800 Grand RiyerComer Livernou

Review Want AdsLenox 1162 For Better Results Lenox 1163

Bert Baker


FOR SALE-Miace1laneoua








16122 lC.erdae ...Grosse Poiale


TYPIST - One with billmg, 6lm&,and general office expenence pre-

ferred. East SIde. Good transporta-tion FItzroy 8500.


Complete, HIghly Dependable, Permanent


SHCRmAn9s! 13300 E. JEfFERSON

~ COPliN u. INfl- X-RAY !HOt: IIIn1NG _

t mesmmcme

Dependable!We try to give garmentaentru.ted to u. the lIllIDe

care we'd give our OWD !Try u. this week. ..AI,er-ized Oeaning IS Better.

Cub - Carry and Sue

Have a glorious holidaybut be pre par e d for it.Take a101l1 first aid aup-pIie. and don't forget the.unburn lotion. Beware oftoo much expolUre in thebot lUll. Sunburn it jult ..aerioas .. uy otherbum.Take. DO chaDcea.Drop ill Bob'. for • cIeIid.ClIU faaDtein treat after theJl:--..L.. ":_1__... 'IIiiiI ............... 3.

S, I~°llb' D.aipatecI I)ia..

~ ~ e-trotCa .

Stan Sa..... Till Now - for ...Hal TAl PicbP-

FOR SALE-Real E.tateLOST - Parler fountaIn pen with GOVERNOR-Wmthrop secretary BISHOP RO-\D, 1154--\'ery good COMPLETE _ Landscape senlce

sJlver top, between Ellair Place \\ lib built-In Bosch radio Excel- conditIOn. Four bedrooms. three expert!\. done Hedges clIpped,and Grosse POInte HIgh School TU. lent condItIon. Call TU. 2-1276. baths j lIVIng' room, IIbrarv, dining gardens \\eeded, lawns mD\\ed andI 4447 R rei. room. butler's pantry, kItchen, h ..o- trimmed \\llh me of pov.er lawn-----' _e_w_a B REA K F AS T SET - Modern car garage attached, game rOOm LE mower. ",cme Landscape 1("0. NI.ALGER CLEANERS LOST-Young Beagle. hound, fe- chrome tnmmed, red leather seats 3344 5311 or lU. 2-0206

male. Marked. ViCinity Grosse and back Call NI. ()411. J-------------P F J I, A FIVE-ROOM-I"rame, t\\o-car ga- S SSlID ~bnaI. 1131. E. W...... OInte arms, unde ;:1 8JOJ1Iswersto SECRETARY - Sheraton - carpa- ragc. Good cond,lloll !\ew ba>e. MU IC LE SONS

... ~.... Pwitaua name Judy. Re\\ar . '" •. th,an elm and \\alnut, hke new, d f ~? TU- ment an urn ace, 'i'",OOOdo\\ n . SA"OPHO-NE A d I --1-TU. Z..... TV. 1.1 ... UN. I.U. LOST-Man's Gruen curvex watch. $45. Tuxedo 2-5772. 1-2649 - A • _ n c arInet es-

1.0 f '1 d I ----------___ sons. Spewll cour.e dunng sum-~t VICInity 0 II< Ullst::!lJ~ an GLIDER - Small size while y,ltb mer months at 407 Lotbrop Road,~2c e\'al A\'enue. Rewar nox green, \\aterproof cushIons. co.t FOR RENT -Rcoma Grosse POinte Farms. Earle J. Per.

$27 t\\O years old, now ~II 50 Call ------------ kIns. TU. 2-7130 and MadIsOn 0626.SituatioaaWutecl-F-a. Pingree 7023 !078J Ha\erhlli. ROO~{-And board for elderly lady _. _------------- In heated apartment \\Ith porch. WALL WASHINGCOLORED - Day \\ ork. Tuesday, EIGHT -PIECE-Dining room sulte, No other roomers K ear Jefferson

Thursday and Fnday Grosse good conditIon. 19119 Moross In Grosse POinte Park. CO 3080, FOR EXPERT-Wall washmg caUPomte references. Melrose 2142. Road AR. 2642 between 7. and 8 Apt 502, e\ emngs Arlington 4192

pm. ------------ Situationa Wanted-MaleINFANT CARE-From 9 a.1Il. to 5 I EMPLOYED--{;ouple, no chIldren, _pm. V,Cllllty of Grosse Pointe. OLD-Underwood typewriter, No.5 to share fi\'e-room apartment y,lth ELE.-ra"CAL REPAIRS

N,agara 1780. Needs repaIrs, very reasonable. lady. East SIde TU 1-1034 ~ & auCall Tuxedo 1-3876.

GOLF CLUBS-SpauldIng. KroflJtcseven irons, two woods, $10. Vene- SIX TO NINE _ Room hou.e In

hall blinds, natural wood, 53 inches Grosse Pomte vlClmty any tImeWide, $5. PaIr of shoes v,lth Ice before Sept. 1 by qUiet faInlly ofskates. Barney & Berry, size 11, $3. tv.o adults Care oi property assuredTuxedo 2-4272.------ INI•2581.BICYCLES-PaIr of man's and "0-

mali's bicycles com1>letely equip- THREE- ROOM-Furnahed apart-pcd, Wee new $40 each. Call Niagara ment on or near Ea.!t Je/ierson for7869.' occupancy August 1 by Wayne Don----------- 1~I~~o~. Res~a:c~. Chem;s:. draft de-tUKI!.l)T LAWN - Cemetery lot. '''I~CU, anu unne. teacner Gro~se GUAR.A..NlhElJ REPAIRS

Choice location. Phone eveniJqp. POfI1te. Can Melros~ 9648 dDl11l( O:i ALL MAKES~ T '"!:rig:; TV. 2-9545. Day~. C.adill« ,6671. ~ ZWl 1IlOr1rint. Bight anl! _....St.. .iIag MJ'~ca... ~ _.~ _.~. -........-.... . - t - - ~ &iiVacuum Cuners.tre., lfack A~ dte~ ELDERLY LADY-Wants -wo or PHONE MR. GRAVESp.m. f~ NOW three-room apartmcttt, unfumish- TUxedo 2-5044

• ,-- - ed, clean, in private home, $Z5 to ..At 4174 MarylandIGENERAL -- S- waik .,., $30 per month. Near St. Paul or

I adults, 100lI eooIt. No Quadry. St. Ambrose parish. References NI LICENSED ELECTRICIANGood IIlary. Call TV. 1-4315. IS THE TIME TO ~E- 2721 _DRILLPRESSopl:'n"TO'O_~". LECT YOUR RECORD -------R------ BASEPLUGS-ElectrIcal repairs,

LAn A -- FIVE OR SIX- oom cottage or ~uorescent IIgbts. TU. 2-8105.jor Tool eo. 1510Z ChaTlevoU!; Ave. CABINET. Rat by salarv emplo}'e exempted _Lenox 005i. from Arm). Call VE 5-3382 PICTURE FRAMING

21034 Mack

Be Prepared forFun on the Fourth


• Wide Variety of Colors inAsphalt s6ingles Good for 25 years .Flat Roofs Built Up, Using Best Asphalt and Gravel• Gutters and Conductor Pipes • Skilled Mechanics Employed.

f3~A()"" 12()()r=I~f7 (:(),"J)A~""Get the RIGHT SIUNGLES, the RIGHT Company, and YOU'LL Be RIGHT for Years to Come!


- .~ervJce

W ANTED--Old Cothiq

OLD CLOTHINGHighest pnces paid for men', ,wtsand 'hoes. Telepbone call wdl brin,us to you UlImedlately. TelephoneTyler 4-3625

Cupn,trJ - c..eat WoR:FREE ESTIMATES

A. H. DeP AEPE, BuilclerNI. 1M E......

NO RISK TO YOU!~.!1 aar .......... ict are covered with

COMPENSATION INSURANCE - forYOUR Protectiaa, .. WeD .. Oun.


BETTER BUILT BElTER SERVICE.40...... 1'... D-., R....... St...... 1-..1 _ PwtUp



He ..... Me' ... Nt. fFIlEE ESTIJIA,TES

- AIL ,.. _ ~. UU

For StM!. W....... willa Swiat' Op-. V....COMBINATION STORM SASH ~ SCREENS

For Wood W"mdcrwa - Also Porch EadoaureaFREE ESTIMATES

ATLAS SCREEN AND SASH CO.U1ISMack Aftilae EftL NI. I..... ro. I'"

l.taW or Ederior




" .


Modern RestBedding

S3 Yean' Experience Makiaa _ Rel.n1clinc MattreuaFACTORY.T().YOU - FREE DELIVERY

I.-. .u Opea Eveaiq. 133ltKerdaenI

Sewers and AU Waste Drains!ac:Ia .. Kita.. saw, Lantoriea, LaUDdrJ aacI Batht1lll»


on AD Kineta of Metal.----- QUICK SERVICE - _


18740 Mack Ave. (rear) at Kerby Roadro. 2.7241 or PR 3241 Gro ... Pointe FoU'IU

iBi $29.90'BOX SPRING and COnONFELT MATTRESS to Matchl

W. rwIIaiId YOUR Iu&ea. iq MattresatEatimatee _ DeIinr, FREE ! - Z4-Haar Service

"" We Make Mattreue. of Enr, StyleADdVariety

WE HAVE a large as- DRAFT-Exempt General ~(otorssortment of fine cabinets executive deSIres house. Rat or 10-

come Ea,t SIde No chIldren or petsin walnut, mahogany or Permanent Excellent referencesbleached woo d s. Attrae- Tuxedo 1-1633.

tively priced from WIDOW - LiIInR' alonr, wishes BICYCLESBOY-To cut lawn of prIvate home. small duple'( or apartment on East

Have po .....er mower. NI. 5833. $595 to $54.95 side, clo,e to Grosse Pointe as po,-BOYS-WIShing to ea'm $i'.50 to SIble TU. 2-3884 BICYCLE SPECIALS

~1000 per ~eek - working about GRINNELL BROS. T\VO-Bedroom bouse, Rat, apart- Friday and Saturday Onlyone hour each morning - for open- ment or income urgentl) needed 10 a.m. Morning worshi}! anclmgs In ne\\spa.per work in ncnnty 17048 Kercheval Avenue b... Ihre~ employed adults. DetrOIt FLAG SETS 29c church school Sermon by the pas-- appl). Peter L. Klawson, Friday at St. Gair re'ldents. E'(cellent references Tare. $1.79 tor, "God's 'Therefore' to Amenca."or ~aturday mornmg only - at sub- Near good transportation Call TY Horns .69 7 30 pm. MeetIng of the Youtb~tatlon Cadieux and Mack between ()pen Fridav ar.d Saturday Evenings 4-4587 e\Cnings; TrlOity 2~0080 dav~, FellowshIp

Summer Coiba 7 and 8 am, or phone TV. 1-4537 Until 8 30 PM. ask for MIsS Cooper Liahta .69 We urge parents to send theirDeluxe Cleaned before 7 pm, any evening. Kick Sf:anda .69 clllldren to the commumty ucatlOll

d Tail P essed FOR SALE-MiKel...... WANTED-To Buy Tool Kits 79 church school meetIng dally at Jeff-an or r ------------ . I erson A,\Cnue :lorethodlst churCh.AUTOMOBILE - Ice box ~ever USED-Refngerator GoOd condl' Seat Coven .29

FiDut Car. Ci-. tD J..... FROM-The factory to tbe home. used Spauldmg tennis racquet and tlOn Call TV. 1-2623 ST J.....r. LlTI'HEtD

....Perlec:tion Gla,s furniture tops and mirron frame. Pm/Ol' pong tablr. net hab PIa.tic Chain Guards .79 I • "fN~ Eo&UU"II

NO EXTRA COST I 1050 Lake\\ood and balls. Chrome bIrd cage Row- CHILD S-La\\n s\\mg and tncyc1e anJRCH, ,

. '1' I P I ~mall size. Tl: 2-0754 GEORGE E. KURZ, PucorW. d .n p . t IDELPHINIUM - H brlds mted 109 machme ,~an s \\ llte a m I

~"arl");'J:S"art- onero II TAm ImLIORolOSe IP.~:;';;' ,::;;;; ':; '~~I;,'i;;';;::,".I~..t .."V.. y -""".,,,. OR EI;~;;;,~'~;;:':;':::;~,:"~~~f\EdGrosse Pte. Bicycle G'~:'/~:~"I;:;~~~~;:,".':~,~,:...... '-' • lime pnces TV 2-9272 591 St. Cl:ur BE<\.CH-{;mbrella and sturd} camp i-0823 BILL FARBER. M ........ er

Grosse POinte stool< TU. 2-16.35 I day In the Punch and Judy theatre.J4t31 E. Jett'_.t City lJ.ita I-~----------- B-\BY C<\.RRIAGF-In j;(ood con- M.kat Marylamf TV. Z-4Z3I IDJ\me senlce IS at II am. SundarPLUMBING & HEATING J 0- E_. Eat. 1m LE... FURNIT1,;RE - From factory to 16 FT. SARGE-Inboard, 4162 hp dIllon only. Call n; 2-4951. school. "hlch ,,!II conhnue lbrough.

ILL I home New 9x12 rults. Mohawk r.nv (, ft Ii ,n h~'m "~e n."SUPPLY and REPAiRING AxmlOster, all \\001. Sa\'e up to SO Cover" and equlpmcnt Sacrifice h.1 !'A-,J RIL-\\asnu'I< macrl.nc and -------------Iout the entIre summer, begms at================ pc- cent Marshall W. Morse. 1050 2045J \\ashtenaw. Harper and ~e\- elcrtnc se\nllg machltle T}1cr ------------- 945 a m People In the commumlyGeorge DaUy Lakewood. ~!U.iJ96 en-~hle sectlon. 4-i857. BICYCLE REPAIRING \\lthout a church connectIOn are

Paintml'. Decontiac H Y B RID - DelphInlum<; hardy -P-I-<\.-~-o-G--oo-d-co-n-d-It-lo-n-,-$-1-5-\{-ls-P~~;b~~m -;le~;r~~s~reeat~~o~:~1 a;i An Work Guaranteed cordlallv In\ltcd to \\orsllIp at St.F-IE I ed perennIals and IIhes 139 Oak St, cellaneous pIeces of {urmture, "'10 ~ I )ame< churCh and <end theIr chI!-

.....y nlUr Gros,c POinte Farms. NI Oi68 9xl2 rug. NI 2721 'N dren to the Sunda, <c1100!DR 8004 SlIDrOCOl.:CH-Almo<lne\\,SI7.1

FOR RENT-HOllie LF_-\THI-R--CollapSlh1e hab, bug- _\lag;;ra 1.340 R\ Call Tuvdo 1-3164 EASTMINSTI:R

I - '---:;==========1 :.fvDl:.RX-Hou.c, ,urmshe,; rour . - --- h 11 I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH11~~!:lJM~I!!i&I"'Ii!!~ii!l~~~.bedroom~ ~[ald'<quarters ~crern R~:~E~a~n \~~lIh;L~r~~~30lltht. 937 Manlstlqne. near JeffersonIII porch Tuxedo 2-2011. I CA RL E. KIRCHER, Pastor

BroWD ADdRed IGROSSE POlXTE-~I"-f()om lo\\er TRANSPORTATION I 945 am <. mrl1\' ""~cl PaulL 0 A F E R S flat AUlomat,c hrat De<lre 10

\\ I d R II rr ,uprnnlcndrnlIrent to draft cxrmpt a<iuhs Tuxc'h RIll!'R,.-, __~~trd (lr ouge B ICY C LEI 11 a ,I Onan anl1 II" Thre'h ng2-0.?4h I ,'""I Tc __~_'_'____ I I I'M

Ce •• , •• w.cWIe WANTED-Uaed Can WANTED-Used ear. ACCESSORIES I> \0 pm Yn',l, !'rOllp,, 7 1') ,m Drn ca'lOn fnr ,oung

-tller _aM .. a prnp'e <:,nn" In loc conference atBieYdea for Rent \\ a'dcn \\ ood';:w~~ :y~ CASH CAR AI's Bicycle Shop Idc;~:~~r'~l~~n "'~'.~/r~~);':l'l{~on;~~~

1 FOR K~h ... ~l ~t CI... ,",~n LF .. 2 cn"'enI1n" 'I h.~1~'11a7C0 la<t \Hck""""I YOUR Open AnDay San day I --Hit Hrrohito ..,tta T~---

I BUYER WILL CALL. ... .Kepalr


I0:: :n~"";:::':":;.'hl t." P M

Oth~r F. •• n1n... 'hl 6


INutto Elec. Ser. Co. NI 68 72 ~1.34 MACK AVENUE. j~

GroaIe Pointe Review Liners Get Results I •
