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a ( o ---' Ql\U f"U CPW!:QX'lf, ,(PIr tht) 1.'OI)(llU'O/,)ij (It by l,!ubaQr!l)iUg ill:lw Xhf.l XAll{>pun· c!ilAi. .. ........ CJ 0 0 0 0 0 l""" t :1"1 D ' , .. ",,-- :"...'1 0 0 a 0 \!.t 3 ., r .. t+ec' o o o o o i '0:111 () t " o Copy:rlghred 1888 by J, B. Lippincott Phlla.delphla, IUld published by specIal ,moot through the American Presa AslloclBtlon. By Oapt, OHARLES L"'NG, U. a. A, Author of "The Colonel's Daughter," "liTom the Ranks," '''rhe Deserter," EW.. (' . ( . =:: .. '.- ( \' TRE .LBADING - INOLt7DllfG- CORTESY, WHITE OAKS, N. M gf thU Wldte New Mexloo. OHARGE8 REA.SONABLE. A. o WID. praotice in Lincoln lind o.d,ioiningcounties, w. S. ATTORNEY AT LAW, GEORGE B. BARBER, - ATTORNEY AT LAW . , WUITE OA.KS, NEW MEXICO. Will plllotiea in Bll the courls of the lcrritory and the United Bt.t.toa Land Offioo. X,nTQOLl>r COUN',t,''t I Conta.tc.s tb.ll arcll>th(1 ml;llQt ",",led tbf.l fj'1.'l\lIl\\oot i of p,u.y ql):"tnt)' in I J,---- ATTo-:a!flEYS .:ND ''IT LA.w. w. E. BAKER, ,OFFICIA.L STENOGRAPHER, Srd JUdicial District, LA.S CRUOES, NEW MEXICO. Typewriter ribbons for all machinl:'s, paper, cal'bon etc... for sale. 'NOGAL, LINOOLN, J. J. OOCKRELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RANCH SUPPLIES, HARNESS, SADDLES, WINES, LIQUORS, ETC. An impootion of stock invited. and satillfaotion gaa1'lIJltoOO ourehasors Il!I to q11ll.llty and price. JOHN Y. HEWITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. pINITO PiNO, ATTORNEY AT LAW, On.U<lES, NEW MEXICO. practice in all.the courtB of the torri. tory lind the United fltat:esJAmd 'Office. J. E, SLIGH: ATTORNEY AT Is 11 nlYlV briok stmeturo and j_9 fum- .....onghout with now furniture. Bleeplng rOIllllll are well t1UPJ!lied with clean and comforta- ble beds, 1Ill!l proytdad with light and ventilation. supplied With the beat. Ute market affords. taken .,f, lind attantiOll paid to wantB .... ••IUUont lr\168t8. ImTAIL .. .rntuaE; CHEMlCALS" PEKFtT14ERY _Ii GOODS. ,;t " R. H. PIERCE, , SeYen Rivers, N. M., Ollem te tho peoplo of tho !'ecOll country a veIl .uwrled and 1lireo stock of :rOll ,DUPONT CALIFORNIA GIANT POWbE:R. A. H. WHETS1'ONE, < SURVEYOR AND LAND A.GENT, ROSWELL, LINCOLN .co." N. M. Qomplote abstract of alllanda on the Pecoe. . . it:INOOLN, LINCOi..N COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, MARCR 7, 1890. NO. 14 .. r='c:::;' :::::;f1,y=. =w=e:::;::::;::roilo =m=e::::n=o=w=. =b::::el::::9n::::' :::::;;::::::=::::, ::t:; .... ATTORlITEY .AT LAW, . .. . 1 wrence bnatold me he did lJ,Qtwiah to SeE' what we ha.ve sap-n, but I hd And',as 1\11·l'I. Turnel;' bad long,bepn l,l. or four, blaok dots of grazing _ t I}aqene lwcausl". 'beblg in. conversation P:l- to repeat what I hn.d heard 'or to be heard qUt'l:'t a,nd could not believe 1'Cignlllg boUeamong themll.rried women mll.rked the plain. Q,nd aVOr in the O.\KS, JiJi:W MEXICO. tbotl..no with brothe1'otnce.iI at CO'liceraed in any wo.y with tl;e al them. TakE' me In to (,:u.pt, of the -th, and one t-l WholU the young .Lbrealti' of the MOllli!e, .1ut'lt bayond tho ____ _ eJt!'f, tl Ply were W1t)eJ.1;am Wl how Afloat, so you must twk aomcbody else please, And, Mr: Parry, yo" won't llpea.k efficera were alw,ays expected to show fringing cottonwoo'ta, tW() 01' three '"'. I , Wm. W"Won. ;Robert E. Lund, A Story of ..:'-mexican Frontier :.mmeiutlHln his rWght Try th.e doctor. '1'0 the IJubject' of this to anyone. will you? Indeed if 1. n"\ucb attention, hel' w.himsical way of herds of Imlilln pouies W(lre Idee'plly W 4 TSON & LUND, Life. ""'" ved, Thot Illeij or" 'hould 00- l>Ir, Po"y. :.". you ha .., loot that mP- had Im?WD, 1 would 00' hove com; out de",rlhlng the "tuaol'D "aD ",a<lily un- oro'.plog rl.,I, ",,,,.Iog "''''. wAtcbed caaionaUy wll,nder towards the hamm9Ck terlOUB Httle silken bra.id and tnssel y011 he.' for thQ world, but I didn't believe derst-ood, by the little llup of a l.Joy \\'1I05e then with sympathetic sig- 0}'6 on your cap button. I fancied it, when she went away nnd took But he1'.e at the far dil·ty red blanket UlaUf;"tha..on\,y Qf thbse or solne fa.il' ,v1ly.and 4ihere Wl.J some romance attached to it; the childreI,," a.way taking on 1;0101.' I1gabH:l.t the llouther!J nll.turnl enough. Bll.when and now it i$ gone." . " "Who went away?" a new look. TQ begin '\-ith, tho wives Lawr in lih(oo when the aUIl J>:re$cntly a.pparent that Mrs. Perry laughed,<his bluaeyes t\ .nkling uMrs. Quin-the doctor's wit'. And of the of the cavalry battalion high in tile: nel,1.vcns and t{jt'!.lwiali e ap was .actually unfastening the with fun: "If I will tell yOll howo.nd she was Buch a sweet woma.n, and 60 de- had not j?\ned, none of the ladies of the arly winds aent tbe \}'Jouds 6ailillg little oilken bfllid had bung on Ned ":"hel'0.1 got tpal; tassel, will you tell me voted whim," "lo.m bere, and none would be across thE:' skies, nU thu brQau cap eV\!;l''Since the day r ' his ar- what ha.ve heard IloPQut Dunr.aveJ,l "WeIll pardon )le, Mrs, Lawrt.nce, I apt to ,cOMlf until the Inmmer's scout- Beeuled il1 mQtion. for then huge l'1har.l .. nval-all the while, wo, lookh. shyly Ranch?" don't see this thing at all. Dl> ing, worlt vyal:l:OVCl' anq dQne with. 'rhe oW's swepL its face with measured s}Jl>ed, up in. bia er es as bel' .t1J;lge,l'.ll worked; "X cannot; unleso Capt, you mean that the doctor haa auything ladles os:. httle battaU"ln'1f infantry and distaL't cattle and lleighlm!'illp,,' pony when 1t WM that she prese:qtly de- ,wJ.th4raws hia pl'Obibition. Perhaps be to do with the mystery?" were and, though there were no herd appeared &8 though lllld It from button and then, half will" Dough, for I think it woo only be- She tONed ht'l' head as they turned maiden siate)'!! Q't cousius the'post 011 Ut })l'l,la.tl platform, hellltlJ,tingly, but evidently in con;l.pliance he was tired hea,rlng aU oW' back to the house: "I must not teU you (rest aflSured more thau Qne waa ai- NatUl'(;<'S own ca!:." with his wisbell, handed it to him; when <C01lJectm'es and theonea." I any more to-night. You Will be sure to ready summoned), they were sufficient a jOUl:J.ley wwat'ds the Cal' a way be wna seen to toss it carelessly-even "Well, will you tell me if 1 ca.n induce hear something of it all, here, Every- in number to enliven the monotony of Pacifio, contemptuously-awa.y and then bend the captain to say he bas no objection?" body on the piazza saw the hghts, and garriHon life and sufficiently a.ttractive But the SUll wt\S only just up as l'rZr, down lower. as though gazing into her persisted Perry. I all who \vere here before you cume knew to wanant all the attention they caI'ed Pa,rkp Callle b,tck fl'om hi.s inspection 1Jf shaded eyes, Mrs. La.wrence could stand "I will to-morrow-If you will tell me wb8t they meant," . It was to be gar- , tue fastenings and paused to look " .,t--<'.. it no about the to-nigllt,,". , I .''''What were they?" , . I r4111n chat that if Ned Perry had nol the l<>w valley, Far down, to the your nIs it a positive prQm1se? You wlll tell' "Signals, of sorlie kina, from bunraven Hsettltid tm'llomebbdy'" the uItjnw,te 'the glinting on friend, Mr. Perry, something of a flirt?" me to-morrow all you have heard about Ranch," Iobject of his entire devotion, somebody bl'ight objectlil cluetered together asked Mr. in D.unraven Ranch if I will tell you to. hausC'ttlrd on him, and that wus pretty short l'un¥1:' of the well feigned amaze and with sudden lllght aU 1 know about the tassel?" CHAPTER II. J',I!'S, Bdkllup.. .. 'mgo,. and the lieutenant shaded his towards the object of his inquiry. "Yes-.-1\. promise," And though Ned Perry hated reveille eJ-eR with his gauntlet ant:! looil;ed fIxed- 'HoN on earth should I know anything "Very well, then. You are a witness ••lld Illoming stables, as has been said Iy thitherward as he stood at the stable about It? Of course you do not seek ex- compact, Graham. Now for my could rarely "take 'his week" "-ith: do<?r. pelt testimony in asking mo. He tri 8, I I h?,ve worn that tassel ever out mn,king one or more lapses, here he . "Home new tinning dow:! at that Eng- suppose to adapt himself to circum- our ball Ilt Fort Riley. was tillS bt'autif,ul May out at ranch talk of, 1 suppose .... was T WAS nearly midnight d stances. But why do you ask?" 'I nat is to say, It has been fasteneQ daybreuk when It wus IllS Junior's tour Ius explanatIOn of thl.' pltenOnWlIOll. an<,l still .the Plloi'ty I "Because 1 see that he has boon indue- that button ever since he ball until to- of duty, und wending his way with that then "wouder ,vhy Pen'y hmm't l'idden the There had been Ing Mrs. Belknap to tall:e off that little nightj but I've been mighty careful not youngstel' out to the line of cavall'y sta- to the acqun.int ...nce of those B fortnight of "getting settled" at th tassel on the button of his cap. He bas to wen. that cap on any h.lnd of duty." booted l:ud spurred and equipped people before this, He was al\yays the Dew post, precedpd by a month of I worn it when off duty eyer smce he .. And yet you let M.rs. Belknap take it for a ride. first man in the -th to find out w110 our d.ng .that had brol,lght the oottalion from camej nnd we supposed it wna something off to-night?" The colonp.l had listened with some neighbors wel·o." distant service to th{S Texan sta- he cherished; I know she <lid." shouldn't 1? Thero was no surpdse to his request, just as Pondering o\'er this qUestion, it 00- tion The new COmeI'll bad been hospita- I Graham broke forth in a peal of merry l!lpntiment whatever attached to it. I the Iltlrtr was breakinp; up the ni .... ht ue- curred to Mr. Parke t".at Perry had said bly welcomed by the officers of the little l;aughter, bu, gave no further reply, for ha.ven't the .faintest idea whose it Wll8 fore, to be absent from few he was going down the Monee that moru- garrison of infantry, and now In 1'000"'- then the colonel and the doctor left nn.d only tied it there for the fun of ED PERRY hated re- hours the following morning. but nowhere woo thore a speck in nition of their many the field their chairs, an'.!, I'll.ulltering over to the thmg and to make Graham, here, wk vt'lIle and moming "But we have battalion drill at 9 SIght that looked like loping horl:leman. .officer '0Gmmaacling the .a.rlivin'" troops hammock, mighty relief to Bel- questions." stables about as ve- o'clock, Mr, Perry, and 1 need ,you there" To be sure, the trail uOl'e close to the low had been entertaining the resident om-I at th? wlu8t table and yex:ation of "Mr. Perryl" gn.'lped Mrs, Lawrence. hemently as was pos- he said ' bluffs that bounded the \'allt'ly on tho cers nnd lawes at dinnp.r. The colonel SpIrIt to h18 pretty wile. The flirtation "And do you mt'an that AIrs, Belknap sible to a young fel- "Oh. ru he back in time for that. sir, north by the time one had ridden a mile was a host in himself, but not was broken a most interesting point. you told her what you have low who wus in other I wanted to be olI three hours or so be· or so o.ut frnUl the post. ae was prob- to draw too heavily on his reserves of and l'lBmg suddenly, CllJUe over told me?: resp.ects thor01;lghly in love with his pro- fore brl'ukfast." hIdden by this shoulder of the NEW MEXIC:l. .anecdote and small talk, eo he had called and Jomed Mrs. Lawrence. WeU, no, laughed Perry. "I fancy fessIOu. A fairer typo of the American The culonel could not help laughing, ne, and woulU continue to Ulo' until he _______________ In two of his subalterns to aasist in the I If ahe expected to see him piqued or Mrs.. Belknap thinks as you thought- cavalry officer, when once he got in sud- ':Of course you can go-go whel'llver you reached the bend, fh'e miles below. No W. O. Mo DONA LD, p...... t dut, 01 h,1ng atteDtl.. to the annoyed at the 1n" ptI0D aDd eom.. a .... d·amOD'. Hullo' look dI' and "'''ed to bu,Io.", OD, hke at thoo' hOD"', W heo ,·ou .... Dot OD DO? watch'ng fo, hi .. thon. Be,id",. h, DEPUTY '0. S infantr, lndl ... and j ... DOW, at Hall p, I "hat ......,h... 'D D .. , ah. _ at that hgh' awa, out th........ "" th, wOD'd hoed', eok to fiDd. Tat'. athletlo .."d, hot I D"",'m,giD,d ,ou,voD'd m.ght not yet hDV. ,torted. M,,_ ''0,;,.. m., he was wondering jJ Lieut. Perry greatly mistaken. Nothing could have prairio. Wbat can that be?" slender of build, with fro.nk, laughing t,o get up so eariy," the fact that ho half 'suspl'cted MINERAL SURV.EYOR AND had not too literally construed hiB in-I been more sUIlShiny and jovial than the Mrs. Lawrence rose suddenly to her blue eyes, curly. close cropped, light I woulu. colonel, but I've whlle ago that Ned was going to I'ide- NOTARY PUBLiO. structions. for that young gentleman greeting he gave her. A laughing apol- feet go.zed southeastward in the di- bl'own hail', and a mustache been in, something I heard an ear,ly aute-breakfnst ride-with a was devoting himself to Mrs. Belknap in ogy to Graham for spoiling his tete-a- raction 1n which the young officer point- was It source of inex:}Jressible delight about tillS mnch clown the and lady fnend. Mrs. Belknap had her own W IIITE OAKS, NEW MEXICO. a manner 80 marked na to make the cap- tete was accomplished in a moment, and ed. It was a lovely, starlit night. A to Its o\vner and of some envy to his I'd like to I'ide down and look horse, and was nn accomplished eques- tain, her lawful lord and master mani- then down by her side he8ll.tand plunged 80ft wind was blOWing gently from the brother subalrorns. !lIr. Perry was prob· at it. triennej Mrs. Law:ence I'oue fairly well festly uneasy. ' into II. merry description of his IJxperi- south and bearing with It the fragrance ably the best looking of the young om- "00 ahead, by nil means. and sel' and was always glad to go, when some: Mrs. Belknap, however. seemed to en- .enctm at dinner, where he had been of sprinp; blossoms and far away flower- cel's who marched with the battalion to whether those .lights came from there body could give her a saddle nnd a l'ell- joy the aituatioo immensely. She was placed next to the cha.pla.in'a wife on the ('tI!. Others. too. hold arisen attracted far awU1' station 011 the borders of It made Ille thInk of a play I once saw- able mount. There were 0thol'S tOQ a pretty woman at most times as even one hand, and aho had been properlyag- by Perry's sudden exclamation. Mrs. the Llano Estacndo. He had ber>n ten the 'ColIl'en. Bawu'-wlwre a fellow's among the Indiesef the infan.try her rivals admitted. 8bo wna·o. beaut!- RTieved at his at:tent/.ons to Mrs. Belkna).> Belknap turned languidly In her h:l.m- years in s.?rvice, coul1ting the four he !;tgn'lll'd IlCro.,s till> lake br wIll) woro no novices a chc\':ll. 1'111'. rul woman at all times, was the verdict on}he other. .mock and glanced over her prl.'tty white spent as a cadllt, hau just won his silver a light in lwr ('ottage window Parlee had no intenti?n whatever of pry- of the officers of the regiment when they You must remember that Mrs, Wells shoulder. 'rhe colonel followed her eY63 bar.nfl the junior first Iieutenaut of the Just that way. thret' ti:nc!l, and he an ing into the mntter, It was simply as happened to speak ot tho matter among is a very strict Preabyteri:Ul, Mr. Perry; with his llod gave a start of surprise, l'egllUent, was full to the bl"irn of health Bwered by turnlllg out the,> Iicihts In something the officer in charge of stal:le She was dark, with Ius- and, for. that matter. none of us have The doctor slowly and oomposed. animal Rpirlts and fun. and. bar: room. Of. tho di.1tnncG WfUlU'l duty WIlB entitled to Imowthnt he turned trous and Bwooping lashes, with seen 0. dm.ner such lltl the colonol gavo us Iy and looked mlently towa.rds the glis- I"mg a few duus nUll dcuts in his earlier anythIng hlcu tillS: and there was no oue suddenly and called: W 0 L 00"" hpo .Dd muoh 'uxn,lan", of to.... thh .venmg foe •••, and ev., ., 'ong. tcuing aud th'D upo. 'h. om..... ""M""",. 'md Dm, kOOWD. hoovlo' h?'e to tom do"o aoy light- Ehl what ..""' ... OWyDDe'" RITE AKS, IlfOOLN 00., N. M. and 11 way of glancing nidewllys from are quite unuood to the ways of of the cavalry there fell sudden astonish- cnro in tho workl than the transient did you ..:ty?" He heard the name p:wsec1 down the under her fring-ed eyelids that olvilization; whereas you h,n'e just come nud ephroUlcralanxiety as to whrther he I ':1 !J(\f;' I didn't ml'nn dark of tho stable by the iUen the and more l'11pre83il'nllblo from theellSt--and long leave. Perhaps Whnt on eartllcould thatbave beon?" woulll bo called up for recitation on a to mterrup., put. In a voice at sweopmg out the stalla. and. the llronlpt lQen lound quito lrremt1blo when no- it Ia the iasWon te bo all davotion to naked colonel. "It gll'atnod Uko tho subject he had not so much as lookod at elbow while n hltlldon P('rry's al'D! nnd cl\ecry .'rply. The next iUf.ta,1t a. corded tho rare luxury of !l tete-a-tete. one's next door neighbor at dianer." haad light of 0. nway down OJ' ab!lunt from a 1'011 CD.11 he had ga\'c 1t a Budlllm and \'igOl'ous SqU("l!Zfl tall young trooper st{lJ)ped forth into the Belknap was a big lllld boisterous nw.n' "Not if ahe be l3.lI repellent and vener- there in the of tho Monoa, then lazily slcpt through. "but LawrencH call("dme Lwicl blaze o,f sunlight, his right hand Mm. Belknap WaG mnall in stature, ami 9oblo D.ll MrG. Wells, I assuru you. Why, went out. Any other man, his comrades said -;-he WIll not I'e-enter nftl'r lighting hb raised III salute, and stood erect unU 000- Boft-very soft-ot voice. Belknap was I ahe would have been glad to no sllent 11 moment and WAtch," would havo been spoiled a dozen clgnr-un:.1 I mUit say goot! ni'-ht." tionless by tho lieutenant's aIde General Merchandl.se, aither brusquely repeUent or oppressivoly leave the tabla when, after having re- :;hiapered Mrs. L:J:wrooce to Perry. over by the petting he had received from "Oh, good Mrs, r'llI "Did Mr. Perry t.'tk<3 an home cordial in manner; Mra. Belknap WlI.8 fused oberry and Pontet-Canet for up- You will llce it agam; and-watch the both and womenj but there was s01'l'Y)"OU go so ('al'!y We ure t< sergeant?" ' either gently and e.:t:lSperlltinjtly indU- wards of ao hour, her glass WlI.8 filled doctor." • 60methmg essentially sweet and genial reforUl you all in that respcct ns soon IV "No, sir," ferent to those whom she did not care to with champagno when she happened to SU;J'cly enough, even as thoY wore aU his "lacking in we get sl'ttled. Here'!! Ptlrry. now. "I thought possibly he meant to taka attrllCt, or ca.resslngly oweet to tho:J.O be looking tho other way." lookmg about and commenting on the gUilo about hiS perceptio1ls," said a cyni- would Bit lip and play whfut with me all Roland. He's the best lady's horse in the whose attentions she desired. "It is the flrat dinner of the kind &bo Gtrango apparition, it suddenly glared Cal)tain of the regiment-and a hour yet," troop, is ho not?" In their own regiment the young om- han ever aeen here, Mr. Perry, and 1 forth a oocond time,ohlning full and Ius- JOVial, sunshiny way of looking upon the •. thia night, colonel.. IIo has prom· "Yes, sil'; but Roland Is nt tho linG cem GOOn found thllt unlenn they wished don't sUppo311 either Mr. or Mrs. Wells trollS WI an unclouded planot, yot miles worlJ as an Edan. all m(>n and nil women !sed to walk home with UD" (another now,!' , to be in an unpleasantnC3S with hM been up 60 late before in yeara. He awny beyond and above the fringe of friends, and the army n.s tho profes· squeeze), "and go ho must. or be a. faith· "Vcry well, then. Thnt's nll. I Ill'''''' Belknap it wna best to be only very mod- would havo enjoyed nnd watch- cottonwoods that wound !louthell!ltward swn above all others, nnd these various (("S9 escort. Good night. We've had stmle he has just ridden down to Dun crately devoted to his pretty wUe, and ingwhint, bnt ahecarried him oIl almost wJth the littlo strenm. Full half a. min. tomakebim populllr tluch n lovely time," mverr," And Mr. Parke turned to look these to whom an unpleasa.ntneoo with na!lOOn 11.9 we left the table. Our 80ciety ute It ahone, and then, abruptly Wl be- w1th hla kllld and unusuallyattractivo And Nt'd Perry, dazed, went with ht'l once more at the glinting objects down ,CARIZO HOTEL. the big captain might have had no tel'- has been very dull, you know-only our- fore, WWl hidden from Bight. to the opposite sex:. As a clldet he had to gaw, whe1'o Capt. L:twrence Wlllo the distant valley. It WM n moment or rora of consequenco were deterred by salves at the post aU this IllBt year lllld Perry WII.9 about starting fot'WlU'd to been perpetually on the verge of dlsmis· awaltmg them. She had barely timo to two bc:fore be WM a.ware of the fact tInt the fact U"t _ Belknap', d,voteo DObody OD"'de of ".. jo!" the colou,1 wh'n e lltU, hoDd wo, aal ,?"oo.... of the appul'lng a<Tay of d.. mmemn" tho .. 'goaDt 'till 'tnod 'h. I""'<lId' , omODg the "yonDgote..." had Iovnriah'y "0.. wonId ,upp... that with all tble In.d DpoD his onn. monls h.eoD'd ,oll upagnI ... his D,me. "You wo,e J"'f OD the polo' of tom.. h>!umh.gto W. d.ti... •. 0 become an object of coldness and aver- magnificent cattle rllllge there would be ":'V'll.it; once more you'll sea it,'· aho nnd yet the very officers who jot.ed down him .about the doctor's lights. I cannot "I enid was p.1I ser"'eant· yOU en sion to the other daIlles and clamselo of some congenlnl people ranching near whwpared. "Then take me in to Capt. the memoranda of his sins-omission myself for being the meaus of go ha.ck to your And wm:. GALLAGBEB, Propri ..... tor. the garrison. Very short Uved there- you. Are there none at alJ?" Do you soo that the doctor and commission-against the regulations 81'emg it: but my confidencp., ami Mr, Park" turned in some aur!)!:ise, for fore, bad been tho little that "Absolutely nonel There nrc some w caving? wcrc men who openly said he "had the keep-tIns untIl c,,"erybudy is talking S",rgt. Gwynne. by long odds the "smart;.. sprang up from time to time in thooo ranchEl3 down in the Washita country, Without oaying a word to one, the of one of the finest solwem in about it: it will come soon enou....h." and most soMierly of the nono<: i Iron"'" poan> wh"";D Cap' ODd Mm, hut only on. fine ODe D.... ",;oDd that poet""goon had V"y quI,tly wlthd'awn U .. eM." As jnnloe """".' "'DtenaDt NotDmI'y. M,_ p!"y went ho,':;"nm, officem.f 'be "",vat,y ",,;W: Belknap were among the chief omu.- might M well be on the other side of tho from the W"oup on the verande.. He -"plebe"-of the regiment, he hau been what perturlJed ill' sJ.lirit and all alivE' bon, for the first. timo il. IllS histor m.... of ooo'oty, hDt now mattofu Atlantlc. No ODe lrom than> .V... con'd Dot well ,.... hy "" fmDt .. te wolcomed every maD from the ooIon,' ";'h oonjootnro .. '<ro. hat 'he"" tWD.... ,oemed tu hove foegotteD b -m e,l 'eemed to he toklog othoe ,ha... F ...m eom.. han>, 'Dd Dr_ QnlD ln .h. an'y wi'hoDt a_tIn.. hDt ha down,ond ,t w", .. nsid",.d partloulady eonld m,un. Tho lIM uo"," of "..,.,,':;- Thnugh hia .!tltudo had Dot .,,' n' d' V.",. da, thet hand""m' N'd Petty llring ,ouI in "" .. nieon who .v... gut _lled '0_ into"" hoII. tonk Dp mogh that he ahoD'd have to gu to .ueh hlyof tho tmmpeto -gen'mllv kDown his lueo had. and D" ...... 'co·- ':v ohamonnted 10 froDt of Be'lmap', qnor- within th. wnIb> 01 that ,an.h. Whot • hook that lay on d .... hlc. .Dd p'D,,,d a company .. CopL Con ....•• b.""nao .... _ ...ll.. -m"' Wm f,o.. ';"','oop. hie brIght b'u. oyeo-a'l oo " ;f b:.: .. tars and with his soldierysalute reported he saw there he positively refuses to tell, I the ot omcara 6C3ted 1 was a w.ho never got along and by th" time the men marched out to dulity and wonderment and trouble all to the then commanding omcer that CoL despIte all our entreaty. n and chatting there, entered the With of h15 Jumors; but there WAS t1!O st.a.blo-: be had had h ; bath. a combined. Tllo lieut()nnnt was faid ........... and ble hattnllOD of coval,.,. "YOD don" taI' m. th.... , ", .. h ""'Dg roo!" OD th' "'Dth ,'d. 01 th' en I",uk .Dd ..... 'Dh 'Dd a to 'b'Dk om odmtled when. M Illcagh ""thooing hi':: would arrivo in the courae of two Or with a mystery here near Ros9lterl" ex- hall-th,e mdo oppooite the where contrite in Perry 8 bOYlSlll face when be h19 plans before folJowlUfI' in thei1"tracks rolf together, the sergeant faltm1ngly three hours, Mrs. Bel1.-nap bad evinced a Mr. Perry, with sudden interci?t. the whist gn.mo was in woult! a.ppear at his captain's door fot his ride. astonishmen; 2Skcd: contentment in Ids BCciety and o.ssum.ed "Why, I do, indeedI Is it possible there he wnalost to sight. I in. the early morning and burst .ont of LIeut. Parke, the junior of the troop "I p:mlon. sil'-lte llacl ..ridden- anllirotquasi-proprietorshiptha.tserved youhave been here two whole woolts A third timo"tbo bright light burnt WIth: 'IBy Jove, captain I 1 slept ?'nere?" to annoy her garrison sisters more th'1n and haven't heard of Dunraven Ranch?" the view of the gazers. A third through reveille again this morning when Perry crftn& bounding L to hIs side "Down to tha Ranch !K.'1'geant ttl t · '.WIlies. LIOUORS AND CIGARS. a little. For the time being ali the eav- "I've be:1rd there was such a thing' I time, shl1.rply and suddtmly, it wsap-/ and never got down till "What on earth brings yOlt out Ned?': one you can just soe. ciow'-; IJL alrymen wero bachelora, either by W)- saw it from a di9tancewhenout hunting peared. ,Then for a mament all was! nearly over'" that even that cross hi.s onty effort. 'valley." - _.. ttL'll rank or "by brevet," lIB none of tho thu other day, &twhat's the mystcl"y? sUenca and watchfulnoosj hut it camo no " but honest troop comman.der for n. galJop-down the Monce; "1 know. sir; hut-tue.u:l.nte?" SoaORlW N) lndI .. 01 Ih. --th aoonmpo...d 'ha hot- -"h.e, the m._ with It?.. wae ....onned. and, thocg!> he I1", .. t- 'hote 011, I haveD't hAd D f'""b,u"'(o, .. D"" .....n' .....h... ' 1. mUon on ita march, and none w.ere ex- "That's what wG nil want to' know- ?rrf looked questioningly in hitJ com· an,' reprimnnded. he woulq ne\'ar a For an instant. the 6toad M .... '-:"- pl:cted until thastations of the reglme::Jt and cannot find out. No,\v there is an a had turned n. little deny biasubaltern We get enOugh At thbugh t1azetl, then, wit.llsudul.'n effort G. "11 URPH EY & CO. m Ita new dep;u1;meut had been definite- exploit worthy your energy and best hi '. an () <- BW'e ihat aho WIUl t 1<3 :unteat privilege; !lnd when promo- mormng dt'ill. one would thinU, um} oUr saluted, taceu nbotlt and plunl!ec.1 inw .• 11 settled. The post surgeon to() was efforts. Mr, Perrt. There is a hi 8 .;er-mg. I ti",n took the C4ptain to ahot1tc1"regi· bOr51.'S too. OlJI1'J And PtLrkl' the dnrlt of tim stable '" living It life of singl., bleasoon;ss thO' we.'\lthy, well stocked ranch tho .fln!t .. !Oll coldT' he l1£Itted her, gentlY'. ment be baue good-by to Petry with eyea stoppt>d ffiltlden [y, It flashed (lcI'OSS him !l'O DE NT! elll'ly spring wore on, for his good wife homestead buildings, we are 'told, in a11 o-:;-not but 1 qaw that :",cl'e suspiciously "'Lt. UWhy, th.at pl!l'hat19.1)'o1'.ry \\'M titling co.. baG bt!taken herself, with the children. this part ot Te:cas. 'they aay it 'i'e Ilf1\u- af'ter what ve una wo haven't blow 1t all, do you felllhvfJ hate lauy frIaml tho J!OUI' her "" to the distant east as soon WI diaap:- tifully furnished-that it has a fifif.l rn tba.t ligbt III or so long••• Cqfi1a so tor? tho )'oUugster ofUm S,;loctlOn. If so, twas flo businC'ss of it 1\"2 ·t\\'lt!S. pearnnce of tha winter's snows rendored llbrury, a grand piano, 811. manner -Of lel"$ to t?C comer Otu) moment. Aud Gald. Ire ought to put Ind in arrest hlS j and remarks wore uncalled COl.". a .dcle"ation of staging o'\'er the hard prairie roads & things indicative of culture nnd refine &1\0 butt around to tho other 11a.t'1k of nnd again. but ae \V()u·t. BI:un"d WhCllltl} Dond rode llwn' from EP.lsc0p,il.hUU. e]etlgr.tncn abofltd tbo matt.!r of no great danger or cliscomf6rt. tI1ent among its occupants-bUt OWtl: tho bIg bAl'l':lc!t like residence of if I 't l)ut in an'cst, or C01lfuJo tl!c Mr. Parka outside the C,.ty 01 w1l0 'Wot'C :returning It was the doctor himself who sea.ted .er only comes arquI1d once or t tho eom1fiaflolng omcer. I tl1yl:lel£ to the luwts ot tho post. and do pJoket tope, nnd tLJ!l)ly OCI'Upi!'o iu 'hi. n VISlt, 'to aHd 'the in an ensy chair at the end olthe vo- year, o.nd is an iceberg of at1 oLook lip there/; sajd, pofuting to SOl11et! ,.rug. to c!lt 11\1 Ming to town thl! fnstcliing of they played upon a J:ouu:r Eng- r.mda, first called tho colonel's attention man. AU the people a.bout tb 0 h Ii d"arItwindC'wundtlr the peaked and hops and such .lungs, Thel. 1 eM frt-sh, spl1'1ted hOI'S('!l at line, (C'I.l' tIll:' wns the subjeoL of p,'l'el1fi) to Perry's devotional attitude &t Mrs. rre Ehglish too c,r.d the roo t r <3 I root ot £he cottage to tho-south. stick to the troop like and get Up at troop comuw'del' was n mnn intolerant lllli'th. An il'amMan- Be'kanp', aide. She wan .... Ihtlng in. hoo"leh, .. Io' Of.;' .. "Tbot Is tb' dnctor'. ho, ...... . rnvclll., hu' ': 1"0', out danolDg till 2, 0' of of kiDd. ...d ...thioS Cb'f"t IV.' '.c' Ote' hy bls .mploy, h.o....oek. ODe UtI'o. aIIp".,.d foot oocn- caw. Whon Ill. 1!I.vonlll ,.k b .... In 0 Ie'" Food. a lam' "1.........0Id 'n thc :uoeumc It Do U". 1 tell yCD' I lUO" ott.od,d h,. eJ'> thau ;h, .;ght 0' i:;' ' lllonally touching the floot and impart- $hoy did everything tliey could t to nreep t.U"ofi.llh the slatll. -'1'l1en tlla JUst,. C3.t1 tl wa.ke up, two tllreo or hrl'> ch:t1'ges at1t1 comlIi - 1t '- l': u'" uu .r mg a genII,. ."'Dging motion to the oIvlI io them hu' DO' .. ri":;' 010.. I!"""'''' wen> 'bro, .. '<iII. OpeD, It WO .. hvDy' ]U'l>IlcO!d of Ned 1'_ pl""gmgDM k'.kIng, "I' and dnwn rl.. ." .ANDELL BROS. &. CO. all"nI,. and making a eoothlng ..... b. ""'lld they..;..pt ,,'? Id wbIte ehnd' ".. Io"...d, .. d, '.rith tbot b. "onld he- ."",""".d JlDd dono ....h'o r·'d. On Um otll" hand .10>.. b. w""id ho fatEe> the tim-.::: swis}- of skirts along tho tnattiug underw e,:;r,;tend; tind lW thn.t Q da o l t6 t e! tho rays behind it growfug\brighter e'V- for" ....·ithin a yaar of his gradl.lfitioit Was 110 (me exp¥.)it that HE'enwtl giVE .l'enened the 6tlmtt " :- i'J" ;Qea.th. I:l(!t jewp,led hanWl looked very nolte of the OfUC9l:'s lmVCl had:Y tIllS imrtunt, n. broad light shulte Every new fate in tItd fl'Ve Y(lil.i·s that tlte SOlUlgCl' lluiuttthl' !\eellPT' dcU"ht- 11 u t eel b al ..d", nod ' .. gIIo and "hlte .. Ill. ........ with the poe I. D' the ":1 to_ ,- over the root of "" Au- "av\1cd d.. g ....'''D pmph- ne'hlo" !'lad,. th, il',p.'eato',;' hlg- U 'Ii, ,r,: gleamed in tho soft light that the holdicrs know Httle 'Were heard eey, 'Now g?11e, sureI" but. gar Iua .oW1\ ('.'\'CS 01' tilt!' obJect of )jemg 1)orl1, \\"01.],1 1'lmd simp) tt · HARD WARE HOUSE lrom"" 0 .... "in_e of "" "...lee. .... Ii'l .... a fO>U" "''i'D... oe<1lMr 1..3. f aInbg tb.c d"",!" 0 -""""" lOOlStopo 'hat ...,. 'he m>g", 'Mm 'oti.. dao... 1 """ .... CD'y I'" f,lIowo-aud '" "Ma",.., "al1d ill ""'" i' WM a boy 'II 0 'J'hey were busied in stmigllwning out big men arrive who m-o to f presentlY tbefi1 alon,", the 11;1 l'estless nnd itnpa.- 4 l!\'rl'J\ de\'i<'(' ()r, wliil'h \\"tmhl be I'Jumes," The clcl'gyman th6 kinks in tbe gold cord (jf h1tl forage dfrlt1nguiahed people-in. En land' H tlent Ita ll1.Ight be When cowpelled by his, ifigennity tnMtl'l' ('alle,l fottutt_n l?lntifr cuble displ:\,tcl1,antl 'Wl'Ole tAt> find in. rearrangb1a Ii little oUken remain ..only .$ little wbfio but Ahe 8,"11, pluclt.blg at hill to frOm her 'Slue.! mt(l play. regmlli'ly tIm tIlotnlng eaml' upon the word "James, " und when braid and tassel Wal tllStened in 3 away ua they cam. go come ,-wa.y; lt 18 the aO<ltor/' however pronU!l1ng to o.1stlUl arouml, to lJrt'ak 'Clthp.j· r1'OUl tIlt' Hie l)lIot (ll¥U0 &Iona6ide J off Sand oI .... r .... Jlk. faehton to on. 01· th ., "And 0. "".. .. "Pc, wbot "",,",DI" ".. .., .... ted, p''''ho''' to 1I>n do",... h....lt-.. cou,mU"g hund 0' d.o JI'oo,,", 0' "'0'" Heol', 'b'y'I1!);ll."I1",d • ".bi" button; at tho stde; he, Seated bt. .(i them?'. J nover all1' C)f would 6eelU IUto bIding. No, Mr& all the /lurtae?,.jntlioatioflS, 11m nb$l'l' t,he ta.ut tlnll atminin:.; pi('4et rope. 'I'hl.' baud thn to tIie gtmtleman ohol', w" bnndlng I..... lltd '" that Jd>l ..N..., ....... _ 1.0_80, I" .. ...,. ... ;n ho co ....... f"'DK,,!," . ,,,til whieb hcpmo'>.I.. ed BOlt <(lrD 01 th. CIll.... 1,•• 1,," ... of .10. .nd to <\'\1'" was " <ub'. - fcr 101.,' bD400m' eltnpe)y hcod "" on' bnn .. l u.: lloe !lut Ill. doc'" 1't".">l Ihom wI'l(brlot .... dtnI....'nn Io.v.rr II ....·' aDd tb" """"P "'Jl'IIUU "i'" t1roe;:fo" tD ... h, .. U'OIill by 'b. pilol boo' 'l:hJ trlJI. 111 g b.< thoD .. d the .:.. Qo" •y 0 0Il/I: '""'"Pt D,. ...d collt'\..\>.. Old"""'on, !'Pok. <0 ,be fne' 'I>.. t bo ", ... h ... jne, .0 ';"th hu'l th?' atl 'hol>o..., .. ".'C o"'-'OI"O'y !ne'lI'd I%gii,IuM. "".jyool tb!< bog,,,,,, til .. bmI ... 'dArk nnd rloI;' 'D'" ' "hj; .. kd h Imnty "I 'lnl mill" nnd 'bilhobo 01 tli. 0 do"'" eth.,. girls." "obI.d 'ho O\lo'" .M knotted. Not unti' !to I>ad "<um,..,d .., tho ",,,",,,lint. 'till' .nolh" SO In!> ... 4 ...... I ..... <ic .. abou' tl'!""':'" \tev", air, UDd wen' ,m D".;n by'" o"he ... g1<'''1I''c dec!do '1m' 'h. '':'''1' "hoi"" ebnnk" "" tit" Pa'ko n' .••blo,. "luclt .... a. "l,I'u.y,"O · Dints, WlrtdriiiDJ,--lloree,r.o.wel'ijf)tc. Writ/fot rn.tner\M £6t' equ,a..IUP Ill.. r d , '.!ley keep ..<Wt dnoe to th. ee'_Ie ttlM 1,,,,111»> y...om.... ,.. .t ' ..,"b. ,- to , .." around. i"" w,.,,, h. d'd C', "'k h. c<oIJu",d - .N!ctllI. __ ,.., , _nlmlty..::of 0 -ca.p.; .....De1knll. wh II d d\\T\ ".V V,/ xC t1S1VetieSSr. nen Perry turned to h18 PiL'tnor: woman. •) I bis cotuta(1lY diH:t1>pcurc<J \'i(,\V, UlCUgO" U':,t 0 . D-.nd Alhq..,;orque say&d'to t.i\ke Ii .IWUl at Jiufjf, t: n: -aom: Ilea.i'll of tbmg« t l Well. M1'8. wW1'en&. whae ,duel iCi#lt "1 )do .:wish," s:.ud 1\1rs. '1'urnel', O'an1t oVer this lltOllCl Imriznt1 .a.. ' , " If"'" )/.<1",,_ ,lor. ' •. - , .. -"" ...... 1 .. nljO, r.lUaUtl"' ..... _" 11 tblO ot ",I»':;au It>d to Mr. I "Tl' ""DId Dotd...0 somehod)·,.... bont\ili!d, .. o,'u\! uhJ"" conId h. Alfl",'m... ""'r .... .nd t9 , ' __ •.•. . .' __ _y '''Il',!> olD! all 01 6'!1I 1"01" __. _ _. I ••""e,j..", "" IoUll h. dot .. -t, U I.ja",,: l'>tt aW01,!It IJItlal!'o"pa nftto... 10' or.. Lt<, . , D G f"l o 'I '. j, " 1 { , d 'I " '.

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Page 1: I t '0:111archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · 'Inat is to say, It has been fasteneQ ~o daybreuk when It wus IllS Junior's tour Ius explanatIOn of thl



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Copy:rlghred 1888 by J, B. Lippincott Comp~Phlla.delphla, IUld published by specIal armng~,moot through the American Presa AslloclBtlon.

By Oapt, OHARLES L"'NG, U. a. A,Author of"The Colonel's Daughter," "liTom

the Ranks," '''rhe Deserter," EW..


. ( .

=:: .. '.-

( \'


- INOLt7DllfG-



gf thU Southwe8t~

WldteO~ New Mexloo.




WID. praotice in Lincoln lind o.d,ioiningcounties,


w. S. RYAN~



WUITE OA.KS, NEW MEXICO.Will plllotiea in Bll the courls of the lcrritory

and the United Bt.t.toa Land Offioo.


X,nTQOLl>r COUN',t,''t IConta.tc.s tb.ll Br(lllt~s~ arcll> th(1 ml;llQt",",led l'eS~'U'illlS u.n~ tbf.l fj'1.'l\lIl\\oot iIOltloJ'~".lt1e, of p,u.y ql):"tnt)' in ~hllIl~llth,"lIt.J,---- ~

ATTo-:a!flEYS .:ND CoUl'ldELOR~ ''IT LA.w.


Srd JUdicial District,LA.S CRUOES, NEW MEXICO.

Typewriter ribbons for all machinl:'s,paper, cal'bon etc... for sale.








An impootion of stock invited. and satillfaotiongaa1'lIJltoOO ourehasors Il!I to q11ll.llty and price.





~Wil1 practice in all.the courtB of the torri.tory lind the United fltat:esJAmd 'Office.



._~,!l_ot&Is 11 nlYlV briok stmeturo and j_9 fum­~ .....onghout with now furniture. BleeplngrOIllllll are well t1UPJ!lied with clean and comforta­ble beds, 1Ill!l proytdad with lightand ventilation.~le supplied With the beat. Ute market affords.'!'J~.?!'fOtaken .,f, lind attantiOll paid to wantB.... • ••IUUont lr\168t8.

WUO'j/J!li4~ ~ ImTAIL ..

.rntuaE; CHEMlCALS"




R. H. PIERCE,, SeYen Rivers, N. M.,

Ollem te tho peoplo of tho !'ecOll country a veIl.uwrledand 1lireo stock of

.lG~l' :rOll




Qomplote abstract of alllanda on the Pecoe.

VO~.:.H), . . it:INOOLN, LINCOi..N COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, MARCR 7, 1890. • NO. 14

D~.. =J;·~M;.:::;A~. =J~E~W~E~:'r:T~, =====~:::;D=':::;[J==-N"':::R=A=V=':::!E'=N=:;:::::;R=il:::'~;~: r='c:::;';B~;::;;:-::On:;;:::e=~~r:::::;f1,y=.:::O=O=1~;h:::::'e=bai=e:::;131=a:::;1s:::;0:::;, =w=e:::;::::;::roilo :::Qb=a=b:::;ly=,=a::;:b:::~=:;:::::::::;.A:::::t:::::;~=q::· v::::~n=ta==,c=ap::::t.='=&;;:"=Do:::::;::n='t::::ll=alt:;t- =m=e::::n=o=w=.:;::':;t...-;:;=ld::::i;:;:;d=n=ot=w::::ll::::n:'::t~r::::!\t7h-';~~h;;;:!l.r::::d"""":=t:;:;~::ir=eu:::::::w=h::::()=:;:;h=e =b::::el::::9n::::'g::::s:::::t::::~::::.ll==·; :::::;;::::::=::::,::t:;=:::::=;;':t;:r,:;;:::::~~~~~....ATTORlITEY .AT LAW, . .. ~"I . ~~~ob3~rv~ohhe6cen\)- -6nent~t9 1 wrence bnatold me he did lJ,Qtwiah to SeE' what we ha.ve sap-n, but I hd And',as 1\11·l'I. Turnel;' bad long,bepn l,l. or four, blaok dots of grazing c~ttla

_ t I}aqene lwcausl". 'beblg in. conversation P:l- to repeat what I hn.d heard 'or to be heard qUt'l:'t l:i~orie8 a,nd could not believe 1'Cignlllg boUeamong themll.rried women mll.rked the plain. Q,nd aVOr in the'\Y~UTE O.\KS, JiJi:W MEXICO. ~t tbotl..no with brothe1'otnce.iI at Lie~fi, CO'liceraed in any wo.y with tl;e al ~.iea them. TakE' me In to (,:u.pt, Lu.wr~nce of the -th, and one t-l WholU the young .Lbrealti' of the MOllli!e, .1ut'lt bayond tho

____ _ eJt!'f, tl Ply were W1t)eJ.1;am Wl y~t how Afloat, so you must twk aomcbody else please, And, Mr: Parry, yo" won't llpea.k efficera were alw,ays expected to show fringing cottonwoo'ta, tW() 01' three '"'. I, Wm. W"Won. ;Robert E. Lund, A Story of ..:'-mexican Frontier :.mmeiutlHln his gr<>win~6~tatlQn.rWght Try th.e doctor. '1'0 ohan~El the IJubject' of this to anyone. will you? Indeed if 1 . n"\ucb attention, hel' w.himsical way of herds of Imlilln pouies W(lre Idee'pllyW 4 TSON & LUND, Life. ""'" ved, Thot Illeij or" 'hould 00- l>Ir, Po"y. :.". you ha .., loot that mP- had Im?WD, 1 would 00' hove com; out de",rlhlng the "tuaol'D "aD ",a<lily un- oro'.plog rl.,I, ",,,,.Iog "''''. wAtcbed

caaionaUy wll,nder towards the hamm9Ck terlOUB Httle silken bra.id and tnssel y011 he.' for thQ world, but I didn't believe derst-ood, by the little blp,(ll~ llup of a l.Joy \\'1I05e...a~ then t?~c~ with sympathetic sig- \~ 0}'6 on your cap button. I fancied it, e~en when she went away nnd took But he1'.e at the ~ew Bt~~ion-a~ far dil·ty red blanket UlaUf;"tha..on\,y p~u("h Qfn~ca.nce'l!>'t; thbse or solne fa.il' ,v1ly.and 4ihere Wl.J some romance attached to it; the childreI,," a.way RQs5it-~-n1.at.ters WI,H~ taking on 1;0101.' I1gabH:l.t the llouther!J I~Qd,mn.f''''''~tlXlllg.ti)WM nll.turnl enough. Bll. when and now it i$ gone." . " "Who went away?" a new look. TQ begin '\-ith, tho wives Lawr in lih(oo da~" when the aUIl IUUJ.wt~a~ ~~:une J>:re$cntly a.pparent that Mrs. Perry laughed,<his bluaeyes t\ .nkling uMrs. Quin-the doctor's wit'. And of the omc~ts of the cavalry battalion high in tile: nel,1.vcns and t{jt'!.lwiali we~~

e ap was .actually unfastening the with fun: "If I will tell yOll howo.nd she was Buch a sweet woma.n, and 60 de- had not j?\ned, none of the ladies of the arly winds aent tbe \}'Jouds 6ailillg ~wiflllittle oilken bfllid ~bat had bung on Ned ":"hel'0.1 got tpal; tassel, will you tell me voted whim," ~th "lo.m bere, and none would be across thE:' skies, nU thu brQau pl':dd~~er1;Y'!3 cap eV\!;l''Since the day r ' his ar- what ~ou ha.ve heard IloPQut Dunr.aveJ,l "WeIll pardon )le, Mrs, Lawrt.nce, I apt to ,cOMlf until the Inmmer's scout- Beeuled il1 mQtion. for then huge l'1har.l ..nval-all the while, wo, lookh. shyly Ranch?" ~ don't see throu~h this thing at all. Dl> ing, worlt vyal:l:OVCl' anq dQne with. 'rhe oW's swepL its face with measured s}Jl>ed,up in. bia er

esas bel' .t1J;lge,l'.ll worked; "X cannot; unleso Capt, La~rence you mean that the doctor haa auything ladles os:. th~ httle battaU"ln'1f infantry and distaL't cattle and lleighlm!'illp,,' pony

when 1t WM ~een' that she prese:qtly de- ,wJ.th4raws hia pl'Obibition. Perhaps be to do with the mystery?" were ,b~e~, and, though there were no herd appeared &8 though (:ainxl~' lllldtac~ed It from t~te button and then, half will" Dough, for I think it woo only be- She tONed ht'l' head as they turned maiden siate)'!! Q't cousius ~Tl:\t.at the'post contell~e(l1y l'idin~ 011 Ut })l'l,la.tl platform,hellltlJ,tingly, but evidently in con;l.pliance .catJ~e he was tired ~f hea,rlng aU oW' back to the house: "I must not teU you (rest aflSured ~hnt more thau Qne waa ai- NatUl'(;<'S own "obscry:,l.tio~l ca!:." tn~dll~with his wisbell, handed it to him; when <C01lJectm'es and theonea." I any more to-night. You Will be sure to ready summoned), they were sufficient a iei!>urel~' jOUl:J.ley wwat'ds the Cal' a waybe wna seen to toss it carelessly-even "Well, will you tell me if 1 ca.n induce hear something of it all, here, Every- in number to enliven the monotony of Pacifio,contemptuously-awa.y and then bend the captain to say he bas no objection?" body on the piazza saw the hghts, and garriHon life and sufficiently a.ttractive But the SUll wt\S only just up as l'rZr,down lower. as though gazing into her persisted Perry. Iall who \vere here before you cume knew to wanant all the attention they caI'ed Pa,rkp Callle b,tck fl'om hi.s inspection 1Jfshaded eyes, Mrs. La.wrence could stand "I will to-morrow-If you will tell me wb8t they meant," . t~.,()eivG, It was b'}~inning to be gar- , tue har~el' fastenings and paused to look " .,t--<'..it no lon~er, about the taaa~l to-nigllt,,". , I .''''What were they?" , . I r4111n chat that if Ned Perry had nol Ac~'Oss the l<>w valley, Far down, to the.~~Me Gr~ha1U'!"'l5:.Utl"ilht:r,·'flilm'r" your nIs it a positive prQm1se? You wlll tell' "Signals, of sorlie kina, from bunraven Hsettltid tm'llomebbdy'" ~ the uItjnw,te south(ia~t 'the ray~ seen}(~li glinting on •

friend, Mr. Perry, something of a flirt?" me to-morrow all you have heard about Ranch," Iobject of his entire devotion, somebody SO.Ill~ bl'ight objectlil cluetered together"Who?~Ned?" asked Mr. Gr~ham in D.unraven Ranch if I will tell you to. hausC'ttlrd on him, and that wus pretty ~v!thm short l'un¥1:' of the /;lhad~.l\vy

well feigned amaze and with sudden lllght aU 1 know about the tassel?" CHAPTER II. J',I!'S, Bdkllup.. ..'mgo,. and the lieutenant shaded his~lance towards the object of his inquiry. "Yes-.-1\. promise," And though Ned Perry hated reveille eJ-eR with his gauntlet ant:! looil;ed fIxed-'HoN on earth should I know anything "Very well, then. You are a witness ••lld Illoming stables, as has been said Iy thitherward as he stood at the stable

about It? Of course you do not seek ex- ~o th~ compact, Graham. Now for my ~nd could rarely "take 'his week" "-ith: do<?r.pelt testimony in asking mo. He tri 8, I ~.1fession. I h?,ve worn that tassel ever out mn,king one or more lapses, here he . "Home new tinning dow:! at that Eng-suppose to adapt himself to circum- ~nee our part~g ball Ilt Fort Riley. was tillS bt'autif,ul May ~o~ning out at l~h ranch t~ey talk of, 1 suppose.... was

T WAS nearly midnight d stances. But why do you ask?" 'Inat is to say, It has been fasteneQ ~o daybreuk when It wus IllS Junior's tour Ius explanatIOn of thl.' pltenOnWlIOll. an<,lstill .the ~ay Plloi'ty linger~da:n I "Because 1 see that he has boon indue- that button ever since he ball until to- of duty, und wending his way with that then "wouder ,vhy Pen'y hmm't l'iddenthe ~eranda.. There had been Ing Mrs. Belknap to tall:e off that little nightj but I've been mighty careful not youngstel' out to the line of cavall'y sta- to cnlth'at~ the acqun.int...nce of those

B fortnight of "getting settled" at th tassel on the button of his cap. He bas to wen. that cap on any h.lnd of duty." bl~s, booted l:ud spurred and equipped people before this, He was al\yays theDew post, precedpd by a month of march~ Iworn it when off duty eyer smce he ..And yet you let M.rs. Belknap take it for a ride. first man in the -th to find out w110 ourd.ng .that had brol,lght the oottalion from camej nnd we supposed it wna something off to-night?" The colonp.l had listened with some neighbors wel·o."distant service to th{S stnl.n~e Texan sta- he cherished; I know she <lid." "~hy shouldn't 1? Thero was no surpdse to his request, protl'er~d just as Pondering o\'er this qUestion, it 00-tion The new COmeI'll bad been hospita- I Graham broke forth in a peal of merry l!lpntiment whatever attached to it. I the Iltlrtr was breakinp; up the ni ....ht ue- curred to Mr. Parke t".at Perry had saidbly welcomed by the officers of the little l;aughter, bu, gave no further reply, for ha.ven't the .faintest idea whose it Wll8 fore, to be absent from ~arri30noa few he was going down the Monee that moru-garrison of infantry, and now In 1'000"'- JU6~ then the colonel and the doctor left nn.d only tied it there for the fun of th~ ED PERRY hated re- hours the following morning. i~g; but nowhere woo thore a speck innition of their many courtesi~, the field their chairs, an'.!, I'll.ulltering over to the thmg and to make Graham, here, wk vt'lIle and moming "But we have battalion drill at 9 SIght that looked like loping horl:leman..officer '0Gmmaacling the .a.rlivin'" troops hammock, bro~ght mighty relief to Bel- questions." stables about as ve- o'clock, Mr, Perry, and 1 need ,you there" To be sure, the trail uOl'e close to the lowhad been entertaining the resident om-I k~ap at th? wlu8t table and yex:ation of "Mr. Perryl" gn.'lped Mrs, Lawrence. hemently as was pos- he said ' bluffs that bounded the \'allt'ly on thocers nnd lawes at dinnp.r. The colonel SpIrIt to h18 pretty wile. The flirtation "And do you mt'an that AIrs, Belknap sible to a young fel- "Oh. ru he back in time for that. sir, north by the time one had ridden a milewas a host in himself, but prefe~Ted not was broken ~t.a most interesting point. ~owB-that you told her what you have low who wus in other I wanted to be olI three hours or so be· or so o.ut frnUl the post. ae was prob-to draw too heavily on his reserves of and .P~rry, l'lBmg suddenly, CllJUe over JU~,t told me?: resp.ects thor01;lghly in love with his pro- fore brl'ukfast." a~ly hIdden by this shoulder of the pra~.

NEW MEXIC:l. .anecdote and small talk, eo he had called and Jomed Mrs. Lawrence. WeU, no, laughed Perry. "I fancy fessIOu. A fairer typo of the American The culonel could not help laughing, ne, and woulU continue to Ulo' until he_______________ In two of his subalterns to aasist in the I If ahe expected to see him piqued or Mrs..Belknap thinks as you thought- cavalry officer, when once he got in sud- ':Of course you can go-go whel'llver you reached the bend, fh'e miles below. NoW. O. Mo DONA LD, p......t dut, 01 h,1ng atteDtl.. to the annoyed at the 1n" ptI0D aDd eom.. th,t",,~ a .... d·amOD'. Hullo' look dI' and "'''ed do~ to bu,Io.", OD, hke at thoo' hOD"', W heo ,·ou .... Dot OD DO? watch'ng fo, hi.. thon. Be,id",. h,

DEPUTY '0. S infantr, lndl... and j... DOW, at Hall p, I "hat ......,h... 'D D.., ah. _ at that hgh' awa, out th........"" th, wOD'd hoed', eok to fiDd. Tat'. athletlo .."d, hot I D"",'m,giD,d ,ou,voD'd m.ght not yet hDV. ,torted. M,,_ ''0,;,..m., he was wondering jJ Lieut. Perry greatly mistaken. Nothing could have prairio. Wbat can that be?" slender of build, with fro.nk, laughing W(~~t t,o get up so eariy," recul~ed the fact that ho half 'suspl'cted

MINERAL SURV.EYOR AND had not too literally construed hiB in-I been more sUIlShiny and jovial than the Mrs. Lawrence rose suddenly to her blue eyes, curly. close cropped, light Ne~thtJr I woulu. colonel, but I've ~ whlle ago that Ned was going to I'ide-NOTARY PUBLiO. structions. for that young gentleman greeting he gave her. A laughing apol- feet an~ go.zed southeastward in the di- bl'own hail', and a twirlin~ mustache been m~l'I'e,>srod in, something I heard an ear,ly aute-breakfnst ride-with a

was devoting himself to Mrs. Belknap in ogy to Graham for spoiling his tete-a- raction 1n which the young officer point- th~t was It source of inex:}Jressible delight about tillS mnch clown the ~fonee, and lady fnend. Mrs. Belknap had her ownW IIITE OAKS, NEW MEXICO. a manner 80 marked na to make the cap- tete was accomplished in a moment, and ed. It was a lovely, starlit night. A to Its o\vner and of some envy to his thou~.ht I'd like to I'ide down and look horse, and was nn accomplished eques-

tain, her lawful lord and master mani- then down by her side he8ll.tand plunged 80ft wind was blOWing gently from the brother subalrorns. !lIr. Perry was prob· at it. triennej Mrs. Law:ence I'oue fairly wellfestly uneasy. ' into II. merry description of his IJxperi- south and bearing with It the fragrance ably the best looking of the young om- "00 ahead, by nil means. and sel' and was always glad to go, when some:

Mrs. Belknap, however. seemed to en- .enctm at dinner, where he had been of sprinp; blossoms and far away flower- cel's who marched with the battalion to whether those . lights came from there body could give her a saddle nnd a l'ell­joy the aituatioo immensely. She was placed next to the cha.pla.in'a wife on the ('tI!. Others. too. hold arisen attracted thi~ far awU1' station 011 the borders of It made Ille thInk of a play I once saw- able mount. There were 0thol'S tOQa pretty woman at most times as even one hand, and aho had been properlyag- by Perry's sudden exclamation. Mrs. the Llano Estacndo. He had ber>n ten the 'ColIl'en. Bawu'-wlwre a fellow's among the Indiesef the infan.try ga~J'is~her rivals admitted. 8bo wna·o. beaut!- RTieved at his at:tent/.ons to Mrs. Belkna).> Belknap turned languidly In her h:l.m- years in s.?rvice, coul1ting the four he swee~lll'art !;tgn'lll'd IlCro.,s till> lake br wIll) woro no novices a chc\':ll. 1'111'.rul woman at all times, was the verdict on}he other. .mock and glanced over her prl.'tty white spent as a cadllt, hau just won his silver ~how1l1g a light in lwr ('ottage window Parlee had no intenti?n whatever of pry­of the officers of the regiment when they You must remember that Mrs, Wells shoulder. 'rhe colonel followed her eY63 bar.nfl the junior first Iieutenaut of the Just that way. thret' ti:nc!l, and he an ing into the mntter, It was simply ashappened to speak ot tho matter among is a very strict Preabyteri:Ul, Mr. Perry; with his llod gave a start of surprise, l'egllUent, was full to the bl"irn of health Bwered by turnlllg out the,> Iicihts In hi~ something the officer in charge of stal:le,hemsel~a She was dark, with Ius- and, for. that matter. none of us have The doctor tur~ed slowly and oomposed. e~ergy, animal Rpirlts and fun. and. bar: room. Of. conr~l' tho di.1tnncG WfUlU'l duty WIlB entitled to Imowthnt he turnedtrous ~yes and Bwooping lashes, with seen 0. dm.ner such lltl the colonol gavo us Iy and looked mlently towa.rds the glis- I"mg a few duus nUll dcuts in his earlier anythIng hlcu tillS: and there was no oue suddenly and called:

W 0 L 00"" hpo .Dd muoh 'uxn,lan", of to.... thh .venmg foe •••, and ev., ., 'ong. tcuing obJ'o~ aud th'D upo. 'h. om..... ""M""",. 'md Dm, kOOWD. hoovlo' h?'e to tom do"o aoy light- Ehl what ..""'... OWyDDe'"RITE AKS, IlfOOLN 00., N. M. and 11 way of glancing nidewllys from 'Y~ are quite unuood to the ways of of the cavalry there fell sudden astonish- cnro in tho workl than the transient did you ..:ty?" He heard the name p:wsec1 down the

• under her hea~ily fring-ed eyelids that olvilization; whereas you h,n'e just come ~,nt. nud ephroUlcralanxiety as to whrther he I ':1 !J(\f;' r:.:r,~on, ~olonel. I didn't ml'nn dark ~terior of tho stable by the iUenthe youn~er and more l'11pre83il'nllblo from theellSt--and long leave. Perhaps Whnt on eartllcould thatbave beon?" woulll bo called up for recitation on a to mterrup., put. In a ~entk' voice at hi~ sweopmg out the stalla. and. the llronlptlQen lound quito lrremt1blo when no- it Ia the iasWon te bo all davotion to naked ~he colonel. "It gll'atnod Uko tho subject he had not so much as lookod at elbow ~ while n Ii~tle hltlldon P('rry's al'D! nnd cl\ecry .'rply. The next iUf.ta,1t a.corded tho rare luxury of !l tete-a-tete. one's next door neighbor at dianer." haad light of 0. locomoti'"~' nway down OJ' "W~ed" ab!lunt from a 1'011 CD.11 he had ga\'c 1t a Budlllm and \'igOl'ous SqU("l!Zfl tall young trooper st{lJ)ped forth into theBelknap was a big lllld boisterous nw.n' "Not if ahe be l3.lI repellent and vener- there in the valle~, of tho Monoa, then lazily slcpt through. "but C~p~. LawrencH h:~ call("dme Lwicl blaze o,f (!arl~ sunlight, his right handMm. Belknap WaG mnall in stature, ami 9oblo D.ll MrG. Wells, I assuru you. Why, eu~denly went out. Any other man, his comrades said -;-he WIll not I'e-enter nftl'r lighting hb raised III salute, and stood erect unU 000-

Boft-very soft-ot voice. Belknap was I thou~ht ahe would have been glad to no sllent 11 moment and WAtch," would havo been spoiled a dozen time~ clgnr-un:.1 I mUit say goot! ni'-ht." tionless by tho lieutenant's aIdeGeneral Merchandl.se, aither brusquely repeUent or oppressivoly leave the tabla when, after having re- :;hiapered Mrs. L:J:wrooce to Perry. over by the petting he had received from "Oh, good lIi!~ht, Mrs, Lawr~nce. r'llI "Did Mr. Perry t.'tk<3 an cxt~a home

cordial in manner; Mra. Belknap WlI.8 fused oberry and Pontet-Canet for up- You will llce it agam; and-watch the both ~en and womenj but there was s01'l'Y)"OU go so ('al'!y We ure goin~ t< sergeant?" 'either gently and e.:t:lSperlltinjtly indU- wards of ao hour, her glass WlI.8 filled doctor." • 60methmg essentially sweet and genial reforUl you all in that respcct ns soon IV "No, sir,"ferent to those whom she did not care to with champagno when she happened to SU;J'cly enough, even as thoY wore aU ab~ut his nat~re-somethillg"lacking in we get ~al'1y sl'ttled. Here'!! Ptlrry. now. "I thought possibly he meant to takaattrllCt, or ca.resslngly oweet to tho:J.O be looking tho other way." lookmg about and commenting on the gUilo about hiS perceptio1ls," said a cyni- would Bit lip and play whfut with me all Roland. He's the best lady's horse in thewhose attentions she desired. "It is the flrat dinner of the kind &bo Gtrango apparition, it suddenly glared ~al.old Cal)tain of the regiment-and a hour yet," troop, is ho not?"

In their own regiment the young om- han ever aeen here, Mr. Perry, and 1 forth a oocond time,ohlning full and Ius- JOVial, sunshiny way of looking upon the •.~ot thia night, colonel.. IIo has prom· "Yes, sil'; but Roland Is nt tho linGcem GOOn found thllt unlenn they wished don't sUppo311 either Mr. or Mrs. Wells trollS WI an unclouded planot, yot miles worlJ as an Edan. all m(>n and nil women !sed to walk home with UD" (another now,!' ,to be in~olved in an unpleasantnC3S with hM been up 60 late before in yeara. He awny beyond and above the fringe of ~ friends, and the army n.s tho profes· squeeze), "and go ho must. or be a. faith· "Vcry well, then. Thnt's nll. I Ill''''''Belknap it wna best to be only very mod- would havo enjoyed Ert.a)'ln~ nnd watch- cottonwoods that wound !louthell!ltward swn above all others, nnd these various (("S9 escort. Good night. We've had stmle he has just ridden down to Duncrately devoted to his pretty wUe, and ingwhint, bnt ahecarried him oIl almost wJth the littlo strenm. Full half a. min. at~ributea~mbinedtomakebim populllr tluch n lo~cly., lovely time," mverr," And Mr. Parke turned to lookthese to whom an unpleasa.ntneoo with na!lOOn 11.9 we left the table. Our 80ciety ute It ahone, and then, abruptly Wl be- w1th hla kllld and unusuallyattractivo And Nt'd Perry, dazed, went with ht'l once more at the glinting objects down

,CARIZO HOTEL. the big captain might have had no tel'- has been very dull, you know-only our- fore, WWl hidden from Bight. to the opposite sex:. As a clldet he had to t~e, gaw, whe1'o Capt. L:twrence Wlllo the distant valley. It WM n moment orrora of consequenco were deterred by salves at the post aU this IllBt year lllld Perry WII.9 about starting fot'WlU'd to been perpetually on the verge of dlsmis· awaltmg them. She had barely timo to two bc:fore be WM a.ware of the fact tIntthe fact U"t _ Belknap', d,voteo DObody OD"'de of ".. • jo!" the colou,1 wh'n e lltU, hoDd wo, aal ,?"oo.... of the appul'lng a<Tay of d.. mmemn" tho ..'goaDt 'till 'tnod 'h. • I""'<lId' ,omODg the "yonDgote..." had Iovnriah'y "0.. wonId ,upp... that with all tble In.d DpoD his onn. monls h.eoD'd ,oll upagnI... his D,me. "You wo,e J"'f OD the polo' of tom.. h>!umh.gto W. d.ti... •. • 0become an object of coldness and aver- magnificent cattle rllllge there would be ":'V'll.it; once more you'll sea it,'· aho nnd yet the very officers who jot.ed down him .about the doctor's lights. I cannot "I enid tJw.~ was p.1I ser"'eant· yOU ension to the other daIlles and clamselo of some congenlnl people ranching near whwpared. "Then take me in to Capt. the memoranda of his sins-omission for~lve myself for being the meaus of go ha.ck to your k'e~din;"" And tl~

wm:. GALLAGBEB, Propri.....tor. the garrison. Very short Uved there- you. Are there none at alJ?" ~wrenoo." Do you soo that the doctor and commission-against the regulations 81'emg it: but ~eep my confidencp., ami Mr, Park" turned in some aur!)!:ise, for• fore, bad been tho little flirtatio~ that "Absolutely nonel There nrc some w caving? wcrc men who openly said he "had the keep-tIns untIl c,,"erybudy is talking S",rgt. Gwynne. by long odds the "smart;..

sprang up from time to time in thooo ranchEl3 down in the Washita country, Without oaying a word to a~'1Y one, the makin~of one of the finest solwem in about it: it will come soon enou....h." ~st" and most soMierly of the nono<: iIron"'" poan> wh"";D Cap' ODd Mm, hut only on. fine ODe D.... ",;oDd that poet""goon had V"yquI,tly wlthd'awn U.. eM." As jnnloe """".' "'DtenaDt NotDmI'y. M,_ p!"y went ho,':;"nm, ~[s,[oucd officem.f 'be "",vat,y ",,;W:Belknap were among the chief omu.- might M well be on the other side of tho from the W"oup on the verande.. He -"plebe"-of the regiment, he hau been what perturlJed ill' sJ.lirit and all alivE' bon, for the first. timo il. IllS historm.... of ooo'oty, hDt now mattofu Atlantlc. No ODe lrom than> .V... con'd Dot well ,.... hy "" fmDt ..te wolcomed~ every maD from the ooIon,' ";'h oonjootnro .. '<ro.hat 'he"" tWD.... ,oemed tu hove foegotteD b-m e,l'eemed to he toklog othoe ,ha... F...m eom.. han>, 'Dd Dr_ QnlD ln .h. an'y wi'hoDt ~ttn>otIng a_tIn.. hDt ha down,ond ,t w",..nsid",.d partloulady eonld m,un. Tho lIM uo"," of "..,.,,':;- Thnugh hia .!tltudo had Dot .,,' n' d'~. V.",. da, thet hand""m' N'd Petty llring ,ouI in "" ..nieon who .v... gut _lled '0_ into"" hoII. tonk Dp mogh that he ahoD'd have to gu to .ueh hlyof tho tmmpeto -gen'mllv kDown his lueo had. and D" ...... 'co·- ':v ~e,,;ohamonnted 10 froDt of Be'lmap', qnor- within th. wnIb> 01 that ,an.h. Whot • hook that lay on d....hlc. .Dd p'D,,,d a company .. CopL Con....,·•• b.""nao ...._ ...ll..-m"' Wm f,o.. ';"','oop. hie brIght b'u. oyeo-a'l

oo" ;f b:.:..

tars and with his soldiery salute reported he saw there he positively refuses to tell, Ithro~h the gro~p ot omcara 6C3ted1C~nker was a J.l1~ w.ho never got along and by th" time the men marched out to dulity and wonderment and trouble allto the then commanding omcer that CoL despIte all our entreaty.n sm~king and chatting there, entered the With n~y of h15 Jumors; but there WAS t1!O st.a.blo-: be had had h ; plun~e bath. a combined. Tllo lieut()nnnt was faid........... and ble hattnllOD of coval,.,. "YOD don" taI' m. th...., • ",..h ""'Dg roo!" OD th' "'Dth ,'d. 01 th' eome~hmg en "'.'e","'~ib'y I",uk .Dd v~gu..... 'Dh 'Dd a Oh~DO' to 'b'Dk om odmtled when. M Illcagh ""thooing hi'::would arrivo in the courae of two Or with a mystery here near Ros9lterl" ex- hall-th,e mdo oppooite the ~Iorwhere contrite in Perry 8 bOYlSlll face when be h19 plans before folJowlUfI' in thei1"tracks rolf together, the sergeant faltm1nglythree hours, Mrs. Bel1.-nap bad evinced a ~laimed Mr. Perry, with sudden interci?t. the whist gn.mo was in pro~S!3-nnd' woult! a.ppear at his captain's door dres~l!d fot his ride. TI~e astonishmen; 2Skcd:contentment in Ids BCciety and o.ssum.ed "Why, I do, indeedI Is it possible there he wnalost to sight. I in. the early morning and burst .ont of LIeut. Parke, the junior of the troop "I b~g p:mlon. sil'-lte llacl ..ridden-anllirotquasi-proprietorshiptha.tserved youhave been here two whole woolts A third timo"tbo bright light burnt WIth: 'IBy Jove, captainI 1 slept \V:l3flOmetbing:dm03ttoodee:>fol'\\"Ord~?'nere?"to annoy her garrison sisters more th'1n and haven't heard of Dunraven Ranch?" ~pon the view of the gazers. A third through reveille again this morning when Perry crftn& bounding L

to hIs side "Down to tha Ranch !K.'1'geant ttl t·'.WIlies. LIOUORS AND CIGARS. a little. For the time being ali the eav- "I've be:1rd there was such a thing' I time, shl1.rply and suddtmly, it wsap-/ and never got down till stabl~ "What on earth brings yOlt out Ned?': one you can just soe. ~way ciow'-; tl~oIJL alrymen wero bachelora, either by W)- saw it from a di9tancewhenout hunting peared. ,Then for a mament all was! we~e nearly over'" that even that cross w~s hi.s onty effort. 'valley." -

_.. ttL'll rank or "by brevet," lIB none of tho thu other day, &twhat's the mystcl"y? sUenca and watchfulnoosj hut it camo no " g~ramc~ but honest troop comman.der '(~OUlg for n. galJop-down the Monce; "1 know. sir; hut-tue.u:l.nte?"SoaORlW N ) lndI.. 01 Ih. --th aoonmpo...d 'ha hot- -"h.e, the m._ with It?.. m~.. wae ....onned. and, thocg!> he I1",..t- 'hote 011, I haveD't hAd Df'""b,u"'(o, ..D"".....n '.....h... '

• • 1. mUon on ita march, and none w.ere ex- "That's what wG nil want to' know- ?rrf looked questioningly in hitJ com· ene~ an,' reprimnnded. he woulq ne\'ar a \'~(lc!v.1t For an instant. the Ger~ennt 6toad M....'-:"- pl:cted until thastations of the reglme::Jt and cannot find out. No,\v there is an ~~n a fr~ ~: had turned n. little ~u~s~-woulcll1e·:~rdeny biasubaltern "U~tll We get exerci~e enOugh At thbugh t1azetl, then, wit.llsudul.'n effort

}S~ G. "11 URPH EY & CO. m Ita new dep;u1;meut had been definite- exploit worthy your energy and best hi '. an () <- BW'e ihat aho WIUl t 1<3 :unteat privilege; !lnd when promo- mormng dt'ill. one would thinU, um} oUr saluted, taceu nbotlt and plunl!ec.1 inw

.• '~I- 11 settled. The post surgeon to() was efforts. Mr, Perrt. There is a hi 8 .;er-mg. I ti",n took the C4ptain to ahot1tc1"regi· bOr51.'S too. OlJI1'J And ~rr. PtLrkl' the dnrlt teccSSl~3 of tim stable '"living It life of singl., bleasoon;ss ~ thO' we.'\lthy, well stocked ranch tho .fln!t ..~l'l) !Oll coldT' he l1£Itted her, gentlY'. ment be baue good-by to Petry with eyea stoppt>d ffiltlden [y, It flashed (lcI'OSS him !l'O DE NT! •elll'ly spring wore on, for his good wife homestead buildings, we are 'told, in a11 o-:;-not ~hat; but 1 qaw m~BtGriea. that :",cl'e suspiciously "'Lt. UWhy, th.at pl!l'hat19.1)'o1'.ry \\'M g(lin~ titling co.. ~"'"l1Dn,baG bt!taken herself, with the children. this part ot Te:cas. 'they aay it 'i'e Ilf1\u- af'ter what ~ ve .h~d, una wo haven't blow 1t all, wh~~ do you felllhvfJ hate \~lt'l ~ lauy frIaml ~ntl tho J!OUI' \\'~lG her " "to the distant east as soon WI th~ diaap:- tifully furnished-that it has a fifif.l rn tba.t ligbt III e~ or so long••• Cqfi1a C~llke~, so tor? tho )'oUugster ofUm S,;loctlOn. If so, twas flo businC'ss of 't'altJu~111; it 1\"2 ·t\\'lt!S.

pearnnce of tha winter's snows rendored llbrury, a grand piano, 811. manner -Of lel"$ to t?C comer Otu) moment. Aud Gald. Ire ought to put Ind in arrest hlSj

and remarks wore uncalled COl.". ~erG ~Yas a lnl'~o .dcle"ation ofstaging o'\'er the hard prairie roads & things indicative of culture nnd refine &1\0 l~d butt around to tho other 11a.t'1k of tim~nnd again. but ae \V()u·t. BI:un"d WhCllltl} niOUltt~d Dond rode llwn' from EP.lsc0p,il.hUU. e]etlgr.tncn abofltd tbomatt.!r of no great danger or cliscomf6rt. tI1ent among its occupants-bUt th~OWtl: tho bIg WO.od;~l,bAl'l':lc!t like residence of if I ~on't l)ut 1'llJ:'se~r in an'cst, or C01lfuJo tl!c ~tallle Mr. Parka '~'as outside ~t the C,.ty 01 ~:lrlg, w1l0 'Wot'C :returning

It was the doctor himself who sea.ted .er only comes arquI1d once or t • tho eom1fiaflolng omcer. I tl1yl:lel£ to the luwts ot tho post. and do pJoket tope, nnd tLJ!l)ly OCI'Upi!'o iu 'hi. ~!~Ii1 n VISlt, 'to J(j1,tts:tl~tn, aHd 'thein an ensy chair at the end olthe vo- year, o.nd is an iceberg of at1 ~~Ush~ oLook lip there/; ''Jh~ sajd, pofuting to SOl11et!,.rug. to c!lt 11\1 ~hiS Ming to town dutie~, 8u.I~Gr"islng thl! fnstcliing of th~ J~.e they played upon a J:ouu:r Eng-r.mda, first called tho colonel's attention man. AU the people a.bout tb 0 h Ii d"arItwindC'wundtlr the peaked dor~t and hops and such .lungs, Thel. 1 eM frt-sh, spl1'1ted hOI'S('!l at th~ line, (C'I.l' tIll:' l~hlr1au wns the subjeoL of p,'l'el1fi)to Perry's devotional attitude &t Mrs. rre Ehglish too c,r.d the roo t r <3 ~nct Iroot ot £he la.l"~ cottage to tho-south. stick to the troop like \~X and get Up at troop comuw'del' was n mnn intolerant lllli'th. An ~llgUslll11~il il'amMan-(~Be'kanp', aide. She wan ....Ihtlng in. hoo"leh,~.. Io'Of.;'.. '~~::J "Tbot Is tb' dnctor'. ho,...... . rnvclll., hu' ': 1"0', out danolDg till 2, 0' of <Il"'~'" of ~1 kiDd. ...d ...thioS Cb'f"t IV.' '.c'Ote' hy bls .mploy,h.o....oek. ODe UtI'o. aIIp".,.d foot oocn- caw. Whon Ill. 1!I.vonlll ,.k b.... In 0 Ie'"Food. a lam' "1.........0Id ~ 'n thc :uoeumc It ~Do U". 1 tell yCD' I lUO" ott.od,d h,. eJ'> thau ;h, .;ght 0' i:;' th~~r.~~';;':~,\'':liJnJ~if~(!l~~~~l·l:' 'lllonally touching the floot and impart- $hoy did everything tliey could t ,.~ to nreep t.U"ofi.llh the slatll. -'1'l1en tlla JUst,. C3.t1 tl wa.ke up, two ~r tllreo or hrl'> ch:t1'ges 10l1!l~ at1t1 comlIi - 1t ' - l': • u'" uu.r mg a genII,. ."'Dging motion to the oIvlI io them hu' DO' .. • ri":;'~ 010..I!"""''''wen> 'bro,.. '<iII.OpeD, It WO..hvDy' ]U'l>IlcO!d of Ned 1'_ pl""gmg DM k'.kIng, "I' and dnwn rl.. Ix>I0I~~?i";': ."di~'~n:;~'¥:ffi':~• .ANDELL BROS. &. CO. all"nI,. and making a eoothlng .....b. ""'lld they..;..pt Dot~. ,,'?Id ~on • wbIte ehnd' ".. Io"...d, ..d, '.rith tbot b. "onld he- ."",""".d JlDd dono ....h'o r·'d. On Um otll" hand .10>.. b. w""id ho • fatEe> h~ the tim-.:::swis}- of skirts along tho tnattiug underw e,:;r,;tend; tind lW l~m thn.tQ dao l t6 t e! tho rays behind it growfug\brighter e'V- for" ....·ithin a yaar of his gradl.lfitioit Was 110 (me exp¥.)it that HE'enwtl t~ giVE .l'enened the 6tlmtt sida'~ " :- i'J"

;Qea.th. I:l(!t jewp,led hanWl looked very nolte of the OfUC9l:'s lmVCl had:Y • tIllS ~ imrtunt, n. broad wltit~ light shulte Every new fate in tItd fl'Ve Y(lil.i·s that tlte SOlUlgCl' lluiuttthl' !\eellPT' dcU"ht- 11 u t eel bal..d", nod ' ..gIIo and "hlte .. Ill. ........ with the poe I. D' the ":1 to_ ,-over the root of "" ~dA, Au- 101l~ed "av\1cd d.. g....'''D pmph- ne'hlo" t~'"!'lad,. th, il',p.'eato',;' hlg- U'!C~ ;b~l~ 'Ii, ,r,:";,~~"t: ~~ q~"'1'i:igleamed in tho soft light that sho~ the holdicrs know Tfr.~ Httle l)l~e~O~nd ~her mom~nt.An~~ toot~ps 'Were heard eey, 'Now he~.B g?11e, sureI" but. how'~ gar 31~ro 11~ Iua .oW1\ ('.'\'CS 01' tilt!' obJect of )jemg 1)orl1, \\"01.],1 1'lmd simp) tt

· HARDWARE HOUSE lrom"" 0.... "in_e of "" "...lee. ....Ii'l.... a fO>U" "''i'D... oe<1lMr 1..3.faInbg tb.c d"",!" 0 -""""" lOOlStopo 'hat ...,. dO~D"d'hem>g", 'Mm'oti..dao...1 """.... CD'y ",'Oll~ I'" f,lIowo-aud '" "Ma",..,"al1d ill ""'" i' WM a boy'II 0'J'hey were busied in stmigllwning out big men arrive who m-o~d to ~ f presentlY tl.llproacl1~ tbefi1 alon,", the 11;1 que$tlo~, ~owcvei' l'estless nnd itnpa.- 4 (l~uselJuen~ l!\'rl'J\ de\'i<'(' ()r, wliil'h \\"tmhl be I'Jumes," The clcl'gymanth6 kinks in tbe gold cord (jf h1tl forage dfrlt1nguiahed people-in. En land'very~. H tlent Ita ll1.Ight be When cowpelled by his, ~qume ifigennity ~'"~~ tnMtl'l' ,,'A.~ ('alle,l fottutt_n l?lntifr cuble displ:\,tcl1,antl 'Wl'OletAt> find in. rearrangb1a Ii little oUken t~ey remain ..only .$ little wbfio • but ~~J Ahe 8,"11, pluclt.blg at hill dutl~ to abse~'t. hims~lf frOm her 'Slue.! mt(l play. regmlli'ly~ tIm tIlotnlng eaml' upon ~t the word "James," und whenbraid and tassel th~ Wal tllStened in 3 away~ 8Qdd~J.j'ua they cam. f,~d go ~~""e; come ,-wa.y; lt 18 the aO<ltor/' however pronU!l1ng to o.1stlUl ()h~efvi!rs-l arouml, to lJrt'ak lo()s~ 'Clthp.j· r1'OUl tIlt' Hie l)lIot (ll¥U0 &Iona6ideJ off SandoI....r .... Jlk. faehton to on. 01·th ., "And 0. "".. .. "Pc, wbot "",,",DI" ".. ..,....ted, p''''ho''' to 1I>n do",... h....lt-..i~hl cou,mU"g hund 0' d.o JI'oo,,", 0' "'0'" Heol', 'b'y'I1!);ll."I1",d • ".bi" boy,~button;at tho stde; he, Seated bt. .(i ctml~ them?'. J nover ~en all1' C)f I/~. would 6eelU IUto bIding. No, Mr& ~ all the /lurtae?,.jntlioatioflS, 11m nb$l'l' t,he ta.ut tlnll atminin:.; pi('4et rope. 'I'hl.' baud thn dis~atcb to tIie gtmtlemanohol', w" bnndlng I.....lltd '" that Jd>l ..N...,....... .~.__ 1.0_80, I".. ...,. ...;n ho co....... •~'" f"'DK,,!," .,,,til whieb hcpmo'>.I..ed BOlt <(lrD 01 th. CIll.... 1,••1,,"... of .10. .nd to <\'\1'" was " <ub'.- fcr 101.,'bD400m' eltnpe)y hcod "" on' • bnn .. ~ l u.: lloe !lut Ill. doc'" 1't".">l Ihom wI'l(brlot ....dtnI....'nn Io.v.rr II....·' aDd tb" """"P "'Jl'IIUU "i'" t1roe;:fo" tD ... h,..u~btU'OIill by 'b. pilol boo' 'l:hJtrlJI. 111

gb.< thoD ~ ..d the .:.. Qo" • y 0 0Il/I: '""'"Pt D,. ...d collt'\..\>.. Old"""'on, !'Pok. <0 ,be fne' 'I>..t bo ",... h... jne, .0 ';"th hu'l th?' atl 'hol>o...,.. ".'Co"'-'OI"O'y !ne'lI'd I%gii,IuM. "".jyool tb!< bog,,,,,, til..

bmI ... 'dArk nnd rloI;' 'D'" ' "hj; ..kd h Imnty "I 'lnlmill" nnd 'bilhobo 01 tli. 0 do"'" eth.,. girls." "obI.d 'ho O\lo'" .M knotted. Not unti' !toI>ad"<um,..,d Ii't'"~ .., tho ",,,",,,lint. 'till' .nolh",_;~~liJ'.~~nJ:i."\tSO In!> ...4 ......I.....<ic ..;:,~~ abou' tl'!""':'" \tev", ~00rd"?~~•~ air, UDd wen' ,m D".;n by'" ~"dno"he ...g1<'''1I''c dec!do '1m' 'h. '':'''1' "hoi"" ebnnk" "" tit" Pa'ko n' i\1~':r..••blo,. "luclt ....a. "l,I'u.y,"O· Dints, WlrtdriiiDJ,--lloree,r.o.wel'ijf)tc. Writ/fot rn.tner\M closel~tli~j' £6t' t~o equ,a..IUP Ill.. '~Ir-Of~rd,~hy '.!ley keep ..<Wt dnoe to th. ee'_IeqtI~ ttlM 1,,,,111»> y...om....,.. .t '..,"b. ,-to ,.." around. i"" w,.,,, h. d'd C', "'k '~Ul'l'! h. c<oIJu",d -.N!ctllI. _ _ ,.., , _nlmlty..::of


-ca.p.;.....De1knll. wh II d d\\T\ ".V V,/ xC t1S1VetieSSr. nen Perry turned to h18 PiL'tnor: woman. • ) Ibis cotuta(1lY l~IHl diH:t1>pcurc<J f'l'O~'l \'i(,\V, UlCUgO" U':,t ~~ • 0 .~l,D-.nd~#~nt~~Alhq..,;orque say&d'to t.i\ke Ii .IWUl at Jiufjf,~ t:n: -aom: ~:vU Ilea.i'll ial~!"1nn.t1n~r of tbmg« t

l Well. M1'8. wW1'en&. whae ,duel iCi#lt "1 )do .:wish," s:.ud 1\1rs. '1'urnel', O'an1t ~u oVer this lltOllCl l~\'el, Imriznt1 .a.. ' ------~, " If"'" )/.<1",,_ ,lor. ' •.- , ..-""......1..~ ~ nljO, r.lUaUtl"'..... _"11 tblO~ ot ",I»':;au It>d to Mr. I "Tl' ""DIdDotd...0 somehod)·,.... bont\ili!d, Do,~a ..o,'u\! uhJ"" conId h. Alfl",'m...""'r....t~oti''''.nd t9, ' __ •.•. ..'__ _ y '''Il',!> olD! all 01 ,~. 6'!1I 1"01" __. _ _ .I••""e,j..","" IoUll ~ h. dot..-t, U I.ja",,: l'>tt aW01,!It IJItlal!'o"pa nftto... ~':,.Ii~u~P::D~,~b""'Z 10' or.. Lt<,

. ,








.~{ ,




Page 2: I t '0:111archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · 'Inat is to say, It has been fasteneQ ~o daybreuk when It wus IllS Junior's tour Ius explanatIOn of thl

.- .... , " .' , o


~ :


, ,I


II ,







./ ,­,r-;...,;·,~,




LinCOln, New 1'Iexioo·



Breeds Silver Laced Wyand"ttes. 'They are very attractive tn appearll.::.ce

and the best ot egg producers,Ther '\l:e tae fll.vb,dte of the Fanciers,

tho FIlrmers, tbe Hnnchmen and theMllrket-Poultry'me~.

E~g's $3;00 per 'aetti:Qg of 13 eggs.Please mention TlIe'lNnEPENDE~'l'.

To All Whom It May (Joncam ,•NoUce is hereby given that Lincoln

county Jllil Warrant No.5, for '2,001,),will be paid 011 presentation at my officein White OakS, N, M. Interest willcense on said warrant nfter 80 days fromthe publication of this notice.

G. R. YOUNG,TreUBurer Lincoln Co., lif. M.

Jan. 81. 1800.


To AU W.ho~ It May Concern:°Notic@ is hereby given that Lincoln

couuty 8 per c~nt. bonds, Nos. 14,15, 16,1718 and 19, each for $1,000, will be paidon preseotation at my office in WhiteOaks, N. M.

Interest will c.anse on these bonda afterJuly 1at, 1890.

Stolen Bonds

o_ 0


, "o

"{~~~ "II!<"- 1# {~ , """'dli


0' (]

" u (J

0 0

.~:..~\ ".



Arizona b~s (wet:Jty·,two yolumesof ,cattle b!'anilil ill her Terr~toria~


.Judge ifames O'Brian husconfirmed as Chief Justice ofMexico.

:: ...,---!- . __ -...._- '--

Ll~COLY county is graduaI;ly com­

~na' to the front. Her "aried ando

iValuable l'flSOllrCes will finally pull

)\er throug-h all rig-ht. tll,U it wi!'

~lOt be many mouths before import­

,nnt c1r,n~es are il,laugurate.~,.

Delegate Joseph ha,.':l introduced abill to approprJIlt9 $15,000 for .t~e

a~rjoulturd experiU,ion t st~tion in'rUE Albl,lquerque Democrat is, thel'erritory of New Mexico.

i1'espoctfully reqt1estad to pOl;l(ler Rush Bowe, a former cattlem~n

.ever tbe p\tblio school report of Lin, of the Black Rl\n,r;(e, is orgltnizing a

.coIn county. Our public seholDl law com~any for th~ pl~rpose, of pros-'t d b t' . I hI k peot1l1g' and tradm,A' 10' AfrIca.jlS n~ very ~oo, u It IS eSB ao .

h h D . t 't Rev. :Henry Forester has been-t an t e emocrat pam s 1 ~ •~~~~~~'~ put io charge by BIshop KendrIck,

of the Episco~al church in AI!,lu·querque and will take up his resi­dence there shortly.

The Wall,1ut Grove da.m disasterin Arizona pro\'es to have beengreater than first reported. Twenty.five bodiell have beet! r~covered andone large gan~ of men working 011a fiu me are still missing.

Larcoqr co,uuty wi,ll 'soon have a

1aHroad-tha.t:'s certain. Alld after

.one comes, others wHI come. Real

,astute i,m'estmonts anywhere it: Lin­

,culu oounty Ilre good in"estments.

TUE Albuquerque Citizen an·

nounce6 that "stock of all kinds,

.especially sheep, is dYlOg for want

.of w(ttor" ,in L~l)coln county. Truly

)You 'hft,\'e to "go away from home to

hear the neW8,'" The fact is thatl.he condition of stook in Lincoln,

.generaUy spea.kill~, was ne\-er bet­

:ter4 a.t this t)me of the yeur, than

~'ght now.

itlUDBOmPTION AND ADv:ERTISING RATES,--.'ONE yEAR ... , '.. .. ........ " ,' .... "" $2,00'am 1i10NT1I8, .. , " .. " .. , _.. , , , " .. .. .. .... 1.00

Aclve111\1ing ratell ;••I\!lr- !mown by addrl,lBIJingJanIe!! Kibbuo",Lincoln. Now Mexico.

Sabscr.ibers ~iling to rooeive their p~...er ontime wlU oonfor n favot by Jlromptly n" ,;vingthlsoffioe.

'Va want no pnlitics in our sc1Jools.Let us have fr~e, nOlJ·sectar,ianAlOsriCll.n public schools, and let]politics ~au reli~ion take ca.re of,thoUlselves. _. ,~Vell) lJIexica,n,

H03R••J(1,9. J. Dolan is rejoicing.over tbe fiLet that hie SU000SS0r,QuinbyVanue, has been appointed.aod qualified, !lnd will lJe here to re·Jieve hill) very shortly. Mr, Dolanhas made an exoellent ofl,icor, alld isJJersonally 60 much liked that our peo­ple will ~reatly rog-ret hill departure,,even while coogro.tula.tiQg' them­lIelvoa th!l.t bis ,pllJ,oe w·j l~ be so

'11'&11 filled 11s It fortuuately will heby Mr. Vanc~.--!rJ'3silla Valle)j)emocral.

~:---~--=~ .-..~ -.-......... "'. Ftom tl.le lti.o al:andll Replll;llioun, Mat'. 1, I{e1,cll4 b;ythQ I.te~~;;: • ;;I;~Jndn',t Y01;4 b~ttel:' s'~l~sorihe fo1' ~.,.. ,',~' , '<,:::,,,): r;

3',AM,ES .[tI,B,lJEE, 7[;Id. hn,7 n.,1,. Sen~tQl' Ro,'\gan ha~ introduced a If If' II' 4!!14 ;001.1:t'. MUnG returned from hla v!.sit ,It "r t 11 ' .r I 'h ' ....:-..DIllALliJBf3 IN ........-'" ./1,/1 .... VI,I/;- ",v B...led ~ Il P. ~s ':Ie 1Ql{ at <? per M, , ..,.,. e,'VOu uo, lOSll t t e mOon· '.. E'-.;.:....-- . . . ' " biU ~to pt'ovide £ql.' Il:' ~rellt syatalll of to N'ew'Qrlenuaj Tuesday. '" h I h a..

iND~PEf~DEr~Tif~ r~AME 8n~ I[J FAOTo ~:~~:\',~:r:h~0~ ~;::igating the arid to;om '¥mL~ms ,came in 1"6t ~.i~I\t so,~~ ~~y?or~:I~::I:a~:~nw~~lt~t~:'i:;~ ~~v,:~'tS:~:~ila ~1~~~ t~f ,w~te ll~~~rl 0'o'n'oral Ore 8i1 ~1l§ ~ll'· iq~D ,f·"o,m the SaorumentoB with Ale2C.. ' d h h b J1~w::llpapers~"'(1)~ JJ:ben ~awyer,1 ,.'m' ,10" leuI ,::lI~4J [J" .__-::.. . =..::: Y.I. h ' :J' Dome time .1J,go, an w e~ +,e e,gf.L0 with lfiom6 enlpbu.~s. .' "I , :' c. '1 '

( ...,iallstl'OUS storms swept·~ e OO(U(,1 ,uurlGfJoll, "vho wl>," ""an,ted b.t:' a,n '0 ae" w"'l e"posed himself so us to CQ'1~ ,,() ')1' b'f' k f G I1l?upll@41!l'U;'incol,n<['in~,,1n lCol;1lnty,:Nq),W P • ..".. • to" "'" A • ' • .!,.Jut yOI,1 Wl gain mpe ,m or,' , I d tbe Most Completa and Best Assorted stpc oeni,l;ll:ell:ieOI "~el'Y ll1'vldn.y. of OJ-ina and .fapan about {\ month ;l.ssa\11t to kill. .trnct a severe ,cold, Iln~ he has 'pne\l,fll.~nln ,ma,ti.on.· fro\U it ill tile COUr$a IJf a J!ay,e nQw 011 Mlal1 handise i.n Linoo!') oounty, ~onsisting' of

:,"-_t:.;': "!".. , , • 'ago, hy wluob r.-om trhee to four I (J hI d aa ~ result. year, SIr," pursned Juh,n Walton., erc )JJFPUN.IIL PAPER OF THE !jJOVllfrr thousand psbexmen lvhh their boats OoIon,e Pitt 'MO"d ~n o~e d0\"':. Jt\dgaI. Fri~drioh, a l'romiuentUinooln "I tell you I.dou't want itl" DRY G. ODS CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES1 SADDLEhY

wore dl·ive.n Ol,1t to sea Bnd lost,. £rCJl1;1 Tulai'osa ,on ll¥, ~...e., ....ov, b\lSiness man, spellt ~everul davs ,~n town This W"6 spokel! l:lQ J11l-tly alld G{to 'E1Ul£S HARD WARE,' 01l0JKhRY,Th d' h WIG ,~\bronoo ~eaIl,\ ,and m.ade t1,le d,lS~~l;1ee ,this and last week; he left the possessO,r blu,nt~y that WaHoll siti<;i ,lIO mm'e, J LIQUORS eIG ABB.

e I~aster ~t t e it n~t ,rove I Qf 90 mi,le,8 ,in 13 ho~\J.:s, of a wllrra~t~e deed to three ohoice lots.in but ;folded up tlle Pl'OSp~ctus of il. ,


m6, 4rlZ0l,1a'dlS mOore ~err~bled tban. Gen. 13. II. Grierson~ U. S. A., Ovard's ad,di~~on,. The JUd~e is "Oil to" ,per,loc,liClll wh.ich ,lie had wilh him ::I:.. i ~OCIn ~~'~'~i" ~ ~xi.oe.",at rst r"'porte. ne ll~ re per·. , ' fIll' • the b.est barglllDs in the coun ry. anC;! then turlled aw!l.·V~ .', ,' , ---==,":,,,,,,,,~,,,,*J~"",'

' l' hariaa' been east llS ar as .nOlS, .. '.,' "bl. I.: :j't.) f:! ... ~'"""$ie":::eee _ ..._," _son1 probably lost ~helr lves, and l"J' ": • I' f 'I 'l'he brick hotel I!! gowg up gradually. .l:.o ,ven I9It\VJ ,~\. ',Uu pe,n yfUlOrnet, -' - ',., ,, . ' on accoun,t of SICKness 10 11S llnn y, 'fIh Edd I d were tId' fl" old d'd th th n ordl'nary capacity =ho cantha loss tt) property IS ll)o-.:e tban ... t- e '. y ppop e oall come up tm S8<l h wbo ~ (lrmhers--,t. 11t

h', .18,' h J.. Iwise, rlJn,nin~ up an ow~ e more a ' ...

$3,0000,000, , ; lJ.;'riv,ed at Fort .:tolde.n F,eb. ~4, 011 our hOl,lse to get a .p~tter/l to Juild theirs at I e tI8,m,O'lS,t ullg'h t I)y iJu 1 • 'd then he dug qune a master .it": U: . Itt shr'rt, there is noIU6 way baok to hiS deparJ.l~e,nt by. (lilly reaol.<lQ the rnidC;!l~ a"'~ oj lice S opeb, I' 'r,lurl 11'1' rIg aoross these. 1"hev branch' of ;ndustry in the vtol'"ld'E!.IIA.BLE CORRESPONDENOE FROM ALL UTb h t t f To) btEd f ' '., h nIhil e ' , I.. f II d t " tt

PARTS OF THE OOUNTY SOLICITED. tV en ~ 0 ?a 1)8 ........~o ~r . headquarter" # Los Ange:les" Cal. While here :.\'11'. Curry purchased hix -an a ter their yuul)g' 11 ': Ig', l~l)I' were quite deep and broau, and llILv which nuty not!JIe 0 owe (' q e1':..-- Lee re~ohes ~lChmQnc;L It WIll be Col.~. H.aH, tbe ~ns~e,~to,r ,General lo}s in,t~e pOPU:ur ;(lv-a.rd's ~dditlon to !ll1d gune th~y eX,~I'~~sed theu.' ,optn- them he tl1ll1b,l~d nearly 1>..1 the advantage Wll;i:tout a ~ood educ~~ioIl'

FRIDl.\.Y, :MARCH 7, 189G. place.d 11;1 a W(l.g'Oll and dragg-ed to of th'" de,partment, also ,arri-ved the tOV(J;l. , lOnt! "onoernlllg 111m. 'I ston"f, ~hl\t coul.d be i,mnd iQ th~ But farmers must nol; be afrnI dh b h '" . "He'll never make a ,farlOer,",.,all fi Id newspllpers a,Jd books. Tbey won'f;'!~._::"=-~~~~~"~i~==:=:~::':~~=-:"'_~:=-=_ the sita of t a ~ODUm&n.t y t ous, . same day. General Grierson does Tue edl,lcaqonn! boa,rd of t1\e :aaptist ~awyer with a shake of ~IS bead. <'''AS. ootyexpPllsive way uf {Yet- if they are wise, follow evart a'dvic6

ands 1)f men and ,.,oman who will b' . - t'l'k 1 ohurch has Jecided to estab.1ish a sohool I;I d h' I p n h ' tIt t.., tIT'BA'l' Peeos Valley must b~ a . .' not y any mean!>, conSlUer 1 I. eYd'. "h tl spell s too bmukc ft'hl~n.~ 0lJv~r tin'F rid 0' rucks," rernal'k 3d Grum- whio experldman ad 18 S g'JVe'd 1.11.1... take hold of a rope a mila 9r more ' . at ~osw.ell, and the pl~ns an speCllicll- t ose pape a 1 • 0 18 e S ... h t an reason an ex

' " , that Selden shollll,l, ,«;>1' wlll be ,aban· tions for ,the buildings, which have been rs nl 1)0 s , " t t eJ may s u y -'ProUGe ~oulltry, sure enough, Ros· Ion 0'. ~ d b 't t ' D h' a lee.t,le ,m, ite abuve farmin', in ,wy m~'I't'm a better plate for the III tban oJ perimi:ntt, for themselves, ,8,0 t have",. (,one ; or aven t, at 1 s prospec s are carefully prepared by envor arC' ltec.ts, " I d ltd'well ~nd Eddy are both tickled N fruit tree, saya the " h b f' t' d op,l,n,~o.n. '., on the surfaee, isn't it?" returned done an S0 O'}ean' 0 0.,

' , ever prop a . necessarl,Iy dimUle~ by ,re~en,t ,Mhon a,ve een sent on ~ere, ~r~nsp~c :lOn an 1 hose are my selltlrnen ts, re· W' Iton with a smile. ~4A~~~~~~======::=::':::::"""illtlf'to death O\'er twins. I-Iomesteaa. If the load 15 too in favor of a new post at ,El Paso. approval,. Tlt'.l roam bmlding l~ It b?au- sponded Grummet. ','I tell you~ '~""'l')be. BJt what on airth llr,e "" j , '

heavy tbi" the fruit and make what ' , ld h' k .tlfu) stone str1;lcture, tl),ree stor1es 111gh, b th h tb I I '" ACORN' . JolIn A, D aO'll.nlil uas so lS stoc f d I f h't t en~ e mau t at 10 cs to ma. ce I ';"" 't f 'J" ,<J'~"

is left bettar than it 001,1ld pQss,lbly ,. yL.L l:J T' , 0 mo ern i'ty e 0 aro lee ure. ~ livin' on the farm 111 this seotion ye':W;1 ~l~'~' O'oinO' to !ltle if nuder~._<;/--> '.:,.b 'f d d .of citttle to Van 'V\ ,1Il"cle .& Casad, of In conversation with Mr J P Whi I., ttl fo l't" If b M /'It,""""

e 1l overpl'o uce'. . .. ,as go ? ,",:or c r , drainin l' woh~t im rove'the land";'" , TRY,:, 1e Mes,llIa. ,JXlllnug-e, QfJ;hei!:Jlttle1j.eld Oattlecomp Y. A.t tbIS Junct~re ,Sa.m Bancroft "Un~e~-dl~tn-i:QP What,'S,thllt?" P 0 U L '

Col. V{. L, Rynerson arriv.ed from we learn' thiB'enterprlsing ,company ex- ca~e aloug. I~e w~s another old "It is simpty- 'drawing off thevVashington Monday. peets to scndo:ff from their ra?ge two natlve"of the dlstrrct.., t f om tbe surface Thi~ land YARDS

large herds, by the first of AprIl. Mr. ',' We w"as ,just talkin' about young- ~ac:ld :nd wet., but if i call ~et, the , , . , 18I;I. G. Wol,ff, of Dem'er, aCCO,m· W,hl'te'Sa'l.'s their ',attIe are now fat, and W It Id Swyer 1" a on, so. a. t to drain off amCJllO" these roo cS

p.~njetl bJ his WIfe, stopped bere this 'tbhatl~helir lossestb, ?ut ftrhiu:u the rive'I~'h:Wi~1 .'u'HBe's ripPfin' his barn Boor up," ~~ e:

unmay w~rm th; surfac~, and

week -to .se.e h;is u.''1o~e" Col. J. S. e Itt e or no 109 , S year. IS IS sal ancro t. ive me a ood iece of soil bere."Stidger. Mr. and Mrs. 'Volff h.lV1i' probabl! the best rauge in the country, "Rippin' the floor upl" repeated g But it Icfoked ~ery fo,)lisl7 to Ben

been and limIted only by the amount of wat&j Grummet. "Why the vhole Boo" G t H believed that "whatbeen malcin~ a tour of Mexico and it ~xtends from the sllnd hills el1st of the was pnt down new three years rUlllhllle., e f th'" so 1 coullin't

New tId 'tl I' sand \-al a T I' , L' I ' Th " was t e lIa.ure 0 "ro urn a en WI lcur Oll u - exas ~ne, In moon county. e a~o. be f1tered." However, the yOllngble articles ~at~red in that fameo cOl,lntry IS ulmost perfectly level. so much "The tie·up floor I mean," pur- ma~ made his trenche:l-tumbled inlanl;!. s~ thut ;you c?uld l:lee a m~n at a distanclde. sued Bl1ncrof

ht. '~IHle'8 gOdt h~ oar- tbe' rC/cks-filied in 011 top with the

88 I 0 ,Ol. twepty rmles ,r n;lOre4 If.the eye CQU peater from t e VI age an IS two I h h'd ri.i I dly removed'In t'l1e year 1 g t Ie rgan n,llnes Bee so far. !tis unbroken by draws and hired men are 'tel pill'." oadUl Lei aft ,u

tt gw1 ~rk fllr Itl:ielf ~

d U t Tl1'llJ'on pounds of lead ' . f " ,x7h I I h '11 k f an tllen e ,1 0 •pro uce wC' "'~' hIlls, and covered by a thick mat ,0 • n ew guess e ma eo. arM 0 'h'l A th later be plowedd h 'I f 1 d ' i i f d I" W 1 e. lIlon ,an t 13 WIt 1 tee ea commg grumma grass, a most nutr t OUB ee. mer. t €IS of it and he cOijld see

. at M WhO , d 'b up \vo licr ,from ~lexieo, the silver value of the s:v~~ Yfea:~/?o \;: It: c~ncelve. And so tbey all guese~-wlt a that tbe suil had alread,Y ohangaPore adm;ttinO' of its tre"tmeDt. tel eao U IIZlng Iscoun y orgrllz- reservation. In short tllere ~vas derfully AfLer this was done

,. M" 1 1 d ' t f 1 db' . "I . h WOII •'ng 'y rfawl~gdw~ller rohm thle grodun kY somethmg hIghly, r1l11~u ?US m t e be out his way to the muok.swamp,the use 0 Win ml .s; w en e un ertol) tbought of a man s thtnklll~ to be a and went to haulmg out that article,

WHITE OAKS WHISPERS. to open the range In that way the stock. fa.rmer and a student at the 8am~ b' Ii' li d po... ited in various places 8f th ld h" Id w Ie e e . . ,

Whisllorod by tqo Interproter Feb. 28. men 0 e dQuntry ~o .~m It WOUld ti~e. as he deemed pruper. ,.,Ed. R. Bonnell is suffering greatly·- only b3 ll. roll~er of tIme tl! he wou .Juhn Walton was a young man, "That's a cur'us contrivance," said

during the past few days, a change for the bre~k. the Llttlefield .Cattle oompany. alld thbugh he had been born in Sa.m Bancroft. He and Ben Grurn­worse has taken' place. HiB friends are Beh?V1Dg that he eould find water by the neighborhood, yet much of his lIIet had been at work for Waltun atanxious abo~t hInt. dIgging a reall'onable depth, he went, to life bad been spent in other sec· hauling' muck. He alluded to a

M. W. Parker died at Bonito on Bun· work, and now he has sixtee~ wells, WIth tions of the COllntrv. His parents larO'e vat bank of the house, intodny ~orning, Feb. 23d, 1890, from an at- windmills.and large reservOIrS attached, havin~ both died, J(;hn had married, which ran a spout from tl.e sink.tao),t of ty,p.hoid pneumonia. He was that fnnllsh wa~er en~ugh for from ten and now turned his thoughts to rnak· This vat wa~ capable uf holding sev•born in 1829,!lt Keen, N, H., served for to fifteen thoUSl'll1u head or clltt.le. Each inK a liviuO' Ollt of the old home, ~ral cart loads uf stuff and was 11.1.three iYellrs in the tho 100th 1I1Ms, artill- year the-y add additional wells, lind in a stead. tl ;elldy half full. ' ,{lry 'during the t:.ebel/lon, was severely short t!me will be able to t~ke the wholp Ben Grummet had 0. curi031ty "That's a compost vat," eXl:ll\im(~dwO'1Ddedln tae It'ft arm (Lull right thigh, of thelr herd to this mal,Ultlcent rnnge. to see wh;>,t was ~oing- 011 in WIl.l. Walton, who hau oV'tlrheard the re-and received lJ, small pension; resided in MrWhitesayilthntwhiletheirlossesalong , b h 'd d' tl ere I "All the slops from tbtl G. R. YOUNG,

. I J h I 50 ton s arn, au e roppe In I ,mar ~. N 'fl,"Boston, Muss.; emigrfl.tod to llissouri. and the P~cCJs nver w 1 renc , nt'ur y per He found the whole of the floor house-tbe soap-such, and slleh stuff Trellsurol"' Lincoln Co" ••u.

Abuse.of the Brain. ,came to Lincoln cou~ty, N. :M,. in 1881, cent: tbe losses on the plnIDs Ilre not ow: where the oattle stood had bean -whloh mo::!. peopl~ wasted, I SllV e .~-- ---locl,t,~d 11 homesteud on the Bonito iu 1883 nothing but thoir cattle are fat and stron., torn up and tbey were digging- a. by tbi!l means, anti turn it .0 good 0 A -r- .,..

Dr, John T, Naf{le, of the bureau where he has since resided. He lellves n for early drivl,ng. '> wide deep trench the whole lell~th 9t:lCOUf\t; and in::!tead of .th~ow:flg ~ ....... It'-,,,",-,of vital statistics, says: widow and one son, Sidney lU. Parker of of the tie-up. away refl1se matter I put It 10 hero

"Tho most prevalont disease or this p'lHet'. He was a conscientious and ,SAVING PUPILS' PE.NNIES. I "Wbat on airth is all this for," a!ltI let it rot and f_tlrment alld make -Ii'OR-Jisorder of the brain is npoplexy. consistent member of the Oongregational Tbo Excellent ~ohool Dank S70tem An asked Ben. manure, ' UN YLast year tbere were in this city 600 church, lin upright citizen, and Ws denth Loo::, I1Ila,nll City, "Why," r.eturned Walton, who "Thl~t all sounds very pooty," reo LINCOLN CO T

I f 0) 000 is sincerely mourned by 11 large circle of Ald

Cl ~hOhschool chlldl'leln of LongtuIs~. was busy superinlellding tile work, markt'd B~n, alte.. WallOu had left I ccases of npoJ' t3xy Ollt 0'-', cascs a<1quaintances. an Ity ave nn ,exce ent oppor T.l' • k' I' If' I . 11 . I '.1' d' ,I A I ty of nutl.ing into pmctice the old 1lX' Ilnd also In wor mg lImse " ,mil them; "but l~L me Jeat te )'(lU,'t& . •ulseases or Jsoruers, pop ex)' Page Otero returned to the Jlof.rlllns 10m th~t "Economy ill wealth." Three ha"ing a place fixed here for makIng don't pay! He'd betler let bi'ch JAil W AR RAN T ..s"crns to causo more death a from his trip to Lns Vegus, em last Satur- or four years ago ihe banking system manure, I mean to fill this trench fandangles alone if he ever expects •than almost any other day. ,!aB introdu~ed into ~ho various l?ub. up with good muck, and thus sa\'e to make a 1ivin' at farmiu'."di:lease. ]n one year out of 3,500 ell hc schools III that City, Co!lecttons lhe liquids whi'3h bave beretofore Before tha ~rollntl froze up Wal ..deaths, 845 wore cauaed by apo· 'l'EXAS TIDINGS. ~h~s~;~~il~e~I~~~~~vi.~:~cf~:e~been lost, I think by roper man· too threw. Oll.t most.. ~f the muckplexy, u9S coovulsioos 10 cbi1dfen ful of their money find great pleasul'e agement,l can get ful ~ouble the back of bls tle.lIp whIch had be.

Paint Rock is to have a $15,250 in responding to the question "How quantity of munq,l'e wluch others cOlDe well saturlltoo, and filled theand 578 by meni~itis. Pareilis is a . mucn have vo.u ~ot1'.·. have aot on this plaoe." . tr"IIch UI) anew. When spri'lJ r camebridge noross the Concho rIver. ". h d b ~ v ,.,

sli/{bt, incompletepll.ralysis effecting- Ea~h pupl! IS urms. e WIt atl~t- u1>o yo?" said Grummet sarcastlC' Walton went tu some of his neigh.' I 's f Fort Worth has H)O artesian weBs Iy prlllted card on whIch the de\loslf.s II did h .. I

motIon, lut not sensatIon. 0 ten- are credited. These cards are hIghly a y. " b.urs un as ro t em to §:{o 11I ~1t 1ing of tbe brain is cerel-tra.l hemor- which furnish tbe finest freestone treasUl'Cd, They bear these inscrip- "Yes, resumed the y,0ung- man. hun and send for some #{()od bClOnsrhage. orobliterntion of the celebral water found, tions: "Good principles and good "It is a fact that the hqUld manures, to eng-rart upon their apple trees,

hahits are in tl:ien:tsel~es.a fortun~." could they be sM'ed, would fully He explained to them jU8t tho planarteries. It usun.lJy occurs in pe.·. The Texas Farmers Allianne and "The habft of savlll~ IS an esse~tla}, equal the solids, both in bulk and he had formed for his uwn orchard.Bona from fifty to eighty years of the A~ricultural Wheel of Texas [Jan of a true, practical educatIon. vallie and when combined with rot· "Eo w much will it cost you illl ask.

I On the last page al'e these mottoes: d' k d h t' I ' .llga, and is usua Iy cauaed by intense ba\-e consolidated. "Take care of the pennies and thedoI~ te. muc ,an some ot ar Jl,: lC ell ed Sawyer,

intollectual eltertion, or by severe Governor RO~9, General Stauley lars will take care of themselves.' whloh shall take up and retam llll "Why," returned Walton, "I'm FRIEDRICH &,NEEDHAM"and protracted emotional disturb~ d h h' 'Id t k "The masses kno~ how to earn better the more v~Iatile parts, I fee~ . s?re going into it thoroughly. M.y or-

an ot ers are untmg' WI 111' eys thanWhhowttoh savhe, I M .3_ tbat they wtll afford mort' fertlhzllJ~ ohard i:; a. larU'e one, as yours IS; andance. It is also caused by over and q 1'1 down 0 the F"I'o Rh'er en e sc 00 opens on onuu.y d 'h h I'd ,., , 1ua n , • mornin t7 the teacher takes out the roll powers an propertIes t an t e so I the trees are mostly thrift J and

indul§:{6uce in alcoholic drinks, and It appears that the fatal epidemic bl)ok, a~d, as she calls the namcs, the manures can." vigorious-or could be ma.lde so-

it usuaU y ends in death. Sometime::! of menin~itigor spotted fever that pupils call out the m~ountsof. money "You don't say sol Where dy'e. but with poor fruit. I mean to, CHOIfiH LIQUOR!! (fIG IDt'when young persolls are atta.eked . A they.want to depOSIt, each ~n turn larn all that?" make a thorough thin~ of it, and U ~ U lUlJJwith this malady \vho have been has been rag'lngo at urora, was steppmg udP;o t.~e tdhCSk Wlth

tthe "Partly from reading, and partly shall expend a hundred dollars this ,

causeu hj fi lthy Rtreets and Dr money. an .'ecOluS e amoun on fr b ." d J h ' .te · th' b b' ,1 h ~ " . the cal'd and in her own book. After o~ 0 8erv~tlOn, ans.were, 0 n, 1 8 pl'mg."

tempera In elr a Its anu ave Beall of Forth Worth being called the collection each teacher delivers 8mtlm~ at hIS good nel~bbor~ sar-' , "Whatl A hundred dolmrsl Ing'oocl constitutior)s, tbe chances for inaug-urated a goeneral cremation of the money to the princiJ,lal, who de- cnsm, you!: orchard ?',their recovery are very favorable. filth, infected beddio!!" cl,othing, etc. posits it, the same day m' the Long "I don't s'pose it costs anything to "Yes"

.. Island City Savings bank in the name tIo all this?" • . ,Men occasionally die from overwork j of caen depositor, One cent or up- .. •- "Jewbnakar an broomstIoks!that is, by over brain work. They ward can be received by the teacher. "0, yes It WIll cost me conSider· When 1 git mOllev enoutJ'!J to' pInyare like meehanics who have been F\Jl1owing- IS part of the Grant When a pnpnh~ a, deposit. of $1 01' ab!~ befora I get throu~h." • with I'll try it.'" "

county grand jury report: more a bank book "'tIl be g'lVen free Yaas; I should raytber ealktlate A little while later, and the goral'll'!overtased and break d~wn. A ~reat of charge from the bank. it would." h t' h t t .manv think theirbl'aiu will stand any We W~Uld call the attentio~ of the The pupiisare requested not to with· "I swanl" Ben Grummet cried as e~a~ 0 sP.rlr:f/P on t e wen y. Notice is hereby given that the Lindoln

court to t'l fact that crime seems to be on ~:;aw depotS~tsuntil thro ap1kountreoohes he met Sawver shortly afterwards. aborfe ot aSdll1t at' Jlev~:.aPtrung'J"'~p 'I county current expense boncl:'Nos, 1,2,3amount of work anel tbat~ they can the inorease in this oounty and wa consid- ....... excep In cases 0 SIC ·ness or 1'8- , , "1 e ore; an as lme .. <>.1 on -./111): aIi(l4 for $1 O()O each dM~i1 Jan 19tt1890keep 00 ~nd on studying and work· erthe caUSll is the very few oonvictions moval from ~ho city; but if the deposit ~'Jonn W,al~un,s a a reg I~rhhlfcl. ut~ Walton' was oontinually stud,y,il1~;were"lltolcn II). the r~cent robb~ryof tM• . I '11 3 • • made by the petit jnries, tmd that our should be WIthdrawn and the amoU!1t IOn. He s Jes. abo~t as DIg to be· how to improve hisfartrl.' ',1 Albuquotl1tlo postoffice• .All pailiCfllU'&109 Wit 'out an.r I euect arlslO~ hl!S been less than $3, the bank WIll IU' crazv as, a man can bel" "Good gracI'ousl' ""J'u,culate"' Eb.· hereby '\Va-riled against purc}jl\$itJN acidI I . petit jurors are too lenient with criminals ts f th b k b ,- A' QUO

e@"=from'80doin§:{.nt113theymakeachargetencenol"eanooJJ.o "Eb ?-crazv Beni''' • B G' d" bl)Qds 'G)llo 001\nT.W · Ii Id 8 C b and it has become notorious that auy. Deposits of $1 and over bear interest. , ' '1 ner Sawyer, as en rllmlUAt- nn,! t 01 rYe of L'nu 'ltl coulli.,., In e . ,0 ean, now post· ~rent mistako. 'l'he'" brain is the man may violate the law in this county The bank books of tbe pupils are kept . ";0-1 dOll t mean rat y ,.upsot, Slim Banoroft Mille into his hoitse Mncoln ;N'M Feb 7th ioo~ , ~ ..

master nt Fort S~nton, has been U)ost deU"ate organ. It wants lots without fear of punishment. by the princif.ill as longas the chilclren hke folks who are sent .to the msane .one cool autuml1 evenillA' "have YOll ! ":' I:' ';0 ...:.. ~ •

.appointed RJglS tar of the land offioe Jf rast and Joti of care. 'And tbose The tax payers are groaning under tax~ attencl"schoo. If f\1(~ want to I~v:e asylum; ,but he'a ~ot hl~,J,1ead. full tleard about Job'l :Walt~)l~ a:ppl~s?'" ,"'" .,.,...

..at Roswell, vice John H, Mills. de- t ation in'order to keep and feed the pris. t~e scliool {)l' at vacatIOn the .book IS of all kInds o~ nonsense. • ' "Yes;' returned Ben, 1;1 was L-ITEnit '0'7 ....l"r1"'\TE• who; w iGIl they are YOUTlg-, tax it too g'1v~n t.o them and they ~an Wlt?dMhW "But what 10 na.tura's be gom' to th' , d h .r t'-e wh 'I 't ,,'" ~~ ...,,~, ""',,",

.cel),J>ed. Mr.Co'ben.n basbeellsev· h t k f I onershljail.nnd.itisaby.wordthatthe thelrmonev,buttheywI1lrequli'et e, ." . ,er.e 30 eeru ,n (,e on -",v -ImOMr--muo or ry to wor or too ong a ora of law and order in this county has pl'esence oftbeirfa~lier 01' mothal' and do r , " . ; Ilmow-1 never would.'a.ve thou~ht TRELArDIES'B.n.ME" t:rdUR.NAI',~I years a. resident of Linooln time, wJtho\Jt giving it proper rest, passed into oblivion. themO'nattr(!of tLepl'incipal. Dudng "Why-he ~ g'Oln to save tbe it. An orchard turn out lil{e thu.t1~1 v ...

,COUllty, tt) which seotion ho went 'vill suffet' for it in after years. It is a bad state Of atrairs and while we the.summer vacatiofl ofthe schoo! ,de. liQ!1ids; ad h~ calls 'e.m I An'· he's "And jest leok a.t thl1t twenty-aore ' PlIlf,ADE!,PItIA, .l:'A.:A. Oh·... nd "&ttl d ~ith his:fattlily t POSits n:UlY M mnde ot' motley wJ.~h- f)'om' to put 10 somt-hIn' to ta~e up 6 Id" 'd B f i'F't' , , U 'c"4



lull ., e \ , . 'J,'hebl'll-in must have pletH.y qf l'(Hi~ ara sorry to refer totbis state of aots, drawntromthubunkdirect thocaSITler l"Jth

l,7 t " . e,' sat anoro t. ~"e years Ml's.Harrl$On's:Qaily Lite. 'B' th t I hI up' ht man a' Wb think that it is OUr 8acre~. dutyto d980. d l' f th te h e '1JO ......"1J(..p'tm a'ry par~s. ! ago it wouldn't hardl,1 pay fo' me tv ' ,~

G a IS a 0 Ot.::: y an~l~an co~nt. aud bram worker~must ea.ve lots of We also end thg,tthe unlaWful branding acg~t ~~~(t~~t~~~t~;ti:'ei~c:~: "Vohentaty parts what are(tiley in'. It didn't beal' muoil el~a i)U~ !ha brother of Presid(mt :~artisOtt"8progr.essh-o .Cltl:en • • sleep nnd reoreation. ~tudents must of .stock is carried o».to a considerable sump.1 in mnkit1g th,G' (!Ollections i" Ben?" ~ od um. Now look at it. Think'o. p~v8te secretfiry; lit. A. J'. Hnltol'tt, h,Q.1.4~fd't11J,1$Q hIS friend who IS Mqnatn- not use their bra-ms ror more than extent in the vo.rlous parts ot the county ~ch school. ~o tha.t l~ can1'l:0t b~ ob· It WitS vol sOlI1ethin'" But I dO~l 't rhe ~orn an' w.hea.t he'8 ra.ised thai'e; 'Wrltten;fof th~ ~nrch number Mt,htl P~I!lr~~d with h;i:t;l. .He is.e.l1tirely CQ~. five or I,I.t the ~ost 8h~ hours a day but we haveno~ been able to getstUHcient Je~ted that It JDl1wrlally, lllWl'fe~ know. I s'pt>se he Jest used th~ al1' this year he out lllore'n rort adeJphulLadtC'8 HotMrl~urnal! anlij:ticJ!;lnet9nt to fill the pO.SltlOIT, for winoh .....lth "olltl'nu"us hnrd «t'lldy, a'nd' id . b t ,,- t 11 d .vlth the regular w~~k.of thehP~J>hc Qutlandish wf>rd so's ~{) "et me to t f d h f 'tt" y on lIl\trs, B'l,lnl£otl'g Dally Lite In Tb~, , ..~" .~ •., '" ev eno~ ,~n u one case LoV warran )J. school. 'I'h:is ten nunuws eoo .tulJn· • 11' ' M ons cl goo ay ro~ 1 White House" Pret\ d w'th th con in\;J~e hILd strotlA' el1dOrliem.ents ..,ben nlerchants 'and busiue'ss m~n will do In'pltrM btU, t' day mOl'nillgnas more .excitement in ask him w fit II, nn:ant---an': then . ~IWe w:ts: jest talldr: about yon .:l. U 'f MarOa I", e '" B

' ~ .' it for tb~ chiluren th:1n the events of he'd show of[ his learnin'. But 1, 'Mr, Walton" said Sawyi'lr one da;t an.... assllita~(ie: 0 rs. lU'r~SOD. Do n~wdl4 office first opened, an to eorery' w~ll to try anu rest their brains as Chnrles Dtlrleux, 01 Las Ctttces, t')ho, all ~he t'cst ()f ,the w~.ek put .~getlier. wa'n'1 SO~rean., ~.-: ~. I1S Johl1caU:e itito his: house. J portrait ot the, J.,1dy or t~9 White ltoUfJ9,~eaidetl,t of the .distdct who fa.v~l'san much ~ thf\) possiU, plJ.I),,1 • by tue 'W,,\".1s the man who invented the iI'hel)' ~;Yes sp~rkl~ anp, th.elr fac~ "I 'Wonder if he tbillks he?g' It "Ah"t d t • h t k espech1.11y t'l,ken 10» thiS an:icto, uml ,.~lon.est R.n.", bllSIJ16sg·bke admunslra· "glow ~vlth exc1.tetU~.l1t. , Five <rents ~s oomin' here to sho.W' us old faribers b' 1'6 ~rne ,~ol1n ~~, .e, 00. a view of the Up.stairs fnmily rooms at tMtio" hi,S appointm,el)" w:l". be receiv. ........ '," ' nickJ~-ln.the·slot l)usinesst i)ow Illl the the a;crago dellO~,f~ ani! th~ pupIl Imw iO work?!) !laid So., ' th seat d Y tl1E1. reo I hOI,a yO,l have EXMutive !l\llinsion atG aIi1ou.... tbo illuEl.4

¥ 11 ,~. 011 0; about August 27th last were rage, throughout ~hecouritry, lett here who bas llioro thltl}~tbllt nm()~nt, an,.. I ' 'flyer, ra ,er IOlln notluug' bad to .say of me," t1:at' ns hi h w'h f 4 Q M Iral.~l W'ith gtettt £!atisra.eti()n..~1Cx:. Instnigl1t for Denvl'}'. whel'ehe go~s inthe nOUUOes it in R Wince that phtmly de- ,1UdlgUIUl'li y. , ' \ . '~Not ~ bit of it We was tllll~inA' ,l? w. c ~ aOdomp l1y r.

" 4! stolen from tbe.ranch ~~ DANis & lntet1!atot the-'Mllsl11a; van~Y'WJ~'!s, HEl Ilotessatisfuctioi')•. , t.~1l! d'll' HI gu~ss ho th1l1ks SOs" returnfld a.bout the wonderful imp1'o"'ements lordsfiratmagazroeefrotb•.f' -"8 ,rt,·u"",s notG'. iI'he snriliO" Lesinsk,u, at San AU!!'l1stine, I>otll).~: A5 hM 11 " 'I t bJ tth31ad who depoSIts /.lim .a , 0 Rl'1 Grummet, \ 'v'" d tb Id I "" ' d . • "." .....~"., ~ F l"J J. " J.lass~Mei:l ,uwgtt Ona.~Jf:iUperot' a t1' o:L'possiblyn: dollal·,is l'egariledwitll 111'1 I ' h "'llfJ.1' . '1:.,', yOll ., roll. eon eO p,acQ' an I.e yo,.1 "t'lTg'nt

lights !JS.VI/l c0mmehced, On Satur· Aba county; thre-e bora.esj branded c!n.ret which he will Nldcavo'l"to intt'tldUCEl ac:1mi'mtioh bY'I'm telloW' pupils, who , H~t\, ~o.esa. e lhu' out lI1S Qf th~ ttloney yOll tl:mdl3'," . 1. '+ " U! ,day eveu.b:xg ~fartin LnhtQan, ,Qu@witha!{maUhntbrandofithaleft Into.Colotnio,It llii »lllnufac1ured on look ~pon hitt! tls..o.fu:.tureminioua.ire, trllsta"'~, add~d the ,other, {~.res; ""And do you tbihT-t it is ,wondet'~ To ad.veitis(\youl" bl'llndain. "pAJler that

il.', t. f_ b Bc[entilic pri.nclpl(l$ lJnd la <leclured by A,s tho amount g~?WS tlw bOYIJ ,And you mar!t my' words, Ben: He'll\ b~ 1lj:12" , ev~ry ,utt}o nIl1tt:)Rnd. cowbOY.Yt th•;of' our ft)ijst prominent meroh/lnts. rutllp~,()ne flgnt ~iay:. one dat/.). a.y ti0lfi16i$seursto-ba supenQr to the Mmag~ls bl!confO' )110t~ en({er, to, aa~~. fla.t an hus b.IX~k '}'£;O1'6 tl'lO y.eat's is. ,ci "BItt 1l1tlt it?" , • COI.ntry l'tl~d~ et-ery 1'f£tlk, vu, lDem in_fid Charles Met6Alf, editor oi the t1nd (JOe grllY, About two weeks m.akeo"tOalif<>.1'nilt'Witiee~ ......NtU1Jte.ti¢l1.M; ~~: ~ltto~~~~h:tgi~~~U~~~~U;.5UAtI" t . d ~, OJ' "~''}V~ll,~'~~pliad Wa.ltOtl, HI don't The l:-~n,.c()l,n .lndtzperuJenl.Rq)ublica'1i-1 got int.o. an nlteroll,U<i11 n~o auotber ::fray gelding Mr'-YUlA' ,"' , '" , (j- tho boysM .!lepositol'S. tho J.attGl"Ilflvo U UMh, .cn~Gc an a6tGr ohn lwow JtiJout-H1rf.t;, but I'll tell' you "If 'You.tJWant",hir,ft quiokly Jad, t:.)- an exchange 01 tit/? Sltme brand. .4bout It week ago OOJ'U und. arts, t~e.Jlll'~cst ltmo),wt tu'tlte!r£l'£ldit.• It ",nJt?r. r~tl m?~ed o~er dn;)twe~ty what I d<rknowf"'( ~mHv tbf.lJ:'(~ is • , k il " , 0

1 Th l' b yte4rt\ rone O"o}d'oO" d 800,()06 1loulla. oltlhoice M~ lind ·!Sl». fhe IU'iroar,yh.nd Jntel'1'MdIllto noral. lac, ~e ...ttig ,(,hal' y nay (l()'classorpacrl'nte inf.hewllrta ...hn,.,A"l:n'J'.W1f10,ftn f"'P~rNlf;jTefiilde~ll"~ 0"', 0.1"'." 1"0"P' ?••p.,. ". egg. 'II

0! I> H ~"All aboa. " .." ....... 9£ ..... r.. ,ill• .hr llH!<l.stl"" .1lola.ges...Uecti.ns '''''' .nougll !11 P'Y, r~ ,I,. lab••, bM.' ..ay read "',;d £Iud'" "to I,.".. ad:' d,,,, pal"t' 0:"'''"' -..:J'C-::::

..ted by fz:iendg bejore 'the fIght ~ot ,on~ blly 1)1J1'l ~r Y, .l'nnde."" 'ROBentliiU,-.t(Jo"Lr.t!c()lnr~'"M,Bpechtl mtUlo. iI'he,}ngbN.th~tf,~d~1f:kf~ !nen nt w:ork dt~~In~def1p (~reuc:bo8 "Ilnt~ko than ta.rm,<,:il. ' Far~,in~ is, 8&.~ty, e1'tltt.flSU it, ';

~itl, l}uder "'*1' , ,. ~lw!1(t~e$',:~l~~~arl'.Y other bran,ds. p~ie~/J j:rdl'lr~lj:lofJt ~n~l~~wer \~O de~~. ,;al~ ~V~l' It. Rehadt~'fodI1H16ugth. _ IlCl~l)ce 'tid he mU8t b& a man of Tne Zin;co.~n. 1'"R(!penrlmlt,

" • " J ~ '-, I.' () Q •

'''alier C. Hadley, wbo in com­j)iling the mineral output 'of theTerritory for tbe seoratary of the,treasury, roport9 to thq En~erpri8e

that mine owuer,:; are "ary dilatoryi,n furnishing bim with the fig'ure3.This is an important matter, as NewMexico baa never ba.d a correet.zte.temeotof her output. Mine own·era shOuld g-iVfl the matter their;,nmedlate attention and S83 if theycan't raIse tbe T,n1'itory 0. notch or

, two in the list of procio119 metalprodu.:ling Sta.tes and Territories.i\I.11te as go~d a. show:ng- a'J you O3.n,boys, and attend t'.) it itnl1)ediat~ly.












r '

t,. ,

Page 3: I t '0:111archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · 'Inat is to say, It has been fasteneQ ~o daybreuk when It wus IllS Junior's tour Ius explanatIOn of thl



, I



-) .


·~,d~,.. .'





- at Las Cruces, N. Ma







JACH: THORNTON, Pro ~>rietor.

Lincoln., Ne--vv :1:va:exico.

THORNTON & EUBANK, Proprietors.

E. S MCPHERSON.~ . Sperilll Arrent,

~lorthwestern, the Strongest, Safest and Eest.JESSE M. WHEELOCK.

Gcn('rul Agent tor Now Mexico.

To rcsidents of the Territory. Moderat£' charges for Preparatory Co\ll'8e,

~ For fun information, calion or address: Hirum Hadley, A. :aL, PresidtDt orFllculty. or W. L. Rynerson, Rpc) of Board of Regentf'. Las Cruces. New Mexil~o.


:N"O-W- OPE:t'f.

Tuition FEEE!

Writes the BEST poliry for the Policy-holder issued by any Comp/my. and It'·turns from 26 to 100 per eent larg('r di\idel:ds thun any other Compm::y, lind ',~i

other Uomplllliefl nre

C:E:A.LL:E:l~GE:C10 produre in comparison policies of) sume data, age ond kind.

Thfl INTENDING INSUREr. cannot AFFOR D to tuke J.IFE IN;''['P.'.i~(.,j

In any other C()mplloy, whcu he can get it in the


The t~orthwestern Mutual

livery and Feed Stables

The Only ,House in lfncoln Co. that ls Seiling

Strictly' for .CASf-I I'Our l'J1otto is:

Profits and Quick Returns..'"


Annual Report.

,: ...I0:"," ••

1 J ~. 1lOU Goo~ Reasons..~:E:ya


mAll~btthe Liberty HtultU'J', 1'ob, ,(!l~ . l::!POQit\l !JOl'l:l)sPQl,ld(JJ,lcO Qt 'J.lnl,lJ tNDi"l.'IeNll~N'X.

The Nogal pubUc #04001 h(l.: au:sp.eud.el1 SIIiV:Fn CJ:~v, N. 11'1 1\];111,'.,1, '1)0.on lI,ccQunt of tb.e tl1neriJ of Ii rof. Reesa. The' li!Mlt weolt bua been lI,PVSY 0\10 for

1'\11', T. H. Ray.'lIM gone to~he .);'aUl'oad. the court h~re, llnd in fl\(\~ tM enOll> lU~y

to meet his /30n, 1\'ho ia on Ws ~11'S to be said.of the term thus far, D IThere nail been 23 def~ults takE»l. Of ea ers

N~gl\l, ,these, Ql~;I\t were tlguinat the Gypsy Queen I .

Mr. P. G, poters' adobe residence is .Mining \.)0. E:very OpPQJ:t@itythere hilS 'l1bout completed. The lllllst('l'era fini::hed be~ll a jury trilll, and the case of the 'l'y.theb' wdrk 'l'u(lsday. vs. Robert nedding, for murder, occupy-

Mr. Ed. Gihnore ·w:tS bad!y hurt lust ing two duys of the court's time; the Mc_Sl\turday. He N1)cd a bronco und wus Crea case 0116 day, the case Ilgainst .Mr•jerked from hIs !laddl.t". his hOI's6 fulling Parker one dlly, &c.au him and di:llocllting hisle~~ shoulder.. 8. P. "'Icerall. vs~ Silvor <.,lity Indepen4

He is reported r,1 doing well. dent Sch()ol District, being /l. suit for bal-bIessrs R. .T. Nugent and L~u Puckett ance ot salary liB Superiutendent III

report the last disco,;,ery in 1'log'lll mining Publie Sohools, Silver Oity. Resulted in £,S me11district, They hI' 7e Bome fine specimens 0. verdict .u favor of ~l'of. l\'IcOl'eo1 for· em _."'''-=*"'<:<o:=..,............""'.""'::m=;.::::a......=~===-m::::=-==""""=""""='~,.,.,,-

of copper, and copper stllin benring golJ. $188.0e and ~O"td. I fof. M(;Orea wasTILe It>ud is just west of town. . callod away on ut'gent business, I.:uo,·t six

Information has beeu reeeh".ed announ- : wet:ks ber<.;e th~ end of the 1889 schoolcmg the dOllth Qf C. Sidney Vhick, at his term and plIt a sl1b"titute In hil" plu('l;! f()rhome in Kansas. IOl1e day, at which the school board took,

O T d 1 t U J. E. Sligh ,of of'ff1use, lind dl:lcha.rged the Frof"JBsor'n ues ny as 1'., , • •• h' d, h .Nogal. acoompanied by Mr. :McCarty, loft ~'ltho['G.gIVU'g }fw.u~.nan,~e f?r a .b"d'flll

g CENeRALNogal in a buggy for White Oaks. They In the matter. hUI veNlct If, ll, VlU ICU- Gh d d d b t S"rt -l1:ltance l'n t10n Qf the Professor. ana the cnse wa" a.a fjroct>e e u a .cov, •

fact. were just beyond Jose Vega's, wherl Fh~tllYd contl:'lited. QIler· kle,ssrs

l· ,ElI~:der &d

they noticed two partier, :&iohardson an(l 'l~ er appe~1'I~g 01' tne p Ill?tl~, an Lincoln, New Mexir'o.J. h Ii t "'e "r'" un lble t Hon. J. D. Blul fOL' the sohool dlstnct. .. --_----__.... -,,----~=-....-....aml's, w ose rs n;lmes·, \:" v I 0 , ,. B' , . '

. h' t pl'd rate Kno I Vase of JIlS. S. -Qui). '\"B. Curran & Pler-~Ive, approac lnll a a ra . w- , Ding the evil intention of these parties, 'I so~ venue changed to ona Ana county.Sligh and McOartt whipped up anq got Case of Patrick Coghlau vs Qorizozointo the house oocnllied by .TQ.ck Weldy, Cattle Ranch Co" brought here onohang-eclosely followed by thtlir pursuers, who of ven~e, continued.with arms presented domanuc.<l that 11'., M~rIano Bu~elll Vd. S• .711. Ashenfelter;Sligh sign a statement whiGh ,thoy pre- : contlDu~d by consent.sented, and which proved to be)l,Villain-! There ~~e 4,) oivil casei! on. the docketons document acknowledging 'thut l\lr~ yet to be dlspol\ed 0.(.

Sligh had lied about said Richurdaon andl Ho? 'f. B. C~Lro~ has beeu ell~ered 1.\8

James. It scems MI'. Sligh had procured assocllIte coun ,el With Messrs. PIckett & H B ~~ d b h D u' k fill hwllrrautsfortbenrrestoflhesepaliiosllnd:Elliottin theclilleof Nathaniel Bell VI:I. orses .OcUu8 .y' tHe ay, lites O~ montand others, w!lile at Socorro reoentl~', 1Snyder & Sldllicorn, invelving the Pacific

I N 2 .3 th P 'n' . th t • Double and Single Buggies. Carriages. Saddle Horses. Etc., to 1Jle had a\ 'a1charging them ~ith catt1~ st~allng, aud I ? ,ant.: e aCl c '?u. ex I:lnSIOlltheir purpose was to have revenge. After mmes at Pmos Altos. TIIl~ will undoubt- Hours. Charges Reasonable.lellving Mr. Sligh, thE. partie'S proceedod edly be a hotly coutested fight us there i!l ------------

to Jo~n Mclllurchy's p1l\ee, whero Bill valuulJlepropcn:tyil;lv01V<"d, l~EBANK EXCHANCE SAlOON"wus stopping, and fired into the houSI:', J ame>!'Ht'ynoldlJ, lllurdttr, venue uhang-" , '; _.' . . '. • 'shooting off tbe door knobs und burstini:j ed to ~iel'rtt county. .in the door, ouly to find that Smith was Robert Redding, f.or the murder ofnot at homo. They then shot up the Geo. \V. ij:lll\ley, at C/3utl'ul"O!ty, Oct. 31i,stove und bedding, after which they came 1888, tried by: jury tma'acquitted: 1»)eal:lto Nog~l, where they remained till 9 wus se1f'defens~, ~ . . . . 0 .o'clock 'Wednesday morning. They Helene ArnoUr, eingiuif" uM plriY~llg,showed :Mr. Thomus Henley the doCu- phmo ill public suloon, uppeul; juugmentment signl:'d by Mr. Sligb, and atated l1elo\y afli.rml;!d lind defendunt fined.when leaving, that they W6l'e going to Leonurd Lee, 'vifo bel\t\~gl from Centl:h~Andy ~lays'. They also stuted thst' they City, tried uy .jury cuM n0 l1u1tted. " ., ,did not aim to be arrested. Depnty Sh6i'. Rafael Trivinll, Manuel Hernimdez,tif Langston. acc••mp.anied by constuble Epiminio 0l'tcga, for murde~ of uOhinll­Thomas Gallatin, Jim NI~baurs and Geo. man. und aloo for 118:111ult With intent toL. Ulrick, are in pursuit. commit murder, set tor trial secont! Weu-

L 1 h t". h Id N 1 needilY, but 1i0t reaohed _,-at. VODlto w111. a gr ppe as a .s roni:> 0 9n ogll prolJa1Jly be changed.Just now. Mr, D. F. Brown and wife of "th PI H t 1 h b l1l' f Ww• .Parker wus trIed by Jury lor en-o IIcer 0 e, ave cen suuerIDg or , °

h k M W ·lt CI h tenng a dwelli.ng houlle WIW lllwnt tomore t an a wee. r. ILl er luro '"1 0k b t' b t"[ th COillmlt felony, at Ucntrul UILy, U<:t. oUt.Jwas qu te SIC u IS a ou, JI any 0 erf I 't t d lust, ant! wus l:rlveu lllX m"ilLh13 In tUI'casos 0 more or ess severl yare repor e .

_ .....=-=_..-................""""...,.""'=,...==w:oo. penillliulury 101';'0 1l0lUg, 1he W1LIIO.:l'il!Swertl nearly all coloret! peopll.', lI!I isalso l'afll.el·, and cOnllldel'llule UillUl:lementWl18 lllused uy thulr perBiswnt elluns togive their tJ'btllDonJ in tbeir own wuy anlllanguage.

8. 1:1. Taylor WuB granted divorce fromIJuclnu l'..ylor.

Maria Wagnor was adjudge d insanc,and her hu"band, Petor Wullner. was np­pointed guardian over hor. by lho CJurt

11lere yet remain 112 criullnal CMe" fortrial, ana sevoral c.nae!l for violutio[1 of

:;~·~;:7.£:~:'~'I'W:'::::'~~'Y".: ~GRIGUllU R·~'l G0II[G[as wellllll mo.t of LtJe attorneys. IHElli\D. .



Bp....:linl Cr "p'lpondell ) to T.lIE IN;EPENDlCNT.

EDDY. N. M., Mar.eh 1, 1890.This town is improving 'Veri rapidly,

and a. great h._ny ~astern people lJl'O com­ingin.

Mr. Eddy, who has bean in the east forabout a month, is expected home verysoon, accompanied by several influentialenst.ern poople interested in thA vallay.

Railroad talk is growing strong. Lookout for some R. R. news soon that willamount to something. ~

The new hotel 19 going up as fast aspossible. _The briok work on the firststory is already doue.

News reaohed here a few miDlltes agofrom Bradbury's rock camp a.t the Ugdam that while two Mexicans were warm­ing up some giant powder the stuff "wentoff," killing ont- and seriously (if not fatally) wounding the other.

W. A. Hawkins, our attorney, left forSilver city the other q.ay to attend to somebUiiness. lIe is expectod oack in a dayso.

E. G. Shields is in El Puso.

WE SHOULD REMARU:That the wlud 1\1tc11ll. grippo staY' with

us.TlIllt it's now time for out' Y'()Ull~ate~$

to M~ reb oft' to school,That tlJ.exc was a nice, qniet llttledancc

,in town last ShGul'dllY nlgbt.That it'fI time y.ou were .o.r"anglng mat­

ters to "com~ to Lincoln to court again."'l'hatthe Lincoln c, unty jail is no~v the

handsomest public buildingin the county•

That the"'festive' w(lod hllulQr. is themain kicker at tho miltl winter we havebeen hovinll"

That it'l prvtty tOllgh that wa can'thave enough lum" Jr in Lincoln to bury amall decently when he dies.

'fh;tt political rumors are beginning tofloat ·~rotlnd. The pot is aimmering, andwill .~oil in good fashion after court isov~l'_

•Vi. S. Fletcher is in receipt of ll.

letter from Col. Lee H. RudisiIle,of "Yhite Ol1ks, senior vice depart­ment commander G. A. R., sayingthat the annual enoampment forNew Matico will be ca.lled to m6<::;

in Socorro sometime in April. The

date will not be set until Gen. Al­

ger, the commander in ohief, isheard from, as be is expected' to be


J. T. Eubank, road supervisor. has beenattending to his duties in that line in alively munner this week.

•Every day new goods arrive at Rosen-

thal & Co'I!,

Sudden Death•0[1 IllSt SundlY afternoon W. W, Hol­

comb. a youn; cattleman who h wellknown in Liucoln CO'lOty, died iu ourtown. He had been here for seyeral dayspreviously, suffering from an lIttack of "lagrippe." lhough hlR conditlOu was notthought to be serlolls, as he wa'J not CO'1­flne::! to his b'Jd. The illlmedl;;,to cau'Jf\of hill de:lth was a'1 athck of heart troublewhich came Oil suddenly Sunday after­noon. Dr. Block was !lent for and calliedown from Stanton ns quickly as possible,but when he arrived poor Holcomb hadjust died and wns past all relief.

~l'rfr. Holcomb Clme to Lmcoln COUllty

about three years ugo from TexllS, bring­ing here at that time about five hundredhead of young she cattl e, and ranohingthem in the CupitaDs about twelve milesfrom Lincol.n. He has rela.tives at SanAntonio. Texa~, who were not.ified bytelegraph of his sudden death. Thfl fun­eral took place Mouday at 1 o'clook.Sheriff D, C. Nowlin was authorized bythe Probate Court to look after Mr. Hol­comb's property until such time as an~dministratorcan be appointed.


.Just received, an immense stock of chil­dren's and men's Huts at

R. ~I rOHA-ELIS & Co·s.

A. Z. Huggins, a. former wellknown resldent of the Mesilla Val­

ley, died at the GollIen Eag-Ie hotel,in Sa.n Francisco, on N oyem ber 30th

last. and wa.s buried by tlte Masonsof that city. B:lfore he died Mr.Huggins asked a friend to notifythe Mosilla Va.lley DJm?crat whenl-e passed away. This friend being'away from San Fra.ncisco or,ly learT} t

.of Mr. Huggin's death 0. few daysnpo, when he at once notified us.­


".. uGo to Rosenthal & (1o's for your cloth-

ing. Largest and finest stock.

Plant 11 garden. Call early and select,your seeds st Whelan & Co's.

--Messrs. O. B. &duy, E. G. Shieldsand W. A. Hl1.wki TIS left to-day for

mad" New Mexioo.-EI Paso Her­~ld, Feb 26.

Alfalfa, as a forage, is attractlOg­.attention in the eastern f:ltates. Mr.W. E. Anderson of Rocky Ford,

-Colorado, has received an order fora car load of baled ".!faifa from NewYork City. The freight of the samA"Will be $180, but Mr. Anderson calllay it down in New York for :HDper ton, which if> even cheaper thantimothy hay there..The alfalfl'\. hayis to be fed to milk cows as an ex­periment, anel as it is the best milkprouucing food known, it IS thoug-Ittthat a new market bas been openedto the west for alfalfa. B. U. Dye&. l::;on~ of Rocky Ford, shipped SlO,­000 worth of alfalfa seed to the sea

'board last week.-Stock Grower.

Caught from tho Argus, Feb. 22-Chas. W. Greene bus been successful in

securing the capital for the Ban Lu isRey undertaking, and work is in aotiveprogress there.

A chUd wa.'l born to 1\11'. ank Mrs. IIud­man Tuesday.

Sam Smith yesterday struck water at adepth of seventeen feet.

Anothor evidence that Eddy is grow­ing. She is beginning to smell bad.

The Garrett & Brent liveI'Y stable is sonearly completed that it hall commencedadvertiBivg in the Argu8.

No'soonl:'r had T. B. Wilson recoveredfrom the prevailing -epidemic than F. D.Baze, his partner, went to bed.

Mrs. Geo. E. RusBell, who hilS been illfor over two mODth~, died ,Monday nightand was buried Tuetlday m<>rnillg.

The town company is thinking serious­ly of openlng a road to the flume and damthat does not PllflS Temptation.

Ed Scoggins returned :Monday fromTexas with a wi:o.

Although there are no saloons in Eddy.there are several cititens who oCCllSion­nlly arise in the morning with a darkblue taste in their mouth.

U. II. Pierce is the proud father oftwins-a boy nod a girl. They were bornTuesday night, llnd llre doing welL So is YOU 8H0ULD TAKEthe mother-and futher.

Some of the candidates for onlce in THE LINOOLN .this county are in favor of party lines be- I,ing drawn. But the great majority are INDEPENDENT.in favor of a free-for-all rllce. • of the 8uperiate.ndont of Publi~ Schools

Lincoln County, 'felTitory of New ~iexico,

Mrs. T. Powell, who had been ill for 1 fnr the year ending Dec. Slbt, 1889:some time. died Hunday night and was Because No. prlVdte sohools in the CQ,tn.y,buried Tuesday afternoon. Her death

It is publi6hed at the county seat of the .. SClWol dilltrl.:ts in Lincol.l <,Jouuty, 35was peculiarly sad. Her husband was largl:'st county in the world. and is the .. PUblic schoois taught III thd Co., 31away from home while she was brcathing 1 bli h d t'd t ton y paper pu sea sal 90un y sca. "Mo.lthi school hM been taught, 1'10her last, and her younll'est daughter. Susie, 2... .. Pupils enr<>lled 7tJJ·was delirIOUS with disea8e. Mr. Powell Bwas sent for Bnd arrived in time to attend ecause "Teacnerd om.lloyel .22

It ' th ffi' ,1 f th t d" CnUdren enumdrateJ 2,OJlIhiB wife's funeral and see his daughter lS e 0 Cllu paper 0 e coun y, anto k",ep posted rm everything pertaining .. Di:lLricts repo(tinJ in full 2U,

expire. :Miss SUllie was buried Friday. t t tt ttl 't.o coun y ma c!r5 you mil.; a te I ,. District Treasurers repomlJg 13 THE L I~CO LN~Ir. H. S. Church'snew brick residence 3 "New Dist's formed during tbe year, 0 (IT ANLEY IS BACK'

will be ready for ocoupancy within the Because "Ne.v " not included in Dec. 8 ~ S~ ~u' '\ ! •next ten days. Apportionment 4

It is the largest papcr in the county. nnd are r 0~Everybody nslts: "Why don't Jim publishes more ~enuino j're.ih rpadin~ "School house" in county 20 • AND HAS ELE(''TRIFIEP TU:eTomlinson complete his building?" We matter than Bny other two papers in the Avu..ge 8llary of teaclldrs per WORLDllIlBwer that he can't get his glass front. county combined. month 850,87~~ ,: By the annouucement of his safe returnHe ordered it from Pecos two months 4 Amount apportioned for the to rivilization. His adventurers llnd disago. Because year en..ling Dtll.lst, $11,130.70 CRAS. G. BELL, TONSORIAL AnTlsT. coverips have been grand, wonderful nill!

W. W. Paul, the corn king of New)Ie:t- It may save you many dollars by keeping Per lapita per )'ear, ~II.aU7 At :he Bank ExchlUlge. Stylish Hair mlokan-ethlons. bThfe wOJf{lid hthaSifilletnt'n nOdthing• h 1 ad f ...._.. nIl 1 al .1 J d adver- Am't in hands of Dist. TraM, '83, $J5a.o;; I e em.e ore. s r g n ven~ico, was In town this week WIt a 0 (;l you 1)0""""", on eg !lnu an Cuts and smlloth Shaves always on tap. tures, marvelous discoveries, daring cx-

his celebrated product. By the way, we tiBements. Amount recJived .from other ploit-'l, aetounding privations. wouoierfolsaw him in c<>nverBation with MoLenathen 5 I sources $791.19 trip llCrOS& the Darlt Oontinent. How heTnereis only one inference to be drawn Because Tot-all1m.'tdurlngthe ye.nr1889, $12,1$0.44 LEGA-L Nd'\Tlf'''il:'l,' found Emiu Bey-Everything wm be in-

T al d b d h - U Il.>~ cluded from his Brst entrance into AmM.from that. .,Mr. Paul must have bought It is the July paper iu which will be I ot IS ursement urlDg t e to the present time. Everybody wnomsome more lots. published all tho county estray notices year 1889, $9,025.72 tho new '

From our Look~utcorrelmondent: ":?rTr. reqUired by law to be published ill a paperIBalance in hnnds of District Territory of New llIexico, l ss No GE~UDlE STANLEY BOOKI~1' :o.t the county Beat. County of Lincoln. ~ J:.

McCulloli.lrh h::.s finished his residence. 6' " Treasurers Dec. 1st,ld8:>, $3,154.72 Frotn St,wI"y's A~_ "'n·t·'''g'' and .:11"~ In the Third JUdicial District Court U UY'll" .. J II ""'

The lumber is on the ground Because Bra9~hes.taught: Algebra. Arithmetic1 sitting within and for the County of Lin- patches. dOve~400 0Ef tlItlgrnndetlt tnilfor the schoolhouse, and work on. • .I .. I Grll tn"r. HI'story, Ph.\·siololry and .liy- 1n t most won erfl new ngra'l'itlgg. !lnd Col-I I d h f '" ~ co at the Apr! term, A. ID. 1890. orpd Plates ever seen in a bOOK OL t1'Av<3ia.

Our motto: ';8m811 profitA and quick the building commenced :rttonday. Judge t IS neat.y prmtel1 aUJ()~ t Ilre ore giene and Reading anu Wliting. WM. S. RVAN, ~. A.oTro~ A:ID It hna hsen engprly aWll!ted, and wiII \I~I' --"II b . d t t th 1 tt Peitz is re-surveying the townsite."· al'e not oblIged to patoo ~ }>81r of speC3 . ht ''1 k '., retupls '-'WI .- Bqcarne Oll o. e ~ er. to read part of it and guesa llUhe rest. The nl'W law requiring School Directors VB. NOTlOJC OF song IiI, er, roa e mota money fOr tIv~ ,

Rosenthal & Co. have now on exhibitio.n,~", .", R. MlcRAELla& Co. II 7 p, ROB!:RTll & Co. l \.IF A'I'TACHlIEN'I' agents nnd make 1~ cMie, thltil any bO:l~l:~. Full line <>f garden seeds at Whelau & to be elected on fhe third blonby of BT. At.. ~ ill~tlcd for the l)U$Ulf;r yenrs, .

OM of the largeMt and bestlUlsort('d.,s1l,<Qo1Cs .. • .,~, Because J ''iJ' h t de 1 OAU1'ION' Oldnn- "fi 1i bi ..".... I!~, Th f 1 h t - '" Cds • anunry o~ eoc year1fllluses ll. grea 11 Preston Rob"'rts o.nd Ed"'I'n R(l't-ert:9, ~ . .Uo re 11 c .....Nun"';of men's llnd ber's olothing ever-offered e OJ OWIng tour IDI{ pe 1.IO~, . • ml' . d ., n 'U of St(\l1lev ·s travels- nrc bellt'" - 11bI" h d

1 . ~ • E~ery paid up subsoriberreceives frfree of misunderstanding and t lmlte d th fir f P R b • & C) f El D bOld' -db tdb 0 p 18 e •in Lincoln coun~. ,vrittell by the applicant herse f, IS r' • . bl d h id 1 d Rn e mo. 0 er.s 1,,0 ouot e (;Celve 'to (Uka,re-hua!l{,!1, "" A rumor is floating Bround that Wiley gratiA for nothing," a yea s eU:iSC1'lpt1011 amountoftrou c,nu. 8 Oil berepea e • ~IlS(). 9l

j)unty, Taxa!!, dafendn,nts in t.he and battered pIntos. We ItfiMlIIU!0 tbi~

O M1':- '11' ho!' h • I" 1 said to have boen recently oilculated to "TIM A.mer!Ci!nF'armert" one of the '!'hore are many changes to be made ill '

n arOIl t t e ll.l{rlcu .ura T h' 1 Rainboldt, formed) of Lincoln countY1 re- bcst farm tr'a.glzln~r; pUbli8~ed, .the regU· the 8c.hoo'1Iaw oithe Tern'tory l'efore it i:l llbov~' -0ntithd cau'le, ate hereby notlfiod to protect otlt uge:nts nnd tho puNkcQl1eO'e at'Las Cruces will be form- in Southern 1'~xas: 0.0 lS exc~ - cently,killed two men at Silver City, but lar BubBl.rlptllln prIce of which IS one dol· . . ..' ..' that au lllltiou ol trespas~ on the Mse in ngainst tho nUini.'roUS worthlOllg So.ca:ioJ

II' I:> 'd' ~ h '11 b lency bunor, ~hster IIarrlson Esqlllre h rt' t t fi ed. lar per year, <l.dequnte to- the lDcraused poptillltilln, llssumpsit with attllchmel1t ,ha3 bt>en Stanley books-all 3f 'Wh!eh ute ~llJ1l'l'7a. '1 opGne. ~peec es WI e " t 0 ~¢po 18 no ,ns ye ,con rID advancement l1ild progress of th0 people nld boo!:s that h~ve been in lIse torye2fi'.

d b G P. d 1 Presd't of t.le Y OUll lted States.· H brought ng:lilist them by William S. Ryan and are now bSIJlg offered as new !Jookl'i,

ma e. y ?~. rlnce an severa ;!)BERE Sm:---We ~be cItyzen and Abundant supply ot .IIay and G1'I\in Because of the Territory. ()t:LincolnCottlity,NewMe~ico,tor(jooV'~with a il3vt p(iges at new mat.ter addGllc'pr0I111nent Citizen: of the Territory. resident of Salt Crick post-office do 't~fel~:~ ~~~:~tlOn pald' to ho=sea at It is n widc-£,wakc; progressive, inde- Teachers and school directors... should er the sum o£ Seventy-1iv~ Dollara and Agetits Wanted EverywMre.

For cleanliness, comf(,rt a.nd first-class un/bly prey and petishum you to • pendent ('ounty ne\Vsp'l,pe~I.llnd wIll be ~a proIJlpt in forwarding' reports to this costol actiou,· 'l'et1cbersj 'l'oung- Men ana Lndl!}!!j 'l\lj!l~fare, go to Whell1ll &.CO·8. Hotel. put ~,rr8. in as a postmaster >, Tl1., Johnstown Ilorror. worth mul\Y times Its pr ed evary yenr ollic'6_~ Tb1t tho lund lyingwttst of tho town of IElter~j FtstInElJ.'ktlt flfeol1nnica and Pte"kg

_ n . you tab it, Wll find the :Pll.blic School ftllul is lJUJcOln; maIDd Lincoln C01HttY• .New cl111 ellsl :t mil e Ct6l'n $5 to '25 pi:\r \i:tjG eo. D. Lovin!! reports active of thl's town. "I'liellppallin/fhorrorntJohnstownhas 9 d f th d t f d t' ..... .N?experioncel'eq1tited. Ct>ll'lll!!!slngcut

'. shodj{ed flfty mIllion of An1el.'icnn pe<Jple ,. B" use or e a VIl.UOOlllen 0 e UQlI. lO;n. !uexicot and heretoforo conveyed bydMd fits nOW tead1~ 6e'Att itnInet'tiatt'ly ii"movements ill live stock traM. The 3be has a g-ood knrll,Icter and ate nndi~h~usil.ndsof liveshnve been ~h'18an.d . ecause throughout the county uud that c(lI1sidel'~ to said defendants by Mid pillintlff, and illustrated cireulal'$ and term3 tt'GC!, ot'.~t'northern buyers are cominO' here 11 I ild n millIons of pr9P~rty dcstr<>yed, J IS 1f10rt livG in Lincoln c)unty, or own il.bla progres:i hug !Jeen mada !\udconsld.. which wnd is kno"'n ll$ the "Cordoba SOC\lrI'J ar.. agency at- onco. Bl1fi!l 1,;\1.00 i.>, U

,., sma 0 1 re. be.Vond l\uestlOD, the second grelltest prOP'arty in the co.UntY'1 or Mve nny inter· bl' t· t h b 'f t d i' 11' d II h'" ... . the outllt. UJid you shall be l:lm:t'Cld th'"tnow that the winter is about past to She is also a wielder a.nd poor, bu~ fliod on recofd· The loss of life attd the eats.n tAil CQunfYt. it Is ~ecessal:Y for YIUl erll .6111 ereE!' as :wn lUll)),' es e nor Inn j ai, ueElll Bttnched Its the p\!J)p~rty 1\!OI)t>.}' re!undod if not sntiafllctOJ:.l·, Is:';'

k • h Th d d •f IdsB of properly and the thrIlling incl- to tuRengood 1<11:1\1 pap.srj.published att~e plIblic achools 'by the llchool directors n1Hl of saM defendants, alid that unless tney' dre£lsma e spring purc ase:>. rM hIly edg-Ilea-ted, an we 0 oertl y ,dents aurpaasanything known jn modern C0l1nt1 se!lt•• EsplX!ial1y If ~t~a.t puper 1,8 tM peopla, aM We IilliY' be ,~ble to show appeal' nt the :n,Gxt: term of the Third Ju.'. , THE nISTOR.Y C(}•.p\'Qmment buyers left yesterda.y for an' sa.y that 'lTe th ink Slhe is fool Y;;/titneS; Thousands of "lle~l?le<1es~re .B " lk(l,Wlde.awl\ke, iut~re$tllig sliaet, all. groater progrtJas lind greater interesthl dicitd District Oourt, .ittiug within and fot' 7~S.MAiRttitT S'1'1t.llE't, Ss.li Flt.l.~C!S(J;),('I)

Atitona. to in vest in sto"k to be tlLk· kompetent to pudorm the dootl~8~.of c1~t1¥ g:I\P~~:fr~p~~ur~:,;~~~~{:fitt: for 'Z a yellt'o . :t9 tliepnl>l{c l:lonools at the close otthe yeaf the C(,ltutyof LincQ~j JUld'c6ltu.nell<'l1l'1gol1~n north.-EI Paso Herald. the same. ':, t ·~~ti~: or the, worlel fOr cCliturlQs. B' ." . ,1800 than tho yelU" pasf, . lOs- by tIle p-cO" MOI1Clay, the 21$t dti;r. \lj! April; A. n.18DJ.~~-. p." .. ~--- "",., 0

• ~ 'rhe 1I1story ompany ()f 723 ¥m:~at ecause, pIe lind- for th~ pe(>1Jta thll~ pubUc scUools Md: llet<Ztid. enid CIlUSC, judgmont will ba •:Blank notes, blank receipts, warranty It ~ould be a re~l charity~~~ ette.at, 8.an. Francisc~, al., 'l avc.~.at is,,, .. ~.h..,;rei\te.9V. 'otbc~ g.~{j.do rE'fI!lO.il.ii'.wbi~h ,.~aTe mllilltll.mod nl'1<l;~tlp);lol'ted .it1 El1ell If.(,bdero-d llgainsttham th.ore.i~.1U1d... sa.id . If "Yon 'Want

deeds", bills of sale, etc., now in t;tock at to glt the plaoe, If JPe' ,1Iid.....J I\laD 8~eah' lJn hbOOk formtt f d~ c...().:nlPle~11 ...18ttO~ ~'Verj paid UP6\lbscrll:l~r can clletly,'dul~ ICOti'l.l11utlitl; . " htopt>rt'" bo sold. to s1Itiafythe .Il1In, -rthe "bIy ...~}h.P"'" pu.gll!'l"c'~ l!..t ~.·,t" ~"unt."o '"'ritE .iNDEPENDENT olUM. . but $12 A yeer'~R.ncifer 5hlttl we () 0.1 teo 1lst()WQ 00 f llJ.tEl r 1 .IU",rll Cu. OO\1~r·for hitxls()lf,' "tI. . f 11 b'" t'~ I ~. " • 'W . ,L' VI "4 ,"U '" ',. <." \"...f. "JII1t!U (;ob1pll:l~ in 600 :pngcs. The bo,!k ' SUbllQribo nnd y011\;V'il1 know them, ~11d. : ,"~!lp~t 11 )' GU m~t eu,~ " ~' .' , , " ,; lX,'Ll'-Ut S. 'B/t~tt, '" Ik!nt ClI LltICOlu,fin th!'loflll~l:a ~~~itWl:" "

.aevl.'ttil trainloads' t)t"no,,' g(i;;~Sbi~ "pr-~;r>'-h--:u-'~<b)::' "'a'!3 aa~mo"r .. t. but '\YIn be llo1d thl'O\lgh 4gents'f Seea~.!etf· noYer regreUt~llnd don't; y'ou :torget it! 1 '. .... ,TI'::.,-o:. 'B~~t\ '. ,.; - ...•. Pldlntil!. thugrundest county of ];'ew tkJ,1J' 'ltog~nthtll ~ (J01if,. Oall and ElJuuu',)e a- h' ., H " .... " 'I tisement .In, l!.lnt,?thc1r coltlinn . d't""Agena."'" o"d'.f..... . '. U1''''9'"'''''lWmft' l~Llnoolu. lit It Oo!".nt)' Sup;t o. J;)~lbllc SMI)O.S·t

l Llo.cow, N. l\!;, ltiatcn utAltt~91}. !::ll.lj, ..r.,l;u:aln l1ulcpen.~~l/'~., lore buying )'ton1 old sM16w8rp stocka, ~n; d(id, :whom mlJ$t cera t<!nt1nl\rA onere ~ U.\-vS!L Q!U! ....-" . t· ". <. .' \.: • . .

~ , _ 0

A. C. McDonald, deputy sheriff atW~ed, came in to the county seat'l()n business on Sunday, and is spend­

ing a few da.ys here. -Democrat.

l\1iss Smith, of Roswell, is visiting herTHE 100AJ.Il BUDGET Uncolnfd~"(l:3.

Miss r.ri11i~ Fr1~ ia in from the ranchvisitlilg friends. •

AGENTS fOR THE INDEPt'flJDENT" Joe O\lnltI~,of Lna Oruces, lU'tAv,Qd inMwn TuesQ,Q,y-:yening,

Ron. Frank Le$MttltRrtcd back to Ros-w",U Wednesday afterno6n, >_

Mrs. ,J ns. R. Brent arrived from'Eddythis week on n visit to reilltivl's.

Frank Bennett is now assisting behindthe counter o.t l\lichaelis & Co'fl.

Will. Slane, of Rllldoso, was among thevis;tor"\,at the county seat this week,

Ron. F. M. Cockrell left for Washing­ton Sund!!;}', his son, Jno, J., accompany­ing him,

U. Ozanne came in Monday eVl'ningfrom Roswell, anu Wqu~ on Tuesday toWhite Oaks.

J. F. Hancock, deputy sheriff for Lin­C61n county at Weod. J.S here on bl1Bi.ness Wednesday.

J as. J, Dolan and family are expected toreturn to their Lincoln home sometimeabout the 1m.• of this month.

Dr. W. S, Block and J. H. Canning; ofFort Stanton, pa~sed through town Wed-,

I: . nesday afternoon en route to Roswell o}l'The opening of the public schoo1\}'as h t b' t . .. ,-" :l S or pSlness rip. v

postponed one week on account of a dell\Y' 'c .,in repairing thesch<>ol house. If we can ~~le John Newcomb was l~U'&m hiSrahe etlQugh pntty in Lincoln county to Rtudosol'anch-M.ouday. He hns beenreplace tLJ broken wiudow panes. we quite, ill from r~e~tismJ~r t~6 pastwill have school next }londay, sure. two months, but IS now grlluualIy Imnrov-

c ing.We will notalIow any house in Lincoln A. W. Puitt, Roswell; Wm. Slane. Rui-

-county to undersell us. Still /,'Teater re-duction<J made on Provisions aad Dry doso; W. C. Brown, Ruidoso; Ed. Reb-rGogds. Give I1S a call. stook, St. Louis; U. Ozanno, 'r'lhite Oaks.

R. MICHAll:LIS & Co's. were among the arrivals at the Lincoln

'The county jalA ha"s put on a beautiful Hotel during the pnst week.'!lew coat (of ?laster). Geo. Peppin was W. C. Brown, the uew J. P. I." Ruidoso,~the tailor, and he made a good job of it. Joe Wingfield. the new constablo, and

• Chas. Wingfield. road supervisor. wereBesli tank coal oil, 150 test. only 40 cen' 3 all in town this week "proving up" on thl:'ir

"per gallon, at WHELAN & Co's.• offir;l\l claims. They succeeded in find-

• Every farmer should rl:'lld carefully ing bondsmen without much kouble..and ponder upon the article published in;this issue entitled "John Walton's Farm." S. M. Folsom. President of the Albu-It is copied from thut excellent family qnerque Natio.l1111 bank, was in town again

Monday ou lJ,is return from a trip to Ros-weekly, the New Yo~k Ledgor. well. Whilo thert:. Mr. Folsom perfect"\d

Rose nthal & Co. are away ahead of al arrangements for opening- the Roswl:'Ucompetitors when it comes to a complete bank. a private institution with $50,000stock and bed rock prices. capit901. in which will be interested some

Probate Court w:s in session several of the best and stron:est citizens of Ros­.days this week, Judge Lueras presiding. well and Albuquerque. The baJlli will be

• opened as soon as the new hotel buildinl;,, Ladies' Hats. trimmed and untdmmed, BOW in course of coustructlon, is com­for spring and summer, at prices to suit pleted, ,vhicll will probably be abo ut :May.everybody, just opened up at 1st, The bank will bo looated in spacious

R. MI<JHAELIS & Co's.• qunrters on the first floor of the new

building. The establishment of this con­cern will be a great bOOB to Roswell andthe surrounding country. Mr. Folsom ishighly plel1.Sed with the outlook for thecity on the Pecos, and showed his faithby investing $800 in town lots, beoidcs lo­cating a desert land claim.

lit WMi J Oaks" .. Rev. N. W. l.ane~

" Fort Stanton -. ~ Postmaster,•. Upper Penasoo, ~ - "... Mesoal&rol - ~ - Harry Bennett.." Eddy, - - Fred II, Piontkowshy


We republish the firstchapter of "Dunra;venRanch/, this week, in-or'lier to have it proper~iart ofthe story in an..other big lot of samplecopie3 which we aresendin.g out, This taleof frontier army life iswell worth the timeyou will spend in read..ingit. -------

~~~.. ,__~~~~:y~.~_;::::=.~.~~~~~~~. _... e ;... _.... ">~ ~~~ ..:w~l._r,_. Fr;¥N%«~~;' ••<,/fp

ih~'~mt~~~fnl;r:entt PE)R~:QN;\L P~~G~APl1fS. Jj, .,~,.;;





o .~



o "

o .'












o ()


'). "~ ,c;-



Page 4: I t '0:111archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · 'Inat is to say, It has been fasteneQ ~o daybreuk when It wus IllS Junior's tour Ius explanatIOn of thl













Poatoffioo Boven-('mvoro, N. M. Range,on thn Poco~. ncmaEe'ten lUvl'l'!J.

HOrGo bl'iU1d Wonleftahoulder.

P.ddt Drothco:G, Ml:U1­tlCel''J).

>oTPostoffice, Linooln,,",.M.

IIorseg utandgdGlltt10£13£Owo.

~olltomco LowerPenasco. RanlLe, tenmUc3 Gooth of Lowol:Ponusco

\' Cnttlll branded LINJ' onlorteide. Enrmnr!r,


I' orop and undorbit in11, botll r.aI'o. Horoo brand~ slUlle IIll out.



W~· .II. '(}UYS.l:!J. co




C. p. SLAUGH'1'ER.


Pos.~ce, Mescalero, N. M. Range. Plp.lIllnntVnlloy. mne miles north of Upper Penasco.

Aleo cattle branded G on b~th eidco. Horaeabrw:;ded the Bame on th;;:1Elft shoulder.


Postoffice. Roswell. 111. M•



$I ....4

Postoffice. Roswell, :N. M.Rango. Upwer Penasco.

All cows branded \:?oryo~ief~ hip.

Also road brand somll.Uii'i6a T on the aidaandL on left sid~,?E'lU'marl., etop in tholeft. ,~.",,~

EERNA_NI>EZ BROT.1IER;S,.· ~'IF-'_........,_

Postoffica. Fort Sumner. N. M. Range. enstside of Paeoa ,dyEll', tbirty~:fivc lniles below FortSIJnu.er. .


THE o.4RJ.£'IZOZO OA'l'TL.EOo.MPANY (Limited).

Address. J. A. Alc9ck, "'bite OnIm. N. M•


Mules branded GlUlle ns lIorses.



J.~W \l ::G~ pootomoo, Lincoln,. ~ t} N. M.

"~C~~"';'~ \ l~" .> '\

,:: ,_ .<!' ~1' '


Having jllf!t added a lar~e quan­tity of firat·class


To the already well,equipped jobdepartment of Tum rND~I?ENDEN'I

eflice, we are:. now'prepa.r~Jl to dO'

AU Killds' orrffiilitft~~·~(lAnd will g-ufirantee to do the 81l.lm~1,---..........----"';.:.,''''"",--......·''''·,--__promptly aud satisfa.otodly as to­style and matetia.l a.iid at






') Cl


Carries thlllnrgwt and finest atock of

• To be foand in tho territOry



A fnlllin:l of



Sporting Goods.

Furnishing Goods,Hats and Caps,

Boots'and Shoes


We invite·an examination of '3tock and prices.and 'Will bp p1Q:vJod to llIl!JWer nil mail ml1uirie.'l.Batiaf.'1etioli gunranteed to all Cl1!Jtome:tB favoringus with mail m:dllm-'


.... AMMUNITION'.La.t~.illsroekin :Now :M:e%ico in tho .hI11'dW!lt6

Iitlo. Btlrb f(\nIl£l wIre !lot m!U1ll!notororll-pi'loosmthbeight I1dc~od. Mnntlfaotnrem ofcll.!l#J.do of,.TIN, COPPER AND SHEeT IqON, ·REASONABLE PRICES.

£astLas Vegtls,1fJ_ If.. ' , ... -Wa wUllioPleated tG c(lrtoolJond 'With lnte~4- We solicit a triu.l fr?fi'1 Morahan ts

mgplU~Moottl. of tho county, and WIll be pleased._--..........- 'Wnrnlsh est~mll.tea on all kmds of




Stotson's COWboy Hats.





Line ofAND MATERIAL l!'On l!'Al\ CY WORK.

NEW, Mf:j(f(ja~,,~.. ; ...





A larger variety of atooh: on hand than nil other carpet denlera In

A Full




Write for Prices and Samples which will be cheerfully furnished.

GO OR "W"RITE T0 T:ECE=====_......==="""""===""7._====:=====.=r====

D. W. RIORDA~Gen. Manager. GENERAL OFFICE, PHENIX BUILDING. Chicago. DUnoi,.J. H. ]!'ERGuSON, MlU1IlI{\ll' of Lines South and West of Missouri River. Donver. COlorado.

Balls, Bnta~Hummocks, Croquet. FiRlting Tackle, Etc. TOYBl Dolls, Bnlly Carring-Bs. and Rattan(;/OOUfl. Quee1Ulwure, China, Tin, and G1'l1Illte Ware, ana all kinds of Household Goow,.

:T, Do r:rOELJ:N'...8.,.S


COnsisti1.g I>f over 200 vnrletiel! of Inlmlin. Bruesela, Valveta, 1[ou'1uo18, AxmiDBtera, Art Squnrcs.Oil ('lotha. Lilloleuma. Lif.\1lutics. Curtnins, DI'l!J>Ary Uoods, l\Iat . IlUd Mattlug••

Bran.~ l'oltlll. and Flxturo:! nt Eastern Prices.

Great Bargains for the Fall Trade..:NJ:E:X:ICO_

~ ' • .0


'J, '.~ ';~$500!!!!@l!,,}~~~~~1" la oli'ereQ by tho manufactur­

.~, p'l~'li5era Of Dr. Sage's Catarrh'. -~\ -:<1 lIemcdy, 101' a Cll50 of. ':::I§~ Chronlo Nll!'nl Cat,u'rll >lhlch

. , ..•J>",;:, thoy cannot cure.

SYniIP'.i'Om:S GlF C.JlT.llnUU.-DulJhcovy headache, ob::truction of tho JUlll!l1p~€B, dlsellnt'(l'€O fnllln(l' from tho hlJadInto the throat. EOIDetlmes protuce, >lntery,and acrid. at otlierO, Uuch. tenncloUll. mUCOllD,purUlent. bloody nnd putrId; tho eyes oroweal., water,;', nnd inflamed; tbero is rlll/pngin the conJ, denfncz:J, hncldng or coughing toclear tho throat, expectoration of oli'enoivematter, tog-ether wIth SCOoba frem ulcers: thovoice Ie; clianged and ban n, nasal tmmg; thebreath !3 ollenaivo: omeJlnnd tnste nre Im~pnired; there 10 n senontlon ot dizzfueS!l, withmental dl!tlrCSlllon, a hocking «:oull'h Dud gcn­amI debility. Onl,Y' a few of tho nbo\'e-num4'dsymptoms ore lIkoly to bo l'1'CSent In nny'onec:l!;U. Thousands ol elll;e.1 annunlly, >litbontmanifesting balf of the abovo GymptolXll!. re­lJUlt hI ~nsumption,and end"in tlla (l'l'nve.No dlcenso Is so commoD1 more decelltive nnddangeroUD, or less understood by pbyslclttDS•

B,Y'its mlld,lloothingl und ben1lng propcrtlca,Dr. SMo'£! Catarrh nomedy cures tho WOI'8tcnses of eDAtari'li, U coJd In tllC J.cad,"COl'lZn, lind (Jatarl'hol lIosdnch<tl. >

Soll1 by drUggists ovcrywhera; liO «:lentil,ilVlitold Agon,. froDJ! CntmThJ'

Pi"ol'. W. nKuSt1I:JI,t., the famoU£1 mesmerist.of ltTtataJ., N. 1':\ wrItes: "Soma ten years t!gOI .aul'te~u untold. agonr fl"ot11 chronIo n!lOOlenmrrb. My fumlly physlclatt l\'nvQ mo lip lI!Iincurable, nndollid 1 muot ilie. ldy CllCe WllSouch a. bad one, tbnt e\'ory daj\ to>lardS !lun­set. my volc.o: Would become I;UllOnrile I COUldbnrelyape:ili: nbQvo a'\vI1ltlper. Iu tQl! mornIngmy eoughlngt/,nil clo!ll'lngof my·tl1roatwouldnllnoat strangle me. py tho Ull!'! ot Dt. Slige'sCntarrh lteniCdYf in three tnonthli, I w~ a 'Wol;man, llud th" ouro lI11g11csn permanent. '

,"Cd.aldmiUr B(\wkllill;' nnd SpltellllgJ'TROMAti J.1tusnn'G., PJsg., l190J Pine Street,.st. Louil!, No. 'WrItelJ: 'I woo l1.~at 8ulloter

from cntnrrh fotthreo-)1cars. At timcJJ I couldhardly breathe, fUld WM ·eoootanU1 hat1}[inll'nud ·splttlnJ!'~ Mil for the llIllf; 1l1jltlt monthacuuld not oreathG throUgll tile nostrils. 1thOutrht1 nthlng' could bo douo for inO. LucI,.lIy, T 'WllS ndvillcil to try Dr. SilgO'S Cntlll'l'hRemedy, uud I am now 11 '?,ell ttlnn. I bellevoit to be the Oil}y sure 1'Cl'll~"yfor Cllf.ll!'l'h nowmnt1Ufo:ctul'ed, lInd oM bilS only to lli'l~ it· ilfnil' trIal to exp\,.(i¥.tlCi) ootoU11iUbl: ?:eSl}1ta IWda permanent~uro.. ..

ftree Bonlt- Cure (Jtdib:'J'!iInr.t Itonllms. nitttl/an ~.~., blat'o.,

Pa•• !Jl'IYs: ..),1$" dnultllwI,' hud ~ when.Dha wM llv~ "I'Cam.olll. 'Vcry bad saW DrBnge'S" CIlmrHl' Remedy n({'l£:~Used, Qnd pro·cured It bottle tot' ber.Md £1'1011 aaw that IIhelp-cd her; & third llott1(\ cfllilltCld ft"l!ermfi>n~nt I1UOO. Sba Is now efBhWCXt' ~vara oIalU1dllotmd one} h~tt"" .


Gro.n, J\lXt.t:8.P.ropl'Al'lt{}l'. u"



'i,,~x: .~ \~"r~~e)S Tho Originala:;~ '0! "19 liA S a ~~ fL.. Dtl" II fL. [E:

P£LL£Th ~.{\ • U'l' 2,u \, \."e t!.. nIlE:~tBlO '.g" ~'\"e'"tt1J t?DLL$"




Bcht'" oUilloiy vegetable, thoy op.

Iemte wll.'hout dlot\ll'bunoo to the s)·stem. diet,or OCC\lplltlc.a~ I>ut up in rrlooo vlalst hermc·ti­cally eenlcd. Always fresb and rel,o!lle. Aoa laxative, altcl'QUVC, or puraQ¢iVC1thoso llttle .l>cllet.~ (;'1\-0 tho most lllo1r!CCl:elltbfaei.lon.

SmK ~EAOACHE, ~Billoos lmeaclncbe, ~o..Jl)!ZZlllC8S, lVou9Upa.. .'Uou, illc1i~eotlon., • ~{ '>.illllloUD JUtacJi:o,R11d au ..cdcnmgements of tho stom- , 'ach nnd bOt'lOls. nro prompt-" .':";Iyrelloved nnd permanently ~ ""cured by the uso of Dr', "JI>lcreeJo PloaIl311& Purgative Pene¢e.In explnnntlon of the remedfal powor ot thecePellets over GO grent a variety, ot dlseaseo. itmay tl'uthfully lie anld that tholr action uponthe tystcm Is univcrenl. not a gll1nd or tisaueescnplnlJ' their flllnatlvo influence. Sold bydrull'glsUl,26 cents a vial. Mllnufactured at theChemlenl Lnborntory ot WORLD'S DIBPtl.>iBAnYMEDICAL AsSOCIATION, BuUnlo, N. Y.


The only flrsf·Dlass Hotel In the Gift;



REPEATERS{D-OOllnd 45·70






:U'OU ALL ii~DFII..&Sp Pletols ~and Shot @t!.mo. ';".

DlW'i'rn 'I'D!:: WODLD. Send'"for JIlnntrlltc4 DccCi'lpUve gClrCulllr. • :=

'DEAL MI1'O CO" ~ JN0\7 !!lIVen, Conn.

O""e Olf'¢ll0fREElJ,\\JE!il'lL' 'rel- ::,eoenl'''"'' nIlll '

1111 ¢lli.0 w()r!cl. ur faell UCla nrculiequa,lt"d, ond to lncroduce 0\11'

.,' ••peiiorl1ood. wowlU ••"dvRll:GloONIl ~llRSON 10 o~ch locolltr.".lIbo,·o. Oolrlho•• who writeco us a.t QL:!O cnD molto Duro oftho obnoco. All you hovo lodo In.J(ltum to to show our G'0ods t9

r~~~C::~b~~::;J~;l~~~.no~fh~b~~AYr;, . Illnnlhll' ot Ibl. odve..Ioemool

• " Qbowa tho !Small end of the telo_Th. t?UOw!Qfr Ctll Illv.doth. oppe.ronco oflt reduoed.w

Arc Unoquallod both for Hunting and TargotShootinB'

;(, 0






, -0...


Grocer~es and Dryu


-; ;, ...


WhlteOaka, N. 1\1,

P~l o.l' 11/lnnd oalbCy ....ouroolf.



Las VilgWl, New Mex:l~.

Aggr~gat9 Capltal, Surplus and De­posits, 82,000,000.

;F.l rll8O. ';['OXllCi.

J RAYNOI,DS...................... ..ProslrlelltJOHN W. ZOLI,ARS, Vlce ProoldentH. 8. liAUFMAN CWlhier


Lng Ve1(4J1, ,New 1\I'c:deo.Wi! 'C6tt1 th6Ifi~ rod ehokllllt ewekot weh l

good, to lio fotmd mtb,tt territ.l'! and' olIer thi!~.~ .

.. ft&ASONASLE PAle~.".1l'~11il) )ll-eil to~)Jlaul'i~litf and

P.~~'~I . .., -


J. P.,o\YNOLDS PresidentJ. S. RAYNOLDS enamerA. B. 8MITH ° •••• " ••• Aeailllll'\t CUDhior





&Jon E.. Ruse & Bro.




Iron, Pips; Hose and Belting,


'tI'1t(,lLE3At.l!:~ nw.'AIL ;!;..,ums IH

.~'QU03S, WJN~S'ANp





, '\



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