i peter pan i i patchogue r^j^^i - nys historic...

MEDFO RD NEWS ITEMS Mra. Martha The Li, GRover 5-3539 Members of Henry J. Jones Post 2!l. 'i7 . Veterans of Foreign Wars , and the Ladies ' Auxiliary will hold a joint meeting at Veteran 's Hall tonight. Each group will hold a short meeting separately before the joint session. A social will follow . Intermediate (iirl Scout Troop 45 will meet at the home of its leader , Mrs. Kerde Mistier , on Ohio Avenue from "i-4 p. m. Fri- day. Assistant leaders arc Mrs. Inge Alvor , Mrs. Robert Nicholson and M rs. Martin Thomas. Fvcd Mistier celebrated his eightieth hirlhdny Friday at his home on Waverly Avenue in the company of his immediate family. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Jacohi , who have lived for many years on Middle Island Road , have moved to lirookhavon. HALLMARK (*Ri:KTIM' CARDS Complete line. Medford Station- ery, George Smith , Prop.—Adv. Mrs . Albert Kllis was hostess to the Tuesday fc' .vening Club last week al her home on Long Island Avenue. By Saturday most of Medford was back to normal following the fury of hurricane Donna last week. A few trees and many large ^'branches were torn off and tossed about but the most inconvenience was the absence of power anil lights. In some areas , the power was back by evening but some did not have it back until Wed- nesday. The same was true of phone service. Some did not lose their service , while in other areas , it was not cleared up until Satur- day. Since Medford is high and dry there was no flooding. Mrs. Richard Henry of Rich- mond Avenue , Mrs. William Thed>- and Mrs. Julius Riogelhaupt of Selden drove to Quogue Friday and enjoyed a dinner party at the Ambassador Jnn. Helmut Meyer of Oregon Ave- nue returned home Saturday af- ter spending the Summer in Ger- many. He spent most of the time with his mother. Joseph Themarui , proprietor of the Bran Hnus Res- taurant on the State Road , re- turned home Sunday after a six week stay there. He had accom- panied the Patchogue Soccer team , which played in Germany, and re- mained to visit relatives and old friends. V ou live better ALL WAYS with ELECTRICITY—PELCO. —Adv . Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wille were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Knechtel and daughter, Elaine , and son , Roger , of Flushing. On Sunday they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Wehland and son , Uwe , and daughter, Bridget, of Holtsville. Mrs. Ernest Theis of Medford and Mrs. George Oberschelp of North Patchogue, directors on the staff of the Suffolk County TB and Public Health Association , al- iened a meeting of the group Fri- day. The association is planning to incorporate a new phase of ac- tivity, "Chronic Diseases of the Aged ," to its ' many other activi- ties. The Medford Unit of the Suf- folk County Extension Service held a rally and reorganization meeting September . 14 at the home of Mrs. E. A. Theis of Mt. Ver- non Avenue. Members enrolled for the coming year. The preliminary discussion was held on afghans, the project this Fall , and several beautiful specimens were display- ed. The group will meet Septem- ber 28. R e f r e s h m e n ts followed the meeting with Mrs. Al Vanderwal; hostess. The Medford Girl' s 4-H Club , beginners group, enjoyed i' s first class in the ABCs in cooking, Saturday. Since the club is so large , it has been divided into three parts and girls whose last names begin with A to L will meet this Saturday for a class in textile painting. A plaid wool skirt made by Nancy Warner , which had been sent to the New York State Fair at Syracuse , was returned this week , with a blue ribbon of excellence. A laundry bag and garment covers shown by Carolyn Iluthman received a white award of worthv mention. NEW MEDFORD STREET MAPS I960 edition. On sale at Weis- senberger' s Grocery, William ' s Luncheonette and Medford Sta- tionery Store, Route 112. Pub- lished by The Patchogue Advance. Also contains streets in Bayport , Blue Point , Patchogue. East Pat- chogue, Bellport . Brookhaven and Yaphank. AH this for onl y 50c. —Adv. The Ladies ' Auxiliary of the Medford Fire Department met at the firehouse last Thursday night. The recent rummage sale was re- ported a fine success. Proceeds will be used for uniforms of the group. On October 20 the group will take a bus to Wantaugh, for a dinner and dance at the Sunrise Bavarian Village Inn. Af- ter the meeting refreshments were served by Mrs. Frank Hudak and Mrs. George Horst , hostesses. The birthday of Mrs. Michael Guer- rasio was observed. ST. MARK'S CHURCH Sunday services at St. Mark' s Episcopal Church include Holy Communion at it a. m. and Church school at 10 a. m. The Rev. Donald C. Latham of Stony Brook is priest-in-chnrge. ST. SYLVESTER'S CHURCH Masses at St. Sylvester 's R. C. Churc h are held at 8, 9, 10, 11 a. m. and 12 noon Sunday. Masses are held at 8 a. m. every weekday. Confessions are heard at 4-5 and 7: *;0-8::S0 p. m. Saturdays. Bap- tisms are held at , 'J:. 'i0 p. m. Sun- days. Children should be nine years old by October 1 to be confirmed on October 4. New London Freig ht Lines , Inc. SUMMER Schedule Year Round Service Between New London , Conn., and Orient Point , L.I. Effective Now Until Further Notice Approximate Sailing Time: Between New London and Orient 1 Hour and 30 Minutes For Information Phone: Oliicnt 2-1010 , GRcenport 7-1717, New.London - Gibson 3-5281 MON DAY S thr u FRI DA YS SATURD A YS and SUNDAYS (Until Further Notice) (Until Further Notice) l.cnvra Leaves Leaves Leaves New London Orient Point New London Orient Point (1:00 A. M. 8:15 A. M. 6:00 A. M. 8:00 A. M. 6:3( 1 A. M. 10:0(1 A.M. !:U A.M. 10:00 A.M. !l:ir, A.M. 11:30 A. M. 10:00 A.M. 12:00 Noon 12:11(1 Noun 2:00 P. M. 12:00 Noon 2:00 P. M. 1:10 1 ' . M. 5:00 P. M. 2:00 P. M. 4:00 P.M. 3:t.' i I" . M. 5:30 P. M. J"!? DM ' 6:30 P. M. 6:4.' . P. M. 8 :30 P. M. 5:45 P. M. 7:S0 P. M. 8:00 P. M. 10:30 P. M. New London Frei g ht Lines , Inc. DOCK ROAD ORIENT POINT, L. I. This Schedule Subject to Change Without Notice ¦ 4H»MtVtWV Wv WWVWW I PETER PAN I [ Hair Stylist MAVIS ? SPECIAL ** £\fil \ \ PERMANENT ^«W j I WAVE Complete 1 ; Any Style Haircut j ; Conditioning Shampoo \ ' < Cold Wove or MachinelcsH \ i < I Open Daily 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. J > FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 3 : GROVER 5-9643 : NEW LOCATION : RT. 112 & JAMAICA AVE. 3 ! MEDFORD i ' , (Next to Gulf Service Ste.) j a\aaAa ««aa»aAa^aaa»aaa»»»aa«a« " MEDFORD FIRE DEPT. Ily George W. Horst Now that hurricane Donna is just u memory we can all relax , but during and after the storm many emergencies were reported and attended to b y our volunteers. The firehouse was sot up as an emergency station and manned by many members who had found themselves free of work that day. During every emergency you can be sure that there are volun- teer firemen standing by in our firehouse lo help those who need assistance. This weekend will be a busy one for the members of our de- partment. Tonight we hold our fireschool. We are keep ing up to (late and abreast of any new de- velopments in fire fighting by men who develop and actually field test them. On Saturday our t o u r n a m e nt team will represent the depart- ment at an "Old Fashioned Tour- nament , " sponsored by the Hol- brook Fire Department to be held in Holbrook. Here is the chance to gut. a barrel of laughs and en- joy an afternoon of contests gear- ed back to yesteryear. On Sunday tile .Suffolk County Fire Chiefs ' Council -drill will he held at the Firematic and Civil Defense Training Center in Yap- hank and starts at 10 a. m. Most Suffolk departments will take part in this. The public is invited. D e m o n s t r a t i o ns of fire fighting techniques will be held. Here to serve you always la your reliable Patchogue Advance. Long- established , on the beam, widely read by all , big value read- ing:, low coRt.—Adv. Holtsville & Farminqville Mra. Clinrlm Callina . SElden 2-6D8C The Holtsville Fire Department 200 Club will meet at the Holts- ville Communit y Hall on Waverl y Avenue at H: ' .it> p. m. Saturday. (iirl Scout Troup 51 will have their first meeting of the season at the I.ynwoud Avenue School from 7 - .S:; i 0 p. in. today. (iirl Scout Troop 14 will have their first meeting at Waverl y Avenue School from 7-K: '''l p. m. Septem- ber 2!l . liny Scout Troop 81 meets every Tuesday from 7:. '!()-:> : *!0 p. in. at the I.ynwooil Avenue School . Tho (* ub Scouts meet every .Monday from 7-N:.' !() p. m. at the I.ynwood Avenue School . The Holtsville and Farniingville. Fire Companies remained on the alert at -the local tirehoiises for more than 24 hours during hurri- cane Donna. Once in a lifetime! The finenl workmanship at popular pricei* in Wedding invitations. Let us show you our beautifu' samples of en- graving, rained lettering, and printine. Fast Delivery. Ask »r see them when you bring In your news for the society page. The Patchogue Advance, Medford Avenue.—Adv. The Holtsvil' . e - F a v m i nK v i H c Fire Department Drum and Bugle Corps won first prize for their performance in a parade held Fri- day night at Mastic. At the September Hi meeting of the local Home Extension Ser- vice two new members joined the group, Mrs . Johanna Keefer of Selden and Mrs. Angela Nairn of Farniingville. The next meeting will be held at 10 a. m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Paul M. Gorm- sen of Farniingville Gardens. The current program will be making stu ifed dolls and animals for local children 's institutions. Fveryone is welcome to join in the project. The next Holtsville-Farmingville Republican Club meeting will be at 8- . :' ,0 p. m. Monday, at the Holtsville Communit y Hall on Waverl y Avenue. The Patchogue Advance is on sale at: Ann ' s Sweet Shop, Keek- er ' s Delicatessen , Nairn ' s Delica- tessen , Sandy ' s Pic & Pack and Rudco Drug Store in Farmingvillc. —Adv. The roof of the Farmingville- Iloltsville Congregational Church parsonage on Farm to Market Road was left with two gaping openings after a tree came down on it during the recent hurricane. No one was injured. Bible Study classes conducted by the Rev. John McLoug hlin will he held each Wednesday at 8 p. m. at the Farmingville-HoltsvilU' Con- gregational Church. Fveryone is welcome. PARENT-TEACFIEK ASS'X The lirst local Parent-Teacher Association get-together of the season was held September 14 at the Lynwood Avenue School . Wil- liam Regan , president, introduced each officer to parents and teach- ers present. Introduced were Ger- ald Selya , " vice-president; Mrs. Herman DeCast.ro, secretary; Mrs. George Forslel , corresponding sec- retary, and Miss Caroline Adams , treasurer. Miss Edward Betz , leader of Girl Scout Troop 14 , was introduced and asked for parents to participate in Scout activities by giving their time and services. George Forstel , local Cub Scout- master , mentioned the fact that his group has doubled in number and would welcome new recruits , also parents to assist as leaders and den mothers. Mrs. George Forstel then ex- plained to the group that this year envelopes would be sent home via the children for parent mem- bership in the PTA. thereb y reach- ing each parent. The number of members would be recorded on a paper thermometer in each class- room indicating the percentage as the returns come in. They are hop- ing for 100'/; membership. Mrs. Daniel DiPiorro . chairman of the Class Mothers , asked for as many volunteers as possible to join in helping with class activities. Mr. Regan then introduced Mrs. Lionel Day, associate director of the Eastern Long Island PTA , who discussed "Why PTA ," and re- minded the parents that they, by attending the organization , are showing their children that their school is a mutual interest and therefore would instill incentive for a child' s best workmanship and cooperation in all phases of school life. Robert Giambattistn, principal of Waverl y and Lynwood Avenue Schools , greeted those present and introduced the facult y to the pa- rents. The next meeting of the PTA will be October 5 and the current T>hm is for that evening to be "Father 's Night." Refreshments were served by tho Class Mothers in the school cafeteria. If it' s news you 'll find it in The Pnlchoinie Advance. /j f Wind-up summer u A rt \ rf by unwinding £d §J at Pocono Manor *07 Come—relax In early (all. Enjoy a truly re- ireshing change. Golf-on our championship course (special mid-week program). Swim-in #ur indoor- outdoor pool. Explore—hike or bike in spectacular scenery. Social Activities- horse- back riding—hayrides- cookouts. Dancing— movies-recreation and relaxation. Reserve now- -discount on weekly stays , ^A ^^^ >c\/*£ \ - . Phone: New York, MU 2-4300 17 AID EYUTRTT Lon S Island spuds rAlK EAnlDl l and "Queen " Carole Lee Squires grace booth at New York State Fair held in Syracuse September 2-10. Approxi- mately 125.000 fair-goers saw the exhibit and some 2,600 five-pound bags of washed L. I. "Empire State Red Label" tubers were given to winners in grading contest. Joseph V. Kelly, executive secretary of the L. I. Agricultural Marketing Association at left , and Mrs. Herbert Smith, Calverton, Calverton farm wife and an officer of the L. I. Farmers Institute and L. I. Farm Bureau, at ri ght. Coram N ews Items Mrs. Gloria Hoelzer , SElden 2-536S The Coram Cavilliars were tak- en by their director , Arthur Rast , to the Holbrook Firehouse Sept- ember S to see the Holbrook Fire Department Band practice , and to pick up some pointers on playing and marching for the future com- petitions they intend to enter. Mrs. .1. Haile assisted with the transporting of the children to the firehouse. On September 5 at 12:10 a. m. a son , Hichard Valentine, was horn at Hrookhaven Memorial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hoelzer. The baby weig hed C pounds. Richard has a brother Robert , and two sisters, Cynthia and Debbie. Debbie and Cynthia spent the week with their grand- parents , Mr. and Mrs. Herschell Sherwood of Coram , while their mother was in the hospital. Wilfred Paquette. son of Mi- ami Mrs. Wilfred Paquette , Jr. celebrated his fourteenth birthday September 5 with a family dinner His dinner guest was Val Marz Hoy Scout Troop (i-l held its first meeting of the year last Thursday at the Coram Commu- nity Club . The meeting was also attended by the boys ' parents. Mrs . Grace Paquette and Mrs. Mao Paqivtte attended a bridal shower for Miss Carol Thompson of Lake Ronkonkoma , Saturday. The Co.Tim C o m m u n it y Club will hold its monthly supper at the club September 2!l . Mrs. Peggy Gay is in charge. The monthly meeting will be held Sep tember ¦' (). The Patchogue Advance is on sale at: l'ingar' n Grocery in Coram. Adv. Girl Scouts of Neighborhood 3 will hold a barn dance October 8 at the Charles E. Walters School in Yaphank from 7 to 10 p. m. (iirl Scouts are selling the tickets. A guest for one month of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Rabe of Shady Lane is his mother , Mrs. Anna Rabe. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marz and children , Gail and Val , spent the weekend in their Summer home on Fourth Street. Mrs. Irene Johnson returned home Wednesday from Mather Memorial Hospital where she spent three weeks. The Coram firemen spent, all day Monday during hurricane Donna riding around checking on fallen electric wires and reporting them to the electric company. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyon spent from Sunday to Tuesday at the Concord Hotel in Liberty at- tending the New York State Auto- mobile Dealers Association con- vention. Sergeant Thomas Lyon return- ed home Saturday after spending two weeks with the National Guard at Camp Drum. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Urban of Mt. Sinai Road were Louis Urban of Fast Strouds- burg, . Pa.; Mr. and Mrs . Fred Hunt and children , Kathy and Dennis , of Uniondale, and Mr. and Mis . Frank Logan and children of Patchogue Mrs. John Hanbo of Route 112 is recuperating at home after an operation in Mather Memorial Hospital. Thursday guests of Mrs. John Baabe were Mrs. Lillian Du Four , Mrs. Mildred Wynn and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hallameyer of Brooklyn. CHURCH NEWS Trinity Methodist Church has service at 9:30 a. m. Sunday. The Rev. and Mrs. David Hurley have returned from their vacation. They visited relatives for two weeks in Illinois and toured other states for the rest of their vacation. On Sunday morning Sidney Volk , pre- sident of the Nassau County Camp of Gideons , delivered the sermon at the morning service. The Naomi circle have postponed their Fall meeting until October 10. The Sunday school has need of a book case any size or condition. If any- one has one he no longer needs , contact Pastor Hurley. St. Frances Cabrini R. C. Church Sunday masses are at 8, 10:30 a. m. and 12:15 p. m. Bene- diction follows the 10:30 mass. Confessions are from 4:30 to G and 7 to 9 p. m., Saturday. Bap- tisms at 2:30 p. m. Sunday by appointment. gaxxxxxxxxxxxxxm^^ j! AIR-CONDITIONED WED. thru TUES. SEPT. 21 to 27 ] I PATCHOGUE r^J^^I DAYS - 7 . j! THEATRE , * _ » .*• . # A / ji - / ! ' | Phone GRover 5-0600 f ta^Wf r 'to«& 0J ^Ht^^^K^.../ j ; ? K Mnin Kf Patchotrut? TJ. I C¦^M¦^l a * «fl|^BB^h^^¦»' ^ , «^^ fl¦ ' a ^^^^ ! S ±J * I*****II OL* , * aivnuguc. AJ« M.* ¦^¦n '--T*f* r * M *~T^^B ptWme^^ | ; CONTINUOUS SAT. and SUN. ^p 3 ' °^BMk \r TUfcwDM ^^/^f ' fc f| ^V .!^W- ' : WELD Jkf inS- - l |; AIR-CONDITIONED WED. thru TUES. SEPT. 21 to 27 ! !; Newl y Refurbished j RIP DAYS 7 " 31 *w x* I TII ¦ "% p ^ v jF^^ «y , pB|FKS|MBjy j$ JBnBBBmWmgB9MmMmWB mMBl mm^ mmMmm ^ mw\ !; CONTINUOUS " !; SAT. and SUN. TOGETHER WITH j FROM 2 P. M. j: Van Johnson Jean Pierre Aumont A mmmmmmmmimlmmm A in |j "THE ENEMY GENERAL" i; ^Q^ sry fx A L\ A THURS. thru SAT. SEPT. 22 to 24 ^C _^|c /«\|y l RING CROSBY GRACE KELLY WILLIAM HOLDEN DRIVE-IN THEATRE "COUNTRY GIRL" I Phone SElden 2-6200 T ° gether With ~ ! I Rout es 25 & 112 Coram. L.L "BRIDGES OF TOKO-RI " |; in Color WILLIAM HOLDEN GRACE KELLY ! | PERFORMANCES EVERY ; I EVE. FROM 7:25 P. M. SUN. thru WED. SEPT. 25 to 28 ¦ TREVOR HOWARD WENDY HILLER i I _ _ "SONS AND LOVERS" *9r ¦ ¦ ¦ •¦ •¦¦ •^Mi' i 'MBMaw Bm < i in Cinemascope plus | i "BATTLE IN OUTER SPACE" j C LLJ I r% I C\ f TH URS. thru SAT. SEPT. 22 to 24 WrlllxLll Y DANNY KAYE BARBARA BEL GE DDES jj DRIVE-IN THEATRE "THE FIVE P E N N I E| S " j I Phone ATlantic 1-9600 in Color plus J! II Montauk Hwy. Shirley, L. I. "AWAY ALL BOATS" |j |j PERFORMANCES EVERY SUN. thru WED. SEPT. 25 to 28 !' jj EVE. FROM 7:25 P. M. RJCHARr ) BURT()N ^^ ^^ jj i; ¦___ . 9 "ICE PALACE" ; in Technicolor plus :j Ij "SQUAD CAR" l| Lutheran Pastor Leaves L. Ronk . After 5V2 Years LAKE RONKONKOMA The Rev. Chester E. Strohl , who has been pastor of Holy Cross Luth- eran Church in Lake Ronkonkoma for five years and five months , left September 14 with his wife and son . Juiiathon. to take up new duties at Glenville , where he will serve as pastor nf the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Good Shep herd. It is a new church formed largely to service employes of the General Electric p lant in Schenectady. The Rev. Mr. Strohl has enjoyed an active term as head of the Lake Lutheran Church. During his past-rate a large addition was built on to the orig inal church and the church membershi p was greatly increased. He was a mem- ber of the Board of Directors of the Suffolk Count y Mental Health Association , chap lain of the Wil- liam Merritt Hallock unit of the American Legion and president of the Nassau-Suffolk Lutheran Pas- tor ' s Association. Before his departure members of the Lake Leg ion Post tendered the Rev. Mr. Strohl a farewell party at the Legion Clubhhouse on Church Street. They presented him with a desk lamp to which a pla- que of appreciation was attached. Mrs. Strohl and he were given a farewell party by the Couple ' s Club of Holy Cross September 12 and another party in the Rev. Mr. Strohl's honor was given by the Elks Lodge of Patchogue Septem- ber 7. Many of the clergyman' s friends froni the Lake were pres- ent. Al Brown served as MC for the affair and Warren Brady as toastmaster. James Sheldon of Ra- dio station WPAC and William Pitts of Alley Sales and Service, both residents of the Ronkonko- mas, made tape recordings of all the evening' s activities and pre- sented them to the Rev. Mr. Strohl as a gift. William Chris- tian, on behalf of those present , gave the popular clergyman a gift of $50 to be used by his family in thhir new home. The new address of the Rev. and Mrs. Strohl is now Charlton Road , RFD 1, Ballston Lake , N. Y. Your friends will know good taste and skilled workmanship have been embodied in the wed- ding invitations you order from The Patchogue Advance—at bud- iret nrices. —Adv. POSTERS PRINTED RAPID SERVICE MODERATE COST fflp JJatrljarju? A&nattn? ¦ ¦ M ¦ i I . »i ilm» ¦ ¦ lWi > iii. | l >iii w iWIMMM--*M«MWW**- -W-- «-« ^^W^^ <«, ""i & ' Ii ?$' * " V& BSB i ^^ti! * ^^ WF 1 ?^' iHi^B^LBL^L^L^L^L^L^L^B^L^L^L^B^L^L^Bfc 1 i , ] ' i t « 1 Ai "S { ^^"^ *^v ( tf«ra! 4 8k'v'^lI^JAtr'^ » * i jit' iis&iE £ J " ^Of J*^!^ t ^ 1 StS^^^i^*^ TA^f^'^'^ SS 'TM IN LOVE WITH TH?PROGRAMS ON W A L K" WALK AM-1370 KC WALK FM-97.5 MC visit NEW YORK CITY ... for a holiday to remember -Ifr fdk &lf 3 days 2 nights complete package $ 113 25 P «K" M * a * RF occupancy) Room with private bath and shower. Any performance at Radio City Music Hall or Motor Coach Tour of Chinatown and Downtown N. Y. Yacht Cruise around Manhattan or Motor Coach Tour of Uptown N. Y. " Observation Tower of Empire State Building or Hoyden Planetarium or United Nations Tour. Tickets to TV Broadcast Studio. Lecture Tour of NBC Radio and TV 'Studios or Guided Tour of Rockc- . feller Center or Steamer Trip to ' 'Statue of Liberty. - Addad attraction! Vic Tanny swim- ming pool and steam roomsincluded. >Jo time schedules to follow. You see the sigh ts at your own convenience. Other Package Tours available. Write for . complete Information and colorful brochure, Director of Sales H ENRY H UDSON HOTEL J53 Watt 37lh Sir..I, N.w York Clfy DAILY ^ WBlW MHffl Wf DOUBLE . v^BBMHllH CLOSES JteS^HHPfoAB

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MEDFORD NEWS ITEMSMra. Martha The Li, GRover 5-3539

Members of Henry J. JonesPost 2!l.'i7 . Veterans of ForeignWars , and the Ladies ' A u x i l i a r ywi l l hold a joint mee t ing atVeteran 's Hal l t on igh t . Eachgroup wi l l hold a short meetingseparately before the jo in t session.A social w i l l fol low .

I n t e r m e d i a t e ( i i r l Scout Troop45 wi l l meet at the home of i t sleader , Mrs. Kerde Mis t ie r , onOhio Avenue f rom "i-4 p. m. Fri-day. Ass istan t leaders arc Mrs.Inge Alvor , Mrs. Robert Nicholsonand M rs. M a r t i n Thomas.

Fvcd Mistier celebrated hise i g h t i e t h h i r l h d n y Fr iday at h i shome on Waverly A v e n u e in thecompany of his i m m e d ia t e f a m i l y .

Mr. and Mrs. O t t o Jacohi , whohave lived for ma n y years onM i d d l e I s l and Road , have movedto l i rookhavon .

H A L L M A R K ( *Ri :KTIM' CARDSComplete line. Medford Sta t ion-

ery, George S m i t h , Prop.—Adv.Mrs . A l b e r t Kl l i s was hostess

to the Tuesday fc'.vening Club lastweek al her home on Long IslandAvenue .

By Saturday most of Medfordwas back to normal fol lowing thefu ry of hur r icane Donna last week.A few trees and many large

^'branches were torn off and tossedabout but the most inconveniencewas the absence of power ani ll ights. In some areas , the powerwas back by evening but somedid not have it back u n t i l Wed-nesday. The same was true ofphone service. Some did not losethe i r service, while in other areas,it was not cleared up un t i l Satur-day. Since Medford is high anddry there was no f looding.

Mrs. Richard Henry of Rich-mond Avenue , Mrs. Wi l l i am Thed>-and Mrs. J u l i u s Rioge lhaupt ofSelden drove to Quogue Fridayand enjoyed a d i n n e r party at theAmbassador J n n .

H e l m u t Meyer of Oregon Ave-nue re turned home Saturday af-ter spending the Summer in Ger-many . He spent most of the t imew i t h h i s mother . Joseph Themarui ,proprietor of the Bran Hnus Res-t a u r a n t on the State Road , re-turned home Sunday a f t e r a sixweek stay there. He had accom-panied the Patchogue Soccer team ,which played in Germany, and re-mained to visit relatives and oldfriends.

V ou live better ALL WAYS withELECTRICITY—PELCO. —Adv.

Weekend guests at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Paul Wille were Mr.and Mrs. Ernest Knechtel anddaughter, Elaine, and son , Roger,of Flushing. On Sunday theywere joined by Mr . and Mrs. Wal-ter Wehland and son , Uwe, anddaughter, Bridget, of Holtsville.

Mrs. Ernest Theis of Medfordand Mrs. George Oberschelp ofNorth Patchogue, directors on thestaff of the Suffolk County TBand Public Health Association , al-iened a meeting of the group Fri-day. The association is p lanningto incorporate a new phase of ac-t ivi ty, "Chronic Diseases of theAged ," to its' many other activi-ties.

The Medford Unit of the Suf-folk County Extension Serviceheld a rally and reorganizationmeeting September. 14 at the homeof Mrs. E. A. Theis of Mt. Ver-non Avenue. Members enrolled forthe coming year. The preliminarydiscussion was held on afghans,the project this Fall , and severalbeautiful specimens were display-ed. The group will meet Septem-ber 28. Refreshments followed the

meeting with Mrs. Al Vanderwal;hostess.

The Medford Girl 's 4-H Club ,beginners group, enjoyed i' s f i r s tclass in the ABCs in cooking,Saturday. Since the c lub is solarge , it has been divided in tothree parts and girls whose lastnames begin wi th A to L wi l lmeet this Saturday for a classin textile painting. A plaid woolskirt made by Nancy Warner ,which had been sent to the NewYork State Fair at Syracuse , wasreturned this week , wi th a bluer ibbon of excellence. A l aundrybag and garment covers shown byCarolyn I l u t h m a n received a w h i t eaward of wor thv ment ion .NEW MEDFORD STREET MAPS

I960 edition. On sale at Weis-senberger's G r o c e r y , William 'sLuncheonette and Medford Sta-tionery Store, Route 112. Pub-lished by The Patchogue Advance.Also contains streets in Bayport ,Blue Point , Patchogue. East Pat-chogue, Bellport. Brookhaven andYaphank. AH this for onl y 50c.—Adv.

The Ladies ' A u x i l i a r y of theMedford Fire Depar tment met atthe firehouse last Thursday night.The recent rummage sale was re-ported a f ine success. Proceedswill be used for un i fo rms of thegroup. On October 20 the groupwill take a bus to Wantaugh,for a d inne r and dance at theSunrise Bavarian Village Inn. Af-ter the meet ing re f reshments wereserved by Mrs. Frank Hudak andMrs. George Horst , hostesses. Theb i r thday of Mrs. Michael Guer-rasio was observed.


Sunday services at St. Mark'sEpiscopal Church include HolyCommunion at it a. m. and Churchschool at 10 a. m. The Rev. DonaldC. Latham of Stony Brook ispriest-in-chnrge.

ST. SYLVESTER'S CHURCHMasses at St. Sylvester's R. C.

Church are held at 8, 9, 10, 11a. m. and 12 noon Sunday. Massesare held at 8 a. m. every weekday.Confessions are heard at 4-5 and7:*;0-8::S0 p. m. Saturdays. Bap-tisms are held at ,'J:.'i0 p. m. Sun-days.

Children should be n ine yearsold by October 1 to be confirmedon October 4.

New London Freight Lines, Inc.SUMMER Schedule — Year Round Service

Between New London, Conn., and Orient Point, L.I.Effective Now Until Further Notice

Approximate Sailing Time: Between New London and Orient1 Hour and 30 Minutes — For Information Phone:

Oliicnt 2-1010, GRcenport 7-1717, New.London - Gibson 3-5281

MON DAY S thru FRIDAYS SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS(Unti l Further Notice) (Until Further Notice)

l.cnvra Leaves Leaves LeavesNew London Orient Point New London Orient Point

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12:11(1 Noun 2:00 P. M. 12:00 Noon 2:00 P. M.1:10 1'. M. 5:00 P. M. 2:00 P. M. 4:00 P.M.3:t .'i I" . M. 5:30 P. M. J"!? D M ' 6:30 P. M.6:4.'. P. M. 8 :30 P. M. 5:45 P. M. 7:S0 P. M.8:00 P. M. 10:30 P. M.

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This Schedule Subject to Change Without Notice


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Now tha t hurr icane Donna isjust u memory we can a l l relax ,but during and after the stormmany emergencies were reportedand attended to by our volunteers.The firehouse was sot up as anemergency stat ion and manned bymany members who had foundthemselves free of work that day.

Dur ing every emergency youcan be sure tha t there are volun-teer f i remen s tand ing by in ourfirehouse lo help those who needassistance.

This weekend will be a busyone for the members of our de-par tment . Tonight we hold ourfireschool. We are keeping up to(late and abreast of any new de-velopments in f i re f ight ing bymen who develop and actuallyfield test them.

On Saturday our tournamentteam wil l represent the depart-men t at an "Old Fashioned Tour-nament ," sponsored by the Hol-brook Fire Department to be heldin Holbrook. Here is the chanceto gut. a barrel of laughs and en-joy an afternoon of contests gear-ed back to yesteryear.

On Sunday tile .Suf fo lk CountyFire Chiefs' Council -dri l l will heheld at the Firematic and CivilDefense Training Center in Yap-hank and starts at 10 a. m.Most Suffolk departments willtake part in this. The public isinvited. Demonstrations of f i ref ight ing techniques wil l be held.

Here to serve you always layour reliable Patchogue Advance.Long- established, on the beam,widely read by all, big value read-ing:, low coRt.—Adv.

Holtsville &FarminqvilleMra. Clinrlm Callina . SElden 2-6D8C

The Hol t sv i l l e Fire Depar tment200 Club wi l l meet at the Holts-v i l l e C o m m u n i t y Ha l l on Waverl yAvenue at H : '.it> p. m. Saturday.

(i i r l Scout Troup 51 wi l l havethe i r first mee t ing of t he seasonat the I .ynwoud A v e n u e Schoolfrom 7 - .S:; i 0 p. in. today. ( i i r lScout Troop 14 wi l l have theirf i r s t mee t ing at Waver l y A v e n u eSchool f rom 7-K: ' ' ' l p. m. Septem-ber 2!l .

l iny Scout Troop 81 meets everyTuesday f rom 7:.'!()-:> : *!0 p. in. atthe I .ynwooi l A v e n u e School .

Tho (* ub Scouts meet every.Monday f rom 7-N:.' !() p. m. at theI .ynwood A v e n u e School .

The H o l t s v i l l e and Farn i ingv i l l e .F i re Companies remained on thealert at - t h e local t irehoiises formore than 24 hours d u r i n g hurr i -cane Donna.

Once in a l ifet ime! The finenlworkmanship at popular pricei* inWedding invitations. Let us showyou our beautifu' samples of en-graving, rained lettering, andprintine. Fast Delivery. Ask »rsee them when you bring Inyour news for the society page.The Patchogue Advance, MedfordAvenue.—Adv.

The Holtsvil'.e-FavminKviHc FireDepar tment Drum and BugleCorps won f i r s t pr ize for thei rperformance in a parade held Fri-day night at Mastic.

At the September Hi meetingof the local Home Extension Ser-vice two new members joined thegroup, Mrs . Johanna Keefer ofSelden and Mrs. Angela Nairn ofFarniingville. The next meetingwill be held at 10 a. m. Tuesdayat the home of Mrs. Paul M. Gorm-sen of Farniingvil le Gardens. Thecurrent program wi l l be makingstu ifed dolls and animals for localchildren 's ins t i tu t ions . Fveryone iswelcome to join in the project.

The next Holtsville-FarmingvilleRepublican Club meeting will beat 8-.:',0 p. m. Monday, at theHoltsvil le C o m m u n i ty Hall onWaverl y Avenue.

The Patchogue Advance is onsale at: Ann 's Sweet Shop, Keek-er's Delicatessen, Nairn 's Delica-tessen, Sandy 's Pic & Pack andRudco Drug Store in Farmingvillc.—Adv.

The roof of the Farmingville-Iloltsville Congregational Churchparsonage on Farm to MarketRoad was left wi th two gapingopenings after a tree came downon it dur ing the recent hurricane.No one was injured.

Bible Study classes conductedby the Rev. John McLoug h l in willhe held each Wednesday at 8 p. m.at the Fa rmingv i l l e -Ho l t sv i lU ' Con-gregational Church. Fveryone iswelcome.


The lirst local Parent-TeacherAssociation get-together of theseason was held September 14 atthe Lynwood Avenue School . Wil-liam Regan , president, introducedeach officer to parents and teach-ers present. Introduced were Ger-ald Selya ," vice-president; Mrs.Herman DeCast.ro, secretary; Mrs.George Forslel , corresponding sec-retary, and Miss Caroline Adams,treasurer. Miss Edward Betz ,leader of Gir l Scout Troop 14, wasintroduced and asked for parentsto par t ic ipate in Scout ac t iv i t iesby g iv ing t h e i r t ime and services.

George Forstel , local Cub Scout-master , men t ioned the fact thathis group has doubled in numberand would welcome new recrui ts ,also parents to assist as leadersand den mothers.

Mrs. George Forstel then ex-pla ined to the group tha t th isyear envelopes would be sent homevia the chi ldren for paren t mem-bership in the PTA. the reb y reach-ing each parent. The number ofmembers would be recorded on apaper thermometer in each class-room ind ica t ing the percentage asthe returns come in. They are hop-ing for 100'/; membership. Mrs.Daniel DiPiorro. chairman of theClass Mothers , asked for as manyvolunteers as possible to join inhelping with class activities.

Mr. Regan then introduced Mrs.Lionel Day, associate director ofthe Eastern Long Island PTA , whodiscussed "Why PTA ," and re-minded the parents that they, byattending the organization , areshowing their children that theirschool is a mutual interest andtherefore would • instill incentivefor a child's best workmanshipand cooperation in all phases ofschool life.

Robert Giambattistn, principalof Waverly and Lynwood AvenueSchools, greeted those present andintroduced the faculty to the pa-rents.

The next meet ing of the PTAwill be October 5 and the currentT>hm is for tha t evening to be"Father's Night."

Refreshments were served bytho Class Mothers in the schoolcafeteria.

If it's news — you 'll find it inThe Pnlchoinie Advance.

/j fWind-up summer u

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Come—relax In early (all. Enjoy a truly re-ireshing change.Golf-on our championship course (specialmid-week program). Swim-in #ur indoor-outdoor pool. Explore—hike or bike inspectacular scenery. Social Activities- horse-back riding—hayrides- cookouts. Dancing—movies-recreation and relaxation.Reserve now- -discount on weekly stays ,

A ^^ >c\/*£ \-. Phone: New York, MU 2-4300

17 AID EYUTRTT LonS Island spudsrAlK EAnlDl l and "Queen" CaroleLee Squires grace booth at New York StateFair held in Syracuse September 2-10. Approxi-mate ly 125.000 fair-goers saw the exhibit andsome 2,600 five-pound bags of washed L. I."Empire State Red Label" tubers were given

to winners in grading contest. Joseph V. Kelly,executive secretary of the L. I. AgriculturalMarketing Association at left, and Mrs. HerbertSmith, Calverton, Calverton farm wife and anofficer of the L. I. Farmers Institute and L. I.Farm Bureau, at right.

CoramNews ItemsMrs. Gloria Hoelzer, SElden 2-536S

The Coram Cavilliars were tak-en by the i r director, Arthur Rast ,to the Holbrook Firehouse Sept-ember S to see the Holbrook FireDepartment Band practice, and topick up some pointers on playingand marching for the future com-petitions they intend to enter.Mrs. .1. Haile assisted with thetransport ing of the children to thefirehouse.

On September 5 at 12:10 a. m.a son , Hichard Valentine, washorn at Hrookhaven MemorialHospital to Mr. and Mrs. EverettHoelzer. The baby weighed Cpounds. Richard has a brotherRobert , and two sisters, Cynthiaand Debbie. Debbie and Cynthiaspent the week with their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. HerschellSherwood of Coram , while theirmother was in the hospital.

Wil f red Paquette. son of Mi-ami Mrs. Wilf red Paquette, Jr.celebrated his f ou r t een th b i r thdaySeptember 5 with a f a m i l y dinnerHis d inne r guest was Val Marz

Hoy Scout Troop (i-l held i tsf i rs t meet ing of the year lastThursday at the Coram Commu-ni ty Club . The mee t ing was alsoat tended by the boys ' parents.

Mrs . Grace Paquet te and Mrs.Mao Paqivtte attended a bridalshower for Miss Carol Thompsonof Lake Ronkonkoma , Saturday.

The Co.Tim Community Clubw i l l hold i t s m o n t h l y supper att he c l u b Sep t ember 2!l . Mrs. PeggyGay is in charge. The m o n t h l ymeet ing wi l l be held September¦'().

The Patchogue Advance is onsale at: l ' i n g a r' n Grocery inCoram. — Adv.

Girl Scouts of Neighborhood 3wi l l hold a barn dance October8 at the Charles E. WaltersSchool in Yaphank from 7 to 10p. m. ( i i r l Scouts are sel l ing thetickets.

A guest for one month of Mr.and Mrs. Kurt Rabe of ShadyLane is his mother, Mrs. AnnaRabe.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marz andchildren , Gail and Val , spent theweekend in their Summer homeon Fourth Street.

Mrs. Irene Johnson returnedhome Wednesday from MatherMemorial Hospital where she spentthree weeks.

The Coram firemen spent, all dayMonday during hurricane Donnariding around checking on fallenelectric wires and reporting themto the electric company.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyonspent from Sunday to Tuesday atthe Concord Hotel in Liberty at-tending the New York State Auto-mobile Dealers Association con-vent ion.

Sergeant Thomas Lyon return-ed home Saturday after spendingtwo weeks wi th the NationalGuard at Camp Drum.

Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.Robert Urban of Mt. Sinai Roadwere Louis Urban of Fast Strouds-burg, . Pa.; Mr. and Mrs . FredHun t and children , Kathy andDennis , of Uniondale, and Mr. andMis . Frank Logan and children ofPatchogue

Mrs. John Hanbo of Route 112is recuperat ing at home after anoperation in Mather Memorial

Hospital. Thursday guests of Mrs.John Baabe were Mrs. LillianDu Four , Mrs. Mildred Wynn andMr. and Mrs. Louis Hallameyer ofBrooklyn.


Trinity Methodist Church hasservice at 9:30 a. m. Sunday. TheRev. and Mrs. David Hurley havereturned from their vacation. Theyvisited relatives for two weeks inIl l inois and toured other states forthe rest of their vacation. OnSunday morning Sidney Volk , pre-sident of the Nassau County Camp

of Gideons, delivered the sermonat the morning service. The Naomicircle have postponed their Fallmeeting until October 10. TheSunday school has need of a bookcase any size or condition. If any-one has one he no longer needs,contact Pastor Hurley.

St. Frances Cabrini R. C.Church Sunday masses are at 8,10:30 a. m. and 12:15 p. m. Bene-diction follows the 10:30 mass.Confessions are from 4:30 to Gand 7 to 9 p. m., Saturday. Bap-tisms at 2:30 p. m. Sunday byappointment.

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Lutheran PastorLeaves L. Ronk.After 5V2 Years

LAKE RONKONKOMA — TheRev. Chester E. Strohl , who hasbeen pastor of Holy Cross Luth-eran Church in Lake Ronkonkomafor five years and five months , leftSeptember 14 wi th his wife andson . Juiia thon. to take up newduties at Glenvil le , where he wil lserve as pastor nf the EvangelicalLutheran Church of the GoodShepherd. I t is a new churchformed largely to service employesof the General Electric plant inSchenectady.

The Rev. Mr. Strohl has enjoyedan active term as head of theLake Lutheran Church. During hispast-rate a large add i t ion wasbui l t on to the orig inal churchand the church membership wasgreatly increased. He was a mem-ber of the Board of Directors ofthe Suffolk Count y Mental HealthAssociation , chap lain of the Wil-liam Merritt Hallock unit of theAmerican Legion and president ofthe Nassau-Suffolk Lutheran Pas-tor 's Association.

Before his departure membersof the Lake Legion Post tenderedthe Rev. Mr. Strohl a farewellparty at the Legion Clubhhouse onChurch Street. They presented himwith a desk lamp to which a pla-que of appreciation was attached.Mrs. Strohl and he were given afarewell party by the Couple'sClub of Holy Cross September 12and another party in the Rev. Mr.Strohl's honor was given by theElks Lodge of Patchogue Septem-ber 7. Many of the clergyman'sfriends froni the Lake were pres-ent. Al Brown served as MC forthe affair and Warren Brady astoastmaster. James Sheldon of Ra-dio station WPAC and WilliamPitts of Alley Sales and Service,both residents of the Ronkonko-mas, made tape recordings of allthe evening's activities and pre-sented them to the Rev. Mr.Strohl as a gift. William Chris-tian, on behalf of those present,gave the popular clergyman a giftof $50 to be used by his familyin thhir new home.

The new address of the Rev. andMrs. Strohl is now Charlton Road ,RFD 1, Ballston Lake, N. Y.

Your friends will know goodtaste and skilled workmanshiphave been embodied in the wed-ding invitations you order fromThe Patchogue Advance—at bud-iret nrices.—Adv.




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