i nf i iwr j ftt t ntnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7q5717n549/data/0308.pdf4 t 1r i ct 7 r i t i 1 if j >...

4 t 1r I cT 7 r I t i 1 iF J > iiI r f < l sV 1101 ljt I I t 1 I Nf Iwr < 4J > 1 f 1 < J ftt T Nt + c r J VOLUME XI COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENTUCkY WEDNESDAY n SEPTEMBER 16 1908 NUMBER 45 of J 1 j1 the M ee t IRsoses 1 The series of meetings the Meth ¬ iodist chur h Evangelist Brown doing the preaching closed lasfSunday night The evening meetings were largely at ¬ tended throughout the speaker deliver- ing ¬ many strong discourses yet the in ¬ terest was not as good as many hoped to see However there were twenty one addition to the Church by profes r sion and letter and the organization greatly revived The pike from Greensb rg to the Adair county line is being rapidly push ¬ ed to completion At the present rate Iof progress the pike will be completed before cold weather To have connec- tion ¬ by pike between Greensburg and Columbia Adair county will have only seven and a half miles to build She can not afford to neglect this verjPfm portant work but when will something tangible be done Procrastination is the theif of time hence the county of Adair should not longer delay tbis very important matter Now is the time and the route is from here to the Green county line- Evidently 1 business is much better in Columbia than it has been for the past eight or t months Lumber and staves are being shipped and when there is a demand for such product all other classes of business look up It is true that there is not a very great demand for lumber and staves but the orders that are being filled indicate that better times will follow They may > npt come until after the Presidential election but in that event we will not have to wait a great while Eld Leslie Bottom writes us con vcerning a meeting he recently held at Humphrey Casey county He began the series August 16 continuing until September 6 He states that there 1were 134 additions to the Church and L the greatest interest manifested he ever witnessed people coming daily for miles in two horse wagons He states that the people in the neighborhood irare very hospitable and that they were exceedingly kind to him coupleI I here for the purpose of purchasing I paints etc for his residence which h4s recently been recovered and new porches built and other necessarry im ¬ provements made He reported the corn crop good on bottom lands in his section but rather light on Upland t 21 The fronts of quite a number of the business houses on the public square now present a city appearance due to a visit from MrE W Van Awken a traveling artist As a handle of the paint brush he has no superior His lettering is to perfection and there is 4no better evidence of this fact than his work displayed on various show win ¬ dows in Columbia I L The State Fair is now in progress at Louisville Quite a number of Adair county people will attend the rail roals having granted one fair plus 25 cents Persons who can spare the time and have a little extra cash should attend Rev Marshall Terrill of Taylor county closed a teji days meeting at Zion four miles from Columbia last me day night The Church was i greatly reyiyed nisi Jthere were two jt aadditions Oiru membership y t wife of Mr Z T Sanders died iThe Bear Wallow county last Wednes victim of consumption She was a mid le aged lady and had been a I member of the Baptist Church for fifteen years r f ijj Doubtless there will bean immense jcrowd of people in Columbia next Mon i day the beginning of the September a term of circuit court While here if t you know that you are indebted to this office call and make payment J Columbias steadfast friend Lee Johnston of color who makes his home li at Campbellsville will be furnished a r A jfkj complimentary ticket to the big ball lj5gne and all the change he wants to tI spend while here I j I PeoplefrOm all directions are coming r j 1itp Columbia in droves Saturday Sep- t i l lj 1 The singing advertised for Neatsburg Cf next Sunday has been called off on ac- count Ibj l of sickness 1- I 1 i I j Rev C5 M Deener will preach at Pierces Chapel next Sunday at II f tf bclbck l Seat therihk next Friday and Sat urday eveningsmusic 7 VV l jBqn to the ife ofJ Englih a- Spt11 1cf j l 1li giand jury wilt ti Ij 8 < kFft 1 rtf t ft i t r 4 tlti 1 i 1 I I tj ii t t t Announcement Luncheon The following announcement is taken from a San Antonia Texas paper The intended bride is a daughter of Mr Jo Z Wheat who was born and reared in this community Her mother was Miss Virgie Sampson who was married to her father in this town The marriage announcement of Rob- ert A Rowland and Miss Nell Wheat waS the inspiration for a beautiful bridal luncheon yesterday given by the mother of the bride elect Mrs Joseph Z Wheat 115 East Park Avenue The table decorations were carried out in a motif of pink and white and were ex ceptionally dainty and attractive In the center of the table on a foliage bed of gre n was a heart of pink roses pierced by a gold arrow the whole be ¬ ing enveloped in a filmy drapery of pink tulle A border of ferns completed the decorative piece About the table were brass candlesticks topped with pink rose shades and at the places were pink satin bridal slippers filled with rice The place cards were handpainted in scenes apropos to the occasion The brids chair was designated by a huge bouquet of bride roses tied with pink tulleThe sevencourse luncheon featured the heart design in every detail While coffee was served Mrs Wheat an ¬ nounced the approaching event which was a happy surprise to the company as ¬ sembled October 7th is the date of ceremony A concluding feature of the luncheon was the writing of toasts to the brideelect The guests invited were Mrs Henry Trolinger Mrs John Newton MrsT O Foster Mrs C C Coleman Mrs JJ Richardson Mrs A Tolle Mrs Edward Jersig MrsE R Holland Mrs C M Williams Mrs J DBell- MrsA H Smith Miss Irene Young Miss Anna Allen Miss Celia Wrather Miss Elizabeth Haile Miss Mildred GatesAfter the luncheon a bridalcontest was played Miss Elizabeth Hail was awarded a pretty bunch of brides roses as the successful trophy Rev Leslie Bottom of Knifley was in town last week and informed us that the five miles of pike to be built from Knifley to connect wjth the Elk horn pike to Campbellsville would be built this Fall The contract for its building was let Monday and work will be pushed rapidly till completed In last weeks issue we mentioned the fact that the people of Casey Creek would build a pike from the Casey county line to inersect the Elkhorn pike With both of these roads completed this Fall will give that section a splendid outlet to Campbellsville It is the in- tention of the Knifley company to ex- tend ¬ their road to Russell Springs When will the people of Columbia and vicinity awaken to the importance of reaching out with good pikes The American Association Base Ball Team and known as The Colonels located at Louisville now playing with the Indianapolis team for the chain ¬ J pionship of said Association have ar- ranged with the Columbia Team to play a game in this place at the Lind seyWilson Park Saturday afternoon September 26th This will be the first professional club to visit Columbia and it is believed that two thousand or twentyfive hundred people will witness the game Two hundred dollars has been put up by citizens of Columbia to secure this team and there is not a doubt but the greatest game everpull ed ofT in this section of tlie Gtate w211 be played Next Monday will be the first day of the September term of the Adair circuit court The docket is about up to the average It is expected that an unusually large crowd of people will be her emany from adjoining counties I Several stock buyers will be here and j perhaps quite a number of mules will be on the market The crop of mule colts in the county is large and many of them will be offered for sale The Master Commissioner H T Baker will sell several tracts of land and t merchants and other businessmen I I are expecting a large trade ISome one will get a bargain if they Courthouse dratlpino- n Monday September 21 when the FairGrounds are to be solcL This will be a bonafide sale of the most valuable piece of real estate near Columbia Aninterestirig Methodist protracted meeting is being conducted at Sulphur Well this county It is reported that there were ten or twelve additions to the Church last Sunday night l yeJ Sihcpck Hotel buiiping pn > BurkfesYilie t 4 attention O our readeisi called CpI f i- r it i i4 I J t rJtfqff JJ Ji P H t tit i- L A Big Deal The Hugh McLean Lumber Company changed to the Masaic Lumber Com- pany ¬ that purchased the James Page land in this county and also a lot of timber from James S Naylor James Holladay and M Cravens and who have been hauling timber from the Page land to Campbellsville for the past eighteen months sold their wagons and teams last week to Claud Edrington Ruel Hut bison and another gentleman for 5200 The parties buying the teams contracted to do eighteen thous ¬ and dollars worth of hauling for said company There is an immense lot ot timber to be hauled Two years proba ¬ bly will be taken up in getting it to the railroad We are requested to annouce that Col T B Demaree Prohibition candidate for ElectoratLarge will speak at Cane Valley on the third Sunday night in September and at Columbia Monday afternoon September 21 Speaking at the Courthouse and at Hutchison school l liouse at night same date Col Demaree is an excellent Christian gen- tleman ¬ and a magnificent orator All who hear him will be entertained In the Louisville Post Contest cover ¬ ing the State the following counties compose sub district No 10 Adair Bell Casey Clay Clinton Cumber ¬ land Harlan Knox Letcher Leslie Laurel Whitley Owsley Perry Pulas ki Russell Wayne Monroe Jackson and Jellico Tenn In this district Mrs Georgia R Shelton Miss S R Marcum and Miss Clyde Herrifprd all of Co lumbia have received votes Mrs Shelton the largest number 1010 Mr John Ellis a young married man with a wife and one child died at his late home Pellyton Sunday the 13th instHe was a good citizen and had many friends in the neighborhood He had been a consistent member of the Methodest Church for several years He was a victim of consumption For Sale A desirable home in Columbia The dwelling contains 8 good rooms An excellent well of water all necessary out buildings Location near the pub- lic ¬ square Call on or address 35lt J W Forth Columbia Ky Adair county people who attended the Wayne county Fair state that it was a success in every particular There were many fine show horses on exhibi ¬ Lion and the trots and running races were spirited and exciting Judging from the crowds in attendance the Association made money Mr John Lee Walker who was in Greensburg Monday says that he was informed while there that a very large delegation from that place would be here on Saturday the 26th inst to witness the big ball game Louisville against Columbia Remember the date for the great match game of base ball in this place has been changed to Saturday Sep ¬ tember 26W e hope to see a great many representatives from adjoining counties The Columbia base ball team is pracs ticing daily and when the game i played Saturday September 26th the Louisville Colonels will know they have been in a contest 1 f Mr Jas S Naylor while hauling logs a few days ago got one of his feet badly mashed He was in town Saturday but walked with much dif ficulty Columbia is expected to be filled with people oh Saturday September 26th They will come to witness a great game of baseball Columbia against the Louis ville Colonels L B Hurt sold Rev HL Thompson of Sparksville t a small residence on Hurt street for 400 Mr Thompson will take possession in about tendays- Mr f Henry Ingram of Knifley who will remove to Columbia in about two weeks has rented Mr RH Prices residence on Burlesville street The Fall opening of the rink will be next Friday and Saturday nights There will be music Every body get iadyS Tickets foe the great ball game will beupn jsale at Paul Gos and Cravens drug store every day beginirig next Friday V Many believe that fully two thousand people w lJxFhere to see the Louisville Idplonels Sturdy September the tttni t 1 0 Judge V H Hot will speaMnr iie- intere tof the pu li a party It the- Courthx1riext Monday 0 3 S1S i 5 5 11iAr 2 > 1 jri i > 9 f i 1 jf 1 < i- 1fp I l F j jJ J < A1ove Feast A most enjoyable meeting was the coming together last Friday evening of Royal Arch Masons members of Columbia Chapter No 7 It was the annual election of officers a goodly number being present After the regular order of business the election was held and the names of the Companions chosen are published elsewhere in this paper At the close of the installation Companion Horace Jeffries stated that he had a little personal matter to bring before the Chapter and that he would ask Companion James Garnett to retire for a short time He then took up Companion Garnetts Masonic correer reciting his advance ¬ ment in the Blue Lodge and the Chap ¬ ter eventually becoming the Grand Master of all the Masons in the State of Kentucky He spoke of Bro Gar ¬ netts untiring energy and his fidelity to the cause of Masonry and his devo ¬ tion to both the local Lodge and local Chapter and he felt that as a token of brothorly love and the high esteem in which the Chapter held him as a man and as a Mason that a manifestation of such feelings should be brought out in a tangible way He then spoke of an idea advanced and made known by Companion R F Paul to several of the members a few weeks agoto pre- sent Companion Garnett with a hand ¬ some solid gold thirtytwo degree watch harm Bro Garnett having reached that distinction in Masonry The suggestion met the hearty ap proval of every Companion present each member expressing his approval in the most earnest and complimentary termsCompanion Garnett was introduced and conducted in front of the altar by Companions Myers and Lewis He was fronted by Companion Horace Jeffries who in a well worded and touching speech presented the charm Companion Garnett was taken wholly by surprise and for a few minutes he could scarcely speak his heart over ¬ flowing with love for the token of friendship manifested by the Compan ¬ ions as he said who had so faithfully stood by him while building his Masonic carree His speech throughout was touching but when he said holding the thirtytwo degree charm in one hand so 1OxtgL live I will wear it dividing time with this one holding up a Knights Templar charm given tome by my sainted mother for the love she had for me the pride she took in my advance ment and the high respect she had for the Masonic Fraternity brought tears to the eyes of a number of the Com- panions When the Chapter dispursed it was the universal expression that the meet would result in much good for Masonry Peacock Colts Will V Leave for Missouri It is known to quite a number oif t r Adair county people that Mr U S Haynes of Clarksdale Mo purchased a bunch of peacock colts from yarious parties in the county during our Fair at 125 to 150 each to be received later Mr WL Grady is in recipt of a letter from Mr Haynes stating that he will be in Columbia October 1st to receive the colts Parties from whom he purchased are therefore notified to be here on that day and to have the colts in slick condition as Mr Haynes wants to show them in his Missouri town October 15 Masonic Election Last Friday evening Columbia Chap ter No 7 Royal Arch Masons elected and installed the following officers to serve for one year > T A Murrell High Priest V G P Smith King J W Mitchell Scribe V Wlker Bryant Cap Host Jo Russell P Sojourner 4j RH Durham R A Captain S Lewis Master 3V J > J WR My rs Master 2V > < Jv H Grady Master 1 y J t Horace Jeffries Sec > FP ulI Treas f G A SmithS Iiti aI v l > < N Enter School + I f T The Western Kentucky StaterNprj mal ot Bowling Green offers young people desiring scholarship and pro ¬ fessional tl aii une celI d op pprtunity to prepare for the active duties of life + Write ai H Chewy Bowling Grenriy 3yy for information 432t jls bjelieved that twelye or fifteeii hun Ired people will witness the ogteat game cif base 5balI here on Saturda- yh26th I Mrs t O U lnt k it t1 J c rat G J f f 1 J 3 0 E1 J S A New Millinery Firm Mrs L C Hurt and Mrs L L Eu ¬ bank having purchased the millinery stock of Mrs Sallie Bradshaw will continue the business in the same stand I They are now in the market familiar- izing ¬ I themselves with all the latest styles in hats bonnets etc They will purchase a largestock which will reach Columbia in about ten days and by the first of October will be ready to wait on the trade They cordially invite the ladies to call at their store promising to give entire satisfaction Mrs Hurt and Mrs Eubank are ladies of delicate taste and there is no doubt but they can please Successful Meeting Eld Z T Williams and wife have been in a very successful meeting at Glen ville for the past eight or ten days Large congregations have attended from the start people from all thesurrouud jug country taking an interest Up to this writing there have been twenty or twentyfive additions to the Church by confession and quite a number who had become cold and indifferent have re ¬ newed their faithA gentleman who resides near Glenville informs us that it is the best meeting held in the neigh berhood for many years Town Tax All persons owing town tax for the year 1908 must pay before the first of OctCberif they want to save interest The penalty goes on the first day of October J A Willis 423t Town Marshal Learn Telegraphy Wanted500 young men and ladies to learn telegraphy pays from 50 to 8Oper month School in Columbia Christian College Building Terms reas ¬ o able Write or apply The Columbia Telegrah Institue J C Tucker 442t Instructor Adair county will be w represented in Louisville this week Besides a large neiriber of persons who are there from Columbia nearly every section of the county will send representatives 0 A recital will be given in the Lindsey Wilson Chapel Friday evening Sept 18th at 8 oclock by Miss Esther Nell assisted by Miss Shannon The public cordially invited New windows handsomely stained glass have been put in the Presbyterian church and some other necessary im ¬ provements have been made Next week the grand jury will be at work Persons who know that the law1ias been wilfully violated should not hesitate to go before it Hon A GPattersonofBelIcounty Democratic Nominee for Congress for 11th Kentucky District will speak at Columbia this Wednesday at 1 oclock The date for the match base ball game Louisville Colonels against Co ulmbia has been changed from the 29th to Saturday September 26th Saturday September 26th will be a great day for Columbia The Louis ¬ yule Colonels will be here and will cross bats with the Columbia boys i The series of meetings closed at Clear Springs last Tuesday night There were several conversions and four additions to the Methodest church Mr Jv F Patteson struck a bold stream of water at the residence of Mrs Sallie Bradshaw last Wednesday afternoon Depth 80 feet It is our understanding that Rev J R Crawford and family will remove from Burkesville to Columbia this week Rev J Et Crawford will fill his regular appointment atthe Presbyterian church next Sunday forenoon and even ¬ ing I Personal oMh B H Gilpin was here a few days last week Govy J R Hindman will visit Louis ¬ yule this week V f Mrs Robfc Hudson is visiting in Louisville this week i0 Mr Columbus Pickett will feaye for the State Fair toda j M rJ 5 iM Campbell dlt1j JvasiI C7t Friday T Baker was here fioir- Amandaville i last week j < relatives Mr RUbe here week Mi 1W9 i W 1Ii fe V A s rfe J t S Montpelier last Thursday Mr it W Todd returned to the Cen ¬ tral University last week Mr L R Nunn an attorney of Ed- monton ¬ was here last Friday Mr Gordon Montgomery was in Louisville two days of last week Mr Reed Shelton has entered college at Morristown Tenn his third year Messrs J I and W T Henddrick son Caseys Creek were here Friday Mr WH Wilson wife and children are in Louisville attending the State Fair > Mr Lynine Arnette of Nicholasville visited in Columbia two days of last weekMrs L C Winfrey is slowly re covering from a thref weeks spell of sicknessMr PT Gupton and wife Greens ¬ burg are visitingtheir daughter Mrs J P Beard Miss Regina Russell who has been visiting at Monticello returned home last Saturday Miss Minnie Triplett who has been suffering with hay fever for several weeks is improving Mr W E Bradshaw and his sister Mrs M Cravens visited in Russell county last Thursday Mrs JJ Biggs joined her husband at New Hope last week Mr Biggs is in the revenue service Mr J H Craddock representing a buggy establishment Nashville was here to see his trade last week Rev A R Kasey left Monday morn ¬ ing for Munfordville where he will as ¬ sist his brother in a ten days meeting Mrs Willie Hines of Big Spring Ky is visiting the family of Mr Jo Rosenfieldand other friends in Colum ¬ biaMiss Elizabeth Carter of Hagerjnan New Mexico who visited her aunt Mrs Jo Tupman left for Burkesville last week Companious D C Hopper and J W Mitchell came down from Font Hill and met with Columbia Chapter last Friday night Miss Belle Butler returned a few days ago from a pleasant visit to the families of Mr W R and R J Lyon Campbellsville Mrs Lettie Turner and her da ghterU Mrs W M Jackson Campbellsville spent several days of last week with Mrs James Garnett Mr Tim Cravens went to Burkesville Sunday to be there at the opening of the special term of circuit court to take the evidence in the Ashinhurst I caseS Rev R E Stevenson this county left for Nashville last Saturday where he will enter the Bibical Department of Vanderbilt Universety for a four year course Mr J M Stevenson and wife of Russellcounty spent last Sunday in Columbia and Monday morning left for Oklahoma stopping a day or two in Louisville Mrs J G Staples and her little son JamesGuinn who have been visiting relatives here for several weeks left for their home Birmingham Ala last Thursday Mrs L C Hurt andJMrs L L Bus bank successors to Mrs Sallie Brad ¬ shaw left Monday morning for Louis ¬ ville where they will purchase an ele- gant line of millineryfor this market Miss May Grissom who teaches at Greenfield Tenn left for her post of duty a few days ago Miss Grissom is a skilled performer on the piano and as an instructor has made an inviable I reputation Mr JQseph Lyon and daughter Miss Bettie of Carrollton Mo who have been visiting relatives and friends in Adair county left last week for their home stopping a few days in Lebanon Glasgow and Louisville Miss O M Reed left yesterday morn ¬ ing for New Windsor Md where she will teach in New Windsor College She is a lady of strong Christian charac ter and is experienced in teaching Her gentle manners pleasing disposition and thorough eductaion makes her popular with all who come under herj instructions iJ Miss Juiila Allen of this t place left i 0 Monday morning for Fulton Mo where t she till teach for the next ten months > 4 in William Woods College t Miss Allen is a young lady of high character and a teach9iOf superior ability and will be a > valuable acquisition to the Faculty of < l the William Woods She left wj hvthV best wishes pfallher jipni peopledas theyinpw that whatever she under t B meetlDgi j th of the management the 9 iriitftutibn an ralfother interested 1t r4 r cItii ai i i V J I 5 t > 1f JI 5 JtX- S 4Qk j 5 ij tS tl I 1 S

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Page 1: I Nf I Iwr J ftt T Ntnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7q5717n549/data/0308.pdf4 t 1r I cT 7 r I t i 1 iF J > iiI r l f < sV 1101 ljt I I t 1 I Nf Iwr 4J > 1 f 1 < J ftt T Nt + c r J

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1 f1







J1 j1

the M eetIRsoses1

The series of meetings the Meth ¬

iodist chur h Evangelist Brown doingthe preaching closed lasfSunday nightThe evening meetings were largely at¬

tended throughout the speaker deliver-ing


many strong discourses yet the in ¬

terest was not as good as many hopedto see However there were twentyone addition to the Church by profes

r sion and letter and the organizationgreatly revived

The pike from Greensb rg to theAdair county line is being rapidly push ¬

ed to completion At the present rate

Iof progress the pike will be completedbefore cold weather To have connec-tion


by pike between Greensburg andColumbia Adair county will have onlyseven and a half miles to build Shecan not afford to neglect this verjPfmportant work but when will somethingtangible be done Procrastination isthe theif of time hence the county ofAdair should not longer delay tbis veryimportant matter Now is the timeand the route is from here to the Greencounty line-


business is much better inColumbia than it has been for the pasteight or t months Lumber and stavesare being shipped and when there is ademand for such product all otherclasses of business look up It is truethat there is not a very great demandfor lumber and staves but the ordersthat are being filled indicate thatbetter times will follow They may

>npt come until after the Presidentialelection but in that event we will nothave to wait a great while

Eld Leslie Bottom writes us convcerning a meeting he recently held atHumphrey Casey county He beganthe series August 16 continuing untilSeptember 6 He states that there

1were 134 additions to the Church and

L the greatest interest manifested heever witnessed people coming daily formiles in two horse wagons He statesthat the people in the neighborhood

irare very hospitable and that they wereexceedingly kind to him

coupleII here for the purpose of purchasingI paints etc for his residence which

h4s recently been recovered and newporches built and other necessarry im¬

provements made He reported thecorn crop good on bottom lands in hissection but rather light on Upland


21 The fronts of quite a number of thebusiness houses on the public squarenow present a city appearance due to avisit from MrE W Van Awken atraveling artist As a handle of thepaint brush he has no superior Hislettering is to perfection and there is

4no better evidence of this fact than hiswork displayed on various show win ¬

dows in ColumbiaI

LThe State Fair is now in progress at

Louisville Quite a number of Adaircounty people will attend the railroals having granted one fair plus 25cents Persons who can spare thetime and have a little extra cash shouldattend

Rev Marshall Terrill of Taylorcounty closed a teji days meeting atZion four miles from Columbia lastme day night The Church was

i greatly reyiyed nisi Jthere were twojt aadditionsOiru membershipy t

wife of Mr Z T Sanders died

iThe Bear Wallow county last Wednesvictim of consumption She was

a mid le aged lady and had been aI member of the Baptist Church for

fifteen yearsr

fijj Doubtless there will bean immense

jcrowd of people in Columbia next Moni day the beginning of the September

a term of circuit court While here ift you know that you are indebted to this

office call and make paymentJ Columbias steadfast friend LeeJohnston of color who makes his home

li at Campbellsville will be furnished ar A jfkj complimentary ticket to the big ball

lj5gne and all the change he wants totI spend while here

I j I PeoplefrOm all directions are coming

r j1itp Columbia in droves Saturday Sep-t il

lj 1 The singing advertised for NeatsburgCf next Sunday has been called off on ac-

countIbj lof sickness 1-



i I

j Rev C5 M Deener will preach atPierces Chapel next Sunday at II

f tf bclbck

l Seat therihk next Friday and Saturday eveningsmusic 7 VV

l jBqn to the ife ofJ Englih a-

Spt111cf j

l 1li giand jury wilttiIj 8 < kFft1 rtf t ft i tr

4 tlti 1 i 1I I tj ii

t t t

Announcement Luncheon

The following announcement is takenfrom a San Antonia Texas paperThe intended bride is a daughter of MrJo Z Wheat who was born and rearedin this community Her mother wasMiss Virgie Sampson who was marriedto her father in this town

The marriage announcement of Rob-ert A Rowland and Miss Nell WheatwaS the inspiration for a beautiful bridalluncheon yesterday given by the motherof the bride elect Mrs Joseph ZWheat 115 East Park Avenue Thetable decorations were carried out in amotif of pink and white and were exceptionally dainty and attractive Inthe center of the table on a foliage bedof gre n was a heart of pink rosespierced by a gold arrow the whole be¬

ing enveloped in a filmy drapery of pinktulle A border of ferns completed thedecorative piece About the table werebrass candlesticks topped with pinkrose shades and at the places were pinksatin bridal slippers filled with riceThe place cards were handpainted inscenes apropos to the occasion Thebrids chair was designated by a hugebouquet of bride roses tied with pink

tulleThesevencourse luncheon featured

the heart design in every detail Whilecoffee was served Mrs Wheat an ¬

nounced the approaching event whichwas a happy surprise to the company as¬

sembled October 7th is the date ofceremony A concluding feature of theluncheon was the writing of toasts tothe brideelect

The guests invited were Mrs HenryTrolinger Mrs John Newton MrsTO Foster Mrs C C Coleman MrsJ J Richardson Mrs A Tolle MrsEdward Jersig MrsE R HollandMrs C M Williams Mrs J DBell-MrsA H Smith Miss Irene YoungMiss Anna Allen Miss Celia WratherMiss Elizabeth Haile Miss Mildred

GatesAfterthe luncheon a bridalcontest

was played Miss Elizabeth Hail wasawarded a pretty bunch of brides rosesas the successful trophy

Rev Leslie Bottom of Knifley wasin town last week and informed usthat the five miles of pike to be builtfrom Knifley to connect wjth the Elkhorn pike to Campbellsville would bebuilt this Fall The contract for itsbuilding was let Monday and work willbe pushed rapidly till completed Inlast weeks issue we mentioned the factthat the people of Casey Creek wouldbuild a pike from the Casey countyline to inersect the Elkhorn pike Withboth of these roads completed thisFall will give that section a splendidoutlet to Campbellsville It is the in-

tention of the Knifley company to ex-


their road to Russell SpringsWhen will the people of Columbia andvicinity awaken to the importance ofreaching out with good pikes

The American Association Base BallTeam and known as The Colonelslocated at Louisville now playing withthe Indianapolis team for the chain ¬

J pionship of said Association have ar-

ranged with the Columbia Team toplay a game in this place at the LindseyWilson Park Saturday afternoonSeptember 26th This will be the firstprofessional club to visit Columbia andit is believed that two thousand ortwentyfive hundred people will witnessthe game Two hundred dollars hasbeen put up by citizens of Columbia tosecure this team and there is not adoubt but the greatest game everpulled ofT in this section of tlie Gtate w211

be played

Next Monday will be the first day ofthe September term of the Adaircircuit court The docket is about upto the average It is expected that anunusually large crowd of people will beheremany from adjoining counties

I Several stock buyers will be here andj perhaps quite a number of mules willbe on the market The crop of mulecolts in the county is large and manyof them will be offered for sale TheMaster Commissioner H T Bakerwill sell several tracts of land andt merchants and other businessmenI

I are expecting a large trade

ISome one will get a bargain if theyCourthouse dratlpino-

n Monday September 21 when theFairGrounds are to be solcL This willbe a bonafide sale of the most valuablepiece of real estate near Columbia

Aninterestirig Methodist protractedmeeting is being conducted at SulphurWell this county It is reported thatthere were ten or twelve additions tothe Church last Sunday night lyeJSihcpck Hotel buiiping pn > BurkfesYilie

t 4

attention O our readeisi calledCpI f


r it ii4 IJ trJtfqff



t titi-


A Big Deal

The Hugh McLean Lumber Companychanged to the Masaic Lumber Com-


that purchased the James Pageland in this county and also a lot oftimber from James S Naylor JamesHolladay and M Cravens and whohave been hauling timber from the Pageland to Campbellsville for the pasteighteen months sold their wagons andteams last week to Claud EdringtonRuel Hutbison and another gentlemanfor 5200 The parties buying theteams contracted to do eighteen thous ¬

and dollars worth of hauling for saidcompany There is an immense lot ottimber to be hauled Two years proba ¬

bly will be taken up in getting it to therailroad

We are requested to annouce that ColT B Demaree Prohibition candidatefor ElectoratLarge will speak atCane Valley on the third Sunday nightin September and at Columbia Mondayafternoon September 21 Speaking atthe Courthouse and at Hutchisonschoollliouse at night same date ColDemaree is an excellent Christian gen-


and a magnificent orator Allwho hear him will be entertained

In the Louisville Post Contest cover ¬

ing the State the following countiescompose sub district No 10 AdairBell Casey Clay Clinton Cumber ¬

land Harlan Knox Letcher LeslieLaurel Whitley Owsley Perry Pulaski Russell Wayne Monroe Jacksonand Jellico Tenn In this district MrsGeorgia R Shelton Miss S R Marcumand Miss Clyde Herrifprd all of Columbia have received votes MrsShelton the largest number 1010

Mr John Ellis a young married manwith a wife and one child died at hislate home Pellyton Sunday the 13thinstHe was a good citizen and hadmany friends in the neighborhood Hehad been a consistent member of theMethodest Church for several yearsHe was a victim of consumption

For Sale

A desirable home in Columbia Thedwelling contains 8 good rooms Anexcellent well of water all necessaryout buildings Location near the pub-



square Call on or address35lt J W Forth Columbia Ky

Adair county people who attended theWayne county Fair state that it was asuccess in every particular Therewere many fine show horses on exhibi ¬

Lion and the trots and running raceswere spirited and exciting Judgingfrom the crowds in attendance theAssociation made money

Mr John Lee Walker who was inGreensburg Monday says that he wasinformed while there that a very largedelegation from that place would behere on Saturday the 26th inst towitness the big ball game Louisvilleagainst Columbia

Remember the date for the greatmatch game of base ball in this placehas been changed to Saturday Sep ¬

tember 26We hope to see a greatmany representatives from adjoiningcounties

The Columbia base ball team is pracsticing daily and when the game i

played Saturday September 26th theLouisville Colonels will know they havebeen in a contest

1 fMr Jas S Naylor while hauling

logs a few days ago got one of hisfeet badly mashed He was in townSaturday but walked with much difficulty

Columbia is expected to be filled withpeople oh Saturday September 26thThey will come to witness a great gameof baseball Columbia against the Louisville Colonels

L B Hurt sold Rev HL Thompsonof Sparksville

ta small residence on

Hurt street for 400 Mr Thompsonwill take possession in about tendays-

MrfHenry Ingram of Knifley who

will remove to Columbia in about twoweeks has rented Mr RH Pricesresidence on Burlesville street

The Fall opening of the rink will benext Friday and Saturday nightsThere will be music Every body getiadyS

Tickets foe the great ball game willbeupn jsale at Paul Gos and Cravensdrug store every day beginirig nextFriday


Many believe that fully two thousandpeople w lJxFhere to see the LouisvilleIdplonels Sturdy September the tttni

t1 0

Judge V H Hot will speaMnr iie-

intere tof the pu li a party It the-

Courthx1riext Monday 0 3


5 5 11iAr2 > 1 jri i> 9 f i 1 jf 1

< i-

1fp I l F

j jJ

J< A1ove Feast

A most enjoyable meeting was thecoming together last Friday eveningof Royal Arch Masons members ofColumbia Chapter No 7 It was theannual election of officers a goodlynumber being present

After the regular order of businessthe election was held and the names ofthe Companions chosen are publishedelsewhere in this paper At the closeof the installation Companion HoraceJeffries stated that he had alittle personal matter to bring beforethe Chapter and that he would askCompanion James Garnett to retire fora short time

He then took up Companion GarnettsMasonic correer reciting his advance ¬

ment in the Blue Lodge and the Chap ¬

ter eventually becoming the GrandMaster of all the Masons in the Stateof Kentucky He spoke of Bro Gar ¬

netts untiring energy and his fidelityto the cause of Masonry and his devo¬

tion to both the local Lodge and localChapter and he felt that as a token ofbrothorly love and the high esteem inwhich the Chapter held him as a manand as a Mason that a manifestationof such feelings should be brought outin a tangible way He then spoke ofan idea advanced and made known byCompanion R F Paul to several ofthe members a few weeks agoto pre-sent Companion Garnett with a hand ¬

some solid gold thirtytwo degreewatch harm Bro Garnett havingreached that distinction in Masonry

The suggestion met the hearty approval of every Companion presenteach member expressing his approvalin the most earnest and complimentary

termsCompanionGarnett was introduced

and conducted in front of the altarby Companions Myers and Lewis Hewas fronted by Companion HoraceJeffries who in a well worded andtouching speech presented the charm

Companion Garnett was taken whollyby surprise and for a few minutes hecould scarcely speak his heart over ¬

flowing with love for the token offriendship manifested by the Compan ¬

ions as he said who had so faithfullystood by him while building his Masoniccarree His speech throughout wastouching but when he said holding thethirtytwo degree charm in one handso 1OxtgL live I will wear it dividingtime with this one holding up a KnightsTemplar charm given tome by mysainted mother for the love she had forme the pride she took in my advancement and the high respect she had forthe Masonic Fraternity brought tearsto the eyes of a number of the Com-

panionsWhen the Chapter dispursed it was

the universal expression that the meetwould result in much good for Masonry

Peacock Colts Will V

Leave for Missouri

It is known to quite a number oift r

Adair county people that Mr U SHaynes of Clarksdale Mo purchaseda bunch of peacock colts from yariousparties in the county during our Fair at

125 to 150 each to be received laterMr WL Grady is in recipt of aletter from Mr Haynes stating thathe will be in Columbia October 1st toreceive the colts Parties from whomhe purchased are therefore notified tobe here on that day and to have thecolts in slick condition as Mr Hayneswants to show them in his Missouritown October 15

Masonic Election

Last Friday evening Columbia Chapter No 7 Royal Arch Masons electedand installed the following officers toserve for one year >

T A Murrell High Priest VG P Smith KingJ W Mitchell Scribe VWlker Bryant Cap HostJo Russell P Sojourner 4j

RH Durham R A CaptainS Lewis Master 3 V J > JWR My rs Master 2V > <Jv H Grady Master 1 y J tHorace Jeffries Sec >

FP ulI Treas fG A SmithS Iiti aI v l>< N

Enter School +I


The Western Kentucky StaterNprjmal ot Bowling Green offers youngpeople desiring scholarship and pro ¬

fessional tl aii une celI d oppprtunity to prepare for the activeduties of life + Write ai H ChewyBowling Grenriy 3yy for information432t

jls bjelieved that twelye or fifteeiihun Ired people will witness the ogteatgame cif base 5balI here on Saturda-yh26th

I Mrs t O U lnt kit t1J c


G J f f 1J 3



New Millinery Firm

Mrs L C Hurt and Mrs L L Eu ¬

bank having purchased the millinerystock of Mrs Sallie Bradshaw willcontinue the business in the same stand


They are now in the market familiar-izing

¬ I

themselves with all the lateststyles in hats bonnets etc They willpurchase a largestock which will reachColumbia in about ten days and by thefirst of October will be ready to wait onthe trade They cordially invite theladies to call at their store promisingto give entire satisfaction Mrs Hurtand Mrs Eubank are ladies of delicatetaste and there is no doubt but theycan please

Successful Meeting

Eld Z T Williams and wife havebeen in a very successful meeting atGlen ville for the past eight or ten daysLarge congregations have attended fromthe start people from all thesurrouudjug country taking an interest Up tothis writing there have been twenty ortwentyfive additions to the Church byconfession and quite a number who hadbecome cold and indifferent have re¬

newed their faithA gentleman whoresides near Glenville informs us thatit is the best meeting held in the neighberhood for many years

Town Tax

All persons owing town tax for theyear 1908 must pay before the first ofOctCberif they want to save interestThe penalty goes on the first day ofOctober

J A Willis423t Town Marshal

Learn Telegraphy

Wanted500 young men and ladiesto learn telegraphy pays from 50 to8Oper month School in ColumbiaChristian College Building Terms reas¬

o able Write or apply The ColumbiaTelegrah Institue J C Tucker

442t Instructor

Adair county will be w representedin Louisville this week Besides a largeneiriber of persons who are there fromColumbia nearly every section of thecounty will send representatives

0 A recital will be given in the LindseyWilson Chapel Friday evening Sept18th at 8 oclock by Miss Esther Nellassisted by Miss Shannon The publiccordially invited

New windows handsomely stainedglass have been put in the Presbyterianchurch and some other necessary im¬

provements have been made

Next week the grand jury will be atwork Persons who know that thelaw1ias been wilfully violated shouldnot hesitate to go before it

Hon A GPattersonofBelIcountyDemocratic Nominee for Congress for11th Kentucky District will speak atColumbia this Wednesday at 1 oclock

The date for the match base ballgame Louisville Colonels against Coulmbia has been changed from the29th to Saturday September 26th

Saturday September 26th will be agreat day for Columbia The Louis ¬

yule Colonels will be here and willcross bats with the Columbia boys


The series of meetings closed at ClearSprings last Tuesday night There wereseveral conversions and four additionsto the Methodest church

Mr Jv F Patteson struck a boldstream of water at the residence ofMrs Sallie Bradshaw last Wednesdayafternoon Depth 80 feet

It is our understanding that Rev JR Crawford and family will removefrom Burkesville to Columbia thisweek

Rev J Et Crawford will fill hisregular appointment atthe Presbyterianchurch next Sunday forenoon and even ¬


I PersonaloMh B H Gilpin was here a few days

last week

Govy J R Hindman will visit Louis ¬

yule this week V fMrs Robfc Hudson is visiting in

Louisville this week i0Mr Columbus Pickett will feaye for

the State Fair toda jMrJ

5iM Campbell dlt1j JvasiI

C7t FridayT Baker was here fioir-


last week j <

relativesMr RUbe

here week

Mi 1W9 iW 1Iife V A



J t S

Montpelier last Thursday

Mr it W Todd returned to the Cen ¬

tral University last week

Mr L R Nunn an attorney of Ed-monton


was here last FridayMr Gordon Montgomery was in

Louisville two days of last weekMr Reed Shelton has entered college

at Morristown Tenn his third yearMessrs J I and W T Henddrick

son Caseys Creek were here FridayMr W H Wilson wife and children

are in Louisville attending the StateFair


Mr Lynine Arnette of Nicholasvillevisited in Columbia two days of last


L C Winfrey is slowly recovering from a thref weeks spell of

sicknessMrPT Gupton and wife Greens ¬

burg are visitingtheir daughter MrsJ P Beard

Miss Regina Russell who has beenvisiting at Monticello returned homelast Saturday

Miss Minnie Triplett who has beensuffering with hay fever for severalweeks is improving

Mr W E Bradshaw and his sisterMrs M Cravens visited in Russellcounty last Thursday

Mrs JJ Biggs joined her husbandat New Hope last week Mr Biggs isin the revenue service

Mr J H Craddock representing abuggy establishment Nashville washere to see his trade last week

Rev A R Kasey left Monday morn ¬

ing for Munfordville where he will as¬

sist his brother in a ten days meetingMrs Willie Hines of Big Spring

Ky is visiting the family of Mr JoRosenfieldand other friends in Colum ¬

biaMissElizabeth Carter of Hagerjnan

New Mexico who visited her aunt MrsJo Tupman left for Burkesville lastweek

Companious D C Hopper and J WMitchell came down from Font Hill andmet with Columbia Chapter last Fridaynight

Miss Belle Butler returned a fewdays ago from a pleasant visit to thefamilies of Mr W R and R J LyonCampbellsville

Mrs Lettie Turner and her da ghterUMrs W M Jackson Campbellsvillespent several days of last week withMrs James Garnett

Mr Tim Cravens went to BurkesvilleSunday to be there at the opening ofthe special term of circuit court totake the evidence in the AshinhurstIcaseSRev R E Stevenson this countyleft for Nashville last Saturday wherehe will enter the Bibical Departmentof Vanderbilt Universety for a fouryear course

Mr J M Stevenson and wife ofRussellcounty spent last Sunday inColumbia and Monday morning left forOklahoma stopping a day or two inLouisville

Mrs J G Staples and her little sonJamesGuinn who have been visitingrelatives here for several weeks leftfor their home Birmingham Ala lastThursday

Mrs L C Hurt andJMrs L L Busbank successors to Mrs Sallie Brad ¬

shaw left Monday morning for Louis ¬

ville where they will purchase an ele-gant line of millineryfor this market

Miss May Grissom who teaches atGreenfield Tenn left for her post ofduty a few days ago Miss Grissom isa skilled performer on the piano and asan instructor has made an inviable I


Mr JQseph Lyon and daughter MissBettie of Carrollton Mo who havebeen visiting relatives and friends inAdair county left last week for theirhome stopping a few days in LebanonGlasgow and Louisville

Miss O M Reed left yesterday morn ¬

ing for New Windsor Md where shewill teach in New Windsor CollegeShe is a lady of strong Christian character and is experienced in teaching Hergentle manners pleasing dispositionand thorough eductaion makes herpopular with all who come under herjinstructions iJ

Miss Juiila Allen of thist

place left i0

Monday morning for Fulton Mo where tshe till teach for the next ten months >


in William Woods College t Miss Allenis a young lady of high character and ateach9iOf superior ability and will be a >

valuable acquisition to the Faculty of < lthe William Woods She left wj hvthVbest wishes pfallher jipni peopledastheyinpw that whatever she under t

B meetlDgi jth of the management the 9iriitftutibn an ralfother interested 1t

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