i. l. smith call - historic oregon newspapers · pietura moulduiff, picture framed, mirrors, lace...

I '"Y ,.nt-.- J. . . -- ' ' ' ; ' , . . " ' '...''. ". V . ' e. f, '.... ..' .... ' " ' : ' ' i - . '4 ' !. , " . . - . . Ileavj Storm at Lextajcton. MYSTERIOUS FATALITIES "J? i THE INDEPENDENT ED. LYONS. JOSEPH IIA2K Call and Sec I. L. Smith &Bons A wind storm and cloud burs Wktl la It That Is Killing muj Trm-uiloe- Mr? THURSDAY.......... JUNE 88, 1883 struck sear Lexington, Morrow countj, reeentlj, killingthree per MaDnfaotarera of and Dealer jn all kind ot 11C. V. IKHVLItV sons ana wounding a aozen or more FJK, X1KII1 31 and LAW IMtlCF.I About 2 o'clock the stage driver was at Petty 's place where he had uu Forty Thoi'aad Ellet f PaelSe Shr Lloe at Lowest Esttaat. Sam Francisco, June 23. In the recent report of Prof. Davidson to Superintendent Thorn, of the United States coast and geodetic survey, upon the fisheries of Alaskan waters, he made an estimate of the ocean shore line beyond the Archipelago Alexander, for which latter he had measured the shore line in 1807. This estimate seemed bo large that lest it might be doubted Prof. Davidson has recently had all the The death of Kaiser Wilhelm, Ranker J. V. Urexel, IJut.-Go- v. Ioi8heinier, Dr. Carpenter, Chief Justice Waite and Uenl. B. II. Brewster, in quick succcHion, and all from tht Mine rue. although having dilTerenl name, is turtlinjr. March and April arc fatal months, not only fur conhuumtives bat also fur man; diseases more dixguised but none tht HILLSBORO Lively Stable LYONS & HAKH, Proprietors. OrdorM for HACKS. feUGGIES gist hitched his team. . The wagon was washed down Willow creek about FURNITURE ANI- -- EOOKSELLER RIDING HORSE"; Foi'kHt m1'OV Alao, a nne anaortment of CAKPETS, OH. CLOTHS & MATTING Pietura Moulduiff, Picture Framed, Mirrors, Lace Carl aina, Window Shade. Tpholator (Jouds, Wall Paper, Spring and Top Mattreanen. IN Iowa, ete.j alw Attended to protuptly, ALSO- ,- FEED STABLE. lU)iuender thn l'hieo M AIN HTltLL T opiiotiit the 'J attlatin Ilott-1- . IiillUro, Or., March 'i'2, 1MH, tf S3IH 9 .Pill fourteen miles. Seven buildings were wrecked in Lexington. The cyclone first struck a prrove below Lexington, destroying the same and blew down the barn, ii Mr. Brocks, injuring Mrs. Jirooja. She died in about two hours. It struck H. A. Parkin's houe and barn, two miles northeast of Lexington, leveling it to the gronrj l. Mr. Parkins was very sick in brd and was thrown 100 feet into tl o middle of tbe road." His recover is doubtful.' His babe was . throvu about 200 feet, and received a blew ort the head and died at o'clock. Mis. Parkins and two other children wre slightly injured. Mrs. la?id Parkins, also there, clung to b-- r babe and came out with a brolctu arm. ' j Tbe Bocher school house is li-- d acroas the road, and in it were Vo. Powers and seven pupils. AUywe And K't "ir tnoiieyV worth of Drugs, Medicines. Tollot Artlclofi, Envolopos and Papor, Musical Mer-clinndis- o. and everything usually kept in a Counliy lrm?, ji jk mid Novelty Store, shore line platted again and partly measured. It exceeds L is estimate. This last measurement was submit- ted to Thorn who has authorized its publication. Tais gives a total for Alaska of 26,364 miles, or including the coast of Oregon, California tnd Washington territory 30,004 miles. Prof. Davidson thinks when surveys are made, the rueandertngs of the snore line will increase this amount fronv23 to 50 per cent. ThU we know from experience on the At-Ian'- ic coast where the irregularities are not nearly so great as upon our Northwest coast. Already regular Doors and A Woman from Austria. Near the villre of Zilling-dor- f, in Lower Austria, lives Maria Haas,' an ihtelligeirt and industrious woman, whose story of physical suffering and final relief, as related by hetstelf, is of interest to English women. "I was employed," she says, "in the wonc of a large farm- house. Overwork brought on sick hcftriache, followed by a deathly fainting nrul sickness of the 8toin:ich, until I was unable to retain either food or drink. I was compiled to take to my bed ic several weeks. (Jetting a little Utter from rest and' quiet, I sought to do some work, but whs soon takrn with a pain in my side, which in a little while seemed to spread over my. whole body, and throbled in. my every limb. This was followed by a cough and shortness of breath, until finally I could not sew, and I ' took to my bed for the second, and, as I thougld,f or the" lasT" time. My friends told me that my time had nearly come, and that I coirld not live longer than when the trees put on their green once more. Then I happened to get one of the Sei-g- el pamphlets. I read it, and my dear mother loiight me a bottlo of Skiukis Syrup. Notice to the Public. Blinds ! PRESCRIPTIONS and rOHMUUS Carelully iii)Mimd d at h hoiirs. diU f Frniui n, Mriildiii, ISriieki-ta- , Ktai. I ii.idiuK MnteriaU, Stair KuiIiiik". Italosterw, Newel 1 1: i i, li.ulH-r- , etc. les fatal. Gov. Hoffman ha'l heart disease. Gov. Dor&heimer, apparently a strung, well robust man, over six feet hili, eickenf and dies in four days, of pneumonia. Chuf-Jnftic-e Wait meets the am fate and he was apparently th personi- fication ( vior. Drex, the l'LilatloIpliia lanker, and Brewster, were uMen!j cut off in the niilt of jrrrat iim-tulne- s by Briyht's lieas', and lr. l'urH-nter- . the well-know- n Npw York physician, suddenly died of kidney diet-at- e utrr, hating $upecttJ that he was at aii troubled therewith! This reminds uscf the case of The. Frank Hawthorn, of New Orleans. II was lecturing before the Louisiana uni- versity on the peculiarly deceptive char acter of Kidney diieafl and the methodr of microscopical and chemical tests. After having shown specimen aftei specimen of diseased fluids, and nm.lt very clear the pointJhat kidney diaeafe may exist without the know h'.lue ot suspicion of the patient or practitioner, with gracious he re marked, "Now, gentlsmen, let me shrw you the liealthy water of a etro-- ; Well man." He applies the teat : He staggers ! ' " ""entiemefii 'I have made a terrible discovery!" he gapa, "I myself have the fatal Bright dieeaae !" In lets than a ear this ie-iali- t ot the commonest and m st fatal of dieael was dead, lie was a ' tim of ad ance-1 Kidney disease The pr.ence of whk'hta himself he had never suspected ! ' I B. PRICE. M. I)., a gentleman and phy- sician of the highest standing of Hanover C. Va, four years ago, after trying very other reitdRy for briyht's in- cluding famous iuinra! waxtrct, cured him. elf by Warner'a Safe Cure, and March 2. 1SS8. wrote: "I have neTer had the slightest ymptnns of my old and fearful t MR. JOHN DOHEKTY, f Cm.o.. i. N. H., was given up with Bright's dire&e hy the best physicians in 187'X 1 1 was in a dread- ful state. After usinff .'.nd beintr cnrl in 1881 by Warner's Saf fure, in 17, he wrote: "I am better than ever." JOHN COLEMAN', Lsi-- , V.0 tJrw. St., New Haven. Conn., wu first tuken ak in 1873, grailually raa down until he had pro- nounced Bright' disease, rheumatism and surveys in the Archipelago Alexan der demonstrate channel that were not knownt many new, .harbor.. ajvi FOREST DROVE. injured. Tvo sutTered coricusbicn of the brain and have not yet rallied. The others will recover. It is heard that a woman numeq Parker was badly hurt at Sand Ho, low. George Cannon had an am broken. Much damage was done to barns, farm machinery, etc., in Ike track of the cyclone. WW I now have my Nev ROLLER PROCESS FLOURING MILL In operation, nnd ata maliu,' ,i very superior grade of Flour. The public, in invited to gjvo the New Process Flour it (i ial. Will Iffp roiislaiitly on Ii imI n full line of Flour, Pi in, etc. FxehangH businest ilotio Jvvith Farmers. ... ... .... iii. ir. a. Olll ''WI . PHO IBIIIiUl I'm III 'Tie VlBlT OSB c.f vvrrf jnjou roLtvinpFttlng u y I nr O f r M C an increase of shore line of over 50 pe cent. . At the very lowest esti- mate it is claimed there is certainly 40,000 miles of ocean shore line on the Pacific belonging to the United States, and this does not include the great bays opening directly on the ocean, the estuaries of great rivers, etc. Important Questiens Answered. "What will be the effect on labor of a departure in American policy in the direction of free trade?" BULBS PLANTS. teruTJ w jt tllUIIMUlllH lrlllllf IHllllllI, Hh I lnHlly I0 iup'll. 1.1 'I.. Iial Ut !", K'lit !iriu 1. 1 krt ami iikinlnd rlt f.r Iiui.hhi eiM.'lo. lil. .i.fl. I lnKiii.lv lur.m., llMluJlUS' C rllii Kin f ID III. wurlli ill lliwil. U( K, M I llIHI, it u Lexer N. V. (Shaker Kxti-.u- -t Koots) ci which I took exaetlv hecordinjr taT r Oreran Pacific R. II LANDS FOR SALE. "If free trade could be adopted Organ in the Lead! It hat a cane wholly ITNIyfK IN I)RS!1: urjmssinlv Iwautifiil. and mt together on an KN TMtKLY NKW I'KINCl t'Li: n.iu.. tJuU- - iii-t.- of wrt-wt- . It irt alwt MOl'SK VIU H)V, liv a c.in.!e ..lit riv.in.-.-- . METAL CASINGS I'KEVKNT KWKLLLNd OF KEYS IN HYMI NVEATIIEK. A handsome hraeket LAMP, of Gold tinnlird in. lal, iittaehed to each or;;:m, insures light Ik.Hi Knfe and convenient ThUOrgan, with its full and partial nt-- of HI'.EIS. iU diffen-ti- t NTOPS and COUFLEHS-nor- .e of theiu d'iit jriv- - nitialwrleHit variety of COM- BINATIONS and EX Pit ESS I ON, and in SWEEIM-S- S imd UlCliNESS of TONE, it it fully equal to any innke. Every instrument sold with a SIX YEA PS Gl'AUANTEE. I am now introducing tlieiw elegant inst rmn. iiH into WiiNhiii-toi- i County at SPUPItlSINGLY IjOW FKiLHI-S- . A MAGNIFICENT SAMPLE may lie ween at my honm in I'ok hI Grove. Call anj esniuine. jlOtf 3IISS. .II. II. I'.I.I.IS. there would be an instant all tne other deceptive sins of kulnev dn-as- e. Ths beat ulnmicians in New Haveu could d nothing for him. Ha then bexau xunntc Wttiuer's Safe Cure, 'J00 Uttlei of which he and his family have uaed aud he shrinkage of values in this country, to direction-- , and 1 had pot taken the whole of it before I felt a change for the In-tter- . My last illness began June 3d, ,1882, ami continued to August 9th, when I hei'an to take the Syrup. 'ery sxn 1 could do a little light work. The cough left me, and I was no more troubled in breathing. Now 1 am perfectly cured ; and oh, how happy I am! I cannot express gratitude enough for Probably the immediate loss would equal 20,000,000 ,000 that is to say, one-thir- d of the value of the ty LOTS in GUncoe, with a Ketiid nee 4-- ana liarn arid a Store, Willi a Hall l. re. This property in well loented ami the buildings all new. 1'rioe, f 1001). wati;ik A Stot k of I'.nrkv lunt and Milliiif' Oils. Ilighf ft lunrkct prieo paid. country. No one can tell its extent 12 ACUKS of Fir hrnsh land on the road north of HillMboro lata milt. J." HI I en Slioriei'! IIoiiih' tA'Ht Time! Ad'oiiiiiiodntioim l'nriiriMiKeil for Comfort and Hatrty ! luid I'leihM via ViHjiiiii.i nnd the Oh'i'oii J .njilop- - Jlietlt Co'h KtfHIIllillijM Mil H.I. I HH I linn liy anv otlur route be- tween nil Hliil'i in t hit W'llMinettH V'lih-- .V M;iu I'riuifiHCo ! All things are so interwoven that to destroy one industry cripples anoth er, and the influence keeps on until JOHN MILNC. it touches the circumference of is coifa. V. T. CliAWFOTil. propriet-- St. CHiarles Hotel, Jiichuiond. Va., and well known all through the South, several yrars aijo was in the death-agon- y from kitluey disease, convulsions and briyht's disease. The beat Philadelphia specialirfts in such diaeane pronounced him practically dead ami in- curable. Everything else failing, be to..k Warner's Safe Cure aVundantly aud re- gularly, until fully restored to health, anrl now he says, "After a lapiw of many yer I am as sound as a dollar, with no sniptnis of my old trouble. 1 owe my life to War- ner's Safe Cure. " Kidney disease is the niont deceptive, ho most universal, tbe most ftttal dis- ease. If the most learned men cannot kno? without the use of iiiiuwcopiral and heniit-a- l tests that -- tliey have kidney litease, how much more i' tie ln"i-- PROTECT. YOUR HOMES I MARLIN DOUOLE ACTION REVOLVER. r iTioe, Jf:.'..00 r- - ACKES of Timljernnd lSrnsh Land, 1 I with ncrei cleared. Tuin Inrd is watered by McKay'a Creek, and on the road north of Hill.sljoro two luiles. I'riee, f.T. ( ACUKS, with Honse, Hani. Orcliard. vf and l.raer clear, aud 'J.'t acr in grans: iniiiiodintt'lv on tbe road two iiiili n north of llillhboro. t'ricc, fltkio. IOT on l!nw Lin Street, well lornted. fionse, Itnrn, Well and a good Diehard tPrice, f40U. " ti A Acres of Land. ! mile from K. Ii Over 6.000.000 PEOPLE U Theso revolvera are an exact duplicate of the celebrated SMITH & WESSON. -- A. GOOD EEV0LVER no longer coats DAILY PACSEWCCR Tf ( l.xrcp! S'liiil'iyti, Vi.i'i.n:i . . . 7 no Arrivn Corvulh .... In If Ai nvH AIIimiiv ... 1 H' Alliimy I i' A rrive Cn vullj-- 'J m Arrive Viuiiiiia " U Id bEiOKL'a Syrup (Shaker Ex- tract of Koots). Now I must tell you that the doctors in our district distributed handbills cautioning the people against the mo Heine, telling them it would do no good, and many were thereby iniluenced to de- stroy the Seigel pamphlets; but now, whenever one is to be found, it is kept like a relic. The few preserved are bor- rowed to read, and I have lent 'mine for six miles 'around our district. People have come M .4 .33 Calilair, using Centre-Fir-o Caa-tridgjo- a Fortune 1 l at Ddley. 4 mile from wli! nnd uait to Itf, nnknonn to himnrlj, in lUf rt, AT AT .V A' sm i I "illlel t Hi human interests." "What do you think of the polit- ical outlook?" "The people of this country have a great deal of intelligence. Tariff and free trade and protection and home manufactures and American industry all these things will be discussed in every school-hous- e in the country, and in thousands and thousands of political meetings, and when next November comes you will see the democratic party overthrown niajioui o.rporrby a cyclone. All other questions 'will be Jos t sight of. Even the prohibitionists would rather drink boer in a pros tri'1'i'H nnd Calif uiii.i (ruin: Alhnny nnd Coi vnll'. t I ff. jjsa. mi oj aealh, wtio Uo'S not lee I a will ij-4"- uji r.inm urove, v.itn i...UKe. laforinerlv. hut who docH not thii.k anv- - ?,,JJru' "tUel ,1!'sfir.Y f"u huil.Mngx. :hinr aiwciallv ail him, and Ik.s '"t.T "T,ou'1? .terl, and will ncian tnav pure hi... that he v.iM L,, racreu at? . . . lO or 1.". m-ie- s almost clear, and tlio remain- - ANNUAL For I0C3 Will t rumUnl I'll re hetwi'in Coivallii. Alhnev Mid Sun TO ALL Jn .tlieae days, people re. o-- nie that it der i hinsh laud that will m ike a fl s uiflrr tn iirivput ilt.i'u t n ..... . ;. Imrn. Uium nf a llied id ilil.. M.- Ti.: ' ftlpllt'ntit-i- m i l'l'iUH'irti'O -- It. lil Hl.d CiiIiiii, IjlllO; Kail Hint Mel r:i'e, K.'.I.IM. ' ( HAS. C. llfMil'l , an absolute bargniu at per acr.. I J tMt ttrxM u iiitf it Al l;,'. (1. A I', Alt,. .4mle pi get me to buy4 tiT OA Acmm, with Saw mill and a losing InvjiluatJlj to at'. frm mutic )) miIIim, Or. V Aateauuo vJl M team, tnree rexitienceH a.ul xtm-- e it" . '1? . 3 I 1 " f V i VM. M. IIO.'.C, Thia pronertv i.-- well locaU-il- . nix t luiriiH. ndleit i( III-- ! ill Mi'lllMfJcr. i ue met i nine jor xnem, Know- ing that it cured me, and to be from K. l. Iwill m il the midi-i.'e- d arrival Mu nrc . nen von know hat yoo may le in the latest peril an I .ot have any idea of the faet from anv left nod act of g, the wi"d :on rise to purcne is to follow the counsel tnd experience alxne outlinel, u't 1 horonghlv renovate the ayHteni. !eaiMe he blood", tone the nervea and itiMire rour own life against thcc O'lmn n, nysterioua fataliti . one-thir- d of thin property or $!... V?. M. FEHH Y ACO.,Uotrolt,rc,icl FULL NICKEL PLATED, RUBBER HANDLE viiurm iru i mtbst mvsrrcr to tbs perous country than huYt with cold ! SJICXTK a s wxiasoir. acues with ATWo srouYifoi se: of rHi!R. hII I rd iinisli. mul si i Oregon Development Co. For sale by Hardware and Gua Dealers overywbere. Manafactnred by THE MAKLI5 FIBE ARM 3 CO., Bew Hsren, Cona. water and hard times." "The preservation of what v i - :. ; 7 I Uustang Linimonl I TI Mrxiciw Witst.kk Ll.liiniT, Prnrlrnlrm . MHfvUt tu iimJIuMJ Wuliilullll. '1 i. BEST IN THE larti that n.t :lt. nit ort'li.ird f nil ..ndH i of fruit and all of tl: koi iII fruit-- . 'ITti-- t i ti!;u-- e is fav.r d-!- lM-:itf- on .Mam Str- I in ' MililKr.. 1'iul will mi it n in: ii .." mi.nsu ; 1 will Kell linlf f this platf il-- :m- - . Invi-- part for nr tin iiniti;i .vh f..r Vi, or at!l of it f..r have jjoL-- A ill be the great question. WORLD! Eilsl eja-.n'- iti ltiiiii.liiiit h. 'v iin h il r mid in I i i!i..- ,'.i, rrimi i'l ill I Hii.iint ith the lr.ill.:t I I lie ( tri'i ;i ill I '. liie Kiui- - ru.-ii- l i !i.ii imiiiv , Macrazine Rifle. This is the richeKt country aud the! most prosperous country, and 1 Frtr(raaullcm,aIttoM. TWSWM14 sSna nH rrf fj fumiM, mm tmm mmtj alwlMri, as nts M lk mmtkH . Six 7 i believe tbm the people have sense enough to continue the iolicy thtj tllmummM Cr MAKLI M VMMK ABMS t P.. Jw ll.ws, fwi n nnna n ci ST IDEAL RELOADING TOOLS WILL CAVC ONC-HA- THE COST Of AMMUNITION. PV? inn A(,,j,s "f lni . 'i .r.s I "v from (:i4t.n. and i, n,.! i :.'.".. i of v l.md ar.d :.' ; rn s !.l .lied ami clcil urid I', ni-re- ! i nil Fir ai.d Hazel. Tliero an or. linr.! .t I.V l ariii; tr-s- . and is water d ly a hp that lu-v.-- faiU and well. 'I'ln on a i ooil road, and n'r wimn.I. Pi i.i i;. has given them these results. I never want to see the civilization of the old world, or rather the bar Msds for alt slsrs of rsrtrldirra wtilrh sra owil In but of the fnttnvlnsl sure to get the right kind. I know a woman who Avas look- ing like death, and Who told them there was no help for her, that she had consulted several doctors, but none could help ' her. I told her of Seigel's Syrup, pnd wrote the name down for her that she might make no mistake. She tMk my advice and the Syrup, and now she is in Perfect health, and the people around us ant amazed. The medicine has made such progress in our neighborhood that jeople say they don't want the doctor any more, but they take the Syrup. Sufferers from gout who were confined to their leds and could , hardly move a finger have been 1 1 !i rrM z.iii. vw i f.i. i vktiiii, v in i w lurnmrr, Jllrl. n, Kruilllglou W Matitb Wsnsua t atea for all cues aa4 uiskus ul i AOL U f re Nil Kill, PArtK AID IIASS. tt Ckcapcr and Better thaa mnj otkrr. Kraa lur fric Llat of tluw tuols 14 i'-- i caiih m:d K"hI tiotet. ."(). ) f)TS. WITH III H'NE AM W H.I. mm I V !! d ai:d III tllll vat I.Ml. llle(-- . VVn barism of the old world, gain a footing on this continent. I am an American. I believe in American imfwoturliiK CoiuiMiiiv. c. M.!Ui f'ii';;, I in i .! ii .,' i. t i .i n; '. !'i Wi ill . iil'n , .hue iliiu ,.'!t" .' y, , I u. i , ,1 iily . v I Ii-- .hi M, ii. I iy, J Wili.ni I l e .ii'. y h . , i v , " 17 r.'f.ti-u- i i l:-- - '.,( hn 'niilio , " W Willunn (ti ... ' ' ;io I'.tml vvrtNAt I'.'.'-l- i in h .1 n'lu-'ilii- v, .1 nly C H ill. Hin t e l. v 'ii.iwl.it', H I '.iii.I i l n I l '; '. i ... " ' j i llliiini ile " 1'4 L.i.tei n i iii'.'i ii I'rnl ' , " :m N ill.uiu lie iilii y. Aujf. f The Coi.' Hiiv I'i' i t ven Hit' i irl,t in i litm; Hll lliii lii l s illh? tliilei, h. Ii. 'IIIHV, C.ti. I'. , V. Aii iiI, ;in Miiii'i'iiiiii iv st ., a"l If h.in I'liini'Mi'ii, f .ai. kxlHIU. Haw llou, ca. ' OA ACUKS. UNIMPKOVEn. MihlvS O"' Smthof llill.lairo. well wittered: lava ideas that is to say, in equal rights, well and near t!ie Creninery at l'niiiii:;: m. and in the education and civilization of all the people." Ingersoll. NEW GOODS ! nmi coi u a on t t- - tli roitd. I'riee, iK VvK MCI I.AHCIK AXI WKI.I i V nrrntiLed lieidence. with nil limn-snr- y ut'nildin.t, liearaw Fruit Tree-t- . i nd Six Nituated tiar the new brick 1 l - k SELIM. in lliilHtxiro, for sale at fi.U5l. (Government Tim her. l'l tBLo, Colo., June 24. United Do TOU feel dull, languid, lowpirited. 11 fe-- hf. and hirtewitoUiljr mixerable. both I'hysl-eall- y and mentally ; experience a flense of 1 ullnesa or bloatm after eating, or of srore-new- ," or emptinecw of tooiach in tb moro-tns- r. ton true coated, bitUir or bal taste in tuoutb. irrefralar appetite, dizziness, frequent beadaihea, blurred eyesin lit, "ttoatinBpeeUs" before tbe eves, nervoiia firoatratum or ex- haustion. Irritability of temper. Jiot tlunhea, Jternatinr with chilly aeosatSTna, Bbarp. titiu transient Lero nrvii there, cold feet, drowsiness aitcr meula, waicef ulnnw, or disturbed and ti.irofreshiiiK step, constant, Indeacribahla feeli;jf of dread, or of Imuend. Idk calamity? If you have aR, or any conalilerahlo number of these irmiitiims, you are siilrrin from i S i Xik Ii ' H 3mm M' 'I 'in; i:i:rrin h :. vi.i: i.i iai:k 1 I'lipiile T.-i- Stallion. ;ll iinke Hie CASH TALKS! 0VERLAI1D TO CALIFORNIA S.-s- i( ssh in V ;.sliiii"in Cieirly us fullia: I Inn davM. id Win. Wi l.-- .. f.e.ir t w 'lli'irsd.iy null nrnl nil I i ill v ii.n.ii, at lireeuvill-- ; nil tdlt.-- il it rt lit lli. f irm ol the iiiwlerM mil. i.ne null-- id JIiIIiIhiio. SimiIIm i n raellit ('omitini) ' lilM'. .States Marshal Mitter returned to- day from the mountain slopes along; the east hide of San Luis valley where he had been looting after tbe timber depredations upon the timber on government land.-t- . River saw- mills have been operating there and he reports that after a great quantity of lumber had leen taken out the un Acres, t miles T ri iu iiniHUoro, (jf acres of plow and 15 acres of twist ire land; housi, barn, and 70 living tree in orchard, and is watered by a uprin. I r..N li uiilea from achtiol. and in on a fixl rmid, l'i miles from erennierv; Ki'i mi en from Portland, i'riee, lr'ni.(iii. mTy Acrea,2 miles from llill-tlior- w.th I bonne, liHrn. orchard, well, wisd sbed, etc., and 40 acres nnder plow aud in meadow. Price, L,1(I0.U.. I have other land of nne quality t.i niimeroux to mention W. H.TUCKER. v'mfc miw. cuionwii or Amera-a- n tiiuiali Uilious Dyspepsia, or TorMd laver, associated With DvgneDSia. or Imilkn-Htiim- . Tim THE NIT. SHASTA ROUTE !' Sort ! Tlie St-aso- u liiMiir:iiw-- v . ooinpncated your disease bus becoma, the greater the number and diversity of armo-fotr- w. No matter what staire tt bis reached. nse- - MamsUbI 41aMas bM.H.,.1 Wehrung & Boscow IIIMeMlOItO. Oltl .0, . . 10.00 fs fa cureu oy ii. .inert? is a gill m our district f w ho caught a cold by going through some water, and was in bed live years with costiveness and rhcumaticpair.s, and had to have an attendant to watch by her. There was not a doctor in the surrounding district to whom her mother had not applied to relieve her child, but evei v one crossed tberrmelve:; im.l sai.l they could not help her. Vv'lmu v r t'ne little bell rang1, which i vn in our place when anybody is tl I, uV t!iou,'U , Burely it was for hci ; bat Seigel'B Syrup ami Pills vS'uJccr Jlstraitt of Roots) saved her life, and now she " " " v bf aavsaivu vfll jiucvferr will sutMlue it. if tiiken ftriintr hiI. SlIU 1 'lime E luf eti I'oillitiiil mill tiia for a iraMonabk lemrth of ti inn. t e iu v 'Is a I Uiik Im It, otl llitmxl cured, complications multiply and Consump- tion of the huoars. Skin Diseases. Heart li f Me mill men got into quarrels. The employes triel to burn out the California Cxnesa Train Hun Daily Ivtwern 'orUaii nnd P.nn irrrinciaco. timber in their respective canyons. Ileal wtate- - A cent. lt heu mat ism. Kidney Iliseasie, or ott-- r irnive mahtdiea are quite liable to s-- t in ami. sooner or Inter, iiifiuew a. fatKl tnmimt !..nT Dr. Pierce's) Voidest Itledlral Dla. ?i?wr7 ??! P0!1"1.1' "P00 layer, abd thromrb tlatt mreat bliod-puri- ty inir criran. cleanses the system of all blood-tuln- ts and lm- - tiavk JtsT Ki:ct;iVi:u a wmx SEI.I.M wi'Il'Ii", ovi-- r I VI I .!imiK; m by old UoliuiiriKo, n IVleh- - nli: il nil hy Wanh iliilnli. he l.v old Nilir.dk I'lllull, of I'll 1 for m.i; :M d. mi Old N ill v, owned by Win. Jolin-wh- i. .f tilmciie, ii.iw dee. n l, known hh he I'.iiH . i.i re, Klie l.y imp Kumlder, it t horoiii'iilired. Every MWHible earn will I l iken to (ire-V- i lit fwciJeiii-i- , but no reHkaiaihility awHttneil 1". M. 1 tCK-iS- '. Selected Stoek of il IKUC. ortliind n I. M. OREGON. III C III The result was that in the prevailing dry weather and strong gales over A unn K. K I'liiiieiMe.i , MA.M I oi il.ind. . Iiii'iw A.M Sail Emu. :;kj J', M. IIIMr.OKO. t; tf v- rciifr IhtHff, .un'.tSHniLiij,' twenty square miles of the finest pine timber in the state has been HIM flt;lnbor. AvrJ: f.. I.SBVa. . I Allll Tv.u.ira i, i it,..,, ..TT ts Z1 , uVhukhu, . . Tho Marsual m.h ilia! r iK . hi ,SI, Culmid ;i:4ft I. M. Mm Out ,f m ! ITie value of the timber already destroyed is over f 200.000 and the fijg is Btill raging. rT .11,1, y.rr-- i b S I Dwatoairb Hrup. Tastes iriMXt. Use I I AmW J u tutin. Hi.liJ by drnifgwts. I I w t. XT puritiea, iroia whatever cause arisinir. It Is equally efficacious In acting- - upon the Kid- neys, and other excretory orraoa, deanauia' strengthening-- , and healing their diseases. Ai an appetizing, restorative tonic, it promotee diw"tK" !tJ itotri.irf tVwtiJi.K-bot- b flesb and strena-th- . la nwiarial diatrieU. this wonderful medicine btia gained great celebrity In curing Fever and Ague. Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred disease. Dr. Pierce's) Oolden ItledlcaU Dlgw cry . CUHES ALL IXUOnS. from common Blotch, or Eruption, to thn worst Scrofula, tlt-rheu- m. " tvverorea." caly or Uooab 8 kin, in short, all diseases caused by bad blood ar conquered by thia powerful, purifying', and invisroratlns; medi- cine. Great Hating Ulcers raplilly beat under . bin'rn Influence. Especially baa it mani- - IP HOT DAY IX THE EAST. fiehht- -- ITit erj'uoCly was aHtonishcd when they saw her out, knowipg-ho- mny ye.vrs nho liad leen in bed. To-tin- y hhe aild.-- LtT grati- tude to miuc- - for GkKi ii mercies and Sijel'B Syrup. JIaeia Haas. Shaker Medicines are now leinr old in all p:u t- - of the world, ami are working wonders, as shown in the above case. A. J.' White, v 64 Warren St., New York. Millinery Goods PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS TOURIST SLEEPING CARS For necor.tiiiixhitioi, of Neeond Class I'ltt- aell'erH liltMI'lied to I : il enn ' ruins, The O. A C. It, It. IYitv nril.es eniniei'lioii with all the nnulur traum on the ;hm Nidu divintou ftoiu Hie foot ot E Hi it'l l, West Hide IHviuion. HETWEEN 1'OU'lEAMJ.t COItVAEMS. Mud Train llail y, e.viejil Siiinl.iy, I believe Piao'a Cure for Coiiauiniition aaveil nir life. A, II. DowKbi Editor Kmiiiiier, Ilen. ton, N. C, April 23, I87. I, poiency in curing Tetter. Ecaema. Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scrof-u'!?.lso- re and Swellings, eu 1 'jtiTinrVMiri larnn rrnr II Hkiij wuuaiiikri noLi.iik' ifuu " Deaths Front Sunstrokes In Xew York and Boston. New York, June 24. To-da- y was the hottest June day in this city's history, there being 99 degrees re- corded in pome sections. The list of fatalities from sunstroke is the MY Kntire Stock of Millinery Rnd Fane Iry Umm1-- i will Im c.Hed out witlm the next two weeka at Canned Goods, Tobacco and Cigars. cl6thing, Dress Goods, EVliilinery Goods. SILKS. TIES, HOSIERY. GLOVES ill I' "oita Mrii im'S- ,- Goitre, or Thick Meek, and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents in stamps for brge Treatise, with colored plates, on Skin li-asr- or the same amount lor a Treatise on Scrofulous Affectiomk "FCI1TH2 CLCC3 15 THS LIFE." J22?h,Ic!SIMe. '7 "sm? fc Plereen VMea Distoverr, awl digeatioo, fair akin, buoyant spirits, . Ttal strwurth and bodily bealtlt will be oataUished. PISO w. T.AVK, Portland 7:K) A.M. IlilUboio M.1 A. 11. Corvalli l:;UI I. M. liilUhoro fi:Ot P. M. M5 Alil.lVK. llilhl.oro m 41 A. M CorvnlliH 1 :':.',' M lll'Uiiiti..ri:(i:i , M I'oiti Mid ..;: ir c. m" Cost es ! j largest ever recorded here in Jane. Albrmy and Co.'vullis Ountiect wttb trains of the Oregon i'tioi-.io- . I'xprcha Train l.nily, exei ol Sunday, Four men, one woman and fire children were killed and scores of persons prostrated by the heat in this CONSUT.IPTION, which is Scrotal Ofthe Lansns arrested aiKl cured by this remedy, if tTken inthe earlier statres of the diseaae. From Its mar. velous power over this terribly fatal dicease. when first offering- - this now world-f- a m-- d rem! The bkst Contrh Medi elne is Fiao'a Cubk f or Cowhumptioji. Children take It without ohjeetion. liy all druggists. &V. AUiavK. IlillnUiio. , i;.(l ,m Ml'MlU'llll,N;M) F.M IIiiIhImho. 7 "lAM l rVK. Porlhind, 4:.'rf)P.M litllshoro.. CiO'il'.M MeMin'villr,r.:4:.A.M HiJihlMin. . ,7::)A.M A uplriidid rtumrtanity Is" oaTetx-- to nil wthiiio anythui in my line. v S. C. Itoliei ls' 5 KVonu, ir. rierce tnought, seriously of enllinfr Jt bis "COKSmii-rio- N Cvkwl," but city. Brooklyn and Jersey City hare similar records. IJostox, June 24. To-da- y was the I. -i- i-.i r it rwi Portland ".UK) .f i mni nun a iuu restneuve for a rani ui no which, from Us wonderful com- bination of tonics or atrenDtlwninir aM.i. watfcE Auisnial f T I CUKE I I BsStUoiu J 1 - intj Mjrrup. Tastas timtd. Dse I or bewxt-olenngin- tr, anU-bilio- pectoral, and . M .1.1 ty d rutnnMa. I wuuuivc iirupcrueav as unequaicil, not onlv K. P. KOUKKS, II. KOEIILKIt, AhhI. U. I', .. I', , Manager. i Leads as Photographer in the Northwest. ; wojrar. a ue mercury Pictures of the moat prominent men and was 98 in the shade. Thero were women of Oreoon and Washington may. . , .... IresH Trim tiling, It as aj retmHiT for Consomption, but for aUl Cbrouic Disease of the Liver, Bloci and Lunno. be aeen at hia Rallery. Towne'8iJeVtri w i several sunstrokes, two oi winch Z . Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and all I'ATKNT ItCNlNEKSeonducfed for AH)l-IsUA- lE FI-.E- t it ciFFicK is oriH.sm: v. . PATE ST OFFICE. We have no miV , all hnmnea direct, hence run tranaaet Patent hnaineaa in lend time ami at L1S COST than those remote froi. WtSHtNoToa. Send model, drawing, or photo with A criition. We advise if patentable or ti I, free of charge. Our fee not dna till p:,t.ut is secared. A hook, "How to Obtain Patent. with referenoea to actual clients in your Nt.itw, county, or town, sent free, AdUresn V, A. HXOW 4L JO.y 0poite Patent OSloe, Washington, D. 0. in nia instantaneous pictures ot tin o its i the remarkable malts obtainedr ueing tbe were t.a Xwtirr. JIOSUY TO LOAN. Send 10 ci iil i jiuHl,'! we will mail you royal, valuable, s; ' , ot (,'imhIs 1 tint wi' f JJ'Jwk Ppittinnr of Blood, Short. neas of Breath, hrouic Kaaal Catarrh. Brcn. chJtls, Astiima, 8vere (itugbe, and kindred I affections, it is an efficient remedy. ; ti'Lowv1)rure'8t8' " 1fl"0 or U -- ottld ' a ST Send ttr nml in afamma T T- - - I BOOTS & SHOES And Fne Asaortnie.it of Purnichinc Goods For Itadiertand Gentlemen. lOTICK IS HEKEBY GIVEN, THAT 1 I will not be resjxiisible for any h:l:s wonMv ec. au wno tuui nia srauio. in to any size, in any style, from any ' kind of picture, he guar antera to pive a better class of work, at a lower price, than any gallery on the Pacific Coast. All wish- ing pietores enlarged will do well to secure estimates before ordering elsewhere. Cor- respondence solicited, and all orders will receive prompt attention. Studio 8. W.eor. 'First and Morrison st a., Portland. Oregon. ADDI7C nd six centu for ntatae., receive free, a costly box of (roods which will help all, of either sex, to more money right away than anything else in thia world. Fortanea await the workers absolutely anre. At once contracted by my son, Kd win It. Schmeltzer, book on ConsuptionT diaa, Cfirlf t Cispssssry i3socTafiea. tu the wu v of ii' " Won ar at once than any thing eh lea. ltoth aenes of all ai.c can Ii m. . and work in spare tin e, or all tha . Capital not rii'iired. We will atari yov. liunieusM pay .um for Hume wh.t Htrtr 1st, once. Htimmon & Oo., Portland, Mama AVE 00 TO lAiAN ON FIH8T-cla- sa real eatate aeeurity Hate: 8 per eent If liorrower ya taxes. Will be loaned for a tern, of three years, and in snnisof not leKnthnn mSMiu J W. MASTEUS. All Linda of Ei irom tnia uate. 1 ated Schol I Ferry, May 29, 18B8. iu:.l .M liAMEh SCUMKLT2EK. l Pnalnee taken in Addrees Taua fc Co., Aansta Mais. Exchange. jatti-t- f A ?'fw'if-;,i;jf'S-- X- - ;:' '.- '. W.".; v..,;.;;'';' at' J ) at-

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'"Y ,.nt-.- J.

. . -- ' ' ' ; ' , . . " ''...''. ". V . ' e. f, '.... ..' ....

' " ': ' ' i - .

'4 ' !. ,

" . .- . .Ileavj Storm at Lextajcton.MYSTERIOUS FATALITIES "J?i THE INDEPENDENT ED. LYONS. JOSEPH IIA2K Call and SecI. L. Smith &BonsA wind storm and cloud bursWktl la It That Is Killing muj Trm-uiloe-

Mr?THURSDAY..........JUNE 88, 1883 struck sear Lexington, Morrowcountj, reeentlj, killingthree per MaDnfaotarera of and Dealer jn all kind ot 11C. V. IKHVLItVsons ana wounding a aozen or more

FJK, X1KII1 31 and LAW IMtlCF.IAbout 2 o'clock the stage driver wasat Petty 's place where he had uu

Forty Thoi'aad Ellet f PaelSe ShrLloe at Lowest Esttaat.

Sam Francisco, June 23. In therecent report of Prof. Davidson toSuperintendent Thorn, of the UnitedStates coast and geodetic survey,upon the fisheries of Alaskan waters,he made an estimate of the oceanshore line beyond the ArchipelagoAlexander, for which latter he hadmeasured the shore line in 1807.This estimate seemed bo large thatlest it might be doubted Prof.Davidson has recently had all the

The death of Kaiser Wilhelm,Ranker J. V. Urexel, IJut.-Go- v.

Ioi8heinier, Dr. Carpenter, ChiefJustice Waite and Uenl. B. II. Brewster,in quick succcHion, and all from thtMine rue. although having dilTerenlname, is turtlinjr.

March and April arc fatal months, notonly fur conhuumtives bat also fur man;diseases more dixguised but none tht

HILLSBOROLively StableLYONS & HAKH, Proprietors.


gisthitched his team. . The wagon waswashed down Willow creek about FURNITURE ANI- --


Foi'kHt m1'OV

Alao, a nne anaortment of

CAKPETS, OH. CLOTHS & MATTINGPietura Moulduiff, Picture Framed, Mirrors, Lace Carl aina, Window Shade. Tpholator

(Jouds, Wall Paper, Spring and Top Mattreanen. IN Iowa, ete.j alw

Attended to protuptly,

ALSO- ,-

FEED STABLE.lU)iuender thn l'hieo M AIN HTltLLT

opiiotiit the 'J attlatin Ilott-1- .

IiillUro, Or., March 'i'2, 1MH, tf

S3IH 9 .Pill

fourteen miles.Seven buildings were wrecked in

Lexington. The cyclone first strucka prrove below Lexington, destroyingthe same and blew down the barn, iiMr. Brocks, injuring Mrs. Jirooja.She died in about two hours.

It struck H. A. Parkin's houeand barn, two miles northeast ofLexington, leveling it to the gronrj l.Mr. Parkins was very sick in brdand was thrown 100 feet into tl o

middle of tbe road." His recover isdoubtful.' His babe was . throvuabout 200 feet, and received a blew

ort the head and died at o'clock.Mis. Parkins and two other childrenwre slightly injured. Mrs. la?idParkins, also there, clung to b-- r

babe and came out with a brolctuarm. ' j

Tbe Bocher school house is li-- d

acroas the road, and in it were Vo.Powers and seven pupils. AUywe

And K't "ir tnoiieyV worth of

Drugs, Medicines.Tollot Artlclofi, Envoloposand Papor, Musical Mer-clinndis- o.

and everything usually

kept in a Counliy lrm?, ji jkmid Novelty Store,

shore line platted again and partlymeasured. It exceeds L is estimate.This last measurement was submit-ted to Thorn who has authorized itspublication. Tais gives a total forAlaska of 26,364 miles, or includingthe coast of Oregon, California tndWashington territory 30,004 miles.Prof. Davidson thinks when surveysare made, the rueandertngs of thesnore line will increase this amountfronv23 to 50 per cent. ThU weknow from experience on the At-Ian'- ic

coast where the irregularitiesare not nearly so great as upon ourNorthwest coast. Already regular

Doors and

A Woman from Austria.Near the villre of Zilling-dor-f,

in Lower Austria, livesMaria Haas,' an ihtelligeirt andindustrious woman, whose storyof physical suffering and finalrelief, as related by hetstelf, isof interest to English women."I was employed," she says,"in the wonc of a large farm-house. Overwork brought onsick hcftriache, followed by adeathly fainting nrul sicknessof the 8toin:ich, until I wasunable to retain either food ordrink. I was compiled totake to my bed ic severalweeks. (Jetting a little Utterfrom rest and' quiet, I soughtto do some work, but whs soontakrn with a pain in my side,which in a little while seemedto spread over my. whole body,and throbled in.my every limb.This was followed by a coughand shortness of breath, untilfinally I could not sew, and I

' took to my bed for the second,and, as I thougld,f or the" lasT"time. My friends told me thatmy time had nearly come, andthat I coirld not live longerthan when the trees put ontheir green once more. Then Ihappened to get one of the Sei-g- el

pamphlets. I read it, andmy dear mother loiight me abottlo of Skiukis Syrup.

Notice to the Public.Blinds !PRESCRIPTIONS and rOHMUUS

Carelully iii)Mimd d at h hoiirs.diU f

Frniui n, Mriildiii, ISriieki-ta- , Ktai. I ii.idiuK MnteriaU, Stair KuiIiiik". Italosterw,Newel 1 1: i i, li.ulH-r- , etc.

les fatal.Gov. Hoffman ha'l heart disease. Gov.

Dor&heimer, apparently a strung, wellrobust man, over six feet hili, eickenfand dies in four days, of pneumonia.

Chuf-Jnftic-e Wait meets the amfate and he was apparently th personi-fication ( vior.

Drex, the l'LilatloIpliia lanker, andBrewster, were uMen!jcut off in the niilt of jrrrat iim-tulne-s

by Briyht's lieas', and lr. l'urH-nter- .

the well-know- n Npw York physician,suddenly died of kidney diet-at- e utrr,hating $upecttJ that he was at aiitroubled therewith!

This reminds uscf the case of The.

Frank Hawthorn, of New Orleans. IIwas lecturing before the Louisiana uni-versity on the peculiarly deceptive character of Kidney diieafl and the methodrof microscopical and chemical tests.

After having shown specimen afteispecimen of diseased fluids, and nm.ltvery clear the pointJhat kidney diaeafemay exist without the know h'.lue otsuspicion of the patient or practitioner,with gracious he remarked, "Now, gentlsmen, let me shrwyou the liealthy water of a etro-- ; Wellman."

He applies the teat :

He staggers ! '"

""entiemefii 'I have made a terriblediscovery!" he gapa, "I myself havethe fatal Bright dieeaae !"

In lets than a ear this ie-iali- t otthe commonest and m st fatal of dieaelwas dead, lie was a ' tim of ad ance-1Kidney disease The pr.ence of whk'htahimself he had never suspected ! 'I B. PRICE. M. I)., a gentleman and phy-

sician of the highest standing of HanoverC. Va, four years ago, after tryingvery other reitdRy for briyht's in-

cluding famous iuinra! waxtrct, cured him.elf by Warner'a Safe Cure, and March 2.1SS8. wrote: "I have neTer had the slightestymptnns of my old and fearful t

MR. JOHN DOHEKTY, f Cm.o.. i. N. H.,was given up with Bright's dire&e hy thebest physicians in 187'X 1 1 was in a dread-ful state. After usinff .'.nd beintr cnrl in1881 by Warner's Saf fure, in 17, hewrote: "I am better than ever."

JOHN COLEMAN', Lsi-- , V.0 tJrw. St.,New Haven. Conn., wu first tuken ak in1873, grailually raa down until he had pro-nounced Bright' disease, rheumatism and

surveys in the Archipelago Alexander demonstrate channel that werenot knownt many new, .harbor.. ajvi

FOREST DROVE.injured. Tvo sutTered coricusbicnof the brain and have not yet rallied.The others will recover.

It is heard that a woman numeqParker was badly hurt at Sand Ho,low. George Cannon had an ambroken. Much damage was done tobarns, farm machinery, etc., in Iketrack of the cyclone.


I now have my Nev



In operation, nnd ata maliu,' ,i

very superior grade of Flour.The public, in invited to gjvo

the New Process Flour it (i ial.

Will Iffp roiislaiitly on Ii imI

n full line of Flour, Pi in, etc.FxehangH businest ilotio Jvvith


... ... .... iii. ir. a.Olll ''WI . PHO IBIIIiUl I'm III 'Tie VlBlT OSB

c.f vvrrf jnjou roLtvinpFttlng u y I n r O f r M C

an increase of shore line of over 50pe cent. . At the very lowest esti-mate it is claimed there is certainly40,000 miles of ocean shore line onthe Pacific belonging to the UnitedStates, and this does not includethe great bays opening directly onthe ocean, the estuaries of greatrivers, etc.

Important Questiens Answered.

"What will be the effect on laborof a departure in American policy inthe direction of free trade?"



tllUIIMUlllH lrlllllf IHllllllI, Hh I lnHlly I0 iup'll. 1.1 'I..Iial Ut !", K'lit !iriu 1. 1 krt ami iikinlndrlt f.r Iiui.hhi eiM.'lo. lil. .i.fl. I lnKiii.lv lur.m.,

llMluJlUS' C rllii Kin f ID III. wurlli ill lliwil.U( K, M I llIHI,it u Lexer N. V.(Shaker Kxti-.u- -t Koots)ciwhich I took exaetlv hecordinjr

taT r

Oreran Pacific R. IILANDS FOR SALE."If free trade could be adopted

Organ in the Lead!It hat a cane wholly ITNIyfK IN I)RS!1: urjmssinlv Iwautifiil. and mt

together on an KN TMtKLY NKW I'KINCl t'Li: n.iu.. tJuU- - iii-t.- ofwrt-wt- . It irt alwt MOl'SK VIU H)V, liv a c.in.!e ..lit riv.in.-.-- .

METAL CASINGS I'KEVKNT KWKLLLNd OF KEYS IN HYMI NVEATIIEK.A handsome hraeket LAMP, of Gold tinnlird in. lal, iittaehed to each or;;:m,

insures light Ik.Hi Knfe and convenientThUOrgan, with its full and partial nt-- of HI'.EIS. iU diffen-ti- t NTOPS

and COUFLEHS-nor- .e of theiu d'iit jriv- - nitialwrleHit variety of COM-BINATIONS and EX Pit ESS I ON, and in SWEEIM-S- S imd UlCliNESS ofTONE, it it fully equal to any innke.

Every instrument sold with a SIX YEA PS Gl'AUANTEE.I am now introducing tlieiw elegant inst rmn. iiH into WiiNhiii-toi- i County at

SPUPItlSINGLY IjOW FKiLHI-S- .A MAGNIFICENT SAMPLE may lie ween at my honm in I'ok hI Grove.Call anj esniuine.

jlOtf 3IISS. .II. II. I'.I.I.IS.

there would be an instantall tne other deceptive sins of kulnev dn-as- e.

Ths beat ulnmicians in New Haveucould d nothing for him. Ha then bexauxunntc Wttiuer's Safe Cure, 'J00 Uttlei ofwhich he and his family have uaed aud he

shrinkage of values in this country,

to direction-- , and 1 had pottaken the whole of it before Ifelt a change for the In-tter- . Mylast illness began June 3d,,1882, ami continued to August9th, when I hei'an to take theSyrup. 'ery sxn 1 could do alittle light work. The coughleft me, and I was no moretroubled in breathing. Now 1

am perfectly cured ; and oh,how happy I am! I cannotexpress gratitude enough for

Probably the immediate loss wouldequal 20,000,000 ,000 that is tosay, one-thir- d of the value of the

ty LOTS in GUncoe, with a Ketiid nee4-- ana liarn arid a Store, Willi a Hall l. re.This property in well loented ami thebuildings all new. 1'rioe, f 1001).

wati;ikA Stot k of I'.nrkv lunt and

Milliiif' Oils. Ilighf ft lunrkctprieo paid.

country. No one can tell its extent 12 ACUKS of Fir hrnsh land on theroad north of HillMboro lata milt.

J." HI I en Slioriei'!IIoiiih' tA'Ht Time!

Ad'oiiiiiiodntioim l'nriiriMiKeil for Comfortand Hatrty ! luid I'leihM via

ViHjiiiii.i nnd the Oh'i'oii J .njilop- -

Jlietlt Co'h KtfHIIllillijM Mil H.I. I HHI linn liy anv otlur route be-

tween nil Hliil'i in t hitW'llMinettH V'lih-- .V

M;iu I'riuifiHCo !

All things are so interwoven that todestroy one industry cripples another, and the influence keeps on until

JOHN MILNC.it touches the circumference of

is coifa.V. T. CliAWFOTil. propriet-- St. CHiarlesHotel, Jiichuiond. Va., and well known allthrough the South, several yrars aijo wasin the death-agon- y from kitluey disease,convulsions and briyht's disease. The beatPhiladelphia specialirfts in such diaeanepronounced him practically dead ami in-curable. Everything else failing, be to..kWarner's Safe Cure aVundantly aud re-gularly, until fully restored to health, anrlnow he says, "After a lapiw of many yer Iam as sound as a dollar, with no sniptnisof my old trouble. 1 owe my life to War-ner's Safe Cure. "

Kidney disease is the niont deceptive,ho most universal, tbe most ftttal dis-ease.

If the most learned men cannot kno?without the use of iiiiuwcopiral andheniit-a- l tests that -- tliey have kidneylitease, how much more i' tie ln"i--


iTioe, Jf:.'..00r-- ACKES of Timljernnd lSrnsh Land,

1 I with ncrei cleared. Tuin Inrd iswatered by McKay'a Creek, and on the roadnorth of Hill.sljoro two luiles. I'riee, f.T.

( ACUKS, with Honse, Hani. Orcliard.vf and l.raer clear, aud 'J.'t acr ingrans: iniiiiodintt'lv on tbe road two iiiili n

north of llillhboro. t'ricc, fltkio.

IOT on l!nw Lin Street, well lornted.fionse, Itnrn, Well and a good

Diehard tPrice, f40U.

" ti A Acres of Land. ! mile from K. Ii

Over 6.000.000 PEOPLE UTheso revolvera are an exactduplicate of the celebrated


--A. GOODEEV0LVERno longer coats

DAILY PACSEWCCR Tf( l.xrcp! S'liiil'iyti,

Vi.i'i.n:i . . . 7 noArrivn Corvulh .... In IfAi nvH AIIimiiv ... 1 H'

Alliimy I i'A rrive Cn vullj-- 'J mArrive Viuiiiiia " U Id

bEiOKL'a Syrup (Shaker Ex-tract of Koots). Now I musttell you that the doctors in ourdistrict distributed handbillscautioning the people againstthe mo Heine, telling them itwould do no good, and manywere thereby iniluenced to de-stroy the Seigel pamphlets; butnow, whenever one is to befound, it is kept like a relic.The few preserved are bor-rowed to read, and I have lent'mine for six miles 'around ourdistrict. People have come

M .4 .33 Calilair, usingCentre-Fir-o

Caa-tridgjo-a Fortune1 l at Ddley. 4 mile from wli! nnduait to Itf, nnknonn to himnrlj, in lUf rt,AT AT .V A' sm i I

"illlel t Hi

human interests.""What do you think of the polit-

ical outlook?""The people of this country have

a great deal of intelligence. Tariffand free trade and protection andhome manufactures and Americanindustry all these things will bediscussed in every school-hous- e inthe country, and in thousands andthousands of political meetings, andwhen next November comes you willsee the democratic party overthrownniajioui o.rporrby a cyclone.

All other questions 'will be Jos tsight of. Even the prohibitionistswould rather drink boer in a pros

tri'1'i'H nnd Calif uiii.i (ruin:Alhnny nnd Coi vnll'.


I ff.


mi oj aealh, wtio Uo'S not lee I a will ij-4"- uji r.inm urove, v.itn i...UKe.laforinerlv. hut who docH not thii.k anv- - ?,,JJru' "tUel ,1!'sfir.Y f"u huil.Mngx.:hinr aiwciallv ail him, and Ik.s '"t.T "T,ou'1? .terl, and willncian tnav pure hi... that he v.iM L,, racreu at?

. . . lO or 1.". m-ie- s almost clear, and tlio remain- -


Will t rumUnlI'll re hetwi'in Coivallii. Alhnev Mid Sun

TO ALLJn .tlieae days, people re. o-- nie that it der i hinsh laud that will m ike a fls uiflrr tn iirivput ilt.i'u t n ..... . ;. Imrn. Uium nf a llied id ilil.. M.- Ti.: ' ftlpllt'ntit-i- m i

l'l'iUH'irti'O -- It. lil Hl.d CiiIiiii, IjlllO; KailHint Mel r:i'e, K.'.I.IM.

'( HAS. C. llfMil'l ,

an absolute bargniu at per acr.. I J

tMt ttrxM u iiitf it Al l;,'. (1. A I', Alt,..4mle pi get me to buy4 tiTOA Acmm, with Saw mill and a losing InvjiluatJlj to at'.frm mutic )) miIIim, Or.V Aateauuo vJl Mteam, tnree rexitienceH a.ul xtm-- eit" . '1? . 3 I 1 " f V i VM. M. IIO.'.C,Thia pronertv i.-- well locaU-il- . nixt luiriiH.

ndleit i( III--! ill Mi'lllMfJcr.i ue met i nine jor xnem, Know-ing that it cured me, and to be from K. l. Iwill m il the midi-i.'e- d

arrival Mu nrc . nen von knowhat yoo may le in the latest peril an I

.ot have any idea of the faet from anvleft nod act of g, the wi"d:on rise to purcne is to follow the counseltnd experience alxne outlinel, u't 1

horonghlv renovate the ayHteni. !eaiMehe blood", tone the nervea and itiMirerour own life against thcc O'lmn n,nysterioua fataliti

. one-thir- d of thin property or $!... V?. M. FEHH Y ACO.,Uotrolt,rc,iclFULL NICKEL PLATED, RUBBER HANDLEviiurm iru i mtbst mvsrrcr to tbsperous country than huYt with cold ! SJICXTK as wxiasoir.acues with ATWo srouYifoi se:

of rHi!R. hII I rd iinisli. mul si i Oregon Development Co.For sale by Hardware and Gua Dealers overywbere.Manafactnred by THE MAKLI5 FIBE ARM 3 CO., Bew Hsren, Cona.

water and hard times.""The preservation of what v

i- :. ;

7 I Uustang Linimonl I

TI Mrxiciw Witst.kk Ll.liiniT, Prnrlrnlrm.MHfvUt tu iimJIuMJ Wuliilullll. '1 i.


larti that n.t :lt. nit ort'li.ird f nil ..ndH i

of fruit and all of tl: koi iII fruit-- . 'ITti-- t

i ti!;u-- e is fav.r d-!- lM-:itf- on .Mam Str- I in '

MililKr.. 1'iul will mi it n in: ii .." mi.nsu ;

1 will Kell linlf f this platf il-- :m- - .Invi-- part for nr tin iiniti;i .vhf..r Vi, or at!l of it f..r

have jjoL--A ill be the great question. WORLD! Eilsl eja-.n'- iti ltiiiii.liiiit h. 'v iin h il r

mid in I i i!i..- ,'.i, rrimi i'l ill I Hii.iintith the lr.ill.:t I I lie ( tri'i ;i ill I '. liie Kiui- -ru.-ii-l i !i.ii imiiiv ,

Macrazine Rifle.This is the richeKt country aud the!most prosperous country, and 1 Frtr(raaullcm,aIttoM. TWSWM14 sSna nH rrffj fumiM, mm tmm mmtj alwlMri, as nts M lk mmtkH

. Six 7 ibelieve tbm the people have senseenough to continue the iolicy thtj tllmummM Cr MAKLI M VMMK ABMS t P.. Jw ll.ws, fwin nnna n ci ST IDEAL RELOADING TOOLS

WILL CAVC ONC-HA- THE COST Of AMMUNITION. PV?inn A(,,j,s "f lni . 'i .r.sI "v from (:i4t.n. and i, n,.! i

:.'.".. i of v l.md ar.d :.' ; rn s!.l .lied ami clcil urid I', ni-re- ! i nil

Fir ai.d Hazel. Tliero an or. linr.! .t I.Vl ariii; tr-s- . and is water d ly a hpthat lu-v.-- faiU and well. 'I'lnon a i ooil road, and n'r wimn.I. Pi i.i i;.

has given them these results. Inever want to see the civilization ofthe old world, or rather the bar

Msds for alt slsrs of rsrtrldirra wtilrh sra owil In but of the fnttnvlnsl

sure to get the right kind. Iknow a woman who Avas look-ing like death, and Who toldthem there was no help for her,that she had consulted severaldoctors, but none could help

' her. I told her of Seigel'sSyrup, pnd wrote the namedown for her that she mightmake no mistake. She tMkmy advice and the Syrup, andnow she is in Perfect health,and the people around us antamazed. The medicine hasmade such progress in ourneighborhood that jeople saythey don't want the doctor anymore, but they take the Syrup.Sufferers from gout who wereconfined to their leds and could

, hardly move a finger have been1 1 !i rrM

z.iii. vw i f.i. i vktiiii, v in i w lurnmrr, Jllrl. n, KruilllglouW Matitb Wsnsua t atea for all cues aa4 uiskus ul

i AOLU f re

Nil Kill, PArtK AID IIASS. ttCkcapcr and Better thaa mnj otkrr. Kraa lur fric Llat of tluw tuols 14 i'--i

caiih m:d K"hI tiotet. ."().

) f)TS. WITH III H'NE AM W H.I.mm I V !! d ai:d III tllll vat I.Ml. llle(-- . VVn

barism of the old world, gain afooting on this continent. I am anAmerican. I believe in American

imfwoturliiK CoiuiMiiiv. c.

M.!Ui f'ii';;,I in i .! ii .,' i. t i .i n;

'. !'i Wi ill . iil'n , .hueiliiu ,.'!t" .' y, , I u. i , ,1 iily . v

I Ii-- .hi M, ii. I iy, J

Wili.ni I l e .ii'. y h . , i v , " 17r.'f.ti-u- i i l:-- - '.,( hn 'niilio , " WWillunn (ti ... ' ' ;io

I'.tml vvrtNAtI'.'.'-l- i in h .1 n'lu-'ilii- v, .1 nly CH ill. Hin t e l. v 'ii.iwl.it', HI '.iii.I i l n I l '; '. i ... " ' j i

llliiini ile " 1'4L.i.tei n i iii'.'i ii I'rnl ' , " :mN ill.uiu lie iilii y. Aujf. f

The Coi.' Hiiv I'i' i t ven Hit' i irl,t in i litm;Hll lliii lii l s illh? tliilei,

h. Ii. 'IIIHV, C.ti. I'. , V. Aii iiI,;in Miiii'i'iiiiii iv st .,

a"l If h.in I'liini'Mi'ii, f .ai.

kxlHIU. Haw llou, ca. 'OA ACUKS. UNIMPKOVEn. MihlvSO"' Smthof llill.lairo. well wittered: lavaideas that is to say, in equal rights,well and near t!ie Creninery at l'niiiii:;: m.and in the education and civilization

of all the people." Ingersoll. NEW GOODS !nmi coiu a on t t- - tli roitd. I'riee, iK VvK

MCI I.AHCIK AXI WKI.Ii V nrrntiLed lieidence. with nil limn-snr- y

ut'nildin.t, liearaw Fruit Tree-t- . i ndSix Nituated tiar the new brick 1 l - k SELIM.in lliilHtxiro, for sale at fi.U5l.

(Government Tim her.

l'l tBLo, Colo., June 24. United

Do TOU feel dull, languid, lowpirited. 11 fe--hf.

and hirtewitoUiljr mixerable. both I'hysl-eall- yand mentally ; experience a flense of

1 ullnesa or bloatm after eating, or of srore-new- ,"or emptinecw of tooiach in tb moro-tns- r.tontrue coated, bitUir or bal taste intuoutb. irrefralar appetite, dizziness, frequentbeadaihea, blurred eyesin lit, "ttoatinBpeeUs"before tbe eves, nervoiia firoatratum or ex-haustion. Irritability of temper. Jiot tlunhea,Jternatinr with chilly aeosatSTna, Bbarp.titiu transient Lero nrvii there, coldfeet, drowsiness aitcr meula, waicef ulnnw, ordisturbed and ti.irofreshiiiK step, constant,Indeacribahla feeli;jf of dread, or of Imuend.Idk calamity?If you have aR, or any conalilerahlo numberof these irmiitiims, you are siilrrin from

i S i



H 3mm M'

'I 'in; i:i:rrin h :. vi.i: i.i iai:k1 I'lipiile T.-i- Stallion. ;ll iinke HieCASH TALKS! 0VERLAI1D TO CALIFORNIAS.-s- i( ssh in V ;.sliiii"in Cieirly us

fullia:I Inn davM. id Win. Wi l.-- .. f.e.ir t w

'lli'irsd.iy null nrnl nil I i ill v ii.n.ii,at lireeuvill-- ; nil tdlt.-- il it rt lit lli. f irm olthe iiiwlerM mil. i.ne null-- id JIiIIiIhiio.

SimiIIm i n raellit ('omitini) 'lilM'.

.States Marshal Mitter returned to-

day from the mountain slopes along;the east hide of San Luis valleywhere he had been looting after tbetimber depredations upon the timberon government land.-t-. River saw-

mills have been operating there andhe reports that after a great quantityof lumber had leen taken out the

un Acres, t miles T ri iu iiniHUoro,(jf acres of plow and 15 acres of twist ireland; housi, barn, and 70 living tree inorchard, and is watered by a uprin. I r..N

li uiilea from achtiol. and in on a fixlrmid, l'i miles from erennierv; Ki'i mi enfrom Portland, i'riee, lr'ni.(iii.

mTy Acrea,2 miles from llill-tlior- w.thI bonne, liHrn. orchard, well, wisd

sbed, etc., and 40 acres nnder plow aud inmeadow. Price, L,1(I0.U..

I have other land of nne quality t.iniimeroux to mention


v'mfc miw. cuionwii or Amera-a- n tiiuialiUilious Dyspepsia, or TorMd laver, associatedWith DvgneDSia. or Imilkn-Htiim- . TimTHE NIT. SHASTA ROUTE !'Sort !

Tlie St-aso- u

liiMiir:iiw-- v .

ooinpncated your disease bus becoma, thegreater the number and diversity of armo-fotr- w.

No matter what staire tt bis reached.nse- - MamsUbI 41aMas bM.H.,.1

Wehrung& Boscow

IIIMeMlOItO. Oltl .0,.

. 10.00 fs fa

cureu oy ii. .inert? is a gill mour district f w ho caught a coldby going through some water,and was in bed live years withcostiveness and rhcumaticpair.s,and had to have an attendantto watch by her. There wasnot a doctor in the surroundingdistrict to whom her motherhad not applied to relieve herchild, but eveiv one crossedtberrmelve:; im.l sai.l they could nothelp her. Vv'lmu v r t'ne little bellrang1, which i vn in our placewhen anybody is tl I, uV t!iou,'U

, Burely it was for hci ; bat Seigel'BSyrup ami Pills vS'uJccr Jlstraitt ofRoots) saved her life, and now she

" " " v bf aavsaivu vfll jiucvferrwill sutMlue it. if tiiken ftriintr hiI. SlIU1'lime E luf eti I'oillitiiil milltiia for a iraMonabk lemrth of ti inn. t e iu v 'Is a I Uiik Im It, otl llitmxlcured, complications multiply and Consump-

tion of the huoars. Skin Diseases. Heart li f Memill men got into quarrels. Theemployes triel to burn out the California Cxnesa Train Hun Daily

Ivtwern 'orUaii nnd P.nn irrrinciaco.timber in their respective canyons. Ileal wtate- - Acent.ltheu mat ism. Kidney Iliseasie, or ott-- r irnivemahtdiea are quite liable to s-- t in ami. sooneror Inter, iiifiuew a. fatKl tnmimt !..nTDr. Pierce's) Voidest Itledlral Dla.?i?wr7 ??! P0!1"1.1' "P00 layer, abdthromrb tlatt mreat bliod-puri- ty inir criran.cleanses the system of all blood-tuln- ts and lm- -

tiavk JtsT Ki:ct;iVi:u a wmx

SEI.I.M wi'Il'Ii", ovi-- r I VI I .!imiK; m byold UoliuiiriKo, n IVleh- - nli: il nil hy Wanhiliilnli. he l.v old Nilir.dk I'lllull, of I'll 1 form.i; :M d.mi Old N ill v, owned by Win. Jolin-wh- i.

.f tilmciie, ii.iw dee. n l, known hhhe I'.iiH . i.i re, Klie l.y imp Kumlder, itt horoiii'iilired.Every MWHible earn will I l iken to (ire-V- ilit fwciJeiii-i- , but no reHkaiaihility

awHttneil1". M. 1 tCK-iS- '.

Selected Stoek ofil IKUC.ortliind n I. M.OREGON. III C IIIThe result was that in the prevailing

dry weather and strong gales overA unn K.

K I'liiiieiMe.i , MA.MI oi il.ind. . Iiii'iw A.MSail Emu. :;kj J', M.

IIIMr.OKO.t; tfv- rciifr IhtHff, .un'.tSHniLiij,'twenty square miles of the finest

pine timber in the state has been HIM flt;lnbor. AvrJ: f.. I.SBVa. . I AllllTv.u.ira i, i it,..,, ..TT ts Z 1 ,uVhukhu, . . Tho Marsual m.h ilia! r iK . hi ,SI, Culmid ;i:4ft I. M.Mm Out ,fm!ITie value of the timber alreadydestroyed is over f200.000 and thefijg is Btill raging.

rT .11,1, y.rr--i b SI Dwatoairb Hrup. Tastes iriMXt. Use I I AmWJ u tutin. Hi.liJ by drnifgwts. I I w t. XT

puritiea, iroia whatever cause arisinir. It Isequally efficacious In acting- - upon the Kid-neys, and other excretory orraoa, deanauia'strengthening--, and healing their diseases. Aian appetizing, restorative tonic, it promoteediw"tK" !tJ itotri.irf tVwtiJi.K-bot- bflesb and strena-th- . la nwiarial diatrieU.this wonderful medicine btia gained greatcelebrity In curing Fever and Ague. Chills andFever, Dumb Ague, and kindred disease.Dr. Pierce's) Oolden ItledlcaU Dlgwcry .

CUHES ALL IXUOnS.from common Blotch, or Eruption, to thnworst Scrofula, tlt-rheu- m. " tvverorea."caly or Uooab 8kin, in short, all diseasescaused by bad blood ar conquered by thiapowerful, purifying', and invisroratlns; medi-cine. Great Hating Ulcers raplilly beat under. bin'rn Influence. Especially baa it mani- -


fiehht- -- ITit erj'uoCly was aHtonishcdwhen they saw her out, knowipg-ho-

mny ye.vrs nho liad leen inbed. To-tin- y hhe aild.-- LtT grati-tude to miuc- - for GkKi ii mercies andSijel'B Syrup. JIaeia Haas.

Shaker Medicines are now leinrold in all p:u t- - of the world, ami

are working wonders, as shown inthe above case. A. J.' White,v 64 Warren St., New York.

Millinery Goods


TOURIST SLEEPING CARSFor necor.tiiiixhitioi, of Neeond Class I'ltt-

aell'erH liltMI'lied to I : il enn ' ruins,

The O. A C. It, It. IYitv nril.es eniniei'lioiiwith all the nnulur traum on the ;hm Nidudivintou ftoiu Hie foot ot E Hi it'l l,

West Hide IHviuion.HETWEEN 1'OU'lEAMJ.t COItVAEMS.

Mud Train llail y, e.viejil Siiinl.iy,

I believe Piao'a Curefor Coiiauiniition aaveilnir life. A, II. DowKbiEditor Kmiiiiier, Ilen.ton, N. C, April 23, I87.

I, poiency in curing Tetter. Ecaema.Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scrof-u'!?.lso- re

and Swellings, eu

1 'jtiTinrVMiri larnn rrnrII Hkiij wuuaiiikri noLi.iik' ifuu "

Deaths Front Sunstrokes In Xew Yorkand Boston.

New York, June 24. To-da-y wasthe hottest June day in this city'shistory, there being 99 degrees re-

corded in pome sections. The list offatalities from sunstroke is the

MY Kntire Stock of Millinery Rnd FaneIry Umm1-- i will Im c.Hed out witlmthe next two weeka at

Canned Goods,

Tobaccoand Cigars.

cl6thing,Dress Goods,

EVliilinery Goods.SILKS.



ill I'"oita Mrii im'S- ,- Goitre, or Thick Meek,and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents instamps for brge Treatise, with coloredplates, on Skin li-asr- or the same amountlor a Treatise on Scrofulous Affectiomk

"FCI1TH2 CLCC3 15 THS LIFE."J22?h,Ic!SIMe. '7 "sm? fc PlereenVMea Distoverr, awldigeatioo, fair akin, buoyant spirits, . Ttalstrwurth and bodily bealtlt will be oataUished.


Portland 7:K) A.M.IlilUboio M.1 A. 11.Corvalli l:;UI I. M.liilUhoro fi:Ot P. M.


Alil.lVK.llilhl.oro m 41 A. MCorvnlliH 1 :':.',' Mlll'Uiiiti..ri:(i:i , MI'oiti Mid ..;: ir c. m"Cost es !

j largest ever recorded here in Jane. Albrmy and Co.'vullis Ountiect wttbtrains of the Oregon i'tioi-.io- .

I'xprcha Train l.nily, exei ol Sunday,

Four men, one woman and firechildren were killed and scores ofpersons prostrated by the heat in this

CONSUT.IPTION,which is Scrotal Ofthe Lansns arrestedaiKl cured by this remedy, if tTken intheearlier statres of the diseaae. From Its mar.velous power over this terribly fatal dicease.when first offering- - this now world-f- a m-- d rem!

The bkst Contrh Medielne is Fiao'a Cubk f orCowhumptioji. Childrentake It without ohjeetion.

liy all druggists. &V.AUiavK.

IlillnUiio. , i;.(l ,mMl'MlU'llll,N;M) F.MIIiiIhImho. 7 "lAM

l rVK.Porlhind, 4:.'rf)P.Mlitllshoro.. CiO'il'.MMeMin'villr,r.:4:.A.MHiJihlMin. . ,7::)A.M

A uplriidid rtumrtanity Is" oaTetx-- to nilwthiiio anythui in my line. v

S. C. Itoliei ls'5

KVonu, ir. rierce tnought, seriouslyof enllinfr Jt bis "COKSmii-rio- N Cvkwl," butcity. Brooklyn and Jersey City haresimilar records.

IJostox, June 24. To-da-y was theI. -i- i-.i r it rwi

Portland ".UK) .fimni nun a iuu restneuve fora raniuino which, from Us wonderful com-

bination of tonics or atrenDtlwninir aM.i. watfcE AuisnialfT I CUKEI I BsStUoiuJ 1

- intjMjrrup. Tastas timtd. Dse Ior bewxt-olenngin- tr, anU-bilio- pectoral, and . M .1.1 ty drutnnMa. I

wuuuivc iirupcrueav as unequaicil, not onlvK. P. KOUKKS,

II. KOEIILKIt, AhhI. U. I', .. I', ,Manager. i

Leads as Photographer in the Northwest. ; wojrar. a ue mercuryPictures of the moat prominent men and was 98 in the shade. Thero werewomen of Oreoon and Washington may. . , .... IresH Trim tiling,It

as ajretmHiT for Consomption, but for aUlCbrouic Disease of theLiver, Bloci and Lunno.be aeen at hia Rallery. Towne'8iJeVtri w i several sunstrokes, two oi winch Z .

Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and allI'ATKNT ItCNlNEKSeonducfed for AH)l-IsUA- lE


t it ciFFicK is oriH.sm: v. .

PATE ST OFFICE. We have no miV, all hnmnea direct, hence run

tranaaet Patent hnaineaa in lend time amiat L1S COST than those remote froi.WtSHtNoToa.

Send model, drawing, or photo with A

criition. We advise if patentable or ti I,free of charge. Our fee not dna till p:,t.utis secared.

A hook, "How to Obtain Patent. withreferenoea to actual clients in your Nt.itw,county, or town, sent free, AdUresn

V, A. HXOW 4L JO.y0poite Patent OSloe, Washington, D. 0.

in nia instantaneous pictures ot tin oits i

the remarkable malts obtainedr ueing tbe were t.aXwtirr. JIOSUY TO LOAN.

Send 10 ci iil i jiuHl,'!

we will mail youroyal, valuable, s; ' ,ot (,'imhIs 1 tint wi' f

JJ'Jwk Ppittinnr of Blood, Short.neas of Breath, hrouic Kaaal Catarrh. Brcn.chJtls, Astiima, 8vere (itugbe, and kindred I

affections, it is an efficient remedy. ;

ti'Lowv1)rure'8t8' " 1fl"0 or U --ottld '

a ST Send ttr nml in afamma T T- - - I

BOOTS & SHOESAnd Fne Asaortnie.it of

Purnichinc GoodsFor Itadiertand Gentlemen.

lOTICK IS HEKEBY GIVEN, THAT1 I will not be resjxiisible for any h:l:s

wonMv ec. au wno tuui nia srauio. into any size, in any style, from any

' kind of picture, he guarantera to pive abetter class of work, at a lower price, thanany gallery on the Pacific Coast. All wish-ing pietores enlarged will do well to secureestimates before ordering elsewhere. Cor-respondence solicited, and all orders willreceive prompt attention. Studio 8. W.eor.

'First and Morrison st a., Portland. Oregon.

ADDI7C nd six centu for ntatae.,receive free, a costly box

of (roods which will help all,of either sex, to more money right awaythan anything else in thia world. Fortaneaawait the workers absolutely anre. At once

contracted by my son, Kdwin It. Schmeltzer,book on ConsuptionT diaa,Cfirlft Cispssssry i3socTafiea.

tu the wu v of ii' "

Won ar at once than any thing ehlea. ltoth aenes of all ai.c can Ii m. .and work in spare tin e, or all tha .Capital not rii'iired. We will atari yov.liunieusM pay .um for Hume wh.t Htrtr 1st,once. Htimmon & Oo., Portland, Mama

AVE 00 TO lAiAN ON FIH8T-cla- sa

real eatate aeeurity Hate: 8 pereent If liorrower ya taxes. Will beloaned for a tern, of three years, and insnnisof not leKnthnnmSMiu J W. MASTEUS.

All Linda of Eiirom tnia uate.

1 ated Schol I Ferry, May 29, 18B8.iu:.l .M liAMEh SCUMKLT2EK.

l Pnalnee taken inAddrees Taua fc Co., Aansta Mais. Exchange. jatti-t-f

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