i ii monday and tuesday - university of...

f 1 fef- i c V f it vJ A r r ft vfr II r >r Vfirr O I t TWO II r J i rf yj v s f OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY JUNE 29 1906 s > < 0- t T- IIT fe EVENING STAR- C L BITTINGER L CO l 1C L ittlnftr an4ft R Carroll Proprietor and Publishers I i V C1 ITTINGER- ErffUr awl 6 n ral Manager i R R CARROLL i Ii Me City CdiUr and iiwfntw Manager j NOTIQE TO DELINQUENTS t We have a number of subscribers In the city who are so tar behind with s their subscriptions that their names I will be dropped from the lists on the SitkofTYlYi unless payments are made 3 thC ccounts This Is business so it y Vwant your paper pay up Jt tHE GLORIOUS FOURTH 4 Thepeople of Ocala and several i I thousand of their friends from the country will celebrate the glorious Fourth of July next Saturday Ocalas Fourth of Juiylias been more Idely- aJld systematically advertised this 7 > ear than ever before and the crowd expected to be larger than on any previous day The committee has fr gent out several thousand huge post- ers ¬ t l and have placed big display ad- vertisements ¬ In every newspaper In fifty mites of the city The merchants should get ready for a rush for they will lave It- t The trouble in Persia points to the almost Inevitable partition of that ccuntry between Russia and Great Britain which if It does not occur now is certain to come later It that event Great Britain If she follows her tra- ditional ¬ policy will take the seacoast p and leave Russia the inland It would 1 be wiser to allow Russia to have what she has been working toward for two I hundred yearsan Ice free seaport At present the only Russian ports that are tree from Ice the year around- are on the Black Sea which isnt much better than an Inland lake Free access tQ the Indian ocean by way of Persia would give Russia her greatest opportunity to develop her Immense resources and would make her less 9 threatening to the peace of her neigh- bors The Sultan of Turkey has made Mrs Roosevelt and her daughter 4c Chefakats Mr Roosevelt was made i a Chessle cat by the American car- toonists ¬ t 4 some years ago Prof McKlnney Is sending out to ¬ day the last load of his fine melons t from his Candler field They go via IL Tampa to Key West when the pro- fessor ¬ L Is disposing of them at fair j prices ATr Hardwood a pioneer resident- of Leesburg came up this morning to secure piping for a well It Is so dry all the ponds and many of the wells I 4s4 have dried up Mr Hardwood has q J9 en a trucker for many years and p until this season he never tried wat ¬ ermelons He shipped his crop in bar ¬ rels and they netted him 9 cents each which he said was some money He made inquiries of his old neighbor I t Major GM Hubbard and was sur- prised ¬ to learn that he was now a Resident of that prosperous mining Itown Globe Arizona Rev McKinley the Presbyterian I pastor at Cahdler will go to SV Au- gustIne Ins few days to 1111 for a I month the pulpit of the Memorial PresbyterIan church in that city dur- ing ¬ the absence of the pastor y H W Jones bookkeeper for the Marlon Hardware Company spent the Sabbath on the lake a guest of Mr and Mrs X Carstens Mr Carstens r met Mr Jones at Eastlake Saturday afternoon and carried him to north J lake in his neat little motor boat Captain Haskell the retired mer ¬ chant of South Lake Weir who ac com nled his sisterinlaw Mrs Marshall to Jacksonville returned to the kke yesterday Mrs Marshall re- sides I in Waycross- Mr J G McDowell of Indianapolis Indiana who came down with the re- mains ¬ of his brother the late W M McDowell will remain a few days at the home of his brother at Oak A Ir Mr G A McLeod of Tampa the ij well known lumber man is a guest of the Ocala House Messrs W K Baldwin and W L Post of St Louis Mo are guests of t the Ocala House Ac Mrs Souter of Sparr is building Ev r two very pretty cottages of seven room each They are just west of 4 vMrPaekhama home The houses are being built by Mr JS Leach and if 1 will be completed by the first of Sep- tember ¬ j B P Garnett an oldtime Pennsyl vanlan who years ago purchased the Owen grove on Lake Griffin was a business visitor in Ocala Saturday I Miss Ervine who is the lovable h companion of MrsE A White with her sister spent Sunday in Ocala They were shopping here In company with YrsEA White They will leave for Pabl j Beach Wednesday to spend the summer All the auto owners of DunneUq- p will enter the auto race In Ocala on the Fourth and It will be a battle royal for blood and money I U Thursday night the Baracas will Vmeet at Mrs Standbys residence A K full attendance is desired i 7 > Mrs Redding and two child ten of Jacksonville who have been visiting friends In Brooksville stop ¬ ped oyer fii Ocala yesterday on their J way home to visit Mrs B N Redding jL Miss English the stenographer at the H B Masters Co left Sunday for New York Miss English made many it frlends In Ocala during her stay here I Who will regret her departure- Mr E and Mrs Ed Nix returned to- day to from their honeymoon at White Springs They were met at the de- pot J by Mr Nixs parents Mr and Mrs flTlll Nix and daughter Ruth of Ken 1 irlck where after a few Jays visit they will return to their home at Hernando- Mrs if- E Thagard home from a visit to friends at Reddick 1 R C DaVIs II Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand I typewriter upon easy terms If desired- I s f f I cl r t J r LOUIS MARTIN- r r 4 imA telegram announcing Mr Martins death has Just b received Robert Martin recejyd a telegram- this afternoon that his brother Mr LouIs Martin was dying near Lake City where he has been staying for- a few days Mr Martin Is a nephew of Mr JB Martin of this city and has been ill with lung troubre for the past year or two gradually growing weaker and his death has been ex- pected ¬ for some time THEIR FOURTH OF JULY The residents of Lake Weir the Ocala commuters and others enjoying Its balmy breezes propose to nave a Fourth of July all their own a gen- erous outburst of pure unadultenitvl Americanism that will put to blush our mercenary display A grand pro cession of all the boats on the lake will rendezvous at the north side of the lake and under the shadow of tile beautiful oaks the people will there break bread together and enjoy them- selves ¬ in a good homelike way SALE ABIG SUCCESS Today began the second and last week of the Annual Clearance Sale at the Boston Store and Manager Frank says the sale is exceeding his expec- tations ¬ Every day has been a busy one and Saturdays and Mondays bring more customers to the store than the large force of salesmen can wait upon The sale will close Saturday night July 4th LOCAL LEGISLATI- ONA claJ meeting of the city coun- cil ¬ was held this afternoon with the following members present viz J D Robertson H C Jones Rhelnauer L W Duval and E T Helen stoJi The object of the meeting was to name a meat and milk inspector and- it was resolved that whoever the coun- cil ¬ should elect he would have to ap ¬ pear before the Board of Health and stand an examination to show his competency and that said party fur ¬ nish whatever chemicals or instru- ments ¬ needed to make such tests as would come under his care success- fully ¬ On motion of Mr Duval Dr E P Guerrant was named for such posi- tion ¬ and he unanimously elected Mr Rh lnau r moved that as Mr L W Duval alderman at large waj about to take his vacation and In con- sideration ¬ of his service to the city and fidelity to duty he be granted- the same salary during his absence as when present The motion was unani ¬ mously adopted and the meeting ad ¬ journed NEW LINE OF BICYCLES- I have a complete line of standard high grade bicycles and will sell them- on easy payments Come in and get particulars B F Condon LATEST SHEET MUSIC I Notice our window display of sheet music We have Just received a num- ber ¬ of the very latest and most pop ¬ ular pieces Call and look them over DFCondon successor to the Ocala Music C- oGOOD THINGS TO EAT DEVILED CRABS SOFT SHELL CRABS t LOBSTERS SHRIMP CODFISH BALLS FINDON HADDOCKS HERRING IN TOMATO SAUCE BROOK TROUT IN TOMATO SAUCE BROILED MACKEREL KIPPERED HERRING CLAM CHOWDER SMOKED SARDINES IN TOMATO SAUCE O K GroceryC- lark Bros ProprietorsP- HONE 174 ICEB- est Quality Prompt Service Lowest Price Buyfromth- eBLUE WAGONS OCAlA ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT TAYLOR Pfatie 3- 4CHAMBERLAI I j o r- JD < e I J Inm- I V A few doses of this remedy will In ¬ variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhoea It can always be depended upon even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and choler inorbns It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea and cholera infantnin in children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take Every man of a family should keep thlsremedyin his home Bny it now PRICE 25c LARGE SIZE 50c I bj r BERLIN ELECTRICAL THEATER CHANGE OF PROGRAM DULY Program for this Evening THE FLOWER GIRL TIT FOR TAT- A MOTHERS CRIME SHE WANTED TO BE AN ACTRESS J Open Promptly at 330 P M Admission 10 Cents Children 5 Cents H M WOOD PROPN- orth Magnolia Street Opposite Mc Iver MacKays KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Conventions held every Mon- day ¬ evening in Castle Hall over Pey ¬ sers store A cordial welcome to vis- iting ¬ I knights H M Hampton C C Chas K Sage K of R and S IOOFTn- JUI Lodge No 22 I O O F meets every Tuesday even ¬ ing iri Yonges Hall Visiting brothers always welcome J F Thompson N G M M Little Secretary- F AM- a Marlon Dunn Lodge- No 19 meets In the temple on the first and third Thursday evenings of each month Visiting brothers cordially Invited W D Graham W M Jake Brown Secretarv TONIGHT If you would enjoy tomorrow take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight They produce an agreeable laxative effect clear the head and cleanse the stomach Price 25 cents Samples free at all drug ¬ stores SPECIAL DINNERS The dinners at the Elk Cafe for 59 cents are the best In the city I Mrs S Joyce Claremont N H writes About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foleys Kidney Remedy- It cured me of a severe case of kidney trouble of several years standing It certainly Is a grand medicine and I heartily recommend it Sold by All druggists THERE ARE OTHER VIRTUES Speaking arguments and argu ¬ ments for prohibition the most popu ¬ lar and potent one is that liquor is responsible for pretty much all the woe want and degradation of man kind and very few of our own race and country deny it Well what about the Turks who are abstainers Is there nothing of want naugnt of woe and an absence of degradation among the Chinese Are the Arabs models- of manhood such as are pictured as the result of prohibition in this coun ¬ try How about the lovely and ma- jestic ¬ red man before he became ac ¬ quainted with tfie firewater of the white man Temperance and sobriety- are all right and should be enjoined upon and practiced by all but tney are not the whole cheeseTampa Times HE GOT WHAT HE NEEDED Nine years ago it looked as if my time had come says Mr C Farthing 0 Mill Creek Ind Ter I was so run down that life hung on a very slender thread It was then my druggist rec cmmended Electric Bitters I bought- a bottle and I got what I needed strength I had one foot In the grave but Electric Bitters put it back on the turf again and Ive been well ever since Sold under guarantee at all drugstores Fifty cents EARLY BREAKFASTS- You can get an early breakfast at the Elks Cafe if ou are going out of own IP- OOR MILK- Is often thought to be responsible tor- n infants loss In weight or general pcor health The cause usually is that the child has worms They get the nourishment in the food and the raby starves actually starves Whites Cream Vermifuge expels the worms and nourishes the child sure and safe Price 25 cents Sold by AntiMono- poly ¬ Drugstore WAR ABOUT A WELL- A Georgia White Woman In Jail for Shooting a Negress Camilla Ga June 28Warrants have been sworn out here for Mrs J C Byce a white woman living four miles west of town charging her with the murder of a negro woman and her son a boy about 12 years old charging him with shooting at an ¬ other- It appears that there had been some trouble between the parties about the use of a well and they met at the well late yesterday afternoon and af- ter ¬ a few words Mrs Byce fired at the negress killing her instantly Mrs Byces son is charged with shooting at the son of the negress with a rifle- Sheriff Smith left for the scene of the killing about 10 oclock last night returning later with Mrs Byce whom- he placed in the county jail ROGERS LIVERWORT- TAR AND CANCHALAGUA- For the complete cure of coughs colds asthma and bronchitis and all lung complaints tending to consump- tion ¬ Liverwort Tar and Wild Cherry have for ages maintained an estab ¬ lished reputation as a standard cough remedy It contains no opium or harmful drug Can be given with safety to children Price 51 Sold by druggists Williams Manufacturing- Co Props Cleveland O Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore CITY MAPS FOR SALE The new city maps are now on sale at the office of the city perk in the city hall Price 1 each A HOW THE PUBLISHER GOT EVEN- A newspaper publisher has recent- ly ¬ brought suit against fortyfive men who would not pay their subscrip tionstions obtaining judgment In each claim Of these twentyeight made affidavit that they owned no more than the law allowed thus preventing attachment Then under the decision- of the supreme court they were ar ¬ rested for petit larceny and bound over in the sum of 300 each All but I six gave bond while six went to jaiL The new postal law makes It larceny- to take a paper and refuse to pay for ILEx- THE GRINDING OF LENSES FOR SPECTACLES Is a delicate operation It requires skilled workmen at high salaries to grind lenses by prescription The smallest Deviation from the proper curvature makes a big difference in the lens The measurements are made with very sensitive instruments and my lenses are ground for me by work ¬ men of the highest skill and scientific training DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Florida I Office Hours 8 to 12 a m and 130 to 430 p m Optical Office and Laboratory Rooms 2 and 4 Gary Block BALLOON ASCENSION- The Fourth of July Committe has secured the services of Mile La Pap ¬ ier who will give several balloon as- censions ¬ from the public square dur- ing ¬ the Fourth with a prize for each ascension THE POLICE COURT There were several cases in the city court this morning and Mayor Nash I S collected 25 in cash fines and con tinued one or two cases The evi ¬ dence In one of the cases showed that Big Boy a negro hack driver had collected 150 from a man for a fifty cent fare and then had a fight over it A warrant was issued for him on this charge also and he will be tried on the charge of collecting excessive fares- It is said this Is often done where the parties are strangers and do not know the law and the mayor proposes to stop It THE BIG HEAD- Is of two kinds conceit and the big- head that comes from a sick headache Does your head ever feel like a gourd and your brain feel loose and sore You can cure It in no time by acting I cn your liver with Ballards Hetbine Isnt it worth trying for the absolute- and certain relief youll get Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore SPIRITED RACES The automobile and motor cycle races for cash prizes on the Fourth of July will be something new for these parts and promise to be big crowd draweds- W R Ward of Dyersburg Tenn writes This is to certify that I have used Foleys Orino I ixative for chron ir constipation and it has proven without a doubt to be a thorough practical remedy for this trouble and it Is with pleasure I offer my con- scientious ¬ reference Sold by al druggists KEEP COOL a I Have electric fans placed in your office or home and keep cool through the hot months It Is inexpensive and a great comfort See Walter Tucker the electrician about them HEALTH AND VITALITY Motts Nerverine Pills The great nerve and brain restora ¬ tive for men and women produces strength and vtallty builds up the system and renews the normal vigor For sale by druggists or by mall 1 per box 6 boxes for5 Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore LOSTBlack silk band watch fob with gold buckle Attached to buckle was charm set with small diamond Think it was lost on Sanchez street June 19th Leave at Teapot Grocer for C J Fralick BICYCLE REPAIR WORK- I S have the only completely equipped shop in the city for the repairing of bicycles typewriters and musical in ¬ struments Prompt attention and work guaranteed B F Condon PILES PILES PILES Williams Indian Pile Ointment will cure blind bleeding and Itching piles absorbs the tumors allays the Itch- ing ¬ at once acts as a poultice gives instant relief Williams Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for piles and itching of the private parts Sold by druggists mall 5c and 1 Williams Manufacturing Co Props Cleveland Ohio Sold by the AntlMopololy Drugstore- Use Planks Chill Toinc Guaran- teed ¬ Price 25c Sold by all druggists I t IT INCREASING The Trouble in Mexico May Be a RevolutionThree State Are Now Involved El Paso Tex June 291 Fifteen hundred troops have arrived In Tor reon Coahuila as reinforcements for the garrison at that point- It is reported that the revolutionists have occupied Matamoras Coahuila about fifteen miles from Torreon ani that Americans are sending their fam- Ilies tway from there as rapidly as possible Two hundred of the Eighteenth Battalion Mexican infantry arrived Lii Juarez yesterday afternoon In ChI- huahua patrols are stationed In the streets and public hauses and the jails are heavily guarded CYCLONE PLOWED A 4 FURROW THROUGH CLINTON Many People KiUd and Injured in a Minnesota Town Clinton Minn June 28A tornado struck this town yesterday afternoon killing seven people and injuring twentyfive some seriously Twenty houses a printing office and two churches were blown down The tornado which was accompa ¬ nied by rain started three miles north- of the town destroyed two farm houses that were in its path and swept over Clinton which has about 400 population- A Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul mixed train was just pulling Into the station as the storm struck the town ifteen freight carS were blown oft the track as was also a passenger coach containing seventeen people All were Injured but it has been Impossible to learn their names or the extent of their Injuries- The two churches which were des ¬ troyed are the Norwegian Lutheran- and the Episcopal Telegraph lines were blown down but as soon as possible news of the disaster was sent to the neighboring- towns Relief trains were run from Gracevllle Ortonville and Monteviedo DO NOT NEGLECT THE CHILDREN- At this season of the year the first unnatural looseness of a childs bow ¬ els should have immediate atentlon The best thing that can be given Is Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar ¬ rhoea Remedy followed by castor oil as directed with each bottle of th remedy For sale by all druggists A DARING INNOVATION- Some Cleveland Girls Wear Directory Gowns at an Aristocratic Summer Resort I Old Orchard Maine June 28Uens half hose the real genuine kind care- fully ¬ supported by mens real garters clasped about the calf of the leg is the sensation that eight Cleveland Ohio girls have sprung on the people In this artistocratlc summer resort The girls are Theodore Henrietta Martic of Euclid avenue Miss Elsa Goldthwaite Thayer Miss Eloise Hug Hn Miss Eva Osgood Tabor and the Misses Holmes Harper Ebersole and Sweetstair The girls are stopping at one jof the most fashionable hotels in the city Last night they appeared at dinner- In Directory gowns of the very latest sheath models Through the daring little slit at the side could be seen the half hose ana the diamondstudded gold buckles of the mens garters used to support them The affair has created a sen ¬ sation here WILLIAMS KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your kidneys Have you overworked your nervous system and caused trouble with your kidneys and bladder Have you pains- in loins side back groins and blad ¬ der Have you a flabby appearance- of the face especially under the eyes Too frequent a desire to pass urine If so Williams Kidney Pills will cure you Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore FORT KING CAMP W0FW No 14 Next regular monthly meeting will be held Friday evening July 10th at 8 oclock in Yonges HalL Visiting sovereigns are always welcome- G W Martin C C Chas K Sage Clerk Consumptives Made Comfortable Foleys Honey and Tar has cured many cases of Incipient consumption- and even in the advanced stages af- fords ¬ comfort and relief Refuse any but the genuJne Foleys Honey and Tar Sold by all druggists CONCORDIA LODGE F U OF A Concordia Lodge No 181 Fraternal Union of Ajnerlca meets fourth Wed- nesday ¬ of every month 730 p m at Yonges Hall R E Yonge P M Chas K Sage Secretary The Breakers by the Sea SEABREEZE FLORIDA- Is now open under the management of I M MABETTE- The house will be conducted on a higher plane than ever before thor- oughly renovated and refurnished Rooms single or ensuite with or with- out ¬ private baths Fine fishing and the best surf bathing in the world SEA FOOD A SPECIALTY A TRIAL SOLICITED Rates 1 per day and upward according to location of rooms Thoroughly equipped garage arid livery In connection- B H SEYMOUR K MacPHERSON Marion Development Co DEALERS IN Real Estate and Building MaterialWO- OD LUMBER SHINGLES SAND PROPERTIES BOUGHT AND SOLDL- OTS FOR SALE CASH OR EASY TERMS P 0 Box 715 Phone 129 Ocala Fit ma t T 2 01 a I f Plosquto > > CaiiOp f f i 3 < S Lie i E1 Monday and Tuesday L June 29th and 30th > t- f We will pufonsaIe > n r jr i A v t r 72 inch frame mosquito canpiesworth 125 for only c S7c- c t 90 inch iron frame mosquito canopesworth4U5O4 on- yS 0- f 1 1i41 J1 t j < 4 The above bars are full size and will do for any double bed a y f I W twill also offer for tlthdAy- the i i following T > C 1 Jelly glasses with covers for per dozen 1 25Q Table tumblers smooth edges for per ddzen 25 2 qt ice cream freezers for only Ivj 1 T39 > 4 qt ice cream freezers for only iiv 198 First qualityftable oil cloth for only per yard 19c 18 inch cambric embroidery flouncing per yd24G1- as ° lamps fitted with No2 burnersfor only 24C White porcelain and pitchers only 79 LOOK AT THE WINDOWS I t The Variety Store Marcus will see that you are treated right- D I 1t I E McIVER GEORGE MtcKAY 1 McIVER MacKAYDEA- LERS I- NFURNITURE ANDr HOUSEHOLD GOODS firaifire Sieves Odea Crockery Lamps Rap Carpets Hat tiisiLiBoleias Blaikels CoMforls TaMe aii lei lieD Pictures Portiere aid Lace Curtails I Haraess Sallies Trunks Suit Cases and Satchels 1 BUILDING MATERIAL I this Ltee Sewer ail Flue Pipe Lath Sfciijles CeIHat Waftis Carriages Buggies Undertakers GOds CONTRACTORS BUILDERS- Call 4 01 or write is tii prkes Mdver MacKay OCALA FLORIDA U t Low Excursion Rates h p L- J 4fli r i d J- jy > s U LVVJ- A ATLANTIC COAST LINE I Round Trip Tickets at Low Rates wil- lbeonSaleJULY23an64 Limit July 8 t For tickets reaervatlons or information call on neareet A C L agent itI J WCARR Ttfjggft J GKIRKLAND DPA Tampa Florida TC WHITE Pl 1A W J PMIQPTM WifminaUn N C Kjv > O- rr e f- ri I t f 1- f J 1 XP

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Page 1: i Ii Monday and Tuesday - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00883/0591.pdf · f 1 fef- i c V f it vJ A r r ft vfr II r > r Vfirr O I t TWO II r J i rf yj




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1C L ittlnftr an4ft R CarrollProprietor and Publishers

I iV C1 ITTINGER-ErffUr awl 6 n ral Manager



City CdiUr and iiwfntw Managerj


t We have a number of subscribersIn the city who are so tar behind with

s their subscriptions that their namesI will be dropped from the lists on the

SitkofTYlYi unless payments are made3 thC ccounts This Is business so

it y Vwant your paper pay upJt tHE GLORIOUS FOURTH


Thepeople of Ocala and severali I

thousand of their friends from thecountry will celebrate the gloriousFourth of July next Saturday OcalasFourth of Juiylias been more Idely-aJld systematically advertised this

7 > ear than ever before and the crowdexpected to be larger than on anyprevious day The committee has

fr gent out several thousand huge post-ers


t l and have placed big display ad-vertisements


In every newspaper Infifty mites of the city The merchants

should get ready for a rush for theywill lave It-

tThe trouble in Persia points to the

almost Inevitable partition of thatccuntry between Russia and GreatBritain which if It does not occur nowis certain to come later It that eventGreat Britain If she follows her tra-ditional


policy will take the seacoastp and leave Russia the inland It would

1 be wiser to allow Russia to have whatshe has been working toward for two

I hundred yearsan Ice free seaportAt present the only Russian portsthat are tree from Ice the year around-are on the Black Sea which isntmuch better than an Inland lake Freeaccess tQ the Indian ocean by way ofPersia would give Russia her greatestopportunity to develop her Immenseresources and would make her less

9 threatening to the peace of her neigh-bors

The Sultan of Turkey has madeMrs Roosevelt and her daughter

4c Chefakats Mr Roosevelt was madei a Chessle cat by the American car-


t 4 some years ago

Prof McKlnney Is sending out to ¬

day the last load of his fine melonst from his Candler field They go viaIL Tampa to Key West when the pro-


L Is disposing of them at fairj prices

ATr Hardwood a pioneer resident-of Leesburg came up this morning tosecure piping for a well It Is so dryall the ponds and many of the wells

I 4s4 have dried up Mr Hardwood hasq J9 en a trucker for many years and

p until this season he never tried wat ¬

ermelons He shipped his crop in bar ¬

rels and they netted him 9 cents eachwhich he said was some money Hemade inquiries of his old neighborI t Major GM Hubbard and was sur-prised


to learn that he was now aResident of that prosperous mining

Itown Globe Arizona

Rev McKinley the PresbyterianI pastor at Cahdler will go to SV Au-

gustIne Ins few days to 1111 for aI month the pulpit of the MemorialPresbyterIan church in that city dur-ing


the absence of the pastor

y H W Jones bookkeeper for theMarlon Hardware Company spent theSabbath on the lake a guest of Mrand Mrs X Carstens Mr Carstens

r met Mr Jones at Eastlake Saturdayafternoon and carried him to north

J lake in his neat little motor boat

Captain Haskell the retired mer¬

chant of South Lake Weir who accom nled his sisterinlaw MrsMarshall to Jacksonville returned tothe kke yesterday Mrs Marshall re-

sidesI in Waycross-

Mr J G McDowell of IndianapolisIndiana who came down with the re-


of his brother the late W MMcDowell will remain a few days atthe home of his brother at Oak


IrMr G A McLeod of Tampa the

ij well known lumber man is a guest ofthe Ocala House

Messrs W K Baldwin and W LPost of St Louis Mo are guests of

t the Ocala House

Ac Mrs Souter of Sparr is buildingEv r two very pretty cottages of seven

room each They are just west of4 vMrPaekhama home The houses are

being built by Mr JS Leach andif

1 will be completed by the first of Sep-tember



B P Garnett an oldtime Pennsylvanlan who years ago purchased theOwen grove on Lake Griffin was abusiness visitor in Ocala Saturday

I Miss Ervine who is the lovableh companion of MrsE A White with

her sister spent Sunday in OcalaThey were shopping here In companywith YrsEA White They willleave for Pabl j Beach Wednesday tospend the summer

All the auto owners of DunneUq-p will enter the auto race In Ocala on

the Fourth and It will be a battleroyal for blood and moneyI U

Thursday night the Baracas willVmeet at Mrs Standbys residence AK full attendance is desired


Mrs Redding and two childten of Jacksonville who have beenvisiting friends In Brooksville stop ¬

ped oyer fii Ocala yesterday on theirJ way home to visit Mrs B N Redding

jL Miss English the stenographer atthe H B Masters Co left Sunday forNew York Miss English made many

it frlends In Ocala during her stay hereI Who will regret her departure-

MrE and Mrs Ed Nix returned to-

day to from their honeymoon at WhiteSprings They were met at the de-potJ by Mr Nixs parents Mr and MrsflTlll Nix and daughter Ruth of Ken

1 irlck where after a few Jays visitthey will return to their home atHernando-

Mrsif- E Thagard home from avisit to friends at Reddick


R C DaVIs II Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhand I

typewriter upon easy terms If desired-I s



cl r



4 imA telegram announcing MrMartins death has Just b received

Robert Martin recejyd a telegram-this afternoon that his brother MrLouIs Martin was dying near LakeCity where he has been staying for-a few days Mr Martin Is a nephewof Mr J B Martin of this city andhas been ill with lung troubre for thepast year or two gradually growingweaker and his death has been ex-


for some time


The residents of Lake Weir theOcala commuters and others enjoyingIts balmy breezes propose to nave aFourth of July all their own a gen-erous outburst of pure unadultenitvlAmericanism that will put to blushour mercenary display A grand procession of all the boats on the lakewill rendezvous at the north side ofthe lake and under the shadow of tilebeautiful oaks the people will therebreak bread together and enjoy them-selves


in a good homelike way


Today began the second and lastweek of the Annual Clearance Sale atthe Boston Store and Manager Franksays the sale is exceeding his expec-tations


Every day has been a busyone and Saturdays and Mondays bringmore customers to the store than thelarge force of salesmen can wait uponThe sale will close Saturday nightJuly 4th


ONA claJ meeting of the city coun-cil


was held this afternoon with thefollowing members present viz J DRobertson H C Jones RhelnauerL W Duval and E T Helen stoJiThe object of the meeting was toname a meat and milk inspector and-it was resolved that whoever the coun-cil


should elect he would have to ap¬

pear before the Board of Health andstand an examination to show hiscompetency and that said party fur ¬

nish whatever chemicals or instru-ments


needed to make such tests aswould come under his care success-fully


On motion of Mr Duval Dr E PGuerrant was named for such posi-tion


and he unanimously electedMr Rh lnau r moved that as Mr

L W Duval alderman at large wajabout to take his vacation and In con-


of his service to the cityand fidelity to duty he be granted-the same salary during his absence aswhen present The motion was unani ¬

mously adopted and the meeting ad¬



I have a complete line of standardhigh grade bicycles and will sell them-on easy payments Come in and getparticulars B F Condon


Notice our window display of sheetmusic We have Just received a num-ber


of the very latest and most pop ¬

ular pieces Call and look them overDFCondon successor to the OcalaMusic C-













O K GroceryC-lark Bros ProprietorsP-

HONE 174


est QualityPrompt Service

Lowest PriceBuyfromth-



Pfatie 3-


j or-

JD< e





A few doses of this remedy will In¬

variably cure an ordinary attack ofdiarrhoea

It can always be depended uponeven in the more severe attacks ofcramp colic and choler inorbns

It is equally successful for summerdiarrhoea and cholera infantnin inchildren and is the means of savingthe lives of many children each year

When reduced with water andsweetened it is pleasant to take

Every man of a family should keepthlsremedyin his home Bny it nowPRICE 25c LARGE SIZE 50c

Ibj r




Program for this EveningTHE FLOWER GIRL




Open Promptly at 330 P M

Admission 10 CentsChildren 5 Cents


orth Magnolia Street Opposite McIver MacKays


Conventions held every Mon-day


evening in Castle Hall over Pey¬

sers store A cordial welcome to vis-iting


I knights H M Hampton C CChas K Sage K of R and S


JUI Lodge No 22

I O O F meets every Tuesday even ¬

ing iri Yonges Hall Visiting brothersalways welcome

J F Thompson N GM M Little Secretary-


aMarlon Dunn Lodge-No 19 meets In thetemple on the first

and third Thursday evenings of eachmonth Visiting brothers cordiallyInvited W D Graham W M

Jake Brown Secretarv


If you would enjoy tomorrow takeChamberlains Stomach and LiverTablets tonight They produce anagreeable laxative effect clear thehead and cleanse the stomach Price25 cents Samples free at all drug ¬


SPECIAL DINNERSThe dinners at the Elk Cafe for 59

cents are the best In the cityI

Mrs S Joyce Claremont N Hwrites About a year ago I boughttwo bottles of Foleys Kidney Remedy-It cured me of a severe case of kidneytrouble of several years standing Itcertainly Is a grand medicineand I heartily recommend it Soldby All druggists

THERE ARE OTHER VIRTUESSpeaking arguments and argu ¬

ments for prohibition the most popu ¬

lar and potent one is that liquor isresponsible for pretty much all thewoe want and degradation of mankind and very few of our own raceand country deny it Well what aboutthe Turks who are abstainers Isthere nothing of want naugnt of woeand an absence of degradation amongthe Chinese Are the Arabs models-of manhood such as are pictured asthe result of prohibition in this coun ¬

try How about the lovely and ma-jestic


red man before he became ac¬

quainted with tfie firewater of thewhite man Temperance and sobriety-are all right and should be enjoinedupon and practiced by all but tney arenot the whole cheeseTampa Times

HE GOT WHAT HE NEEDEDNine years ago it looked as if my

time had come says Mr C Farthing0 Mill Creek Ind Ter I was so rundown that life hung on a very slenderthread It was then my druggist reccmmended Electric Bitters I bought-a bottle and I got what I neededstrength I had one foot In the gravebut Electric Bitters put it back on theturf again and Ive been well eversince Sold under guarantee at alldrugstores Fifty cents

EARLY BREAKFASTS-You can get an early breakfast at

the Elks Cafe if ou are going out ofown IP-


Is often thought to be responsible tor-n infants loss In weight or general

pcor health The cause usually isthat the child has worms They getthe nourishment in the food and theraby starves actually starves WhitesCream Vermifuge expels the wormsand nourishes the child sure and safePrice 25 cents Sold by AntiMono-poly




A Georgia White Woman In Jail forShooting a Negress

Camilla Ga June 28Warrantshave been sworn out here for Mrs JC Byce a white woman living fourmiles west of town charging her withthe murder of a negro woman andher son a boy about 12 years oldcharging him with shooting at an¬

other-It appears that there had been some

trouble between the parties about theuse of a well and they met at thewell late yesterday afternoon and af-ter


a few words Mrs Byce fired at thenegress killing her instantly

Mrs Byces son is charged withshooting at the son of the negresswith a rifle-

Sheriff Smith left for the scene ofthe killing about 10 oclock last nightreturning later with Mrs Byce whom-he placed in the county jail


For the complete cure of coughscolds asthma and bronchitis and alllung complaints tending to consump-tion


Liverwort Tar and Wild Cherryhave for ages maintained an estab ¬

lished reputation as a standard coughremedy It contains no opium orharmful drug Can be given withsafety to children Price 51 Sold bydruggists Williams Manufacturing-Co Props Cleveland O Sold by theAntiMonopoly Drugstore

CITY MAPS FOR SALEThe new city maps are now on sale

at the office of the city perk in thecity hall Price 1 each



A newspaper publisher has recent-ly


brought suit against fortyfive menwho would not pay their subscriptionstions obtaining judgment In eachclaim Of these twentyeight madeaffidavit that they owned no morethan the law allowed thus preventingattachment Then under the decision-of the supreme court they were ar¬

rested for petit larceny and boundover in the sum of 300 each All but I

six gave bond while six went to jaiLThe new postal law makes It larceny-to take a paper and refuse to pay forILEx-


Is a delicate operation It requiresskilled workmen at high salaries togrind lenses by prescription Thesmallest Deviation from the propercurvature makes a big difference inthe lens The measurements are madewith very sensitive instruments andmy lenses are ground for me by work ¬

men of the highest skill and scientifictraining DR D M BONEY

Eyesight SpecialistOcala Florida

I Office Hours 8 to 12 a m and130 to 430 p m Optical Office andLaboratory Rooms 2 and 4 GaryBlock


The Fourth of July Committe hassecured the services of Mile La Pap ¬

ier who will give several balloon as-censions


from the public square dur-ing


the Fourth with a prize for eachascension


There were several cases in the citycourt this morning and Mayor Nash


S collected 25 in cash fines and continued one or two cases The evi ¬

dence In one of the cases showed thatBig Boy a negro hack driver had

collected 150 from a man for a fiftycent fare and then had a fight over itA warrant was issued for him on thischarge also and he will be tried on thecharge of collecting excessive fares-It is said this Is often done where theparties are strangers and do not knowthe law and the mayor proposes tostop It

THE BIG HEAD-Is of two kindsconceit and the big-head that comes from a sick headacheDoes your head ever feel like a gourdand your brain feel loose and soreYou can cure It in no time by acting

I cn your liver with Ballards HetbineIsnt it worth trying for the absolute-and certain relief youll get Sold byAntiMonopoly Drugstore


The automobile and motor cycleraces for cash prizes on the Fourth ofJuly will be something new for theseparts and promise to be big crowddraweds-

W R Ward of Dyersburg Tennwrites This is to certify that I haveused Foleys Orino I ixative for chronir constipation and it has provenwithout a doubt to be a thoroughpractical remedy for this trouble andit Is with pleasure I offer my con-


reference Sold by aldruggists



Have electric fans placed in youroffice or home and keep cool throughthe hot months It Is inexpensive anda great comfort See Walter Tuckerthe electrician about them


Motts Nerverine PillsThe great nerve and brain restora ¬

tive for men and women producesstrength and vtallty builds up thesystem and renews the normal vigorFor sale by druggists or by mall 1

per box 6 boxes for5 Sold by theAntiMonopoly Drugstore

LOSTBlack silk band watch fobwith gold buckle Attached to bucklewas charm set with small diamondThink it was lost on Sanchez streetJune 19th Leave at Teapot Grocerfor C J Fralick



have the only completely equippedshop in the city for the repairing ofbicycles typewriters and musical in ¬

struments Prompt attention andwork guaranteed B F Condon


Williams Indian Pile Ointment willcure blind bleeding and Itching pilesabsorbs the tumors allays the Itch-ing


at once acts as a poultice givesinstant relief Williams Indian PileOintment is prepared for piles anditching of the private parts Sold bydruggists mall 5c and 1 WilliamsManufacturing Co Props ClevelandOhio Sold by the AntlMopololyDrugstore-

Use Planks Chill Toinc Guaran-teed


Price 25c Sold by all druggistsI


The Trouble in Mexico May Be aRevolutionThree State Are

Now Involved

El Paso Tex June 291 Fifteenhundred troops have arrived In Torreon Coahuila as reinforcements forthe garrison at that point-

It is reported that the revolutionistshave occupied Matamoras Coahuilaabout fifteen miles from Torreon anithat Americans are sending their fam-Ilies tway from there as rapidly aspossible

Two hundred of the EighteenthBattalion Mexican infantry arrived

Lii Juarez yesterday afternoon In ChI-huahua patrols are stationed In thestreets and public hauses and thejails are heavily guarded


Many People KiUd and Injured in aMinnesota Town

Clinton Minn June 28A tornadostruck this town yesterday afternoonkilling seven people and injuringtwentyfive some seriously Twentyhouses a printing office and twochurches were blown down

The tornado which was accompa¬

nied by rain started three miles north-of the town destroyed two farmhouses that were in its path andswept over Clinton which has about400 population-

A Chicago Milwaukee and St Paulmixed train was just pulling Into thestation as the storm struck the townifteen freight carS were blown oft thetrack as was also a passenger coachcontaining seventeen people All wereInjured but it has been Impossible tolearn their names or the extent oftheir Injuries-

The two churches which were des ¬

troyed are the Norwegian Lutheran-and the Episcopal

Telegraph lines were blown downbut as soon as possible news of thedisaster was sent to the neighboring-towns Relief trains were run fromGracevllle Ortonville and Monteviedo


At this season of the year the firstunnatural looseness of a childs bow ¬

els should have immediate atentlonThe best thing that can be given IsChamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar ¬

rhoea Remedy followed by castor oilas directed with each bottle of thremedy For sale by all druggists


Some Cleveland Girls Wear DirectoryGowns at an Aristocratic

Summer Resort I

Old Orchard Maine June 28Uenshalf hose the real genuine kind care-fully


supported by mens real gartersclasped about the calf of the leg is thesensation that eight Cleveland Ohiogirls have sprung on the people Inthis artistocratlc summer resort

The girls are Theodore HenriettaMartic of Euclid avenue Miss ElsaGoldthwaite Thayer Miss Eloise HugHn Miss Eva Osgood Tabor and theMisses Holmes Harper Ebersole andSweetstair

The girls are stopping at one jof themost fashionable hotels in the cityLast night they appeared at dinner-In Directory gowns of the very latestsheath models

Through the daring little slit at theside could be seen the half hose anathe diamondstudded gold buckles ofthe mens garters used to supportthem The affair has created a sen ¬

sation here


Have you neglected your kidneysHave you overworked your nervoussystem and caused trouble with yourkidneys and bladder Have you pains-in loins side back groins and blad¬

der Have you a flabby appearance-of the face especially under the eyesToo frequent a desire to pass urineIf so Williams Kidney Pills willcure you Sold by the AntiMonopolyDrugstore


W0FW No 14

Next regular monthly meeting willbe held Friday evening July 10th at8 oclock in Yonges HalL Visitingsovereigns are always welcome-

G W Martin C CChas K Sage Clerk

Consumptives Made ComfortableFoleys Honey and Tar has cured

many cases of Incipient consumption-and even in the advanced stages af-


comfort and relief Refuse anybut the genuJne Foleys Honey andTar Sold by all druggists

CONCORDIA LODGE F U OF AConcordia Lodge No 181 Fraternal

Union of Ajnerlca meets fourth Wed-nesday


of every month 730 p m atYonges Hall R E Yonge P M

Chas K Sage Secretary

The Breakers by the SeaSEABREEZE FLORIDA-

Is now open under the management of I M MABETTE-The house will be conducted on a higher plane than ever before thor-

oughly renovated and refurnished Rooms single or ensuite with or with-


private baths Fine fishing and the best surf bathing in the world


Rates 1 per day and upward according to location of roomsThoroughly equipped garage arid livery In connection-


Marion Development CoDEALERS IN

Real Estate and BuildingMaterialWO-



P 0 Box 715 Phone 129 Ocala Fitma


T2 01

a I f

Plosquto >

>CaiiOp ffi


< S Lie i


Monday and Tuesday

LJune 29th and 30th




We will pufonsaIe > nr jr i Av t r72 inch frame mosquito canpiesworth 125 for only


S7c-c t90 inch iron frame mosquito canopesworth4U5O4 on-


f 1 1i41 J1 t j

< 4

The above bars are full size and will do for any double bed a



Wtwill also offer for tlthdAy-the

ii following T > C


Jelly glasses with covers for per dozen 1 25QTable tumblers smooth edges for per ddzen 252 qt ice cream freezers for only Ivj 1 T39 >4 qt ice cream freezers for only iiv 198First qualityftable oil cloth for only per yard 19c18 inch cambric embroidery flouncing per yd24G1-as

°lamps fitted with No2 burnersfor only 24C

White porcelain and pitchers only 79LOOK AT THE WINDOWS



The Variety StoreMarcus will see that you are treated right-


I 1t






firaifire Sieves Odea Crockery Lamps Rap Carpets HattiisiLiBoleias Blaikels CoMforls TaMe aii lei

lieD Pictures Portiere aid Lace CurtailsI

Haraess Sallies Trunks Suit Cases and Satchels1


this Ltee Sewer ail Flue Pipe Lath Sfciijles CeIHat

Waftis Carriages Buggies Undertakers GOds



01 or write is tii prkes



t Low Excursion Rates h

p L-

J4fli r





>s U LVVJ-



Round Trip Tickets at Low Rates wil-

lbeonSaleJULY23an64Limit July 8 t

For tickets reaervatlons or information call on neareet A C L agent itIJ WCARR Ttfjggft J GKIRKLAND DPA


WifminaUn N C Kjv > O-

rr e f-


It f 1-



1 X P