university of hawaiʻi · r i u a.' 4 0 if ii v ii i 07 ii iii pi t i m i f r ifti r r i nr - r i i...

r i u a.' 4 0 if ii ii i 07 V ii iii Pi t i m i f r ifTi r r i nr - r i i -- wu j NT Ml, XL-- NO. 79- - HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. THURSDAY, APRIL 3, L890. PRICE 5 CENTS. tt V business djaris. i&fau) 2tfHttrttsemcnts. SWORDFISH KILLING. Bow Dlock Ill- - It Is Carried On by the J. B. CASTLE, Australian Mail Service ercial Advertiser; and and Connecticut Mariners. There is both money and fuii in Commission Merchant. MM j JABUSHEO,Srl j, jcblished HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY, Corner of Fort and Mercliant Streets, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Office Cartwright Building, sword fishing. A few years ago few fished for the big, wily, wicked and solitary pirate fish of the ocean; then smacksmen chased him in their swift craft for the sport the novel cruise af Merchant Street, : Honolulu, II. I. ;oruii.g Eept Sundays, mm wy FOR SAN FRANCISCO, Hie new and fins Al steel Bteamship GENERAL. AGENTS, EXPEKT 46 Merchant St. forded to idlers at summer resorts, who paid $1 a head to see the fisher RENOWNED FOR WILLIAM O. AOHI, men stand up to a swordflsh and stick TONE & DURABILITY New York, Sept. 25 J1889. ACCOXJN TANTS AND COLLECTOES, 6 Attorney and counsellor at law, Mnrpos a harpoon into him. Finally, since the dietary merits of broiled swordfish were recognized, swordfishing became Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu. Sand REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, CUSTOM Notary Public and Real Estate ISroker. wich is. Gentlemen: We take pleasure in ac a steady and lucrative vocation. . gli rr. mnth ... Ul Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due New London. Stoninarton and espe knowledging vour acceptance of the Sole ai uonoiuiu irom syauey ana AucKiana Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- m cially Block island are the homo of Agency of the " Fischer " Pianos in the GAZ.. foreign ( 6 00 HOUSE, LOAN AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. 0 Departments of Business: Sandwich Islands and we hereby confirm swordlishmcn. To open the sword postage) the same. fishing season it is necessary only for on or about April. 5, 1890, J. M. DAVIDSON, We further direct vou to notifv the gen a smacksman to fix a board walk up to i Advance. mriftbiy eral public mat you are tne Sole agent Books and Accotjkts accurately kept and properly adjusted. Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made. the end of his bowsprit, where a littlo cacre is erected for the haroooner to Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished lor tne "Fischer "riANosand that any Kianos bought from any other source will by a great risk to the pur stand in and lash a long tailed harpoon Van: And will leave for the abeve port with maila and Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely engrossed. Office Kaahumanu Street, along the side of the bowsprit: then he chaser by not receiving the Genuine ' Fischer" Piano and all guarantees will BiWAlUS GAZETTE CO.. 46 Merchant 8t., Copying and Translating in all languages in general nse in this Kingdom. passengers on or aoouttnataate. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C be withdrawn from the same. &5-i- y ivogers). Honolaln. H. I. .KEAL estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured. Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected. Fire and Life Insurance effected in first-cla- ss Insurance Companies. We have no doubt but what you will n meet with great success in the sale of these Win. G7 Irwin & Co., is rcauy uj cruise, no sans rigni out toward the Gulf stream, twenty, thir- ty or forty miles, near whose tepid water the swordfish loves to float laz- ily near the surface, his dorsal . fin just 1 V- - ! A At it A GARDNER K. WILDER, instruments, and wishing you all pros- perity, we remain, gentlemen, AOKNTS. Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. Any Article Purchased or sold on commission. Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. Yours very truly, J. & C. Fischer. snowing anove ana cutting toe water ittoriievat-I.a- w like the coulter or a sod plow. The smack swims smoothly ud to tho fin CFPre-eminentl- y the best instrument and the harpooner drives his long han- - p!AM C. PARKE, made. Endorsed by all the leading musi For Sydney and Auckland. Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. cians of the age. Will stand hard usage in any climate and guaranteed bv the ciieu iriaem into tne Dig nsn. 10 uio end of the spar is attached by a strong cord a floating bouy, which the har ALL tomevat-Law- . makers for 5 years. (IU'd (Catalogues free.) 77 lZttt-l- y PROF. G SAUVLET, BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION AT MODERATE CHARGES. pooner lets go overboard as soon as ho strikes the fish. No sooner does the LiSKaahumanu Street, Hono " Sold on Monthly Installments" AT THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT lulu, n. i. fish feel the cold steel in his vitals than The new and tine A 1 steel steamship Piano, Violin and Singing Lessons. Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years in he is off in a furious rush into the wide WILLIAM. C. ACH1, t 6 ocean, dragging along the Duoy, At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave.; Tele. ALAMEDA" New York City and elsewhere,'we feel competent to attend to all business of an intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully solicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. which points out to the fisherman nd Counsellor at taw, and &yy, or will visit pupus ai ineir residence. 35-t- f the course he is taking. The smacks- - 84-l- m D the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be Bal Estate Broker. Bell Telephone No. 274. 29 1304-t- f men sail after the tish until he tires 1 the Courts of the Kingdom. himself out: then they will kill him . Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms, due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about Apr. 12, 1890. at their leisure, lift him aboard, and Le Merchant St., Honolulu. go cruising for more game. Cor. Queen and Nuuanu Sts. A smitten swordflsh docs not al- ways die iflnominiouslv. and when the LEWERS & COOKE, And will have prompt di3patcn with malls an Goods of aU descriptions. sold on . t nt.l,inn CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS, commission. assengers for the above ports. For rreisrht or uassasre. havine SUPERIOR AC :ccS3or8 to ewers wv""" notion pops into his nead, as it fre- quently does, that he will make it live- ly for the enemy, he is an ugly antag- onist Twice last summer wounded swordfish drove their long, sharp . ... w ntnlijtv COMMODATIONS , apply to ft anu w-- . Mutual Telephone 631. 31-l- y J Kinds of Building Materials. Win. GL Irwin & Co., C. B. WELLS, ;T STREET. Honolulu. 152 swords, clean through, tha sides of smacks; and in one instmco the vessel Shipping and Commission Merchants, AGENTS Pioneei' Steam ffl I. WATEEHODSE, CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. Wm. G. Irwin. Clans bpreckels barely escaped going tho , bottom, the sea pouring in through the brc!rcn planks. In another fnstanca a tiq swordfish towed a smack ccrcral miles,' the harpoon lino being fcrtcntd tQ the vesseL New York Sun. F, HORN Practical Confectioner, PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. - DEALERS IN Importer uid Dealer in AL MERCHANDISE. Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealer CLAUS SP11ECKELS & CO., Fastry Uook ana tsaKer. No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74. $41 Queen Street, llonolnln. ltf 1209 35-- tf BANKERS. AND BUILDERS"AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Thej Feared mm. A Jonesboro CGa..) correspondent of HACKFELD & CO., The Atlanta Constitution tells this HAWAIIAN ISLANDS HONOLULU Tlie Liverpool and Lon story on a resident called Uncle Bad Commission Merchant. al Commission Agents Morrow: don and Globe PLANTATION" SUPPLIES, - Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, Draw Exchange on the principal parts o the On one occasion when U&ds Sad went on to Virginia with clothing and home cooked rations for the boys, he world. h. Fortt Queen St8., Honolulu, ltf INSUBANOB OO 421Queen Street, Honolaln. did not get there until late in the eve Will receive deposits on open account, make BEAVER SALOON, collections and conduct a general banking and ning and found the Tenth Georgia in line of battle, so he concluded to stay HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS ESTABLISHED 1836.1 W Opposite Wilder & Co.'s, exchange business. all night with the regiment, as he had UXOLTE, PEOPRIETOB. A.t. S 40.OtlO.O00 "Telephones Mutual 620 ; Bell 67 Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav inchta Sprvpfl with TV. Coffee. Net Income 9,079,000 1305 10-3- m lngs Department subject" to published roles and Claims Paid 118.59,000 Rater, dinger Ale or ill It. frequently done. That night about midnight tho "long rolr' sounded, and tho alarm was given that the Federals were ad- vancing bv thousands: couriers and regulations. 17ocatf Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and General Merchandise. i from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. NEW HONOLULU MEAT MARKET Takes Risks against. Loss or Damage by Fire on Buildings.-Machiner- y, Sugar Mills.DwellingB an' Requisites a Specialty. ltf and Furnitur; on the most iavorauie terms. aids were dashing hither and yon or ANDERSON & LTJNDY, Located at the Fish Market, W IRON WORKS CO., Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, S3 Dentists. 33ish.op & Oo. ' 1188-6- m im fteam Engines, Manr Mi Hi, Coolers, Brass 3VX. E. LIVINGSTON", : Prop. ARTIFICIAL TEETH Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington" Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. 13Q4 l-- y d Lead Castingrs, frnm nnA f r art pnt.irp Set 111- - (Formerly of Metropolitan Market.) CASTLE & COOKE, Tf t T ft Rrted on eold. silver, allum- - 01 Mil'TT nf Proi--r ionrfnnn marl tk in innm and rnbber bases. dering all hands to look out ana do ready to advance at a moment's no- tice. Uncle Bad was in a dilemma, but soon took in the situation. ' He called lustily for a gun and cartridge box: they wero furnished him, but in the intense excitement of the moment he found the belt was too short to reach around him and then he thought that he could wear it over his shoulders like an old fashioned coon skin shot bag. This he did, and ' it drew the box of cartridges close up to hi wmpits, so Family & Shipping Butcher work a snecialtv. To 'ob work executed on the shortest Life, Fire and Marine ltr persons wearing rubber plates which are a Our Sausages a Specialty. constant source 01 imwwuu w t." HE ROYAL SALOON, mouth and throat, we wouia recommena TmhvlnrHfi Metal Plate. All oper All orders will receive prompt attention Insurance Agents! and delivery to any part of Honolulu. 5aana autl Merchant Streets ations performed in accordance with the JOHN NOTT, DIMOND BLOCK, 95;and 97 KING STREET. GIVE ME --A. TBIAL! latest lmprovemcuta m ucuwi ow-"- ' Teeth extracted without pain by the use of AGENTS FOB : Cnder the Management of H. P. Wolter, that be would have to mount a tun up JNitrous uxxae was. Telephones Mutual 622, Bell 400. on tiptoe to get his hand to it At 1 ..LSI 22-3- m New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. fWt In .!. . i . .. . . no- - Hotel street, Tregloan premises. 55-l-y H. R. HITCHCOCK. J. MC'QUEEN. . ouv variety or ine nest wines. ne got mmseu nggea as a soxoier. anu straightening himself f his '-i- ll six feet two, with a sigh ta said4Now. --- .uu ic com Deers on draught at OP BOSTON. JAMES NOTT, JR., practical LaUaiMl See Us.f3l ltf let 'em come." tna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. Tho boys say that it T a a fal&o HAWAIIAN TRANSFER COMPANY. alarm: at least the Federals did not I E. GOMES, TINSMITH & PLUMBER UNION Office next door to R. More, Kins St. ormerly of Gomes & Wichman.) Insurance Company Bell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. 565. fa7 Wock, No 79 Fort Street, Corner of Kins and Alakea Sts., Honolulu, H. I. FIRE AND MARINE, ifacturinjr Jeweler, TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261; OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. lad residence, Mutual, 230. 1304 1-- y l' 11j anenaeu to. piiiliiionolulu. 48-3-m J Estimates furnished on all classes of Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. First J- - C MARCH ANT, SOMETHING NEW ! class workmansnip and material guaran teed in all the above branches of my busi To be able to get your N'i'mier & Paper Ruler ness latreasonable rates. 44-l- y 4k DRAYMEN. SPRING BEDS PARLOR SETS SUN FIRE OFFICE, f iel St., Press Pub. Co. Building. ah An f nnrntro tromt)tlv attended to. Particular attention paid to the And Every Description of Furniture, come, ana uncle K&a sii'.ois to uiis day that it was because they got wind somehow that ho was in line with the bloody Tenth, and by being there ho saved the boys a hara fight. Til rqnlmanT. While the Esquimaux have a tzx wider range east and west than any other race, there is much evidence that the north and south limits of their territory have greatly narrowed. If tho suggestion of Capt Adams, that the Smith Sound natives, about 200 in number, be removed to south Greenland to prevent them from en- - tirely succumbing to the hardships of their isolated home, were carried out, the north and south range of these natives would be still further dimin- ished. We know that the Esqui- maux once hunted in the northern, part of Grant Land, over 200 miles north of the present homes of the Smith Sound highlanders. On the other side of Baffin's bay the Esqui- maux not long ago often went to Cape Sabine, where . Greely's party passed their last winter, but they nave uot been heard of so far north for some years. On Banks Land McClure '?K OF RESIDENCE. OF LONDON. Established 1710. Storing and Shipping of Goods in Stores, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods. Transit to Other Islands. tStRtaHp ?l SE?OVED FROM Polom. Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti- - S Has-9- to 12 m., and 6 to 9 p.m. Restuffed and Covered, At Reasonable Rates and in the Best Manner. Peal direct with the workman, D. M. CROWLEY,Working Upholsterer 110 King St., near Alakes. directly opp. Gala. Fruit Store. Insurance effected upon every description of propert j at correal rates or premium. Plumbing. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Wort 0neMutual 608; Bell 475. Total Sum Insured In 1885 . 07,333,700 ties to suit, at lowest prices. CALL FOR DIAMOND CREAMERY Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid WONG SAL wun prompmuae ana u Derail ty. Tne jurisdic tion ox tne ixcai Tribunal recognized. bailor. W. Macfarlane & Co. Grrea Bargains, G-re- at Bargains. "BXJTTEj lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands. i uuuerciotmiiff In lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins. Walker & Bedward, New Bedding, Lounges, etc., to order. Designs and estimates submitted. 129 C. BREWER & COMPANY, (Limited). GENERAL MERCANTILE COMMISSION AGENTS. AFTER TAKING STOCK, ALL GOODS SOLD AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Finest Article for found very old remains 01 iLequimaux huts, but the natives south of Banks Land had not even any traditions of people living so far north, and the natives of Wollaston Land, who would be most likely to go thereto hunt, have said they never co north of Prince Albert sound, which ; u i far couthesst of Banks Land. These acts point net more to the eouthorly rw r -- jaaaux than to the T T"T "Warm Climates. JB. B1. EHLERS & OO. Contractors & Builders Brick, 8tone and Wooden Building ? - Estimates Given. S.FOSTER & Co. k 11111 Mail Grocers, 99 Fort Street, Honolulu. Jobklns i Promptly AttootieAN v. V-' Wholesale Grocers, : SOLE AGENTS. u. ' IV H . alii- - 76 KINO J3TRE3T. 8l-- i, p Box 297, LIST OF OFFICERS: P. O. Jonea. Jr... President and Manager J . O. Carter. Treasurer and Secretary Hon.W.F. AUen.........;...... ....Auditor DIRECTORS: Hon.O.B. Bishop. Hon. H. Waterhouse Kb has bsc conr'i7bly , amorcted, : they are barely cepwr their nur bcri New Cun. " DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT TINDER THE MANAGEMENT Bell Telephone Ho. 9. - . r. 0. EaiC? tUtf California St., San Francisco. 20 and 28 MISS CLARK." l'l7 fe l,89b24o-i- y wi. news.

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    ii i 07V ii iii Pit i m i f r ifTi r r i nr - r i i -- wu jNT



    tt V business djaris. i&fau) 2tfHttrttsemcnts. SWORDFISH KILLING.Bow Dlock Ill--It Is Carried On by theJ. B. CASTLE, Australian Mail Serviceercial Advertiser; and and Connecticut Mariners.

    There is both money and fuii inCommission Merchant. MMj JABUSHEO,Srlj, jcblished HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Mercliant Streets, Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands.

    Office Cartwright Building,sword fishing. A few years ago fewfished for the big, wily, wicked andsolitary pirate fish of the ocean; thensmacksmen chased him in their swiftcraft for the sport the novel cruise af

    Merchant Street, : Honolulu, II. I.;oruii.g Eept Sundays, mmwy FOR SAN FRANCISCO,Hie new and fins Al steel Bteamship GENERAL. AGENTS, EXPEKT46 Merchant St. forded to idlers at summer resorts,who paid $1 a head to see the fisherRENOWNED FOR

    WILLIAM O. AOHI, men stand up to a swordflsh and stickTONE & DURABILITYNew York, Sept. 25 J1889.

    ACCOXJN TANTS ANDCOLLECTOES,6Attorney and counsellor at law, Mnrpos a harpoon into him. Finally, sincethe dietary merits of broiled swordfishwere recognized, swordfishing becameHawaiian News Co., Honolulu. SandREAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, CUSTOMNotary Public and Real Estate

    ISroker.wich is.

    Gentlemen: We take pleasure in ac a steady and lucrative vocation. .gli rr.mnth ... Ul Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due New London. Stoninarton and espeknowledging vour acceptance of the Soleai uonoiuiu irom syauey ana AucKianaOffice 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- m cially Block island are the homo ofAgency of the " Fischer " Pianos in theGAZ.. foreign ( 6 00


    Departments of Business: Sandwich Islands and we hereby confirm swordlishmcn. To open the swordpostage) the same. fishing season it is necessary only foron or about

    April. 5, 1890,J. M. DAVIDSON, We further direct vou to notifv the gen a smacksman to fix a board walk up toi Advance.mriftbiy eral public mat you are tne Sole agentBooks and Accotjkts accurately kept and properly adjusted.Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made. the end of his bowsprit, where a littlocacre is erected for the haroooner toAttorney and

    Counsellor-at-La- w.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished

    lor tne "Fischer "riANosand that anyKianos bought from any other source willby a great risk to the pur stand in and lash a long tailed harpoonVan: And will leave for the abeve port with maila and Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomelyengrossed.Office Kaahumanu Street, along the side of the bowsprit: then hechaser by not receiving the Genuine' Fischer" Piano and all guarantees willBiWAlUS


    46 Merchant 8t.,Copying and Translating in all languages in general nse in this Kingdom.

    passengers on or aoouttnataate.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR

    ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C be withdrawn from the same.&5-i-y ivogers).Honolaln. H. I..KEAL estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Life Insurance effected in first-cla- ss Insurance Companies.

    We have no doubt but what you willnmeet with great success in the sale of theseWin. G7 Irwin & Co.,

    is rcauy uj cruise, no sans rigni outtoward the Gulf stream, twenty, thir-ty or forty miles, near whose tepidwater the swordfish loves to float laz-ily near the surface, his dorsal.fin just1 V- - ! A At it A

    GARDNER K. WILDER, instruments, and wishing you all pros-perity, we remain, gentlemen,AOKNTS.Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.Any Article Purchased or sold on commission.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

    Yours very truly,J. & C. Fischer. snowing anove ana cutting toe water

    ittoriievat-I.a- w like the coulter or a sod plow. Thesmack swims smoothly ud to tho finCFPre-eminentl- y the best instrument and the harpooner drives his long han--p!AM C. PARKE, made. Endorsed by all the leading musiFor Sydney and Auckland.Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. cians of the age. Will stand hard usagein any climate and guaranteed bv the

    ciieu iriaem into tne Dig nsn. 10 uioend of the spar is attached by a strongcord a floating bouy, which the harALLtomevat-Law-

    .makers for 5 years. (IU'd (Catalogues free.)

    77 lZttt-l- y


    AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION AT MODERATE CHARGES. pooner lets go overboard as soon as hostrikes the fish. No sooner does theLiSKaahumanu Street, Hono " Sold on Monthly Installments"

    AT THE MUSIC DEPARTMENTlulu, n. i. fish feel the cold steel in his vitals thanThe new and tine A 1 steel steamshipPiano, Violin and Singing Lessons. Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years in he is off in a furious rush into the wide

    WILLIAM. C. ACH1, t 6 ocean, dragging along the Duoy,At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave.; Tele. ALAMEDA" New York City and elsewhere,'we feel competent to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.

    HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. which points out to the fishermannd Counsellor at taw, and &yy, or will visit pupus ai ineir residence.35-t- f the course he is taking. The smacks- -84-l- m D the Oceanic Steamship Company, will beBal Estate Broker. Bell Telephone No. 274. 29 1304-t-f men sail after the tish until he tires

    1 the Courts of the Kingdom. himself out: then they will kill him. Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms,

    due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

    Apr. 12, their leisure, lift him aboard, andLe Merchant St., Honolulu. go cruising for more game.

    Cor. Queen and Nuuanu Sts. A smitten swordflsh docs not al-ways die iflnominiouslv. and when theLEWERS & COOKE,

    And will have prompt di3patcn with malls an Goods of aU descriptions. sold on. t nt.l,inn


    commission.assengers for the above ports.For rreisrht or uassasre. havine SUPERIOR AC:ccS3or8 to ewers wv"""notion pops into his nead, as it fre-quently does, that he will make it live-ly for the enemy, he is an ugly antag-onist Twice last summer woundedswordfish drove their long, sharp

    . ... w ntnlijtv COMMODATIONS , apply toft anu w-- . Mutual Telephone 631. 31-l- yJ Kinds of Building Materials. Win. GL Irwin & Co., C. B. WELLS,;T STREET. Honolulu. 152 swords, clean through, tha sides of

    smacks; and in one instmco the vesselShipping and Commission Merchants,AGENTSPioneei' Steamffl I. WATEEHODSE,CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. Wm. G. Irwin.Clans bpreckels

    barely escaped going tho , bottom, thesea pouring in through the brc!rcnplanks. In another fnstanca a tiqswordfish towed a smack ccrcralmiles,' the harpoon lino being fcrtcntdtQ the vesseL New York Sun.



    Importer uid Dealer in

    AL MERCHANDISE.Wholesale Grocer and Provision DealerCLAUS SP11ECKELS & CO.,Fastry Uook ana tsaKer.

    No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74.$41 Queen Street, llonolnln. ltf 1209 35-- tf BANKERS. ANDBUILDERS"AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Thej Feared mm.

    A Jonesboro CGa..) correspondent ofHACKFELD & CO.,The Atlanta Constitution tells thisHAWAIIAN ISLANDSHONOLULUTlie Liverpool and Lon story on a resident called Uncle BadCommission Commission Agents Morrow:

    don and GlobePLANTATION" SUPPLIES,

    - Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,Draw Exchange on the principal parts o the On one occasion when U&ds Sadwent on to Virginia with clothing and

    home cooked rations for the boys, heworld.h. Fortt Queen St8., Honolulu, ltf INSUBANOB OO 421Queen Street, Honolaln. did not get there until late in the eveWill receive deposits on open account, makeBEAVER SALOON,collections and conduct a general banking and ning and found the Tenth Georgia inline of battle, so he concluded to stayHOUSE FURNISHING GOODSESTABLISHED 1836.1W Opposite Wilder & Co.'s, exchange business. all night with the regiment, as he hadUXOLTE, PEOPRIETOB. A.t. S 40.OtlO.O00 "Telephones Mutual 620 ; Bell 67Deposits bearing Interest received In their Savinchta Sprvpfl with TV. Coffee. Net Income 9,079,000 1305 10-3- mlngs Department subject" to published roles andClaims Paid 118.59,000Rater, dinger Ale or ill It. frequently done.That night about midnight tho"long rolr' sounded, and tho alarm

    was given that the Federals were ad-vancing bv thousands: couriers and

    regulations. 17ocatf

    Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

    General Merchandise.i from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. NEW HONOLULU MEAT MARKETTakes Risks against. Loss or Damage by Fire

    on Buildings.-Machiner- y, Sugar Mills.DwellingBan' Requisites a Specialty. ltfand Furnitur; on the most iavorauie terms. aids were dashing hither and yon orANDERSON & LTJNDY, Located at the Fish Market,W IRON WORKS CO.,

    Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, S3Dentists.33ish.op & Oo.' 1188-6- m imfteam Engines,Manr Mi Hi, Coolers, Brass 3VX. E. LIVINGSTON", : Prop.ARTIFICIAL TEETH

    Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington" Sewing Machines,

    Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.13Q4 l-- y

    d Lead Castingrs, frnm nnA fr art pnt.irp Set 111- - (Formerly of Metropolitan Market.)CASTLE & COOKE, Tf t T ft Rrted on eold. silver, allum- -01Mil'TT nf Proi--r ionrfnnn marl tk ininnm and rnbber bases.

    dering all hands to look out ana doready to advance at a moment's no-tice. Uncle Bad was in a dilemma,but soon took in the situation. ' Hecalled lustily for a gun and cartridgebox: they wero furnished him, but inthe intense excitement of the momenthe found the belt was too short toreach around him and then hethought that he could wear it over hisshoulders like an old fashioned coonskin shot bag.

    This he did, and ' it drew the box ofcartridges close up to hi wmpits, so

    Family & Shipping Butcherwork a snecialtv. To'ob work executed on the shortest Life, Fire and Marineltr persons wearing rubber plates which are a Our Sausages a Specialty.constant source 01 imwwuu w t."HE ROYAL SALOON, mouth and throat, we wouia recommena

    TmhvlnrHfi Metal Plate. All oper All orders will receive prompt attentionInsurance Agents! and delivery to any part of Honolulu.5aana autl Merchant Streets ations performed in accordance with the JOHN NOTT,DIMOND BLOCK, 95;and 97 KING STREET.

    GIVE ME --A. TBIAL!latest lmprovemcuta m ucuwi ow-"- 'Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofAGENTS FOB :Cnder the Management ofH. P. Wolter, that be would have to mount a tun

    upJNitrous uxxae was. Telephones Mutual 622, Bell 400.on tiptoe to get his hand to it At 1..LSI22-3- m

    New England Mutual Life Ins. Co.fWt In .!. . i . .. . .no-- Hotel street, Tregloan premises.



    . ouv variety or ine nest wines. ne got mmseu nggea as a soxoier. anustraightening himself f his '-i- ll sixfeet two, with a sigh ta said4Now.

    --- .uu ic com Deers on draught atOP BOSTON. JAMES NOTT, JR.,

    practicalLaUaiMl See Us.f3l ltf let 'em come."tna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. Tho boys say that it T a a fal&oHAWAIIAN TRANSFER COMPANY.alarm: at least the Federals did notI E. GOMES, TINSMITH & PLUMBERUNION

    Office next door to R. More, Kins St.ormerly of Gomes & Wichman.) Insurance Company Bell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. 565.fa7 Wock, No 79 Fort Street, Corner of Kins and Alakea Sts.,Honolulu, H. I.FIRE AND MARINE,ifacturinjr Jeweler, TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261;OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA.lad residence, Mutual, 230.1304 1-- yl' 11j anenaeu to.piiiliiionolulu. 48-3-m J Estimates furnished on all classes

    of Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. FirstJ- - C MARCHANT, SOMETHING NEW ! class workmansnip and material guaranteed in all the above branches of my busiTo be able to get yourN'i'mier & Paper Ruler ness latreasonable rates. 44-l- y

    4kDRAYMEN.SPRING BEDS PARLOR SETS SUN FIRE OFFICE,f iel St., Press Pub. Co. Building. ah An f nnrntro tromt)tlv attendedto. Particular attention paid to theAnd Every Description of Furniture,

    come, ana uncle K&a sii'.ois to uiisday that it was because they got windsomehow that ho was in line with thebloody Tenth, and by being there hosaved the boys a hara fight.

    Til rqnlmanT.While the Esquimaux have a tzx

    wider range east and west than anyother race, there is much evidencethat the north and south limits oftheir territory have greatly narrowed.If tho suggestion of Capt Adams,that the Smith Sound natives, about200 in number, be removed to southGreenland to prevent them from en--tirely succumbing to the hardships oftheir isolated home, were carried out,the north and south range of thesenatives would be still further dimin-ished. We know that the Esqui-maux once hunted in the northern,part of Grant Land, over 200 milesnorth of the present homes of theSmith Sound highlanders. On theother side of Baffin's bay the Esqui-maux not long ago often went toCape Sabine, where . Greely's partypassed their last winter, but they naveuot been heard of so far north forsome years. On Banks Land McClure


    Established 1710.Storingand Shipping of Goods in Stores, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods.Transit to Other Islands.tStRtaHp ?l SE?OVED FROM

    Polom.Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti- -S Has-9- to 12 m., and 6 to 9 p.m.

    Restuffed and Covered,At Reasonable Rates and in the

    Best Manner.Peal direct with the workman,

    D. M. CROWLEY,Working Upholsterer

    110 King St., near Alakes. directlyopp. Gala. Fruit Store.

    Insurance effected upon every description ofpropert j at correal rates or premium.Plumbing. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Wort0neMutual 608; Bell 475.Total Sum Insured In 1885 . 07,333,700

    ties to suit, at lowest prices.


    Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paidWONG SAL wun prompmuae ana uDerailty. Tne jurisdiction ox tne ixcai Tribunal recognized.

    bailor. W. Macfarlane & Co.Grrea Bargains, G-re- at Bargains."BXJTTEj lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands.i uuuerciotmiiff In lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins. Walker & Bedward,

    New Bedding, Lounges, etc., to order.Designs and estimates submitted. 129






    Finest Article for

    found very old remains 01 iLequimauxhuts, but the natives south of BanksLand had not even any traditions ofpeople living so far north, and thenatives of Wollaston Land, whowould be most likely to go theretohunt, have said they never co northof Prince Albert sound, which ; ui farcouthesst of Banks Land. These actspoint net more to the eouthorlyrw r -- jaaaux than to the

    T T"T "Warm Climates. JB. B1. EHLERS & OO. Contractors & BuildersBrick, 8tone and Wooden Building

    ? - Estimates Given.S.FOSTER & Co.k 11111 Mail Grocers, 99 Fort Street, Honolulu.

    Jobklns i Promptly AttootieAN v.V-'

    Wholesale Grocers,


    u. ' IV H . alii- -76 KINO J3TRE3T.8l-- i, p Box 297,


    P. O. Jonea. Jr... President and ManagerJ . O. Carter. Treasurer and SecretaryHon.W.F. AUen.........;...... ....Auditor


    Hon.O.B. Bishop. Hon. H. Waterhouse

    Kbhas bsc conr'i7bly , amorcted, :they are barely cepwr their nurbcri New Cun. "

    DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT TINDER THE MANAGEMENT Bell Telephone Ho. 9. - . r. 0. EaiC?tUtfCalifornia St., San Francisco.20 and 28 MISS CLARK." l'l7

    fe l,89b24o-i- ywi. news.

  • 41WEBTI8EK; APRIL 3. 1890.PFIO COMMEF.DAILYiXcia Stttocrtisenicnts.A PROFESSIONAL LIBELLER.create a much greater change in our I in the United States to annex theseJ3i 5lutI)orit).

    isolated condition. It will make of Islands; but we are eviaenuj The Ka Leo, Through the Agency 01.

    AUCTION SALE OFHonolulu a central call port for WSSfJFlr- -.shipping, where captains and agents Editor, J. E. Buah, h KeauceuLibel to a believe that heMr. Bash professes habaia mm,Boatsence as tnat to wnicn we were cour mm0teously invited yesterday, at tneForeign office.can receive orders from their owners,and in this way often save consider-

    able amounts. It will also increaseis one of the few who have discovereu AKDI hinted this in words wnicu we e the wav of salvation, ana iromnrnhnhlv nnrtarstnod to carTV a fairly columns of ex- - jjoat House fixtures.that his naner containsthe number of tourists tenfold, and r. . HABANA ClGABsserious meaning, anuwmcui j - - constant useotthe Dime, acould not be regarded by any one tracts frommany active business men will come

    I will sell at Public Auction, at my bales- -who now do not care to go beyond who heard them as ill-natur- the name oi v,unt,-

    ,i . , . - i mi it : : 4i,oi ort lnticf f.s t ..oforpnpps to faith, hope, cuaniy, rooms, Queen street,tne reacn or tne teiegrapn. xney iujf uwu upmiuu iuqi ou w - -. . i ,! l ! I wn flrfl RRT.IHTmn T I1H.L LUBIO 13 iiv vv i ,i,P 1U1CI ci.i O HABANA CIOn Saturday, April 5th,want to Keep witnin aany communi-- ". : ;f :a t . - ... tI onTPTrrl-mw- Fsv a rn OTJ) tl nTI. - i J 4.U.. onm a Villi ff llltfl (IRCGllCV . it. ,. --i a I OUD QUI T UC1 0 1U1 uuuv.. , i r)Hi!Lt;u tuat OUUJf '"b - -MR. A. P. PETERSON of Honolulu,has this day been appointed a Notary Pub-lic for the First Judicial Circuit of theKingdom.

    L. A. THURSTON,Minister of the Interior.

    Interior Office, March 31, 1890.78-- 3t 1317-- lt

    13-- FOR SAXB BYanon oi tneir ana iamu es, io lie fromijrms better aJet B,eepiDg dogs mor ejpectedand know that all is well, or be able Atth naner. in its reference to representa- - 12 o'clock noon, the following

    well known Racing Boats:All1 am, sir.

    Your obedient servant,Theo. H. Daties

    Honolulu, April 2, 1890.tivesoioxner urautucowi -, --m-T-v T rrvTHTTIOTTT aof which make Christ the corner stone. Six-oar- ed Racing Gig " Muokalani." JliU.XlUJD JO OV JIXJLliprv

    to direct in case of mishaps. Thebusiness of a cable.would be largelyincreased by its daily use by travelers, more than is generally sup-posed. At least it is so elsewhere.

    MiiBat Mr. Bush is discreet in selecting The Six-oar-ed Racing Gig "Kaiulanl1C. L. URABBE has this day been ap-pointed Collector of the Port and Collection IKnhWtfl of libel, and selects thoseEducatinnal Matters. 12 100-l- yThe Four-oar- ed Racing Gig "Unknown."

    who he thinks will not strike back.Mr. Editor: I would like to call The Six-oar-ed Racing Barge "KapiolaiiL"Ever since the beginning of his paper,Let us then have the foreign cableThft Twft-oarf- id Racinff Canoe "B. F. D."nhiprt. of venomous attackthe attention of the

    members elect ofthe Legislature to the great injustice a STATEMENTwith all its attendant gains. Andthose who have the cable busi

    District of llilo, Hawaii, vice L. Sever-ance, resigned.

    A. S. C LEGHORN,Approved: Collector-Genera- l.

    S. il. Damon,Minister of Finance.

    Honolulu, April 1, 1890. 77-- 3t 1317-2- t

    ALSObrought and abase has been Rev. H. H. Parker,to the poor man which is opSets of Cedar and Pine Spoon Oars.ness in hand cannot Dush on the naid to his proleS'about by the compulsory education Furniture and Boat House Fixtures.sion, to his long continued, disinterestedwork too fast. It will pay. law as it stands at present, and to an The Mutual Li Insurance Company 1 1Sale positive ; no reserve !amendment to the same which I and ul-pa- ia services ior mepeople, nor to the utter lack of foundationnr nrovoration for the course pursued.SOME REMARKS ON ANTISHAMUS. think would remedy the matter. RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. ,VOnr comnulsorv svstem. in the Jas. F. Morgan,

    GS-- lt AUCTIONEERMr. Bush no aouDtconsiaesiuiBcwuioc

    manlv.and as showine his independence Ending DecemberFor tne YearThis Great Unknown, it .is refresh 31t, isi,

    main a good one, was orgai ha m cc nnuriM " it ceriaiuiy iIl Mil Aing to observe, is beginning to dress

    iD WARD DEVANSHELLE has thisday been appointed Assistant Guard forthe Port of Honolulu, vice C. L. Crabbe,promoted.

    A. S. CLEGHORN,Approved: Collector-Genera- l.

    S. M. Damon,Minister of Finance.

    Honolulu, April 1, 1890. 77-- 3t 1317-- 2t

    on a par with his general reputation for Supreme Court 0f the Hawaiian Isl- -many years ago when the schoolnonulation affected thereby was 8130,401,3Assetshis thoughts, if his eternal mono ... 1 - 1 ands.The following is a sample ot ins siyier jt -principally Hawaiian. f rnfQronoo tn Mr. VSLTkGr SiUil 1116logues contain such, in a new garb.

    In his last utterances he pulls his Increase in Asset.... m1V AVAW V&i VV w- -

    waiahao church :It is well known that Hawaiian SurplusIN THE MATTER OF A. M. HEWETT increase in surplus..old rickety bones together and JL a Bankrupt. Order on Petition offamilies average small, thus having Receipts"those black sheep.Translated from Ka Leo. I?ankrurt for Discharge from Debts.Notice is hereby given to all parties hav-- nfiasfis to wander aimlesslv over the Increase curing year,raid Folicy-Holde- rs1M tin! m f n rt ? 1. At. T - - A T I Opon reading and filing the petition ofbut few food consumers to be sup-

    plied by the father or bread winner Wo ar sorrv to learn of themixed-u- pfarr3,uM Ue nu n r uepartraent universe of things. His former Increase during 3 earA. M. Hewettof Honolulu, on the island

    of Oahu. -- allecine that more than six Risks assumed7

    liftduring year

    Bv..way of living of one of the members ofKawaiahao church. (A number oflike to the in-

    -- udjr ui AjJiii

    inst.: all payments bv draft will be mad gentle amble, most Increaseof the family. In those days,. too, months have elapsed since he was adjudged ftUa bankrupt and praying for a discharge Increase during yearI..ll.l.. Infrom all his debts.on Mondays. Wednesdays, and Saturdays, offensive gait of a missionary horse, fOQ(j was easily obtained, and it was charges are then made against two mem--between the hours of o a. m. and 12 m. he drops. He is still the missionary no SGr;OU8 trouble to the head of the .bers. .wc:h are "nfi- - for publicttl?-u- iv. rf. master 1S very It is ordered that WEDNESDAY, the

    A . A wz ........... .Increase during year

    Policies written in 188V..Increase over 1888...

    All persons are requested to present their norse, but renaered worldly, as it . if WfirA ftnr:vpd of the . rJTu hiding what he 23d day of April A. D. 1890. at 10 a. m. of; . J :. .Iwl u"" 1. ?"Ju'BhZnnnr to toppi,. And that day. at the Court Koom of Aluplantclaims on proper voucher forms, duly ap- - were, by a bucket full of oats. He isproved and audited, prior to the day of now concise, pungent and somewhat Hale. Honolulu, be and is hereby appointedlaoor or nis cnuaren udiu mey ar-- "o, uu u D..uu...., ... ..... because a widow happens to favor Wil the time and place for hearing of said pe THE ASSETS ARE INVESTED AS FOLLqrived at tne age oi nneen or even unrist's aeistant at KawaiahaoRACY.payment. cox. tition when and where all creditors who- 1 UikikJwwa -How areAntishamus is, however, a horse longer. church is now abusing her. have Droved their claims against saidibank- -

    these things? Firstly, the church is aastray, and his modest title " Stray rupt may appear ana snow cause 11 anyNow, however, this is all changedlteal Estate and Bond & Mortgage LoansUnited States Bonds and other SecuritiesLoans on Collateral Securitiesnull In Banks and Trust Comuanies at Interesthave whv the

    praver of said bank- -Notes," is no misnomer. The

    L. A. THURSTON,Minister of the Interior.

    Interior Office, April 1, 1890. 77-- 3t


    . ... a .t should no be granted.owner, a of the school DODulation shooting place : secondly, it is a place for the:large pwt runcatch large mercantile transactions; thirdly,

    onflv is made up of the children of for-- it ia a cave for robbers and adulterousInterest accrued. Premiums deferred, and in transit, etc.if he has one, would do well to ated Honolulu, April 'J. 18U0.

    A. F. 4-- o nnA iVnorn wVinso narftnta are laborers people. These are the signs Feter pro-- 1oLiabilities (including Reserve at 4 per cent), 126,:i4,o:jApril, 1890.

    uauuvv iuuiuai ago ouu. -- t3 " r -- , . "11 coHiG in the last days anddecay by cutting a mild caper in edi-- on the plantations. This class of ft as if we are really living in thetorial columns. families averasre large, especially the iocf AQve Q;nn Hiprp. rlmnsrs are so alike

    Chief Justice Supreme Court.Attest: Alfred W. Cauter,79-- 3t Second Deputy Clerk.

    Meeting Notice.Su. Mo. Tn. W. Tb. Fr. Portuguese families, a man cmite hat. PAtpr had foretold . We feelSa. Moon's Phases. I have carefully examined the foregoing statement and find thesamtJThe function of Antishamus we often having a troupe of eight or grieved to hear things pertaining to re-- it, aApril 4

    Full Moon. may suppose, is intended to De tnat nine children to feed and clothe, all lierion fiom the members themselves, re--10 11 12 From the Surplus above stated a dividend will be apportionedof a disinterested observer. If the under the age of fifteen. The law garding these carryings on, and for its

    nart is well taken it is a worthv one. t,ntJ.a oil v.n hatnronn ho atraa being allowed. Jf one-hal- f of them haveApril 12

    Last Quarter.14 1615 17 13 19 THE ADJOURNED ANNUALof the Stockholders of the Inter--13

    20T),wo. ;a Itttqtto Knf rma ana I j LtL x ll j ti admitted that those things are true ac--April 18New Moon. V C7, "U HUI . uuu vuv .auw I ill SIT Mill 1 III KHU li(J HLLHUU MlIllllJl. I . . 1 . , A 121 22 23 21 25 26 Island Steam Navigation Co. (L'd.). will bewhence one can fruitfully and wisely and he is deprived of the help of the SJSSxtSi held at the office of the Company, onApril 26First Quarter.28 29 30

    Riuks RisksYear. Assumed. Outstanding. Assets.1884 $ 34,681,420 $351,789,285 $103,870,178 511885 46,507,139 368,981,441 108,908,967 511886 56,832,719 . 393,809,203 114,181.9(53 241887 69,457,468 427,628,933 118,806,851 88

    ODserve ana comment on uuuibu fiMPr nnns to assist m snnDortinff tlie u f that. . . . I X. i. n I III LI1K UilBlUl 40.1HX lUKs xuuuo vr. umvaflairs. 'inat is fromUlympus wnere rG8t. Of course the law is a erood nWnh PnH nh the word of God." TUESDAY, April 8th, at lu o'clock A. M.JAS. L. McLEAN,76-t- d Secretary.J.l- - J ii J i.U J i. . ., . . " . v.... v-- (EVENTS OF TO-DA- Y. me tcuus sit auu wulcu, uiBiuir- - nn as far as those of tender vears isestedly, impartially, with a wide, concerned, for it prevents parents 1888 103,214,261 482,125,184 12G,0S2,153 56..Kim ibncrtiscmcnts. Union Iron Works survey, the contests and strug- - from overworking them, but when a 130,401,328 02.1889..... 151,602,483 565,949,934.

    good,boy is twelve years of age, New York, January 29, 1890.gies or manivind. Antisnamus isnot, however, on this pinnacle andhis criticism wants, therefore, every

    hard work of a reasonable amount ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BOARD OF1 TRUSTEES.will not hurt him, and he could earn L" at a meeting of the subscribers to thecapital stock of the above named Companyheld in Honolulu, H. 1.. March 6. 1890, it

    quality which could make it valu

    Farewell Reception To Mr. Theo. H.Davies at Y. M. C. A. hall at 7:30 p. m.

    Honolulu Rifles Drill Co. A, at 7:30p. M.Fire Department Meetings of Board of

    Representatives at 7:30 p. m.A. fc A. S. R. Nuuann Chapter of Rose

    Croix No. 1, at 7:30 p. m.Y. M. C. A. Roys Meeting at 3 p. m. .

    S. Van Kenw!- -irom nali to two tnirds of. a man sable. It wants the quality of real wages in light plantation work. Charles ILHoHliufus W. feclUwas voted to accept the Charter of Corpordisinterestedness. I propose a plan which, while I am ation dated March 1, 1890, for the term of Georpe Bliss,

    fifty years, granted by the Hawaiian Gov J. HobartHmictsure it will not decrease the educa

    Oliver Harriman,Henry VV. Smith,Robert Olyphant,George F. Baker,Jos. Thompson,Dudley Olcott,Frederic Cromwell,Julien T. Davies,Robert Sewell,Theodore Morford.

    Wm.r.lltnB,tional standard here, will enable

    Samuel E. Sproulls,Lucius Robinson,Samuel D. Babcock, .George S. Coe,Richard A. McCurdy,James C. H olden,Hermann C. von Post,Alexander H. Rice,Lewis May,Jno. W." Auchincloss,Preston B. Plumb,Augustus. D. Juilliard,

    ernment. The liability of the stockholdersis limited to the amount due and unpaidon the shares held. The following officers

    Robert A. GncsHparents to have the use of their Nicholas Clfcichildren's muscles for several more were elected tor the ensuing year:THE DAILY Henry H. Hop

    llliam HatxocIyears than now. J. N. S. Williams PresidentRobert More Secretary & TreasurerAuditor A. J. CartwrightI propose a law exempting all

    1 William D. Washburn,Charles K. Miller,

    I Stuy vesant FistJames . Hnfli.Pacific Commercial Atata. The above named officers also constiutte Vice-Preside- ntROBERT A. GRANN1SS.cnuaren over twelve years ot agfronr compulsory attendance on the

    public schools in all cases where WILLIAM J. E ASTON. fcoISAAC F. LLOYD, 2d Vice-Preside- nt,A. N. WATERHOUSE. Auditor. FREDERICK SCHKOEDEMEMORY McCLlNTOCK, L.L.D., F. I. A., Actuary.

    JOHN TATLOCK, Jr., Asst. Actuary. CHAS. B. PERRY, 2d U

    a Board of Directors.ROBT. MORE,

    56-l-ni Secretary and Treasurer.

    Notice to Shippers.

    Be just and fear not:Let all the ends thou aim'st at be

    Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's. FREDERIC CROMWELL. - - Treasurer.


    HOT --- BUNS !From 5 a. m. to 5 p. m.

    On Good Friday, April 4tli

    JOHN A. FONDA, Assistant Treasurer. WILLIAM P. S.EDWARD P. H OLDEN. Assistant Cashier.


    J. E. BUSH'S METHODS.accommodation of our patrons we beg

    to suggest to them that in cases wheredrays are required for shipping goods toout going steamers and coasters, or in anv

    S. B. ROSE,-- AT THEGeneral Airent Hawaiian Im69-2- m 1314.2Wcase where required, at 1 o'clock sharp ofThere is one feature of Mr. John

    E. Bash's political methods whichevery honorable journalist must con-demn, an. that is his persistent,

    me aay.jney win una tnat dv ringing upMutual Telephone 665 or Bell Telephone100 between the hours of 7 a. m. and 5 p.m.their wants will be promptly attended to.

    Pioneer Steam

    faiy Factory and Bakery wuiuu win uiereuy greatly iacilliate DUS1- - GEO. W. LINCOLN,rwmrc ivwT.T.-TTTanw- w mmm?! t btttt. tic THE FIELDS

    ness to the better satisfaction of all conmalignant and continuous abuse ofcerned.21-3- m HAWAIIAN TRANSFER CO.HOTEL STREET.tue itev. Henry .Parker. It is not

    merely the fact that Mr. Parker is a ffofrti anH ia tirtnr hatar nMnowul n tt nrtv and Ell IF. HORN, Proprietor. appertaining to contracting or any other class cf work belonging to

    t.lm Ramp mvvl anil workman lib-- manrto aa Viorof.-frr- p bavin? COWl"man of unimpeachable purity andintegrity, a man who commands the

    79-- 2t

    expenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of wortintr tn tlm Vmilriincr truHrt that mav Ka antrnetAwl trt mv rare. 1 &H)the same at verv low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and attbeii : : f i a. i , ti u --l:.r troll.NOTICE.

    respect of the whole community. Heis entirely oat of public life, is not acandidate nor a campaigner. He

    --jenruig m uiuiu uuib wuat IB uomg &t ail IB worm uumbThankinir the Duhlic for past favors,

    If you, Antishamus, were reallyon Olympus, we would listen toyours, as to the philosopher's voice,the only true voice from heaven. Ifyou insist upon remaining uponearth, we must assign you a role.You speak with a personal bias,which your pungency underlines.Your judgement of missionaries isnot that of history. It is not that ofsound criticism. It is not that ofJudge Deady whom you willfullymisrepresent. It is simply that of aclique which has damned the mis-sionaries for sixty years, and whichyou voice merely more elegantlythan the average loafer on the streetcornors. The loafer agrees with youentirely.

    In this country, the question ofthe missionary in politics is a deadissue, which nothing but spite caresto revive. You think to make poli-tical capital out of the subject, Isuppose, and in this you are likeanything but a god on Olympus,friend Antishamus. All is grist thatcomes to your mill, if it can only bebent to your purpose let it be asilly true story about flourishing re-volvers in people's faces to inducethem to vote reform, or a hint thatthe festive filibuster is the naturalally of the wicked missionary, or anintimation that the ministers aretyrants and turn coats and spoilsmen what you will, you give cur-rency to it all. This looks more likethe manceuvering of an office seekerthan the dispassionate utterance ofan Olympian critic.

    It is not the missionary who hasbeen the curse to Hawaiian develop-ment but the unscrupulous foreignerwho has never scorned to play onthe weaknesses of the simple andignorant, who has stooped to sowthe dragon's teeth of jealousy,hatred, prejudice and suspicion inorder that an army might spring upto execute his purposes. This is acharacter nothing new in Hawaiianhistory. You are simply the recur-rence of an old type, Antishamus.

    Shame on you Antishamus, youcan write English intelligently, youseem to have wit, you can quote thePandects in English. You mightserve your country. Why will youlend yourself to the business of cir-culating slander, giving currency tounjust inuendoes inventing thepseudo-criticis- m of which you your-self best know the hollowness. Youthink you can ride better than thegentlemen who now hold the reins.Perhaps so, but get yourself into thesaddle by fair means.


    I remain respectfully JWh.d65 GEO. W.

    goes his own private way. The con-stant abuse, misconstruction and in-sult to which Mr. Bush subjects

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEEN THATMaria Gomes da Silva, hav-ing left my bed and board without justcause, all parties are warned that I willnot pay any debts contracted by her with-out my written order.(Sd.) JOAQUIN GOMES DA SILVA.

    77-- 3t

    mm, week; after week and monthafter month, is not merely utterly

    Gate City Stae Filter

    ' ' :,iISS3' '


    uncalled for it is utterly unaccountable..

    LOST,In any other country such conductwould not only kill its author politically, but would make him odiousand would bury him under a moun Drugs and MedicMPOSTAL SAVINGS BANK BOOK NO.The finder please leave at thePostal Savings Bank.Honolulu, March 4, 1890. 54-l- mtain of contempt.


    they can pass a satisfactory examina-tion in reading, writing and thesimple rules of arithmetic.

    The standard and method of ex-amination could be easily arrangedby the Board of Education.

    I believe if such a law were passedthat a large majority of the childrenin the public schools would be aswell advanced at the age of twelve asthey now are at the age of fifteen.Parents would see to it that theirchildren attended regularly and thatthey learned their lessons. At pre-sent it is the exception in the publicschools where children do any study-ing at home, all the lesson-learnin- gbeing done in school hours. Whenparents learn that if their childrenstudy well and advance rapidly theycan earn exemption, I think a greatimpetus will be given to study and,the labor of truant officers be dis-pensed with. Yours truly,

    C. H. Dickey.Haiku, Maui, March 24th.

    Oahu Evangelical Association.The Oahu Association of Evangelical

    Churches (Hawaiian) began its semi-annual meeting in Kaumakapili ChurchTuesday morning;. The Moderator, Rev.S. Kapu of Hauula and Punalun,preached the opening sermon from Bom.5-- 3. Reports from the various churchesnext order: Kaumakapili reported thepurchase of a parsonage, the money be-ing given and solicited by Rev. LowellSmith ; also the reduction of its debt to$3,000, and the gift of a silver service forthe communion table from Hon. A. F.Judd. Fourteen had united with thechurch at the last communion season.The Kamehameha School boys attendworship at this church ; the boys of thePreparatory School at the Kalihi Church.The newspaper talk about missionariesand missionary children has acted like asubtle poison on the minds of some ofthe church members, prejudiced againstthe grace of the Gospel by the abusivelanguage of prominent political leaders.The Pastor's Aid Society has been emi-nently successfnl in securing regularpayment of the pastors' salaries. Someinstances were mentioned of plural mar-riages among Mormons, the parties be-ing dressed in white as as to make sureof heavenly blessedness. A committeewas appointed to consider what addi-tional measures can be taken to guardthe different communities against themany evils of intemperance, gambling,heathen incantations, increasingly rife inalmost every parish. Only two churchesare without pastors, all attempts to se-cure pastors hitherto having failed. Butit was reported that suitable provisionswould soon be made to secure regularpreaching and pastoral services for them.Only one parish is without a parsonage.

    Police Court.Wednesday, April 2.

    Four drunks forfeited bail of $6 andone was reprimanded and discharged, j

    Ah See and - Cheong Shing hackdrivers, charged with heedless driving,were found guilty and each sentenced topay a fine of $30 with $3.40 costs. Ap-peal noted. :

    Job Levika charged with the larcenyof a pair of pants, was remanded.

    BASEBALL GOODS. Fine Chemicals, Toilet ArticThe successful laying of the inter-islan- d

    cable between Oahu andMolokai, which will probably be an MRS. THOS. LACK, AGENT PH0T0GBAPHIC SUPPLIES ofnounced to-da-y, adds another link to FOBthe chain which promises to bringAl C 1 1 i .

    KOT3A.K CAMERAStuo uvu larger lsianas oi our groupinto dmly intercourse with eachother. Maui and Molokai have forseveral months been connected by


    Will receive per Stmrs. Australia andAlameda, a full line of latest

    Baseball Novelties for the Season of 1890.


    Rules and RegulationsFor 1890.

    The M. JL, Seed and the Carbutt Drycable, and as soon as the telegraphpuiea ar ereciea, ana tne wires


    Do not forget that Mrs. Thns. lr

    These Filters are easily cleansed, andNEVER become Cracked or CRAZEDby change of Temperature of the Water.cJSS JilterinS Medium is a NATURALSTONE, mined from the earth. It isunlike any other stone.


    IMPURITIES never PENETRATEit, but lie on the surface, and internallythe stone remains as pure and whiteafter years of use as when taken fromthe mine.

    STRAITON & STORM SE. CORRESPONDENCE. 81 Fort street, has the Agency for theworld renowned Spalding Sporting Goods.75-6- t.

    We do not hold ourselves responsible for thestatements made, or opinions expressed by onrcorrespondents. And Kimball's Vanity Fair

    stretched over the remaining tenmiles of Molokai, daily communica-tion can be had between Honoluluand Wailuku on Maui.

    The advantage which attends thetelegraph in other countries willsoon be as apparent here as there,

    . and in a hundred ways which maynot now be thought of. The move-ment- s

    of vessels, their cargoes and" passengers, may be known here as

    soon as in the: ports they arrived at. or -- leave. In case of accidents to

    mills, repairs can be made in halfthe time that is now required, andlong delays, with their . attendant

    WANTED.FOUR CARPENTERS, RIGHTft away. Apply at the Gazette of Cigarettes & Tobaifice. 74-- tf

    Mr. Davies Answers "Hawaiian."Mr. Editor: Your correspondent

    "Hawaiian" takes me to task for my"apparently ill-natur- ed remarks" inreply to Mr. Atherton at the Foreignoffice conference yesterday.v I must try to bear, as a Christianman may, the statement that I have

    The Gate City Stone Filter is a perfectsuccess. It is the only real' filter 1 haveever seen, f I would not be without one forany consideration. It converts our lakewater into the best drinking water in theworld. Hehet M. Lyman. M. D.,- 633 West Adams 8,, Chicago.

    FOR LEASE.ohSon109-For- t St.,or Sale by the 143 1304losses, ay(McU)d Ih shorty wo jnay THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCEproperty formerly known as the

    Bunealow " situated on Lilih Kt .JHawaiian Hardware Co.,failed to grasp the seriousness of thesituation; but with regard to the ill-natu- re,

    there is simply no case. Mr.Atherton and I are probably at onein the belief that there is no desire

    The Weekly Gazette and Daily P.near Judd St. Alterations and repairs tobuilding will be made to suit tenant. Lo-cation healthful and sufficiently elevatedto command a view of the city and barbor.For terms, etc., enquire of

    51-l- ra J. EMMELUTH.

    7 lifiow wbaf isTranspiring every dayon etch of the ;)viands connected bycable with us. ; - iA foreign cabled however, will

    r .... :. ,Opposite Spreckels & Co's Bank,


  • r

    j DAILY ?ACIFlC COMIRCIAL ADVERTISER, APBIIi 3, imagined the possibilities of annexa-tion lie within the proposed treaty. I

    M" . "E : Hot cross buns An Interesting beg to state that I am an Hawaiian, 1 ULJ lUlUl 1JjJJLljUlliiiUf J--J ' Expression of I lews onthe Subject by Mr. Jas. B. Castle.

    Honolulu. March 31. 1800. Ever Received in Honolulu.TEA! MILLINERY ! MILLINERY !This is Maundy Thursday.

    To-morro- w is Good Friday.

    A phaeton is advertised for.

    To His Excellency Jonathan Austin.r. M.2:002:484:004:48

    A.. 9:00



    Minister of Foreign Affairs, etc.Sir: Uncertain of my ability to be special to the daily pacific com

    baa- -" notice appears else- -A bankruptcywhere.

    lit-erally and in sentiment; have neverowed another allegif.nco; have nevervoted in any other c xmtryy have beenfrom the beginning a believer in thewisdom and benefit, both for ourselvesand others, of Hawaiian-- independenceand more strenuously so than ever onceadmitted autocracy has given place toconstitutional government. To believethat the proposed treaty would mean lessthan it says, or be strained to uses be-yond its face is to comment on the hol-lowne- ss

    of treaties as between other na-tions, and to impugn the intentions ofthe United Suites as endorsed by thewhole of American history in its foreignrelations . If the United States are fav-orable to the lately proposed treaty,Your Excellency, they are asking lessthan I, as a strenuous believer in Ha-waiian independence, would be per- -

    AY TKAI'J Easter Opening !mercial ADVERTISER, HONOLULU,H. I.

    9:45 a. m., April 2, 1S90.From cable ship Catorina, fourteen

    Six days later news from the Coast to

    present at the discussion proposed on the1st. inst. concerning the treaty with theUnited States, I take this method for theexpression of my views on the subject.To introduce and at once bring the dis-cussion to a focus, let me say that 1 be


    p. m.12:301:181:432:31

    A. M.

    9:30"10:15' 11:00


    The Y. M. C. A. boys meet this after-noon at the hall at 3 o'clock.

    miles out Koko Head: Fourteenmiles cable laid in Oahu Channel.Fair weather; signals perfect.

    I.llll At 1 lliiiiii53-t- f Hill.w lieve it to be our duty as well as interestto seek not only a commercial but astrong political treaty. . The easy pros

    J. J. Sherman Bartholomew.Call and examine Mr. Chas.FishePs Easter millinery display.perity ot the last two vears. the undis

    and 3lon The above cablegram was received at N. S. SACHS, Proprietor.San Regular cash sale at L. J . Levey's turbed possession of thesalesrooms at 10 o'clock this morning. teen mighttreaty !F0urI""" - - t T.T0S3. this office at 10:14 a. m., April 2.Bit-."- -

    Late yesterday evening it was learnedC some of his that a flaw in the cable had been locatedC i

    years easily beget a self-con- - fectly willing to pledge and guarantee,fidenceand of finely the so-call- ed "supervision iof oursense security in all but

    7 office" by the United States De--the most thoughtful. To the latter, an partment of State which is such a bug--exammation of the simple facts of the bear to a few of foreign birth, but the

    Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & SaturdayMr. F. Horn will havecelebrated hot cross bunsday from 5 a. m. to 5 p. m.

    on Good Fri-- seventeen miles from Koko Head. Thecable was to be picked ud at that noint.

    situation conclusively show that a rude treaty proposed v.ould be more generousm .a.m.! OF THIS WEEK.The purser of the Oceanic has the SPECIAL. BUSINESS ITKMS.

    g p tB o

    09 O2. o oID r


    ia m- -

    5.54 6.15; 3.145.53 6.15 3.545.52 6.15 4.325.51 6.16 5.085.50 6.16 5.43

    rises5.49 6.16 6.555.4 6.17 7.53

    6.201 C.30 awakening from this dream of perman--thanks of the Advertiser for a report of12U.l . onl H 110 tne voyage ana passenger list. the Ladies of Honolulu to call and inspect our new ando Ml! 8.30 BjtJhYe invite

    elegant stock of9.00

    to us for it would be the supervision ofcounsel and of knowledge, without thedemand of even a partner's voice in thecontrol. It is the strongest guaranteewhich we can seek that constitutionalgovernment shall go on to its full ex-pression and an Anglo-Saxo- n civil

    1L&The latest styles of Hats, Bon-

    nets, Toques, can be seen atSachs' Store, 101 Fort street.

    .10 3W Messrs. John Ashdown and James

    enco would be no strange thing. Takenby single yeara we are apt to lose sightof the vast significance of the treaty inour prosperity and power of progress.The great depression of sugar prices in

    Bergstrom are thoroughly overhaulinga.m. F'- -;y.00 10-1- 09.40 10.40 tne organ in tne Kawaianao Church.

    ization have the opportunity of itsTTTnnolulu Steam Planingof tUe BlBnal from the

    Easter Hats, Easter Hats, afine assortment at Sachs' Store,101 Fort street.

    Applications for foreign money orders 1883 and 1884 will not be soon forgotten, highest development, unhampered by&vM urtno!ulu mean noon.

    .h Bc. vast 1 o'clockper b. b. Mariposa, will be received atthe Fostoftlce up to 4 o'clock Friday41 ":, timfi. to correspond

    ! riven by chronometers set

    Deduct from the low average pricereached by sugar in those years, theaverage duty, and the result would havebeen collapse, so well nigh universal,that the Cuban failures of those

    aiternoon .A 1 m . m

    Iwvr-;i- m. Thia laat is eBpeci- - $3--m!.a";,ariner3 and Jeweler. An immense assortment ofChildrens' Trimmed Hats forEaster, at Sachs' Store, 104 Fortd77

    iv large numrjer ot tne passengersIrom the steamship Oceanic were ashore street.

    a perpetual commercial uncertainty.Mark you, - no consent is demand-ed preliminary to our treaty mak-ing with" other powers, but the mereknowledge of such treaties as are intend-ed and desired. This can not possiblycompromise our independence and is avery moderate concession to a nation towhom we owe so much. Such supervi-sion might be called by loose thinkers anequivalent of annexation. On the con-trary it would be the strongest guarantee

    yesterday taking in the sights and

    STcuj tiiwrttsemcnts.

    would have been little more than sugges-tive. Without the treaty it is safe to saythe islands would have remained as in-ert and undeveloped as before. Whatwas considered as absolutely essentialfor our prosperitv in 1875 is auite as

    spending money.

    Three stokers and a private belongingto H. B. M. S. Champion are beinglooked for by the police. They havebroken their liberty .



    A Fine Assortment of Childrens' Trimmed Hats, at the


    Hart's Patent "Duplex" Die StockFOR PIPE AND BOLT THREADING.

    Pound Notice.essential now, for while we have made


    s - J 3p f.B 5a &'3 r s 7 a- -


    j! 730.40 72; SE 5;J 75 0.02 H 4nE 5e 740.23 80 KE 4

    75: 3-- E6775l0.00 77 : 3 N E 4


    which this country nas ever received ofgreat progress in manufacture, a progress its imlThere will be a confirmation service in to which European bounties were doubt- - stntpa T HpUpva in tmnh a treat.v. if it.

    St. Andrew's Cathedral this evening at less a great stimulant, and we have, as it i9 possible to secure it, for the sake of the7 o'clock. The Bishop of Honolulu will were, at arms reach and within sight the native Hawaiian. Let commercial col- -

    THERE WILL BE SOLD ATthe Government Pound, nearthe Oahu J ail, on SATURDAY,April 5th at 12 o'clock noon,Horse branded VaK; one bay

    amount or reanzaoie sugar in the cane.lay nanus on several candidates.that same bounty system has caused an one white

    Horse, leftexpansion of the world's production that fore foot white, white spot onThe S. S. Australia is due at noou toforehead, branded RAK ; one white Horse,means a permanent lower average price .morrow from ban Francisco, and the

    lapse or tremendous depression at anytime ensue and our only escape thenfrom utter stagnation and retrogressionwould be the alternate of annexation tothe United States or the wholesale immi-gration of Chinese, already depicted.Such annexation, as far as we can fore

    It is immaterial to the discussion thatMariposa should be along in the eveningAKKIVALS.Wednesday, April 2. but one or two industries are directlvirom tne uoionies en route to banaffected bv this treaty. The generalVilli Vu'ir, from Ilamakua.prosperity is as vifally affected by an in--

    branded WAK.J. W. PII,

    Pound Master.Honolulu, April 3. 1890. 79-- 2t

    HOT BUNS!tell, would be for the native Hawaiian

    lho regular monthly meeting of the --rot-jury thereto as if twenty industries were political obliteration and the wholesaleit .i; a. i ii. iir a ii - .board of liepresentatives of the Hono equany uirecuy anecteu. vve pracucauy Chinese immigration, race exterminato3- - ,,5a from Konala.Sfchop. Le Claire, from Circuit

    Ttrom Hanalei.lulu Fire Department will be held this

    Both Guides and Dies Instantly Adjustable. No Wrench, Thumbscrew or Collets,Tool complete in itself, and will do more and better work than any

    other Hand Pie. Dies easily sharpened on a grindstone.have no industry but sugar. Ihe last tion. This treaty would give us all the

    evening at the Bell Tower at 7:30 legislature, with the aid of the veto, saw advantages of annexation and all theo'clock.iieha from Kauai. Compact, Simple, and very easily

    w) Kin me Din wnicn, at a total pos- - opportunities of independence,sible cost of $35,000, would probably in Apologv for taking the time LigH Strong,of those

    who listen to this would be impertinentThe Best Hot Cross Buns can be had

    The baseball grounds at Makiki underdirection of Mr. Gardner K. Wilder arenow being put into condition. By the

    a lew years, have made conee a leadingitem of export ; our only product of con-spicuous superiority which is on Ameri

    The great importance of the subject justifies effort on the part of every one who

    UETAUTUJIES.Wednesday, April 2.

    iraii, Cameron, for Taauhau,ILaupahoehoe at 10 a m.ih and Eliza for Koolau.ic. for San Francisco.

    -- AT-ca s free list, and therefore one strongtime the season opens they will be in desires Hawaiian prosperity and progress, to continue to assist in the acquisifirst class order. standby without treaty. What is clearertion of such a treaty. We should unite LOVE'S BAKERYthan the necessity of the treaty when wesee the failure of such an effort? To theThe office of the People's Ice and Re

    versatility of our resources the country isfrigerating Company has been removedas one man in the determination thatnothing less than a legal or religiouscause shall prevent or even delay the

    ELS LEAVING TO-DA- Y.. e r 1 T r to old capitol building, next to the Post but just awakening. We are but barely

    freed from the incubus of corrupt admin:ie. Mnvtne, ior ljanaina, jvu- - Office, and Messrs. J. E. Brown & Co. commission that will enable negotiations On Ooocl Friday, April 4are the authorized collectors for the com istration ; we have but just encounteredand hardly overcome the obstacle to all

    The situation is urgent. The late report ofof the Congressional committee recompany . And will be deliveredprogress of autocratic rule. We have mending bounty payment none here pro--

    The two Chinese hack drivers who only just reached the point at which our bably anticipate seeing made law. None

    jJKukaiau, at 10 a ni..rhua, Clarke, for Hakalua, at 4

    :m Discovery, McNeil, for San

    ..Excelsior, Sotlerstrom, for Port

    i.oliho for Waianae.jy for Hanalei, Kauai.

    advantages become available. To lose 33 eel Hotcoiiuieu on rort street tne other morn- - the treaty now would be far more than aing, wun tne result that a horse waskilled, were tried in the Police Court yes- -i & 1 11 i

    the less is it a ringing note of warning tous of the weakness of our foundation andthe instability of our commercial values,which it would be suicidal not to heed,promptly and effectively. If one doubts

    financial calamity. It would destroy thehopes, never before so well grounded, of To any part of the city. Four wagon's willieruay ior neeuiess anvmg and con

    be in operation.victed. a progress in tne next aecaae, wnicnwellPASSENGERS. should eclipse the last in quality as the lustness of my estimate ot the

    1 : i 1 L I.J i I 4. 1 I m ... . . 1We are requested to state that the as uuaiiiiLv. ii viuuiu uiupic uic uuwer, i rfijitv'fi lmnoriannfi to our commercial nmm it irAim nnnrnn nnwirARRIVALS. rumor to the effect that the People's Ice a power derived from treaty benefits, to prosperity and almost existence, a study tJl) 1JJ1 lUlJlt UKUMo LAllLl. .A. WORD ABOUT THE BOLT DIE STOCK.TURNING BACK OVER THE THREADS AFTER IT IS ONCE CUT, IS Aiaakna, per stmr Iwalani, April company nas increased its rates 01 diversity our industries, to develop our 0f the Custom Statistics for fourteencharges for ice is unfounded. The rate resources, to maintain an enlightened voora snnrilAmfntfl hv a review of the I 76-3- m Nanphy and wile, John Dyer, and prominent feature of the ' Duplex." m

    of one cent per pound, adopted January immigration policy, to improve the rela- - world's sugar manufacturing history for1st last, is still in force. tion of wage-earn- er and employer, to the same time will, I think, convinceDEPAtfTUKES.

    Fratiebco, per S S Oceanic,Walter.".

    For Yokohama & Hongkongmost skeptical. It is long sincecourse to fagures became necessaryThe twenty minute services held atnoon during this week by the Rev. Alex.

    Mackintosh at St. Andrew's CathedralMMTlNG NOTES.

    build public works and to educate as weought. It would forever settle theChinese question by driving wages be-low zero and opening wide the doors forthe Celestial thousands who only, then,can make sugar profitable. It would in-definitely postpone the possibility of thebest results of a constitutional govern

    have been very well attended. The lastenhance the sense of importance of thetreaty. I have therefore not taken yourtime in statistics. I am, sir,

    Your most obdt. servant,(Signed) James B. Castle.


    ;aer Iwalani arrived on Wednes-- ' service of this kind will be at noontig with 5.212 baes of sucrar for to-da- y.

    All mechanics agreeing tnat tne turning duck agamsi me cutting euge injures iudies much more than the actual cutting. '

    When the4 Duplex " dies become dull by cutting, they can readily be renewedby sharpening on a grindstone. Thus making the life of these dies longer, at least byfour fold than any other made, an i at the same time avoiding the common occur-rence of stripping or weakening the thread and rendering the work worthless.

    This tool, when set to any desired size, can instantly be released and lifted offand reset to same size without trial, thus insuring all the threads uniformly alike. Itadjusts to all the variations in iron rough, oversized iron is shaved to standard sizeand threaded at the same time. This cannot be accomplished with any other DieStock. The " Duplex " being the only tool made allowing one set of dies to accuratelycut two distinct sizes in the adjustment no wrench, screw driver or any extra toolbeing used and when adjusted is as rigid as a solid die, and will do at least one-thir- d

    more work in the same space of time. We solicit a comparison with other makes,both as to range of sizes each tool cuts, and prices, as well as price of extra dies.


    HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,62-t- f FORT STREET, (opposite Spreckels' Bank), Honolulu.

    The Al Steamship

    " Yamashiro MaraYokohama, per SS Yamashiro At the Roman Catholic Cathedralto-

    day. Maundy, or Holy Thursday there ment by an intelligent people. In brief, Death of a Survivor of the NuuanuPaliShaw and Mrs.Japanese immigrants. with our power of accomplishment for thewill be high pontifical mass Holy

    of ture that ,?'lth whlch the treaty hasat 7 a. m. ; washing feetKff Mary brought 500 bags ofMassacre.

    In the Nupepa Kuokoa of March 22d,is reported the death on February 19th,

    YOUNG, Commander.1 . m . armed us. To some, mucn 01 tnis mayPortuguese passion, sermonHawaiian passion, sermon at

    n.inaiei, ana the schooner"Ags of sugar from Kohala,er Oceania Vanrp haa hpon

    at 3 p. 7 p. m. ;8 P. M. of an aged woman at Waimanalo, named Will leave portsHonolulu for the aboveon or abouti the Esplanade to the head of Kahemolele, who remembered the Pali

    fHan, where she will receive The steamship Oceanic brought to thePostoffice from Hongkong 255 letters and slaughter of 1791, and who must there APRIL 5.fore have been not less than 104 years37 packages of papers : and the Oceanicfan tern Excelsior which was

    sound stale and hackneyed, but it ap-pears to me that it ia needed. Not in-frequently talk of Hawaiian independ-ence sounds as though we were soin all senses, but we must neverforget our absolute commercialdependence. Closely intertwined withthat dependence are the chances andsources of our political independence. Theonly independence we desire or need isthe liberty to control our internal affairs.Of anv political independence beyond

    Mirom this nort mi VVpHn. and Yamashiro Maru from Yokohama old. Her father went to the fight, but0ft lOWIlsend. will 1p:iva smiiP 917 letters and 91 packages of papers.doming. escaped. The earliest fugitives from the

    massacre at the Nuuanu Pali, gave theThe Oceanic took to San Francisco 2,849 wimmFor freight or passage, having superiorcabin and steerage accommodations, applyto TAHITIfflan bark W. TV letters and 773 packages of papers. a1arm. and the women and children fled"eCeiVlni? SllPI-nr- i AfrknrTav of to the mountain precipices to hide. KaHJUil Steatlishm whnrf Tho At the regular monthly meeting of the Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,hemolele was able to walk, but remem- u aiso commence receiving Honolulu Anon held last evening, xTesi that let the "Kaimiloa" forever stand aswuaav. AGENTS.68bers her mother carrying her on herback, strictly forbidding her to cry, lest --:o:-the symbol. After fourteen years of

    of treaty prosperity, having been enPwaabarkentine Discovery will the pursuing victors should find them.1, co io-a- ay with 11,580rT?ad bchs bananas, valued abled thereby to maintain this great in-- Many little ones crying, were for thatdustry in spite of the tremendous depres reason abandoned by their parents and

    dent Goldberg in the chair, it was de-cided to have a moonlight excursion toPearl Harbor Monday evening, May 5th,going there and back over the Oahurailway. Several new members wereelected.

    The Japanese steamship YamashiroMara. Cant. CI. Youncr. arrived vesterdav

    " - ua$ otThe Only Steam Soda Works in

    Hawaiian Islands.suear. and Camnhell. slaughtered: and many persons werevo., 530 hclw h traced out bv the cries of their children,rcan tohnn i o i

    PERSONS INDEBTED TO MEALL hereby requested to make paymenton or before April 15th next; all accountsunsettled after the above date will beplaced in the hands of an attorney for im

    and slain. After the fury of the battleV Qavs from Snn PMnoiopn Tl, was over, a general protection and


    curity (Mamalahoa) was ordered by Ka--.bound to Jaluit. South Spji mediate settlement, uuu JvlAl,mehameha, and criers summoned tne MANUFACTURERS OFfugitives from their hiding-place-s. Kaa n ng expedition. She cameur . luel and water. The Sparksvoyage early this morning.

    - - - mfj cj fafternoon, thirteen days from Yokohamaand is anchored in the stream. Shebrought 1,060 Japanese emigrants, 860males and 200 females. The YamashiroMaru is consigned to Messrs. Wm. G.Irwin & Co.

    74-2-w Nuuanu Street.

    "The Friend."

    sion caused by , European bounties,comes our powerful patron with whomfourteen years ago we made an agree-ment supposably reciprocal and which,in benefit to ourselves, has exceeded anyto the United States beyond the highestestimates of our enemies, and is willingto renew this agreement if we make suchconcessions as we can without any lossof self respect . Without waiting for anyovertures on the part of the UnitedStates seeking modification and altera-tion of the treaty, it is our bounden dutyas well as interest to show our willing-ness to make any concessions possible.I understand that it is proposed to askthe United States for a treaty fromwhifih everv nolitical feature shall be

    hemolele lived certainly under eightkings, and possibly nine, namely, Kahe-kil- i,

    Kalanikupule, the five Kamehame-ha- s,Lunalilo and Kalakaua. Friend.


    Archdeacon Shaw and Mrs . Shaw ofPPort for the 3IontH Ending Y okohama. Janan. were passengers on Owing to this being Holy Week, andSALE, FOUR BOUND VULUiltiSFOR"The Friend"including all the issues

    from 1843 to 1882. The books can be seenat the Advertiser office. 75-l- m

    the Yamashiro Maru, and are registered the near approach of Easter, the An--'arch, 1890.

    1Jnr of deaths reported for at the Hawaiian Hotel. Archdeacon glican Church Chronicle will not be pub-lished until Wednesday next the 9th

    , IU,U12LUUUI.M1

    Ginger Ale, Plain, Sweet and Cream Soda,




    Shaw is chaplain to the English Bishopof Japan, and is a distant relative of the Firewood For Sale,'Tear... inst.Rev. Alex. Mackintosh. Archdeacon148


    and Mrs. Shaw attended the service ofIrom 30 to 40 8From 40 to 50... . 9From 50 to GO 4From m to 70.. 3Over 70 io

    I to 20.'

    the second congregation of St. Andrew'sCathedral last evening. HARD OR SOFT, AT THESalesrooms. 40

    Neru fttocrtiscmcnta.

    WANTED.The Y. M. C. A. Social to be held this41 1 Females 32 evenine will be made a Farewell recep-- MRS: L. C. PRAY,.52 GreatBnta in 1 I firm tr Mr Then. H. "Dav.efl who sails3e.'.l -'- , Htn,ited States. '. '. '. 2 for his home on Saturday. There will be Genuine Massage and Roman Baths,A PHAETON, WITH OR

    without a safe and gentleHorse. Address "Phaeton," at

    a tmuri. programme cuuiiueiiciug ai t .oufollowed with light refreshments. A Factory: iNTo. 23 ISTuuaim St.

    MUTUAL TELEPHONE 360; BELL 372.150 Fort St. Chinese Church Yard.

    32-- tfcordial invitation is extended to anyfriends of Mr. Davies who are not mem

    eradicated and, out heroding Herod, pro-poses to seek from the United States atreaty more conspicuously one-side- deven than that with which a generousand powerful friend has helped us here-tofore. Assuming, even in advance, thepossibility of the departure from prece-dent on their part to the extent ofbounty, we bid for even greater depar-ture seeking for its application to our-selves, a stranger without the gates, andoffer not one consideration in return, of anature which will guarantee our goodfaith. An individual's word may be asgood as his bond. Between nationstreaties are the only proof of intendedgood faith. .

    We are not about to discuss the mak-ing of a treaty with any European powerwith all the complications and possibili-ties incidental thereto. We seek to re-new a partnership, greatly one-side- d


    Advertiser office. 79-- tf

    Peoples' Ice & Refrigerating Co.bers of the Association, to the Y. M. C.CAC8E F DEATH. A. Bo vs. and to anv vouncr men in the Manager.JToivSale. X. T. BAILEY,city who are strangers.Plaint mTTK OFFICE OF THE ABOVEIt may be interesting to the membersPPtioa. X Com nan v has heen removed to the

    Gastritis jGastritis catarrh.. 1Heart Disease.... 2inrluenza... . 5Inanition.. 3Uprosv ....".";;;.'.' iLung 1

    of the recentlv-forme- d Chess Club toTHE WELL-KNOW- N

    horse GARFIELD, a kindand gentle family horse,that will stand without

    nrAmispis neennied bv Messrs. J. E. Brownknow that the Honolulu Chess Club was BENSON, SMITH & CO.established in this city in 1872. It & Co., Old Capitol Building, next PostOffice. Messrs. J. E. Brown & Co, areftnthnnzpd to collect all accounts. Tele--

    hitching. Anybody candrive him. Can be seen atthe Club Stables.

    started out with a member list of twentyor more, of whom E. P. Adams wasUpium. 54 AGENTS.1

    1 elected President and Thos. G. Thrumtneumonia....""Phthisis VnimnA!

    Also a good familv Horse, for sale cheap.Also the well-know- n Colt Long Branch,

    phones: Bell. 172; Muta.ira.iTHPresident P. I. & R. Co.

    Honolulu, April 1, 1890. - 79-- 3t

    Reward of $500.alis sired by King William.

    secretary and treasurer. Messrs. FrankBrown, Geo. Williams and T. Heineckewere the committee appointed to draftbye-law- s, etc.

    Also, a fancy isucK-Doa- ra witn jsrewsterSuicide.".;Syphillis


    .11.. 1 gear, cheap.Apply tO JAMUS XjkJLU.



    H. E. Mclntyre & J3ro.XXFOBTEBS AND DEALBB8 IN

    Groceries, 3?rovisions and FeedEAST COfiNER E0BT AND KINO 8TJUS5TS.



    IT o'clock on the morning of the 28th ofFebruary, 1890, Mr. Ng Ngong of the firmof Kwong Lee Yuen Co., was seriously

    nriAd with a knife or other sharp in

    heretofore and, in the very nature 01, to be forever one-side- d at best, butwith a nation which has proved, aincethe pioneers first landed in Hawaii, itsfriendship and goodwill; with a nationwhich has shown that behind any treatyphraseology lies hidden no dangerouspossibility; that all that is meant andintended is said, and that he who runsmay read. Now we believe that enter-ing into-- a treaty, agreeing "to make noother treaties without the full knowledge

    will be considered aof this our partner,guarantee of our faith plus an addedconsideration to them. In considerationof their guarantee of our mdepen-Tptip-


    even of themselves, we guarantee


    "lent., '


    BOUGHT OUT MR. W. H.HAVING the Honolulu Carriage Manu-factory, at 128 Fort Street, I am preparedto continue the above business under the

    A noma nf TlAnnlnln P.rrinffa MannflC.

    strument by a certain person who felon-iously broke and entered into the dwellinghouse of the said Ng Ngong in the rear 01rate Per1.000foriuonth

    p. the premises ot tne saia ivwong iw xuenrv nn Mnnnakea street. Honolulu, H. I. o- -H k;- - mn rAA rn.n.nAH norrinfro I New Uoods Tecef'ed by every packet from the K tern Htes nd Knrope . fnrnn caurornnt

    S. S. Oceanic.As stated in Wednesday's edition the

    steamship Oceanic 3,803 tons, Com-mander W. M. Smith, arrived at 1o'clock that morning from Hongkongand Yokohama. Left Hongkong March13th and Yokohama the 22d. Had mod-erate to fresh E. S. E. winds withrough choppy head sea the entire voy-age. Time of passage from Yokohama,11 days 8 hours. The Oceanic brought129 Chinese passengers and 350 tons offreight for this port and had a largenumber of passengers in transit. She

    .34.G4 w. . , vv.e - i V I K..K .. All t.llfnII..MI if TAd )- - BATkOE IMbuilder 1 solicit JSWHr.SWS roTfflwTSSto sS!' tirfactlon' twiinuitSeWcSo Sox NO..JUC3. .


    Notice is hereby given that a reward ofFive Hundred Dollars ($500) wiU be paidby the United Chinese Society to any per--

    Nn... - . . -mv thnrnnirh lrnrtTIrt cro rr nip nnsineHSnot to bind ourselves by treaty witn any n or persons who will give information and with experienced workmen and using

    :tt,An the r full prelimm tn the Police which will lead to the appre Gazetterd of Health. MyThe Daily: Advertiser and Weehension ana conviction 01 me utv party.To have added andary knowledge. . f.only the best material 1 guarantee generalsatisfaction. Please call and see me beforegoing elsewhere.

    (Signed) GIDEON WEST.Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1889. 103-t- f .

    T rt consent" would he no llOU w JBat it has notPer Order. - YiM uow.

    Secretary United Chinese Society.Honolulu, March 5, 1890. 54-l- m AKE THE LEADING PAPERS OF THE KHIGB01I;rmM reasonably ass.leittorban Francisco Wednesday even It maylog, carrying a mail from the Post Office, j been asked nor is it proposed.


  • X





    v j:U

    wamammiNftD 2llH5ertl5emmt0.

    ', 1

    i (Dcncrol tturtiscmcnts.PI'

    FILTER PRESSES.JOHN ASHDOWN, WAIAIAE BEBEDING RANCHJ ohs Exa, Vice-Preside- nt.Cecil Bbown, Auditor.E. R. Hexdby, President and Manager.Godfbey Brown, Secretary & Treasurer.Of San Francisco. frAAlTHAU PLANTATION,

    Hawaii. March v, lodo. IWorks, Ban Tran- -LocomoUveBisdon Iron and IPedigrees of all Horses . n

    Gentlemen we .nave uacu m JPractical Piano, Pipe and Reed Organ

    TDNER AND REPAIRER.we convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. I can recommend Til ! I


    Opp. Spreckels' Bank, - - Fort Street, Honolulu,

    Importers and. Dealers in General

    HAKDWABE, GLASS WABE, CEOOKERYGenuine Havilasd China, plain and decorated; .Wedgewood

    1&Ino unproveiuoiifc w (signed) A. Mooue,Manager Faauhan Plantation.

    Heeia. Sept. 28, 1889. ' SALE DEPAKTMENT.BREEDING DEPARimNTHavine worked in some of the largestMb. Join! DiEB. Agent Bisdon Iron Works,piano and organ factories in the United ; rv vnnr Snestates oi America, i am luiiy able and pre-pared to do all kinds of repair work in the

    most satisfactory manner.IJEAB bib: trieabo buiji u"" j. m. inn.. v.AoeAa 9in ennnrfl feet Thp fnllowiner Fine Animals will standuompariuicu t unci inovoi --- isurface, same as the one supplied us last season,. . i - J A V, a a iHvatl 11 a AYltlrA for Service at the Kanch, Waialae :

    FOB SALE:Stallions of "Various Breeds. 0

    Mares with, or withoixt FoalHorses Tor any Purpose.

    WDlcn X &IU pieautvu iw jsatisfacUon. Yours truly. TOiTVI,

    Well-Vre- d Stallion " MARIN."Orders can be left at H. F. Wich- - Manager Heeia Agricultural Co.

    made extra heavy forNorman Stallion

    " CAPTAIN GROWL,"man's Jewelry store. Fort street, at theAdvertiser office, or through Mutual Tele-phone No. 347. 67-l- m BREAKING DEPAKTMENThigh pressures, occupies a floor space

    4 It., ana presemi "-"- -- --square feet. A limited number in stock in Thoroughbred Stal. "MIDNIGHT."Honolulu ana are soia a wrj j"1"-Kisdo- n

    Iron A L.oco. Works,8an Francisco.

    A Skilful BREAKER and TRAINERis employed on the Ranch.

    Satisfaction is guaranteed in Breakingand Training Horses.

    Two Native Stallions

    "PILIAOAO" and " FRANK."A Well-bre- d Kentucky JACK.

    ware; Piano, Library and Stand Lamps,

    Chandeliers and EleetoliersLamp Fixtures of all kinds ; a complete assortment of Drills and Files ;


    The "Gazelle" Riding Plow and Equalizer, Bluebeard Rice Plow,Planters' Steel and Goosenecked Iloes.

    OILS: Lard, Cylinder, Kerosene, Linseed.PAINTS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES, MANILA and SISAL ROPE,


    HOSE: Rubber, Wire-bou- nd of superior quality, and Steam.

    Agate Iron Ware' Silver Plated Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot and Caps, The Celebrated "Club" Machine-loade- d Cartridges.

    AGENTS FOE:"New Process" Rope, " New Process " Twist Drills,

    Gate Cit.v Stone Filters, Neal's Carriage Paints,Hartman's Steel-wir- e Fence and Steel wire Mats,

    Win. G. Fisher's Wrought Steel Ranges,Hart's Patent "Duplex" Die Stocks

    100-l- y for Pipe and Bolt Threading.

    JOHN DYER HonolulKoom ao. s sprecaeis cjwc:

    234 W. G. IBWIN & Co., Agents

    PAUL R. ISENBERG.1314-l- v 62-6-m

    jSTETW goodsA Fine Assortment. j

    MESSES. KING BEOS.We have just received per S. S. Mariposa,

    a fine selection of New Goods,comprising, one


    Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

    A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed

    UP-TOW- N

    Book, News and Stationery Store

    106 FORT STREET.

    Sole Agent foj the

    Merritt Type Writer.An Instrument which has no equal forthe money price? 17.50. Circulars for-warded on application.

    Webster's Dictionary for 30c120 Sheets good ruled Note Paper. 30cOne Quire Taper and Envelopes to

    match, Linen finish, put up inneat box for 40c

    Fancy Paper Dusters, for fine fur-niture, only 25c

    Iiicycles rubber tyres from $22.50Wagons, Velocipedes,

    Dolls, P cf!C-Ord-ers for Bookbinding prompt-

    ly attended toFull lines of Presentation Books.Full sets of Dickens' Works (15 vols.)

    bound in cloth for $10


    1303-1- 51

    Invite the inspection of their Large Stock of SHEET PICTURESCOMPRISING :

    SILK and STIIN SCREEN'S, ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS,EBONY FRAMES,EEMISFAISTT SALE! Arrival of "VAssorted colors and patterns of Crepebilk shawls. Jblegant Tete-- a te Cupsand Saucers. A fine lot of




    3?ictiire IVIonldingsOUR GREAT ANNUAL REMNANT SALE, which is so eagerly looked for by MANILA CIGARS, 100 IN A BOX.

    A few of those handy Mosquito Urns., our Customers,

    COMMENCES THIS SATURDAY,And will surpass any that has ever taken place at this or any other house.

    Also, an assortment 01 new styles 01131 Days from WLately imported, of the latest designs in great variety, personally selected for thisRattan Chairs and Tables market, from which they are prepared to make Frames

    at the very Lowest Prices.Also, a small selection cf JAPANESEREMNANTS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS! COSTUMES.Old Pictures Renovated and Made Look Like New at Very Small Cost.Call early and examine this finWe must sell our Remnants and you will be glad to buy them at low --

    prices at which they are offered. Be sure to be on hand Saturday. LARGE CARGOThey are prepared to furnish WINDOW POLE COENICES in Ash. Ebon vassortment of New Goods.

    WING W0 CHAN & CO.EGGS FOR SETTING 3ST.B. ALL GOODS MARKED "WITH IPLAIN FIGURES. and California Walnut, with Brass fittings at $1 per set; and 10 foot Poles atproportionately low prices, either of Walnut, Plush, Cherry, Ash, Ebony, Etc.

    Ready-mad- e FRAMES for Cabinet Photos, alwavs on hand in crreat varietyNo. 22 Nuuanu Street.155-l- y.of Plush, Natural wood, Bronze, Etc., Etc.


    White FacedBlack Spanish andBrown Leghorn Hens.Orders taken for all

    New(MTHE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE XCorner of Fort and Hotel Streets. )140.

    WaU Brackets, Book Shelves, Easels, Hat Racks, Boquet Stands, Mirrors, Etc.

    IN FANCY GOODS they can show the best lines of Antocrranh and PhotoS kinds of ThoroughTHERISDON

    Iron and Locomotive Works,

    Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,)

    graph Albums, Plush Toilet Sets, Japanese Ware, Bronzes, Toilet Mirrors, LeatherGoods, Purses, Pocket Books, Hand Bags, etc., etc.

    bred Poultry from the yards of one of thelargest and best Breeders on the PacificCoast. Apply to

    S. P. SIMONDS,1308 31-3- m 182 King Street.

    A Complete Stock of Artists' MaterialsSan Francisco California Always kept, at the lowest prices. Winser & Newton's Oil Colors, ordinary tubes

    two for 25 cents, other colors in proportion. Canvas from 75 cents per yard up.E. O. HALL & SON, L'd, W. H. TAYLOB PresidentB. S. MOORE SuperintendentPianos For Eent. Anchors, Chains,Cocoa Mats, Kettles,Hawaiian Scenes in Water and Oil Colors in Great Variety,

    Sauce Pans, Fry It;By different Artists. Also, Scenes by their special Artist, who is prepared at altimes to fill orders for Menu Cards. Small Sketches suitable for mailing.Builders of Steam MachineryPIANOS IN GOOD ORDTCT?f iiSij I fmri t I fu 4-- IV! a 1 Bedsteads,

    Fence Fiio

    ZDCThis firm devotes its whole attention to Pictures and Frami nor ArtiafoVIn all iti branches.r? vw4 1 KJll v.w iu q i .w iter mon in.Vt M MUSIC DEPARTMENT OF


    Supplies, and Art Goods generally. Give them a call whenSteamboat, Steamship, Land Engines & Boilers,High Pressure or Compound. ' J btheir line. .

    KING-- BROS. ART STORE, Hotel St. near Fort.STEAM VESSELS of all kinds. built complete,BECHSTELN PIANOS! witn nuns ot woou, iron or composite.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad 44

    s7"' - J''

    I :

    L t



    J -

    visable.STEAM LAUNCHES. Barges and Steam Tues con

    structed with reference to the trade in whichthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed. Pacific Hardware Co..TTAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLE--U- Agents for the sale of C. Bechstein'scelebrated Pianofortes, we beg to solicitorders for either Horizontal or Upright


    SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade after the most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

    WATER PIPE, of Boiler 01 4heet Iron, of anv

    White Lead, RedIMBoiled Linseed Oil,Castor Oil, Belting,Coal Tar, Water Tanks.Fire Brick, Alum,Red Ochre, FireClar,Bags, Twine,Filter Cloth,

    size, made in suitable lengths for connecting (LIMITED.)Hardwa re Merchants & Shiper Chandlers loseiner, or eneeis roiiea, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water Concord Lamp Attachments!ripes maae Dy mis estaDUsnmcnt, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality of

    TESTIMONIALS :" For twenty-eigh- t years that I have nowused Bechstein's Pianos, they have main-tained their superiority. Liszt."

    " A noble inexhaustible and sympatheticfulness ot tone, together with an exquisiteaction, which admits of the utmost varietyof shade bears testimonj' to the fact thatthe manufacture has attained the utmostdegree of perfection in the act of instru-ment making. Bubikstein."

    worn, ueiuv zar superior 10 nana wor&.SHIP WORE . Shir and Steam ta DS A Kerosene Oil Stove which can be usedWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made on a'common Lamp Burner. Every family should

    Soap, Groceries,Boots and Sloes,

    Perfumery, Flags,

    Rope Brushes,

    uor wo uiubi appruveu piauB.SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the Pacific

    Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler.PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation or

    city works' purposes, built with the celebrated"For further particulars .innlv tn

    uavc uue.

    New Goods!JUST RECEIVED.

    Dressifmjwvj vaive mouon, superior to any otherProf. G. Sauvlet, Nuuanu Avenue, or to pump.1

    . Have on hand, a Large Stock of MANILA ROPE 6 Threadto 9 inch ; IRON WIRE, and Flexible STEEL ROPE, all sizes ; BoltRope, Lanyard Stuff, Ratline, Spunyarn, Marlin,Hambroline, Housline,Seizing Stuff, Wire Seizing, Whaleline, Oakum, Felt, Pitch, Coal and

    Stockholm Tar, Pitch Mops, and Tar Brushes.

    BLO CKS-Com- mon and Patent, all sizes and styles ;SHEAVES-Comm- on, Patent and Metaline bushed ;

    A Large Assortment ot

    Galvanized and Brass Snip Hardware,Hllbbucks White Lead, Zinc, Black Paint, Boiledand Raw Oil, Woolsey's & Tarr & Wonson's Copper Paint, Galvanizedand Black Chain, all sizes, Anchors, Oars, Boat Boards, Yellow METALSHEATHING and Nails, Copper and Galvanized Boat Nails, PatentLogs and Lines. COTTON and FLAX CANVAS, Nos. 0 to 10, Boat --Sail Drill and Raven's Duck, and in fact everything that should befound in a well stocked Ship Chandlery Store. We sell FIRST-CLAS- SGoods at LOWEST Market Rates. Call and see for yourselves at

    H. HACKFELD & CO.,Sole Agents for the Hawn. Isl.

    19 1307-3- mJOHN DYER Honolulu

    13m Boom No. 3. upstairs, Spreckels' Block

    Bridles, Felts, Whips, ghInvoice of Crockery and Glassware Just to HandBaldwin Locomotives! Blankets, Sheeting,Dry Goods, Merinos.Shawls, HandkerchiefVictoria Lawns,


    WARE, Etc.The undersigned having been ap-pointed Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

    'Mosquito Netting,Laces, Ribbons, Hats.JVelvets, EmbroMcredK


    Shipping and Commission Merchants



    Plantation Agents,' Life, Fire and Marine

    Insurance Agents.153 HONOLULU, H. I. ly

    E. O. HALL &.SONS, Additions to our regular lines by latearrivals.FOR THE CELEBRATED57-2- m Corner of Fort and King Streets.

    Baldwin Locomotives Flannel,Basket Trunks,

    r Chamois Skins, Dandy Brashes, Oos.

    Grand Clearance Sale ! From the Works of Rugs, Mats, XjClothing,

    Buraham, Parry, Williams & Co., PACIFIC HAEDWARE' CO.ll-t- f

    IKBAY VIEW Iliiladelpliia, Penn.,SOMETHING NEW.Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of any.Bize anu eiyie. CRYSTAL SODA WORKS

    The Baldwin Locomotive Wrp its ara

    RESORTKing St, opp. Oahu Railway Depot,

    Billiards, Bowling Alley


    now manufacturing a style of Locomo

    Underwear, Braces,

    Sofa Pillows.Gloves, Flouncing,Embroidery. Curtain,

    Table Napkins,Table Cloths,Water-proo- f Coatfl,

    Artificial Flowers.Dust Cloaks,Pajama Suits,

    NO. 54 KING STREET.JOHN GRACE, Proprietor.tive particularly adopted

    For Plantation Purposes,

    A number of which have recently henreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars of141 Licte! Cold Drinks!same. .




    GINGER ; ALE,Dinner Sets,

    Tea Sets,

    Gents New Silk Umbrella cost $4 75 $2 50.Ladies' Umbrella cost $5 $2.50.Ladies Colored Parasols $1 25 each.Children's Colored Parasols $1.Ladies' Balbriggan fine Stockings embry.

    each side 30c. a pair.. Ladies' Balbriggan fine Stockings embry.

    each side 25c. a pair. -Ladies' Balbriggan fine Lisle Stockings

    embry. each side 25c. a pair.All Colored of Worsted low price.Window Curtain by yard and pair below

    cost.Gents' & Boys' Colored Shirts 50c.

    each.Ladies Fine Woolen Shawls 75c. each.All kinds of Woolen Shawls $2.50, $3.Large Size Col. Double Blankets $4 to $5.Large assort. Embry. Silk Hdfs. $1 to

    $1 25.Large asst.' Plain Hem st Silk Hdfs. and

    colored border 50c. to 75c.Chin.Silk Crepe (black & white) low priceLadies' Kid Gloves ( white) 75c.Ladies' Colored Mitts all kinds, cheap.Ladies' Col. & White Lin. HandkerchiefsAll kinds Ostrich Feathers 75c. to $1.All kinds Ostrich Tips 50c. to 75c.All kinds Embry. Laces sale below cost.Chinese Pajamas Suits $3 50 a suit.Chinese Cotton Pajamas Suits $1 50.Geats' Suits, Coats & Pants below cost.Gents' White Suits, Coats & Pants $2 50Gents' Light Coat & Vest $1 00.Also large assort. Diagonal, Blue Serge,

    Black Cloth suitable for suits, etc.Colored Mosquito Netting at 50c. pc.

    10 yds. a piece.Ladies' & Children Straw Hats all kinds

    color. ,Ruching in Black and white below cost,

    3 yards for 25c.Ladies' Bags (all size) and assort. Fisher's

    black and cream.Large assort. Satin Ribbons (all colors)Gents' Plain & Embry. Woolen Shirts.Ladies' Chemise Night Gown & Draw.Large assort. Crockery, Etc., Etc., Etc.

    The superioritv of these Locomotives

    72 Ladies' asstd. Embroidered Suits, inboxes, fine and very cheap.

    Ladies' Balbriggan Dnder Vests, 50c. ea.Lambrequins, formerly $3, now 75c.White Flannel, all wool, 50c. yer yard.White Flannel, all wool, 35c. per yard.Ladies' Silk Gloves, asstd colors, long

    and short, 50 and 75c.Dress Goods, Cotton Elannel, 8 yds. $1.Pink Marsalles, 10 14, 11, 12.Honeycomb, 10. 12i, all wool Merinos, 50 to tOc. yard.Black Spanish Lace, $1 yard.90 in. Mosq. Netting 10 yds. at $1 50 a

    piece.Best White Cotton 16 yds. $1.90 in. of White Sheeting at 33c. a vard .Brown Cotton 16 yds. $1.Fast Colored of New Prints 16 up to 18

    yds. $1.Brown Linen 6 yds. $1.

    . White Heavy Moleskin at 50c. a yard.26 in. Grey and White Flannel 25c.a vard.Chinese Pongee Silk (yellow and blue)

    $5 a piece. -60 in. wide White Figure Linen Table

    Cloth 50c. a yard.2x1 White Figure Liuen Table Cloth

    $2 a piece.1x1 White Figure Linen Table Cloth

    75c. a piece. ,lKxlK Garnet Figure Linen Table Cloth

    $1 50 apiece.Fine Colored Satin at 50c. a yard.Fine Colored Batin at 75c. a yard.Fine Garnet Velveteen at 50c. a yard.Gents' Unlaundried Shirts at 50c. a piece.Boys' Unlaundried Shirts at 35c. a piece.Gents' Socksmbry. each side 20c. a pair.Grey and Merino Socks 25c. a pair.Gents' India Gauze Undershirt 50c. piece.Gents' India Gauze Undershirt 25c. piece.Gents' Balbriggan Undershirt 75c. piece.Gents Cotton Flannel Shirt and D rawpra

    over all other makes is not only knownnere out is acknowledged throughout theunited states.

    The Best of Coffee, Tea and Chocolate.Finest Brands of


    EjlJ Oysters and Game by everyCalifornia steamer. WM. G: IRWIN & Co.,

    Agents for Hawaiian Islands.21 1307

    Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream and Plain Soda,... Champagne Cider, Etc, Etc.E. Mr SNIFFEN,lll-l- y - Manager. Big G has given univer

    Umbrella Stands,

    Decanters,Salad Bowls,

    Mush Sets,Flower Pots,Filters,Etc.. Etc., Etc

    sal satisfaction in thecure of Gonorrhoea andfX TO b DAT8. Irant d not V Gleet. I prescribe It and ALL AREATED WATEBS QtTAKANTEEDJJPOBE.I

    ( Mfd .lily by thefeel safe in recommend-ing it to all snfrerera.

    ARE YOU ILL?Dr. Pleree's Belt isthe only perfect ElectrioBody-Batter- y. It willpositiTely cure NervousDiseases. Rheumatism.

    x Wnfitrma17 . PRICE. fll.Oo.Lame Hack, - lm potency, Mutual 330--TELEPH- ONES Bell 298.$1 a suit. nwrvi Sold by .. . . r . f ,

    Theo.EMGOO KIM, NUUANU STREETpepsin, wsie ana remaie weakness, xooasanas coreain America. Forwarded safely to any partof the worldSWrite for Pamphlet No. . Address M. E.Trnss704 Sacramento St., San Francisco, CaU U.S.A. .files cured-ramph.- 3 describes anew Xnventioo- -

    Holliotkb & Co., Wholesale Agents.Bkkboh, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agents; 61-1216- 1y

