· i i ., . .' .; . st.mi-wee"lv union county standard. . ' . tuesday friday-'...

I I . ' . , . . ; . . stMI- WEE" THE UON CO STDARD. . ' . TUES FRIDAY WESTLD, . UNION COUNTY, N. }., TUESDAY, TOBER 18, 1898. $2 Per Year. Single Copies· 3c., Mats, Close Brush. Hlx, Vuluelk,, 38c. stUtln Smyrna Rugs. nlm · . of tlw 11lck of mnkes. Sllltmihll r e Jlllltcrns. Vnlue 1.00, �lxlr in., Value J.aj, t.09. ?.1xli0 lu,. Vulnc .r, t.85. 4x7 Ct., Vuluc ll.IMI, , 4.75. Rugs, Carpet Sizes. i!l.1, i . Uantl l0.6 ft ,,\' •llllll iii.J, :sa. ts.oo. Rangpur Reversible . . Rug s . Tbe famnus Bro111ley make, size ꝃxꝃ, ::.1�.�.'.�: •••.•...••••••.: •••. 98c Rich Kaskar Rugs: . Jn tbe famuuK \VUton \Vean•of rich l'crslan patterns, x l. value 2.01, at loD1 1 9 x�2, \'RIDe 3.,,.,,,,,,,,, •. ,, • •. ,. Rich Smyrna Rugs. 18x, · Value 1.2U, 21xq,, Va lue 2., 1.00. t.SO. ? ꝃxi, Valu, 8., 2 50. :lx72, Value t, b7 ft., Yaluu 8 , 3. 75. 6.75. Smyrna Rug�. · Carpet Sizes. ft., Vnhw !j.iM10 - i.UxlU.tl, Y1�luo 7,, 14.00. ,22.00. llxl� ft., Y11lue ., 30.00. Rangpur Carpel Rugs. llll\'er�Jhlo t lch colnflnS. 'l'tu•klsb tuul Pe· sh•n l'llttcl'Us. 6x9 ft., Yulue .&O, ,tlxlO.tl, Vt•luo 12 . tJO, 5.00. 8.25. Uxi:Ht, , Yulue J�.fMJ, t0. 50. Splendid Smyrna Rugs. · · ulcy ul other of :thO most cxtllont l\kcs, nll wool, choice llilttern s- 18x@, \"tLlnc ;., 21x�r. Yn.ltu1 I. t, Ox12 ft., Value 1., .. 2t.50. . 59c. ·. 89e. >:i, Vnluo .l lJ, t.59.' JXM, Vtdue l.l, t29. ꜵxi2,.YI,hlo a., �x ft., YtLlne 4,, 2.39. 3. 69. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::* PRESENT THIS OPON . . .. : . : . -AT- BEE HlEXU any time i!u Nmtmir 1st and yuu wllll · entitled to . . . : : i. TEN PER CENT. OISCOUNT� ' On all111r"bn••s cxce1•t n0ds selling at sפcial prices, : : ::: : ::::: ; :: �: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::::::: ' :::::: :.: : · :: * Agents or Branch Stores anywhere. ·· Mail orders ' · carefully filled, . deliveries by our . own wagons every . Monday, Wed- nesday and Fri day. · · L . S. PLAUT & CO. to 721 Broad & 8 Cedar St.� Newark, N. J. * Small Shoes c o r little chaps. ¥ . Strong Shoes ror sturdy boys. * �tyl i sh Sho es for their fathers. . · * Dainty Sho es for l ittl� girls and misses. : * Elegant Sho e s for their mothers. Good Shoes and Low Prices for Every One. H. C. PIKER, •weet fleld'• Bu•le•t Shoe Store." .� 1Dl8+ 10nds and Pretious Stones, Watches & Fine Jewelry. Why You Should Buy Through Me. I luiVo beon 11 tll111110111l ej let·t fot• 1111111)' )'ellrR 111111 my jml gmen t I� y lttua thnll yours, As I buy dh•eot fi'OIII tho mnmtfuotmet·s ua1d i·III�Irt•s, I 01111 savo you monoy . C. H. B ent, D iamond Cutter, ' And Broker In Precious Stones, s8 NASSA U Sr R E B T, Cor. M�IOPN LANE, N. V. Or 11oM 6o1 Westfleltl, N. ,1, Is whAt you get when deAling with us. It's Just as ensy to keep a nice, sweet clcnu store ns It ltl to keep + dirty one, I Meal & Vgetables , ·· . PROSPfl"f STT1 WSTfilD�<.\. : .. ' '' •1, ..; . !'' ' . /·. . i · .• ; . : \H ' .i .l• ':'•. , ... �. : . ' ,··1 ' ' ' · '.' :-· .';•.J i . t · : (�:.�\< 7 : ' I ' ;<:, ;; '•1 A liilllflc•nt l'nhlic"tl"" VJIOn tile · . ' · Soi1U1. .. ·.The womlerfnl· 11rogre8s \vhich the South hns been mukh1g in nil lines of in· <lnstrinl, coinmerlcal 1\1111 lutellectunl <le· velojnueut lllls . been most ttingly · set. forth In · " ma g ni cent volume·, which, afte1·.months of cilreful}ll'e(•nrlltlou, has jnst en lssne l , y . the · outhem Rlliway. 'l'hi• book. the title of which, ''The Empire of tl11i So'uth," conveys ll Ide" of Its charHcter. is beyond <tnestlotl one of the most com}•rehe11sl ve nuol at the same time artistic publications ever Is· sueil fi'Ol tile pre, It contains lleat·ly two hundred tl\ve pages, over four· hundr exqtlialtely printed lllustratlonP, Rll'n1ak a preutatiOJI of uthern In· rests In alliin� of human· activity, which for thoroughne of treatment has never en approach. . The oפning chapter of the ok nuder the caption of "The Sooth, Yesterday, To·day and To·morrow," discusses In a b and forcible manr.er the present and fnture of the nthet·n States. treat� lug at conshlerable lengh the vnous Interests, such v agri culture,. cotton, tobacco, lrou, coal, rePrts, c l imate, etc. Following this 11re cha}•ters · devote<l to each of the States sont.h of the Ohio tulll Potomac, and enst of the lissls�ippl rivers. 'hese give a brief, interesting Hketch of the early history of each Stnte, and then touch upon all its illl}Klrtaut activi · ties showing the pr ogress being nuule not only by the State itself, but by the lea<l iug cit.ies. I 'he author of the work, t•. F1nnk Preshrey, is" close stm\nt of Soi1the progress, atul in thecollectionnn1l- prepu· mt.i01i of the humeuse ammmt of impor· tnut iufommtion gh·en in the book, bus luul the co · opemtion of the ollici!lls of lh Snt>thertl R•il wu)·. 'l'he tlistrihntion ot thi• mngnific:cut volume will o an iucltlculnble amount of t >rac tical goml in culling tba at tc nton of the wot· ld the South, null t.he Sout.hern Railway has demonstrate<} Its faith in the fntnre of thahectlon by the ex}Jen£1ihll'e of the mnny thonsamls of dollm·s which this great. worl1 must lmve cost. 'l'hose ·who are fot·tnuate eumigh to r�ceive 1t cnpy of this eolitiou tie luxe, which is Heut with the compliments of the collllliY· \vill . vrizo it"" IL most valuabltl u<liton to their libi'Rl'Y. _ _. . .. . t•JulnUehl' lUg }'be. 'l'll ard Cycle Co ' s Pl11ine slote bn_rne<l out Snudl\y morning The fire, I t Is suprmse1l, orlghmted on the seco111l oor of their bnll<llng und when tl1 e alarm Wlgiven 1\t 4.45 the enth·e npr•er story was ablaze. The building w11s en· tlrely gutd 'from to}l to !,Ltom and t he livery st11ble In the rear was also b1111ly d a1nagl . A. D. Thom pson' s rei\ I estate office djoiulng. the Bar£1 Co. was aim ruined. 'he firemen of North Plainfield were called to the llibtanc of the Plan- fiel deJ•at·lluimt aml all dill lmrd work aqd ker•t· the fire from spreading to the ad· joining bnlltllng. A high whul was blowlugnt the t ime 1111d for u while It was t.honght thn t the entire block wonhl go. The B1ll'll Co. had uumy cases of cartridges on hand n ud they · t'Xloded blowing out. the front of the huiltling. It is re)lorte<l that there WAS *40,000 insnr1mce on the bttihlings und cuuteuts �vhich will be ample to cover the loss. Tho loss to the B:ml Co ' s stock wus tutu) not 11 thi ng being save<l. It is just about II V811l' ngo that tho �stfie-l'llllllh of this firm was hnme<l out. 'he Bar1lpeople have openeol 11 store near the ruinB IUlllnre prep11re for busi· IICHS ngni _ n _ . ---•- - As the seaHill of socinl fnuclinn• np· pr o nches the glass closet nmy uee1l t' Jllenishing with Dorfiiner's Americn n cut glass. · Stores nt !Hr Bromlwny, neur 2t street nnd 30 lnl'l'ny street, New York. l'J·•leul +nd urn nee. Hhould IJe impre�szd n poll all young person� thnt dlll'iug lifo enoh member of tho body, in tile very net of li vi ng, produces poison lo itself, notes n writer in PoJ>nlln· Sclonce !outhly. When this poison nccumulatos faster tlulll it cun bll eliminateol, which ul wuys occurs unless ·tho musolu has nu internl of rest, then will come fatigue, which is only :moth· er expression for toxiinfection. If tho 1nusolo is, given 1111 inter\'ul of rest, flO tb11t tho cull m giye otf its wustc prod· uct to keep puce with the. new ·produc- tions, the llli1Scle will then Iiberato en· ergy for n long time. This lnttor cmidi · tiou is what we cull endnruuce. The power imd endurance of tile 1111 · man mucbi11e is limited uccordiug to our ttndorstunding of tile ubovo facts, and nlso ou1· recognition of. its slowne�• In getting started. Like 1111y other pon· deroUH ami intricate inacbine, the body re11Uires time to get in harmonious working order. 'he brain, u enes; heurt and selotlll muscles must be given some wurning of the work tlloy nre os· peoted collectively perfo rm. lgno· ranee of this fuct bas broken dowu many a young num who uspire I to honors on the cin1lr path. . The ne<•essity of getting nll the parts of the body slowly in working order is well undurstood by trainers and jockeys on the race track, us is evideuce1l by tho pr111iminury " wnrming up;, they give their horse nltllough it Is clonbtful if the trainers could give any physiologic reason for this custom. Ill• 'onderruJ Curio•. Thenutbnrof ''Idyls of S puiu" spcnl ;s of a uot ury whom ho mot, whose naive simplicity stll 'ely coulil not be esceeuerl. "He asl wd for onr autographs, nud · 1 inqnire£1 wltetuer Ito was a c ollector of sucb trifles. 11 'Yes; sir,' ho replied, '1 um, nnd among otbors. I hnvo u most precious collection of unouyn 10ns ouus.' "Beaming with delight, be produced n rnru mauusuript of tho time of For· tliuuml aucl Isubolla, exquisitely w1 it· ton, un with tbo initia l letters bouuti· fully puiutml. . I LOCATING A COUPLET. A Faonlllar Qootallfln AMcrlbe t• Few popular ILUO!I1tions haYe mo- engaged tho I•onu.or critics tbun the fol-· lowiug: Fc;r ho thnt fihtuml runs uwny Will iivu to !lght unothct• uy. Those l ines ure almost universally .. supposml to form a )Jart of "Hudibras," unci no oouJPnthavoo v en Fcbolurs !Jce+ on tile subject that iu 1784 11 wager . wa mude ut Bootie of 20 to 1 tbut they· were to bo fomt<l iu tb+t iuimitab!o· poem. Dmlsley was re ferred 'to as th urbitei. hen he rillicnlecl t.bo idea o cousnlting . him on tbo snl>ject, saying. "Every fool knows they are iu 'Hndi- bras.' '' George Selwyn, who was present. id to Dslcy, "Pray, sir, will.yon good enough, thou, to inforn1 an old fool. who is at the same time your wi· worship' s ''ery hnmble servant, iu what, oMnto they aro to be found?" Dlslcy took clown the volnioe, · but. ho conllluot fiu·d tho passage, Tho ned . day came, with no better snccess, and·. t be suge bibliophile was obliged to con- fees "that a mnn might be ignorant of· tho an thor of tbis well kuown couplet . without being a bsolutely a fool. ' ' Ent- ler has iudeod two or three pussago somewhat similur. The one tbat com ueurcst is the foliowiug, iu''Hudibru ,�. book , CliP tO , Verse 2•13: . For thu>c tlmt lly •nny fight again, Which ho cnn never do that's H1uin. Tho fuct, however, is tbnt the couplet,. tbus erronconsly us�ribed to the untho-. of " Hudibrus," occut·s in n small vol- ume of ini,cellauoons pt'ems hy Sh· ,Tob Mcnncs, wri tten in tho reign of Churl e. · . II.-Elchango: · · · In the 'Vron� t•lnce. A cburuc\eristio>try ofGenornl Scott; is told iu councction with ·tho sword prescuto to him by tbo state of Louis- hum, throngb tbo legisluturo,. at the c lose of tho Mexican war. NEW JERSEY' CRE�TEST STORE. '"Senores,' ho oriotl with enthusi· nsm, 'look ut this. Isn't it n beuutyi I'm ulwuys colleotiug sncit thing,, 1' beu I ha\'o just )lUI'ohnsed by l"ttcr tb� manuscript of tho "lli!L'l," writt�n IJy Homei · himself, bis own lwudwritiug. 1'ho pity of it is tbut the ' work is not written iu Greek,' He 1\':ts ncco� t ed one day · by u mu who said: "General Scott, I had tho, honor of doing most of tho work on the sword llresonte to yot1 hy to stato of Louisi uun. I sboulcl Jiko to ask ii it wus just us yon would huvo chosen." "It's u Yory fine sword, sir, u ve flue swo rd indeed," salotho genorul_ "I 111n proud to lllll'e it. Thoro is only oue thing I should huv o preferred diffur- eut. Tho inscri ptiou sltonl£1 ha vo lmen on tho blade, sir. 'bo soabuartl mny be· talton from ''"• but tbo sword, never!" SEVEN A�RES IN THE VERY HEART OF NEWARK. O UR. SJZE -We can Ut the stock . . of the next larg- est store 111 the State Ill our basement, and the stocks of the thir,d and fourth largest on our main floor. We \viii then have room-and more, too-for the contents of the fifth largest . New Jersey's Greatest tore. Oreatest Acreage, Oreatest Shopping Space. Oreatest Corps of Cl erks. Oreatest Buyer. Oreatest Deliveries. Furniture, Bedding, Carpets, China, Upholsteries, Silk, Velvets, Dress Goods. Millinery, Capes,- Jac�ets; Furs, Suits, · New Jersey's Greatest Store. _ �Vaists, Trouseaux, Linings. Grcatcat Barg1lna. Orc1tcat 81tlaf1ctlon. Orc1tcat Aaaortmcnt. Orc1t11t Beller. Ortlttat Stock V11u11. MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND HATS-MEN'S, WOM· EN'S AND GHILDREN1S UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY-RIB· BONS. LACES, SHOES. HOUSEFURNISHINGS Eto. �'nBm DlnLLV11l A'l' N�1 .HmHin\' IIAILUOAD H'l'A'l'IONS AND IN n!l!OA'I'lm Ng YOC. HAHNE & CO., Newark, N. J. "At tUis iguel cmno " to the rescue, for Lnis aml I were almost hysterical With amusement, "'I sny,' iuquirec l Miguel, 'what doc· ument would your worship like most to bavo in your possession?' . "'Why,' answered tho notary, 'the telegram !rom Chrirtopber Oolmnbu' an11ouncing the 1li•covery of tb+ new world.'" Pannn•In T)·phold Fe,·r. After + long tlxperionco with typhoid patients, Dr. Ussery of S t. Louis main- tains that tho l1ost food for them is tlw banana. Ho explni ns by stutlng tbat iu this clisenMe the liniUR 1nmubruue of tlo StnRII intestines becomes lnteusoly in· Hamed 1111!1 engore!l, eyeutuully begin· nin to slough IIWRY in spots, leaving well !lefluo1! nlcers, ut which r•lnces the int esti nal walls become dauge1·ously thin. Now, a soli footl, if talcou iuto ths stomach, is l i kely to produce po•forntion of the intestines, !liro result� naturally following, null, tlis being the mm•, solid foods or those coutaiuiu lnrgo a1i10unt of innutritions substances are to be uvoiclod ue clangorous. But the lumnnu, thoug h it muy bo oll&ssed 11s a •olid food, lniuiugns it does some 05 l lUI' cellt nutrition, docs not possess su!lloiont wnsto to irritate the sore spots. Neurly tho whole amount takou Into tl10 stomuoh is ubsorbe, giv- ing tbo pntient more strougth tbau cnu be obtained from othot· food.-Amori· can Drugist. - A �tnunf a l n of 8nh•hnr. The "Soufrloto," or sulphuronB monntn ln, Is ounsi<lorocl to llo tho grent· ost 1111tuml curiosity of St. Lucht uml, in f11ot, of tho ost In dios. It is situ· lccl ubout hnlf 1m hour's ride from the town of Snni ' riuro, to wbloh it hn• given Its 11111110, null nmu·ly two milos to tlw enst of tbo 'ltous, uud is +t tho foot of two smull hills, huth of whio ·nru quite illlro of \'ogot11tlon on tho �Ide•fnolug tho om tor. It covurs 11 B{IIIVO of 11bont throu norcs. +nd Is orustml n\'OI' with sulphur allll alum. 'ho nro SUI'"r11l oahous In u perpetual slltlo of obulll tl on . 'i'ho wutor Is •Jttltu hhtok In tho llll'gur Oll!lH nml boilH up to' tho h�lht of two m• lhl'<•o fout, but In tho sumller ones it Is quito cleul', VIsitors nevor full to boll somo ugg, In onu of tim Rtllllllor onhlrous, ubtnln· lug tlwm fl•mn nu of th o c•·oolu llldel, who lwop u Hllll l liy nn lunul on Jllll'jlnsu. l•ernunl lf4•11�ctlh•n, . ",\ru yun n l ' llHhlunt of tl1IH wnroW" liHICUII tho uhnillllllll', "I roolcnu J 11111, Hh'," I'U l llh"l'l'utl'olJ\ Kunl:t, "W hul'll ! 1 11 yon 111111 �'0111' WnHhillJ� •1ouu1" jlllrHIIOIIIho uhnlhugul' , �tlu111111\'hll!t'll, , "Hir," l'lljolul!ll 'i'uil ' ul•l Knutt w ith· ulul�·· "l'vll 1lPill1 \'ntln nil' 1111 nn f 211 Yl'lll', Ill! ll llhllliy 11\'llf II XIII! lliiJ !.11111 ljiii'Hiinll hn(nt'll, "-!Jhl1•(1�11 'J.'1•ihllllll, n o Y o�· Dr i k s o D A ? !I""'"'" 1/w <11'"'""1'' of 1/�lf,J.t)N.� oj Jt olllll/1· .I'JIJ'CJ I•'J'IIIf. JII'IIJIH """'· W H TRENCHARD .,,111'411111 111111 t 1 , , , . ' I'I'Ol•l'"t Mt �· ;,.' ,1:•.!,.�' ,;p "','• .:·;;, 1 . . · . ',,i:o · , ·. ,. , .\ .:1:,!/ri,: . .".i .11 \ � · · ·� ;·.:j: · .• ·.: · /;>·:,:{fl�i·�'f ..... · dil•: , , •• .. Tho sword cost nbout $00, th e prin- cipal. oxpenso IJuing In tho scabbar . wbioh was ric hly o!Jased nl ornameed.-Exchu n g e . . ----- THE TIMMER MA R K ET It 1+ 1 n Vnhaue Auir llelt l at Ahe, dt•t•a, Scutlnntl. On .the last Weduos1 lay of August ev- ery year is n fnir, called the "Timntcr· market," held in the Castle sqnure im. Abercleen, Scotland. Some. 50 or yenrs ago nothing could be bought at if; bnt wooden urtiules, from which nrO' the nnmo "'rhnmer." Now, however, it is the Scotch housewife's lust chanc e oC gotti!Jg her berries for prcser•·ing. - ery patron of the market know• U after that month tho only ohnnco · frnit is gouo; hence tho rusb. Grout nu sm111l, rich n111l poor, alike turn on\_ Booths set to tho best uch·antngo am numbering perbnps 200 nro urrunged rows, ample room boin g left for tho huy- t•rs 111111 plcasm'!l seekers botwoml. Fr.l1 stnlls, old clothes dealers, shooting: uges, whools of f'tune-e;elhi'Irg- to make 11 penny-can bo fouml thcro.. Schools un colleges hnve uo recognizeil holiday on that WednoHrluy, yet tbu 11\'0rngo "mml" is + rogul11r uttondunk Up•m•l down ho plll'luleM, blowing �,, trumput in tho fnco of ovory !IIIU ho• moots nnd looking tho very picture happiness. By 7 o'clock tlto "tarry rope" lllfliJ uro lit nnd tho fnn cm>nnenccs. Cuuut ''bmukius'' fetch thui''lnEscs" rnr buy thew �n1uiy 111111 pears or whutHVN" IH wiHitcd !, tll'owhh•d thnt tho <:os· dons uot t•XI'e!'d Hixpenco. 'l'ho ell too IJoth sexes mix with tho crowd n: "trent," the one tho other. When nil i, about �old out, tho stuoleuts sturt !or homo wi t h n rush, npHottlug the st<llls. us they go. N oi h i:l g of oom·so Is fidel by tho poll co, It b�lu '"i'iunnO"" ·tiny •. Should lillY 0110 ho HO nbsoutmloclmlll to forget thu nionths Ill !II t ho dayH there- of ho bus no rtnuht whnto\ ' e frmu t · i1o1nl splitting nolso of tho In+t Wod day l u uguHt. llll In h••lunnul 'Vntcr•FlHh du 110t hreutho uh•, hut tho life · HllllPOI'Iill OOIIKtituuut of ll l f-OKYo. sn�-which I� •nlub!o In wntur to til&. 11xtuut of hru� vohuuoH lu I 00 at ordi• llllt'Y tomporutln't'H nn1l four lu 100 Itt.. frunziu� pnlut. 'i'ho· w'ntt••· ur mt nl uln tho <llHolv��. oxyg1111 IH umdu tn puss 0\'ol' tho ill., wl111ru It IH SI'JIIII'Utl•cl f'l'lllll tho h!nni · ouly hy 11 vt•>·�· thin llwmht'llt\!1, throna· whloh thn �ns iH nhl11 to I'""'· Fl•h lu ioolHntiJd rlvei'H h!IVO IL'• :,� jiUIIIlllll\it'lliy lljlllll !hl Hlllt'll Uf ;q11.1 . fm• t huh• I' 'Hflll'lltinu, 111111 If It �,:• . :.o . •r.� exlulltHh•d I u<·�· II I'll HU ll'tH'llted, juKt UK: ll Hhunlol !111 1! d"tll'iVIil l or oxygc111, Jt l'lld�• hllpjii•IIH, lJO\\'IIVUI', I hat 1111. COIIHioil•l'llhJo IIJ'('C\ uf 11'1111•1' iH Olltirl!ly· eoVlll'<•d with 11'11, I' HfitJUl al ly In tli11 !IHHil· of t'h'llt'll llnii'H 111111 o•t'IIUlcH nro ulmout. HIII'O to llt!l!lll' h11l'll 111111 t.hol'll, hy wh ldt t ho oxyg1111 111' 11111 uh• ounl'l'JWh tJ1o wa- lor mullHtl'llllllllliHHIIh'mllu H. llurlug, II lOII frout tiHil IIII IY nJwnyH ho lllllllll. Ullll�l'll�Ututl uououth 1111' holoH Ill htl'>' ' nmnhorH , '!'bo y uru Uwu to routho . . : iUbUO I : �, �G,�l. ' . ; . . :�w�M

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Page 1:  · I I ., . .' .; . st.MI-WEE"LV UNION COUNTY STANDARD. . ' . TUESDAY FRIDAY-' WESTFIELD, . UNION COUNTY, N. }., OCTOBER 18, 1898. $2 Per Year. Single Copies· 3c., Mats

I • I .' . , . .;


. ' . TUESDAY FRIDAY-' WESTFIELD, . UNION COUNTY, N. }., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1898. $2 Per Year. Single Copies· 3c.,

Mats, Close Brush. Hlx!!7, Vuluelklc,,


stltlUlltln Smyrna Rugs. ntllm·•. of tlw 11lck of mnkes. Slllt.!mihllr e Jlllltcrns.

Vnlue 1.00, �lxlr. in., Value J.aj, t.09.

31.1xli0 lu,. Vulnc !!.r.o, t.85.

4x7 Ct., Vuluc ll.IMI,

, 4.75. Rugs, Carpet Sizes.

i!l.ll\1, i.Uantl l0.6 ft ,,\' •llllll iii.OIJ,

:sa. ts.oo.

Rangpur Reversible . . Rugs. Tbe famnus Bro111ley make, size OOxOO, ::.1�.�.'.�: •••••.•...••••••••.••• : •••••. 98c Rich Kaskar Rugs: .

Jn tbe famuuK \VUton \Vean•'-of rich l'crslan patterns, ilixlll. value 2.01, at lo��:D1 ft 1 9 3tlx�2, \'RIDe 3.00,,.,,,,,,,,, •. ,, • •. ,. ill'•

Rich Smyrna Rugs. 18x3G,·Value 1.2U, 21xq,, Value 2.00,

1.00. t.SO. et OOxiiO, Valutl, 8.:45,

2 50. :lllx72, Value t.liO, b7 ft., Yaluu 8 00,

3.75. 6.75. Smyrna Rug�.· Carpet Sizes.

ft., Vnhw !j.iM10 - i.UxlU.tl, Y1�luo :!7,00, 14.00. ,22.00.

llxl� ft., Y11lue :15.00, 30.00.

Rangpur Carpel Rugs. llll\'er�Jhlo t•lch colnfln!lS. 'l'tu•klsb tuul Pel'·

sh•n l'llttcl'Us.

6x9 ft., Yulue 'i.&O, 'i',tlxlO.tl, Vt•luo 12.tJO,

5.00. 8.25. Uxi:Ht,, Yulue J�.fMJ,

t0. 50. Splendid Smyrna Rugs. · ·

ufoullcy u.rul other of :thO most cxt'Ollont Dll\kcs, n.ll wool, choice lliltterns-

18xat, \"tLlnc ;Uc., 21x�r.. Yn.ltu1 I. lit, Ox12 ft., Value 2;1.rcl,

.. 2t.50. . 59c. ·. 89e.

30:t:titi, Vnluo !!.l.llJ,

t.59.' :lJXM, Vtdue l.liS,

t29. aoxi2,.YI,hlo a.ro, �x'; ft., YtLlne 4,r,u,

2.39. 3.69.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::* PRESENT THIS «:OtJPON . .

.. :.:. -AT-

BEE Hl\lEXU • any time ite!ul'<l NmtmiKlr 1st and yuu wllllte ·entitled to . .. : : i.-.-...-TEN PER CENT. OISCOUNT�.-.-.-g· ' On all1111r"bn••s cxce1•t 1100ds selling at special prices, : :

:::::::::;::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':::::::.::·::* Agents or Branch Stores anywhere. ·· Mail orders

' · carefully filled, . deliveries by our . own wagons every . Monday, Wed-

nesday and Friday. ·

·L . S. PLAUT & CO. to 721 Broad & 8 Cedar St.� Newark, N. J.

* Small Shoes cor little chaps.

¥ . Strong Shoes ror sturdy boys.

* �tylish Shoes for their fathers.

.· * Dainty Shoes for littl� girls and misses.

: * Elegant Shoes for their mothers.

Good Shoes and Low Prices for Every One.

H. C. PIKER, ••weetfleld'• Bu•le•t Shoe Store."

.� �

1Dl81110nds and Pretious Stones, Watches & Fine Jewelry. Why You Should Buy Through Me.

I luiVo beon 11 tll111110111l elljlet ·t fot• 1111111)' )'ellrR 111111 my jmlgment. I� !Jiy llettua• thnll yours, As I buy dh•eot fi'OIII tho mnmtfuotmet·s ua1d

i·III�IIO,rtitt•s, I 01111 savo you monoy.

C. H. Bent, Diamond Cutter, .- ' And Broker In Precious Stones,

s8 NASSAU SrREBT, Cor. M�IOP.N LANE, N. V. Or 11oM 6o1 Westfleltl, N. ,1,

Is whAt you get when deAling with us. It's Just as ensy to keep a nice, sweet clcnu store ns It ltl to keep 11 dirty one,

I Meal & Vr,getables,

··. PROSPfl"f STitllllT1 WalSTfiEll.D�<.\. : .. • ' • '' •1, .'<.; .,. !'' '. /.'·.. i · .• ;. •:\H ' .i .l• ':'•. , ... �. : . ' ,'···1 • • ' •'• •' ·'.' :-:··.';•.J ."i . t·: (�:.�:· \< 7.: : .. ' I ' ;<:, ;; '•1

A liiJrlllflc•nt l'nhlic"tl"" VJIOn tile

·. ' · Soi1U1. .. ·.The womlerfnl· 11rogre8s \vhich the

South hns been mukh1g in nil lines of in· <lnstrinl, coinmerlcal 1\1111 lutellectunl <le· velojnueut lllls . been most fittingly · set. forth In ·" ma gnificent volume·, which, afte1·.months of cilreful}ll'e(•nrlltlou, has jnst been lssne�l,

�y .the· t;outhem Rllil· way.

'l'hi• book. the title of which, ''The Empire of tl11i So'uth," conveys !Ill Ide" of Its charHcter. is beyond <tnestlotl one of the most com}•rehe11sl ve nuol at the same time artistic publications ever Is· sueil fi'Olll tile pre!ltl, It contains lleat·ly two hundred octl\ve pages, over four· hundred exqtlialtely printed lllustratlonP, Rllll'n1akes a preiJeutatiOJI of Southern In· terests In alliin� of human· activity, which for thoroughness of treatment has never been approached.


The opening chapter of the book nuder the caption of "The Sooth, Yesterday, To·day and To· morrow," discusses In a bl'Otld and forcible manr.er the present and fnture of the Sonthet·n States. treat� lug at conshlerable lengh the vnrlous Interests, such 118 agriculture,. cotton, tobacco, lrou, coal, re80rts, c limate, etc. Following this 11re cha}•ters · devote<l to each of the States sont.h of the Ohio tulll Potomac, and enst of the 1\lissls�ippl rivers.

'l'hese give a brief, interesting Hketch of the early history of each Stnte, and then touch upon all its illl}Klrtaut activi· ties showing the progress being nuule not only by the State itself, but by the lea<l iug cit.ies. I

'l'he author of the work, lilt•. F1•nnk Preshrey, is" close stm\.,nt of Soi1thern progress, atul in thecollectionnn1l- prepu· mt.i01i of the humeuse ammmt of impor· tnut iufommtion gh·en in the book, bus luul the co ·opemtion of the ollici!ll.s of lhll Snt>thertl R•il wu)·. 'l'he tlistrihntion ot thi• mngnific:cut volume will !\o an iucltlculnble amount of t>ractical goml in

culling tba attcnt.ion of the wot·ld tO the South, null t.he Sout.hern Railway has demonstrate<} Its faith in the fntnre of thahectlon by the ex}Jen£1ihll'e of the mnny thonsamls of dollm·s which this great. worl1 must lmve cost. 'l'hose ·who are fot·tnuate eumigh to r�ceive 1t cnpy of this eolitiou tie luxe, which is Heut with the compliments of the collllli"'Y· \vill .vrizo it"" IL most valuabltl u<l<liton to their libi'Rl'Y.

___ _.. . •.. .,._.. __ t•JulnUehl'"' lUg }'be.

'l'llll ilard Cycle Co's Pl11inlielol slote bn_rne<l out Snudl\y morning The fire, It Is suprmse1l, orlghmted on the seco111l lloor of their bnll<llng und when tl1e alarm Wl&egiven 1\t 4.45 the enth·e npr•er story was ablaze. The building w11s en· tlrely gutted 'from to}l to !J<,Ltom and the livery st11ble In the rear was also b1111ly da1nage�l . A. D. Thompson's rei\ I estate office �tdjoiulng. the Bar£1 Co. was aim ruined. 'l'he firemen of North Plainfield were called to the lll!l!ibtanct! of the Plan­fiel<l deJ•at·lluimt aml all dill lmrd work aqd ker•t· the fire from spreading to the ad· joining bnlltllng. A high whul was blowlugnt the time 1111d for u while It was t.honght thn t the entire block wonhl go. The B1ll'll Co. had uumy cases of cartridges on hand nud they · t'X(lloded blowing out. the front of the huiltling.

It is re)lorte<l that there WAS *40,000 insnr1mce on the bttihlings und cuuteuts �vhich will be ample to cover the loss. Tho loss to the B:ml Co's stock wus tutu) not 11 thing being save<l. It is just about II V811l' ngo that tho \V�stfiel<113l'llllllh of this firm was hnme<l out.

'l'he Bar1lpeople have openeol 11 store near the ruinB IUlllnre prep11rell for busi· IICHS ngni_n_. ---•----

As the seaHill of socinl fnuclinn• np· pro nches the glass closet nmy uee1l t'e· Jllenishing with Dorfiin:,:er's Americnn cut glass.· Stores nt !Hr. Bromlwny, neur 2fi;t street nnd 30 lllnl'l'ny street, New York.

l'llJ·•leul 11nd urn nee. It Hhould IJe impre�szd n poll all young

person� thnt dlll'iug lifo enoh member of tho body, in tile very net of living, produces poison lo itself, notes n writer in PoJ>nlln· Sclonce !llouthly. When this poison nccumulatos faster tlulll it cun bll eliminateol, which ul wuys occurs unless

·tho musolu has nu interl'nl of rest, then will come fatigue, which is only :moth· er expression for toxit· infection. If tho 1nusolo is, given 1111 inter\'ul of rest, flO tb11t tho cull otm giye otf its wustc prod· uct to keep puce with the. new ·produc­tions, the llli1Scle will then Iiberato en· ergy for n long time. This lnttor cmidi· tiou is what we cull endnruuce.

The power imd endurance of tile 1111· man mucbi11e is limited uccordiug to our ttndorstunding of tile ubovo facts, and nlso ou1· recognition of. its slowne�• In getting started. Like 1111y other pon· deroUH ami intricate inacbine, the body re11Uires time to get in harmonious working order. 'l'he brain, uenes; heurt and slielotlll muscles must be given some wurning of the work tlloy nre os· peoted collectively to perform. lgno· ranee of this fuct bas broken dowu many a young num who uspire I to honors on the cin1lllr path. .

The ne<•essity of getting nll the parts of the body slowly in working order is well undurstood by trainers and jockeys on the race track, us is evideuce1l by tho pr111iminury "wnrming up;, they give their horses, nltllough it Is clonbtful if the trainers could give any physiologic reason for this custom.

Ill• \\'onderruJ Curio•. Thenutbnrof ''Idyls of Spuiu" spcnl;s

of a uotury whom ho mot, whose naive simplicity stll 'ely coulil not be esceeuerl. "He aslwd for onr autographs, nud ·1 inqnire£1 wltetuer Ito was a collector of sucb trifles.

11 'Yes; sir,' ho replied, '1 um, nnd among o tbors. I hnvo u most precious collection of unouyn 10ns ouus.'

"Beaming with delight, be produced n rnru mauusuript of tho time of For· tliuuml aucl Isubolla, exquisitely w1 it· ton, un!l with tbo initial letters bouuti· fully puiutml.

. I

LOCATING A COUPLET. A. Faonlllar Qootallfln AMcrlbeil t•

Few popular ILUO!I1tions haYe mora­engaged tho I•onu.or critics tbun the fol-· lowiug:

Fc;r ho thnt fi;-ht!:luml runs uwny Will iivu to !lght unothct• tluy. Those lines ure almost universally ..

supposml to form a )Jart of "Hudibras," unci no ooufi<JPnthavooven F.cbolurs !Jce11 on tile subject that iu 1784 11 wager. waiF mude ut Bootie of 20 to 1 tbut they· were to bo fomt<l iu tb11t iuimitab!o· poem. Dmlsley was referred 'to as thO> urbitei. 'when he rillicnlecl t.bo idea of' cousnlting. him on tbo snl>ject, saying. "Every fool knows they are iu 'Hndi­bras.' ''

George Selwyn, who was present. said to Dodslcy, "Pray, sir, will.yon be­good enough, thou, to inforn1 an old fool. who is at the same time your wise· worship's ''ery hnmble servant, iu what, oMnto they aro to be found?"

D!Klslcy took clown the volnioe, ·but. ho conllluot fiu·d tho passage, Tho ned . day came, with no better snccess, and·. tbe suge bibliophile was obliged to con­fees "that a mnn might be ignorant of· tho an thor of tbis well kuown couplet. without being absolutely a fool. ' ' Ent­ler has iudeod two or three pussago�J somewhat similur. The one tbat comllll' ueurcst is the foliowiug, iu''Hudibrus, ,�. book lJ, CliP tO II, Verse 2•13: .

For thu>c tlmt lly •nny fight again, Which ho cnn never do that's H1uin.

Tho fuct, however, is tbnt the couplet,. tbus erronconsly us�ribed to the unthor--. of "Hudi brus," occut·s in n small vol­ume of ini,cellauoons pt'ems hy Sh· ,Tobtt Mcnncs, written in tho reign of Churl elf..·. II.-El.:chango: · · ·

In the 'Vron� t•lnce. A cburuc\eristio>triry ofGenornl Scott;

is told iu councction with ·tho sword prescutocl to him by tbo state of Louis­hum, throngb tbo legisluturo,. at the. close of tho Mexican war.

NEW JERSEY' CRE�TEST STORE. '"Senores,' ho oriotl with enthusi·

nsm, 'look ut this. Isn't it n beuutyi I'm ulwuys colleotiug sncit thing,, 1'beu I ha\'o just )lUI'ohnsed by l"ttcr tb� manuscript of tho "lli!L'l," writt�n IJy Homei· himself, bis own lwudwritiug. 1'ho pity of it is tbut the 'work is not written iu Greek,'

He 1\':ts ncco�ted one day· by u mull!

who said: "General Scott, I had tho, honor of doing most of tho work on the sword llresontecl to yot1 hy tllo stato of Louisiuun. I sboulcl Jiko to ask ii it wus just us yon would huvo chosen."

"It's u Yory fine sword, sir, u very flue swo rd indeed," salol· tho genorul_ "I 111n proud to lllll'e it. Thoro is only oue thing I should huvo preferred diffur­eut. Tho inscri ptiou sltonl£1 ha vo lmen on tho blade, sir. 'l'bo soabuartl mny be· talton from ''"• but tbo sword, never!"

SEVEN A�RES IN THE VERY HEART OF NEWARK. OUR. SJZE-We can (?Ut the stock .. of the next larg­

est store 111 the State Ill our basement, and the stocks of the thir,d and fourth largest on our main floor. We \viii then have room-and more, too-for the contents of the fifth l argest.

New Jersey's Greatest .Store.

Oreatest Acreage, Oreatest Shopping Space. Oreatest Corps of Clerks.

Oreatest Buyer. Oreatest Deliveries.








Dress Goods.






New Jersey's Greatest Store.

_ �Vaists,



Grcatcat Barg1lna. Orc1tcat 81tlaf1ctlon.

Orc1tcat Aaaortmcnt.

Orc1t11t Beller.

Ortlttat Stock V11u11.


�'nBm DlnLLV11IWli:l A'l' N�1\V .HmHin\' IIAILUOAD H'l'A'l'IONS AND IN n!l!OA'I'lm Ng\V YOHIC.

HAHNE & CO., • •

• Newark, N. J.

"At tUis :Miguel cmno"

to the rescue, for Lnis aml I were almost hysterical With amusement,

"'I sny,' iuquirecl Miguel, 'what doc· ument would your worship like most to bavo in your possession?'

. "'Why,' answered tho notary, 'the telegram !rom Chrir.topber Oolmnbu' an11ouncing the 1li•covery of tb11 new world.'"

Pannn•• In T)·phold Fe,·c-r. After 11 long tlxperionco with typhoid

patients, Dr. Ussery of St. Louis main­tains that tho l1ost food for them is tlw banana. Ho explnins by stutlng tbat iu this clisenMe the liniUR 1nmubruue of tl.Jo StnRII intestines becomes lnteusoly in· Hamed 1111!1 engor!!e!l, eyeutuully begin· ninl! to slough IIWRY in spots, leaving well !lefluo1! nlcers, ut which r•lnces the intestinal walls become dauge1·ously thin.

Now, a soli<l footl, if talcou iuto ths stomach, is li ke ly to produce po•forntion of the intestines, !liro result� naturally following, null, tl.Jis being the mm•, solid foods or those coutaiuiul! 1\ lnrgo a1i10unt of innutritions substances are to be uvoiclod ue clangorous.

But the lumnnu, thoug h it muy bo oll&ssed 11s a •olid food, c•tmlniuiugns it does some 05 llUI' cellt nutrition, docs not possess su!lloiont wnsto to irritate the sore spots. Neurly tho whole amount takou Into tl10 stomuoh is ubsorbecl, giv­ing tbo pntient more strougth tbau cnu be obtained from othot· food.-Amori· can Drugl!ist.

-----A �tnunfaln of 8nh•hnr.

The "Soufrloto," or sulphuronB monntn ln, Is ounsi<lorocl to llo tho grent· ost 1111tuml curiosity of St. Lucht,' uml, in f11ot, of tho \Yost Indios. It is situ · lllccl ubout hnlf 1m hour's ride from the town of Snni'riuro, to wbloh it hn• given Its 11111110, null nmu·ly two milos to tlw enst of tbo J:'ltous, uud is 11t tho foot of two smull hills, huth of whioll ·nru quite illlro of \'ogot11tlon on tho �Ide•• fnolug tho om tor.

It covurs 11 B{IIIVO of 11bont throu norcs. 11nd Is orustml n\'OI' with sulphur allll alum. 'l'hot'O nro SUI'"r11l oahh·ous In u perpetual slltlo of obullltlon. 'i'ho wutor Is •Jttltu hhtok In tho llll'gur Oll!lH nml boilH up to' tho h�ll!ht of two m• lhl'<•o fout, but In tho sumller ones it Is quito cleul',

VIsitors nevor full to boll somo ugg, In onu of tim Rtllllllor onhlrous, ubtnln· lug tlwm fl•mn n!lu of tho c•·oolu l(llldel, who lwop u Hlllllliy nn lunul on Jllll'jlnsu.

l•er�tnunl lf4•11�ctlh•n, . ",\ru yun n l'llHhlunt of tl1IH wnroW" liHICUII tho uhnilllll!llll',

"I roolcnu J 11111, Hh'," I'Ulllh"l'l'utl'olJ\ Kunl:t,

"W hul'll !111 yon 11111'11 �'0111' WnHhillJ� •1ouu1" jlllrHIIOIIIho uhnlhugul', �t.llluu· 111111\'hll!t'll, ,

"Hir," l'lljolul!ll 'i'uil'ul•l Knutt w ith· ul'lul!l�·· "l'vll 1lPill1 \'ntln nil' 1111 nn fill' 211 Yl'lll', Ill! llllhllliy 11\'llf IIXIII! lliiJ !.11111 ljiii'Hiinll hn(nt'll, "-!Jhl1•(1�11 'J.'1•ihllllll,

no Yo�· Drin_k soDA? !I""'"'" 1/w <11'1'"'""1'' of 1/�lf,J.t)N.� oj Jt olllll/1· .I'JIJ'CJ I•'J'IIIf. liJII'IIJIH """'·

W H TRENCHARD .,,111'411111 111111 t 1 , , ,. ' I'I'Oiill•l'"t Mt �·

;,.�',1:•.!,.�' ,;p "','• .:·;;, 1 . . ·. ',,i:o·1·,·. , .,.\ .:1:,!/ri,: .' . .".i .11 \ � · · ·� ;·..,.:j:· .• ·.:·/;>·:,:{fl�i·�'f ..... · dil•: ,, ••• ..

Tho sword cost nbout $ii00, th e prin­cipal. oxpenso IJuing In tho scabbard,. wbioh was richly o!Jased nll!l ornament-· ed.-Exchu;:n::g� e.:... -----


It 1111 n Vnhaue AR'uir lleltl at Ahe,.._ dt•t.•a, Scutlnntl.

On .the last Weduos1lay of August ev­ery year is n fnir, called the "Timntcr· market," held in the Castle sqnure im. Abercleen, Scotland. Some. 50 or 00 yenrs ago nothing could be bought at if; bnt wooden urtiules, from which nrOlll!l' the nnmo "'rhnmer." Now, however, it.t is the Scotch housewife's lust chance oC gotti!Jg her berries for prcser•·ing. Er­ery patron of the market know• U.it after that month tho only ohnnco of.· frnit is gouo; hence tho rusb. Grout nut>! sm111l, rich n111l poor, alike turn on\_

Booths set to tho best uch·antngo am'i numbering perbnps 200 nro urrunged iu rows, ample room boing left for tho huy­t•rs 111111 plcasm'!l seekers botwoml. Fr.\lli\1 stnlls, old clothes dealers, shooting: rnuges, whools of fOI'tune-e;erylhi'Irg­to make 11 penny-can bo fouml thcro.. Schools unci colleges hnve uo recognizeil holiday on that WednoHrluy, yet tbu 11\'0rngo "mml" is 11 rogul11r uttondunk Up•m•l down ho plll'luleM, blowing !ti�,, trumput in tho fnco of ovory !IIIU ho• moots nnd looking tho very picture ul.' happiness.

By 7 o'clock tlto "tarry rope" lllfliJ"' uro lit nnd tho fnn cm>nnenccs. Cuuutry­''bmukius'' fetch thuit· ''lnEscs" rnrcl: buy thew �n1uiy 111111 pears or whutHVN" IH wiHitcd !01', tll'owhh•d thnt tho <:oslt· dons uot t•XI'e!'d Hixpenco. 'l'ho ell toot! IJoth sexes mix with tho crowd nml: "trent," the one tho other. When nil ilf., about �old out, tho stuoleuts sturt !or homo wi th n rush, npHottlug the st<llls. us they go. N oi h i:lg of oom·so Is fidel. by tho poll co, It b�lul! '"i'iunnO"" ·tiny •. Should lillY 0110 ho HO nbsoutmloclmlll!ll· to forget thu nionths Ill !II t ho dayH there­of ho bus no rtnuht whnto\'ei' frmu tbe · i1o1nl splitting nolso of tho In11t Wod.'Hlllli day lu .A uguHt.

l;oll'll In h•••lunnul 'Vntcr••

FlHh du 110t hreutho uh•, hut tho life ·

HllllPOI'Iilllol OOIIKtituuut of lllf-OKYilo!J'. sn�-which I� •nlub!o In wntur to til&. 11xtuut of t:hru� vohuuoH lu I 00 at ordi• llllt'Y tomporutln't'H nn1l four lu 100 Itt .. frunziu� pnlut.

'i'ho· w'ntt••· urmtnlulnl! tho <llriHolv���. oxyg1111 IH umdu tn puss 0\'ol' tho �till.'i, wl111ru It IH SI'JIIII'Utl•cl f'l'lllll tho h!nnil' · ouly hy 11 vt•>·�· thin llwmht'llt\!1, thronail-· whloh thn �ns i.H nhl11 to I'""'·

Fl•h lu ioolHntiJd rlvei'H h!IVO IL'• :tk,� jiUIIIlllll\it'lliy lljlllll !hill Hlllt'll Uf (l(,;;q11.1tJ.. fm• t huh• I' 'Hflll'lltinu, 111111 If It !J�,:•.:.I.o.•r.� exlulltHh•d I u<·�· II I'll HU ll'tH'llted, juKt UK: \I'll Hhunlol !111 1! d"tll'iVIill or oxygc111,

Jt l'lll'ld�• hllpjii•IIH, lJO\\'IIVUI', I hat 1111)". COIIHioil•l'llhJo IIJ'('C\ uf 11'1111•1' iH Olltirl!ly· eoVlll'<•d with 11'11, I'HfitJUlally In tli11 !IHHil· of t'h'llt'll• llnii'H 111111 o•t'IIUlcH nro ulmout. HIII'O to llt!l!lll' h11l'll 111111 t.hol'll, hy whldt tho oxyg1111 111' 11111 uh• ounl'l'JWh tJ1o wa-lor mullHtl'llllllllliHHIIh'mllu H. llurlug, II lOIII! frout tiHil IIIIIY nJwnyH ho lllllllll. Ullll�l'll�Ututl uououth 1111' holoH Ill htl'jl!l.>' ' nmnhorH, '!'boy uru Uwl'u to llroutho . ....o... : lliiUbiiUIIO. I : �,_;: �G,�l�

. '. ;_, ...... :�wti�M

Page 2:  · I I ., . .' .; . st.MI-WEE"LV UNION COUNTY STANDARD. . ' . TUESDAY FRIDAY-' WESTFIELD, . UNION COUNTY, N. }., OCTOBER 18, 1898. $2 Per Year. Single Copies· 3c., Mats

. :. · . : ... ' .. � ....


HOT HOUSE PLANTS Bought of"- . .

ANDREW JEPSON "-Oive Satlsfadlon


The Cranford Gas tiaht Co.

Incorporated 18':�. The little ro11 doll le, '

QUit�h. Her realm tA a maid·

en's herut. And tbore oho will

"'"n a�rene, And play tbo lmpof'o

tent part. A bundle · o! r.•g• I.­

abe, \ • • 1 collar oft��crailiF fur; :She'� ont.r a dnll to rue.

But1 more than a doll to h•r. A <loll that r thoUKbt . prize

I K'a\'e to the little maid, Tllllt op�neU lind shut Its �yes,

And beauty of f11.ce dis{llu.red; But sontt!hnw It �eemt'tl to me

SliP never r�ceh•ed tbe care l t!ttlly ancl houl'ly seu 1Jestcm·ed on a doll less fair.

The doll that can realty talk, 'l'he dol l lu the "II ken dreg�, 1'1w doll thut t� mndu to walk, Lies lurwlr In �om� rc-we"��s:

Fur...:otten a nil pu.;ht:>d IL'Sld�. It li�:; in the linst :q•art,

\\'hl le that o( the ra..:s in p rhle h llelll tu tht' Wllltlen·� henrt.

'l'hn \�.,l nu c 1f R Trudt·, rt�nwtnheL" y£"nrs ngo, when I was

a Vt'l'.'' �·uung uwn, writes l1,0Ster CoaLe:-;, llll'l•ting .John Ituach, tile .�:reat �hiplmilder, in h is shipy:ll'll at ChPStt.>l', l'euusylrania. I l'('lllembcto, too, what he saul t hen about the vatu� of a Ir:11le to a boy,

"Young tnan.'' he snlll, laying his ,J:l'Pat, hroad hand on m r shuuhlet' null lool{ing n t IIW ent·nestly' w-ith his lteen, steel hiue l l·ish !',\'es, "next to n clear cousdenee, u tr:ule is us · goo(] :i th ing as auy young nutu enu lln\·e· .in this <!ouutry. You euu curry It with you all yom l ife long ; you 1Jn1·e to pny nei tlwr rent nor taxes upon it, aut! i t 1\'lll helll you arouml n sltlll'fl comer 1\'hen most other things will fail.''

I ha l'e ne1·er for�otten that utter· auce from 11 man who 'stnrted in life -after landing in Xew Yoi·k from ll·e · lantl-:ts helper lo 11 mu"h i nlst, who b<!came the leading shiJlllU!Itler of his tlwe, llllll who, UJl to tlw hour Ill' wus sh·iel;en with a fatal Illness, could take the pluce of any of bls worluuen, wlaenu•r i t wa8 a man d rh· iug rt1·ets -or an eXJJert putting togothel' the ID<Jst delicate parts of a steawshill'l machinery,

Somelhlng very like what .Tohn lloach said I heard anolher great ntnn, -who Is uow dead, say. 'J'his was Pe­t..r CoofK'r, a man or whom .American boys cannot know too mucb, and whom they certainly caonot too wueb atlwlre.

"Jr. r had my wa7.'' said tbe venera­tile plillanthroplst, on the occasion to wbll'il I reter, "1 would give every 11oy a irade. T·ben I would have bina •tick to it, love it and be good to It.: If be does, it 1\"lli bt good · to bim."

BAS far lllumlnatlnl and Fuel PuiJoses.

No charge will be made for oonnect· ing honse wltb street main to tb088 np· plying for gll8 prior to 15th Nov�JU ber 1898. The Cranford Gas Light Co.,



FR<SH FROM THE COU NTRY. .If there is one thing more tlmn other

thnt makes one successful In lmsines•. it is jn<lgeJnomt in buying. It's t'asy fllOugh to sell 11 gooll thing if peoJ•Ie know ttbottt it. We me onr best emlelll'· ora to buy the very choicest' cattle null yon have long ago fottnll ont that we kuow how to cnt up and bamlle ments. This Wet>k s01oe fine lamb,


Welch Bros. •

WALL · rArER.s ·


consumption reaps



·his richest harvest where· dis� eases of the throat

. HOREHOUND. and lungs AND

are neglected. TAR If lOU ba•• eYer lriell lfale'1 HOM)' of

Honboaad aa4 Tar J'O• ll:aow wb&t a =-'=·���:fj� ... ...

..... T .. Dropec ... �-.....

Hew England Bread. ·Westfield Bakery


Cakes, Pies and PaslrJ. ICE CREAn delh•erell In quantities

• to suit,

Wugon makes regular cnlls. Drop m 11 postal curtl uml your wnnts will br ntten<letl to.

. Broad St. Westfield. F, W. HARGRAVE, MATTHIAS MILLER.


Mnnufnctmoro nnt! Den lora in

Sash, Blinds, Mouldings and ·

Doors. ·

ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK. Turnlntr ontl .Scroll Sewln•.

Window Glass, Ornamental and Plate GlaH •v•N••"•" G00"8i A ·�·CIALTY,,

UIIOI . WATER GOMPAIY lacotpara!ed 1870. OttraaiiOd 1891.

Tb11 Union Water Compmy snpJ»lit!8 the irahKhitants of tbe · villatces of Fat wood, W estlleld, Cranfor•l and ROt!l!i;. witb w11ter for domestic-nee. "Tbe Purest al!ll I1NIIsl tbat ltalU11Giti liel •. "

The Hoae1t llootltlac•. · ·"Shine, sir ?"

3C ROLL AND uP. pi:..:f�.!\\"!�v:.,�l.:��h .. �Y:aJ:.nr� :�� .

Our prlcett'more tbHn mOll� city prices. ��.:.�a:.�r:;o..:r o�·:.�rJ!�·.,��·d uplaln ....... ... ies, I want 1117 ttiJoea blacked." "Then I would be 11a� to shine them •ir," said !be boy.

"Have I time to catch the Hud110n Bh·er truin?" · · ·

"No time to lose, sir; but I can give sou a good job before It pulls out. .�bnll 1 '1" ·

"Yes, my boy. Don't let me be left.'' In two seconds the boothla<'i; wus on bls Jmces and bn1·11 at work. '"J'he ·tratn Is going, sh·." said be, ns

be g:11·e the lust touch . . 'l'he mau guve bltn a lmlf dollar null stat·teu fo1· the train. 'l'he boy counted out the chunge and run after his patron, hut wus ioo late, fot• �lw train bu,d gone.

""J'wo YPQ I'S )Utlll' the SUllie rnnn, OD comln�o: to :\ew Yot·k, 'met I be boot­black, but hut! fot·�;otlen blm. 'fhe .boy rNnclnbcrcu his fonncr customer

and asked h l m :

Buy a t home; Yon will save time and. money and be better satisfied.

PAINTIIIf and DECORATING IN •ALL ITS BRANCHES, �:\road Street, · near Elm Street,


Pall Terrn. Pall .Term -OF TifE- , New Jerse)'

TUlTro� n:nY r.ow. · · Business College, .88\1 Bro�ol it,eet, Jfewerk ·

(OJIJIO�It� Mtlltary i>urk R!td ovei· Ht\r.tdegen's). = "0aln't I shine )'onr sltoe� once I the Gm11<l Centra l deflot1''·

n· DAY · : : AND : : NIGHT : i SESSIONS, "Some hoy 11111," sa id the man. New anil Beautiful Catalogue · Free. " I tun lhe boy, null IH're Is ybur

chn nge, . sit·." ·�'he l(l!lllll•mnn wns so illeased with tlw !u ti's honeHIJ' lhn.t he went with blrn to sc� his mulher ll llfl ull'et'Ptl to

ntlopt hlrn, ns he IH!Ptled HUdt u' hoy, 'l'hc mut hl•t' eonseutecl, tutti l lu• hont•Rt boolhlncl; hutl, after tltnl. u ·gn,itl home, ]J,� · wnH A'ln.•ll a good t•tl ueutlnn, ntul, wlll'n 11 man, IH•Punu. n pnrtuer In his fl'icntl's IUI'ge husl nPHH, .

An t;lt•t•httnt'-. l't>nt h Whoever hn11 looked l usld� an ele· ph·aut's mou l h bus seen u sl riJUI{I'

sight. l�h•J>hnuts huve uo frout te1•tb: and they neve I' t•n t tuen t Ol' lillY footl thfl.t l'Cflllh'eS ll•ai'fllg IIPIII't, J•;tght tenth Al'l! 1111 they hu ve, two uhol'e :md two hl!lO'W on euch shh•, huge yellow mola.l'H IIH whll! us u nu1 n'M hu1111, anti aAwut two ilwlw11 Jih lck. Ovet• Uhese 'llay or tollll�>r IH sl ft�d hy tlln IJU�e•·est, IJJ(JleHt lOIIJrlltl ·t 1u1 t IH lltcl'lllly hung at both I!JUIN, hnV IIIJr 110 JIO\\'t'r 01' IIIOVe· m.ent �X�I!Jll ill I he lllltlllle, WIWI'O It tlllltla INick Ulld forth trout Hldo to •Ide, archinlf up HKJt lnat thn l'oot of llfJe hill' mouth like 1111 l muuinau wrinkled Jllllk Nlii'JH'III, . •nmr11 IN uothlnJr ,.trun1er than the

c wortiiHIC lit Jill t'II!Jihnnl'l tOIIJIUl!, UU• leu It be �e worklnll or hl11 hrl'lltlllua apparatus whou he itleepM, 11I4!JIIIuntl, like human llehlll'l, have two HetN of teelb-lho milk t!'f!th, which are small· •r �an tbe permanent ntolan, tall out wlllla 11he animal• ll'fl about fourteen �-I'll old, Th111111 babr teeth, wtblnb

·, aN aeYB,rtbeiMa eaormou1, are oc· · · . dlloaallr picked up bJ' clrcu• mea the · fodder aall preMnld u

,,, l"lt t� en· call.

C, T. l\I!LLER, Priu;null Pro11.

'PIA·NOS Recent Improvement In lhe conllrutllon of our

uprlghl and grand pianos render lhem lbaolutelr unequalled, Send lor new duaaripll•t oatalogu1 llilh prlcet and terms.

OR CANS For flllr y11r1 the Standard oll�e World, New

•lrlea of parlor and church or�••• luot lnlroduced, :�::.��·a• altortllltnl of 11111 tly Ulld plonoa end 80LD ON INITALMINTS, �ent1• lnd lac�lnged, :ftlasont'iulllllri Qlo.

I ... I WlaT lllh ITRIIT, NIW YORK.

Wtlll•l to •ortllr. It Will 11 few 1nlnutoH IJoforo dinner

wben little lo'rud ln•1ulr1HI 1 "Mamma, havo I beau b!Ml today P" " Ye1, Fruddlu, vury bod huloecl, " "Do Joa think yun 'll IMIUtlJno tn bed without 1111,. •upperY" · "I bavu a 11ro11t mind to, "

· " Wull, blaJruna, I wiHb you would lel lUll kunw now, NO that I con tull how ��Ui{);U�(�J,�;��\t:: lii:t:•:.:;l::-:.,.: ��


ob .���,·��r -�� .. u�!�::;��:� .. Me Up. i .•

Union Water Company, At Gl •road' 8treet, IIII•IMth,





WASHINGTON which ure most nttrnctive points .�!

this time.

£xpres& SteamslaiJ•s O�' 'l' m: I '"'"I I

OLD OoMINION!Lii l'E tt �'ORll;DAl !,\' s�:HVIC�: . .......o

Through tickets returning from Washington by

rail 'or water. �

: Fell' tnll lntornu•thlll llllfllf to

Old.Dominlon Steamship co:; , lPior 36, North ltlver,!No_w� • .:.;:

W, [,, Uull�lll\tlon, Vlou·l'ros, & 'l'rl\ftlr MK•·

,,. ., .. Won:e•t•r C:urMtl. . c.


l'he Pre•bylerh•n• A&b·•• Tb11l It 111 anf I he Pre•• fta•t•lue 1'hew.

'l'he rll\'11'111 of polygamy In Ut:th Is a lin• tl lW.-!llon. lt"ligious llolilielnu� are stll·red ns ucve1• sl uce hm· au.lmls­slou to Sta tchuud. I!!Uillli'L'SSell mut­terln�s nt·c iw:ml ull o\'el' the I'!Jn te.

C. E. Pe_arsall and dompany,

'l'he Suit J,:t l>e llloe s1i�·s "As to the existt'nrc of JlOiygumy In Utah, uo one llouhts it, nutl thnt tt has iucrl!nsed slnt•e Stntt•hoo� hi known to all · who lnn·e O[lllOt:tuuities of observation, :Sot otily huve old family rt!httious bloeu ,., •.

lllllll'tl, but new m11rring�s hlll'e lleen conti'J1Cil'41 nnd arl! lleiug contrnctl'd almost dally. 'l'b011e who JII'Otl.•st ' thut there is no (IOiygamy In Utah assume th11t the JM!OJlle of Utu.h ale a cloRH or ehUIIIJMI. 'l'he Church llJlologlsta claltil tli'erti ·baVe ·been uo I•lm•ill . mtir­rhlges since the manlfe•to. llaylle uot: hut men In tlae Clntreh who ba\'1! hod one · or more wh·ea hnve taken

I Kt:/dl ESTATE . '

. rtRr: ��SURAICE

c. E� · Pearsall • . �� · Company, other womim to their homes and BliJl· '"!�������������!!����������������.'· )lOrtetl them us wives. · :So mutter -\\'lull It Is called, the polygamy IJlleS· lllo.,-11 for IIIIo. . •••t Cigar lion is golug to get a good stilTing ·lifo, ------------- th h '!'he uuurcti le�ttlt!r�. of course, in the · 8. ft'!Oney on t e market. tuce o( the mnnlfesto, \\'Otlhl not ntl· "Prl"ncess· Garc·l·a" ·.·· ' . -

Ill it thut jlOiyg:nuy Is now being )li'IIC· l . . . Wrennlo· Lt. 011. lr tl�ell, ami in order to l;e�J• out of tt·uu- ll h),. ft•om 1111111 m:Hle lnws they solemn- ELM STREET, WESTFIELD, ly deuj· it. Hut they justify thl� tl"" ceptlou on the ground t'lmt polyglllll)' is com ma ntletl hy f:otl.''

Anti 'ulw Spt·iug,·lll" l ntlPt. ntlt!nt Juts this to sn�·: "The H l'I'U l!!lllllellt �:111� not be !<lll'ely l�uorell . lt dol's not cfiarge� us some of the IH't..)ss seem to Jurer, Hmt polyga mous mnrriug-es are ltOt I.Je-ing SOIPJ111li:I.N1. It <lOL'li ch:t I'!!� thn l a n l lwl'i : ttiYt.! lll�l·suus ure teneh· in� fliHt celestial III:t l'l'i:tg-es nrt..� u.u c�� senllul putt uf �lormuu ful th, that f:utl Is tt polygumist uml that .J esus Ghrist \\'liS ·tlte h ushuntl or three wh·t•s. .Xot.hJng of ret•eut. yPnrs in re­IIA'nns mn th.lll'S l.tns Rneceetlell in :;tll'­l'lll;.! up �nch u · tl·t•meullous exclteuu.mt. utili It must he met nu nn�wm·etl.

For Extra Mi LK and ·cREAM ....

Send your order to

.Mount Ararat Creamery, 't . . .. • .

We also have a quantity of Milk and Cream at Tr,,, ,.., .. n •• ll; · ·

Di·ug!Store for your convenience .

"1:oit tnar hP:H-':t (Jrlest comfort the mom·n.,t·� nt Hw fum•t':tl of 11 young ln:ut who hns tlletl w ithout h:tl'lng en· ttlr.,lf Wl'tlloek. with tlw ru·umlst• to •Pul 11 wlf" to him In lteul'en. Anti wouwu :;:o to the h'-Inpies n.nll al'e mat·· t·lell to · dcnll Ult�ll."

Geo� F I Brown, T�le'1•hon.,, Ko.21:l-A.

' BALKY HORSE CONQUERED. With Nn 1\lore Fuemldatble We .. pon Tl•an

II PMddl•·

(Lato uf Cllzitd St., New York.)

nanuloclurer of •

Window Shades, Awnings, Tents, Etc. Coo--. J. WARREN BROWN, Manapr.

"I !ia1·e owned and used many horst>s," suid n resithmt of J.l!wiston, "among which we1'e se1·eral balky ones. I mice ownell a team, the best oue I ever hull, that at limes were stubborn nml ugly and would not wot•k. · Orae morning .. 'when we were '"!���������������������!!"'!�!!"'!����!!"'!!! IIOinll' out In the field with II bea\'Y -load we l�ltne to a HteeJl J•ltch In tbe HOW POM P WAS CONVERTED rood, the Uilfh horse, as. usual, Oared up nod then the other. We tried lo start llti'Jil by coaxing and by uslrag the lash, but It was no use; th•y re­tU�I'd to move. At l118t I lle<.'llme IU· furtutell and would have kllll'd the Jiones with a good .will, but It was of no avail. I lett the team atandlng there tbnt morning, went bnck to the bouse anti decided to leave them there,' when a t11oU11'ht itruck me that llfOI'ml succeKsful. •

"1 took a wide board and, Dl'llklnir It Into the shape of a paddle, proeei!iled to the field. Once more we tried the horses, hut lt . was uo ,use; .they were determined not to move. Taking the weut•on which I hnd made, 1 struck llrHt one horse, then tlae otht!r n tew blows, n ml to my gt·eat Slll'Jll'lle thl!y st:ll'ted at n rntllll rote. After tlmt I olways ke(lt the lladdle·shllllell · , • .a. ruin Iii n,ty · wngon and when they · re· fused duty I merel)' hod to show it to them. 1 have tried tills sttme rule 011 many othet' horses and I nevel' knew It to full."

"Whut Is yo111 t heory? It Cl•rtalnly l'annot be the bartlnl!ss of t he blow�"

· "My theory is tlutt the animals ure stnrtcd .ft•om fright , caused by the ja1 of !11e bo:ard."-Lewlston, 311!,, Jour· nal .

.. .


:l�.,.r � .. .. .... . ,� ... .. , 1 fi ... J ···rrr · 1 ' , Arter the t"II'At (tnarreJ,

"Go!" she excln i mell, "arall never

Ral•r B••••J' •• c •• .., •• w•eN He w .. ..... o.ia,. , ••••••

Dr. PayBOD, tbe famona and beloved preacher of Port laud, .Me., uaed to toll tho following Pointed 11tor7 : .

Ouo .,er,. •tonu1 SWidaJ be went . to tburch, more from babit than .becaue he' espected to ftud aDJilod7. *here. Jn•t 11fter be bud stepJied in:dde tbe door an old negro· l'ame In and aaked if nr: P1110n W11s to preach tborc that d117, esplaini1111 tb11c he waa a atriaaer Ia town aud biMl bee11 ad.,iaed to·go to hi• oburch.

" Upon &bat, " !aid Dr. P11110n, "I made up my mind to preach WJ.III!rlnon lf nobody eJIM! 011m0. "

Nobody else did come, 110 tbe doctor preached to tbo choir aud tho old negro.

Some 111011tb• ufterwa�d be . happened to meet tho negro, 111141 dopplug bhn asked how be eujoyed che Jlermou &hat stormy Snnoln7.

" Eujoy dat ��ermou?" replied tho old mnu. "I 'olar, dootor, I ne�ber beord a bettl'r one. Yon see, I 11a1f a sent J!retty well up front, no whonobber yon'd flly somelhin I'll jeBS look all ronn, tnr see nobody on'y joss me. An I aays to m 'self, • He must n1cau you, Pom p ; you 'a aech n dretfnl siuuer. ' Well, doo· tor, dnt oro sermon set ·me ll·thlukln what 11 big siuner I war, un I went 11n j'ined the church dow11 bome. l'ze a deacon now. "-Obristian Endcnvot World. ,

Sl)PUlt to me ngolu!" He JlliSSl'tl out into the nnsympa. Olle WaJ' of Po•ti�. a 'i,eUer,

thetlc nl�ht, but )JIIUSl'tl when be Tlto iHI:uul of St. Kildn is often \'hlt-t'eneht>d the sldewnlk nnd ch·ew some· I'll by tourist slemuors in the summer, tlitug from one of his 1 t1shle twcl<ets, bot its rogolnr mull ••omunmicution As he llld so the benutlful girl, who with tho umluhuul, Homo JiiO Julies dla­wus wntchlu� him ft•om the l'estihule, 'tunt, is conlluetl to the onnuul visits of Utll'l't!ll a shrill sci·enm anti run towuf.ll tho Htmuuor whlcb brings tho fnotor und him, hb 8torus, suys Hoosubohl Wortls. Dut

"AIIwt•t!" she crletl , "whut woulll If ut otlwr times tiw iulmbitunts doslro rou tlo 'i 1'1'11�' tl o uot !; Ill yulll' sell' ! to couuunnlcato with Greut llrituiu they Throw your r<•I'Oll't'J' 1111;uy nllll let us employ tho following cmlonH dovico: A l'ot'!:t'l om· ll llll l'l'Pl !" lltllll untR tho l'Oilgb modul of n bout

"' ' I I l•u'l u re,;ol l·l•t;." he l'l'pllell, :u from II blllot of wood, hollows It puttly ht! t"lUio(hl: hL•l' In h is lll'IIIS, " I t fH II out, llillUOH lu tho hollow 11 1111 OJ Hlllllll muulw)' ll'l't!llch 1 I.>Ot't'owell l'rum you hottlo contuinlng 11 letter, unlls ou n I hu t tiny Ill,\' wlwel ht•otw down. 1 dock, IIIHI ·wheu tho wlwl l s blowing to· hlll'o heen wt•at•lng It next to my hcu t·t Wtll'll tho mnluhuul lnunohus tho tiuy el'el' SfllCL•," Ol'llft, hn\'lng llrst COillll'Ci:Utl it With II

'l'hon they 1·utm·nctl to the pnrlor blutldor, whloh tll'lvos nlong bofnl'o tho

111111 I noll Ufl the thrcntl of lul'�'s wlntl mul uutH liS 11 tug to tl:o li ttle mall · )'uung tlt'PHlll whct·c 11 hnd IJeuu bout. But tho sot of lho gulf stt·e:un fro­brolwn,-Ch lt!llgo Dully :Sews, qnoutly drlvllR this curlouH oruft out of

itM courriu, untl ns oftou us uot it rouciws Chnlly'" t"r .. dltlNUiflnt,

Pn i'lllei'-I I"Y l ltlll'! fl it 11 lliOI'e onl 'l'ht•l' hull will k1•lt'11 you Hlll't>l

tJhnlly-:-.\ IV, !Jut J CIIWII'tl I' VI! 8J1 WIII Ilt•ll IIIH llllklo!

l•'tll'llltll'-Wt•ll, UHO yer CllllO, an' �·� k i n �o:lt ll!t' lh"l' w11 l l !

Ohnlly:...Wm1ll�·. I t!oultl n't, don't y�r kunw I lt'R Ktieh ht•llHtly h:ul · tnt' Ill to 11'11111 Wi th ,VOIII' Kllc•k, lloll't fOI' kiiO\VI -·Nuw \'nl'k J,miJtni',

Whr Wllllo MIUJtll•tl Non Ill"•• 'J'hn MRI�HIJIHII W!IR HIIIIWinJt Willie

tim now Kt)'h•H IJ( Jllllr KIIWklliJIH, H llll IKltl: "You litiVI! jUHt tliu IUJrM to lllN· lilly thiH puttern,"

"VI'H'I" m urm urud Wllllu, with 1 CUhllliiH!Uilt Klllllt•,

'"l'ltUJ' lfU lt1n1r ftlld . 1118 IIIJnll •Ia� 1111 tltu WilY 1111," Cfllttlnued 11111 clerk MOd tlltl Mtllllt fl·l· II ' l&uvllllfo

_,�.� ..... ,._�

tho 8hotlnllll ls!um1Hor tho uou-.t of Nor · way, whut'O, howovor, tllo Iutter is Jlrnt­ty nu•u to he found nml llOHto•l to Its •lcHthmtiou. ------

A Ptll'l or Dl•nk11t•• A returuual miHHi ouoi'Y f•·mn Kouth·

cust.,rn Alnskn tulia In 'l'hu M l!llanll ObriHtlun A1h'oo11tu of 11 atru1111c CUIIOIU IIUIUJl� tho huiltlll� of tl111t rug lou I

Whuu 11 !lllfuruuco ltriHuK between two of thum, 111ul o frhm!lly Motllomeut MUUIIIH huJlllHKI �lo, ou·u of thum thru11tfl118 tho other with 1liHhouor, Hu will cover tho fnuc nf hiH fuu wllh Mh11111e. Hu ex­uoutoK hiH tbt•out by teurlug up 11 curtniu lltllllhor of hiH own blunketM, 'l'hu oniJ Wllf hht iiiiiUICOIIIAt URn MOt , eVOU With him IH llJ tearing up a greutor uuwber of hfK UWII,

If tlae coutcll IN prolonged, It reNUitl lu the doNtruutlun of ull tho bl11nkot1 tboy hKvo, 011eh lllllhm •luMtroylliiC hl1 owu. r.rllu one who do•troyN tbu groa..,r IIUUIItvr IN ro111rdod AN bi&viUII Wuu the U,laa.


81 LI:N::T:'III .. IIIIIII t.& MIIUona Made and SoW •. ·

Alwaya lmprovln1. Niver lletter th1n now, &eo till Lat11t Model.


94 Broad Street, Elizabeth.

BTE�Dy �NCOM� AT !lOlii':. \'oa can mnku $25 pff

we� • EJt er sex. '11 stn1·t you In the; 1\lnil Order Business tln\· or e\"t!lllng. No IJeddllnK". 31. Yc.ung, !Jti:J Henry stl'fft1

, llrookl)'n, N. Y, . .




BUILDER. Pro•peft 8treet,

We•tfteld, f

Estimates Cheerfully nishcd.

Page 3:  · I I ., . .' .; . st.MI-WEE"LV UNION COUNTY STANDARD. . ' . TUESDAY FRIDAY-' WESTFIELD, . UNION COUNTY, N. }., OCTOBER 18, 1898. $2 Per Year. Single Copies· 3c., Mats

J)ft)fesstonal �arDs. FltEDERIO SOHH�LING,

R. :M. FR1<1NOJI,



Carpeb! cleaned, refitted and laid.

Street , Westfield\ Near Depot.


Jobbing promptly attended to Estimates Fnmll!hed

North Avenue above Clark Street, Westftllld



WESTFIEW, N. J, Box 532



Shop and Resul�nce • FIHSI 8IHEET, WESTFIEI,D, IS J

Jobbmg promptly nttended to





.Addre!8 P 0 Iloxi.:.:, Westfteill Roshlence

•t. Alderney Dairy • •

Snper10r llllk nnd Orcnm delilercd to your 1loor.

H. WILLOUQHBY, Proprietor. Fnrnitnro movmg, grn!ling nnd tenm

work by dny or contract.




"Sporting Life"

PASTOR'S i>EHFOI\MA;o;CM IIIJI to 11 1• m Sell I' .'Oo 1\lul lllc , cl1angt!H twery "t>ek



Noon to tl t, m AJI 1udt'VllltJ8, !h, �&11 vrdwij .. tra, &Oc

The llew York and Elizabeth De1pateh,

STODDARD'S EXPRESS, I111vu oponod nn otltco w1th �II·.

U111 Us, opposite tho do pot. l110111pt sol vice nntl lowor I ntos thnn nny othm line. Dully tlo· livodos botwcon IWznboth,Now·

auk, No1v Y01 k nnd nil points bot ween thoEo 111111 l'lnin flold. Oo01lB fotwt�ulotl to nll ,polnts

ALL ' 110 best fn mi l 1es i n

Westfield ot dct thcit Wed·

ding I nvitnttoll'• nnd An

nou nccmcnts f10m


,./fiCI!I Altl! 11.1.1. ffiQHT•

'rho f.:lr,\Nll.\llll IR on Rnle nt '1'11111 olull'd'K, Gtlle'K, Wlttko'ft und tho Union NtWI ItiiiJtl,

June :U, IRD2 L �r \\'JliTAKUf, Po�trnastcr. A K GAl E, Asst 1., ll and Money Orde1

Clerk WAr 'lo\\" El, General Dell very Clerk.


For Nuw York Phlladvlphla, Trenton, th1 Northenst !Soutll, South\\ est utut \\I\� stutlom: E

��;'l\l,1�ReJ1,i� ��gn �a���!� a¥at��na at 7 '04 m ami ' IJO p m MAILS OPEN �'OR DELIVERY.

N�:tb�a��'So��hka���lr:�l����t ���t&�' �� m • 2 10 and 6 10p m


IJhtt k \\ ltiiiUI 11ttt 1ft

ntncJ, 11uluut llces muy be SltfciJ )liUlllcil !!ltlHI Ill S)lllllg 01 !all, lhot.gh •IH ing Is lllel cllcd nmth of New l:01k A snlc s!1.u to !JI.lllt Is fiOill rottt to six teet I ),.lJ gct tlulU this the> uceti JuoJe e.ue Ju ll uus)Jlunt· tug Hl.m 1m ottlltuu� Jllnnh't " ould lit> llllt lo ,:h e lltullt In t huh 11 itt! Blnle llu sc tl c�s Ute moslh loutul Ill lnthct to11 , deep gl omttl, hut Ill cull!· 1 11 t lnn It 111111 es I I I I I!• rllll! t nnct• ll hett• t•lnJIIetl, us 1 he� 11 1t1 do 11 ell In all �ltu.tllons J.uoldng lot )ltollt ftom l lmhu·, ns 11 ell us nttts J ott coultl tlluut us <lost• us In s<)Un ll s ol l our feot, t fllnnlnjl out ftnm t ime 118 t he ltees e1 hienth t C<Illhe 11 l'me�tetl Jll!•fer th is pl t n fot 1111oth et tenson, Close Jtlnnlin� (liOillot<s lllllf!l U)n lgltt �101\ l� 11111I Jllel ettt-s lite n�o�klng of side br111ttiws to 11111 Htent. 'L'he )ttlekel 11 ttee lntettded Cot timber

uutkes height the fewer knots thet e 11 ltl be In It 'J'he (lie\ etttlon of Klde •11111cbes of lluge •lz•• Is 11 step In the

!RIUI! dheetlon " hen n lnt �te ht uncll Illes or Is cut otf, 11 Still' follus, \\ltleb depte<'lntes tim \Kine <>f tlw htmhm·. A llentl ln uneh left on tioes wmse than this. Xmv 11 ootl forms O\ er •It nn• nuulh, len\ lug 11 tlnt• or tlelld 11 ood In the hotb of tbe tr�'t! l'or this te.l• son a gout! tot csh•t r.e\Ct twunlts a tl<ntl limb to temuln on a twe -'rtoJ Thnes,

A ""•t•t'nl Mt'!thnd. �fnmue must he tit n il n In the sum•

mer, full ot 11 11111 t It Is not ptuett· enble to Sit\ e und I Jl)>l� It n ftct 1 sot! hns heen hto!.�n 'J he ohl (>t ncl lee of <lr.tl\ lug It In the snmmN null putting It mto smnll pill < In the field It '" he<•n uhtlll�loued Stu h 11 uwthod 1111 It us a 11 nste of m tlllll<' unci n \1 tsle ol I I· hot I'OH•I III� I SOl( illllltcdfn teh he• toJe bt e.tldn,: Is ettll tlh ll nslctul 'lite lll lllll t c ,;oLs luto th1• holtom oJ the I uno" .uul the fet tltlt� leutht•s mto the �lth<olt 'I ill' lit st \\ "' " 1 1 .til• Is to tit 1 11 UI I UUII' ns Just us m ule mul �c 1 1 tm on t lw so• I 'l ht• solu hie 1>01 tlon t hus I! tchC8 Into I he sot! IIIII) the othet tcls .ts 11 mull It J o t I he g'l lSo;: .A g"H itCl g'I O\\ th is �U\11 Ctf fot tm nlng Ullllel Rill! t tu• SltCIIJnh ot the tnnnme Is \,cl>t on t h e lop ,on, 11 hNe It I� mo•t twctlcrl In em n toot• 'I Oil <li!'SSing of "Oll I IIIII In r Ill or II htlC! fOJ lute S)lt lng lllOllghlng IS the che1111est l lltf most s t t l•fnctm y \\ n� of mnnut iiiJ tot �urn on tuost fil l IllS \\ hPil' the RIIIIJll\ O( IIIII liiiie

gtc tt I t 1\l l\ b� 1 goml Jll tc .. plough UII<ICI 1111 II J ijtiiCU Jion n•.ulc to tl c .rt ouu l hut I t ts

uu 1 xlt l l ll!!;tlllt JJIIICitc<' fut those of IIIRJIIU 0 IS not I XCC�·

Jluttttr �luklnar un the 'J.ItU'm. 'rhe ( tt nuu 1' " htch mnl,c� n suc­

cess J.ccps one •olr. ohJ••ct In ' 11'11 [l)o " l l tl IIIIIch nil or Its rll!t l l l \l Ol l, I OU• lelgi'H \ lz till! lllOI(ttCtiOII O[ II SIIIU• tlnlll fh st cluss lntttet l't h a te tlnl rles conthtcretl on this tllllncltlle the ones 11 hi< It sucrecrl .\s 1 J;LIIl• ellll t ule, thNI' 1s 11 sll,.:ltt l>t e]ndlcll In ra 1 01 of d<l h J httt lct Rut to Ill· Hil l e [ll l ltllllli'Ji t I CCOI:IIItiOU Ill l hll hcst tn lccs <IIIII\ huLtet m ust "'''" ' muuntuctm ctl l f ll l l l t) ns pet l ect us the Clelllllell lll i lcle

CI L• tmet it'll lull e t•olllhlishul 11 tle· Selt l'll I CI>tttn tion f01 fft,t ellis• mun· ttlnctm Pil huttet hot nuse of their st• let ttdhet<IIN' to thc best k11o11 n pt lnci(lles of buttm nutl.ln; �lnuy diftl fRI IIII'I S II I C lll lllg to I IIII t(O• nwstlc lmttet mnldng 11s n side Issue nwl ::h lng I t sll.:ht attention n ltt'll I t sh ou ld h n 1 c t h e Ml,ltl t i l ltlght nnd Ill tell< I' t1111t lis J mpnt tunr e demn 111ls. Of I hose \1 Ito idiD\1 l heotetlcnlh holY to rnnt ... good hntll't rnuny full In l he prnt t1c11l Rllflllcutlon -G E Xe11ell ID A.:n lcultm l•l ,

o .. u l n .. llhl ur \ut ... llnke holes 11 l l h ll cto\1 bnr ot con•

velllt•ul stld, I tom 6 hu hes to l foot deep un!l ubuut 15 1111111 1 Ol t'l l h� hi lt 01 (llh ilon of the 1111\ n Infested h� the nuts nnd Into t neh holt• l•nnt 1 11 0 01 tht l'l' l t ll• SlliiOIIIU!S lli hiHll!jllt I !It• nf I Ill hon, Hllllllpill!( till' tl l l l Into t ill' hnll' 11>1 HIIOn liS tlw lhtuhl Is I IOUI I'tl lnlo It l hG blsnlphlllt• ol t n t ho n n t once \ll lllll lr.t s u n 1l J telnttltffng tflp A't nttnd, II Pot t en 1 the IIIliS hill IIOCH not (Ujlltl' t ill' J;I IISH, 0111' shnnl!l t l'lll<'lll hel 11 hill• Usllllf this �nhR ium e that It Is high I! lulluln· 11 111hl t 11111! <houlrl liCit ht lng !IC'<ll I I a ftnnw ot e\1•11 II tlghiPtl cl;ut -C II, J'u nuld, llussltch nsel ts J:xput luwnl Still ion

Hint• tor thtt Hf'nnt�ry,

Al.'tlve hcus 111 0 llu• l�t•st ltneJR Cl!'11 n hoiiKUI Hilt! I IIItH 111'0 tho he!t

mf'tllrluo. A 111'1•1 ••gg \1 ttl IIKlllt ltv Mlop n lteu

HCl/l lchlllJl the lll'ljli , If 1101, IIH!l HhiiV• ht!IM

A spnonrnl or ott or l ntttcntlnP Is 1\ (loot! t <'IIWrlv fnt l RIIIII\lll'm In tmulll l'.

I I' l n ii iH lt•ll\l! tln l t OJ ! huh h11•nl'• fliNt In l ho ttlsh, tf 111111 u .t.

tr llu•ll II III II'II I I H I II I I , II llllllllg'll of foot! Is ti!H•th••l

,\ ht•n t ll ll hu ft•1l uhntiHI lllll lh luq t hnt 11 l'0\1 II I I I t n t, IIIHI llllllll lthln�:� IJesltlt•K

,\ U! I hlug thnt 11 1!1 mu lto m ille 11 llt mnlcu t JII!H, hut tlnu't ft'l'tl mut•h wt• toiiMirtl uu•nt ol 1 ,\'t• -lltu r 1\ llll llfJ,

,\ W1•HI l lu l h lll' flt l llll'l 111111'1 hu hiM ltni MI'K Khnd I t t• HII ) H tltll l I IIII Ill/If I I• " IH llglllun.l tm l n w 111111 hr l iii!H h!K hnt Mt H 11 11 fl nlll t h lhlhnotl to i l lll lll flll llu II hnnlH 'l'lu•l 111•1 1 1 Hl'l'lll J <j hnl t• lllll ttlllt< lllil In !!t i l ing 0\ l' l 1 111 rotttiH, UVUII Ill �IIWI'I.V \1 Ulllhur,

JlluUI'ItJ Wal.tll 1 I Tbcre Is certa!niJ a Vely gJeat deal of f'lRi t::D V<:GE'rABI.E IN DUSTRY,

diffe1ence iu the ilieus about blouse Lnrg" Iucreue lu u nuauc1 11ncl the \Vurlr waists {Ol tbe seasuns be!m e us among I 111 1 11 llr>h>11 fll<lln•y Flett ell and l!:ngllsb liCOple n QUI I' all" "'l I t!• [III Jl II t tlo.l or d i l l d ll ., t tbiL' ate!!ets, and from the vat lous import• ftll t it� m u l.l't snhl n l n t a.:e 11 holesnlu ers 01 buyets who go ove1 uoru tuu side each season 101 tile latest sty 1e., ta the lntet ests oC large clty dty-goocta lluns, aloo ttom avant couu eu1 s 111 tile Cm m of plctUI ed models brougbl to Amc11cu trom celebtu�ed 1> ltlllCU estau• llsnments, we I eat n til at the blouse-!, e , 'be lltted, g1 ucetul 1 ound walst-li no more Uke tile lopplug blouse wn1s' ot otltet days than tile enouuous tamur UIUOieUa ot COLLOU IS lllie a daiUif 1r1 eucu cur tlage sun·sltao� ot silK au<! Cllll!OD, I Ills new IUOUC! DIZCII, ldCll!• IZM Vial&� ag>Uil tllli�o ttl•t lu.nK kiWuO' tile WUily PJCtUI C•!JU<! !JUdice• LUI LUU two beU:,OUH betu1� ua l nc1 e as uo mlstaKo auout tll<! Ulct thiH Ill guroeM lllllUJUCI UUlU, 110\'CJ, Ullll lllOSL Uul UC• UVtt, tnJH t-UWObL bt.MWJe.ss, Ued.UtllUHY llll�U 1 UUUU Wal:sL U.!JlJ�au; Ull UL Jea.oi!' 1\'0-U.IHU.I:i Ot 1� SUJ.lCL::t tUUJ CO.SIUW.:,J UC�U�,lleU 101: COWU10 \\ t!1.U Ill I.U" a.\1• Lll"l" ,Ill omenaUb UL L"oiiiUII IIDU 1ut uc�.i-Ult:t�., u.uu tHauulat.tt u��UU.i.li L.v.i• leta l nts waist may not alwa;o "II «.:U.Ut!d a OJ.Ulltu:, UUL J.L nao lUI lttwu •• .u: lelltul CS Ullli Clllll liCtCII.LICS IU II wv"• till 'itt::U Vtll J:ilOU.. A lUOUatl U)' u.llY U•ut;lf 1111�e· muy lit IUIII 1oo1L as we.t, uu'

'l"n lhiua:a a lluby t.:RU Uo lt can l>eat an� ala1 m clOcK e\ er In•

vented for wakmg a humly up In Llte mormmg Give lt tab show, and 11 can .ma•h m01 e dishes than the most ln. dustlious seiVant gh l In the couuu y, it can lull dowu ortcner and wl1h lcs:t pt ovocat!ott than the most expett tum. ble1 111 the circus uug It can make UIOIC genuine russ ovet a simple b1 ass Pill than Its IUOthet WOUHl OVel a bt oken buck lt can choke l,selt black ln the lace lllth gteater eaoe than tile most accompllshcd w 1 etch thut \\ us 2Ve1 executed lt c,\11 keep a [,lnllb Ill COU&tUUt tUtmoU flODl Jllotnlng till night, and night till m m m ng, wunou' once varying Its tunes

1t cun bu 1 elled upon to sleep peace• Cully all day 11 hen tts father ls doll a town, abd cry all ntght 11 hen be I• par• tlculat ly sleepy ll may be the naugh. Uest, <lit tlest, uglteat most fretful bally ln all tile ll ot ld, but �ou can ne>er make Its rnothet belle> e Jt, and you bud better not trY I t lt can bs a charnuu�; aud model Jnfallt 11 hen 110 one i1 uound, but when \lsltors ate Pleseut It can exhlblt mpre bad temper than both of Its parenls together it can brighten up a house better titan all til• lurnltUJe ever made, make sweeter music than the finest orchostta otgnn· Jzed, llll a Jar gel space In lls pat ellts' breasts than the) knew they bad, and when It goes away It can cause a creat• er vacancy and leave a g1 e tter blllnk tban all tbe 1 est ot the 11 01ld put to-cether. -•

Thu Cht�•I IUI \\uman. There 11re emer gencles In ever7

uousehold "hlclt call Cot the display oC & statem.m s skill 'fhe chee1lUl worn. m is pre-eminent on such occasloM. She conquets the gllm uncle 01 the a.r opeptlc cousin with her In fecit VI Jlteel fulness, and bel se1 vants 1 ecog. nlze ber as their friend and allY in all matters that are essential to their wet­fare 'I he length oC tlme she keeps hv servanls ts a source or »OJ\det ment tQ hel less foJ tunate trlenrls, hut the se· cret u! lt is in het own winsome dlsJ>O•

altlun She soothes the thed vootkltl with a word oC !dod commendation, where another might make a querulous complaint When dlret tlon ls needed she delivers lt In such a gentle, nlbelt ftrln ma1111er that It has no sUng of 1 e.

proof 'l his gentle, tactful woman Is not aftllcted with work that is ft olll • sun to sun" or that Is unevet done."

She does not moralize much, pet hups, but by some means abe mann11es to ac·

comptlsh a gteat deal of \\ O t k nnd have p'enty or ti me at her command It Is by meuns of that sume cheet rulness of

disposition '!'here Is less delnY in exe• cutlng bet commands, and she possess· es tho gl!l of 'timing Iter turns" so tltnt sometimes !l seums as If the "!11h le• did help her .. And the fairlea of gall• tie ll&ecd!ng and of kind heart do help het. Heaven blesa the cheerful WIJo man!

A \VfiU Dra•u• .. ct \V mutn There I• an exquisite charm about a

neftliY·dJ cssed woman She does no& went her huh twisted up cnJ elcssty, a•

If Just about to fall 01 er hor shou l ders. Her gloves nre not 1 lppr.d nt the scnms, nor any buttons mlsslnl from her boots ller veil does not t oven! n holt ove1 het c h i n , nor docs the binding of hoi akll t R!Jow rugged I n pl11cca Not tnany \1 omen alto A theh tldlneHR I n nil these little dotntls lmt I t Is n plcnRIIt e to muel the gil 1 ot 11 om11n who Is to \IKe n stung lot !II 11 utt gt nometl l ito cloth gown of auch u 11 01111111 tlta hor wllhont n ct enso, 111111 tho! o Ia twlthor BJteclr 1101 BfiOt on I t llut linen collur nutl cttl'fs ut u ano11 � Whllp, nnd 1 omnln fl l liJII! t l y llxort In J holt i>llwua l lor l!lovoa do not Wt lnltlu, hut ltnttutl NIIIOOthly UHI hOI WI iHtH I 1111 HJIIJUI Ill � ltept t!UIIII lllld JHIItHhOt! t fUI hOU• tWI 01 hnl IH plnncrt 1111 attnlght nnd l tol 111111 (H nuntlloHt! ll•ull Alto Ia tht plc!UI u nf dnllulil l l lnlnh 111111 \I Ilii In· ""mr '" < 1 1 1 1 Would thnt we could coJUI

urou htr MOm ow hat unonvr,

tlu tit t In such goods In :I\ ell ) 01 k to the 1\l ltl•t t eccnth, ' liltS l t te(V be come q•1lt� nn <•X.I<•nslll• hulustll lu \ R tlous .tgt lcultm.tl !l i l t• or thb connt1� rhc � cn t H u�o t lu 1 e \\ ell not lL dozen tnctml�s lu :'\�w \:m� SIII I C ll hCIU .till HGCUtblc, othet th lU ol pot,I[O WaH tliletl 1 01 tltc tllhle 'l o du� ilwte He nt luu;t hHmf3 fat tot f< s In t his slut• 11 1111 us m tn> mott fn �e\\ let �ow\ Ulcl 1-eiJUH� h uuf t " hew ft csh I CI(clnhle• such us pot t!ocs tll l lflls IIIII( OllifJJIS I ll! diJctJ USIJCCltll ll fot "Intel U8e

1 1w llt::-;h H �t"tnbJes r u e brnu�ht hl tt ucJ, lontls lo till <It liu,: t tctot v

I dut l ll., Jill' "IUIIIJ/Cl Ill!( fJJ J l SC I<IJIJS 'lhe� ale unp H:l"etl uul thu ,;oml h t \ lug It, eu sot rut out 1 1 om the b ul, the u g-ctn hlcs uc t t kl'n to the \\ ,tshm,., t OOill II h�t e the) I I IC tic l ll�tl of til t•a t tlclcs of dust n ml tilt l th t t null udhetc lo th�m lhel' 1 1 e then seul to the l tCellng 100111 lle1e 11 umuh11 Of lll�ll, II Otllell I IIII chlh]! Cll Ute husl ly CIIIJIIOI ell II J t h J,eeu ul.,;e<l klll\CS (ICellug I he 1 ea.:etuhtcs ln lo hn,.:e h ts kets As soon as n bnsJ,et 1t11s been flttc!l the t•cclctl 1 e.;etuiJie he It (totn to. cuuot 111 onion Is tltlllt(lC<l Into u hoJI(ll'l mutle to hold one ol t hos,• 1111 <'•' spcclnl l cgctuhlcs I tom the1 c tlwy tuc fed to 11 111111 h lne 11 l t h tollnlu� knife blutlcs " hld1 1 uts them nr• lute small sl ices u bout 11 q11111 let of 111 Inch thicl1

"A!tel helng sliced the tuhets 1111'

A Ch••tt t t e tu• JJu,.Jne ,. A l i l l ie ho,l llllllllll l'< lt l Ill 11 (IUhll sch ool >IIIII his l < tll ill'l fuluf tlll ll fu l l

I n tlw gctll't lll coni usl1111 I t li l ts llll(!OH slbte lo J,t'lfl "" 1111111� <tJt lous huuls coot, null till' l i t tle on• s ltm J,f<I III OIIJill the (IIUStl ll h1 1\01111111 nntf hl l Hl lll(lll thl� lng t oll< ugues But thhl smnlt ho,v kr(Jl hoth his <olot llllll his coohH KR !!tn ndlug Oil II III IlCh lllltl 111\Hillg h i s hu nt! t w <•xclu l nH d "l'lt•us• ll•llcher cnu I 1 1111 houw 1111\l !Pit fnthet ht 00111<') llu mui.t s coHlnsl"

Ur l•h\ uf" "ltmuul Unhlu,u A 111111111 t uhln \1 IIR nt lglnlllh 11 lll'll

tlon thllll 1 1 1111 n u t! prt•st•lltt•tl hl tl 111 sn l lots nl l lw llJ I I Ish IIIII 1 l t'llllf'sllng (111111 ultlt t•I K OJ I �'' ,\thnhlllty to till Hrtl l l l• l h lng In llH•It lntm< IIi As Jll' l l I IOIIH 11<'11> HOllll•( J l lll'K O fl t'llYII'f' IIIII! l !wsr• II !Jo sll(tll'tl J11st It C'l <' 11111•1• Jo (llliiiHhllH IIi 1 1 11• llllllll'R lll'l � Hil:lll'tl I l l II < I I I II' "" llall I I II II H llllfiCIHHihlr• to Mill II Ito ltiltl !tt l' II tho Ill HI to li !I !H'IIl! hlH slgull illl r I n tltn tloctrllll'lll -141, I.uuiK ( J ioht• lluntot l ll l .

A mong ot ht•l hlllOI II l louH tllll'h tn hn 11111 <1<• lu•fOII1 1\ 0 Jlll to II III IIJIIIht IK t hlll of sttpph lug lito ltlt•tllcnt th•PIII l· lnt ut 11 lth lloctutM 110d modlctnu•.

.-11� Sany tlau aua Ut t11i r A.dYaantM&;t 111 ! \ I IUJ

In t ht t ll]tltl 11111 <Ill isil•e 1 lc(OIT, a \ P l 81ut lu lu l lle \1111 l ot Cuh J t ltcte Is glut ' < nongh ,to g o n i l rouml .md the l'etel nus ol the llltltles on botb

lnntl .uul s• 11 1 tc sute o! tl 11 :-.: ltllJU"• ell'I UIII gl n t lttllle Hut In 1111 suhstllb­tlu l 11 uJI, r tile ' lctot ! t hl ll 1s n ccr· 111111 !liSiliOjlUi llOil ltc(\1 e<ll lltt• lUIV� nnt1 l l lll\ " h ie. It set ms lncnlle-1 UtJUif. uh�ul t1 null uul n lt I ot lnslnn1 c b� te.tson or till f li t t th I t t he 11• c\ u uuer Atllltllltl HIIIIIJISUil s COilllllltlltl �"ll)o tun t1 \\ lthont u :osh;t,lllte of n 11:\ �ort._ 11 uumhu u! un u metl :-lil•lllbh mer· ch lilt \ CSS! IS I Illi ill l i ll 10 IU1Jilf.."' ll.,:-111 l.l1lul .t 1 e1 t11111 uumllct ut �Jilin· ish st 11111 11 th< \dtuun l II lli ..:• I .,y,•r f40 000 ln t .lsh ll ht U JH.t< C ls •lu l uctJ, 11s his sh.l l < of the sftUII, 11 1111< til lbe ot ltet olil t e l s uul s ululs \\ill 1ccelve II "UIIsilllll lllll shtu e of lill IJJ l:l::tt

111 uhlltlon to Ill! h If t"Uiar '"" \tlutlllll Dt 11 c 1 Cut ldllwg a tt'l tntln Ulnnln 1 o1 NJ UllHsh � 11\ors nt $lOU .1 he ul In 1 111 IIIli t ic of :ll,l lllla, 11 1 l l ,;ct .thout $9 000 1111<1 .1 11 his tn<'D II lll gut Jill h l i i OJoel sh I l l lot the kl l l lu� I 1 ss thun n dozen men 111 the Allletlcnn :'\11 1 � 11 c1 c kll h tl ot ll ound­ctl 1 he1 1\CIC cumlot\nhlc lu their fOOIUJ IJU.Ulct H tfll � II IJIC fltt fll­lHO\el' ftmn te·H�ts .nul mhumm ,..,ell fed and "ell tl'ntlt !1, .nul, ns "' cntl sho\\ �d, " ete Ill!\ cl 10 .u1� gu.� 1 t da•

ROBERT BROWNING'S LOVE S rORV. 1111 Jlf'Vntlon tand ltn:•trenc" fur llllf 'VJr•

It 1111 141ktt R 11lte frnut Jl'lctlnt1. "" hctc1 ct �Its Bum nln,; lrotJ.

'1\ hn IC\ ct she lour hell lJuc nne cite don ell 11 I til the snctlllncss of her lll e•cncc," \\ t i les Oltn oul llo11 n HI of Uuuert 11111 Ellznhetll BtnHtt Bn>wt.-.

the "J.ntlles Home louulnt• ltt Btoll uln�t tetm uell \\ Itlli

hm oil n 1 I sit to liuglntul uftcr liD nllsencc of •c1 Ctlll \Cil!S he lll!lU' I'I)il to the tittle chttteh In 11 hlch lhcJ I.utfl been mn t t iNI, 111111 !hell' n t the �ll­twncc, he tel etPnlly k nee ltd :11111 kls,;ctl the 1111� ln.; :;tones llJIOII 11ltlclr. shto lltn light of his bc!u�. li•til

stql(tlfl And ln u ltet � e1n • \t ues tltc ll,:ht hnct a.:uue r 1 om hi� ltff!, lte sou.;ht lhls sncJcd spot OIJ tltr l!!th o� Cllllt Sq1temltet, .uul in tltl' tlusk nf lh•• t•l enlng •Juulun • pn••cts I<> Ill gbt •nl"e seen n 11 hllc hntt c<l 111 111 I.uccl­lng fOI II 1110111ent tl8 it in )lii�H Ita­fOil' l he tlOOI \\ IIJ OJ thl Lhttlc olntf Si­lent dtmch l:t•t llltlc IICJnhl IL"'T h111 c l h ou,:-ht to te�n,:;ul�e In lhls IIIILD tlw t•o• t BIOI\ nlug he If host m�<tlcal "II t l tlu,:-s hnrl lui l lu• " 01 hi t1• rcg11rd him liS II IIIRn Of IIIISil' IC lllltUt<•

":'\ot onee lu n il lltt• ! CUt • uf t heir mnu lul lli l' \\liS lholl lllug; uh•eltl ftolll his 11 l!e n Hlngll' <hll \I hmne 01 on tl11 h oct t slonut jomru rs he \I llS C\1 1 ll ith her I CUilJ lo prol�CI bet 111111 to 1\!llt upon hct O tlcu ill ami unn hle to 1< 1110 hrt wotn he Jltll •lll IWI 1\ I J h (ltC ttlllh ( l i( S� Of 3 11 OJIIIIII cheu lug flQr In hu tlllll ll)· CSCli\CC II lilt Sllii i!!H 111111 Sll!IA'S Of ten cl ing to lwt 101 lwu1s nt 11 t 1111<', a• he oft h11 1l 1lono In the !1111 R hcforo 111£'11 lllllll illgP I t II IIR lit !tl• IoUt h· lng lhon;htfulntss-lu his lilt\� :ttlll or lo1 lng nn1! nn•nllt ltPd nit< nl !on­thnt his lol l! fot twt 1\IIS mo•t llUJI

A hunt l'rftc11nn�t fi'tfJtt"" A wmn t l,n hlt• I n< t ltn• hceu d�

t'OH II'tl 'l'hc <'nlnt M nl (til e Ion� HIOitt. .. rue not )H'I Itllllll l l l In i h<• llghl T• gl\ 1' 11 chrm lt n t nut! phi H!t nl eli:Jita• nnt lnn of l hiK I• tll tllcnl ! , fur, thuugll 1 h <• llth n t • ••unions In Hnfltl !Jod. It s lut ll' I H•<'n [ll ll\l!l, nun llnUhl not lll PH\IIIIt' t i ll Ill tn til l ttl lu tlw fll�f! h11111 l l l i llf'IIIIH COil! 1'1 11 l tlh! li lt it it hllll ht•IJII lof\ Cut � OI I IK In II IJghl Hhotl \1 lrrdtr\1 , fount! In ht• t n!IHltlt l n hty llglll<' r u lhlH J l nr r• h111l Iiii i'"' d tlrHll 11 !11 1 '1 to tiM II ol t•XII t lil I IH• HRtlltt II lilt It lull! h1 1 II IU•]tl !11 tllf> fiurl, tint l !'Kit!IK \I t'll' nhRll i , Cil ll l tJI etlllrJH ll lld Hll(l)lhl ii'S 81 111 DIO(I) I! l ltllll II t i lt lht Hll l ll l l lllhlo Jl'CmR IK tlu• rwttou or IIA"hl on ex J IP.ItKI\11 Ktlllli'K GII I JII'l lltn ••t lu thttl t h� fnt JJtl'l' Mll<l rtnll, 11 h lte tllo l11ttct llihlur.

Page 4:  · I I ., . .' .; . st.MI-WEE"LV UNION COUNTY STANDARD. . ' . TUESDAY FRIDAY-' WESTFIELD, . UNION COUNTY, N. }., OCTOBER 18, 1898. $2 Per Year. Single Copies· 3c., Mats

f11hli�h�·l e\"•H�Y" Tn�!-ttla.y- a.ntl F rltlay by The Sta�dard Pu blishing Co�cern-

if'- .f. WRITKR"It.\D •. Pr�hl�nt ••


To the Eilitm· of the Stcuu11n·tl. OC tht! ChJMren"!f C•umtry llnmt! "\l'6Mu-DIUR. Sm:' Yon h••ve -•een th� An- SLAUG HTERING A CRIMINAL BV THE cl�>tlun.

nouncement of the l,;ct•1re on Liquid GUIL.I.OTI N E IN PARIS. The seventh annu:ll meeting of the Air. with exptriment.•, to be given in Chil <lren'• Conntry Home A�Hociatiou Wt!l<tliel<l, on Oct. 17, by W. H . . \ Wnm !l n '• D••<'riJitlnn M t h " �hoek- wa� belt! in the BILpti�t church I;L�t ev�n-A. It:. PtU.R!i.H.r� Vice-Prt>�<ihl•mt.

-c. E. Ps.uuu r.r .. S�rer.arl·-Tren.Hurer .. l[e:ldowcroft, &t}., of the Etli�on Gene� In::; �lH"'Pt.tu•t .. That .\hvny:1 .\ttrttt!h ing. The ocr!:L'4ion and the fntere!-ltiug --ft�lttP'TION ----,2.00 tJ'IA .,, .. ,_ ral Electric Co. P�rhapR your rentler�. th .. ontt!tUtJI ,., tit@ F'rt"'n4!h C•pttal. exerci8e8 were worthy of a. large-r antli·

_ ,.. i'n prepa.l'a.tiou for thA Iectnre, woultl _,,.,.. rh� F�Jtrfol K n l r .. Ha• Fau .... ence. STRICTLY lrl AOVANCE.o to· hear something m<lot! •�bout the In theso rnsbing times we mi!lht take The meeting Wits C:lllt!tl to ortler by

materh,l, a.ntl how W>stlielt! comt!l< to fJr onr motto "Something New, Al· the PreHit!ent, ;ul"i!. V. 0. Bnrtis, anti

-AO��.,�rt�ls�ln�!l�Ra�tes���11�-rn�l��h�e�•l�o�n����� � ��ave this r:1re opportunity. Wl\y� Something New." Conow.qnently, openetl witb r"U!lions s.rvices, aft"r Olfi�-.5T ANDARD Rulldinrr.

Lil�� IDflU�l?' �M; MAR�ET & HALSEY STS.

- Liquid Air i� the newest thing in sci- I imagine that tile ilnpr,.8sions ot a which the annn:1l repo'rta .of the reL'Ortl-N EWARK, N • .1.

.&L.-aii!D Jl!. PEA MALL. il:dt..,r, ence, performing wonders which seem to woman· nt the foot ot the guil!o�ine ing secretary; the corrl!>!ponding seer,.. e.. II!. PZAIUALL,. Jlan_.or. r�ver . ..e the laws ot natnre, antl appnr- wowd not b .. commonplac... I was pres- tnry BD<l the treasurer ' were read antJ

---------------- 1 . ent at one performance in the Place de .. · WE!�TFIELD, N. J. OCT. 18 .. !Silfl. ently promising tor the tntnre a.• great, Ia Roqnette, 'lll1here M. de Pari• and hi! acce�tetl.

l. ���


d showed a. St!l180n of

TP<> FREE.' � or ifl'""ter changes in the material life at •�sistanta officiaced in the name at so nnll!!n•• acttvt y an succt!88. � - � humanity,. than steam or el..ctricity called jn•tice. The horrible . spectacle Ninety-nine children were received

have accnmpliohed. It is th-. coldest bannt• and racks the mind IUld tends 'thU..IIUBlm<W, ill:!teotd of the one haudred thing !mown this sitle of the moon-( the rather to re-enforce the partittana of the and forty that might h;ne been accomo­

moon blll! no atmosphere, perha.po iu abolition of capital puniohment. The <Litt!tl bat that. many of the children .•eas are it.i atm011phere, condenser!, who horror of t;he pnn i�hment impolll!d ren- were cony;dt!8cent� who neetle.t the long­

lffiows) -about 300 degtees below zero. as d�rs a gutlt� man almost worth! of I er otay th1lt was iu ever" cl\81! a.\v\$!d p1ty. The s1gbt of a human hetng, . . . J

ll@rtr!y as they have been able to deter- dragOted like a beast to Che slaughter by a W_estlield phystCian. Letters com- THt -Wf\ROGRI\Pft.

mine it. It prodnct!l< the etl'ecC.. both of hou.re, up even to the �inister aeesa.w, mend"ttng of the good work: of the A N. t e th inten•e colrl, and (contra•lictorilyJ of in i� terrible. Home from Dr. Hibbs, ot tha New fork 1ne en. Century ten•e he11t. A •mall piece of steel, like I !mow many pE'ople may be astonish- Orthopretlie Ho•pital, ant! from Dr. " watch spring. can bt! ignited by means ed thllt any b•lrlY conlrl be moved to pity Daniel, of tb.' New York Hoepital for of a match and wi11 burn bril!i.mtly, in fnr the !erad'�'"' brute, Carrara, ':"bo women ant! children, were aL;o rea<!. tl I ' . 1 , . ,\. . ·ce lf m ··•t <lippetl l transforrntrl h'" mnshronm estabh.;h- 1'he trea;urer reported r<!Ceipt• in the • 1� ·'I'll' air

. : pie ' �· ' . . 1 rnent iutn a crematory and had no mer-

ORE�T ELECT�ICAL TRIUMPH. ---... ---.. --.. ·-- 1 In It, �onJ,J res�.<t _the �:w•t expenencetl 1 cy for the nnfortnnate young man, La- general fn11tl 11t $�08.78, and disburse- . =============== ! hoarding hon.�e teetb-t<�rtl?n th� :tll ll· l rnarra, Wh<lm bt! tbre�• iu ra ,the llre IU�nt.• a,; $-i9-�.!J:l ; for the B nilt!in:! Fnu•1 lone Should .Miss If.

We are ?orrv tl) observe that the ! "ion-no reference to w�"rtidd, mup ly . after ha>ing murdered hiru fnr the par· the receipt• have been :f'77�.tm, $ !0•) cf • , 1 Pnck-h11t literarily it mn•t be broken 1 pns� of robb•:r-.;. I �t;,.-,.., nil that, anr\ I which were 5pecial gifts to retlnce the

�r�tivhi le gr ... Jd- na.tn rr�d Ch:lH. }fand-- , like a :;tone. with a. hammet·. A tll'•)P rm i rl0 w:t rli;;purc"' tbe fact that the Ital ian m•lrrgag�. Th� trea.·mrer baa b�en anth· so:n e ;\lc Bri<le ha.a ;d lowed hi.' halo : the -kin prool no:e• a h:hl hnrn,like •�al•lir:g i wa� n. mono:ter, b>lt tbac . L< no rea>nu nrizetl t•l make another p;ty ment of �-iOO • • .

w d rnp o ver Ide:: ea1'3. Keep awect, 1 warer-antl yet it i� only air. !f some [ :'hy ."'e,•h:":lri_ n•Jt be .. ':�·:gn.<terl ar th: nn the u1ortgage 011 the HniUe property Reproductions of famous and reahstrc scenes, so true . ' f I . , . ' 1 . l 1 \ ' a , ·•n · ,J.ltCt.>cl� �. L .ch wa; 1?· '-'entu\ to on. t tl ti f tl r i 1 P •Y t t•f h t ·d. h .d

: Chul''' ; y.-.n ean't alway:' w r n . ! :· 1 1� �<In".

_au· .'e P ace• ".' cnp, ': , ' I e:;es and wllic!1 I w i l l now e:Jdeamr to " · 'e me 0 "' •e n ·•mnna ' wen 1 1 e t a one can scarce ere 1t t e ev1 ence of their own . ·

-· . . . . . ! l n ;1. cak� r,r tee. lt b.Jtl:-!, b�t:a�.·� tht-: lCt:"' l de�el'i Le w i rh the impartiali ty uf a :-;im� of i ntt-re�t. Thi.� will r�d uce the intleUt• . : ' eyes. .A ll that C•.n:.(r�� .... n1<m FowlAr nr-P1h to : i� .�n btJt :;nt"Jt ab.-:olntdy ht)t of cnn�·.:.�.e. to I fJle �lft:�tatnr: withlmt re:�eutment or ut.-:o��

.on th�! hom� to $LOOO. i\nl ong the ·' �

h� .. fo:.f<!\'"'ctH i� t\J -IC<l.�t�r hi:-� rJi.ctnrl-! :. j'fJll rJr ln,.. : bnt i r:-J :3'! rli'""".:-,'Tt-'tl� ahuv� Z�fl) \ prejurlio�, hnt -with e. h�:Ht that n��olt� Rt!:il)l nttun:j 0� thauk� to A. E. P�ar· .. h;rJ�;(Jc:� .. t ril rt ·n�hunt th..- ,h.tr:trt fi ... : i� :m al;•·.,Jl'l t,� fir+-" to �hi;"'!' ;;111) lwlow n.r tht=

11 n!:w.in.:t a .s;ct·!l� t.!:�� ha . ..; �Pitber .the ... all, to theo

.p hy·ieiau:i of \V�·"'tfieh:. <tnd •

;� .,nt- cJf tbl"! mt�'-�t tli .. fln �n i -lh ... fl lc;�Jkfng' lllllli•J au· In VIJ]nme CI)1111110!l atr l� tu l f,'l'r�nd�:!nr.n:r the lll:!Je:-::ty or a. p_unt.�·h· tr, rua.ay otn�:s 10\�ho h:lrl a��L�tetl 111 the J:tlPn in W:l-hlO ·rtfJn =t.na i:-� � ... n�r(,lly I I H!ntd all' ;!.lJ'm t a� �IJIJ to I . tbat i.o� a. �•)'Jr1 ; mPnt t� t1tr�ed. Ln t

, r_athcr e:o:lnb�t .. ;he �O,Jtl work tin ... .. o mtn�r were prt:�entetl

· - 1 1-' a 'r �iZ!!11 ro•.ra i11H oi air W1.>nl'l m�kt:: a hunt 1 cm�arlh.�ro un.rl bil�'"' �H ·:-.! d � ven�ea.H�t: 1 awl adopte1\. Wonderful Moving Pictures

C•iTJt;��l ... -1 f!/Jt only :!1 1 'H� 111' \ln-. 1l1t .: ,.1 • • • -� • I wl nGll b t 1le:"'} Jt�2lt trnm tiH.: l ighG of flay. 1 • • • a hi•·. � "omewlnr nnnnal cnmttination. �- �ml l n l '' · :''", ".'!m•l.

_F1 �111 t�u ; . •t The r·xecctin!l wa' fixHl fnr -1 o'clcek : Tn"' ."'!tire'" of tl�e e>e�nng. ,tr

y :.\!�s- 1 shown are : Annabel! More, m the serpentine dance ; -.r.�r�ey City Ev�ntn� .TrJnl'n,\1 can h ... tnugwe•"- \\ ll,Lt a g'lt< lt.

.f"X�.ln 10n I in the moruin�, lmt from the honr of I B.Ltnbrtrlge. uf th'=' � ew "\ork Ctty llt:i

, • . • . h' k t P'"'"'r l t cuulol e:<dt, on J,emg, re�un- mtrlm�ht the: nt·i �h torhccrl of the 'ion wa.• fnll of encoor� "etnent aml in- 1 of t h e 1Ian nes , I nfantry Lean ng- Cars at Tampa · !)o(oa F:<h t<1r f'h,;lp'i'. t 111 • ttie wo- 1 . . . , , · � ' . . � · . , . . � • , . . vert-• rntu :;a•eo'" all . hranrle Raquette was swarmmg .wah 'pera!Iotn. �he ••wl It lnul been an 1\f ules o n Cuban Trai l · <\ S · h E S mt:n rtf thE· Etghc CongrB"-"vnal The a boo;� are i l ln,tratinn� of the kino! an unrlulatrr.g and rncckiug crnwtl. �vening of aeconnti!; account; of the ! ' ' � pan IS ncounter ; ummer

Vi3�rict are allowe<1 to mte? of ""l'�rirnent.; tu Le •hown hy :.\Ir. .Jailbird.;, murderer•, footpad� and wom- Hom�. the hrll.; for llli lk, the botcher, Boarders ; Acrobatic Girls ; Ice Skaters ; Narrow E�cape �f-a<lowcroft. They can be •r.eh froru en of tb" :tre;.ts ""�ern_

bled t�e�e tc, �ee, the baker, etc , acconnts of Dr. Hibbs '" , I I k 11 t f th h 11 Th Y ""nnot fai' a• they ,.aid, tile Italian ammal •hart- 1 D D . I b I 1 !ill tl. t l . th e Pen nsyl vania :. Baby Quarrel ·, May_ Irwi n and John Few per, pie in ,. est tie < now a par •

. o e

. a · � •·n

: 1 ened. , , am r.1

aur1e a.; t �y '"' e 1err . _ .

th,�t we have a. <rerman aettlemen t , t o h: of mten;e mtHe•t to every_?ne With .Journalists were admitted into the pag"" 0 the �tiger With ncconnts of the in t h e famous Kissi ng Scj!ne, from "\Vidow Jo nes." - . h ' t i " mm•l. from 10 years old t'l "'· Cer narrow space so o!ten cle:<cri berl, with crippled aut! con>alescent children they 1 n o n r tow n , even

_t e town commr ·

I tl'linly n o one abl• to g o shon1<1 neglect its five sinis!er stones and its legendary hatl aeut to Westfield. And s h e wi;het! �e has nr1t fou nd 1t ou t or el•e they the r.ppurtonity. gas jet which i� never lighted except on to �how another page, another !eat in prop•He , to ignore them from the Twenty years ago li<jnitl. air was who!. the eveninsr before an execution. the ledger, the work of the Home a.s she

"b<:ne6t of Westfield centre. We do ly nnknown. At fir•t it CCP.lt $1,1)(,0 a There iu the rain we watched the set· hat! seen it hat! been a "preventive h • • drop to make. It is only within the last ting up of that horrible machine which, work." It bad been preventive tor the not believe in gettir.g somet tng ror d' a to t�e leaend · C""'ll'ostro three or four years that it ha.s been accor ln., " " ' '"" f'hlld Sa>ed frum pain anti suffering, by ·· nothing, 110 when a colony &ettles i n ;- shower! in a gla��s of clear water to the - marie in qnantity, and that only by one terrified lfarie Antoinecce. In the yel- the saving ot pain and sorrow to the

-our m idat, huilda t wenty hou�es and man, C. E. Tripl-.r, the inventor of the low and spectral ligbt of the ga� jet mother, by the I� of labor and time to . are wi l l ing to hoild twen ty more, we proces� aud machine. l\lr. 'Tripier that Bickered in the wind Chese prepa· the wage earner who wonld have had to

think the town ooght to recognize is a gentleman of New York, who ha. rations were hideous to wi tneu. .\1· care for the sick child. It had given them or ebe stop taxing them. rlevoted hi•. time, intelligence

_and mo�c on a level with the llfOUnd atands conrage to mothers kn.,wing their chil-

"l'n ·a aettlement is at the rictht of -

' · ' air br!Uldishin"' the s....-klin"' kDife.

tO and tt A. M.; 2, 3, ,� and 5 P. M. Daily.

L. BAMBERGER & CO., : l w�lth to th1s even yon :lolr Erlrtor tbe scaffold widl its t,.,o arma in the dren would be cared for in such happy 1 "' cao not object to snch a ose of wealth " .- " snrronndiug, it had made them feel

Bir!l's corner, and this town baa not can yon? ' And I, • woman, in the srr-nce of Market and Halsey Sts., · the!Ml preparation., could not help Chink· there wu not eo grl!at a d�tinction be· .. even giv<Jn them a street l ight. Now what are the "ractical IIAes of in& of tbe family- nf the wretch wb0118 t ween cla.'!8e8 and mwee, thllt there

NEWARK, N. J. Thr-..se . f!E:"ple laid oot thei r own thi8 wonderfnl !laid? There we touch head wu 100n co tall Into Cbe buket. I were thDI!t! who aympathlt:ed with them �=::::::::::::::::::::::::::� atreetll and worked them. \1, hat are the borders of the anknown. Whell thoull'hc of hi1 Uttlechlldren, who were and it had been a 1tepping atone tor the !

• ? Watt sat watchinll' the lid of the tea- at that moment aleepinr IOIUldly 10me- children io leading thew to a deeire for -we to do about 1 t. kettle jump, per hap« he had undefined where, and of his pife, equall:r guilty cleaner and better things. She biAtanc­

The lnkewarmneta of the Repnb­. lir;ana all over th� country does not iodic1te a corresponding increllile o!

-confidence in the Democratic party. ·n reflects the faet that per•ple re· member )lr. McKinley's Pol icy of IrrcRol ution at a time when all the

Yisions of great things to come; bnt with him , llllld who, 81 It were, puahed ed many of the children of the put could he ...... •ibly have imam ned a thou- her h1111t.Pd into the anna of the esecu·

d .....,., .,. cioner 88 10 Ja..c reoore to •ve berself. Hnwwer, tbe sarrouo logs In their Handth part of the changes produced by What re:norse will be hen when the:r home8, their improvement while in rallroarls, steamship!!, factories, aod the tell her abruptly : "Carrara haunlfered Wei!tfield and the thankfnhiess of the thousand other things steam hal ere- hla punishment. Yon are a widow I" mother for Westfield. Some of theae atf!(l'! So science is just openin�e the Bnt the day Wall dawoinll', and the may be giYen to the ST.\:SD.\RD at a later door to lixnirl air. A cop ot It a rlay in lamps were 11oing ant. At the windows date. In conclusion Mrs. Bainbridge yanr refri((erator, doos away with the anrl even on the roofs numbers of spec- said the Westfield Home etands alone in Iceman. I see they are nsin(( it now ex tators weres l!&thered ti If to witnesa one partica!ar. Other institutions take perlrnentttlly lu mines to freeze soft <!an- some carnival. The sigbt wu heart· 1 eou ntry waa u rging h i m to rlrive rending. Mounted gendarmea an<l sol· in the c 1ildren after they have been very gerou• gr'lnnd. Its expan�i..-e power, rliers orarlaally came out of the dark· sick. W estlield does the best work of Spain, in the name of ho rnan i ty and 11111rry tr' • tb t • t 't " 1 rr�<s a o, s eam, snggestl! I � ne•s, and one might be inclined to rail all, in t rat it takes the children when

At Fitch's Orocery •..•

Full Cream Cheese Granulated Sugar

1 2o lb. • . • . z. lb.

Burnham's Fine Olam Chowder 2oc can.

civilization, on t of IJfl T jn ri,;<liction ; "nbstitntions for steam. Its use for "t snch a displa.y of force at the execo· they are almost ready for sickness and th11t the peoplr remember thr.t �lark generation of heat and l ight suggests its tion of a wretch paralyzed by fear, who prevents hospi tal life and care aud snt-·Felon Hanna conl rl get �lr • • \Jr,Kin- snhstitntion for electricit y, coal glli!, per- iu a few momeutil would appear n1•on fering. ::::::=:::::=��==:::::::::=-=��=�:=� haps for coal. We are ni l free to irn- the scene tier! bunrl and foot. The annual report and resolntlons of ley's ear when they CMr lrl n't ; that he · Th ro was Mnrno l ittle commotion llgtne things. Bnt wi th all our lmagln '' · thanks will be printed in fnll iu future appoin t!'d papa'-' boys tmd n incom· l ugs we hElve clifflcnlty in ke•pr'ti" U(• among tho crowrl when people began to f 8

A. C. FITCH lc. SON, C rocers, 81f.'l:U

� � point at a thin, ohl llliOil wbo hobbled issues o the ''T.\SD.\RD. I•')(>p.l and incorn pf,tent� on:r the with the progrcs8 of this wowl�rful end a bout with tho gesture" r,f a dancing • ----

hel£(1. of tried anrl cnpal,{r, rn�n to (jf tlte wonderfnl l Oth century. jack to sec if tho knife iu the bras; ron· Slameoe !lape .. tlt lono. pr1�i tiom of vitr11 r�o�pr1n tlibi l i ty with Havnnts, col lege•. scier,tific Mceties, nero WU3 in goorl working ord.,r. Thi� Tho flr,;t til ing an orthodox Slnm�se

I 1 ] . I I I . I 'lr'' uow 1Jagerly waiting for an oppor- wa� Deibler, the exec·Jtlm•er, 11 ghost does iu the morniug is to scare away t H: appa lllg resa t tr, ' 1 11 t 10 grrrc· tnn lty to kee the•e exfl"riwents. Bnt with n white !Jearrl, who adjo,terl tho the family'gho"ts who umy hn\·e gnth­eome ehnpter.1 frrJTn cam pa anrl battle .'.Ir. Tripier is obligNl to refnoe all re- imtrmnent with the indifference of 11 ererl abont !be olrl place in the night. fiei,Ja nrrrl tmnsport� that will blar:kcrr 'l'"'"t" for the nir. He is ouly making It grocer weighing his �oods. i>udd"n!y Letting off cracker• l• nn efi'cctnal · the hi .ltr,ry of Iris ad rninistmtion for hiH !JWn experi mental p u rl'< · . i" thoro wa� proronn<l glleuce ; tho ralll lneJ.lll:l. At the uaw year all tho ghosts

the lahoraton· N ·- J-lUi '· I WU:i over, hc:nrl:i wnro uucov£:rer1 and coJUo troopiug to their former d well a .forrwer ; that hfJ tal k�rl of " coaling · · " ot 11 tlrop 1·' for ""J�. � uw�ionl<:s,. Ilr,ath l•,s� und nhuoot in ings. For tbreo day• they ba,-0 their Btl1tion at �[an i la, 1111rl of pooi!ibly It, IH to the excee•l ing- courte�y of �!r. agooy the crowrl fol low�rl wi tb "t.!.tl}'·'� fnr1. AJ t_l)e �IH� of tho tillJo lho priests

l · · 1 l f f tl t :\le:vlowr-rrtft him•elf 1111 nntl r 11 1 r:yes tho movement of tho doors of t ho aurl their flock; fire guns !IIlli use other ro lll lllll)l JII7.0ll j llrll () ' a ter Ill . , f '

. ·

• \() ' n. ' prisou, wh iclr at l ast 0[11:11("1 \drle. de\'ice� !'or gettlug rid of t hem . A ;;j. HOIJI{J kintl of 11 partnnra h i p w i t h rdlrHv-J>,horer m •cteucr, with Mr. Trip·. ,\, wppre""'"' "Ah !" camo frmu rnauy a meso is cnll!uet! face <lowuward, •a Spai n na to tlw l'h i l ippi rH'i! nt larue lf·r. that W""ttil:lrl i < ilul eltte<l for tl1 i• contracted cheot;, whi lu with_pule fac"s that tlw ghost muy uot sueak ha�k

1 tl t · · 1 1 f ? 1 •·.,traortl ln!lry "1'1 ortnr ity ni l !O"'''d UpiJII tho as.-a<>tu, whosH throu�h the dcud man's mouth. 'fhe a.n• " H:r errr t•,rra lUll lllllllCIII ' ' · crlmo tho mnun t•:hauks r,f tlw fairs pop- coltln is tukeu out through a halo iu the �rraidcmti<lllil, calr:ul11lctl tn HrtrJt.hc H'·"["·ctfully your.•, nlurizr.<l. T!u wu� hiruply frigl1tful to , wall alltl carried >ieverul tlwei! rounrl 'Wall Btrcd . rurd tho SpaniHh bon d · 8.\ J,TEit i>T<•IW" CI .. I H K. look at, l.owe!l down n i4 h o wail with t h u hnu;,, i u <mler that tuo ghost may

I l 1 U "'I' I I I I I · f -·• t•,rror. lie dtrl uot look lrku u humau uo put otf the 8cent un<l not retoru to 10 I {'r� ._, · ' 1U ICI\YI 11!}111 11 rmn being, J!o lonkerl l i lw 11 bl!U.<t. I I i.< i u · \'ex hiM fumily.-J::xdumge. frum tlH: rwoplu l Allll 0\'f:ll !lOW !rift """"'"•"I I Mntl '"' IIMir. toll lgenco Villi! ulr<:a<ly llearl uurl his

-r10licy i� cr1 u i mmd nHrl irrmwlu tn, 1 !wart. hJu! lrc�t a l l fr, t.·l iug. 'l'lJU lustlnct .lnncwuult for n llnrultnr rtf Yrm rs of tho un irnu l Htl ll romuiuerl. 'fhll sight 1m�il Hptlin iK bocomi11g i1 1wlent, DRNI to rlyo tho littlu frln�" llf lu;ir Ill> wn• rl rcurlfo l ly �ad. 1wt un1lor�tawhrw tl111t .�lr, MuKi11- hurl, 81111 It gr,tHmdly took '111 ull tho Wlwt follmvm! buggnril r.Joscriptlmr. h hue� of tJw rain how, JUtwh rfl.;.,'t:m hJiug "'b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •Icy's 111l rn i 11 istmtion " I' to tho Jli'O· • ._ o oxcrmt rmor ""' 1 " u < H •ouruor no 'l'l t tlrtllllt. 'J' i trnou;li'H eX(HJt!our:o lu "'''' longer to IHJ rucu omployo<l to carry out llElll� tirnn !Hill not rupr<:Rontc1l tho ori n)( hlH hulr, tho 1,w•l� ot ja•tlco ; they Jonker! l iko ,Jmahing moot! of tho pooplo. 1 WIIH Htnrul!ug In front nf tho Unlr,n lmtchurrl. 'J.'Iwy f.•!iz�·i tho eowluwuml

j A Pnllneman. ''rho Oolrlon l'ormy tuiiK an 11m11HhrJ1

·<lt(lly-HOinn roatlorK may thiuk It im· arroltllhlo-omwurnhtg the o•amhrutlon <Of 11 yonn11 man whu tluHirotJ to ho Ull )JIOintllll ll mumlrm of tho llaiii!>Hhiru <DOtutiJ H:nglruul) J•>lioo,

Jln pnt In tlll lll>ftliiiiUUOo otur mnrnhrJI, -llll!lllllllll by hiK motbor 11111\ YIIIR 1alto1lt In h11111l fur nxmnlmttlou hy tho 1JINpootor, 'fhiK JII'OMTI'HMUtl KlliJHfMoloriiJ GIJtiJ tho hlHJKJOior nltKilrYUII : ·

"Of <J<lllrHil ynn'ro uwaaro you 'll ht•ve ·• lot of ul�o�ht work hl 1lu? You uru nul .afr•lll or ltohll( out l11tn, I HliJIJKlHit?"

lloforo tho <!IJIUI!dntn cnui<J ru1•ly hiH 'llflllthf!r ttll!ulrl lli•rl Uro &11111111"1 olllolfll 'M'Itb tho Ml.lltl!llll<nt: ' "'fltll&'ll I•• •If rl�o�hl, 11lr. lll1 11rantl•

·, .'llnotlttlr'• tfiJiriM 111111111 with hlua tlm tlnt :' . .... , flf. lllf .. •11111111 UIIIIJ be IVCI uiNJd



t:( ���



· · · · ' , , - ' � '

S<(Uilro theut11r otw <lay nftnr rohwf"al 1111111, wlluo !Jy tho unrR, Homo lty the with tho Ia to Clmrle• H. '1'horun, ,Jr. , lou•, whllu otlwr• hnl!l <lowu tho oou tur llnrl .Too J'olk, wrl t<:H Owun l•'nweott, uf lim burly uwl kept boltlhiJ! hlm "I' t.u 111111 wo woru llrJ!uhrf! ti ro f(llllHtirm who tho ,•nry 1unmout whou, with 11 Hntirlon Mhonlrl 11 buy, " whon ulonJI """"' llfmcl· rnrublo, th<J knlfu fell, tho ho11d rn• O�&nlt, HH ohi !t(Hlr UK llVIlr, Of eourHn ho bourHlu<1 1uto tlw' t•:&Hkot urul t ho Ultlllul­IIIOMt Htnp, llMk 111! tho ll<JWH 111111 I111VU R IIUII<m WOK lit llll llllll, ohnt, for ho WIIH " llloHt untort11iulng IJut l!IHJ Mhould }111 trruHollt 1uul Hoo tho IIIHII 111111 Willi worth IIHir!fliiiJ! to, On JtUVouwut� covoruri with lthod, tho gory hi• Jtrllpllrilll! to lm&vu J'olk Mllhl, "Mr. kll lto, tho hiwHI MJlllrtillg from tho <lo· Douoilmult, I do uot wl•h to iuMult you, ""l•ltutotl trunk, tho il(ll<nuinlliUK wa�h· IJnt I WIHh to COIIJifMtUiuto yun fill OliO lUI! at tho llUIIfh,Y fouutnlll uutl tho f!UI• lhlug. " torN rnlllrlll to t1111 Howor II Jrurrrlu color· 11 Not • bll of It, my bn:r, " Hr&ld t�l murl, lu rml11r tu �o 11blo to cnmr•ro• Dout•J, "Whnt IH It, l'ulk?' ' hmul r&ll th11 hurrorll of IUI I!IOOutiou lu "1 1100 th1t 7011 bavo glvun over tlyn· l'uriK.-Exoh11111111, ln11 your hHir or wbut llttlo h11lr you ------hllfl, am1 JOU do ttol know bow muoh blltter It mak••• 7011 look, "

"Y llM, 11 IMIId llouolcauU, " I have foantJ out 011c thh111, Mllt1 thllt 111 lu 1111 tbe )'Cifll I bavu lluuu foollHh flltOUNh to Jllllllt 1111 balr I Wllf only t1ooolvhtll ooo perrton, aud lb1t oau w•• ll!JI!IIIt, 0001l

. da,, ��o, .. .. :-��!� "'�.!'- '

•••••• wu• lllr••••••••· MllrJiury-l11J(Iij1 why dlrl thlly bur:r

Mr, Oo!lllmau willa bl� OJIJIII�HHIJK on? ' l'IIJlii-WeJI, IIIJ J!OI1 lte Wit� IIOIIr• Hil!htod, ami Ill• widow f811rllfl bo ml11ht IIJIHN tltll Jlllltrly I(Mt411 IIIII 001118 baok,­.l�twulllrK' WllllkiJ,

Those D readful Sores They Continued t o Spread I n Spite

of Treatment but Now They are Healed - A Wonderful Work. " l'or rnnny yonrs I ho\'o been R great

a u tterer with vnrlcmw �o·t•lnM on one or rny l i m bo. My toot and limb hecorno dread· tully R\l'ollon, When I stood up I could feel tho blood ruohlng down the \'Ohr• ot thiN llrnb, Ono day I nccldontully hit rny toot al(olrtHt oomo objoet and a More broke out which continued to •1•rcad and wao oxcoodluJIIY painful, I concluded I needed a hlontl purl !lor nnd 1 bol(nn tok lrrg llood'• Horooparlllo. In a •hort thno thoou dreadful oorl!ll which had cauoed mo HO muoh •utrorhrg, IHJI(an to heal, J kept on talthlully with llood'• Saroapa· rllla, and In a abort tlrno my limb wu oornJtlotely healed nnd the oorOH fiiVe nre no more pain, I cannot he too thankhtl for the wondorful work llood'o IYI'Ilatra• rllla1 hao dono lor mo,11 MRII, A, tl. OIUION1 llarUand, Vorrnont,

Hood's •• , ••. . perilla IIIli� l>11ol-ln tr�nt lhu on� •rrnn llluntl l'nrlnn, MeN'I Pille curu Nil liver 1U1. ill! omrt1,


T o pay u s $ t 6 for a suit, the cloth and trim. mings of which h ave heen of your own selection, the style cut of your o�m choos­i ng-a suit which has been man made en­t i i·clr ? Preferable, isn't it, to the Jadr-made suit at the clothier's w h ich sells for the same money.

, The Ready-made Suit is by the people for people in ge neraL The Custom·madc Suit is t h e tailor for the individ ual in particular.

60LYER & 60 .. the by

8 tl5 Broad 8t., N EWARK, N. J. • • CLGTMING GNLY • •

a"'"'"''''"'"''''"'"'"'"'"'''''' J. S. I RVI NG CO . •


Coal, · Lumber, Bulldlnl Matedals, Mouldln1s 1nd Klndllnl Wood. FertiiiZII

l'or Lawn, Gard•n •nd Pl•ld. ·

Offlae and Yard·�·Central Ave., near R. R. Crosslnt, Westfl-ordon,�b, Mall Will Rooolve Prompt Attention.

.l'JlLEP�OIE 19,.(, ' . . ·

Page 5:  · I I ., . .' .; . st.MI-WEE"LV UNION COUNTY STANDARD. . ' . TUESDAY FRIDAY-' WESTFIELD, . UNION COUNTY, N. }., OCTOBER 18, 1898. $2 Per Year. Single Copies· 3c., Mats

TOWN NOTES.. -Tile �en's bible clll&l of St; : --. - ., ·· · church meets to-morrow evening. · -The board :�f reglatry ... m�t to:day. -Clarence Wilcox )eft this morning .:....wetci; .Bros arepalntlng the Cougre- for Florida, where he llas accepted a

ational church. · : . . . position� . · �The Westfield W�ter Comp�tiy held -Mrs. William Clunnberlahl Ia con· R meeting last evenhig. . . gned to ber home on North avenue by '!. -AD·IIddlton Is l�elug built to. the rear �\·ere illness .. ,

of the Westfield . club bonae. -Mrs. c. B. P�ddle and · daughter, -Albert Beattie, �r Little Falls, spent Miss Lola Peddle, have. returned. from

Saturday. with friends in town. . a visit 111 Mlcblgau. -W; a: Gomea··ta out • al(alu after '-Tile

·m�tai ceiling ln

. the congrega� aeveral days conftnement to the bouse, tiona! church Ia expected to be finished

-MI1111 �llu�th · Miller is apendlna by Sunday next: aeveral days _w,th friends in Brooklyn. -On accOunt of t�e storm. on 'Friday


·S ·

Underwear! · U nderwea·r!

; ; LOGS


.GRATES. . .

Underwear! Most time to think · .of

changing to the weights. ·. ,

.We liave a full line of the' · . celebrated ..


�PE:N FIRI:S.:.......;· ..-� Heat just whon you waut it. No wnate, no duat . or 88l1es. A line line ol goods at special Jlrices. Agent for the eel�- . . brt�ted,;'�Backua" Gas Grute, aod combined open fi re;place aud steam radiator�perfect combustion of gai. Noflue re�. quired. . }faximnm of beat. · .Mimimum of cost. -..• . -The sip, "Pieue ci«��B the doo�, ;, evening the Epworth league did ·not go

Is making Its appeartnce about the to Mountainside. ' ' .. · · · ·THE MANTL.E AND FIRE•PL.ACE &TORE. to�. . -E. J; whttehea.t teft to day for a Roots Sanitarr Underwear .· ·


· · . ,���jj��j��� -To-morrow will . be olMerved 18 trip of aeveral weeks in Northern New For Men, Ladles and Children. CU�TIS ·M. THORPE,._,...c-., ·-

IG · Lllf•Y.,tte •1•Y �Il.all,}�e. pnbllo schools Yorir "!!�.l''e.n�arlvanla. .

. 310•31a PAilK AVB., PLAINFIELD, N. 1::, of tbe conntry. .

. ·

·"'""The Rev. Keary Ketllilein .P•J,!'""''"u.11_, These goods. are made qpon ������������������������� -ts.ooo will be offered for 88te at the In the Bellville avenue Congreaatlonal · 'most· improved ·metho-ds � . .,., · meetlnl( of the Bnlldlng & Loan ABBOOI· church at Newark 00 Sunday; . . HARKER'S . ·, BEAUTIFUL STORE at��::�=

e�:! held In . St. Pa�l's �;;;:x� s;�!:!Ja m:�:

n��ea��: toR::� :���s

ar;s �! ��c


er�: . _,. . $ , . ..

. .

9 �..;_-.,-,.---:-----:::-:-::--- l cbnrch this morning at D o'clock, It be- children in the Baptist clmrch. reach of all. . . . E. I m and: Quimby Sts. lng �t. Lu�e'e dR)'. ·

.,-l\[1'1!. Dr. Gilpin, of NewFoundland, · St · ' h t d k -The annual ln•Jlf'cllon of the .West- Pa., Is the guest of her. daughter, 1\lrs. · ep 111 t e s ore an as to WE.ST F l E.L 'D • • ·• , • • •

ftp)fl Fire DepqrtmPn� takes pl.ce Tbnrs· Dr. Harvey, on Broad street. set; th�m. . But Never Mind the Store-Just Look at the Prices: day evenimt at 8 o'clock. lllrs. Eiizabtt.h Stllmeta,of '!ipringtown,

. � . . ,. ' f. "od l't W t' P I E 1 .. . , , . . . I J QILDE. RS.L£EUE· oox o go f!llll t. Y. t't II�[.( 1111er 'l'u .. ' uve opes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 10 cents box fro"f�"'Pi<���!��i11t

8.K, '�\�� l��: · -Snperlnten!lent Chnmherlnin Is <lo- Warren connty, i's tlu! gtiest of her son, . W; Box of lin� Papet llf•<l Em elopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . 1 1 cents " box ing goot) work in scMpin� -:nul clenn -' w. l\1. Stawets, of North. avenue. •· 1 .. ' · ·Box of Unhtlefl P11per, of goo<! qnality . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . 1� cents tug the �treetR 11hont the. to\vtt. · DRY CO ODS · · Box o� e�tra tine P11per 111111 E

,u,·elopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·: : . ·� ·_ . .": . . : . . · . . . : . . ; :1o cents ' -The Rev. Dr. C. Jll. Atularson will ' Box of 'I mtetl Pnper utu1 Em elopes . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . 19 Cflnta -1\ft-s S Tentmt. of N•w Yorlr, is t.ltP have ch.nrge of the meetin� in tha W it .

· Box of B01u1 Pnper and Euvelnpes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 cents �tneRt. of Iter p11rents,, Jilt'. nm1 ·lllt·s. 1 G cl 1 'l'h 1 . AND Box of · IrMI Linen Paper 1111tl E•ivelopes. . . . . . · . . . � . . . .. . . ; . . . . :; : · . . . . . SO cents Vought:,, on Cnmherlntu1 •treet.

ow >rove utpe on nr.:!< "Y, even· FAN CY COO D S Box of 25ll White No. 6 Envelopes. " , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . , , . . , ; . ; , ;\ . ; . . 20 L"ellts iug. · • Also .Jnvenile Pape1·, Invitation Pttper, l\Ionruing Pnpe1·, .Correspoiult!IICe -1\lr. nml Mrs. W11rren W. LogrP, of · ...:::"Snggestionq.for onr winter's work" 11110,\u ST .. wt:sTt'n;l.u. Cur1ls 11ml High·Gl'lllle Paper at eqnnlly. low )ll'ice�. ·

. ' P R I ti'}"25-ceut N o\·els fur 15 ceuts, some for 1 2 cents, nml some even for 10 ceuts.;Jgl 0""0111£, • . , spent Snnd<IY with will he the stihject nt the Jl!'nyer meeting · relntives on Cnmherlntul slreet. in t.he Bnptist ch\U'cli to·lnoi·row even- RUNK.S S. F. HARKER,

.-Dr. 111111 1\h-s. R. B. Whlleh�ncl. of ing. Soc:: lety Stationer of U n i on Co� �ty. Elizllhel.h, spent f:ttuulay nt lilt•. mul Mrs. -The Christilm Em1envor Society VALISES, Fnshion �lagnziues for No\'embe•·· H. A. w111.11ck"'"· 011 the Bonlemrd. will lun·e charge of tlie r•i·nyer meeting fALL to -;,�!�"u:'���::;� f���t

1::::111 t;��::1 ��,";1�! ��-!::�t:.•:esbyt�rhm church to-morro�

HATS. �*****. *�*** * *� ******* *****� Bron<l street grounds Snttirdny .lifter- -i'he pnstor of the'Baptist chnrch is � TuTTLE 8 R 0 s "" _noon. now receiving subscriptions for the New * * �-iU

T�:: n;�;:tlil�


o�n\����������e;���;: �:�:�


t�s�����letin. 'l'he clnb .r

ate _ Fcur�nRAIOsAh�in5KIT.s,. :*��- c· I ._AL' .


· - .�· LUMBEq.· ��J/L


Ellznheth, on Thurs<lny, October 27 nt -.Mr. an1l lllrs. Artlmr Hunt, of � 'fi' 3 o'clock. ' Altnmotit, N.•Y . . spent' Sunilny us the -The north En<l Flel<l <'inh, of Eliza. guests of the Rev, and l\lrs. N. W.

beth, will send a foot bnll tenm here 00 C11dwell llt the Presbyterian 1\Ianse. Tbnrstlll)' afternoon to play the High -Frank B. Pnllloger, ofPhilndelphln, _____________ ..._ school team. · bas rented the Ct1ptt1l11 1\lursll property AN OLD RESIDENT GONE. * Yards-Westfield avenue, *

Th On lllonotalo aveone and will move Into :!It!. Spring and Broad streets Westfie· 1..11 .Yt. - e Rev. Charles Flake prenche<l a �lr•. Huo11n· Hcndder Ul•• "' the Ath'llnce<l '"Jt' · · ' Uo iiR' very Interesting 1!8rrnon on "Ronlan the HRme about the first of November. .tp .,, s:J , • .,ar•. * T£L£f'HON£ a;� a '. · · * Catholicism." In St.. Paul'e church 00 -The Rev. N. W. Cadwell and James lilts. Su�an Scudder, widow of the late *************'************* ' evening. · Pierson will 11° to .Asbm·y P.ark to· A. P. Scudder, diet1 1lt her home at Pic·

. . . . . . -The employ- or A. C. Fitch & morrow to attend the annual meeting too eRrlv amulav morning. llolrs. Send· BUSINESS NOTES. Ia the time to buy Winter Son, the · BI'OII4.etm.et. grocers,. are now the l'r8�yterian Synod, of New Je�y. der was.boru iu:Westlleld 83 years ago FI.n "'(JR� · . . _. · wetJring neat CAJIII with the firm's name �The·Woman'R' Home and · Forcll(n and batl . Ii,'eil'.ln.· thlil' .viclni�Y all her It Ia surprisiug·to find · such a·

·In.riJ� and Call Double Sole on the froot In aold letters. MIMionary eocietles will meet in the life. Ellie Wl\8 w'iit( 'tiii�wn throughout and. coJUplete stock. of· dry 'Rod faticy . FEED�

We haw-ethe latnt•tyle, ·-A. neat pillow cover which fe diR· Methodist church parlors to-morrow the towusblp and her death has brought goods,_ in . a town no t�rger thlln West·

I ed afternoon at 3 and 4 o'clock rl!d,_.tlvel". r t large ouu L···r of friends t1 fd · tl t led b ... J Gil H ...._ .,.;r · "and Chlldren'a, Bovs' and p IIY In . the window of Gildersleeve's "w ' eo rmv o a ' "" · e , as 1a ct1rr y ""· • . · � .lL � . " 8tore. fe much admired by some of the -The Rev. Dr. G. w. Smith, of Plain· !\Irs Scudder was ani ted with the Pres· deraleeve, the Broad street merchant, GRAIN School .Shoea; best In the yoDDif poker playera of Westfield. field, the presldlna elder of the Methodist byterlan church for many years and And then the prices are eo low for his • -'J'be �hrh scbool foot ball team ·was Eilubeth district, will preach in the took 11 deep Interest ir1 all the work of high arade of ·goods. If you are not

If you� QUALITY �: .. d � ted Sa rd Methodist church on Sunday morning. the church: acqualote<l with Mr. Gildel'l!leeve and well !Is price, we will secnre your .. ���.. tn Ry morning 00 the h Ba She Ia survived by four &oos, Mulford his store, just 'roo in and look around. trade. First of all, we wRDt yoa B...,.... street grounds, by the 11e00ud Ails -The congregation of t e Jltlst

f w ll ld to have the best in the market. '-team, of Plain8eld, by tbe rtcoftl of6to0. church will bold a blrth<lity eoclal at the M. Scudder, ex-postmaster 0 est e ' Wilen 1\l. B. Walker advertises cer· Th�n 'we Ox a price that can't; It f F · 1 Bloodgood 00 w-t now a member of the Board of Free tain articles for certain prices you can L .. 1-at for bt'gh-gr--"'e goods. ·. -A. number of the members of tlle ome o reeo an .

, �· . h ld G Sc dd be f ...., � ....

Baptist Sunday school are at ........ 11e to· fteld avenue, Thursday evening, Octobe' 0 ere ; eorge u er. a wem r 0 rest 11811Ured that he baa tb.:l88 very ar· __, 27 the firm of Archibald & Scndder; John tlcles and plenty of thew, at the prices day att.ondlog tbs convention of the · Scudder, 4?f W et�tllellt, and Ephraim advertised. 1\lr. Walker ba� 11 model East New Jersey Baptist Sunday School -The annual meeting of the Phil· Scudder, who llvell ill the West, and two t I grocery s ore. A.I80C atlon now in i1888lon there. ad61phla Branch of the W. B. M. will be 1t11ug1Jters, Mrs. Callaway and Ml!18 Wed ad Trenchard's drng store is jnat now -The Third Regiment will go to ERB· held at Plainfield on ne ay and Scud<1er, who Uvea at home. doing 8 thriving business over

R. F. HOHEH&TEIN, Proepttert ltreet,

Oi•P· t!tandard Bld'g.

ton to-day to attend the fnnernl of Geu· Timl'l!tlay. Interesting speaker will be Tl1e funeml services will be beltl from tbe sod!> wnter counter. It is a favorite :·_·,:::·--·"••c•·-• eral Wikoff, who was the ll1'11t officer present. her late residence thi8 afternoon. The stopping plnce for pRssing · wbeeltnen •�!==�==�..:--�...:-- kllletl on Cuban soli In the late war. -The addreRa at st. Paul's church Rev. N. w_. Cadwell will officiate. In- who know 11 good glass of soda when IIley

Pratt's Horse and Cattle Food� Whips, Blankets, Robes.

1JmbreiiM Were Jl'lr•t treed. · ·

lutrodnctiou of the um brella in places bns boen reR11rflell of ·sulll· buportanco to be iuol01led In the RIIDIIIs • .\bont 1780 a red Leghorn

was lntrodoom1 in to Bl'i•tol, quite 11 scusatiou in the

WIIB nbout tho SlllllO period th11& was first carried in the

of Stumford, Liucolnsblre. It Ohlneso mnnuf11ctnro nud wna

to Stnmfonl from . Gh\�I!OW. �!CICK•UuJe, in 1776, is recorded to

frotu tbfi ishuul of Grn· West ltulios, tho first um .

seen in Unrhucl, Lnncnsbiro. 1 1711 Dr. Stwus, n popninr pbysi­CIII'ried 1111 umln•ellll i n the streets

burgh, nnd he is m·mlitetl with ll'tlllncltlill it Into the Scot.tlsh on)litul.

,TmtwsozJ, n GJusgow snt·geou, \'ht· Pnrls nbont 1 7 8 1 or 1 782 1111<1

llllolc with him 1111 nlul>rolln, wns tho first seen in Gh1sgow, it uttrnctl'<l tllll!Html ' utteution,

Symington WtlS tho 11rst pur­curry nn mn brclln In Pnlsloy.

is rulnt.ud hy llol'llco Wnlpolc in uccmmt of tho pnnisinuunt of Dr.

fnr iihol, Dec, fi, J 7ii8, tlmt Ito wns In tho pillory 11 fnutlunu

m·er !l im 1 1 1 1 mubrulln to lwup oil' n. '.Vhls bnH huon flcFul'i botl ns nu

stylo of lmnl'ing tnmiHh· '.Vhe nutlul'Hhol'ill' got into tl'Oil•

pm•ulittlng tho in<lulgeuuo.-

••lin tile food pyre, wllal•eo•• ••II olollcl'"'''

-The meml�ers of the Epworth league next Sunday evening will be otl ' 'Pres- te1·ment wdl tnke plllce at Rnbway. get it und they CliO get the best at Tren· arranging to entertain the delelfates byterlaniRm. " Last Stmduy evening the • chard's. Royal Arcanum,' who will be here on Thun11ny, October rectonpoke on the bel iefs and practice� AT THE THEATRE.

Fitch & Son, the . grocers, are getting 27th, to Rttemt the third Rnnmil conven· of Romno Ca,hollcs. This week tho St11r theRtre, Elizabeth. new customers eve1·y duy. Strict allen· tion of the Eiiz�beth District, 'EJlWorth -The Republican prlmRry will be held offers �tstltr blll in l'epertolre presentution. tlon to lmslness tletnils are winning for league, which will be held In the Metlto· In the township' room on l\londay even- The Huzet · W001l ReJ�ertolre CompRU}' them the confidence of the ganernl pub <list church. tug ami the meetiugof the couunisslonera begun ll week'8 engngement on 1\lomtay lie. rtem bers of Councils Resident in

Westfield: . -1\llss l\lary A11elaifle Lttcke)' nsslstetl apvointed to tnllke llssessnlent of thecosts evening with nmtlnees Wm1nest111y 1111<1

by bm• pnpll, l\1188 Edna Burt·. ami 1\lrs. 1111d expenses of the Kimbnll avenne Saturitny, 1\t po)Jttltlr p1;ces. This cmn· Charles E. Thorne, ·' piRniste, gave 11 sewer extension w•ll ndjonrn to the puny comt•rises 21i players, ull llJ•tlsts in compllnentary reclt11l in Gale's club sewer office . theiuevernl l ines, a snperb orchestra nnd room en Wednes<lay evening. 'f'he -At the tneetlllg of the Womntt's nni fol'med bt\nd. ltSI'epertoirc iuclntll's entet·t11inment wus well ntteudctl nml Gniltl of St. Pnul's chnrch to-morrow the newest Jllllys, on myulty, nnd rnns vei'Y interesting. afternooil, the Jll'esh1ent of the society the g11111tlt from light C}lel'lt to vnmleville

-comedy drnmns, wnr drnmns, melotlr· will give 1111 nccmmt of the recent con· 11111118 111111 sensntio11nl dt·nmus. A wenith vention of the Women'd Auxili11ry in

1 of speciol scenery, new calcinm nntl

Sh!Cl, \\�lll!i l ni(Jmull•fe. "Hives broke on t on my bouy to snch

1111 extent thnt n fnll night's sleep wns Impossible, I tletermluetl to try Hood's Snrsn)llll'illn, n111l nfter t"lling two bot· tl�s I felt thnt I wus entirely cureol. 1 ltenrtly recommem1 this me<licine." Chnrles 8. Lozier, 31 Atl11ntlc St., Hnckeusnclc, N . • T.

Flres1<1e Council, No. 715, is <le· slrons of lmvfng you nssoclnte with the locnl Council, nm1 wishes to know yon, . Plense seml your nnme um1 nnme of Council to CHAIRUAN OF COl\IMITTEE, '

P. 0. Box 327.

No Home -1\lnry Am1erson , w h o i s now lllrs.

<le Nnvt1rro, au<l lives in Engl111111, hns nliowe<l herself, her new English home IUltl her two-yenr·olll buby to be photo· grnphetl fol' the first thuo for pn bllcu­tion. Some twonty pictures hnve !JeP.u mntle mal Ute best of these will uppenr in an enrly i•sue of 'l'he LlltlleR' Hmue .Tonrnnl. 'l'hl' l.mby's plcl.lll'!l is, of com·se, the coutrnl one of int�t'OHt.

Washington. The meetiug is tehl in electricnl elfects, the finest costnmes of the plll'iHh room . nn)· compnny extnnt, combined with Its Hood's Pills ure the only pills to tnl<o -'l'he he111'i11g In the n.•'lllllt cnse uf motto, "Neat, clean, retlne<l, up to wi th Hoot!'� Sarsapnri lln. :?.jet.

b hl'lght auut tlht••wful without Jlh!tl11't!!'i, \\.,, mnlw n !oiJUWhtlt)' t•f Ht•lt•t! l lnJ: nunu h n t l ht! lwl'lt in thl!f Jllw. 'l'ht•n Wtl HN' t hnl tho t•lc .. t m·u I� !WI utr In tlw ht•�tt ntl\'lmt­UJ.tt" hy Hll 11)1\H'IIIH'II\11! fl'lllllt.!o

-:Miss 'l'esHie Scn•liler cele!Jrnte<l her sixleeuth !Jh·th<lny Sntnr<lny e\'enhlg h)' entortnlulng 11 lnrge unm hoi' of iwr frllllalM 11t bet• humn on North Bl'llnol street, 'l'hemlol'O Ln<llow, llliss !Cm· 11111 1:-!clsco mu1 .1\Irs. Jmnes A \"e1·y, of Rnhwny, were nmong tho gnest• Jlt'l'"· ent 111111 tlwy g11Vo some vm·y flue music 011 tho plnno nnil violin . Othe1• g1wsts wel'e 1•t·esent from St•riugllol<l, Wllloll' Ot•ove nml Wostfluhl. Aftu1' n I'OI')' en·

joynblo time luu1 been SJlOilt l'efl'esh· ments wei'U survctl luu1 tho COillflllll)' <lo· llltt'to<1 llfter wishing llllsa Sctul<lm· mnny otitor hiiJlfiY blrtlultlys,

-'l'he Woatllel<l foot ball tenm went to Durwll�u 011 Stlhll'flny 111111 piuyo1l 11 tie 1111111e with tlio tentn from thnt ftltloe. Tho boys were well nmMlefl 1111<1 the gume WIIH oloao Rllll e:soltlnll from Htat•t to fhiMh, In the aecoud f)ttRrter "Joo" Vought got the b11ll on tho kluk off Rlltl sturtlll\ Rronud the felt e111l for the D1111· ellen 11oal ntul wonl<l, no •lonbt, lmve 111K1le 11 touch down btul it 1101 beell for 11 hole ht the grotllld which ho falle1l to IMJe, Ho fHII n11t\ wrenob01l hi" nnklo but Jllll.)'ell ttlltfi iiiWolt tho entl of the IIRIIlt, when he wne forcetl to retire. When time Will culled the Wea,llelder• wore within tbree )'nrtla of 11 touolt dow11,

Wiilinm Kt!ll)" ngniust Lawreuce Pow <lute,'' render this cmupnuy's engngoult'nt ero cnme ott before .TnHtfce Ilnrt in tilt' siugnlnrly nttmctil'e to thooe who cure town rilnlllR yesb•r•lny nl'tPrunon. nwl for llne.•se iu llrnmnt lc prodndiou. Powers WitH ,Ji,chtll'!(l'li . r�nwyer 1'. M. There will be II complete !!(muge of bill K!!lly, of mi?.Hht•lh, lt}ljli•J\l'etl for Pow· PilCh perforlllllllCO. ers, U ll ll Ch11H. A. 'l'remlie loolml niter ---- • - ---

the il lten��t:; of Kt�lly. i'lunngel' IIU\\'Hi•!4 ohlt'4 fnl' ���h�4'l' I J •f lnll!i I n -Dr. Ap)olnton lllol'!(llll i H •PPIHl ill g

hi� \'IICollion nt ApJ,(Plon l''m•m•, fp�wich, ll!ns•<JrllllH<'tts, W hllo there Dr. �1•11' gnu will tnlw (•nrt In the con•mon(PH ut·

l<m<liug tlw opt•nlng of the [pswich His· toric11l Snciut.y hnttHH, part of tho <Hlilicll of which Is 11 rustol'lltion of n <1om loll bnilt by Dr. lllol'!!lltl'K uncestors In 16111.

-Tho tt·cMtll'er of the Chii<lren'• Country homo llclmowle<lgoR with thunl1s tho receipt of tho follnwlug coutl'llm· t.lons : 1\lrs. ,T, O, Duulmoll, of Scotch PlnhtR, N. ,T. , towllt'tl tmying the mm'!.· g11go debt, f200 : Jllrs. A. F. Gt'llllt. $2 ; .1\lt•s, 0. E. T)·ler, $r. : MrH. E 1�. Hmu1· ley, ifi2 ; 1\ll'H, Fl'llnll S. Smith, ifi2; \Vii· low G1·ovo Ohl'lstlnn EmlQilVOI' ijOOioty, (lltltlitlonlll) ntJ CUIItH,

-OhRirmnu Embree, of the towuRhli' C lllllllfltee, hl\8 rooofYod II OOIIIIllnlliCRtlOII from Ohlef J111ues P. Eugll•b, of the Fh•o Dettltrhnent &tlttlrl!f tlutt the Dopurt· mont will pnru1le fi'Oill the fire ltottiMI to the COI'Iler or Elm Rllfl brol\tl atreots for hllfteotiou on Thnrs<ltl)' evening 11t 8 o'ulook, 1\lr, Embroo aud the other member" of the counnltteo will review tbQ llrew11u fro111 the town room1,

Wltu;tHtf thn liU!<tH Unll lt1•ht, Here is 11 Rtlll'lut' for the hn�e hull fmul.

W ho will fol low with u &nhsrlptiou from tPu t.'f!lltH ur uwm, .1\lnunger Downes th•sirt•s to h11vo nil billR p11lil by Nov. 1 , nllll lhe cillz"lls o f Westlleltl should �:ivu hitu 11 l i ft. U11sh . , , . , , . , , , . , , , , , , . , , . . . , . . . , , . ,r.oc II. H. U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 2nc

----·----ltlatrlnumla1 E•port•,

In tho onrly duyH ot Virglul11, when the mtvouturors W<•ro mostly uumnrrio<l mou, It \I'IIH duomod nocessury to ox port HtWh WOIIWII IIH ooultl lou Jll'UVUIJctl UJlDII to luuvo JIUI,IInud IIH wives fot• tho plnnt, ers, A lot.ter nooom(mnylug 0110 of the 111ntrhnoninl HhltlH, duto•l Lou<lou, An11. IU, ltl�1, HIIYKI

" Wo gulul yon in tho Mhlp " widow lltltl I I ttttli<IH IIH wlvoH for tho (wop1e of Vlrgltth\, Thoro hnth boon OH(Joolnl onre tuktlu in tho uholuo of them, for there b11th Jtot onu of them boon rO<miV· ctl but UJtOII Mood ruoommfltulutlons. 'l'huro aro GO moro tl111t llrc r01uly to 1.10. For tho rehulmrsh111 of uburi.IUK it is or· dorod that uvory muu tlmt umrrloH thunt (!lve 100 f10111U1N of bust louf tobttuoo for o11ob or tbew."

----·----(:mufut•tl f'n!'!lnu f:ut·�t!'i nl Suctul Clnh.

Lust night. the !Juwllug te11111 of the Crnufor<l Cn,ino l'lllll" tu Westti�l<l to ruli with tlw Sneinl Clnh'R tl'lllll. �Iuuy ltlllit�H were lll't•.:mnt to ucltl tn the even. iug1H tmj�Jynwut, ntul thPy g-row \"l'l'Y en. thm�tm�tic n� tlw gnuw 1H'Of.{l'08setl.

PERHAPS Yuu hn\'t' n lii'UHI Ifnl plcolut'n ynu tin nnt 11lww lu�t'llll:otH uf 1111 UJ,;Iy fa•n uu>. (�unHl nml h!l ns J'u·rl'IUIIU It fm· ,·uu,

A. L. DRAKE, �:.��: t�i.itn��1';j; 'rhreo gnmt�.� wm·p rolletl, tim Sodnl

Clnh wiuuiu�; two of them, hnt uouo of thu g:n lllt'� \\'PI'O l'l!IJIUl'lmhlo fnr h igh •core•. Cuusi<lerillf( thn !'not !hut the Cmuforol boys luul nPI'er t"Ollllll u11 slule nllt•ys t.lwy 111111lo 11 goml •how lug.

:.�i;�·�*�\!'111��1};'' } l•'m• 1\ mnt Olll'fiio

Whnt tin thn Uhllcll·on lh•tnk'f

'rhn HlWil1Hl gnnw wns \'l�rr o�cltiug, tiw "''lll'H heing u t it• nt; tho fnnrl h 1111111, n111l it idt [?or�h!r II till Dmnou to tlt•cltlo tho glllllU on tho IIIRt ft'IIIIIO, which TO• sulte<l in Dnmon going to piL•ces nn<l Forstur winning with 1111 honm•, A ft�r tho gnme• liHht roft•ushmentA WOl'<l Hlll'\'t•tJ tha t�lltllR, nun't �-tl\'l� Uwm t t·l\ m· cntft'"· 111\\'t! you trlml tho 11ow fund th·lnk ol\llt•tl HHAI N .. U? It,

\H tlollu\tlUH UIHI IUllltlt�hllll&' IUIIl tnkt!M thu III .. Ctt B!•tl ur t!IIITt•u. 'l'hu 11101'0 1 1 1'1\hl•O )'1111 WIVII the illl'\ nhl lth•un thu 111111t! llllult.h you tliMtrlhut..

Following Is the score : ll'l:�·rrn:t.tl. 1st,

\\'hltuhmul , , , , , , , . , , . . , , , " ' ' .. 178 t•unohuuu. , , , , , , . ' ' ' u " ' ' o ' ' ' ' ' I IIJ l'OILI'Hnll • • • , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , " ' " ' IM ] JOWIHI ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' liiH JrOl'8tOI'o o o t + + + t t t + + + t + + + o o +U o ' " J7U

'l'nfflJ!f, , , , , , , .. , . . . o l l + o • t +'o + ! l 78j IJIUNJo'OUU, lot,

fJuUUIILU • • • • • • • • " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " lrwt lJohi'IUIUI , , , , , , , , , , , ' '" ' ' " , , , , Hll NIXI I t l l l l l l l l l i i i ; H i i i i ! I O I I ! I 1H Ul\lU8t t t o i i O I I I I I I I,I t l l i l l l l 1 1 1 ! 1 11\L lJiUI\OU t t t l l l l f t t t ; , , , , , , t l l f ' ' ' ' llkJ Tot•t•• • • • • � • • • • • • ! i u , ' " ' ' .. ·,1'00

2ru1, Ill� lll:l llft 1111 1111

th<'uuwh thulr H)'KiunlH. Ur•lu-0 I• "'"''" "f . IIU I'"''" �IIIIIH, /IIIII II'IHIII lll'UIIUI'h' l't'tl)lllrll< . UJ.t lt.Hit!H ku thu chulc" .rr16ciiJH ur colfuo 1\lt COII&Il \ un l�htllat . hH much. All urnoors 8Uil tt. II'MJ and tr.t ... n.., ..... . _____________ _

11w1 n.�\:��"W "!':��··��f,k�l:f"�rt.W.noc���:.J'"��� 11"1 . lr.tlii�:MA. ;!tnt•• lttthlllll• MRkoo okln vloan, 1 � ''IMr 'l"'l lu!lllthy. A /"'rfoo\ Ouro rur !lkiR ��� t�.�·m,�:,"tr'm '•;�u�.rc�11u�·��10tl�\���:�u"tf'�::l � 111� cuniK, Itt All llrnwlllKIM anti Uunorl\1 Stul'tll, · · IIIII llr. lluk"'" i'O�UUIIl 1!'01\ IVY .. l::ll I'Oii'ON IIHVUr fAll• W Rllll 1111.�1�..

" llr. llnku'• INII'i'AN'l'ANICOll!l RlllLtllll" ' l::t! l'ILE Ol/111':, �nota, . . ·

Page 6:  · I I ., . .' .; . st.MI-WEE"LV UNION COUNTY STANDARD. . ' . TUESDAY FRIDAY-' WESTFIELD, . UNION COUNTY, N. }., OCTOBER 18, 1898. $2 Per Year. Single Copies· 3c., Mats


, I lire••� Milk Diem••• 1�=�;������-�� In spit�. of t,he. �dint which biis gon11 j forth declaring tight bodices to be tbll propet· 'attire this fall ana winter, many handsome blouse 1va!sts are iltl!! shown for e\·en!ng an<! dressy wear; and It II �afe to · pred !ct that this becoming stYle

' of garment w!J! remain In· favor with a

Huudtmm" Ntrf'Jet Ouwn.

li wo·:Jd he barll to enumerate halt ot the coat and Jncket etrects which the couturieres a1·e. showing. Ja'cket aitd coat gowns are extremely modish · Cot• faiJ and , winter and are the safest . models · to choos&. for gowns that one wishes to wear without a wrap.

l ,,A F!AGE FOR VELVET. . &11 Sorl• of Cut tum�• .lflldct F"rmall. 'Vel�

utlull Abu \Vuru.

tnr special arr1m1rement with i'hu �. Y. S'un,,

==============:::. =. large majority of t!ui feminine world;· . . Gmml lhe Chlhlr•n'• t:ar•. I A smart bodice In Cuban· red silk . Ia

A high l�n�Ush mc!l!cn! nuthot•!ty, made with a tight fitting . back, lhll· m1r Wll!!am Dnlhy. hns recent!�· writ- material In the ft·�nt gathered on .to a ten u h·cnt !sc on the presermt!on of

A chic coBtume Is made o. a tobacco .. brown· rough cloth. 'fhe 'jacket Ia tight Htt!ul; slashed In front wltb the belt canled through the slashing aud

Yeh·et Is to be much used this win­ter. ' 'fhe lll'e8etlt siylcs· deuumd tlw emJtloymeut of t)1 ls rk'dt t'nhr!c, nnd boUt Jllll ln 1111!1 (IIJICY I'CIYets IU'e fur liner thnu e1·er before n ull more ·ar­tistic In design 111111 colot•!ug.

the henr!ng, In which he spen!ts, with atrongcst terms Of r�probn tfoll, Of the ••cruel ami !n lqu! tons Jli'Uct!ce of lJOX• Jng chlldl'en's •mrs."

Rlo\\;S ou uic hcn!l of anr sort are apt to be pei·ninncntly Inj urious, nmi anyonu ·.who .hns stu!lh!!l phrHio!ogy,

. ·boWe\'Ur SIIIJCl'lieJnl!r, W!J! re:u! l!y 1111• det·stnn!l how cus!!r a Y loltmt box on the CUI' liiiiY rllllttll'e the CH I' drum

> alid )JerhllflS prml;;ce IIICUI'llhlc dent'· lletiS. � '1'hm·c ure mnns sueh cnst's on record, null llnt'cuts who do uut nutter· atand .the dnnget' or sui:h ·chnst!semeut "'!II de w�ll to inlw hee1l nnd uvohl It,

It Is more sturt l!ng to he tol!l thnt a di'OJI oi' lam1unmu )lilt Into the cut• to rcllci'C enrnehe mny lll'mlnce JICI'· Jnaoent tt·onhlc, lll'l'erthcless It Is so. Jolothlng of nny sort shonl!l be .JnJ•�et­ed Into the 1!111' eXI'l'jlt by llle!l!elll U!l· . •lee. -If ln mlanum null gi�'CI!I'ine nre ·used the�· should he flit! on u hit of cot­:ton wool, nnd cure shou ld he tnken 11ot to put ' the cotton In too fur. The best 11\ll'lsts . poslt!I'CI�· forhl!l syring­Ing the �nt·s, 111111 whl'l'<' It Is lll'"""""''Y to cleanse tlwm lll'l'Sel'lh� snrglrul cot­too twisted on tim mul ot' 11 wire, the "'Ire being ent'l!fully coi'Ct't•!l nml the rotton projecting !'or an Inch heyond lt. l-�1·eu then t•lw cot ton must he enre-

. tully nud t�uderf�· IIJIJlll�tl. In cnse of e:u·n ehe the . only safe

home remed\' Is u hot wntet· hug, or better yet, a' masted onion, 1·ery . hot, done up first In ue11'spnper nml tlll'n hi flunnel null UllJillc!l on the outside ont· &ltc cur.


In h:H.h!ng, .espcelully In the smf, rotton wool should he Jln t Into the ears, otherwise n · sudden and \·!nlent · Influx of water muy do se.r!ous hat·m., -chicago Tlmes-Hcruld.

Sl)'h·• In Ccmht tuul C!.ttJ,'es • . , There are. mnny rud lcal chnnges m ·

the season's capes and ..,cou ts. 'l"ht! C::t(IU comes I? for l!rst consh1emtlon, Blnce It Is tl!c style of wrap pre­eminently suit�•! · to eohl weuthl'l'. "'omPn _ who nt•e stout :11111 short of

· ltnl m'P wi!J nnclouhtcdly f�el n pnu:t


·1 . ' , I

)r · · -�·r · - . . I .trben they len t•n tlu• t the short, el!IP.

, ca)IU Is a thing of the pust. · Bven the t11•es•y little IITnps llesll(ll<••l for !m­rnccl!nte use are Plt!ter Juug I n tit�

; back or long In fmnt. . ·

· f J•aper lla�r• fur TrttYt!h1r1.

' · Comfort In t i·anll!ug Is nn hnJlOt'· fant cons!�et·a !'!on, nnd the newest id<'ll fot· n journey Is one wortl1 re­cnrd!ng. Dodging ' t•n llt·oud cinders IHlll dust Is something tt'ot to thought of. When II t hot•ough!y cl('Jin 1'1111-ro:ul triJI Is JIOHslhle the mllleunlum �·!II huve at·rln•l, ani! th l• lll't'lotl !� f!t!l l, ac·cot•o!lng to n il ho•llPfs, u !on�t d!sllnnce olf. Hut, owing to u slllllllo thought of n lll'II Cf l<'ll l mu n, tlw 11'111'· eller cnn nnw lll'nh•et his Ill' lwr hut, 11'1h!ch wns out of lhP l(tll'Ht!nn b••fore.

A hnnthll' (lll(ll'l' hug, obtnln<'ll frnm t11e ni•u t'I'S'I gt•oet•t·, Is the gool of Utu muchltw. 'J'hls Is folded COlliJIIIdly null It lowed a \I'll)' In t lw (mcket l i n the band hug ot• fltll'se If the tl'lll'l'llet• Is a woman 111111 I s (Jocketless). Heforo the curs "'llll't the hug Is "1"'""'1, tho 1111t 11111eo•ol thet'!•ln.' the h11g Jtilllll'ol across lis 111nnt h IIJII! till' ·w hole luhl Ju Ow t•nck. 'J'hPI'oonfl!•t•, unt ! f tlw oles­tlttn•tlou Is n!!' hnt t'!•tu•lwol, tim t rnl'cl· ler nct�l hn vo• no t hoUA'ht of his hen •l-. •ear, fOI' 110 thiS( 01' Ci ll!lPI'S l'all l'CIII!h lt. 1t w ill he fouucl In the hest nf con­dillon upon Olli!lllng. So Hltnl•h• 18 t h iR dt�vlee thut It Is 11 woruiN' It wus tt-•vnr &laougbtt of bel'ot•••.-Now York Uel'lllil.

""httn \1'n•hhur UuUJ,..,. · Nm•ct• use hot wntet• In which to .'l'llMh your Whitt• c•mlll'olclrt•o•tl olollh•A lot' otlwt• lhu• tuhlt• lltwn. Cold w11tur and jllll'e Whitt• HOIIJI COill l l i llllll( I,IIII'IIX llrt• ll"hnt 111'1' J't'lllllt'l'tl to t•h•ll nHu linn tnhlo lln�n. 111111 wlwn •lrll'd Itt 11 sluuly 111nc" Its lll'nn l ,v will lw lli'I•Hf'l'l't•d for IIOilll' tlnw. Xu WIIHh l ng enlnjlllllllll llhonlcl fli'Ct' he uso1l In wnsh lllg htlllll· kPI'!!hlefs Ol' lin1• lliWnK 111111 llli'I'H, hut they will ho llliJII'nl'o•cl h�· ch',l'lng Jn the Hllll 01' HJII'I'IIIIJilg 1>11 tho• gt'IJHH !'Ill' fill holll' Ill' Hll ill ! h i• HUU ht•t'nt•u hllliJt• tng nu thu lltto tn 1lry,

'J'Iw OHtr��-� jl!l(lll)lll'ltV ·� 0� tht! \VIlli�. l•'t•�HY hOilH or I!H!U Iii' ·"hlfton or . II comhlnnt lon ot' IHJth )11'!1 1 u�e11 lnHtmul , 111111 tnllu nntl twt twclc rnclwK. nlso lind ruvot•., .\n "lu hnl'll t•J d111l11n IH

. uuttlu or, llltlu trt•n,v uhltj'uu

. wlth Hll'hwH ol IWt'll huim• lo� · . . With 11 . .

. · •.'

Fot· BllYill':tl seasons two-tou<.'tl or chttllgenble ,;eh·et hns·


bl.oeu fushlou­nhle for gowns, but It Is · no longm· cous!d�red 'good style eXt'CJit In n few l'!•ry light . sh!lt11'S, SUl'll 118 ll!H'lcot, where 1i blending or hl'o colot'S Is ue­

to get the tles!J•utl opnluscuut utl'uct.

.\11 to color, browns. blues, Jllll'ples \ . null �:reelis lll'omlse to 1Je thP . ''"'"le,

, V-shaped yoke which Is· trlmmctl across both wars with straps or b lack velvet ribbon, with apjJI!ques of lace arranged Inside the squares thus fonri­ed. The sleeves are trltnmed iu a sim­Ilar manner and ore finished with pu!fa of silk at the top.

t'tt11llY (!ullut·fil. A pretty llnlsh to the neck of a

dress Is at all Umes des!rau!e. the p!nln linen collars ·being only su i table for morn ing or business wear. Cravats are made In silk, s!Jit musl!n, lace, and chiffon, and lhe fou ndation of each is a !linin band, a well fitting l i nen collar being useful for this purpose.

White s!!k Is Qm(Jioyed for n dainty neck finishing. Th" material Is slight· Jy lul led on, the �and nul) 1� edged top

and bottom wltb a narro�/ ruch e ot chiffon, which · also trims the bow 111 front wh!cb Is strnj)ped with a band ol white ribbon. Another coJiar bas the band covered with pale pink tucked silk. Tho bows and long ends are 1111• !sbed wltb tucks and fine lace.

llell Candl•otteko. A particularly acceptable present Bl•

ter a visit to a countrY. bouse or to a ltrldr..l pair who w!ll possess an out-of· town residence Is a sot of bed-candle­at!cks. These In sl l�er pewter or old brass are sure to be found od the land­Ing of tho stnlrcase duly set out 011 a table, coJ•Ylng the En1ll1h fashion, Oat, oil lamps, and e lectric ll1ht1 cannot banlah tbt bed-candle, wboae ll1htln1 by a merrr bouse party In an old Ena­ll•b caatle hall bas been made tbe eu�­ject qf a 0111 picture.

tJh•••• M�tnd.,loh ...

DAJic!oua cheese aandwlc.bes ma)' be made by cookln1 In a double holler half a pound of grated cheeae with lialr 11 Cllll or cream or milk, 11 tiny pinch of mustat·d, und K I ! ttl a salt, 1'hlckon with' a teuspoonful of tlour: when tborough-

fastened In the center of tho rront. · 1'be jacket . Is lined throughout with' satin� It ·is fastened slightly to one side or the front w ith rancy buttons and· the revet's and · collar are raced with satin nnc.t eut broidered iu black a nd sliver.

U·tJ Unth Hauu1!1. Ch!Jdren· should be taught to use hoth

hands; tb.ey w!ll find the knowledge useful In ·arter lite. Writers' cmmp Is a thing which CP.n only be cured by rest; the man or woman who must sit �own nnd write ror eight m· more hours a' day, Is bound to suffer sooner or !liter, unless unusually strong. We have muscular bands and nervous con­nections which ·are liable to . . be · over- · strained and w"rn otit, It n \vlre used by ·a. telegraph operator gets out 6! or­der, he sends his messages over another wire ; If the owner of a rew horses rides' one till be can do no more work, he gives him a rest for a while.

Just so�tr a man suffering from cramp In the hand and arm wants to get cured, he must rest. 1'o think of ef· feeling a cure lty liniments Ia' nonsense. Nature, and Nature alone, aided per· haps by bathing with cold water, which acts as a tonic, can restore a crampcll or tired arm. · ,

Why should not people who have 1 great deal of writing to do learn -to lvr!te w ith. both banda? Then; when one needs a rest, the other can 110 on duty. We shudder and pity a person If we see him ua!ng a knife or pair of sc!ssorl wllh the left band, but we t•eally ought to envy him and strive to do' l!kewlse, but at the same time not allow till rl&ht baud to ge� out of practice.

· . ------Abuut U .. bl�•• In lrtlanll a belt of 'woman's hair Ia

plneell ·

about a ch!ld to ltcep harm away,

Garlic, salt, bread and Pteak tire put Into the cradle or a new·lloi'D baby hi Uolland. .

Roumanian mothers tie · red rib bona around the ankles of their rlilldren to preserve· them ft·om harm," Wli!lst Welsh mothet·s put a pa!r.of ton11s or a knife In the emilie to ensure the lafety ut lhelr children. This custom Is alao extant In some part» of England.

In the Vosges, peasant children bor11 at the new moon are suppo&ed to have tongues better hung than others, while those bot·n at the last quiuter are sup· posed to have les& toncue but better t·eason!ng powers. A daughter born dni :ng the wanln11 moon Is always pre­cocious.

At the birth of a child In Lower Brit­tany the neighboring women take It Ill charge, wash It, crack It• joints, and rub Its bend with oil ' to solder tbe cranium bonee. It Is then' wrapped In a tll!iht bun!lle, and Ita Ups are anointed wltb bt·andy to make It 11 run Breton.

1'he Grecian mother, before puttlntl bet• cblld In Ita cradle, turDI three tlmea around before the lire whiltt alntllDII ber fa,orite son1 to ward oft ev!l splr· 111.

The Turklah mother load• her child with 11tnulete 11 eoon 11 It Is born, and a email bit of mud, steeped In hot water prepared by prev!oua cherma, Ia atuck on Its forehead, ,

In Spain the lnfallt'• race ta ewept with a plno-tne bou11b to brlnl It aood luck, ·

1)' cooked, and Just before remnv1n1 1 • , • ------ft•om the tiro, ndd 11 woll-beaton 0111, V"M"" " ' "'"''"""'' llnvo roatly aomo thin allcea of tonstod Queon Wllhomlnll nf Hollnnd I• 1 IJt•ontl or some c:t•uckol'l, and spt•nud. Jlt'elty giJ•I wit� n!moat 110ldon lmiJ•, 'l'he�• sanu w!uhos lllllHI �o eaton willie hlue eyes·, un oval ruue, and a lH'li!bl bot, , cOIDJlloxlon. IJhll Ia ronturkuble fot• bel

lntclllllcnt MHI fl'llllk oXJll'osslon, Sbl Mrs, 'l'lmklnK WIIH Ink ing her sun to Is t•a ther nhove tho mllldle height, and

Kchool for the lit'llt limo, nntl af(er, lm· .hiiH 11 Jtrel t,v lll!nrc. On those ou1:usloul JlrOKKing the Huhnol·maatol' lfltlt tho no. · when ·she IH ·aoo'n · In· llllllllc it. II IIIWa,VI r.eHMity or hiM lutvlrtl! n thm•ottgh grmd nollcctl how devoted Hho Ia to Iter education, nnlshcd UJI by sa)'lrtl: "And lllllthet•, und how deferential abe 11 to •iJo Hlll'O ho !UIIl'nK l,utln ,"

"Out, my dttlr madum," . · anld the ltol', quite alnklna tho ctuoen Itt the echnol-muHter, · "l,lltht I• 1 dead . Jan· tliiUJ!ltler In Iter •·uluUuu• IUWIII'dl her 11111!8." ' ' VtUOilt.

:'All " •r.ltl Mr1, Tlmkln11 "he'll 1'bt Ru111un lwuerlal urowr IOIDI. to be �II UDdll� liM It Ml,IOO,� • . ' ' ' ' < '

The alwnrs · popular gt'<'Nts shade from l"ntm·nltl . to: lmutC'r's green, nntl from hnnh.�r'S to lll''t't lt•. f;o\\"llS of J•ln!n l'eh•et show t·t•l mm!ugs of mag. llltleent J)tlRSenwuh�•·Jp or lae�; ot'ten. tlmNI. strnn�o:t� to !'my, eonrse cotton lace embelll�hcs the richest silk \'ci­vet.

Not CI'Pr�· womnu erm a tTot•o 1 11 �;own of Bilk' 1'!•!1'1'1 or· 1;1'1'11 one of lwlf slllc; hut such Jl!'ed llC>t o1eSllah•. Ye!Yetecns n t·e to l�t• mtHlll Into smnrt froclts, nut! titer arc .nf. Huch e.�c<.o.Jient"llURI!ty' thnt only eXJI!•rts can d ist inguish litem from the real t.h!ug If they :u·e 11'1.'1! cut, w1•1l nmole n ull IHtc!<l. By the. wny, tills mn ter!al Is known ns vein:

tina tbls 1Cli80D and 111 brought out In all the.· new !Ohnlll\'!,

By tar the · hntulsom<'flt of · 1111 the novelties IR IL material k uowu

as lllltl!tne or &.'1�11 I'Oie!l degt•tule. 'l'h!s comes In nine 1l ltrerent sltnd!ugs, luclt ns 1mtuu1o, mot"tlot•e, H£1tl gt•een; cornflower ' or bluet, Capuclne, gl'lly and IIIIHMhiD hluc, und tlte llntH In ('ncb 1111oee run ft'Oill 1·ery •ln t•k to light. '!'h is fnht•lc Is usml In m lllhtery us w<•ll ns for hod lei's n ntl trlunnlug�. 111111 IR I]Uite eX(WIIIIVil l!llOUI;'IJ DOt to become commoa,

OIIJ $20. QniJ .$ 12. Handsome new Parlot· sniiP, uplwl·

stored in velour or plush, beuntihtl fluish frame, d u ring G reut Parlor Suit Sale, only $20.

· ·

Solid Oak Chamber Suits, nnunsotnelrl• carved, well made, at, . . . . Other sl.yles a t • 1

111• t o *lllllt, I n oak, aud WRbOti�>Uf,

Parlor Stoves.

'l'his is S 'l' O V E heudquur·

te1·s. All styles und sizes. Here

is 11 good Stove nt


Tapestry Brussels Moquette •

Velvets Ingrains

Oet Our Prices Before You Buy. - 45«:., sOc., 55C· 7SC· I 90C· I $1.00

' . ', . _.

Easy Terms of Credit _ to E very One. Elevators to Ever) U1um •:nming"' until 7 u"t!\m!k •. f!'afm·ehayN until tO. ·

M· U L L I· N S · · & SON 2 .1 8·220 MARKET STREET, N EWARK • . ··

nn.u;cu HOUSE8;-7!H!4 J\lyl'tlH Ave. , Bmoklyu , N. Y. ; l21 -12li New:ul1 . .Ters<'y City; 136-138 l\Inin St. , Pnt�l·sou, N . • J.

WOODHULL * I * MAR .' , • ��our Basement ..

A Place of Creat Interest to All Ho ... .. . ., ... ll:,., ... ,. : Filled. to. Overflowing With Desirable for · Making the Home Attractive and fortable.

Furniture is · fast coming to the front. #

i Solid _Oak Dining

LI K� C UT, With ea ne Seat,

98°· We ha':,e 6_ styles Oak

sion 'rabies (6 ft.), 4o,9 8e New Sideboards

nearly every week. )'V c have . pick of several of the best factories i n the cou ntry . grades, 9.48, 1 0.98, 1 2.95 up· to 30.00. ·

Dining Chairs, Rockers of all kinds, Bedroom Upholstered Couches of all kinds, Ladies' Writing Book Cnscs, Chiffoniers, etc,

Feather Pillows, 49c. to 1 ,98 each . White Enamel Beds, brass t rimmed, 3-4 or full

to 1 0,00, White Enamel Ch i ld's Cl'ihs, 14,98 upwnrds. Full-si..:e Cotton Top M nttrcsses, good tiel• , 2.45· 45-lh. White Gotton " '' 11 4.9H. Victor Comhination " (2 parts), 4-48.

' Victor Combination " ( 1 part:), 3.98. M 11ttresses for 3-4 Ueds (soft top), t .g8. Store grows in attrnctiveJ�css. People arc i .,,.,,, .... �:reu.­

MoMt ot (ho IIOW MklriN ftol'O being llliiJll! MO t ight ht ! J tn IIJIJICI' llll l't lltllt ILw>lll bo ulntn.MI. lill llllHHihln lo IVi'lll' IIOUIContl, A sltlt't hllttonml down lhu huck I n tho Jll'nvullng modo cttt'· 111ltti.V hll8 ouo di!Citlml tulvnutugu-Jt obvlu.II!H llll,V Jli}IIII) !JJIJty of l.lw IIJIUII IIIJiekul hnlo, A Mlclt•t: HJighf,ly l'II IHI'II

showing their friends through. All nrc welcome,

tlto IPf·t. Hltln hnR n lso llllltlc. ltH 1111· uo11r1tttco, ntul tbu outlook for liM IJO&l·


Page 7:  · I I ., . .' .; . st.MI-WEE"LV UNION COUNTY STANDARD. . ' . TUESDAY FRIDAY-' WESTFIELD, . UNION COUNTY, N. }., OCTOBER 18, 1898. $2 Per Year. Single Copies· 3c., Mats

A lagniftc�nt . Opportunity . · . \ . ' '

F6r Piano·· Buyers. ; .

' • ,.. ': • ' /• ' "1)" • I • ' . Because of the·:· great ' re�:-ductiorlin the p�ice of every:

. . - � .

P�ano in our warerooms, we ·�re· doi�g ·�� enorm�us ' busi··:

. ' .: ._ , · .

ness·...:in volume · 'it ·. beats aU ,.

past · records� · . �ut the. prices, · ·well; they'r� so low that there's sca"rcely any' profit '• at all.

Don't �isimderstand us . . W�'re not feeling badly ·be·

· · ���se ·of the low ptices. On • ., • ' . • ' I •

. ' ' • ' ' e contrary, WE ARE PROUD OF THEM. · . VV!! ve. reached a low .. . \ . ·. .

riced basis that we _know can,'t be eqLfaJed by anyone . �Jse.

e m�an t,hat you sh�ll · know it, too-�and . profit by it.

Middle ·Ground. We believe we are adhering st�ictly to the truth when we

that there 'ts not anpther Pian6 :hous� in America 'th'at d()es business on our.system� . .

There are two ways .that are . invariably follp��d, to �vit: Selling really good Pianos at. a ��I�gitimate; ' . profit-from

· Two to Three Hundred Dollars ori each iustriunent. ' • ' ' ( • ' •• • ' '

' 0 • A � 0 >.. ' .. o '

. Selling .wor�hless make-believes .�s , '�High·grade ·Pianos af · ·. Factory prices;'.' witir the ·actual p�ofi�. -�.�al�y greater in propor. tion to the cost than the "legitimate" profit ' on :the other kind.

These two e·nterprising-plans ·ar�·pft.en·practiced �u���r the sa�ne roof.

we:take the middle ground. and sell the best ' Pi.anos there are-and only . these-ori a �s��ll-profit �a�is that bringi the price down · to. very little above the · '

:: �egular price for "make:.telleves." · · . · . ···

The Reason. How can we do it ? Because. of our .immense out-put-greater than that of

all the other Piano stpres in New Jersey put together-larger than any other in

the. Eastern States-probably in the Union. . Because we do business on SUFFICIENT

.Profit instead of the ridiculious "legitimate" 'profit essential to small businesses.

Why don 't others do the same ? Presumably because. the business ability,

the necessary couragt'l and the ample capital for such ari. undertaking arc wanting. Anyway, they don't.

An . Immense .Saving. . The present price-reduction on every Piano here compels your interest.

You cmi't b�y equal quality anywhere else without WASTING One Hundred to Two Hundred Dollars.

$ to down, _$6 monthly, will secure you a first-class new Upright�

Is there any reason WhJ you should delay ?

We're open till 6-0n Saturdays till 10,






657-659 BROAD ST., NEWARK, N. J. '

. �

....... .......... 81•4· ' M11111 HallorH helluve that tbo fri1111te

blr1\ cuu 1t11rt ut daybreak with th� trndo wlmlM from the ooRHt of Afrlon 111111 fOilHt lbo 11\lllO night 1111011 tho AIIIOI ICIIII HhOIO, Whether this IN R fnol or not huN yut to h1Hiulurmlne1l, but It 1M oertnlu tlmt the blr1l IH tho MWiftoRt of WhlllDd ormltnroM auul IN nblo to tty, 1111· dor fnorahlo comlltlmaa, 1100 mllo1 1u1 bour,

TJ10 lffltf«b IIIIIHOUIII COIItttfriH B fill )" lnll collcutlon of ulay JlipcH, tl11tlny �IIlii u far •• llw MiJIIJvlltb cmtury, Tl1• cnMIOIII of WUIIIIR tbo JlljJO �1111, to JlFI

"clll I& HllrJ.kh111 to the JIJJH, wn� h.t• duced b;r tbo .llutdl nLout luu)'( lol' J , . ,.:

To show tho oRI'cleHHnCRs of mothers lu Onlllt Drlta1ln, over U, 000 children are burned to 1lo11th In tbu yllllr frow tbelr clothlu11 o�&tuhlull flro,

A aouthor11 1111111 &llyl lhnt tho differ· euou btltwueu yellow fever Rllll lloulluu fev�r 1M that when cue baH tho- fornwr be 18 afrnld bo will 1Uo nml wben the IaUer attaoll1 blw be I• ftmrful th11t bu will not.

.Aooordl111 to tbe late1t 1tathllot, the pnpull\tlou of Oroooe l11 IIIOI'III\IIInM tnoro r11plclly than that or 1111 ether eouutr)' -aamel:y', •• lbe rata or 1.81 per oeut ller IDQUUI, , . .. . . . , . . . "

. . Flt-lDI.AV, 8. DOUGLAS; . . . I FAfo'OiJ� TRINIDA� PITCH LAK!, Be ll &he Awateur flolf Cl••a•pJoa ott•• . Ire IWJIIttU88 IJ•po•U of Hl tumen l• Pru· 11 I• a GrvMt Jlace 1'bJt t I• PeopiJ••• ...e ;: . . c • ' 11nlttnl l!itatea, ; , j ' . tlc•lly · lneshMuatlble. Phalli� llllll t•ratrle•

Flndln�· S • . Pou�:Jus, tlu� . &'01, who .. ·.Tbf fumn!ls.pltch luke oa· ga·eat bltu· Dr. Albert Sh:iw SII,\"S, IIi on artlelt the ·right to he called lllllatiur men deli•lslt nt_'J'I'illhlml Is situated nl In the Cenhn·y, ou '"fhe Truns·Mlsslat­

golf cluUUJlloJI' of tlte United Stutes by · l'olnt Llha·eu, Oil lUI ele\;ail�>n at about st1111tui18 . 111111 tlt•}il' · I•'uh· ut Omuba: · . .his dl.>fellt of Wnlt�>r B. Smllh, the a · mlle f1·on.i the s.l!fl. It co1·ers nn When one benrs te�tlmony to . thc llneo young OnwL•utslu 1111111 ami Yale: areu ol m•nrly 101)' nca·cs, ni111 I ts up· 1w8� 111111 !Jeuuty ol' nil tills nrrny · of champion, ll'lll'IWI1 his golf In t ill! or- 1 Jleul�l lice ··11 that of u · dull, still, durk mnch lnel'.l'-n IJeuuty that l ies In tlit tl101lox old. town of St.• Am1ruw�. j wuste. It Is lrreguhu·ly clrcnhll', uud m·ur-luc1·enslng perfection of Its titn�>s• WI)!!_��- he __ IYI!S b9J'O . twenty-two ycau·s·, Its sm•f•tce, percuJ>tllJly convex, . beiua ror Hw comlltlons that ·iln\'e to be mel ngo.. i'hus luning e1·m·y Rllmutn�to� - IIIOI'e cle\·nted ln .the ceutm nm1 thence -1111� Is a·eu lly !JIIylng u u·Ihute to. tilt to become n.u eXJII'I'I. ho 1111!11'0\'e!l Ills ' Insensibly Llecllnlllg· ou all sides; In !>rnlns, energy um1 churuetm· or tha opt•ort•mltleA so a� to become sc!'lltch ' the centre tim Jlltch Is quite soft-In ·WeKIL•rn farmer. I hn\'e been oil the moll nt Nt. An!IJ'ews and ·n t�u ut olbcr ' fltct, soml·llquld-hut: It becomes mort Hnugut•Jau plulus and witnessed tilt �luh!i. While 11 �tnllent In . the unl. j 01111 more hunleueli · II S . )ts circum fer· costly attempts or a pt•ogresslve goY• ve_rslty In hiM n�th·e town; ht! wn• for encc widens out. · ExLoept the soft cell· ernment to tt•ach tbe landon·ners awl

. t�o : yenra· l"llltlll n of H11: g?lr te:ml, trnl pm·ts the 8lll'fnce Ia lutersectt'll ID penslmts the use of lllllll"oved fm•m 1111&• . . Shortly betnn• hli.'departure ror A mer· all directions by iuuncrous llssures or cbluery lmiiortell from Aml!rlca 01 I� l•t the -�11rlulf of 1\!0j" he · �·on the cliiunus, varying In breadth froni two else ndllllted from American · typeaa,: · ::.

Andrew� lllednl, with. He\'�llt�·-e!gbt . feet "to sixteen feet, and from half • And I 1111\'tl also ob&f!I'Ved-\vhat Je ilt_rokea. (;owinl: to thl11 couuU•¥ b� f· ot to seven feet In depth, widening confessed. by the go�ernmeut nod not.

FI!I"Dl,A Y S. llOtrOJ,.\9, soon h�r:um� cstnhllshl•ll at t-he I�alr' t1cld Cour1ty llolf Olub, Oreuull'ich. Conn . . -· ns ·scnnclt 1111111, ami his. famli ga·ow so I'll pltlly Lhu t he wns rcgm·rJiJ;1 as the ensl's mo�t tn•omlslng ctuilll­dntc for eha.lll(JioushiJl honot•s In the fnil r.f 18117. But oil tel' IJUIIIII'ylng lhh'd nmon:r tim sixteen nn11 renchinJ: r.he seml-tlnnls, he wns · {UsiJOSell of · hy Wh lgmau, �lx up, five to play, J.a.ter Dougltts· defeated . Whl:rhnm In the Lakewood tournnmcnt. llouglns hns an easy, gr:t�>eful style, Is a l"ery good Uphill lllayel', IIIII] !IllS a· l'ellllll'lillhte amouut or uel'\'e. He plays long !rol! shots eB1lCChtlly \fell. His good work 01t l\IOI'J'Istowu, qunllfylng fom•tb at ti;O, and dl�tJoslng or youug Om·Us. A. H. Smith of llun!lugtQn Vttlle�·, SUU­ma,n, 'l'l'll\'ls, . n nil. )!lStly, · Smith, be· sl�es lals r�m11rt.:nbly gOOd 'si.'Ot'e l•lay tlirou;oh'"!ut fftamtled him lis a llkel)· winner. HI� Clll'd of seventy-six, made Ia his mu.t�b with Stlllmau, Is c\'hl�nce ot bls IJerftoct (lhl;o", nnd tht• card Js one that I• likely to •ta1111 for some time.

best pl't•vlou» J"t'l.'OI'd wns seventy. nine, mude by the Jlrofesslonal, WJllle Andcmwo, of Bll.lhtsl'ol.


lpot Ia l"laloud Ue•d•d and Willed to Hto btanle .11111•••7· ·

There Is only one spot on the earth's surface that ·bas actually been willed,

. dl!l)ded, and bequeathed to 11\s Sl\­tanlc majesty, This BIJOI . lies four miles and 11 half lOUth of Hel�Iugrm·s; Jo'lnlnnd.

A few · yeal'il ago J,arn llullna•lcue died In tbe little town of I'lcl lsjnrl'l, In the abo\'e unmell country, l�n \"lug consldet'llble prolll!l'ty In the shnpc ol' lnndell estate. llow ·he haul come Into possession of so mnch huut 11o ·one secmell to ltnow, but us he wus u very bnd citizen It wn� genel'lllly aulmltll•ll thnt be wns In lengtie w ith Wlntn· hnusn (Sntnn), nml than,. tht')' · hull muuy business dculs wlth euch 11ther.

i'hls somewhat stn a·tllug OJtlnlou wns verl!lcd when on HnlltH'Iene ·wus found a certlllml Wlll'I'II Uty 1leed, gll'lng.' to Sotnn nil his t!UI't!JI,I' (lossesslons.

also. at the bottom,· thus prolluclng. 111 ed by 1111 who ';18ft tiJose reglons-tht It were, - ln\·erted angular hollows, . persistent fuct of &�'Ores of men, wOo while the illdes. are regularly rounded. 1111'11. "and children In the corn·llelda r These ercvlces are · at 'all times tilled "'lth old-fnshlone•l hoes, while lone :w.Jtb fresli wawr. - ilel"ll and · there, .rows of wblte:tlmlcked �qen, In tile where tim • bltmneu Is mlxe(J with bay-field or the rii>e ·grain, are swln• earthy matter. gt·ow lichens, mosse11, lug sickles null short scythes. And 1 grnsses, etc. 'l'he centre or ·the lnke- 'little lutm· In the �eu'sou It Is comuioll ' · the · pltchtmt' Ol' chnitd lere, ns · It I� enough to see the oxen treltdln�t oua ·

cullcd-ls ' llt all times so soft thnt It the gt•ul n or to heur the thud of the tlc­wonl!l he lmtmsslllle · to· ventm•e on It sccntllng tlnll. Mcunwblle, the ncw�­wlt·hout Incurring the danger Otf being fushloned col'll·l}lows ill'c rusting; tht cngnlfctl. rrJ<·cted mowlug n'•i'u reuplug-ma•

11he I:il;e Is gonmmc.nt propcrtr, chines rot In thei l' ncglecictl corners; nn!l (tlll'ts of lt . a re, leu sell ou_t " to. lJI'l- itnd ' the lh.resh lng·IIJ:ll'h lnc Is viewed 1·n te itu11vlcllinls, who have to' Jlilj uslmuce us uu lll·onwnel.l moustro�lty,

i·oyu ltles.-nc<·ordlng· to · tM mnount of It, Is ,nil simply tt lilf1'erence I n men, pitch · · . rmi\ill'lill, ' whlcll .nu10unt . ts : Iti·Js: 11 gr<!llt Jllce .thnt 'Juts pe<>ltletl checJ;r,r1 Ii)· .. uic':go\'et••inionL ·, •.rtw .luke _ our t••·n lrlcs . 1iml (llnlns, null tlutt I• Is practlrnif):;;.Jni1x:Jll!ltstlhle.>Xo 'inat· ii'i·o�Iuclng · coi'il, ll"ltimt! 11 11<1 onts 111 tet· whut,.ntunitlt)'.�':l�}tiJiic�/'o1tt:-If

.ls :. uiil·:J)•vnsnmls o( ui lll lons or bushels

a·etllncc'' !i)-; t',:risll�'tiltch;.}:i\'Ii!cti .. 'at,,�:;;.iJ irlaet'(oi!lr' Ia !'ell· ycnrs 11go tlwre wn• wells, UJ):·hf(llll �fli_c: hoie:''\Tiic?siarfilco :thl)· :ti�eiiout .. nmtfell H0\1 �r the JH'n lril•s, or tlfc'ouicl!•;c;"l,:as·iotf,.6lllsJifii>st):i\;oti: :.pnJ.lrokcn .forr:, cpntlartps. l'lw men llcrfttl ' oP· l:it(ijs�di{(:qtJife�hni•{li;c'llOUg!) ;\vtio. llrl�·e:, thi!.'J,fBII;;-ti!?li·1 ·rille the Sill• to .'11'nlk 'iiiioii'!;'Iiutia�•calt�loiMi'e . .;'illl:':cli: . l(l',cialtll'ntot·/'.aunnlpnl:ltc . · • the . twine. SU�S. If eyoil�'f.f!Jitt1fs'fllji\ fili�i"it!'ly;·,Jeii#tJi ·;:!lhi\ler�:'tillll}SCJHf'. uillllon.s .of hOl'IICI)

·.·�r. :t_Illl�::,�ii'·:��-;,c�·ih?�b·�.;l�_Ol��fll_'hh:.)�lf,:£1� ·:_ciit.l.l�!.c.hOgs;:nU_d. Sl!·ce11 -.to·. p1e 11ncklng nrouaill; ·�:(n'J';'ttief[Jitcli':iJo!hir!'S:ini;s�:it.ii: ;'i!st:il)ll�Iiineiii�··{or . · ' cOiiillhfi, · Kansnll

·.w It •r;;,:,;;;;'�'�i'h·iliif�b:{ii!ii';';�'i(:i's,iilttle ':cttl:t'iphl7,q�t<:'flgo'':,;re;:ro�lic .credited · c111\'eren't:, fo.::sti11; li'i'g :(::fil�shlhl}{:\l'll(ii;c ::.\'yttl(�IL� �¢rles"Cor··ttbhlevcmcu ts worthy �·our) feei\gl;;. r1 iinlli:c:\1isnl)ji�n� � \1•ltJi� •uo'ttaiJei'C!l' lqf ' i•est'>ect, . but ' e1·en Of ell•

out: · ui:n l;hli;)'idi,l·.'i 1itliiaidiaH;<tll ft'cl:el'ice' i;tlmstiisiti:f: I\c·:iu!uit : ro�· · ·n mo1mmt · in ,: th�< .Je\·ei:::or\'f:nhe-,;�;i·oliiltl:�Wldi· :· llouh(ftu!:!Jhll ltr' of' such men •.to reotr Worhf )lngaiilui).· :/:'::·/.:-,: ;;\','0;· ··<.,.t:, ·;�• : ri'ililc'.ii"n't1·. nil'lctl fnhi·Ic' of Cll'lllr.atl()Q · : . · . . < ' : · - · · '"'·-··:, , . · ' :\ . ,<�' :. ;· ' iapi:til'so· gi:eat.a ,iu:iterhii romulntlou. Ht:: · LivEs·wi�H i-11:� sNA'KEs:' · .: ' H·oLMEs'As:�A PUNSTER·

A ·Cni��J '·. Tll�rlg ��uuilu: by a Clumee .n�'•'' " .. "· ' u : \�'lrt•" a"ul child Ll""'t e•wr. . · U11 ·In tlw Catsl!llls I!Yes one ol It mas suHI of · Olll'or Weuclell

tho�e .men who hiiYe nu I)Hinllr fOI' IlohltE·s tltnf· some · of his best jokes sn.nl:�s. He Jll'cfers the comtlil lllon· . wet•e lliiH!e ut times when there . wn11 shin of nu,· k lnrl of l'ettllle to that ot u�>ho!ly to UVJll'eclnte them ,save • the most geu lnl man Ol' fnselnatlna chance llstenet·. womlln. Wht!l'el'er he J,tOl'!l he mr· One such fortunate listener tells or rles with lum si•I"N'III of tlte>�c Jlt!IS, n rejlly which she, si tting In u strec' n1111 on seveml occasions has sent Wo· cur, ill'nl'll lJoctol' Holmes make to a · men Into hyMterlcs n1111 mnde men ncr· comtJlulnlug wt·ltcr of Utile wit awl vous 111111 UUJ.tr)" b�· · taking f1·om hi� lcs� ta lent. pocket a iihlnlng bllwksnnke or 1 "I've worked with nil my henrt Oil ' · poii!Qnone �opperbead· mid · timdllng It tbai book," said the young mnu; wile� .


tenderly. bad been treating the. doctor to a lona � In 1\ mo�nt or abstraction from account or 11 recei1t colltoctlon of 1100. ''

Ills devotion to snnkes ·he asked a wo· try which be bad e!Utetl. "l've userl · mnn lo mnrry him. and for . some In· my best tnste and julli;>meat und nto comtwebenslble . ren•on sh� cotllll!nted. search, null 1 feel confident that no­It wns not long, ·however, until she be· body could have done the thlng' bettttr gao to mnke objet•tlon to the numer· or more t·horough!y than I hn ve. And' ous re)Jtlles 1\"hlch the snake loi'Cr In· w·bn t ren·:u'll llo I �:et? Hat'llh crltl­slsted ou bt·ioglng Into the ·house. clsms for my omission of a few popu� ·:

Trouble begoall and contlnned. The Jar {lOCI!, IIUd a {lllltry hunill'Cd dol.- . eymJlnthy of tbe nelgbboJ's wns with Iars!" t·he wlte, 'l'hey advised ber to leave o "A ·bnndred dolldrs!'' echoell the · man wbo conld b� little better than a Autocrat of the llreakfast i'nbll'\ snake hhns!'lf to subject her to such wenrlly "Why, I wouldn't hne lndl�nltlct. written �bat book for a thousand doJ..

I!IIIe bore It until thel'l' was a bp1by tnrs, . l'm ·sure!" · In the fnmll)', 'rhen tile fond father Thc .. collector of poetry smiled wltb toolt to 1\'hccllnll the hnb;l' out •In IIR grutlticntlou, but the listener lurucd (Jerltmbululor 111itl hrlnglog It buck lo l•egnrd 11 passing d ray, lest •her fnce

· sm·romule�1 by sllnkes. This was too should betl'lly her,-Youth's Com Jill• mnch fol' the mother, und she lrft the ion. sn11ke collector for g001! nn1I all.

No one wimted .to rPrit blm ·n house, SO be bought II little lliiiCe of his I>WD null l!ns alone with hls snakes. i'he vlllngNs gll"e the house IL wide berth, null the summer vlslloa·s hnsten the othcl' wny when they sec him com ing down ·the stt·ret with n snulw coiled about his necl>.-N�w York rrcss.


te .. traurdlnary 1Jrlnk1. or the many cxtrnordluary drlnkl

regulnrly COilijJIIUetl, the blood of live horses may perhllllS be considered the most so. �lnrco Polo nud Onrplnl wm·e the first to tel! the WOI'ld 01' · the t•rnctlce or the 'L'nrturs and Mr.ngol1 opening tho ''elu Ju tlielr ltoi'Sell' neclts, tnlt lug 11 drink, nnd clo� � tho womul , nguln. As fur n·s cnn h ... :;eeu. this hull hcen the lll'ttctlce ft•om tlma luuuemot·lnl.

i'hc will was to tlw stlllle ctl'eet. !l'he fnmii:; holl"c l'l'JlelltNII,I· tl'lcd to IJrcul; the will, hut so fur h1ti'O been unsuc· ces�flil. 'l'h ���· the reem·ds lllnluly show that his sul11hurlc mnjesty bus · a le�n l rl�ht 111111 t l tlo to some excol· lent ��·nuutls In tim uenr l'lclulty of Uelslll!ll'ors.

'l'lw simple Jli'Ojtle of the neighbor· ]WOlf hii i"V l.'illi iii!'Pil JIJD COIIJ'SO nf the ro1111 whidt l'ul'llll'l'l)' slilrtect !'lu! Hull· nrh•nt! homt•sil'llll, 111111 declnl'e lhnl thl')' wouht not euler the poss1•sslous of �ntnu & Co. l'or nil Jlw llllliWY l hnt the thl'oe estn tes woulu brlng.-l'mu·· son's .roul'llnl.

'l'het·e ·Is n wlue hn•bltunlly con· snm!'d in Glllnn which Is mnile fJ'ODJ the tlesh of lnmhs reduced to pasta with mlllt, ot· brnJse1l Into pulp wl fb rice, nnll then fel'montctl. lt is CX• tremely strong nm1 nutri tious, nnd ltOII'erfully ·stlmulntlng to the p!Jyslc•tl orgunlsm.

4\ t•nJUo \'nniiJC Unl'lnrll•n• Souwhotly O l'el' nen t• Dllllllllf Oll'clo

owns n smull hoy who Is unmlstul;n. ltly !lestlncrl fill' lll'tJil tness, l in 11'118 plnylug In the eh'cle till! othel' dn�·, 111111 II Illite of II .!(fl'f, III'I'SIIUIIIhly hi� SlS• tm•, wns nnuoylug him mlghtll�·· l 'n•senll,\' sho fl•lell him too fnr 11 1111 he lflll'e het• n push lh11l s�nt hoi' hen1l· long to t.lll' Jllll'elliPIIt, Ilea• srl'l'lllllS ntii'IICII!II thu lll l unllon of cvm•yholl)' C:>l'l'lll hua· IHll'so, who wns gossiping with 11Uotho1• nua·se �onte d ls t11nco RWII)'• 'l'h1� nsunt wo1111111 who l'l'" lli'OI'I'S othm• Jli!O(Jio's ch lldl'en wns on lnllul, howevol'.

"Oh, ll!t lll ho�·." anl1l abc, "what mnllo you sia•lko yout• llttlo sister? Don't you kllo\V It's I'CI'Y• VI!I'Y WI'OIIg to do Ro'l" ·

1'ho ho,v went on wfth tho hop. scotch d lllgl'nm he wns lh'IIWing.

"011," bo rtldlll'kCIJ, UnCOIIC�I'UOrlly, "bhnt'H nil tll!hl. I'll reo! sot'l'y hy nhd by, nnd. fhon I'll uk bel' Jlll l'rlou l ike n lltlln · �entlemnn, 'rbat'll II& lt."­Wnshlngton P"t.

----. 'l'b11 boftrd.,-i'hla milk looka mltrbtJ blt1e. ·

· 'l'lui ·banlllt-1 · 111�•• thet co.mee from IPIJ hnvln' a�t�la' ltut pedfrrood lliiWH.-l'ucll, ·

.... . · · ·- · . ... _.. .... �_,r;c..;.�W..a.-.l' .,,.. ... --

"Dld he lenYe his wile nmohf' 11Evot•y night."

WIT AND HUMOR. �ll·s. Rllllons-:-\\'hu t lllOMt surjlrlsell

)'Oil when �·au lll't'll'ml In l'm·lsY Mrs. 1\tll'l!!h-\\'h)', the fnet lhut the

lit t le �lil lch•eu or tltrl'll 01' four yenl"l CO IIlLI Ill l lt l•'l'elll!h, ll WIIS lll'l'rectl, R lllllr.lng !--:-.'oll' Yorlt oiOUl'lllll,

1\lr, lluutl ng--Ynnn�: G a·lmshy Is go. lug I n llllii'I'Y oltl �fiRM lll'mlnlcrrs.

���·�. Bnu th111: (nstoulshull)-l<'or the land's sako I

lll•. llunttng-Pnrtly, nnd ttnt•tly tor tlio llnnk nccount.-.Tud�o.

'"l'hnt polltlclnn · ls 11 'hn� h�en,' lsn'l ltc?" l'llllllll'lll'll tho oblcl'\'�r. "No," roplletl lhe CIIJIIJOII8 fl'iOIHl,

11ho IHU't OI'OP tlm t, Uo'K lnol'!!ly n 'nsuLI•to-thlnk-ho-was.' " - Wuhln.r· ton St11r.

"It waAu' t much of a job to llok thl Spnnlln·ds," romllt'ketl Uncle Allca Sparks, "but ll'l JIOIII� to tl\kll II IOIIM Umll to tlnl&h licking tbe rovoum IIMUIIt" Jl'll'VO IIOt to dual Wltb IIOW.' -OIIIciiiU 1't•lbuue,

. .. _ ...... .... ____ .. ___ _.....k..-:s.-.

'l'he Lnplnudors tlrlnk n great ueul or smulwd sllliw·wutrr, nml one or tlta nntlonul dl;lu\;s of the 'fonqulnese Is nrl'IICI> flu l'ol'etl .w ith chickens' blootl, 'l'hc list woultl scnrcely be complNo wltliout mention or nltslnthc, which mny ho cntleli the un!lonnl "llfrltuous 1l t•I1JI; Of i<'I'IIUce. I t is II horrllllt! COIU• pomul of n leohol , nn iRl', cOI'Iaudm•, ft•u .. uol, wm·mwuu1l. hullgo nut! sulpltnto

·of CU(I( I<'I', It ls stru11g-, unsty, 111111 a mol'ltl 111111 t•hyslenl polson,

Tt•l•t• fur t1u1 l.lltle l\lh•nnw, 'l'hc m l11now \ 1'1111, UHI'Il for culehlnllf

utltlllU\\'li fol' hu l l , Ia or .l.;'lllMri, t\hl\ l'l'll Il lco n jm' l)l' hot tlu without n net!\;, u111t ' of n CIIJHI<'fty of six or eight f\llll!'ls, 'l'he ltulluau of tlw trnp riMes In 11 cone l l ltc lh1• hollom of n chum­pagn� hntlle, hill ill�l!!lld Of hl'lllg ROlli) the tup ul' tho cone ls c11t oil', nntltlllfl n n Ojii'IIIUg In tlll! ll'IIJl, The toto of tlw I I'II JI hn� on•a• I t 11 me!nl t'IIJI on " hlllll:e. 'l'he Clljl IH jJel'fOl'U tml With I Ulllllhl•l' ot' huh•� to lll'l'lll l ! ol' t he eii'CU• lnt iUII of Wll llll' thl'lllll!h tho l l'lljl,

'f'ho nallllut\1' lt'IIJI IK Rllllll( hurJ?.OQ• tully In n wh·n hohh•t•, ll'hleh huH " luuullo 011 lltlt 1 11 ll'lilch 11 l'lliJO IH mnclo tust, Sullulllo hull to nttl'llet mluno1v. Is IJlacud In tho trKp, wh ich Is thua loworml Into the wntm•, i'ho rmttt with tho oJll'llllll! nt the tuner etul Itt the hottom Is Ill oll'eet llll'o thu OJIIItlhll Into 1111 uel 01; tl•h ll'ti)J, It IM eltM)' fur tiiC minnow to got lllu•out�h It lluo tht ' trill• In ecnri:h or I he bull, but baml tor . tlttlltl to ���t out. Wh"u th11 tr1111 hn :··· !11!011 rUIMell tlltl CIIJltlll'tld IIIIIIIIOWI· ore 1101 out hy Cll!!llln; tile Cllll til tilt. ttller 1:11t1 111 Ult II'Ullo ·

_ . . . . . .. . . 1 Ff;Mr .

. -.:_�. · .

Page 8:  · I I ., . .' .; . st.MI-WEE"LV UNION COUNTY STANDARD. . ' . TUESDAY FRIDAY-' WESTFIELD, . UNION COUNTY, N. }., OCTOBER 18, 1898. $2 Per Year. Single Copies· 3c., Mats



The Standard is 011 sale 1'11esday cJIId l'r•daJI at the Union News Co.'s staJid.

uru .. , tJnlon C.nuut,. 'i!huidll)' fiill!huuJ �\tiuUI­c�h•tlnn llclcl lll •�llzatlwtll 'uu Tluu•t�dll)'•

The lSth lllllmal conventiim1 of the Comn1unicatimiB for t11e Sfanda•·d Union County SurultiY Scho•ll Assocln-

WiaJI be left at Coal's ]J/WJ'n&acy. . 'tim/ wns held in the Greys tone Presby· teri1111 chui'Ch nt EliZ11heth on 'l'lmrs•lny.

:Wm. l\1. Strickllmtl , of P1iterson, WIIS 'l'he convention 1wus opeuetl with tlevo· in town on Snhmlny.

· tionnl exercises, lml by. W; N. Irving, of

Until ,Jll!mnry 11 the initintlon fee of Cl'llnfm·tl. 'fhe R�v. George Bt•ckio, of

Linden,.P. Swith, Jr. ; Ne1v Provltlence, L. B. Cotldlngton ;· Plalnlleltl, 1:1. F.

Kimbnll; ·Ruhwuy, G11o. A. Bnsh ; Ro· salle, Gnrtllner H. l\lille1'; Sjll'lnglieltl, Geo. W. Cainf Sinnmit, C. L. C. Reeve ; Union, Geo. L. Henolley ; West.flelt1, R P. Grenves. , .

The evening ntltlress wns t1ellvere<1 by the Rev .. Jessie Lymnn Hulbert. 'l'he conventlo1i will b� heltl next year nt Ro· ilelle.




Pel""'"'�" ·\Vt�rc t•relltmt · J.;a•utn t:,iery Cunnt)' ln .tile State·.:...�Jauy Jftteret�Untc J\tldrt!NHea-,\rnay tJamteen IJttiUtnUl!tni­Thtt Old Ontcertt lte-eh!tlted.

Tlui twenty-llftiJ annunl convention the New Jersey W. C . . T. U.,wns held ir1 the First Presbyterian clmrch, Elizabeth; ��� Tnes<hly, \Vt!<lnesdny, Tlntt••t1ny 111111 Fi·itlay of last week ami was lnrgely nt·

the c. A. C. will bo only $2. the chm·ch deli l'ere<l the 'titldress of wei-The Union Ulnb will give 11 table come lllltl the t·esponse WIIS given by •. t)le

County Secrelllt'y, George· H. Kmuse, of

---�· ten1lml by the wearers of the white rib· :s11•111 <•11t1u·•·h bon. 'l'he ' coriveutitiu began with . 11

·d'hote tliUIII'r 'l'hnrs'1"Y evening. Crnufor<l . . �he Rev. C. S. Convers·e, cf must be nol• ·h·ritntiu '• easy· of IIJI·,

)lnbl�c service In I he cl�nrch on Tne�t1ny g 't evemug. · The convent1011 w11s callet1 to 1\lr. 1111Ll 1\lrs. 111. 0. Doering ha\'e •·e· U.iion. letl the service of pruisf', llliss )lliclltion, 11ntl mw thnt 1\·ill by 1 s own · · .

!lotion rench the luflame<1 ml<l tllsellsed ortler by the tJresitlent of the Union, turned from II trip through Europe. • . Atltlie L11111hert, of We•tlieltl, .l'e11tl 11 Miss ,Tosel'hine Gray, of Boston, is the 1'111'81' on "The 1'eacher, "'inul l\liHs Net-

guest at the home of Wi llhnn HuAton. tie Beeching, of Plninfleltl, t·entl one on 1\lr,' nnd 1\hs. Alfr·etl H. 'Dackoff; if the "Prhniii'Y Te•1cher·. " Doth were

Brooklyn, Silent Suiltlay with friends hi v�ry inte1·esting, The pnpe1·, treating 'town. of the work nf the- Snmlny school seCI'e'

ChRrl�s L. Gibsmi, of Boston, :Mass., tary, by James E. Folsom, of Westfield, Bpent Smulay and 1\lonilay .with friemls wus read by 1\liss L11wbert. ·

00 North avenue. · Rev. L. D. Stoltz, �uperintemlent of

The nnnnal inspection of the Fh·e the howe tlepartment, tlelivered a vet·y · interesting address on tbls tle)>ltrtment. De)>ltrhnent takes place 011 Thut·sday

The committees were appointed as fol· evening of next week. lows:

Miss Grace Crane is entertaining 1111.118 ·Nominations, Re.v. George Buckle, W. Clara Long, of Plainflt ltl, at her bimle N. · I�ving, George · ii. Kraiise; enroll· on Spriugfielt1 avenue. ment, G. E. Hall, n. W. Woo<lw11rtl,

The Bo11nl of Registry is in se�sion to· Rev. Wtu. Hop1•angll; resolntions,' Rev. day and will sit until 9 o'clock. lf )'Gil W. E. Staub, Rev. �··· 1\lnin, Geo. 'I'� I· have not registered, do so. Ier ; amlitlng, Wm. D. Porter, R. P.

l\liss Hnttie Fel'll, of New York, is Greaves, Elins D. Smith. epending n few dnys with her sister, The delegntes electetl to t'e)Jreseut tl1e )Irs. Leon Schel'llerhorn, of Union ave- a�sochdion 11t the ••l')'l'oacblng state con· nne. v�ntion to be heM in Paterson next

'J'he anniversary of the Ollening of the month, wtre ns follows ; Rev . • T. S. first Cnsiuo club house will be celebmted Bl'llker, 1\lrs. F. R. Baker, lllrs. A. Pet· with a dunce nt the Cnsino 011 Tnesilny, tit,:Rev. Geo. Buckle, C. L. C. Reeve, ev�ning of next week. ·

D. E. Tihworth , George H. Krnuse, W. The Re1·. Angn•lt• E; Slitsou, of the N. Irving, ,J . H. Welch. R. W. Wood·

First .church of Christilui St•ients, of wnrtl ; nltern1\les, Jn•. C. \Vuters, E. L. New York, contlnctetl n sel'l·ice in the 1'n)·lor, C, N. Bingh11w, George G. 'i'e). Arcnnnm hnll ou Snntlny nfternoon. er .. Rsv. Alex. El'ltns.

At n meet.ing of the · Rt)ntl Bonnl heltl , ·oftlcers were electet1 ns follows : Pres: lnst evening 12 property owne1s were itleut, He1• . • J. S. Bmker, Swtch Pl11ins; ordered to lny new si tlewnl l<'s in front of vice-presidents, Wm. D. Porter, Sum ·

their )lroperty. It \\'118 nlso <lecitl�tl to mit; R P. OI'Cill'es, Westfield ; coi'l'es· I>IY 11 cro�s·wnlk nt Union n1;enne on ponding secretary 1111<1 trensn rer, Rav.­tlle north side of North 11\'enne. C. S. Com·eroe, Union ; r�cor<ling set;re·

One of the lnrgest .colore<1 fnnernls tnry, George H. Kmme, C•·nnfm·d ; ever hehl in Cnmt'onl touk l'lnce Sum.lay tnetnber of stnte ext!cntive con�tnlttee,· afternoon, when sel'l'ic�s were held for G. E. Hull, Fnn wootl . 'l'he memiJm·s of the Into Josnn Brynnt. 1'he sel'l'ices the execntil•e committee nre E. N. were contlncted by the Re1· W. A. Hm·· Brown, Westlieltl ; \V, N'. In·ing, Cran· ris, JIIIStor of the First Buptist chmch, forti ; E. D. Smit.h, Eliznbeth ; Miss Net assisted by n tlelegntion fi'OIII Pnssnic tie J. 13eeching, Plain lielt1 : G:mliner· H. J,otlge,' Grnntl Oriler Odt1 Fellows, of 1\liller, Uoselle; Rev. George Bncltle, Newnrk, of which lllr. Bryunt �··us n El i�abeth ; )lr�. Alonzo. �ettit, l<�l izu· member·. heth.

----·----An Jn•fllnec,

"Spenking of getting n toot h IJUII�d. "­aid tbu corn fetl philosopbN'-" th11t io cne instance where 11 man is bountl .to etay uu<l see tbe thing out. "-Indian apolis ,Journal.

Towuship secretaries were elet:tetl us follows ; Clnrk towusiJip, ,J. E. Folsom ; Crunfcml, George G. 'l'eller; · Elizahe�h. first rlistrict, E. H. Leggett; secmul •li•· trict, H. P. Baker ; thirtl <listrict, Rev. Geot·g� Buckle; F1111Wootl, G. E. Hall;

.ELY 'S CREAM BALl\1 combines the hn110rtlmt reqnisites of q nick net lun mul specific eurntlve puwers with perfect snfetr to the plltient. ')'his agl'fimble rernetly has' m11stere•l cuturrh as �tblng eJpe hns, a111l both _ pl1ysiclans. . aiid patients freely , . concede this 'fat·t. All druggists cheerfully acknowledge tlla' In It the acme Pllarmaceutieal skill bas

been reach(!(l, Tile most <listresslng symptomsqnlck·

'Jy yiel<l to it. In acute euses tile Bnhn · mparts·ahnost instunt relief.

� lly AhNurattlnn

Cabnrhal sufferers shonltl semember thnt ELY'S CREAM BALM iP tl1e only catilrrll remedy which Is quickly a11tl t/wJ-ollglliy a!Jsor�d b)' the diseas(!(l membrane. It docs not tlry 1111 tile secr·e· tso11s, bnt changes tllem to n lhnllltl nnd otlorless condition, 11nd finally too natnr· nl nml llenltlty clmracter.

The Bnhn cnu be fomu1 at any drug store, or by semling liO cents to Ely Protllers, 56 wnnen S t., New York, It will IJe mniletl . ·

Fnll <lh·ections with ench p11cknge. Crenm Bulm opens mal cleumes the

tlllsnl pnssugeA, nllnys · ii1flnmm11tiont thereby stopping puin in tho bend, heals m11l J•rotecls the membrune 1111<1 restores the •enses of tnste nml SIJJCII. The Bnhn is nl•l•lie<l tlirectly into the nostrils.

------�·�-----'l'he J,uu..,;M nntl !'§lt-e&t�

A physician qnote•l by t!10 Boston Trauscript snys thut ucuto insomuiu 1111\Y bo I'I'Oillptly cmc<l by tho prnotir.e' of deop breathing. Dmw into tho lungs us ,,!ncb uir as pos>iiblo uud <lo not ux­lmle it unti l obliged to, uu•l thou. us tilowJy II> )lllSSilJJo, It is HOIUC\\'hllt of II tn•k when tho night is oppressiv<Jiy \\'ltrm, but if ]Jersistml iu is fairly sure to .rol io\·e thut hypcrmmiu of the bruin which everyday folk cull wnlwfnluess. 'l'bo tricks of the •leopless to induce sleep nre. many, but nouo is found to bt> more immediately eiHcactouM thuu this plnn of fol'<ling tho lung& to take the hur<leu otl &he brain aud nerves.


�h·s . E·uuu1 Bon rue, tmtl she wns follow­etl by 1\lr·s. 1\1, D. Tomlinson, of Plnin· fieltl, the· p1·esitlent of the U.niou C�unty Uulou. 'l'he atld1·ess of the evening \Vns delh·eretl by tl1e Rev. Dr. K�lll)Jshnll: He was followed by Colonel George W. B9i�, of Kentncky, who also delivered a wry hiterestlng addresa. ·

Tbe convention ,;ouveneil 11galu on Wednesday morning. Mn, Jennie F. Willing, of New York, conducted·R &er· vice,

· the mhtntes of the preceding meet­

Ings were re11d 111111 approvetl llfter which the Mlowiug committees were appoint· <!!l ' Resohitlous-1\lrs. Cawley, of .Cam­den county, ··1\lrs. Clark, of 1\loumouth. 1\lrs. Bench, of Hmlsou, 1\llsa Riley� of Cnmberlntul, :Mrs. Jolmsou, of Salem.

Courtesies-Mrs. Louis Noe ami Miss S. J. Kerou, of Elizabeth. ·

Cretlentlals-\\Irs. Bat·IJer. Pnges- 1\liss lll11e Noe, l\llss Florence

Douglnss, 1\liss Hiltti� Sherrlng un<l :MisS Vh·n Kinsman; nU of ·.EIIznboth.

1111's. A. l\1. Hamu,er, of N ewurk 1111<1 1\lrR . • J. '1'. Eilts, former correspmullng secretnr·)· of New Jei·s•ly, were welcometl to the J•latforl'l 1n;d nppl�mde•l by _the <lelegntes. . "

The t·epm't of 1\lrs: Bnnl'lle, th" stnte presitleut, wos rencl 11nol on motion np· pl'llveil 11111! ortleretl k)H'en tl ori the min ntes, Then followe•l the reports of the COI'I'espontling secr·etury , 1\lrs. I. H.Dem· m·est:, mu1 of the h'ellsnrer, Heul'ieltn L. Camhuule.


The trensnrer's mport Rhowctl t•eceipts for the yenr, �5,11!8.411; <1ishtll'liimlents, $t,ono. l l, 111111 llnhmce ���.�98.118. 'fhe tolnl mem\Jet·•hip in the stnte is 7,UJ7 iu W. C. '1'. U., nutl 714 mem\Jel'H of tho Y. W. c. ''1'. U., n gi'IIIHl ' totnl of s,o,; l members, 111;d n g11in o f lli8 over last yenr.

Essex county gave the JargPHt nmonut of money, 11ntl Union conniy secontl lnr · gest IIIUOllllt,


1\Iiss B11rker, of New York, who· wns oue of· the first \V.C.1'. U. membet·s was pr�seut in the aftei'Uoon nnil spoke, . Rc� pm·ts wet'\' rentl by the different su)Jerin · te1111euts 1md 1111 address was· delivered by th� Rev. W. C. Kln&e�·. of the Dnsh · iell 1\lemorhll chnrcb itt Newm;k, In the nftel'IIOOII thet·e \VIIS JI)Ro II chilthen's rnlly which WRs well ntteruletl. · The e.venlng .ser,,·ice was given ovet• to th� young peoples' iv01'k. .

Tlmrstlny morulng the election of officers began. 1\h·s. Dourue WIIS re· elected pr·esitleut without nn)' opjJosi· timi .

1'he· otheroftlcm·s re-electetl wer·e : Cor· rtli!)JOndlug secretnry, 1\lrs. I. H. Dem·

Mailed address on

any trial.

every week from now · to · January r. 1899• on recc:i pt

· are&t, of Closter ; t·ecol'!ling secretnry. !Ill's. Esther A. Elfreth, of Hotddonliel<l : trensi�rer, lllrs. N. L: CnmhuH1e , of 'l't·etllon.

· · of · only 'r en Cents . (Silver or Stamps)

THE SATURDAY EvENING PosT h�s been published weekly since I � 2 8-1 70 years-and IS , unique in illustratjon and, literary excellence • .


Will tell the stories or the aevernl greatest munc)'•. monnrclnt of our countr)'­ltow they acquired and how they retain their 11ower.


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A1 page hearing this title gives Rll entertain· lug collcctloll of ohorl blto of thnt oort of rend• lng that one doea not cnrc to nlha•-anecdntes, Information, the otrnngc 1111tl tho wonderful 111'0 all touched Upon Inter• estinKiy,


. Two churmlug nrticlea 011 the rOIIIHIICe1 antiqUe CUS• tol!IK untl dutl•• of the ol<l tratllng·v•••els,the pro&reae. of modern naval science, nnd how Invention h11s killed much of the t•oetry . of sen life, One of the best. A Ill e r I c a II llluetratoro or marine l lfc Is now ptllntlnl plcturcK tl111t will accoJn• pany thla •crlu,

THE PERSONAL SIDE OP A Rerlcs of article• · portrn)·lng · our host· AMERICA'S GREATEST ACTORS knuwu uctut·• lu their htune l ife, untl show· lug Its rclritlou to their •trugglcs untl Kli CCcHHCA, Tho scl'les will "j'en lu nn curly lllllllhet• with tho " l'cnonnt Hide of !iot. Smith RllRHell," tn ho fo lowed hy four others, lll'ofnsoly lll uslrnlcd hy phologmtlhl 111111 ul'l"lnul tlmwln&•·

The rcgulnr suhsc1·iption price or the Pos•t• is �i.so pc1· ycn1·. I t is offered on trial fo1· so small a sum simply to intt·mlucc it.

Ther•c arc 1 G 11agc•� CI'CI'I' wcck1 the same �i-11e ns 'I' I IH L r\ l l t lls' Hn�llt jOURNA l., ancJ AM 1Hllld3ut11Cly i l lu�­

. trated unci pl'int1�tl. ·

The· Curtis Publishing Company · · P•iladclpbia ·


Will tlonl w l lh thc woek'K fii(O• mnRt niTcrlnJt from A III C I' ie n n p n h • l ltthcrn·-nn t!Klen· HIVI! 1·cv luw will he glvcn In mnuy rnHl•M/ n rrn1lh1� frn111 tho hunk It• •••If, n hrll'f oturv nf t lu• nnthur'M llfe-1111 fully Ill UN• tr11ted.

Enc!l was greetetl with the Chantnu· fJIIII snlnte, Rill] encli llllllle II pleUBUIIt SIJiiech In rePpous.,, ·

The convention cloPetl on Ft·itlll}' IIIJO·u. 1\lnny interesting l'eports 1111<1 ntldresst s were given on Thm·stlnr ·nfternoon uml evening. _Among the <lelegntes )Jre�ent were the following ft·om U nlon County :

1\lro. W. Vigelius, :Mrs. · L. U•· sh1g, Crnnfonl ; 1\h·s. T, C. B(](llne, 1ll1·s. 1' . . J. Toiltl, Dn nellen ; lllrR. C. W . Sect!, lllr•. · 0. Sclll'eiher, 1\h·s. E S. Buket·, 1\lrs. 1'rewln, Ellztlheth ; lllrs· C. E, 1\lom·oe, 0111'\Vool ; l\11-•: E. A. Pm·Re, 1\h·N, H. K. Cn•e. 1\hs. Dmlloy lllllle1', Plnlnlieltl ; llh·s . • T. U. U mle•·hlll, 1\lrs: G. �'; Osborn, 1\ll's. lll11rtlm Smith, lllrs. Amy Willhunson, R•1hwuy ; MhiH ,E. S. Starr, 1\llss .Jnll11 Folwm, West· tleltl,

-----·------A.• W•• nuur Unto 111m.

Cntohlng ut the Htrnugor'H conttntl he murumrU<I In a tlolll'llentiiiN tone "IJOI)hl you llil'e 1110 11 llttlo UHMistnnco �lr?" The Htl'lllll(llr tlltJIOtl IIIII) ioolwd h i u: m•or. His eyes \1'01'0 blootlHbnt iliA clotho• <Ill ty hiR whnl11 llllJIOIU'JIIIce do· ultlotl tho WOI'Mu fur wunr.

" Whnt rlo you Wlllll1" WIIH tho roply to tho tl'illllll• 1 1 A jolt niter I got 11 H<JIIUro 11111111, " Mirl tho tl'lim )l. · " Wlmt m111 yon tlo?" nHlloll tho Htl'llll •

gor, 1 1 I onn ko11p bntJIIH,' HUll ROOI]s, rlril•o II l)olii'OI')' \1'111(111 1 1 COIIIJIIIUIU) )lrosurfp. tlnn�, Ho,t tYJl" mill tlo l'm•m wnrl<, 1 1

'1'hu HI I'IIIJI:lll' HCI'I!Jhlt•tl I I t'ow WCJI'tlH :111 i1 Ulll'li, lull ltl(lli thu t.I'UIIIJI �I Utili inftl: ' "l.'ulttl ' l h i H C'lll'l) In thiH llllth•(IHH, �111i l l h l 1 1 h I I: wlil gl'lt ynn wnrlc. 'J'nlw thut tlol lul', gut 11 hu lh, It Hllnl'n, n huh• uut, hllll ll•lh l l l(.l I l l Pllt II I I I I II tll'lllll PI whiHhy. 'J�hnt wil l hrncu ymt to mnut wy frlu11d, t!u loll!! I"

"'J'htll'll 1H j U HI. 111111 [,! J f llll, ntiii'01 " Hil i II tho ll'lllllp. 1 1 lluw <lo �·m1 hnttjiUII It• lf ! I'O IIIII jUHt $1 lllllf UJI thcHU Clii'UUtlOII� with It�" ·

WlfiT/1!: Home OfBoe',

. Rew&rk. B. 1 . JOHN!P. DRYDEN, Preoldtnt. LESLIE D. WARD, VIce Pru't,

EDUAR 8 • . WARD, and ·VIce Pna't A l:ounsel, FOR_REST P. DRYDEN, . Secnt•ry. W. A. SE�ORAVE, A11111, W011datown, N. J.1

The Standard · of Highest ·Merit i� a Piano is reached In the FiScher. The Fischer Piano receivetl the Highl!llt PO!ISihle Awnrd at the World'� Fajr, Cbicogo, 1893, for l'urity of: Tone wiUt great�eptlt and resonance, staytn�-m-tu'!e power, s�tooth.ucss and . ........ ... -......... 'SH""·D-··· ..

FlJANO�� is nothin� more ti111� confirmntion of the high entlorsemcut already given it by ��tlsL•,- IIInsicinns >Qid �lusical peopln everywhere.

, '.fhis unil'ersal

recogllltiOII )ta,q only been oblcuncd by 011 nbso)ute Ollt) llllfillhng m)herence to the very hillhcst ide11ls iu every detail orthe art of pinuo-111nking through· out the fifty·ctght _years in which the fir!n has been �stnhlisl!ed . . Further nml morc substnntlal proof of the populartty of the F1scher P1nno 1s shown in Ute fact that during this ti111e

Ove" 105,000 have· beer. Sold. I ··

Solei at Moderate Prices-cash or Easy. Payments. 33 UNION SQUARE-WEST, NEW YORK. · Between I 8th and 1 7th Streets.

A large stock ofsecoml l1and ant! slightly used Pianos tukcn iu exchange for Fischer Pianos will be sold at very low prices. .

Cnt alo�euo, "'Torm"'• etc. mnlled l'rce OIJ Rf)Jtllcntlo61t


� J • .. ...

DOn't Wute Money

by lmvhur chenJI t•lnmbhu: pnt� to ymn· house. It Isn't thm·e long ur fore somethh•g Is either bursting or leak• ing, 1111<1 the 1 11011ey COnHIIllletl little


little soon mnllnnts to tho sume as '"' m·ighml of fit·st clnss wol'k.


Sanitary flumbinla WESTFIELD, N. J,

: JOHN INGRAM, Practical . Plumber, Stlam, Hot Water, Hot Air



A PHOTO of n l'l•lut.lvn m· l'l'it•ull iH nlwuya ulwr·isho•l hy yon,

VOUR I•HOTO woul•l u!HnliU chm·l•lu•ti iJy lhotu, TO , • •

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. I

" Hni'IIIIHII I J!ot $ 1 fl'lllll ll 1111111 1111 t l J i• VI!I'Y 11(11'111'1' nhout. lt!ll rtllll'� 111101 " Hllitl tho Hh'll lllllll'1 " jnf:t. nH ynu lll'll JlPII . I I III It fr•mu 111u, and l'm JIIIIIHintl n p hh. ud·· • • OARFARE • •

VI"O lllltl · i liH Ill til lOY jlls' •'or Ill"•''· • ·- W l l l lm nlh•w•••l n111. nl' Iiiii•" """' IIJCVCI.E , • • • t.nllltii'R lll'l1Rt1UI.IIIU lhiH llllll llllh nt ��:: ����·;�;�������o:io���!��=u�1!u:_�u�- .;�;.:;.;,·� :,�;.�;,�z�;J:,,;,;,;�:;'�,,t;�t::;·����;����·:o��;;,;J,,rJ;.�,, (:::it! j·' -
